Legal Notice ...........................................................1
Purpose and Use of the Manual .............................2
Figures and Tables ................................................. 3
AND USE ...............................................................4
Product Identification .........................................4
Uses of Butadiene ...............................................4
General Information ......................................4
Polymer Usage ..............................................5
Chemical Intermediate Usage .......................5
Chemical and Physical Properties of
1,3-Butadiene .....................................................6
Butadiene Product Quality ...............................13
EFFECTS .............................................................14
Overview of Butadiene Health Effects..............14
Acute Inhalation Exposure ..........................14
Eye Contact .................................................. 14
Skin Contact.................................................14
Chronic Effects ............................................14
4-Vinylcyclohexene Health Effects ...................15
Potential Environmental Impacts of
Spills or Releases ........................................15
PART III - REGULATORY OVERVIEW .................... 16
STORAGE INFORMATION ....................................17
Training .............................................................17
Personal Protective Equipment .......................17
Respiratory Protection ................................ 17
Chemical Protective Clothing ...................... 19
Eye and Face Protection ..............................19
Exposure Monitoring ........................................ 19
Charcoal Tube Methods ............................... 19
Passive Monitors .........................................19
Direct Reading, Portable Instruments ........20
Detector Tubes ............................................20
Gas Chromatography (GC) ...........................20
Transport of Butadiene ....................................20
Transport by Rail Tank Cars ........................20
Rail Tank Car Unloading Procedures ..........21
Transport by Tank Trucks ............................24
Transport by Marine Vessels ....................... 24
Transport by Bulk Liquid Containers ..........24
Transport by Pipeline ..................................25
Cleaning, Inspection & Repair of
Transport Equipment...................................25
Piping, Fittings and Valves ..........................25
Storage of Butadiene ........................................ 26
Storage System Design and Operations ......27
Additional Considerations for Design and
Operation of Pressure Storage ...................28
Additional Considerations for Design and
Operation of Refrigerated Storage ..............28
Handling, Safety, Health and Toxicity Data .......28
Safe Handling and Disposal of Samples ...... 29
Emission Sources and Controls ..................29
Prevention/Control of Undesired Reactions ....30
Butadiene Peroxide Formation....................30
Butadiene Popcorn Polymer Formation ...... 32
Butadiene Rubber (Plastic) Polymer
Formation ....................................................34
Dimerization ................................................36
Reaction from Butadiene Overcharge .........37
Butadiene Incompatibilities .........................37
RESPONSE ..........................................................39
Fire and Explosion Hazard ...............................39
Fire Prevention ............................................39
Fire Fighting ................................................40
Response to a Leak ...................................... 41
APPENDICES ......................................................42
Appendix A: Butadiene Manufacturing
Process Information .........................................42
Butadiene Production Via Steam
Cracking of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons ..........42
Butadiene Production via Catalytic
Dehydrogenation of n-Butane and
n-Butene (the Houdry process) ...................45
Butadiene Production via Oxidative
Dehydrogenation of n-Butenes (the Oxo-D
or O-X-D process) ........................................46
Processing Options for Crude Butadiene
Streams .......................................................47
Butadiene Recovery from Crude Butadiene
Streams Via Extractive Distillation .............48
Appendix B: Information on Product
Safety and Responsible Care
.......................... 53
Appendix C: References ...................................57
Appendix D: Glossary of Terms,
Abbreviations, and Organizations ....................58
The Butadiene Product Stewardship Guidance Manual was prepared by the American Chemistry Councils
Olefins Panel (Panel). It is intended to provide general information to persons who may handle or store
butadiene. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for in-depth training or specific handling or storage
requirements, nor is it designed or intended to define or create legal rights or obligations. It is not
intended to be a “how-to” manual, nor is it a prescriptive guide. All persons involved in handling and
storing butadiene have an independent obligation to ascertain that their actions are in compliance with
current federal, state and local laws and regulations and should consult with legal counsel concerning
such matters. The manual is necessarily general in nature and individual companies may vary their
approach with respect to particular practices based on specific factual circumstance, the practicality and
effectiveness of particular actions, and technological feasibility. Any mention of specific products in this
manual is for illustration purposes only and is not intended as a recommendation or endorsement of such
Neither the American Chemistry Council, nor the individual member companies of the Panel, nor any of
their respective directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, consultants, or other assigns, makes
any warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness
of the information contained in this manual; nor do the American Chemistry Council or any member
companies assume any liability or responsibility for any use or misuse, or the results of such use or
misuse, of any information, procedure, conclusion, opinion, product, or process disclosed in this manual.
This work is protected by copyright. Users are granted a nonexclusive royalty-free license to reproduce
and distribute this manual, subject to the following limitations: (1) the work must be reproduced in its
entirety, without alterations; and (2) copies of the work may not be sold.
For more information on material presented in this manual, please contact your supplier.
Copyright © 2019
American Chemistry Council
The members and affiliated companies of the American Chemistry Council support efforts to improve
the industrys responsible management of chemicals. To assist in this effort, the American Chemistry
Council’s Olefins Panel supported the creation and publication of this manual to provide the reader with
a better understanding of how butadiene is manufactured and used to produce products that play an
important role in our lives.
This manual has been developed for use by producers and industrial users of butadiene. It focuses on
the health, safety, and environmental aspects associated with manufacturing, distributing, using, and
disposing of 1,3-butadiene. References to applicable regulations and industry practices are made in the
tables and text. A Glossary of terms is in Appendix D.
This manual may be updated. Contact your supplier to obtain the most current version of this manual, if
you have questions, or for more information about any item contained herein. We encourage comments on
the content of this manual and a more in-depth dialogue concerning the issues presented.
Figure 1.1: Some Uses of 1,3-Butadiene
Figure 1.2: Liquid Density
Figure 1.3: Vapor Pressure
Figure 1.4: Heat of Vaporization
Figure 1.5: Liquid Heat Capacity
Figure 1.6: Ideal Gas Heat Capacity
Figure 1.7: Liquid Viscosity
Figure 1.8: Vapor Viscosity
Figure 1.9: Liquid Thermal Conductivity
Figure 1.10: Vapor Thermal Conductivity
Figure 1.11: Surface Tension
Figure 4.1: Growth of Butadiene Popcorn
Polymer at 140 °F
Figure 4.2: Effect of Benzoyl Peroxide and
Temperature on Rate of “Rubber”
Polymer Formation
Figure 4.3: Dimerization of 1,3-Butadiene
Figure A.1: Typical Olefins Plant
Figure A.2: Catadiene Process
Figure A.3: Oxo-D Process
Figure A.4: C4 Processing Options
Figure A.5: Process A - Acetylene
Distillation Using MOPN/Furfural
Figure A.6: Process B - Extractive and
Conventional Distillation Using NMP
Figure A.7: Process C - DMF Solvent Extraction
Figure A.8: Process D - Aqueous Separation and
ACN Extraction Process.
Table 1.1: Use Patterns for 1,3-Butadiene in the
US, 2018
Table 1.2: Chemical and Physical Properties of
Table 1.3: Example of a 1,3-Butadiene
Table 2.1: 1,3-Butadiene Carcinogenicity
Table 4.1: Minimum Requirement for Respiratory
Protection for Airborne Butadiene (29
CFR § 1910.1051(h)(5)(ii))
Table 4.2: Summary of Permeation Test Data for
Table 4.3: Items Mounted on the Pressure Head
Table 4.4: An Example Rail Tank Car Unloading
Table 4.5: Items That Should be Considered
in Developing a Storage System for
Table 4.6: Effect of Temperature on the Rate of
Dimer Formation
Table 4.7: Chemical Incompatibilities with
Butadiene and Potential Outcome
Table 5.1: General Guidelines for Fire Prevention
Table A.1: Example of a Crude Butadiene Analysis
Table A.2: Major Butadiene Recovery Processes
Product Name 1,3 Butadiene
Chemical Name 1,3 Butadiene
Chemical Family Diolefins
Chemical Abstract
Service Registry
ChemicalFormula C
General Description: Butadiene is a colorless
gas at room temperature with a characteristic
hydrocarbon odor. It is a hazardous chemical due
to its flammability, reactivity, and toxicity.
General Information
1,3-Butadiene is a major product of the
petrochemical industry. Its simple chemical
structure combined with its low molecular weight
and high chemical reactivity makes it a very useful
building block in the synthesis of other materials.
Butadiene is used primarily as a monomer in
the production of a wide range of polymers and
copolymers. It is also used as an intermediate in the
production of several chemicals. Table 1.1 provides a
listing of the use patterns for butadiene in the United
Table 1.1: Use Patterns for 1,3-Butadiene
in the US, 2018
End-Use of Butadiene, U.S. - 2018 % of Total
Polybutadiene rubber 25%
Styrene-butadiene rubber 23%
Adiponitrile 23%
Styrene-butadiene latex 8%
Thermoplastic elastomer 5%
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins 4%
Nitrile rubber 3%
Polychloroprene (neoprene) rubber 3%
Other (includes methyl methacrylate-
butadiene-styrene (MBS) resins,
styrenic block copolymers, nitrile
barrier resins, K-Resin
, and specialty
polybutadiene polymers, among
Source: IHS, ACC analysis
Polymer Usage
Polybutadiene (PB): As illustrated in Table 1.1,
PB, produced by the polymerization of butadiene,
is the largest use of the monomer (approximately
25%). Some of the uses for this polymer are as a
raw material for tires, as an intermediate in the
production of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
(ABS) resin and in impact modifiers. Such impact
modifiers enhance the ability of a material to
accept a sudden blow or shock without fracture or
substantial damage.
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR): Approximately
23% of the butadiene end-use in the U.S., is in the
production of SBR. Produced by the polymerization
of styrene and butadiene, the primary use of SBR
is in tires and tire products. This material also is
used in adhesives and sealants, coatings for wire
and cable and many other rubber articles such as
shoe soles.
Styrene-Butadiene Latex (SBL): SBLs comprise
about 8% of the butadiene end-use in the U.S.
Latex, in general, can be described as a stable
aqueous dispersion, which contains discrete
polymer particles of approximately 0.05 to 5
micrometers in diameter. SBL applications include
foam rubber (carpet backing, cushions, pads,
sponges, etc.), adhesives (floorings, tiles, road and
roofing, etc.), sealants and paper coatings.
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Resins:
ABS resins are two-phase blends. They can
be prepared by either emulsion polymerization
or suspension grafting polymerization where
homopolymers of polybutadiene are grafted onto a
styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer. The production of
ABS resins account for about 4% of the butadiene
usage in the U.S. These resins are used in a wide
range of applications that include automotive parts,
telephones, office machines such as computers,
and appliances.
Nitrile Rubber (NBR): NBR is produced by the
copolymerization of acrylonitrile and butadiene.
It also is referred to as nitrile-butadiene rubber.
NBR accounts for about 3% of the butadiene
consumption in the United States. This material
is used in a variety of products including hoses,
fuel lines, automotive parts, gasket seals, lattices,
structural adhesives, oil resistant clothing or
articles, gloves and footwear.
Styrene-Butadiene Block Copolymers (SBS and
SEBS): Blocks of styrene, butadiene and styrene
are polymerized to form styrene-butadiene-
styrene (SBS) block copolymers. Similarly, blocks
of styrene, ethylene/butylene and styrene form
SEBS block copolymers. End uses for these
thermoplastic materials include asphalt extenders,
lubricating oil additives, adhesives, automotive
applications, food and other types of packaging,
medical devices, footwear, toys, disposable
dinnerware and polymer modification such as
impact modifiers.
Methyl Methacrylate-Butadiene-Styrene (MMBS):
MMBS resin is used as an impact modifier in
automotive parts, bottles and food packaging.
Chemical Intermediate Usage
1,3-Butadiene also is used in the production of a
number of intermediate chemicals.
Adiponitrile >> Hexamethylenediamine >> Nylon:
The production of the chemical intermediate
adiponitrile is the largest use of 1,3-butadiene
in this type of application. This represents
approximately 23% of the overall butadiene usage.
One method employed to produce adiponitrile
involves the direct hydrocyanation of butadiene
followed by hydrocyanation of the pentenenitrile
compounds produced in the butadiene reaction.
This material is then hydrogenated to form
hexamethylenediamine, which is polymerized in the
manufacture of nylon resins and fibers.
Chloroprene: Chloroprene is formed by
chlorinating butadiene. This material is then
polymerized to produce neoprene. Neoprene
rubber is a multipurpose material that accounts
for about 3% of the butadiene usage. It is used
in applications that include gloves, coatings,
adhesives, binders, sealants, tires, belts, hoses,
faucet washers and footwear.
Other Chemical Intermediate Uses: Butadiene
also is used in the production of 1,4- hexadiene,
sulfolane and 1,5,9-cyclodecatriene. 1,4-hexadiene
is primarily used as the monomer for ethylene-
propylene terpolymer (EPDM); sulfolane is an
extraction solvent, and 1,5,9-cyclodecatriene is used
in the production of nylon fibers and resins.
In summary, 1,3-butadiene is an extremely versatile
and significant industrial chemical. Figure 1.1
provides an overview of some uses of 1,3-butadiene.
Figure 1.1: Some End Uses of 1,3-Butadiene
Butadiene End Uses
Butadiene Rubber
Tire Products
Rubber Articles
(e.g., Footwear)
Chewing Gum Base
Butadiene -
Styrene (ABS)
Automotive Parts
Office Machines
diamine (HMDA)
Nylon Resins
and Fiber
Belts and Footwear
Chemical Intermediates
Nylon Fibers and
Extraction Solvent
Tergolymer (EPDM)
Coated Fabrics
Automotive Parts
Safety Bumpers
Wire & Cable Coating
Resin Modifier
Mechanical Rubber
Tire Tubes
Butadiene Latex
Foam Rubber
(Carpet Backing
Sponges, etc.)
