Dear Friends,
After a ve-year moratorium on salary increases we were nally able to provide
merit increases to our individual faculty members. Although the merit pool was
a modest 4%, it signies that we again can reward our most productive faculty
and sta members and continue to attract and hire outstanding teachers and
support sta. As we are continuing to expand and improve our oerings, the
ability to reward our faculty and sta is of vital importance to assure continued
This year we started the build-up of our South East Georgia (SEGA) program
in Savannah. An agreement has been made with St. Joseph/Candler to house
our program at the Candler Hospital System Campus Heart and Lung Building.
We were also fortunate enough to hire Ray Maddox as our Assistant Dean for the SEGA campus.
After a review of the proposed program, we submitted a request to ACPE for an accreditation visit
to approve SEGA as one of our extended campus sites. Our plans are to enroll the rst third-year
students in the SEGA program in Fall 2015.
This was also a record year for recruiting. Together with Ray Maddox a total of nine faculty
members were hired (see page 15). As part of our interest in preparing our graduates for playing
a broader role on health care teams, we hired Dr. Lilian Sattler, who holds a degree in pharmacy
and a doctorate in nutrition. Dr. Sattler holds a joint appointment in Pharmacy and in Family and
Consumer Sciences.
Our faculty is continuing their strong presence at the national level. A total of six faculty members
were recognized with various national awards and four took on national leadership roles during the
This year we also passed our strategic goal of having a residency program aliated with the College
that encompassed at least 20 residents. It has taken a decade to reach this goal, in part due to the
severe recession we are nally leaving behind. We are very proud of and pleased to report that all
of the aliated programs are accredited by ASHP.
During the year our task force on curricular revision submitted their report to the faculty, and
during the spring we will work on nalizing the proposed changes with anticipated initiation of
the new curriculum in Fall 2015. Highlights include plans to move certain science courses to the
pre-pharmacy curriculum which in turn opens up opportunities for more professional courses in the
rst year, practicing concepts learned in our didactic courses, and introducing new approaches to
Overall the progress during the year has been exciting. The only exception is the frustratingly slow
progress on our goal of updating our physical facility in Augusta. We submitted several proposals
and set aside additional funds for the building project, and although the university is supporting our
proposal, our proposed solutions were not approved. However, we are continuing to work with our
alumni, our faculty and the two universities to nd an acceptable solution.
Svein Øie, Dean
is published quarterly
for alumni and friends
of the University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy,
Athens, GA 30602
Svein Øie, Dean
The University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy
Sheila Roberson
Sheila Roberson
Articles may be reprinted with
permission from the editor.
Copyright © 2015 by the
University of Georgia.
No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any way without
permission from the editor.
The University of Georgia is committed
to principles of equal opportunity and
armative action.
COLLEGE HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
STUDENTS and ACADEMICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
GRANTS and AWARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
PRESENTATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
DONOR RECOGNITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
State Allocation
Regular Tuition
Differential Tuition 19.8%
Sources of Income FY 14/15
As part of the University of Georgia Comprehensive Campaign the
College of Pharmacy began the silent phase of the new campaign,
“Building a Culture of Philanthropy through Partnerships, in 2014.
Members of the Colleges 22-member comprehensive campaign
board held its rst meeting in November to discuss goals and
strategies for achieving its multi-million dollar goal by 2020.
Goals for the new $17M campaign include increasing
scholarships, endowed chairs and professorships; securing
permanent space for the College’s programs in Augusta; further
cultivating the pharmacy programs in Albany and Savannah; and
advancing the post-graduate training programs.
The 22 members are: Hugh Chancy ’88, chair, of Hahira;
Bruce Broadrick ‘76 of Dalton; Barry Bryant ’81 of Augusta; Gary
Cunnigham’76 of Kathleen; Kenneth DeLay ’82 of Millen; Fred Sharpe
’74 of Albany; James Holley ’96 of Monroe; Earl Wright ’70, advisor,
of Augusta; J.T. Leatherwood, Huntsville AL; Andre Mackey ‘88 of
Avondale Estates; Steve Purvis ’98, vice chairman, of Ellijay; Je Jowdy
’83, advisor, of Franklin, TN; Pam Bramlett ’86 of Greenville, SC; Chris
Peterson,M.D., ’93 of Greenville, SC; and Casey Bozeman M.D., ‘15 of
Kissimee, FL.
Also Dean Svein Øie; Dana Strickland ’81, executive director of
External Aairs; Kim Hamby, director of Alumni Aairs; Dexi Liu,
Panoz Professor; Brad Phillips, Millikan-Reeves Professor; and Shelly
Hooks, asssociate professor.
Supporting the work of the campaign board are members of the
Colleges Alumni Council: Eric Adams ‘90 of Duluth; Bill Brannen ’74 of
Valdosta; Allison Swann Cass ’00 of Watkinsville; Linda Christian ’74 of
Broxton; John Drew ‘93 of Fortson; Melissa Groover ’04 of Savannah;
Jim Holley ’95, ‘96 of Monroe; Sam Hunt ‘82 of Ringgold;
Rhonda Jones ’83 of Gray; Jan Kimbro ‘72 of Sylvester; Patricia
Knowles ’84 of Evans; Andre Mackey ’88 of Avondale Estates; Deborah
Mangum ’77 of Augusta; Brooke Anderson May ’03 of Woodstock;
Amy Whelchel Miller ‘91 of Gainesville; Chris Newman ‘04 of
Thomasville; Judson Pierce ’03 of Watkinsville; and Danny Williamson
’95 of Trussville, AL.
College of Pharmacy Begins New Comprehensive Campaign
Homecoming 2014 festivities included the naming of the Pharmacy
South courtyard after the Rite Aid Corporation, based on the
company’s generous donations to the College. Rite Aid Divisional
Pharmacy Vice President Dennis Yoney was present at the naming
Rite Aid has
created three new
endowments for
the College: the Rite
Aid Endowment for
Alumni Aairs Fund;
Rite Aid Endowment
for Experiential
Training, Wellness
Initiatives, and
Leadership Initiatives
Fund; and the Rite
Aid Endowment for
Continuing Education
and Outreach Fund.
The company continues to fund the Rite Aid Endowed Student
Scholarship, the Endowed Professorship and the Pinning Ceremony.
Naming of Courtyard at Pharmacy South
Dennis Yoney, Dean Svein Øie and Dana
Strickland, executive director of external
New Assistant Dean Hired to Develop
2+2 Program in Savannah
The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy recently named
Ray Maddox as assistant dean to oversee the development of
the Colleges new Southeast Georgia campus in Savannah, as an
expansion of the Colleges 2+2 program.
Currently students take courses in Athens for the rst two years of
pharmacy school and nish their degree requirements with two years
of training in one of three geographic areas—either by remaining
in Athens, or going to satellite campuses in Augusta or Albany.
Savannah would become the third satellite location for the College’s
2+2 program.
Students make their site selections at the time they are admitted
to pharmacy school and are guaranteed placement in that area for
their third and fourth years of pharmacy practice experiences.
An advantage for students is the ability to plan their housing
needs in advance for the nal two years of pharmacy school. In
addition the 2+2 program decentralizes students in their third year
giving them more and easier access to patients, more individual
time with faculty, and more interactions with other health profession
“Since Dr. Maddox has been aliated with other academic
institutions, he is the perfect person to meld the didactic curriculum
with the clinical training of our students in Savannah, said George
Francisco, the College’s associate dean for academic aairs.
Maddox, a 1972 graduate of UGA, holds the title of clinical
professor in the college’s department of clinical and administrative
pharmacy. He had been the director
of clinical pharmacy, research and
pulmonary medicine at St. Joseph’s/
Candler Health System in Savannah
since 2002.
Maddox has directed several
clinical pharmacy programs at St.
Josephs and Candler hospitals
since 1995, including Director of the
Drug Information Clinical Pharmacy
Services and Research from 1997
to 2002. In addition he was Chair
and Professor of Pharmacy Practice
and Administrative Sciences at
Idaho State University (1987-1993)
and Director the Drug Information
Services at Idaho State University from 1991-93. Prior to this he was
the Director of Pharmaceutical Services at Emory University Hospital
from 1984-87.
Maddox earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree in conjunction
with a clinical pharmacy residency at University of Kentucky in 1977,
following a hospital pharmacy residency at the Medical University of
South Carolina in 1973 and a B.S. in pharmacy at UGA in 1972.
UGA PharmD Program by the numbers
Three Areas of Excellence
The Department of Clinical and
Administrative Pharmacy has three major
components: Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical and
Experimental Therapeutics and Pharmacy
Care Administration. Together they make
up a diverse and thriving department with
locations in Athens, Augusta, Albany and
We offer doctor of pharmacy, residency
and graduate programs in partnership with
leading health care providers. Our goal is to
be nationally and internationally recognized
in the areas of public health, drug policy,
pharmacoeconomics and outcomes related
to drug therapy. We intend to be a leading
program for therapeutics-related research that
connects the basic science laboratory with
clinical practice.
Clinical Pharmacy
Our Clinical Pharmacy group practices and teaches pharmaceutical
care at the cutting edge of the profession throughout Georgia in a
variety of community, inpatient and outpatient settings. Practice
sites located in Athens, Augusta, Albany and Savannah enrich the
health of Georgians while educating our students and contributing
to the stature of the College.
Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics
Our Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics group, jointly based at
the University of Georgia in Athens and Georgia Regents University
in Augusta, conducts nationally and internationally recognized
translational research from laboratory to patient bedside.
Pharmacy Care Administration
Our Pharmacy Care Administration group, located in Athens,
conducts both research and practice focused on health economics
and pharmacoeconomics, public health policy, and analysis of
the outcomes of health care delivery with the aim of improving
outcomes in health services and pharmaceutical care delivery.
Postgraduate Residency Training
The Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy offers
several unique and challenging postgraduate residency training
opportunities through the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy
and its practice partners, Kroger Pharmacy, Barneys Pharmacy,
Village Drug Shop, Georgia Regents Health System, St. Josephs/
Candler, Veterans Health Administration (VA), and Phoebe Putney
Memorial Hospital (PPMH).
All programs have attained (or are in the process of attaining) full
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) accreditation.
Most recently ASHP approved for accreditation the postgraduate
year two (PGY2) pharmacy residency in oncology at Georgia Regents
Health System/University of Georgia College of Pharmacy for six
PGY1 and PGY2 Residencies and Practice Sites
• PGY1 Community Practice Residency: Athens
• PGY1 Pharmacy Residency: Augusta
• PGY1 Pharmacy Hospital Practice Residency: Albany
• PGY1 Clinical Practice Residency: Savannah
• PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency: Athens
• PGY2 Critical Care Residency: Augusta
• PGY2 Oncology Residency: Augusta
• PGY2 Pediatric Residency: Augusta
• PGY2 Critical Care Residency: Savannah
• PGY2 Emergency Medicine Residency: Savannah
Clinical & Experimental Therapeutics Research
Cancer and Vascular Biology Lab
The long-term goal in the Cancer and Cardiovascular Biology
laboratory is to enable the development of new and innovative
therapeutics for prostate and bladder cancers, lung edema and
pulmonary brosis through better understanding of the molecular
mechanisms regulating tumor growth and metastasis, vascular
permeability, angiogenesis and extracellular matrix remodeling.
Primary focus of our research is on protein kinase B (Akt), a serine-
threonine kinase, and its signaling partners on mediating these
In the area of cancer, we focus on determining the molecular
mechanisms regulating tumor growth, invasion and metastasis
of prostate and bladder cancers with an emphasis on developing
therapeutics employing studies using pre-clinical mouse models. In
the area of pulmonary brosis, we are investigating the molecular
mechanisms mediating the myobroblast trans-dierentiation
mediated by a transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)-broblast growth
factor (FGF) interplay and identify novel targets for therapeutic
interventions. In the area of vascular biology, our research is centered
on identifying how dierent growth factors such as vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietins dierentially
regulate endothelial-barrier function in controlling vascular
leakage, inammation and edema during various physiological and
pathological conditions.
Faculty: Somanath Shenoy
Diabetes and Vascular Function Lab
The overall goal of the Diabetes and Vascular Function laboratory
is to better understand the regulation of vascular function and
structure in diabetes in order to prevent, delay or reverse diabetes-
associated complications including stroke and cognitive impairment.
In collaboration with Dr. Susan Fagan, we have made the interesting
observation that there is signicant cerebral neovascularization in
type 2 diabetic rats and when ischemia/reperfusion injury occurs,
diabetic animals develop bleeding into the brain, a dreaded
complication of stroke.
Our eorts are focused on how diabetes alters the expression
and function of key mediators that are critical for vascular integrity
and function. These studies are important to identify potential
mechanisms contributing to cognitive decline in diabetes as well as
identifying how an ischemic injury superimposed on this existing
pathology aect functional outcomes and recovery following stroke.
In addition, based on the clinical evidence which suggests that acute
hyperglycemic patients suer the worst outcomes of stroke we are
investigating the mechanisms that mediate greater vascular and
neuronal injury in hyperglycemic stroke.
Faculty: Susan Fagan
Retinopathy Lab
A long-term goal of the retinopathy lab is to better understand
the molecular mechanisms of Diabetic Retinopathy in the hope
of developing eective therapeutics for this blinding disease.
Our research interest focuses on understanding the molecular
mechanisms of retinopathy and vision impairment in response
to trauma or metabolic insults (obesity and diabetes) in the hope
of identifying new eective therapeutics to prevent blindness. In
particular, we are interested in molecular events that couple oxidative
stress and inammation to retinal neuro-vascular dysfunction.
The emphasis is to ensure that trainees understand, appreciate,
and enjoy science, while achieving concrete goals in terms of
publications and extramural funding. It is important that laboratory
personnel have full comprehension of the science and biology
involved, in addition to the technical and ethical aspects of research.
We strive to motivate trainees to get the most out of their experience
by challenging them to expand their knowledge, develop into self-
directed learners, and build upon their critical thinking skills.
Faculty: Azza El-Remessy
Stroke Lab
Emphasis in the Stroke Lab is on the identication of new treatment
strategies for acute ischemic stroke patients. Dr. Susan Fagan has
been searching for new molecular targets, activated after a patient
experiences a stroke, which can be modied by novel treatments
to improve patient outcome. Her research aims to develop vascular
protection as a way to improve the safety of tPA (reducing brain
bleeding) and improve recovery after ischemia and reperfusion in the
Her landmark manuscript, published in Stroke, in 2004, identied
likely targets and was followed by a series of federally-funded
investigations (2 NIH RO1s and 2 VA Merit Review) to develop
pharmacologic interventions that approach those targets. Many of
the compounds are currently under investigation in human stroke
patients (minocycline, atorvastatin, and candesartan) by Dr. Fagans
research team at the Georgia Regents University.
The past two years have witnessed an explosion of productivity
in the Fagan Stroke Laboratory. Following up on a novel nding of
a proangiogenic state in the cerebrospinal uid of animals treated
with a vascular protective medication acutely after stroke (Kozak,
2009), the group reported a dierential expression of growth factors
in BOTH hemispheres of the brain after unilateral ischemia (Guan,
2011). This challenges the decades-long notion that the contralateral
hemisphere is a good control” for measuring changes in molecular
mediators after stroke. The next ve years will be focused on
determining the mechanisms of accomplishing vascular protection
after acute ischemic stroke and the impact of vascular protection on
functional outcome.
Faculty: Susan Fagan
Bachelors Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences
The 15 students registered in 2013 in the new Bachelor of Science
in Pharmaceutical Sciences curriculum continue in their goal to
graduate in 2015. The new degree program is among only 18 such
programs in the country and only the second in the Southeast.
Graduate Programs and Research
The Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences is
an interdisciplinary department with research emphasis in the
basic science areas of molecular pharmacology, molecular
pharmaceutics, drug discovery and medicinal chemistry, and
molecular toxicology. Areas of expertise that cross normal discipline
limits include but are not limited to drug formulation, design and
delivery, and injury prevention.
Students gain experimental as well as theoretical expertise in an
area of concentration and are expected to develop the competencies
needed for leadership in academia, industry and government
agencies. Graduate students perform their dissertation research
under the guidance of PBS faculty engaged in diverse research
spanning all major disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences. Most
faculty members’ research programs are highly interdisciplinary and
collaborative with extensive overlap among the areas.
Molecular Pharmacology
Pharmacology, the study of the effects of drugs on biologic systems
and their therapeutic applications, is a multi-disciplinary field
including biochemistry, structural biology, physiology, cell biology
and pathology.
Our faculty members study the pharmacology of drugs at the
molecular, cellular and whole animal levels, as well as the underlying
mechanisms of action. The pharmacology of traditional small-
molecule drugs and natural product-derived nutraceuticals are also
actively investigated.
Faculty: Aaron Beedle, Brian Cummings, James Franklin, Philip
Greenspan, Shelly Hooks, Mandi Murph and Han-Ron Weng
Molecular Pharmaceutics
Pharmaceutics is the study of relationships between physiochemical
properties of drugs, their formulations and the eects on
pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism and
elimination of drugs) and pharmacodynamics (therapeutic responses
of drugs). It is a highly interdisciplinary science that integrates
chemistry, biochemistry, cellular/molecular biology, pathophysiology,
engineering, mathematics and therapeutics.
The faculty is actively engaged in all areas of pharmaceutics
using biochemical, cellular and whole-animal models, with a focus
on cancer and infectious diseases. Specic strengths are in the
understanding of the molecular and cellular determinants of drug
transport; the development of polymeric and nanoparticulate drug-
carriers; drug delivery approaches that improve drug disposition;
and the computational modeling of the properties that govern
pharmacological responses.
Faculty: Anthony Capomacchia, Deborah Elder, Rajgopal Govindarajan,
Dexi Liu, Catherine White and Jason Zastre
Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal chemistry examines the chemical design of active
pharmacological agents through an understanding of the molecular
biology of pharmacological targets using quantitative structure
activity relationships and computational methods. Compounds are
synthesized by innovative medicinal chemistry methodologies.
Our facultys research emphasizes the discovery and synthesis
of antiviral, anticancer, antiprotozoal and antibacterial agents.
Investigators use x-ray crystallography to dene the atomic-level
architecture of potential drug targets and analytical chemistry to
detect drugs and drug products in dosage forms through high-
performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, capillary
electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.
Faculty: Michael Bartlett, Warren Beech, David Chu, Eileen Kennedy, Dexi
Liu, Cory Momany , Scott Pagen, Arthur Roberts and George Zheng
Molecular Toxicology
Toxicology, a major branch of pharmacology, is focused on
the adverse eects of chemicals on humans and other living
organisms. Such chemicals can include established pharmaceutics,
experimental/developmental drugs and nanoparticles. Other
chemicals of interest include environmental pollutants, such as
volatile hydrocarbons and environmental oxidants.
Our faculty is actively engaged in research projects with a
focus on the ability of these agents to include multiple pathologies
including cancer, neurodegenerative disease, infectious disease,
cardiovascular disease, and muscular dystrophies.
Faculty: James Bruckner, Brian Cummings and Arthur Roberts
It’s time to BREAK THE
Are you ready to break
the habit
and Beat The Pack?
Then UGA College of Pharmacy is offering a
FREE smoking cessation program called “Beat
the Pack for you! The class meets once weekly
for 6 weeks and offers support
to help
participants on their journey to quit smoking.
Trained pharmacy students provide group
programming and individualized counseling
each week
to help educate attendees,
dev e lo p a
personalized quit plan, and provide the tools
to help prepare you to quit smoking.
The clinic will begin on
January 14, 2014.
Classes will take place every
Tuesday from
5:15PM until 6:30PM at the UGA Training
and Development building
(315 South Thomas
Register today (3 ways):
Call (706)542
Complete online
registration form at
Email your name and
number to
For more information,
contact Dee Dee
Kay Brooks, or Ashley
: (706)542-
The primary function of the Division of Experience Programs is to
provide innovative introductory and advanced pharmacy practice
experiences for students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree
program. This is accomplished in collaboration with College of
Pharmacy faculty, volunteer faculty, and community partners.
Additionally, the Division is charged with providing preceptor
training and education and conducting quality assurance procedures
for all experiential programs provided to students.
Faculty Accolades
New Faculty
Dr. Andrew Darley was hired as a Public Service Assistant to serve as
the 3rd year Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Coordinator.
He began his position on August 1, 2014. Dr. Darley received his
Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Georgia and
completed a PGY1 residency at Memorial Health in Savannah,
Georgia. He subsequently worked at Memorial Health in the area of
internal medicine and oncology prior to taking his position at the
UGA College of Pharmacy.
New Position
Dr. Lindsey Welch was promoted to Director of the Advanced
Pharmacy Practice Experience Program in February 2014. Prior to
her promotion, Dr. Welch had served as the 3rd year Introductory
Pharmacy Practice Experience Coordinator since 2010.
Board Certification
Drs. Ashley Hannings and Linda Hughes were granted Board
Certification in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy (BCACP) in 2014.
Immunization Programs
For Fall 2014, the immunization Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience continued for students enrolled in the second and third
professional year programs. Students administered approximately
3,000 influenza vaccinations on the three campuses through mobile
clinics, community pharmacies, health systems, and contracted
services. On the UGA campus, the College of Pharmacy expanded its
partnership with the UGA University Health Center to provide flu shot
clinics to UGA faculty, staff and students as well as employees of area
Smoking Cessation Program
Ms. Kay Brooks and Dr. Ashley Hannings continued to provide
smoking cessation programs to interested individuals in Athens and
surrounding counties. Using a modified “Beat the Pack” program,
participants complete a six-week program. In 2014, the program was
extended to include UGA students as well as employees from UGA,
Athens Clarke County government, and Walton County Government.
This introductory practice experience has provided students with
opportunities to provide one-on-one and group counseling in
smoking cessation.
Longitudinal Wellness Programs--“Healthy Dawgs” and
“Healthy Fit”
The Division of Experience Programs faculty continued to provide
longitudinal wellness clinics to 2nd- and 3rd-year students as part of
the required Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences. In both
instances, Health Psychology students participated in the clinics to
provide an interdisciplinary element.
In the 2nd year, students participated in “Healthy Fit, which
is designed to provide and reinforce physical assessment skills
(e.g. blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, body mass index
and waist circumference measurements), introduce concepts and
apply principles of evidence-based practice guidelines of common
diseases, and apply principles of lifestyle management (diet and
exercise) to actual patients in an eort to reduce cardiovascular
risk. In 2014, “Healthy Fit” partners included: Athens Clarke County
Unied Government, Walton County Government, Oconee County
Government, Madison County Government, and UGA employees.
