B.D. Lawson and O.B. Armitage
Weather Guide
Canadian Forest Fire
Danger Rating System
for the
The Northern Forestry Centre is one of ve centres of the Canadian Forest Service, which has its headquarters
in Ottawa, Ontario. This centre undertakes the regional delivery of national projects.
The Canadian Forest Service’s main objective is research in support of improved forest management for
economic, social, and environmental benets to all Canadians.
Le Centre de foresterie du Nord constitue l’un des cinq établissements du Service canadien des forêts,
dont l’administration centrale est à Ottawa (Ontario). Le Centre entreprend la réalisation régionale de projets
Le Service canadien des forêts sintéresse surtout à la recherche en vue d’améliorer l’aménagement forestier
an que tous les Canadiens puissent en proter aux points de vue économique, social et environnemental.
Weather Guide for the
Canadian forest fire danGer ratinG system
B.D. Lawson
and O.B. Armitage
Canadian Forest Service
Northern Forestry Centre
1, 2
Ember Research Services Ltd., 4345 Northridge Cres., Victoria, British Columbia V8Z 4Z4.
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2008
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service
Northern Forestry Centre
5320 - 122 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 3S5
Catalogue No. Fo134-8/2008E-PDF
ISBN 978-1-100-11565-8
ISSN 0831-8247
For an electronic version of this report, visit the Canadian Forest Service
Bookstore at http://bookstore.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Lawson, B. D.
Weather guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
[electronic resource] / B.D. Lawson and O.B. Armitage.
Includes bibliographical references.
Electronic monograph in PDF format.
ISBN 978-1-100-11565-8
Cat. no.: Fo134-8/2008E-PDF
1. Fire weather--Canada.
2. Forest meteorology--Canada.
3. Forest fire forecasting--Canada.
4. Fire risk assessment--Canada.
5. Forest fires--Canada--Prevention and control.
I. Armitage, O. B.
II. Northern Forestry Centre (Canada)
III. Title.
SD421.37 L38 2008 363.370971 C2009-980001-2
Lawson, B.D.; Armitage, O.B. 2008. Weather guide for the Canadian
Forest Fire Danger Rating System. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For.
Serv., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB.
The Weather Guide for the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
is intended primarily for operational wildland fire management personnel
and forest fire weather practitioners responsible for gathering, processing,
and forecasting fire weather information in support of safe and effective
suppression and use of fire. Accurate and representative weather observations
that meet prescribed standards and specifications are necessary for accurate
and representative calculation of all components of the Canadian Forest Fire
Danger Rating System. Weather-dependent components or modules are
calculated or computed for effective use of the system’s two main subsystems,
the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the Canadian
Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System. This weather guide includes
detailed specifications for locating and instrumenting fire weather stations,
taking weather observations, and overwintering the Drought Code component
of the FWI System. The sensitivity of the FWI System components to weather
elements is represented quantitatively. The importance of weather that is not
directly observable is discussed in the context of fuel moisture and fire behavior.
Current developments in the observation and measurement of fire weather
and the forecasting of fire danger are discussed, along with the implications
for the reporting of fire weather of increasingly automated fire management
information systems.
Le Guide sur les conditions météorologiques de la Méthode canadienne
d’évaluation des dangers d’incendie de forêt (MCEDIF) s’adresse principalement
au personnel chargé des opérations de gestion du feu en forêt et aux spécialistes
de l’indice forêt-météo chargés de la collecte et du traitement de l’information
sur les conditions météo propices aux incendies de forêt et de l’établissement
de prévisions à l’appui d’activités sécuritaires et efficaces de suppression et
d’utilisation du feu. Il faut disposer d’observations météorologiques précises
et représentatives, conformes aux normes prescrites et aux spécifications,
pour effectuer des calculs précis et représentatifs de toutes de toutes les
composantes de la Méthode canadienne d’évaluation des dangers d’incendie de
forêt. Les éléments ou modules tributaires des conditions météo sont calculés
de manière à permettre l’utilisation efficace des deux composantes principales
de la MCEDIF, soit la Méthode canadienne de l’indice Forêt-météo (IFM) et la
Méthode canadienne de prévision du comportement des incendies (PCI) de forêt.
Le présent guide expose notamment en détail la marche à suivre pour localiser
et instrumenter des stations météorologiques, effectuer des observations
météo et ajuster l’indice de sécheresse de la Méthode IFM en fonction des
précipitations hivernales. La sensibilité des composantes de la Méthode IFM aux
éléments météorologiques est représentée quantitativement. Le guide traite
de l’influence des conditions météo non directement observables sur l’humidité
du combustible et le comportement du feu. Il fait état des progrès en matière
d’observation et de mesure des conditions météo propices aux incendies et de
prévision du danger de feu ainsi que des incidences sur la communication des
conditions météo propices aux incendies de l’automatisation grandissante des
systèmes d’information sur la gestion du feu.
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
THE AUTHORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
THE PUBLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ELEMENTS OF FIRE WEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Relative Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Supplementary Weather Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
WEATHER OBSERVATION PRACTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Time of Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Basic Observation Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Deviations from Basic Observation Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Recording Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Precision Standards and Accuracy of Measurement . . . . . . . . . 12
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Relative Humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Sudden Weather Changes during the Afternoon . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Seasonal Start-up and Shut-down of Calculations . . . . . . . . . . 14
Missing Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Effect of Surrounding Terrain on Measured Wind Speed . . . . . . . 16
FIRE WEATHER STATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Location Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Instrument Shelters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Equipment for Measuring Temperature and Relative Humidity . . . 20
Equipment for Measuring Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Equipment for Measuring Rain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Automatic Weather Stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fire Weather Station Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Distribution of Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Interpolation of Fire Weather Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Supplementary Fire Weather Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
DROUGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Drought over a Summer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Overwintering the Drought Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Ground-truthing the Drought Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
WEATHER NOT DIRECTLY OBSERVABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Low-Level Jet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Crossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Dew and Frost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Sensitivity of Fuel Moisture Codes to Weather Elements . . . . . . . 41
Fine Fuel Moisture Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Duff Moisture Code and Drought Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Sensitivity of Initial Spread Index and Predicted Rate of
Spread to Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Sensitivity of Fire Weather Index and Predicted Fire Intensity
to Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
FIRE WEATHER FORECASTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fire Weather Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Fire Danger Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Fire Behavior Forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Implications of Fire Weather: Fire Management Information
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
The Beaufort scale for estimating 10-m open wind speeds1. . . . . . 57
Comparison of hourly and diurnal models for the fine fuel 2.
moisture code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Latitude considerations in adapting the Canadian Forest Fire 3.
Weather Index System for use in other countries . . . . . . . . 67
Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS).1. 1
Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System.2. . . . . 2
Schematic diagram for calculating the six standard components 3.
of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. . . . . . . . . . 6
Daily patterns of temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed 4.
in July for a typical continental station, Leighton Lake, B.C.. . . . . . 7
Reduction of surface wind speeds according to roughness of 5.
surrounding terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Fire weather station in large clearing on open level ground..6. . . . . 18
Stevenson screen, on an open framework stand that is staked 7.
to the ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Portable electric fan psychrometer, with battery-powered fan 8.
and wet-and dry-bulb thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Hygrothermograph mounted in separate screen with 9.
double-louvered sides and double roof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Standard anemometer height: 10 m, if the clearing is large 10.
enough that nearest timber edge is a distance of at least 5 times
the height of the trees away from the mast. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Anemometer height adjusted for uneven ground or brush.11. . . . . . 22
Automatic fire weather station showing typical configuration of 12.
sensors, power supply, data storage, and communication. . . . . . 24
Placement of fire weather stations in hilly or mountainous terrain.13. . 28
Quick-deploy automatic weather station with nonstandard-height 14.
anemometer requiring wind speed adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . 31
Calibration curves for forest floor moisture content as a function of 15.
Drought Code (DC): national standard, coastal British Columbia
cedar–hemlock (CWH) forests, southern interior British Columbia
forests, and southern Yukon white spruce forests. . . . . . . . . . 35
Diurnal trends of temperature and relative humidity in which for 16.
a portion of the day the relative humidity is equal to or less than
the air temperature, termed “crossover”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Sling psychrometer from belt-mounted weather kit used for local 17.
measurements of wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures and
calculation of relative humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Effects of today’s noon temperature on Fine Fuel Moisture 18.
Code (FFMC) for three levels of yesterday’s FFMC. . . . . . . . . . 42
Effects of today’s noon relative humidity on Fine Fuel Moisture 19.
Code (FFMC) for three levels of yesterday’s FFMC. . . . . . . . . . 42
Effects of today’s noon wind speed on Fine Fuel Moisture Code 20.
(FFMC) for three levels of yesterday’s FFMC.. . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Change in yesterday’s Duff Moisture Code (DMC), given today’s 21.
noon temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Change in yesterday’s Duff Moisture Code (DMC), given today’s 22.
noon relative humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Change in yesterday’s Drought Code (DC), given today’s noon 23.
temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Fire Weather Index (FWI) Initial Spread Index (ISI), Fire Behavior 24.
Prediction (FBP) ISI, and rate of spread for fuel type C-3 (mature
jack or lodgepole pine) as a function of wind speed. . . . . . . . . 46
Fire Weather Index (FWI) and fire intensity for fuel type C-3 25.
(mature jack or lodgepole pine) as a function of wind speed. . . . . 48
Physical properties of forest floor layers associated with the fuel 1.
moisture codes of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System . . 3
Recovery of Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) after rain with three 2.
levels of temperature (temp.), relative humidity (RH), or wind
speed (WS), with starting FFMC of 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Effect of wind on Initial Spread Index (ISI)3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Threshold rain values for fuel moisture codes4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Effects of rain on the fuel moisture codes5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Average hourly rates of change of temperature, relative humidity 6.
(RH), and wind speed at noon local standard time for select stations 10
Recommended height of anemometer for small clearings7. . . . . . . 22
Wind speed adjustment factors for anemometer mast height less 8.
than 12 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
User-selected values and criteria for equation 2 constants a and 9.
b, overwintering the Drought Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
For nearly 30 years the publication Weather in
the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
A User Guide to National Standards and
Practices (Turner and Lawson 1978) has served
as the primary reference for the collection of fire
weather data in Canada.
Although the basic weather inputs into the
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
(CFFDRS) have changed little, data collection
technology has moved forward significantly over
the years. In addition, continued research and
technical observations related to the CFFDRS
have increased our understanding of the
interactions among weather, forest fuels, and fire
behavior, which form the basis of the system.
These observations have been published in a
variety of documents. As a result, it has become
increasingly difficult for practitioners to keep
abreast of recent developments and to readily
access the information that could be useful to
In 2006 the Forest and Fire Meteorology
Working Group, operating under the mandate
of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre,
proposed to update the 1978 document to bring
it into line with current technology and practices
and to reflect recent scientific findings. In
addition, the group sought to expand the scope
of the guide so that it would become a general
reference for issues relating to fire weather and
fuel moisture as they apply to the CFFDRS.
The goal was to produce a consolidated,
up-to-date reference for this material, which
would be useful for both new and experienced
practitioners, as well as other interested parties.
Consequently, the document has been published
electronically in a form that will facilitate the
incorporation of updates and new findings as
they become available.
Forest and Fire Meteorology Working Group,
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, 2007
The Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating
System (CFFDRS) encompasses a number
of publications that document equations and
interpretive material defining and describing this
national danger rating system, which have been
approved by the Canadian Forest Service (CFS).
At present, these publications are physically
available in a three-ring binder titled “Canadian
Forest Fire Danger Rating System–Users’
The publication covering fire weather matters
related to the CFFDRS that is currently included
in the CFFDRS user’s guide is titled Weather in
the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
A User Guide to National Standards and
Practices, by J.A. Turner (deceased 1979) and
B.D. Lawson (former member of the CFS Fire
Danger Group, retired from CFS in 1996). This
regional publication (CFS Information Report
BC-X-177, 1978; also available in French) has
served as a national weather guide for many
years, but has gradually become outdated
because of technological and scientific changes
in the collection and management of weather
data, the computation of components of the
danger rating system, and some of the CFFDRS
components themselves. An abbreviated
version of the 1978 publication was included as
Chapter 12 (in Part B, Forest Fire Meteorology) of
Environment Canada’s Forest Fire Management:
Meteorology A Training Manual (Environment
Canada 1987).
Canadian Forestry Service. 1987. Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System – Users’ Guide. Can. For. Serv., Fire Danger Group. [Ottawa,
ON.] Three-ring binder (unnumbered publ.).
Considerable work toward a national weather
guide was done by the CFS in 1984, with
extensive suggestions for revisions to BC-X-177
being submitted by M.E. Alexander, Northern
Forestry Centre, and others. In the preparation
of the new weather guide, B.D. Lawson obtained
these paper files from CFS and reviewed them,
along with new comments from B.M. Wotton,
Great Lakes Forestry Centre.
Like its predecessor, the new weather guide
will assist those responsible for establishing fire
weather stations for danger rating networks
and operating short-term applications such as
campaign wildfires
and prescribed burns. This
weather guide specifies the standards required
for the basic fire weather observations that are
used to calculate components of the Canadian
Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the
Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP)
System, the two principal subsystems of the
The weather guide also provides procedures
and adjustments for nonstandard weather
situations and weather-recording practices that
should be of interest to all fire weather observers.
The weather guide does not, however, include
an availability list for weather instrumentation
availability, nor is it a detailed instruction manual
for taking weather observations with specific
Although this weather guide references the
Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices
of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO
1968), it deviates in one important respect from
the WMO-recommended standard for a clearing
size for a forestry weather station, as follows.
In its original publication, the WMO (1968)
stated that, “current information suggests that
the diameter of the clearing should be at least 10
times, preferably 20 times the tree height of the
surrounding forest.In a 1982 supplement (WMO
1982), the WMO revised its recommendation on
clearing size, stating that “to minimize the effect
of forest vegetation on air flow, the anemometer
mast should be located in the centre of an
opening in the forest with diameter of at least 20
times the height of the surrounding trees.This
larger recommended clearing size was retained
by WMO in its 1993 forestry supplement (WMO
1993). However, for continuity with established
CFS practice, the current weather guide retains
the long-standing recommendation for forest
fire weather station clearings in Canada that the
anemometer be located in the centre of a clearing
with diameter at least 10 times the height of the
surrounding trees.
A campaign re is “a re of such size, complexity and/or priority that its extinction requires a large organization, high resource
commitment, signicant expenditure, and prolonged suppression activity (synonym: project re). Merrill, D.F.; Alexander, M.E. 1987.
Glossary of forest re management terms. 4th Ed. Natl. Res. Counc. Can., Can. Comm. For. Fire Manag., Ottawa, ON. Publ. NRCC 26516.
The authors acknowledge Nick Nimchuk,
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development,
Forest Protection Division, and Eric Meyer,
British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range,
Protection Program, who spearheaded the effort
to update the old weather guide. Together, they
initiated support for the project at the national
level and secured the necessary contract funding
from their respective provincial fire management
agencies. A project to update the weather guide
was proposed and approved by the Forest and
Fire Meteorology Working Group, Canadian
Interagency Forest Fire Centre, which was
chaired at the time by Nick Nimchuk.
Gordon Miller, former director general, and
Brenda Laishley, head of Publications, Northern
Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service,
facilitated the publication process.
Alice Solyma, librarian, Pacific Forestry Centre,
Canadian Forest Service, helpfully provided out-
of-print versions of the World Meteorological
Organization standards.
We are indebted to Marty Alexander, senior
fire behavior research officer, Northern Forestry
Centre, Canadian Forest Service, for his extensive
suggestions for updating the weather guide,
and for contributing an appendix on latitude
considerations, which will allow the Canadian
Forest Fire Weather Index System to be adapted
for use in other countries.
We sincerely thank the following reviewers
for their constructive contributions: Richard Carr,
Roger Desjardins, Bill Droog, Mike Flannigan,
Jim Goosen, Ben Janz, Nathalie Lavoie, Rob
McAlpine, and Mike Wotton.
Bruce Lawson retired from the Canadian
Forest Service (CFS) in 1996 after 30 years as
a forest fire research officer and head of the
Pacific and Yukon regional fire program. He
was a member of the CFS Fire Danger Group,
contributing research and technology transfer
to the development of the Canadian Forest
Fire Weather Index System and the Canadian
Forest Fire Behavior Prediction System. In 1996,
he began consulting in forest fire science and
management, mostly with Ember Research
Services Ltd., undertaking projects in the
documentation of wildfire behavior, development
of fire management plans for parks and protected
areas, assessment of community fire risk, and
investigation of the cause and origin of fires for
court cases.
Brad Armitage started working in fire research
with the Pacific Forestry Centre of the CFS in
1989. While employed by the CFS, he worked
on a number of fire research projects, including
ignition probability modeling, FBP System
testing, prescribed burning, and site preparation.
In 1994 he started Ember Research Services
Ltd. and began consulting in forest fire science
and management for a variety of provincial and
territorial governments and for private industry
Publication of this weather guide was funded
by the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta
and by the Canadian Forest Service (CFS).
This publication is a revision of the 1978 CFS
publication BC-X-177, titled Weather in the
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System — A
User Guide to National Standards and Practices,
by J.A. Turner and B.D. Lawson. Like its
predecessor, this weather guide is intended for
nationwide use as a standard reference for fire
managers and researchers using the Canadian
Forest Fire Danger Rating System.
Weather accounts for all of the essential
inputs to the Canadian Forest Fire Weather
Index (FWI) System, and these weather inputs,
together with outputs from the FWI System,
are also required to calculate outputs from the
Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP)
System. The FWI and FBP systems are the two
principal subsystems of the Canadian Forest Fire
Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) (Fig. 1).
The four weather elements that are measured
and used as inputs to the FWI and FBP systems
(rain accumulated over 24 h, temperature,
relative humidity, and wind speed) are generally
taken daily at noon local standard time (LST)
or 1300 local daylight time (LDT). (The term
“noon” is used throughout this weather guide,
even though most of Canada now implements
daylight saving time over the entire fire season;
therefore, 1300 LDT is generally an acceptable
approximation of solar noon.)
Fire Occurrence
Fuel Moisture
Fire Behavior
(lightning and
Weather Topography Fuels
Figure 1. Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) (adapted from Stocks et al.
Figure 2. Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System (adapted from Canadian Forest Service [1984]).
The six standard components three fuel
moisture codes and three fire behavior indexes
of the FWI System (shown in Fig. 2) provide
numeric ratings of relative potential for wildland
fire. The FWI System refers primarily to a
standard pine fuel type but is useful as a general
measure of forest fire danger in Canada (Van
Wagner 1987). The three fuel moisture codes
follow daily changes in the moisture content of
three classes of forest fuel with different drying
rates. Each moisture code is calculated in two
phases one for wetting by rain and one for
drying and is arranged so that higher values
represent lower moisture contents and hence
greater flammability (Van Wagner 1987).
The Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) is a
numeric rating of the moisture content of litter
and other cured fine fuels. The FFMC is an
indicator of the relative ease of ignition and
flammability of fine fuels.
The Duff Moisture Code (DMC) is a numeric
rating of the moisture content of loosely compacted
organic (duff) layers of moderate depth. The DMC
is an indicator of fuel consumption in moderate
duff layers and medium-sized downed woody
The Drought Code (DC) is a numeric rating of
the moisture content of deep, compact organic
layers. The DC is an indicator of seasonal
drought effects on forest fuels and the amount of
smoldering in deep duff layers and large logs.
Some physical properties of the forest floor
layers associated with the three fuel moisture
codes are summarized in Table 1, where the
drying rates of DMC and DC, represented by
time lag (i.e., time to lose 1 1/e where e is
the natural base of logarithms, which has the
value of 2.7182818…or about two-thirds of the
free moisture content above equilibrium), have
been revised from those published earlier by
Van Wagner (1987).
Two intermediate fire behavior indexes
represent fire spread rate and amount of
available fuel. The Initial Spread Index (ISI)
is a numeric rating of the expected rate of fire
spread, which combines the effects of wind and
FFMC on rate of spread without the influence of
variable quantities of fuel. The Buildup Index
(BUI) is a numeric rating of the total amount of
fuel available for combustion, which combines
DMC and DC.
The final fire behavior index, the Fire Weather
Index (FWI), combines ISI and BUI to represent
the intensity of a spreading fire as energy output
rate per unit length of fire front. This numeric
rating of fire intensity is suitable as a general
index of fire danger throughout the forested
areas of Canada.
One basic value of each FWI component is
calculated per day to represent fire danger
conditions during the midafternoon peak burning
period, assuming a normal diurnal weather
pattern (Van Wagner 1987). For rainy days,
calculation of the various fuel moisture codes has
been standardized by taking into account first
the effect of the rain, and then the appropriate
degree of drying.
These six standard components of the FWI
System are predictors of daily fire potential
(Alexander and DeGroot 1988). Because one
value per day is determined for each component,
the FWI System does not indicate hour-by-hour
changes, nor does it account for variations in
fuel type from season to season or from place
to place. However, it does provide reference
scales that permit comparisons of fire danger
with other days and other locations. The FWI
System makes it possible to reconstruct past fire
danger conditions if suitable historical weather
records are available. Thus, a “fire climatology”
can be developed for comparison with known fire
activity (Turner 1973; Stocks 1974; Kiil et al.
1977; Harrington et al. 1983; Amiro et al 2004;
Parisien et al. 2004; Girardin et al. 2006; Lavoie
et al. 2007). The fuel moisture codes continue
to be studied for correlation with observed fuel
moisture content of litter and forest floor strata
within a wide range of ecosystems (Otway et al.
2007) and on burned and unburned sites (Abbott
et al. 2007a). Each fuel moisture code conveys
direct information about various aspects of
wildland fire potential. For example, fires are not
likely to spread in surface litter with an FFMC less
than about 74, the duff layer does not contribute
to frontal fire intensity until the DMC reaches 20,
and ground or subsurface fire activity tends to
persist at DC values greater than 400 (Stocks et
al. 1989).
Table 1. Physical properties of forest oor layers associated with the fuel moisture codes of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather
Index System
time lag
Litter 1.2 0.25 0.021 0.62 250 2/3
compacted duff 7 5 0.071 15 300 15
organic layer 18 25 0.139 100 400 53
Time lags of the fuel moisture codes vary with weather conditions. Tabulated values represent standard
drying conditions (temperature 21.1º C, relative humidity 45%, wind speed 13 km/h, July) and were derived
by S.W. Taylor (Canadian Forest Service [CFS]) and veried by B.M. Wotton (CFS) and C.E. Van Wagner
(CFS, retired).
FFMC = Fine Fuel Moisture Code.
DMC = Duff Moisture Code.
Differs from time lag presented in Van Wagner (1987), which is slightly in error.
DC = Drought Code.
The Daily Severity Rating (DSR) was described
by Van Wagner (1987) as an optional component
of the FWI System that is computed directly from
the FWI. The DSR weights the FWI as it rises, in
a manner deemed to reflect difficulty of control
in more direct proportion to the work required to
suppress a fire. The FWI itself is not considered
suitable for averaging and should be used only
as a simple daily value. Any averaging, whether
spatially over a number of stations on a given
day or at a single station over any period of time,
is better accomplished through the DSR.
