What do I do if my rent has changed?
If after the rent review, the amount of rent you are
being charged by Bridge Housing has changed, you
must ensure that the newly adjusted rent is being paid.
If you receive a Centrelink payment
You must contact Centrelink to advise them of the
change in your rent. This is to ensure that you receive
the correct amount of Commonwealth Rent Assistance
You must change your CRA with Centrelink. To change
your CRA you must:
Request a Rent Certificate from Centrelink and
complete Part A of the Certificate.
Return your Rent Certificate to Bridge Housing by
mail or in person. Bridge Housing will complete
Part B and will send your Rent Certificate to
You must ensure that your completed rent certificate is
received by Centrelink within the timeframe that
Centrelink request. You are responsible to check that
your rent assistance has been changed or awarded.
Bridge Housing can not check this for you. You can then
pay your rent using one of the options below.
If you receive a wage or are self
You must update your payment to us using either
direct deposit or EFTPOS.
Ways you can pay your rent
1. Centrepay
Centrepay is a voluntary bill-paying service which is free
for Centrelink customers. Use Centrepay to arrange
regular deductions from your Centrelink payment. You
can start or change a deduction at any time. The
quickest way to do it is through your Centrelink account
Bridge Housing can provide a form to help you start your
deduction. When you receive the form from Bridge
Housing, please check the details are correct and sign the
form. Once you have signed the form, we will send it
directly to Centrelink to update your details.
With your consent, Bridge Housing can also update your
deduction directly with Centrelink every time your rent
changes. If you wish for Bridge Housing to do this on your
behalf, please request a Multiple Consent & Authority
When Centrelink process any change they will send you
a letter advising of the change in your deduction and
when this change takes effect.
Note: It is your responsibility to ensure your new
weekly rent amount is paid until you receive the
notification letter from Centrepay. If you do not
receive a notification letter from Centrepay informing
you of the change in your rent payments, please
contact Bridge Housing as soon as possible.
2. Direct Deposit
Direct deposit is our preferred way for tenants who do
not have Centrelink income to pay rent and water
You can arrange a direct deposit from your bank
account to pay us either weekly or fortnightly.
To set up a Direct Deposit through your bank, you will
need our details as follows:
Account Name: Bridge Housing Limited Account
BSB Number: 062-212
Number: 00904385
Please use your Tenant Number as your reference
number for your payment
You can also choose to pay your rent by EFTPOS at the
Bridge Housing Office.