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The Planning Phase focuses principally on required project planning work. Proper
comprehensive project planning is essential to a successful IT project, and incomplete project
planning and analysis are frequently root causes of project failure. Most project planning is
conducted as part of the PMBOK Integration Management work, which includes defining the
processes necessary to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate all project activities for
successful project deployment.
Successful completion of the Planning Phase should comprise:
Assessment and description of the procurement management strategy
Elaboration and refinement of the project scope, schedule, risks, and costs
Assessment and description of activities to coordinate all relevant subsidiary plans
Definition of procedures for how the project will be executed, monitored, controlled, and
Planning the future course of action
Development of the Project Management Plan(s) (PMP)
Approval to progress to the Requirements Analysis Phase
The purpose of the Planning Phase is to plan all project processes and activities required to
ensure project success and to create a comprehensive set of plans, known as the PMP, to manage
the project from this phase until project termination.
SDLC deliverables help State agencies successfully plan, execute, and control agency IT projects
by providing a framework to ensure that all aspects of the project are properly and consistently
defined, planned, and communicated. The SDLC document templates provide a clear structure
of required content along with boilerplate language agencies may utilize and customize. State
agencies may use formats other than the templates, as long as the deliverables include all
required content.
The development and distribution of SDLC deliverables:
Ensure common understanding among Planning Team members and stakeholders,
Serve as a reminder of specified plans as projects become increasingly complex,
Provide agency senior management and other State officials insight into project risks and
ongoing performance,
Encourage the execution of repeatable and consistent processes,
Facilitate the implementation of project management and agency IT best practices, and
Result in a comprehensive record of project performance useful for many purposes (e.g. staff
knowledge transfer, budgetary and other assessment activities, lessons learned).
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During the development of documentation, the Planning Team should:
Write comprehensive, easy to understand documents with no redundant information.
Develop an organized document repository for critical project information, so Planning Team
members can easily access, store, and reference project documents and other deliverables
from all life cycle phases.
Implement routine deliverable reviews to correct inaccuracy, incompleteness, and
Recognize that sample templates for deliverables are available; agencies might accept
deliverables in different formats as long as all required information is present. The length of
deliverables may vary depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the project.
Recycle or reference information from earlier documents where possible and beneficial.
The following is a listing of deliverables required of all projects for this phase of work.
Deliverable Goals Developed By Approved By
Project Management Plan
Scope Management Plan
Schedule Management Plan
Cost Management Plan
Quality Management Plan
Staffing Management Plan
Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Procurement Management
Change Management Plan
Release Management Plan
Define how the project
is executed, monitored,
controlled, and closed
Document all actions
necessary to execute,
monitor, control, and
close the project
Project Manager Agency CIO
All deliverables other than those identified as Updates should be initially developed in this
phase. Deliverables identified as Updates should be revisited and enhanced as necessary as
prescribed in this phase.
Deliverables produced during this phase must be reviewed in detail and should follow the
approval path as defined in the above table. A signature page or section should accompany each
deliverable requiring approval.
DoIT will periodically request copies of these documents as part of its oversight responsibilities.
The following personnel participate in the work activities during this phase:
Agency CIO
Project Sponsor
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Executive Sponsor
Project Manager
Procurement Officer
Project Stakeholders
Secretary of DoIT
ResponsibleDescribes role that executes the
activities to achieve the task.
AccountableDescribes roles that own the quality of
the deliverable and sign off on work that Responsible
Consulted Describes roles that provide subject
matter expertise.
Informed Describes roles that receive information
about the task.
Agency CIO
Project Management Plan I A A R I I I
Possible RACI Matrix
The Roles and Responsibilities page has detailed descriptions of these roles and the associated
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Phase 3 Planning Phase
Planning TeamDeliverables DoIT
Agency CIO
Perform Phase-
Closure Activities
Develop Optional
Support Items
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4.1 Review Phase Prerequisites.
The Project Manager ensures the following prerequisites for this phase are complete:
The business need for the project continues to be valid.
An alternatives analysis was performed.
The project scope is clearly defined and approved.
The acquisition strategy is finalized.
The ITPR is approved.
The Agency CIO, Project Sponsor, and Executive Sponsor approved the Project Scope
4.2 Select Development Path.
After completing the first three phases of the SDLC, agencies can select from one of several
development paths suited to the specific project. By selecting the appropriate development path,
an agency can reduce documentation redundancy. These development paths are as follows:
Single-Release Projectssmaller efforts that have one SDLC cycle. Single-release projects
may involve custom development, COTS implementations, or hardware/network
implementations or upgrades.