The DSR averaged over an entire fire season
is termed the Seasonal Severity Rating (SSR),
which can be used as an objective measure of
fire weather from season to season or of fire
climate from region to region.
The standard daily FFMC describes the
afternoon state only (as forecast from noon
weather observations), and other means are
required to describe fine fuel moisture at other
times of the day. Van Wagner (1977) developed
an hourly FFMC for which hourly weather
observations are used to calculate an FFMC for
each hour around the clock. Similarly, Lawson
et al. (1996) presented look-up tables and
computer coding for a diurnal FFMC calculated
for each hour around the clock without the need
for hourly weather data. This diurnal FFMC was
an update of earlier tabular versions (Muraro et
al. 1969; Van Wagner 1972; Alexander 1982b).
Hourly and diurnal FFMC models are compared
in Appendix 2.
Currently, several Canadian fire management
agencies use the hourly FFMC, together with
hourly wind speed and direction, as inputs to the
FBP System (Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group
1992), when quantitative estimates are required
of variables such as head fire spread rate, fuel
consumption, fire intensity, and fire description
for some 16 discrete fuel types. The FBP System
is intended to supplement the experience and
judgment of operational fire managers. FBP
System applications are more site specific and
time sensitive than FWI applications. Therefore,
as noted by the Forestry Canada Fire Danger
Group (1992), the hourly FFMC computational
method is preferable for the prediction of fire
behavior to both the standard daily FFMC, which
has a standard diurnal curve embedded in it, and
the single diurnal curve in the table presented by
Van Wagner (1972). In this way, hourly weather
variations, rather than average diurnal weather
trends, can be reflected in the fire behavior
The Accessory Fuel Moisture (AFM) System
of the CFFDRS (Fig. 1) includes several fuel-
specific moisture codes of the FWI System. Two
examples illustrate the wide range of weather and
fuel characteristics covered by such nonstandard
moisture codes. First, a sun-exposed fine fuel
moisture model was developed to represent the
moisture content of reindeer lichen (Pech 1989),
for which the equilibrium moisture content with
exposure to sun is 3%−4% lower than for shaded
litter, the fuel represented by the FFMC. At the
other end of the scale for exposure of fuel to
weather elements is the sheltered duff moisture
code (Wotton et al. 2005), in which a modified
DMC represents the moisture content of forest
floor fuels adjacent to tree boles, an area where
lightning strikes usually ignite the forest floor.
These fuels are consistently lower in moisture
content than less sheltered areas of the stand,
because of greater interception of precipitation
by tree crowns. Development of the AFM System
is continuing (Alexander et al. 1996), without a
defined end point or specified official content.
The Canadian Forest Fire Occurrence
Prediction (FOP) System is envisioned as a
national framework of both lightning- and
human-caused fire components (Alexander et
al. 1996). Although elements of an FOP System
have been developed using one or more FWI
System components (Anderson 2002; Wotton
and Martell 2005), they have not yet been
implemented on a national basis to predict the
number of fires in specific areas.
Recent progress has been made on developing
probabilistic models of sustained flaming (Lawson
and Dalrymple 1998; Beverly and Wotton 2007)
and smoldering ignition (Lawson et al. 1997;
Anderson 2000; Otway et al. 2006).
Conceptually, the CFFDRS deals with the
prediction of fire occurrence and behavior from
point-source weather measurements (i.e., a
single station within a fire weather network) (Lee
et al. 2002). The system does not account for
spatial variation in weather elements between
points of measurement. Models and other
systems external to the CFFDRS must be used
to handle such interpolation (see subsection
“Implications of Fire Weather: Fire Management
Information Systems” within the section “Fire
Weather Forecasting”). However, Lee et al. (2002)
emphasized the inherent difficulty of obtaining
sufficiently accurate and timely forecasts of
the fire weather elements (most notably wind
speed), especially for rugged terrain. Those
authors also noted the resulting limitations on
any computerized decision-support systems that
depend in whole or in part on the CFFDRS as a
means of predicting wildland fire occurrence and
Computer-based fire management systems
have been used in Canada since the early
1970s (Lee et al. 2002). In 1992, the CFS
began investigating the use of geographic
information systems (GIS) for constructing
these fire management information systems,
which culminated in development of the
spatial fire management system (sFMS).
The fire-weather-related implications of this
technological advancement for the CFFDRS are
discussed later, under the heading “Implications
of Fire Weather: Fire Management Information
The development of remote automatic
weather stations (see the subsection entitled
Automatic Weather Stations” within the
section “Fire Weather Stations”) and associated
communications technology in the 1980s and
1990s permitted collection of weather data
from isolated locations in almost real time on a
provincial and even a national basis (Taylor and
Alexander 2006).
The four weather elements needed to calculate
the six components of the FWI System are rain,
temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed
(Fig. 3). These elements influence the ease with
which fires can be started, the rate of spread, and
the difficulty of controlling fires that are already
burning. Variation in day length throughout the
season affects both the DMC and the DC and is
accounted for by monthly adjustment in their
respective daily drying factors. For these two
slow-reacting moisture codes, the amount of
moisture lost daily by their representative fuels
is dependent as much on the time available as on
the noon atmospheric conditions. In contrast, the
midafternoon moisture content of the fast-drying
fuels represented by the FFMC is less dependent
on day length (Van Wagner 1987). The effect of
latitude on day length within the context of DMC
and DC drying factor adjustments for countries
at various latitudes is discussed in Appendix 3.
When wind speed is determined, wind direction
is also recorded, even though it is not required
for FWI System calculations. Wind direction is a
required input for calculations in the FBP System,
is useful for interpolation of wind speed, and is
important to those forecasting fire weather.
The noon (dry-bulb) temperature (measured
in degrees Celsius) is required for the calculation
of all three fuel moisture codes, FFMC, DMC, and
Temperature, together with relative humidity
and wind, affects the rate at which the FFMC
recovers after it has been reduced by rain.
The recovery of the FFMC for three levels of
temperature, relative humidity, and wind is
illustrated in Table 2.
Relative humidity
Wind speed
Relative humidity
Rain code
Rain code
Drying factor
Drying factor
Rain code
Wind speed
Rain Rain Rain
Figure 3. Schematic diagram for calculating the six standard components of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System (adapted from Lawson
[1977]). FFMC = Fine Fuel Moisture Code, DMC = Duff Moisture Code, DC = Drought Code, ISI = Initial Spread
Index, BUI = Buildup Index, FWI = Fire Weather Index.
Table 2. Recovery of Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) after rain with three levels of temperature (temp.), relative humidity
(RH), or wind speed (WS), with starting FFMC of 70
FFMC with variable
temperature, RH = 45%,
WS = 18 km/h
FFMC with variable relative
humidity, temp. = 20 °C,
WS = 18 km/h
FFMC with variable wind
speed, temp. = 20 °C,
RH = 45%
10 °C 20 °C 30 °C 65% 45% 25% 4 km/h
0 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
1 80 84 87 79 84 88 82 84 85
2 84 87
82 87
86 87
3 85
Temperature and relative humidity are both
required for calculating the drying phase of the
DMC, whereas only temperature is needed to
calculate the drying phase of the DC. However,
the drying factors for both DMC and DC are
modified by a day-length factor that varies by
Relative Humidity
The ability of the atmosphere to retain
moisture depends in large part on atmospheric
temperature. The higher the temperature, the
more moisture the atmosphere can retain.
Relative humidity (expressed as a percentage)
is the fraction of moisture present in the
atmosphere at a given temperature relative to
the total amount of moisture that the atmosphere
could retain at that temperature. On a normal
day when no significant moisture is added or
removed from the atmosphere, relative humidity
varies with temperature in a recognizable pattern
(Fig. 4).
0100 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Temperature (ºC) / and wind speed (km/h)
Relative humidity (%)
Local standard time
Wind speed
Relative humidity
Figure 4. Daily patterns of temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed in July for a typical continental station, Leighton Lake, B.C.
In the early days of organized forest fire
control, the term “fire weather” meant “relative
humidity,and this weather element is still used
today to quickly assess fire danger. However,
the complexity of the problems that require fire
weather inputs demands a more sophisticated
approach. In particular, the FWI System requires
noon relative humidity for determination of both
Relative humidity affects the day-to-day (or
hour-to-hour, in the case of hourly FFMC) drying
rate of the FFMC in a nonlinear (logarithmic) way.
This is discussed in more detail in the section
“Sensitivity of CFFDRS Components to Weather
Changes”. Relative humidity also affects the
equilibrium moisture content (EMC), which is the
lowest moisture content that a fuel will reach for
a given combination of weather conditions. It is
useful to keep in mind that the EMC for the FFMC
covers a range that is greater than the range of
flammability; for example, the EMC at relative
humidity of 100% is 35%, which is above the
upper limit for fine fuel ignition of about 30%
moisture content, whereas the EMC at relative
humidity of 10% is about 2%–3% (Van Wagner
By contrast, the DMC is based on an
assumption of constant EMC (20%), i.e., does
not vary with relative humidity. This assumption
means that regardless of how high the DMC
climbs, the lowest level of implied forest floor
moisture is 20%. The daily drying factor that is
added to the DMC varies linearly with temperature
and relative humidity, but again, as with the
FFMC, the relation between relative humidity
and implied forest floor moisture content in the
DMC is nonlinear (logarithmic). DMC is discussed
in more detail in the subsection “Duff Moisture
Code and Drought Code.
Wind (measured in kilometers per hour)
influences the FWI System in two ways. A
relatively weak effect is felt in the daily change
in the FFMC, for which wind speed chiefly affects
the rate of recovery after rain. A much stronger
effect is built into the ISI to reflect the joint
influence of wind and moisture content of fine
surface fuels on a fire’s rate of spread.
As a rule of thumb, the ISI doubles in value
for each increase of 14 km/h in wind speed, with
FFMC held constant (Table 3). At the same time,
with wind held constant, an increase of five to
seven FFMC units is required to double the ISI
under moderate to severe conditions (Table 3).
The moisture content of forest fuels can be
raised to 300% or more by contact with liquid
water, while a maximum fiber saturation value of
about 30% for dead woody fuels in a saturated
atmosphere is possible (Schroeder and Buck
1970). Precipitation, usually in the form of rain,
is the only factor that allows FFMC to fall below
73. Expressed another way, rain is needed if fine
fuel moisture content is to exceed 31% (a value
derived from the following standard conversion
formula: moisture content [%] = 147.2 [101
FFMC]/59.5 + FFMC; if FFMC = 73, moisture
content = 31%). For further discussion on the
derivation of this equation (FFMC/MC) see Van
Wagner (1987). Rain is also the only means by
which DMC and DC can be reduced to values
lower than those recorded the previous day.
The total rainfall over 24 h (measured in
millimeters) must exceed certain threshold
amounts before it is considered to have any
effect on the moisture content of the fuels
represented by the three fuel moisture codes.
These threshold values are specific to each fuel
moisture code (Table 4). The effectiveness of
any given rainfall in reducing the value of each
moisture code varies with the amount of the
rainfall and the value of the code before the
rain started. These variations in effectiveness
are built into the FWI System to reflect what is
known about interception and rates of absorption
(Table 5). Precipitation is measured in the open,
but its effects are related to fuel moisture content
within forest stands.
From time to time during the fire season,
precipitation may occur as hail or snow. In many
cases precipitation that falls in this form will
melt in the interval between observations, so
the equivalent depth of water is entered into the
weather record as if it had been rain.
If the snow (or hail) remains on the ground
at observation time, the calculation of the
three moisture codes continues, using the
water equivalent of snow that has fallen since
the previous observation (where 1 cm of snow
= 1 mm of rain). However, the ISI and FWI
both have the value zero under these conditions
and retain this value until the snow or hail has
Table 3. Eect of wind on Initial Spread Index (ISI)
ISI at various wind speeds
77 1 2 5 9
80 2 3 6 12
83 2 4 9 17
86 3 6 13 26
89 5 10 20 40
92 7 15 30 61
95 11 23 46 93
98 17 34 68 138
FFMC = Fine Fuel Moisture Code.
Table 4. Threshold rain values for fuel moisture codes
Fuel moisture code 24−h rain (mm)
Fine Fuel Moisture Code > 0.5
Duff Moisture Code > 1.5
Drought Code > 2.8
Table 5. Eects of rain on the fuel moisture codes
Today’s rain code
(% reduction of yesterday’s value)
24-h rain
(yesterday = 90)
(yesterday = 30)
(yesterday = 100)
86 (4)
68 (24) 29 (3)
48 (47) 25 (17) 195 (3)
5.0 33 (63) 20 (33) 192 (4)
10.0 19 (79) 15 (50) 178 (11)
20.0 14 (84) 12 (60) 155 (23)
40.0 10 (89) 10 (67) 114 (43)
FFMC = Fine Fuel Moisture Code.
DMC = Duff Moisture Code.
DC = Drought Code.
Just exceeds threshold value for FFMC.
Just exceeds threshold value for DMC.
Just exceeds threshold value for DC.
Supplementary Weather Elements
Fire weather observation programs are built
around the needs and standards of the FWI
System, but additional information that is not
part of the FWI System is often required for
fire management purposes and for fire weather
forecasting. Standards for such supplementary
information are specified by individual forest
management agencies to meet regional
The following are examples of the additional
information that may be required:
Basic fire weather elements: Observations
of basic fire weather elements, including
extremes of relative humidity and
temperature, may be recorded at times
other than noon.
Wind direction: Fire weather forecasters
use wind direction to relate local wind
patterns to broad-scale wind flow and
topographic features. Wind direction is a
required input for the FBP System.
Lightning occurrence: Most of the forested
area of Canada is covered by automatic
networks for lightning detection and
location, and the data are readily accessible
to fire weather forecasters.
Cloud conditions: Information about the
development and movement of lightning-
producing clouds (Mullock 1982) and ceiling
heights may be required for deployment of
aircraft and for fire weather forecasting.
Dew: The effect of dew on fuel moisture
is generally limited and dissipates by noon
(see subsection entitled “Dew and Frost
within the section “Weather Not Directly
Upper atmosphere profiles: See subsection
entitled “Low Level Jet” within the section
“Weather Not Directly Observable.
Solar radiation: Some automatic
weather stations record the duration of
bright sunshine (defined by the World
Meteorological Organization [WMO 2006]
as direct solar irradiance > 120 W/m
The US National Fire Danger Rating System
(NFDRS) calculates 10-h fuel moisture
on the basis of solar radiation measured
hourly. Sixty 1-min samples are averaged
over a 1-h period before data transmission
(NWCG 2005).
Fuel moisture: Some automatic weather
stations have sensors that measure
variables related to the fuel moisture
content of wooden dowels (see subsection
Automatic Weather Stations” within the
section “Fire Weather Stations”). However,
the US NFDRS recommends that direct
measurements of fuel moisture sticks be
used in calculations for that system (NWCG
Snow depth: Snow depth is used for
start-up and shut-down of FWI System
calculations at the beginning and end of
each fire season.
Atmospheric pressure: Various weather
models require input of atmospheric
pressure, including adjustment of
temperature and humidity to reflect
Weather observation practices have been
carefully specified and must be followed as
closely as possible to ensure the effectiveness
of management decisions that are based on
the results. Such standards are essential for
relatively permanent fire weather stations that
form a regional network. It may be necessary to
relax the standards for short-term stations set
up to provide on-the-spot weather reporting for
specific purposes.
Time of Observations
Basic Observation Time
Weather readings are taken at “noon,
1200 LST or 1300 LDT when and where the
latter is in effect. Weather recorders should be
set to the exact hour, without correcting for “sun
noon” differences at individual weather station
Noon was chosen as the basic observation time
to ensure that weather readings are taken late
enough in the day to indicate conditions during
the period of afternoon peak fire activity but early
enough that codes, indices, and forecasts will be
available for planning and operational purposes.
Weather observations should be taken within
15 min of the specified time. If this specification
is followed, temperature, relative humidity, and
wind are unlikely to be sufficiently in error to
reduce significantly the accuracy of the FWI
System calculations (Table 6).
Table 6 shows that around noon at typical
Canadian weather stations, the temperature is
increasing by, on average, less than 1 °C per hour,
the relative humidity is dropping by less than 4%
per hour, and wind speed is increasing by about
0.5 km/h per hour. Table 6 is based on data for
all days between May and October, including
cloudy, rainy, and clear days. Somewhat larger
changes in temperature, relative humidity, and
wind speed, as much as 60% greater than the
hourly rates of change shown in Table 6, can be
expected on clear days, and of course the rates
of change for any of these weather elements
on any particular day could greatly exceed the
average shown.
Table 6. Average hourly rates of change of temperature, relative humidity (RH), and wind speed at noon local standard time
for select stations
Station Latitude Longitude
Change in
Change in
RH (%/h)
Change in wind
(km/h per
Gander, NL 48.96 −54.61 0.55 −2.6 0.66
Chatham, NB 47.00 −65.45 0.74 −3.5 0.69
Bagotville, QC 48.30 −71.00 0.70 −2.8 0.61
Kapuskasing, ON 49.42 −82.42 0.75 −2.8 0.50
The Pas, MB 53.81 −101.24 0.64 −3.2 0.42
Fort McMurray, AB 56.72 −111.40 0.89 −4.2 0.60
Prince George, BC 53.91 −122.78 0.77 −3.0 0.47
Port Hardy, BC 50.72 −127.47 0.52 −2.2 0.58
Whitehorse, YT 60.73 −135.08 0.66 −2.4 0.26
Average 0.69 −3.0 0.53
Source: Turner and Lawson (1978); reprinted with permission of Pacic Forestry Centre.
Deviations from Basic Observation Time
Deviations from the basic observation time
of 1200 LST may be specified at the regional
level for stations that are close to time zone
boundaries, are at high latitudes, or both.
Van Wagner (1987) quantified the effects
of latitude on calculated values of FFMC, DMC,
and DC. Recommended day-length factors for
DMC and seasonal adjustments for DC for more
southerly latitudes than Canada are discussed
in Appendix 3. However, Van Wagner (1987)
noted that it was fair to question whether the
FWI System should take into account the effect
of latitude within Canada on FFMC, since this
code incorporates no allowance for day length.
Van Wagner’s (1987) comparisons of standard
daily FFMC against hourly FFMC calculated from
weather observations taken at 1600 (calculated
as FFMC at 1600 minus standard FFMC) produced
discrepancies ranging from 1.1 for stations at
48° N to 2.5 for stations at 66° N.
Van Wagner proposed that the basic observa-
tion time could be delayed progressively from
noon at lower latitudes to about 1400 at higher
latitudes to eliminate much of the discrepancy in
standard daily FFMC and to accurately account
for daily peak fire danger conditions at higher
latitudes. The FFMC discrepancy occurs because
the time of maximum temperature and minimum
relative humidity in “high summer” (the several-
week period around summer solstice) is
progressively later as latitude increases. Standard
daily FFMC has a built-in forecast mechanism
that assumes that daily peak conditions occur
at 1600 h LST, but north of 60° latitude, the
daily peak of temperature and trough of relative
humidity tends to be delayed until 1800 LST or
even later, and tends to persist for longer than
the 1 h or so that is typical for midlatitudes,
particularly around high summer.
Kiil and Quintilio (1975) compared June
diurnal relative humidity cycles for a 10-year
period and found that maximum humidity
overnight was significantly lower in the Northwest
Territories than at lower latitudes. As expected,
maximum overnight temperatures were higher
at high latitudes, reflecting the absence of the
long, cool, moist nights that are common in the
south. Both Kiil and Quintilio (1975) and Ward
and Mawdsley (2000) noted that northern fires
are known to burn with high intensity around
the clock, presumably because of the combined
effects of lack of recovery of fuel moisture and
ambient weather conditions conducive to rapid
fire spread.
According to Van Wagner (1987), the
above discrepancies were not judged serious
enough to warrant an official recommendation
that procedures be revised to adjust the basic
observation time for latitude, since the standard
daily FFMC measures peak flammability
reasonably well at all latitudes.
However, one other factor contributes to the
underprediction by the FFMC of daily peak fire
danger conditions north of 60° latitude during
high summer. In the Yukon Territory and the
Northwest Territories, the basic observation time
of 1200 LST can deviate significantly from “sun
noon” (Paul 1974) because of regional adoption
of politically rather than geographically based
time zones and the longitudinal location of fire
weather stations within the time zones.
Inuvik, N.W.T., offers a good example.
Located geographically near the Arctic coast and
just east of the Yukon’s eastern boundary, Inuvik
lies two universal time zones west (i.e., behind)
the political time zone of mountain standard time
(MST) in which it functions. Universal time (UT)
is defined as “the time of the zone centred on
the zero (prime) meridian through Greenwich,
U.K., with each of the other time zones a definite
number of hours ahead or behind UT to a total of
12 hours” (Dominion Bureau of Statistics 1971).
As such, 2000 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or
20 z corresponds to mountain standard time of
1300 (i.e., z minus 7 h). Even the Pacific standard
time (PST) zone (z minus 8 h) in which British
Columbia and Yukon function is geographically
too far to the east, on the basis of universal
time (UT) zones, to capture Inuvik. Inuvik, as
well as most of the Yukon, lie geographically in
a z minus 9 h time zone that is simply not used
in Canada.
The UT zones are the idealized 24 time zones
that resulted when standard time was established
at a world conference held in Washington, D.C.,
in 1884. Ideally, each time zone covers an area
defined by two meridians of longitude 15° apart.
However, in practice, because of political and
geographic considerations, the boundaries of
individual time zones are extremely irregular,
exemplified by the pronounced extent to which
the Yukon and Northwest Territories fall within
geographically “incorrect” time zones. The
territory of Nunavut is unaffected, as western
Nunavut operates in the mountain time zone
and the central portion of the territory operates
in the central time zone, essentially a “political”
match to the correct geographic time zones.
The following compromise is recommended
to the problem of Yukon and the Northwest
Territories operating one and two time zones,
respectively, ahead of what geography alone
would dictate: for these two territories, basic
observation time for fire weather should be
moved ahead by 1 h, to 1300 PST for Yukon
and to 1300 MST for the Northwest Territories.
Although communities in the northwest portion of
the Northwest Territories (such as Inuvik) could
justify a 2-h adjustment of basic observation time,
it is assumed that such a change would introduce
additional problems, such as marked delays in
the availability of fire danger information and
significant changes to long-standing calibrations
of FWI System components.
Recording Practices
The standard noon weather observations
(rain, temperature, relative humidity, and wind)
and the FWI System calculations should be
recorded daily on a permanent monthly form.
One such form for manually recording weather
observations and table-based FWI System
calculations is provided on the inside back cover of
the FWI System tables (Canadian Forest Service
1984). However, that form does not contain
columns for remarks or other weather variables,
such as cloud cover, visibility, and maximum
and minimum temperatures. These data, which
are of value to fire weather forecasters, may
be added to forms and the relevant collection
procedures may be specified by regional fire
weather authorities.
