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For the College Union
1) Mission Statement
Custodial Services maintains and facilitates quality cleaning and support services in
accordance with clearly defined standards in support of the college and FS mission
2) Services Provided
A) Repair Services and Response Time:
The following are the services and target response times for Custodial servicing of the
Academic enterprise. Response time is the target maximum time required to assess
and secure trouble sites. Items below are listed in order of their critical nature and
response targets.
i) Emergency Service (Level 1):
An event that creates a major safety hazard, interrupts building operations,
or reduces or disrupts Campus activities. Depending upon the severity of
the situation, emergencies are responded to no more than 60 minutes after
Examples are:
hazardous spills or vomit cleanup
clogged drains, plugged toilets and sinks
serious fire, health or safety hazards
ii) Urgent Service (Level 2):
Any work that is disruptive but does not present an immediate threat to
health or safety is responded to within 24 hours.
Examples are:
re-lamping of critical and or safety lighting
repair of door hardware
repair of -leaking faucets
iii) Necessary Service (Level 3):
Work that does not qualify as an emergency or urgent service but will be
responded to within 5 days and will be given a projected completion date.
Repairs will be accomplished as soon as possible but within 30 days.
Asbestos testing and material considerations could adversely impact the
targeted completion date. Examples of repairs covered under this section
are attached as Appendix A.
B) Operational Service:
Typical Operational Custodial Services Provided:
Entrances, Common Areas and Main Stairwells:
Remove trash/recycling
Dust and spot clean flat surfaces
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Spot clean glass, mirrors and bright work in first impression areas
Lock and unlock (per policy; see appendix D)
Spot clean walls
Sanitize telephones
Clean display case glass, and interior door glass.
Dust/polish furniture and all flat surfaces
Disinfect handrails
Buff floor finish on non-carpeted floors
Stain removal on carpeted surfaces
High dust vents, lights, pipes, blinds, and all flat surfaces.
Semi Annually:
Clean entire area as needed
As needed:
Minor repair
Remove trash/recycle
Spot Clean/mop/vacuum
3 times weekly:
Restore floor finish on non-carpeted floors as needed
Stain removal on carpeted surfaces as needed
Dust vents, lights, blinds, and all flat surfaces.
As needed:
Minor repair
Secondary Stairwells
Spot clean
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Vacuum and damp mop
Spot clean walls
Clean bright work
Disinfect handrails
Clean entire area as needed
Restore floor finish on non-carpeted floors as needed
As needed:
Stain removal on carpeted surfaces as needed
Clean vents, lights, and flat surfaces
Minor repair
Study room, Computer Room, Offices, Lounges, Ballrooms and Conference
Remove trash
Spot mop
Clean chalk/white boards
Spot vacuum
Dust/damp wipe
Spot clean glass
Sanitize telephones
Spot clean walls
Dust and polish furniture and flat surfaces
Vacuum/damp mop
Buff floor finish on non-carpeted floors as needed
Stain removal on carpeted surfaces as needed
High dust vents, lights, pipes, blinds, and all flat surfaces
Disinfect classroom desktops
Straighten & Rotate Blinds
Semi Annually:
Clean entire area
As needed:
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Re-lamp of Ballroom lighting and chandeliers as needed or before special events
Minor repair
Remove trash
Clean and disinfect fixtures
Clean glass & mirrors
Restock and spot clean as needed
Clean partitions
Clean walls
Dust vents
Clean and disinfect bright work
Semi Annually:
Clean entire area
As needed:
Minor repairs
Program Advisory Apartment
When vacated:
Remove trash
Dust/damp wipe
Clean glass (inside and outside if removable windows are involved)
Clean mirrors
Re-Lamp as needed
Minor repairs as needed
Wash walls
Dust and wash furniture
Dust and wash flat surfaces
Restore floor finish on non-carpeted floors as needed
Stain removal on carpeted surfaces
Clean vents, lights, pipes, blinds, and flat surfaces
Public Elevators
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Spot clean
Clean walls
Vacuum/mop floors
Clean/disinfect bright work
Semi Annually:
Clean entire area
Restore floor surface/carpeting
As needed:
Minor repair
Exterior windows:
Clean glass (both sides when practical)
Drinking Fountains
Clean & disinfect
Locker Rooms:
Remove trash
Spot Clean/mop/vacuum
3 Times Weekly
Dust/damp wipe
Spot clean walls
Clean bright work
As needed:
Minor repair
Remove trash
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Scrub/disinfect walls/floors/drains
Clean/disinfect bright work
Other operation services provided:
Customer care program (see appendix C)
Set ups, monitoring and cleaning in support of special events
using onsite
equipment and furniture, requiring less than 3 ½ hours of labor time per day.
