CALDWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1502 Fillmore St., Caldwell, Idaho
Reviewed by Board of Trustees on 7/8/2019
Table of Contents
DIRECTORY INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 3
SCHOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION I ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1-A CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT ................................................................................................... 5
SECTION II ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
EMPLOYMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2-A EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES ......................................................................................................... 6
2-B AT-WILL STATUS ............................................................................................................................ 6
2-C EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY .......................................................................................... 6
2-D INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES ................................................................................................. 6
2-E IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................... 7
2-F NEPOTISM ...................................................................................................................................... 7
SECTION III .................................................................................................................................................... 8
RECRUITMENT AND HIRING PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 8
3-A VACANCIES AND TRANSFERS ........................................................................................................ 8
3-B EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 8
3-C HIRING PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 8
3-D INFORMATION ON PAST JOB PERFORMANCE ............................................................................. 9
3-E FINGERPRINTING/CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK .................................................................... 9
3-F IDENTIFICATION BADGES .............................................................................................................. 9
3-G PERSONNEL INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 10
SECTION IV .................................................................................................................................................. 11
EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND WORK RULES .................................................................................................. 11
4-A EMPLOYEE CONDUCT................................................................................................................... 11
4-B BULLYING ...................................................................................................................................... 12
4-C DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE .................................................................................... 13
4-D TOBACCO FREE WORKPLACE ....................................................................................................... 13
4-E FRAUD PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION ................................................................................. 13
4-F SEXUAL HARASSMENT ................................................................................................................. 14
4-G ATTENDANCE AT WORK .............................................................................................................. 15
4-H DRESS CODE ................................................................................................................................. 16
4-I PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WORKPLACE ......................................................................... 16
4-J PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS ........................................................................................................ 16
4-K RESOLVING WORKPLACE ISSUES ................................................................................................. 17
4-L DISTRICT PURCHASES ................................................................................................................... 17
4-M USE OF PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING SCHOOL ..................................................... 17
4-N USE OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND ELECTRONIC MAIL .............................................................. 17
4-O SOCIAL NETWORKING ................................................................................................................. 20
4-P USE OF BULLETIN BOARDS ........................................................................................................... 21
4-Q WHITSTLEBLOWER RESPONSIBILITY AND PROTECTION ............................................................ 21
SECTION V ................................................................................................................................................... 22
TIMEKEEPING AND PAYROLL ..................................................................................................................... 22
5-A PAYDAYS ...................................................................................................................................... 22
5-B DIRECT DEPOSIT ........................................................................................................................... 22
5-C WORK SCHEDULES AND BREAKS ................................................................................................. 22
5-D OVERTIME AND TIME REPORTING .............................................................................................. 22
SECTION VI .................................................................................................................................................. 23
LEAVE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................ 23
6-A SICK LEAVE ................................................................................................................................... 23
6-B PERSONAL LEAVE ......................................................................................................................... 23
6-C VACATION LEAVE ......................................................................................................................... 23
6-D FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE .............................................................................................................. 23
6-E SICK LEAVE BANK .......................................................................................................................... 24
6-F BEREAVEMENT LEAVE .................................................................................................................. 24
6-G MILITARY LEAVE ........................................................................................................................... 24
6-H JURY DUTY.................................................................................................................................... 25
SECTION VII ................................................................................................................................................. 26
INSURANCE BENEFITS................................................................................................................................. 26
7- A ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................................................................... 26
7- B BENEFITS ...................................................................................................................................... 26
SECTION VIII ................................................................................................................................................ 27
WORKPLACE SAFETY .................................................................................................................................. 27
8-A WORKERS COMPENSATION BENEFITS ........................................................................................ 27
8-B INCLEMENT WEATHER AND EMERGENCY CLOSURE ................................................................... 28
Zone 1 Lisa Bevington
Zone 2 Tom Briten, Vice Chair
Zone 3 Travis Manning [email protected]g
Zone 4 Charles Stout, Board Chair
Zone 5 Marisela Pesina [email protected]
Clerk Keely Cheney [email protected]
