U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives
Office of Enforcement Programs and Services
Washington, DC 20226
December 27, 2022
Impact of Final Rule 2021-05F on Partially Complete Polymer80, Lone Wolf,
and Similar Semiautomatic Pistol Frames
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is issuing this open letter to
assist the firearms industry and the public in understanding whether a “partially complete,
disassembled, or nonfunctional” frame of a Polymer80, Lone Wolf, or similar semiautomatic,
striker-fired pistol (sometimes generally referred to as “Glock-type” pistols) has reached a stage
of manufacture such that it “may readily be completed, assembled, restored, or otherwise
converted” to a functional frame, and is therefore classified as a “frame” or “firearm” in
accordance with the final rule titled Definition of ‘Frame or Receiver’ and Identification of
Firearms (Final Rule 2021R-05F), which became effective August 24, 2022. In particular, the
following addresses partially complete, disassembled, or nonfunctional semiautomatic striker-
fired pistol frames or parts kits manufactured, sold, or distributed by Polymer80 (known as
‘Poly80’ or ‘P80’ frames or blanks), Lone Wolf (known as ‘Freedom Wolf 80%’ frames), and
others, with the characteristics described below.
Applying the regulatory text of Final Rule 2021-05F, partially complete Polymer80, Lone Wolf,
and similar striker-fired semiautomatic pistol frames, including, but not limited to, those sold
within parts kits, have reached a stage of manufacture where they “may readily be completed,
assembled, restored, or otherwise converted” to a functional frame. This definition of “readily”
applies to each and every classification of a partially complete frame or receiver under this Rule,
whether sold alone or as part of a kit. Therefore, even without any associated templates, jigs,
molds, equipment, tools, instructions, guides, or marketing materials, these partially complete
pistol frames are frames” and also firearms” as defined in the GCA and its implementing
regulations, 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3)(B) and 27 CFR 478.12(a)(1), (c).
The Gun Control Act (GCA) defines the term “firearmas: “…(A) any weapon (including a
starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the
action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler
or firearm silencer; or (D) any destructive device. Such term does not include an antique
firearm.” (Emphasis added.) 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3). The GCA implementing regulations define
the terms “frame” and “receiver” by describing a single housing or structural component for one
specific fire control component of a given weapon—for example, a single housing is specified
for particular weapons such as a “handgun” and a “rifle.” 27 CFR 478.12(a).
The regulation defines the term “frame” in 27 CFR 478.12(a)(1), as the part of a handgun, or
variants thereof, that provides housing or a structure for the component (i.e., sear or equivalent)
designed to hold back the hammer, striker, bolt, or similar primary energized component prior to
initiation of the firing sequence, even if pins or other attachments are required to connect such
component (i.e., sear or equivalent) to the housing or structure.”
Further, 27 CFR 478.12(c) explains when a partially complete, disassembled, or nonfunctional
frame or receiver, including a frame or receiver parts kit, is regulated as a “frame” or
The terms ‘frame’ and ‘receiver’ shall include a partially complete, disassembled, or
nonfunctional frame or receiver, including a frame or receiver parts kit, that is designed
to or may readily be completed, assembled, restored, or otherwise converted to function
as a frame or receiver, i.e., to house or provide a structure for the primary energized
component of a handgun, breech blocking or sealing component of a projectile weapon
other than a handgun, or internal sound reduction component of a firearm muffler or
firearm silencer, as the case may be. The terms shall not include a forging, casting,
printing, extrusion, unmachined body, or similar article that has not yet reached a stage
of manufacture where it is clearly identifiable as an unfinished component part of a
weapon (e.g., unformed block of metal, liquid polymer, or other raw material). When
issuing a classification, the Director may consider any associated templates, jigs, molds,
equipment, tools, instructions, guides, or marketing materials that are sold, distributed,
or possessed with the item or kit, or otherwise made available by the seller or distributor
of the item or kit to the purchaser or recipient of the item or kit.
Section 478.11 defines “readily” as:
A process, action, or physical state that is fairly or reasonably efficient, quick, and easy,
but not necessarily the most efficient, speediest, or easiest process, action, or physical
state. With respect to the classification of firearms, factors relevant in making this
determination include the following:
(a) Time, i.e., how long it takes to finish the process;
(b) Ease, i.e., how difficult it is to do so;
(c) Expertise, i.e., what knowledge and skills are required;
(d) Equipment, i.e., what tools are required;
(e) Parts availability, i.e., whether additional parts are required, and how easily they can
be obtained;
(f) Expense, i.e., how much it costs;
(g) Scope, i.e., the extent to which the subject of the process must be changed to finish it;
(h) Feasibility, i.e., whether the process would damage or destroy the subject of the
process or cause it to malfunction.
The above list of factors is a non-exhaustive list but represents factors that have been identified
by federal courts as being relevant to a “readilyanalysis with respect to firearms. For each and
every assessment of whether any partially complete frame (in the case of a handgun) or receiver
(in the case of a long gun) – whether assessed individually, or in conjunction with other items
is a “firearm” under the GCA, parties must consider the above definition, including all factors
that are relevant to that assessment. This is true for all frames and receivers.
There are many partially complete, disassembled, or nonfunctional semiautomatic pistol
frames” being marketed as so-called “partially complete” or “80%” frames. The Federal
firearms statutes and regulations, however, do not employ terms such as “80%,” “80% finished,”
or “80% complete.” These are merely terms used by some to market these items; they are not
based upon application of the term “readily” in the GCA or Final Rule 2021-05F. As used in the
GCA and the Final Rule, the term “readily” does not involve evaluation of a percentage of
completion for an item that, when completed, will function as a frame or receiver. Rather, the
analysis examines how efficiently, quickly, and easily a clearly identifiable component part of a
weapon can be completed, assembled, restored, or otherwise converted to house or provide a
structure for the applicable fire control component. Such analysis may include consideration of
any associated templates, jigs, molds, equipment, tools, instructions, guides, or marketing
materials that are, directly or indirectly, sold, distributed, possessed, or marketed with the
component part or kit. As outlined in the above definition, the analysis must consider all factors
that are relevant to the assessment.