Precision Standards and
Accuracy of Measurement
The terms accuracy, precision, and sensitivity
are all used from time to time in connection with
fire weather measurements and danger rating
scales. A few words of explanation may clear up
confusion among them.
The accuracy of a measurement is related to
the instrument or technique of measurement.
When an instrument is described as having an
accuracy of ± 5 units, this generally means that
a series of measurements of some constant
property made with the instrument were mostly
(95% of the time) within 5 units of the correct
Precision is concerned with the size of the
unit (or the number of decimal places) used
in taking and recording a given measurement.
To say that a given length is 6 m implies that
the true measurement lies somewhere between
5.5 and 6.5 m. The same length expressed as
600 cm implies a precision of 1 cm (i.e., the
measurement fell between 599.5 and 600.5).
Precision may be expressed as a fraction (e.g.,
0.5 °C) or as a round number (5%).
In general, to take full advantage of the
accuracy of a particular measuring system, the
precision is specified to the next whole unit below
the range of accuracy of the equipment. For
example, relative humidity is normally measured
and recorded to the nearest whole percent, even
though the accuracy of the equipment may be
± 5%.
Sensitivity relates to the amount of change
in a measurement or a derived index that is
produced by a given change in the property being
measured or in one of the component factors.
As such, sensitivity is a relative property. For
example, some types of relative humidity sensor
are more sensitive to changes in relative humidity
at lower values than they are near saturation.
Precision standards for recording, and the
accuracy of weather instruments required for
measuring temperature, relative humidity, wind
and rain as inputs to the CFFDRS are specified
in the subsections immediately following, while
sensitivity of calculated CFFDRS components to
weather changes is discussed in its own section.
The FWI System tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) offer the following instruction for
measuring temperature:
Observe the dry-bulb and wet-bulb
temperatures, using ventilated thermometers,
and record to at least the nearest one-half
(0.5) degree Celsius. The preferred instrument
is an electric fan psychrometer housed in a
Stevenson screen.
These instructions reflect the normal precision
required for dry-bulb temperature observations
for FWI System calculations, which is the nearest
0.5 °C. The accuracy of the thermometers
or temperature sensors should therefore be
better than this (i.e., they should be accurate to
± 0.1 °C).
Wet-bulb temperatures are measured to
the same precision, with thermometers having
comparable accuracy and response time to those
used for dry-bulb temperatures.
A precision of ± 0.5 °C for the wet- and dry-
bulb temperatures leads to a precision of ± 1 °C
in the wet-bulb depression, such that calculated
values of relative humidity from Table 10 in the
standard FWI System tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) are significant only to the nearest
Relative Humidity
The FWI System tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) give the following instructions for
measuring relative humidity:
Determine the relative humidity from dry-bulb
and wet-bulb temperatures and record to the
nearest percent. Three RH tables are included
in this publication for use within the following
elevation ranges:
RH Table Elevation (m)
10A 0 to 305
10B 306 to 760
10C 761 and higher
Use the table appropriate for the station
The general accuracy of RH values determined
from ventilated wet- and dry-bulb temperatures
will be well within the requirements for fire
weather, provided the thermometers are accurate
to the limits specified in the previous section.
Relative humidity values taken from recording
hygrographs are generally significant only to
the nearest 5%, provided conditions are not
changing rapidly. As for calculated values of
relative humidity, hygrograph readings may be
recorded to the nearest percent.
Electric fan psychrometers, either within
a Stevenson screen or as portable models,
should be run for at least 20 s before any
measurements are taken, to be sure that the
full wet-bulb depression has been reached. Sling
psychrometers must be twirled for at least 20 s to
ensure that constant values have been reached
before temperatures are read (first the wet-bulb
and then the dry-bulb temperatures). Care must
be taken to shield the unit from direct sun when
twirling and taking readings.
The FWI System Tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) give the following instructions for
measuring wind:
Measure and average wind speed over at least
a 10-minute period and record to the nearest
whole km/h. Wind speed should be measured
with a cup-type counting anemometer, not with
an instantaneous wind indicator. Preferably, the
anemometer should be located in the open at a
height of 10 m above the ground.
As noted in these instructions, wind is
usually measured by a wind vane and cup or
a propeller anemometer. Wind speed should
be recorded as an average of the preceding
10 min of observations. Modern wind-measuring
systems contain not only the sensors but also
a processing and recording system that takes
care of the averaging and which may also
compute standard deviations, extremes, and
gustiness. Peak gust is the maximum observed
wind speed over a specified time interval (e.g.,
the last full hour in an hourly weather reporting
system). Anemometers should have a response
length of less than 5 m, which is a measure of
the equipment’s responsiveness to a change in
wind speed. The 10-min averages of wind speed
should be based on 0.25-s samples.
As mentioned in the subsection “Supplemen-
tary Weather Elements” in the section “Elements
of Fire Weather,wind direction is a required in-
put to the FBP System; as such, it has become
a standard weather observation at fire weather
stations. Wind direction should be reported in
degrees, to the nearest full degree. As with wind
speed, recorded wind direction should represent
a 10-min average. Wind direction is defined as
the direction from which the wind blows, mea-
sured clockwise from geographic north (i.e., true
north). Wind direction should be measured with
an accuracy of 5°.
The FWI System Tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) provide the following instructions
for measuring rain:
Measure the rain accumulated in the 24-hour
period from noon to noon, and record to the
nearest one-fifth (0.2) mm. Locate the rain
gauge on the ground in the open.
In the case of snow, measure the average
depth in cm and record the water equivalent as
the same number of mm. For example 2.4 cm
of snow is reported as 2.4 mm of rain.
These instructions specify that rainfall is to
be measured with a precision of at least 0.2 mm.
In practice, even though the accuracy of tipping-
bucket rain gauges or manually interpreted rain-
gauge graduates is 0.2 mm, rainfall is recorded to
the nearest 0.1 mm (i.e., the next smaller unit of
precision below the accuracy of the equipment).
In the case of snow or hail and when it is
reasonable to suppose that the amount collected
in the rain gauge is an accurate sample, the
actual depth of the meltwater is used. For
heavier snowfalls or hailstorms, when the gauge
typically cannot catch a representative sample,
an average value of the depth of snow or hail on
the ground should be measured with a ruler to at
least the nearest 0.2 cm.
Sudden Weather Changes
during the Afternoon
Account must be taken of the sudden weather
changes that frequently occur on summer
afternoons; otherwise, the abrupt changes in
relative humidity or wind or the occurrence of
afternoon showers after calculation of the FWI
System components will result in misleading
information. Up to 1600 LDT, it is acceptable
to create a revised index for the day to reflect
more accurately the new weather regime. In
this situation, a new set of weather observations
should be obtained and the FWI System
components recalculated. For the purposes of this
supplementary calculation, the values calculated
at noon are ignored, and new values of FFMC,
DMC, and DC are calculated, using the previous
day’s values as the starting fuel moisture codes.
The amounts of rainfall used in the calculations
should include any rain that has fallen since
noon. This rainfall must also be included in the
24-h amount at the next regular observation,
but it is the noon fuel moisture codes that are
carried over to the next day’s calculations.
Extended periods of fog or low cloud are
reflected in the index calculations only by the
associated high relative humidity and low
temperature at observation time. As long as
the fog is present, the moisture codes may not
fully represent the true moisture content of the
fuel complex, but after one full drying period,
the moisture codes will be correct. If fog is
consistently present at the noon observation
time but clears within an hour or so, follow the
procedure outlined above, but use observations
taken after the fog has cleared.
For recording purposes, the value at noon
remains the standard observation for the day.
This will normally provide the values from which
the next day’s codes are calculated.
One basic assumption in the development of
the FWI System is that the component weather
elements follow a more or less typical diurnal
pattern, at least from late morning through late
afternoon (Fig. 4). However, in some locations,
the regular pattern is distinctly different from the
norm. Stations subject to strong sea breezes or
valley winds, which pick up after noon, present
special problems. Valley bottoms or coastal
strips subject to morning fog that persists until
noon are best handled by taking additional
If hourly weather observations are available,
it is possible to calculate FFMC for every hour
around the clock using a computer program such
as that described by Van Wagner (1977). Hourly
FFMC is recommended to establish diurnal
patterns of fire danger for unusual situations
created by latitude, elevation, coastal or valley
winds, or other factors.
Seasonal Start-up and
Shut-down of Calculations
The FWI System tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) provide the following guidance
on starting seasonal recording of weather
Start the daily record as soon as there is
measurable fire danger in the spring. The exact
date and starting values of FFMC, DMC and DC
will normally be provided by the appropriate
fire weather authorities. In the absence of such
direction, choose the starting date according to
the following criteria:
(a) In regions normally covered by snow during
the winter, begin calculations on the third day
after snow has essentially left the area to which
the fire danger rating applies.
(b) In regions where snow cover is not a
significant feature, begin calculations on the
third successive day that noon temperatures of
12 °C or higher have been recorded.
In either case, use the following starting
FFMC 85; DMC 6; DC 15
These values should not be applied to late-
starting stations. Contact the fire weather
authority for instructions.
These instructions take into account the fact
that data may be required for supplementary
stations that cannot be put into operation at
the beginning of the season. In such cases,
the regional fire weather authority should be
contacted for an estimate of the start-up code
values to be used, particularly for DMC and DC.
An incorrect guess for the start-up FFMC will
correct itself after about three days of recording.
Do not assume automatically that the DMC and
DC for a particular location will begin at standard
start-up values. For late-starting stations, the
start-up values of these two codes will generally
use the current values of DMC and DC from one
or more nearby representative stations.
For stations starting up at the beginning of
the fire season or later in the spring or summer,
the DC value may have to be adjusted for
deficiency in precipitation over the winter. The
procedure is complicated (see subsection entitled
“Overwintering the Drought Code” within the
section “Drought”), but the regional fire weather
authority will generally be able to provide the
necessary over-winter adjustment for the DC
starting value.
The FWI System tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) also provide guidance on closing
down weather element recording for the
Closing dates for fire danger calculations will
normally be supplied by regional fire weather
authorities. In the absence of such direction,
it is recommended that observations and
calculations be continued until snow covers
the ground. Otherwise, the tables provide for
the calculation of the components of the FWI
System until the end of November.
These instructions for closing down
observations do not discuss a situation that may
occur in the northern hemisphere, in which snow
cover is absent after November 30 and noon
temperatures in December remain above 12 °C;
under these conditions and in the absence of
rain, active drying of fuel may still be occurring.
In this case, daily observations and calculations
should continue until snow covers the ground or
noon temperatures drop below 12 °C for three
consecutive days.
Missing Observations
The FWI System tables (Canadian Forest
Service 1984) include the following information
about dealing with missing observations:
The FWI System requires an unbroken daily
weather record. Days when observations are
missed cannot be ignored; the best possible
estimate of the missing weather observations
is necessary to preserve the continuity of the
fuel moisture codes. By one means or another,
therefore, blank spaces in the daily weather
record must be completed.
In the case of days when observations are
missed, contact the fire weather authorities
for instructions. In the absence of direction,
complete the daily record by one of the
following methods, and circle the estimated
weather observation(s) on the record form.
(a) use values from recording instruments if
available on site;
(b) use average of values from one or more
nearby similar stations;
(c) use average of values from day before and
day after; or
(d) estimate values from knowledge of recent
weather pattern.
These instructions apply to days when
observations are unavoidably missed because
of equipment breakdown or for some other
reason. Given that gaps in the record mean a
loss of accuracy in the calculation of FWI System
components, these gaps should be minimized.
The following procedure represents a consistent
method of using available information to minimize
the errors caused by missing observations.
Measure total rainfall on the day after the 1.
day (or period) of missed observations,
and do your best to assign reasonable
portions of that total to each day for
which observations are missing (including
the day of measurement). Check the
record for relative humidity (using the
hygrothermograph chart or the hourly
relative humidity record, if available) to
help estimate the timing of rainfall and
thus to determine if all of the recorded
rainfall fell on one day.
Estimate the noon (or 1300 LDT) relative 2.
humidity and temperature from the
hygrothermograph chart, if available.
Assume the wind to be in the 4−13 km/h 3.
class for the FFMC calculation, unless you
have good reason to suspect that it should
be in one of the other classes.
After making the necessary estimates of 4.
rainfall, temperature, relative humidity,
and wind speed, calculate the codes and
indices for each missing day as you would
have done if the observations had been
obtained in the regular way.
The following points should be remembered
when missing data are generated in this way:
A common error is to treat days with
missing data as if they did not exist, using
the moisture code values for the last day
before the gap as the starting point for
calculations on the next day of observations.
This results in misleading (either low or
high) values of DMC and DC. To avoid
this problem, separate calculations must
always be performed for each missing day,
based on the best possible estimate for
each required weather element.
If the procedures described above are not
feasible, because a hygrothermograph
is lacking or because the instrument
has had a breakdown, try to get missing
observations from the nearest weather
station or, even better, average the values
from several stations.
Estimated values for wind and distribution
of rain are usually adequate for the
bookkeeping required to keep track of the
moisture codes. However, the values of
ISI and FWI calculated for those days may
be subject to large errors and should be
treated with caution.
Effect of Surrounding Terrain
on Measured Wind Speed
Although applicable to the midafternoon peak
fire danger period, the weather elements used
to forecast the FWI System components are for
noon LST. Of the four key weather elements
(rain, temperature, relative humidity, and wind),
wind speed is the most difficult to forecast.
Moreover, for forestry purposes, the forecasted
wind velocity used for predicting fire danger
is necessarily lower than what is prepared for
public forecasts, as explained below.
The roughness of ground and vegetation
surfaces affects wind speed, turbulence, and
gustiness to a height of 600 m or so above mean
ground level, depending on atmospheric stability.
Wind at the top of this friction layer is called the
“gradient” or “free-air” wind.
A typical comparison of how surface roughness
reduces wind speed near the earth’s surface
would involve observations from a 10-m mast
located in an open grassy field and observations
from an opening surrounded by a forest of 15-m
pines. The anemometer in the open field is
expected to record a wind speed of about 60%
of the gradient wind, whereas only about 36%
of the gradient wind speed would be measured
in the opening surrounded by pine stands. Cities
and urban areas in general are associated with an
even greater reduction in wind speed. Because of
the scale of roughness of houses and commercial
buildings, a standard anemometer will show only
about 23% of the gradient wind if located in an
opening surrounded by such structures.
For a weather station clearing that is
surrounded by a 15-m pine stand, these relations
mean that the measured wind speed would be
only about 60% of that measured 10 m above a
large grassy field, assuming the same pressure
gradient. Similarly, an anemometer located in
an opening in an urban setting would measure
only about 40% of the wind speed measured
over open fields. These relations are shown in
Figure 5 and are illustrated by the following
example (from Turner and Lawson 1978):
Gradient wind at 600 m = 64 km/h
Wind at 10 m above extensive open grassland
(0.60 × 64 km/h) = 38 km/h
Wind at 10 m in opening surrounded by
15-m pine stand
(0.36 × 64 km/h or 0.60 × 38 km/h)
= 23 km/h
Wind at 10 m in opening surrounded by city
(0.23 × 64 km/h or 0.40 × 38 km/h)
= 15 km/h
Although the percentage reductions in wind
speed owing to surface roughness are subject
to wide variations, they can be regarded as
typical. Many airport locations give similar wind
speed ratios compared to gradient winds as open
fields compared to openings surrounded by pine
stands, as given here (Simard 1971). A generally
acceptable rule of thumb for calculations in
the FWI System is to multiply the wind speed
measured at an airport by 60% so that they
are comparable to winds measured in a forest
Airport wind (A)
A = 0.6G
Forest wind (F)
F = 0.36G or 0.6A
Urban wind (U)
U = 0.23G or 0.4A
Figure 5. Reduction of surface wind speeds according to roughness of surrounding terrain. (A) Airport wind in relatively smooth open grassland. (B) Typical
forest wind, where surrounding timber slows the wind and creates turbulence. (C) Wind in a city opening, which is further reduced by surface roughness.
G = gradient wind (adapted from Turner and Lawson [1978].)
Location Standards
In general, the standards for Canadian
fire weather stations conform with those
recommended by the WMO for agrometeorologic
observations in forest areas (WMO 1968). The
standards are designed to give representative
values of the various weather elements;
unfortunately, however, it is not usually possible
to meet all of these standards in practice.
Nonetheless, every effort should be made to do
so, since any major deviation can reduce the
accuracy of the FWI System components.
Ideally, the location of the fire weather station
should have the following characteristics:
representative of the general area of
concern with respect to topography,
vegetative cover, and local weather
patterns, with avoidance of sheltered
valleys and exposed peaks and ridge
tops, a preference for level or nearly level
ground (Fig. 6) (or, if slopes must be
used, avoidance of shaded and east-facing
slopes), and avoidance of concave (dish-
shaped) landforms;
at the center of a forest clearing with
diameter no less than 10 times the height
of the surrounding timber;
no closer than 100 m to any major source
of moisture, such as a lake, stream,
swamp, or irrigated area;
no closer than 10 m (or, in the case of
buildings, no closer than a distance equal
to twice the height of the building) from
large reflecting or radiating surfaces,
such as metal or white-painted buildings,
black-topped or graveled parking lots, rock
outcrops, and recently burned areas;
no closer than a distance equal to 1.5
times the height of the obstruction from
any large building, tree, or vegetation;
no closer than 5 m from any road; and
at least 50 m away from excessively dusty
areas (which can usually be avoided by
checking dust accumulation on nearby
If the prevailing wind direction during fair
weather is known for the area, the station should
be located on the windward side of any sources
of moisture, reflection, radiation, or dust.
It is good practice to arrange the instruments
in a fenced enclosure at least 7 m × 7 m. The type
of fencing is subject to regional specifications
but should be of wire or open-pole construction
suitable for safeguarding the equipment and
not more than 1.2 m high. The ground area
inside the fence should consist of mown grass or
cropped natural vegetation. When located in a
logged area, the enclosure should be cleared of
logs and branches.
Figure 6. Fire weather station in large clearing on open level ground. Photo courtesy of Ember Research Services Ltd.
This weather guide does not describe
the maintenance of specific meteorological
instruments used for fire weather observations.
Such specifications, which are too detailed for a
user’s guide of this type, are available in other
publications (British Columbia Forest Service
1969; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
1974; Environment Canada 1977; Finklin and
Fischer 1990; WMO 2006); guidance may also be
available from regional fire weather authorities.
Instrument Shelters
Thermometers and recording instruments
such as hygrothermographs must be housed in
a white-painted, wooden Stevenson-type screen
with double-louvered sides and double roof
(Fig. 7). The screen should be solidly mounted,
with the floor 115 cm above ground level and
the door opening to the north in the northern
hemisphere or to the south in the southern
hemisphere. The shelter should be mounted on
a rigid but open framework of posts, not on a
solid base such as a stump.
Figure 7. Stevenson screen, on an open framework stand that is staked to the ground. The floor of the unit is 115 cm
above ground. The white-painted double-louvered wooden door faces north on this unit, which is located in the
northern hemisphere. Photo courtesy of British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Protection Branch.
Instrument screens should be large enough to
properly house the equipment they are designed
to shelter. Auxiliary equipment not requiring
this kind of screen (e.g., data loggers) should
be housed in a separate box. It is particularly
important that screens be kept painted and in
good repair. In particular, they must be kept free
of dust and dirt, both inside and outside.
Although it is possible to specify short
response times for the thermometers and
electronic temperature and relative humidity
sensors used in automatic weather stations,
these are usually overridden by the response
time of the instrument shelter. Typical response
times are about 10 minutes for shelters in forest
clearings, which is adequate for fire weather
Small, white, louvered radiation shields for
the temperature and relative humidity sensors
used in automatic weather stations generally
have response times of a few minutes, suited
to the shorter response times of electronic
capacitance-type relative humidity sensors.
Equipment for Measuring Temperature and
Relative Humidity
The dry- and wet-bulb thermometers used
for determining relative humidity should have an
accuracy of ± 0.1 °C. They must be adequately
ventilated, preferably by a motor-driven fan
with the capacity to deliver air past the two
thermometer bulbs with a velocity of at least
3 m/s. One type of an electric fan psychrometer
is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Portable electric fan psychrometer, with battery-powered fan and wet-and dry-bulb thermometers.
Photo courtesy of British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Protection Branch.
Dry- and wet-bulb readings may be taken with
a good portable psychrometer with a battery-
operated fan or with a sling psychrometer large
enough to provide the necessary precision. The
wicking for the wet-bulb thermometer must be
clean and should be replaced several times a
season. Clean, mineral-free water or distilled
water should be used to wet the wick.
The hygrothermograph is an instrument
that records temperature and relative humidity
on the same chart (Fig. 9). The thermograph
component should be capable of an accuracy of
± 0.5 °C and should have a time constant on the
order of several minutes or less. The hygrograph
component should be accurate to less than 5%
under steady conditions, where the relative
humidity is not changing rapidly. The hairs should
be arranged to have a short response time at
normal operating temperatures. The instrument
should not have any significant temperature
coefficient or, if it does have one, the correction
factor should be known and should be applied to
the readings.
In practice, hygrothermographs may be quite
inaccurate, especially at low relative humidity,
where accuracy is critical. Therefore, it is useful
to compare hygrothermograph chart readings
with relative humidity determined by a sling or
electric fan psychrometer.
Equipment for Measuring Wind
To meet the WMO standards on which the
FWI System is based, the anemometer should
be mounted on a substantial, well-guyed mast,
with provision for climbing with safety or for
lowering the anemometer head when servicing
is required. Provision for lightning protection is
highly recommended.
The three-cup anemometer, with its
ruggedness and reliability, is well suited to fire
danger measurements. It is a simple matter to
electronically count the number of meters of wind
that pass the cups in the basic 10-min period.
Figure 9. Hygrothermograph mounted in separate screen with double-louvered sides and double roof. Photo
courtesy of British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Protection Branch.
Accuracy depends on proper maintenance of
the cups (which should be round, free of dents
or holes, and turning freely on the shaft), the
counter or recorder, and the power supply.
Wind speed increases rapidly in the layers
just above the ground and is strongly influenced
by nearby obstructions. The standard height for
an anemometer over open, level ground is 10 m,
and this height is acceptable in a clearing if the
nearest timber edge is more than five times the
average height of the trees away from the mast
(Fig. 10).
20 m
100 m
10 m
Figure 10. Standard anemometer height: 10 m, if the clearing is large enough that nearest timber edge is a distance of at least 5 times the height of the
trees away from the mast (figure not to scale) (adapted from Turner and Lawson [1978]).
Clearings of this size are difficult to find, and
an alternative is often required. One possibility
is to use a taller mast, but such masts cost
more and may not be as safe as 10-m masts. If
no clearing is available at all, the correct mast
height would be 10 m above the mean treetop
level. However, smaller clearings are usually
available, and the corresponding anemometer
height would be somewhere between the “open
ground” value of 10 m and the “closed canopy”
requirement of tree height plus 10 m.