Paper Coatings
Styrene (MMBS)
Used in
Auto Parts
Food Packaging
Nitrile Rubber
Fuel Lines
Auto Parts
ABS Resins
Impact Modifiers
Styrene- Bu-
tadiene Block
Asphalt Extender
Lubricating Oil
Food Packaging
Medical Devices
Polymer Mods
Chemical and Physical Properties of 1,3-Butadiene
1,3-Butadiene is a colorless, non-corrosive, flammable gas with a hydrocarbon odor at ambient temperature
and pressure. Data pertaining to its chemical and physical properties are presented in Table 1.2. Additional
data concerning the physical properties of butadiene and their temperature dependence can be found in
Figures 1.10-1.19 (Source: AICHe DIPPR
Database unless otherwise indicated).
Table 1.2: Chemical and Physical Properties of 1,3-Butadiene
Property Value
Physical State Gas, Liquid Under Pressure
Color Colorless
Odor Mild, Aromatic (Hydrocarbon)
Molecular Formula C4H6
Molecular Weight 54.09
Normal Boiling Point (at 1 atmosphere) 24.1°F
Melting Point -164°F
Critical Temperature 305.F
Critical Pressure 620.3 psia
Critical Volume 0.065 ft
Critical Compressibility Factor 0.267
Density (liquid), @70°F 38.74 lb/ft
(5.18 lb/gal)
Relative Vapor Density (gas) air - 1)
Vapor Pressure, @ 70°F 36.1 psia
Liquid Heat Capacity, @70°F 0.541 BTU/lb°F
Ideal Gas Heat Capacity, @70°F 0.347 BTU/lb°F
Refractive Index, nD, @70°F 1.4293
Solubility in Water, @70°F 735 ppm
Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water
Log Pow 1.99
Viscosity (liquid), @70°F 9.90 x 10
Viscosity (vapor), @70°F 5.65 x 10
Ideal Gas Heat of Formation 869.1 BTU/lb
Heat of Vaporization, @70°F 167.0 BTU/lb
Autoignition Temperature 803.9°F
Explosive Limits in Air, Vol. % @77°F, 1 atm
Lower 2.0
Upper 11.5
Odor Threshold in Air
1.0-1.6 ppm
0.025 ppm
Verschueren, K., Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals, 2nd ed., New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983, p. 296.
Hansch, C., Leo, A. Substituent Constants for Correlation Analysis in Chemistry and Biology. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1979, p.183.
Hansch, C., Leo, A. Substituent Constants for Correlation Analysis in Chemistry and Biology. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1979, p.183.
Figure 1.2: Liquid Density
Figure 1.3: Vapor Pressure
Figure 1.4: Heat of Vaporization
Figure 1.5: Liquid Heat Capacity
Figure 1.6: Ideal Gas Heat Capacity
Figure 1.7: Liquid Viscosity
Figure 1.8: Vapor Viscosity
Figure 1.9: Liquid Thermal Conductivity
Figure 1.10: Vapor Thermal Conductivity
Figure 1.11: Surface Tension
Table 1.3 shows an example of a butadiene specification. Individual company specification limits may differ
from those given in the table.
Table 1.3: Example of a 1,3-Butadiene Specification
Component Limits Spec. Acceptable Test Methods -- Generic
Butadiene-1,3 as
Wt. % Min. 99.5 D2593 Mod.
Butene-1 & Isobutylene Wt. % Report D2593 Mod.
Trans-Butene-2 Wt. % Report D2593 Mod.
Cis-Butene-2 Wt. % Report D2593 Mod.
Butadiene-1,2 Wppm Max. 20 D2593 Mod.
Propadiene Wppm Max. 10 D2593 Mod.
Butadiene Dimer as Wppm Max. 500 D2426 Mod. Shipped
C5s Wppm Max. 500 D2593 Mod., D2426 Mod.
Pentadiene Wppm Max. 5 D2593 Mod.
Isoprene Wppm Max. 10 D2593 Mod.
Total Acetylenes Wppm Max. 20 D2593 Mod.
Ethyl Acetylene Wppm Report D2593 Mod.
Methyl Acetylene Wppm Report D2593 Mod.
Vinyl Acetylene Wppm Report D2593 Mod.
Non-Volatile Residue Wt. % Max 0.05 D1025 Mod.
Carbonyls (Reported as
Wppm Max. 10 D4423 Mod., Gas Chromatography, HPLC
Methanol Wppm Max. 10 UOP569 Mod
Toluene Wppm Max. 10 GC
Organic Chlorides
(Exported as Chloride)
Wppm Max. 10 UOP779 Mod., UOP606 Mod., GC
Sulfur Wppm Max. 5 D4045 Mod., D4468 Mod., D2784 Mod., D3246
Total Atomic Nitrogen Wppm Max. 2 D4629 Mod.
Diethylhydroxylamine Wppm Max. 2 Hach, GC
Peroxides (Reported as
Wppm Max. 5 AMS 3001.10 Mod.
TBC Inhibitor * Wppm 50 - 150 D1157 Mod., AM330.28 Mod.
Oxygen in Vapors Vol. % Max. 0.1 Teledyne
Water Wppm Max. 500 Panametrics Dew Point
Appearance Clear & Free
*Other inhibitors are used but TBC is the current industry-wide recognized standard for 1, 3 Butadiene storage and transportation.
This section provides a brief overview of
information pertaining to potential health and
environmental effects associated with exposure
to 1,3-butadiene. A comprehensive discussion
of health and environmental effects pertaining
to 1,3-butadiene is beyond the scope of this
manual. For more information, contact your
supplier. Additional information, including first aid
information, can be found in your suppliers Safety
Data Sheet (SDS).
Acute Inhalation Exposure
Butadiene vapors may be mildly irritating to the
nose, throat and respiratory tract. High vapor
concentrations may cause central nervous
system (CNS) depression. Early to moderate
CNS depression may be evidenced by giddiness,
headache, dizziness and nausea; in extreme cases,
unconsciousness, respiratory depression and
death may occur.
High concentrations of butadiene in confined
spaces, such as may occur in a spill or leak
situation, may cause asphyxiation by displacing the
oxygen, causing an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
As with the above CNS effects, this can result in a
sudden loss of consciousness and potentially death.
Eye Contact
Eye contact with rapidly expanding butadiene gas
or vaporizing liquid butadiene may cause severe
irritation and burns (frostbite). Frostbite results
from the cooling effect of rapid evaporation of the
Skin Contact
Skin contact with rapidly expanding butadiene gas
or vaporizing liquid butadiene may cause irritation
and burns (frostbite). Exposure to high vapor
concentrations may cause slight irritation to the
Chronic Effects
The potential for 1,3-butadiene to cause cancer or
other chronic health effects has been examined in
experiments using laboratory animals and also by
studying exposed human populations. Examples
of cancer classifications established by various
governmental entities as of the date of publication
of this manual are listed in Table 2.1.
Other potential target organs for exposure to
1,3-butadiene may include the liver, kidneys,
respiratory tract, ovaries, testes and hematopoietic
system (blood forming organs). Laboratory
mice have been shown to be highly sensitive to
1,3-butadiene, including the endpoints of cancer,
developmental toxicity (effects on the developing
fetus) and injury to reproductive organs. The
relevance of the findings in mice to humans is
the subject of ongoing research by numerous
investigators, including studies sponsored by the
American Chemistry Council’s Olefins Panel. For
more information concerning potential chronic
hazards from exposure to 1,3-butadiene, contact
your supplier.
Table 2.1: 1,3-Butadiene Carcinogenicity Classifications
Organization Classification
International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC)
Group 1 – Carcinogenic to Humans
Environmental Protection Agency
Carcinogenic to Humans by Inhalation
National Toxicology Program (NTP) Known Human Carcinogen
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Carcinogen, with No Further Categorization
American Conference on
Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Group A2 – Suspected Human Carcinogen
Revised 11/22/16
4-Vinylcyclohexene Health Effects
4-Vinylcyclohexene (4-VCH) is a dimer of
1,3-butadiene and is normally present in butadiene.
It is generally controlled below the 500-1000 ppmw
level per product specifications. Studies in mice and
rats show that mice have greater sensitivity to 4-VCH
than rats, and are more efficient at converting 4-VCH
to toxic metabolites and less effective at eliminating
those toxic metabolites. Effects in mice include
uncommon ovarian tumors and other effects on the
ovaries and testes. Additional information about the
health effects of 4-VCH can be obtained from your
Potential Environmental Impacts of Spills or
1,3-Butadiene is expected to rapidly volatilize into
the air from water or soil and is not expected to
be persistent in the air. The primary reaction for
butadiene in air is with photochemically produced
hydroxyl radicals – the estimated half-life is on the
order of a few hours. Other reactions with butadiene
that are expected to occur in the atmosphere are
with ozone and nitrate radicals. The atmospheric
half-life of 1,3-butadiene with ozone has been
estimated at a few hours to a few days. No data are
available on aquatic toxicity due to the high volatility
and low water solubility of 1,3-butadiene. Water
concentrations are not expected to be significant.
Regulations may exist that govern the manufacture,
sale, transportation, use, and/or disposal of
butadiene. These regulations may vary by city,
state, country, or geographic region. For additional
information, contact your supplier, consult your
suppliers Safety Data Sheet (SDS), or consult with
the appropriate regulatory agency or your legal
Any person who comes into contact with butadiene
should be trained in proper handling and safety
per applicable federal, state and local laws and
Personal Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protection should be used in
accordance with company and applicable
regulatory requirements.
OSHAs 1,3-butadiene standard requires
engineering controls and work practices that
comply with the OSHA PELs unless infeasible or
work operations are non-routine. Engineering
controls and work practices which are not sufficient
to reduce exposures below the PELs should remain
in place to reduce employee exposure to the
lowest level achievable. Respiratory protection
should be used to supplement the engineering
controls and work practices. Table 4.1 details the
minimum requirements for respiratory protection
for airborne butadiene as contained in OSHAs
1,3-Butadiene Standard.
Persons should not be assigned to tasks requiring
the use of respirators unless it has been
determined they are physically able to perform the
work and are trained to use the equipment.
Chemical Protective Clothing
The purpose of chemical protective clothing (CPC)
is to prevent contact with chemicals that can injure
or be absorbed through the skin. As indicated in
Part II of this manual, skin contact with liquefied
butadiene may result in frostbite.
The level of protection selected should be based
on the potential butadiene concentration and
likelihood of contact. It could range from no CPC
being required, such as when butadiene is handled
in closed systems and there is no personnel
exposure, to fully encapsulating suits with
supplied-air respirators in certain spill situations.
To assist in the selection of CPC, Table 4.2 contains
butadiene permeation test results for many of the
most common CPC materials. Although the data
in the table has been compiled from published
sources, it has not been independently verified.
The table should not be considered a complete
list of all permeation test data for materials with
1,3-butadiene. When selecting specific products,
the material manufacturer should be contacted.
In addition to permeation properties, thermal
insulating properties for protection against
frostbite may be a consideration in CPC material
Table 4.1: Minimum Requirement for Respiratory Protection for Airborne Butadiene
(29 CFR § 1910.1051(h)(3)(i))
Concentration of Airborne
Butadiene (ppm)
Minimum Required Respirator or Condition of Use
Less than or equal to 5 ppm
(5 times PEL)
(a) Air-purifying half mask or full facepiece respirator equipped with
approved BD or organic vapor cartridges or canisters. Cartridges or
canisters shall be replaced every 4 hours.
Less than or equal to 10 ppm
(10 times PEL)
(a) Air-purifying half mask or full facepiece respirator equipped with
approved BD or organic vapor cartridges or canisters. Cartridges or
canisters shall be replaced every 3 hours.
Less than or equal to 25 ppm
(25 PEL)
(a) Air-purifying full facepiece respirator equipped with times
approved BD or organic vapor cartridges or canisters. Cartridges or
canisters shall be replaced every 2 hours.
(b) Any powered air-purifying respirator equipped with approved BD
or organic vapor cartridges. PAPR cartridges shall be replaced every
2 hours.
(c) Continuous flow supplied air respirator equipped with a hood or
Less than or equal to 50 ppm
(50 PEL)
(a) Air-purifying full facepiece respirator equipped with times
approved BD or organic vapor cartridges or canisters. Cartridges or
canisters shall be replaced every (1) hour.
(b) Powered air-purifying respirator equipped with a tight-fitting
facepiece and an approved BD or organic vapor cartridges. PAPR
cartridges shall be replaced every (1) hour.
Less than or equal to 1,000 ppm
(1,000 times PEL)
(a) Supplied air respirator equipped with a half mask or full facepiece
operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.
Greater than 1,000 ppm or
unknown concentration or
(a) Self-contained breathing apparatus equipped with a full facepiece
and operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.
(b) Any supplied respiratory equipment with full facepiece and
operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode in
combination with an auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus
operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.
Escape from Immediately
Dangerous Life or Health (IDLH)
(a) Any positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus to
with an appropriate service life. (b) A air-purifying full facepiece
respirator equipped with a front or back mounted BD or organic vapor
Notes: Respirators approved for use in higher concentrations are permitted to be used in lower concentrations. Full face piece is required when
eye irritation is anticipated.
Table 4.2: Summary of Permeation Test Data for 1,3-Butadiene
Resistant Material
Breakthrough Time
Permeation Rate
Butyl >8.00 N/A
.07 cm
Natural Rubber <0.02 637.27 .02 cm
Neoprene 0.78 1.80 .05 cm
PVC <0.02 126.25 .02 cm
BR 8.00 <.02 18 mils
TK 8.00 <.07 25 mils
EVO >24.00 <.03 2 mils
Eye and Face Protection
Appropriate eye and face protection may be
necessary to prevent contact with butadiene. A
hazard assessment conducted in accordance with
the requirements of the OSHA standard for Personal
Protective Equipment (29 CFR § 1910.132) can help
to determine the level of protection necessary.
Further information may be obtained from OSHAs
general requirements section of their Eye and Face
Protection Standard (29 CFR § 1910.133).
Protective eye/face devices purchased after July
5, 1994, must comply with ANSI Z87.1-1989. If
purchased on or before July 5, 1994, protective
devices should at least comply with ANSI Z87.1-1968.
Exposure Monitoring
A number of methods are available for monitoring
employee exposures to 1,3-butadiene. The following
information addresses some of these methods.
