U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights Section
Enforcing the ADA:
A Status Report from the Department of Justice
October - December 2002
This Status Report covers the ADA activities of the Department of Justice during the fourth
quarter (October - December) of 2002. This report, previous status reports, and a wide range of
other ADA information are available through the Department’s ADA Home Page on the World
Wide Web (see page 11). The symbol (**) indicates that the document is available on the ADA
Home Page.
ADA Litigation ............................................... 2
Formal Settlement Agreements................... 4
Other Settlements ......................................... 8
Mediation ...................................................... 9
Technical Assistance .................................... 11
Other Sources of ADA Information ........... 13
How to File Complaints .............................. 14
2002, Issue 4
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a comprehensive civil rights law for
people with disabilities. The Department of Justice enforces the ADAs
requirements in three areas --
Title I: Employment practices by units of State and local government
Title II: Programs, services, and activities of State and local government
Title III: Public accommodations and commercial facilities
Through lawsuits and both formal and
informal settlement agreements, the
Department has achieved greater access
for individuals with disabilities in
thousands of cases. Under general rules
governing lawsuits brought by the Federal
Government, the Department of Justice
may not file a lawsuit unless it has first
unsuccessfully attempted to settle the
dispute through negotiations.
A. Litigation
The Department may file lawsuits in
Federal court to enforce the ADA and may
obtain court orders including
compensatory damages and back pay to
remedy discrimination. Under title III the
Department may also obtain civil
penalties of up to $55,000 for the first
violation and $110,000 for any subsequent
1. Decisions
Title III
District Court Rules AMC’s Stadium-Style
Theaters Discriminate Against Patrons
Who Use Wheelchairs -- The U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California
ruled in U.S. v. AMC Entertainment, Inc., that
the American MultiCinema, Inc., (AMC)
movie theater chain violated the ADA by
providing accessible seating only in the front
rows on the sloped floor of its new stadium-
style movie theaters. The Department sued
the chain for denying equal access to persons
with physical disabilities in over 80 stadium-
style movie theater complexes nationwide.
The court concluded that AMC violated the
ADA by failing to provide its patrons who use
wheelchairs with comparable lines of sight to
the movie screen. The court held that, while
AMC publicizes its stadium-style seating as
providing enhanced, unobstructed lines of
sight, patrons who use wheelchairs are
excluded from the stadium seating section in
the vast majority of AMC’s stadium-style
theaters and instead are left to sit in the few
rows of seating on the sloped-floor closest to
the screen. These seats are less popular, offer
poor views of the screen, and isolate persons
who use wheelchairs from the rest of the
movie audience. Other issues remain before
the court, including how to remedy the line of
sight violations and whether the theaters
contain other ADA violations that do not
involve line of sight issues, such as protruding
objects and the lack of accessible auditorium
ramps and signage.
I. Enforcement
2. Amicus Briefs
The Department files briefs in selected
ADA cases in which it is not a party in
order to guide courts in interpreting the
Title II
** Anderson v. Rochester-Genesee Regional
Transportation Authority -- In response to a
request from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit, the Department filed answers
to questions raised in a lawsuit alleging
violations of the ADAs paratransit
requirements by the public transit authority in
Rochester, New York. The ADA requires
public transit authorities who operate fixed
route bus systems to provide comparable
paratransit service to individuals with
disabilities who are unable to use fixed route
service. The Department’s response argued
that the ADA regulations require transit
providers to design, fund, and implement their
paratransit programs to meet 100 percent of
the anticipated demand for next-day
paratransit service. It also asserted that, even
if a transit provider meets this obligation, it
will still violate the ADA if actual day-to-day
operations result in a substantial number of
trip denials that are not beyond the control of
the provider. Finally, the Department argued
that the determination of how many denials is
“substantial” is not based on a specific
mathematical formula but rather on a case-by-
case analysis given the transit providers
service profile, including population size and
distribution, geography, type of service, and
economic base.
** Barrier Busters v. City of Erie -- The
Department filed an amicus brief in the U.S.
