Ellucian CRM
User Roles and Capabilities
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
© 2020 Ellucian. All Rights Reserved - Confidential & Proprietary |
This document is intended to define the differences between Ellucian CRM Premium Users, Standard
Users, and Light Users and to provide insight into the capabilities of each of these user types to facilitate
institutional decisions about which type of user licenses are required to meet the institution’s needs.
Ellucian CRM Users are not specific to the individual Recruit, Advise, or Advance applications. This
document may be used to support decision making for any combination of the Ellucian CRM applications
that the institution will use.
Premium Users, Standard Users, and Light Users can utilize all applications for which the institution is
licensed. For example, if an institution owns Recruit and is licensed for 100 users and then also licenses
Advise, those same 100 named users may be added to Advise.
As a rule of thumb: Premium Users have full capabilities within each Ellucian CRM application, can
configure the system, and are able to deal with records in bulk. Standard Users have more limited
capabilities, cannot configure the system, and generally can deal with records individually or in small
numbers. Both Premium and Standard licenses support:
MS Office and Email Integration
Access using MS Dynamics CRM Desktop and Mobile applications
Creation and updates to Activities
Creation of Advanced Finds and views
Light users are those who need to view and react to the information presented to them either in the console
or in a constituent experience site (cx).
Ultimately an understanding of the functional capabilities required is needed to determine the type of user
license that would be appropriate for any particular person or role. The tables in the Appendix of this
document describe the granular capabilities that are supported for Premium Users, Standard Users, and
Light Users for the Ellucian CRM applications. The following sections provide guidelines based upon
Ellucian’s experience for what type of users are appropriate for each of the three CRM solutions.
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
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Understanding User Licenses
Ellucian CRM Recruit
For a full list of access rights, please review the Appendix to determine specific access rights required for
User licenses.
Guidelines for Selecting Premium Users
The Premium User includes the configuration of Dynamics CRM functionality, import functions, full visibility
within system and solution, bulk communications, and full access into student prospect recruiting and
admissions for the institution.
Examples of functions that this role can support within Recruit include but are not limited to the import of
student search names, prospecting, marketing communications including campaign setup and execution,
list management, and mass/bulk communications, funnel management, reporting, application
management, recruiting territories, setting up workflows and any other function that exists within Recruit.
Premium Users can configure reports and dashboards and views for themselves and for others to share.
Examples of roles typically requiring Premium Users include:
System Administrator
Recruit Power User
Admissions Operations Lead
Communication Specialist (responsible for setting up of communication plans and bulk email)
Director or Assistant Director of Admissions
IT Staff
Guidelines for Selecting Standard Users
A majority of Recruit users would leverage a Standard User license. The most common type of Recruit
users for whom a Standard User license is suitable is recruiting and admissions staff members.
A Standard User may not manage or send mass communications or email campaigns. A Standard User
may not configure workflows or run imports.
Example roles typically requiring Standard Users include:
Admissions Counselors and Recruiters
Vice President of Enrollment
Admissions Liaisons
Event Coordinator
Application Processors
Application Reviewers
Guidelines for Selecting Light Users
Light Users may use the Agent Portal (cx) to manage applications and data on behalf of prospective
students. The most common type of Recruit users for whom a Light User is suitable is a 3
party agent
acting on behalf of the institution, staff that reviews applications, and call center staff such as student
workers. Light users have limited create/edit access to the CRM Recruit console. They may perform
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
© 2020 Ellucian. All Rights Reserved - Confidential & Proprietary |
Application Reviews, add notes to records, view dashboards, view opportunities, and create activities.
Light users may not edit or create opportunities, create or run communications plans, perform word
merge, create or share configuration within the system.
Examples of roles typically requiring Light Users include:
Recruiting Agents
Application Reviewers
Guidelines CRM Recruit Community Edition users
Recruit Community Edition reduces licensing types and simplifies with Team and Sales named user
Example roles typically requiring Sales licenses include:
System Administrator
Recruit Power User
Admissions Operations Lead
Communication Specialist (responsible for setting up of communication plans and bulk email)
Director or Assistant Director of Admissions
Admissions Counselors and Recruiters
IT Staff
Example roles typically requiring Team licenses include:
Vice President of Enrollment
Admissions Liaisons
Event Coordinator
Application Processors
Application Reviewers
Recruiting Agents
API users
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
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Ellucian CRM Advise
For a full list of access rights, please review the Appendix to determine specific access rights required for
User licenses.
