Higher education
Undergraduate students:
your rights under consumer law
12 March 2015
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1. Scope .................................................................................................................... 2
2. Information provision ............................................................................................. 4
3. Terms and conditions .......................................................................................... 11
4. Complaint handling processes and practices ...................................................... 17
5. What can I do if I have a concern?...................................................................... 19
Annex A – Overview of consumer law ...................................................................... 22
1. Scope
Who is this guide for?
1.1 This guide is for prospective and current UK undergraduate students and their
advisers. The focus of the guide is on their rights under consumer protection
law in relation to the provision of educational services.
1.2 A short summary of this student guide is available on the Competition and
Markets Authority’s
(CMA) webpages.
1.3 The CMA has also published detailed advice for universities, Further
Education (FE) colleges and other institutions that offer Higher Education
(HE) courses in the UK to help them understand their responsibilities under
consumer law when dealing with undergraduate students. A copy is available
on the CMA’s webpages.
1.4 In this guide, for ease, we refer to all UK institutions that provide HE
undergraduate courses as ‘universities’.
1.5 This guide sets out the minimum legal requirements for compliance with
consumer law and the views of the CMA. Only a court is able to give a
definitive interpretation of the law and how it applies to individual
circumstances. This guide is not a substitute for legal advice, which students
may wish to seek.
How does consumer law apply to students?
1.6 Consumer law will generally apply to the relationship between universities and
undergraduate students, as undergraduate students will generally be studying
for purposes which are outside their trade, business or profession.
Why is it important to know my consumer rights?
1.7 Knowing your consumer rights should help you to get the information you
need when deciding which university and course to choose, get fair treatment
once there, and help you progress any complaints you may have should you
The CMA is a non-ministerial department formed on 1 April 2014. It is a unified competition and consumer
authority which took over many of the functions formerly performed by the Competition Commission and the
Office of Fair Trading. The CMA’s mission is to make markets work well in the interests of consumers,
businesses and the economy.
See the short summary of this student advice.
See the detailed advice on the CMA’s webpages.
subsequently be dissatisfied with your choice or an aspect of the educational
What does this guide cover?
1.8 This guide covers three key consumer law issues for students:
Information provision – universities need to provide up front, clear,
intelligible, unambiguous and timely information.
Terms and conditions – universities’ terms and conditions that apply to
students need to be fair and balanced.
Complaint handling processes and practices – universities need to ensure
their complaint handling processes and practices are accessible, clear and
fair to students.
1.9 This advice focuses on compliance with the following consumer legislation:
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPRs).
Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges)
Regulations 2013 (CCRs).
Unfair terms legislation (at the date of publication, the relevant legislation
is the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (UTCCRs)).
1.10 See Annex A for further details including upcoming changes to consumer law,
in particular regarding the law about unfair terms in consumer contracts.
See the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
See the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.
See the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.
2. Information provision
Why is it important to be given information before I apply?
2.1 Deciding what and where to study is a major decision. Many students invest a
lot of time and money into their undergraduate education. It is important that
universities give you the information you need so that you can make an
informed choice about which universities and courses to apply for.
What is material information?
2.2 It is a requirement of the CPRs that universities give you information up front,
such as when they advertise courses, so that you can make an informed
decision about where to apply. This is known as material information under
the CPRs. In our view, material information is likely to include the following:
(a) Course information, including:
the course title;
the entry requirements (both academic and non-academic) and an
indication of the standard/typical offer level criteria;
the core modules for the course and an indication of likely optional
modules, including whether there are any optional modules that are
generally provided each year;
information about the composition of the course and how it will be
delivered, and the balance between the various elements. This will
include the number and type of contact hours that you can expect – for
example, lectures, seminars, work placements, and feedback on
assignments. It will also include your expected workload, such as the
expected self-study time, and details about the general level of
experience or status of the staff involved in delivering the different
elements of the course;
the overall method(s) of assessment for the course, for example by
exams, coursework or practical assessments, or a combination of
This would include general information about the experience or status of the staff involved in delivering the
course – for example a professor, senior lecturer or postgraduate student.