District Court for the Western District of
Pennsylvania in a lawsuit alleging that Erie,
Pennsylvania, has violated the ADAs curb cut
requirements. The suit alleges that since
1992, when the ADA went into effect, the city
of Erie frequently failed to install curb ramps
when it performed road and sidewalk
construction and alterations. The city
admitted it had not installed “thousands” of
ramps, but argued that claims involving
violations that occurred more than two years
before the lawsuit was filed on June 26, 2002,
were barred because of the statute of
limitations. The Department argued in its
amicus brief that Erie’s consistent practice of
violating the ADAs curb cut requirement was
a “continuing violation” and that the court
could address all the discriminatory acts
involved, not just those occurring during the
two-year period before the lawsuit.
Radaszewski v. Garner -- The Department
filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit arguing that,
even if a court holds that a State agency is
itself protected from suit by Eleventh
Amendment sovereign immunity, the plaintiff
may sue officials of the agency in their official
capacity for an order requiring them to comply
with the ADA. The plaintiff brought suit on
behalf of her son, who is an individual with
disabilities, against the director of the Illinois
Department of Public Aid, in her official
capacity, alleging that a reduction in Medicaid
benefits violated title II of the ADA. Because
of his disabilities, the plaintiffs son requires
nursing care around the clock. When he
turned 21, Illinois sought to reduce Medicaid
reimbursement funding for in-home nursing
care to such an extent that he would have to be
placed in an institution in order to receive the
care that he requires. The Department’s brief
argued that the district court’s dismissal of the
case should be reversed and that an earlier
decision of the Seventh Circuit preventing
suits against State officials in their official
capacity should be overruled.
Title III
Meineker v. Hoyts Cinemas Corporation--
The Department filed an amicus brief in the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
in support of a lawsuit brought by two
individuals who use wheelchairs alleging that
the location of wheelchair spaces in the Hoyts
Cinemas chain’s stadium-style movie theaters
violates the ADA requirements for comparable
lines of sight and integrated seating. The
wheelchair seating in most Hoyts theaters is in
front of the stadium-style seating and is very
close to the screen. The result is that
wheelchair users in these theaters are forced to
look up at the screen at sharp angles, often
resulting in severe discomfort and distorted
views. In addition, because the wheelchair
spaces are not located in the stadium-style
portion of the theater, wheelchair users are
segregated from most other patrons. The U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of New
York held that the comparable line of sight
regulation requires an analysis of viewing
angles and not just whether the sight line is
obstructed. The court concluded, however,
that Hoyts complied with the ADA because
the accessible seating, while not in the
stadium part of the theater, was still far
enough back to provide comparable sight lines
and integrated seating. On appeal the
Department argued in its amicus brief that
Hoyts wheelchair seating did not comply with
the ADA because the ADA requires
wheelchair users to be provided lines of sight
within the range of viewing angles offered to
most patrons of the cinema and seating that is
integrated into the elevated, stadium portion of
the auditorium.
** Barker v. Emory University -- The
Department filed an amicus brief in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of
Georgia arguing that campus housing is
covered by the ADA. The plaintiffs, a student
at the Emory University School of Law and a
disability rights advocacy group, sued Emory
claiming that a number of facilities on its
campus are inaccessible, including a new
student apartment complex owned and
operated by the university. Emory asked the
court to dismiss the case, arguing that the
apartment complex and other dormitories on
campus are not covered by title III of the ADA
because they are “strictly residential.” The
Department’s amicus brief argued that the
apartment complex and other dormitories on
campus are covered by title III as places of
public accommodation because they are
facilities, privileges, advantages and
accommodations of a “place of education.”
B. Formal Settlement
The Department sometimes resolves
cases without filing a lawsuit by means of
formal written settlement agreements.
Title II
** More Project Civic Access Agreements --
The Department has signed two additional
agreements under the Department’s Project
Civic Access initiative, a wide-ranging effort
to ensure that cities, counties, towns, and
villages comply with the ADA. Project Civic
Access is dedicated to removing barriers to all
aspects of civic life, including courthouses,
libraries, polling places, police stations, and
parks. The new agreements cover --
Bismarck, North Dakota; and
Burlington, Vermont
Fifty-two agreements have been signed to
date. They require communities, depending
on local circumstances, to --
Improve access to programs at city and
town halls, police and fire stations,
sheriffs departments, courthouses, health
care delivery centers, childcare centers,
teen and senior activities centers,
convention centers, animal shelters,
libraries, baseball stadiums, golf course
clubhouses, and parks (including ice
skating rinks, skateboard rinks, public
pools, playgrounds, ball fields and
bleachers, and band shells);
Alter polling places and provide curbside
or absentee balloting;
Upgrade 9-1-1 emergency services for
people who use TTY’s;
Install assistive listening systems in
legislative chambers, courtrooms, and
municipal auditoriums; and
Provide delivery systems and time frames
for providing auxiliary aids, including
sign language interpreters and materials in
Braille, large print, or on cassette tapes.
