Title stata.com
legend options Options for specifying legends
Description Quick start Syntax Options Remarks and examples Also see
The legend() option allows you to control the look, contents, and placement of the legend. A
sample legend is
o Observed
Linear fit
Quadratic fit
The above legend has three keys. Each key is composed of a symbol and descriptive text describing
the symbol (whatever the symbol might be, be it a marker, a line, or a color swatch).
The plegend() option is similar to the legend() option but is used with contour-line plots; see
[G-2] graph twoway contourline. The look and placement of a contour-line plot legend is unique
from the standard legend.
The clegend() option controls the look, contents, and placement of the legend in contour plots;
see [G-2] graph twoway contour. The look and placement of a contour plot legend is unique from
the standard legend. For details on clegend(), see [G-3] clegend option.
Quick start
Change the order of the plots in the legend to y3, y2, and y1 when using a command that accepts
multiple y variables
graph_command y1 y2 y3 . . . , . . . legend(order(3 2 1))
Same as above, and change the labels associated with each plot
graph_command y1 y2 y3 . . . , . . . ///
legend(order(3 "y3 var" 2 "y2 var" 1 "y1 var"))
Change the label of y2 in the legend without changing the order
graph_command y1 y2 y3 . . . , . . . legend(label(2 "y2 var"))
Place all the legend keys and labels in 2 columns
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(cols(2))
Place all the legend keys and labels in 1 row
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(rows(1))
Do not display the legend
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(off)
Use medium-sized font for legend key text
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(size(medium))
2 legend options Options for specifying legends
Make font size on legend keys 20% larger than the default
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(size(*1.2))
Make key size 50% wider than the default
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(symxsize(*1.5))
Place the legend to the right of the plot region, or at 3 o’clock using clock positions
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(position(3))
Place the legend inside the plot region in the upper right corner
graph_command . . . , . . . legend(position(0) bplacement(neast))
legend options Description
) standard legend, contents and location
) contourline legend, contents and location
) contour plot legend; see [G-3] clegend option
legend(), plegend(), and clegend() are merged-implicit; see [G-4] Concept: repeated options.
where contents and location specify the contents and the location of the legends.
contents Description
order(orderinfo) which keys appear and their order
label(labelinfo) override text for a key
holes(numlist) positions in legend to leave blank
all generate keys for all symbols
style(legendstyle) overall style of legend
cols(#) # of keys per line
rows(#) or # of rows
colfirst “1, 2, 3” in row 1 or in column 1?
textfirst symbol-text or text-symbol?
stack symbol/text vertically stacked
rowgap(size) gap between lines
colgap(size) gap between columns
symplacement(compassdirstyle) alignment/justification of key’s symbol
keygap(size) gap between symbol-text
size(size) height for key’s symbol
symxsize(size) width for key’s symbol
textwidth(size) width for key’s descriptive text
forcesize always respect symysize(), symxsize(),
and textwidth()
bmargin(marginstyle) outer margin around legend
textbox options appearance of key’s descriptive text
title options titles, subtitles, notes, captions
region(roptions) borders and background shading
all has no effect on plegend().
legend options Options for specifying legends 3
location Description
off or on suppress or force display of legend
position(clockposstyle) where legend appears
ring(ringposstyle) where legend appears (detail)
bplacement(compassdirstyle) placement of legend when positioned in the plotregion
span “centering” of legend
at(#) allowed with by() only
See Where legends appear under Remarks and examples below, and see Positioning of titles in
[G-3] title options for definitions of clockposstyle and ringposstyle.
orderinfo, the argument allowed by legend(order()), is defined as
# | -
"text" . . .
labelinfo, the argument allowed by legend(label()), is defined as
# "text"
"text" . . .