Guidelines for Selecting Premium Users
Administrators of the Advise CRM application require Premium User licenses. Examples of roles that are
suited for a Premium User license include:
System Administrator(s) who will be responsible for managing CRM and Advise settings,
importing data into the CRM or managing integrations with other enterprise applications,
maintaining user accounts, managing security roles, and assisting the Student Success
Administrator in configuration as needed.
Communication Manager(s) are responsible for setting up the Communication Plans and
Communication Lists that will be used by the institution. This person will also manage bulk email
Event Manager(s) responsible for setting up and managing institutional events.
IT Staff
Examples of other administrative functions that may only be performed by Premium Users include, but
are not limited to:
Extending the CRM data model
Creating and customizing system dashboards, forms, views, reports, and workflows
Creating and managing institution-specific online documentation and help
Creating and managing communication templates (Email, Email Service, Message, and Mobile
Notification) that are used by system users
Create Subjects and Routing Rules for Cases
Premium Users have full visibility and access to the Student Success Intervention Strategies configured for
the institution.
Guidelines for Selecting Standard Users
Standard Users, like Light Users, will generally need to interact with the data displayed in the system via
role-based dashboards. The critical difference between Standard and Light users is that Standard users
also create some of the components that can be used by other in the institution, such as Communication
Lists or Email Templates. They may also use functionality that requires business process flows and routing
to control record processing, such as Case Management. Standard Users can also view reports.
Examples of roles that are suited for a Standard User license include:
Advisors and Faculty Advisors who create Communication Lists
Case Managers
Student Success Managers who are responsible for overseeing advising at their institution.
A Standard User may not manage or use Communication Plans to send mass communications, nor can
they send mass communications via a 3
party integration.
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
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Guidelines for Selecting Light Users
Light Users may need to view data displayed in the system via role-based dashboards in the console
(Advisors and Faculty Advisors) or the Advise Faculty Constituent Experience (Faculty Members). Light
users with console access may also send direct communications to a student or list of students via email,
text messages, or mobile notifications. They can share Notes and Private Notes with other users. They can
also use Advanced Find to search for students and student related data they have access to.
Light users with Faculty Constituent Experience access can view students in their section and raise alerts
on those students.
Advisors, Faculty Advisors, and Counselors who do not work with Cases or create
Communication Lists but will primarily view and interact with student data in the Advise console
Faculty Members who will use the Faculty Constituent Experience site to raise alerts on students
in their active sections
Faculty Advisors may need to utilize both the Advise Console and Faculty Constituent
A Light User may not create Communication Lists or work with Case Management.
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
© 2020 Ellucian. All Rights Reserved - Confidential & Proprietary |
Ellucian CRM Advance
For a full list of access rights, please review the Appendix to determine specific access rights required for
User licenses.
Guidelines for Selecting Premium Users
Administrators of the Advance CRM application require Premium User licenses. Examples of roles that are
suited for a Premium User license include:
All IT/DB/System Administrators
Advance Services staff
Report Writers
Business Analysts
Power users that require access to manage, oversee, and administer development programs and
Examples of administrative functions include but are not limited to, managing CRM and advancement
settings, managing security roles, creating workflows, dialogs, business rules, dashboards, and reports.
A Premium User license is required to:
Extend the CRM data model
Customize forms and views
Create and manage institution-specific online documentation and help
Create and manage marketing communications and lists
Setting and maintaining goals for campaigns, solicitations, and staff
Import data or manage integration with other applications
Guidelines for Selecting Standard Users
The majority of advancement staff using the Advance CRM solution may only require a Standard User
license. A Standard User has full read, write, edit, and delete capabilities based on the role-based access
controls that each institution decides to enforce. The most common role where a Standard User is suitable
will be by staff that consumes and maintain advancement data.
Examples of roles that are suited for a Standard User license include:
Executive Management
Development Officers
Records Management staff
Inquiry-only consumers of advancement data.
A Standard User can communicate with persons, organizations, prospects, or other contacts in Advance
CRM on an individual basis. For example, a Standard User may email a prospect or group of prospects
directly through the Ellucian CRM to schedule a call, visit, etc. A Standard User may manage their personal
dashboards and views.
A Standard User may not manage or send mass communications or email campaigns using Dynamics
CRM Marketing Campaign functionality or 3
party email marketing solutions. A Standard User may not
configure workflows, dialogs, dashboards, views, or reports. A Standard User may not manage campaigns,
solicitation, staff goals but may use goals to evaluate progress towards the goal.