In the 3rd year, students participated in the “Healthy Dawgs
Wellness Program” regardless of their campus location. Community
partners for each location area were as follows: UGA faculty / sta
(Athens), Talmage Terrace Retirement Community (Athens), Barney’s
Pharmacy customers (Augusta), and Phoebe Putney Memorial
Hospital (Albany). This program reinforces the principles of the
2nd- year “Healthy Fit” program and expands the emphasis to include
more complex patient problems and a focus on eective medication
therapy management issues. The 3rd-year longitudinal program also
works with the primary care physicians in an eort to eect positive
changes to better manage common diseases, such as hypertension,
diabetes, COPD, and hypercholesterolemia. Additional physical
assessments incorporated in “Healthy Dawgs” include A1Cs and foot
exams for diabetic participants. In 2014, approximately 100 patients
participated in the various “Healthy Dawgs” wellness programs
Shannon Adams
Renee Adamson
Brinda Ahiayibor
Keith Ahlfinger
Misu Ahn
Adrienne Albrecht
Janey Allen
Samm Anderegg
Meghan Anderson
Andy Ariail
Arezoo Armaghan
Bill Asbury
Tracy Atkinson
Fred Augello
Sara Augustin
Rie Avino
Melissa Bach
NaaDede Badger
Melissa Baker
Ralph Balchin
Kim Ball
Rita Bandt
Kyle Banks
Cathy Barbree
Lindsey Barnes
Ansley Barnett
Lynn Barrett
Lila Basta
Rick Batson
Kofi Bawuah
Evalan Beck
Irene Bemis
Dee Dee Bennett
Rae Benton
Mitesh Bhakta
Kajal Bhika
Karen Biehle
Staci Blackmore
Gary Blair
Teresa Blakely
Chris Bland
Katie Bolsen
David Bookstaver
Kim Bost
Debra Boswell
Robert Boswell
Catherine Bourg
Danielle Bowen
William Bowers
Erica Bowles
Frank Bradford
Trisha Branan
Jonathan Brantley
Burnis Breland
Emily Brinkman
Paul Brooks
Bill Brown
Don Brown
James Brown
Katie Brown
Rebecca Brown
Leigh Bruner
Darren Bryan
Tommy Bryan
Brian Buck
Richard Burrell
Cheryl Butts
Scott Camp
Josh Canavan
Chris Carbaugh
Tammy Carloss
Paul Carpenter
John Carroll
Will Carroll
Ashlyn Carter
Brett Carter
Cassandra Carter
Kelly Carter
Lori Carter
Kenneth Chaffin
Nicole Chambers
Jennifer Chang
Amanda Chapman
Ameen Chaudhry
Mary Cheeley
Katt Chester
Joshua Chestnutt
Eddie Cheung
Becca Choi
Stephen Chromi
Craig Clark
Bonnie Clayton
Jenna Cleaveland
Tom Clement
Amber Clemmons
Matthew Clifton
Melissa Clifton
Henry Cobb
Janna Cobb
Craig Cocke
Tara Cockerham
Dale Coker
Will Coley
Karen Colwell
Ric Conkle
Kristy Connell
Renee Cook
Carrie Cooper
Kevin Corbin
Vicki Cowart
Shonna Cox
Ann Kathryn Craig
Sabrina Croft
Vanessa Croley
Rosemary Cross
Jamie Crossman
Ryan Crossman
Rebecca Cubbedge
Rebecca Cummings
Gary Cunningham
Glenn Cunningham
Kristie Cunningham
Kerri Curran
Christie Curry
Margie Curry
Gina Daise
Denise Daly
Mahlon Davidson
Angelina Davis
Chelsea Davis
Mike Davis
Scott Davis
Bryan Dean
David Deen
Rabun Dekle
Julia Demonet
Melanie Derden
Christina DeRemer
David DeRemer
Kathy Desgain
Kelly Dick
Jenny Dickerson
Elizabeth Dickhaus
Nikki DiMonda
Al Dixon
Katie Donges
Amber Draper
Christy Drescher
John Drew
Ben Droppleman
Jennifer Duckett
Elizabeth Dunn
Lauren Duty
Mariela Duval
Leah Eagle
Susie Eidam
Hazem Elewa
Samantha English
Blessing Etuk
Diane Evans
Joe Evans
Susan Fagan
James Farmer
Stan Finnerty
James Fisher
Gin Fleming
Carolyn Florence
Kevin Florence
Kemberley Floyd
Tom Flynt
Bill Ford
Kimberly Ford
Brandy Foster
Dana Fox
Melissa Frank
Matthew Frazier
Kimm Freeman
Megan Freeman
Steve Freeman
Kim Furlow
Cristy Gaddy
Dennis Gaddy
Jake Galdo
Deidra Garrett
Jeff Getz
Mondonna Ghazi
Patricia Gibbons
Geneen Gibson
Melissa Gibson
Melinda Gillespie
Tim Glascock
Joyce Glisson
George Goddard
Eric Goldstein
Tad Gomez
Brian Gonzalez
Cindy Goolsby
Beth Gorse
Heather Gourley
Claire Green
Steve Greene
Josh Greeson
Michelle Gregg
Caroline Gresham
Joel Griffeth
Ashby Grimmett
Kim Grubbs
Sharon Guritz
Maureen Haas
Laura Hagan
Sherika Haire
Derek Hall
Maura Hall
Laura Hallman
Becky Hamilton
Tonya Hamilton
Nydia Hanna
Ambra Hannah
Kelly Hapner
Jennifer Harbin
Kenneth Harrell
Alexis Hatala
Dione Haughton
Mary Anne
Stephen Heape
Treye Heim
Keith Herist
Stacey Hesser
Chad Hethcox
Greg Hickman
Lilly Hilding
Whitney Hill
Deborah Hobbs
Eliza Hoernle
Jeff Hogg
Laura Holder
Eric Holgate
Monica Hood
Becky Horne
Jenna Horne
Melony Hosford
Leigh Howell
Miranda Howland
Gary Huckaby
Becky Hudgins
Angie Hughes
Linda Hughes
Eddie Hunt
Carolyn Hunter
Ashley Hutchins
Lindsey Jackson
Robert Jackson
Susan Jackson
Leslie Jaggers
Cathy Janusek
Lori Jetton
Brian Johnson
Hal Johnson
Sandy Johnson
Susan Johnson
Bruce Jones
Chris Jones
David Jones
Jasmyn Jones
Lewis Jones
Rhonda Jones
Vanessa Jones
Angie Joslin
Kenneth Jozefczyk
Mike Karsten
Kimble Keller
Carla Kelly
Jon Kennedy
Kelly Kennedy
Matt Kent
David Key
Mich Killingsworth
David Killough
Ellen King
Brandy Kirkwood
Amy Knauss
Michael Knauss
Patricia Knowles
Cimeon Koebel
Warren Koehler
Charles Kovarik
Bruce Jones, PharmD., received the APPE
Preceptor of the Year Award for 2013-
14 from Assistant Dean Lori Duke; not
pictured are Amy Knauss, Pharm.D. and
Jennifer Sterner-Allison, Pharm.D.
2014 Preceptors
Roland Tam
Crystal Tarpley
Celia Taylor
David Taylor
Deborah Taylor
Karyn Taylor
Laura Taylor
Tom Taylor
Shannon Thomas
Brian Thompson
Kelly Thornburg
Billy Thurmon
Lisa Toliver
Sorahi Toloyan-
Donna Toney
Morgan Trepte
Kimberly Trinidad
Suzanne Tu
Leslie Tucker
Alexander Tunnell
James Turner
Jasmin Turner
Kennon Tyre
Don Tyson
Crystal Ullengren
Andy Ullrich
Edo-Abasi Umoh
Bradford Upchurch
Joshua Upton
Betsy Urick
Mark Van Ewyk
Margrit Sheldon
Somanath Shenoy
Mansi Sheth
James Shropshire
Allan Shupe
Beth Simpson
Ebony Sims
Lisa Slaughter
Sara Slizewski
Katie Sloope
Kevin Smiley
Chris Smith
Jody Smith
Lisa Smith
Rhondolyn Smith
Scott Smith
Adam Snyder
Chester Sosebee
Robin Southwood
Steven Spillers
Bill Spruill
Steve Spruill
Shacresa Staley
Rene Starrett
Jennifer Sterner-
Krista Stone
Carol Story
Shana Sullivan
Deanne Tabb
Wesley Krulic
Ashley Kunkle
Weng Lam
Derrick Lancaster
Ginger Lancaster
Ashley Lane
Jeff Langford
Justin LaPorte
Rodna Larson
Gary Latta
Blong Lee
Merinda Lee
Rebecca Lee
Jason Lin
James Lingenfelter
Rochelle Liverman
Durwin Logan
Delane Long
Heather Longbine
Leon Longe
David Lowery
Mimi Luce
Tracie Lunde
Eddie Madden
Jennifer Maddux
Kalen Manasco
Thomas Mansfield
Mary Beth
Michelle Marbury
John Marsalis
Chris Martin
Bill Mason
Walt Massey
Anu Mathew
Pam Mathis
Christopher May
Dianne May
Rusty May
Amy Mazloom
Maney Mazloom
Shannon McAtee
Troy McCorkle
Stacy McDaniel
Jessica McDonald
Charles McDuffie
Dee Dee McEwen
Henry McGill
Lori McGinley
Chris McGourk
Andrea McKeever
Heather McLemore
Daniel McMillan
Michael Melroy
Todd Mendsen
Mary Meredith
Erica Merritt
Sherri Merritt
Amanda Miller
Drew Miller
Laird Miller
Michael Miller
Sheila Miller
Elizabeth Millsaps
Gale Milton
Herschel Mize
Mandy Mock
Dean Moniz
Leticia Montegna
Fred Moore
Corinne Murphy
Richard Murphy
Sarah Murphy
Robert Murry
Rishi Naik
Jamie Nevil
Michael Neville
Cosima Niau
Evan Nix
Nancy Nix
Amy Noonkester
Christy Norman
Kelley Norris
Merrill Norton
Thomas Nowlin
Tiffany O’Donnell
Marie Orff
Derek Osborne
Will Ostuw
Matthew Owens
Brac Panter
Deidrea Parker
Jennifer Parker
Todd Parker
Biral Patel
Chetana Patel
Dipti Patel
Jayna Patel
Kunal Patel
Manish Patel
Neeta Patel
Priya Patel
Reena Patel
John Patka
Elizabeth Patton
Ben Pearson
Jennafer Pennell
Stephanie Phan
Beth Phillips
Marjorie Phillips
Judson Pierce
Lee Pinnell
Drew Pless
Aminah Pollock
Danny Postell
Kim Potter
Teresa Pounds
Allison Powell
Heather Powell
Lauren Powell
Tim Prator
Jeff Price
Tyler Prieskorn
Pam Privette
Mike Pruett
Kristy Pucylowski
Jr. Pugh
Kyle Pulliam
Steven Purvis
Drew Pyrz
Kristi Quairoli
Saira Rab
Marina Rabinovich
Ali Rahimi
Mike Rentz
John Reuter
Bryan Rice
Marlena Rice
Hal Richards
Jim Richards
Jeff Richardson
Jennifer Rigsby
Joyce Rimmer
Melanie Ringham
Jonathan Rivers
William Roberts
Emilee Robertson
Tim Robinson
Heather Rochford
Jody Rocker
Leslie Roebuck
Kim Rolle
Cindy Rosenhaft
Nancy Ross
Annette Rowland
Marc Rutherford
Barbara Rutt
Neil Ryan
Meda Saiu
Rizwan Salehbhai
Essie Samuel
Jeff Sanford
Jan Satterfield
Niki Schley
Julie Scott
Jennifer Seagle
Brian Seagraves
Lakshman Segar
Lori Sego
Heather Seibert
Jung Seo
Amita Shah
Nirav Shah
Leighcraft Shakes
Melody Sheffield
Donna Vasil
Lucy Von Korff
Trina VonWaldner
Jason Wade
Lindsay Walker
Rebecca Waltman
Ted Walton
Nancy Watts
Izabela Welch
Mark West
Linda Wiant
Wes Wilkerson
Anna Williams
Jolene Williams
Eli Wilson
Reagan Wilson
Nick Wimpey
Carla Wolfgang
Tanea Womack
Carla Woodall
Todd Woodard
Ashley Woodhouse
Don Wright
Amir Yavari
Hania Zaki
Sharon Zerillo
Fred Sharpe (‘74) Named Distinguished
Alumnus for 2014
Fred Sharpe was
named the 2014
Alumnus at the
College of Pharmacy.
He began practicing
pharmacy in Dublin
after graduation and
in 1979 purchased
U-Save-It Pharmacy
in Albany; he is now
a multi-store owner
with pharmacies in
ve states.
Sharpe currently
serves on the
College of Pharmacy
Campaign Board as well as the Pharmacy Advisory Board. The
contributions of Sharpe and his wife, Bonnie, have placed them
in the Apothecary Society on the Wall of Honor at the College.
The function of the Division of Nontraditional Education and
Outreach is to provide continuing education, certificates, and
appropriate external degree programs for pharmacists, other
health-care professionals and scientists. These programs help these
providers maintain competency and enhance knowledge and
skills in the pharmaceutical sciences and the practice of pharmacy.
Additionally, the Division is charged with overseeing the College of
Pharmacys outreach endeavors to the University and community by
facilitating public service programs focused on health maintenance,
the treatment of diseases, and appropriate medication use.
Postgraduate Education Conferences
The Office of Postgraduate Continuing Education and Outreach
(OPCEO) accredited 250 continuing pharmacy education activities
in 2014. OPCEO approved 155 live activities and 95 home study
activities. Over 328 hours of live continuing education were offered to
the 3566 state, national, and international participants. Pharmacists,
pharmacy technicians and other health care professionals were
awarded over 6181.75 hours of continuing education credit at these
live programs. Of the 95 online (web-based) activities that were
offered, OPCEO approved 265 hours of continuing education and
awarded 2073.25 hours to 640 registrants.
A summary of offerings can be found in the table below:
Activity Activities Hours Registrations CE Hours
Type Offered Accredited Awarded
Live 155 328.75 3566 6181.75
Homestudy 95 265 640 2073.25
TOTAL 250 593.75 4206 8255
Jointly Provided Continuing Education Programs
OPCEO co-sponsored 138 live activities and 68 online (web-based)
activities. Over 3,300 hours of continuing pharmacy education
credit was awarded for the 45th Annual Southeastern Residency
Conference held April 30-May 1 at The Classic Center in Athens.
Additionally, OPCEO jointly provided continuing education programs
with five health-system partners (Athens Regional Medical Center,
Georgia Regents University and Health System, Norwood VA Hospital,
St. Josephs Candler Health System, and Northeast Georgia Health
System), four professional organizations (Society of Veterinary Health
System Pharmacists, Georgia Medical Directors Association, Georgia
Healthcare Association, and Kappa Psi Fraternity), and 10 other
organizations (Area Health Education Centers, Georgia Department
of Public Health, The Council on Alcohol and Drugs, The Food and
Drug Administration, InSight, Berger Consulting, Hands On Spanish,
McKesson, The Georgia Center for Continuing Education and
Of particular note this year, OPCEO worked with the Georgia
Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative and Dr. Merrill Norton
to develop and deliver 3 hours of online continuing education
to provide updates to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on
the scope of prescription drug abuse locally and nationwide and
describe the role of pharmacy in curbing this epidemic. This program
is funded through a grant from the Initiative and was oered free to
all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
OPCEO also worked the Georgia Center for Continuing Education,
as well as Drs. Bill Spruill and Bill Wade, to reformat the long-standing
Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics program into a case-based
learning course with fully automated formative and summative
assessments. The new case-based approach, to be launched in 2015,
will not require manual grading. The course will provide 30 hours of
continuing pharmacy education and a practice-based certicate of
Enduring Continuing Education Programs
OPCEO provided 16 enduring continuing education programs in
2014, including a certificate program, a web-based Spanish program
and a 3-hour program on prescription drug abuse. A total of 255
practice-based hours were awarded to 13 participants in certificate
programs and 204 application-based hours were awarded to 17
participants for Pharmacy Spanish. Additionally 372 hours were
awarded to 446 pharmacy preceptors and 60 hours to 20 participants
for drug abuse prevention.
The Oce continues to oer a variety of preceptor development
education. The online Preceptor Development Series was completely
revamped for 2014 and now oers 5 hours of continuing education
through six knowledge based modules. Additionally, the Pharmacy
Grand Rounds series provided 25 programs for faculty and preceptor
development. Students, residents, faculty, and preceptors beneted
from the weekly programs that were broadcast to ve locations.
During 2014, 212.5 hours were awarded to 45 pharmacy preceptors.
Pharmacy Technician Focus
OPCEO launched the UGA Rx Tech CE Initiative with special funding
from the Deans Office in October 2013. The program offered seven
activities designed expressly for technicians plus three others for
pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. A total of 40 activities were
approved for pharmacy technicians and 363 hours of continuing
pharmacy education were awarded to technicians.
BioPharma Regulatory Affairs Programs
The BioPharma Regulatory Aairs program oers graduate
certicate programs in Regulatory Aairs and in Clinical Trials
Management. It also oers a M.S. degree in Regulatory Aairs with a
thesis option or a project. All of these programs are available online
and are perfectly suited to the schedules of working professionals.
At the end of 2014, 40 students were enrolled in the programs,
which are designed to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical, animal
health, biotechnology and medical device industries. A total of 21
companies/institutions have had employees enrolled in the program
with 15 of these from the State of Georgia. Since 2005, the programs
have enrolled 231 students and graduated 131 Regulatory Aairs
certicates, 46 Clinical Trials Management certicates and 36 MS
Robert J. Geiger joined the faculty of the BioPharma Regulatory
Aairs program in August 2014. He had been employed at
AmbioPharm, Inc. in North Augusta, SC, as co-founder and Global
Vice-President of Quality and Regulatory since 2007. He previously
worked at American Peptide Company and UCB, Inc. He earned his
B.S. in chemistry at Ha mpden-Sydney College, his Ph.D. at Georgia
Tech and an MBA from Kennesaw State University. Dr. Geiger adds
his expertise in manufacturing, compliance and quality to the
BioPharma Regulatory Aairs program.
The 39th International Good Manufacturing Practices
Conference was held in March at the UGA Hotel and Conference
Center. The conference drew 338 attendees from across the United
States, Puerto Rico and Europe. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration, the event provided updates to and changes
in regulations for manufacturing processes for drugs and medical
The 2nd annual Medical Device Regulations Conference,
co-sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and
BioPharma Regulatory Affairs, was held in November at the UGA
Hotel and Conference Center. The conference, which is designed to
support the vibrant medical device industry in the State of Georgia,
drew 70 participants. The theme for the conference was Practical
Approaches to an Evolving Regulator Environment. The conference,
included presentations from leading scientists from industry and
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This year marked the sixth year that the College of Pharmacy
participated in the Farm Worker Family Health Program in
Moultrie. This interprofessional service learning program brings
together Emory undergraduate nursing and nurse practitioner
students; dental hygiene students for three schools; physical therapy
students from Georgia State; and public health and pharmacy
students from UGA to provide healthcare services to farm workers
and their families in rural Georgia. Two faculty members, 16 2nd-year
pharmacy students and one 4th-year pharmacy student participated
in the program from June 7-19, 2014.
The 12th annual Dawgtoberfest Health Fair was held on October
15 at the College of Pharmacy. This student-led event provided
influenza vaccines, health screenings and health information to
more than 200 faculty, staff and students of the University. The event
received funding from Walgreens.
The Office of Continuing Education and Outreach coordinates the
Board of Pharmacy State Licensure Exam each June. In 2014
366 candidates sat for the exam. The College of Pharmacy hosted
the Georgia Board of Pharmacy for their June meeting and then
collaborated with the Secretary of State Testing Division to facilitate
space, technology, and supplies for board members and exam
proctors, including meals and breaks. Additionally, the Office worked
with faculty throughout the College to secure adequate office space
for candidates to interview as well as lab space for the practical.
Trina von Waldner, center, and other College of Pharmacy faculty and
students participated in the Farm Workers Program.
Second annual Medical Device Regulations Conference attendees.
Aaron Beedle Invited participant, Lilly Teaching
Fellows Program, University of Georgia, 2012 -
Special Topic Session “Muscle Diseases: Recent
Advances in Disease Mechanisms selected
by the Muscle Biology group of the American
Physiological Society for programming at the
Experimental Biology 2015 meeting in Boston,
MA. Beedle, Chair; Selsby, Co-Chair
Mentee Award, Steven Foltz, Winner, Student Poster Presentation
Travel Award, New Directions in Biology and Disease of Skeletal
Muscle Conference, June 29-July2, 2014, Chicago, IL
Catherine Bourg Graduated from the American College of Clinical
Pharmacy (ACCP) Research and Scholarship Certificate Program
Catherine Bourg and Virginia Fleming Among 17 UGA faculty to
receive $5000 Innovative Instruction Faculty Grants funded through
the University of Georgia Office of the Vice President for Instruction
for projects designed to improve teaching. Their project is entitled,
The Use of Turning Point Technology to Integrate Case-Based
Instruction into Disease State Management, a Second-Year Course in
the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Curriculum.
James V. Bruckner Scientific and Technological Achievement Award,
Level III, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and
Development, Washington, DC.
