Functional Safety 2018
Hints, Tips & Pitfalls
SIF Design & Compliance Evaluation
Dave Ransome - BA, CEng, FInstMC
Registered Functional Safety Engineer
© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
Functional Safety 2018
© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
Chairman of P & I Design Ltd
BA, CEng, Fellow of the InstMC and InstMC Registered Functional Safety Engineer
Involved in Process & Instrumentation for over 50 years
Involved with Safety Instrumented Systems for over 45 years
SIS prior to IEC 61511
HIPS Relief Valve Discharge System
Tenor Drum Plant Safety Checks
Dreloba Logic Ethylene Oxide Storage and Road Loading
Contributing member on:
InstMC Safety Panel and FS-SIG
61508 Association
About me
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
Primary Cause of incidents by life-cycle phase
Design &
Operation &
Source: HSE Out of Control Why control systems go wrong and how to prevent failures
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
The previous slide - analysis of the failures contained
in “Out of Control” was produced in the 1990’s
Would it be the same today?
The COMAH Strategic Forum have recently
published the following performance report:
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A dangerous occurrence is an
incident with a high potential
to cause death or serious
injury, but which happens
relatively infrequently. All
businesses are required to
report such incidents to the
enforcing authorities.
What the inspections revealed
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What the inspections revealed
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What the inspections revealed
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Incidents due to causes in Realisation Phase
Design &
Inadequate functional requirements specification 11.8%
Inadequate safety integrity requirements specification 32.3%
Inadequate design and implementation 14.7%
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
evelop realisation life-cycle phase safety plan
valuate SRS and conceptual design
pecify the SIS components
ntegrate the SIS design
enerate SIL verification, design and testing documentation
otify FSA team in preparation for FSA 2
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Develop realisation life-cycle phase
safety plan
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Functional Safety 2018
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Develop realisation life-cycle phase safety plan
The designer should create specific detailed plans for the elements of the life-cycle
they are involved in.
Elements of the life-cycle plan:
activity list
objectives, inputs and outputs for the life-cycle phase
verification methodologies and techniques
roles, responsibilities and competency
specific plans for Software, FAT or other elements of the realisation phase.
Is there a high level life-cycle plan already in place to cover all life-cycle phases?
If not the Designer should raise this omission with the end user (system owner).
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Develop realisation life-cycle phase safety plan
Don’t be
the weak
SIS life-cycle planning is an iterative process:
All activities in the safety life-cycle are impacted
by upstream and downstream activities.
With different Stakeholders throughout the SIS
life-cycle interactions and interfaces can be
HRA SRS Design
Install &
Operation &
From the cradle to the grave
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An interesting formula.
Where there are many companies/interfaces within the life-cycle phase, then complexity
will increase.
C = Complexity
N = Number of interfaces
C = 2
Source: Safety instrumented Systems A life-cycle Approach Paul Gruhn and Simon Lucchini
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Evaluate SRS and conceptual design
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proceeding with the design
without a complete or
with an inadequate
Safety Requirement Specification.
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all functional, safety and performance aspects as well as testing and
diagnostics requirements.
it is a specification requirement document, not a detailed design
it includes bypass philosophy, testing philosophy, approved device
criteria, process and response SIF time, providing the crucial inputs
for efficient SIS design.
it is a living document which is to be updated if any modification to the
SIS arise.
Safety Requirement Specification
A complete SRS covers:-
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Read the FSA 1 report and verify all
actions have been resolved.
An open action may lead to a
change in the SRS, SIL or SIFs
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Specify the SIS components
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Many component specifications produced are incomplete, inadequate,
or don’t exist.
Functional specification what the system should do!
Integrity specification how well it should do it!
The following incident illustrates how a SIF specified correctly for functionality,
but with an inadequate integrity specification
led to a Systematic Failure with a dangerous outcome.
Incidents due to causes in Realisation Phase
Inadequate functional requirements specification 11.8%
Inadequate safety integrity requirements specification 32.3%
A good specification will cover the following:
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
A driver was loading 3700L Super Unleaded Fuel at Hemel Hempstead Terminal.
Flow failed to stop, causing an overfill from the top of vehicle.
The driver hit the ESD causing a site wide shutdown, stopping the flow of fuel.
The Investigation reconciled the spilt quantity as 528 litres.
What Happened
Specification Failure Example
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SIS Logic Solver
Functions (SIF)
Vapour Collection system
Level Switch
Pressure Switch
Condensate collection pipe Compartment manlid with
Relief valve
Accuload Meter
210 control valve
Vehicle Overfill
& Earthing
Trailer Vapour collection system with Sequential valves
Connected to each compartment
Vehicle probe
Super Unleaded Product Pipeline
Permissive to Load
Third layer of protection SIL 1 rated
Second layer of protection Vehicle probe
First layer of protection Meter & 210 control valve
Turbine Flowmeter
Road Tanker Overfill prevention.
Layers of Protection
Specification Failure Example
Fourth layer of protection Human Intervention Site ESD
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
The product flow is regulated via a “210” control valve. This valve is controlled via the
Accuload” intelligent meter connected to the Terminal automation system.
Post incident the 210 valve was tested and an intermittent fault discovered.
The valve sticking in the open position was determined to be the immediate cause of
the incident.