Multiple-Release Projectslarger efforts that have multiple releases, phases, or milestones.
Multiple-release projects may also involve custom development, COTS implementations, or
hardware/network implementations or upgrades.
4.3 Initiate Planning Activities.
The Planning Team begins planning with the following tasks:
Review the Maryland Enterprise Architecture (EA) Repository and the technical
requirements to ensure the project lies within the scope of the State’s approved technologies
Review other standards and methods that will affect the project. At minimum, the Planning
Team should review PMBOK and SDLC guidance for all project phases, the State
Information Technology Security Policy and Standards, and the statewide disaster recovery
standards. For information regarding State security policies and disaster recovery standards,
visit the DoIT website.
4.4 Develop the PMP and Subsidiary Plans.
The Project Manager conducts and/or supervises the analysis required to understand all the
dimensions of the project and documents this analysis in the PMP and its subsidiary plans. The
Project Manager may assign some investigation and analysis tasks to other agency staff or
members of the Planning Team.
4.4.1 Document Description
The key elements of the PMP include:
Details about the functional units involved, job tasks, cost and schedule performance
Milestones and review scheduling (indicate which milestones are contractually mandatory
and which ones are optional)
Definition of all project management processes
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Identification of tools and techniques to accomplish project management processes
Dependencies and interactions among processes
Timelines and metrics for success at each phase of work
Methods for maintaining the integrity of the performance measurement baselines, resource
calendar, schedule baseline, cost baseline, scope baseline, and quality baseline
Further elaboration of the project scope, tasks, schedule, allocated resources, and
interrelationships with other projects
4.4.2 Typical Content
The PMP must include the following subsidiary plans:
Scope Management Plan
Schedule Management Plan
Cost Management Plan
Quality Management Plan
Staffing Management Plan
Communication Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Procurement Management Plan
Change Management Plan
Release Management Plan
All vendor-produced project plans must include the proper schedule and activity for creating,
reviewing, revising, and accepting all required SDLC documentation.
4.4.3 Guidance for Document Development
Throughout the life cycle review all planning processes regularly and revise as needed to ensure
continued applicability. Also, review and update the PMP and subsidiary plans at least quarterly.
4.4.4 Dos and Don’ts
Do include in all plans all vendor, agency, and government tasks to identify and monitor
dependencies. Without a holistic project plan, assessing a project’s schedule becomes
difficult, and the likelihood of missing scheduled deliverable dates increases.
Do ensure that each subsidiary plan addresses the processes associated with a multiple-
release implementation.
Do consider internal and external factors that will affect the project throughout the life cycle.
Do include all SDLC-required documents and activities.
4.4.5 Develop the Scope Management Plan.
The Project Manager with input from the key project stakeholders writes the Scope Management
Plan and then creates the milestone list. The Scope Management Plan briefly reiterates the
project scope and defines its verification and control procedures, and describes how requirements
will be defined. The Scope Management Plan must address the following scope management
processes: Collect Requirements, Verify Scope, and Control Scope.
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Collect Requirements a process identifying how requirements will be further defined.
Identify the requirements definition methodology, tools, techniques, and documentation to be
utilized and the planned processes to ensure that requirements are defined to be complete,
concise, consistent, and unambiguous. This section should clearly demonstrate how the Planning
Team will define and validate requirements for all requirement types specified in the Functional
Requirements Document template.
Verify Scopea process defining how various products/deliverables will be periodically
verified and formally accepted. This section of the Scope Management Plan should describe:
Process to obtain project stakeholders’ formal acceptance of the completed project scope and
associated deliverables. This process typically involves verifying that deliverables meet
acceptance criteria.
Processes to verify periodically the project scope. This includes reviewing deliverables to
ensure that each is completed satisfactorily.
Processes for inspecting, measuring, and testing the contractual deliverable to verify it meets
the established acceptance criteria.
Control Scopeprocedures for handling project change requests.
Procedures to ensure all potential project scope changes are vetted properly through the
established Change Control process. With the Procurement Officer, define procurement-
related change control measures, i.e., change order processes.
