Please note that suspension or expulsion is regarded as a very
serious consequence and will be invoked in matters where students
violate policies related to the use of profanity, fighting, possession
of a weapon, violation of school board policy or repeated violation
of school expectations.
* Stay on task.
* Do your best work.
* Be truthful and honest.
* Raise your hand to speak.
* Stay in your seat.
* Do what you teacher asks immediately.
* Keep hands, feet and body away from walls,
art work and displays.
* Always walk and be quiet in the hallways.
* Keep desks, tables and textbooks clean and or-
Parent and Student
1441 S. Edgemoor
Wichita, Kansas 67218
(316) 973-0800
Breakfast served in Classroom @ 7:50 a.m.
School Hours 8:00 a.m. 3:10 p.m.
The staff at Caldwell
Elementary would like to welcome each of
you to the family. Our staff will use our ex-
pertise by using best practices, differentiation,
and technology to empower students for the
future. We will collaborate and communicate
with staff, parents, and the community to help
our students.
The mission of Caldwell Elementary
school is for all students to learn the aca-
demic and social skills necessary to be pro-
ductive citizens in a diverse, ever-changing
Our goal is to create a school wide culture that promotes a
safe and positive learning environment where staff strives to
keep children in the learning process by helping students ac-
quire the skills needed to thrive in the classroom.
In addition to the policies set forth by the Wichita School
Board, students will be expected to follow our Guidelines for
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Never Quit
Have a Great Attitude
Be Ready to Learn
Students who choose to violate school and classroom expecta-
tions will be given appropriate consequences for their action.
Consequences may include:
Loss of privileges
Conference with administrator
Conference with parent
Recess detention
Making restitution for damage
In-school suspension
Suspension from school
According to Wichita School Board Policy, possession of a
weapon (or replica) on school property is prohibited. Any stu-
dent found with a weapon or replica at school will be dealt
with immediately. The school principal is required to ask for
the expulsion of that student from school depending on severi-
ty and intent.
The use of seclusion or physical restraint when any stu-
dent presents an immediate danger to self or others or, in
certain instances, is engaged in the violent destruction of
property (“emergency safety interventions” or “ESI”)
must be performed in accordance with K.A.R. 91-42-1 and
91-42-2. Every effort will be made to prevent the need for
the use of restraint or seclusion, which should only be
employed where less invasive alternatives are infeasible.
Restraint or seclusion is never to be used as punishment
or discipline, as a means of coercion or retaliation, or as a
convenience. This policy will be posted on the district’s
website and will be included within the school code of
(A complete copy of the policy can be requested from the of-
fice and found on the school website.)
When dropping off or picking up your child please leave your
dog at home. With all the noise and commotion during this
time, your dog may feel threatened and act on perceived threat.
So to keep the students, you, and your dog safe please do not
bring your dog on school property.
* The only exception to this policy is our allowance for service animals for
persons with disabilities.
It is important that children be on time to school and
not be absent except when absolutely necessary. If a
child must be absent or tardy, we ask that you call the
school at 973-0800. Tardy is defined as arriving be-
tween 8:00 and 9:30 in the morning or checked out
between 1:40 and 3:10 in the afternoon. Checking
out earlier or later than these times counts as an ab-
sence. State law mandates that when a child has
three consecutive days or five accumulative days of
unexcused absences, the school contact the parent.
If we receive no response; we must notify DCF.
Be on time! Stay all day!
If a student is to be dismissed during the day, they
must be checked out in the office by an adult
and/or someone listed on their Pupil Infor-
mation Form.
Teachers will not release students from the class-
room. All students will be dismissed from the office.
Please keep your pick up list updated.
Attendance Policy
August 2022
To All Parents/Guardians:
The beginning of school is an important time for you and your child. Our combined
efforts reinforce the belief that education is an important key to becoming successful
and productive citizens. To give your child the best chance at success, your help in
assuring regular school attendance is vital. The purpose of this letter is to inform you
of Wichita Public Schools-USD 259 attendance expectations and truancy recovery
Attendance Expectations:
Board of Education Policy 1460 -Regular school attendance is required of all stu-
dents enrolled in elementary and secondary schools under Kansas compulsory at-
tendance statutes (KSA 72-3120). The Kansas Compulsory School Attendance Law
makes parents responsible for requiring a child under their control or charge who is
between seven (7) and under eighteen (18) years of age attend school on a continu-
ous basis.
Parents and students are expected to:
ENROLL - Take the first step as parents to help your child get off on the right foot by
enrolling them at the assigned school in a timely manner.
ATTEND - A student is required to attend school every day. Not only is this one of the
most important keys to getting a great education, but also its the law!
PHONE - For each and/every absence the school attendance office must be notified
or your child will be recorded as unexcusably absent.