New Hanover Regional Medical Center,
New Hanover, North Carolina --The
Department reached an agreement with the
New Hanover Regional Medical Center
resolving a complaint that the Centers
hospital did not have an operating TTY for
public use in its facility. The Center agreed to
provide TTY’s in public area telephone banks,
areas adjacent to the emergency department,
and on request in patient rooms. The Center
also agreed to post signs indicating the
location of available TTY’s for members of
the public who are deaf or hard of hearing and
to pay $2,500 to the complainant.
Red Bank, New Jersey -- The Department
entered into an agreement with the Borough
of Red Bank requiring it to ensure the
accessibility of its programs in a wide range
of facilities, including a library, senior center,
parks, parking lots, and municipal offices.
Red Bank also agreed to provide effective
communication, including appropriate
auxiliary aids and services, implement an
ADA grievance procedure, and publish a
notice informing the public of its ADA rights.
Guernsey County, Ohio -- The Department
of Justice reached an agreement with
Guernsey County, Ohio, to ensure that county
programs, services, and activities are
accessible to persons with disabilities. The
county agreed to make physical changes to a
wide range of facilities, including the law
enforcement center, the county fairgrounds,
the engineers office building, the county
courthouse, the water department, the dog
pound, and the human services and health
buildings. In addition, the settlement requires
Guernsey County to ensure compliance of its
new senior citizens center with the new
construction requirements of the ADA
Standards for Accessible Design. The county
also agreed to adopt policies and procedures
for providing accessibility and
accommodations in the county court system
and establish an ADA grievance procedure.
Laramie, Wyoming -- The Department
entered into a settlement agreement with
Laramie, Wyoming, to ensure that persons
who use wheelchairs are provided the same
level of access to the city’s “Skate Park” (used
by skateboarders) as the general public. The
city agreed to provide an accessible route from
the street and the parking lot to the park.
Essex County, New Jersey -- The Department
entered into an agreement with Essex County,
New Jersey, resolving a complaint alleging
that the county courthouse complex is not
accessible to people with mobility
impairments. The county agreed to provide
accessible parking, signage, public telephones,
interior doors, and toilet rooms. The
agreement also requires the county to provide
five designated accessible courtrooms with
designated accessible seating and access to
jury and witness boxes. In addition, the
county agreed to make universal lift keys
available to the public at each public entrance
to provide independent operation of platform
lifts; implement procedures to allow
individuals with mobility impairments who are
visiting inmates housed at the detention center
to utilize an alternate accessible visitation
room; and provide signage indicating the
location of accessible courtrooms and
courtrooms equipped with assistive listening
** Quincy, Massachusetts -- The Department
reached an agreement with Quincy,
Massachusetts, to improve accessibility at a
wide range of municipal facilities, including
city hall, libraries, community and health
centers, police headquarters, and
administrative offices at a commercial mall.
The city agreed to make physical
modifications so that parking, entrances,
public telephones, restrooms, service and
concession counters, drinking fountains, park
picnic tables and ball fields, and police
holding cells are accessible; install an assistive
listening system in the police training
academy; establish procedures and sources for
providing auxiliary aids and services to ensure
effective communication; adopt
and publicize an ADA grievance
procedure; and provide
directional signage and
information about the city’s
accessible entrances, programs,
services, and activities.
Department of Parks and Recreation,
Indianapolis, Indiana -- The U.S. Attorney’s
Office for the Southern District of Indiana
entered into an agreement with the
Indianapolis Department of Parks and
Recreation resolving a complaint filed by a
golfer who alleged that the city’s Eagle Creek
Golf Course violated the ADA because of an
inadequate number of accessible parking
spaces, inaccessible features in its clubhouse,
and the failure to provide an accessible golf
cart. In order to ensure program accessibility,
the city, which owns and operates 13 public
courses, agreed to purchase and provide two
different models of individual golf carts that
permit a golfer to play from a seated position.
These carts will be available at any of the city
courses upon advance request and will be
rented for the same price as a regular golf cart.