4.4.6 Refine WBS, Develop the Baseline Schedule and Develop the Schedule Management
The Project Manager, with input from the key project stakeholders and the initialWBS, refines
the WBS into further detail, develops the baseline schedule and defines the Schedule
Management Plan. The initial WBS, developed during the Concept Development Phase, will be
progressively elaborated to define specific work activities, activities sequence, estimate
resources, and estimate duration that will need to complete the project. The refined WBS will be
used to develop an initial, baseline schedule. The Schedule Management Plan establishes the
specific procedures for how the project schedule will be managed and controlled and is as
detailed as necessary to control the schedule through the life cycle based on the size, risk profile,
and complexity of the project. If the Planning Team intends to implement the project through
multiple releases, the Schedule Management Plan should address the processes to manage the
schedule through multiple iterations of design, development, integration, testing, and
The Project Manager should consider the six schedule management processes described below in
the development of the schedule baseline and the Schedule Management Plan. The development
of the schedule baseline will involve activity definition, activity sequencing, activity resource
estimation, and activity duration estimation. The Schedule Management Plan should be focused
on the methods for controlling the schedule.
Define Activitiesidentification of the specific work activities that need to be performed to
complete the project. Although preliminary activity definition begins in the Concept
Development Phase, this definition is further refined during the Planning Phase to ensure that all
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activities are defined in detail. The Planning Team creates a more detailed WBS, develop an
initial, baseline project schedule and describes the proposed process for how the baseline
schedule will be maintained and monitored in the Schedule Management Plan. For multiple-
release projects, Planning Teams should progressively elaborate activity definition, using the
results of one implementation to verify and update activity definition for remaining iterations.
The Project Manager includes IV&V processes as discrete WBS work tasks if the project is
subject to IV&V review.
DoIT can initiate independent IV&V reviews at any stage of the life cycle.
Some projects have Legislative requirements for periodic IV&V reviews.
Plan for the scheduling, scope, and cost of such activities in the PMP.
Other WBS considerations include:
A PMP always includes a WBS that organizes and defines the total work necessary to
complete the project objectives.
The WBS subdivides the project work into incrementally smaller, manageable portions.
Each subsequent WBS level represents increasingly detailed definitions of project work.
The lowest-level WBS components are called “work packages.”
Sequence Activitiesidentification of WBS dependencies and order among activities. Identify
and document the logical relationships among schedule activities
Estimate Activity Resources estimation of the type and quantities of resources required to
complete identified activities.
Estimate Activity Durations – estimation of the approximate duration to complete work
packages. Using the refined WBS, the team members most familiar with the identified work
package should estimate the duration of scheduled activities.
Develop Schedule – develop the baseline project schedule after analyzing all defined WBS
activities and work packages, sequence, resources, and duration. This section also includes
identification of tools to use for managing the project schedule.
Control Schedulemethods for controlling changes to the schedule.
Procedures and schedule performance indicators for reporting project progress and who will
be accountable for reporting and maintaining the schedule
Definition of the schedule change process, including approvals and notification
Procedures and schedule for reviewing and updating the baseline plan
Procedures for schedule performance corrective actions
The agency must manage the master project schedule, including both agency and contractor
tasks. As such, it is critical that the Schedule Management Plan identify planned master
schedule management activities to be executed throughout the project life cycle.
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4.4.7 Develop the Cost Management Plan.
The Project Manager and the Procurement Officer create the cost baseline and the Cost
Management Plan. Beginning with the preliminary cost estimates identified in the Concept
Development Phase, the Project Manager develops updated cost estimates to perform the work
included in the updated schedule. The Cost Management Plan establishes the activities and
criteria for planning, structuring, and controlling project costs. Cost estimating and cost controls
are the most important evaluation and control items in State projects. Costs and cost variances
must be reported regularly to DoIT and other oversight organizations. Any cost change over
five percent requires legislative approval.
The Project Manager should consider the three cost management processes described below in
the development of the cost baseline and the Cost Management Plan. The development of the
cost baseline will involve updated cost estimation and budget determination. The Cost
Management Plan should be focused on the methods for controlling costs.