roptions, the arguments allowed by legend(region()), include
roptions Description
style(areastyle) overall style of region
color(colorstyle) line + fill color and opacity of region
fcolor(colorstyle) fill color and opacity of region
lstyle(linestyle) overall style of border
lcolor(colorstyle) color and opacity of border
lwidth(linewidthstyle) thickness of border
lpattern(linepatternstyle) border pattern (solid, dashed, etc.)
lalign(linealignmentstyle) border alignment (inside, outside, center)
margin(marginstyle) margin between border and contents of legend
legend(contents, location) defines the contents of the standard legend, along with how it is to look,
and whether and where it is to be displayed.
plegend(contents, location) defines the contents of the legend for a contour-line plot (see [G-2] graph
twoway contourline), along with how it is to look, and whether and where it is to be displayed.
Content suboptions for use with legend( ) and plegend( )
order(orderinfo) specifies which keys are to appear in the legend and the order in which they are
to appear.
order(# # . . . ) is the usual syntax. order(1 2 3) would specify that key 1 is to appear first in
the legend, followed by key 2, followed by key 3. order(1 2 3) is the default if there are three
keys. If there were four keys, order(1 2 3 4) would be the default, and so on. If there were
four keys and you specified order(1 2 3), the fourth key would not appear in the legend. If you
specified order(2 1 3), first key 2 would appear, followed by key 1, followed by key 3.
4 legend options Options for specifying legends
A dash specifies that text be inserted into the legend. For instance, order(1 2 - "text" 3) specifies
key 1 appear first, followed by key 2, followed by the text text, followed by key 3. Imagine that
the default key were
o Observed
Specifying order(1 - "Predicted" 2 3) would produce
o Observed
and specifying order(1 - " " "Predicted" 2 3) would produce
o Observed
Note carefully the specification of a blank for the first line of the text insertion; we typed " " and
not "". Typing "" would insert nothing.
You may also specify quoted text after # to override the descriptive text associated with a symbol.
Specifying order(1 "Observed 1992" - " " "Predicted" 2 3) would change “Observed” in
the above to “Observed 1992”. It is considered better style, however, to use the label() suboption
to relabel symbols.
label(# "text"
"text" . . .
) specifies the descriptive text to be displayed next to the #th key.
Multiline text is allowed. Specifying label(1 "Observed 1992") would change the descriptive
text associated with the first key to be “Observed 1992”. Specifying label(1 "Observed"
"1992-1993") would change the descriptive text to contain two lines, “Observed” followed by
The descriptive text of only one key may be changed per label() suboption. Specify multiple
label() suboptions when you wish to change the text of multiple keys.
holes(numlist) specifies where gaps appear in the presentation of the keys. holes() has an effect
only if the keys are being presented in more than one row and more than one column.
Consider a case in which the default key is
o Observed Linear fit
Quadratic fit
Specifying holes(2) would result in
o Observed
Linear fit Quadratic fit
legend options Options for specifying legends 5
Here holes(2) would have the same effect as specifying order(1 - " " 2 3), and as a matter of
fact, there is always an order() command that will achieve the same result as holes(). order()
has the added advantage of working in all cases.
all specifies that keys be generated for all the plots of the graph, even when the same symbol is
repeated. The default is to generate keys only when the symbols are different, which is determined
by the overall style. For example, in
. scatter ylow yhigh x, pstyle(p1 p1) || . . .
there would be only one key generated for the variables ylow and yhigh because they share the
style p1. That single key’s descriptive text would indicate that the symbol corresponded to both
variables. If, on the other hand, you typed
. scatter ylow yhigh x, pstyle(p1 p1) legend(all) || . . .
then separate keys would be generated for ylow and yhigh.
In the above example, do not confuse our use of scatters option pstyle() with legend()s
suboption legend(style()). The pstyle() option sets the overall style for the rendition of the
points. legend()s style() suboption is documented directly below.
all has no effect on plegend().
style(legendstyle) specifies the overall look of the legendwhether it is presented horizontally or
vertically, how many keys appear across the legend if it is presented horizontally, etc. The options
listed below allow you to change each attribute of the legend, but style() is the starting point.