Clean guest rooms and apartments as needed
Clean and/or change-over of offices when vacated
Pest control where applicable
Posting of regulatory signage
Snow removal and litter control within 10 feet of building entrances
Reset and cleaning of rooms required to be performed on an urgent request
basis. Custodial Supervisor will have the authority to approve overtime.
Department or recognized group will be billed an overtime rate.
C) Preventative Maintenance:
Routine checks and work fire extinguishers, eyewash stations smoke detectors
and Custodial equipment. This work is scheduled to prevent premature failure and
maximize the useful life of campus assets or infrastructure.
Custodial is responsible for engineering a preventative maintenance program that
will maximize resources and minimize building or equipment failure. The
estimated annual labor required for this program is _________ hours. Appendix
B identifies the PM program for the Academic zone.
D) Departmental Services (Discretionary):
Departmental services will be rendered on a time-and-materials basis by Custodial
Services and paid for through departmental funds. Departmental service requests
must be submitted 5 working days prior to the service event.
Typical Discretionary Services include:
Construction support (clean up)
Support and cleaning for conferences and outside user events under a
revocable permit
Set ups, monitoring and cleaning in support of special events using onsite
equipment and furniture, requiring more than 3 ½ hours of labor per day (See
Appendix E)
3) Customer Responsibility
Commencement, Convocations, Orientation, Homecoming, Family Weekend,
Sporting Events, College Sponsored Events, and other Departmental and student
organization registered events and meetings
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Departmental requests (work orders) for all services (other than general cleaning
as listed in this SLA) must be submitted 5 working days prior to the service event
Customer accepts that last minute requests for service (work orders) negatively
impacts scheduled cleaning as outlined in this SLA
Area must be accessible for service to be rendered.
Anything slated for special disposal must be clearly marked with the words
“trash”. Furniture and departmental equipment must be surplused in accordance
with college policy
Customer will clear personal effects from food preparation areas and
equipment/appliances prior to Custodial cleaning.
Customer is responsible for providing the Custodial unit sufficient storage/work
space within each building
Customer is responsible for obtaining approval to restrict areas from Custodial
Customer will utilize the on-line work order system for routine services request.
Emergency service requests must be called into the Work Control Center during
normal working hours (see Appendix D) or to the University Police after hours.
Facility Services will provide adequate user training of the on-line work order to
its Academic and Residential customers
4) Custodial Responsibility
Achieve the service response times as outlined in this service level agreement
Notify service requester of projected work completion dates
Inform the customer of any changes in the status of work-orders
Clean up of work area after completing custodial repairs, or at the end of the
Immediately report potentially hazardous situations to Custodial Supervision.
Emergency situations are reported directly to the University Police.
Replacement of CU special lighting and other furnishings and fixtures damaged
by Custodial services
5) Services not provided
Cleaning and repair of CAS controlled areas or equipment
Cleaning interiors of lockers
Cleaning and repair of personal property
Finding lost personal property
Repair and maintenance of warranty items
Cleaning and stocking of vending machines.
Cleaning and repair of departmental equipment (see appendix F)
Repair and maintenance of warranty items
Cleaning of restricted areas
6) Variations
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Second floor back hall and receiving room are vacuumed/damp mopped/auto-
scrubbed once weekly.