Estimate Costsdevelopment of a complete estimate of the funding needed to complete project
activities, including operations, maintenance, and support costs for the life of the project. See
Section 4.5 of the Concept Development Phase for information on various cost estimating
methods. Estimate costs by evaluating each WBS work package, and logically partition and
report costs into incremental, manageable pieces, including:
Internal and external labor – cost of work performed by State employees and external
Materials – cost of items (e.g. office supplies) consumed during business operations and
service delivery
Equipment – cost of hardware and any other kind of physical asset employed in business
Services – cost of all services provided by external vendors
Facilities – costs associated with providing physical locations for work to be performed
Contractual requirements – cost of complying with all contractual requirements, such SDLC
Inflation allowances addresses the amount of expected price increases of business
operations and service delivery
Contingency reserves – planned funds allocated for cost uncertainty
For multiple-release projects, Planning Teams should progressively elaborate cost estimates,
using the results of one implementation to verify and update cost estimates for remaining
Determine Budgetcombination of work package costs to establish an overall budget.
Aggregate the estimated costs of each scheduled activity or work package, and establish a total
cost performance baseline for measuring project performance. When aggregating the estimated
costs, add a budget line item for IV&V (see ITPR Guidelines and instructions for estimated
IV&V costs). Not all projects are selected for IV&V reviews, but cost allocations for the activity
are advisable for all MITDP. Also consider:
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Reserve Analysis – Establish contingency reserves or allowances for unplanned but required
changes. Management contingency reserves are budget line items allocated for unplanned
Funding Limit Reconciliation – Reconcile the expenditure of funds with the funding limits
set by the performing organization on the disbursement of funds for the project.
Control Costs – establishment of procedures to manage the established cost baseline, so the
project is completed on time and on budget. These procedures assist in assuring that cost
expenditures do not exceed the authorized funding, by period, deliverable, or in total.
Procedures for monitoring overall cost performance to detect and understand cost baseline
Procedures for monitoring and reporting work performance against funds expended
Description of how Project Managers will routinely monitor the status of the project to
manage changes to the cost baseline
Description of cost tracking and reporting procedures
Plans for conducting periodic cost control reviews throughout the project life cycle
Plans for quarterly ITPR reporting and periodic budget cost reviews
Planned cost control activities must address the following:
Influencing the factors that create changes to the approved cost baseline
Managing the actual changes as they occur
Preventing any unapproved changes from being implemented
Informing appropriate project stakeholders of all approved changes and associated costs
Acting to bring cost overruns within budgetary limits
The Cost Management Plan should identify how the team will update other relevant project
documents (e.g. PMP) when cost variances are identified.
When identifying cost performance monitoring plans, consider performance measurement
techniques identified by PMBOK. For example, PMBOK, Chapter 7 describes earned value
techniques which compare the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work
scheduled and the actual cost of work performed.
Ensure that planned financial reporting for MITDPs adheres to the DoIT quarterly reporting
4.4.8 Develop the Quality Management Plan.
The Project Manager with input from key project stakeholders and the Procurement Officer
creates the Quality Management Plan and the quality baseline, which identify the relevant quality
standards and determine how those standards will be satisfied. The Quality Management Plan
should address three quality management processes: plan quality, perform quality assurance,
perform quality control.
Plan Qualityverification processes to ensure that the system is successful, that project
stakeholders are satisfied, and that deliverables are accepted.
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Plan for how requirements traceability will be conducted throughout the project to ensure
that system outcomes developed in later phases are tested to ensure they meet the system
baseline requirements
Plan what work the team will do to demonstrate adequately compliance to baseline
Assign the agency business users the task of developing user acceptance criteria for future
Include processes to develop use cases and test cases and conduct user acceptance testing
For transformation, migration, and legacy modernization projects, identify the preliminary
strategy for how the Planning Team envisions converting/migrating the legacy data and how
this strategy will ensure data is converted completely and accurately (any data cleansing
challenges should be identified here)
Plan for how key project stakeholders and the Development Team will acquire the proper
expertise to verify deliverables and develop and execute test cases if this expertise is not
already in place
Link functional requirements of project deliverables to established user acceptance criteria
Perform Quality Assuranceprocedures for ensuring the effectiveness of quality management
processes and quality standards. This section of the Quality Management Plan describes how
and when the team will monitor and report effectiveness and how the team will implement
corrective actions to ensure that quality management processes and standards are defined and
implemented to ensure optimal project performance.