You need not specify style() just because there is something you want to change. You specify
style() when another style exists that is exactly what you desire or when another style would
allow you to specify fewer changes to obtain what you want.
See [G-4] legendstyle for a list of available legend styles.
cols(#) and rows(# ) are alternatives; they specify in how many columns or rows (lines) the keys
are to be presented. The usual default is cols(2), which means that legends are to take two
o Observed Linear fit
Quadratic fit
cols(1) would force a vertical arrangement,
o Observed
Linear fit
Quadratic fit
and rows(1) would force a horizontal arrangement:
o Observed Linear fit Quadratic fit
colfirst and nocolfirst determine whether, when the keys are presented in multiple columns,
keys are to read down or to read across, resulting in this
o Observed Quadratic fit
Linear fit
6 legend options Options for specifying legends
or this
o Observed Linear fit
Quadratic fit
The usual default is nocolfirst, so colfirst is the option.
textfirst and notextfirst specify whether the keys are to be presented as descriptive text followed
by the symbol or the symbol followed by descriptive text. The usual default is notextfirst, so
textfirst is the option. textfirst produces keys that look like this
Observed o Linear fit
Quadratic fit
and textfirst cols(1) produces
Observed o
Linear fit
Quadratic fit
stack specifies that the symbol-text be presented vertically with the symbol on top (or with the
descriptive text on top if textfirst is also specified). legend(stack) would produce
Observed Linear fit
Quadratic fit
legend(stack symplacement(left) symxsize(13) forcesize rowgap(4)) would produce
Observed Linear fit
Quadratic fit
stack tends to be used to produce single-column keys. legend(cols(1) stack symplace-
ment(left) symxsize(13) forcesize rowgap(4)) produces
Linear fit
Quadratic fit
This is the real use of stack: to produce narrow, vertical keys.
rowgap(size) and colgap(size) specify the distance between lines and the distance between columns.
The defaults are rowgap(1.4) and colgap(4.9). See [G-4] size.
legend options Options for specifying legends 7
symplacement(compassdirstyle) specifies how symbols are justified in the key. The default is sym-
placement(center), meaning that they are vertically and horizontally centered. The two most
commonly specified alternatives are symplacement(right) (right alignment) and symplace-
ment(left) (left alignment). See [G-4] compassdirstyle for other alignment choices.
keygap(size), symysize(size), symxsize(size), and
textwidth(size) specify the height and width to be allocated for the key and the key’s symbols
and descriptive text:
symbol descriptive text
symxsize() textwidth()
The defaults are
symxsize() 13
keygap() 2
textwidth() according to longest descriptive text line
symysize() according to height of font (*)
(*) The size of the font is set by the textbox option size(size);
see textbox options below.
Markers are placed in the symbol area, centered according to symplacement().
Lines are placed in the symbol area vertically according to symplacement() and horizontally are
drawn to length symxsize().
Color swatches fill the symysize() × symxsize() area.
See [G-4] size for information on specifying sizes.
forcesize causes the sizes specified by symysize() and symxsize() to be respected. If forcesize
is not specified, once all the symbols have been placed for all the keys, the symbol area is compressed
(or expanded) to be no larger than necessary to contain the symbols.
bmargin(marginstyle) specifies the outer margin around the legend. That is, it specifies how close
other things appearing near to the legend can get. Also see suboption margin() under Suboptions
for use with legend(region( )) below for specifying the inner margin between the border and
contents. See [G-4] marginstyle for a list of margin choices.
textbox options affect the rendition of the descriptive text associated with the keys. These are described
in [G-3] textbox options. One of the most commonly specified textbox options is size(size), which
specifies the size of font to be used for the descriptive text.
title options allow placing titles, subtitles, notes, and captions on legends. For instance, leg-
end(col(1) subtitle("Legend")) produces
o Observed
Linear fit
Quadratic fit
8 legend options Options for specifying legends
Note our use of subtitle() and not title(); title()s are nearly always too big. See
[G-3] title options.
region(roptions) specifies the border and shading of the legend. You could remove the border around
the legend by specifying legend(region(lstyle(none))) (thus doing away with the line) or
legend(region(lcolor(none))) (thus making the line invisible). You could also give the
legend a gray background tint by specifying legend(region(fcolor(gs5))). See Suboptions
for use with legend(region( )) below.