Please note that this section is not intended to be
a complete review and evaluation of 1,3-butadiene
sampling and analytical methods. The employer is
responsible for assuring the accuracy and precision
of a method relevant to the unique conditions of
the specific workplace, no matter which method is
chosen. For more information contact your supplier.
Charcoal Tube Methods
Most of the exposure monitoring methods for
butadiene involve the use of charcoal tubes with
sampling pumps, followed by analysis of the samples
using gas chromatography (GC). Differences between
methods may include: treated or untreated charcoal
tubes; sampling rates; the use of different desorbing
solvents; and variations in analytical equipment.
Both OSHA Method No. 56, which is located in
Appendix D of OSHAs 1,3-Butadiene Standard, and
NIOSH Method 1024 are charcoal tube methods
specifically designed for butadiene monitoring.
Passive Monitors
Passive dosimeter badges are available for
monitoring airborne concentrations of butadiene.
These badges often involve the diffusion of air across
a barrier film where the butadiene collects onto a
charcoal sorbent. It is desorbed with a solvent and
then analyzed by methods similar to that described
for charcoal tubes. For information regarding
the use of these badges for monitoring butadiene,
including potential limitations, contact the badge
A second type of passive monitoring device available
for butadiene sampling is a passive diffusion tube.
This is a colorimetric method whereby the butadiene
Chemical Protective Clothing, 2nd Edition, American Industrial Hygienist Association, 2003.
Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing, 5th Edition, Forsberg, K., Van den Borre, A., Henry, N., and J. Zeigler
Permeation Guide for DuPont™ Tychem
Protective Fabrics, 2004. http://www2.dupont.com/Personal_Protection/en_US/assets/downloads/
ASTM F739-12e1, Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of Continuous
Contact, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012. http://www.astm.org/cgi-bin/resolver.cgi?F739
N/A = Not Available
concentration is able to be read directly by the length
of the color stain in the pre-calibrated tube. One
potential concern with the use of these tubes is that
the limit of detection for an 8-hour exposure may be
slightly above workplace exposure limits (e.g. OSHA
Direct Reading, Portable Instruments
There are portable instruments utilizing flame
ionization or photoionization detectors that can
be used to measure butadiene in low- to sub-ppm
concentrations. One potential concern is that
these instruments will respond to a wide range of
hydrocarbons. As a result, they are non- specific
for butadiene and can be affected by the presence of
other hydrocarbons.
Detector Tubes
A number of companies manufacture detector tubes
for use with volumetric pumps to measure butadiene
concentrations. These colorimetric indicating
tubes provide a direct reading of the butadiene
concentration. A specified amount of air is drawn
through the tube, and the butadiene present in the
air reacts with the solid sorbent to produce a color
change whose length is directly proportional to the
butadiene concentration.
A potential concern with the use of these detector
tubes is that the limit of detection for these tubes
may be slightly above the applicable workplace
exposure limits (e.g. OSHA PELs).
Interferences and sampling time are other issues
which need to be considered with the use of
colorimetric detector tubes. Chemical substances
which may interfere with these tubes include carbon
monoxide, butane, butylene, ethylene, hydrogen,
hydrogen sulfide, propane and propylene. The
presence of these chemicals may cause false
positive results. With respect to sampling time,
current colorimetric tubes require a long sampling
period (up to 32 minutes) when analyzing for low
levels of butadiene.
Colorimetric detector tubes are therefore not
generally appropriate for sampling to confirm
compliance with worker exposure limits.
Gas Chromatography (GC)
As noted above, the presence of other hydrocarbons
or certain gases may significantly interfere with
readings obtained by butadiene detector tubes or
other direct-reading hydrocarbon analyzers. Where
that occurs, a GC method may be a desirable option.
Portable GCs may be taken to the field for direct on-
site measurements. Alternatively, a sample of air
may be collected in a syringe, bag or summa canister
(EPA TL-14 method); the sample can then be injected
into a GC for analysis.
Transport of Butadiene
Liquefied butadiene is shipped by pipelines, ships,
barges, rail tank cars, tank trucks and bulk liquid
containers. Transported butadiene is required to be
inhibited and the current industry- wide recognized
inhibitor is tertiary butyl catechol (TBC). Also, to
minimize the formation of peroxides in butadiene
during shipping and handling, the oxygen level in the
vapor space of loaded equipment is not to exceed
1000 ppm.
For assistance in any transportation emergency
or if a potentially dangerous or problem situation
might occur, contact your supplier and/or applicable
emergency response agency.
Transport by Rail Tank Cars
Liquefied butadiene is shipped in pressurized
rail tank cars. These tank cars are loaded and
unloaded from the top and usually can contain about
30,000 gallons of product. The top of the tank car
is equipped with a pressure head assembly and
protective housing. Table 4.3 lists items mounted on
the pressure head assembly.
Table 4.3: Items Mounted on the Pressure Head Assembly
Two Liquid Eduction Valves connected to separate liquid eduction pipes that extend to the bottom of the
tank. Either valve may be used to unload product.
A Vapor Line that is used primarily to vent the rail tank car back to the storage tank or a flare. It also can
be used to pressure the product out of the rail tank car with compressed product vapors or nitrogen.
United States government regulations prohibit the use of air as a pressuring medium.
A Sampling Valve that is used for sampling liquid from the bottom of the rail tank car.
A Safety Valve for flammable gases such as butadiene is typically set at 75 percent of the rail tank car
shell test pressure.
A Thermometer Well that is sealed at the bottom and is approximately 60 inches long. It is filled with
ethylene glycol for more accurate readings upon insertion of the thermometer.
A Gauging Device which may be either a slip-tube gauging device which extends approximately halfway
into the tank and is covered by a protective housing, or a non-venting gauging device. A non-venting
gauging device is commonly used, especially for butadiene, and is required by regulations in some
Feed lines to the liquid eduction valves, the vapor valve and the sampling valve are each fitted with an
excess-flow check valve that automatically closes when the product flow rate becomes too high. These
check valves are safety devices which help to reduce a product release from accidental opening of the
unloading lines or any other part of the unloading system. Also see item 18 under Rail Tank Car Unloading
Procedures, below.
Close-up of typical LPG tank car dome, showing
liquid and vapor connections and magnetic level
Rail Tank Car Unloading Procedures
Appropriate procedures will help to minimize
employee exposure and environmental releases
during unloading of butadiene from rail
cars. Companies should evaluate the specific
circumstances of their rail car unloading facilities to
develop appropriate procedures. See Table 4.4 for
one example of a rail tank car unloading procedure.
Typical butadiene rail tank car loading, showing
liquid vapor connections. Magnetic gauge stick
is visible.
Table 4.4: An Example Rail Tank Car Unloading Procedure
1. Select track or siding that is as level as possible for unloading. Provide protection for the open end of
the track or siding, such as a gate, a switch, or a derail.
2. Place regulation caution signs between the rail tank cars and the switch, 25 feet from the rail tank
car, if possible.
3. If the siding is open at both ends, place a caution sign at each end. Keep these signs in place until the
rail tank car is emptied and disconnected.
4. After the rail tank cars are spotted on the siding, set the hand brakes, chock or block the wheels, and
set appropriate flags or approved warning lights at an appropriate place. The flags also are called
blue flags and they state either "STOP Men at Work" or "STOP Tank Car Connected." The word STOP
is comprised of four (4) inch letters and the rest of the words use two (2) inch white letters on blue
5. Completely ground and bond rail tank cars and unloading equipment to prevent the risk of explosion
due to static electricity accumulation. Safeguards can be installed to prevent the unloading operation
from starting until a positive grounding connection has been made using simple electrical circuit
6. Keep the rail tank car unloading area clear of any possible ignition sources (permit only explosion-
proof electrical apparatus).
7. Rail tank car safety valves should not be tampered with or adjusted by unauthorized personnel.
Before starting the unloading operation, check for evidence of tampering with the safety valves or
removal of the rail tank car seals. Where evidence of damage or tampering exists, notify the railroad
and consult an expert in the rail tank car design and/or operating procedures prior to unloading.
8. Check the rail tank car number, contents and net volume against the bill of lading. Report any rail tank
car number, contents or significant net volume discrepancy to the supplier before unloading is begun.
9. For more accurate measurement, before the quantity is gauged, the rail tank car should be stationary
for at least 15 minutes.
10. Equip each unloading area with a thermometer attached to a small chain for lowering into the rail
tank car's thermometer well.
11. Use the gauging device to determine the liquid level. The total volume of liquefied product in the tank
can then be determined from tables supplied by the supplier of the product or the rail tank car owner
or builder.
United States, 2010.
Guidelines for the Specification of Blue Safety Flags in Railroad Operations.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
13. Check that all connections for articulated arms and flexible hoses are tight before opening the
isolation valves to start the unloading operation. (Flange-type connections between the rail tank car
and the unloading arms and hoses reduce the risk of leakage. Screw-type connections are used by
some in the industry. “Quick- disconnect” connections may result in leakage.)
15. Liquefied butadiene may be transported from the rail tank car to storage by pumping or pressuring
the product from the rail tank car. For both unloading procedures, maintain a positive pressure in the
rail tank car, which can be accomplished by compression using:
A compressor located between the pressure storage tank vent line and rail tank car's vapor valve to
provide vapor pressure to transfer the product;
An inert gas, usually nitrogen, being fed into the rail tank car under pressure through the rail tank
cars vapor valve to transfer the product; or,
• Rail tank car vapor pressure to transfer the product.
16. NOTE: Tank car and storage facility must be bonded and grounded.
17. Unload rail tank cars using one eduction line only. (If both eduction lines are used simultaneously,
the excess-flow safety system may not provide protection in the event of accidental opening of the
unloading lines or any part of the unloading system.)
18. If too much flow causes an excess-flow check valve to close, close the rail tank car liquid transfer
valve. When the sound of the excess-flow valve's opening is heard and after an inspection has been
made to ensure the integrity of the unloading system, the rail tank car liquid transfer valve can be
slowly reopened. If the procedure just described does not succeed in reopening the excess-flow
valve, contact the supplier.
19. During winter, for shipments of product which could contain water in amounts sufficient to freeze and
restrict unloading operations, the supplier, with the customer's consent, may add small quantities of
antifreeze, such as ethylene glycol or isopropyl alcohol.
20. To keep air out of the rail tank car during handling and return to the supplier, maintain a positive
vapor pressure of five psig minimum in the rail tank car at all times.
21. Before returning the rail tank car to the railroad, verify that the rail tank car meets all the regulatory
requirements. Notify the supplier of any damage to the rail tank car or any improperly operating
rail tank car equipment. Also make the supplier aware of the overall appearance of the tank car,
especially if in poor condition.
Transport by Tank Trucks
Tank trucks used for transporting liquefied
butadiene are equipped with many of the same
safety features found on rail tank cars. A principal
difference is that the vapor and liquid eduction valves
usually on tank trucks are located on the bottom of
the tank. Tank trucks are often equipped with self-
unloading pumps.
The safety precautions to be used for loading and
unloading tank trucks are similar to those for rail
tank cars. Each user should develop a tank truck
unloading procedure based on the site layout and all
appropriate regulations or standards.
Transport by Marine Vessels
Butadiene barge loading.
Liquefied butadiene can be transported safely in gas
carriers (ships), barges and pressurized containers
for ocean, inland waterway, and coastal shipments.
Vessels are specially equipped to carry liquefied
gases and typically operate in dedicated service, with
limited tonnage available on a spot basis. For small
quantities, pressurized containers may be used.
Vessels and marine facilities shipping butadiene in
bulk are regulated by the U.S. Coast Guard. Shipping
of butadiene in containers is regulated by the
Department of Transportation (DOT).
The product handling facilities used for loading and
unloading should be compatible with the vessel
design and product operating conditions. Tank
barges are typically uninsulated and not equipped
for reliquefication or pumping. Spray loading is
commonly used with tank barges to maximize
loading rate and eliminate venting; product is then
pressured off with gas or product vapor supplied
by the unloading facility. Gas carriers are typically
insulated and equipped for reliquefication and
Marine shipments must be inhibited and a
certificate of inhibition may be required for gas
carrier shipments (see 46 CFR § 154.1818 for ships
and 46 CFR §§ 151.50-70 for barges). Many of the
same precautions identified for rail shipments are
applicable to vessel shipments. Inspection of the
equipment before a shipment will help ensure that
no defects in safety systems, tanks and valves, or
loading and unloading systems are present. As
with tank cars, loading and unloading should be
controlled in such a way to minimize employee
exposure and environmental releases.
Marine loading arm end fitting, showing emergency
isolation and disconnect system. Larger arm is
liquid; smaller arm is vapor return.
Transport by Bulk Liquid Containers
Bulk liquid containers or ISO tanks can be shipped by
truck, railroad or marine carriers and are used for
domestic and export/import shipments of less than
tank truck quantities.
Loading, unloading and shipping of butadiene by
bulk liquid containers/ISO-containers should be
done only after careful review and requires special
handling equipment and procedures. Each user
should develop an unloading procedure based on
the site layout and all appropriate regulations and
standards. Consideration of routing and tracking of
shipments may be advisable.
Transport by Pipeline
Butadiene is also shipped via pipeline. The DOT
regulates the transport by pipeline (see 49 CFR Parts
There are a number of measures taken to ensure
that the product gets safely to the customer through
the pipeline. The primary measure employed is a
“line integrity meter.” The pipelines are continuously
monitored by control centers that are staffed
24-hours a day. Any discrepancy in terms of the
amount entering the pipeline and the amount exiting
the pipeline is investigated.
Each operation should have a patrol program to
observe surface conditions on or adjacent to the
transmission line right-of-way for indications of
leaks, construction activity, and other factors
affecting safety and operations (see 49 CFR §
192.705). One sign of a leak can be dead vegetation
in the immediate area.
The frequency of patrols is determined by the size of
the line, the operating pressures, the class, location,
terrain, weather, and other relevant factors, but
intervals between patrols may not be longer than
prescribed by DOT regulations. In certain areas,
the frequency of these patrols may be once a week
instead of every two weeks.