the award to be received on successful completion of the course and,
if relevant, the awarding body or institution;
the location of study or possible locations – this should also include
the likely or possible location of any work placements to be undertaken
(where known);
the length of the course;
whether the course and university is regulated and by whom, for
example, where it is regulated by the Higher Education Funding
Council for England or Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, or
has a specific course designation;
whether the course is accredited, for example by a Professional,
Statutory or Regulatory Body, and by whom; and
any particular terms, such as those in the university’s rules and
regulations, that apply to the course that you may find particularly
surprising (for example, a term explaining that the body awarding the
degree is different from the university running your course) or are
otherwise important (for example any rules or regulations whose
contravention might prevent you from completing your course).
(b) Total course costs, including:
tuition fees – this should include, if applicable, whether fees in future
years will increase and by how much (for example, in line with
inflation). If increases will apply to only a certain group (such as
international students) or in respect of a particular course, this should
be made clear. If the future fee is not known, universities should
indicate clearly the criteria for any future changes and how the
changes will be calculated. Note that any possible fee increases
should be restricted to limited circumstances where the university has
valid reasons for making the change; and
other extra costs you are likely to incur, for example field trips, bench
fees or studio hire. Universities should also indicate how much these
extra costs are or are likely to be. Where they are unknown or
uncertain, universities should set out how they will be calculated and
whether they are optional or mandatory for undertaking or passing the
course. It is particularly important that universities highlight any course
costs that are likely to have a direct impact on the outcome of your
academic success, such as a field trip on which a piece of work will be
2.3 Universities should also set out when and how fees and any other costs are
payable and when you will become liable for payment.
What happens if I am not given the material information, it is
presented in a misleading way, or I can’t find it?
2.4 Material information should be made easily accessible to you up front,
including when you are considering which university and which course to
apply to, and whether to accept any offers. For example, the information could
be made available via the university’s website, prospectus, and course and
departmental handbooks. If this information is not provided or made available,
or it is hidden or difficult to access, then under the CPRs this could constitute
a breach of the law known as a misleading omission.
2.5 An example of a misleading omission could be where a university does not tell
you about certain specific extra costs associated with studying a particular
course, such as field trips for a geography course or studio hire for a design
course – which, had you known about them, may have led you to have
chosen a different course or university.
What happens if the information I am given is unclear and/or not
2.6 Universities must provide you with clear and correct information – it should not
contain any inaccuracies that are likely to affect your decisions. Under the
CPRs, giving misleading or outdated information or a misleading impression
could constitute what is known as a misleading action. Examples of this are
where a university:
gives a misleading impression at an open day that a particular renowned
professor will be involved in the teaching of the course when this is not the
presents information that suggests that a course provides a particular
qualification by a professional body when this is not the case;
presents information that suggests progressing from a foundation to an
undergraduate course will be automatic when a separate application for
the undergraduate course will be required; and
presents information, in wording or images, that for example suggests the
location of the course will be in London, when this is not the case.
2.7 A university should make prospective students aware of any changes to
material information as soon as possible, such as changes to the course fees
or costs, or changes to the accreditation of the course. Not doing so may be a
misleading omission under the CPRs.
2.8 It could also be a breach of the CPRs if a university engages in unfair
commercial practices that are likely to distort the behaviour of the average
person in a certain vulnerable group, bearing in mind the characteristics of
that group. For example, certain practices may particularly have an impact on
the decisions of students who have disabilities that affect their ability to move
around campus, such as universities:
making inaccurate statements about the accessibility to their facilities; or
omitting to mention restrictions on access to buildings where they have not
been able to make reasonable adjustments to provide access for people
with disabilities (such as wheelchair users).