David Chu Received the John A. Montgomery Award at the XXI
International Round Table of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic
Acids in Poznan, Poland
Amber Clemmons Named the 2014
Outstanding Young Health System Pharmacist of
the Year by the Georgia Society of Health System
Henry Cobb Received a certificate from the UGA Career Center
noting his contributions to the career development of UGA students
Brian S. Cummings New invention Disclosures
Identification of current and past cocaine use
by lipidomic assessment of the blood. Filed:
September 11, 2014
Determination of frequency of use and route of
administration of cocaine based on lipidomic
analysis of the blood. Filed: September 11, 2014
Patents Filed - Predicting sensitivity or
propensity of patient to relapse after treatment
for addiction by assaying biological sample for phospholipid level,
comparing phospholipid levels to control values, and analyzing lipid
profile , Patent Number: WO2014150329-A1, Patent Assignee: UNIV
Nominated for 2015 American Society of Pharmacology and
Experimental Therapeutics Toxicology Young Investigator Award
Ray Maddox Best Paper Describing a New Pharmaceutical
Service Award, presented by the Georgia Society of Health System
Pharmacists, October 2014
David DeRemer Elected to the Board of
Directors of the Hematology Oncology
Pharmacy Association (HOPA), as a Member-at-
Large, for two years
Elected Chair-elect for the Hematology/
Oncology Practice and Research Network (PRN)
for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Best Paper Award for Abstract – DeRemer DL,
Hartranft M, Mondal A, Meagher R, Kolhe R, Phillips B. Evaluation of
the Effects of Obesity on the Epigenome in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Patients Correlation with Clinical Outcomes and Drug Response
at the 2014 American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Annual
ACCP Hematology/Oncology PRN FIT Program Scholarship recipient
Ken Duke Received dedication of the 2014 Georgia Pharmacist
Lori Duke Appointed to the Accreditation
Council for Pharmacy Education Board of
Directors (2014-2020)
Appointed as member of the Strategic Planning
Committee for the American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education
Section (2014-2015)
Appointed as member of the American
Association College of Pharmacy – Council of Sections (2013-2014)
Appointed as member of the Abstract Review Committee for the
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Council of Sections.
Appointed as member of the New Investigator Awards Program
Committee for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Council of Sections. (2013-2014)
Appointed as Chair of the Quorum Committee for the American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Council of Faculties. (2013-2014)
Appointed Chair, Nominations Committee for the American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education Section
Served as Immediate Past Chair (6/13 – 6/14) for the Experiential
Education Section of the American Association College of Pharmacy
Appointed UGA Faculty Liaison to the Georgia Society of Health-
System Pharmacists Board of Directors
Michael Fulford and Lindsey Welch Co-recipients of the 2014
American Association College of Pharmacy Excellence in Assessment
Rajgopal Govindarajan Elected as Member of American Association
of Pharmaceutical Scientists Transport Focus Group (2014-2017)
Ashley Hannings Accepted into the University of Georgia Teaching
Academy Fellows Program (2014 – 2015)
Selected as Faculty of the Year – Phi Delta Chi Alpha Iota Chapter
Ashley Hannings and Linda Hughes Awarded Board Certification
as Ambulatory Care Pharmacists (BCACP)
Linda Hughes Appointed as member of the
Abstract Review Committee for the American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential
Education Section (2014-2015)
Appointed as UGA Faculty Delegate for the
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Appointed as member of the Scholarship
Committee for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Leadership SIG (2014-2015)
Elected as Northeast Georgia District Director of the Georgia Society
of Health-System Pharmacists
Appointed to the Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Board of Directors
Eileen J. Kennedy International patent application: WO
2015/010048 A1US Patent application: PCT/US2014/047236
Chemically-stabilized A Kinase Anchoring Protein (AKAP) Peptide
Disrupters Kennedy EJ, Wang Y and Taylor SS
Kalen Manasco Appointed to the very first
American College of Clinical Pharmacy Updates
in Therapeutics 2015: Pediatric Pharmacy Prep
Review Course planning committee
Dianne May Served as Chair-Elect of the Drug
Information Practice and Research Network
(PRN) for the American College of Clinical
Pharmacy (2014 to present)
Elected Secretary/Treasurer, Drug Information Practice and Research
Network, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2012-2014
Served as Chair of the Programming Committee for the Drug
Information Practice and Research Network (PRN) for the American
College of Clinical Pharmacy (2014 – present)
Served as Co-Chair of the Education Committee for the Georgia
Society of Health System Pharmacists. (2014 – present)
Elected Chair-elect for the Drug Information Practice and Research
Network (PRN) for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and
was appointed as Co-Chair of the Education Committee for the
Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists
J. Russell May Named 2014 Distinguished Drug Information
Practitioner by the Drug Information PRN at the Annual American
College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) meeting in Austin, TX
Charles McDuffie Served as Chairman of the Foothills Area Health
Education Center
Dee Dee McEwen Appointed as member of the Abstract Review
Committee for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Experiential Education Section (2013-2014, 2014-2015)
Appointed as member of the Health and Wellness Committee for the
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education
Section (2014-2015)
Cory Momany Named University of Georgia Center for Teaching
and Learning Fellow
Mandi M. Murph The Red & Black, “UGA
researcher investigates the link between obesity
and cancer. By Allie Dean. November 18, 2014.
University of Georgia website homepage “UGA
researcher studies obesity’s role in breast, ovarian
cancers, By Sheila Roberson. November 3, 2014.
breast-ovarian-cancers-1014/SciGuru Science News website, http://
breast-ovarian-cancers. Article featured Mandi Murphs R15 award
LabTV To Create a Drug that will Eliminate Cancer, By April Bailey.
August 22, 2014. Video clip (~3 min) featuring graduate student
Ali Alshamrani and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.
Genomeweb. Gene Silencing News: Probing advances in RNAi and
miRNA. “NIH Awards $1.6M in microRNA Research Grants in January.
January 23, 2014. Article featured Mandi Murphs R15 award
Michael Neville Served as Co-Moderator for “Pharmacy Practice
Section: Maintaining Faculty and Student Wellness in a Stressful
Academic Environment” and for Joint Session: Biological Sciences
and Pharmacy Practice Sections: The Critical Interplay Between Basic
and Clinical Sciences Integration at the American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting in Grapevine, Texas.
July 27, 2014
Named 2014 Teacher of the Year
Hal Richards Re-elected Vice Chair of the BPS Council for Critical
Jeffrey Sanford Received the Walter Barnard
Hill Distinguished Public Service Fellow award,
as UGAs highest public service and outreach
Melody Sheffield Appointed as member of the
Awards Committee for the American Association
of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education
Section (2012-2014)
Somanath Shenoy Co-chaired the Tumor
Biology Session of the 19th World Congress
on Advances in Oncology conference, Athens,
Greece (October 2014)
Received the American Legion Award for 2014,
which is awarded in a competition among
researchers at the VA Medical Center in Augusta.
American Legion was chartered and recognized
by Congress and is the nations largest wartime
veterans service organization. Their funds are used to fund research
at the VA and the award is given once per year.
Lindsey Welch Selected for Georgia Pharmacy Associations
Leadership Georgia Pharmacy Association inaugural class (2014-
Appointed as member of the Membership and Professional
Development Committee for the American Association of Colleges of
Pharmacy Leadership SIG (2014-2015)
Appointed as member of the Membership and
Programming Committee for the American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Leadership
SIG (2014-2015).
Appointed as member of the Membership
and Scholarship Committee for the American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential
Education Section (2014-2015)
Appointed as member of the Membership and Scholarship
Committee for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Experiential Education Section (2014-2015)
Appointed to the Georgia Pharmacy Association Board of Directors
Georgia Pharmacists’ Association Committee on Student and
Academic Affairs, Region 10 Representative
Catherine White Chair-elect, Pharmaceutics Section, American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Jason Zastre Named American Cancer Society research Scholar by
the American Cancer Society
Yujun George Zheng R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Fund, 2014 Received
The University of Georgia Summer Research Award, 2014
Sherif Hafez, a 5th year CET graduate student from Advye Ergul’s
lab, and Sally Elshaer, a 3rd year MS CET graduate student from
Azza El-Remessys lab shared first place for Best Graduate Student
presentation during the 5th Annual meeting of the STaR conference
Wai Hung Best Thematic Poster Award: 2014 Annual Meeting of
American Society for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, San
Diego, April 2014
Fazlur Rahman Won PBS Junior Student of the Year 2014
Raybun Spelts, a third-year student who is jointly enrolled with
UGAs Master of Health program through the College of Public
Health, received the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia Foundation
MPH Scholarship as an exceptional MPH student.
Fourth-year students Stephanie Hoge and Katelyn Hood
represented the College at the national Clinical Skills Competition,
held in conjunction with the American Society of Health-System
Pharmacy Midyear Clinical meeting.
Second-year student Avery Gardner was one of only ve pharmacy
students nationwide to be selected for the U.S. Navy’s Health
Services Collegiate Program Medical Service Corps; last year two
pharmacy students were accepted.
The local chapter of the Student National Pharmaceutical
Association (SNPhA) has been selected to host the Region 1 & 2
regional meeting for 2015.
Ninety-four third-year students attended the annual Senor Legacy
Committee 3rd Year Challenge, with the goal of having 50
students donate $50 each toward supporting an annual scholarship
and College activities. By the end of April 53 students had donated
Vivia Hill-Silcott Named an Emerging
Leader for Southern Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision (SACES) and an
Emerging Scholar for the Association for
Specialized in Group Work (ASGW); both are
professional organizations that address social
justice, advocacy, and education of counselor
educators and practitioners
Joy Wilson
Employee of the
Year award from
Dean Svein Øie
Received STAR
award for 1st
quarter 2014.
2014 recipients of the STAR award , recognizing service, teamwork,
attitude and reliability, were: Joy Wilson, administrative manager I
in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, for the first quarter; Erik
Dennison, student affairs professional II, for the second quarter of
2014; Gloria Strait, administrative associate II, for the 3rd quarter
STAR award; and Lynn Parham, program coordinator II, for the 4th
quarter award.
Erik Dennison Gloria Strait Lynn Parham
Nine new faculty joined the College of Pharmacy for the 2014-15
academic year – one as assistant dean, ve in the Department of
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy (CAP), one in the Department
of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (PBS), one in the Division
of Experience Programs and one in the Division of Non-Traditional
Education and Outreach (NTEO). New part-time faculty are Susan
Elrod, a part-time instructor in CAP, and Russell Mumper, UGA
Provost and part-time professor in PBS.
Ray Maddox (B.S. ’72) is a new assistant dean
hired to develop the Southeast Georgia campus
in Savannah. Maddox had been the director
of clinical pharmacy, research and pulmonary
medicine at St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System
in Savannah since 2002. Maddox had directed
several clinical pharmacy programs at St.
Joseph’s and Candler hospitals since 1995,
including Director of Clinical Pharmacy Services
and Research from 1997 to 2002. Maddox earned his Doctor of
Pharmacy degree in conjunction with a clinical pharmacy residency
at University of Kentucky in 1977, following a hospital pharmacy
residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in 1973 and a
B.S. in pharmacy at UGA in 1972.
New CAP faculty are: Trisha Branan (’06),
clinical assistant professor, was formerly a critical
care clinical pharmacy specialist at Georgia
Regents Medical Center and a clinical assistant
pharmacist without salary at the Colleges
Pharmacy and Therapeutics program in Augusta.
She completed a PGY1 pharmacy residency at
the Medical College of Georgia in 2007 and a
PGY2 critical care pharmacy residency at the
University of Virginia Health System in Charlottesville, VA, in 2008.
Assistant Professor Ewan Cobran completed
a postdoctoral fellowship in Cancer Health
Disparities at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill in 2014. He earned his Ph.D. in
pharmaceutical science at Howard University
College of Pharmacy in 2012 and a B.S. in health
science at the University of Florida College
Health and Human Performance in 2006. He
has experience as a management and program
analyst with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Oce of
Health Aairs, Workforce Health Protection & Medical Support in
Washington, D.C.
Anthony Hawkins (’12), a clinical assistant
professor on the Albany campus, earned his
Doctor of Pharmacy at UGA in 2012, followed
by a PGY1 pharmacy practice residency and
PGY2 critical care specialty residency at Emory
University. He has worked as an adjunct clinical
instructor at Mercer University College of
Pharmacy and as a clinical/sta pharmacist at
Emory University Hospital.
Elisabeth Lilian Pia Sattler is an assistant
professor in the new interdisciplinary program
with the colleges of Pharmacy and Family and
Consumer Sciences (FACS) that focuses on
education and delivery of care that improves
patient outcomes and wellness of Georgians.
She has been an instructor and a research
assistant in the FACS Department of Foods
and Nutrition where she earned a Ph.D. in 2013
focusing on food insecurity, medication utilization, and medication
adherence among low-income older adults. She received a B.S.
degree in pharmacy at the University of Bonn in Germany in 2005.
Michael Thiman (’12) is a clinical assistant
professor who completed a PGY1 residency in
pharmacy at the Durham VA Medical Center
and a PGY2 in ambulatory care pharmacy from
UGA/Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center/
Mercy Health Center. He has a UGA graduate
certicate in clinical pharmacy and a teaching
certicate from the University of North Carolina
Eshelman School of Pharmacy at Chapel Hill.
New to PBS is associate professor Scott Pegan,
who earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in chemistry
and biochemistry at University of California,
San Diego, in 2006 and 2002, respectively, and
a B.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology
at University of California, Santa Barbara, in
2000. He was previously an assistant professor
at the University of Denver, a research assistant
professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago
and a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Illinois at
Chicago and at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences.
Andrew Darley (’12), a new faculty in
Experience Programs, is the new coordinator of
the third-year Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience (IPPE) program. He was previously
a clinical pharmacist at Memorial University
Medical Center in Savannah where he also
completed a PGY1 pharmacy residency. He
earned an associate’s degree at East Georgia
College in Swainsboro in 2008 and a Doctor of
Pharmacy at UGA in 2012.
Robert Geiger is an academic professional in
the NTEO Regulatory Aairs program. He had
been employed at Ambiopharma, Inc., in North
Augusta, South Carolina, as Co-founder and
Global Vice President of Quality and Regulatory
since 2007. He worked as a sales manager at
American Peptide Company in Vista, CA, from
2005 to 2007 and at UCB, Inc., in Smyrna from
1998-2005. He earned a B.S. in chemistry at
Hampden-Sydney College in 1994, a Ph.D. at Georgia Institute of
Technology in 1998, and an M.B.A. at Kennesaw State University in
UGA College of Pharmacy graduates 142 students
and honors 15 at 2014 Awards Banquet
The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy graduated 142 Doctor
of Pharmacy students in ceremonies held on May 3 at the Hugh
Hodgson Hall. Of those students, 87 graduated with honors: 13
summa cum laude, 31 magna cum laude and 43 cum laude.
Twenty-seven graduates were selected to attend postgraduate
residency programs, 17 in Georgia and the remaining 10 in other
The graduation weekend’s festivities began with the 66th annual
Senior Awards banquet on Friday evening, where 15 exemplary
students received 12 separate awards for special achievement,
academic excellence and professionalism.
Earning top awards were: Tara Fogleman Hall of Snellville - the
Robert C. Wilson Award for professional integrity, personality, positive
attitude and intelligence; Michelle Mullis of Albany - the Kenneth
L. Waters Award, which recognizes academic excellence, leadership
qualities, professional attitude and service; Emily Whitney of
Alpharetta - the Durward N. Entrekin Pharmacy Student Leadership
Sarah Smith of Albany received the Lilly Achievement Award for
ethics, scholarship and leadership. Francisco Marrero of Columbus,
Tate Mock of Atlanta, and Shweta Woodsmall of Flowery Branch
were recipients of the Merck Award for academic excellence.
The APhA-ASP Senior Recognition Certicate went to David Bray
of Eatonton, recognizing professionalism, excellence in patient care,
exceptional service and commitment to the profession.
The Facts and Comparisons Award of Excellence in Clinical
Communications went to Katelyn Hood of Chula for high academic
achievement and outstanding clinical communication skills.
The McKesson Award, based on exemplary performance during
clinical rotation, was presented to Charles Durham of Athens.
The Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. Excellence in Pharmacy Award
for high academic achievement and professional motivation and
prociency in drug information services was awarded to Sarah
Hinton of Savannah.
The Pharmdawg Award for service to the profession, college
and community was presented to Ami Patel of Lawrenceville and
Spencer Scarvey of Savannah.
Samantha Burke of Augusta received the Redfearn Award for
professionalism and community service.
Lauren Willis of Augusta received the TEVA Pharmaceuticals USA
Outstanding Student Award for excellence in pharmacy study.
The College of Pharmacy
welcomed 138 new students
into the Class of 2018
with its annual White Coat
ceremony. At that event
all new students receive
white lab coats to mark the
beginning of their pharmacy
careers. The white coats serve
as a constant reminder of
the responsibilities student
pharmacists must embrace
as critical members of the
healthcare teams whose
primary concerns are the
health, comfort, and welfare
of humanity.
College of Pharmacy
Alumni Council president James Holley (’95, ‘96) of Pharmacy
Informatics Systems Consultant for HeathcareIS in Monroe, was
keynote speaker. Kroger pharmacy coordinator Russell Segraves
(‘99) of Braselton represented Kroger Pharmacy as sponsor of the
event. Alumni Council members Pat Knowles (‘84) of Evans and
Melissa Groover (’04) of Savannah helped the incoming students
receive their white coats.
The grade point average of the Class of 2018 members was 3.52,
with an average Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) score in
the 81st percentile. Female students number 68.8 %, 36.2 % have a
bachelors degree or higher and 4.3% are out-of-state.
White Coat Day 2014 Welcomes 138 New Students
Tara Fogleman Hall Michelle Mullis Emily Whitney
The new scholarships and recipients were:
Donald E. and Cecelia V. Cadwallader Endowed Scholarship:
Rachel Schnorr of Carrollton;
Senator Buddy Carter Distinguished Leadership Endowment:
Lindsey Sellers of Midland and Shane Sneed of Lawrenceville;
Joseph T. and Cecily R. DiPiro Pharmacy Care Scholarship:
Andrea Clarke of Chickamauga;
Hansford Specialty Pharmacy Endowment:
Katherine Smith of Macon;
Rob and Courtnee Russ Endowed Student Scholarship:
Danette Sipper of Braselton;
Solomons Endowed Student Scholarship:
James Spence of Kathleen;
Rick and Robbin St. John Endowed Scholarship:
Payal Kakadiya of Lilburn;
John H. Taylor Jr. Student Scholarship:
Sarah Clements of Rome;
Robert I. and Angela M. Thompson Endowed Student
Thuan Tran of Augusta; and
Grace Waters Endowed Student Scholarship:
Raybun Spelts of Leesburg.
Pharmacy Students’ Education Supported with Scholarships
Ten new scholarships were presented at the 2014 scholarship ceremony at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. All were funded by
College of Pharmacy faculty, alumni and friends. A total of 145 students received 76 scholarships and awards for the 2014-15 academic year,
totaling more than $241,600.
145 College of Pharmacy Students Received
76 Scholarships Awarded Academic
Year 2014-2015, Totaling $241,600
Non-Endowed Company Fund
Endowed Funds
Non-Endowed Support Fund
Non-Endowed Individuals
Non-Endowed Pharmacy
Twenty-six grants received research funds in the Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy in 2014 totalling $3,124,565. Those
faculty receiving $100,000 or more as principal investigators were:
IN GEORGIA C&M Mason Trust $1,672,698
National Institutes of Health $308,700
National Institutes of Health $325,500
National Institutes of Health $289,425
FUNCTION National Institutes of Health $308,700
Twenty-two grants received research funds in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences in 2014 totalling $6,235,880.
Those faculty receiving $100,000 or more as principal investigators were:
National Institutes of Health $389,910
AND HUMAN SYSTEMS Consumer Specialty Products Association $105,000
AND HUMAN SYSTEMS Consumer Specialty Products Association $105,000
TUMORING National Institutes of Health $299,900
NANOPARTICLES Auburn University $127,189
CHEMOTHERAPY National Institutes of Health $448,500
National Institutes of Health $309, 521
WOMEN’S CANCERS National Institutes of Health $426,849
PROTEASE ACTIVITY National Institutes of Health $308,454
PROTEASE ACTIVITY National Institutes of Health $251,056
MDR1 TRANSPORTER American Heart Association $165,000
TRANSPORTER National Institutes of Health $341,367
American Cancer Society $792,000
National Institutes of Health $171,630
National Institutes of Health $247, 356
DeRemer DL. Drug and Food Interactions with Tyrosine Kinase
Inhibitors. In: Ustun C and Popat UR (eds): Chronic Myeloid Leukemia:
From Daily Management to Complicated Issues. New York, NY: Nova
Science Publishers; 2014 pp. 251-262.
Fagan SC, Hess DC. Stroke in Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic
Approach. (9th edition), DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells
BG, Posey LM, eds, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2014.
Fagan SC, Alhusban A, Nichols FT: Evaluation of Neurologic Function.
in Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach. (9th edition),
DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey LM, eds,
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2014.
May J, Smith PH. Allergic Rhinitis, In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee
GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey M. (eds) Pharmacotherapy: A
Pathophysiological Approach. 9th Edition. New York, NY, McGraw Hill,
2014 pp. 1541-1553.
Dopp JM, Phillips BG. Sleep Disorders, In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL,
Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey LM (eds): Pharmacotherapy: A
Pathophysiologic Approach, 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
2014 pp 1115-1129.
Switzer JA, Sikora A, Hess DC, Fagan SC: Minocycline for Acute
Cerebral Hemorrhage in Rational Basis for Translation in Stroke
Therapy. Frontiers in Neurotherapeutics, Micieli and Amantea, Editors;
CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, August, 2014.
Fleming VH, Phillips, BG. Atrial Fibrillation Case. In: Schwinghammer
TL, Koehler JM. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused
Approach. 9th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014.
May DW, Rao S. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. In: DiPiro
JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey M. (eds)
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach. 9th Edition. New
York, NY, McGraw Hill, 2014:455-470.
Harper ML, May JR. Introduction to the Concept of Medication
Information In Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 6th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York. 2014 pp. 1 – 34.
Fravel M, Phillips BB. Constipation. In: Schwinghammer TL, Koehler
JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach.
9th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2014.
Spangler M, Phillips BB. Chronic Anticoagulation. In:
Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A
Patient-Focused Approach. 9th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2014.
Clemmons AB, Ensley B, Hoge S, Clark S. Fixed-dose rasburicase
in overweight/obese versus normal weight patients. Journal of
Oncology Pharmacy Practice. 2014 April; 20 (Suppl 2): PP15.
Clemmons AB, Hartfranft ME, Kota V, Pantin J, Awan F, Salman H,
Jillella A. Administration of anti-thymocyte globulin: Slowing infusion
rate over a 4 day course with aggressive use of pre-medications to
reduce infusion reactions. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplant.
2014 Feb;20(2 Suppl):S287-S288.
Clark SM, Schaack L, DeRemer D, Kota V, Clemmons AB.
Fosaprepitant for the prevention of nausea and vomiting in patients
receiving BEAM or high-dose melphalan conditioning regimens
for autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Biology of
Blood and Marrow Transplant. 2014 Feb;20(2 Suppl):S287.