Methods of patrolling include walking, driving, flying,
or other appropriate means of traversing the right-
Pipeline markers containing the name of the
contents of the pipeline and a 24-hour emergency
number to call are located at periodic intervals along
the pipeline and at all road and stream crossings.
If any digging is to be done near the pipelines,
notification via the listed number on the pipeline
marker is required. This will enable an individual
to be dispatched to identify the exact location of the
Cleaning, Inspection & Repair of Transport
Cleaning, inspection or repair of ships, barges, rail
tank cars, tank trucks and bulk liquid containers
should be performed by qualified personnel
specializing in these operations.
Piping, Fittings and Valves
National codes and standards have been developed
for piping and fittings, such as the ANSI B31.3 Code
for Pressure Piping. Consider using welds and
flanges to join pipe sections, as screwed connections
increase the risk of leakage and fugitive emissions
from these types of connections. Consider whether
the piping and component materials, including valve
seats, valve packing and gaskets, are compatible
with the chemical that is being handled. For
example, packing materials made with
polytetrafluoroethylene are not compatible because
1,3-butadiene can absorb and swell the packing.
Close-up of end of loading arm fittings, showing valving that
allows purging prior to disconnecting, threaded fitting for
connection to tank car valve and bonding wire around
loading arm swivel joints.
Articulated arms are generally used for loading and
unloading of transport equipment. If flexible hoses
are utilized, a rating used is that they have a bursting
pressure at least equal to five times the vapor
pressure of the product at 100°F.
Flexible hoses are a potential source of leaking or
failure. The design should consider any potential
tension, torsion, bending or other stress that
could damage the articulated arm or flexible hose.
Rough handling or bending during operation of the
articulated arm or flexible hoses can damage these
arms and hoses. When not in use, it is important
that flexible hoses not be left under pressure.
Articulated arms and flexible hoses should be
inspected frequently, and upon any evidence of
damage, immediate tested and/or replaced.
Flange-type connections between the transport
equipment and the unloading arms and hoses reduce
the risk of leakage. Screw-type connections are used
by some in the industry. Butadiene’s vapor pressure
can disturb the proper operation of the spring
connection in “quick-disconnect” connections.
Gate valves or fire-safe ball valves can be used in
this type of service. Soft-seated valves can minimize
leakage, but all valves should be rated fire- safe.
The fire-safe feature provides metal seat backup
for the valve stem seal. Cast iron and non-ferrous
valves or fittings have been noted to be unacceptable
in this type of service.
To provide for isolation in an
emergency, general practice is to locate valves as
close to the storage facilities as possible.
Pipelines which can be blocked in by closing isolation
valves at each end should be protected from over-
pressure. Liquid thermal expansion relief valves can
be used to provide this protection. Larger pressure-
relief devices may be necessary to protect the
pipeline to its design pressure.
Storage of Butadiene
Storage facilities for light hydrocarbons are highly
specialized. Competent engineering firms should be
employed for their design. The following information
and the information shown in “PART IV – Handling,
Transport and Storage Information: Handling, Safety,
Health and Toxicity Data” and in “Prevention/Control
of Undesirable Reactions,” represent some of the
factors that should be addressed for storage of
butadiene. Many factors discussed in this section
and in “PART IV – Handling, Transport and Storage
Information: Handling, Safety, Health and Toxicity
Data” are required by applicable regulations, while
other factors represent common industry practices.
For additional information, consult your supplier or a
competent engineer.
ASME B31.3-2016. Process Piping.
Table 4.5: Items to Consider in Developing a Storage System for Butadiene
1. Carefully select the site, giving consideration to property lines, buildings, adjacent operations and
possible sources of ignition.
2. Verify that all vessels to be used for the storage and handling of liquefied diolefins meet recognized
code requirements, such as the ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels, or API Standard 620 of
Recommended Rules for the Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks.
3. Design vessels and pipes to prevent the possibility of brittle fracture. Verified notch-tough carbon
steels or alloy steels should be chosen to comply with national code requirements, such as ASME-,
API-, or ANSI-required toughness at the minimum possible operating temperature.
4. Verify that supports for vessels are of the quality of solid masonry, concrete or steel. If steel is used,
protect against fire exposure.
5. Electrically connect all parts of the storage system to one another and to a common ground in a way
that will prevent the accumulation of static electrical charges.
6. Enclose the storage vessel within fire banks capable of retaining 100 percent of the vessel's volume.
Verify that there is no opening in the fire bank.
7. Verify that the maximum pressure relief valve setting for a vessel is not greater than the vessel
design pressure.
8. Connect pressure relief valves to a burning stack or flare system provided with a positive means of
ignition. Consider OSHA and EPA requirements and all other applicable regulations.
9. Use totally enclosed gauging devices.
10. Remove air when new equipment is placed in service, or existing equipment is returned to service
after it has been opened for inspection or repair. This can be accomplished by filling the tanks and
lines with water, then completely displacing the water with inert gas or with vapors of the liquid
product to be stored. A practical alternative is to displace the air by a thorough purging of the
equipment directly with inert gas when water is not readily available or it is impractical to use water,
such as in freezing conditions or if the vessel is not designed for the weight of the water. Targets for
residual oxygen concentrations should be as low as possible. Producers recommend that oxygen
concentration does not exceed 1000 ppm before placing equipment back into butadiene service.
Please contact your individual supplier for specific requirements. The oxygen removal step can
usually be integrated with the pressure testing of the vessel. Your individual supplier should be
contacted for specific requirements.
Storage System Design and Operations
Table 4.5 lists items to consider in developing a storage system for butadiene.
Additional Considerations for Design and
Operation of Pressure Storage
In filling any pressure vessel, including sample
cylinders, with liquefied butadiene, proper outage
or allowance should be maintained to allow for the
thermal expansion of the liquid. The percentage
of the total capacity of a given container which may
be used varies with the specific gravity of the liquid
to be stored. If no provision is made for thermal
expansion and the temperature rises, there may be
liquid leakage through the pressure relief valve and
a subsequent fire hazard.
Small portable containers and sample cylinders
containing hydrocarbons such as 1,3-butadiene
should be stored and handled outdoors or in properly
constructed and ventilated indoor facilities. The
storage or handling site should not be near any
sources of heat or ignition, such as steam pipes. Any
electrical equipment nearby should be explosion-
Additional Considerations for Design and
Operation of Refrigerated Storage
Refrigerated storage tanks can be designed for
operating pressures as low as one (1) psig, while
spheres, spheroids and bullets may be used for
storage at higher pressures.
In order to maintain low vapor pressures, the
stored liquefied product normally is cooled by auto-
refrigeration or an external refrigeration unit.
Single-wall refrigerated tanks have the insulation
attached to the outside of the tank. Double- wall
tanks, used for low-boiling hydrocarbons such as
propylene, have the insulation between the two
walls. The outer wall of double tanks usually is not
designed for the containment of any liquid.
The insulation used to fill the between-walls space
should be a non-combustible material that resists
absorption of liquid hydrocarbon.
The area between the two walls contains
hydrocarbon vapor or nitrogen, depending on the
design of the storage vessel. If nitrogen is provided
between the two walls, the minimum pressure
should be kept above atmospheric pressure to
reduce the possibility of a leak.
Both inner and/or outer tanks should be protected
against over-pressure, under-pressure and over-
filling by means such as a reliable level-indicating
device, an independent high-level alarm and a high-
level cutoff.
In the case of power failure, all electrical pumps
and compressors stop. The pressure buildup due to
heat transfer into the vessel while the compressor is
shut down should ordinarily be quite small. If made
necessary by an extended power failure, however,
vapors from the tank should be incinerated as
described in Table 4.5, item 8.
Handling, Safety, Health and Toxicity
Butadiene liquid or vapor in high concentrations
can potentially result in safety and health risks to
workers through immediate or long-term exposure.
The safety hazards, the industrial health risks and
exposure limits for butadiene are often updated or
modified through studies and regulatory changes.
Standards frequently vary from country to country.
The flammability and explosion risks of butadiene
are widely recognized and well documented. The
industrial health and toxicity risks associated with
hydrocarbon releases are constantly being evaluated
and are therefore subject to change. For more
detailed information regarding safety, health and/or
toxicity data for 1,3-butadiene, refer to appropriate
sections of this manual and your suppliers Safety
Data Sheet (SDS) for butadiene.
OSHA regulations (29 CFR § 1910.1200(g)) require
all butadiene manufacturers to provide customers
with the latest Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for butadiene.
The regulations require that the SDS be routinely
updated to correspond to recent changes in safety
practices, and new environmental regulations,
industrial health laws and formal guidelines for
worker exposure limits (29 CFR § 1910.1200(g)
(5)). The SDS also can be used to notify users of
applicable regulations. Users should disseminate
such information in accordance with OSHA
regulations to give warning of possible hazards to all
appropriate persons.
In general terms, these documents contain physical
data on the product, information for safety and
emergency situations, recommended procedures
for immediate medical treatment, identification of
fire and explosion hazards, and current occupational
health, exposure and protection guidelines.
Consult the supplier’s SDS for specific
recommendations on handling 1,3-butadiene under
regular operations and in emergencies. Supervisory
and operating staff must have access to the SDS and
receive training on hazardous chemicals in their
work area (29 CFR § 1910.1200(h)).
Safe Handling and Disposal of Samples
Care must be taken in the handling and disposal of
laboratory-sized and larger samples of diolefins.
The potential for peroxide formation exists, even in
small quantities of butadiene, and the risks increase
with time (See “Butadiene Peroxide Formation”
section). Laboratory and sample storage facilities
should be appropriate for the associated risks. Test
and handling procedures should be clear and the
laboratory and operating personnel well trained.
Samples should not be stored at ambient
temperatures for periods of more than two weeks,
after which peroxide formation may reach dangerous
levels (see “Butadiene Peroxide Formation” section).
A safe method for in-plant disposal is controlled
incineration, at a remote site and with remote control
of the ignition source to protect personnel and
property. The presence of peroxides increases the
potential for an explosion.
Where disposal of large quantities is involved, a
competent specialist should be consulted. There are
several chemical disposal companies specializing in
the safe transportation and disposal of hazardous
materials. These companies have the proper
equipment and trained personnel to handle the
disposal safely.
Typical 300cc sample cylinder used for butadiene.
Emission Sources and Controls
Butadiene is normally stored under pressure as a
liquefied or compressed gas. It is transported by
railroad in tank cars, by roadway in tank trucks, and
by water in barges and ocean vessels. Butadiene
may be released during manufacture, storage, and
use due to process vents, coupling and decoupling
activities, mechanical failure of a pump seal, valve
pack, pipe connection, or gasket. These (fugitive)
emissions are the most common form of industrial
release. Releases of this type are regulated and
controlled by federal and state rules as well as
operating permits. The applicable regulations
require frequent monitoring and repair of leaking
components within a specified period of time.
Butadiene may leak from piping at points where
the integrity of pipeline sealing is compromised.
Such losses can be minimized by the use of suitable
packing materials and pump sealing technology.
Butadiene emission reduction activities that have
been planned, completed or are in progress at some
sites include those listed below. These are provided
as examples of the various ways that butadiene
releases can be further reduced. More aggressive
fugitive emission monitoring programs can include:
Leak detection and repair (LDAR) program for
valves, pumps and flanges.
Pump seal replacement (design changed to
double seals).
Analyzer replacement (fewer connections).
Analyzer vents to closed systems (flare).
Rupture disks under relief valves.
Equipment safeguarding (process changes to
better control pressure).
Closed gauging on tanks, barges, rail cars.
Closed loop sampling systems.
Reduced butadiene flaring via improved
source control (flares are not 100% efficient
combustors of butadiene).
Prevention/Control of Undesired
There are several undesired reactions involving
1,3-butadiene that can occur during manufacture,
storage, handling, distribution and use. This section
will address:
Butadiene peroxide formation;
Popcorn polymer formation;
Rubber (or plastic) polymer formation;
Reaction from butadiene overcharge; and
Butadiene incompatibilities.
Butadiene Peroxide Formation
Butadiene and oxygen readily react to form
thermally unstable butadiene peroxide. (The
oxygen source can be either air or oxidizing agents.)
Butadiene peroxides are extremely dangerous,
particularly when concentrated and heated.
Butadiene peroxide is comprised of C4H6- and
oxygen (-O-O-) units. This material is a viscous,
oily liquid that is heavier (denser) than liquid
butadiene. These peroxides are explosive, sensitive
to heat and can initiate rapid polymerization. When
concentrated, a fire or explosion can occur as a
result of attaining a critical mass of these peroxides.
Mechanical shock can also result in the explosive
decomposition of these peroxides.
The peroxide is only slightly soluble in liquid
butadiene, and can drop out and form a second
liquid phase under the liquid butadiene. They have
a solubility limit in butadiene in the range of 120-125
ppm but the solubility is dependent on the molecular
weight of the peroxides. As the peroxides age, the
molecular weight tends to increase and the solubility
in butadiene tends to decrease. Also, as they phase
separate from the butadiene, the peroxides tend
to accumulate in process low-spots since they
are denser and only slightly soluble in the liquid
butadiene. As a result, analysis of peroxides in the
butadiene phase will not account for those peroxides
that have already phase separated and collected in
low spots in the storage/piping network.
Butadiene peroxide is believed to play a primary
role in the formation of butadiene popcorn polymer.
Once this material starts to form, the polymer
can continue to build up until it exerts enough
mechanical pressure to rupture equipment.
Butadiene peroxide can also catalyze the formation
of rubber (plastic) polymer. Such polymers tend to
lay down on column trays or heat transfer surfaces,
causing premature shutdowns for cleaning.
(Popcorn and rubber polymers are addressed in
detail below.)
Peroxide formation is
prevented by the exclusion of air (oxygen) from
process equipment, pipelines, storage tanks, rail
cars, tank trucks, etc. Additionally, inhibitors
such as tertiary butyl catechol (TBC) and
diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA) are used to scavenge
oxygen and free radicals that are formed, for
example, as a result of the peroxide decomposition
reaction. Proprietary inhibitors for oxygen and free
radical scavenging sold by specialty chemical companies
are also available.