1502 Fillmore St., Caldwell, Idaho (208) 455-3300
Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Keely Cheney
Chief Financial Officer April Burton Chief Academic Officer Jodie Mills
HR/Payroll Specialist Cheryl Sanderson Administrative Assistant Dawn Jensen
Accounting Assistant Lisa Hammer
Director Patti Wade Coordinator Tamara Lawson
Administrative Assistant Tina Basaldua Clerk Delores Madrigal
Payroll Coordinator Tina Giannini Clerk Maribell Urieta-Franco
Benefits Coordinator Elsa Leon
Director Chynna Hirasaki Coordinator Shani Cummins
Administrative Assistant Sylvia Garcia
Data Entry Clerk Supervisor Kathy Townsend
Data Entry Clerk Sandra Gallegos PUBLIC INFORMATION
Data Entry Clerk Dominique Pacheco Director Allison Westfall
Medicaide Coordinator Marci Kielman
MAINTENANCE (208) 459-8295 CHILD NUTRITION (208) 455-3331
Director Bernie Carreira Director Bonnie Ramsey
Administrative Assistant Brittish Sullivan Administrative Assistant Sara Quimby
IT SERVICES (208) 455-4463
Director Caleb Shore
Administrative Assistant Patty Arias
Elementary Schools
Lincoln Elementary
Richard Jamison, Principal
1200 Grant St.
Lewis & Clark Elementary
Matthew McDaniel, Principal
1102 Laster St.
Wilson Elementary
Tabitha Bruegeman, Principal
400 E. Linden St.
Washington Elementary
Joshua Hackenberg, Principal
2918 Washington Ave.
Sacajawea Elementary
Paul Webster, Principal
1710 N. Illinois Ave.
Van Buren Elementary
Melissa Langan, Principal
3115 Marble Front Rd.
Middle Schools
Syringa Middle School
Shay Swan, Principal
1100 Willow St.
Jefferson Middle School
Meghan Wonderlich, Principal
3311 S. 10
High Schools
Caldwell High School
Anita Wilson, Principal
3401 S. Indiana Ave.
Canyon Springs High School
Christine McMillen, Principal
Alternative High School
516 N. 11
This handbook is designed to acquaint you with the Caldwell School District (CSD) and provide
information about working conditions, employee benefits, and some of the provisions affecting
your employment. You must read, understand, and comply with all provisions of this handbook.
It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programs developed
by the CSD to benefit employees. It is our objective to provide a work environment that is
conducive to both personal and professional growth.
This handbook is intended for all employees except for as noted in specific sections. Some
provisions of this handbook may not be applicable to employees designated as exempt status
according to federal and state wage and hour laws. Such provisions will be noted in applicable
No employee handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question. As the CSD continues to
grow, the need may arise, and the CSD reserves the right, to revise, supplement, or rescind any
provision or portion of the handbook, as it deems appropriate, at its sole and absolute discretion,
with or without notice. The most current version will supersede all others.
Any policy of the Caldwell School District or state statute inconsistent with terms or provisions
of this handbook shall be controlling over the conflicting term or provision of this handbook.
This handbook does not, in any manner, change the employment relationship between the
employee and the District. This handbook does not create a contractual relationship nor does
this handbook create an expectation of continued employment. Our employment at-will
provision for classified, non-contracted employees permits you or the CSD to end our relationship
for any reason at any time.
Employees of CSD may be exposed to information, including personnel and student records,
which is confidential and/or privileged and proprietary in nature. Such information must be
kept confidential both during and after employment. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or
privileged information is a serious violation that may be subject to disciplinary action, including
It is the intent of the CSD to clarify the definition of employment classifications so that employees
understand their employment status and benefit eligibility. These classifications do not
guarantee employment for any specified period of time. Accordingly, the right to terminate the
“at will” employment relationship is retained by both the employee and the CSD.
Each employee is designated as either NONEXEMPT or EXEMPT from federal and state wage and
hour laws. NONEXEMPT employees are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of
federal and state laws. EXEMPT employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and
state wage and hour laws. An employee’s EXEMPT or NONEXEMPT classification may be changed
only upon notification by the CSD.
Each employee is also designated as CERTIFICATED, CLASSIFIED or ADMINISTRATIVE. Every
employees are NONEXEMPT employees.
CLASSIFIED, NONEXEMPT employees are at-will employees with no property rights in their
employment. Classified employees are not entitled to any expectations of future employment
with the District. The CSD may terminate the at-will classified employment relationship at any
time, with or without notice or cause. The CSD will comply with all applicable federal or state law
when making employment termination decisions.
Certificated professional employees (CPEs) may be addressed pursuant to applicable statute,
standard state contract and/or the applicable Master Agreement between the District and
Caldwell Education Association and do not fall into the at-will category.
Reference: Policy 471
CSD provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) in all its employment practices to all
employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, marital status, military status or any
other category protected by federal, state, or local laws.
The CSD will not discriminate against employees and/or candidates for employment based on a
disability. All employees must be able to perform the essential functions of the position for which
they are employed. In the event an employee believes that reasonable accommodations are
necessary, he/she must submit the request in writing to the Superintendent/designee.
The CSD will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities
unless doing so would result in an undue hardship to the District. This provision governs all
aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline,
termination, and access to benefits and training.
Reference: Policy 401.1
The CSD is committed to employing United States citizens and individuals who are authorized to
work in the United States and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of citizenship or
national origin. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, each new
employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification
Form I-9 and present documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility within
three (3) business days. Former employees who are rehired must complete a new form I-9 upon
In order to preclude situations which could bring about a conflict of interest or the appearance
of impropriety, no employee with supervisory responsibilities will be allowed to supervise or
evaluate any person related to him/her by blood or marriage within the second degree of his/her
immediate family, in the employment setting. Immediate family members and persons related
by blood or marriage within the second degree may be employed at the same department or
work location with the approval of the Superintendent/designee.
Reference: Policy 419
The CSD will post vacancies on the CSD website. School administrators have the autonomy to
move existing staff within the building and may post open positions after internal moves are
Classified employees interested in a posted position may complete an electronic application
using the online application system on the CSD website.
CPEs interested in a posted position may complete a Transfer Request Form to apply for internal
The CSD relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as
well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any
misrepresentations, falsifications, or omissions in any of this information or data, or in any
manner related to the application, background review, history check or interview process may
result in the exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment, or, if the
person has been hired, termination of employment. For a certificated professional employee,
such actions may also result in a formal report to the Idaho Professional Standards Commission.
