Hints for using the Live Link
to Microsoft Excel
ifu Hamburg GmbH
Max-Brauer-Allee 50
22765 Hamburg / Germany
DocVersion: 1.1
Date: June 2018
Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH
e!Sankey® is a registered trademark of ifu Hamburg GmbH
Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Information in this user manual is subject to change without notice. No liability for the correctness of the
information in this manual. All figures are for illustration purposes only and contain fictitious data.
Reproduction or translation of this manual is permitted and encouraged, as long as the original author
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ifu Hamburg GmbH e!Sankey 4 Hints for the Live Link to Microsoft Excel
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1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Named Cells for Live Links ...................................................................................................... 4
3. Formulas for Calculating the Flow Values ........................................................................... 6
4. Copying Excel Files or Worksheets....................................................................................... 7
New Worksheet: ................................................................................................................................. 7
Switch to Other Excel File: .................................................................................................................. 8
5. Excel worksheet for Live Links ............................................................................................. 10
Value Assignment using HLOOKUP function ................................................................................... 11
Value assignment using INDEX function .......................................................................................... 13
Value assignment using INDIRECT function: .................................................................................... 16
6. e!Sankey SDK for Integration and Automation ................................................................ 18
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1. Introduction
Using the e!Sankey Live Link to Microsoft Excel you can keep your Sankey diagram
up to date automatically, instead of changing values manually, e.g. for monthly reports.
Thus the Live Link not only reduces the workload, but also helps you to avoid
transcription errors.
The Live Link feature is explained in the e!Sankey user manual in chapter 11. This
document provides additional hints how you can set up your Excel sheets and use
functions in Excel to improve the usage of the Live Link.
2. Named Cells for Live Links
To protect your set Live Links against subsequent changes (e.g. newly inserted lines
or rows) we recommend define names for the cells that you intend to link to. Instead of
a reference to an absolute address (e.g. B2), the link then refers to the name of the cell
(e.g. material A). Please note that it is essential to name the cells before you set the
Live Links to e!Sankey.
Within Microsoft Excel there are two ways for naming cells: Either name a cell right
after selecting it in the name box at the top left (see below, left screenshot). Or you can
open the name manager through the context menu of a cell ("Define Name…") or via
the tab “Formulas” (see below, right screenshot).
The cell names must be unique, i.e. the same name can not be used for more than one
cell. They must not contain any spaces and are case-insensitive. By default, the name
manager will suggest the text located in the cell to the left (if it contains a text).
Hint: In newer Excel versions you can use the command "Create from Selection" to
assign a series of names.
For more details on names see https://support.office.com/en-us/article/define-and-use-
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3. Formulas for Calculating the Flow Values
Using the Live Link you can not only update flow values in a Sankey diagram but also
assign the result of an Excel formula.
These can be simple everyday formulas like e.g. sums or differences, but they can also
be more advanced (e.g. sums, differences, IF-function, VLOOKUP), as will be pointed
out in the following chapters.
When opening a Sankey diagram file that contains Live Links, or when explicitly
updating the Live Links in an open diagram file (command "Update Live Links") then
the formulas will be assessed, and the resulting values are used as flow quantity.
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4. Copying Excel Files or Worksheets
Should you not have created a separate worksheet just for using as a target fir the Live
Link reference, but don't wish to overwrite the existing data when you get new values,
there are several options how to tackle this:
New Worksheet:
In the Excel file copy the existing worksheet, in order to keep/backup the existing data.
Once this has been done the original worksheet can be overwritten with new data. The
Live Link references remain unchanged.
Should you wish to rename a worksheet but keep the Live Link references, make sure
that e!Sankey with the diagram file that has the Live Links is open while you rename
the worksheet in Excel. e!Sankey will "listen" to any changed made in Excel and thus
will note the name change, updating the references with the new worksheet name.
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Switch to Other Excel File:
Alternatively to the above, you can copy the whole Excel file, give it a new name, and
then change the path for the Live Links data source to the new file. Since the worksheet
has the same structure the cell addresses are identical, The Live Link references can
remain intact, and data from the new (copied) file will be read.
To change the source file path, go to Menu Edit in e!Sankey and open the 'Edit Live
Links' dialog. Use the button "Edit…" to browse for the new (copied) file.
Live Link to Values and Handling Special Characters
The Live Link reference will always read the numerical value found in the linked cell in
the Excel worksheet. This doesn't necessarily have to be the value you see in the cell,
since there might be a founding or formatting on the cell.
For example, you might see a value with several decimal digits linked as flow value,
but in the Excel cell it might be shown rounded to two decimal digits. A similar matter
is with values that are formatted in Excel to show percentages: while in Excel a value
might show as "10%", the actual value transferred via Live Link could be "0.1".
To only transfer the rounded values, and not the actual value with all decimal digits,
you might want to use the function ROUND(number;num_digits) to set the decimal
digits for the Live Link.
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To transfer values formatted as percentages via Live Link to a text element in e!Sankey
it is best to create a new cell for the value, which is formatted for numeric values. This
new cell then relates to the other (percent formatted) cell and multiplies with the factor
100. To additionally show the percentage sign concatenate it as text (using &" %").
You may want use the ROUND function as above to truncate to the desired number of
decimal digits.
Note that e!Sankey has various ways to display percentages in flow content labels, that
might be an alternative to calculating the values in Excel and displaying them in e!Sankey
using a Live Link reference. For more details on percentage values, please see the e!Sankey
User Manual chapter 5.