Plan for a possible IV&V assessment at any phase of the SDLC or multiple times during the
project life cycle. IV&V assessments are part of an overall quality plan as an independent
check-up on the overall health of the project to date, pointing out its strengths and areas that
need improvement to help the project be successful, on time, and within the allotted budget
Perform Quality Controlreview activities focused on the quality of deliverables, including
the system, to determine adherence to quality standards and criteria. This section of the Quality
Management Plan describes the procedures for evaluating deliverable and project performance
and for recommending necessary changes. Quality control procedures should address
monitoring overall project performance, including cost and schedule performance, as well as the
quality of all project activities and deliverables. Quality control activities for the system should
identify the testing activities, tools, techniques, and desired outputs to ensure quality attributes
are built into the design and tested throughout the life cycle. Quality control tools and
techniques may include quality inspections, inspection schedules, and/or quality audits, and
outputs may include bug fix logs of inspection errors referenced against a Requirements
Traceability Matrix. Testing is an ongoing activity that can provide an early warning long before
an application is released into production if it is not up to standard .
4.4.9 Develop the Staffing Management Plan.
The Project Manager with input from key project stakeholders creates the Staffing Management
Plan and the Resource Calendar. Staffing Management Planning further determines:
Project roles
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Reporting relationships
The Staffing Management Plan elaborates on staffing work completed in the Concept
Development Phase the preliminary organization chart, RAM, and preliminary staffing
estimates – by describing how and when human resource requirements will be met.
The Staffing Management Plan will contain for each team member:
Role – a description of each team member’s responsibility on the project
Authority/Reporting – level of decision-making ability defined in terms of project resources,
project schedule, formal approvals, and project reporting structure. Teams work most
efficiently when individual responsibilities match individual authority levels.
Responsibility – definition of what each team member must complete for the project
Competency the skill set necessary and the expected level of effort (capacity) for the
project to be successful. Initiate proactive responses when realizing a team member lacks the
proper skill set or capacity. Proactive responses include, but are not limited to, training,
hiring additional staff, schedule changes, and/or project scope changes.
A Staffing Management Plan contains:
Staff Acquisition Strategyhow staffing will be acquired to do the work.
o Internal agency resources and estimates of external (contractor) needs.
o Initial staffing logisticswhere will the team work (on site, off site, or both)
o Agencies are strongly encouraged to provide, at a minimum, a fully dedicated Project
Manager for all MITDPs undertaken.
Timetable when each resource will join and exit the team based on the updated WBS. A
resource histogram is an accepted tool in this area (refer to PMBOK Section 9.1.3).
Training Needs – plan to develop a training plan as part of the project so that team members
can acquire needed skills if they do not already have the required level of competency.
A Staffing Management Plan must consider resource needs for the full life of the system
including operations and maintenance. Because internal agency resources assigned to the project
will no longer be able to perform their operational duties, the Staffing Management Plan should
identify the additional resources required to support agency operations without interruption.
Additional optional areas of the Staffing Management Plan include:
Plans for staff recognition
Safety policies
4.4.10 Develop the Communication Management Plan
The Project Manager with input from key project stakeholders develops the Communication
Management Plan. Communication planning is one of the most important subsidiary plans in the
PMP. It describes the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection,
distribution, storage, retrieval, and disposition of project information. For more information on
communications planning, see PMBOK, Chapter 10, fourth edition.
The Communication Management Plan describes the detailed processes and techniques the team
will use to collect, store, and report on project progress. It is often multi-dimensional; as there
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are multiple stakeholder groups that require information on the project, the Communication
Management Plan details who needs exactly what information, when they need it, how it will be
delivered, and by whom.
The Communication Management Plan is an important first step in managing project
stakeholders’ expectations, which is an important factor in project success. The Project Manager
is primarily responsible for ensuring that project communications is conducted appropriately
throughout the project, but the work of disseminating information can be delegated to other team
Consider DoIT a key stakeholder when developing the Communication Management Plan. Align
project status reports with the data needs of DoIT and the Clarity portfolio management
application. For information on Clarity reporting requirements, contact DoIT.
Key elements of the Communication Management Plan include:
Segregation of users into groups and determination of the type of information each group
Description of tools, media, and format for project communications
Description of the distribution channels for information
Determination of the frequency of information delivery
Assignation of Planning Team responsibility for information collection and distribution
Format and information requirements needed from the team, including future contractor
Plan for reporting project performance
Project performance reporting involves collecting all project baseline data and distributing
performance information to project stakeholders. Performance reporting (i.e. status reporting)
generally provides information on scope, schedule, cost, quality, issues, and risks, completed
activities within the reporting period, activities that have not been completed and why, upcoming
activities, and a list of pending, approved and rejected project changes.