The CSD Board of Trustees has the legal responsibility of hiring all employees. The Board assigns
to the Superintendent/Designee the process of recruiting personnel. The
Superintendent/Designee may involve various administrative and teaching staff as needed in
recruiting potential personnel. All personnel selected for employment must be recommended by
the Superintendent/Designee and approved by the Board. All personnel selected for employment
must also undergo the applicable screening process outlined in Idaho Code §33-1210.
To aid in obtaining quality staff members, the following non-exclusive list of factors will be
considered, along with any other factors relevant to the position: qualifications, education,
training, experience, personality, character, ability to relate well with students and ability to
interact/work well with others. Every effort will be exerted to maintain wide diversity in staff
experience and educational preparation. However, the welfare of the children of the District will
be a paramount consideration in the selection of all staff.
Reference: Policy 5100
Before hiring an applicant for a certificated or non-certificated position with the CSD, the
individual will be asked to sign a statement authorizing his/her current and past school district
employers, either in-state or out-of-state, to release all information relating to the job
performance and/or job related conduct, and make available to the CSD copies of all documents
in the current or past employer’s personnel files, investigative files, or other files.
Documentation related to the job performance or job related conduct of any
employee/applicant is defined as: all annual evaluations, letters of reprimand, letters of
direction, letters of commendation or award, disciplinary actions and documentation of
disciplinary investigations, recommendations for probation, notices of probation, notices of
removal from probation, recommendations for termination or nonrenewal, notices of
termination or nonrenewal, notices from the professional standards commission of Idaho or
any other such similar state agency of action taken against an individuals certificate and any
rebuttal documentation filed by the employee relative to any of the above documents.
In the event the applicant declines to sign a statement, the applicant will not be considered for
employment with the District.
Reference: Idaho Code §33-1210
Pursuant to Idaho Code §33-130, all employees working in the CSD are required to complete a
fingerprint background check.
Background checks are conducted through:
Statewide criminal identification bureau
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal history check
National crime information center
Statewide sex offender registry
Employment with the CSD is contingent upon a clear criminal background report. If an adverse
criminal report is received, the CSD may initiate personnel action up to and including termination.
Should there be a break in service with the CSD, employees rehired must repeat the
fingerprinting process.
Reference: Policy 5110
As part of the CSD’s commitment to safety and security for students and staff, employees are
required to wear a current CSD photo identification (ID) badge on school campuses during
working hours and off campus when acting as representatives of the District. Employees will use
their ID badge for building access and may be asked to show their ID badge for access to school
campuses, for identification after hours, or in an emergency.
If a badge is lost, stolen or damaged, the employee should immediately report the loss or damage
to his/her Supervisor. A replacement ID badge must be obtained at the Human Resource Office.
A $10 replacement fee may be charged if the employee is found, in the sole judgement of District
administrative personnel, to be negligent. The ID badge may be used only by the individual
employee. Employees shall not “loan” or otherwise give their ID badge to anyone for any reason.
Badges are property of the CSD and must be returned when the employee leaves the District.
Personnel Files
The CSD maintains a personnel file for every employee. Personnel files are maintained at the
CSD Human Resource Department. Employees will be notified within 10 days of receipt by
Human Resources of any disciplinary materials added to the personnel file, if the employee has
not received a copy. Employees have the right to respond in writing within ten (10) days of
receiving any material placed into their personnel file, including any disciplinary action. The
response will be attached to the disciplinary action and placed in the personnel file.
Reference: Policy 5500
Changes in Personal Information
It is the responsibility of each employee to notify the CSD of changes in personal information.
Many changes can be submitted through the Skyward Employee Management system, which can
be accessed at work or at home.
Mailing addresses
Telephone numbers
Individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency
Additional forms available on the CSD Human Resource Department Website include:
W-4 tax
Direct deposit
PERSI Beneficiary Designation
The following changes should be reported directly to the Human Resources Department, as
documentation may be required:
Educational accomplishments (official transcripts)
Employee names changes (marriage / divorce)
Change in marital status
Dependent information
Change in status for insurance benefits (birth, death, marriage, divorce, dependent’s loss
of insurance coverage
All personal information should be accurate and current at all times.
To ensure orderly and safe operations and provide the best possible work environment, CSD
expects all employees (certificated and classified) to follow rules of conduct that will protect the
interests and safety of employees and students. Failure to abide by established rules and policies
may result in disciplinary actions such as:
Letter of Concern to be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Depending upon the
severity of the circumstances, this step may be by-passed.
Letter of Reprimand to be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Depending upon the
severity of the circumstances, this step may be by-passed.
Probation (certificated employees only, pursuant to Idaho Code)
Listing these options does not create or mandate a progressive disciplinary process. Any of the
above may be implemented, including but not limited to, termination without prior disciplinary
stages having occurred.
The employee may submit a letter of rebuttal to be attached to any personnel matter placed into
the employee’s personnel file, including but not limited to Letter of Concern or Letter of
The following offenses, which are not exhaustive, are examples of misconduct, which will result
in disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment.
Possession, distribution, or use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances
(prescription or otherwise) on the job or reporting for work having consumed alcoholic
beverages and/or any controlled substance. This may include use of drugs or alcoholic
beverages during off work hours that affect the employee’s efficiency and/or safety on
the job.
Sexual or other unlawful harassment.
Inappropriate computer, network, internet, social media or digital device usage -
accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning, or
displaying materials that are obscene, threatening, discriminatory, harassing, or illegal.
Inappropriate or unauthorized access to school documentation, electronic or otherwise.
Using software outside of the license agreement.