Also note that e!Sankey has its own number formatting and rounding, separate for each
unit type. This will affect the values shown in the flow content label.
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5. Excel worksheet for Live Links
In order to keep your data gathering for Live Links well-structured and clear, we
recommend that you create a separate worksheet just for setting the Live Links to
e!Sankey. The cells on that special transfer sheet then reference to the cells containing
the actual values, which are on other sheets, or even in other Excel files.
Doing so you will help you to keep a good overview and it will make your Live Links
more resistant to changes.
Thus, for instance, you can create different worksheets for each year of energy
consumption (see sheets "Data2016", "Data2017" in figure below), while the values on
the "Live Link" sheet is fed via references to the values for a specific year. Should
values on the data sheets change, the value on the "Live Link" page will be adjusted
accordingly. When data for a new year is available, older data can be kept, and doesn't
have to be overwritten.
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Value Assignment using HLOOKUP function
When the different datasets (e.g. for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017) are written in one
common worksheet, it may be advisable to use the HLOOKUP (resp. the VLOOKUP)
to transfer values to the cells on the "Live Link" data transfer sheet, from where they
are referenced by e!Sankey.
The following method may seem to be somewhat complex, but it is ideal to display
different values depending on a selection.
Step 1: data matrix
As mentioned above your different datasets should be written within one table. In the
following example you find the different consumers at the lines, the different years at
the columns. Surely this could be the other way around, then you need the VLOOKUP
function in step 2 instead of HLOOKUP.
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Step 2: reading data using HLOOKUP
Now you can create a new worksheet for linking values to e!Sankey. Therefore you
need to write the HLOOKUP command into the linked cells. The lookup value should
be the selected year, the table array is the data matrix including all values and the row
index is the ordinal number of the respective consumer. Now you can choose a certain
year at the according cell and the proper values will be displayed. By you can also
create a dropdown menu for the year selection.
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Value assignment using INDEX function
For the same initial situation, the INDEX function can be used. This method includes
another third step compared to the HLOOKUP, however it is appropriate for data sorted
by columns as well by rows.
Step 1: data matrix
For this example, the same data matrix has been chosen as within the HLOOKUP
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Step 2: year assignment
For the INDEX command used in step 3 the place of the column (and row) is an
essential parameter. Therefore you need another table assigning the column number
to the according year. This assignment can be done using the VLOOKUP.
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Step 3: reading data using the INDEX command:
All necessary settings and data are available to read out the several values using the
INDEX command. The INDEX command should be written into the cells linked to
e!Sankey. The array should be the data matrix, the row number is the ordinal number
of the respective consumer. As column number you choose the cell which assign the
year to a certain column index.
Now you can choose a certain year at the according cell and the proper values will be
displayed. By you can also create a dropdown menu for the year selection.
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Value assignment using INDIRECT function:
When your data is not allocated within one single table, but in different worksheets,
both approaches, LOOKUP nor INDEX, are not capable to transfer the different
datasets into one worksheet. In this case you need to assign the values through the
INDIRECT function.
Please note, that INDIRECT is a volatile command. So it will be executed every time
when something is changed within the Excel file. Therefore it could lead to performance
issues, especially within more complex Excel files. You can disable the automatic
execution of the command temporarily (Formula > Calculation options > manual).
Step 1: data matrix
When the data is allocated in different worksheets, you should make sure, that the
names of these worksheets should be simple and unique, they will be used later on.
Furthermore, all worksheets need to have the same table structure.
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Step 2: reading data using the INDIRECT command:
Now you can use the INDIRECT command in order to assign the different datasets to
the worksheet "Live Links" from which they are referenced to e!Sankey.
The INDIRECT command is made up from the name of the worksheet and reference
to the cell address on this worksheet.
With the entries in the dropdown list for the year we are determining the worksheet
name. The cell address is made up from a string for the column and concatenated with
the function ROW() which returns the row number.
In this example the command looks like this:
translated for row 5 as e.g. =INDIRECT('2017'!B5;TRUE)
The optional parameter TRUE indicates that the preceding cell address is to be
interpreted an absolute cell address in A1 format.
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6. e!Sankey SDK for Integration and Automation
If you wish to integrate Sankey diagrams into your own solution, or if you are thinking
about automating the process of Sankey diagram generation, a software development
kit (SDK) version of e!Sankey is available. It allows for automatic updating of Sankey
diagrams from a data source, and for setting up Sankey diagrams using XML files.
The e!Sankey SDK can be used to integrate Sankey diagrams into other applications
e.g. energy management software, plant control applications, or Manufacturing
Execution System (MES).
Further information can be found at https://www.ifu.com/en/e-sankey/automation-
The e!Sankey Software Development Kit (SDK) has a comprehensive documentation
and contains code snippets and sample files for the implementation of an integrated
solution. We are also available to implement an automated Sankey diagram solution
for you upon request.
Please contact sales@e-sankey.com should you be interested in a customized
solution. Please inquire about licenses at [email protected] should you be
interested in the SDK package.
We hope that the collection of hints on using the e!Sankey Live Link in connection with
Excel functions will help you make your Sankey diagram updates more dynamic.
Should you have question or comments on Excel Live Links in e!Sankey please feel
free to contact us. We can provide the .sankey and linked XLSX files to you upon
Your e!Sankey Team