Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
September 2021
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Part 1: Design resources ............................................................................................................ 4
AHS branding ......................................................................................................................... 4
Other resources ..................................................................................................................... 4
Part 2: Infographic tips & tricks ................................................................................................... 6
Collect data ............................................................................................................................ 6
Create a narrative .................................................................................................................. 6
Develop a hierarchy ............................................................................................................... 6
Determine infographic format ................................................................................................. 6
Determine infographic layout .................................................................................................. 7
Visual approach ..................................................................................................................... 7
Find examples .................................................................................................................... 7
Choose colours ................................................................................................................... 8
Choose fonts ....................................................................................................................... 8
Structure information ........................................................................................................... 8
Ways to represent data ....................................................................................................... 9
Using icons ......................................................................................................................... 9
Using images ...................................................................................................................... 9
Attributes of good infographics ............................................................................................... 9
Attributes of not-so-good infographics .................................................................................... 9
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
Project team
Project Manager:
Neha Batra-Garga, Manager
Knowledge Exchange
Provincial Addiction and Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Prepared by
Cassandra Churchill, Knowledge Management Coordinator
Knowledge Exchange, Provincial Addiction and Mental Health
Anye Juressen, Consultant
Addiction and Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network
Knowledge Exchange, Provincial Addiction and Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
© 2022 Alberta Health Services, Provincial Addiction & Mental Health Knowledge Exchange.
This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 International
licence. You are free to copy and distribute the work (including in other media and formats) for non-commercial
purposes, as long as you attribute the work to Alberta Health Services, do not adapt the work, and abide by the other
licence terms. To view a copy of this licence, see The licence
does not apply to Alberta Health Services trademarks, logos or content for which Alberta Health Services is not the
copyright owner.
This material is intended for general information only and is provided on an "as is", "where is" basis. Although
reasonable efforts were made to confirm the accuracy of the information, Alberta Health Services does not make any
representation or warranty, express, implied or statutory, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, applicability or
fitness for a particular purpose of such information. This material is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified health
professional. Alberta Health Services expressly disclaims all liability for the use of these materials, and for any claims,
actions, demands or suits arising from such use.)
For citation purposes, use the following format:
Alberta Health Services. (2022). Infographic Toolkit for AMH Research. Edmonton, AB: Author.
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
This resource has been designed to help addiction and mental health (AMH) researchers
communicate the results of their research to broad audiences using infographics. Infographics
are a great tool for providing a short and accessible research summary in a consumable format.
Part 1: Design resources
AHS branding
Materials produced for AHS should following branding requirements, discussed below.
Resource and URL Description
AHS Brand Toolkit
The AHS Brand Toolkit is a document that
provides information on the importance of AHS
It includes guidelines regarding logos, icons,
images, typography, and colours.
Other resources
For those producing materials external to AHS, the following resources may be helpful.
Resource and URL Description
HTML Color Codes
Easily find HTML colour codes/hex colour codes
for use in your infographic using the colour chart
and picker.
Convert between colour formats (HEX, RGB,
HSL, HSV, CMYK) by inserting a colour code in
the format you have.
Upload images from your computer or insert links
to online images to access their colour codes.
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
W3Schools HTML Color Picker
Easily find HTML colour codes/hex colour codes
for use in your infographic, including hues and
Adobe Color CC
Create and explore different colour schemes to
use in your infographic. Create your own colour
scheme or explore pre-made colour schemes.
A colour-scheme generator that allows you to
create and save colour palettes. Create your own
colour scheme or explore thousands of pre-made
colour schemes.
The Noun Project
Collection of copyright free icons. Although many
of the icons are in black and white, they can be
recoloured in PowerPoint, Paint, or other
Collection of free images/photos for use in your
Infographic examples
Search these infographic and design sites for
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
Part 2: Infographic tips & tricks
Collect data
Collect data and determine the most important pieces of information to include in the
Create a narrative
Create the narrative by asking:
What is the purpose of my infographic?
What do I want my audience to take away after viewing
my infographic?
What is the story I want to tell?
Is my intent to inform, educate, summarize, or argue a
In your narrative, identify the ‘heroes’ that will lead your story:
The ‘heroes’ are critical pieces of data or information that serve as the key messages
and will organize your infographic
Develop a hierarchy
Using your narrative, create an outline of your infographic story:
Identify the order in which you want people to interact with your information
Organize your ‘heroes’ or critical pieces this is the backbone of your hierarchical
Arrange the supporting elements of information or data around your critical pieces to tell
the rest of the story this can be background information, supporting data sets, or any
additional information to be included
Determine infographic format
Consider the format your infographic will be displayed in:
Will it be print or digital?