Damage to school district property due to negligence.
Falsification of employment applications, records or time clock.
Clocking in or out for another employee with or without their permission.
Altering the punch times of another employee in the CSD’s time keeping system.
Theft of property belonging to the CSD, another employee, parent or student.
Misuse of school funds or property.
Acts resulting in injury, fighting or horseplay while on CSD premises.
Immoral conduct that may affect CSD goodwill.
Insubordination, carelessness, untruthfulness or inefficiency.
Failure to return from a leave of absence or vacation when scheduled.
Gambling of any kind on school district premises.
Carrying firearms or other dangerous weapons on school district premises.
Absence from work without permission or falsification of reasons for absence.
Actions resulting in conviction from law enforcement.
Walking off the job without permission during working hours.
Smoking or electronic vaping on CSD property or in CSD vehicles.
A violation of the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators.
Discourtesy or rudeness to any staff member, parent or student.
Operating equipment not assigned to you by a manager, supervisor or administrator.
Using school district equipment or property for personal reasons without management
Sleeping or deliberately loafing during working hours.
Violation of established safety rules.
Abusive language.
Unsatisfactory work performance.
Failure to report work related injuries and illnesses, regardless of the severity.
Failure to report unsafe working conditions or the need for maintenance or repair of
vehicles or equipment.
Habitual tardiness or excessive absenteeism.
Inability to work with staff, parents and students.
Bullying, intimidation or harassment.
Any other reason that may be deemed by the CSD to make discipline, including
termination, necessary.
CSD is committed to providing a positive and productive learning and working environment.
State law and CSD board policy prohibit any form of harassment by any student or staff member
that is meant to demean, degrade, embarrass or cause humiliation to any student or staff
member. The CSD will maintain an educational environment in which bullying, in any form, is
not tolerated. This includes actions on school grounds and actions at locations outside of school
grounds that can be reasonably expected to materially and substantially interfere with the
operation of the school, educational environment, or impinge on the rights of other students or
staff. Everyone involved in the educational process is accountable for ensuring students and staff
have a safe learning and working environment.
Reference: Policy 3295
The CSD recognizes the federal requirements to establish a “drug free workplace” and does not
tolerate illegal drug use, inappropriate use of legal drugs or use of alcohol on any school property
or in any other manner associated with school activities or operation. It is prohibited to
manufacture, dispense, use, possess or distribute legal and/or illegal drugs or alcohol and/or to
possess drug paraphernalia on any school premises or at any school activity. It is further
prohibited to be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol on any school premises or at any
school activity where students may be present.
An employee who is taking a drug or medication, whether or not prescribed by a physician, which
may adversely affect the employee’s ability to perform work in a safe or productive manner is
required to report such use to his/her supervisor. The supervisor, in conjunction with District
leadership, will determine whether the employee can remain at work or if work restrictions will
be necessary.
If an employee is exhibiting behavior consistent with inappropriate use of drugs or alcohol, which
may include, but is not limited to, slurred speech, lack of balance or coordination, dowsiness and
lack of judgement, the employee’s supervior or other member of District leadership may ask the
employee to submit to a voluntary drug/alcohol test.
As a condition of employment, each employee shall notify his/her supervisor of a conviction
under any criminal drug statute no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
Reference: Policy 403
All employees of the CSD are prohibited from smoking or chewing any tobacco product or using
any E-Cigarette (or vaping) product on school grounds, facilities, at any school sponsored event,
in District vehicles, busses, or when transporting, chaperoning or otherwise accompanying any
student(s) to school sponsored events. An employee who is in violation of this policy may be
subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, termination of employment.
Reference: Policy 403.1
The CSD is a public-school district funded by our local community taxpayers. Therefore, the CSD
is committed to being good stewards of the funds entrusted to it. This includes being accountable
to the community for properly using and accounting for expenditures that contribute toward the
education of the children of the CSD. The expectation of all employees is to follow CSD spending
policies including, but not limited to, travel expenses, purchase orders and district issued credit
and debit card policies. The CSD fraud prevention guidelines are established to facilitate controls
that will aid in the detection and prevention of fraud against the CSD. These guidelines apply to
any irregularity or wrongdoing, or suspected irregularity or wrongdoing, involving employees,
consultants, vendors, contractors, and/or any other parties with a business relationship to the
CSD. Any investigative activity required will be conducted without regard to the suspected
wrongdoer’s length of service, position/title, or relationship to the CSD. A partial listing of actions
constituting fraud includes, but is not limited to:
Dishonest or fraudulent acts
Purposeful disregard for district spending policies
Misappropriation of funds, supplies, or other CSD assets
Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions
Profiteering as a result of insider knowledge of CSD activities
Using CSD accounts for personal purchases
Disclosing confidential and proprietary information to outside parties
Accepting or seeking anything of value from contractors, vendors, or persons providing
services/materials to CSD for personal gain
Destruction, removal, or inappropriate use of records, furniture, fixtures, and equipment;
and/or any similar or related irregularity
The Chief Finance Officer of the District, or designee, has the primary responsibility for the
investigation of all suspected fraudulent acts as defined in these guidelines. If the investigation
substantiates that fraudulent activities have occurred, reports will be issued to the appropriate
designated personnel and the Superintendent.
Decisions to prosecute or refer the examination results to the appropriate law enforcement
and/or regulatory agencies for independent investigation will be made in conjunction with CSD
legal counsel and the Superintendent, as will final decisions on disposition of the case. All
information received will be treated confidentially.
