Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Chief Executive
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
This guide provides information about the process for the recruitment and
selection of the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and
Chief Executive.
If you have any questions during this process, please do not hesitate to contact the
consultant supporting this recruitment:
Nick Ritchie, Strategic Advisor
Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission
T: 021 314 896
Public Service Leadership
Excellent leadership by Public Service Chief Executives is essential for a high
performing, professional and world class public sector. Underpinning chief
executive leadership is the requirement to adhere to the Standards of Integrity and
Conduct and the higher bar expected of chief executive behaviour.
As set out in the Public Service Act 2020, chief executives are required to proactively
promote stewardship of the public service, including of its long-term capability and
people, institutional knowledge and information, system and processes, assets
and the legislation they administer.
As stewards of the system, chief executives are responsible for achieving cross-
agency, sector and system results by leading, collaborating and exerting their
influence in a cohesive way across boundaries and ensuring their staff have both
the authority and motivation to do likewise.
Making an application
Your application for this position should include:
A cover letter expressing interest in the position and your fit for the role in
relation to the priorities: system leadership, context management, sector
experience and organisational leadership;
A current curriculum vitae detailing your work history (including dates and
position titles), educational qualifications, and your preferred contact
details; and
A fully completed application form.
Further information has been detailed below. You should make your application
via email to
form Section
A Referee
This section asks you to provide the details of referees who can help us create a
360-degree picture of your personal attributes, behaviours, and skills in relation to
those detailed in the position description. These referees will be your current and
previous managers, peers, junior staff members, direct reports, or others.
Please ensure you provide each referee’s name, title, relationship to you, and their
preferred contact phone numbers. If they are based outside of New Zealand, please
also provide an email address for that referee.
We will contact you before approaching named referees.
form Section
In completing the authorisation section of the form, you are allowing the Public
Service Commissioner (the Commissioner), or their designated representative or
agent, to undertake the following checks:
We may approach, in confidence, not only the referees you have named, but
other people who have personal knowledge of you to gather information
related to your suitability for this appointment.
Pre-employment checks, including serious misconduct checks will be
undertaken, on the preferred candidate.
Qualifications and credit checks are completed by an external agency on
behalf of Te Kawa Mataaho, only for the preferred candidate.
Security checks by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service are
required. These include vetting through the New Zealand Police and the
Serious Fraud Office.
form Section
C Criminal
The information in this section is required to check whether you have any past
criminal convictions or pending charges that might impact on your ability to be
effective in the position.
If you are the preferred candidate for the position, we will confirm the details you
have given through a criminal history check carried out by the Ministry of Justice.
Only those directly involved in the recruitment, including our agents (and if
necessary a legal advisor) will have access to this information prior to your
appointment (if you are appointed, your declaration will be filed on your personal
The information provided in this section by unsuccessful applicants will be
destroyed at the completion of the process.
If you fail to provide relevant information and the Commissioner subsequently
discovers that you have a criminal conviction that could not be withheld under the
Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 or a charge was pending at the time of
appointment, you may be dismissed.
You may access this information and request its correction.
See ‘Key Legislation’ below for information on the Criminal Records (Clean Slate)
Act 2004.
form Section
D Conflict
of interest
A conflict of interest means a conflict between a public duty and private and/or
personal interests. Personal interests may be financial or relate to family, friends
or associates. Conflicts of interest may be actual, potential or perceived. A conflict
of interest may happen at any stage during the recruitment process. You are
responsible for advising Te Kawa Mataaho immediately if you believe there is a
possible conflict of interest. Please note that this will not invalidate your
application but will be taken into consideration.
Te Kawa Mataaho produces model standards on the Public Service
Commissioner’s minimum expectations for staff and organisations in the Public
Service to support the effective reporting and management of conflicts of interests.
These standards should be read alongside other relevant rules and standards
including the Office of the Auditor-General’s Managing conflicts of interest: A guide
for the public sector.
Key legislation
Service Act
Appointments to chief executive positions in the Public Service are made under
Schedule 7 clause 3 of the Public Service Act 2020. This legislation sets out
procedures to be followed in making these appointments and specifies the
respective responsibilities of Ministers and the Commissioner.
Privacy Act
The recruitment process is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 2020.
Personal information collected during this appointment process will be used solely
for assessing your suitability for employment in this position. It will be held
confidentially by the Commissioner, the recruitment and assessment consultants,
the interview panel and to Te Kawa Mataaho staff who will assist the Commissioner
with this appointment process. Evaluative information will be held in confidence
and you do not have right of access to it.
Your authority is needed to gather some of this information and an authorisation
section is attached for this purpose. If you are appointed to this position the
information will be retained. If you are unsuccessful all of your application
documents will be destroyed, unless you request that they be returned.
(Clean Slate)
Act 2004
[Extract from Ministry of Justice pamphlet ‘Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004’]
You must meet all conditions in section 7 of the Act (a summary is set out below)
before your convictions can be withheld. The Act should be consulted for full
information (see exceptions to the Clean Slate scheme
are found in section 19 of the Act).
You must:
Have no convictions within the last seven years
Never have been sentenced to a custodial sentence e.g. imprisonment,
corrective training, borstal
Never have been ordered by a Court following a criminal case to be detained
in a hospital due to your mental condition instead of being sentenced
Not have been convicted of a “specified offence” e.g. sexually offending
against children and young people or the mentally impaired
Have paid in full any fine, reparation, or costs ordered by the Court in a
criminal case
Never have been indefinitely disqualified from driving under section 65 of
the Land Transport Act 1998 or equivalent provision
If you meet these requirements you could answer “No”.
The appointment process
The application deadline for this position is Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at
The panel may invite you to undertake an assessment and this will be tailored to
the position. This step can provide the Commissioner and the interview panel with
further information on your suitability for the position of Secretary of the
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Chief Executive.
You will be given detailed feedback on your performance and if you are the
successful candidate the results of the assessment will be used to develop a first
year, professional development plan.
Interviews will take place in Wellington or via Microsoft Teams. Shortlisted
candidates will be given more details on the interview panel and process at the
time of arranging interviews.
The Deputy Public Service Commissioner will chair the interview panel, which is
established under Schedule 7 clause 3(4) of the Public Service Act 2020. Panellists
may be chosen for a number of reasons, such as to provide expertise in a particular
field. Panellists attend in their own right. The panel has an advisory role in assisting
the Commissioner to determine the extent to which candidates meet the criteria
set for the position and have the qualities to perform to the standards required in
section 52 and section 73 of the Public Service Act 2020.
Responsibility for making the decision on whom to recommend for appointment
rests solely with the chair of the interview panel. The Commissioner forwards their
recommendation for appointment to the Minister for the Public Service, for referral
to the Governor-General in Council.