What is the size of your infographic?
Consider your audience and the language you use:
Is your audience internal or external to AHS?
What level of knowledge do they have on the subject matter?
If you’re not a designer, note
that a compelling narrative
outshines a beautiful design.
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
Determine infographic layout
Set your margins and columns:
Whichever program you are using to design the
infographic, you must create a structure for placing
your elements within
Set your margins anywhere from 0.5in x 0.5in to 1in x 1in
Create columns to guide how you align your
o Choose between three or four columns
o This creates balance and proportion
Align your infographic’s elements with your margins and
Align visual and textual elements to your vertical
Align your graphics with their accompanying text either horizontally or vertically
Most users read left to right, so use middle aligned text sparingly especially with large
bodies of text
Visual approach
Now that you have your narrative, hierarchical structure, format, and layout for your infographic,
you can start the visual approach.
Find examples
Collect a few examples of infographics that can guide
the look and feel of your infographic
o Examples can also provide guidance on how to
visualize data sets
Search on Google or Pinterest
o Either broadly by searching “infographics”, or
more specifically, for example “cannabis
Draw your columns and
margins on your page so that
they are easy to follow.
If you have a project sponsor,
ask if there are certain styles
you must adhere to colours,
fonts, images, graphics, etc.
Also ask which logos must be
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
Choose colours
Select two to three colours to use in your infographic (two
is recommended)
o Use AHS branding colours if it is an AHS-only
o If there are non-AHS project sponsors, there might
be more leniency as to the colours you can use
Coloured text can be used for headings and call-outs
o Avoid using coloured body text
Use colour to purposefully draw attention
Choose fonts
Use AHS branding fonts, unless allowed otherwise
Assign fonts and font sizes to different levels of information
(headings, body, call-outs) and use consistently throughout
Structure information
Create a bold and descriptive title for your infographic
Using your hierarchical structure, create headings for each
section of information
Arrange your supporting elements of information and data
under the headings
o Group alike elements together
o Utilize white space
White space signifies relationships and can
be used to separate or group elements
White space is used to create comfortable
silence and allows readers to breath
throughout the infographic
In blocks of text, ensure that there are no ‘lonely’ words in the last line
o Reorganize your paragraph so that there are at least two words in the last line
Use the colour red very
Stick to using three fonts
or less too many
makes it busy.
Objects closer together
are perceived as more
related than objects
further apart.
Use lines, coloured
boxes, and shapes to
assist in structuring
Infographic Toolkit
for AMH Research
Alberta Health Services
Provincial Addiction & Mental Health
Updated: Oct 2021
Ways to represent data
Identify transformable data sets and turn them into charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.
depending on which format works best
Using icons
Assign icons to information, lists, headings, categories, etc.
Utilize the AHS icon catalogue (link in Resources section
o Contact Communications for individual icon images
Icons are popular and can easily be used alongside text to
simplify complex information
Ensure your icons have similar ‘styles’ (bold, thin, thick
lines, thin lines, colours, black and white, 2-D, 3-D, etc.)
Using images
If using images, ensure the ‘style’ of the images are the
Ensure images are high resolution
Do not stretch images
o Hold down shift button while enlarging / shrinking
Attributes of good infographics
Good infographics have the following characteristics:
Minimal and simplistic
Consistency in icons, shapes, typography
Minimal colour choice nothing overly distracting
Visual hierarchy clearly established in graphics
something jumps out at you and anchors the rest
Varying levels of engagement offered allow for
quick scans as well as deep exploration
Accurate data, represented in an appropriate way
Attributes of not-so-good infographics
Ineffective infographics commonly have the following characteristics:
Everything equal in scale and fighting for attentionif every element wants attention,
then nothing gets it
Many different fonts and colours
If chosen correctly, icons
are quick visual cues
that aid in understanding
and remembering.
Use images sparingly.
When you are done creating your
infographic, print it out, look at
the infographic as a whole, and
note what your eyes are drawn to
If these are the ‘heroes’ then you
are in good shape. If you find
there are too many things
popping out at you at once -
reorganize your content.