Typical TBC concentrations for tank trucks, rail cars, barges
and ocean ships are in the 25-150 ppm range and 10-30 ppm
TBC for pipeline movements. Since TBC is consumed in the
inhibition reaction, periodic analysis for peroxide and
inhibitor concentration is conducted.
Many inhibitors protect only the liquefied butadiene in
which they are dissolved; TBC is effective only in the liquid
phase due to its low volatility relative to butadiene. The
TBC/free radical reaction does not seem to be
temperature dependent. Low-volatility inhibitors have no
influence on butadiene in contact with oxygen in the vapor
phase. Therefore, oxygen in the vapor space of storage
and transport vessels should be minimized. Typical
industry specifications are for the oxygen content in the
vapor space not to exceed 0.1%v and the peroxide level in
the liquid phase not to exceed 5 ppmw (see Table 1.5).
Equipment design that minimizes low spots in the process will
reduce the risk associated with phase separation and
accumulation of butadiene peroxides. When low spots cannot
be avoided, installation of low point bleeds can facilitate phase
rejection. Lines and equipment in butadiene service are
cleaned and inspected during regular maintenance cycles.
In general, dead legs and infrequently used lines should be
avoided. Piping should be routinely inspected for popcorn
polymer plugging.
How to manage popcorn polymer in a unit is a highly technical
question entirely dependent on the conditions of the facility
and will vary from process to process. Facility-specific
process safety documents should be consulted and/or
developed and implemented to prevent and control popcorn
polymer formation.
Should peroxides be detected in a butadiene storage
vessel, additional inhibitor can be added to counteract
them and reduce the growth rate. Strong caustic solutions
will destroy peroxides; however, the caustic will react with
any TBC and form a salt which will render it ineffective.
Additional Considerations for Tertiary Butyl
Catechol (TBC) Use:
TBC is typically used as an
inhibitor for butadiene.
TBC will plate out and form a film on new or clean
storage or transport vessels. After a film is formed,
very little TBC will plate out in this manner. TBC can
also react with iron rust to form a purple TBC-Iron
complex which will also deactivate the TBC.
As oxygen in the liquefied butadiene converts to
peroxides, and the peroxides break apart to form
free radicals, the TBC reacts to scavenge these free
The TBC-free radical reaction does not seem to be
temperature-dependent, and therefore temperature
is not thought to be an important factor regarding
TBC consumption. However, at cold temperatures
there is greater risk of condensation of product
vapors in closed vessels, creating a vacuum, which
would increase the risk of oxygen intrusion into the
Many improvements in the use of TBC have been
made over the past five to ten years, such as:
TBC is stored under a nitrogen blanket in
stainless steel containers to maintain its
The accuracy of the tests for oxygen, TBC and
peroxides all have been improved.
Improvements in equipment and procedures
have increased control of the quantity of TBC
added to the product.
Oxygen in the vapor space of tanks and
transportation equipment has been reduced
Approximately five (5) ppmw of TBC is required to
neutralize the peroxide formed by one (1) ppmw
Additional inhibitor may be required during storage
or transport, depending upon length of storage
period, frequency of contact with air, and other
Considering these factors, butadiene inventories
should be analyzed for the quantities of active
inhibitor and peroxide present in solution, and
oxygen in the vapor space. Depleted oxygen may
indicate peroxide formation. The frequency of
these tests will depend on how often the storage
is disturbed (by filling or emptying, for example)
and the rate at which the inhibitor is depleted. At
present, TBC inhibitor levels may be monitored using
the total TBC method, ASTM D 1157. If uninhibited
butadiene is used for any purpose, consider
conducting tests for peroxides frequently (e.g., daily).
For rail tank car quantities, consider testing storage
tanks once a week at the beginning of operations
until a routine test program is formulated to
meet local experience and conditions. Consider
frequent or continuous monitoring and recording of
temperature and pressure in storage tanks.
In the United States and many other countries,
regulations require that butadiene be inhibited
during shipment. The shipper should ensure
compliance with all appropriate regulations.
If necessary for the user’s processing, inhibitor(s)
may be removed by distillation. TBC may also
be removed by caustic washing or by running the
butadiene through an alumina bed. Inhibitor- free
butadiene should be used at once, before peroxides
have a chance to form. If uninhibited butadiene
is used, consider conducting tests for peroxides
frequently (e.g. daily). Thoroughly clean any
equipment which has contained inhibited butadiene
periodically to remove accumulated polymer.
The inhibitor will partition into any water “heel”
present in a storage tank or vessel, since TBC has
an appreciable water solubility. Aqueous TBC
solutions are acidic and therefore corrosive. To
avoid corrosion, drain the water “bottoms” in the
tank routinely. Also consider coating the bottom of
the tank with a corrosion-resistant material. Note
that this partitioning of TBC removes some of the
antioxidant from the butadiene phase. Therefore, the
butadiene should be refortified with fresh TBC.
Conditions which result in excessive peroxide and
polymer formation may be extremely hazardous.
Popcorn polymer can absorb oxygen and form a
concentration of active free radicals. Heat generated
by the resulting accelerated polymer formation can
increase temperatures sufficiently to cause runaway
conditions that can result in a fire or explosion.
See the section on popcorn polymer for more
Monitor all system equipment periodically for the
presence of peroxides. Where an accumulation of
peroxides is known or suspected to exist, contact your
supplier for assistance in addressing this situation.
Proper safety precautions should be taken when
addressing known or suspected situations involving
butadiene and peroxides. An example of a method for
addressing an accumulation of peroxides is:
1. Use an aromatic naphtha or solvent, containing
an inhibitor such as TBC, to dissolve and dilute
the concentrated peroxides. Diluted solutions of
peroxide polymers are quite stable.
2. Withdraw and dispose of the hydrocarbon plus the
dissolved peroxides, preferably by incineration.
3. Flush the vessel or equipment with a second
portion of the hydrocarbon solvent, followed
by complete filling with water, which is then
heated gradually to 180°F. Note that a caustic
water solution is more effective in destroying the
peroxide, but prior to employing a basic solution
a review of metallurgical compatibility with base
solutions should be conducted.
4. Following this procedure, the equipment may be
steamed out.
5. SAFETY CAUTION: Direct steam heating of a
vessel or piping is not recommended if there is
any possibility that peroxides are still present.
Butadiene Popcorn Polymer Formation
Conjugated dienes like 1,3-butadiene, isoprene and
vinyl aromatics such as styrene all can form popcorn
polymer. This polymer can be similar in appearance
to cauliflower or popcorn, or it can take the form of
glassy, friable crystals; fluffy, needle-like crystals;
or hard, clear gel. In a confined space, the growth
of popcorn polymer can cause sufficient pressure
build-up to rupture pipes, condenser shells, valve
bodies and other metal parts.
All possible conditions leading to the formation of
butadiene popcorn polymer are not well understood,
but experience suggests that it is most likely to form in
equipment containing high concentrations of butadiene
(typically greater than 80%). However, high diene
concentration is not necessary for initiation, as popcorn
polymer has been found in columns and exchangers
in the product fractionation sections of olefins plants
where concentrations are typically much lower.
Popcorn polymer is most likely to form in vapor
spaces where the concentration of conjugated diene
is high. It can, however, also grow in the liquid
phase. Popcorn polymer does not need a seed of its
own to grow upon. Butadiene popcorn will grow on
isoprene popcorn seeds and vice versa, for example.
The oxygen that participates in the formation
of popcorn polymer usually comes from air or
peroxides. However, rust and water can enable it to
form even in the absence of air. Rust (iron oxides)
alone may even have some ability to initiate popcorn
polymer in the absence of water. Once formed,
popcorn polymer seeds can propagate on their own
due to internal stresses which generate new free
radical sites within the polymer matrix with which
more monomer can then react. Popcorn polymer
grows at a rate proportional to its mass (See Figure
4.1). Growth rate is a function of temperature.
Figure 4.1: Growth of Butadiene Popcorn Polymer at 140 °F
Inhibitors such as
hydroquinone, tertiary butyl catechol (TBC), certain
hydroxylamines, and mercaptans, as well as
proprietary inhibitors sold by specialty chemical
companies, can be used to reduce the growth rate
of popcorn polymer to very low levels. Sodium
nitrite has been used to passivate metal surfaces as
these surfaces can play a role in popcorn polymer
formation. The inhibitors are presumed to react
with the free radicals being generated. However,
these inhibitors do not permanently deactivate
polymerization, for when they are removed, the
polymer seed will eventually attain its former
uninhibited growth rate. Also it is important to
note that some inhibitors (e.g. TBC) are not volatile
enough to protect surfaces in the vapor space.
Popcorn polymer is so reactive that it may autoignite
when exposed to air (spontaneous combustion). A
common practice to prevent autoignition of air-
exposed popcorn polymer is to place the polymer
under water to prevent ignition and then incinerate.
This reaction is typically observed with popcorn
polymer pieces greater than two pounds (1 kilogram)
in size.
Thorough removal of popcorn polymer found in
equipment will minimize the potential for seeds
to initiate further growth when the equipment is
returned to service. Popcorn polymer is most often
removed by mechanical means, such as chipping or
hydroblasting. If the equipment can be safely and
conveniently exposed to high temperatures (e.g. heat
exchanger bundles), the polymer may be burned off
in an oven.
New equipment or equipment being returned to
service are purged to remove oxygen (see table 4.5)
and can be acid-cleaned and then treated with a hot
sodium nitrite solution (see safety notes for sodium
nitrite in table 4.7) to remove rust and “passivate”
the metal surface in order to reduce the tendency to
form diene polymers. Treating with amines will also
passivate the metal surface. Advanced passivation
procedures sold by specialty chemical companies
call for both metal passivation and popcorn
seed deactivation at start up. The popcorn seed
passivation is conducted with proprietary inhibitors.
Once back in service, adoption of procedures that
exclude oxygen from the process will minimize the
potential for initiating the growth of new popcorn
polymer seeds or forming butadiene peroxides.
For example, periodic, controlled venting of all
high points in vapor spaces will minimize oxygen
accumulation. Other preventive measures include
minimizing “dead” vapor spaces, keeping peroxide
levels low, and minimizing low points and “dead”
legs in the piping systems.
Butadiene Rubber (Plastic) Polymer
This auto-addition product is created by the
combination of many butadiene molecules to form
a series of high molecular weight molecules. The
reaction is accelerated by the presence of peroxides
and by increased temperature. In other words,
the growth rate of butadiene rubber (plastic)
polymer is a function of temperature and peroxide
concentration, as illustrated in Figure 4.2.
The polymer may “phase out” due to its low solubility
in butadiene and can cause difficulties during
process operations. It can coat surfaces in hotter
sections of the plant where butadiene concentrations
are highest. This polymer can also plug reboiler
tubes, foul trays, plug downcomers in columns and
coat pump impellers. Rubber (plastic) build-up in
critical areas can necessitate a shutdown.
Maintaining low temperatures
during storage and transportation of butadiene,
as well as preventing contact with oxygen, can
minimize the formation of rubber (plastic) polymer.
Minimization of contact with hot (high temperature)
surfaces also can minimize polymer formation.
The use of inhibitors such as tertiary butyl catechol
(TBC) can diminish the formation of rubber (plastic)
Figure 4.2: Effect of Benzoyl Peroxide and Temperature on Rate of “Rubber” Polymer
Dimerization of 1,3-butadiene occurs when
two butadiene molecules react to form
4-vinylcyclohexene, which also is referred to as
4-VCH. The reaction is a so called Diels-Alder
addition (see Figure 4.3). VCH is considered an
undesirable contaminant by butadiene consumers.
As indicated in the example of a 1,3-butadiene
product specification in Table 1.5, there may be
consumer requirements to control the dimer level at
the time of shipment.
Figure 4.3: Dimerization of 1,3-Butadiene
Two Butadiene Molecules React to Form
4-VCH is a clear, colorless-to-yellow liquid with
a strong, sweet aromatic odor which is very
evident at 0.5 ppm. 4-VCH boils at 264°F and has
a specific gravity of 0.826 at 77°F. It is miscible in
1,3-butadiene in all proportions where it appears to
undergo further polymerization. 4-VCH is classified
as a flammable liquid with a flash point of 61°F
(closed cup). For health information related to
4-VCH, refer to “PART II – Health and Environmental
Effects: 4-Vinylcyclohexene..
Dimer (4-VCH) formation is temperature and
concentration dependent. The lower the
temperature or butadiene concentration, the slower
the rate of dimer formation. Conversely, the higher
the temperature or concentration, the faster the rate
of dimer formation.
Being a Diels-Alder reaction type, the dimer
formation is not significantly affected by the
presence of peroxides, either naturally occurring or
manually introduced. Nor do steel surfaces affect
its formation. At present, there is no known inhibitor
for the butadiene dimer reaction. It is strictly a time/
temperature/concentration phenomenon. Table 4.6
details what the expected (calculated) formation
of butadiene dimer is in weight ppm at various
Table 4.6: Effect of Temperature on the Rate
of Dimer Formation
Weight ppm Butadiene
Dimerized Per Hour
40 ................................. 0.3
50.................................. 0.5
60 .................................. 1.0
70 .................................. 1.8
80.................................. 3.4
90 .................................. 6.3
100 .............................. 11.8
110 .............................. 22.0
120 .............................. 41.2
130 .............................. 77.1
140 ............................ 144.4
150 ............................ 270.3
To minimize dimer formation,
minimize transit and residence/storage times. As
illustrated in Table 4.6, storing butadiene at low
temperatures will also minimize the amount of dimer
Note, however, that shipping butadiene at low
temperatures can have a downside as well. The
vapor pressure of butadiene is much lower at lower
temperatures, which will increase the potential for
oxygen intrusion. Refer to the Butadiene Peroxide
Formation section above for additional information
regarding the potential impact that oxygen can have
on butadiene. Even though the presence of peroxides
has no effect on the ratio of dimer formation, it does
impact the formation of butadiene popcorn polymer
and rubber (plastic) polymer.