2.9 Where a university’s advertising or marketing is directed at particular groups,
such as international students, part-time students, or those learning at a
distance, certain information is likely to be important for prospective students
and so will be within the scope of material information under the CPRs. For
information about English language proficiency requirements, together
with visa and immigration requirements, is likely to be relevant to and
affect the decisions of international students; and
information about the accessibility of learning support facilities such as
library opening times, the course timetable (for example, the days on
which lectures and seminars will be held) and length of the course is likely
to be particularly relevant to and affect the decisions of part-time students.
What is a distance contract?
2.10 In addition to the material information universities need to provide under the
CPRs, universities have to comply with the requirements of the CCRs when a
The Equality Act 2010 requires that ‘reasonable adjustments’ are made to provide access to people with
contract between students and universities is entered into, such as when you
accept an offer.
2.11 Distance contracts are contracts that are negotiated and entered into at a
distance (for example through the UCAS system). The fact that there may
have been some face-to-face contact between a university and you, for
example at an open day or interview, does not automatically mean that the
agreement will not be a distance contract. It is our view that the contract for
admission, entered into when a prospective student accepts an offer, is likely
to be a distance contract when it is done through UCAS or otherwise at a
What are the information requirements under the CCRs?
2.12 The CCRs require a university to give or make available to you certain pre-
contract information in a clear and comprehensible manner before you enter
into a contract. There may be pre-contract information (as defined in the
CCRs) on the university’s website or in other materials, or it may be provided
to you directly. The necessary information that must be provided includes:
the main characteristics of the service, such as information about the
conditions of the offer and details about the course, for example its title
and the award you will get on completion;
the duration of the contract, which is likely to include the standard length of
the course;
the total cost of tuition fees and any other course-related costs;
information about the university’s complaint handling process for academic
and non-academic complaints and where to locate the full policy. The
university must also provide information about any other complaint or
redress options that may be available to you with third parties such as the
Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) or the
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) (see Section 4 for more
details); and
where there is a distance contract, information about your right to cancel
the agreement within 14 days of the date of the contract. You should be
provided with a copy of the model cancellation form, although you do not
need to use that form in order to cancel. You should also be aware that
you do not need to give any reason for cancellation.
What happens if changes are made to the pre-contract information?
2.13 Before an offer is accepted, if the university has made any changes to the
pre-contract information, it needs to have your express agreement to the
change. It is important that the university’s pre-contract information is correct,
as once you accept an offer, a contract is formed. This information then
becomes a term of the contract that should not ordinarily be changed. Note
that the requirement for your express agreement to changes to pre-contract
information does not prevent the university from giving you more detail or
clarifying information that you have already been given. This is possible as
long as it does not amount to the university making a change to the pre-
contract information.
2.14 If a university anticipates that some things might change (such as a possible
change to the campus where the course will be is delivered) it should be
made clear to you in the pre-contract information what might change, when
and how. It would not satisfy the CCRs’ requirements for a university to put
information about possible changes in small print, and it would not be
acceptable for the university to reserve the right to make any changes it
wants. Any terms of the agreement that say the university can make changes
to the pre-contract information will be subject to the test of fairness. A blanket
provision that says the university can change important elements of the
course would not be acceptable, and is likely to be unfair under unfair terms
legislation (see Section 3).
2.15 As well as providing or making available pre-contract information before the
agreement is entered into, the CCRs require a university to provide
confirmation of the contract and the pre-contract information to you using a
durable medium that you can refer to in the future. This must be done within a
reasonable time after the contract is entered into (ie after an offer is
What is a durable medium?
2.16 A durable medium is defined in the CCRs as paper or email, or any other
medium that:
allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient;
enables the recipient to store the information in a way accessible for future
reference for a period that is long enough for the purposes of the
information; and
allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored.
What are the information requirements for the clearing and
adjustment processes?
2.17 The information requirements under the CPRs and CCRs apply equally to
students going through a clearing or adjustment process (such as those
operated by UCAS).