Cobran EK, Wutoh AK, Lee E, Odedina F, Ragin C, Aiken W, Godley
P. (2014). Perceptions of prostate cancer fatalism and screening
behavior between United States-born and Caribbean-born black
males. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 16(3):394-400.
Pen D, Stitzenberg K, Cobran EK, Godley PA. (2014).Provider-based
research network demonstrate greater hospice use for minority
patients with lung cancer. Journal of Oncology Practice. 10(4):e182-
Mohamed IN, Hafez S, Ergul A, Imig JD, El-Remessy AB. HFD-
induced TXNIP expression is required for endothelial inflammasome
activation and retinal vascular degeneration. Diabetologia,
Feb;57(2):413-23, 2014.
El-Azab MF, Baldowski BR, Shanab AY, Matragoon S, Saul A, El-
Remessy AB. Neuroprotective effects of TXNIP deletion in a model of
optic neuropathy. British Journal of Pharmacology, 171(5):1299-313,
Soliman SA, Ishrat T, Pillai, A, Somanath PR, Ergul A, El-Remessy
AB, Fagan SC. Candesartan induces a prolonged proangiogenic
effect and augments endothelium-mediated neuroprotection
after oxygen and glucose deprivation: Role of vascular endothelial
growth factors A and B. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics 349(3):444-57, 2014.
Rozette N, Matragoon S, Goei S, Manasco K, El-Remessy AB.
Systemic effects of ophthalmic cyclopentolate in a model of
retinopathy of prematurity. Neonatology, 106(1):37-41, 2014.
Bland CM, Bookstaver PB, Lu ZK, Dunn BL, Rumley KF. Southeastern
Research Group Endeavor (SERGE-45). Musculoskeletal safety
outcomes of patients receiving daptomycin with HMG-CoA reductase
inhibitors. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotheraphy. 2014
Ishrat T, Alhusban A, Pillai B, El-Remessy AB, Ergul A, Fagan SC. Role
of matrix metalloproteinase activity in the neurovascular protective
effects of angiotensin antagonism. Stroke Research and Treatment,
2014:560491, 2014.
Abdelsaid MA, Matragoon S, El-Remessy AB. Deletion of thioredoxin
interacting protein augments hyperoxia-induced vaso-obliteration
in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy. PLoSOne,
9(10):e110388, 2014.
Fulzele S, El-sherbini A, Ahmad S, Sangani R, Matragoon S,
El-Remessy AB, Liou. GI MicroRNA-146b-3p controls retinal
inflammation by suppressing adenosine deaminase-2 in diabetes.
BioMedical Research International, 2014.
Mysona BA, Matragoon S, Moahmed IN, Shanab AY, Farooq A,
Stephens M, Fouda A, Bartasis M, Espinosa D, El-Remessy AB.
Imbalance of proNGF/NGF as biomarker in diabetic retinopathy.
BioMed Research International. 2014.
Shanab AY, El-Azab MF, Sabbineni H, Matragoon S, El-Remessy
AB. Candesartan stimulates reparative angiogenesis in ischemic
retinopathy model: role of hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1). Angiogenesis,
(E-Pub) Nov 2014 .
Hoda MN, Bhatia K, Hafez SS, Johnson MH, Siddiqui S, Ergul A, Zaidi
SK, Fagan SC, Hess DC. Remote ischemic preconditioning is effective
after embolic stroke in ovariectomized female mice. Translational
Stroke Research 2014, epub Jan. 4.
Ergul A, Abdelsaid M, Fouda A, Fagan SC. Cerebral
neovascularization in diabetes: Implications for stroke recovery
and beyond. Invited Review, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and
Metabolism; 2014; 34(4):553-563; doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2014.18.
Hafez S, Coucha M, Bruno A, Fagan SC, Ergul A. Hyperglycemia,
acute ischemic stroke and thrombolytic therapy. Translational Stroke
Research 2014; March 13.
Ishrat T, El-Remessy AB, Mohamed IN, Pillai B, Soliman S, Ergul
A, Fagan SC. Thioredoxin interacting protein: A novel target for
neuroprotection in experimental thromboembolic stroke in mice.
Molecular Neurobiology , epub ahead of print, Jun 18, 2014.
Coucha M. Li W, Johnson MH, Fagan SC, Ergul A. Reply to “Letter
to the editor: Targeting cerebrovascular myogenic dysfunction in
stroke. American Journal of Heart, Journal of Physiology: Heart and
Circulatory Physiology. 2014; 306(10): H1483.
Alhusban A, Al-Azayzih A, Goc A, Fagan SC, Somanath PR. Clinically
relevant doses of candesartan inhibit growth of prostate tumor
xenografts in vivo through modulation of tumor angiogenesis.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2014;
350(3): 635-645.
Quidley AM, Bland CM, Bookstaver PB, Kuper K. Perioperative
management of bariatric surgery patients. American Journal of
Health System Pharmacy. 2014;71:1253-64.
Bookstaver DA, Bland CM, Woodberry MW, Mansell KB. Correlation
of cefpodoxime susceptibility with cephalothin and cefuroxime for
urinary tract isolates. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2014;63(Pt
Ishrat T, Pillai B, Soliman S, Fouda AY, Kozak A, Johnson MH, Ergul A,
Fagan SC. Low-dose candesartan enhances molecular mediators of
neuroplasticity and subsequent functional recovery after ischemic
stroke in rats. Molecular Neurobiology, epub ahead of print, August
2, 2014.
Boudreau DM, Guzauskas GF, Chen E, Lalla D, Tayama D, Fagan SC,
Veenstra DL. Cost-effectiveness of recombinant tissue plasminogen
activator within 3 hours of acute ischemic stroke: Current evidence.
Stroke ePub ahead of print, September 4, 2014.
Mohamed IN, Ishrat T, Fagan SC, El-Remessy AB. Role of
inflammasome activation in the pathophysiology of vascular
diseases of the neurovascular unit. Invited Review. Antioxidants and
Redox Signaling, ePub ahead of print; October 2, 2014.
Azza El-Remessy works in her lab
Alhusban A, Fouda AY, Pillai B, Ishrat T, Soliman S, Fagan SC. C21 is
proangiogenic in the brain and results in sustained recovery after
ischemic stroke. Journal of Hypertension, epub ahead of print,
October 8, 2014.
Khan M, Hoda MN, Vaibhav K, Giri S, Waller J, Ergul A, Dhandapani K,
Fagan SC, Hess DC. Remote ischemic postconditioning: Harnessing
endogenous protection in a murine model of vascular cognitive
impairment. Translational Stroke Research, epub October 9, 2014.
Hoda MD, Fagan SC, Khan MB, Vaibhav K, Chaudhary A, Wang
P, Dhandapani KM, Waller JL, Hess DC. A 2x2 factorial design
of minocycline and remote ischemic preconditioning prior
to thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke. Experimental and
Translational Stroke Medicine, 2014-7378-6-10.
Shanab AY, El-Azab MF, Sabbineni H, Soliman S, Matragoon S, Fagan
SC, El-Remessy AB. Candesartan preserves retinal vasculature in
ischemic retinopathy: Role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
and Hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1). Angiogenesis, epub November 25,
Ahmed H, May, DW, Fagan SC, Segar L. Vascular protection with
gliptins in diabetes: Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics.
Accepted, Pharmacotherapy, September, 2014.
Abdelsaid M, Prakash R, Li W, Coucha W, Hafez S, Johnson MH, Fagan
SC, Ergul A. Metformin treatment in post-stroke period prevents
nitrative stress and restores angiogenic signaling in the brain after
ischemia/reperfusion injury. Resubmitted to Diabetes, 12, 2014.
Soliman SA, Ishrat T, Fouda AY, Patel A, Pillai B, Fagan SC. Sequential
therapy with minocycline and candesartan improves long term
recovery after experimental stroke. Submitted to Translational Stroke
Research, June, 2014.
Coucha M, Li W, Hafez S, Abdelsaid M, Johnson MH, Fagan SC,
Ergul A. SOD1 overexpression prevents acute hyperglycemia-
induced cerebral myogenic dysfunction: Relevance to contralateral
hemisphere and stroke outcomes. Submitted to American Journal of
Physiology, May, 2014.
Rollins B, Ramakrishnan S, Perri M. Direct to Consumer Advertising
of Predictive Genetic Tests: A Health Belief Model Based Examination
of Consumer Response. Health Marketing Quarterly. 2014; 31:263-
Sattler E L. P, Lee JS, Bhargava V. (2014). Food insecurity and
medication adherence in low-income older Medicare beneficiaries
with Type 2 diabetes. Journal of Nutrition Gerontology and Geriatrics
Pyla R, Osman I, Pichavaram P, Hansen P, Segar L. Metformin
exaggerates phenylephrine-induced AMPK phosphorylation
independent of CaMKK and attenuates contractile response in
endothelium-denuded rat aorta. Biochemical Pharmacology. 92:
266-279; 2014.
Ma L, Kerr BA, Naga Prasad SV, Byzova TV, Somanath PR*. 2014.
Differential effects of Akt1 signaling on short- versus long-term
consequences of myocardial infarction and reperfusion injury.
Lab Invest. Oct;94(10):1083-91. (Highlighted on cover page of the
October issue of the journal ‘Laboratory Investigation’).
Alhusban A, Al-A zayzih A, Goc A, Gao F, Fagan SC, Somanath
PR*. 2014. Clinically relevant doses of candesartan inhibit growth
of prostate tumor xenografts in vivo through modulation of
tumor angiogenesis. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics. 2014 Sep;350(3):635-45.
Soliman S, Ishrat T, Pillai A, Somanath PR, Ergul A, El-Remessy AB,
Fagan SC. 2014. Candesartan induces a prolonged proangiogenic
effect and augments endothelium-mediated neuroprotection
after oxygen and glucose deprivation: Role of vascular endothelial
growth factors A and B. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics. 2014 Jun;349(3):444-57.
Goc A, Al-Husein B, Katsanevas K, Steinbach A, Lou U, Sabbineni H,
DeRemer DL, Somanath PR*. 2014. Targeting Src-mediated Tyr216
phosphorylation and activation of GSK-3 in prostate cancer cells
inhibit prostate cancer progression in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget.
2014 Feb 15;5(3):775-87.
Young HN, Larson T, Cox E, Moreno M, Thorpe J, MacKinnon
N (2014). The active patient role and asthma outcomes in an
underserved rural community. Journal of Rural Health. 30(2):121-7.
Clemmons AB, Ensley E, Hoge S, Clark S. Fixed-dose rasburicase
in overweight and obese patients versus normal weight patients.
Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2014 Jun 17;48(9):1152-1158.
Seibert HH, Maddox RR, Flynn EA, Williams CK: Effect of barcode
technology with electronic medication administration record on
medication accuracy rates. American Journal of Health-System
Pharmacy 71:209-18, 2014.
Fleming VH, White BP, Southwood R. Resistance of E.coli urinary
isolates from Emergency Department-treated patients at a
community hospital. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Aug
Deshpande M, Chewning BA, Mott DA, Thorpe JM, Young HN (2014).
Asthma medication use among U.S. adults 18 and older. Research in
Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 10(6):e113-23.
Cox ED, Fritz KA, Hansen KW, Brown RL, Rajamanickman VP,
Wiles KE, Fate BH, Young HN, Moreno MA (2014). Development
and validation of PRISM: A survey tool to identify diabetes self-
management barriers. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.
Galdo JA, Thurston MM, Bourg CA. Clinical considerations in insulin
pharmacotherapy in ambulatory care, Part One: Introduction
and review of current products and guidelines. Clinical Diabetes
Buck B, Wilkinson H, Phillips H. Preceptor development: Providing
effective feedback, Part 2. Hospital Pharmacy 2014; 49(6):521-9.
Clemmons AB, Evans S, DeRemer DL, Awan FT. Busulfan dosing (Q6
or Q24) with adjusted or actual body weight, does it matter? Journal
of Oncology and Pharmacy Practice. 2014.
Clemmons AB, Hartranft M, et al. Administration of anti-
thymocyte globulin: A comparison of two protocols. Bone Marrow
Transplantation. 2014;49:1535-7.
Neville M, Clemmons AB, Hunter C. Application of opiate analgesia
concepts in a third-year skills laboratory on three campuses. Journal
of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. 2014; March; 28(1):10-
Clark SM, Steinbach A, Clemmons AB. Pomalidomide for the
treatment of multiple myeloma. Journal of the Advanced
Practitioner in Oncology (JADPRO). 2014 Jan/Feb;5(1):51–56.
Goc A, Al-Husein B, Katsanevas K, Steinbach A, Lou U, Sabbineni
H, DeRemer DL, Somanath PR. Targeting Src-mediated Tyr216
phosphorylation and activation of GSK-3 in prostate cancer cells
inhibit prostate cancer progression in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget
2014 15;5(3):775-87.
Mysona BA, Shanab AY, Elshaer SE, El-Remessy AB. Nerve growth
factor in diabetic retinopathy: Beyond neurons. Expert Review of
Ophthalmology, 9(2):99-107, 2014.
Mohamed IN, Ishrat T, Fagan SC, El-Remessy AB. Role of
inflammasome activation in the pathophysiology of vascular
diseases of the Neurovascular Unit. Antioxidant Redox Signal, 2014.
Hawkins A, Mazzeffi M, Abraham P, Paciullo C. Prevalence and
factors associated with absence of venous thromboembolism
prophylaxis. Critical Care Medicine 2014; 42(S12).
Maddox RR. The essence of leadership. American Journal of Health-
System Pharmacy 71:662-8, 2014.
Rozette NA, Matragoon S, Sethi S, Goei S, Manasco KB, El-Remessy
AB. Systemic effects of ophthalmic cyclopentolate on body weight
in neonatal mice. Neonatology 2014;106:37-41.
Phillips H, Fuller PD, May JR, Johnson S. Conflict resolution strategies
between preceptor and resident – A case-based scenario. American
Journal of Health System Pharmacy 2014;71(3):184-6.
May JR, Chan J, Fuller PD, Jasiak K, Lepkowsky M, Phillips H. The
Residency Scramble: Program Directors’ experiences with the
Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service.
American Journal of Health System Pharmacy 2014;71(7):587-91.
Pettit NN, Johnson S, Fuller PD, May JR, Phillips H. Managing
multiple residents with incongruent personalities: A case-based
scenario for the new preceptor. American Journal of Health-System
Pharmacy 2014;71(13):1071-2.
Welch LH, Hughes LD, May DW, McEwen DW, Duke LJ. Evaluation
of a multi-modal approach of teaching immunization administration
in a Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum. Currents in Teaching and
Learning 2014;6(6):782-791.
Liao V, Phan SV. Acute hyperglycemia associated with short-term
use of atypical antipsychotic medications. Drugs 2014;74(2):183-94.
Harris IM, Phillips B, Boyce E, Griesbach S, Hope C, Sanoski C, Sokos
D, Wargo K. Clinical pharmacy should adopt a consistent process of
direct patient care. Pharmacotherapy 2014;34(8):e133–e148).
Bland CM, Sutton SS, Dunn BL. What are the latest
recommendations for managing severe sepsis and septic shock?
JAAPA. 2014 Oct;27(10):15-9.
Ansel H. (2014). Pharmaceutical Calculations. LWW, Baltimore,
MD, Chapters 17 (“Selected Calculations in Contemporary
Compounding”) and 18 (“Selected Calculations involving Veterinary
Pharmaceuticals”), 13th ed., pp. 287-318.
Hooks SB, Murph MM. Cellular Deficiency in the Regulator of
G-protein Signaling 10 Protein Facilitates Chemoresistant Ovarian
Cancer. Medicinal Chemistry Advances: Overcoming Multidrug
Resistance in Oncology, Ed. Ryan De Vooght-Johnson. Future Science
Group, 2014.
Saggar MA, Liu D. (2014) Gene Delivery: An Essential Component for
Successful Gene Therapy, In Drug Delivery, Ed. Ashim Mitra, Jones &
Bartlett Learning, USA, pp.381-398.
Chen B, Chen G, Bartlett MG. Factors influencing the electrokinetic
injection of oligonucleotides in capillary gel electrophoresis
when using laser induced fluorescence detection. Biomedical
Chromatography, 28, 320-323 (2014).
Gullick D, Popovici A, Young HC, Bruckner JV, Cummings BS, Li P,
Bartlett MG. Determination of deltamethrin in rat plasma and brain
tissue using gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass
spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 960, 158-165 (2014).
Basiri B, Bartlett MG. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry of
oligonucleotides: Applications in biomedical research. Bioanalysis,
6, 1525-1542 (2014).
Li P, Bartlett MG. A review of quantitative methods for small
molecules in brain tissue by liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 6, 6183-6207 (2014).
Gullick D, Popovici A, Young HC, Bruckner JV, Cummings BS, Li P,
Bartlett MG (2014). Determination of deltamethrin in rat plasma and
brain using gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass
spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. B 960: 158-165.
Sethi PK, Muralidhara S, Bruckner JV, White CA. (2014).
Measurement of plasma protein and lipoprotein binding of
pyrethroids. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Methods 70:
Gullick D, Popovici A, Bruckner JV, Cummings BS, Osmitiz TG,
Bartlett MG. Determination of deltamethrin in rat plasma and
brain tissue using gas chromatography-negative ionization mass
spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 960:158-65, 2014.
Scholpa NE, Zhang X, Kolli R, Cummings BS. Epigenetic changes in
renal cells after exposure to bromate. Toxicological Sciences, 141(2):
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Waters KM, Cummings BS, Shankaran H, Scholpa NE, Weber TJ. ERK
oscillations-dependent gene expression patterns by stress response.
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 27(9): 3442-51, 2014.
Quach ND, Arnold RD, Cummings BS, Secretory phospholipase
A2 enzymes as pharmacological targets for treatment of disease.
Biochemistry and Pharmacology, 90(4):338-48, 2014.
Quach ND, Mock JN, Scholpa NE, Eggert MW, Payre C, Lambeau G,
Arnold RD, Cummings BS. Role of the phospholipase A2 receptor
in liposome drug delivery in prostate cancer cells. Molecular
Pharmaceutics, 11(10): 3443-51, 2014.
McManus MJ, Murphy M, Franklin JL. (2014). Mitochondria-derived
reactive oxygen species mediate the progression of caspase-
dependent and independent neuronal death. Molecular and Cellular
Neuroscience 63: 13-23.
Dorsey PG, Greenpan P. Inhibition of protein glycation by
pomegranate and other fruit juices. Journal of Medicinal Food
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Robbins KS, Ma Y, Wells L, Greenspan P, Pegg RL. Separation and
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chromatography-tanden mass spectrometry, Journal of Agricultural
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Calihan CP, Ali M, Salazar H, Quach N, Wu X, Stice SL, Hooks
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Lysophosphatidic Acid, Sphingosine 1-phosphate, and LIF:
Specific roles for the LPA1 receptor. American Society for
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Wang Y, Ho T, Bertinetti D, Neddermann M, Franz E, Mo, Gary
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Pharmacy student Yen Li stands beside display board at Dawgtoberfest
May DW, Rao S. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. In: DiPiro
JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG,Posey M. (eds),
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach. 9th Edition. New
York, NY, McGraw Hill,2014:455-470.
Welch LH, Hughes LD, May DB, McEwen DW, Duke LJ. Evaluation
of a multi-modal approach of teaching immunization administration
in a Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching
and Learning 2014; 6(6):782-791.
Fulford MJ, Souza JM, Alkhateeb FM, Alston GL, Bernard D, Bloom
T, Bouldin A, Boyce E, Castleberry A, Coyne L, Dintzner M, DiVall MV,
Doloresco F, Franson K, Fowles M, Fox L, Garavalia L, Gettman D,
Jenkins T, Kelley K, Malhorta A, Marsh W, McDonough SK, McEwen
D, McLaughlin J, Mintz K, Ofstad W, Peeters M, Ried LD, Stratton
T, Szilagyi J, Zeszotarski P. Are you CAPE-A.B.L.E.? Center for the
Advancement of Pharmacy Education: An assessment blueprint
for learning experiences. American Association of Colleges of
Pharmacy Center for Advancement of Pharmacy Education. October
2014. Available at
Documents/AssessmentCAPEPaper-Final11.pdf .
Bradley, K, Dunne, I, Bourg CA. Evaluating the implementation of
an interprofessional service-learning program at a free clinic. 2014
American Society of Health System Pharmacy Midyear Clinical
Meeting. Anaheim, CA. December 2014.
Bourg CA, Koffarnus RL, Nigro SC et al. Highlighting the ambulatory
care PRN. 2014 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual
Meeting. Austin ,TX. October 2014.
Huffman K, Young H, Grubbs K, Bourg CA. Assessing the impact
of pharmacist-provided fitness, nutrition and weight management
coaching classes on biometric outcomes. American Pharmacy
Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2014.
McCoy L, Young H, Howell L, Bourg CA. Evaluating the impact of a
pharmacy-based intervention on elderly patients vaccination rates
within a state that requires a prescription for vaccine administration.
American Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL,
March 2014.
Newsome R, Murphy E, Galdo JA, Bourg CA. Impact of a community
pharmacy specialty program for the treatment of patients with
rheumatoid arthritis. American Pharmacy Association Annual
Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2014.
Bryant J, Rocker J, Robinson T, Branan TN, Norris K, Ramesh S.
Evaluation of 23.4% hypertonic saline for the management of
elevated intracranial pressure at an academic medical center.
Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Congress. San Francisco,
Clemmons AB, Cribb A, Manasco K. Authorship during
Postgraduate Pharmacy Residency Training: A snapshot of four
pharmacy journals across a 10-year period (2000, 2005, 2010).
American Society of Health System Pharmacy National Preceptor
Conference, Washington D.C.
Young HN, Kanchanasuwan S, Cox ED, Moreno MM, Havican NS.
Barriers to medication use in rural underserved patients with
asthma. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2014:
Manasco KB, Clemmons AB. Successful implementation of a
writing project to a residency training program. American Society
of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors
Conference. Washington, DC. August 2014.
Clemmons AB, Ensley B, Hoge S, Clark S. Fixed-dose rasburicase
in overweight/obese versus normal weight patients. Hematology/
Oncology Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Clemmons AB, Hartfranft ME, Kota V, Pantin J, Awan F, Salman
H, Jillella A. Administration of anti-thymocyte globulin: Slowing
infusion rate over a 4-day course with aggressive use of pre-
medications to reduce infusion reactions. Bone Marrow
Transplantation Tandem Meetings. Grapevine, TX.
