Using COUNTIF and COUNTIFS in Excel
COUNTIF function counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single criterion that you
specify. Example shown: How many Criminal Justice Associates? Or how many Undetermined (any
using a wildcard)?
Range and Criteria are required fields. Range represents one or more cells including named ranges.
Criteria is a number, expression, cell reference or string text that defines which cells to count.
You can use wild cards ((?), (*)), type (~) before question mark or asterisk if you are looking for them.
There is a 255 character limit to the matching criteria.
COUNTIFS function counts the number of cells within a range that meet a number of criterions that
you specify. Example shown: How many Criminal Justice Associates who are also Adults?
The Function Arguments begin with just one range and criteria; however, once you have put in the first
argument pair, a second argument box will become available.