Table 7 gives the recommended height of
the anemometer on the basis of the average
distance from the timber edge and the average
Table 7. Recommended height of anemometer for small clearings
Average stand height (m)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Average distance
from timber
edge (m)
5 14.2 Mast height = tree height + 10 m
10 12.4 18.4 23.8
15 11.0 16.7 22.6 28.1 33.2 38.7 43.8 48.9
20 10.3 14.9 20.9 26.7 32.2 37.7 42.9 48.2 53.3 58.5
25 13.2 19.9 25.1 30.9 36.7 42.1 47.4 52.6 57.8
50 12.1 16.5 22.2 28.2 34.1 40.2 45.8 51.8
100 11.4 14.1 18.4 23.0 28.6 34.4
150 Mast height = 10 m 11.3 13.2 16.2 19.8
200 11.4 12.8
Adapted from Turner and Lawson (1978).
stand height. For example, if the mast could be
located 50 m from the edge of a stand of trees
20 m tall, the anemometer should be located
16.5 m above open, level ground.
Table 7 assumes that the clearing is more
or less flat. If that is not the case, and the
clearing contains many large irregularities, such
as hummocks, clumps of brush, or slash piles,
the effective ground level must be raised from
the actual ground level by an amount equal
to three-quarters of the average height of the
irregularities. The anemometer height should be
measured from this level (Fig. 11).
A Eective ground surface
B Eective ground surface
3/4 ht
3/4 ht
10 m
10 m
Figure 11. Anemometer height adjusted for uneven ground or brush. (A) clearing with uneven ground, where ht is the height difference in metres between
valley bottom and highest ridge in the clearing. (B) clearing with brush clumps, where ht is the height in metres of the tallest brush clump (adapted from
Turner and Lawson [1978]).
In Figure 11A, the anemometer is mounted
in a clearing in rough terrain. The sensor should
be 10 m above a representative high spot,
determined by taking three-quarters of the
difference in the height between ridges and
valleys. If the anemometer is mounted in a
clearing covered with clumps of brush 2 m high,
as in Figure 11B, the mast should be at 11.5 m,
i.e., 10 m + (3/4 × 2 m) = 10 m + 1.5 m.
Equipment for Measuring Rain
Rain may be measured with any suitable
gauge, provided the collecting area is rigid
enough to be constant and the depth to the funnel
is adequate to prevent splashing. The gauge
must be rigidly mounted, and the top surface
of the collecting funnel must be level. The usual
mounting height for a rain gauge positions the
orifice above the maximum expected depth of
snow cover and above the height of any significant
potential inward splashing from the ground.
Such criteria generally result in the gauge orifice
being positioned between 0.5 and 1.5 m above
ground (WMO 2006). Lower mounting could
result in errors caused by splashing, whereas
higher mounting could result in reductions in the
amount of rain collected because of turbulence
(unless the gauge is equipped with a properly
designed windshield).
The gauge should be located so that no
obstruction is closer to it than twice the height of
the obstruction. Mast guy wires, which could drip
into the gauge, should be avoided.
Rain gauges must have a dent-free collecting
surface between 60 and 300 cm
. Manual
gauges may incorporate a calibrated dipstick or
collecting cylinder, but the graduate designed for
the particular instrument must be used.
Automatic recording rain gauges, with a
tipping bucket, are commonly used in automatic
weather stations. To comply with the specified
measurement accuracy (0.2 mm), the tipping
bucket should tip for at most each 0.2 mm of rain.
Routine maintenance should include cleaning the
funnel and buckets of dirt and debris as needed
and ensuring that the gauge is level.
Automatic Weather Stations
The WMO (2006) defines an automatic
weather station as a meteorological station at
which observations are made and transmitted
automatically. At such weather stations
(e.g., Fig. 12), the measurements from each
instrument are read out or received by a central
data acquisition unit. The data collected from
the autonomous measuring devices can be
processed locally at the automatic weather
station or elsewhere (e.g., by the network’s
central processor). An automatic weather station
may be designed as an integrated complex of
measuring devices combined with the data
acquisition and processing unit.
Automatic weather stations increase the
number and reliability of surface observations in
a number of ways (WMO 2006):
by increasing the density of an existing
network through provision of data from
new sites and from sites that are difficult
to access;
by supplying, for manned stations, data
outside normal working hours;
by increasing the reliability of measure-
ments through sophisticated technology
and modern digital measurement
by ensuring homogeneity of networks
through standardization of measuring
by satisfying the need for new types of
by reducing human error;
by lowering operational costs through
a reduction in the number of observers;
by measuring and reporting with high
frequency or continuously.
Wind speed sensor Wind direction sensor
Solar panel
Solar radiation sensor
Temperature and humidity sensor
GOES antenna
GOES antenna
Rain gauge
Fuel stick sensor
Remote display
Data logger
Figure 12. Automatic fire weather station showing typical configuration of sensors, power supply, data storage, and communication. Solar radiation and
fuel stick sensors collect data not required by the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System. Standard height for wind speed and wind direction sensors
is 10 m. GOES = Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GPS = global positioning system. (Diagram courtesy of Forest Technology Systems
Any automatic weather stations that are
to be used in generating the FWI System
components for fire danger rating and the fire
behavior prediction components of the CFFDRS
must meet the measurement accuracy standards
specified in this weather guide. When considering
the introduction of new automated instrument
systems, the managers of forest fire weather
networks should introduce into service only those
systems that are sufficiently well documented to
provide adequate assurance of their capabilities,
characteristics, and algorithms. It is equally
important to develop or subscribe to adequate
programs for maintenance and calibration
support for such weather stations (WMO 2006).
Furthermore, automatic weather stations usually
form part of a network of meteorological stations
(see the subsection entitled “Fire Weather Station
Networks,immediately below), each transmitting
its processed data to a central system by various
means; because the central processing tasks are
strongly related and complementary to the tasks
of the automatic weather stations, the technical
requirements of both the central system and the
automated station must be well coordinated.
The hardware and software for automatic
weather stations has been described in detail by
the WMO (2006), so only a few highlights are
discussed here.
The meteorological requirements for
sensors at automatic weather stations are not
very different from those required at manual
observation stations. The sensors must be
robust, require little or no maintenance, and
be without bias or uncertainty in the way in
which they sample the weather variables. In
general, any sensor with an electrical output is
a suitable candidates, whether analog, digital,
or “intelligent(i.e., including a microprocessor
that provides output in serial digital or parallel
Temperature: The most common type of
thermometers used in automatic weather
stations are pure metal resistance thermometers
or thermistors; platinum is preferred. Proper
radiation shielding of thermistors is critical. At
an automatic weather station, radiation shields
adjusted to the size of the sensor typically
replace the naturally ventilated Stevenson
screen. Air temperature should be reported
as 1-min averages. For the calculation of FWI
System components, air temperature should be
calculated as a 10-min average of instantaneous
readings taken immediately before the hourly
reporting time.
Relative humidity: Relatively low-cost
resistance and capacitance sensors for direct
measurement of relative humidity are widely
used in automatic weather stations, but they
are subject to poor performance in the presence
of pollutants and require special protection
filters. Additional corrections must be applied
for measurements below 0°C (even if the
sensors incorporate temperature compensation
circuits) and if hysteresis problems occur when
the sensor is exposed to saturated conditions.
The problems associated with the short time
constant of many humidity sensors are more
critical than is the case for temperature sensors.
As for temperature sensors, relative humidity
sensors must be installed within proper
radiation shields. Although the WMO (2006)
recommends artificial ventilation or aspiration
for radiation shields, the problems associated
with aspiration shields may outweigh the small
improvement in accuracy. Radiation shields
in automatic weather stations are not usually
aspirated, but rather are naturally ventilated.
For the calculation of FWI System components,
relative humidity should be reported as 10-min
averages from 600 samples (assuming a
sampling rate of once per second).
Wind: The use of conventional cup or propeller
anemometers with pulse or frequency output
is widespread. The WMO (2006) has defined
“response length” as (approximately) the
passage of wind (in meters) required for the
output of a wind-speed sensor to indicate
about 63% of a step-function change of
the input speed. For new cup and propeller
anemometers, the response length (which
is called the “distance constant” by some
manufacturers) should be smaller than 5 m.
Wind speed measurements should be recorded
by a sensor that is accurate to ± 0.4 km/h or
1.5% and should be recorded to the nearest
whole number. Wind vanes with an undamped
natural response length (or “delay distance”)
smaller than 10 m and a damping ratio between
0.3 and 0.7 are recommended. Wind vanes
should have a specified accuracy of ± or
better. Wind direction should be recorded to the
nearest degree. Intelligent wind sensors with a
serial digital output and digital displays of the
operational variables (peak gust, 2-min and
10-min average wind speed, and wind direction)
are now common. For the calculation of FWI
System components, wind speed should be
calculated as a 10-min average of 600 samples
(assuming a sampling rate of once per second)
taken immediately before the hourly reporting
time. Wind direction should be calculated as a
10-min vector average from 600 samples taken
once per second immediately before the hourly
reporting time.
Precipitation: Most automatic weather stations
use a tipping-bucket rain gauge. Such gauges
are rapidly clogged by debris such as leaves,
sand, and bird droppings, so problems can
arise if the station is left for long periods
without maintenance. Power is required to
properly heat the gauge for measurements
of rain and snow at temperatures below 0 °C,
and this requirement can be a problem for
battery-operated automatic weather stations.
Also, heated gauges introduce errors through
evaporation losses. Tipping-bucket rain gauges
should achieve an accuracy of 5%. Accuracy
can be improved by adding a proper windshield
around the gauge. For the calculation of FWI
System components, the rain gauge should
cumulate continuously, recording both hourly
totals and 24-h totals to noon LST.
Fuel temperature and fuel moisture: Some
automatic weather stations have optional
sensors that measure such variables as the
temperature and humidity inside a 1-inch
(2.54-cm) diameter ponderosa pine, Pinus
ponderosa Dougl. ex P. & C. Laws., dowel or the
derived moisture content of a 0.5-inch (1.27
cm) diameter ponderosa pine dowel, based on
the current between two electrodes attached to
the wood surface. Various manufacturers offer
these products for automatic measurement
of the US NFDRS 10-h time lag fuel moisture.
Traditional weighed fuel moisture sticks (100-g
oven-dry) have been manufactured for decades
from 0.5-inch diameter kiln-dried Douglas-fir,
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.)
Franco, and ponderosa pine doweling and have
been used widely in western Canada and the
United States in wildfire and prescribed fire
operations and planning; studies continue to
determine their correlation with predicted (from
FFMC) and actual litter and fine fuel moisture
content (Whitehead et al. 2006).
However, neither fuel temperature nor the
weight of a fuel moisture stick is required as
input to the CFFDRS, so technical specifications
and guidance for the use of these electronic
sensors are not provided here.
Central Processing Unit
The core of an automatic weather station is
its central processing unit (CPU), which functions
as an interface for data acquisition, processing,
storage, and transmission. In most automatic
weather stations, all of these functions are carried
out by one microprocessor-based system installed
in a weatherproof enclosure located as close as
possible to the sensors. One or more sensors
(the data acquisition units) may be connected
to a data processing and/or data transmission
unit of the CPU by means of telephone lines that
allow digital data transmission.
The data acquisition function consists of
scanning sensor output at a predetermined
rate and translating the signals into computer-
readable format. Parallel digital input and output
are generally used for such sensors as wind vanes
with Gray code
output. Pulse and frequency
counters are used for wind speed sensors and
tipping-bucket rain gauges. Serial digital ports
are used for intelligent sensors.
Data processing within the CPU depends on
microprocessors and random access memory
(RAM) chips capable of performing complex
computations. Programs are entered by way
of such devices as nonvolatile, erasable read-
only memories, particularly for the storage of
constants that can be modified directly by the
software. Most automatic weather stations
have battery backup to avoid loss of RAM data
after power failures. Data are stored in external
memories such as RAM cards.
The data may be transmitted from the CPU
to the central network processing system or
to the direct end user of the weather data or
the CFFDRS components through one or more
methods, including telephone lines, digital
broadband, or radio and satellite telemetry.
Sensors with electrical outputs show drifts
in accuracy over time, so regular inspection
and calibration are needed. Initial calibration
is required to ensure that the sensors and the
station overall are meeting the manufacturers
specifications and that transportation has not
affected the measuring characteristics of the
In the field, periodic comparison of data
recorded by the automatic weather station’s
sensors with “traveling standards” is essential to
control sensor performance. Traveling standards
with similar characteristics to those of the sensors
in use at the station are preferred.
Any complex system requires maintenance
support, and the cost of servicing a network of
automatic weather stations can greatly exceed
the cost of their purchase. Hardware components
Gray code is a binary coding system in which successive values dier in just one digit.
may fail for many reasons, and computer
programs may fail because of design errors
that may go undetected for a long time. A well-
organized preventive maintenance program,
including service and calibration of sensors, is
recommended. In general, it is not advisable
to repair sensors or other modules in the field.
Centrally located technical personnel should be
available to repair, replace, calibrate, and service
modules and sensors.
Fire Weather Station Networks
Distribution of Stations
There is no hard-and-fast rule for how large
an area can be reliably represented by any given
FWI System component calculated from data
obtained at a single station. In early studies (from
the 1940s), the results of which would still apply
for eastern and central Canada, index values
were highly reliable within a radius of about
40 km, but at distances greater than 160 km,
weather conditions were generally so different
from the index values as to make calculations
based on those values unreliable.
In the Canadian west (British Columbia, Yukon
Territory, western Northwest Territories, and the
east slopes of Alberta), weather patterns tend
to vary from one valley to the next and from
one elevation zone to the next. As such, the area
accurately represented by a given station is best
determined by local knowledge of the terrain
and climate. A 10-year study of index values and
fire statistics in British Columbia indicated that
index values provided useful information on fire
activity for fires occurring up to 100 km away.
Stephens and Stitt (1970) provided an
equation for the optimum radius of influence
R = 1.6(a/n)
where a is the area of the region and n is the
number of stations in the region. In a study of one
Ontario fire region, Flannigan and Wotton (1989)
calculated the radius of influence of 145 km using
this equation; when they tried different values
for the constant (ranging from 1.0 to 2.0), they
found that the station network was insensitive
to changes in the radius of influence from 90
to 180 km. Furthermore, Flannigan and Wotton
(1989) regarded as unworkable the number of
stations that had been identified in early studies
as being required to achieve the 40-km radius
of influence: in the region they studied, 340
weather stations would have been required.
Weather stations in Canada tend to be un-
evenly distributed, with fewer stations in northern
regions and in the northern parts of regions. This
northerly shortage of weather stations reduces
the success of interpolation techniques, especially
with respect to precipitation. As Flannigan and
Wotton (1989) pointed out, the spatial variability
of summer precipitation is the largest unknown in
interpolating FWI components between weather
stations. The current density of fire weather
stations does not allow detailed knowledge
of precipitation. It may be more cost effective
to explore remote sensing options (e.g., by
satellite or radar) for quantifying the distribution
of precipitation at a regional scale rather than
relying on dense networks of complete fire
weather stations.
There is also no simple rule for choosing the
locations of fire weather stations. Automatic
weather stations have eliminated the earlier
constraint that stations had to be located where
people could attend them daily at a fixed time.
Even so, each station should be located where
it can best represent the area it is intended to
cover, whether that area is tens of thousands of
square kilometers for a regional network or a few
square kilometers for a particular operating area.
Distance may not be the sole factor determining
the representativeness of a particular station. In
mountainous terrain, differences in topography
and elevation can be far more significant in
limiting the area represented by a given station. In
particular, it is often difficult to relate information
from stations in the valley bottom to nearby
ridges only a few kilometers away. As such,
it may be more appropriate to locate weather
stations on midslope benches, rather than on
ridge tops or in valley bottoms, particularly if the
terrain at the mid-elevations represents critical
fire danger situations (Fig. 13).
Interpolation of Fire Weather Observations
Flannigan and Wotton (1989) investigated
interpolation methods applied to fire danger
rating in Canada, noting that some agencies
divide their areas of responsibility into regions
and then into a large number of cells. These cells
are described with geographic coordinate systems
such as latitude and longitude or the Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. Most cells
are squares or rectangles 10–20 km on a side.
Each cell is assigned to the most appropriate
weather station and given the index values of
that weather station. Flannigan and Wotton
(1989) regarded such cell assignment as a crude
means of interpolating between stations, one that
often leads to spurious sharp discontinuities in
index values. More sophisticated methods blend
information from many locations to estimate FWI
component values between stations.
Flannigan and Wotton (1989) evaluated
several of these interpolation methods, including
second-order least-square polynomial, smoothed
cubic spline, and weighted interpolation, for
applicability to a region within Ontario. They tried
two approaches to the second-order interpolation
method: first, simply interpolating the FWI
values from the observing stations and second,
interpolating 24-h precipitation, temperature,
relative humidity, and wind, and then computing
the FWI components from existing equations.
The authors found that the second-order
polynomial, the smoothed cubic spline, and the
weighted interpolations were consistently better
than the replacement method, in which cells
within a region are assigned the FWI value from
the nearest appropriate weather station, based
on site, topography, proximity to water, and
experience. For the second-order method, the
Figure 13. Placement of fire weather stations in hilly or mountainous terrain. Such networks of fire weather stations must take account of the need to represent
midslope forests, which may be a problem with valley-bottom or ridge-top stations (adapted from Turner and Lawson [1978]).
interpolated FWI approach was better than the
interpolated weather inputs approach, mainly
because of the highly variable nature of the
spatial distribution of rainfall amount.
Interpolation of summer rainfall amounts
presents a special challenge, because of summer
showers, which typically lead to substantial
differences in rainfall between nearby stations
(e.g., > 15 mm versus none). Generally, the
network density of fire weather stations is
inadequate for confident interpolation of rainfall
amounts. In some regions, radar-interpreted
rainfall is available to help in determining the
spatial variability of summer rains. Widespread
precipitation is associated with well-defined
synoptic systems (e.g., lows and troughs),
whereas spotty precipitation is associated with
isolated showers and thunderstorms. Radar or
even satellite data could be used to determine
the nature and occurrence of precipitation
(Flannigan and Wotton 1989).
Flannigan et al. (1998) compared three
methods of interpolating fire danger between
weather stations, using radar precipitation
estimates from a C-band radar station located
at Upsala, Ontario. The first method was the
standard practice of interpolating components
of the FWI System from a weather station to
any specified location. The second method
involved interpolating the weather variables
(precipitation, temperature, relative humidity,
and wind speed) from the weather station to
any specified site and then calculating the FWI
System components. The third method was the
same as the second, except that precipitation
was estimated from radar before calculation of
the FWI System components for a specified site.
For all three interpolation methods, the cubic
spline technique was used.
Overall, the standard method of interpolating
FWI System components performed best.
However, FFMC and FWI were best determined
using the radar precipitation method. For the
FFMC, this may have been due to the strong
influence of 24-h precipitation amounts greater
than 0.5 mm on FFMC, whereas the DMC and DC
are affected only when 24-h rainfall exceeds 1.5
and 2.8 mm, respectively. Radar precipitation
estimates were significantly lower than actual
values, especially at sites farther away from
the radar site, which resulted in larger errors
for DMC and DC than for FFMC. The authors
concluded that this type of radar could be used
to best advantage in discriminating between
areas with and without precipitation. High errors
in ISI from the second and third methods, even
though FFMC was predicted well, indicated that
wind speed was difficult to interpolate accurately.
The authors noted that local factors, such as
topography and siting of the anemometer, can
strongly influence the observation of local wind
Flannigan et al. (1998) noted that as the
density of weather stations increases, the various
interpolation methods should work better in
estimating fire danger across a region. Conversely,
as the density of weather stations decreases,
interpolation will yield poorer estimates of fire
danger, and the radar-estimated precipitation
method for predicting fire danger will perform
better than straightforward interpolation.
Flannigan et al. (1998) recommended that fire
management agencies continue to interpolate
FWI system components for locations between
weather stations, noting that radar-based
calculations of FFMC and FWI and radar-based
estimates of precipitation coverage will both be
useful for fire management applications. The
newer Doppler radar units, which replaced the
C-band radar units, currently installed across
Canada should provide better estimates of
precipitation amounts and should be examined
for their potential usefulness in interpolation of
fire danger.
Abbot et al. (2007b) investigated the potential
use of RADARSAT-1 images to assess daily
variations in dead fuel moisture over a northern
boreal forest area, relating radar backscatter
to rainfall and finding strong relations with
DMC and DC. RADARSAT-1 is a satellite-based
synthetic aperture radar system that operates at
frequencies near 5.3 GHz (in the C-band), which
is ideal for estimating the near-surface moisture
of bare soil and agricultural canopy-cover
surfaces. However, mapping fire danger with the
C-band requires that radar signals interact with
the ground surface beneath the forest canopy,
which presents a problem in many forest cover
situations, although it is potentially feasible in
boreal forests dominated by large burn scars and
open canopies.
Abbott et al. (2007b) found strong correlations
between calculated DMC and DC values and
sampled forest floor moisture contents at a
depth of 0–4 cm in both burned and mature
boreal forests and, in turn, strong dependence
of backscatter on the moisture content of the
0–4 cm fuel layer, as represented by calculated
DMC, DC, and BUI values. Stronger correlations
were observed for burned forest, which has
high backscatter contributions from the ground
surface. Backscatter variations related better to
10-day cumulative rainfall amounts than to 1-day
accumulations, which indicates that backscatter
better detected the moisture of fuels that dried
more slowly. Abbott et al. (2007b) concluded
that although RADARSAT-1 provides limited
information on fuel moisture content and fire
danger, the potential of using synthetic aperture
radar images for fire danger monitoring will
improve when a new generation of radar sensors,
such as RADARSAT-2, becomes available; these
units will provide multipolarization data with
better spatial resolution (up to 3 m).
Interpolation of temperature between
weather stations at different elevations can be
done in various ways:
direct interpolation, in which two or more
observations are averaged;
inverse distance weighting, in which station
observations are weighted according to
the inverse of the distance between the
stations and the point of interest;
use of an environmental lapse rate (see
the subsection entitled “Vertical Structure
of the Atmosphere” within the section
“Weather Not Directly Observable”) to
normalize the observed temperatures for
the effect of elevation and then averaging
or applying inverse distance weighting.
A “virtual weather station” can be created by
applying an appropriate lapse rate to an observed
temperature, which results in an adjusted value
for the elevation difference of interest.
However, it is important to reiterate the
recommendations of Flannigan and Wotton
(1989) and Flannigan et al. (1998) that, for the
spatial estimation of FWI system components,
the components must be calculated at the
weather stations and then interpolated onto
the spatial grid, rather than interpolating the
weather variables and then calculating the FWI
components at the grid resolution. This preferred
method has also been recently recommended for
New Zealand (Tait and Zhen 2005), a country
that uses the CFFDRS.