See Regulation 5 of the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations
3. Terms and conditions
What are terms and conditions?
3.1 Terms and conditions, which can be set out in a number of documents and
policies such as rules and regulations and contract documents, set out your
rights and obligations to the university and the university’s obligations to you.
What does fair, accessible and transparent mean?
3.2 A university’s terms must be fair, accessible and transparent. A university
should also draw your attention to any terms that may be particularly
surprising or important, and whose significance may be missed. An example
of such a term could be a provision that sets out how tuition fees may change
during the course.
3.3 The university’s terms and conditions should be brought to your attention
before you accept an offer of a place – for example at the latest when you get
your offer. You should be given a reasonable opportunity to read and
understand the terms before you are asked to accept them.
3.4 Unlike in some other consumer contracts, in practice it is likely to be difficult
for you to switch to another course or university if a change is made that you
are not happy with, which underlines the importance of you being able to
predict from the outset how the course will operate and how much it will cost.
3.5 Terms may not be fair, accessible and transparent if, for example, they are:
only provided at the time you meet the requirements of a conditional offer
or at the time you enrol;
only available on a university’s intranet, which can only be accessed by
existing students;
set out in a number of lengthy documents or across a number of locations
(for example on the university’s website); or
not written in plain language so you are unable to understand the meaning
and how the terms could affect you.
3.6 Terms may also be unfair if they do not strike a fair balance between your
rights and obligations and those of the university – for example, if they:
allow a university to make sweeping changes to significant aspects of your
course (such as content, structure or location) or to increase your fees
during the course;
seek to limit or exclude the university’s liability if it doesn’t provide you with
the course it agreed to or fails to provide it to a reasonable standard;
assign all intellectual property rights (IP) for any of your work to the
university, regardless of the circumstances;
prevent you from progressing to the next academic year or graduating if
you owe non-tuition fee debts to the university, in a blanket fashion and
regardless of the circumstances.
How does fairness apply to changing course content and
3.7 Terms allowing changes to be made, for example to your course, will not be
automatically unfair as there needs to be a reasonable amount of flexibility, for
example to allow adjustments for recent theories and practice in an area.
However, this has to be balanced against the overarching requirement that
you should receive the service you expect.
3.8 A term that allows a university too much discretion to make sweeping
changes to your course – such as the course content, location of study,
method of assessment or the final qualification to be awarded – is likely to be
considered unfair unless it describes the circumstances when and reasons
why this might happen so that you know in advance when and how changes
might be made. You can then decide if you wish to study at that university and
on that course, or look for another university or course that offers you more
certainty about what to expect. A term that claims to allow the university to
deliver a different course, or to withdraw the course, is also likely to be
considered unfair.
3.9 A term will not be made fair just because a university says that any changes it
makes will be reasonable, as you will still be unclear about what changes may
be made, and opinions on what is reasonable may vary. Such terms are less
likely to be considered unfair if:
they are actively drawn to your attention before you commit to the
university – so that you can decide whether to study there, or not, in full
knowledge of what might change;
they are narrow in scope and effect;
they set out valid reasons where changes might be necessary, and you
are able to understand when and what changes might be made;
they are written in plain and clear language;
they set out how the university will deal with any changes that become
necessary, for example by giving you notice of proposed changes and
taking all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to you;
the university tells you about any proposed changes in good time before
they become effective (although just giving you notice will not address the
underlying unfairness of a term); and
you are able to terminate your obligations to the university where you are
adversely affected by the change. For example, you may be allowed to
switch to another course or to a different university if you wish to do so and
the university offers to help you do this (although we acknowledge that this
is likely to be difficult for you).
3.10 A term that gives a university the opportunity to withdraw or cancel a course
before it commences, for any reason, is also likely to be considered unfair.
How does fairness apply to increasing fees during the course?
