Title stata.com
colorstyle Choices for color
Syntax Description Remarks and examples Also see
colorstyle Description
gs0 gray scale: 0 = black
gs1 gray scale: very dark gray
gs15 gray scale: very light gray
gs16 gray scale: 16 = white
dimgray between gs14 and gs15
dkgreen dark green
dknavy dark navy blue
dkorange dark orange
forest green
gray equivalent to gs8
ltblue light blue
ltbluishgray light blue-gray, used by scheme s2color
ltkhaki light khaki
2 colorstyle Choices for color
olive teal
orange red
sandb bright sand
colors used by The Economist magazine:
ebg background color
ebblue bright blue
edkblue dark blue
eltblue light blue
eltgreen light green
emidblue midblue
erose rose
none no color; invisible; draws nothing
background or bg same color as background
foreground or fg same color as foreground
# # # RGB value; white = "255 255 255"
# # # # CMYK value; yellow = "0 0 255 0"
hsv # # # HSV value; white = "hsv 255 255 255"
color*# color with adjusted intensity
*# default color with adjusted intensity
When specifying RGB, CMYK, or HSV values, it is best to enclose the values in quotes; type
"128 128 128" and not 128 128 128.
For a color palette showing an individual color, type
palette color colorstyle
, scheme(schemename)
and for a palette comparing two colors, type
palette color colorstyle colorstyle
, scheme(schemename)
For instance, you might type
. palette color red green
See [G-2] palette.
Wherever a colorstyle appears, you may specify an RGB value by specifying three numbers in sequence.
colorstyle Choices for color 3
Each number should be between 0 and 255, and the triplet indicates the amount of red, green, and
blue to be mixed. Each of the colorstyles in the table above is equivalent to an RGB value.
You can also specify a CMYK value wherever colorstyle appears, but the four numbers representing
a CMYK value must be enclosed in quotes, for example, "100 0 22 50".
You can also specify an HSV (hue, saturation, and value) color wherever colorstyle appears. HSV
colors measure hue on a circular 360-degree scale with saturation and hue as proportions between
0 and 1. You must prefix HSV colors with hsv and enclose the full HSV specification in quotes,
for example, "hsv 180 .5 .5".
Other colorstyles may be available; type
. graph query colorstyle
to obtain the complete list of colorstyles installed on your computer.
colorstyle specifies the color of a graphical component. You can specify colorstyle with many
different graph options; all have the form
For instance, option mcolor() specifies the color of markers, option lcolor() specifies the colors
of connecting lines, and option fcolor() specifies the colors of the fill area. Option color() is
equivalent to specifying all three of these options. Anywhere you see colorstyle, you can choose from
the list above.
You will sometimes see that a colorstylelist is allowed, as in
. scatter . . . , msymbol(colorstylelist) . . .
A colorstylelist is a sequence of colorstyles separated by spaces. Shorthands are allowed to
make specifying the list easier; see [G-4] stylelists. When specifying RGB, CMYK, or HSV values in
colorstylelists, remember to enclose the numbers in quotes.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Colors are independent of the background color
White backgrounds and black backgrounds
RGB values
CMYK values
HSV values
Adjusting intensity
4 colorstyle Choices for color
Colors are independent of the background color
Except for the colors background and foreground, colors do not change because of the
background color. Colors background and foreground obviously do change, but otherwise, black
means black, red means red, white means white, and so on. White on a black background has high
visibility; white on a white background is invisible. Inversely, black on a white background has high
visibility; black on a black background is invisible.
Color foreground always has high visibility.
Color background is the background color. If you draw something in this color, you will erase
whatever is underneath it.
Color none is no color at all. If you draw something in this color, whatever you draw will be
invisible. Being invisible, it will not hide whatever is underneath it.
White backgrounds and black backgrounds
The colors do not change because of the background color, but the colors that look best depend
on the background color.
Graphs on the screen look best against a black background. With a black background, light colors
stand out, and dark colors blend into the background.
Graphs on paper are usually presented against a white background. Dark colors stand out and light
colors blend into the background.
Because most users need to make printed copies of their graphs, Stata’s default is to present graphs
on a white background, but you can change that; see [G-4] schemes intro.
If you want a dark background, it is better to choose a dark background rather than attempt to darken
the background by using the region
option graphregion(fcolor()) (see [G-3] region options);
everything else about the graph’s scheme will assume a background similar to how it was originally.
graphregion(fcolor()) (and graphregion(ifcolor()), plotregion(fcolor()), and
plotregion(ifcolor())) are best used for adding a little tint to the background.
RGB values
In addition to colors such as red, green, blue, or cyan, you can mix your own colors by
specifying RGB values. An RGB value is a triplet of numbers, each of which specifies, on a scale of
0255, the amount of red, green, and blue to be mixed. That is,
red = 255 0 0
green = 0 255 0
blue = 0 0 255
cyan = 0 255 255
magenta = 255 0 255
yellow = 255 255 0
white = 255 255 255
black = 0 0 0
The overall scale of the triplet affects intensity; thus, changing 255 to 128 in all the examples
above would keep the colors the same but make them dimmer. (Color 128 128 128 is what most
people call gray.)
colorstyle Choices for color 5
CMYK values
In addition to mixing your own colors by using RGB values, you can mix your own colors by
using CMYK values. If you have not heard of CMYK values or been asked to produce CMYK color
separations, you can safely skip this section. CMYK is provided primarily to assist those doing color
separations for mass printings. Although most inkjet printers use the more common RGB color values,
printing presses almost always require CMYK values for color separation.