4.4.11 Develop the Risk Management Plan.
The Project Manager with input from key project stakeholders creates the Risk Management
Plan and the Risk Register, which detail how teams will identify, manage, and mitigate risk. For
RMP template, visit the SDLC Templates page. Active management of project risks increases
the probability of positive events and decreases the chances of negative events within the project
life cycle. This subject is described in detail in Chapter 11.1 of the PMBOK guide.
Developing a Risk Management Plan during the Planning Phase reinforces the concept that risk
identification and mitigation are highly important activities, which, if properly addressed, serve
to reduce overall project risk. Whenever practical, involve the Executive Sponsor and the
Project Sponsor in risk identification and mitigation activities throughout the project life cycle.
Identify in the Risk Management Plan how the Project Manager will routinely provide the
Executive Sponsor and the Project Sponsor with complete insight into all known risks.
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Be sure to give special consideration to security risks and the processes for evaluating whether
the system meets state security standards.
DoIT maintains a system of five risk categories and 12 to 15 sub-categories. These risk
classification values are included in the Risk Management Plan template. When developing a
Risk Management Plan, use this classification schema for easier project reporting throughout the
life cycle.
Key elements of the Risk Management Plan include:
Risk Planning – how to approach, plan, and execute risk management activities
Risk Identification – determination of initial risks that might affect the project, identification
of processes for flagging emerging risks, and descriptions of each risk characteristic. Risk
identification is an iterative process because new risks will emerge as the project progresses
through its life cycle.
Risk Analysis – quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of each identified risk. Usually,
qualitative risk management techniques are the most applicable for State projects. These
types of risk analysis methods, as well as the conditions under which each method can be
used, are described in detail in Chapter 11 of the PMBOK.
Response Planning – mitigation, transfer, and/or avoidance strategies to reduce risk
Monitoring and Control – procedures for tracking risks, monitoring residual risk, identifying
new risks, executing response plans, and evaluating risk management effectiveness. Add
new risks to the risk register as they are identified and response strategies are developed.
A Risk Management Plan typically contains the following sections:
Methodology – the approach, tools, and information sources for risk management activities
Roles and Responsibilities – lead, support, and other team members responsible for risk
management activities and each team member’s responsibilities
Budget – the budget incorporated into cost estimating activities for risk mitigation (included
in the overall project budget). Best practices suggest a risk mitigation budget of 5-15% of
total project costs, budgeting on the higher end for projects with high-risk profiles.
Timing – how often risk management processes will be performed
Risk Management Activities risk management activities to be included in the project work
Risk Categories a comprehensive process of systematically classifying risk consistently
Risk Probability and Impact – project-specific risk probability and impact measurement
Reporting Formats – the content and format of the project Risk Register, which is typically a
work tool or spreadsheet that documents and tracks risk information
An RMP also includes an issue management plan with an actively managed issues log that
identifies, assigns responsibility, and tracks issues through to closure.
4.4.12 Develop the Procurement Management Plan.
The Project Manager and the Procurement Officer create the Procurement Management Plan to
define the procedures to purchase or acquire all products and services needed from outside the
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team to perform project tasks. The Project Procurement Management processes include six key
steps. For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 12 in the PMBOK, fourth edition.
The Project Manager should update the schedule to include all procurement activities identified
as part of procurement management planning. For an example procurement schedule, visit the
DoIT website.
The Procurement Management Plan should identify plans for the following procurement
management processes:
Plan Purchases and Acquisitions – development of solicitation documents to seek responses
from multiple businesses that wish to provide a needed service for the agency. These documents
must have sufficient detail and concrete measurable criteria to ensure consistent, comparable
bidder responses but also be flexible enough to allow consideration of contractor suggestions for
better ways to satisfy the requirements. If an agency elects to have contractors conduct some
SDLC activities, the contractor must be explicitly instructed in procurement documents to
describe the methods it will use to develop SDLC documents, supply all pertinent SDLC
document samples with the bid packages, and supply a schedule for when these key documents
would be received. It is also good policy to fix price deliverables and provide detailed
acceptance criteria in advance in order to avoid later confusion and cost overruns.
Plan Contracting development and preparation of documents needed to support the Request
Vendor/Contractor responses process and the Select Vendor/Contractor process.