Ballroom, Ballroom Lounge, Hunt and Opus room cleaning schedules will be
delayed by scheduling/reservations that conflict with normal cleaning hours
7) Limitations
Facilities Services are limited to College facilities and property. Facilities Services
labor; materials, and equipment may not be used for personal benefit or loaned to
contractors or students.
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Custodial Repairs
The following building systems and components are serviced by Custodial Services. This
list is not all-inclusive. Please contact the Supervising Janitor if you need further
information on the types of services provided by this operating unit.
Repair faucets and toilet seats
Shut off water supply
Change aerators
Tighten handles
Clean drains
Unclog drains
Replace showerheads
Repair/replace towel bars
Replace toilet paper holders
Tighten door handles
Tighten hinges
Tighten table legs
Replace switch/outlet covers
Reset breakers
Rewire table and floor lamps
Replace florescent diffusers
Replace bulbs and tubes
Replace exit light covers, lens and starters
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Custodial Preventative Maintenance
Task Effort Frequency
Tool inventory
Ladder checks
Fire alarms
Fire extinguishers
Safety showers
The PM program for Custodial College Union will be included in this document after all
PM data has been entered into the Computerized Maintenance Management System
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Customer Care Program
--Providing Quality Customer Service --
Facility Services is committed to protecting, promoting, and enhancing the appearance
and condition of the SUNY Geneseo campus and to improve the processes by which we
deliver services in support our customer’s objectives. This Customer Care Program
establishes a continuous improvement process designed to address customer service
issues. The primary focus of this document is to ensure that we are continuously listening
to our customers and making certain that their needs are being met or exceeded.
Our customers are the owners, occupants and users of the buildings and grounds at
SUNY Geneseo.
The improvements described represent the processes and behaviors we will enact to
identify the needs and concerns of our customers and allow us to effectively deliver
quality services. The ability to satisfactorily deliver these improvements is measurable
and as such will allow us to continuously improve our service delivery. Our performance
measurements are organized into two categories, process and quality.
Process Improvements: Processes we will implement to improve our internal
operations so we can deliver our products and services quicker, better and cheaper.
Consistency in policies and procedures - holding to the same principles across
the organization
Frequent communication - including follow-up - any form of communication
on a regular basis, where taking action following that communication enhances
the effectiveness of that communication
Managing resources well - careful control and use of resources, human as well
as financial, to maximize their impact and effectiveness
Problem solving and attempts to remove barriers - proposed solutions or
considerations to resolve something that is an obstruction or prevents progress
Prompt handling of customer feedback - immediate or quick management of
customer dissatisfaction by empowering employees to fix problems
Continuous Improvement - striving to do everything quicker, better and cheaper
Quality Improvements: Professional behaviors we will demonstrate to ensure that
our delivery of customer service is equal to or better than the best in the business.
Accessible - reasonable access to appropriate staff
Courteous - fair, courteous and professional treatment
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Flexible - capability to adapt to or change requirements
Knowledgeable - information that is accurate and current
Listening well - giving attention and/or careful consideration to what is said
Reliable and Trustworthy - dependable, confidence in character, abilities, and
Timely - information and/or responses are provided early or on time
Inclusive - consideration of customer opinions and concerns by Facility Service
in the decision making process
Facility Services is committed to ensuring that quality customer service is an on-going
process that requires changes in the way we do business by increasing emphasis on
listening to our customers and by learning from the best in private industry. We will
strive to reinvent ourselves-to become more efficient and effective-and to provide the
types of services our customer expects.
Facility Services will:
Develop programs and initiatives that address customer needs. We will use
the information gathered from the survey and focus groups to develop and
enhance services.
Benchmark against the best-in-the-business. We will determine what internal
processes need to be improved, benchmark with leading industries, and establish
performance standards.