Suboptions for use with legend(region( ))
style(areastyle) specifies the overall style of the region in which the legend appears. The other
suboptions allow you to change the region’s attributes individually, but style() provides the
starting point. See [G-4] areastyle for a list of choices.
color(colorstyle) specifies the color and opacity of the background of the legend and the line used
to outline it. See [G-4] colorstyle for a list of color choices.
fcolor(colorstyle) specifies the background (fill) color and opacity for the legend. See [G-4] colorstyle
for a list of color choices.
lstyle(linestyle) specifies the overall style of the line used to outline the legend, which includes its
pattern (solid, dashed, etc.), its thickness, and its color. The other suboptions listed below allow you
to change the line’s attributes individually, but lstyle() is the starting point. See [G-4] linestyle
for a list of choices.
lcolor(colorstyle) specifies the color and opacity of the line used to outline the legend. See
[G-4] colorstyle for a list of color choices.
lwidth(linewidthstyle) specifies the thickness of the line used to outline the legend. See
[G-4] linewidthstyle for a list of choices.
lpattern(linepatternstyle) specifies whether the line used to outline the legend is solid, dashed, etc.
See [G-4] linepatternstyle for a list of choices. When lpattern() is specified, the line alignment
is always center; thus, lalign() is ignored.
lalign(linealignmentstyle) specifies whether the line used to outline the area is inside, outside, or
centered. See [G-4] linealignmentstyle for a list of alignment choices.
margin(marginstyle) specifies the inner margin between the border and the contents of the legend.
Also see bmargin() under Content suboptions for use with legend( ) and plegend( ) above for
specifying the outer margin around the legend. See [G-4] marginstyle for a list of margin choices.
Location suboptions for use with legend( )
off and on determine whether the legend appears. The default is on when more than one symbol
(meaning marker, line style, or color swatch) appears in the legend. In those cases, legend(off)
will suppress the display of the legend.
position(clockposstyle), ring(ringposstyle), and bplacement(compassdirstyle) override the de-
fault location of the legend, which is to the right of the plot region for the default scheme, stcolor.
position() specifies a direction [sic] according to the hours on the dial of a 12-hour clock, and
ring() specifies the distance from the plot region.
ring(0) is defined as being inside the plot region itself and allows you to place the legend inside
the plot. ring(k), k > 0, specifies positions outside the plot region; the larger the ring() value,
the farther away from the plot region the legend is. ring() values may be integers or nonintegers
and are treated ordinally.
legend options Options for specifying legends 9
When ring(0) is specified, bplacement() further specifies where in the plot region the legend
is placed. bplacement(seast) places the legend in the southeast (lower-right) corner of the plot
position(12) puts the legend directly above the plot region (assuming ring() > 0),
position(3) directly to the right of the plot region, and so on.
See Where legends appear under Remarks and examples below and Positioning of titles in
[G-3] title options for more information on the position() and ring() suboptions.
span specifies that the legend be placed in an area spanning the entire width (or height) of the
graph rather than an area spanning the plot region. This affects whether the legend is centered
with respect to the plot region or the entire graph. See Spanning in [G-3] title options for more
information on span.
at(#) is for use only when the twoway option by() is also specified. It specifies that the legend
appear in the #th position of the R×C array of plots, using the same coding as by(. . . , holes()).