Any employee who suspects dishonest or fraudulent activity has a duty to notify the
Superintendent or designee immediately, and should not attempt to personally conduct
investigations or interviews/interrogations related to any suspected fraudulent act. Any raised
concerns or reports can be made without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
The Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of Human Resources, or designee, will
have free and unrestricted access to all CSD records and premises, whether owned or rented;
and the authority to examine, copy, and/or remove all or any portion of the contents of files,
desks, cabinets, and other storage facilities on the premises without the prior knowledge or
consent of any individual who might use or have custody of any such items or facilities when it is
within the scope of their investigation.
CSD shall do everything in its power to provide employees an employment environment free of
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unwelcomed public displays of affection,
and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as
defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct
of a sexual nature. This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-
based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser. The following is a partial list of
sexual harassment examples:
Unwanted sexual advances.
Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.
Visual conduct that includes leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying of sexually
suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters.
Verbal conduct that includes making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or
Verbal sexual advances or propositions.
Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body,
sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, or suggestive or obscene letters,
notes, or invitations.
Physical conduct that includes touching, assaulting, impeding or blocking movements.
Unwelcome sexual advances (either verbal or physical), requests for sexual favors, and
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
(1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition
of employment; (2) submission or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for making
employment decisions; or (3) the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with
work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
If you experience or witness sexual or other unlawful harassment in the workplace, report it
immediately to your supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable, or you believe it would be
inappropriate to contact that person, you should immediately contact the Human Resources
Reference: Policy 5240
Employees who regularly work twenty (20) hours or more are entitled to paid leave benefits.
Questions regarding paid leave may be directed to the Department of Human Resources.
To maintain a safe and productive work environment, CSD expects employees to be reliable and
punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on other
employees, as well as the CSD, and may be disruptive to the educational process. In the rare
instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled,
they should notify their supervisor at least two (2) hours prior to the start of their scheduled
workday. Failure to do so may result in an unexcused absence or tardy.
Any absence in excess of three (3) days without a call to your Supervisor will be considered job
abandonment. These instances may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination
of employment.
CSD requires employees to maintain a neat and clean appearance that is appropriate for the
workplace setting and for the duties being performed.
Hats are not appropriate in the office. Head coverings that are required for religious purposes or
to honor cultural tradition are allowed. Potential safety issues under such circumstance will be
addressed to assure a safe work environment.
Appropriate footwear for the weather conditions, work duties and activity level is expected. Job
duties may include specific footwear requirements to be determined by the immediate
Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, golf-type shirts, and turtlenecks are acceptable attire for
work. Most suit jackets or sport jackets are also acceptable attire for the office, if they violate
none of the listed guidelines. Inappropriate attire for work includes tank tops; midriff tops; halter-
tops, and shirts with potentially inappropriate words or images that promote unlawful acts,
violence, or may disrupt the educational environment.
Supervisors and managers are prohibited from having a sexual, dating or otherwise personal
relationship with a subordinate employee over whom they have direct or indirect supervisory
status. Supervisors and managers are required to disclose any personal relationships with other
non-supervised staff. In such situations, personnel may be subject to position
CERTIFIED STAFF: Each certificated staff member shall receive at least one (1) written evaluation
to be completed by no later than June 1 for each annual contract year of employment and shall
use multiple measures that are research based and aligned to the Charlotte Danielson
Framework for Teaching Second Edition. The evaluation of certificated personnel shall annually
include a minimum of two (2) documented observations, one of which shall be completed prior
to January 1. In situations where certificated personnel are unavailable for two (2) documented
classroom observations, due to situations such as long-term illness, late year hire, etc., one
documented classroom observation is acceptable.
Reference: Policy 5340
CLASSIFIED STAFF: Classified staff evaluations shall be completed by the employee’s direct
supervisor or designee on or before May 1. Staff hired between March 1 and May 31 shall not
be subject to evaluation.
Permanent records of each evaluation and any properly submitted rebuttal/appeal
documentation shall be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. All evaluation records,
including rebuttal/appeal documentation, shall be kept confidential within the parameters
identified in state and federal law regarding the right to privacy and Idaho Code §33-1210.
Reference: Policy 5820
Employees should attempt to resolve workplace issues by identifying the problem and meeting
informally with the employee’s direct supervisor. If the problem is not resolved to the
employee’s satisfaction, he/she may file a grievance. Grievance procedures can be located in the
Master Agreement (certified staff) or Board Policy 476 (classified staff).
Employees shall not make any purchase or incur any obligations for or on behalf of the District
from any private business or vendor in which or with which the employee has a direct or indirect
financial or ownership interest. Purchases or contracted services from any private business or
venture in which any employee of this District has a direct or indirect financial or ownership
interest will be made on a competitive bid basis strictly in accordance with District policy.
Reference: Policy 7400
Employees are required to limit their personal use of electronic communication and
entertainment devices to emergencies or during authorized breaks. Such devices are prohibited
from being used during instructional time unless the specific use is consistent with the lesson
plan being presented.
Reference: Policy 490
CSD relies on its computer network to conduct business and further the educational goals for its
students and teachers. To assure that its computer resources are used properly by employees,
independent contractors, agents and other computer users, the District has created a Computer
Use Policy. The rules and obligations apply to all users of CSD’s computer network, wherever they
may be located. Violations will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including
possible termination, and civil and criminal liability. It is every employee’s duty to use CSD
computer resources responsibly, professionally, ethically, and lawfully.