3.11 Before you apply for a university place it is important that you know how much
your total course fees will be, so that you can assess and compare your
options and plan your finances.
3.12 A term that allows a university wide discretion to increase fees during a
course is likely to be unfair. An example of this would be where a university
reserves the right to increase fees at any time and by an unlimited amount.
3.13 A term that allows a university to increase fees during the course is less likely
to be unfair if:
clear and accurate information about potential fee increases is actively
drawn to your attention up front alongside information about course fees
generally, so that you know whether and how fees could change;
it sets out the limited circumstances and valid reasons why fees might
increase, for example in line with inflation to reflect increased costs of
delivering the course;
increases are linked to an objective index, such as the Retail Prices Index
for inflationary prices. Similarly, or in addition, increases that are capped
are less likely to be unfair;
where the increases will only apply to a particular group of students or a
particular course, this is clearly explained;
the university informs you of any fee increases in good time ahead of the
next academic year (although this alone will not make a term fair); or
you are able to terminate your obligations to the university when you are
adversely affected by the change, for example, if you want to switch to a
different course or university as a result of the increase (although we
acknowledge that this is likely to be difficult for you).
How does fairness apply to terms that seek to limit the university’s
liability to you?
3.14 Terms that try to limit or exclude a university’s liability to you (beyond what is
possible under general law – see Annex A) may be challengeable for
unfairness under unfair terms legislation. For example, terms may be unfair
where a university seeks to exclude or limit its liability in circumstances where:
it fails or is not able to provide the necessary educational service it has
agreed to – for example the relevant course;
it fails to provide the educational service to the required standard – for
example it delivers a poor course. Courses should be provided with
reasonable care and skill by the university; or
it says that if it is unable to continue delivering a course, for whatever
reason, it will limit its compensation to no more than the fees for the first
3.15 Under the proposed Consumer Rights Act (CRA), which will replace the
UTCCRs and the provisions of certain other legislation that applies to
consumer contracts, it will not be lawful to exclude liability or limit it to less
than the contract price for not providing a service with reasonable care and
skill or in respect of certain information about the trader or service. Other
limitations of liability, such as for total or partial non-performance, will still be
subject to the test of fairness under the unfair terms provisions of the CRA.
How does fairness apply to terms that assign all of your intellectual
property rights to the university?
3.16 In general, universities have no automatic right to the intellectual property (IP)
generated by students, given that they are not employees. A term that allows
a university to claim all IP generated by all students during their studies – for
example, all written work, creations, inventions and discoveries, regardless of
the circumstances of study or type of course – may be unfair.
3.17 There may be some courses or programmes where assignment of certain
types of IP rights to the university is appropriate, such as some postgraduate
research that is part of an ongoing research programme, and where there are
sufficient safeguards to protect students’ interests.
3.18 The safeguards that may make a term less likely to be unfair include:
the term being restricted in its scope to what is necessary to protect the
university’s legitimate interests in the IP;
making it clear to which students and in what circumstances the
assignment will apply;
where assignment of IP is appropriate, making sure that a student’s
involvement in the work is treated in an appropriate and fair way, for
example by being acknowledged in the publication, or the IPR being
subject to a revenue sharing scheme; and
ensuring that how the university treats IP is made clear up front for the
relevant programme of study.
3.19 You can find more advice for students about IP from the Intellectual Property
Office using its IP Tutor tool.
This is an interactive e-learning tool developed
to help students and lecturers learn more about intellectual property.
See the IP Tutor tool.
It provides four tailored learning pathways, each adapted to suit the needs of
different areas of study:
Science, technology, engineering, maths (STEM).
Law, business and accounting.
Humanities, including creative writing.
How does fairness apply to terms that prevent students from
progressing if they owe non-academic debts?
3.20 A term may be potentially unfair if it creates a blanket rule, regardless of the
circumstances, that prevents you from progressing to the next academic year,
graduating, or using facilities where you owe money to the university other
than in relation to your tuition fees, for example if you owe money for
accommodation or childcare.