DeRemer DL, Hartranft ME, Mondal A, Kolhe R, Meagher R, Phillips
BG. Evaluation of the effects of obesity on the epigenome in acute
myeloid leukemia patients: Correlation with clinical outcome and
drug response. 2014 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual
Meeting in Austin, TX. Abs#442.
Hartranft ME, DeRemer DL, Kolhe R, Phillips BG. Investigation of
epigenetic modifications in obese and non-obese acute myeloid
leukemia patients. 10th Annual Meeting of the Hematology/
Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA), New Orleans, LA.
Mysona BA, Shanab A, Rodenbeck D, Bartasis ML, El-Remessy AB.
Inhibition of RhoA kinase prevents diabetes- and proNGF-mediated
retinal vascular permeability. American Diabetes Association
meeting, Diabetes, June, 2014.
Mohamed IN, Elshaer SL, Hoda MN, Bartasis ML, El-Remessy AB.
Deletion of TXNIP restors reparative angiogenesis in high fat diet-
induced obesity model. American Diabetes Association meeting,
Diabetes, June, 2014.
El-Remessy AB, Abdelsaid M, Ergul A ,Matragoon S. Deletion
of thioredoxin Interacting Protein (TXNIP) augments hyperoxia-
induced vaso-obliteration in ischemic retinopathy. Association for
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting Abstract. IOVS, April
30, 55: 3020, 2014.
Mohamed, IN, Elshaer SL, Clendenning M, El-Remessy AB. TXNIP
deletion abrogates high fat diet-induced retinal inflammation
and microvascular injury. Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology Meeting Abstract. IOVS, April 30, 55:4918, 2014.
Shanab AY, Mysona BA, Matragoon S, Clendenning M, El-Remessy
AB. Modulating p75NTR prevents proNGF- and diabetes-induced
acellular capillaries via suppression of NRIF nuclear translocation.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting
Abstract. IOVS, April 30, 55:1045, 2014.
Elshaer SL, El-Remessy AB. Modulation of p75NTR restores
reparative angiogenesis and prevents retinal neovascularization
in ischemic retinopathy. Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology Meeting Abstract. IOVS, April 30, 55: 4916, 2014.
Mysona BA, Shanab A, Rodenbeck D, El-Remessy AB. ProNGF causes
retinal endothelial cell permeability via activation of p75NTR/RhoA
pathway. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Meeting Abstract. IOVS, April 30, 55: 5827, 2014.
El-sherbini A, Fulzele S, Ahmad S, Sangani R, Matragoon S,
El-Remessy AB, Liou GI. MicroRNA-146b-3p controls retinal
inflammation by suppressing adenosine deaminase-2 in diabetes.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting
Abstract. IOVS, April 30, 55: 1046, 2014.
Mohamed IN, Elshaer SL, Clendenning M, Shanab A, Hoda N, El-
Remessy AB. Deletion of TXNIP restores reparative angiogenesis in
HFD-induced obesity model. Diabetes Journal. June 2014 63:A1-
A102; doi:10.2337/db14-1-388 .
Mysona BA, Shanab A, Rodenbeck D, Clendenning M, El-Remessy
AB. Inhibition of RhoA kinase prevents diabetes- and proNGF-
mediated retinal vascular permeability. Diabetes Journal. June 2014
63:A92; doi:10.2337/db14-1-388.
Coucha M, Li W, Abdelsaid, M, Johnson MH, El-Remessy AB,
Fagan SC, Ergul A. Nox4 mediates actin depolymerization in the
cerebrovasculature after hypoxia. 9th World Stroke Congress,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
Ishrat T, El-Remessy AB, Pillai B, Soliman S, Ergul A, Fagan SC.
Thioredoxin interacting protein: A novel target for neuroprotection
in experimental thromboembolic stroke in mice. International Stroke
Conference, 2014.
Alhusban A, Fouda A, Pillai B, Ergul A, Fagan SC. BDNF knockdown
abrogates AT1 blockade-induced improvement in stroke outcome.
International Stroke Conference 2014, San Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Qu Z, Li W, Prakash R, Fagan SC, Ergul A. Diet-induced diabetes
impairs neovascularization and functional recovery after ischemic
stroke. International Stroke Conference 2014, San Diego, CA,
February, 2014.
Hoda MN, Khan M, Wakade C, Ergul A, Fagan SC, Hess DC. Remote
ischemic conditioning (RIC), a combined regimen of Per- and Post-
conditionings (RIPerC and RIPostC), provides long-term motor
and cognitive benefits in murine embolic stroke model (eMCAO).
International Stroke Conference 2014, San Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Coucha M, Li W, Abdelsaid M, Hafez S, Fagan SC, Ergul A. SOD
overexpression accounts for the neurovascular
protection in rats following ischemic stroke.
International Stroke Conference 2014, San
Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Li W, Ma H, Prakash R, Fagan SC, Ergul A. The
impact of method of ischemia/reperfusion
injury on stroke outcome in type 2 diabetes.
International Stroke Conference 2014, San
Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Hafez S, Abdelsaid M, Coucha M, Fagan SC,
Ergul A. Matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3)
exacerbates the hemorrhagic transformation
in hyperglycemic stroke. International Stroke
Conference 2014, San Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Soliman S, Ishrat T, Patel A, Fouda A, Ergul
A, Fagan SC. Sequential treatment with
minocycline and candesartan improves long
term recovery after stroke. International Stroke
Conference 2014, San Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Boudreau DM, Guzauskas GF, Tayama D, Fagan
SC, Veenstra DL. An updated cost-effectiveness
analysis of rtPA for acute ischemic stroke treated
within 3 hours of symptom onset. International
Stroke Conference 2014, San Diego, CA,
February, 2014.
Abdelsaid M, Prakash R, Li W, Coucha M, Fagan
SC, Ergul A. The role of ischemia/reperfusion generated nitrative
stress on VEGF angiogenic signaling in diabetic rats. International
Stroke Conference 2014, San Diego, CA, February, 2014.
Boudreau DM, Guzauskas GF, Lalla D, Tayama D, Fagan SC, Veenstra
DL. An updated cost-effectiveness analysis of r-tPA for acute
ischemic stroke treated within 3 hours of symptom onset. American
Academy of Neurology, Philadelphia, PA, April 26- May 4, 2014.
Fouda AY, Hardigan T, Soliman S, Pillai B, Ergul A, Fagan SC.
Enhancement of cerebrovascular relaxation by angiotensin receptor
Type 2 agonist, Compound 21, is lost in Type 2 diabetes. High Blood
Pressure Council of American Heart Association, San Francisco, CA,
September 10 – 13, 2014.
Fleming VH, Southwood R. Resistance of Escherichia coli urinary
isolates in Emergency-department (ED)-treated patients at a
community hospital. American College of Clinical Pharmacology
Virtual Poster Symposium. May 2014. (National audience)
Kangethe A, Franic DM. Use of the contingent valuation method in
sub-Saharan Africa: A review and classification of healthcare studies.
Third Conference of the African Health Economics and Policy
Association (AfHEA), Nairobi, Kenya, March 11 to 13, 2014.
Kangethe A, Franic DM. Net Social Benefit of a diabetes prevention
program in rural Kenya. Third Conference of the African Health
Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA), Nairobi, Kenya, March 11
to 13, 2014.
Kangethe A, Franic DM. Comparing the theoretical validity of the
payment card and structured haggling willingness to pay methods.
Third Conference of the African Health Economics and Policy
Association (AfHEA), Nairobi, Kenya, March 11 to 13, 2014.
Norton M. Student Pharmacist Chemical Health Scale II- Preliminary
findings from two Colleges of Pharmacy, College of Psychiatric and
Neurologic Pharmacists(CPNP) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.
Norton M. Perceived stress and impulsivity as a predictor of
future substance use disorders- Preliminary findings from the
Student Pharmacist Chemical Health Scale II, College of Psychiatric
and Neurological Pharmacists (CPNP) Annual Meeting, Phoenix,
David DeRemer, Amber Clemmons and Jeremy Wells, M.D., hematology/oncology fellow at
Medical College of Georgia
Norton M. Innovative community partnerships to enhance
education and healthcare delivery, American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy Annual Meeting 2014.
Phillips M, Ghauri A, Gilmore R, Sheffield M, Phan SV, Pain
assessment documentation after opioid administration at a
community teaching hospital. American Society of Health System
Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting in Anaheim, CA. December
Ghauri A, Phillips M, Gilmore R, Phan SV, Sheffield M.
Documentation of safety parameters following opioid
administration. American Society of Health System Pharmacists
Midyear Clinical Meeting in Anaheim, CA. December 2014.
Phan SV, Waldfogel JM. Ziconotide-induced psychosis: A case
report, April 2014, Therapeutic case report poster. College of
Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Meeting in Phoenix,
AZ. April 2014.
Segar L, Pyla R, Pichavaram P, Fairaq A, Kozak M, Kamath V, Patel
V. Glycogen depletion during hypoxia results in enhanced AMPK
phosphorylation and diminished smooth muscle contractility in
human saphenous vein. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Meeting,
American Heart Association, Las Vegas, NV (July 14-17, 2014).
Somanath PR, Abdalla M. Triciribine, a selective Akt inhibitor
inhibits myofibroblast differentiation and ameliorates pulmonary
vascular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension. American Heart
Association ATVB annual meeting in Toronto, Canada, May 2, 2014
Shenoy S. TGFβ signaling in prostate cancer epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transition (Invited Speaker). 19th World Congress on
Advances in Oncology, Athens, Greece (October, 2014).
Shenoy S. Akt signaling in the regulation of endothelial-barrier
function (Invited Speaker). 17th International Symposium on
Molecular Medicine, Athens, Greece (October, 2014).
Peake S, Melvin B, Brown M, Meyer R, Southwood R. Insulin pump
therapy in patients admitted to a community hospital. 2014
American Society of Health System Pharmacists in Sacramento, CA.
Lowery A, Melvin B, Brown M, Meyer R, Southwood R. Insulin
pump therapy in patients admitted for surgery in a community
hospital.2014 American Society of Health System Pharmacists in
Sacramento, CA.
Vannoy V, Strawn G, Melvin B, Meyer R, Southwood R.
Hypoglycemia associated with an insulin infusion protocol in a
community hospital. 2014 American Society of Health System
Pharmacists midyear meeting in Sacramento, CA.
Tu P, Southwood R, Melvin B, Thomas P, Meyer R. Activities of a
diabetes care team in a community hospital. 2014 American Society
of Health System Pharmacists midyear meeting in Sacramento, CA.
Huston S, Kim C, Rathbun S, Blount R, Shah, Murray D, Heidesch
L., Southwood R. Emotions of youth with Type 1 diabetes. 2014
American Pharmacy Association Annual Convention in Orlando FL.
Patel P, Surbhi S, Tackett RL. Average annual cost of prostate cancer
and factors predicting the cost. American Pharmacy Association
Reed W, Huffman K, Young HN. Assessing consumer use of mobile
technology for health-related purposes. American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, CA,
December 2014.
Kanchanasuwan S, Young HN. Factors associated with African
Americans’ utilization of influenza vaccination. Annual Meeting of
the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA, November
Deshpande MM, Young HN. Asthma medication use among rural
U.S. adults 18 and older. Annual Meeting of the American Public
Health Association, New Orleans, LA, November 2014.
Valliant A, Elramah M, Yevzlin AS, Chan MR, Young HN. Preliminary
examination of chronic kidney disease shared medical appointment
outcomes. National Kidney Foundation, Spring Clinical Meeting, Las
Vegas, NV, April 2014.
Buck B. Constructive feedback deconstructed: How to provide
effective feedback to residency preceptors. Session chair and
presenter, American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear
Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, CA, December 2014.
Clemmons A. Anti-emesis in HCT. Fundamentals of Hematopoietic
Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) Training Course. Salt Lake City, UT
& Grapevine, TX.
DeRemer D. Evaluation of the effects of obesity on the epigenome
in acute myeloid leukemia patients: Correlation with clinical
outcomes and drug response. The Great Eight Best Paper
Presentations Series. American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
Annual Meeting Austin, TX. October 13, 2014.
Fleming V. Resistance of Escherichia coli urinary isolates in
emergency-department treated patients from a community
hospital. Platform presentation (National presentation). American
College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October
Maddox R. Transformational leadership for Clinical Pharmacy
Services. American Society of Health System Pharmacy Midyear
Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, December, 2014.
Maddox R. St. Josephs/Candler experience using smart pumps and
continuous PCA monitoring. Association for the Advancement for
Medical Instrumentation Foundation National Opioid Coalition,
Chicago, November 2014.
May JR. Drug information status in Egypt, Dubai International
Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Conference, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, March 2014 (with Yasmin Hussein, Mona Schlaan, and
Dianne May).
May JR. Medication safety issues in the medication use process:
The role of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee in optimizing
medication safety. Formulary Management Systems Concept and
Practice: Beyond Drug Selection Symposium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
November 4, 2014.
May JR. Program Chair and Moderator. Pipeline antimicrobials
and the need for intensified antimicrobial stewardship. American
Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting,
Orlando, FL, December 8, 2014.
Miller MS. New anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation. Smith Drug
Company Conference. June 2014.
Norton M. Psychopharmacology and the developing adolescent
brain, National Association of Addiction Providers Conference,
Charlotte, North Carolina, May 2014, (Medical CE).
Norton M. Do pharmacists have a high risk for addiction?, University
of Utah Medical School Addiction Studies Conference, Salt Lake City,
Utah, June 2014, (Medical and Pharmacists CE).
Norton M. The good, bad, and ugly of psychopharmacology: The
neuroscience of substance use. National Judicial College, Cumming,
Georgia, June 2014 ( Judiciary CE);
Norton M. Reefer madness 2014: The science of medical
cannabinoids, US Journal National Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada,
September 2014 (Medical CE).
Phan S. Ziconotide-induced psychosis: A case report. Therapeutic
Case Report Award Finalist (0.5 hour CE) College of Psychiatric and
Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Meeting. April 2014.
Phillips B. ResiTrak™ a la Carte: From accreditation to optimization,
National Pharmacy Preceptor Conference (NPPC). Washington, D.C.,
August 21, 2014.
Phillips B. Do your preceptors measure up? Impact of the new PGY1
standard on preceptor qualifications. National Pharmacy Preceptor
Conference (NPPC). Washington, D.C., August 22, 2014.
Phillips B. PhORCAS 3.0. Streamlining the recommendation process,
National Pharmacy Preceptor Conference (NPPC). Washington, D.C.,
August 22, 2014.
Phillips B. Precepting pearls, Session Moderator. National Pharmacy
Preceptor Conference (NPPC). Washington, D.C., August 22, 2014.
Phillips B. Residency Learning System Workshop: PGY1 existing
residency programs, American Society of Health System Pharmacists
Midyear Clinical Meeting. Workshop Presenter and Facilitator.
Anaheim, CA. December 6, 2014.
Phillips B. ResiTrak A La Carte: From accreditation to optimization.
American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical
Meeting. Anaheim, CA. December 7, 2014.
Phillips B. Make a lasting impression: Evaluating your interview
skills, American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear
Clinical Meeting. Anaheim, CA. December 7, 2014.
Phillips B. Update from the Commission on Credentialing, VA
Residency Open Forum. American Society of Health System
Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Anaheim CA. December 8,
Sattler ELP, Lee, J. S. (2014). Self-reported and pharmacy claims-
based medication adherence in low-income older Medicare
beneficiaries with Type 2 diabetes. Experimental Biology 2014, April
26-30, San Diego, CA.
Somanath PR. TGFβ signaling in prostate cancer epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transition (Invited Speaker).19th World Congress on
Advances in Oncology, Athens, Greece (October, 2014).
Somanath PR. Akt signaling in the regulation of endothelial-
barrier function (Invited Speaker).17th International Symposium on
Molecular Medicine, Athens, Greece (October, 2014).
Beedle AM*, Hekmatyar K. Exploring regeneration defects in
dystroglycan glycosylation-deficient muscular dystrophy. South East
Neuroscience Conference, Augusta, GA. April 19, 2014.
Bruckner JV, White C, Gullick D, Popovici A, Krolski M,
Gammon DW, Cummings BS, Bartlett, M. Quantitation of the
pyrethroid deltamethrin (DLM) in rat liver and muscle using gas
chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry.
Society of Toxicology, March, 2014, Phoenix, AZ.
Sethi P, Muralidhara S, Osimitz TG, Minnema D, Hinderliter PM,
Cummings BS, Bruckner JV, White CA. Maturation effects on
plasma protein binding of deltamethrin (DLM), cis-(CIS), and trans-
permethrin (TRANS) in human and rat plasma. Society of Toxicology,
March, 2014, Phoenix, AZ.
Chen C, Muralidhara S, Osimitz TG, Gammon DW, Anand S,
Cummings B.S. Bruckner JV, White C. Toxicokinetics of
deltamethrin (DLM) in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Society of
Toxicology, March, 2014, Phoenix, AZ.
Amaraneni M, Muralidhara S, Osimitz TG, Anand S, Gammon DW,
White CA, Cummings BS, Bruckner JV. Tissue to blood partition
coefficients for deltamethrin (DLM), cis-permethrin (CIS) , and trans-
permethrin (TRANS) in adult male Sprague Dawley rats and 21-day-
old pups. Society of Toxicology, March, 2014, Phoenix, AZ.
Zastre J, Dowd C, Minnema D, Bruckner JV. Role of the blood-brain
barrier in limiting CNS uptake of pyrethroid insecticides: Findings
with hMEC cells as proxy. Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, April, 2014, San Diego, CA.
Gullick D, Popovici A, Young H, Bruckner J, Cummings B, Bartlett
MG. Quantitation of pyrethroids in rat liver and muscle using gas
chromatography negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry.
American Society for Mass Spectrometry, June, 2014, Baltimore, MD.
Young H, Gullick D, Popovici A, Bruckner JV, Cummings BS, Bartlett,
MG. An enhanced method for extraction and quantification of
highly lipophilic pyrethroid pesticides from adipose tissue. American
Society for Mass Spectrometry, June, 2014, Baltimore, MD.
Cai H. Dietary saturated fatty acids enhance advanced prostate
tumor progression through the regulation of Src family kinases
(SFKs) activity in mice fed high fat diet, 49th Annual South Eastern
Regional Lipid Conference, Nov. 5-7, 2014.
Chen C, Muralidhara S, Osimitz TG, Gammon DW, Anand S,
Cummings BS, Bruckner JV, White C. Toxicokinetics of deltamethrin
(DLM) in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, The Toxicologist, 138(1),
685, 2014.
Bruckner JV, White C, Gullick D, Popovici A, Krolski M, Gammon
DW, Cummings BS, Bartlett M. Quantitation of the pryrethroid
deltamethrin (DLM) in rat liver and muscle using gas chromatography
negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC-NCI-MS). The
Toxicologist, 138(1), 686, 2014.
Amaraneni M, Muralidhara S, Osimitz TG, Anand S, Gammon DW,
White C, Cummings BS, Bruckner JV. Tissue to blood partition
coefficients for deltamethrin (DLM), cis-permethrin (CIS), and trans-
permethrin in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats and 21-day old pups,
The Toxicologist, 138(1), 897, 2014.
Scholpa NE, ZhangX, Cummings BC. Epigentic changes in p21
expression in renal cells after exposure to bromate, The Toxicologist,
138(1), 2050, 2014.
Burrcham A, Eggert M, Cummings BS, Arnold RD. Targeting
phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) to enhance uptake of lipid
nanoparticles, Auburn University Research Week 2014, Auburn AL,
Eggert M, Burcham AM, Quach ND, Scholpa NE, Cummings
BS, Arnold RD. Enhanced targeting and uptake of liposome
nanoparticles via pospholipase A2 receptor in prostate cancer, 2014
NanoBio Summit, University of Alabama, October 23-24, 2014 in
Tuscaloosa, AL.
Nie B, Zhu G, Cummings BS, Arnold RD. Quantification of
disposition, intracellular uptake and degradation of lipid-based
nano medicines by LC-MS/MS, 2014 NanoBio Summit, University of
Alabama, October 23-24, 2014 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
Capomacchia AC, Elder, DL. An oral controlled release drug
delivery system containing
anti-tuberculosis drugs for
the treatment of captive
elephants prepared by the
Hydrophobic Congealable
Phase Method, Elephant
Sanctuary, November 20,
Wai SW, Naidu K, Lee
HS, Gilbert C, Toan H,
Govindarajan R. SET
oncoprotein mediates
transition and pancreatic
cancer progression.
Experimental Biology
meeting: 2014 Annual
Meeting of American
Society for Biochemists and
Molecular Biologists, San
Diego, Apr 2014. (WON BEST
Pegg RB, ‡Ma Y,
‡Robbins KS, Greenspan
P. 2014. Separation and
characterization of phenolic compounds from pecans and dry-
blanched peanut skins by liquid chromatography-electrospray
ionization mass spectrometry. 8th World Congress on Polyphenols
Applications, International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and
Health, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2014.
Pegg RB, Robbins KS, Kellett M, Greenspan P. The polyphenolics
of pecans. International Society of Nutraceuticals and Functional
Foods, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2014.
Lakeda D, Greenspan P. Bioactivity of pomegranate juice in
preventing diabetic complication. MidYear Conference, Anaheim,
CA December, 2014.
Hooks SB. Lysophospholipid regulation of neuronal differentiation
and Erk and Akt kinases in human neural progenitor cells, (March
2014) 45th Annual American Society for Neurochemistry Meeting.
Long Beach, CA.
Kennedy EJ. Stabilized peptides targeting AKAP Anchoring
complexes, The 8th International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein
Kinases, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 21-25, 2014.
Kennedy EJ. Isoform-selective disruption of PKA-AKAP complexes
and its effects as an antimalarial, EMBO Chemical Biology Meeting,
EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Aug. 20-23, 2014.
Zhang C, Liu D. Histone deacetylases regulate the non-viral
transgene silencing, The 17th Annual Meeting of American Society
of Gene and Cell Therapy, May 21-24, 2014. Washington DC.
Kanefuji T, Yokoo T, Abe H, Kamimura K, Suda T, Aoyagi Y, Liu D.