No Expectation of Privacy: The computers and computer accounts given to users are to assist
them in the performance of their jobs. Users should not have an expectation of privacy in
anything they create, store, send, or receive on the computer system. Occasional, limited,
appropriate personal use of the computer system is permitted if the use does not
(1) Interfere with the user’s work performance;
(2) Interfere with any other user’s work performance;
(3) Have undue impact on the operation of the computer system; or
(4) Violate any other provision of this policy or any other policy, guideline, or standard of the
Caldwell School District. At all times, users have the responsibility to use Computer
Resources in a professional, ethical and lawful manner. Personal use of the computer
system is a privilege that may be revoked at any time.
Waiver of Privacy Rights: Users expressly waive any right of privacy in anything they create,
store, send, or receive on the computer or through the Internet or any other computer network.
Users consent to allowing personnel of the CSD to access and review all materials users create,
store, send, or receive on the computer or through the Internet or any other computer network.
The CSD has the right, but not the duty, to monitor any and or all aspects of its computer system,
including, but not limited to, monitoring sites visited by users on the Internet, monitoring chat
groups and newsgroups, reviewing material downloaded or uploaded by users to the Internet,
and reviewing e-mail sent and received by users. Users understand that the CSD may use
automated software or systems to monitor material created, stored, send or received on its
computer network.
Prohibited Uses: Without prior written permission from the Superintendent/Designee, CSD
computer systems may not be used for dissemination or storage of commercial or personal
advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive programs (that is, viruses or self-
replicating code), political material, or any other unauthorized use. Material that is fraudulent,
harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, or
otherwise unlawful or inappropriate may not be sent by email or other form of electronic
communication (such as bulletin board systems, newsgroups, chat groups) or displayed on or
stored in CSD computers. Users encountering or receiving this kind of material should
immediately report the incident to their supervisors.
Duty Not To Waste Computer Resources: Users must not deliberately perform acts that waste
computer resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts
include, but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, subscribing to nonbusiness-
related list servers and mailing lists, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing
games, engaging in online chat groups, printing multiple copies of documents, or otherwise
creating unnecessary network traffic. Because audio, video, and picture files require significant
storage space, files of this sort may not be downloaded unless they are business-related.
Misuse of Software: Without prior written authorization from the Superintendent/Designee,
Users may not do any of the following:
Copy software for use on their home computers;
Provide copies of software to any third person;
Install software on any of CSD workstations or servers;
Download any software from the Internet or other online service to any of CSD
workstations or servers;
Modify, revise, transform, recast, or adapt any software; or
Reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile any software. Users who become aware of
any misuse of software or violation of copyright law should immediately report the
incident to their supervisors.
Passwords: Users are responsible for safeguarding their passwords for access to the computer
system. Users are responsible for all transactions made using their passwords. No user may
access the computer system with another user’s password or account unless so authorized by
the Superintendent/Designee. Use of passwords to gain access to the computer system or to
encode particular files or messages does not imply that users have an expectation of privacy in
the material they create or receive on the computer system. The CSD has global passwords that
permit it access to all material stored on its computer system regardless of whether that material
has been encoded with a particular user’s password.
Security: Users may not alter or copy a file belonging to another user without first obtaining
permission from the owner of the file. Ability to read, alter, or copy a file belonging to another
user does not imply permission to read, alter, or copy that file. Users may not use the computer
system to snoop or pry into the affairs of other users by unnecessarily reviewing their files or
A user’s ability to connect to other computer systems through the network does not imply a right
to connect to those systems or to make use of those systems unless specifically authorized by
the administrators of those systems.
Internet Use: Certain employees may be provided with access to the Internet to assist them in
performing their jobs. The CSD is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded by users
from the Internet. Users are cautioned that many Internet sites contain offensive, sexually
explicit, and inappropriate material. Additionally, having an e-mail address on the Internet may
lead to receipt of unsolicited e-mail containing offensive content. Users accessing the Internet do
so at their own risk. The CSD may use software to identify inappropriate or sexually explicit
Internet sites. In the event that you encounter inappropriate or sexually explicit material while
on the Internet, take note of the Internet address and forward it to the Superintendent/Designee
so that appropriate action can be taken to block the site in the future, and then disconnect from
the site.
Viruses: Viruses can cause substantial damage to computer systems. Each user is responsible for
taking reasonable precautions to ensure he/she does not introduce viruses into the CSD network.
All material received on external drives, downloaded from the Internet or from computers or
networks that do not belong to CSD MUST be scanned for viruses and other destructive programs
before being placed onto the computer system. Users should understand that their home
computers and laptops might contain viruses. All disks transferred from these computers to the
CSD network MUST be scanned for viruses. To ensure security and avoid the spread of viruses,
users accessing the Internet through a computer attached to the CSD network must do so
through an approved Internet firewall.
Employees must not alter the form line or other attribution-of-origin information in e-mail,
messages, or posting. Any anonymous or pseudonymous electronic communications are
Employees must identify themselves honestly and accurately when sending email or otherwise
communicating online.