See Use of legends with by( ) under Remarks and examples below, and see [G-3] by option.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
When legends appear
The contents of legends
Where legends appear
Putting titles on legends
Use of legends with by( )
Problems arising with or because of legends
When legends appear
Standard legends appear on the graph whenever more than one symbol is used, where symbol is
broadly defined to include markers, lines, and color swatches (such as those used to fill bars). When
you draw a graph with only one symbol on it, such as no legend appears.
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/uslifeexp
(US life expectancy, 1900--1999)
. line le year
Life expectancy
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
10 legend options Options for specifying legends
When there is more than one symbol, a legend is added:
. line le_m le_f year
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Life expectancy, male
Life expectancy, female
Even when there is only one symbol, a legend is constructed. It is merely not displayed. Specifying
legend(on) forces the display of the legend:
. line le year, legend(on)
Life expectancy
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Life expectancy
legend options Options for specifying legends 11
Similarly, when there is more than one symbol and you do not want the legend, you can specify
legend(off) to suppress it:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(off)
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
The contents of legends
By default, the descriptive text for legends is obtained from the variable’s variable label; see
[D] label. If the variable has no variable label, the variable’s name is used. In
. line le_m le_f year
the variable le m had previously been labeled “Life expectancy, male”, and the variable le f had
been labeled “Life expectancy, female”. In the legend of this graph, repeating “life expectancy” is
unnecessary. The graph would be improved if we changed the labels on the variables:
. label var le_m "Male"
. label var le_f "Female"
. line le_m le_f year
12 legend options Options for specifying legends
We can also specify the label() suboption to change the descriptive text. We obtain the same
visual result without relabeling our variables:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(label(1 "Male") label(2 "Female"))
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
The descriptive text for contour-line legends is the values for the contour lines of the z variable.
Where legends appear
By default, legends appear to the right of the plot region at position(3) ring(4). Suboptions
position() and ring() specify the location of the legend. position() specifies on which side
of the plot region the legend appearsposition(3) means 3 o’clockand ring() specifies the
distance from the plot regionring(4) means farther out than the title option b2title(); see
[G-3] title options.
If we specify legend(position(6)), the legend will be moved to the 6 o’clock position:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(pos(6))
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Life expectancy, male
Life expectancy, female
legend options Options for specifying legends 13
The legend was moved to the bottom of the graph. In this case, we may want to specify the
col(2) option:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(pos(6) col(2))
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Life expectancy, male Life expectancy, female
As a matter of syntax, we could have typed the above command with two legend() options
. line le_m le_f year, legend(pos(6)) legend(col(2))
instead of one combined: legend(pos(6) col(2)). We would obtain the same results either way.
ring()the suboption that specifies the distance from the plot regionis seldom specified, but,
when it is specified, ring(0) is the most useful. ring(0) specifies that the legend be moved inside
the plot region:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(pos(5) ring(0)
label(1 "Male") label(2 "Female"))
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Our use of position(5) ring(0) put the legend inside the plot region, at 5 o’clock, meaning in
the bottom right corner. Had we specified position(2) ring(0), the legend would have appeared
in the top left corner.
14 legend options Options for specifying legends
We might now add a border to the legend:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(pos(5) ring(0)
label(1 "Male") label(2 "Female")
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Putting titles on legends
Legends may include titles:
. line le_m le_f year, legend(pos(5) ring(0)
label(1 "Male") label(2 "Female")
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Above we specified subtitle() rather than title() because, when we tried title(), it seemed
too big.
Legends may also contain notes() and captions(); see [G-3] title options.
legend options Options for specifying legends 15
Use of legends with by( )
If you want the legend to be located in the default location, no special action need be taken when
you use by():
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/auto, clear
(1978 automobile data)
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||, by(foreign, total row(1))
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Domestic Foreign Total
Mileage (mpg)
Fitted values
Weight (lbs.)