Dimer Removal:
Currently done via distillation.
Reaction from Butadiene Overcharge
Because of its inherent properties, 1,3-butadiene is
used in many polymerization reactions. As suppliers
of 1,3-butadiene, the members of the Panel do not
have a working knowledge of the chemistry involved
in the downstream manufacturing processes
utilizing butadiene. Therefore, we cannot predict
the precise consequences that could result from
abnormal conditions during these reactions. It is
very important that each manufacturer perform
a process safety review to determine the risks
involved and risk management practices to be used
in their process.
We are aware of one incident involving a
manufacturing process for styrene-butadiene block
copolymers. During the manufacture of these
products, an explosion and fire were caused by the
failure of a reactor vessel due to excessive internal
pressure from a runaway chemical reaction in a
reactor. This incident occurred in a polymerization
reaction where butadiene and styrene were
being mixed with a catalyst to form the elastomer
Butadiene Incompatibilities
A literature search was conducted to capture the
various chemical incompatibilities that have been
reported for butadiene. Brethericks Handbook
of Reactive Chemical Hazards 8th Edition, 2017
and the Wiley Guide to Chemical Incompatibilities,
4th Edition, 2009
are the primary source for the
information in Table 4.7 and below.
If copper (or copper containing alloys),
silver, mercury or magnesium is used during
construction or maintenance of vessels that will
contain butadiene, the formation of explosive
acetylides can occur as a result of contact with
the acetylenes in the butadiene. Materials
made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and
polyoxymethylene (POM) may promote popcorn
polymer growth.
Fires, explosives or hazardous polymerization
may result from contact with strong oxidizers,
aluminum tetrahydroborate, chlorine dioxide,
crotonaldehyde (explosive reaction >356
degrees/>180 degrees C), strong acids, nitrogen
dioxide, ozone, phenol or polymerization initiators
such as azobisisobutyronitrile, hydroquinone, or
peroxyacetic acid.
Butadiene is an extremely flammable, polymerizable
gas: extremely low ignition temperature makes it
very dangerous [explosion limits in air (vol%) 2.0 to
11.5; flash point -105 degrees F/-76 degrees C].
Heat can also have a significant impact. An explosion
hazard is high if heated under pressure. Solid
butadiene at < -171 °F (-113 °C) will absorb enough
oxygen at sub-atmospheric pressure to explode
violently when allowed to melt.
It is self-reactive, and in absence of an inhibitor
(e.g., tert-butyl catechol), autoxidation forms heat-,
mechanical shock-, and impact-sensitive peroxides
with air.
Flow or agitation of butadiene may generate
electrostatic charges due to low conductivity. The
uninhibited vapors may form polymers in plug vents,
confined spaces, or flame arresters of storage tanks.
Urben, Peter, ed. Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. Elsevier, 2017.
Pohanish, Richard P., and Stanley A. Greene. Wiley Guide to Chemical Incompatibilities. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Table 4.7: Additional Chemical Incompatibilities with Butadiene and Potential Outcome
Chemical Potential Outcome
Boron fluoride/trifluoride Violent reaction
Bromine May cause violent reaction
Carbolic acid Violent reaction
Chlorine Forms easily ignited, sensitive, explosive mixture with
Chlorine oxide Violent reaction
Chlorine peroxide Violent reaction
Dichlorine Forms easily ignited, sensitive, explosive mixture with
Hydroxybenzene Violent reaction
Iodine Violent reaction
Monohydoxybenzene Violent reaction
Mononitrogen monoxide Violent reaction
Nitric oxide Violent reaction
Nitrogen monoxide Violent reaction
Nitrous acid, sodium salt Reaction
Oxybenzene Violent reaction
Pentachlorophenate Incompatible
Pentachlorophenol Incompatible
Phenic acid Violent reaction
Phenylhydrate Violent reaction
Phenylic acid Violent reaction
Sodium nitrate Violent reaction
Sulfur dioxide Violent reaction
Sulfurous acid anhydride Violent reaction
Sulfurous oxide Violent reaction
Trifluoroboron Violent reaction
Fire and Explosion Hazard
1,3-Butadiene is a significant fire and explosion
hazard based on its physical properties, including
flash point, vapor pressure and boiling point. It
can quite readily form explosive mixtures in air
as a result of its high vapor pressure. Therefore,
preventive measures must be taken to minimize the
potential for a fire or explosion.
1,3-Butadiene is extremely flammable and
is classified as a flammable gas by both the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) and the Department of Transportation
(DOT). 1,3-Butadiene concentrations in air of
between 2.0% and 11.5% can form explosive
mixtures. If an ignition source is present, a fire
and/or explosion can result. At temperatures of
approximately 804 °F or above, this material can
autoignite. In other words, it can spontaneously
ignite without the application of a flame or spark if
it is heated above this temperature.
Vapors of 1,3-butadiene are heavier than air.
Thus, 1,3-butadiene vapors may accumulate and
travel along the ground a significant distance
to an ignition source, resulting in a flash-fire.
Liquefied butadiene gas produces a visible fog
when it is escaping in a non-fire emergency
situation such as a spill or leak. The fog is the
result of the liquid vaporization, which condenses
water vapor from air. However, the fog is only an
approximate indicator of the amount of butadiene
gas in the area. The invisible, ignitable butadiene/
air mixture can extend several feet beyond the
visible fog area. In a fire situation, conditions can
develop which could lead to explosions and further
fire propagation. The build-up of pressure in
closed containers of butadiene caused by elevated
temperatures can result in container failure.
When heated under pressure, butadiene may also
undergo rapid and uncontrolled polymerization
resulting in an explosion.
In addition, the expansion of the liquefied butadiene
gas in closed containers that are exposed to fire
can lead to a phenomenon called Boiling Liquid
Expanding Vapor Explosions (BLEVEs). Liquid
butadiene gas is stored under pressure. Therefore,
rapid vaporization of a portion of the liquid
butadiene gas can occur should the container fail,
causing the pressure to be reduced to atmospheric.
The result of such a scenario can be a “pressure
release explosion,” characterized by the extremely
quick mixing of butadiene vapor and air, causing a
fireball upon ignition by the fire that initially caused
the BLEVE.
Fire Prevention
Some general guidelines for fire prevention are
included in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1: General Guidelines for Fire Prevention
1. Consider neighboring properties as well as nearby plant operations when locating storage and
handling areas. Review all potential sources of ignition.
2. Design and maintain storage and handling equipment in conformance with applicable regulations and
codes (ASME, OSHA, API, DOT, National Electrical Code, etc.).
3. Do not permit smoking in areas near where butadiene is stored or handled.
4. Establish stringent hot work practices and systems that fully address butadienes fire and explosion
hazard, including the use of non-sparking tools while working on or near butadiene-containing
equipment. (Hot work is defined as including but not limited to welding, cutting and burning.)
5. Employ preventive measures against the accumulation of static electricity. In accordance with
applicable codes and regulations, fixed equipment must be grounded. Employ appropriate bonding and
grounding during transfer operations.
6. Verify that electrical devices and installations are suitable for Class I, Group B hazardous locations (as
defined by Articles 500 and 501 of the National Electrical Code).
7. Verify that storage and handling facilities conform to local ordinances and with the regulations of
underwriters and insurance companies.
Fire Fighting
In general, firefighting measures for butadiene
are similar to those for liquefied petroleum gases
(LPGs). If there is a butadiene fire, or butadiene
is located in a fire area, to prevent injury the
fire area should be cleared of unauthorized and/
or unprotected personnel and isolated. For
incidents involving a tank, rail car or tank truck,
the Department of Transportation’s Emergency
Response Guidebook (Guide Number 116)
recommends isolating the area for one mile (1600
meters) in all directions. Fire fighters should
wear positive pressure self-containing breathing
apparatus (SCBA). Structural firefighters’ protective
clothing will only provide limited protection.
The DOT Emergency Response Guidebook
recommends the following procedures when fighting
a fire involving butadiene:
Small Fire
o Dry chemical or CO2
Large Fire
o Water spray or fog
o Move containers from fire area if you can
do it without risk
Fire involving Tanks
o Fight fire from maximum distance or
use unmanned hose holders or monitor
o Cool containers with flooding quantities of
water until well after fire is out
o Do not direct water at source of leak or
safety devices; icing may occur
o Withdraw immediately in case of rising
sound from venting safety devices or
discoloration of tank
o ALWAYS stay away from tanks engulfed in
o For massive fire, use unmanned hose
holders or monitor nozzles; if this is
impossible, withdraw from area and let
fire burn
United States, Canada, and Mexico. 2016.
Emergency response guidebook: a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a dangerous
goods/hazardous materials incident
. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration
If a company opts to fight fires with an internal fire
brigade, it must comply with the requirements of
OSHAs Fire Brigade Standard (29 CFR § 1910.156).
Under these requirements, part of the training
provided to the fire brigade members should include
information on the hazards of butadiene, quantities
present and location(s). Similarly, if a facility
utilizes community fire companies for fire response,
they should be provided with the same types of
information and training as appropriate. In the event
of residual butadiene contamination after a fire has
been extinguished, the clean-up activities must be
conducted in accordance with the requirements
of the OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard (29
CFR § 1910.120).
Response to a Leak
During transport, and also during normal plant
operations, a release may occur from an accident
that damages the container and results in a
butadiene leak. Gases or liquefied gases of this type
are normally processed in equipment and stored in
tanks equipped with pressure relief devices. These
devices are designed to release a small amount
of the material if the pressure in the tank goes
above a preset limit. Use of pressure relief devices
greatly reduces the risk of a tank or vessel rupture
in the event of a pressure building inside the tank.
Use of flares or other control devices to which the
relief devices can discharge can reduce the risk of
releases to the atmosphere. When released from
a tank to the atmosphere, liquid butadiene will
become a gas. Due to the storage pressure and
low temperature of the material, it can appear like
steam. Because it is heavier than air, it will fall to
the ground and then mix with the air and seem to
disappear. When these releases occur, emergency
response measures need to be set in motion as
appropriate for the size of the release.
When butadiene is transferred from transport
vessels into site storage and distribution pipelines,
leakage may occur as a result of butadiene
entrapment in the connecting hose and on the
atmospheric side of valves. Although purging with
nitrogen is partially effective in reducing such loss,
substantial butadiene loss may still result. Leaks of
butadiene during procedures which result in breaks
of containment may be more effectively reduced by
the use of dry-break coupling technology.
Sufficient emergency response capability is
necessary for responsible management of a
hazardous chemical such as butadiene. Preparation
in advance of an emergency situation is the most
important part of an effective emergency response
plan. A thorough plan will cover all possible
consequences of a butadiene emergency, including
problems that may be specific to a particular site.
Effective emergency response plans are generally
tested through periodic drills that involve all
emergency response personnel both on-site and
in the local community. Appropriate response
procedures for responding to spills include:
Remove or shut off all sources of ignition.
Prevent spill from entering sewers and
Wear goggles, respirators, rubber
overclothing and gloves.
Evacuate area in case of large discharge.
Stay upwind and use water spray to disperse
Notify fire department and local health and
pollution control agencies.
Also see DOT Emergency Response Guide 116.
Butadiene is produced commercially by three
Steam Cracking of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons:
In this process, butadiene is a co-product in
the manufacture of ethylene (the ethylene
co-product process).
Catalytic Dehydrogenation of n-Butane and
n-Butene (the Houdry process).
Oxidative Dehydrogenation of n-Butene (the
Oxo-D or O-X-D process).
Each of these processes produces a stream
commonly referred to as crude butadiene that
is rich in 1,3-butadiene.
Butadiene Production Via Steam Cracking
of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons
The steam cracking process is reported to be
the predominant method of the three processes
of production, accounting for greater than 91%
of the world’s butadiene supply.
Figure A.1
depicts a flow chart for a typical olefins plant.
While this does not represent any particular
plant, and there are certainly many variations
among olefins plants, this representation
will provide the reader with a general
understanding of the process.
Various processes referred to in this
section are licensed; contact the process
owner for more information.
Based on Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) 1996-1997 World Butadiene Analysis
Figure A.1 Typical Olefins Plant*
Fuel Gas
Gas Dryer
Flow path for C
Components including butadiene
Gas oil
The indicated feedstocks (ethane, propane, butane,
naphtha and gas oil) are fed to a pyrolysis (steam
cracking) furnace where they are combined with steam
and heated to temperatures between approximately
1450 and 1525 °F (790-830 °C). Within this temperature
range, the feedstock molecules “crack” to produce
hydrogen, ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene,
toluene and other important olefins plant co-products.
After the pyrolysis reaction is quenched, the rest of the
plant separates the desired products into streams that
meet the various product specifications. Process steps
include distillation, compression, process gas drying,
hydrogenation (of acetylenes), and heat transfer. The
focus of this manual is 1,3-butadiene; however, since
butadiene is created in the olefins plant pyrolysis
furnace, and is present in the crude butadiene product
stream at concentrations up to approximately 75 wt%,
the olefins plant process and the crude butadiene
stream are addressed to a limited degree.
The flow path of the C4 components (including
butadiene) are indicated by bold blue lines.
While some olefins plant designs will accommodate
any of the listed feedstocks, many olefins plants
process only Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) such as
ethane, propane and sometimes butane. The mix of
feedstocks, the conditions at which the feedstocks
are cracked, and the physical plant design, ultimately
determine the amount of each product produced, and
for some of the streams, the chemical composition of
the stream.
Olefins plants generally produce crude butadiene
streams that contain very few C3 and C5
components, as shown in Table A.1.
This table is
presented to provide the reader with an idea of how
much the quality of a crude C4 stream can vary
from source to source. The composition of the crude
butadiene stream also can be altered via recycle
blending of various product streams. For example,
Based on Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) 1996-1997
World Butadiene Analysis.
when finished butadiene streams (99+ wt% pure) do
not meet commercial specifications, they are often
combined with crude butadiene streams in order to
recover the butadiene. In this situation, the resulting
stream may not fall into the example range.
Generally, crude butadiene is stored as a liquid
under pressure in a pressure products sphere.