On the above mentioned “partially complete” pistol frames and products manufactured by
Polymer80, Lone Wolf, and similar “partially complete” frames used to assemble semiautomatic,
striker-fired pistols, the critical areas of the “frame” are the front and rear fire control cavities.
The front and rear cavities are critical because these areas provide housing for the sear. See 27
CFR 478.12(a)(1), (a)(4)(iii). As further explained and illustrated below, removing or indexing
any material in these critical areas, or completing or indexing any of the pin holes necessary to
install the sear, are therefore crucial steps in producing a functional frame.
Figure 1
In a pistol based on a Glock design, the trigger is housed in the front fire control cavity,
and the sear, which is connected by the trigger bar, is located in the rear cavity.
Figure 2
For reference, in a pistol based on a Glock design, the trigger bar assembly contains the
sear. The trigger bar assembly operates as a single unit.
Figure 3
The trigger bar assembly (side view and top view) is a single unit. The frame cannot house
or provide a structure for the sear without both the front and rear cavities.
In addition, many front and rear cavities of pistol frames using this internal design incorporate
slide rails that have pin holes designed to secure the trigger mechanism and sear in precise
locations. Specifically, in the Polymer80 design, the front cavity also provides housing for a
front slide rail module (known as the “Locking Block Rail System” or “LBRS”), and the rear
cavity provides housing for a rear slide rail module (known as the “Rear Rail Module” or
“RRM”). Under the Final Rule, these slide rail components are “attachments … required to
connect” the sear to the frame. See 27 CFR 478.12(a)(1).
Figure 4
The above picture, taken from Polymer80 instructional materials, shows that the trigger
bar assembly is attached to the “Rear Rail Module,” which is attached to the frame.
Figure 5
Top view of “Locking Block Rail System” and “Rear Rail Module” with trigger and trigger
mechanism installed.
The above mentioned “partially complete” pistol frame products marketed by Polymer80, Lone
Wolf, and substantially similar “partially complete” frames used to assemble semiautomatic
striker-fired pistols, are also manufactured from a polymer material and incorporate temporary
rails or blocking tabs that are easily removable by a person with novice skill, using common
tools, such as a Dremel-type rotary tool, within minutes—an amount of time and a set of
circumstances that are far less than required to fall within the meaning of the term “readily” in
the Final Rule. Once this material is removed, the partially complete frames are immediately
capable of accepting both the slide rail attachments and fire control components, including the
Figure 6
FIREARM - Poly80 with Temporary Rails
Figure 7
FIREARM - Poly80 with Temporary Rails and Barrel Blocking Tab
Figure 8
FIREARM - Poly80 with Temporary Rails and Barrel Blocking Tab
In addition, similar partially complete frame designs, such as those marketed by Lone Wolf, do
not require removal of temporary rails but make it easy to attach the slide rails with connection
points for the trigger mechanism and sear by incorporating fully formed front and rear fire
control cavities into which the slide rails may be inserted. These slide rail attachments are
commercially available online and may be glued-on within minutes—an amount of time and a
set of circumstances that are far less than required to fall within the meaning of the term
“readily” in the Final Rulewith no fitting and no specialized knowledge or expertise. The ease
of obtaining and attaching such items is also pertinent as part of the analysis.
Figure 9
FIREARM - Lone Wolf “Freedom Wolf 80%” with Cavities for Slide Rail Attachments.
Figure 10
Figure 11
FIREARM - Fully Formed Front and Rear Cavities to Attach Slide Rail Inserts
Figure 12
Locking Block Cavity
Figure 13
Trigger Mechanism Cavity
Based on the above, partially complete Polymer80, Lone Wolf, and similar pistol frames with
any kind of indexing or material removed from the front or rear fire control cavities for
installation of the trigger mechanism and sear, or slide rail attachments to connect the trigger
mechanism and sear to the frame, have reached a stage of manufacture where they “may readily
be completed, assembled, restored, or otherwise converted” to a functional frame. As examined,
they are classified as a “frameand also a firearm,” as defined in the GCA, 18 U.S.C. §
921(a)(3)(B), and implementing regulations, 27 CFR 478.12(a)(1), (c). They are classified as
firearms even if they are not sold, distributed, marketed, or possessed with any associated
templates, jigs, molds, equipment, tools, instructions, or guides. While the analysis allows for
the consideration of how a partially complete frame is, directly or indirectly, sold, distributed,
marketed, or possessed with any associated templates, jigs, molds, equipment, tools, instructions,
guides, or marketing materials, for these partially complete frames such analysis was not
necessary because they are, by themselves, “frames” and “firearms” as defined in the GCA.
This information is provided to assist the firearms industry and general public in
understanding whether the above mentioned “partially complete” pistol frame products
manufactured by Polymer80, Lone Wolf, and substantially similar “partially complete” frames
used to assemble semiautomatic striker-fired pistols have reached the stage of manufacture
where they are classified as a “frame” or “firearm.” If persons remain unclear with respect
to a specific model or configuration, they can voluntarily submit a request, under penalty of
perjury, with a sample to ATF in accordance with 27 CFR 478.92(c) (GCA) or 479.102(c)
(NFA). ATF cannot render a formal determination without a formal request and physically
examining a submitted sample.
If you have any questions, please contact the Firearms & Ammunition Technology Division at
[email protected] or (304) 616-4300.
Assistant Director
Enforcement Programs and Services
Assistant Director
Field Operations