Please Note: Students accumulating more than 12 days/96 hours of illness will be
considered to have excessive absences and will be required to provide a doctors note
for all future absences OR be recorded as unexcusably absent.
CHECK - Keeping informed about your childs progress is an important responsibility
for a parent/guardian. Call the school office periodically and check progress reports!
Truancy Recovery Efforts:
Board of Education Policy 1461 In compliance with requirements of the Kansas
Compulsory School Attendance Law, reports shall be filed with appropriate authorities
when a child is not enrolled in a public school or non-public school or when a child is
enrolled in school and is inexcusably absent- TRUANT.
When a student is truant, parents/guardians and students can expect:
1. Notification of non-attendance is given by the Parent Link automatic telephone
2. Referral to internal support (school counselor, social worker, school resource of-
3. Efforts made to reconnect student/family to school.
4. Written notification of non-attendance given to parent/guardian.
5. Referral to the appropriate state agency.
When a student moves from one school to another, that student must be enrolled and
attending the next school within three (3) school days, unless moving out-of-district
which requires enrollment within five (5) school days to avoid referral to the Depart-
ment for Children and Families or the Office of the District Attorney.
Please take a moment to read and share this information with your child. Your
knowledge of district attendance expectations and truancy recovery efforts will be in-
valuable in helping your child be successful in school through regular school attend-
Asbestos Policy
To: Parent/Guardian
From: Margo Rufle, Manager
Dear Parent:
In 1988, the Wichita Public Schools completed a survey of all school
buildings in the district as required by 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos-
Containing Materials in Schools Rule. This rule, which was enacted by
Congress in 1987, requires all local education agencies to identify the
location and condition of all asbestos-containing materials in the
schools, and to develop plans to minimize the hazard of airborne asbes-
tos fibers to building occupants.
Accredited asbestos inspectors inspected each of our facilities. The in-
spectors located, sampled, and rated the condition and the potential haz-
ard of all material suspected to contain, or assumed to contain asbestos.
The inspection reports and laboratory analysis records were turned over
to an accredited asbestos management planner who developed an As-
bestos Management Plan for each of our facilities. The plans include
the inspection report, hazard assessment, and procedures for controlling
any hazard that may exist.
The asbestos management plan of your childs school is available for
your inspection at no cost or restriction. Copies of the plan, which are
located in the administrative office of each school and at the School
Service Center, can be reviewed during regular school hours. A copy of
the plan will be made available upon request for a reasonable fee.
Implementation of the asbestos management plan is now in progress.
We are committed to comply with all federal, state, and local regula-
tions; including, but not limited to, periodic surveillance, operations and
maintenance, and implementation of all response actions as listed in the
Management Plan for each school. We plan to take all steps deemed
necessary to ensure that your child and our employees have a healthy,
safe environment in which to learn and work. If you should have any
questions or comments regarding the Asbestos Management Plan for
your school building, please contact the Environmental Services office
at 973-2217.
Unless students have teacher permission, all personal toys,
games and electronic devices are not to be brought to
school. Any personal toys, games or electronic devices
brought to school without teacher permission, will be kept in
the teacher or principal’s office and may be picked up by the
parent at any time.
A lost and found area is kept at school. Please encourage your
child to check this box if he or she has lost something. Please
plainly mark each item your child brings to school. The lost
and found will be disposed of at the end of each 9 weeks.
Parents may visit the school and classroom at any time. How-
ever, for the safety and welfare of the students, all visitors
must report to the office before going to the classrooms. A
driver’s license will be required at check-in for any visitor that
will have contact with the students. All meetings with teachers
need to be scheduled in advance. Children not enrolled at
Caldwell are not permitted to visit classrooms unless accompa-
nied by an adult.
Parents wishing to bring treats for their child’s
birthday must consult with the teacher beforehand.
The last few minutes of the day may be used for this purpose.
Please DO NOT ask that party invitations or other materials
not pertaining to school functions be distributed in the class-
2022-22 USD 259 Chronic Absences
Calculation by Week
Be sure to make all of your arrangements for the day with your
child in the morning before they leave for school. Once
school has started, we will not pull a child out of class while
learning to take phone calls. The office staff is instructed
NOT to transfer calls to a teacher’s classroom during school
hours. This interrupts the entire class from learning. Thank
you for your help in this matter.
Cell Phones are to be given to the classroom
teacher at the beginning of the school day and
will be returned to them at the end of the school
Please do not allow your child to bring any money of any kind
to school, unless there has been a letter sent home verifying we
are doing sales or a field trip. When children bring money it
may become lost or stolen, then the child is out their money.
If your child brings an individual
snack to eat with their lunch, they
will only be allowed to consume that
snack at lunchtime. If they try to
eat at any other time, it will be taken
by staff the first time and returned to the student at the end of the
day, but the second time it will be trashed. There will be time that
teachers request snacks from home and the teacher’s procedures
for that snack will be followed.