RGB values represent a mixing of red, green, and blue light, whereas CMYK values represent a
mixing of pigmentscyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Thus, as the numbers get bigger, RGB colors
go from dark to bright, whereas the CMYK colors go from light to dark.
CMYK values can be specified either as integers from 0 to 255, or as proportions of ink using real
numbers from 0.0 to 1.0. If all four values are 1 or less, the numbers are taken to be proportions of
ink. Thus, 127 0 127 0 and 0.5 0 0.5 0 specify almost equivalent colors.
Some examples of CMYK colors are
red = 0 255 255 0 or, equivalently, 0 1 1 0
green = 255 0 255 0 or, equivalently, 1 0 1 0
blue = 255 255 0 0 or, equivalently, 1 1 0 0
cyan = 255 0 0 0 or, equivalently, 1 0 0 0
magenta = 0 255 0 0 or, equivalently, 0 1 0 0
yellow = 0 0 255 0 or, equivalently, 0 0 1 0
white = 0 0 0 0 or, equivalently, 0 0 0 0
black = 0 0 0 255 or, equivalently, 0 0 0 1
For color representation, there is no reason for the K (black) component of the CMYK values, 255
255 255 0 and 0 0 0 255 both specify the color black. With pigments such as printer inks, however,
using 100% of cyan, magenta, and yellow rarely produces a pure black. For that reason, CMYK values
include a specific black component.
Internally, Stata stores all colors as RGB values, even when CMYK values are specified. This allows
colors to be easily shown on most display devices. In fact, graph export will produce graph files
using RGB values, even when CMYK values were specified as input. Only a few devices and graphics
formats understand CMYK colors, with PostScript and EPS formats being two of the most important.
To obtain CMYK colors in these formats, use the cmyk(on) option of the graph export command.
You can also specify that all PostScript export files permanently use CMYK colors with the command
translator set Graph2ps cmyk on or translator set Graph2eps cmyk on for EPS files.
Stata uses, for lack of a better term, normalized CMYK values. That simply means that at least
one of the CMY values is normalized to 0 for all CMYK colors, with the K (black) value “absorbing”
all parts of CM and Y where they are all positive. An example may help: 10 10 5 0 is taken to be
the normalized CMYK value 5 5 0 5. That is, all CMY colors were 5 or greater, so this component
was moved to black ink, and 5 was subtracted from each of the CMY values. If you specify your
CMYK colors in normalized form, these will be exactly the values output by graph export, and you
should never be surprised by the resulting colors.
HSV values
You can also mix your own colors by specifying HSV values. These are also sometimes called HSL
(hue, saturation, and luminance) or HSB (hue, saturation, and brightness). An HSV value is a triplet
of numbers. The first number specifies the hue and is specified on a circular 360-degree scale. Any
number can be specified for the hue, but numbers above 360 are taken as modulo 360. The second
number specifies the saturation of the color as a proportion between 0 and 1, and the third number
specifies the value (luminance/brightness) between 0 and 1. HSV colors must be prefaced with hsv.
6 colorstyle Choices for color
Some examples of HSV colors are
red = hsv 0 1 1
green = hsv 120 1 1
blue = hsv 240 1 1
cyan = hsv 180 1 1
magenta = hsv 300 1 1
yellow = hsv 60 1 1
white = hsv 0 0 1
black = hsv 0 0 0
Putting the primary colors in their HSV hue order,
red = hsv 0 1 1
yellow = hsv 60 1 1
green = hsv 120 1 1
cyan = hsv 180 1 1
blue = hsv 240 1 1
magenta = hsv 300 1 1
With the exception of black, all the listed colors specify a saturation and value of 1. This is
because these are the primary colors in the RGB and CMYK spaces and therefore have full saturation
and brightness. Reducing the saturation will reduce the amount of color. Reducing the brightness will
make the color dimmer.
Adjusting intensity
To specify a color and modify its intensity (brightness), you might specify things such as
0 255 255*.8
Multiplying a color by 1 leaves the color unchanged. Multiplying by a number greater than 1 makes
the color stand out from the background more; multiplying by a number less than 1 makes the color
blend into the background more. For an example using the intensity adjustment, see Typical use in
[G-2] graph twoway kdensity.
When modifying intensity, the syntax is
or the color may be omitted:
If the color is omitted, the intensity adjustment is applied to the default color, given the context.
For instance, you specify bcolor(*.7) with graph twoway baror any other graph twoway
command that fills an areato use the default color at 70% intensity. Or you specify bcolor(*2)
to use the default color at twice its usual intensity.
When you specify both the color and the adjustment, you must type the color first: .8*green
will not be understood. Also, do not put a space between the color and the *, even when the color
is an RGB or CMYK value.
colorstyle Choices for color 7
color*0 makes the color as dim as possible, but it is not equivalent to color none. color*255
makes the color as bright as possible, although values much smaller than 255 usually achieve the
same result.
Also see
[G-2] palette Display palettes of available selections
[G-4] schemes intro Introduction to schemes