© International Baccalaureate Organization 2018
International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato
The IB complaints procedure
This procedure has been created to assist all the International Baccalaureate’s (“IB”) external stakeholders
with the resolution of complaints related to certain IB services.
The IB is committed to providing an excellent quality of service. We value your views and feedback we
receive and aim to make continuous improvements to this mission.
The IB Answers service (ibanswers.ibo.org) is a dedicated hotline to answer your queries.
If you have a query, please contact IB Answers so that wherever possible we can answer any queries
before they become complaints.
To enable the IB to handle your complaints effectively, we ask that you follow the procedure defined below.
Principles of the procedure
To ensure the complaints process is effective, the following principles are applied throughout the complaints
process and provide a framework for communication between stakeholders and IB staff.
Fairness we aim to have a fair complaints procedure that ensures everyone is treated equally.
Courtesy all communication in relation to this procedure should be based on mutual respect, trust
and courtesy.
Accessibility we aim to have a complaints procedure that is easy to understand, easy to access
and well publicized.
Timeliness we aim to ensure that all complaints are dealt with in a timely manner.
Effectiveness the complaints procedure is monitored and reviewed to ensure it continues to be
Attentiveness you will be given every opportunity to put forward your complaint, and you can be
assured that we are listening. We will update you on the process and status of your complaint as
Scope of the procedure
What this procedure covers
Anyone who has directly accessed the IB’s services, and has concerns about those services, can make a
complaint to the IB which, in most cases, will result in a formal response.
To maximize the chances of a quick resolution, we ask that you submit your complaint within a period of 3
months following the incident. The IB is committed to handle it sensitively and efficiently in line with the
principles of our procedure as listed above.
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What this procedure does not cover
Please be aware that there are some matters that cannot be dealt with under this procedure because the IB
has no legal right to do so or because there already is a separate procedure in place. The matters that
cannot be dealt with are:
Complaints regarding decisions made by an IB World School
IB World Schools are entirely independent from the IB and are solely responsible for the
implementation and quality of teaching of the programmes. The IB has no jurisdiction over decisions
made by the IB World Schools, as set forth in the General Regulations.
As a result, the IB does not resolve complaints by students, their legal guardians or teachers
regarding decisions which fall within the remit of the IB World Schools. If you wish to make a
complaint regarding such decisions you will need to contact the IB World School and, where they
exist, you should follow the internal complaints procedures set out by the relevant IB World School.
Although we cannot treat such matters as a complaint under this policy, where matters regarding the
implementation of IB programmes by an IB World School are brought to the attention of the
Customer Service team, they will be passed onto the appropriate team for their information. When
appropriate, matters may be raised or passed onto the school in question. Where concerns are
raised about improper practices occurring within IB schools, the IB’s whistleblowing policy may be
applicable: refer to whistleblowing policy. It is important for anyone who wishes to report concerns
regarding improper practices to first review the whistleblowing policy.
Requests for the re-marking of Diploma Programme, Career-related Programme or Middle Years
Programme work; appeals against examination results or other assessment decisions
There is a separate procedure to deal with re-marking of Diploma Programme, Career-related
Programme and Middle Years Programme work. All requests for the re-marking of work or appeals
against examination results or other assessment decisions must follow the procedures outlined in
the handbook of procedures for coordinators and the General Regulations. Requests for remarking
must be initiated by the IB Coordinator, who also registers candidates for retakes and will assist with
any assessment issues. Candidates or their legal guardians should contact the IB Coordinator in
their school.
Decisions relating to candidacy or the authorization of IB World Schools;
Other issues the IB may deem does not fall within its mandate to investigate or make a
determination on
Making a complaint
Prior to making a complaint
Before submitting a complaint under this procedure, you need to determine if your issue relates to a matter
that can be dealt with through this process
First, check in the section above to see if your issue is a matter that the IB can help resolve.
Complaints submitted which concern matters that cannot be dealt with via this procedure will not be
treated as a complaint. The Customer Service team will respond and endeavour to direct your enquiry on to
the correct person or process for your matter.
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1. If your issue relates to an assessment decision, you must follow the procedures found in the
General regulations: Diploma Programme, Career-related.Programme or Middle Years Programme
(http://www.ibo.org/become/resources/) or contact your coordinator, as appropriate.
2. If you have an issue that relates to an IB service or department that you are already in contact with
we encourage that, where possible, you initially try to resolve the situation informally before
submitting a formal complaint under this procedure. Attempting to resolve the situation informally
does not prevent you from making a formal complaint at a later stage if necessary.
Submitting a formal complaint
If it has not been possible to resolve your issue informally or you wish to submit a formal complaint, the
following procedure outlines how to submit your complaint to the IB:
Initial submission of a formal complaint
Complaints should be submitted in writing to the email address com[email protected]
Please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your complaint and the departments or
services involved. Specifically, you must supply us with the following:
Your name, a contact address and telephone number or email address to allow the IB to contact
you with regards to the complaint.
If you are an IB student (or legal guardian of an IB student), the name and code of the IB World
School which you attend or have attended.
If you are an IB Educator, your personal code and your role(s).
The service and/or department your complaint relates to.
The details of your complaint including any previous attempts to resolve the matter and copies of all
relevant documentation (where available).
The Customer Service team will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three business days and will
forward your complaint to the appropriate head of department, director or chief officer.
The head of department, director or chief officer will oversee an investigation of the matter, and you may be
contacted for further information if this is necessary. The head, director or chief officer will aim to respond to
you with his or her conclusions within fifteen business days of receipt of the complaint from the Customer
Service team. Where more time is required you will be notified, with an estimate of the timeline for receiving
a final response.
The IB reserves the right to cease corresponding with a complainant if their correspondence is, in our
reasonable opinion, frivolous, vexatious, abusive or if the matter has reached a conclusion within the
framework of the formal complaint process.
Please note that complaints that are not submitted in accordance with this process will not be processed.
Please note that the IB cannot accept formal complaints via telephone.
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Appeal against the response of the head of department, director of chief officer
If your complaint falls within the scope of this procedure, and you remain dissatisfied with the response you
receive, you may appeal to the Director General of the IB.
The appeal to the Director General should be made within fifteen business days of you receiving a final
response from the head, director or chief officer. Please provide full details of the reasons for the appeal and
any relevant information including all correspondence with the IB in relation to the complaint and the
response you have received from the head, director or chief officer.
Your appeal should be clearly marked as “an appeal against the response received in relation to a
complaint”, be addressed to the Director General and emailed to: director.g[email protected]
Please note that you will not receive a response if you have not first submitted your complaint through
[email protected] and received a reply from a head of department, director or chief officer. Similar to the
submission of complaints, receipt of your application will be acknowledged within three business days.
The Director General will aim to communicate to you the outcome of his/her review within thirty business
days of receiving your application. Where more time is required, you will be contacted without delay and
provided with an update on progress of the review and an estimate of when you will receive a final