Parents should use good judgment in sending students to school
properly dressed. Some items of clothing may be unacceptable if
they cause a disruption to the educational process. Administra-
tion and/or teacher will advise the students.
Such items include, but are not limited to:
Hats, ball caps, hoods, bandannas
Hoodies may be worn, but hoods must be down in the build-
T-back tank tops , spaghetti straps and halter-tops
Excessive hair color
T-shirts advertising alcohol or tobacco products.
Clothing deemed offensive or inappropriate
Apparel associated with gangs or gang symbols.
Sagging pants, or skirts shorter than fingertip length
Anything that disrupts the learning environment.
Also, please consider the weather outside when dressing your
child for school. Be sure to send a jacket or coat when necessary.
Progress Reports:
Progress reports will be available for Parents to view on
ParentVue at the end of each nine weeks.
Parent-Teacher Conference:
Parents will have the privilege of attending two parent-
teacher conferences during the year. At that time
we ask that you do bring your child with you to
their conference. Additional conferences can be
held at the request of the teacher or parents.
School Hours
Breakfast served in Classrooms at 7:50 a.m.
School Hours: 8:00 a.m. 3:10 p.m.
The safety and well being of students is our main priority! Children
should arrive at school no earlier than ten (5) minutes before starting
time. Supervision is not provided for students before 7:45 a.m. nor
after 3:20 p.m. All students are expected to be picked up from
school by 3:20 p.m. every day.
Student should not arrive prior to 7:45. When students arrive they
will go to their designated grade level door.
KindergartenDoor 8 1st GradeDoor 21
2nd GradeDoor 2 3rd GradeDoor 7
4th GradeDoor 5 5th GradeDoor 6
Full Pay - Breakfast FREE
Lunch $2.60 per day
Extra Milk $ .50 per day
Reduced Pay - Breakfast FREE
Lunch $ .40 per day
Extra Milk $ .50 per day
Free or reduced lunch application forms are available upon request
from the school office.
Forms should be completed and returned to the school in order to
determine a child’s eligibility.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for paying student’s meals
until the application for Free/Reduced meals has been pro-
*This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Meal Payment Policy
Nutrition Services uses a computerized
point of sale program where each stu-
dent has an account.
The following apply to full pay and re-
duced price student accounts:
Funds may be deposited into the ac-
count at any time
Families are required to pay for all
negative balances incurred.
Families will receive a weekly auto-
mated call notify them of their stu-
dent’s meal balance.
If you have questions, call Nutrition Ser-
vices at 973-2160.
Be a school volunteer! School volunteers are a
vital part of the Caldwell team. Volunteers are
needed for mentoring, copying, cutting, pro-
jects, field trips, etc.
Caldwell PTO and Site Council is composed of parents, com-
munity and staff. These groups give ideas and support to the
administration and staff to benefit all students. Meetings are
open and parents are encouraged to attend. PTO Meetings are
scheduled monthly.
Our school is a K-5 AVID Elementary Site. AVID is AD-
It is a methodology that promotes “best teaching” practices to
develop consistency in thinking, processing, and delivering in-
formation by both students and teachers. AVID also will help
close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college
readiness and success in a global society. Look for upcoming
family nights and school events that will share expectations per
grade level of students and more about AVID in general.
Information from the Nurse
Medication can only be given at school with a
written statement signed by the doctor
parent. Please remember this includes prescrip-
tion as well as over-the-counter medications. (This
includes: Tylenol, cough drops, eye drops, and so on.) NO stu-
dent having an infectious or contagious disease shall be admitted
to school. The student should be fever free for 24 hours before
returning to school.
The Wichita Public Schools require, as does
Kansas Law, that new pupils be immunized be-
fore they are allowed to start school. You are
required by law to present a signed Kansas Cer-
tificate of Immunization (KCI form) to the school official. Since
the complete schedule of immunization requires several months
to complete, the first KCI form may only indicate that the im-
munizations have begun. If records are not on file by October 13,
2022, the student will be excluded from school.
We are always concerned about student safety to and
from school. Parents and students should discuss the fol-
lowing safety procedures:
Cross at the crosswalks or corner of the streets.
Follow Safety Patrol procedures at crosswalks.
Do not go between cars to enter a stopped car
in the street or the parking lot.
Walk on sidewalks whenever and wherever
Go directly home after dismissal time. If your child is
not home within a reasonable time after
school, please notify the school immediately.
Students may ride a bike to school but be
sure to have a lock and park in the designat-
ed bike rack. The school is not responsible
for lost or stolen bikes.
In case of an emergency, it is very important that the
school office have each student’s current address, phone
number, emergency contact name and number. Please
contact the school office at 973-0800 with any and every
change during the year.