The city also agreed to monitor demand for
the accessible carts and, if at the end of the
2003 golfing season the number of requests
exceeds supply, the city will purchase
additional carts. In addition, the city modified
parking lots at all 13 city-owned courses to
provide accessible parking, and at Eagle Creek
agreed to install appropriate signage in the
snack bar area and train snack bar staff on
their ADA obligations.
Superior Court, Windsor County, Vermont --
The Department entered into a settlement
agreement with Windsor County Superior
Court resolving a complaint by a deaf
individual that he lost his case because the
court did not provide a sign language
interpreter at a hearing. The court agreed to
implement a policy on ensuring effective
communication, including providing
appropriate auxiliary aids and services, and to
train its personnel on the
requirements of the policy. The
court will also publish a notice on
hearing notices, jury summons,
witness subpoenas, and other
documents explaining how to
request accommodations.
Mayfield Village, Ohio -- The Department
entered an agreement requiring Mayfield
Village, Ohio, to make the programs, services,
and activities conducted at its community
building accessible to people with disabilities.
The village agreed to install accessible
parking spaces with appropriate signage and
provide accessible entrances and toilet rooms
at the building.
Sheriffs Office, Walton County, Georgia --
The Department reached an agreement with
the Walton County Sheriffs Office resolving a
complaint alleging a failure to provide a sign
language interpreter for communicating with a
deaf individual arrested and held in jail. The
settlement requires the sheriffs office to
implement a policy for providing appropriate
auxiliary aids and services when necessary to
ensure effective communication with inmates,
detainees, arrestees, and members of the
Mason Municipal Court, Warren County,
Ohio -- The Department entered an agreement
with the Mason Municipal Court resolving a
complaint by a criminal defendant alleging
difficulties in obtaining a free oral interpreter
at trial. The court agreed to establish a policy
for providing appropriate auxiliary aids to
ensure effective communication with people
who are deaf or hard of hearing and to train its
staff on implementing the policy.
Title III
Days Inn, Mountain City, Tennessee -- Days
Inn of Mountain City, Tennessee, agreed to
remove barriers in four guestrooms to ensure
that they are fully accessible to people with
mobility impairments and to people who are
deaf or hard of hearing. The hotel also will
maintain a TTY at the facility’s front desk and
train employees on TTY etiquette and the
availability and proper installation of TTY’s,
portable visual alarms, and visual notification
devices for guest rooms.
New Hampshire Speedway, Loudon, New
Hampshire -- The U.S. Attorney’s Office for
the District of New Hampshire reached a
settlement agreement to improve accessibility
at the New Hampshire Speedway. The
Speedway hosts several motorcycle and auto
races each year, including two annual
NASCAR-sponsored events that each draw
more than 100,000 persons to the track. As a
result of the U.S. Attorney’s compliance
review and settlement, New Hampshire
Speedway, Inc., has installed the appropriate
number of accessible parking spaces, provided
accessible shuttles from remote parking lots,
lowered 11 concession stand counters,
extensively modified 11 restrooms to be more
accessible, and provided wheelchair seating
locations equal to one percent of total seating
in altered grandstand areas.
Cock and Bull Restaurant, Lahaska,
Pennsylvania -- An individual with multiple
sclerosis who uses a service animal for
balance and mobility assistance complained
that the Cock and Bull Restaurant required her
to leave the restaurant because of her service
animal. The restaurant agreed to adopt a
policy allowing customers to be accompanied
by service animals. It also agreed to post the
new policy in a conspicuous place in the
restaurant, provide annual ADA training to its
employees, and update its employee handbook
to include a section on service animals. In
addition the restaurant agreed to pay the
complainant $2,500 in damages.
Tracy’s Hair and Sun Stop, Lewisburg,
Tennessee -- The Department entered into a
settlement agreement with Tracy’s Hair and
Sun Stop, a newly constructed and altered
beauty shop and tanning salon, to correct
violations of the ADAs Standards for
Accessible Design. The settlement requires
the salon to provide a van-accessible parking
space close to the entrance, install a ramp and
modify the doorway to make the entrance
accessible, and provide an accessible unisex
toilet room.
Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu,
California -- The Department entered into a
settlement agreement with the Hughes
Research Laboratories in order to ensure
compliance with the alterations and new
construction requirements of the ADA
Standards for Accessible Design. Hughes
agreed to modify two newly constructed
facilities to make certain exterior elements
accessible, including parking, curb ramps,
ramps, and platform lifts. Hughes will also
modify interior elements to be accessible,
including signage at permanent rooms, visual
and audible alarms, toilet rooms, toilet stalls,
dispensers, hand rails, public telephones,
drinking fountains, door hardware, doorway
clear opening width, and maneuvering space
at doorways.
C. Other Settlements
The Department resolves numerous
cases without litigation or a formal
settlement agreement. In some instances,
the public accommodation, commercial
facility, or State or local government
promptly agrees to take the necessary
actions to achieve compliance. In others,
extensive negotiations are required.
Following are some examples of what has
been accomplished through informal
Title II
An individual who uses a wheelchair
complained that a Washington municipality
failed to provide program accessibility when it
refused to remove architectural barriers to
public parking facilities. The city installed
accessible parking spaces and an accessible
An individual with severe attention deficit-
hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder
complained that an Idaho county sheriffs
department failed to provide effective
communication, resulting in an undeserved
arrest. The sheriffs department agreed to
train its supervisors and managers on the ADA
and adopted a policy on effective
communication for people with sensory
A deaf individual complained that a California
city police department did not provide a TTY
for public use although public voice
telephones were available. The police
department installed TTY’s for public use in
its jail and public lobbies.
A wheelchair user complained that a Texas
city police department building was not
accessible. The police department completed
construction on a new police department
building with accessible parking spaces,
accessible routes of travel, accessible
entrances, a unisex public restroom, accessible
service counters, accessible door hardware,
and appropriate signage throughout the
A deaf individual complained that an Illinois
county court failed to provide her with a sign
language interpreter and that some of the
court’s interpreters were not qualified. The
court hired a full-time sign language
interpreter who also provides ADA training to
court employees. The court established a
roster of other qualified interpreters to provide
services on an as-needed basis.
Title III
An Ohio couple complained that a nationally
recognized suites-only hotel lacked an
adequate number of accessible guestrooms,
accessible parking spaces, and had no policy
for making and holding accessible
reservations. The hotel modified its
reservations policy, added accessible parking
spaces and guestrooms, provided the
complainants with a free weekend stay,
refunded charges from an earlier visit, and
issued a letter of apology.
An individual with multiple sclerosis
complained that a Florida restaurant denied
him access because of his service animal. The
restaurant agreed to post signs welcoming
individuals with disabilities and their service
An individual who uses a wheelchair
complained that a Washington, D.C.,
radiology practice failed to provide adequate
assistance to help her transfer from her
wheelchair to an examination table. The
practice purchased an additional height-
adjustable examination table and designated
three lead medical assistants as ADA patient
advocates to help patients with mobility
disabilities receive services as quickly and
efficiently as possible.
A California resident with paraplegia
complained that a large insurance company
denied him a supplemental life insurance
policy because of his disability. The insurance
company agreed to provide the supplemental
A deaf individual complained that a Texas
hospital did not ensure effective
communication for persons who are deaf or
hard of hearing. The hospital entered into a
new contract for sign language interpreting
services, purchased six new TTY’s, changed
the hospital patient guide to inform patients
and their companions of the services available
to persons with hearing and speech
impairments, and updated its policies on
providing auxiliary aids and services in order
to ensure effective communication.
II. Mediation
Under a contract with the
Department of Justice, The Key Bridge
Foundation receives referrals of
complaints under titles II and III for
mediation by professional mediators who
have been trained in the legal
requirements of the ADA. An increasing
number of people with disabilities and
disability rights organizations are
specifically requesting the Department to
refer their complaints to mediation. More
than 450 professional mediators are
available nationwide to mediate ADA
cases. Over 75 percent of the cases in
which mediation has been completed
have been successfully resolved.
Following are recent examples of results
reached through mediation.
In Pennsylvania, an individual with a
disability complained that police cars were
being parked overnight in accessible
spaces in the police station parking lot.
The town council agreed to fine police
officers or municipal workers who
inappropriately used accessible parking
spots and apologized to the complainant.
A father of a child with multiple
disabilities complained that a Virginia
barber refused to cut his son’s hair
because of his disabilities. The owner of
the barber shop dismissed the barber
involved, placed the manager on an unpaid
leave of absence, and required the
manager to attend a customer relations
course at a local community college. The
owner also agreed to pay the child’s father
In Pennsylvania, a wheelchair user
complained that a building owner refused
to construct a ramp to provide access to a
dental office in the building. The owner
constructed the ramp.