Request Vendor/Contractor Responsesrelease of a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Task
Order Request for Proposal (TORFP)
Select Vendor/Contractors (proposal evaluation process)receipt of bids, quotes, or proposals
and application of pre-determined, published evaluation criteria to select qualified contractors or
sellers. Evaluation criteria varies based on overall project needs. Key project stakeholders
should be involved in evaluating all aspects of proposed solutions from a technical perspective.
Contract Administrationverification that the contractor meets contractual requirements and
performs in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreed contract. The five key areas
of contract management include:
Reading and understanding all deliverables and terms and conditions of the contract
Actively managing the terms and conditions of the contract
Inspection and verification of all deliverables before sign-off and payment
Verification that any contractual changes have been subject to the change management
process and have been properly assessed and approved
Assurance that the Risk Management Plan is followed and that project risks are actively
managed and mitigated
Receipt of status reports based on the deliverable schedule; reviewing and providing
feedback to the contractor in a timely fashion. (Contractor reports at a minimum must include
an up-to-date project schedule, costs, performance, and status of deliverables.)
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Contract Closure – establishment of procedures to verify and document project deliverables and
formalize the Project Sponsor’s acceptance of those deliverables. If the project is cancelled, the
Project Manager documents the reasons and obtains sign-off from the Project Sponsor. Also,
determine processes for the contract and administrative close-out in this part of the PMP. Refer
to PMBOK, section 4.6 for further direction.
Involve key project stakeholders in determining effective acceptance practices for project
deliverables. Use a requirements traceability matrix to verify deliverables have met contractual
standards. After the key project stakeholders verify the deliverable meets the requirement, the
Project Manager executes formal acceptance.
4.4.13 Develop the Change Management Plan.
The Project Manager with input from the Procurement Officer creates the Change Management
Plan, which documents how project changes will be monitored and controlled from project
inception through completion. The Change Management Plan should address:
Process for approving/rejecting project change requests
Process for monitoring and managing the rate of implemented change requests
Process for maintaining baseline integrity by releasing only approved changes for
incorporation into project products
Process for configuration identification – how configuration items will be selected and
identified, how products and documents are labeled, changes are managed, and
accountability is maintained
Process for configuration status accounting – how information is recorded and reported
regarding configuration item data, including a listing of approved configuration
identification, status of proposed changes to the configuration, and the implementation status
of approved changes
Process for configuration verification and audit – how configuration items will be verified
and audited to ensure that they are correct and that corresponding changes are registered,
assessed, approved, tracked, and correctly implemented
Documentation of the complete impact of requested changes
4.4.14 Develop the Release Management Plan.
The Project Manager creates the Release Management Plan, which describes the plans for
controlling the flow of changes into a production environment. The focus of release
management, according to the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), is the
protection of the live environment and its services through the use of formal procedures and
checks. The development of a Release Management Plan helps to ensure that these procedures
and checks are properly defined, documented, and communicated.
A Release Management Plan should address the following:
Planned release management processes
Release management roles and responsibilities
Release numbering, naming, and identification scheme
Frequency of releases
Multiple Release Custom Page 18 of 18 Phase 3: Planning
Critical business times to avoid
Planned deliverables for each release
Planned release documentation
Backout plans
Backout plan testing
Release management process controls
Planned releases and the contents of each release
Reference other project documents, such as the Change Management Plan, Contingency Plan,
Risk Management Plan, and Quality Management Plan, as necessary to minimize redundancy.
For more information regarding release management best practices, see Service Transition IT
Infrastructure Library, volume 3 of the ITIL Series.
4.5 Develop Optional Support Items.
When appropriate, agencies may develop other planning documents, such as:
Resource Calendar – calendar that documents working days and resource availability and any
know schedule limitations
4.6 Perform Phase-Closure Activities.
The Project Manager and the Planning Team prepare and present a project status review for the
Agency CIO, Project Sponsor, Executive Sponsor, and other project stakeholders after
completing all Planning Phase tasks. This review addresses the following:
Status on Planning Phase activities
Planning status for the Requirements Analysis Phase
Status on resource availability
Final assessment of project feasibility
Go-No Go” decision made to proceed to next phase, based on Planning Phase information
The Project Manager must obtain deliverable approval signatures before proceeding to the
Requirements Analysis Phase.
Update the project documentation repository upon completion of the phase-closure activities.
The approval of the Project Management Plan, the execution of the Planning project status
review, and the approval to proceed to the next phase signify the end of the Planning Phase.