What types of
insurance policies
does Citizens offer?
This brochure is for informational purposes only
and is not intended to interpret or alter your
Citizens policy. Your rights and responsibilities
specifically are set forth in your Citizens policy.
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
When shopping for an insurance policy,
your agent will recommend a policy type
that reflects the type and occupancy of
structure to be insured. Your policy type
also determines the coverages available
for your structure and/or contents. Not
all policy types include coverage for “all
perils” (e.g. fire, theft, wind). Be sure to
review specific perils with your agent when
discussing your coverage options.
Your agent is your best source of
information for selecting a policy for your
home. Citizens offers several types of
coverage tailored to meet the needs of
homeowners and renters across the state
who cannot find coverage in the private
market. Whether you live in a site-built
house, condominium or manufactured
home, Citizens can help you protect your
most personal asset – your home. Let’s
review the basics to make sure you are
fully prepared for that conversation with
your agent.
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Site-Built Homes
(HO-3, HW-2)
This policy type is available for detached,
single-family homes and duplexes in which
at one unit is owner-occupied. The owner
must live in the home as their primary
residence. A homeowners policy covers the
building, other structures on the property,
and the owners personal property, and also
provides additional living expense and
personal liability coverage.
Modified Homeowners
Another type of homeowners policy – HO-8
– offers modified coverage for 11 named
perils, with several major exclusions. This
limited coverage excludes many types of
losses, including most caused by water. Full
replacement cost coverage is not available
with an HO-8 policy. Claim payments are
commonly made for actual cash value,
which can result in significantly lower claims
payouts. HO-8 policies may not meet the
minimum insurance requirements of many
mortgage holders. Confirm with your
mortgage holder that the HO-8 policy
meets your insurance requirements
before purchasing.
Dwelling Fire
(DP-3, DW-2)
This policy is available for tenant-occupied
properties and properties that otherwise
may not qualify for an HO-3 or HO-8 policy.
It provides coverage for the dwelling, other
structures on the property, personal
property, and loss of rent or additional
living expenses. Coverage for tenant or
renters contents and liability is available.
Dwelling Fire
While similar to the DP-3 policy, the DP-1
policy provides more limited coverage for
only certain named perils.
Condominium Unit Owners
(HO-6, HW-6)
For condominium-unit owners who live in
the condominium unit, this policy provides
coverage for certain features of the units
interior, your personal property, additional
living expenses and liability coverage.
Mobile and
Manufactured Homes
Mobile Homeowners
(MHO-3, MW-2)
Covers mobile and manufactured homes.
The owner must live in the home as their
primary residence. Policy coverage includes
the mobile home, other structures on the
property, and the owners personal
property, and provides additional living
expense and personal liability coverage.
Mobile Home Dwelling Fire
(MDP-1, MD-1)
This policy is available for tenant-
occupied properties and properties that
otherwise may not qualify for an MHO-3
or MW-2 policy. It provides coverage for
the dwelling, other structures on the
property, personal property, and loss of
rent or additional living expenses.
Coverage for tenant or renter’s contents
and liability is available.
Tenant/Renters Contents
(HO-4, HW-4)
Available to renters or tenants of a site-
built home, apartment or condominium
unit (excludes manufactured and mobile
homes), this policy covers renter or tenant
personal property, additional living
expenses and liability. It does not provide
coverage for the structure itself.
Mobile Home Tenant/Renters
Contents (MHO-4)
This coverage is available to renters or
tenants of a mobile or manufactured
home. It covers the renter or tenants
personal property, additional living
expenses and personal liability. It does
not provide coverage for the
structure itself.