In Florida, an individual with a respiratory
disability complained that a hospital that
offered outpatient physical therapy and
other medical services did not have
enough accessible parking spaces. When
the complaint was initiated, the hospital
had 27 accessible parking spaces, and
added 18 more prior to the mediation. The
hospital agreed to construct an additional
19 accessible parking spaces.
An individual with a disability that limits
his ability to travel complained that a New
Jersey county refused to change its
requirement that he appear in person at the
county seat to be sworn in as a notary
public. The county agreed to modify its
policy so that, upon request, the county
clerk will make arrangements necessary to
provide access to the oath administration
process. In this case, the county agreed to
send a deputy to the complainant’s town to
administer the oath.
In California, a parent of an adolescent
with Down Syndrome alleged that an
entertainment facility refused to modify its
ticketing policy that required persons with
lottery-awarded wristbands to proceed
unaccompanied to the ticket window to
purchase their one allotted ticket. The
arena modified its policy to allow persons
with disabilities to be accompanied if
needed. It also agreed to post the policy
change on its web site and in its handout
materials and to train its staff on the
requirements of the ADA. In addition the
arena apologized to the parent, provided
four complimentary tickets to each of four
upcoming events, and made a donation of
$500 to a charitable organization identified
by the parent.
In Mississippi, a person with a mobility
disability complained that she was unable
to reach the courtroom at her local
courthouse because the elevator was not
working, the only available access to the
second floor was by two flights of stairs,
and courthouse staff would not assist her.
Court officials agreed to schedule the
work needed to repair the elevator and, in
the meantime, to provide an accessible
courtroom on the first floor upon request
and to require staff to help people with
disabilities reach the appropriate
A person with a mobility disability
complained that the entrance to a
Mississippi discount department store was
blocked with shopping carts and that there
was no way for a wheelchair user to get
through the store because merchandise
crowded the aisles. The store agreed to
keep the aisles clear of merchandise and to
maintain a clear path of travel on
sidewalks around the store and at its
In California, a person with a mobility
impairment complained that a hotel and
conference center failed to provide the
accessible room she had previously
reserved. The hotel joined a national
reservation system that eliminates the
double booking of accessible rooms. The
hotel also trained its staff on the ADA,
developed an emergency evacuation plan
for guests with disabilities, and agreed to
make its guest transportation services
accessible. The complainant was
reimbursed $809 and received $2,500 in
cash and $2,500 in gift certificates from
the hotel. The hotel also paid $694 to
another guest traveling with the
In Pennsylvania, a wheelchair user
complained that a small taxi company
stopped providing him with rides, telling
him his manual wheelchair was too heavy
for the driver to stow in the trunk. The
taxi service agreed to make reasonable
policy modifications to provide accessible
service to wheelchair users and made a
special arrangement for one employee
who, due to a disability, could not lift the
chair in question into the trunk. This
employee could easily fold and roll the
chair into the back seat of the taxi and
secure it with a seat belt. The complainant
agreed this was a workable resolution of
his complaint.
III. Technical Assistance
The ADA requires the Department of
Justice to provide technical assistance to
businesses, State and local governments,
and individuals with rights or
responsibilities under the law. The
Department provides education and
technical assistance through a variety of
means to encourage voluntary
compliance. Our activities include
providing direct technical assistance and
guidance to the public through our ADA
Information Line, ADA Home Page, and Fax
on Demand, developing and disseminating
technical assistance materials to the
public, undertaking outreach initiatives,
and coordinating ADA technical assistance
ADA Home Page -- ada.gov
The ADA Home Page is operated by the
Department on the Internet’s World Wide Web
at ada.gov. The home page provides
information about --
the toll-free ADA Information Line,
the Department’s ADA enforcement
the ADA technical assistance program,
certification of State and local building
proposed changes in ADA regulations
and requirements, and
the ADA mediation program.
The home page also provides direct access to --
electronic versions of the ADA
Standards for Accessible Design,
including illustrations and
hyperlinked cross-references,
ADA regulations and technical
assistance materials (which may be
viewed online or downloaded for
later use),
on-line ordering of the ADA
Technical Assistance CD-ROM,
Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) ADA materials, including
technical assistance letters, and
links to the Department’s press
releases and Internet home pages
of other Federal agencies that
contain ADA information.