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
© 2020 Ellucian. All Rights Reserved - Confidential & Proprietary |
Appendix: Specific Functions Supported by User Type
License Crosswalk:
Ellucian Purchased License
CRM License Type (Recruit)
CRM License Type (Advise)
CRM License Type (Advance)
When entering named users into CRM, the administrator must specify license type for each named user.
All Ellucian CRM Applications
Light User
Standard User
Premium User
Managing security roles
Managing CRM Settings
Configuring or Maintaining ERP
Managing data imports
Creating or Configuring Workflows
Creating or configuring Business Process
Creating or Configuring System
Creating and Configuring Dialogs
Creating Custom Reports
Configuring Forms or System Views
Creating Forms, Entities and Fields
Creating Relationships between Entities
Creating or Configuring Business Units
Creating or Configuring Teams
Managing Auditing Settings
Creating or Configuring Queues
Creating or Configuring Duplicate-
Detection Rules
Quick Campaigns
Dynamics API Access
Access using Dynamics CRM Desktop and
Mobile Apps
Exporting data to Microsoft Excel
Office and Email Integration
Running Workflows or Dialogs
Running Business Process flows
Creating Personal Views & Dashboards
Using Dashboards
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
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Using Reports (Custom or prebuilt) and
Utilizing Duplicate Detection
Creating Advanced Finds
Executing and saving Advanced Finds
Defining Advanced Finds output
Creating and using Advanced Find static
result sets
Mass updating data using Advanced Find
results sets
Exporting data to dynamic spreadsheet
for updating with import back into CRM
Ellucian CRM Recruit
Recruit Community Edition*
Managing Recruiting Settings
System configuration
Managing Campaigns or
Communication Plans
Mass Communication using 3
Events and Travel Management
Individual Communication with
Recruiting Imports
Suspect Management
Person Management
Opportunity Management
Using Probability and Desirability
Application Folder Reviews
Decision Management
Managing Supplemental items
Adding Test Scores to individual
Prospect Records
Manage Agents and Agencies
Use Agent Portal on Behalf of Prospect
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
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Ellucian CRM Advise
Light User
Standard User
Premium User
Creating or Configuring Engagement
Creating or Configuring Communication
Creating or Configuring Alert Rules and
Indicator Rules
Creating or Configuring Scoring Rules
and Scoring Plans
Creating or Configuring Risk Conditions
used in Alert Rules, Indicator Rules,
Scoring Rules, and Scoring Plans
Creating Email Templates for system
Creating Task Templates for system
Creating Message Templates for system
Creating Mobile Notification Templates
for system users
Creating Email Service Templates for
system user
Creating Email Templates for personal
Creating Message Templates for
personal use
Creating Mobile Notification Templates
for personal use
Creating and Managing Events
Creating Extended Access Advisors and
Case Managers
Syncing Multiple Students
Creating Subjects and Case Routing
Creating Communication Lists and
Engagement Lists
Creating and Managing Cases
Viewing System Reports
Viewing the Advising Calendar for your
Managing assigned activities created by
Alerts or Communication Plans
Managing your CRM calendar
Using a System Dashboard
Viewing Communication or Engagement
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Ellucian CRM User Roles and Capabilities|
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Creating and Managing Office Hours and
Locations for your Advising Appointment
Creating or Managing Actions (Activities,
Phone Calls, and Tasks)
Individual Communication with Students
(email, text messages, or mobile
Syncing an Individual Student’s Data
Accessing a Degree Works Audit or
Students Educational Plan from Advise
Accessing a Student’s Colleague Student
Planning Degree Audit from Advise
Creating Manual Alerts via the Faculty
Constituent Experience site
Creating or Managing Private or Public
Student Constituent Experience site
(Free for students)
No license
Ellucian CRM Advance
Standard User
Premium User
Managing Advance settings
Creating or configuring business rules
Creating and publishing articles
Managing Engagement and Marketing Lists for
Mass Communication using 3
party tools
Creating and maintaining goals
Individual Communication with Prospects
Managing validation lists
Viewing and maintaining membership and dues
Viewing and maintaining prospect and research
Viewing and maintaining biographic, demographic
and engagement data
Activity management, activity feeds and posts
Viewing and maintaining contributions
Creating or configuring scoring plans