Table A.1: Example of a Crude Butadiene Analysis
Vol %
Example Range
C3 & Lighter 0.40 0.01-1.00
i-Butane 1.00 0.50-18.00
n-Butane 5.00 3.00-33.00
Butene-2 (Cis) 4.05 2.50-10.00
Butene-2 (Trans) 5.45 3.50-12.00
Butene-1 14.88 7.00-17.00
i-Butylene 22.50 12.00-27.00
1,2-Butadiene 0.16 0.10-2.00
1,3-Butadiene 44.00 10.00-75.00
C4 Acetylenes 1.41 0.05-3.50
M-Acetylene 0.06 0.01-0.50
E-Acetylene 0.20 0.01-1.00
V-Acetylene 1.15 0.01-2.50
C5+ 0.90 0.10-4.00
Other 0.25 100.0
Figure A.2 Catadiene Process*
Butadiene Production via Catalytic Dehy-
drogenation of n-Butane and n-Butene (the
Houdry process)
The catalytic dehydrogenation of n-butane is a
two-step process; initially going from n-butane to
n-butenes and then to butadiene. Both steps are
A major butane-based process is the Houdry
Catadiene process outlined in Figure A.2. In the
Houdry process, n-butane is dehydrogenated over
chromium/alumina catalysts. The reactors normally
operate at 12-15 centimeters Hg absolute pressure
and approximately 1100-1260 °F (600-680 °C). Three
or more reactors can be used to simulate continuous
operation: while the first reactor is on-line, the
second is being regenerated, and the third is being
purged prior to regeneration. Residence time for
feed in the reactor is approximately 5-15 minutes. As
the endothermic reaction proceeds, the temperature
of the catalyst bed decreases and a small amount
of coke is deposited. In the regeneration cycle, this
coke is burned with preheated air, which can supply
essentially all of the heat required to bring the
reactor up to the desired reaction temperature.
The reactor effluent goes directly to a quench tower,
where it is cooled. This stream is compressed
before feeding an absorber/stripper system, where
a C4 concentrate is produced to be fed to a butadiene
extraction system for the recovery of high purity
Based on Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) 1996-1997 World Butadiene Analysis.
Heat Exchangers
Fresh Feed
Recycle Butenes & Butane
Butadiene Production via Oxidative Dehydro-
genation of n-Butenes (the Oxo-D or O-X-D
Oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butenes has replaced
many older processes for commercial (on-purpose)
production of butadiene. Several processes and
many catalyst systems have been developed for the
of either n-butane or of n-butene
feedstocks. Butenes are much more reactive, however,
and they require less severe operating conditions than
that of n-butane to produce an equivalent amount of
product. Therefore, the use of n- butane as a feedstock
in this process may not be practical.
In general, in an oxydehydrogenation process,
a mixture of n-butenes, air and steam is passed
over a catalyst bed generally at low pressure and
approximately 930-1110 °F (500-600 °C). The heat from
the exothermic reaction can be removed by circulating
molten heat transfer salt, or by using the stream
externally for steam generation. An alternate method
is to add steam to the feed to act as a heat sink. The
heat can then be recovered from the reactor effluent.
Reaction yields and selectives can range from 70-
90%, making it unnecessary to recover and recycle
feedstock. (Yield losses can produce the CO2.)
In the Oxo-D process shown in Figure A.3, a mixture
of air, steam, and n-butenes is passed over the
dehydrogenation catalyst in a continuous process.
The air feed rate is such that an oxygen/butene
molar ratio of approximately 0.55 is maintained,
and the oxygen is totally consumed. A steam to
butene ratio of 10:1 has been reported as necessary
to absorb the heat of reaction and to limit the
temperature rise.
The reactor effluent is cooled and the C4
components are recovered in an absorber/degasser/
stripper column combination. The lean oil flows
from the bottom of the stripper back to the absorber,
with a small amount passing through a solvent
purification area. Crude butadiene is stripped from
the oil, recovered in the overhead of the stripper,
then it is sent to a purification system to recover the
butadiene product.
Figure A.3 Oxo-D Process*
Based on Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) 1996-1997 World Butadiene Analysis.
Quench Tower
Processing Options for Crude Butadiene
Some processing options for crude butadiene
streams are shown in Figure A.4.
The objective
of this Figure is to provide the reader with an
understanding of the major downstream processes
and markets for the components associated with the
crude butadiene stream. It is not an “all inclusive”
representation of the marketplace.
Several process options are available for the crude
butadiene stream:
1) Recycle cracking of the stream in the olefins
plant cracking furnaces;
2) Hydrogenation followed by recycle cracking;
3) Selective hydrogenation of the butadiene to
produce an isobutylene/butene-1 rich stream
(similar to C4 raffinate 1);
4) Butadiene extraction.
The amount of crude butadiene consumed by each
of these four alternatives can depend on crude
butadiene supply, available butadiene extraction
plant capacity, and demand for the various
downstream products. Generally in the U.S., olefins
plant crude butadiene streams are processed to
isolate 1,3-butadiene for downstream processing.
The C4 raffinate 1 co-product streams generally are
fed to either a methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)
plant, where the isobutene is converted to MTBE for
the oxygenated fuels market, or to a poly-isobutene
plant, where the isobutene is polymerized. This
leaves the C4 raffinate 2 components (n- butene/
butane mixture) for butene-1 (a co-monomer in
the production of linear low density polyethylene),
alkylation (motor gasoline octane improvement), and
olefins plant feedstock markets.
Figure A.4 C
Processing Options*
Crude C
Methyl Ethyl
Raffinate 3
Foam Rubber
Auto Parts
Food Packaging
Lube Oils,
Packaging Film
Wire Insulation
Linear Low Density Poly Ethylene
(LLDPE), Comonomer
Intermediates End Use
Polypropylene, Propylene Oxide,
Acrylonitrile, Oxo Alcohols, Acrylic
Acid, Cumene, Isopropanol
Film, Fiber
Motor Gasoline
Methanol or
Olefins Plant
Recycle Cracking
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR)
Poly-Butadiene Rubber (PBR)
Styrene-Butadiene Latex (SBL)
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Resins
Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber (NBR)
Styrene-Butadiene Block
Copolymers (SBS, SEBS)
Methyl Methacrylate-Butadiene-Styrene(MMBS)
1,4 Hexadiene
Poly Isobutylene
Butyl Rubber
Crude C
Raffinate 1
Raffinate 2
Oxo-D D
Isobutylene Plant
Based on Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) 1996-1997 World Butadiene Analysis.
Butadiene Recovery from Crude Butadiene
Streams Via Extractive Distillation
Since the boiling points of the various C4
components are so close to each other, separation
via simple distillation does not currently suffice to
adequately separate the components; therefore,
extractive distillation is used. Several design
options are available, including those listed in
Table A.2.
Inclusion here is not intended as an
endorsement. These processes involve one or two
extractive distillation steps followed by one or two
distillation steps. The number of extraction and/or
distillation steps can be reduced to one by including
an acetylene hydrogenation step.
Based on Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) 1996-1997 World Butadiene Analysis.
Table A.2: Major Butadiene Recovery Processes
Process Description (Solvent Used)
Process A Butadiene Purification via Acetylene
Hydrogenation and Extractive Distillation
Using Aqueous methoxy-proprio-nitrile (MOPN)/
Process B Extractive and Conventional Distillation Process
Using Aqueous n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)
Process C Dimethylformamide (DMF) Solvent Extraction
Using Aqueous n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)
Process D Aqueous Separation and Acetonitrile (ACN)
Simplified schematics for each process are presented in Figures A.5-A.8.
Figure A.5: Process A - Acetylene Hydrogenation/Extractive Distillation
Olefins Plant
Crude C
Raffinate 1
Extractive Distillation
BD Fractionator
Solvent Stripper
Flow path for 1,3-butadiene
Process A:
Butadiene Purification via Acetylene
Hydrogenation and Extractive Distillation Using
MOPN/Furfural Solvent
This process contains four sections: 1) acetylene
hydrogenation, 2) extractive distillation, 3)
butadiene purification, and 4) solvent purification.
The objective of the acetylene hydrogenation
section is to hydrogenate C4 acetylenes that could
otherwise contaminate the butadiene product.
This is achieved using a liquid phase reactor
system. Butadiene-dimers and trimers formed
in the reactor are removed via distillation in the
green oil column located just downstream of the
reactor. The green oil column overhead stream is
fed to the extractive distillation section.
The function of the extractive distillation section
is to separate the C4 hydrocarbon stream into
a butane/isobutene/trans-butene-2 stream
(C4 Raffinate 1) and a butadiene/cis-butene-2
stream via extractive distillation and solvent
stripping. The green oil column overhead stream
is vaporized then fed to the lower portion of the
extraction column where the vapors are counter-
currently contacted with the aqueous methoxy-
proprio-nitrile (MOPN)/furfural solvent which
is fed into the top of the column. Butane and
the less soluble butenes are concentrated and
removed in the overhead stream. The butadiene/
cis-butene-2 rich solvent from the bottom of the
extraction column are fed to the extract stripper
column, where butadiene, cis-butene-2 and
acetylenes (ppm level) are stripped overhead.
The extract stripper column overhead stream is
used to feed the butadiene purification column
where butadiene is concentrated in the overhead
product. Then the remaining butene-2 and
heavier components are drawn from the bottom
of the column and recycled to the olefins plant
cracking furnaces.
The purpose of the solvent purification section
is to remove impurities from the lean solvent.
The system consists of two evaporators, a
stripping column and a solvent settling drum
which are used to remove furfural-butadiene
polymer, acrylonitrile-butadiene codimer, and
vinylcyclohexene compounds.
Process B:
Extractive and Conventional Distillation
Process Using NMP Solvent
This process, licensed by BASF and illustrated
in Figure A.6, is a combination of extractive
and conventional distillation. The extractive
distillation uses n-methylpyrrolidone (NMP)
as the solvent. The highest temperature is
approximately 300°F and the maximum pressure
is approximately 100 psig (7 bars g).
The evaporated C4 cut is fed to the extractive
distillation section where in the first stage the
butanes and the butenes are separated from the
more soluble 1,3-butadiene, 1,2-butadiene, C4
acetylenes, propyne and the C5 hydrocarbons.
The loaded solvent is degassed in a steam heated
column where the acetylenes are withdrawn as
a side stream and are fed to a washer where the
NMP is recovered.
Crude butadiene leaves the extractive distillation
section at the top of the second stage and is
then fed to the propyne distillation column
where propyne (methyl-acetylene) is removed
overhead. The bottoms product containing
the 1,3-butadiene, 1,2-butadiene and the C5
hydrocarbons is then distilled in the butadiene
column. Generally, 1,3-butadiene with a purity of
>99.6% by weight leaves the top of the butadiene
column. The column bottoms stream usually
contains 1,2-butadiene and heavier hydrocarbons.
The crude butadiene, the top of the propyne
column, and the purified butadiene are typically
inhibited with tertiary butyl catechol (TBC) or with
other compounds. Sodium nitrite can be used as
an inhibitor during extractive distillation.
The excess hydrocarbon streams can be diluted
with naphtha and used as supplemental feedstock
for the olefins plant.
Figure A.6: Process B - Extractive and Convention Distillation Using NMP
Olefins Plant
Crude C
1,2-Butadiene and C
Raffinate 1
Vinyl Acetylene
Methyl Acetylene
Flow path for 1,3-butadiene
Degasser and
Cooling Columns
Acetylene Fractionator
Butadiene Fractionator
Main Washer
BD + Methyl Acetylene
Degassed NMP Solvent
Figure A.7: Process C - DMF Solvent Extraction Process
Olefins Plant
Crude C
Flow path for 1,3-butadiene
BD + Acetylenes
Raffinate 1
Vinyl Acetylene
Extractive Distillation
Extractive Distillation
Solvent Stripper
Acetylene Fractionator
BD Fractionator
Methyl Acetylene
Acetylene Purge
To Fuel
Solvent Stripper
Process C:
Dimethylformamide (DMF) Solvent
Extraction Process
This process, licensed by Nippon Zeon, consists
of four sections: 1) first extractive distillation;
2) second extractive distillation; 3) butadiene
purification; and 4) solvent purification. See
Figure A.7.
In the first section of the plant, the hydrocarbon
feed (C4 fraction) and the DMF solvent are fed to
the first extractive distillation column, where the
C4 stream is separated into two fractions:
1) the C4 raffinate 1 overhead product, which
contains less soluble components (butane/
butene); and
2) the bottoms product, which contains the
DMF solvent rich in butadiene/acetylene
components which are the more soluble
At this stage, the C4 raffinate 1 product stream
is available for downstream processing (MTBE,
polyisobutylene, alkylation). The butadiene/
acetylene rich solvent is fed to the first stripper
column where the butadiene/acetylenes are
stripped from the solvent and proceed overhead
to the second extractive distillation section. The
lean solvent from the stripper is cooled via heat
recovery prior to being sent back to the extractor.
In the second extractive distillation section, the
butadiene/acetylene stream from the first section
also is separated into two fractions, again using
DMF as the solvent:
1) a butadiene/methyl acetylene rich overhead
fraction; and
2) a bottoms fraction, containing the DMF solvent
rich in vinyl acetylene which is more soluble
in the DMF solvent than is butadiene or methyl
The butadiene/methyl acetylene rich overhead
fraction is sent on to the butadiene purification
section of the process where the remaining
acetylenes are removed using two distillation
columns and a pure 1,3-butadiene product stream
is produced. The bottoms fraction from the
second extractive distillation is fed to a stripper
column where a vinyl acetylene rich stream is
stripped from the solvent and used for fuel.