Hemodynamics of hydrodynamic injection in mice. The 17th Annual
Meeting of American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, May 21-24,
2014. Washington DC.
Kamimura K, Abe H,
Yokoo T, Kanefuji T, Suda
T, Zhang G, Aoyagi Y, Liu
D. Parameters for opitiaml
hydrodynamic gene
delivery to pig liver using
an image-guided and
lobe-specific procedure.
The 17th Annual Meeting
of American Society of
Gene and Cell Therapy,
May 21-24, 2014.
Washington DC.
Deaton MK, Capodagli
GC, Pegan SD. Seeking
validation … A journey
in the discovery of
lead inhibitors against
the nairovirus ovarian
tumor domain protease,
Stanford Research
Institute, Palo Alto,
California, January. 17,
Spengler JR, Zivcec
M, Deaton MK, Patel
J, Chakrabarti AK, AGarcía-Sastre A, Spiropoulou CF, Pegan
SD, Bergeron E. Innate immune response to Crimean Congo
hemorrhagic fever virus. International Union of Microbiological
Societies Congresses, Montréal, Canada, July 30, 2014 (State-of–the-
Art Presentation, Bunyavirus session).
Former Dean Stuart Feldman talks with high school science students at the fifth
annual Dean Stuart Feldman Summer Science Institute; 24 students attended.
Bruckner J. Age-related plasma protein binding and its influence on
entrocyte uptake and metabolism of pyrethroid insecticides. Office
of Research and Development, U.S.EPA, Washington, DC, Sept. 29,
Bruckner J. Deltamethrin plasma protein binding, tissue: plasma
partition coefficients, and gastrointestinal absorption in immature
and mature rats. Hamner Institute for Health Studies, Research
Triangle Park, NC, Dec. 2, 2014.
Cummings B. Lipidomic assessment of human blood from cocaine
users: Can changes in blood lipids identify behavior? at the National
Institutes on Drug Abuse in Baltimore, MD.
Elder D. Pharmacy compounding: A unique service within the
healthcare profession. Summer Program for High School Students,
Office of Institutional Diversity, Athens, GA, June, 2014.
Govindarajan R. Spatiotemporal delivery of epigenetic and
chemotherapeutic nucleoside analogs to pancreatic cancer,
Controlled Release Society, Annual Meeting, Chicago, July 2014.
Govindarajan R. Nucleoside drug transporters: Role in cancer and
genetic disorders, Department of Pharmaceutics, University of
Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, May 2014.
Hooks S. RGS10 expression and function: Releasing the brakes
on cell survival and inflammation. Michigan State University,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology seminar series, August
27, 2014.
Hooks S. Epigenetic regulation of RGS10 in chemoresistant ovarian
cancer. University of Iowa, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
and Experimental Therapeutics. Iowa City, IA, April 8, 2014.
Hooks S. Lysophospholipid regulation of neuronal differentiation
and Erk and Akt kinases in human neural progenitor cells, 45th
Annual American Society for Neurochemistry Meeting. Long Beach,
CA, March 9, 2014.
Kennedy E. Design of chemically modified peptides to study
regulation of protein kinases, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, Dec. 11, 2014.
Kennedy E. Design of chemically modified peptides to study
regulation of protein kinases, Department of Chemistry, San Diego
State University, Dec. 12, 2014.
Kennedy E. Design of chemically modified peptides to study
regulation of protein kinases, Department of Pharmacology,
University of Vermont, Aug. 28, 2014.
Kennedy E. Design of chemically modified peptides to study kinase
regulation, Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
March 20, 2014.
Liu D. Hemodynamic impact of hydrodynamic gene delivery on
liver, “From the Clinic to Partial Differential Equations and Back:
Emerging Challenges for Cardiovascular Mathematics Institute for
Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM),
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Jan. 20-24, 2014.
Liu D. Hydrodynamic gene transfer for gene drug discovery and
gene therapy, Emory Childrens Pediatric Research Center, Emory
University, April 9, 2014.
Liu D. Mechanisms of transgene silencing, Approaches to Achieve
Persistent Gene Expression, 17th Annual Meeting of American
Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Washington DC, May 21-24, 2014.
Liu D. Targets in controlling obesity, Symposium on Metabolic
Disorders, Shanghai Peoples Tenth Hospital, Tongji University,
Shanghai, China, Aug. 23-25, 2014.
Liu D. Hydrodynamic transfer for protein drug discovery in tumor-
bearing mice, International Symposium on Translational Research,
Nanning, China, Nov. 20-22, 2014.
Liu D. Hydrodynamic gene transfer and protein drug discovery,
College of Life Sciences, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing,
China, Nov. 24, 2014.
Liu D. Hydrodynamic gene transfer for protein drug discovery
and gene therapy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong
University, Jinan, China, Nov. 25, 2014.
Murph M. Ipilimumab and the treatment of melanoma, October 6,
2014, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Roberts A. Drug and protein dynamics of cytochrome P450s”
Marquette University. Feb. 14, 2014.
Roberts A. The critical roles of ligand and protein dynamics in drug
metabolism by cytochromes P450, 43rd Southeastern Magnetic
Resonance Conference, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. October 24-26, 2014.
Weng H-R. Dysfunction of glia and the genesis of pathological pain,
BITs 5th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk, Nanjing, May 15 – 18,
Weng H-R. Toll like receptor 4 and chemotherapy (paclitaxel)-
induced acute pain syndrome. Rutgers/New Jersey Medical School
Department of Anesthesia, September 18, 2014.
White C. Pharmacokinetics: A PR nightmare, Annual Meeting of
AACP, Dallas, TX, July 26-30, 2014.
Zastre J. Can a vitamin promote malignant progression? 2014
Making Strides Kickoff, American Cancer Society. Atlanta, Georgia.
August 28, 2014.
Zastre J. The duality of vitamin B1. American Cancer Society. Athens,
GA. June 13, 2014.
Zheng YG. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, September
22, 2014.
Zheng, YG. State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, Sichuan University Chengh,
China, April 22, 2014.
Zheng, YG. Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Jilin University,
Changchun, China, April 24, 2014.
Lobby displays showcase Service Learning projects
Duke LJ, Staton A, McCullough B, Schott K. How professional staff
can enhance faculty efficiency in experiential education offices.
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Annual Meeting.
Grapevine, TX, July 29, 2014.
McEwen DW, Fulford, M. Evaluation of cultural competence
using service-learning IPPEs. American Association of Colleges of
Pharmacy, Annual Meeting. Grapevine, Texas, July 29, 2014.
Welch L, Hughes L. An assigned leadership model in a longitudinal
ambulatory care introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE),
Roundtable Presentation. American Association of Colleges of
Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, July 29, 2014.
Fulford M, Welch L. Evaluating professionalism in the culture and
curriculum of a Pharm.D. program. American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX, July 2014.
Hughes L, Campbell L, Heckman B. Worksite health intervention:
An interdisciplinary approach, counseling and human development
research symposium, Athens GA, January 2014.
Welch L, Hughes L. Creating mutual beneficial student pharmacy
experiences, (ACPE 0.15 CEU) Georgia Society of Health System
Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Amelia Island, FL, July 2014.
McEwen D, Hannings A. Injecting immunization updates into
community practice. Smith Drug Annual Continuing Education and
Trade Show, Savannah, GA, July 25, 2014.
Miller MS. New anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation. Smith Drug
Annual Continuing Education and Trade Show, Savannah, GA, July
25, 2014.
McEwen D, Hannings A. Injecting awareness and education to
the public. 21st Annual Immunize Georgia Conference, Atlanta, GA,
September 11, 2014.
Sheffield MC. Hyperkalemia: Risks and management. University
of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Office of Continuing Education &
Outreach, UGA Rx Tech CE Initiative. Available September 2014 at:
initiative-hyperkalemia-risks-and-management .
Hannings A. Challenges encountered when applying the 2013
ACC/AHA cholesterol guidelines. 2014 Annual Howard C. Ansel
Symposium, Athens, GA, October 18, 2014.
Hannings A, McEwen D, Chapman L. A shot of prevention:
Updates in immunization recommendations and practices. 2014
UGA Continuing Education Finale Symposium, Lawrenceville, GA.
December 5, 2014.
Mullis D. Practical considerations for transforming life science IP
from bench to market. Georgia Life Science Summit, Oct. 16, 2014.
Honor Roll of Giving 2014
We are grateful to our valued benefactors for your continued support. Your gifts are vital to our increasing
desire to become one of the Top Ten Colleges of Pharmacy in the nation. As a team of dedicated alumni,
corporations, friends, faculty and staff, we can reach new heights together. Investments in our great
College are increasing annually because of you. As you may know funding from the State of Georgia has
now declined to less than 30% and external funding has become increasingly important to our success. I
encourage you, more than ever, to reflect on what the College of Pharmacy means to you. Again, thank
you for your continued support to the UGA College of Pharmacy
Dana E. Strickland ‘81, R.Ph.
Executive Director of External Affairs
Mrs. Emmett Allmond
Dr. & Mrs. Howard C. Ansel
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Maynor H. Belcher, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. C. DeWitt Balnton Jr.
Mr. Thomas Stanford Block
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford W. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Burnley
Mr. & Mrs. James Noah Calhoun, Jr.
Dr. Ted D. Cash
Mr. Charles David Cato
Ms. Martha A. Cato
Mr. & Mrs. Neal W. Cone
Mrs. Edgar J. Cook
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Cooper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todd Crumley
Mr. Kenneth M. Duke
Mr. and & Mrs. Stuart Feldman
Mr. John H. Fields, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dewitt Gantt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Earl Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gigandet
Mr. & Mrs.* David B. Graves
Mr. Alton D. Greenway*
Mrs. J.H. Hall
Drs. Diane K. Hartle & James L. Hargrove
Mr. Robert F. Hatcher
Dr. David W. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wayne Hoven, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. and Mrs. Dell M. Johnston
Dr. Albert W. Jowdy * and
Mrs. Albert W. Jowdy*
Dr. & Mrs. H. Won Jun
Mr. Wiliam T. Knight III* and
Mrs. William T. Knight III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frank Kuzniak
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Langford
Dr. Joseph P. LaRoccca * and
Mrs. Joseph P. LaRocca*
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Leake
Mr. A. Allan Leonard * and
Mrs. A. Allan Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Linse
Mr. & Mrs. Jefrey L. Lurey
Mr. Alfred A. Mannino
Mr. George W. Mason
Mr. James S. McBrayer
Mr. George D. McFarland
Mr. & Mrs. F. Ford Millikan*
Mr. T. David Minish*
Mr. D. Glenn Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. J. Harris Morgan. Jr.
Mr. William F. Nathaniels
Mrs. Dena Nolan
Mr. Russell Nolan
Mr. Tobias Nolan
Dr. William Michael Ozburn
Ms. Ashling Panoz
Ms. Carol Jean Panoz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Panoz
Mrs. Lisa Panoz
Mrs. Dione Mavis Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Pinckney, Jr.
Mr. Neil L. Pruitt * and Mrs. Neil L. Pruitt
Mrs. Andrea Purgason
Ms. Genna Purgason
Ms. Jamie Purgason
Mrs. Leo E. Reese
Dr. Ronald Lee Reese
Mr. & Mrs. H. William Rowell
Dr. Peter C. Ruenitz
Mrs. Ben Allen Sanders, Jr.
Mr. Philip Solomons, Jr.
Ms. Donna Sparks
Mr. Mathew Sparks
Ms. Rebecca Sparks
Mr. Ross Sparks
Mrs. & Mrs. Rick C. St. John
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fulton Stokes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Taylor, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Thomas
Mr. Roy A Tyson
Mr. Jerry L. Walker* and Mrs. Jerry L. Walker
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Warren, Jr.
Dean Kenneth and Mrs. Kenneth L. Waters*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wilson, Jr.*
Mr. William T. Wolfe
Ms. Lisa Panoz Wytiaz
President’s Club Benefactor
Gifts of $10,000 and Up
American Cancer Society
Representative Bruce L. Broadrick and
Mrs. Mary Ann Broadrick
Mr. Thomas E. Bryan Jr. and Mrs. Patsy Bryan
Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust
Congressman Earl “Buddy L. Carter and
Mrs. Amy Carter
Ms. Jee H. Chu and Dr. Chung K. Chu
Consumer Specialty Products Association
Council for the Advancement of Pyrethroid
Human Risk Assessment
Mr. Randy W. Ellison
Mr. P. David Hay and Mrs. A. Renee Hay
JH Harvey, LLC
Kaiser Permanente
Kroger Company
Dr. Christopher M. Peterson
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Rite Aid Corporation
Seaside Drugs Inc. DBA St. Simons Drug
Shaklee Corporation
Mr. Fred F. Sharpe Jr. and
Mrs. Bonnie I. Sharpe
Mr. Dennis H. Strickland and
Mrs. Sindy Massey Strickland
The Chu Family Foundation
Mr. Robert I. Thompson and
Mrs. Angela M. Thompson
U-Save-It Pharmacy, Inc.
Dr. William E. Wade *and
Mrs. Theresa O. Wade
Dr. Adelbert E. Wade and Mrs. Clark P. Wade
Mr. Roy G. Wilson Jr. and Mrs. Kasey Wilson
Woodys Longbranch Pharmacy, Inc.
Mr. Kevin J. Woody & Mrs. Tanya Woody
President’s Club Fellows
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
Mr. Ralph W. Balchin Jr. and
Ms. Sandra S. Balchin
Mr. Ronnie Lee Cain, R.Ph. and
Mrs. Norma Jean Cain
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Community Pharmacy, Inc.
Mr. William Gary Cunningham and
Mrs. Lu Cunningham
CVS Corporation
Ms. Sharon Barker Deason
Mr. Kenneth J. DeLay and Mrs. Angela DeLay
Mr. Ferrell A. Dixon Jr. and Mrs. Peggy Dixon
Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation
Forrest Heights Pharmacy
Dr. George E. Francisco Jr. and
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Francisco
Mr. Michael P. Gigandet and
Mrs. Phyllis Gigandet
Mrs. Barbara Goldman
Dr. James M. Hiott and Mrs. Marilyn L. Hiott
J M Smith Foundation
Jinki Patel Foundation
Mr. D. Glenn Morgan and
Mrs. Amy S. Morgan
Dr. Sarah J. Murphy and
Mr. Brendan F. Murphy
Mr. Wallace A. Partridge Jr. and
Mrs. Helen Partridge
Dr. Kiran Patel and Dr. Jigisha K. Patel
Dr. Benjamin T. Ross
Mrs. Janet L. Satterfield and
Mr. Ronald R. Satterfield
Mr. Bobby D. Stone Jr. and
Mrs. Krista L. Stone
Target Corporation
WAL-MART Stores, Inc.
Wauka Mountain Pharmacy, Inc.
Dr. Alan P. Wolfgang and
Dr. Carla F. Wolfgang
Presidents Club Partners
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
AXA Foundation
Bilbro Corporation DBA The Medicine
Mr. Bobby C. Burnley and
Mrs. Becky S. Burnley
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, LP
CVS Charitable Trust, Inc.
Daughters of the American Revolution
Altamaha Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashley Dukes
Mr. Robert B. Moody III and Dr. Sherri Moody
Mr. Eldon C. Oliver Jr. and
Mrs. Jerreann Oliver
Mr. Oliver C. Whipple and
Mrs. Rozanne G. Whipple
Dr. Kent E. Woo
Presidents Club Associates
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Mr. Robert W. Allee and Mrs. Ruth E. Allee
Dr. Saundrett Arrindell and
Dr. Everton L. Arrindell
Ms. Martha A. Cato
Mr. Charles D. Cato and Mrs. Faye Cato
Dr. Melissa A. Clifton and
Mr. Gregory D. Clifton
Mr. George W. Coleman and
Mrs. Mary M. Coleman
Dr. James W. Cooper Jr. and
Mrs. Susan Eure Cooper
Mr. James L. Cunningham and
Mrs. Donna Cunningham
CVS Caremark Charity Trust Account
Dacula Medicine Center, Inc.
Dr. Cecily DiPiro and Dr. Joseph T. DiPiro
Dr. Ray A. Dixon and Dr. Jessica Dixon
Dr. Douglas P. Farman and
Mrs. Patricia B. Farman
Dr. Heather R. Ferguson
Mr. Mark W. Fitch and Mrs. Kandy A. Fitch
Mr. Larry E. Floyd Sr. and Mrs. Betty Floyd
Mr. James C. Furman and
Mrs. Dolores A. Furman
Mr. Thomas D. Gantt and
Mrs. Cynthia L. Gantt
Gordon Drug Co.
Mr. Alton Greenway* and
Mrs. Shirley Greenway
Mr. Kevin L. Hamby and
Mrs. Kimberly A. Hamby
Mrs. Gloria Harbuck
Mr. Gerald E. Hartman Sr.
Dr. Robert M. Hatton and
Mrs. Kimberly A. Hatton
Jak Homes, Inc.
Dr. Hung W. Jun and Mrs. Jung J. Jun
Mr. Anthony L. Kicklighter
Mr. John A. Koncul Jr. and
Ms. Maureen R. Koncul
Dr. James R. Lang and Mrs. Paula Lang
Dr. K. Heather Lindell
Mr. Alan E. Lubel
Mr. Andre C. Mackey
Mr. Stephen E. Malone
Ms. Sheila Dunn Miller
Mr. Steven T. Miller
Dr. Mindi S. Miller and Dr. Scott D. Miller
Dr. Hakeem O. Mumuney
Mr. William A. Murray
NACDS Foundation
Mr. John E. Nine
NW Georgia Pharmacist Association
Dr. Min H. Oh
Dr. Svein Øie and Ms. Barbara Woodruff
Mr. Render T. Parham Jr. and
Mrs. Margaret L. Parham
Plaza Pharmacy
Ms. Tracy M. Rauch
Mr. William T. Robie III and
Mrs. Arlene L. Robie
Dr. Walter F. Schmidt
Mrs. Edie E. Smith and Mr. Byron L. Smith
Dr. Kelly M. Smith
Mr. Philip Solomons Jr. and
Mrs. Cathy Solomons
Mr. Perry C. Sosebee and
Ms. Carole Sosebee
Mr. Carl L. Stanley Jr. and
Mrs. Susan B. Stanley
Mrs. Ella J. Stewart
The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc.
The Solomons Fund
Mr. Charles E. Travis Jr.
Dr. Thirunellai G. Venkateshwaran
Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner
Mr. Robert R. Warnock
Mr. Flynn W. Warren Jr. and
Dr. Monica M. Warren
Mr. Douglas L. Wilkinson and
Mrs. Sara E. Wilkinson
Dean’s Club
Gifts of $500 - $999
AbbVie Foundation
Amgen Foundation, Inc.
Mr. William A. Anderton and
Dr. Susan C. Fagan
Dr. Michael T. Azzolin and
Ms. Stephanie Azzolin
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Jennifer A. Bourgeois
Ms. Jane A. Bruce and Mr. Gene D. Bruce
Ms. Clarice Burval
Dr. Buyun Chen
Dr. Byoung K. Chun and
Mrs. Sook Hee K. Chun
Dr. Lewis G. Clark III
Mr. James D. Cochran and
Mrs. Jennifer L. Cochran
Dr. Sarah K. Coffee and Mr. Jason C. Coffee
Mrs. Vanessa Croley
Dr. Deborah L. Elder
Dr. James M. Frix and Mrs. Tina E. Frix
Mr. Max Gardner Jr. and Mrs. Judy L. Gardner
Mr. H. P. Glazner
Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.
Mr. David W. Hester
Mr. Raymond G. Hickman and
Mrs. Wanda Hickman
Mr. Clinton W. Hodges and
Mrs. Shirley F. Hodges
Dr. Harvey D. Homan and
Mrs. Cathy W. Homan
Dr. Janet L. Hunter
Mr. Ferman L. Jay
Mr. Martin L. Johnson III
Dr. Stephen M. Kamau
Ms. Marsha C. Kapiloff
Mr. Edwin J. Lake and Mrs. Linda Lake
Dr. Laura L. Little and Mr. Edward S. Little
Mr. S. C. S. Loo and Mrs. Dorothy W. Loo
Dr. Ray R. Maddox
Ms. Julie P. McLeod
Dr. Timothy W. McNeely and
Mrs. Charise McNeely
Mr. James L. Nevil III and Mrs. Jill Nevil
Mr. Mark G. Pam and Ms. Laurie M. Pam
Mr. Walter S. Pease Jr. and
Mrs. Debra S. Pease
Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Co.
Ms. Christy Phillips-Malcom and
Mr. Jeffery S. Malcom
Putnam Pharmacy, Inc.
Mr. Anthony B. Ray
Mr. Howard C. Rowe II
Royston Drug Store, Inc.
Mr. William C. Sams III and Mrs. Brenda Sams
Dr. Yeshwant D. Sanzgiri and
Dr. Uma Y. Sanzgiri
Mr. Danny A. Shive and Mrs. Elaine H. Shive
Dr. Steven A. Spillers and Dr. Judy E. Spillers
Mr. Thomas F. Stokes Jr. and
Mrs. Cheryl C. Stokes
Mr. Joseph C. Sumner and Dr. Jean Sumner
Sumner Pharmacy, Inc.
Mr. Michael T. Tarrant
The Medicine Shoppe
Dr. Rebecca L. Tomlinson and
Mr. Heath D. Tomlinson
Mr. William H. Turner
Unionville Discount Pharmacy Inc. D/B/A
Mike’s Medical Pharmacy
Dr. Carey A. Vaughan and Ms. Ginger E.
Mr. Gary M. Walens
Dr. Dennis G. Williams
Mr. Christopher N. Wohlford and Mrs.
Suanne B. Wohlford
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Joseph Woody
Ms. Lounell M. Waugh
Mr. Lewis M. West Sr.
Mr. George W. Coleman
Mrs. Lois R. Evans
Mrs. Ruth Fuller
Mr. Joel W. Goldin Sr.
Mr. Ferman L. Jay
Mr. Robert N. Jennings Sr.
Mrs. Jeanine Thomas
Mr. Alton D. Greenway*
Mr. Larry R. Loudermilk
Mr. James A. Thomas Sr.
Dr. Jane E. Chin
Mrs. Geneva A. Matthews
Mr. William D. Terrell
Mr. George D. Hamilton
Mr. Luther H. Lord
Mr. William J. Harp Jr.