Supplementary Fire Weather Stations
In addition to regular fire weather network
stations, which should have a real expectation of
permanence, temporary special-purpose stations
are frequently needed.
Campaign wildfires may require quick-
deploy automatic stations to be set up near the
fire operations center for the duration of fire
suppression and mop-up activities. Prescribed
fires generally require monitoring of weather
from a temporary station immediately off site,
from the date of recommended start-up in spring
until the burn takes place or, at a minimum,
3 weeks before the burn (Alexander 2006).
Such stations (Fig. 14) may have anemometer
masts shorter than 10 m, in which case, wind
speed observations may require adjustment for
the nonstandard mast height (see Table 8 and
description below in this section).
Such stations may be complete automatic
weather stations or some variant thereof, ranging
from a rain gauge and hygrothermograph to
a portable psychrometer and hand-held wind
gauge. At a bare minimum, rain should be
recorded on site before the burn, unless a
permanent fire weather station is located a short
distance away. Alexander (2006) stated that
the need to meet this minimum requirement
would depend, to some extent, on whether the
site of the prescribed burn had a substantial
organic layer; under normal circumstances,
it should not be necessary to monitor preburn
rainfall amounts for more than a few days if
only fine fuels are present (e.g., cured annual
grasses). On the burning day, temperature,
relative humidity, and 10-m open wind speed
or its equivalent (Table 8) should be measured
at least every hour. If automatic recording
equipment is available, the hourly weather 24 h
in advance of burning should be documented,
which will also permit hourly calculation of the
FWI System components, especially FFMC and
ISI. Prescription, monitoring, and evaluation of
prescribed fires involve many variables; however,
for a given fuel type and topographic situation,
any variations in fire behavior and impact or
short-term fire effects are wholly a reflection of
past and present weather conditions (Alexander
2006). Accurate weather records and accurate
calculation of FWI System components for a
prescribed fire will allow the burning conditions to
be duplicated or understood by others (Hawkes
and Lawson 1983). In addition, on-site or
immediately off-site meteorological observations
are needed for spot fire weather forecasts and
for assessing hold-over potential or subsurface
fire persistence (Alexander 2006).
Table 8 can be used to correct wind
measurements obtained from anemometer at
nonstandard heights in standard-sized clearings;
two options are available, depending on the
surface roughness of the particular clearing.
Values from the “rough” column in Table 8
should be used for forest clearings covered in
low brush or slash (with roughness length 0.1–
0.3 m in meteorological terms), whereas values
from the “smooth” column should be used for
clearings where the ground is smooth or covered
in mowed grass or cropped brush (roughness
length 0.03 m).
Recent field calibration studies in large,
smooth clearings in Saskatchewan (Emmett
and Poirier 2005) and Montana (Bradshaw et
al. 2003) confirmed the logarithmic wind profile
reduction from 10 m to 1.8 m (eye level) and
also confirmed that reductions in wind speed are
much less over smooth-surfaced clearings than
over rough-surfaced clearings, as indicated in
Table 8.
To make adjustments for mast height less
than 10 m, the observed wind speed is multiplied
by the appropriate factor (selected from Table 8)
for the surface roughness of the opening. For
example, for wind speed of 12 km/h measured at
the top of a 6-m mast, the adjusted wind speed
would be 14 km/h (12 km/h × 1.18 = 14.2 km/h)
for a standard 10-m mast in a clearing with
a rough surface or 13 km/h (12 km/h × 1.11
= 13.3 km/h) for a 10-m mast in a clearing with
a smooth surface.
Estimates of wind speed using such guides
as the Beaufort scale (Appendix 1), rather than
instruments, are generally representative of the
10-m standard height.
GOES antenna
Wind speed
and direction sensor
Temperature and
humidity sensor
Solar radiation
option 1
option 2
Data logger
Radio voice
Power manager
Tie-down anchor
length legs
Spiked feet
Fuel stick
Rain gauge
Figure 14. Quick-deploy automatic weather station with nonstandard-height anemometer requiring wind speed adjustments. This station collects data on
solar radiation and electronically simulated fuel moisture stick readings, neither of which are required by the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System.
GOES = Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. (Diagram courtesy of Forest Technology Systems Ltd.)
Table 8. Wind speed adjustment factors for anemometer mast height
less than 12 m
Adjustment factor
Mast height (m) Rough surface Smooth surface
1.5 1.94 1.48
2.0–2.9 1.54 1.31
3.0–3.9 1.37 1.22
4.0–4.9 1.26 1.16
5.0–6.9 1.18 1.11
7.0–8.9 1.06 1.03
9.0–11.9 1.00 1.00
Drought over a Summer
The direct effects of a seasonal drought on the
moisture content of the forest floor are accounted
for in the FWI System by the DC, which has a
53-day time lag in standard moderate weather
conditions. The DC was first developed (Turner
1972) to serve as an index of cumulative drying,
based on the water stored in the soil, rather than
to follow the moisture content of a particular
slow-drying forest fuel. However, it has been
assigned a nominal fuel depth (thickness) of
18 cm, a nominal fuel load of 25 kg/m
, and a
maximum theoretical moisture content of the fuel
represented by DC of 400% (Van Wagner 1987).
With these specifications, the DC fuel layer has
a water capacity of 100 mm, rather than the
200-mm (8-inch) water reservoir described by
Turner (1972). (A forest floor layer weighing
25 kg/m
on an oven-dry basis, if saturated at
400% moisture content, would hold 100 kg/m
of water, equivalent to 100 mm depth of water).
DC is a suitable predictor of moisture
variations at depth in the forest floor and is a
warning indicator of moisture reversals with
depth, whereby lower layers of deep duff
may be drier than upper layers (Muraro and
Lawson 1970). The latter phenomenon results
in persistent deep smoldering even though fire
behavior at the surface may not be severe.
Moisture reversals tend to be associated with
DC greater than 300, which occurs late in the
season, and are an important consideration for
the safe conduct of prescribed burns.
Other seasonal drought effects that may be
tracked by DC include the availability of water
in streams and swamps, which may reduce the
availability of water for fire suppression and for
containment of fire spread (Turner 1972).
One important factor that can affect the
moisture content of the boreal forest floor over the
summer is the presence of permafrost. Lawson
et al. (1997) presented equations for predicting
the probability of sustained smoldering ignition in
some boreal forest duff types, based on moisture
content derived from the DC. They noted that
one equation was recommended for predicting
the moisture content of deep organic layers on
mesic, well-drained boreal forest sites from DC
values, whereas sites affected by permafrost or
a permanent ice layer that restricts moisture
drainage may be better represented by another
equation (the national standard equation for
predicting the DC moisture equivalent).
Overwintering the Drought Code
Of the three fuel moisture codes making up the
FWI System, only the DC must be overwintered.
As Van Wagner (1985) explained, any moisture
index can be overwintered, but whether the
effect of doing so projects far enough into the
new season for it to be worthwhile depends
on the time lag. This principle is governed by
the time lag theory for negative exponential
systems, whereby the proportion of any effect
remaining after one time lag period is 36.8%,
after two periods is 13.5%, after three periods
is 5.0%, and after 4 periods is 1.8%. Taking 5%
as the practical point of no further concern, time
lags between 32 and 64 days were shown to
cover the range of effects between disappearing
during the current season and extending into the
next fire season. Thus, with a time lag of 53 days
in standard weather, DC may carry forward the
effect of winter precipitation into the new fire
season’s starting value.
In some regions and in some years, the
degree of fire danger may be modified by
abnormally dry conditions during the previous
fall and winter. This carry-over effect is handled
by a calculated adjustment to the spring start-
up value for DC to allow for drier-than-normal
duff and soil moisture conditions. The following
procedure now constitutes an integral aspect
of the DC and its computation for northern
hemisphere locations (Van Wagner 1987):
s =
+ b(3.94r
) (2)
where Q
is the starting spring moisture
equivalent of the DC value, Q
is the final fall
moisture equivalent of the DC value, r
is winter
precipitation (mm), and a and b are user-
selected values accounting for carry-over fraction
and wetting efficiency fraction, respectively
(Table 9).
is calculated from the following equation:
= 800 exp(–DC
/400) (3)
where DC
is the final fall DC value.
The spring start-up value for the DC can then
be calculated from the conversion equation:
= 400 ln(800/Q
) (4)
The values for a and b in equation 2 are
set by regional fire weather authorities using
the guidelines presented in Table 9. Computer
applications are generally used to calculate
spring start-up values for DC, but look-up tables
are also available (Alexander 1982a, 1983b).
A calculator for over-winter adjustments to
spring start-up values for DC is available in a
training course available in CD-ROM format
(“Understanding the Fire Weather Index [FWI]
System,” Environmental Training Centre, Hinton,
Alta., and Canadian Forest Service, Northern
Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alta.).
In areas where normal winter precipitation
exceeds 200 mm, the DC overwintering exercise
tends to be unnecessary. However, adjustments
to DC start-up values are generally required in
the normally dry western and northern regions
of Canada, excluding the west coast.
Table 9. User-selected values and criteria for equation 2 constants a and b, overwintering the Drought Code
Constant Value Criteria
Carry-over fraction of
last fall’s moisture (a)
1.0 Daily DC
calculated up to 1 November, continuous snow cover,
or freeze-up, whichever comes rst
0.75 Daily DC calculations stopped before any of the above
conditons met or the area is subject to occasional winter
chinook conditions, leaving the ground bare and subject to
moisture depletion
0.5 Forested areas subject to long periods in fall or winter that
favor depletion of soil moisture
Effectiveness of
winter precipitation in
recharging moisture
reserves in spring (b)
0.9 Poorly drained, boggy sites with deep organic layers
0.75 Deep ground frost does not occur until late fall, if at all;
moderately drained sites that allow inltration of most of the
melting snowpack
0.5 Chinook-prone areas and areas subject to early and deep
ground frost; well-drained soils favoring rapid percolation or
topography favoring rapid runoff before melting of ground frost
Sources: Turner and Lawson (1978); Alexander 1983b.
DC = Drought Code.
Ground-truthing the Drought Code
Lawson and Dalrymple (1996) described a
“standard” methodology for and study of ground-
truthing the over-winter recharge of DC fuel
moisture in several areas of western and northern
Canada. The recommended methodology involves
field sampling of organic layers of the forest floor
on mesic sites. The samples consist of 2-cm
thick strata of the forest floor cut to a consistent
size (0.1 m
is recommended). The samples are
oven-dried and the oven-dry moisture content
determined. Moisture content by depth can then
be compared to various site-specific “ground-
truthing” models and to the national standard
DC calibration equation.
Before a discussion of the site-specific
calibration equations presented by previous
authors, a misleading graph, Figure 1 in Lawson
and Dalrymple (1996), must be corrected. In that
earlier publication, the only standard equation
for DC was the moisture equivalence equation
(equation 3 above). However, because their
Figure 1 presents equations for moisture content
(%) as a function of DC, the moisture content
(%) version of the national standard equation
should have been plotted for comparison with
site-specific calibration equations.
The DC has been assigned a maximum
theoretical moisture content of 400%, so the
appropriate standard equation linking moisture
content (MC) and DC is as follows:
MC = 400 exp(–DC/400) (5)
where MC is moisture content, on an oven-
dry basis.
Equation 5 is plotted in Figure 15, for com-
parison with site-specific calibration equations.
Lawson and Dalrymple (1996) also presented
an equation for the 9–10 cm depth in coastal
cedar-hemlock (CWH) forests near Mission, B.C.,
that is representative of deep, compact forest
floors exhibiting DC properties of depth and bulk
density. That equation used a saturated value
of 351% at zero DC, similar to the theoretical
saturation value of 400% for a forest floor of
“standard” DC properties (Fig. 15):
MC = 351/e
Lawson and Dalrymple (1996) also presented
empirically based equations for various forest
types and geographic areas, along with cautions
related to study robustness, shallowness of duff
depth, and presence of transient ice layers north
of 60° latitude. These equations are reproduced
here, with the cautions repeated and a revision
to the equation for southern interior British
Columbia, to correct an error in the earlier
For forests in the southern interior of British
MC = 285.8/e
Derived from “one-shot” sampling in 1988
of a range of sites across several biogeoclimatic
zones and subzones, equation 7 lies below the
CWH curve because of shallower duff depths and
lower bulk densities and because the moisture
contents were calculated for the entire organic
layer rather than for a particular depth stratum.
In addition, most of the forest floors sampled
in the southern interior British Columbia study
were less than 10 cm (average depth of litter,
fermentation, and humus layers 5.0 cm) and
thus did not meet the standard DC properties for
depth and bulk density. Caution is advised when
applying this equation as a predictor of moisture
content. It is, however, a useful relative indicator,
suggesting that the DC correlates generally with
moisture content in the forest floor, at least for
the range of June values sampled (69–480) over
20 different ecosystems (R
= 0.59, coefficient
of variation [CV] = 45.3%) and a variety of
moisture regimes (ranging from submesic interior
Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca
(Beissn.) Franco, at the dry end to subhygric
interior cedar–hemlock, Thuja plicata Donn ex.
D. Don Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., and
mesic Engelmann spruce–subalpine fir, Picea
engelmanii Parry ex. Engelm. – Abies lasiocarpa
(Hook.) Nutt., at the wet end of the range).
For white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench)
Voss, forests in the Yukon Territory:
MC = 488.4/e
Equation 8 was based on 43 observations,
each the average of at least two samples taken
weekly throughout the summer near Whitehorse,
Yukon. The best correlation of sampled moisture
content with DC was obtained from the 6–10 cm
depth stratum (R
= 0.74, CV = 56.9%, DC
range 144–606, average duff depth 7.2 cm).
Equation 8 crosses the CWH curve (Fig. 15),
which suggests that some other factor may
be causing higher saturated moisture content
at low DC values in spring, perhaps restricted
drainage because of frozen ground that persists
well into June north of 60° latitude, even on
nonpermafrost sites. In contrast, for the CWH
saturation values, restricted site drainage due to
ice or permafrost was not a factor. An ice layer
below the duff was observed at the Whitehorse
sites from early May to mid-June. The crossover
at DC of approximately 300 may indicate that
the longer summer day lengths in the north tend
to produce slightly lower forest floor moisture
content than is the case for forest floors in
southern British Columbia, such as those found
in CWH ecosystems.
The most appropriate of equations 6, 7, and
8 or other equations for calibrating regional
moisture content as a function of DC that are
available in the literature (e.g., Anderson and
Otway 2003; Abbott et al. 2007a; Otway et al.
2007) can be used to compare local “ground-
truth” field sampling of moisture content to
the standard spring start-up model for DC and
can be used to override the standard model, if
As Lawson and Dalrymple (1996) concluded,
the results of the wide-ranging empirical field
studies discussed here generally support
the theoretical need (based on time lag) to
overwinter the DC. The simple overwintering
model presented here, combined with one
of the regression equations from Figure 15 or
the national standard DC equation (equation 4
above), is adequate for broad-area DC calibration
and inferences of forest floor moisture for the
purposes of fire danger rating.
Of the three calibration equations included
here, Lawson and Dalrymple (1996) regarded
Figure 15. Calibration curves for forest floor moisture content as a function of Drought Code (DC): national standard, coastal British
Columbia cedar–hemlock (CWH) forests, southern interior British Columbia forests, and southern Yukon white spruce
0 100 200 300400 500 600700 800 900
Drought code
Moisture content (%)
Coastal British Columbia (CWH)
Southern interior British Columbia
Yukon white spruce
DC national standard
only equation 6 as “final, in the sense that it
is based on sufficient sampling from several
benchmark sites with typical DC forest floor
characteristics over more than one season.
However, equations 7 and 8 have been used in
various ground-truthing studies in Yukon and
Alberta and are now regarded as sufficiently
robust for use where appropriate.
Another application of ground-truth
sampling of duff moisture content arises when
fire weather stations are established later in
the season for some special purpose, such as
servicing a campaign wildfire or prescribed burn.
Normally, the fuel moisture codes from the
nearest representative weather station will be
applied as start-up values for the late-starting
station. However, in critical situations, ground-
truth sampling results can be compared with the
predicted results for one of the above equations,
and the DC from the nearest weather station can
be adjusted up or down, as appropriate.
A number of complex meteorological
conditions that are not readily recognized or
easily measured have significant effects on fire
behavior. Schroeder and Buck (1970) discussed
the following topics in greater detail, but their
key points are presented here from a fire danger
perspective. It should be noted, however, that this
section is not intended to cover comprehensively
the range of topics linking fire weather with
firefighter safety.
For example, temperature inversions, in
which temperature increases with elevation,
instead of decreasing as it does in an unstable
or naturally stable atmosphere, may result in
surprising variations in fire danger with small
changes in elevation. Strong instability may also
result in unexpected fire activity. Foehn winds
(e.g., chinooks) that flow down mountain slopes
or blow out coastal inlets have the potential to
cause extreme drying of fuels because of the
accompanying low humidities.
Brotak and Reifsnyder (1977b) described
the frontal weather patterns, local wind profiles,
and temperature profiles occurring in the lower
5550 m of the atmosphere that are associated
with extreme fire behavior. No provision can be
made in the FWI System or the FBP System to
account directly for these atmospheric profiles,
but a fire weather forecaster can often recognize
dangerous warning signs in the upper air balloon
soundings taken daily at a network of weather
stations across the country. Such soundings may
also be taken at special fire weather stations
established to service campaign wildfires.
Flannigan and Wotton (2001) described in
detail synoptic surface weather features and
upper air features that have been correlated
with severe fire weather and burned area
events in Canada. The most important surface
weather features with respect to area burned
are passage of cold fronts, dry spells, and low
relative humidities. The latter two weather
elements influence fuel moisture and associated
fire danger rating components, and passage of a
cold front was associated with nearly 80% of the
large fires in the eastern United States over a
10-year period studied by Brotak and Reifsnyder
(1977a). Flannigan and Wotton (2001) noted
the importance of the shift in surface winds
from southwest to northwest that occurs with
the passage of a cold front in the northern
hemisphere; as this occurs, the flank of a fire
burning with a southwest wind becomes the
head of a fire burning with a northwest wind,
which in turn causes rapid and significant growth
in the fire.
Flannigan and Wotton (2001) also noted
that the breakdown of an upper atmospheric
ridge is critical in accounting for the area of
burning. Newark (1975) and Nimchuck (1983)
described significant wildfire episodes in 1974
in northwestern Ontario and in 1981 in Alberta,
respectively, that were associated with the
breakdown of upper (500 mbar) long-wave
ridges. Such breakdowns are often accompanied
by an increase in lightning activity, as upper
disturbances (with short waves) move along the
west side of the ridge, and by strong and gusty
surface winds. Breakdown of an upper ridge is
preceded, possibly for several weeks, by the
warm, dry conditions associated with the upper
ridge, which produce very dry fuels.
Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
Vertical temperature profiles reveal a great
deal about the dynamic processes that occur in
the atmosphere, and Schroeder and Buck (1970)
have discussed in detail how atmospheric stability
and instability affect fire behavior. However,
temperature inversions can have strong effects
on fire behavior, without necessarily showing
up in advance in the weather observations
collected for calculation of fire danger rating
indices, particularly once-a-day observations
from weather stations confined mostly to valley
The degree of stability or instability of an
atmospheric layer is determined by comparing
its temperature lapse rate, as shown by a
sounding, with the appropriate adiabatic lapse
rate. The lapse rate of the atmosphere is defined
as the rate at which temperature decreases with
increasing height. If the temperature is increasing
with height, the lapse rate is negative, indicating
an inversion.
The atmospheric stability of any layer is
determined by the way in which temperature
varies through the layer and by whether air in
the layer is saturated. A measured temperature
lapse rate less than the dry-adiabatic rate of
9.8 ºC/km (5.5 ºF/1000 ft) for an unsaturated
parcel is considered “stable, because vertical
motion is damped (Schroeder and Buck 1970).
By contrast, a lapse rate greater than the dry-
adiabatic rate favors vertical motion and is
“unstable. If the lapse rate of an unsaturated
parcel equals the dry-adiabatic rate, the layer is
considered “neutrally stable, and any vertical
motion is neither damped nor accelerated.
In the case of a saturated parcel of air, the
same stability terms apply; however, the
comparative atmospheric lapse rate is
the saturated-adiabatic rate of 4.9 ºC/km
(3 ºF/1000 ft) on average. Unlike the dry-
adiabatic rate, which is constant, the saturated-
adiabatic lapse rate is variable. To facilitate
stability determinations, the meteorologist
plots the measured temperature and moisture
structure of the atmosphere on a gridded
adiabatic chart of height versus temperature. The
moisture is plotted as a dew-point temperature.
Also printed on the chart is a set of dry-adiabatic
and a set of moist-adiabatic lines or adiabats.
By referring to these adiabatic charts, the
meteorologist can compare the lapse rates of the
various layers of the atmosphere with the dry-
and saturated-adiabatic rates. The atmosphere
at various heights may be stable, unstable, or
“conditionally unstable, the latter referring to
an environmental lapse rate that falls between
the dry- and saturated-adiabatic lapse rates
(Schroeder and Buck 1970). A conditionally
unstable atmosphere will support active
convection until the environmental lapse rate
becomes less than the saturated lapse rate, at
which time convection stops and the atmosphere
becomes stable.
The vertical structure of the atmosphere
influences fire behavior in various ways.
Flannigan and Wotton (2001) observed that dry
and unstable air enhances forest fire growth in
two ways: first, in the absence of strong winds,
it promotes a well-developed convection column,
which may produce spotting and other erratic fire
behavior such as fire whirls; second, when wind
speeds are strong near the earth’s surface, the
instability allows the high winds to be mixed down
to the surface, where they enhance fire spread
and erratic fire behavior such as horizontal roll
vortices (Haines 1982).
To address the role of the atmosphere’s
vertical structure on fire activity, Haines (1988)
developed a lower atmosphere severity index for
wildland fires, which accounts for the influence
of temperature stability and moisture content
in the lower atmosphere. Haines found that
although only 6% of fire season days fell into the
high-index class in the western United States,
45% of days with large or erratic fires occurred
on those days.
Although a dry, unstable atmospheric profile
may contribute to a persistent convection column
above a fire, convection columns above wildland
fires may also occur under inversion conditions,
eventually “punching through” the inversion
(Alberta Forest Service 1985).
Inversions form in various ways. Maritime
inversions commonly occur during the warm
season, when cool, moist air from an ocean or a
large lake spreads over low-lying land. Although
maritime inversions may persist during the day,
they are strongest and most noticeable at night,
when fog may form in the cool moist air. Nocturnal
inversions form in mountain valleys as cool air
drains down slopes, leaving warmer air above
an inversion layer, in what is known as a thermal
belt below the main ridges (Schroeder and Buck
1970). The highest minimum temperatures
occur within this midslope thermal belt, as do
the lowest nighttime relative humidity and fuel
moisture, which may help fires to remain active
during the night. Such nighttime fire activity
can cause the fire’s intensity to build up to the
extent that a convection column develops above
the fire, punching through the inversion layer at
the top of the thermal belt and further increasing
fire intensity.
