Property Asset
Good Stewardship Guide for Schools
Version Control: April 2023
1. Introduction
The Council aims to provide a high standard of accommodation that supports service
delivery and that the Council and School Managers maintain the accommodation in
compliance with the various regulations and legal requirements as well as council
Although the attached document has been tailored towards Community and Voluntary
Controlled schools, Headteachers and Governors of Voluntary Aided, Foundation Trust
and Academy schools may find the information contained in the guide useful. The
guide summarizes the Local Authority asset management roles and also provides links
to key documents and useful contacts.
The aim of the Good Stewardship Guide is to help make Head Teachers and School
Governors aware of the requirements and how they can ensure that their building is
appropriately maintained and managed. This guide should be read in conjunction with
other documents available, which are mentioned and seek the appropriate professional
advice. Most of the documents are available on the Coventry City Council Website.
For the majority of Schools the LA is the owner of the land and buildings, for VA
Schools LA responsibility generally extends only to the playing fields, but not
exclusively. Voluntary Aided schools should continue to refer to the guidance from their
respective Diocese when considering capital projects.
Good Stewardship should be a regular function where all parties understand their
responsibilities and will evolve to adapt to changes in regulation, policy and good
2. Management of Premises
The Head Teacher and Governing Body are the "Premises Manager" as they are the
people who are responsible for the day to day management and Health and Safety of
their buildings and occupiers. Premises Managers are not expected to be experts in all
facets of premises management but they do have a duty to ensure that services are
provided in an effective and safe manner. Information about Service Level Agreements
for services available to schools is provided on our traded services website:
https://www.coventry.gov.uk/services-schools which also contains contact details for
service providers should schools have any specific queries.
To support the Head Teachers in managing School buildings the roles of the key
personnel are briefly summarised below:-
Education Capital Strategy Team
Education Capital Strategy Team manages the supply and demand of school places
across Coventry, including Early Years Provision. The team manage education capital
investment in school buildings and liaise closely with the Diocesan Authorities who
have responsibility for capital investment in Voluntary Aided Schools. The Education
Capital Strategy Team is responsible for constructing the sufficiency strategy which
outlines proposals to change the capacity of schools and open new schools in order to
meet the changing needs of communities across the city.
The School Property Asset Management Team
This team is based within the Corporate Property Information Team and manage the
asset management database which includes information on school buildings and their
condition. The team also update and maintain the information on school sites and net
capacity assessments and plans for schools and are responsible for assisting the
Education Capital Strategy Team in the monitoring of devolved capital spend and
advising schools on project approvals or rejections based on school spending
Project Delivery Team
The Project Delivery team provide relevant technical expertise and project
management skills. The team are responsible for the design, procurement, monitoring
and implementation of all major building projects including new build; alterations; and
refurbishments across all areas of the City.
Area Surveyors
The Area Surveyors are part of the Compliance and Surveying Team and provide
technical advice and guidance about repairs and maintenance issues regarding a
school’s site and buildings. The surveyors will also procure and manage any minor
build or refurbishment schemes. This service is acquired through a Service Level
A tailored SLA is available via [email protected]
The Compliance team is also part of the Compliance and Surveying Team and
provides services to schools relating to Compliance with Statutory and City Council
requirements, associated with engineering plant and equipment. This includes
certification of gas fired boilers, fixed wiring and portable electrical inspections, fire
alarms, emergency lighting, firefighting equipment, asbestos management, lifts and
water hygiene. This service is acquired through a Service Level Agreement. The SLA is
available via [email protected]k
Energy Management and Sustainability
The Energy Team is part of Facilities Management and provides advice and guidance
on Energy Issues. They also lead on Energy Saving and motivation campaigns for the
City Council and carry out energy surveys of Council properties to establish energy
performance and carbon emissions. https://www.coventry.gov.uk/services-
3. Finance
Information on finance and budgets available can be found in the following area of the
Coventry City Council Website:
Schools will have different ways of being funded which will affect the way property is
VA (voluntary aided schools) can obtain advice on funding and property
maintenance from the DFE Blue book and by contacting their Diocesan
representative. The Blue Book can be found following the link:
Trust schools and LA schools are funded in the same way, but a Trust school has
taken on ownership of the buildings and land and thus are responsible for all
elements of maintenance and repair.
Academy schools are funded direct from the EFA.
4. Improvements, Alterations, Redecoration and Repairs
Head Teachers MUST liaise with the School Property Asset Management Team, which
is part of Corporate Property Information Team regarding any building alterations or
changes in the use of the building.