Graphs by Car origin
If, however, you wish to move the legend, you must distinguish between legend(contents) and
legend(location). The former must appear outside the by(). The latter appears inside the by().
Below, we specify order(2) to indicate that we only want the second key in the legend; the first
key is for the scatterplot:
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
by(foreign, total legend(pos(4)))
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Domestic Foreign
Fitted values
Weight (lbs.)
Graphs by Car origin
legend(order(2)) was placed in the command just where we would place it had we not specified
by() but that legend(pos(4)) was moved to be inside the by() option. We did that because the
order() suboption is documented under contents in the syntax diagram, whereas position() is
documented under location. The logic is that, at the time the individual plots are constructed, they
16 legend options Options for specifying legends
must know what style of key they are producing. The placement of the key, however, is something
that happens when the overall graph is assembled, so you must indicate to by() where the key is to
be placed. Were we to forget this distinction and simply to type
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
legend(order(2) pos(4))
by(foreign, total)
the pos(4) suboption would have been ignored.
Another location suboption is provided for use with by(): at(#). You specify this option to tell
by() to place the legend inside the R × C array it creates:
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
by(foreign, total legend(at(4) pos(0)))
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Domestic Foreign
Fitted values
Weight (lbs.)
Graphs by Car origin
In the above, we specified at(4) to mean that the key was to appear in the fourth position of the
2 × 2 array, and we specified pos(0) to move the key to the middle (0 o’clock) position within the
In some cases, particularly when we have more than two graphs per row, it can be helpful to put
the legend at the bottom of the graph. We could do this by specifying pos(6).
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
by(foreign, total row(1) legend(pos(6)))
Alternatively, we can change the scheme to one that places the legend at the bottom (in addition
to other changes). For instance, we could type
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
by(foreign, total row(1)) scheme(stcolor_alt)
legend options Options for specifying legends 17
A third option, which we demonstrate here, is to specify the bystyle altleg in the style()
option to move the legend to the bottom.
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
by(foreign, total row(1) style(altleg))
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Domestic Foreign Total
Mileage (mpg) Fitted values
Weight (lbs.)
Graphs by Car origin
Finally, if you wish to suppress the legend, you must specify the legend(off) inside the by()
. scatter mpg weight || lfit mpg weight ||,
by(foreign, total row(1) legend(off))
Problems arising with or because of legends
There are three potential problems associated with legends:
1. Text may flow outside the border of the legend box.
2. The presence of the legend may cause the title of the y axis to run into the values labeled
on the axis.
3. The presence of the legend may cause the graph to be too narrow.
The first problem arises because Stata uses an approximation to obtain the width of a text line.
One solution is to specify region(margin()) to add margin space around the legend:
. graph . . . , . . . legend(region(margin(marginstyle)))
Other solutions are available, such as rows() and cols(); see Syntax.
The second problem arises when the key is in the 6 o’clock location (position(6)) and the
descriptive text for one or more of the keys is long. In position(6), the borders of the key are
supposed to line up with the borders of the plot region. Usually the plot region is wider than the key,
so the key is expanded to fit below it. When the key is wider than the plot region, however, it is the
plot region that is widened. As the plot region expands, it will eat away at whatever is at its side,
namely, the y axis labels and title. Margins will disappear. In extreme cases, the title will be printed
on top of the labels, and the labels themselves may end up on top of the axis!
The solution to this problem is to shorten the descriptive text, either by using fewer words or
by breaking the long description into multiple lines. Use the legend(label(# "text")) option to
modify the longest line of the descriptive text.
18 legend options Options for specifying legends
The third problem arises when the key is in the 3 o’clock location (position(3)) and the descriptive
text for one or more of the keys is long. One solution is similar to shorten the descriptive text as
described above. Alternatively, the legend can be moved to the bottom by specifying position(6)
or specifying a scheme such as stcolor alt, which places the legend at the bottom.
Also see
[G-3] title options Options for specifying titles
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