Mr. Frank M. Pelly
Mr. James E. Graves
Mrs. Gloria Harbuck
Mrs. Ilze Henderson
Mr. Benjamin F. Mayes
Dr. Bobby L. Pilcher
Mr. Jerry D. Purcell
Mr. Edward H. Riddle
Dr. John L. Williams
Mr. Larry E. Floyd Sr.
Mr. James C. Furman
Mr. Thomas D. Gantt
Mr. Gerald E. Hartman Sr.
Mr. Lewis A. Hudson
Mr. Glenn A. Veal
Mr. Paul E. Waters
Mr. Bobby C. Burnley
Ms. Clarice Burval
Mr. Charles D. Cato
Mr. James M. Hanson
Mr. Clinton W. Hodges
Mrs. Jean Miller
Mr. H. William Rowell
Mr. John R. Abbott
Dr. Elmer W. Akin
Dr. Julius E. Bailey Jr.
Mr. Robert I. Fulford
Dr. Clarence E. Gissendanner
Mr. Irvin J. Pinnell Sr.
Mr. William C. Adams Jr.
Mr. Kenneth K. Davis
Mr. Robert A. Lawhon Sr.
Mr. Carlton W. Peeples
Mr. Charles E. Rentz
Mr. Jack C. Sharp
Mr. James D. Vinson
Mr. William L. Anthony
Mrs. Mariellen Bateman
Mr. Charles D. Maret
Mr. Eldon C. Oliver Jr.
Mr. G. H. Thurmond Jr.
Mr. Tom B. Atkinson
Mr. James C. Callaway Jr.
Mr. Charles F. Colson
Mr. Christopher J. Kapetanakos
Dr. Donald C. Davis
Mr. Hugh F. Erwin
Mr. Bobby L. Golden
Mr. William E. Curl
Mr. Wendell L. Evans
Mrs. Diane Neuhaus
Mr. William C. Phillips
Mr. Douglas L. Wilkinson
Mr. Robert W. Allee
Mr. Eddie B. Bassett Sr.
Mr. Frederick L. Bishop
Mr. John R. Bowen Sr.
Mr. David G. Brisendine Jr.
Mr. Arthur B. Bryan
Dr. Roy L. Chapman Jr.
Mrs. Jean Daniell
Deacon Elbert W. Fricks
Mr. James B. Kennedy
Mr. Robert F. Kuzniak
Mr. Darrell F. Landrum
Mr. James W. MacMahon
Mr. Alan R. McElveen
Mr. Joseph S. Swofford
Dr. Clifford M. Walker Jr.
Mrs. Jill Walker
Mr. Warren C. Weatherford
Mr. Clifford L. Brown Sr.
Mr. Michael A. Giles
Mr. Sidney C. Hardy
Mr. Ronald T. Harris
Mrs. Dorothy W. Loo
Mr. S. C. S. Loo
Mr. Donald R. Maxwell
Mrs. Patricia Maxwell
Ms. Helen W. Pickett
Mr. Richard M. Seagroves
Mr. Leonard E. Templeton
Mrs. Patricia Thomas
Mr. Oliver C. Whipple
Mr. Ralph W. Balchin Jr.
Mr. John L. Bridges
Dr. Richard H. Ciordia
Mr. Larry W. Crow
Mr. William H. Ford Jr.
Mr. Larry M. Free
Mr. Edward E. Gillespie
Mr. Douglas W. Hall
Mr. Robert V. Held
Mr. Donald Melroy
Mr. Anthony B. Ray
Dr. Jerry A. Boatwright
Mr. George R. Cannon Jr.
Mr. Hewlette D. Cook
Mr. Kenneth A. Guthrie
Mr. Winton C. Harris Jr.
Mr. Samuel K. Henley Jr.
Dr. James M. Hiott
Mr. Cecil M. Hitchcock III
Mr. William G. Moore
Mr. Theodore D. Okerlund
Mr. James W. Parker
Mr. Charles L. Roberts
Mr. Charles P. Schafer Jr.
Ms. Martha A. Cato
Mr. Joseph E. Cook
Dr. John R. Ellington Jr.
Mr. Harvel B. Hamm
Mr. Donald L. Henderson
Mr. Keith A. Linse
Mr. R. Kendall Marett
Mr. D. Glenn Morgan
Mr. Render T. Parham Jr.
Mr. Carl D. Parker
Dr. Phyllis M. Parks-Veal
Mr. William T. Robie III
Mr. Flynn W. Warren Jr.
Dr. David M. Arrington
Mrs. Mary A. Cunningham
Mr. J. Ashley Dukes
Mr. Randy W. Ellison
Mr. Robert L. Gibson III
Mr. Joseph D. Greene Jr.
Mr. Ronald W. Harden
Mr. James R. Hightower
Mr. Edwin C. Jones
Mr. Larry F. Moseley
Dr. William P. Norred III
Mrs. Sandra Pullen
Mr. Daniel L. Redden
Dr. Paul B. Smith Jr.
Mr. Joseph C. Sumner
Mr. Gary N. Trest
Mr. William D. Whitaker Sr.
Mr. Murriel M. Williamson
Mr. James R. Brown
Ms. Jane A. Bruce
Dr. James W. Cooper Jr.
Mr. Arnold G. Ellis
Ms. Joanne Epley
Mr. Michael P. Gigandet
Mr. Raymond G. Hickman
Mr. Roger S. Jordan
Mr. Clifford G. Lunceford
Dr. Ray R. Maddox
Mr. Wallace A. Partridge Jr.
Mr. William G. Talbert III
Mr. William H. Turner
Mr. Paul W. Bleckley
Mr. William F. Brewster
Dr. Robert E. Giles Jr.
Mr. Carlton R. Kitchens Jr.
Mr. W. Lon Lewis
Mrs. Ruth Mitcham
Mr. Richard L. Morgan
Mr. Walter A. Saunders
Mr. Carl L. Stanley Jr.
Mr. Alonzo Wilson
Mr. Daniel A. Brock
Mrs. Linda Christian
Mrs. Pamela Conner
Mrs. Peggy Gillenwater
Mr. H. P. Glazner
Mr. David W. Hester
Mr. Henry Jew
Mr. Harry Johnson III
Mr. Walter S. Pease Jr.
Mr. Richard A. Penn
Mr. Lewis O. Powell III
Mr. Michael Reed
Mr. Robert C. Roddenberry
Mr. Jim C. Shahan
Mr. Fred F. Sharpe Jr.
Mr. Thomas F. Stokes Jr.
Ms. Karen M. Adams
Mr. James M. Brown
Mr. Ronnie Lee Cain, R.Ph.
Ms. Sharon Barker Deason
Dr. Douglas P. Farman
Mrs. Kathleen Hooper
Mr. Foster A. Hotard Jr.
Mr. Martin L. Johnson III
Mrs. Cynthia L. Lewis
Mr. George N. Mize
Mr. William C. Sams III
Mrs. Janet L. Satterfield
Mr. Danny A. Shive
Mr. Ronald C. Temples
Dr. William E. Wade*
Dr. Delores J. Wong
Representative Bruce L.
Dr. Charles W. Brunson Jr.
Mr. James H. Corley
Mr. William Gary Cunningham
Mr. Guy V. Evans Jr.
Mr. Lester R. Magness
Mr. Michael R. McKinney
Dr. Anthony Palmieri III
Mrs. Hazel J. Patton
Dr. Sheila A. Pedigo
Mr. Robert G. Probst Jr.
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez-Feo
Mr. Perry C. Sosebee
Mr. Robert I. Thompson
Mrs. Cheryl Allen
Mrs. Cathy W. Homan
Mr. Robert D. Jones
Mr. John L. Langford
Mr. Alfred McNair
Mr. William A. Murray
Mrs. Libby Penn
Mr. Thomas P. Porter
Mr. Harry P. Rader III
Mrs. Carol Sawyer
Mr. Lewis F. Shackleford Jr.
Mr. Andres A. Ullrich
Mr. Melvin Wakeley
Mr. Richard T. Bass
Mrs. Rebecca A. Braselton
Mr. Mickey L. Buford
Mr. James E. Cope Jr.
Mr. Arnaldo L. Correa Jr.
Mrs. Sandra Correa
Dr. Harvey D. Homan
Mr. Warren M. Manley
Mrs. Jenny Mathis
Mr. Donald P. Patterson
Mr. Ernest F. Perry
Mr. Gerald H. Riggins
Mrs. Mary D. Riggins
Mrs. Debra K. Sampson
Mr. Kent H. Sears
Mr. Robert R. Warnock
Mr. Lewis M. West Jr.
Dr. Dennis C. Harper
Ms. Pui Y. R. Hon
Mrs. Blenda Singletary
Dr. Danny T. Smith
Mr. David R. Stancil
Dr. Randall L. Tackett
Mr. James N. Thomas
Mrs. Karen Thompson
Mrs. Gail Wilson
Mrs. Eva M. Autry
Mr. Raymond C. Bailey Jr.
Mrs. Deborah L. Brown
Mr. Thomas E. Bryan Jr.
Representative Earl L. Carter
Mr. Terry R. Durrence
Mr. Richard L. Edwards
Mrs. Patricia Griffeth
Mr. Michael H. Hanson
Mr. David M. Key
Mrs. Peggy Kirkland
Mrs. Terri McKettrick
Mrs. Christopher R. Painter
Dr. James E. Rhodes
Ms. Marcia E. Stewart
Dr. Arnold E. Sutton II
Mr. Mark A. Beaman
Mr. Michael C. Crutchfield
Mr. David C. Gammon
Mrs. Susan R. Marcantonio-
Mr. James M. Reed Jr.
Mrs. Donna S. Rice
Ms. Yvonne D. Sightler
Mrs. Karen Small
Mr. David M. Stewart
Mrs. Anne E. Tucker
Mr. Gerald L. Altman
Dr. Saundrett Arrindell
Mr. Robert C. Davis V
Mrs. Angela DeLay
Mr. Kenneth J. DeLay
Mr. Ferrell A. Dixon Jr.
Mr. Mark A. Gordon
Dr. Edwin W. Grimsley Sr.
Mrs. Peggy Grimsley
Dr. William M. Harley III
Mrs. Lisa Hunt
Mrs. Susan Johnson
Mrs. Victoria Moore
Mr. Robert T. Oliver
Ms. Christy Phillips-Malcom
Mr. Chris P. Tripodis
Capt Joseph T. Vitanza
Mr. Gary M. Walens
Mr. Wesley T. Wiggins
Mrs. Holly Chitwood
Mrs. Ouida Corry-Wiggins
Mr. James L. Cunningham
Mrs. Sharon Durrence
Mr. James H. Farmer Jr.
Mrs. Carol M. Ogg
Mrs. Katherine L. Oppel
Mr. Russell C. Rainwater
Mr. Michael M. Schoendorf
Ms. Karla S. Wall
Dr. Dennis G. Williams
Mr. Roy G. Wilson Jr.
Ms. Nancy E. Ager
Ms. Donna K. Aitoumeziane
Dr. Catherine M. Burnett
Mrs. Donna Cunningham
Dr. Carlton W. Durrence III
Mr. James C. Freeman Jr.
Dr. James M. Frix
Mr. Lowell B. Harris
Mrs. A. Renee Hay
Mr. Samuel F. Hunt
Ms. Marsha C. Kapiloff
Ms. Patricia J. Knowles
Dr. Treacy A. Krisztinicz
Dr. James R. Lang
Mrs. Paula Lang
Dr. Leisa Marshall
Dr. David E. Nix
Mr. William J. Ratliff
Mr. Howard C. Rowe II
Ms. Catherine Simpson
Mr. Garold K. Thompson Jr.
Ms. Kathy S. Wilson
Dr. Linda Dove Hughes
Capt Coy B. Lane
Dr. Timothy W. McNeely
Mr. Thomas T. Akins
Ms. Ruthanne Anderson
Mrs. Tracy E. Bell
Mrs. Sonja L. Bennett
Ms. Linda S. Elias
Mr. James R. Harris
Dr. Eliza H. Hoernle
Mrs. Sandra Powers
Mrs. Melissa G. Rollins
Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner
Mrs. Evalan C. Beck
Mr. Roy B. Braddy
Dr. Bradley A. Clark
Ms. Kelly L. Farlow
Dr. Janice C. Glascock
Dr. Jeffrey W. Harrison
Ms. Lori Houston
Ms. Donna M. Lee
Ms. Julie P. McLeod
Ms. Kathy R. McLeod
Ms. Sheila F. Miller
Mr. James L. Nevil III
Mr. Mark G. Pam
Mrs. Suzanne Meeks Poole
Mrs. Sherry Sims
Mrs. Edie E. Smith
Ms. Stacy Snell
Mrs. Julie M. Wellman
Mrs. Jennifer A. Bourgeois
Mr. Hugh M. Chancy
Mrs. Tina Chancy
Dr. Shang-Lin C. Chiao
Ms. Jeanne M. French
Mr. Jerry B. Gay Jr.
Mr. William R. Lee
Mr. Andre C. Mackey
Ms. Pamela K. Platt
Mr. Dennis H. Strickland
Dr. William J. Bachman
Ms. Rebecca L. Bader
Mrs. Jenny Bartholomew
Mr. Darren L. Bryan
Dr. Suzanne I. Coffman
Ms. Lynarda L. Howell
Mrs. Joanie Hoyt
Mr. John L. Lee
Ms. Laurie M. Pam
Mr. Thomas H. Pinaud
Dr. Walter F. Schmidt
Ms. Judy F. Settle
Dr. Kent E. Woo
Mr. Eric B. Adams
Mrs. Lori E. Archer
Mr. Kurt K. Begeman
Dr. Noel C. Doll
Mr. James G. Elrod
Ms. Mitzi Gary
Dr. Maura Hall
Mr. Steven R. King
Ms. Patricia D. Lambert
Dr. Dianne Barber Williams May
Dr. Mindi S. Miller
Mrs. Kimberly V. M. Palsis
Ms. Terri L. Parker
Mr. Robert L. Peterson
Mr. Jeffrey S. Scaffe
Mrs. Lola H. Smith
Mr. Wallace E. Williams Jr.
Ms. Eleanor J. Chance
Dr. Christopher A. P. Day
Mrs. Margaret Gomez
Dr. Robert M. Hatton
Mr. Christiaan A. Jones
Ms. Joanne A. Kervin
Mrs. Susanne Maxwell
Dr. Yeshwant D. Sanzgiri
Dr. Robin M. Shackleford
Mr. Travis V. Streat
Mr. Victor B. Taylor
Mr. Charles E. Travis Jr.
Dr. Monica M. Warren
Dr. Barbara L. Lawton
Dr. Clay A. Lee
Dr. Laura Lehman
Mr. Levis A. McConnell III
Mrs. Jennifer A. McCulley
Dr. Deborah M. Myers
Mr. Michael R. Williams
Dr. Christopher A. Bridgers
Dr. Marie A. Chisholm-Burns
Mr. Warren H. Christmus III
Mr. Robert B. Moody III
Dr. Linda J. Peery-Hunt
Dr. Christopher M. Peterson
Mr. Thomas J. Ptaszynski
Mr. Michael L. Robinson
Dr. Uma Y. Sanzgiri
Dr. Kelly M. Smith
Mr. Bobby D. Stone Jr.
Dr. Brian D. Buck
Dr. Steven P. Burch
Dr. Tammi L. Creamer
Mrs. Vanessa Croley
Dr. Suzanne Dunmon
Dr. Sarah E. Guthrie
Mrs. Melanie A. Harvey
Dr. Ravi K. Jalluri
Ms. Karen Johnston
Dr. Ann M. Kemp
Mr. Danny M. Kim
Dr. K. Heather Lindell
Dr. Sherri Moody
Mrs. Amanda G. Roberson
Ms. Roxanne Smith
Ms. Angela F. Stadler
Mrs. Lynne K. Vietri
Dr. Debra Boatner
Dr. Henry H. Cobb III
Mr. Stephen H. Dewing
Dr. Cecily DiPiro
Ms. Nancy S. Griffith
Ms. Rhonda M. Ireland
Mr. Anthony L. Kicklighter
Ms. Candice E. Pruett
Mrs. Kelly Roper
Dr. Tony J. Singletary
Mrs. Krista L. Stone
Dr. Daniel A. West
Mr. Christopher N. Wohlford
Mr. Kevin Joseph Woody
Ms. Alma D. Bennett
Mr. Stetson F. Bennett III
Mrs. Kelli S. Christian
Dr. Sara E. Daw
Dr. James R. Holley
Dr. Venkateswar R. Jarugula
Dr. Laura L. Little
Dr. Laura L. Miller
Mrs. Suanne B. Wohlford
Ms. Celine C. Akoh
Mr. James D. Cochran
Dr. Keith B. Enterkin
Mr. Theodore D. Hsu
Dr. Justin D. Miller
Dr. Kathryn L. O’Donnell
Ms. Tracy M. Rauch
Dr. Thirunellai G.
Dr. Lynne Starling Beach
Dr. Rita H. Doll
Dr. Melissa E. Frank
Dr. Claire N. Green
Dr. Hakeem O. Mumuney
Ms. Adra F. Tucker
Dr. Ronda A. Whipple
Dr. Clancey S. Burrell
Dr. Byoung K. Chun
Dr. Prasad V. G. Katakam
Dr. Jeanna Y. Bryant
Dr. Amy M. Covey
Dr. Enrique A. Puertos
Dr. Angel G. Shinn
Dr. Xiaohui Xu
Dr. Cindy L. Zoellner
Dr. Melissa A. Clifton
Dr. Jeff D. Goforth
Dr. Jacquelyn A. Harris
Dr. Charles H. McDuffie
Dr. Candace C. Nichols
Dr. Heather L. Powell
Dr. Karthick Vishwanathan
Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner
Dr. Michael T. Azzolin
Dr. Sara L. Mann
Dr. Lori A. McGinley
Dr. Melody Sheffield
Dr. Judy E. Spillers
Dr. Steven A. Spillers
Dr. Meredith L. Storms
Dr. Lawson D. Swint Jr.
Dr. Joshua W. Upton
Dr. Jana L. White
Mrs. Jennifer L. Davis
Dr. Ray A. Dixon
Dr. Heather R. Ferguson
Dr. Shawna L. Huff
Dr. Jill S. Walker
Dr. Mervin L. Williams Jr.
Dr. Leigh A. Conner
Dr. Kelly L. Dick
Dr. Nathan L. Ferrell
Dr. Mary E. Holland
Dr. Janet L. Hunter
Dr. Tiffany N. Mond
Dr. Joshua K. Morris
Dr. William B. Panter
Dr. Donald J. Piela Jr.
Dr. Laura N. Rebillot
Dr. Ann M. Thornton
Dr. Heather M. Walters
Dr. Helen S. Creagan
Dr. Joel M. Dent
Dr. Marci E. Dillard
Dr. Eric W. Durham
Dr. Natalie Florence
Dr. Stephen M. Kamau
Dr. May Okoye
Dr. Michael B. Smith
Dr. Adrienne N. Sokolowski
Dr. Carey A. Vaughan
Dr. Jennifer L. Anderson
Dr. Ebony L. Ferrell
Dr. Kimberly L. Ford
Dr. Kathryn A. Johnson
Dr. Karen M. Rodeghiero
Dr. Rebecca L. Tomlinson
Dr. Kathryn A. Brown
Dr. Lewis G. Clark III
Dr. Deborah L. Elder
Dr. Caroline G. Gresham
Dr. Melissa D. Koehler
Dr. Victor J. Lewis
Dr. Christopher A. Vaughan
Dr. Jennifer L. Young
Dr. Sarah K. Coffee
Dr. Michael A. Crooks
Dr. Krystal A. Flowers
Dr. Daniel R. Malcom
Dr. Sarah J. Murphy
Dr. Merrill A. Norton
Dr. Benjamin T. Ross
Dr. Candace W. Boatright
Dr. Marie D. Capito
Dr. Nancy R. Davis
Dr. Kevin M. Florence
Dr. Kevin L. Hempe
Dr. William B. Ivey
Dr. Andrea N. Lewis
Dr. Clay A. Lewis
Dr. Elizabeth W. McCormick
Dr. Min H. Oh
Dr. Natalya A. Rozenberg
Dr. Erin M. Shipley
Dr. Jonathan C. Slone
Dr. Stephanie B. Thompson
Dr. Margaret H. Brand
Dr. Jamie L. Fairchild
Dr. Lindsey A. Jackson
Dr. Bryant J. Knight
Dr. Melinda E. McFarlin
Dr. Matthew S. Owens
Dr. Jennifer A. Boykin
Dr. Ashley N. Hannings
Dr. Lilly L. Hilding
Dr. Melinda C. Kezer
Dr. Kathleen McManus
Dr. Jessica L. Phillips
Dr. Sarah K. Rath
Dr. Abbie J. Scarborough
Dr. Jayme M. Bristow
Dr. Buyun Chen
Dr. Carly C. Dodds
Dr. Sametria R. Glass
Dr. Yennam T. Nguyen
Dr. Jyoti Sinha
Dr. Tyler J. Zack
Dr. Kirsten V. Busey
Dr. Kaitlin S. Talisse
Dr. Alana M. Wong
Dr. Stephanie D. Worrall
Dr. Steven H. Johnson II
Dr. Kayla W. Phillips
Dr. Sandra L. Quach
Dr. Claire M. Schietinger
Dr. Laura E. Smith
Dr. Cameron J. Wood
Dr. Dan Zeitang
Dr. AdeSubomi Adeyemo
Dr. Abby Archer
Dr. Michael Charles Arena II
Dr. Sindhuri Avula
Dr. Casey M. Bozeman
Dr. Kristin Bradley
Dr. Patrick Brandin
Dr. Sally Carmichael Brown
Dr. Stephanie Brooke Coleman
Dr. Jennifer Werner Dean
Dr. Wendy A. Dry
Dr. Lakeda-Naita Downer
Dr. Ian Dunne
Dr. Albert Elakatt
Dr. Chioma E. Enyinnah
Dr. James Thomas Fanning IV
Dr. Maggie Guinta
Dr. Wesley K. Guy Jr.