What Happened
Specification Failure Example
First Layer of Protection:
Basic Process Control System
Accuload Meter
210 control valve
Super Unleaded Product Pipeline
First layer of protection Meter & 210 control valve
Turbine Flowmeter
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
Each vehicle compartment is fitted with a high level optical probe which, when covered by
the product, removes the “permissive to load” from the Accuload device and closes the
210 control valve.
This layer of protection failed due to the 210 control valve being stuck in the open position.
What Happened
Specification Failure Example
Second Layer of protection:
Accuload Meter
210 control valve
Vehicle Overfill
& Earthing
Super Unleaded Product Pipeline
Permissive to Load
Second layer of protection Vehicle probe
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
The design of the 3
layer of protection is based upon product overfilling the vehicle
compartment into the vapour recovery system and triggering a high level switch
installed in a liquid collection pipe on the loading gantry. In addition a pressure switch
detects a high pressure in the same vapour line.
Both the high level and pressure switch are connected to an independent Logic Solver
and this, when triggered, removes the air supply to an independent valve on the
loading arm.
Specification Failure Example
Third Layer of Protection: SIL 1
SIS Logic Solver
Functions (SIF)
Vapour Collection system
Level Switch
Pressure Switch
Condensate collection pipe Compartment manlid with
Relief valve
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Third Layer of Protection: SIL 1
The SIL 1 rated system failed to operate due to:
1. A fundamental flaw in the specification and design
2. The design flaw was overlooked by an Independent Functional Safety
Assessment (FSA)
3. The flaw was not discovered due to inadequate “proof” testing during
system commissioning
Specification Failure Example
SIS Specification and Design Functionality
SIS Specification and Design Integrity
SIS functionality was tested and was found to operate when the level of liquid in the vapour
knock-out pot reached 6 Litres or the pressure in the vapour line reached 46mbar.
After the incident the pot was drained and 5 Litres was found to be present hence not
enough liquid had entered the vapour system quickly enough to activate the SIS system
prior to the vehicle overtopping form the vehicles man-lid with relief valve.
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
Fourth Layer of Protection:
There was an ultimate fourth layer of protection, reliant on human intervention which
is the gantry Emergency Shutdown Button.
In this incident the driver hit the button in line with the standing instructions, which
limited the spill to 528l.
Specification Failure Example
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Integrate the SIS design
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Structured design process:
consideration of interfaces, manual shutdown, bypasses
de-energise or energise to trip or mix?
Modular Design
Function Blocks
Approved Software Module Testing
Hardware components:
well-tried / well-known
complex or unique?
Auditability and Design reviews:
all design documentation must be auditable and under revision/change control
review and approvals.
Consider the end user
Where possible keep it simple, don’t over complicate
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Verification versus Validation
Verification– Checking that each “output” of that life-cycle phase is adequately and
suitably completed , provide the associated documentation to move forward to the next
life-cycle process or phase.
It is difficult to catch your own mistakes.
One of the main purposes of Verification is to identify and eliminate Systematic Failures
through checking and review.
Design Reviews are required throughout the design, the FSA 2 is
an Independent Review Project Design Reviews are still required.
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Verification versus Validation
Validation – Checking through inspection and testing that the “output” achieves the
specified requirements.
Functionality and Integrity!
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Late design changes
often increase the risk of
introducing faults.
They also lead to increased costs.
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Generate SIL verification,
design and testing documentation
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SIL Verification
SIS Product Selection Presentation (Next)
Using certificated components and their pfd/SIL without reading the safety manual
Not considering process and environmental conditions
100% belief in certificated failure data based upon FMEDA, MTBF assessment
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Documentation - Proof Testing Procedures
Who produces the proof testing procedures?
I believe the designer with the end user!
The designer integrated the components into a system. He/she:
is aware of any constraints with the component selection
understands the interaction relevant to redundant hierarchy
understands the requirements of BS EN 61511
may be aware of possible systematic and/or dangerous undetected failures
Functional Safety 2018
© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
Documentation - Proof Testing Procedures
Who produces the proof testing procedures?
The end user knows his plant and process. They:
are aware of any constraints in what and when can be tested
understands the impact on the process during testing
are responsible for the testing of the SIS
are responsible for the safe operation of their facility
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Documentation - Proof Testing Procedures
Proof testing procedures
Should be:
useable and logical
should identify critical tasks which may need independent checking
structured to identify dangerous undetected failures
if end to end testing is not possible, they should be structured to cater for modular testing
the results must be recorded and be auditable
the end user must be informed of any failures or shortfalls as a result of the test
allow for efficient testing where redundant systems are employed
C = 2
N -
Therefore you could consider a 1oo2 sub-system as C = 2
and therefore efficient proof test procedures can be complicated.
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Notify FSA team in preparation for FSA 2
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Functional Safety Assessment Stage 2
Stage 2 After the SIS has been designed.
The membership of the FSA 2 team shall include at least one
senior competent person not involved in the project design team.
FSA team members should have the relevant experience covering the
required disciplines, together with the end user.
Ensure all actions which could have an affect on future life-cycle phases are
resolved before proceeding with the procurement, build and installation phases of
the life-cycle.
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© Institute of Measurement and Control 2018
The End