In the use of computer resources, users must comply with all software licenses, copyrights, and
all other state, federal, and international laws governing intellectual property and online
Reference: Policy 426
CSD recognizes that some employees may engage in social networking. While such activities are
not part of the employee’s work responsibilities, employees may communicate with and/or be
identified with patrons, parents and students of the District. Employees are expected to comply
with the following guidelines:
Information posted by an employee must comply with the state and federal laws, and
District policy relative to confidentiality.
An employee shall not post information acting on behalf of the Caldwell School District.
An employee shall always present himself/herself in a professional manner and exercise
good judgement relative to any information he/she posts or any sites linked to his/her
social network page or blog.
An employee shall not post school photos, student pictures, educational information, or
confidential information regarding students or other employees.
An employee must recognize that statements or innuendo publicly displayed on the
internet may have negative ramifications on that individual’s position as a role model for
students in the District.
If the employee posts information that evidences the employee has engaged in conduct
in violation of applicable federal and state law, or District policies, the District may take
disciplinary action.
Employees are strongly discouraged from texting or communicating with students on an
individual basis.
Employees are required to immediately report to their supervisor any student
communication that creates any concerns regarding the content of that communication.
For a Certificated Employee, inappropriate actions online may also result in a formal
report to the Idaho Professional Standards Commission.
Reference: Policy 490
CSD bulletin boards may not be used for dissemination of commercial or personal
advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive programs, political material, or any other
unauthorized use. Material that is fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane,
obscene, intimidating, defamatory, confidential or otherwise unlawful or inappropriate may not
be displayed.
Reference: Policy 426
Employees of CSD are protected from retaliation for reporting waste or violations of any law,
rule, or regulation so long as the employee:
1. Reports in good faith his or her belief that there is waste of public funds;
2. Reports in good faith the violation or suspected violation of a law, rule, or regulation;
3. Participates in or gives information in an investigation, hearing, court proceeding,
legislative, or other inquiry, or other administrative review; or
4. Objects to or refuses to carry out a directive that the employee believes in good faith
to violate a law, rule, or regulation.
Reference: Policy 428
All employees are paid monthly on or before the 25th day of the each month. The pay period is
the first Monday through the first Sunday of each month. The deadline for submitting changes
affecting payroll (i.e. W4, direct deposit, etc.) is the 10th day of each month.
All employees are encouraged to participate in direct deposit. To enroll, the employee must
provide the Payroll Department with a completed direct deposit authorization form and a voided
check or bank form displaying the bank routing number and account numbers. Account changes
must be submitted to the Payroll Department no later than the 10
of the month.
Employees will have access to view an itemized statement of wages on the Skyward Employee
Management site. Contact the Payroll Department for more information.
Classified employees shall be scheduled to work forty (40) hours or less per week within the
established workweek of midnight Sunday to midnight the following Sunday. The District is not
required by law to provide paid rest breaks. Employees will receive a thirty (30) minute unpaid
lunch break, scheduled by the Supervisor/Designee. Employees who are required to work during
the lunch break will be compensated. Employees must receive Supervisor approval before
working through a lunch break.
The CSD shall ensure that compliance procedures are applied properly and consistently for all
non-exempt employees pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Classified employees
who work in excess of 40 hours in a given work week may receive overtime pay of one and one-
half times the regular hourly rate. Overtime must be pre-approved by the Supervisor/Designee.
Classified employees will be compensated for any additional hours beyond their regularly
scheduled time within the next ensuing pay period. Additional hours must be recorded and
approved by the Supervisor/Designee.
Only employees regularly scheduled to work 253 days per year may be eligible for compensation
time (comp time) upon approval of their Supervisor. Accrued compensation time must be used
within the next pay period unless prior arrangements have been made with the employee’s
Reference: Policy 5810
Classified employees who regularly work twenty (20) or more hours per week will be entitled to
sick leave with full pay. The accrual for sick leave shall be one (1) day for each month of service
in which they work a majority portion of that month, as projected for the employment year. One
day of sick leave shall consist of the hours per day the employee is regularly scheduled to work.
Reference: Policy 424
See Master Agreement.
Employees who regularly work twenty (20) or more hours per week will be entitled to two (2)
days of personal leave with full pay, unless hired at the end of the school year, specifically between
March 1 and May 31. One day of personal leave shall consist of the hours per day the employee
is regularly scheduled to work.
See Master Agreement.
Classified employees scheduled to work year round (253 days) eight (8) hours per day will be
entitled to vacation leave. Vacation leave will be allocated in July for the upcoming year. The
allocation will be:
1 10 years of continuous service with CSD 10 days annually 15 days max*
11+ years of continuous service with CSD 15 days annually 22.5 days max*
*The vacation carryover from one fiscal year to the next shall not exceed one half of the annual
allocation for the maximum allowed above. Unused vacation days that exceed the maximum
carryover will be lost on June 30th.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) requires covered employers to provide up to
12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for certain family and medical
reasons. Employees are eligible if they have worked for the CSD at least one year, have worked
at least 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months, and have not taken FMLA in the last 12 months.
Eligible employees may request extended leave as provided by the Family Medical Leave Act
(FMLA). Approved FMLA leave runs concurrent with any existing accrued paid leave. CSD will
abide by the rules and regulations established under the Family Medical Leave Act.
Classified Employees
The CSD has established a Classified Sick Leave Bank to help alleviate hardship caused by
employees’ absence from work necessitated by the occurrence of catastrophic or life-threatening
illnesses or accidents and mental illnesses requiring hospitalization. The Classified Sick Leave
Bank shall not cover short-term disabilities or injuries.