Since the DMF solvent is continuously circulated
to the first and second extractive distillation
columns, butadiene dimer, tar, and any water
from the C4 feed stream tend to increase
in concentration, thereby decreasing the
effectiveness of the solvent. Therefore a part of
the solvent is continuously passed to the solvent
purification section of the plant to remove these
Figure A.8: Process D - Aqueous Separation and ACN Extraction Process
Raffinate 1
BD + Methyl
Olefins Plant
Crude C
Flow path for 1,3-butadiene
Extractive Distillation
Topping Column
Post Fractionator
Heavy Ends
Solvent Stripper
Process D:
Aqueous Separation and Acetonitrile
(ACN) Extraction
In this process, licensed by Shell and LyondellBasell
Industries, the hydrocarbon feed (C4 fraction) is
routed to an extractive distillation system. The
separation is achieved in an aqueous solvent
environment, where the top product contains the
butanes/butylenes and the bottoms stream contains
the butadiene and acetylenes. Acetonitrile (ACN) is
used as the extraction solvent.
As illustrated in Figure A.8, the butadiene is then
stripped from the extraction solvent and may be
fed to a topping column where residual light ends
(primarily methyl acetylene) are rejected. Heavier
acetylenes such as vinyl acetylene and ethyl
acetylene are rejected as a side stream from the
solvent stripping operation. Bottoms product from
the topping column can be fed to a postfractionator
where residual olefins (cis-2/trans-2 butene) and
remaining trace heavy ends (vinyl, ethyl and heavier
acetylenes, 1,2-butadiene, dimer, C5’s and heavier)
are rejected to the bottoms.
The overhead butadiene product is chilled and
passed through a coalescer to remove entrained
water before being sent to the rundown tanks in the
tank farm. Tertiary butyl catechol (TBC) is added to
the butadiene to inhibit the formation of peroxides. It
is also common to use an in- process inhibitor that is
removed prior to the addition of TBC.
Hydrocarbon streams exiting the process can be
washed with water for the removal of ACN. The
recovered solvent can be concentrated and returned
to the extraction section.
Purpose and Scope
Chemistry is a source of innovation that creates
a healthier, safer and more sustainable future.
From solar cells, wind turbines and rechargeable
batteries to air filters, water purifiers and
disinfectants, chemistry enables us to save energy,
reduce pollution and enhance public health.
The American Chemistry Councils (ACC)
Responsible Care companies manufacture a
broad array of chemical products, ranging from
commodity industrial chemicals used to make
other chemical products, to specialty chemicals
tailored for unique applications and formulations,
to finished goods and consumer products. Product
safety and stewardship are shared value chain
responsibilities, as each company, depending
upon its position in the chemical value chain, has
a distinct and essential role to play. At each stage
in the value chain, protecting public health, safety,
and the environment must be embraced as a core
value, as it is by chemical manufacturers.
ACC Responsible Care companies are committed
to making innovative chemical products that can be
used safely for their intended purposes. As part of
this commitment, ACC and its members created the
Responsible Care Product Safety Code, which sets
forth a set of practices to manage chemical product
safety as part of our industrys signature health,
safety, security, and environmental management
system. The Code reinforces Responsible Care’s
legacy of product stewardship that goes beyond
regulatory requirements, which has been a central
tenet of the program since its inception.
The Responsible Care Product Safety Code
provides a comprehensive framework to drive
continuous improvement in chemical product safety
and stewardship. Implementation of the Product
Safety Code is mandatory for all ACC Responsible
Care companies.
Management Practices
The Product Safety Code requires that companies
include product safety and stewardship as
part of their management systems. Product
safety management requires an understanding
of intended product uses, a science-based
assessment of potential risks from products,
and consideration of the opportunities to manage
product safety along the value chain. A key
component of managing product safety by parties
in the value chain is exchanging information
regarding product hazards, intended uses,
handling practices, exposures and risks. Product
stewardship is the responsibility to understand,
manage and communicate the health and
environmental impacts of chemical products.
Taken together, implementation of the following
management practices enables chemical
manufacturers to systematically evaluate,
demonstrate and continuously improve their
product safety performance, while also enhancing
communication about important factors that can
influence product safety throughout the value
Guiding Principles for Responsible Care
Chemistry is essential to the products and services
that help make our lives safer, healthier and better.
Through the Responsible Care initiative and the
Responsible Care Global Charter our industry
has made a worldwide commitment to improve
our environmental, health, safety and security
performance. Accordingly, we believe and subscribe
to the following principles:
To lead our companies in ethical ways that
increasingly benefit society, the economy and the
To design and develop products that can be
manufactured, transported, used and disposed of or
recycled safely.
To work with customers, carriers, suppliers,
distributors and contractors to foster the safe and
secure use, transport and disposal of chemicals
and provide hazard and risk information that can
be accessed and applied in their operations and
To design and operate our facilities in a safe, secure
and environmentally sound manner.
To instill a culture throughout all levels of our
organizations to continually identify, reduce and
manage process safety risks.
To promote pollution prevention, minimization of
waste and conservation of energy and other critical
resources at every stage of the life cycle of our
To cooperate with governments at all levels and
organizations in the development of effective and
efficient safety, health, environmental and security
laws, regulations and standards.
To support education and research on the health,
safety, environmental effects and security of our
products and processes.
To communicate product, service and process risks
to our stakeholders and listen to and consider their
To make continual progress towards our goal of no
accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the
environment from our products and operations and
openly report our health, safety, environmental and
security performance.
To seek continual improvement in our integrated
Responsible Care Management System® to
address environmental, health, safety and security
To promote Responsible Care® by encouraging
and assisting others to adhere to these Guiding
Product Safety Code of Management
Each Responsible Care company’s management
system will include the following product safety and
stewardship management practices:
Leadership commitment. Senior leadership
commitment to a culture of product safety and
stewardship. Each companys senior leadership
demonstrates clear commitment through their
words, policies and actions throughout their
organization and in external communications.
Senior leaders drive continuous improvement of
product safety and stewardship through published
policies, active participation and communication
concerning product safety, establishing, tracking/
reporting of objectives and goals, and providing
sufficient and qualified resources. Senior leadership
is charged with evaluating the effectiveness of
product safety programs and providing active
support to drive improvement.
Accountability and management. Clearly
established organizational accountability for
product safety and stewardship. Product safety and
stewardship are integral to business processes and
employee expectations.
Product safety and stewardship are core values that
permeate each companys operations and functional
responsibilities. Product safety and stewardship
responsibilities of employees are understood,
including those roles that engage with suppliers,
customers, contract manufacturers, carriers,
distributors, contractors and third-party logistics
providers. Employees assigned these roles are
informed and held accountable for their performance.
Prioritization of products. A risk-based process that
considers available hazard and exposure information
to prioritize products in need of further evaluation.
Companies have a process in place to prioritize
their products to identify those that require a
more detailed evaluation, assessment, and risk
management controls, as well as those that
require additional data and information gathering.
Companies apply a science- and risk-based
approach, considering hazard, intended uses
and exposure potential when they prioritize their
products. Companies include criteria that are
applied uniformly to all products screened and that
incorporate relevant, credible scientific advances
and consider significant new information to ensure
that prioritization decisions remain current.
Product information. A process to develop
and maintain information on safety, health and
environmental hazards, intended uses and
exposures for new and existing products to
support risk characterization and product safety
Companies consider the results of their risk-based
prioritization process when gathering and developing
information that is used in their risk evaluations,
characterizations, and consideration of product
safety management actions. Companies evaluate
existing information and appropriate assessment
techniques, such as ACC’s science policies and
principles, to determine when additional information
on hazards, intended uses, and exposures is needed.
Risk characterization. A process for the
characterization of product risks based on
information collected on hazards, intended uses, and
exposures associated with the stages of a product’s
Companies characterize the potential risks of their
products using an iterative, tiered process that
considers prioritization results and may identify
needs for additional hazard, use and exposure
information. Risk characterizations include
consideration of information about downstream
uses and reasonably anticipated exposures,
including potential exposures to children. Risk
characterizations use valid, reliable and relevant
scientific studies and information, giving such
studies and information appropriate weight, to
determine potential risks associated with relevant
levels of exposure under expected conditions of use.
Product safety management. A process to identify,
implement, document and communicate health,
safety and environmental measures to manage risk
so that products can be safely used for their intended
Companies implement a process to select,
implement, document and communicate measures
that appropriately manage health, safety and
environmental risks of their products. A range of
measures may be considered commensurate with
the risk characterization, taking into account the
feasibility of value chain implementation. Examples
of such measures may include labeling, handling
instructions, training, engineering and design
controls, use restrictions and/or reformulations.
Risk management actions may require modifications
based on substantive new information on hazards,
uses and exposures so that products can continue to
be safely used for their intended purposes.
Management of new information. A process
to identify and evaluate new information that
may trigger changes to risk characterizations
and product safety management actions. Such
triggers include significant new product safety and
stewardship information, including hazard, use and
exposure information.
Companies establish processes that enable new
information to be brought to light and establish when
and how to elevate product safety and stewardship
issues within the company. New information could
come from internal and external sources.
Product design and improvement. A process that
considers health, safety and environmental impacts in
the innovation, design, development, and improvement
of products, their manufacture, and uses.
Companies consider health, safety and
environmental impacts when designing and
improving their products, including factors such as
intended use, expected product lifetime, durability,
reuse, recyclability or beneficial disposition.
Value chain communication, cooperation and outreach.
Processes to work with suppliers, customers and
other value chain participants to foster product safety
management and information exchange along the value
chain, commensurate with risk.
Commensurate with risk, companies work with
and as appropriate, review customers, suppliers,
contract manufacturers, carriers, distributors,
contractors and third-party logistics providers based
on Responsible Care or other health, safety, security
and environmental performance criteria. Processes
are in place to communicate, receive and evaluate
product safety and stewardship information and
requests from value chain participants. If improper
practices involving a product are discovered,
corrective measures are taken based upon a
companys independent judgment, ranging from
resolving the improper practices to termination of
business relationships, if necessary.
Information sharing. Publicly available product
safety and stewardship information.
Companies make product safety and stewardship
information publicly available to enhance public
knowledge of and confidence in the safe use of
chemical products, while protecting confidential
business information. Publicly available information
includes relevant health and environmental effects
and safety management measures to promote
safe handling and use of products throughout their
Performance assessment and continuous
improvement. Routine monitoring and assessment
of product safety and stewardship, with processes in
place to drive continuous performance improvement
and implement corrective actions when needed.
Companies implement an internal process to
monitor and assess product safety and stewardship
performance, utilizing appropriate indicators.
Companies report their activities associated with
implementation of this Code to ACC to facilitate
public understanding of the industry’s overall
product safety commitment and performance.
Amoore, J.E., Hautala, E., 1983. Odor as an aid to chemical safety: odor thresholds compared with threshold
limit values and volatilities for 214 industrial chemicals in air and water dilution. Journal of Applied
Toxicology, #272-290.
Daubert, T.E., Danner, R.P., Sibul, H.M., and Stebbins, C.C., DIPPR
Data Compilation of Pure Compound
Properties, Project 801 Sponsor Release, January 1994, Design Institute for Physical Property Data, AIChE,
New York, NY. Note: Semiannual updates released in January and July.
Hansch, C., Leo, A. Substituent Constants for Correlation Analysis in Chemistry and Biology. NewYork, NY:
John Wiley and Sons, 1979, p.183.
Verschueren, K., Handbook of Environmental Data of Organic Chemicals, 2nd edition, New York, NY: Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1983, P. 296.
ACA American Coatings Association
ACC American Chemistry Council (Formerly the Chemical Manufacturers Association
ACN Acetonitrile
ABS Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Action Level Action Level in the OSHA health standard for 1,3-butadiene “means a concentration of
airborne BD of 0.5 ppm calculated as an eight (8)- hour time-weighted average.
AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
Bonding The connection of two or more conductive objects by means of a conductor (most
commonly a wire or metal plate)
BLEVEs Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions
BTU British Thermal Unit
CAA Clean Air Act
CANUTEC Canadian Transport Emergency Centre
CEPA Canadian Environmental Protection Act
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CG Coast Guard
CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CNS Central Nervous System
Confined Space An area that by design has limited openings for entry and exit. A confined space has
unfavorable natural ventilation and is not intended for continuous worker occupancy.
CPC Chemical Protective Clothing
DOT Department of Transportation
DEHA Diethylhydroxylamine
DMF Dimethyl Formamide
DSL Domestic Substances List (Canada)
EC European Community
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
ESD Electrostatic discharge
EU European Union
Flashpoint The minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor in sufficient concentrations
to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of a liquid.
GC Gas Chromatography
GLP Good Laboratory Practices
Grounding The connection of one or more conductive objects to the ground: a specific form of
bonding. Grounding is also referred to as earthing.
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
HMIS Hazardous Materials Identification System
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
HMDA Hexamethylenediamine
HON Hazardous Organic NESHAP
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IISRP International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tanker and Terminals
ISO International Standards Organization
LFL Lower Flammability Limit
LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene
LPGs Liquefied Petroleum Gases
MIL Military
MMBS Methyl Methacrylate-Butadiene-Styrene
MOPN Methoxy-proprio-Nitrile
MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
NBR Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber
NDE Nondestructive Evaluation
NDT Nondestructive Testing
NEC National Electrical Code
NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NGLs Natural Gas Liquids
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NMP n-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone
NOEL No Observed Effect Level
NPRI National Pollutant Release Inventory
NTP National Toxicology Program
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PB Polybutadiene
PBR Polybutadiene Rubber
PM Preventative Maintenance
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
ppm parts per million
ppmv parts per million by volume
ppmw parts per million by weight
psig pounds per square inch gravity
REL Recommended Exposure Limit (NIOSH)
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RQs Reportable Quantities
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
SBS, SEBS Styrene-Butadiene Block Copolymers
SBL Styrene-Butadiene Latex
SBR Styrene-Butadiene Rubber
SCC Standards Council of Canada
SDS Safety Data Sheet
SOCMI Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
TBC Tertiary Butyl Catechol
TLV Threshold Limit Value
TOC Total Organic Carbon
TPQ Threshold planning quantity
TRI Toxics Release Inventory
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
TWA Time-Weighted Average
UL Underwriters Laboratory
Ullage Amount by which a packaging falls short of being liquid full
UN United Nations
USCG United States Coast Guard
Vapor Pressure The pressure exerted by a volatile liquid while under defined equilibrium conditions.
Vapor pressure is usually measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (Canada)
4-VCH 4-Vinylcyclohexene