ADA Information Line
The Department of Justice operates a toll-
free ADA Information Line to provide
information and publications to the public
about the requirements of the ADA.
Automated service, which allows callers
to listen to recorded information and to
order publications for delivery by mail or
fax, is available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. ADA specialists are
available on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30 a.m.
until 5:30 p.m. and on Thursday from
12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
to answer questions about the ADAs
requirements and how they apply to
specific situations. Spanish language
service is also available.
To obtain general ADA information, get
answers to technical questions, order free
ADA materials, or ask about filing a
complaint, please call:
800-514-0301 (voice)
800-514-0383 (TTY)
ADA Fax On Demand
The ADA Information Line Fax Delivery
Service allows the public to obtain free ADA
information by fax 24 hours a day, seven days
a week. By calling the number above and
following the directions, callers can select
from among 34 different ADA technical
assistance publications and receive the
information, usually within minutes, directly
on their fax machines or computer fax/
modems. A list of available documents and
their code numbers may also be ordered
through the ADA Information Line.
Publications and Documents
Copies of the Department’s ADA regulations
and publications, including the Technical
Assistance Manuals for titles II and III, can be
obtained by calling the ADA Information
Line, visiting the ADA Home Page, or writing
to the address listed below. All materials are
available in standard print as well as large
print, Braille, audiotape, or computer disk for
persons with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section - NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530
Some publications are available in foreign
languages. For further information please call
the ADA Information Line.
Copies of the legal documents and settlement
agreements mentioned in this publication can
be obtained by writing to --
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
FOIA Branch, NALC Room 311
Washington, D.C. 20530
Fax: 202-514-6195
Currently, the FOI/PA Branch maintains
approximately 10,000 pages of ADA material.
The records are available at a cost of $0.10
per page (first 100 pages free). Please make
your requests as specific as possible in order
to minimize your costs.
The FOI/PA Branch also provides access to
ADA materials on the World Wide Web
(www.usdoj.gov/crt/foia/records.htm). A link
to search or visit this website is provided from
the ADA Home Page.
IV. Other Sources of ADA Information
The Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission offers technical assistance to the
public concerning the employment provisions
of title I of the ADA.
ADA publications
800-669-3362 (voice)
800-800-3302 (TTY)
ADA questions
800-669-4000 (voice)
800-669-6820 (TTY)
The Federal Communications Commission
offers technical assistance to the public
concerning the communication provisions of
title IV of the ADA.
ADA publications and questions
888-225-5322 (voice)
888-835-5322 (TTY)
U.S. Department of Transportation,
Federal Transit Administration
ADA Assistance Line for regulations
and complaints
888-446-4511 (voice/relay)
The U.S. Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compliance Board, or Access
Board, offers technical assistance to the
public on the ADA Accessibility Guidelines.
ADA publications and questions
800-872-2253 (voice)
800-993-2822 (TTY)
The Disability and Business Technical
Assistance Centers are funded by the U.S.
Department of Education through the National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDRR) in ten regions of the
country to provide resources and technical
assistance on the ADA.
ADA technical assistance
800-949-4232 (voice & TTY)
Project ACTION is funded by the U.S.
Department of Transportation to provide ADA
information and publications on making
transportation accessible.
Information on accessible transportation
800-659-6428 (voice/relay)
202-347-3066 (voice)
202-347-7385 (TTY)
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is
a free telephone consulting service funded by
the U.S. Department of Labor. It provides
information and advice to employers and
people with disabilities on reasonable
accommodation in the workplace.
Information on workplace accommodation
800-526-7234 (voice & TTY)
V. How to File Complaints
Title I
Complaints about violations of title I
(employment) by units of State and
local government or by private
employers should be filed with the
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. Call 800-669-4000
(voice) or 800-669-6820 (TTY) to
reach the field office in your area.
Titles II and III
Complaints about violations of title II by
units of State and local government or
violations of title III by public
accommodations and commercial facilities
should be filed with --
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section - NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530
If you wish your complaint to be
considered for referral to the Department’s
ADA Mediation Program, please mark
“Attention: Mediation” on the outside of the
The Attorney General has determined that publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public
business required by law of the Department of Justice.