To be eligible to join, a classified employee must:
Have been employed continuously with the District for at least one (1) year and have
accrued the required number of sick leave days for donation.
Have donated two (2) days of their accumulated sick leave.
Have completed a membership application during the annual enrollment period.
Reference: Policy 5406
Certificated Employees
See Master Agreement.
In the event of a death in the employee’s or employee’s spouse’s immediate family, up to five (5)
days of Bereavement Leave may be taken for each occurrence.
Immediate family includes: father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife,
grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, stepfather, stepmother, stepchild (of the
employee or spouse), or a person(s) who resides in the employee’s household on a full-
time basis and whose primary financial support is provided by the family of the employee.
Not considered immediate family: uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, or close friend.
A military leave of absence will be granted to employees who are absent from work because of
service in the U.S. uniformed services in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment
and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). Advance notice of military service is required, unless
military necessity prevents such notice or it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable.
Employees returning from military leave will be placed in the position they would have attained
had they remained continuously employed or a comparable one depending on the length of
military service in accordance with USERRA. They will be treated as though they were
continuously employed for purposes of determining benefits based on length of service.
Any employee called for jury duty must submit a copy of the notification letter to his/her
supervisor. All employees serving on jury duty shall receive paid leave from the District.
Any employee summoned as a witness because of their school position, or in any other situation
in which they are not a party to the lawsuit, may receive paid leave from the District.
Time off for all other court appearances must be accommodated by using personal leave or will
result in a proportionate reduction in pay/salary.
Reference: Policy 408
Employees working 20 hours or more per week for five or more consecutive months qualify for
the employee benefit package, unless hired as a temporary employee at the end of the school
year, specifically between March 1 and May 31, or as a seasonal summer employee.
Benefit plans will become effective on the first day of the month following the start of
employment (i.e. start date of July 1 or later; coverage begins August 1). It is the employee’s
responsibility to enroll in benefit plans through the HR Connection Employee Portal.
Employee benefits include health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance,
EAP, retirement plan, and paid leave. Insurance information is available online and through the
HR Connection Employee Portal.
It is the policy of CSD to provide a safe and healthy environment in which employees can conduct
their assigned job responsibilities. We are committed to conducting operations in a manner that
gives consideration to assure the health and safety of all involved. Each employee in the District
is responsible for health and safety and will be held accountable for their actions.
All employees of CSD are covered by workers compensation benefits in accordance with the
terms of the District’s workers compensation insurance policy. In the event of a work-related
1. The injured employee shall immediately obtain first aid or emergency medical care as
necessary to stabilize their medical condition. This treatment shall, to the extent possible, be in
accordance with the requirements of the District’s workers’ compensation insurance policy.
2. Absent the need for emergency medical care, all school employees who require medical
attention in the event of a workplace injury should obtain medical attention at the District’s
designated occupational health clinic.
3. The injured employee shall promptly report the accident or injury to his or her immediate
supervisor. The supervisor shall promptly report the accident or injury to the Human Resources
4. The employee shall report any hazardous condition so it can be remediated as soon as
possible. If possible, the employee shall immediately remediate the hazardous condition.
5. The employee shall complete the District’s workers’ compensation report of injury form with
their supervisor/designee within forty-eight (48) hours of the accident (unless prohibited by the
employee’s medical condition, in which case the forms shall be completed as soon as the
employee’s medical condition reasonably allows).
6. Employees who are injured in a workplace accident may be eligible for workers’ compensation
benefits. Upon receipt of a report of an accident, the District may conduct an investigation to
a. Whether continuing hazardous conditions exist that require remediation; and
b. Whether the employee’s work environment caused or contributed to the reported
7. On behalf of the employee, the District’s Human Resources Department shall immediately
report the injury and claim to the District’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier to
coordinate income, medical, and other benefits available to the employee under Idaho’s
Workers’ Compensation Law.
8. In the event the employee is unable to work, the District shall allow the employee to take
available sick leave benefits until the date that workers’ compensation income benefits are made
available, if applicable, to the employee under the District’s workers’ compensation insurance
9. In the event the employee is eligible for workers’ compensation income benefits, the District
may offer the employee a temporary modified work assignment, if available. Refusal of a
temporary modified work assignment may result in the employee’s loss of workers’
compensation income benefits.
10. The employee is required to cooperate with the District’s workers’ compensation insurance
carrier to coordinate and effectuate appropriate medical treatment and to secure other available
workers’ compensation benefits, including but not limited to income benefits. The District shall
require the employee to authorize the employee’s physician to release pertinent medical
information to the District or to a physician of the District’s choice, should an actual claim be filed
against the Workers’ Compensation Division, which could result in additional fees levied against
the District.
11. In all instances where an employee is unable to work as a result of an injury, the employee
must obtain a written work release from their treating physician prior to returning to work. This
release shall be provided to the employee’s immediate supervisor who will make a copy and
provide the original to the Human Resources Department for placement in the employee’s HIPAA
Reference: Policy 5460
In the event that extremely cold temperatures, wind chill factors, snow, ice accumulation, wind,
or other circumstances require a modification of the normal routine, the Superintendent will
make the modification decision, contact the public media outlets for broadcast to the
community, and initiate the emergency communication procedure to all administrators.
Building administrators, District Office administration staff, and year-round (253-day) employees
are expected to report to work insofar as is safely possible.
Reference: Policy 2210P