Subsidence, another mechanism that
contributes to the formation of inversions, can
also contribute to erratic, high-intensity fire
behavior. Subsiding air warms and dries as it
sinks to the surface, which leads to extremely
low relative humidities. Large-scale subsidence
inversions are usually associated with warm
upper-atmosphere high pressure ridges that
may extend all the way from the surface to the
troposphere (Schroeder and Buck 1970), but
relatively weak high pressure conditions at the
surface. As the upper ridge develops or advances
(usually from the west), the subsidence of air
on the east side of the ridge is accompanied
by warming and drying of the air that is aloft;
that warmer, drier air may eventually approach
ground level, resulting in a subsidence inversion
(B. Janz, Fire Weather Supervisor, Alberta Forest
Service, Edmonton, Alberta [retired], December
11, 2006, personal communication). If it reaches
the surface, the effect on fuel moisture and fire
behavior can be dramatic, and a potentially critical
fire weather situation often results (Schroeder
and Buck 1970). The dry subsiding air usually
does not reach the surface as a broad layer;
rather, because of convection currents, it comes
down to the surface in patches, which cause
the subsiding air to mix with the air in the layer
below the subsidence inversion. The resulting air
is not as dry as the pure subsiding air, but it
still has a very low relative humidity, often in the
range of 10% to 20%, with temperatures in the
mid-30s (Alberta Forest Service 1985).
Dangerous, erratic fire behavior can result
when subsiding air overlies a layer of cool,
shallow marine air, particular in coastal areas.
Humidity is high in the marine air, the top of
which is usually marked by low stratus clouds.
Above the marine layer lies very dry air, which
creates high potential for fire behavior. In this
situation, an existing low-intensity fire burning
in the cool marine air can “explode” in intensity
as it burns up the slope into the dry subsiding
In all, four types of subsidence have been
identified (Alberta Forest Service 1985):
down-valley or down-slope winds, which 1.
result from radiational cooling;
thunderstorm downdrafts, which can be 2.
quite strong, especially when combined
with normal down-valley winds, and
which can create a threat to safety if
personnel are caught on the side of the
fire opposite the thunderstorm;
large-scale subsidence of an air mass, as 3.
discussed above, in the context of upper
ridges (i.e., high pressure in the middle
or upper troposphere); and
subsidence to the lee of mountain 4.
ranges, which is caused by the slight
pressure drop as wind blows across
a mountain barrier and which usually
results in downward flow or descent of
the air (this form of subsidence, which
produces the chinooks east of the Rockies
and warm, dry outflow conditions along
the south, central, and north coasts
of British Columbia and the east and
west coasts of Vancouver Island, often
occurs in sunny weather, when there are
few visual indicators that it is present,
and may drive fires downhill, instead of
allowing them to stop at the ridges, as
would be expected).
Low-Level Jet
In addition to identifying highly unstable
atmosphere as a criterion for severe (“blow-up”)
fire behavior, Byram (1959) listed additional
criteria, including abundant dry fuel and the
presence of a “low-level jet, with wind speed
decreasing above that level. Byram (1959)
regarded 500 m as a working value for this
critical height above the fire but suggested that
the “jet, or maximum wind speed, would be
lower in the case of light fuels or light surface
winds. Byram found that the most intense fires
occurred when the wind speed at the jet exceeded
30 km/h, but blow-up fires do occur with winds
between 20 and 30 km/h at the jet, especially
where topography contributes to fire behavior.
The decrease in wind with height above the
jet is required to maintain a strong convection
column above the fire, while the jet contributes
to strengthening the wind at the surface, as the
fire increases in intensity (Alberta Forest Service
1985). Increasing wind speed with height would
tend to shear off the fire’s convection column,
thus removing energy from the vicinity of the
fire. A fire weather forecaster must pay particular
attention to a low-level jet in the presence of
other criteria for extreme fire behavior. Of course,
height-related wind speed profiles constitute
special meteorological information that would
usually be available only to weather specialists
working with a fire weather forecasting unit or a
campaign fire overhead team.
Widely used rules of thumb warning of
potentially severe fire weather include “crossover,
a concept that has been discussed for decades
(Alberta Forest Service 1985). Crossover refers
to an hourly pattern of temperature and relative
humidity in which a rising temperature trend
is intersected or crossed by a falling relative
humidity trend, which may indicate potentially
severe fire behavior (Fig. 16).
However, some researchers have been
cautious of the crossover rule of thumb, saying
that it has some value but may be overused
and misinterpreted (M.E. Alexander, Forest
Fire Research Officer, Canadian Forest Service,
Edmonton, Alberta, November 3, 2003, personal
communication). One of the problems, according
to Alexander, is the tendency of fire managers to
prepare for severe fire behavior circumstances
only when crossover conditions occur. However,
severe fires can occur in the absence of crossover.
For example, the 1968 Lesser Slave Lake Fire in
Alberta ran 64 km in 10 h, with significant crown
fire behavior and consumption of heavy fuels
(Alexander 1983a); yet the temperature was
only 21°C and relative humidity 30% at the start
of the run, nowhere near crossover conditions
(although such conditions had prevailed on the
four consecutive days leading up to the run).
Obviously, fires may exhibit extreme behavior
because of other factors, including wind speed
and profile, steepness of the slope, and dryness
of medium and heavy fuels. In the interactive
training course titled “Wildland Fire-Safety on
the Fireline,Alexander has stated, “Cross-over
Figure 16. Diurnal trends of temperature and relative humidity in which for a portion of the day the relative humidity is equal to or
less than the air temperature, termed crossover (sources: M.E. Alexander, Forest Fire Research Officer, Canadian Forest Service,
Edmonton, Alberta, November 3, 2003, personal communication; Thorburn et al. [2000]).
Midnight 0600 Noon 1800 Midnight
Air temperature (°C)
Relative humidity (%)
Air temperature
Relative humidity
can be a useful reminder that the potential for
blowup or extreme fire behavior exists. However,
do not rely on cross-over as your only indicator
of such situations. Many fires can exhibit blowup
or extreme fire behavior characteristics without
cross-over conditions.” (Thorburn et al. 2000).
In the context of the CFFDRS, when air
temperature is greater than or equal to relative
humidity, then FFMC is always 92 or higher
(assuming that the previous day’s FFMC was
89 or higher). FFMC values of 92 or above
correspond to a fine fuel moisture content of
less than 9%, which correlates with significant
potential for spot fire ignition. Furthermore, the
FBP System indicates that continuous crown
fire with rates of spread exceeding 15 m/min
and fire intensities exceeding 10 000 kW/m for
most boreal forest fuel types will occur when
FFMC is at least 92, wind speed is in the range
15–20 km/h, and medium and heavy fuels have
a moderate level of dryness (M.E. Alexander,
Forest Fire Research Officer, Canadian Forest
Service, Edmonton, Alberta, November 3, 2003,
personal communication).
Therefore, forecasters must be mindful that
there is more to extreme fire behavior potential
than just crossover or wind speeds greater
than 30 km/h. Crown fire behavior can occur
in the absence of crossover conditions and with
only moderate wind speeds (about 15 km/h) if
other criteria are met, such as dry medium or
heavy fuels or steep slopes. Nonetheless, even
Figure 17. Sling psychrometer from belt-mounted weather kit used for
local measurements of wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures
and calculation of relative humidity (photo courtesy of
Ember Research Services Ltd.).
though crossover is not a sure-fire method of
predicting extreme fire behavior, it is at least
a useful indicator that can be determined with
nothing more sophisticated than a belt weather
kit (Fig. 17); access to a permanent fire weather
station or danger rating calculations is not
Dew and Frost
Dew and frost are two forms of moisture
that are deposited on fuels directly from the
atmosphere. Unlike rain, snow, and other
forms of precipitation, dew and frost do not fall
but instead are deposited when water vapor
condenses or sublimes on the ground or on
objects near the ground. Dew forms when air
next to the ground or to cold objects is chilled
to the dew point of the air but remains above
freezing. Frost forms by sublimation when the
air is chilled to its dew point, and the dew point
is below freezing (Schroeder and Buck 1970).
When the air temperature drops to its dew point
value, the relative humidity is 100%.
Dew and frost can affect the moisture content
of fine fuels, even though they are not measured
directly in standard fire weather observations
(Pech 1991). However, their effects are usually
of short duration and dissipate by noon. Dew
point temperatures may be reached overnight
in clearings or open forests, which increases the
moisture content of open fine fuels during the
morning hours; in contrast, adjacent closed-
canopy forests may stay warmer, above the dew
point temperature, and may therefore present
drier fine fuels during the morning hours.
In a study of the effects of dew on 1.2-cm
diameter, 100-g fuel moisture sticks kept in the
open, Haines (1979) found that the amount of
dew was generally in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 mm,
with heavy dews (0.15 to 0.25 mm) occurring
mostly during nights in August and September.
Heavy dew produced average increases in the
weight of the fuel sticks of about 10 g overnight
(compared with sticks sheltered from dew
formation). The dew effect decreased rapidly
after sunrise; 75% of the moisture increase
was lost within 4 h, and the extra moisture was
almost completely gone by 1300, the time when
fire weather observations are recorded for the
day. Under windy conditions with clear skies, the
dew deposited on fuels was less than half what
was deposited on nights with low wind, and half
of the dew was lost within 4 h after sunrise under
these conditions.
Haines (1979) concluded that awareness of
the effects of dew on fuel moisture content can
aid fire managers in predicting fire activity. For
example, if a prescribed burn is planned for 1300
following a clear night with heavy dew forecast,
the manager can carry on with the prescribed
burn, knowing that the effects of overnight dew
should have passed by the time of the burn.
However, after a clear but windy night with little
or no dew, a fire may continue to spread through
the night.
Users of the CFFDRS should have an idea
of the sensitivity of key components of the
FWI System and FBP System to changes in key
weather elements and hence their sensitivity to
the ability to observe and measure these weather
elements accurately. This section explores in
particular the relations between wind speed
and the fire danger and fire behavior prediction
outputs that flow from wind speed observations.
Wind is the weather element that is most difficult
to measure representatively and the one to which
fire behavior is most sensitive. For completeness,
the sensitivity of FFMC, DMC, and DC to their
respective weather inputs (temperature, relative
humidity, and wind speed) are also illustrated.
Sensitivity of Fuel Moisture
Codes to Weather Elements
Fine Fuel Moisture Code
Detailed descriptions of the mathematical
relations between FFMC drying rates and the
input weather elements of temperature, relative
humidity, and wind are available in Van Wagner
(1987) and are not repeated here. However,
Figures 18, 19, and 20 illustrate the effects of
a particular day’s noon temperature, relative
humidity, and wind, respectively, on that day’s
FFMC for three selected levels of the previous
day’s FFMC: 30 (wet), 70 (drying), and 90
The effect of noon temperature on FFMC is
approximately linear across the entire range of
temperatures and has a decreasing influence on
FFMC as the fine fuels dry (Fig. 18). The effects
of relative humidity on FFMC are nonlinear
(Fig. 19), such that even if the previous day’s
FFMC was 90, relative humidity has a significant
effect on day-to-day changes in FFMC. The effect
of wind speed on drying rate is proportionally
greater at lower wind speeds (Fig. 20), and any
effect of wind on fine fuel drying is effectively
constant by the time FFMC has reached 90.
Today's noon temperature (ºC)
Today's FFMC
Yesterday's FFMC = 30
Yesterday's FFMC = 70
Yesterday's FFMC = 90
RH = 45%, wind speed = 12 km/h
Figure 18. Effects of today’s noon temperature on Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) for three levels of yesterday’s FFMC. RH = relative
0102030405060708090 100
Today's noon relative humidity (%)
Today's FFMC
Wind speed = 12 km/h, temperature = 21 °C
Yesterday's FFMC = 30
Yesterday's FFMC = 70
Yesterday's FFMC = 90
Figure 19. Effects of today’s noon relative humidity on Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) for three levels of yesterday’s FFMC.
Duff Moisture Code and Drought Code
When the effects of weather elements on any
of the three fuel moisture codes are considered,
it is important to bear in mind that the scales
(equations) used to convert calculated fuel
moisture content into FFMC, DMC, or DC are
logarithmic (i.e., nonlinear transformations),
reflecting the logarithmic drying rates of forest
fuels. Thus, although the relations between
temperature and DMC (Fig. 21), between relative
humidity and DMC (Fig. 22), and between
temperature and DC (Fig. 23) are linear, day-to-
day drying in constant weather is exponential.
The DMC was designed as a logarithmic
function of actual moisture content that rises
with dryness; its scale has the advantage of daily
Today's noon wind speed (km/h)
Today's FFMC
Yesterday's FFMC = 30
Yesterday's FFMC = 70
Yesterday's FFMC = 90
RH = 45%, temperature = 21 °C
Figure 20. Effects of today’s noon wind speed on Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) for three levels of yesterday’s FFMC. RH = relative
drying increments (ranging from 0 to 9) that are
independent of the current value of the code.
The DC is unlike a real fuel code, in that it
was designed to serve as an index of the water
stored in the soil, rather than following the
moisture content of a particular forest floor
layer. However, because soil also loses moisture
exponentially, such an index is suitable for
representing certain heavy fuels, as discussed
in the subsection entitled “Ground-truthing the
Drought Code” (within the section “Drought”).
The DC has a logarithmic scale analogous to that
of the DMC, which permits the addition of daily
drying increments that are independent of the
daily value of DC (Fig. 23).
Figure 21. Change in yesterday’s Duff Moisture Code (DMC), given today’s noon temperature. RH = relative humidity.
Today's noon temperature (°C)
Change in DMC
RH = 45%
May and June
Today's noon relative humidity (%)
Change in DMC
Temperature = 21 °C
May and June
Figure 22. Change in yesterday’s Duff Moisture Code (DMC), given today’s noon relative humidity.
Sensitivity of Initial Spread Index and
Predicted Rate of Spread to Wind Speed
Before consideration of the sensitivity of the
ISI to wind speed and changes in wind speed, it
is important to note that the CFFDRS calculates
ISI in two ways, using one equation for the
FWI System and a different equation for the
FBP System (to predict the rate of spread and
fire intensity for specific fuel types). The two
equations (numbered 53 and 53a in Forestry
Canada Fire Danger Group [1992]) are identical
for wind speeds up to 40 km/h but differ
significantly at wind speeds above 40 km/h.
Today's noon temperature (°C)
Change in DC
Figure 23. Change in yesterday’s Drought Code (DC), given today’s noon temperature.
In particular, the FWI ISI (the “standard” ISI)
rises steeply at wind speeds above 40 km/h,
whereas the FBP ISI rises at a lower rate and
levels off at wind speeds above 40 km/h (Fig.
24). Because the two ISI models diverge at high
wind speeds, the sensitivity of ISI to incremental
changes at high wind speeds is far greater for
the standard ISI than for the FBP ISI (Fig. 24).
By contrast, at low wind speeds (less than about
12 km/h), the two ISI models are relatively
insensitive to incremental changes in wind
Figure 24. Fire Weather Index (FWI) Initial Spread Index (ISI), Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) ISI, and rate of spread for
fuel type C-3 (mature jack or lodgepole pine) as a function of wind speed. FFMC = Fine Fuel Moisture Code,
BUI = Buildup Index.
Wind speed (km/h)
ISI or rate of spread (m/min)
C-3 rate of spread
FFMC = 92, BUI = 107
As discussed in the subsection on wind within
the section “Elements of Fire Weather,the ISI,
which reflects the joint influence of wind and fine
fuel moisture on fire spread, is calculated with a
simple exponential equation whereby ISI doubles
for every 14 km/h increase in wind speed, with
FFMC held constant (Table 5). The exponential
relation of standard ISI plotted against wind speed
rises steeply, at an increasing rate, as wind speed
increases beyond 12 km/h, and ISI continues
to double for every increase in wind speed of
14 km/h, even beyond 60 km/h. Van Wagner
(1987) noted that the effect of wind on ISI was
similar to the effect of wind on forest fire spread
and matched fairly well the local experimental
field evidence. However, Van Wagner pointed out
that the relation is essentially empirical, and at
very high wind speeds its validity is uncertain.
This uncertainty about the exponential effect
of wind on ISI at high wind speeds continued
as the FBP System was developed to predict
quantitative rates of spread in specific fuel types.
As reported by the Forestry Canada Fire Danger
Group (1992), for all rate-of-spread equations
derived from the FBP System database of
experimental fires and well-documented wildfires,
the independent variable was the standard ISI.
No advantage was found to using FFMC and
wind speed separately to predict the rate of
spread. However, the fires in the database that
were associated with high winds were primarily
wildfires that had burned through several fuel
types; as such, they were included in more than
one fuel-type subset. Also, crowning and spotting
ahead, features of fire behavior under conditions
of high wind, were automatically accounted for, in
terms of their influence on overall rate of spread.
The high-wind wildfires in the FBP fire database
contributed uncertainty to the high ends of the
predictive rate-of-spread equations. Therefore,
as the authors of the FBP System described, the
principle that rate of spread levels off at very
high ISI values was adopted as an appropriate
conservative approach in the absence of concrete
knowledge (Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group
Wotton et al. (n.d.) have discussed the
assumption of leveling-off in the context of
documented grass fires and forest fires that have
exceeded the maximum spread rates predicted
by existing equations in the FBP System. These
case studies are not discussed in detail here,
but for the first formal update of the 1992 FBP
System (Wotton et al. n.d.), the assumption that
rate of spread levels off at very high ISI values
is retained.
The form of equation chosen for all fuel
types was an S-shaped asymptotic curve with
parameters for each fuel type estimated with
nonlinear techniques (see Forestry Canada
Fire Danger Group [1992]). Figure 24, which
illustrates the rate of spread as a function of
wind speed for fuel type C-3 (mature jack or
lodgepole pine), clearly shows the conservative
leveling-off of predicted spread rate above wind
speeds of 40 km/h.
The leveling-off of rate-of-spread equations
for all FBP System fuel types required a modified
ISI (i.e., an ISI that also leveled off at wind
speeds greater than 40 km/h), rather than the
standard ISI used in the FWI System, which rises
exponentially as wind speed increases (Fig. 24).
The Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group (1992,
p. 32 [footnote]) explained that the modified ISI
was required to prevent anomalous measurable
ISI and predicted spread rates at very low values
of FFMC, but in fact the modified ISI is used in
the FBP System for all conditions where wind
speeds exceed 40 km/h.
The exponential relation whereby standard
ISI doubles for every 14 km/h increase in wind
speed does not hold for the modified ISI used
in the FBP System. Because it levels off, the
modified ISI is less sensitive to variation in
wind speed above 40 km/h. Furthermore, the
sensitivity of predicted rate of spread to changes
in wind speed is greatest in the middle range of
wind speeds (Fig. 24) and less at low and at very
high wind speeds.
Sensitivity of Fire Weather Index and
Predicted Fire Intensity to Wind Speed
Predicted fire intensity is an important output
of the FBP System that is directly proportional
to rate of spread and wind speed (through the
ISI). The degree of sensitivity over the range of
wind speeds is subject to the same factors as
discussed in the previous subsection. The plot of
FWI as a function of wind speed for low and high
BUI (Fig. 25) shows that, like the standard ISI
(Fig. 24), FWI is also an exponential function that
rises continually with wind speed. By contrast,
because predicted fire intensity by fuel type
in the FBP System is derived from the rate of
spread and fuel consumption, it reflects the same
S-shaped curve (with leveling off) as occurs for
the underlying rate of spread and modified ISI,
as discussed in the previous subsection.
Also shown in Figure 25 are fire intensity
classes 4, 5, and 6 (from a 6-class scheme),
which encompass the fire intensity values at
which surface fire transitions to intermittent
crown fire and continuous crown fire. These
fire intensity classes have been standardized
(Alexander and Cole 1995) into the following
ranges of fire intensities:
Fire intensity class Fire intensity (kW/m)
1 < 10
2 10–500
3 500–2000
4 2000–4000
5 4000–10 000
6 > 10 000
Fire suppression interpretations based on
head fire intensity classes are available for
several fuel types (Alexander and de Groot
1988; Alexander and Lanoville 1989; Cole and
Alexander 1995). Hirsch (1996, 1998) has
presented a generalization of the above fuel-type
specific fire intensity descriptions for standing
conifer forest fuel types.
Figure 25. Fire Weather Index (FWI) and fire intensity for fuel type C-3 (mature jack or lodgepole pine) as a function of wind speed.
BUI = Buildup Index.
Wind speed (km/h)
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
100 000
120 000
140 000
Fire intensity (kW/m)
FWI for BUI = 30
FWI for BUI = 107
Fire intensity for BUI = 30
Fire intensity for BUI = 107
Fire intensity class 6
Fire intensity class 4
Fire intensity class 5
From the standpoint of sensitivity of fire
intensity class to measurements of wind speed,
it is clear from Figures 24 and 25 that an
error of 8 km/h in measuring, estimating, or
forecasting wind speed would underestimate (or
overestimate) predicted rate of spread by 100%
in the steep portions of the S-curves for fuel type
C-3. Similarly, an error of just 2 km/h in wind
speed would produce a difference of 4 m/min in
the basic rate of spread for C-3 fuel. Coupled
with a low BUI of 30, this small change in rate of
spread would cover most of the range of intensity
class 5 (Fig. 25) and, significantly, the transition
from surface fire to crown fire, an important fire
behavior threshold for suppression effectiveness
and crew safety.
In Canada, general weather services are
provided to the general public by the Meteorological
Service of Canada (MSC), Environment Canada.
Weather forecasting services in support of fire
management agencies are produced at several
levels, as described below.
The MSC performs a comprehensive program
of meteorological data acquisition across
Canada. These data, consisting of observations
of weather elements from the earth’s surface
into the stratosphere, are used to prepare
public forecasts and warnings and to provide
information to meet the general requirements
of all users. Processed information is distributed
from the Canadian Meteorological Centre (located
in Montréal) to the five storm prediction centers
across the country.
Forecasters at the five MSC regional storm
prediction centers (Atlantic Region, Quebec
Region, Ontario Region, Prairie and Northern
Region, and Pacific and Yukon Region) provide
detail on the behavior of global and medium-
sized weather systems for their respective areas.
In this way, the forecasters can be much more
specific as to the timing and occurrence of local
weather features.
Fire weather forecasts are provided by
contractors or employees of the fire management
agency. The organization providing the service
varies from agency to agency, and these
organizations are flexible enough to serve the
specific needs of the user agencies.
Fire Weather Forecasts
A desirable method of providing a specialized
fire weather forecasting service is to have
meteorological personnel functioning as an
integral part of the fire management agency.
This approach allows appropriate emphasis on
the weather factors that are significant to the
user agency (e.g., duration of dry spells, frontal
passage, local wind patterns, lightning activity).
Direct, one-to-one contact between meteorologist
and fire management officer ensures that the
former is kept informed of changing weather
requirements as they develop and the latter is
able to request specific details and get some feel
for the reliability of forecast information.
