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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
SECTION ONE (1): LEAVE ........................................................................... 2
SECTION TWO (2): PAY .............................................................................. 3
SECTION THREE (3): EMPLOYEE PERSONAL PAGE .................................... 4
SECTION FOUR (4): HEALTH INSURANCE .................................................. 5
SECTION SIX (6): LIFE INSURANCE ............................................................. 8
SECTION SEVEN (7): THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN ............................................. 9
SECTION EIGHT (8): RETIREMENT ........................................................... 10
SECTION NINE (9): MILITARY .................................................................. 11
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: If I have prior federal government service and was accruing 6/8 hours per pay period how
long before my accruals are updated to that again?
A: Once your personnel folder (OPF) is received, all prior service will be calculated, and
your Service Computation Date (SCD) verified. This process can take more than 120 days.
You can submit your last Statement of Earnings and Leave (SEL) to the Data Integrity
Office for an expedited service if you have leave transferring with you. Submit to If you do not receive an update within 120 days, open a service
request through OS GetServices. (Slide 64 & 65)
Q: You said as new hires we accrue 4 hours of annual leave per pay period. Does this amount
A: Once you complete 3 years of federal service your annual leave increases to 6 hours
per pay period and once you complete 15 years of service your leave accrual increases to
8 hours per pay period. Further information on annual leave and accrual rates can be
found here: Annual Leave (Slide 18)
Q: Does the sick leave accrual increase as well?
A: No.
Q: Who approves our time off requests? How do we request time off?
A: All leave requests and approvals go through your manager.
Q: I had leave when I left my prior agency. How do I make sure that those get transferred with
A: The leave is transferred with your OPF. Once the information is verified the leave
balances will first show in SETR, then your Statement of Earnings and Leave (SEL). This
process can be expedited by submitting your last SEL from your prior agency to our Data
Integrity Office via fax to 855-875-6605 or email to opf[email protected] (Slide 18)
Q: What happens to our leave if we leave the agency or retire?
A: When you separate from federal service, regardless of the type of separation a lump-
sum payment for unused annual, compensatory and/or credit leave is dispersed. There is
no payment for unused sick leave.
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Does the agency offer Short-term disability insurance?
A: No, but we do have the benefit of Paid Parental Leave (PPL). For more information
and qualifications please refer to: (Slide 19)
Q: What is Child Care Subsidy?
A: The primary purpose of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Childcare Subsidy Program
(CSP) is to provide an employee benefit to eligible IRS employees, to help ease the
financial burden of childcare expenses. The IRS CSP childcare subsidy payments are also
intended to provide an incentive for IRS employees to use licensed, and/or regulated,
safe and reliable childcare providers, and improve employee retention, productivity, and
morale. For more information, please refer to: Home (
Q: When are we going to be paid?
A: Employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. The date you receive your first paycheck
depends on the day you started with the agency. The official pay day is two weeks after
the end of the pay period. The pay period timeframes and pay dates are located on the
2023 Pay Calendar (Slide 17)
Q: Are we able to receive paper checks?
A: No.
Q: I sent in a direct deposit form during onboarding. If I want to ensure you have my correct
information before pay day, can I access the Employee Personal Page to verify?
A: The Employee Personal Page will not be available to you until after your first paycheck.
Contact Payroll via an OS GetServices ticket and our representatives can confirm your
direct deposit information.
Q: If I am a current IRS employee who is just starting a new position, do I need to submit new
direct deposit information?
A: No.
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Is it possible to have my pay adjusted based on my prior government time?
A: Pay is set by the Employment office. You can contact the hiring official who did your
onboarding, however, adjustments in pay are generally made once your prior Official
Personnel Folder (OPF) is received. If, after 60 days, your pay has not been adjusted for
prior federal experience, please open an OS GetServices ticket.
Q: Where can I find my hourly rate? I was only told my annual salary.
A: Annual pay and hourly rates are located on the Office of Personnel Management
Q: Can I set up portions of my paycheck to go to a separate account?
A: Yes. You can set up financial or discretionary allotments through the Employee
Personal Page. A financial allotment is deposited each pay period just like your paycheck.
A discretionary allotment is split into 2 payments, one half being deducted and held the
first pay period of the month, the second half deducted the second pay period of the
month, then the full payment is sent to the third party. Further clarification is available
on EPP.
SECTION THREE (3): Employee Personal Page
Q: When can I set up my Employee Personal Page (EPP)? I tried to do it and it told me my
information is not in the system.
A: EPP is not available until you have completed and been paid for your first pay period
with the agency. At that time your information is submitted to the National Finance
Center and your account will be established. (Slide 28)
Q: I am transferring from another agency that also used EPP. Will I need to do anything to have
my account updated?