3.21 This is especially the case where the term is used regardless of the
circumstances – for example where the debt is disputed. Practices around the
use of such terms may also constitute what is known as aggressive practices
under the CPRs. The OFT published a report on this issue in 2014.
What rights do I have under unfair terms legislation?
3.22 You may be able to rely on unfair terms legislation in defence of a claim
where a university tries to enforce an unfair term through court action, or in
any legal proceedings you bring against a university.
3.23 Where a term is found by a court to be unfair, it will not be binding on you and
cannot be enforced against you. For example, if an unfair term requires you to
do something, you cannot be made to do it. A university will not be entitled to
obtain a court order to enforce a demand for payment based on an unfair
term. Similarly, if an unfair term seeks to stop you from doing something, such
as seeking redress that should be available to you, it will not be upheld in
See OFT report Universities' Terms and Conditions (OFT1522).
4. Complaint handling processes and practices
4.1 A university’s complaint handling procedures and practices need to be easy to
locate, accessible, clear and fair to students.
When and how should I be informed about a university’s
complaints handling policy?
4.2 Universities must provide you with information, in a durable medium, about
their complaint handling policy before you accept an offer of a place from
them. This is a requirement under the CCRs.
4.3 In general, the complaints procedure should be easily located and accessible
to you, for example on the university’s website or intranet. If it isn’t, then this
could be a misleading omission under the CPRs.
4.4 The university should also provide you with clear and accurate information
about its complaint handling procedures. This applies to its written information
and anything you are told verbally by staff. Not doing so may be a breach of
the CPRs. For example, it could amount to misleading omissions if:
it is not made clear to you where responsibility for complaint handling lies
where a course is offered in partnership with, or sponsored or awarded by,
someone else;
for providers that are part of a collegiate system, it is not made clear where
responsibility for complaint handling lies between the particular college
and the collective university body, and at what stage a complaint can be
escalated from the college;
you are not provided with details of any external complaint or redress
scheme that you may be able to escalate complaints to – for example, the
OIA or the SPSO;
the university does not clearly set out the remit of any external complaint
or redress scheme – for example, in relation to the type of complaints it
can consider; or
the university withholds information about, or does not make clear, how to
use the complaints procedure – for example, where you raise concerns at
an informal level but are not told that it is possible to make a complaint
more formally if the matter is not satisfactorily resolved.
How does fairness apply to complaint handling processes?
4.5 Failure to deal with complaints fairly and reasonably may amount to an unfair
practice under the CPRs, may fail to meet the requirements of professional
diligence, and could also be a potentially unfair term. For example, this could
occur if a university:
misleads you about your rights under the contract, or how you can
exercise these rights – this could be a misleading action or misleading
omission under the CPRs;
does not have a complaints process that sets out and/or provides:
clear and reasonable timescales in which you can expect to hear back
about your complaint at each stage of the process, as applicable;
clear and reasonable timescales for you to respond to any requests
from a university for further information; and
information for internal escalation if a complaint is not satisfactorily
resolved in the first instance.
imposes unreasonable barriers that prevent, hinder or deter you from
exercising your rights under the contract. For example, it may require you
to attend a particular location that is some distance from your location to
progress complaints. This may be particularly pertinent for distance
learners or those studying at satellite campuses; or
fails to adequately respond to and address complaints.
4.6 Universities may also have other complaint handling obligations under HE-
specific rules, such as the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s
(QAA) UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
They may also be members
of third party redress or complaint schemes that have published guidelines on
complaint handling – for example the OIA in England and Wales or the SPSO
in Scotland. Failing to abide by these obligations and/or guidelines could also
be an unfair commercial practice under the CPRs.