It is not possible to measure more than a
small sample of weather. The MSC, in cooperation
with other national weather services, operates
a synoptic network of weather stations that is
adequate for sampling on a global or continental
scale. These stations are, of necessity, located in
well-exposed sites and are usually representative
of nonforested areas.
A much larger network of fire weather stations
is needed if reliable fire weather forecasts are
to be prepared at a scale suitable for efficient
and effective fire management. These additional
specialized stations are necessary to fill the
gaps between synoptic stations and to enable
individual fire weather forecasters to provide
the amount of detail and the precision required
for spot forecasts for specific locations, for
interpretation in terms of fire behavior.
Fire Danger Forecasts
Routine calculation of the six standard
components of the FWI System, usually
performed daily for the regional fire weather
network with a computer program (Van Wagner
and Pickett 1985), results in an estimate of
fire potential for the current afternoon period.
Because the FWI System is designed entirely
as a function of weather, forecast values for the
codes and indices can be produced readily from
the forecast values of the necessary weather
One of the problems in calculating and using
forecasted fire danger indices is the inherent
difficulty in forecasting two of the fire weather
elements to which the FWI is most sensitive:
rain and wind. This challenge is offset somewhat
by the fact that the need for precise danger
forecasts is reduced with the occurrence of any
appreciable rainfall.
Forecasts of numeric values have traditionally
been presented as single figures, sometimes
rounded to the nearest 5 or 10 units. This
presentation implies that the forecasted value
is expected to occur, and that all other values
are not expected. In reality, the forecast value is
usually the most probable value, and there may
be a number of other values with an expectation
only slightly less than the one indicated.
Forecasters can improve on single-value forecasts
by assigning the probabilities of occurrence to
each range of values for each forecast element.
This approach goes beyond simply forecasting
the probability of precipitation, to assigning the
probability in several rainfall amount classes.
Two basic approaches to fire danger
forecasting are in current use: area averaging
and point forecasting. These approaches are
described briefly here.
In regions where the scale of significant
fire weather patterns is large enough to be
represented by several observing stations over
the area, the weather observations from these
stations are averaged together before the day’s
fire danger indices are calculated. The forecasted
fire danger indices for the next day use the
current day’s fire danger calculation for the area,
together with the next day’s forecast weather
observations for the area, such that the numbers
issued by the forecaster represent an average
index for the area as a whole. This technique
minimizes some of the difficulties associated
with variability in rain and wind from station to
The point forecasting approach is used in
mountainous regions, such as British Columbia,
where topography forces the fire weather pattern
into a fine-scale mosaic. A number of areas or
weather zones with fixed boundaries are selected,
and one or more reference weather-observing
stations are chosen to represent at least some
part of each zone. Indices are calculated for
the observed and forecasted weather for
these specific station locations. This approach
recognizes that index values at certain locations
within each zone will be markedly different from
those at the selected station. These differences
can be allowed for, at least qualitatively, on the
basis of recognized features of the landscape.
Various agencies are investigating the
application of meso-scale weather models to fire
danger and fire behavior prediction. Similarly,
the USDA Forest Service has been evaluating
its MM5 meteorological I model at hourly time
scales and at spatial resolutions that may be
useful for producing NFDRS predictions for both
fire danger rating and fire behavior prediction.
Hoadley et al. (2006) simulated an extreme fire
event by applying MM5 model predictions of
weather elements to compute gridded predictions
of NFDRS indices in a case study of the 2000 fire
season in northern Idaho and western Montana.
They found that the model’s predictions of fire
danger indices were consistently lower than the
observed indices; however, the results indicated
that the MM5 weather model had captured trends
and extreme changes in the NFDRS indices
reasonably well. Of the three spatial resolutions
tested (36, 12, and 4 km), the best results were
consistently obtained for the 4-km domain.
As in many Canadian fire management
jurisdictions, once-daily manual observations in
the United States have, for the most part, been
replaced by remote automatic weather stations
that collect weather data hourly. However, as
in the CFFDRS, the NFDRS rating is calculated
(as a regulated requirement) only once a day,
at 1300 LST, to represent the midafternoon
peak of fire danger conditions. Now, the advent
of operationally accessible, high-resolution
meso-scale models to produce regional weather
predictions in near-real time has opened
the door for US fire managers to obtain fire
danger predictions at finer temporal and spatial
resolutions than have previously been available
(Hoadley et al. 2006).
Nonetheless, in their case study, Hoadley et
al. (2006) found that the US meso-scale weather
model (the MM5 model) contained systemic bias
toward overprediction of relative humidity and
overestimation of predicted rainfall, which in
turn led to errors in hourly predictions of the
energy release component and the burning index
that may be too large for practical application
in fire operations. Those authors noted that
improvements in MM5 real-time predictions for
the Pacific Northwest are planned as a way to
mitigate the modeled bias in relative humidity and
temperature. Similarly, Canadian applications
of meso-scale weather models to operational
predictions of CFFDRS components should be
carefully evaluated for systemic bias before the
new modeling technology is implemented by fire
management agencies.
Meso-scale weather models have been
evaluated for their potential application in
forecasting fire behavior conditions over complex
terrain in Canada since at least 1998 (Anderson
et al. 1998). In a study geared to Jasper National
Park, Alberta, Anderson et al. (1998) defined
the meso-scale (after Huschke 1959) as the
state of the atmosphere as it exists between
meteorological stations, denoting a range of
atmospheric scales from 200 to 2 km and the
scale at which forest fires occur and interact with
the atmosphere. Accurate weather-prediction
models at the meso-scale would enhance the
ability to model fire growth and micro-site
fuel moisture conditions, especially in complex
Anderson et al. (1998) tested two meso-
scale weather models, the Regional Atmospheric
Modelling System (RAMS, University of Colorado,
Denver, and *ASTER division of Mission Research
Corp.) and the Meso-scale Comprehensive
Community (MC2, Cooperative Centre for
Research in Meteorology, Environment Canada,
Montréal, PQ), for their ability to forecast fire
weather and fire behavior conditions in the
mountainous terrain of Jasper National Park,
which is located in the Rocky Mountains just
east of the continental divide. RAMS was run at
spatial-resolution grids of 64, 16, 4, and 1 km
and at 21 atmospheric levels to a height of
17 km. MC2 was set up on three different grids
(35, 10, and 2 km resolution). Model validations
were run against a network of five automatic fire
weather stations collecting hourly observations
of precipitation, temperature, relative humidity,
and wind speed and direction. The RAMS model
predicted humidity well, but its predictions of
wind in rugged terrain were poor. The MC2 model
was better for wind but was still not usable at an
operational fire management level, explaining at
best 36% of the variation. The authors attributed
the poor performance of the models to the
complexity of the topography.
Fire Behavior Forecasts
Current applications of the two main
subsystems of the CFFDRS have extended well
beyond traditional fire prevention and the setting
of preparedness levels. Now, fire-weather-
based information systems include quantitative
predictions of fire behavior on an hourly basis
across landscapes, geared to work-site safety
issues, the setting of evacuation strategies,
and many other uses (Alexander and Thomas
Beck et al. (2002) described one such
operational fire management methodology which
coupled three-day fire weather forecasts with
local information on fire environment, including
fuel types, fuel moisture, and slope steepness,
to forecast diurnal variations in fire intensity,
based on outputs from the FWI and FBP systems.
For situations in which forecasted weather lacks
sufficient diurnal resolution, climatologically
based models of air temperature, wind speed,
and relative humidity (given daily maximum and
minimum values, latitude, and date) have been
developed (Beck and Trevitt 1989).
Fire management agencies must anticipate
wind events and extreme fire behavior and must
communicate this information to workers who
may be at risk, particularly with respect to fire
suppression strategies and tactics. Fire behavior
advisories may be issued at various levels, as is
the case in British Columbia (Beck et al. 2002),
where the provincial headquarters issues wind
warnings for broad areas, regional fire centers
issue wind warnings and fire behavior warnings
by fuel type for broad areas, and a fire behavior
officer issues fire behavior warnings for specific
sections or fuel types of specific fires.
Although the federal MSC has the legal
mandate to issue public weather warnings, the
responsibility for issuing fire weather advisories
and warnings rests largely with provincial and
territorial fire management agencies.
Implications of Fire Weather: Fire
Management Information Systems
Lee et al. (2002) described four national
forest fire management information systems
currently used in Canada, and detailed some
of their implications for the management and
manipulation of fire weather data.
The first information system is the CFFDRS,
a nonspatial system that is the main subject of
this weather guide. The second system is the
sFMS, a GIS-based fire management information
system that uses the two core subsystems
of the CFFDRS, the FWI System and the FBP
System. The sFMS is the spatial engine used to
implement both of Canada’s national forest fire
management information systems, the Canadian
Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) and
the fire monitoring, mapping, and modeling
system (Fire M3).
The CWFIS presents daily information on fire
weather, fire behavior potential, and selected
upper atmospheric conditions. Fire M3 uses
satellite technology to monitor and map the
occurrence of large fires in Canada. Fire M3
also incorporates information from CWFIS to
model the impacts of large forest fires on the
basis of fire weather conditions and potential fire
The sFMS has been designed to support a
range of fire management functions, from the
formulation of policy to fire-suppression decision
support (Lee et al. 2002). The system is used
primarily with current weather data and short-
term forecasts to provide daily or hourly maps
of fire weather, fire behavior, ignition probability,
and attack time. It is also used with long-term
climate forecasts to predict the impacts of
climate change on fire danger, area burned, fuel
consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.
The CWFIS, in operational use since 1994,
was developed to provide a national overview
of daily wildland fire conditions for national
reporting (Lee 1995); as such, it is used daily by
the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. The
CWFIS employs sFMS as its underlying software
and operates automatically from the Northern
Forestry Centre of the CFS in Edmonton, Alta.
The CWFIS collects hourly weather data from
about 1500 weather stations across Canada, of
which about half are operated by the federal
government and about half by provincial and
territorial fire management agencies. Data are
also gathered from about 15 weather stations
in the United States, along the international
borders. The data from all of these stations are
processed by sFMS to produce daily maps of the
various components of the FWI and FBP systems
within the CFFDRS. Lee et al. (2002) noted that
weather data are interpolated between weather
stations to produce surfaces for each FWI System
input (24-h precipitation, temperature, relative
humidity, and wind speed) and for wind direction.
Interpolation procedures include adjustments of
temperature and relative humidity for elevation.
Cartographic modeling is then performed on
these weather data surfaces to compute values
for both the FWI System and the FBP System at
2-km cell resolution.
The Fire M3 system for monitoring,
mapping, and modeling active large fires also
has implications for the underlying system for
collecting fire weather data across Canada. As
Lee et al. (2002) explained, Fire M3 integrates
data from CWFIS to provide point estimates of
fire weather conditions, FWI System component
values, and potential fire behavior (i.e., values
for selected FBP System components) at hot-
spot locations.
A new fire growth model called Prometheus
is now being developed. This deterministic fire
growth simulation model uses spatial fire behavior
input data on topography (slope, aspect, and
elevation) and FBP fuel types, along with weather
streams, which are sequential observations or
forecasts, currently at a temporal resolution of
1 h, becoming variable in temporal resolution
as development proceeds. The development of
Prometheus (http://www.firegrowthmodel.com)
is a national interagency project led by Alberta
Sustainable Resource Development and endorsed
by the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre
and its members.
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Appendix 1. Beaufort scale for estimating 10-m open wind speeds
Force or
Wind speed
Description Observed wind effectsRange Mean
0 < 1 0 Calm Smoke rises vertically
1 1–5 3 Light air Direction of drift shown by smoke drift but not by
wind vanes
2 6–11 9 Light breeze Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; vanes moved by
3 12–19 16 Gentle breeze Leaves and twigs in constant motion; wind extends
light ag
4 20–28 24 Moderate
Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are
5 29–38 34 Fresh breeze Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets
on inland waters
6 39–49 44 Strong breeze Large branches in motion, whistling in telephone
wires, umbrellas used with difculty
7 50–61 55 Moderate gale Whole trees in motion; resistance felt when walking
against wind
8 62–74 68 Fresh gale
Breaks twigs off trees, generally impedes progress
9 75–88 82 Strong gale
Slight structural damage occurs
10 89–102 96 Whole gale Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted;
considerable structural damage
11 103–117 110 Storm Very rarely experienced; wide-spread damage
12 or
118+ > 125 Hurricane
Note: Beaufort scale is adapted from List, R.J. 1951. Smithsonian meteorological tables. 6th rev. Ed.
Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, D.C.
Source: Taylor, S.W.; Pike, R.G.; Alexander, M.E. 1997. Field guide to the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior
Prediction (FBP) System. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB. Spec. Rep. 11.
Reprinted with permission.
The Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) is the
component of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather
Index (FWI) System that tracks, in code form,
the moisture content of fine dead forest fuels
on the surface of the forest floor. One of three
methods (algorithms) can be used to calculate
an FFMC value:
Standard daily FFMC, calculated from
weather observations taken at “noon”
local standard time (LST) according to
specifications of the FWI System (Canadian
Forest Service 1984; Van Wagner and
Pickett 1985), describes the midafternoon
(1600 LST) state of fine fuels, forecasted
from noon weather conditions.
Diurnal FFMC is calculated for each hour
around the clock without the need to input
hourly weather data. Typical (midlatitude)
diurnal weather trends, with no rain, are
assumed. The original tabular versions
of diurnal FFMC (Muraro et al. 1969; Van
Wagner 1972; Alexander 1982a), which
did not extend around the clock, have now
been computerized and updated to allow
calculation of FFMC for every hour around
the clock (Lawson et al. 1996). A tabular
version of the computerized diurnal FFMC
developed by Lawson et al. (1996) was
included in the field guide to the Canadian
Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP)
System (Taylor et al. 1997). Diurnal FFMC
is applicable to latitudes from 48º N to
60º N, and an input of relative humidity
class is required to calculate diurnal FFMC
for the period from 0600 to 1159 LST.
The current version of the program Diurffmc.c
(C source code created by B. Armitage for Lawson
et al. [1996]) is available from the Canadian Forest
Service, along with an explanatory description
of the code and its executable program (Diurnal
Ccode.doc, in MS Word).
Hourly FFMC (Van Wagner 1977) is
calculated by an hourly FFMC program that
uses continuous hourly weather inputs
(temperature, relative humidity, wind
speed, and rainfall). The current version of
program HFFMC.c (the program for hourly
FFMC, written in C code) is also available
from the Canadian Forest Service, along
with an explanatory description of the code
and its executable program (Hourly Ccode.
doc, in MS Word).
Although once-daily calculation of FFMC (i.e.,
the standard daily FFMC) is usually adequate for
fire prevention and preparedness planning, finer
resolution of the predicted moisture content of
fine fuels has been recommended for quantitative
predictions of fire behavior using the FBP System
(Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group 1992). The
Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group described
the same three options for calculating FFMC
values, noting that hourly FFMC yields the most
representative FFMC and Initial Spread Index
(ISI) but also demands the most weather data.
In the context of operational application of
the FBP System for quantitative fire behavior
prediction, all three options for calculating FFMC
use actual or forecasted wind speed for the time
and area of interest to calculate the ISI. With
Option 1, the standard daily FFMC can be used
with an updated afternoon wind speed to compute
a wind-adjusted ISI for any time of the afternoon
up to the typical peak of 1600 h LST. Option 2,
Diurnal FFMC extends the time period from 1200
to 2000 h LST for which an adjusted FFMC (and
ISI, if an updated wind speed is available) can
be calculated; however, the assumed diurnal
weather curve is a restriction (Forestry Canada
Fire Danger Group 1992).
Differences will exist between the standard
daily FFMC (calculated from noon LST weather
observations) and the midafternoon FFMC values
computed from hourly weather data with the
hourly FFMC program. According to the Forestry
Canada Fire Danger Group (1992), the hourly
FFMC should be regarded as the “true” value and
should be archived as the reference FFMC on
which any future fire behavior analysis would be
based. However, the next day’s codes are derived
from the standard daily FFMC, rather than from
the diurnal or hourly FFMC. The user must be
aware of the differences in the FFMC models
underlying the various computational schemes,
so that a knowledgeable decision can be made
about which method of computing FFMC is most
appropriate in a given situation.
For example, diurnal FFMC can be used only in
the absence of rain, since it simply extrapolates
the standard daily FFMC for 24 h into the
future. The effect of any rain event will not be
incorporated into the calculation of diurnal FFMC
until after the next noon readings are taken. By
contrast, hourly FFMC responds immediately to
each hourly rainfall amount, and the calculated
hourly FFMC value is reduced accordingly. The
responses of diurnal FFMC and hourly FFMC to
an afternoon rain event of 12.2 mm are widely
divergent during the hours following the rainfall
but converge again the following afternoon
(Fig A2.1).
Users should be aware of a problem with the
hourly FFMC algorithm that occurs in the absence
of rain. In this situation, the diurnal amplitude of
the hourly FFMC curve is unrealistically restricted
during the nighttime hours. The consequence of
using hourly FFMC during extended dry periods
is that predictions of fire spread generated
through the FBP System (or simulations of fire
growth generated by a fire growth model such
as Prometheus) will predict fire growth at night
in excess of what would be expected in nature.
In such excessively dry situations, the diurnal
FFMC provides a more realistic indication of the
diurnal variation in FFMC between daytime and
nighttime (Fig. A2.2).
Furthermore, the restricted amplitude of the
hourly FFMC leaves it significantly lower than
Local standard time
Hourly or diurnal FFMC
MidnightNoon MidnightNoon Noon Midnight
Hourly FFMC
Diurnal FFMC
Figure A2.1 Responses of hourly (VanWagner 1977) and diurnal (Lawson et al. 1996) models of Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC)
to a rain event in the early afternoon hours.
diurnal FFMC during the peak fire danger hours
in the afternoon (Fig. A2.2). In the example
shown, the FFMC curves generated by the two
algorithms diverge in the morning hours, then
converge to the same value at noon, because at
that point the diurnal FFMC picks up the day’s
noon weather readings; the curves diverge
again toward the midafternoon peak, such that
diurnal FFMC is 1 or 2 FFMC units above the
hourly FFMC. This difference between the two
FFMC algorithms means that hourly ISI values
calculated from the diurnal FFMC are higher
(typically by 2 to 5 units) than those calculated
with the hourly FFMC; this difference in turn
results in significantly higher predicted rates of
spread and fire growth projections.
Local standard time
Hourly or diurnal FFMC
Hourly FFMC
Diurnal FFMC
Figure A2.2 Typical trends for the hourly (Van Wagner 1977) and diurnal (Lawson et al. 1996) models of Fine Fuel Moisture
Code (FFMC) in the absence of rain.
Beck and Armitage (2004) documented these
differences between the two FFMC algorithms
in the context of predicting in-stand fine fuel
moisture content at latitudes north of 60°. They
found that, for dry days, diurnal FFMC best
described the amplitude of the moisture content
of feathermoss, Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.)
Mitt., fuels throughout the day, whereas the
amplitude of the moisture content of jack pine,
Pinus banksiana, needles was better described
by hourly FFMC. The algorithms for both hourly
FFMC and diurnal FFMC overestimated the
minimum moisture content of feather moss and
jack pine needles on dry days, and both models
overestimated needle moisture content and
underestimated feathermoss moisture content
after rain.
The diurnal FFMC model has certain limitations
related to where and how it was developed. The
algorithm was derived from midlatitude field
experiments, so it is not recommended for use
north of 60° latitude. The diurnal trends in FFMC
were developed for a site at 54º22′ N, 60 km
north of Prince George, B.C., and are typical of
midlatitude trends in Canada. However, these
relations may not be applicable for latitudes
north of 60º, where litter moisture can remain
at midafternoon levels throughout the early
evening hours (Beck and Armitage 2004).
Furthermore, the diurnal FFMC model was
developed using litter that consisted of lodgepole
pine (Pinus contorta) needles, and the tips of
both feather moss and reindeer lichen (Cladonia
sp.); the litter was destructively sampled in situ.
While such a mixture of litter fuels, sampled as
they rest naturally on the forest floor, may be
the most representative of real-world moisture
conditions, It may be difficult to calibrate the
resulting moisture model to other litter types,
weather regimes, or latitudes.
Although both the diurnal and the hourly FFMC
models have advantages and disadvantages,
overall the hourly FFMC is preferable, because
actual or forecasted hourly weather data can be
used to compute the hourly FFMC values. This
feature avoids the problem of any particular
weather cycle deviating considerably from the
standard diurnal trend, depending on latitude,
season or day length, and terrain (Beck and
Armitage 2004). As mentioned, north of 60º N
latitude, day length may have a significant impact
on the timing and duration of the minimum fine
fuel moisture content (Lawson et al. 1996),
because maximum overnight humidities are
significantly lower, and maximum overnight
temperatures higher, than at lower latitudes.
Beck and Armitage (2004) summarized the
development of the hourly FFMC as follows:
Van Wagner developed the Hourly FFMC
model (Van Wagner 1977) via simple
modifications to the daily FFMC model,
under the assumption that the fine fuels
represented by the FFMC dry quickly
enough to undergo a substantial diurnal
trend in moisture content that can be
superimposed on the larger day-to-day
trend. In the derivation of the daily FFMC
in the absence of rain, a log wetting or
drying rate in units of log moisture content
per day, or per 24 hour period, was
assumed. For practical purposes, wetting
and drying rates are actually described
mathematically using exponential
functions and the moisture content of the
fine fuels increases or decreases towards
its equilibrium.
By trial and error, hourly drying and
wetting rates were chosen to yield the
desired day-to-day trend while producing
realistic hourly trends. Rates of change
equal to 1/8 of the standard daily rates
appeared to yield the best results when
evaluated ocularly against typical trends
for jack pine needle litter at selected
sites near the Petawawa National Forest
Institute in Ontario. These litter samples
were exposed in trays under plastic
shelters that were weighed periodically
rather than having been collected by
destructive sampling.
The effect of rainfall on the moisture
content of fine fuels is similar in both the
daily and hourly FFMC models, except the
first 0.5 mm of rain over a 24 hour period
is ignored in the daily FFMC, whereas the
first 0.5 mm of rain is not excluded in the
hourly FFMC. However, the effects of hourly
rainfall were not studied in detail and
have yet to be field validated. Moreover,
Van Wagner (1977) acknowledged that
a complete verification of the hourly and
daily FFMC models would require a great
deal of field work. [As discussed earlier in
this Weather Guide] Pech (1989) produced
a variation on the FFMC that improved day-
to-day prediction of the moisture content
of the top 3–4 cm layer of reindeer lichen
(Cladonia rangiferina).
Beck and Armitage (2004) concluded that
their field study results were unsurprising, given
that the performance of the theoretical hourly
FFMC model had been calibrated against data
from trays of jack pine needle litter, whereas
the diurnal FFMC model had been developed for
litter composed of lodgepole pine needles and
the tips of both feathermoss and reindeer lichen.