A: Yes. Open an OS GetServices ticket and request that a Doc 444 be submitted to
update your account with IRS information. (Slide 29)
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: If I am covered under my spouse’s health insurance already. Do I need to send in any
A: No, you do not. Not sending in any documentation during the initial 60-day
opportunity implies your intent to waive coverage.
Q: I am a current employee starting a new position. Am I able to enroll because of this?
A: If your new position makes you eligible and you were not previously, yes. If you were
previously eligible and elected not to enroll, no. If you did not enroll during your initial
opportunity you must wait until open season or experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE)
allowing you to enroll
Q: How do I know what health insurance plan to enroll in?
A: All the plans available in your area, as well as costs and coverages, can be viewed on
the Office of Personnel Management site using the FEHB Plan Comparison Tool.
Q: I am a transfer from another agency, and I already had health insurance. Do I need to send in
a form SF 2809 again?
A: No. Your SF 75 information includes the information necessary for transferring your
Q: Where do I get the form SF 2809?
A: The health insurance enrollment is listed as a task on USA Staffing. You need to
complete your enrollment there. DO NOT send a Form SF2809 after you have completed
your enrollment in USA Staffing (Slide 34)
Q: When will my health insurance coverage begin?
A: Coverage begins the first day of the pay period after your completed and correct
forms are received. Be aware, it can take up to 60 days from the effective date for your
selected provider to send you your welcome package and insurance cards. (Slide 36)
Q: If I chose not to enroll during the initial 60 days am I able to enroll in health insurance later?
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A: Yes, during Open Season or when you experience a QLE. Open Season is an annual
event that goes from the second Monday in November to the second Monday in
December. A list of QLEs is on pages 6-9 on the instructions for form SF 2809.
Q: I want to enroll in an insurance plan that has a Health Savings Account (HSA). How do I know
which plans are eligible for that?
A: When using the FEHB Plan Comparison Tool there is a section that indicates if a plan is
eligible for Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) or Health Savings Accounts
(HSAs). The HSA/HRA is established by the provider you select so you can contact
providers directly to request information on which account type you would be eligible
Q: How will I know if my SF 2809 has been processed?
A: Once your SF-2809 is processed, a Confirmation of Enrollment Letter will be mailed to
your address of record and can be used as confirmation of coverage. If there are any
issues with your form 2809, a Benefits Specialist will contact you, directly, to request
Q: I have heard we can sign up for health insurance through EPP. Is this true?
A: EPP is used to make changes to current coverage and cannot be used for your initial
Q: Are there age limits for my children on the health insurance?
A: Yes, eligible dependents are covered by FEHB until they are 26, unless they are
incapable of self-support. If you have a child over the age of 26 incapable of self-support,
you need to submit a medical certification form with your enrollment.
Q: If I have questions on specific plans and their coverages can I contact Payroll?
A: Our staff is prohibited from advising employees regarding carriers and coverage.
Specific questions on plans and coverages should be directed to the provider. The
customer service numbers for each plan are located within the FEHB Plan Comparison
Tool and brochure.
Q: If I am not married am I allowed to add my partner to the health insurance?
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A: The Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) Guide states a spouse from a valid
common law marriage is an eligible family member for FEHB coverage. As an employee, it
is your responsibility to be informed on your state’s regulations regarding common law
Q: You stated we can carry our insurance into retirement if eligible. What are the requirements
to carry the insurance into retirement?
A: Requirements for continuing health benefits into retirement are:
1) you must have retired on an immediate annuity (that is, an annuity which begins
to accrue no later than one month after the date of your final separation)
2) have been continuously enrolled, or covered as a family member, in any FEHB
Program plan (not necessarily the same plan) for the five years of service
immediately preceding retirement, or if less than five years, for all service since
your first opportunity to enroll.
If you have specific questions on your situation you will need to open an OS GetServices ticket.
Q: If I had supplemental vision and dental insurance with BENEFEDS from my prior agency will
those transfer with me?
A: Yes, but it requires you to contact BENEFEDS at or 877-888-3337
to inform them you have transferred agencies and request they transfer responsibility to
the new agency.
Q: If the health insurance plan that I select has dental and vision coverage is that the same as
the BENEFEDS coverage?
A: No, Some FEHB plans include limited dental and vision coverage, but the coverage
offered through BENEFEDS is supplemental coverage and requires an additional
premium. BENEFEDS enrollment is not associated with your health insurance enrollment
and is done via the BENEFEDS website. (Slide 42)
Q: Is there an age limit for children on the dental and vision insurance?
A: Yes. Eligible dependents include unmarried children under age 22 (including
recognized natural children, adopted children, stepchildren, and foster children, if living
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
with an employee or annuitant in a regular parent-child relationship) or children, any age,
incapable of self-support due to mental or physical disability existing before age 22.
Q: Where can I find the plans and costs for the Dental and Vision insurance?