See the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
5. What can I do if I have a concern?
5.1 If you think your university may not have met its obligations under consumer
law you may want, in the first instance, to discuss this with:
the university – by speaking to university staff, such as those who have a
role in delivering the course or who have a student advisory role;
your local student union or NUS representative; or
Citizens Advice (England, Wales and Scotland) or Consumerline (Northern
5.2 The Citizens Advice and Consumerline consumer helplines and websites are
staffed by trained consumer advice advisers. They will be able to advise you
whether a university appears to have met their legal obligations to you or not.
They can also give you advice about your particular issue and possible
5.3 The Citizens Advice consumer service can also help you report a problem to
Trading Standards.
Who else can I report my concerns about possible non-compliance
with consumer law to?
5.4 You can report your concerns about possible breaches of consumer law to the
The CMA is unable to offer advice or intervene in individual disputes.
However, the information received will be used to provide intelligence on
potential problems. Where appropriate, it will also help the CMA determine
whether any action by the CMA or another enforcer (such as Trading
Standards) is necessary to address breaches of consumer law.
5.5 Alongside partnership working with co-enforcers of consumer law, the CMA
may, where appropriate, work with other bodies with alternative, and
sometimes non-legislative, powers for the purposes of ensuring consumer
protection. Bodies such as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) may
have other methods of gaining compliance and may be best placed to act
based on the circumstances of each particular case. The ASA is the UK’s
independent self-regulator of advertising across all media. Its work includes
acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take
If you live in England, Wales or Scotland, you can visit the Citizens Advice website, or call the Citizens Advice
consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06. If you live in Northern Ireland, you can visit the Consumerline website or
call Consumerline on 0300 123 6262.
See the Competition and Markets Authority webpages.
action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements that
contravene its Advertising Codes. Its Codes cover advertising and marketing
communications, which are likely to include universities’ course
information/prospectuses on websites, leaflets and posters directed at
5.6 The CMA may also work with HE sector bodies in relation to compliance with
consumer law – in particular the QAA, which is the independent body
entrusted with monitoring, and advising on, standards and quality in UK HE.
The QAA can investigate a concern that relates to at least one of the
The standards and quality of HE provision at a university.
The information that universities produce about their higher education
The lack of fair, accessible and timely procedures for handling student
5.7 The QAA does not resolve individual complaints against universities and is
unable to provide redress or compensation to any individual submitting a
complaint to it. However, it can look at individual complaints for evidence of
broader failings in the management of academic quality and standards.
Where it considers that these indicate serious systemic or procedural
problems, the QAA can investigate them under its Concerns procedure in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland,
or under its Protocol for managing
potential risks to quality and academic standards in Scotland.
Action you may want to consider
5.8 If your university is a member of any external complaint or redress scheme,
such as the OIA in England and Wales, you may be able to refer a complaint
to that scheme if it falls within the OIA’s remit and you have exhausted the
university’s internal complaint procedures. The OIA is able to consider
complaints from students about consumer issues. In Scotland you may be
able to refer a complaint to SPSO, if it falls within its remit.
5.9 In some circumstances, you may have the right to take legal action, or the
right to defend any action brought by a university, for example to recover
debts allegedly owed. In particular, in relation to an unfair term, you may be
See the QAA’s Concerns procedure (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
See the QAA’s Protocol for managing potential risks to quality and academic standards in Scotland.
able to rely on unfair terms legislation. If a term is found to be unfair by a
court, the term cannot be relied on by the university.
5.10 In some circumstances you may have the right to seek redress under the
CPRs in respect of misleading actions and aggressive practices. This is in
addition to any other rights to seek redress through any civil action you may
wish to pursue for breach of contract.
Annex A – Overview of consumer law
1. This section outlines the key pieces of consumer law which establish
universities’ obligations to students.
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPRs)
2. The CPRs
prohibit traders from using unfair commercial practices towards
consumers. The term ‘commercial practice’ is broad in scope and time, and
includes anything done in connection with the promotion, sale or supply or
goods or services.