Establish processes to improve customer feedback. Processes will be
established to receive and address customer suggestions and feedback.
1. Academic and Residential Building Walk Through:
The Custodial Supervisor and the building utility specialist will schedule a
monthly building walk through with the Residential building RD’s or a
designated Housing representative and Academic Dept. heads or their
appointee. A Zone Maintenance representative will also be invited to attend
the walk through.
The purpose of this walk through is to ensure the level of cleanliness and other
services rendered to the customer are in accordance with the Residential and
Academic Custodial Service Level Agreements (SLA). The custodial
supervisor will solicit feedback on SLA service delivery, customer
expectations, customer satisfaction and any other issues that might affect their
overall operations. Using the customer’s feedback, the custodial supervisor is
responsible for developing action plans that adequately and within reason,
respond to customer concerns. If issues cannot be resolved at this level, the
custodial supervisor is also responsible for escalating the issue to Custodial
Services management for resolution.
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Academic and Residential building walk through schedule during the
academic year:
Academic Buildings:
One building per month, a different building each month until all buildings
have been inspected, then the schedule repeats itself with a different Dept.
Residential Buildings:
Two buildings per month, two different buildings each month until all
buildings have been inspected, and then the schedule repeats itself.
2. Events Management Meeting:
A Custodial Services supervisor and a (representative) will attend the weekly
Events Management Meeting. They will meet with representatives from
Campus Scheduling and Special Events, College Union and Activities,
University Police, Sports & Recreation, School of Performing Arts, Campus
Auxiliary Services and other designated departments. This group will review
the EMS (Campus Reservation System) set-up worksheets for the upcoming
two weeks. Custodial Services will participate in this meeting to ensure that
the appropriate level of custodial resources are available to facilitate
successful event planning and to respond to other campus wide custodial
issues that the group raises. When appropriate, Custodial Services will notify
other internal responsibility centers of any pending events or service requests.
3. Bi-Monthly Residential Life meeting:
Custodial management will meet every two weeks with Residential Life
management, Residential Area Coordinators and the Zone Maintenance
Supervisor to discuss upcoming Facility Services and Residential Life
projects, special events and other activities sponsored by Residential life. This
meeting allows Custodial Services and Residential Life to plan for successful
Residential Life initiatives and activities that are dependent on Custodial
Services resources. This meeting will also be used for the resolution of
Residential Life issues that involve Custodial Services.
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Policies and Definitions
Work Control Center hours of Operation”
When class is in session: 7:00 AM – 4:40 PM
Between Graduation and the last week of August: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Campus wide “lock and unlock” policy
TO: Kirk A. Spangler
FROM: Gary L. Girardet
DATE: November 20, 2000
Note: This memo supersedes and cancels my previous memo of September 20,
The Department of University Police is ultimately responsible for the security,
locking and unlocking of College buildings. The Department of Facilities Services
will attempt to assist with the locking and unlocking of academic buildings (buildings
other than residential) as follows:
Custodial staff will unlock the exterior doors to all academic buildings, prior to
8:00 a.m. on each business day. (The Day Care section of the Holcomb Building
will be unlocked prior to 7:00 a.m. by the off-going, night shift custodial staff.)
“After hours”, custodial staff will check and lock if appropriate, only the exterior
doors of academic buildings that they happen to enter in the normal course of
their duties.
It is assumed that spaces controlled by a particular department (non-common
spaces) will be unlocked, monitored and locked by the faculty and staff of that
department. However, it is understood that custodial staff will lock these spaces,
if they are found vacant and unlocked during the course of rendering routine
cleaning services.
University Police will respond to all special requests to have rooms
unlocked/opened, due to the fact that an Officer needs to verify that the requester
is who they claim to be and he or she is authorized to use the room. Of course, if
custodial staff is present in the building and receives a request from University
Police to admit someone to a particular room, they will assist whenever feasible.