A: Supplemental plans and premiums are on the Office of Personnel Management
website via the FEDVIP Plan Comparison tool or on the BENEFEDS website.
Q: If I only want basic life insurance coverage, do I need to do anything?
A: No. You will be enrolled automatically once you are certified, and no form is required.
(Slide 44)
Q: If I choose not to keep the basic coverage or not enroll in the optional life insurance
coverages can this be done later?
A: If you choose to waive coverage now, you will have to complete a physical at your
cost, experience a QLE or wait for an open season (which is rare) to enroll or increase.
(Slide 44)
Q: Can you tell me exactly what the life insurance will cost me per pay period?
A: The life insurance premiums vary based on your age, salary, and multiples you elect.
You can access the FEGLI calculator to determine the costs. (Slide 44 & 45)
Q: Does the cost for the Option C Family Coverage go up for the number of covered family
A: No, the cost of Option C Coverage is based on your age, as well as the number of
multiples you elect, not the number of eligible dependents.
Q: Is there an age limit for children covered under Option C?
A: Yes, the FEGLI law defines eligible family members for Option C coverage as your
spouse and your unmarried dependent children under age 22.
Q: Do I have to submit beneficiary forms?
A: No, you are not required to submit beneficiary forms. If forms are not submitted the
Federal Order of Precedence applies. Information on the Federal Order of Precedence is
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
available on the OPM website; however, if at any time the Order of Precedence does not
fit your circumstance, it is highly recommended you submit beneficiary forms.
Q: Am I only able to waive the life insurance during the initial 60 days?
A: No, you can waive or reduce your life insurance coverage at any time.
Q: I am a transfer employee and have a TSP account already. Will a new account be created for
A: No, your account will transfer with you. Your prior agency will complete a TSP 19 and
submit it to your new agency transferring your account.
Q: If I had a prior 401K and want to roll that over to TSP can I do that?
A: Yes, with restrictions; contact TSP directly via their website or at 877-
Q: How do I find information on the TSP funds?
A: Information on the different investment funds can be located on the
website or they can be discussed with a TSP representative at 877-968-3778.
Q: If I want to cancel/increase/decrease TSP deductions before I get access to my EPP account
how do I do that?
A: Complete form TSP 1 and submit to Payroll via fax to 855-207-0459 or email to
[email protected] (Slide 50)
Q: Can we only change our TSP contribution amount at certain times?
A: No, you can update your TSP contributions at any time through EPP. (Slide 50)
Q: Do I get agency matching regardless of if my contributions are traditional or ROTH?
A: Yes, you will still receive matching. Agency contributions are made based on your
Q: How does the TSP agency matching work?
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A: The Agency contributes 1% automatically, without your election. The first 3% of pay
you contribute will be matched dollar-for-dollar; the next 2% will be matched at 50 cents
on the dollar. Contributions above 5% of your pay will not be matched. If you stop making
regular employee contributions, your matching contributions will also stop, except the
automatic 1%. (Slide 49)
Q: When will I be able to create/access my TSP account?
A: The TSP Service Office will send your account information through the mail. You will
log into and create a user ID. (Slide 51)
Q: Can I change the amount deducted for my retirement?
A: No. These deduction amounts are based on a percentage of your income and set by
law. (Slide 53)
Q: I tried to create my GRB Platform account, but it is not allowing me to.
A: Your GRB account will be accessible after you receive your first salary check. You must
use your work computer to establish your GRB account the first time, then you will be
able to access your account from your home devices.
Q: What happens to the money deducted for retirement if I leave the agency before retiring?
A: You have options; one would be to leave it there to withdraw later, the other would
be to withdraw it shortly after your separation. Employees receive information, and
instructions, regarding these options when they separate.
Q: What happens if I am no longer able to work due to a disability?
A: You may qualify for a disability retirement. Information on disability retirements can
be found at Types of Retirement or you can open an OS GetServices ticket to speak with a
retirement specialist.
Q. Does the agency contribute to my retirement?
A: Yes, the agency contributes a percent to your retirement based on the retirement
code you are hired under, currently 15.5%.
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: If I have prior military time and want to know if the deposit process will benefit me how can I
find that information:
A: Submit an OS GetServices ticket for a Retirement Specialist to contact you. They will
discuss the military deposit process and how it may benefit you. (Slide 66)
Q: How does my Veteran’s Preference get updated?
A: Forward a copy of your Statement of Disability from the VA (if applicable) and a copy
of your DD-214-member copy 4 to the OPF Con Site via fax to 855-875-6605 or email to
Still have questions?
If you have additional questions that have not been addressed during this presentation, you may
find your answers by using the Chat Bot feature. On the IRS Source home page, click Employee
In the top right-hand corner, click on ERC Chatbot. You will see a new window open.
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New Hire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A list of topics will populate. Scroll through the list until you find the topic you want. For
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