Compliance and Surveying maintains various Term and Framework contracts for both
works and consultants to assist in the procurement and delivery of works and projects
The Head Teacher is responsible for all repairs within the school building and has
delegated budgets in order to achieve this. One of the duties incumbent on Head
Teachers is to ensure that the contractors being used are competent to carry out works
safely and without harm to staff, children or visitors. Only approved contractors who are
registered with SSIP (Safety Scheme in Procurement) should be used to undertake
works. This ensures that the contractor is competent to perform the works identified
without risk to health and safety and ensures that the contractor holds the required level
of public liability insurance and also complies with other guidance from Coventry City
Council. Should you have any queries regarding the above, please contact Health and
Safety team on 024 7683 3285.
The Head Teacher also needs to be aware of the management of asbestos, any works
carried out must be in line with CCC Policy and the applicable legislation.
All improvements, alterations and redecoration must comply with all legislative
requirements, including the Equality Act 2010.
Proposals to extend adapt or even maintain buildings or land may require Planning
Permission and must comply with Building Regulations. Regulations also exist relating
to listed buildings, conservation areas, ancient monuments, protection of trees and
hedgerows etc. Breach of any of this legislation may lead to criminal prosecution.
It is often necessary to seek consent from neighbouring owners to have temporary use
of or access over their land. While in many cases neighbours are favourably disposed
towards the proposal, this is not always so and their co-operation should not
automatically be assumed. It might be necessary to serve formal notice under Access
to Neighbouring Land Act and/ or the Party Wall Act.
5. Use of Contractors
As stated in section 4, only City Council approved contractors who are registered with
SSIP (Safety Scheme in Procurement) should be used to undertake works. If the
contractor is not SSIP accredited the school must carry out its own accreditation at
least to the standard of SSIP.
Additional information regarding Contractors can be found in the City Council’s
Contractors Safety Code of Practice which is available on the Coventry City Council
Website under Health and Safety, Corporate Policies. Schools in the Service Level
Agreement can request additional support from their Health & Safety Advisor.
6. Health & Safety
In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Coventry City Council
Policies, Head Teachers have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure the health and
safety of their staff and anyone visiting the premises. This duty is extended by specific
regulatory provisions, which detail requirements for regular inspection and maintenance
of certain items of facilities, plant and equipment. These items are regarded as having
particular hazards associated with them.
Detailed guidance on statutory requirements for inspection of facilities, plant and
equipment in school/establishment buildings can be found on the Coventry City Council
Website https://www.coventry.gov.uk/health-safety
It is intended to assist those persons responsible to meet the requirements of current
legislation, by summarising requirements for inspection contained in a number of
specific regulations, approved codes of practice and guidance notes.
Compliance with these statutory inspection and maintenance requirements will help to
ensure the safety of pupils, young persons, visitors and employees. They will not
provide an absolute guarantee of the continued integrity of premises and equipment,
because damage and degradation can occur between inspections. However, inspection
will ensure that the chances of failure and risk to persons are significantly reduced and
that problems are regularly identified.
Failures or damage occurring between inspections should be dealt with promptly.
Hazardous or damaged equipment should not be used until a competent person has
carried out repairs.
Further advice on all health and safety issues relating to property should be sought
from your Health and Safety Team.
Information relating to Health and Safety and Fire Safety issues can be found on the
Coventry City Council Website under the section on Health & Safety
https://www.coventry.gov.uk/health-safety or Coventry City Council Corporate Health and
Safety Policy. For further advice contact: 024 7683 3285.
7. Asbestos
With regards to the legal and safe management of asbestos in schools the principle
Duty Holder is the person(s)/organisation who has complete responsibility and funding
for the maintenance and repair to that property. As each school receives all funding and
are fully responsible for repairs/maintenance of the school, then the school have the
legal Duty to Manage asbestos in the property.
An outline of the responsibilities Duty Holder are as follows:
Produce an (Local) Asbestos Management Plan (LAMP)
Undertake the devolved asbestos management duties for the property including
co-operating with other Duty Holders.
To assess the risk of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) from normal
occupancy and to authorize removal/remedial of ACMs and to ensure regular
monitoring of ACMs left in-situ (asbestos register).
Ensure asbestos surveys are carried out where applicable and update the
asbestos register/plan.
Communicate to all relevant employees the asbestos register and asbestos
management plan procedures and the location of ACMs.