3. The CPRs set out broad rules outlining when commercial practices are unfair.
Generally speaking, the CPRs prohibit universities from engaging in unfair
practices in their dealings with students and prohibit misleading actions (under
Regulation 5 of the CPRs), misleading omissions (under Regulation 6 of the
CPRs) and aggressive practices (under Regulation 7 of the CPRs) where they
are likely to have an impact on students’ decisions.
4. General guidance on the CPRs can be found on the CMA’s webpages.
Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional
Charges) Regulations 2013 (CCRs)
5. The CCRs
came into force on 13 June 2014, replacing certain other laws
relating to distance selling and doorstep selling, and introduced new
6. Among other things, the CCRs require that certain relevant pre-contract
information must be provided before the consumer (in this case the student)
becomes bound by a contract. They also provide consumers with cancellation
rights in certain circumstances for contracts made at a distance or away from
business premises (sometimes called doorstep contracts).
7. General guidance on the CCRs can be found on the Business Companion
See the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
See the CMA’s general guidance on the CPRs.
See the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.
See the Business Companion general guidance on the CCRs.
Unfair terms legislation
8. The current unfair terms legislation
applies to contract terms that set out the
rights and obligations between a trader and consumers (students, in this
case). As such, terms set out in a university’s rules and regulations that apply
to students are likely to be subject to unfair terms legislation.
9. The unfair terms legislation applies a test of fairness to all standard terms,
other than terms that define the main subject matter or set the price. A term is
unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant
imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to
the detriment of the consumer under Regulation 5(1) of the UTCCRs. The
requirement of good faith embodies a general principle of fair and open
dealing. If terms are found to be unfair, they are not enforceable against the
10. General guidance on unfair terms legislation can be found on the CMA’s
Other relevant legislation
11. There are other consumer laws that universities also need to be aware of.
These include the Provision of Services Regulations 2009 (PSRs)
and the
Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (SGSA).
12. The PSRs apply to organisations that provide a service for which they
normally charge (including educational services that are provided in return for
remuneration). They will therefore apply to universities that do not receive
public funding, and may also apply to other traditional universities depending
on their funding model. The regulations require that:
universities make certain information available to students (as service
recipients) in good time before the conclusion of the contract; and
universities respond to student complaints as quickly as possible and
make their best efforts to find a satisfactory solution to complaints.
See the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (OFT143).
See the Unfair contract terms guidance (OFT311).
See the Provision of Services Regulations 2009.
See the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.
13. The requirements of the PSRs in relation to information provision and
complaint handling are similar to those under the CPRs and CCRs. General
guidance on the PSRs has been provided by the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills (BIS).
14. The SGSA contains implied terms that a service must be carried out with
reasonable care and skill in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In
Scotland, the common law provides equivalent requirements. For business to
consumer contracts, the provisions of the SGSA are anticipated to be
replaced by the Consumer Rights Act, but the obligations to provide services
with reasonable care and skill will remain the same. The provisions on service
contracts in the Consumer Rights Act also apply to Scotland. The legislation
regarding the supply of services and the common law in Scotland are, in our
view, generally applicable to the provision of educational services, and so
imply that the educational services need to be provided to this standard.
General guidance on the SGSA can be found on the Business Companion
websiteIn respect of Scotland, please refer to the relevant pages on the
Business Companion website.
Upcoming changes to consumer law
15. The Consumer Rights Act (currently known as the Consumer Rights Bill as it
goes through Parliament) is proposed to consolidate, simplify and update
several pieces of consumer law, including the UTCCRs, the UTCA and the
provisions that apply to consumers under the Supply of Goods and Services
Act 1982 (SGSA). Further information about the Consumer Rights Bill can be
found on the webpages for the Department for Business, Innovation and
See BIS’ Guidance for Business on the Provision of Services Regulations.
See the Business Companion website.
See further information about the Consumer Rights Bill.