They explained that the differences in moisture
content between the needle fuels sampled by Van
Wagner (1977) and those collected in their field
study north of 60º latitude may be attributed to
the fact that Van Wagner (1977) worked with
a needle litter bed in sample trays and plastic
shelters. By contrast, both the northern field
study and the field study that led to the diurnal
FFMC (Lawson et al. 1996) used destructive
fuel sampling methods and natural wetting and
Beck and Armitage (2004) also pointed out
that the standard daily FFMC scale equation
(FFMC = 59.5[250 m]/[147.2 + m]) relating
FFMC to litter moisture content (m) (Van Wagner
1987) is a theoretical curve developed specifically
for pine needle litter. Van Wagner (1987)
explained the rationale for the revised equation
as follows: “1) The real moisture content of pine
litter ranges up to about 250%; 2) A realistic
moisture scale was desired to render the standard
FFMC compatible with future developments in
fine fuel prediction.
Van Wagner (1987) pointed out that the
original Tracer Index, a precursor of the
FFMC, was presented in the simple code form of
150 minus moisture content. This led to the first
FFMC (“old”) scale equation (FFMC = 101 m),
which was used in the first three editions of the
FWI System but was revised in 1984 for the
reasons given above. As Van Wagner (1987)
This [fine fuels (FF)] scale [FFMC = 59.5 (250
–m)/ (147.2 + m)] permits realistic conversions
from code to moisture content, allows the
internal operation of the FFMC to be carried
out on moisture content value, and retains
the traditional code scale for quoting the FFMC
itself. Furthermore, the formal artificial 2%
minimum limit on moisture content is no longer
deemed necessary in computing practice. The
potential code scale length is now 101.
Van Wagner (1987) went on to describe in
detail his analysis of the drying and wetting
phases of the original Tracer Index, including
the determination of log drying rates, hysteresis
effects as equilibrium values are approached
after drying or wetting, temperature effects, and
wind effects, all of which resulted in the new
algorithm for standard daily FFMC. Rather than
describing the standard daily FFMC now in use
and its moisture content conversion (FF) equation
as “theoretical, it is probably more correct to
describe them as a blend of empirical field study
(based on the original Tracer Index from the
1930s), modern physics theory, and laboratory
evidence (such as the effect of wind on drying
and the effect of atmospheric wetting at high
humidity described by Van Wagner [1979]).
Lawson et al. (1996) further elaborated on
the various historical FFMC scale equations and
their derivations, with respect to how they relate
to the current hourly and diurnal FFMC models.
These authors noted that the F-scale equation
(F = 82.90[250 – m]/(205.20 + m]), developed
by Van Wagner (1972) to better link actual fine
fuel moisture content to the FFMC, was based
on the diurnal FFMC field data sets from Prince
George, B.C., and another data set from jack pine
litter at Petawawa, Ont. The F-scale curve lies
slightly above the curve for the standard daily
FFMC equation (i.e., the FF-scale) but coincides
at both dry and wet end points.
This same F-scale equation was adopted by
Van Wagner for his 1977 hourly FFMC model.
However, in 1984, Van Wagner revised the
hourly FFMC, converting it to the same FF-scale
equation that is used for standard daily FFMC.
Lawson et al. (1996) also replaced the F-scale
and adopted the FF-scale for the computerized
version of the diurnal FFMC. Thus, all three of
the current FFMC models (standard daily FFMC,
diurnal FFMC, and hourly FFMC) use the same
scale equation linking FFMC to moisture content.
The effects of computerizing the diurnal FFMC
and changing the scale equation were reported
by Lawson et al. (1996) to be approximately
a 1% difference in predicted moisture content
across the entire range of possible inputs,
with a maximum absolute difference of 4.6 at
the wet end in terms of FFMC, when the scale
equation change was also factored in. The “new”
diurnal FFMC values trend lower than the “old”
Van Wagner (1972) diurnal FFMC values.
Finally, it is essential to note the results of
Wotton and Beverly (2007), who analyzed a
large dataset of litter moisture measurements
collected by CFS at several sites across Canada
over the period 1939 to 1961. They found a
significant influence on the relations between
FFMC and litter moisture content of the upper
duff layer. While these authors presented a
model that adjusts the standard FFMC value
for these influences, they do emphasize that
as surface fuels become very dry, differences
between stand types (deciduous compared with
pine), season (spring, summer, fall), and across
stand densities tend to disappear. Only samples
above standard FFMC 75 were analyzed for the
model, and diurnal FFMC was used to estimate
FFMC value for the time of collection of each
litter sample.
A validation dataset was collected by the
authors during the summer of 2004 near Sault
Ste. Marie, Ontario. Observed litter moisture
contents from a range of forest fuel types were
correlated against moisture contents converted
from Standard FFMC (“raw”), diurnal FFMC, and
hourly FFMC, as well as the predicted moisture
contents from their “stand-adjusted” model. For
this dataset, stand-adjusted moisture content
estimates from each of standard FFMC, diurnal
FFMC and hourly FFMC were more strongly
correlated with the observed moisture content
than raw moisture content values calculated
from standard FFMC using the standard formula.
The improvement in correlation was strongest for
deciduous and mixedwood types, while jack pine
forests showed little difference. This is because
there is little difference between the standard
formula and the development model for pine-
moderate (stand density)-summer. However,
litter moisture estimates for red pine were not
improved by the stand type model, and in fact,
had a lower correlation than using diurnal FFMC,
because red pine litter tends to be drier than
litter that sits more directly on the wet forest
The three FFMC models in current use were
derived in different ways and have undergone
revision since their original development. Each
model has pros and cons, but it should be
remembered that the standard daily FFMC has
proven a robust model of fine fuel moisture
content. In their study conducted north of
60º latitude, Beck and Armitage (2004) found
that although FFMC slightly overestimated
the moisture content of jack pine needles and
greatly overestimated the moisture content
of feathermoss, these differences were small
for both litter types for FFMC values within the
range of flammability (FFMC > 77). FFMC and
litter moisture content correlated very well in
spite of the documented differences in litter
fuels, sampling methods, stand characteristics,
and latitude between the study conditions and
those for the original model.
Five of Beck and Armitage’s (2004) conclusion
are worth repeating here:
Differences in understory and overstory
stand densities measured at the two study
sites north of 60º did not have a significant
effect on the moisture content of fine
fuels such as feathermoss and needle
litter, which are described by FFMC. Care
should be taken before pooling such data
in the development of moisture models
however, since a high moisture content of
the partially decomposed lower horizons of
the duff may slow the drying rate of the
top layer of duff or litter.
Moisture content data for feathermoss
and needle litter were used to assess
performance of Diurnal FFMC and Hourly
FFMC models. Diurnal FFMC best described
the amplitude of feathermoss moisture
content variations throughout the day,
while Hourly FFMC best described the
amplitude of jack pine needle litter.
Hourly FFMC and Diurnal FFMC models
were not in synchrony, even on typical
dry days, because they were based on
slightly different fuel types with different
amplitudes in moisture content throughout
the day.
Discontinuities in the Diurnal FFMC model
occur at transition phases (0700h and
1300h DST [daylight saving time]), and
these are especially noticeable when
rainfall occurs. Once a rain event begins,
outputs from Diurnal FFMC should not to be
considered applicable until the rain stops,
and all rainfall effects have been applied to
reset the current day’s FFMC.
Fixed stand characteristics and a common
standard fuel should be used for the
models that support standard daily FFMC
and hourly FFMC and moisture predictions
within the CFFDRS. Given an appropriate
model to predict fuel moisture content
from FFMC, the Hourly FFMC model needs
to be studied in more detail and possibly
re-parameterized to correctly describe
the wetting and drying rates of jack pine
needles or feathermoss.
Literature Cited
Alexander, M.E. 1982. Diurnal adjustment table for the
Fine Fuel Moisture Code. Can. For. Serv., North. For.
Cent., Edmonton, AB. For. Manag. Note 17. 4 p.
Beck, J.A.; Armitage, O.B. 2004. Diurnal fine fuel
moisture characteristics at a northern latitude.
Pages 211–221 in R.T. Engstrom, K.E.M. Galley,
and W.J. de Groot, eds. Fire in temperate, boreal
and montane ecosystems: Proc. 22nd Tall Timbers
Fire Ecol. Conf., 15–18 Oct. 2004, Kananaskis, AB.
Tall Timbers Res. Stn., Tallahassee, FL.
Canadian Forest Service. 1984. Tables for the Canadian
Forest Fire Weather Index System. 4th ed. Environ.
Can., Can. For. Serv., Ottawa, ON. For. Tech. Rep.
25. 48 p.
Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group. 1992. Development
and structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior
Prediction System. For. Can., Sci. Sustain. Dev.
Dir., Ottawa, ON. Inf. Rep. ST-X-3. 63 p.
Lawson, B.D.; Armitage, O.B.; Hoskins, W.D. 1996.
Diurnal variation in the Fine Fuel Moisture Code:
tables and computer source code. Can. – B.C.
Partnership Agreem. For. Resour. Dev.: FRDA II,
Can. For. Serv., B.C. Minist. For., Victoria, BC. FRDA
Rep. 245. 20 p.
Muraro, S.J; Russell, R.N.; Lawson, B.D. 1969.
Development of diurnal adjustments table for the
Fine Fuel Moisture Code. Can. For. Serv., Pac. For.
Res. Cent., Victoria, BC. Inf. Rep. BC-X-35. 24 p.
Pech, G. 1989. A model to predict the moisture content
of reindeer lichen. For. Sci. 35(4):1014–1028.
Taylor, S.W.; Pike, R.G.; Alexander, M.E. 1997.
Field guide to the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior
Prediction (FBP) System. Nat. Resour. Can., Can.
For. Serv., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB. Spec.
Rep. 11.
Van Wagner, C.E. 1972. A table of diurnal variation
in the Fine Fuel Moisture Code. Can. For. Serv.,
Petawawa For. Exp. Stn., Chalk River, ON. Inf. Rep.
PS-X-38. 8 p.
Van Wagner, C.E. 1977. A method of computing fine
fuel moisture content throughout the diurnal cycle.
Fish. Environ. Can., Can. For. Serv., Petawawa For.
Exp. Stn., Chalk River, ON. Inf. Rep. PS-X-69. 15
Van Wagner, C.E. 1979. A laboratory study of weather
effects on the drying rate of jack pine litter. Can. J.
For. Res. 9(2):267–275.
Van Wagner, C.E. 1987. Development and structure of
the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System.
Can. For. Serv., Ottawa, ON. For. Tech. Rep. 35.
37 p.
Van Wagner, C.E.; Pickett, T.L. 1985. Equations and
FORTRAN program for the Canadian Forest Fire
Weather Index System. Can. For. Serv., Ottawa,
ON. For. Tech. Rep. 33. 18 p.
Wotton, B.M.; Beverly, J.L. 2007. Stand-specific litter
moisture content calibrations for the Canadian
Fire Fuel Moisture Code. Int. J. Wildland Fire
M.E. Alexander,
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service,
Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta
Latitude, along with season or time of year,
influences the effective day length (Fig. A3.1)
and thereby the amount of drying that occurs
on any given day. For example, a day in June in
British Columbia at 54° latitude has almost twice
the drying power as a day in September with the
same weather conditions (Lawson 1977).
55° S 55° S
55° S
50° S
65° N
70° N
70° N70° N
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Duration of daylight (h)
Figure A3.1 Duration of daylight as a function of time of year and latitude for the wildland fire-prone regions of the world,
based on equations given in Whiteman and Allwine (1986).
In the development of the Canadian Forest
Fire Weather Index (FWI) System, these seasonal
effects were accounted for in the Duff Moisture
Code (DMC) by an effective day length factor (L
and in the Drought Code (DC) by a seasonal day
length adjustment factor (L
). Details regarding
the derivation of L
and L
were presented by Van
Wagner (1970) and Turner (1972), respectively,
and will not be covered here, except to say that the
derivation of both factors was largely empirical,
although for the DMC, “The daylength, varying
with season, has an effect roughly proportional
to three less than the number of hours between
sunrise and sunset” (Van Wagner 1987).
The FWI System was originally designed for
the range of fuel and weather conditions found in
Canada. However, increasing foreign use of the
FWI System and the Canadian Forest Fire Danger
Rating System (CFFDRS) has dictated that
certain international standards be established.
The purpose of this appendix is to discuss how
day length considerations in the calculation of the
DMC and the DC should be handled for locations
outside of Canada.
Canadian Standards and Latitude Effects
The effective range of latitude for lands prone
to wildfire within Canada is over 25°
(i.e., from
about 42° N to about 68° N). As presented by
Van Wagner and Pickett (1985) and Van Wagner
(1987), a single set of monthly values for L
have been assigned for Canada as a whole
(see first row of Table A3.1 and Table A3.2,
respectively). These quantities are referred to
collectively as the “Canadian standard” (Van
Wagner 1987) and are, strictly speaking, valid
for only one latitude. This has generally come
to be considered as 46° N because the fieldwork
associated with the development of the DMC
and in turn the L
values was undertaken at the
Petawawa Forest Experiment Station in eastern
Ontario, (Van Wagner 1970), although Valentine
(1978) considered the reference latitude to be
45° N. However, the L
values associated with
the DC were based on data from 32 climatic
stations in British Columbia (Turner 1972), which
effectively cover a latitude range from about
49° N to about 60° N.
Table A3.1 Monthly day length adjustment factors for Du Moisture Code (L
) in relation to reference latitudes, exclusive
of the equatorial region
latitude Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
~46° N
6.5 7.5 9.0 12.8 13.9 13.9 12.4 10.9 9.4 8.0 7.0 6.0
20° N 7.9 8.4 8.9 9.5 9.9 10.2 10.1 9.7 9.1 8.6 8.1 7.8
20° S 10.1 9.6 9.1 8.5 8.1 7.8 7.9 8.3 8.9 9.4 9.9 10.2
40° S 11.5 10.5 9.2 7.9 6.8 6.2 6.5 7.4 8.7 10.0 11.2 11.8
= 9.0 for all months for areas lying between 10° N and 10° S latitude.
Canadian standard (Van Wagner and Pickett 1985; Van Wagner 1987).
Table A3.2 Monthly day length adjustment factors for Drought Code (L
) for northern and southern hemispheres,
exclusive of the equatorial region
hemisphere Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
–1.6 –1.6 –1.6 0.9 3.8 5.8 6.4 5.0 2.4 0.4 –1.6 –1.6
Southern 6.4 5.0 2.4 0.4 –1.6 –1.6 –1.6 –1.6 –1.6 0.9 3.8 5.8
= 1.4 for all months for areas lying between 10° N and 10° S latitude.
Canadian standard (Van Wagner and Pickett 1985; Van Wagner 1987).
Van Wagner (1970) initially addressed
the issue of latitude effects on the DMC in his
publication documenting the development of the
DMC. He concluded that no correction for latitude
was necessary given what is known about the
total dose of solar energy varying with latitude
and date, although he acknowledged that “some
tests would be desirable.His reasoning went
as follows:
Consider, for example, the difference in this
quantity between latitudes 45 and 55. On
June 22, the longest day of the year, the
respective energy doses are within 1% of one
another, since the longer day length at 55°
compensates for the lower angle of the sun.
By September 22, when all latitudes have a
12-hour day, the energy received at 55° is still
80% of that received at 45°. The difference
by then becomes unimportant, since the daily
drying factors are much diminished by lower
Later on, Van Wagner (1987) examined
latitudinal effects on the DMC and DC at 45° N,
55° N, and 65° N using theoretical day lengths
and daily weather data. He found that the effect
of latitude was fairly gradual, and the resultant
differences in season average and maximum
values (Table A3.3) were not judged serious or
great enough to warrant special DMCs or DCs for
different latitudes.
Table A3.3 Results of latitude testing of modied Du Moisture Code (DMC) and Drought Code (DC) values based on
theoretical day lengths for three dierent locations versus the standard values for a single season of re
weather data (April–October 1967, Lac La Biche, Alberta) (adapted from Van Wagner 1987)
Statistic 45° N 55° N 65° N
DMC season average 34.5 32.4 30.0 31.9
DMC maximum value 85 83 78 88
DC season average 312 302 274 293
DC maximum value 523 497 436 495
DMC Effective Day Length Factors and DC
Seasonal Adjustments for More Southerly
Valentine (1978) was the first to derive a
specific set of DMC L
values for a geographic
location quite different from Canada, namely
New Zealand. Using Nelson as the central point
in the country (at about 41° S), Valentine (1978)
computed monthly L
values by subtracting 3 h
from the number of hours of sunshine reported
in the New Zealand almanac. These values were
in turn used in computer and manual calculations
of the DMC. Later on, New Zealand adopted a set
of L
values proposed by Alexander (1993) for
40° S latitude (Table A3.1), on the basis of the
theoretical mean day length for each month (less
3 h), as computed from formulas presented by
Whiteman and Allwine (1986). These were used
to produce the DMC and DC drying factor tables
found in the FWI System tables now used in New
Zealand (NRFA and NZFRI 1993).
In 1992, the author of this appendix, as a
member of the Forestry Canada Fire Danger
Group, made a proposal (subsequently accepted
by the group as a whole) that the L
and L
for latitudes other than Canada be standardized.
On the basis of an earlier suggestion by Van
Wagner (1988) and the fact that Canada uses
a single set of L
values over a range of latitude
of about 25°, reference latitudes of 20° N and
20° S were selected as representing the ranges
from 10° N to 30° N and from 10° S to 30° S,
respectively. Latitude 40° S, as originally selected
by the author for New Zealand (Alexander 1993),
was adopted as the other reference point in the
southern hemisphere, on the grounds that the
need to apply the associated L
values to any land
mass of interest would not extend beyond 55° S.
values were computed as per Whiteman and
Allwine (1986), using the theoretical mean day
length for each month less 3 h (Table A3.1). de
Groot and Field (2004) reproduced these values
in their documentation of the Southeast Asia Fire
Danger Rating System.
Thus, the reference values for L
(Table A3.1)
would be used as follows:
For areas at the same latitude as Canada
and further north, use the Canadian
standard values.
For areas south of Canada to latitude
30° N, use the Canadian standard values.
For areas between 10° N and 30° N, use
the values for 20° N.
For areas between latitude 10° S and
30° S, use the values for 20° S.
For areas between latitude 30° S and
55° S, use the values for 40° S.
To give a few practical examples, countries
in Europe, including Turkey and all of Russia,
as well as the state of Alaska in the United
States, would use the Canadian standard values.
Honduras, Fiji, and New Zealand would use the
values for reference latitudes 20° N, 20° S, and
40° S, respectively.
Inherent in the 1992 proposal but not
explicitly stated was the intention that for areas
near the equator (i.e., 10° N to 10° S), which
experience nearly equal hours of daylight and
night, L
would be simply 9.0 (i.e., 12 h 3 h
[Van Wagner 1970, 1987]). Indeed, de Groot
et al. (2007) set L
= 9.0 in their adaptation of
the FWI System for Indonesia and Malaysia by
taking the average of the mean L
values for
reference latitudes 20° N and 20° S (de Groot
and Field 2004).
The authors 1992 proposal included a very
simplistic approach with regard to the L
for the DC. Because of their highly empirical
nature, the decision was made to simply reverse
the standard values used in Canada for seasons
in the southern hemisphere (cf. List 1951, p.
506), the sole exception being the equatorial
region. In other words, the L
used in Canada in
July was deemed applicable for January in the
southern hemisphere, Canada’s August values
would be used for February in the southern
hemisphere, and so forth (Table A3.2). There was
no consideration for any intermediate reference
latitudes as there was for the L
values for DMC.
For areas near the equator (i.e., from 10° N to
10° S), the simplest solution was deemed to
be using the mean DC day length adjustment
value (i.e., L
= 1.4) year-round, similar to what
de Groot et al. (2007) did in their adaptation of
the FWI System for Indonesia and Malaysia; the
value of 1.4 was based on the annual average
value for the northern and southern hemispheres
(de Groot and Field 2004).
Discussion and Conclusions
The concepts outlined here have been
implemented in the global FWI System calculator
contained in the CD-ROM-based training course
“Understanding the Fire Weather Index System”
(Alexander et al. 2002; St. John and Alexander
The following question naturally arises: Why
retain a tabular approach, as suggested here,
when in fact it is quite possible in this modern
digital world to make point-based calculations
for L
(as frequently as daily)? There are at least
three reasons for continuing to do so:
In Canada, one set of values has been used
over a relatively large range in latitude
for nearly 40 years. Furthermore, Van
Wagners (1987) analyses suggest that
the latitude effect is quite gradual.
Should a change be made in the way day
length is entered in calculations of DMC
and DC, any past calibrations between fire
danger ratings and fire activity (e.g., Viegas
et al. 1999; Dymond et al. 2005) would be
rendered invalid. This would be especially
significant in Canada, given the number of
calibration studies of various sorts that have
been undertaken. It would also negate the
validity of any fire management guidelines
(e.g., preparedness system levels),
decision aids and guides, or heuristic rules
of thumb.
The difference in the DMC values between
tabular and point-based calculations of L
(using either daily or mean monthly day
lengths) are, in all likelihood, small.
Although there may be an overriding desire
to present fire danger rating information on a
broad regional or global basis, in the form of the
FWI System components (Camia et al. 2006; de
Groot et al. 2006), and even though it would be
feasible to display the information spatially, the
fact of the matter is that in a good many instances
it would not be desirable or even relevant to do
so (e.g., in an extremely arid country with limited
accumulation of organic matter). This is because
many regions of the globe simply do not have a
forest floor layer or the forest floor layer that is
present does not necessarily warrant assessment
by the DMC, let alone the DC.
At the outset, it seems conceivable that the
tabular approach recommended here could lead
to discontinuities in countries that span an area
north and south of latitudes 30° N, 10° N, 10° S,
or 30° S. However, a close look at a world map
indicates that, with a bit of common sense, there
should be very few problems in implementing the
recommendations outlined here. For example,
the L
values for 20° N should be used for all of
Mexico, even though the very northern parts of
the country extend just above 30° N latitude.
Conversely, Florida and southern Texas lie below
30° N but would be best served by the Canadian
standard values used in the remainder of the
continental United States. The very northern
portion of South America, which extends to
about 12° N should use the equatorial values
of L
. Similarly, all of South Africa would use
the 20° S values of L
, even though the most
southerly portion of the country extends to
35° S. Argentina extends from about 22° S to
about 55° S, but since the bulk of the country
lies below 30° S, it makes sense to use the
reference L
values for 40° S latitude throughout
the country.
Australia, which spans a latitudinal range from
about 10° S to about 43° S, effectively straddles
both the 20° S and 40° S reference latitudes.
The simplest solution is to apply the 40° S L
values to Tasmania and the forested regions of
Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, the
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales,
including its northeastern coastal region (which
lies north of latitude 30° S), and southeastern
Queensland (which also lies north of 30° S). For
the remainder of country, the 20° S L
would apply.
The author thanks L. Stals for assistance with
some of the work reported here and B.D. Lawson
for his technical review.
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