Ensure there are emergency procedures in place for accidental disturbance of
ACMs, ensure these incidents are investigated and reported where applicable to
Ensure all employees that hold specific responsibilities for asbestos safety are
aware and understand their duties and they are suitably trained (keep records of
Conduct annual site audits to ensure the local asbestos management plan is
working and that all relevant staff are aware of their responsibilities.
Ensure appropriate risk assessment is carried out prior to any site employees
carrying out maintenance work that will disturb building fabric.
Communicate the LAMP to all contractors who will disturb the building fabric to
ensure no ACMs will be disturbed.
Provide the emergency services with access to the whole property portfolio
asbestos registers.
If the site records are updated or asbestos removed/remediated then a copy of
this information must be incorporated into the LAMP to ensure the
register/database is updated accordingly and an audit trail of historic information
is available.
Please refer to L143 Managing and Working with Asbestos Approved Code of Practice
and the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 for full information regarding specific
duties towards the management of ACMs in the premise(s) you control. The above
document can be found on:
http://www .legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/632/contents/made
Or purchased from:
http://www .hse.go v.u k/pubns/books/l143.htm
If you have any queries or concerns with regards to asbestos in your premise(s) please
contact the Senior Asbestos Officer at Coventry City Council, Yvette Liening
yvette.liening@coventry.gov.uk Tel: 02476 971935 Mob: 07908216427
8. Site Inspections
In addition to the statutory inspections of plant and equipment (Section 6 above) the
Premises Manager should carry out regular inspections of the internal and external
areas. A Site Inspection Report Guide is available on Coventry City Council Website
https://www.coventry.gov.uk/health-safety . The inspections should pay particular
attention to the site boundaries (to ensure that there is no encroachment onto the
Council's land by neighbours or trespassers) and property structures (to check for
broken roof tile, blocked or loose guttering that could cause further problems.)
Inspections should also include car parks pathways (to check for hazards such as loose
or broken paving slabs or rubbish) and grounds maintenance issues such as
overhanging tree branches and overgrown vegetation.
For further advice contact: Health and Safety Services Tel: 024 7683 3285 or for SLA
schools contact your Health and Safety Advisor.
9. Insurance
The Council holds fire and full perils insurance on a full reinstatement basis for all
buildings it owns, or for those it occupies where insurance is a requirement of the lease.
Any change to values, due to extensions or remodelling or change of occupation
should be referred to the Insurance Team by either the Projects Delivery Team, or
School Property Asset Management Team, as applicable. Changes may alter the risk
rating and premium including changes, additions or removal of all plant and equipment
(e.g. boilers, lifts, hoists etc.) it is important that the Insurance Team are notified of ALL
changes. Schools must notify the School Property Asset Management Team of any
changes they make to buildings or any additional buildings placed on site, to ensure
adequate insurance coverage.
A good steward will ensure that nothing is stored on the premises, or done to or on the
premises, that is likely to invalidate the Council's insurance policy.
The Head Teacher needs to adopt a risk assessment approach toward
management of the premises they occupy and to take into account issues such
as Health & Safety, security, legislation, and in the light of the service provided,
vulnerable user or visitor groups or other relevant factors. Guidance is available
from Health & Safety Services (76 83 3285), Insurance Team (76 977245 or e-
mail: cvcfin01@coventry.gov.uk).
10. Risk Management
A Head Teacher will already have in place numerous risk assessments relating to the
things that could cause harm to staff, pupils and visitors within a school site. These risk
assessments are an important part of health and safety management and are mainly
focussed on everyday operational tasks and to protect people from harm caused by
failure to take reasonable control measures.
Risk management is the umbrella that all risk issues sit under and may include
consideration of health and safety, emergency planning and business continuity.
Managing risks is a much wider subject than just health and safety and includes
strategic risks such as maintaining the reputation of the school.
A Risk Management Guide has been put together to outline the process for schools
and to assist Head Teachers, Senior Management and Governors to manage the risks
their school face. The Guidance is available on Coventry City Council Website
https://www.coventry.gov.uk/health-safety . For further advice contact: Health and Safety
Services Tel: 024 7683 3285 or for SLA schools contact your Health and Safety
11. Security
Schools provide a vital service to local communities and as such it is important to
ensure that they remain open and welcoming environments for pupils, teachers and the
wider community. However, it is equally important to make certain that schools are
safe and secure environments in which to learn and work. For further advice contact:
Health and Safety Services Tel: 024 7683 3285 or for SLA schools contact your Health
and Safety Advisor.