Presently, custodial shifts cover all hours between 11:00 p.m. on Sunday and 1:00
a.m. on Saturday (Friday night). It should be noted that when school is in session,
there is weekend coverage for Milne Library and the Alumni/Schrader sports
complex but these people are not available to lock and unlock other buildings.
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Policies and Definitions
College Special Events Policy
For the purpose of this policy, “Special Events” are co-curricular activities sponsored by
campus offices or units that require application of facilities resources in excess of 3 1/2
total hours of labor.
Except as specifically identified in the College Facilities Services Service Level
Agreements; it is the policy of the College that all financial costs of these special
activities be the financial responsibility of the sponsor. These costs include the direct
costs of event set-up, operation and teardown and any costs imposed on the College as a
result of the events’ disruption of scheduled maintenance and operations.
In order to understand and budget the extent of these costs, sponsoring departments must
provide facilities services with sufficient advance notice and scope of special events.
Facilities Services is obligated to provide the sponsor with a reasonable estimate of these
costs for budget purposes.
Facilities Services is responsible for providing moving, trades, custodial, and grounds
services for such events on a “time and materials,” basis. Facilities Services will do this
1) Providing services of its in-house staff at the established labor rates for each service,
2) Contracting with outside vendors for the requested services.
In either case the full cost of these services will either be billed to the department
directly or paid by facilities and recharged to the department.
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Policies and Definitions
Departmental Equipment:
Department equipment as defined at SUNY Geneseo is furniture, fixtures and equipment
that are not part of the building shell, utility infrastructure or basic building operating
Maintenance and Custodial Obligation for Departmental Equipment
While Facilities Services is responsible for addressing all physical plant and equipment
deficiencies (including departmental equipment), the College budget presumes that
financial responsibility for maintenance, repair and replacement of departmental
equipment is lodged with the “owning” department.
Zone Maintenance personnel will provide high-level assessment of departmental
equipment deficiencies to the extent that they are qualified to do so. If they can assist
departments by making adjustments to or assessment of such deficiencies (+/- 15
minutes) without sacrificing their building maintenance obligations, they will do so at no
charge to the requestor.
If more extensive work is required on departmental equipment, Facilities Services will
perform such work on a time & materials basis upon the issuance of a work order and
identification of an appropriate departmental funding source.
One “test” of whether an item is “departmental” or not is, if it needed to be replaced,
which budget manager would be responsible for its replacement cost. If an item is clearly
not appropriate to be purchased through the Facilities Operating Budget, that budget
should not bear the cost of maintenance.
A more technical test would require an examination of original building construction or
renovation project costs. If the item in question was part of the building construction
portion of the project budget, it “belongs” and is the responsibility of Facilities Services.
Items that were included as “furniture, fixtures and equipment” in the initial project (or
such items subsequently purchased) are the financial responsibility of the department.
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Examples of “department” equipment Examples of “building” equipment
Mobil furniture and office modules Built-in auditoria and classroom furniture
Floor and desk lamps Hard wired lighting fixtures
Theatrical lighting equipment and controls Electrical outlets and distribution
equipment. Wiring and outlets for
telephone and computers.
Window air conditioners Central building HVAC systems
Lab equipment and cold boxes Fume hoods
Nonresidential appliances (department
coffee pots, refrigerators and microwaves,
et. al.)
Dormitory appliances
Portable Dance Floors Tile and carpeted areas where installation
was part of approved construction or
Portable mechanical devices (compressors,
sprayers, electric fans et. al.)
Sump pumps and exhaust fans
Window treatments not part of original or
approved replacement
Window treatments as originally designed
or subsequently approved
Departments may be responsible for premature replacement of building equipment as a
result of abuse, vandalism or misuse that they could reasonably predict or control.
If disputes arise regarding the financial obligations with respect to these items, they will
be referred to the lowest level department budget manager responsible for the item and
the AVP for Facilities Services for resolution. If agreement on responsibility cannot be
worked out at this level, they should be referred to the VP for Finance and Administration
and the Department’s cognizant VP for resolution.