Curriculum Writer Application Process Returning Writer
Application Due: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
Academic Affairs is seeking FBISD Elementary, Middle, and High School teachers, counselors, and staff
interested in writing social emotional curriculum content for assigned component(s) of a particular course
in his/her area of expertise. This position is collaborative in nature and project-based. Teachers interested
in returning as a Curriculum Writer for 2020-21 must meet the position requirements and complete the
application process.
Curriculum Writer Requirements:
A minimum of 1 year experience as a teacher, counselor, or administrator (prior to applying)
Completion of the application process
Application Process:
Submit application documents to the Assistant Director of Social Emotional Learning:
Dexter McCoy Assistant Dir, Social
Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning/Profile of a Graduate
Applications will continue to be accepted until all positions are filled.
Applications due: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Notification of identified writers: Friday, February 21, 2020
Writer training: TBA
Curriculum Writers
Curriculum Writers will receive ongoing professional learning related to social emotional learning (SEL),
curriculum development, instructional practices, and the blended learning model. Participation in job-
embedded professional learning will result in obtaining continuing education hours if completed during the
school day or additional compensation if completed outside the school day. Payment for curriculum
development is contingent upon completion of the full process outlined in the curriculum writer contract.
Curriculum Writing Participation
Participation in the curriculum writing cycle is required for all teachers who are selected.
Attend curriculum writing training as scheduled during the school day (sub provided)
Attend after school writing/training meetings throughout the school year
Attend after school review meetings throughout the school year
Submit the required curriculum components at assigned deadlines
Communicate effectively (verbally and in writing) and work collaboratively
Use technology proficiently to follow curriculum formatting and design specifications
Integrate blended learning opportunities into the curriculum design
Use feedback to revise, edit, and publish curriculum materials
Application Requirements
The following items must be submitted for consideration:
Completed Application
Curriculum Writing Agreement
Principal Recommendation
Curriculum Writer Application Process Returning Writer
Application Due: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
Curriculum Writing Application
Teacher Name:
Teaching Experience(s) :
General Questions:
1. Describe your curriculum writing experience. If you do not have curriculum writing
experience, include experiences you have had designing and developing lessons.
2. Explain your process for designing instructional units and supporting resources,
assessments, strategies, exemplars, etc. for the curriculum that support social
emotional learning, character traits, and/or Profile of a Graduate attributes?
3. Explain how you have created or utilized tools that support student ownership of
behavior, social emotional learning, character traits, and/or Profile of a Graduate
attributes including rubrics and/or checklists.
4. Are you interested in continuing in your previous curriculum writing role or are you interested in
a different content or grade?
Curriculum Writer Application Process Returning Writer
Application Due: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
5. Write about your reflections on the curriculum writing experience. Consider your personal
learning as well as the products you created.
6. Describe a specific component from your curriculum documents from last year and how it
represents your work in the curriculum writing project.
7. Explain how you have created or utilized tools that support student ownership of learning
in the formative assessment process for the purpose of engaging students in feedback,
including rubrics and/or checklists.
Teacher’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________
Teacher Curriculum Writer Agreement
Applicant Name: __________________________ Course(s)/Grade Level(s) Taught: ____________
Curriculum Writer Application Process Returning Writer
Application Due: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
I agree to be an active participant as a Curriculum Writer in the Division of SEL & Comprehensive Health. I will
attend all trainings and complete all projects by assigned timelines. I will follow the district vision and design as I
implement materials, ideas, and strategies in my work. I will collaborate with the Division of SEL & Comprehensive
Health throughout the year to effectively design curriculum for the district.
Applicants should check agree or disagree to the training and implementation statements below and sign.
I agree to attend the scheduled curriculum trainings throughout the school year.
I agree to submit all curriculum projects at assigned deadlines.
I will implement information from the Curriculum Design trainings and research based
skills/strategies into my curriculum writing.
I agree to follow and meet the curriculum writing requirements for the project.
I agree to create original work that meets all legal and district expectations regarding copyright and
intellectual property.
I understand that my contributions will become the property of Fort Bend ISD.
I understand if during the school year I fail to meet the requirements, I will be removed from the
curriculum writing program and my stipend will be adjusted to reflect completed work.
I will give and receive feedback and adjust my curriculum work as needed.
AGREE: I agree to the statements above.
DISAGREE: I cannot agree to the statements above. (If you select disagree, please explain below.)
Name: _________________________________
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ________________________________
Note: Once writers have been identified, a complete list of curriculum training, writing meetings, and review
meetings will be provided. Curriculum Writers will sign a contract to assure compensation is clearly communicated.