12. Access
Schools have duties under Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments to
provide equitable services to all customers. All schools should have an Accessibility
Plan in place which should be reviewed on a regular basis.
The Equality Act 2010 replaces the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and requires
organisations from across the public sector, including schools, to be proactive in
ensuring that disabled people are treated fairly.
The basic requirement for a public authority when carrying out their functions is to have
due regard to the following:
Promote equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people
Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Equality Act
Eliminate harassment of disabled people that is related to their disability
Promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
Encourage participation by disabled people in public life
Take steps to meet disabled people's needs, even if this requires more
favourable treatment.
Further advice on this duty and guidance for schools can be viewed on the Disability
Rights Commission website. http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/equalities/equality-act/
13. Energy Management
The Energy Management Team provides help and advice on all energy and water
related matters for new and existing operational premises. This team maintains
premises related information in the Council’s energy monitoring and targeting database
covering all utilities. This information is used to verify and pay utility bills for operational
premises. The team can provide support and advice to Premises Managers, Head
Teachers and other users. Please contact Adam Yarnall for further information on 024
76978955 or e-mail [email protected]
Reducing Environmental Impact by saving energy makes an immediate difference to
the Council's bottom line and can make a difference to your schools. Here are some
useful daily energy-saving tips.
Switch off lights in empty rooms - turn off lights in empty rooms and corridors,
especially at the end of the day. This can save up to 15% of energy.
Only turn on the lights that are really needed - it’s a fallacy that it’s cheaper to
leave fluorescent lamps on rather than turn them off, even just for a few minutes.
Keep windows closed in cold weather if it's too warm, turn the heating down
instead. If you can't turn it down contact Business Services Team Services
Helpdesk Tel: 7683 2960
Keep radiators clear - don’t block radiators with furniture - it reduces efficiency and
If you have air conditioning only use it when absolutely necessary
Don’t use portable heaters - they are usually electric and expensive to run. They
also generate large amounts of CO2.
Switch IT equipment off when it is not in use - check if any equipment has
power-saving facilities and, if it has, use it. Screen savers rarely save energy, so
during long periods of non-use, staff should turn the monitor off.
And remember; during school holidays make sure the heating is turned right
down to frost protection only.
Don't forget you can do your bit at home too. Visit the Act on Energy Website
http://www.actonenergy.org.uk or contact them on 01789 842898 and
14. Lettings
Schools provide a vital service to local communities and as such it is important to
ensure that they remain open and welcoming environments for pupils, teachers and the
wider community. However, it is equally important that the security of the building is
ensured and that there are adequate arrangements in place for opening and closing the
When considering allowing another organisation the use of school premises all schools
should have regard to the advice below, VA schools should also consult with the
Diocese who will advise on suitability and options available.
Care should be taken to properly document all hiring and letting so that no third party
legal interest is inadvertently created. The school lettings policy and charges should be
reviewed annually to ensure that the building is economically used. The school should
not subsidise the costs of lettings and should seek to maximise income generated
through the promotion and hiring of facilities.
The school premises will be available for lettings from Monday to Friday evening
exclusive and during the daytime at weekends when not required by the school.
Where a school is considering some shared use of the site and buildings there are
three options available;
i) Room/Outdoor Area Hire; one off use of individual rooms or use of rooms on a
more regular basis, say a weekly basis, but for only short periods of time e.g. an
occasional Hall hire for Cubs/Brownies or some other community use. The hire fee to
cover the costs.
ii) Licence; where rooms are used on a more regular basis and for a longer period of
time than on a 'room hire' basis e.g. a before/after school club.
The third party will not have exclusive occupation of the space that they occupy.
The arrangement will be documented by way of a licence agreement which will set
down the terms of occupation and the responsibilities of each party. A licence fee will
be charged to cover the occupation costs.
iii) Lease; A lease would be granted where a third party has exclusive use of the space
that they occupy e.g. a private nursery provider operating from a school.
The lease will set down the responsibilities of the Council as landlord and the third party
as tenant. The tenant will pay a rent and will have more responsibilities for repair,
running costs insurance etc.
Room/Outdoor Area Hire
Room hire & outdoor area hire can be dealt with by schools direct. Care should be
taken to properly document all hiring arrangements so that no third party legal interest
is inadvertently created. The school lettings policy and charges should be reviewed
annually to ensure that the building is economically used. The school should not
subsidise the costs of lettings and should seek to maximise income generated through
the promotion and hiring of facilities.
Hirers should be of a reputable character, the school’s premises will not be let to any
persons under 18 years of age or to any organisations with an unlawful or extremist
background i.e. National Front and British National Party. Nor should the school's
premises be let to any organisation whose conduct, policies or attitudes are considered
by the Governors to be counterproductive to Community cohesion.
Where there is a letting which involves the participation of children the school will need
to assure itself that the hiring organisation has the appropriate child protection policies
and procedures.
Licences and Leases
Licences and Leases protect both the interests of the School/Local Authority and the
third party. When considering allowing a third party the use of school premises for
anything more than one off or short term room hire where a Licence or Lease may be
more appropriate please contact the Education Capital Strategy Team who need to be
made aware of potential changes of use and who will be able to discuss the most
appropriate option ensuring you get the right advice and guidance.
15. Site Service Officer Accommodation
Not all schools will have accommodation provided for their Site Service Officer(s)
however some schools do have accommodation available to enable the proper and
efficient discharge and better performance of Site Service Officer duties. Those schools
that do have accommodation will have to ensure that they have the proper legal
documentation in place and prior to appointing to a vacant Site Service Officer post the
Head Teacher should contact their HR Provider for advice. As the contract for
employment of SSOs for VA schools is with the Governing Body. VA schools may also
wish to seek advice from the LA and or the Diocese HR Advisers.
Schools and the Council have a duty to reduce any perceived risks to children
therefore Site Service Officers should keep the Head Teacher informed regarding who
is residing at the accommodation and take every precaution not to allow anyone who
could constitute a danger to children to visit, reside or stay with them at any time.
Please note that when the Site Service Officer's employment ceases, for whatever
reason, the right to remain in the accommodation will also cease. The Non-Secure
Tenancy Agreement will terminate and neither the Site Service Officer nor any of their
co-residents will have any right to remain in the accommodation. In special
circumstances the Head Teacher and Governors may wish (on compassionate
grounds) to allow people to remain in the accommodation, for a short time, whilst they
are actively seeking alternative accommodation. If this applies, then the school should
obtain a Non-Secure Tenancy Agreement, plus the Non-Secure Notice which the ex-
Sites Services Officer or family representative must sign. Advice is available for Head
Teachers from their HR provider and Legal Services as necessary. If a school fails to
follow the correct procedures there will be serious financial and legal implications for
the School/Council therefore it is best to seek advice. Under no circumstances should
any other person be allowed to take up residence in vacant Site Service Officer
accommodation. For advice on an SSO property becoming surplus to requirement or
for changes of use for vacant accommodation please contact the - Education Capital
Strategy Team - 024 76976415. For changes of use planning permission may also be
16. Property Changes
You will need to obtain prior approval before making certain 'changes.' Please discuss
your proposals with the Education Capital Strategy Team and the School Property
Asset Management Team prior to carrying out any changes. For VA schools where the
owner of the premises is the Diocesan Trust please discuss any proposed changes
with your representative before proceeding.
Whenever a 'change' occurs at your property, this is likely to impact on a number of
other people around the authority and beyond. The School Property Asset
Management Team will inform all necessary departments of the 'change' so that they
can update their records. Examples of 'changes', which need to be reported, include:
Changes to functions/areas of rooms within building
New occupier / service user
Demolition full or part
Addition / removal of doors, walls or windows
Increase / decrease in area
New buildings placed on site
Academy School’s in accordance with their lease are also required to notify Coventry
City Council as Landlord in advance and consent given to any major property works at
the school.
17. Additional information on government website
Below are links to documents held on the government website which may assist you in
your duties as Premises Managers:
https://www.gov.uk/g uidance/concrete-cladding-monitoring-building-condition
18. Emergency and Other Useful Contacts
Education Capital Strategy Team
Chloe Webb 024 76976415
Tom Allen 024 76976949
Rebecca Smith
(Early Years’ Service Lead) 07939010935
Adam Yarnall 024 76978955
ESU Out of Hours 024 76832222
ESU@coventry.gov.uk or admin' queries can be sent to ESUAdmin@coventry.gov.uk.
Health and Safety
Raj Joshi 024 76834019
Or 024 76833285
Compliance and Surveying Team
John Cranston 024 76971928
Yvette Liening 024 76971935
Project Delivery
Lucy Hobbs 024 76971971
School Property Asset Management Team
Robert Houghton 024 76971983
Roger Martin 024 76978758