Dr. Alison Hall
Dr. Emily Hanson
Dr. Fei He
Dr. Jamie Hopkins
Dr. K. Rebecca Howell
Dr. John Hughes
Dr. Marybeth T. Isley
Dr. Julianne Jones
Dr. Kelvin A. Kamara
Dr. Matthew Lewis
Dr. Jordan Loggins
Dr. Kyley Kani Makanani
Dr. Kathryn Tyler Maples
Dr. Cara McCalley
Dr. James A. McCarthy V
Dr. Lorraine L. Milton
Dr. Brooke Mitcheltree
Dr. Kelsey Nabors
Dr. Nirali Pramod Naik
Dr. Mallory Beth Nelson
Dr. Jonathan O’Connor
Dr. Khushbu Jayendra Patel
Dr. Rupal Patel
Dr. Sarah Peake
Dr. Kimberly Proctor
Dr. Whitney Lauren Reed
Dr. Dustin L. Rinehart
Dr. Gary Michael Saxon
Dr. Rachel Schnorr
Dr. Lauren Ashley Sharpton
Dr. Aimee Shin
Dr. Cary Anne Smith
Dr. Joseph Smith
Dr. Rebecca Smith
Dr. Justin Snider
Dr. James Spence
Dr. Leah Stowers
Dr. Sean Szad
Dr. Page S. Thomas
Dr. Dung Tran
Dr. Xin Wang
Dr. Brian West
Dr. Sarah Williford
Dr. J. Warren Beach
Dr. Aaron Beedle
Dr. Catherine A. Bourg
Mrs. Kay L. Brooks
Dr. James V. Bruckner
Dr. Brian D. Buck
Dr. Brian S. Cummings
Dr. Lori J. Duke
Dr. Deborah L. Elder
Dr. Azza B. El-Remessy
Dr. Susan C. Fagan
Dr. George E. Francisco Jr.
Dr. James L. Franklin
Dr. Rajgopal Govindarajan
Dr. Phillip Greenspan
Mrs. Kimberly A. Hamby
Dr. Ashley N. Hannings
Mr. Jeremy T. Headrick
Dr. Linda Dove Hughes
Dr. Dexi Liu
Dr. Ray R. Maddox
Dr. Dianne Barber Williams May
Dr. Rusty May
Dr. Charles H. McDuffie
Dr. Mindi S. Miller
Dr. Cory A. Momany
Dr. Mandi M. Murph
Dr. Merrill A. Norton
Dr. Svein Øie
Dr. Beth Phillips
Dr. Bradley G. Phillips
Dr. Melody Sheffield
Dr. Somanath Shenoy
Mr. Perry C. Sosebee
Ms. Gloria B. Strait
Dr. Randall L. Tackett
Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner
Dr. Han-Rong Weng
Dr. Catherine A. White
Dr. Alan P. Wolfgang
Dr. Henry N. Young
Dr. Jason A. Zastre
Ms. Guisheng Zhang
Corporations and
Abbott Laboratories Fund
AbbVie Foundation
Akers-Bruckner, Inc.
Alan E. Lubel, P.C.
Allcare Pharmacy
American Cancer Society
Amgen Foundation, Inc.
AT&T Foundation
AXA Foundation
Bank of America Charitable
Bilbro Corporation DBA
The Medicine Shoppe
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Carlos and Marguerite
Mason Trust
Charles W. Brunson Jr.,
Chemical Health
Associates, Inc.
Chevron Phillips Chemical
Company, LP
Clay Lee D.O., LLC
Community Pharmacy, Inc.
Consumer Specialty
Products Association
Cook’s Pharmacy Services,
Council for the Advancement
of Pyrethroid Human Risk
Cumberland Orthopedics
CVS Caremark Charity Trust
CVS Charitable Trust, Inc.
CVS Corporation
D. Conrad Harper, MD, LLC
Dacula Medicine Center, Inc.
Daughters of the American
Revolution Altamaha
Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Forrest Heights Pharmacy
G & H Pharmacy, Inc.
Gayco, Inc.
Georgia Pharmaceutical
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Gordon Drug Co.
Health Diagnostic Laboratory,
J M Smith Foundation
Jak Homes, Inc.
JH Harvey, LLC
Jinki Patel Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Kathy R McLeod, LLC
Kroger Company
Lees Inlet Apothecary
and Gifts
Mylan Inc.
NACDS Foundation
New Urban Forestry, LLC
NW Georgia Pharmacist
Pfizer Foundation
Pharmacists Mutual
Insurance Co.
Plaza Pharmacy
Publix Super Markets
Charities, Inc.
Pure Compounding
Putnam Pharmacy, Inc.
Rite Aid Corporation
Royston Drug Store, Inc.
Seaside Drugs Inc. DBA
St. Simons Drug Company
Shaklee Corporation
Shannon Pharmacy Inc.
Sumner Pharmacy, Inc.
T.C., C.W., and T.D. Hsu
Target Corporation
The Chu Family Foundation
The Medicine Shoppe
The Savannah Community
Foundation, Inc.
The Solomons Fund
Thomas Drugs
TimeWarner Foundation
Unionville Discount Pharmacy
Inc. D/B/A Mike’s Medical
U-Save-It Pharmacy, Inc.
WAAS Drugstore, Inc.
WAL-MART Stores, Inc.
Wauka Mountain
Pharmacy, Inc.
Woodys Longbranch
Pharmacy, Inc.
Mrs. Phyllis C. Abbott
Ms. Melissa Adams
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Pharmacy Enhancement Fund
Mr. Amer H. Aitoumeziane
Mrs. Lois E. Akin
Ms. Sheryl L. Akins
Mrs. Ruth E. Allee
Mr. Dennis D. Allen
Mrs. JeNie L. Altman
Mr. Bryan P. Anderson
Mr. William A. Anderton
Ms. Kimberly A. Andrews
Ms. Sue J. Anthony
Mr. Harlan T. Archer
Dr. Everton L. Arrindell
Mrs. Doris D. Arrington
Mrs. Anne B. Atkinson
Mr. Stephen R. Autry
Ms. Stephanie Azzolin
Mrs. Dolores C. Bailey
Ms. Sandra S. Balchin
Mr. Robert W. Bartholomew Jr.
Mrs. Beth Bass
Mrs. Mary C. Bassett
Mrs. Julie W. Begeman
Mr. Robert L. Bell Jr.
Mr. Candler D. Bennett Jr.
Ms. Chandni Bhardwaj
Mrs. Connie J. Bishop
Mrs. Linda S. Bleckley
Mr. Rickey D. Boatner
Ms. Judith D. Boatwright
Mr. Donald L. Bova
Mrs. Jackie Bowen
Mr. Matthew P. Bozeman
Mrs. Deena C. Braddy
Mr. James N. Brand
Mr. Jake Braselton
Dr. Charles L. Braucher Sr.
Mrs. Charla B. Brewster
Mrs. Rebecca Bridges
Mrs. Beverly Brisendine
Mrs. Mary Ann Broadrick
Mrs. Susan Brock
Ms. Barbara J. Brooke
Mrs. Kay L. Brooks
Mrs. Janet L. Brown
Mr. Richard W. Brown
Mr. Rickie L. Brown Jr.
Ms. Robin Brown
Mrs. Sandra C. Brown
Mrs. Sharon Brown
Mr. Gene D. Bruce
Dr. Judy K. Bruckner
Mrs. Patsy Bryan
Mr. Joshua T. Bryant
Mrs. Donna H. Buford
Dr. Opal R. Bunce
Ms. Jennifer H. Burch
Ms. Jan S. Burgess
Mrs. Becky S. Burnley
Mrs. Mary R. Cannon
Mr. Nicholas M. Capito
Dr. Anthony C. Capomacchia
Ms. Sally M. Carmichael
Mrs. Amy Carter
Mrs. Faye Cato
Mrs. Dianne B. Chapman
Mr. Jin H. Chin
Mr. Joshua L. Christian
Ms. Jee H. Chu
Mrs. Sook Hee K. Chun
Mrs. Page Ciordia
Mr. Gregory D. Clifton
Ms. Brenda Cobb
Mrs. Jennifer L. Cochran
Mr. Jason C. Coffee
Mrs. Mary M. Coleman
Mr. Phillip R. Coleman
Mrs. Louise Colson
Mrs. Karen S. Cook
Mrs. Tami Cook
Mrs. Susan Eure Cooper
Mrs. Betty T. Cox
Mrs. Anne E. Crabill
Mr. Christopher C. Creagan
Dr. Julian J. Creamer III
Mrs. Debra Y. Crow
Mrs. Kimberly A. Crutchfield
Mrs. Jennifer L. Cummings
Dr. Danis L. Cunningham
Mr. Donald G. Daniell
Mr. Christopher T. Davis
Mrs. Jolene R. Davis
Mrs. Mellie C. Davis
Mrs. Michele M. Davis
Mr. Ray K. Daw II
Mrs. Angela DeLettre
Ms. Brittany M. DeLettre
Ms. Jennifer L. Dent
Ms. Christine B. Devereaux
Dr. Joseph T. DiPiro
Dr. Jessica Dixon
Mrs. Peggy Dixon
Mr. Ronald G. Duke
Mrs. J. Ashley Dukes
Mr. Charles H. Dunmon Jr.
Mr. Nick DuPree
Mrs. Sandra R. Ellington
Ms. Marianne Ellis
Mrs. Robbie J. Elrod
Mrs. Brandie E. Enterkin
Mrs. Cynthia Evans
Mrs. Dorothy L. Evans
Mr. Christopher S. Fairchild
Mrs. Patricia B. Farman
Mrs. Pamela Farmer
Dr. Jack E. Fincham
Mr. Mark W. Fitch
Dr. Quentin J. Florence
Mrs. Rachel M. Florence
Mrs. Betty Floyd
Mrs. Patricia G. Ford
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Francisco
Mr. Michael W. Frank
Mrs. Edna Free
Mrs. Diane J. Freeman
Mrs. Emolyn s. Fricks
Mrs. Tina E. Frix
Mrs. Sharon L. Fulford
Mr. Wilmer C. Fuller
Mrs. Dolores A. Furman
Mrs. Cynthia L. Gantt
Mr. Max Gardner Jr.
Mr. Jack E. Gary Jr.
Mr. Barclay Gaston
Ms. Rebecca A. Gay
Mrs. Mary F. Gibson
Mrs. Phyllis Gigandet
Mrs. Patricia G. Giles
Mrs. Helen L. Gillespie
Mrs. Helen V. Gissendanner
Mr. Gale E. Glascock
Mrs. Carol B. Golden
Mrs. Barbara Goldman
Mr. Noel R. Gomez
Mrs. Terry Gordon
Mrs. Kathryn B. Graves*
Mr. Bryan S. Green
Mrs. Kathryn A. Greene
Mrs. Juanita A. Greenspan
Mrs. Shirley Greenway
Mr. William Greenwood
Mr. Douglas R. Griffeth
Ms. Ginger E. Grooms-Vaughan
Mr. Troy H. Guthrie III
Mr. Marvin G. Guyton Jr.
Mr. Alfred D. Hall
Mrs. Jan V. Hall
Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Kimberly
Mrs. Barbara Hamm
Mrs. Patricia Hanson
Mrs. Starr Hanson
Mr. William R. Harbin
Mrs. Cheryl S. Harden
Mrs. Dorothy H. Hardy
Mrs. Mollie Harley
Mrs. Barbara H. Harp
Mrs. Lisa Harper
Mr. Andy S. Harris
Mrs. Dawn Harris
Mrs. Shannon Harris
Mr. Todd E. Harvey
Mr. Mohamed Hassan
Mrs. Kimberly A. Hatton
Mr. P. David Hay
Mr. Jeremy T. & Ms. Gina M.
Mrs. Margaret A. Held
Mrs. Meghan Hempe
Ms. Gail R. Henderson
Dr. Ralph H. Henderson
Mrs. Barbara A. Henley
Mrs. Wanda Hickman
Mrs. Melody Y. Hightower
Mrs. Marilyn L. Hiott
Mrs. Janice M. Hitchcock
Mrs. Shirley F. Hodges
Mr. Griffin H. Holland
Mrs. Nelda R. Holley
Mr. Jimmy T. Hooper
Mrs. Margie L. Hotard
Dr. Timothy J. Howell
Mr. Mark A. Hoyt
Mr. Thomas C. Hsu
Mrs. Blanche D. Hudson
Dr. Robert Hunt
Mr. Sean C. Ireland
Mrs. Amanda K. Isley
Mr. Andrew K. Johnson
Mrs. Karen J. Johnson
Mr. Brennan B. Johnston
Mr. Jay B. Jones III
Mrs. Marie P. Jones
Mrs. Patricia S. Jones
Mrs. Sheree Jones
Mrs. Joan Z. Jordan
Dr. Hung W. Jun
Mr. William K. Kelly
Ms. Sandra L. Kennedy
Mr. David J. Kervin
Dr. M. Iqbal Khan
Mrs. Masako Kim
Mr. John A. Koncul Jr.
Mrs. Alice Kuzniak
Mr. Edwin J. & Mrs. Linda Lake
Mr. Danny Lambert
Ms. Reba M. Landrum
Mrs. Diane D. Lane
Mrs. Rebecca Langford
Ms. Gail Larsen
Mrs. Jane Lawhon
Mrs. Margaret L. Lee
Mr. William Lee
Mr. William M. Lewis
Mrs. Bonnie Linse
Mr. Edward S. Little
Mrs. Ann Lord
Mrs. Jane H. Loudermilk
Mr. Alan E. Lubel
Mrs. Julia F. Lunceford
Mrs. Elizabeth Magness
Mr. Jeffery S. Malcom
Mr. Stephen E. Malone
Mrs. Sharon A. Manley
Mrs. Ann Mansur
Ms. Sarah Maret
Mrs. Louise H. Marett
Mr. Rollin D. Mathis
Mrs. Laura D. Mayes
Mrs. Melinda S. McConnell
Mr. Colin R. McCulley
Mrs. Patricia McDuffie
Mrs. Cheryl McElveen
Mr. Kevin J. McFarlin
Mrs. Jessica J. McKinney
Mrs. Beverly W. McNair
Mrs. Charise McNeely
Mrs. Judith J. Melroy
Mr. Robert S. Miller Jr.
Dr. Scott D. Miller
Mr. Steven T. Miller
Mr. Michael S. Mitcham
Mr. Joseph C. Moon
Mr. Wade A. Moore
Mrs. Amy S. Morgan
Mrs. Rita Morgan
Mrs. Amber L. Morris
Mr. Mark R. Morton
Mrs. Tommie J. Moseley
Mr. Brendan F. Murphy
Mr. Robert Neuhaus
Mrs. Jill Nevil
Mr. John E. Nine
Mrs. Laura C. Nix
Mrs. Carol N. Norred
Mr. Brian S. Ogg
Dr. Svein Øie & Ms. Barbara
Mrs. Letitia Okerlund
Ms. Ogechukwu C. Okoye
Mrs. Jerreann Oliver
Mrs. Susan Oliver
Mr. George P. Oppel
Ms. Cynthia R. O’Steen-Piela
Mrs. Jennifer S. Owens
Dr. Patricia L. Owen-Smith
Dr. William M. Ozburn
Mr. Fred W. Painter
Mrs. Cynthia A. Palmieri
Mr. Peter G. Palsis
Mrs. Louise M. Panter
Mrs. Margaret L. Parham
Mr. Jerrold S. Parker
Mrs. Helen Partridge
Dr. Kiran Patel
Ms. Amy Patterson
Mrs. Debra S. Pease
Mrs. Betty J. Peeples
Mrs. Ruth A. Pelly
Mrs. Kathleen Perry
Ms. Wanda L. Peterson
Mrs. Miriam C. Pilcher
Mr. James A. Poole
Mrs. Judy Porter
Mr. Robert E. Poss III
Mrs. Janet D. Powell
Mr. Jeffery L. Powers
Ms. Pamela R. Privette
Mrs. Brenda T. Puertos
Dr. William H. Pullen Jr.
Mrs. Reba Purcell
Mrs. Cheryl L. Rader
Mrs. Janet B. Rainwater
Mr. Mark P. Rebillot
Mrs. Millie H. Reed
Mrs. Margaret Reigle
Mrs. Mary M. Rentz
Mrs. Catherine Riddle
Mr. Gregory L. Roberson
Mrs. Vicki S. Roberts
The 2014 Albert W. Jowdy
Memorial Golf Classic yielded
$4,060 for student scholarships.
Mrs. Arlene L. Robie
Mrs. Susan H. Roddenberry
Ms. Katherine A. Rodriguez-Feo
Mr. Gary Rollie
Mr. L. R. Rollins
Mr. Rodney H. Roper
Mrs. Janice M. Rowell
Mr. Vladimir Rozenberg
Mr. David T. Sampson
Mrs. Brenda Sams
Mr. Ronald R. Satterfield
Ms. Lakshmi Satyanarayanan
Mr. Timothy G. Sawyer
Mr. Brian J. Scarborough
Mrs. Linda S. Schafer
Mrs. Katherine Schoendorf
Mr. John Scruggs
Ms. Rosemary A. Scully-Key
Mrs. Reba M. Seagroves
Mrs. Janice Sears
Mr. Steven C. Settle
Mrs. Sharon J. Shackleford
Mrs. Denise M. Shahan
Mrs. Jean Sharp
Mrs. Bonnie I. Sharpe
Mr. James E. Sheffield Jr.
Mr. Brian D. Shinn
Mr. Shannon W. Shipley
Mrs. Elaine H. Shive
Dr. Michael S. Shuler
Mrs. Margaret K. Shulman
Dr. Jon A. Simpson
Mr. David P. Sims Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Slone
Ms. Brittany A. Smith
Mr. Byron L. Smith
Mr. Christopher T. Smith
Mr. Craig F. Smith
Mrs. Raye Y. Smith
Mr. Kenneth D. Snider Jr.
Ms. Tracie L. Snipes
Mr. Thomas Snowden
SSG Stephen W. Sokolowski
Mr. Philip Solomons Jr.
Mr. James A. Sommerville
Ms. Carole Sosebee
Mrs. Denise K. Stancil
Mrs. Ella J. Stewart
Mr. Jeff Stewart
Mrs. Cheryl C. Stokes
Ms. Luci K. Stone
Mr. William N. Storms IV
Ms. Leah A. Stowers
Mr. Reginald B. Stowers
Mrs. Sindy Massey Strickland
Dr. Jean Sumner
Mrs. Carolyn Sutton
Mrs. Jo A. Swofford
Mr. Sean R. Szad
Mrs. Ann M. Tackett
Mr. Michael T. Tarrant
Mr. William D. Taylor Sr.
Mrs. Mary A. Temples
Mrs. Blanche Templeton
Mr. Dan Tennant
Mrs. Nina S. Terrell
Mrs. Joan R. Thomas
Mrs. Lena M. Thomas
Ms. Page S. Thomas
Mrs. Angela M. Thompson
Mrs. Janet G. Thompson
Mrs. Beth Thurmond
Mr. Heath D. Tomlinson
Mr. Dung A. Tran
Mrs. Susan W. Tripodis
Mr. Grant D. Trotter
Mr. Glenn A. Tucker
Mrs. Debra J. Ullrich
Mrs. Page M. Upton
Mr. Gesualdo Vietri Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Vitanza
Mr. Henry E. Vucetic
Dr. Adelbert E. Wade
Mrs. Theresa O. Wade
Mrs. Sheila A. Wakeley
Mr. James Walters II
Ms. Xin Wang
Mrs. Marylyn T. Waters
Mrs. Yuhong Z. Weng
Mrs. Anita T. West
Mrs. Barbara N. West
Mr. Brian J. West
Mrs. Cheree A. West
Dr. Oliver C. Whipple
Mrs. Rozanne G. Whipple
Mrs. Jayne Whitaker
Mr. Benjamin S. White
Mrs. Doris H. Williams
Ms. Sarah K. Williford
Mr. Larry Wilson
Mrs. Vanessa Wilson
Dr. Carla F. Wolfgang
Mr. Kyle Wood
Mrs. Tanya Woody
Mrs. Bobbi L. Zastre
Mr. John Zerillo
Heritage Society
Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Ansel
Ms. Pamela R. Bramlett
Mr. Bobby C. Burnley and
Mrs. Becky S. Burnley
Ms. Martha A. Cato
Mr. Hugh M. Chancy and
Mrs. Tina Chancy
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ross Cloer
Dr. James W. Cooper Jr. and
Mrs. Susan Eure Cooper
Mr. Ben D. Cravey Jr. and
Mrs. Denise Cravey
Mr. Michael T. Crumley and
Mrs. Susan L. Crumley
Mr. William Gary Cunningham
and Mrs. Lu Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dean
Ms. Sharon Barker Deason
Mr. Kenneth J. DeLay and
Mrs. Angela DeLay
Mr. Ferrell A. Dixon Jr. and
Mrs. Peggy Dixon
Mr. George B. Duke Jr.
Mr. Kenneth M. Duke and
Dr. Kandy W. Duke
Dr. Aaron T. Eley and
Mrs. Michelle Eley
Mrs. Samee C. Ellerbee*
Mr. Steven H. Ellerbee
Mr. John H. Fields Jr.
Mr. David C. Gammon and
Ms. Barbara J. Brooke
Dr. Michael P. Gigandet and
Mrs. Phyllis Gigandet
Dr. Robert E. Giles Jr. and
Mrs. Patricia G. Giles
Mr. David B. Graves
Mrs. Shirley Greenway and
Mr. Alton D. Greenway Sr.*
Dr. Robert K. Halliday and
Mrs. April Halliday
Mr. Herbert W. Hatton
Dr. David W. Hawkins and
Mrs. Mary H. Hawkins
Mr. Richard O. Hayes*
Mr. Charles R. Herrin Jr.*
Dr. James R. Holley and
Mrs. Nelda R. Holley
Mr. and Mrs. William Jason Huff
Mr. Jeffrey W. Jowdy
Dr. Hung W. Jun and
Mrs. Jung J. Jun
Ms. Susan D. Kane
Mr. John L. Langford and
Mrs. Rebecca Langford
Mr. Keith A. Linse and
Mrs. Bonnie Linse
Mr. Jeffrey L. Lurey and
Mrs. Dale Lurey
Mr. George E. Lykins*
Mr. Andre C. Mackey
Mr. George W. Mason and
Mrs. Sandra M. Mason
Mr. James S. McBrayer
Mr. Levis A. McConnell III and
Mrs. Melinda S. McConnell
Mr. Michael L. McGee
Ms. Sheila Dunn Miller
Mr. F. F. Millikan*
Mr. William F. Nathaniel*
Mrs. Millie B. L. Neal*
Mrs. Joann Paulk
Mrs. Maureen E. Persons and
Mr. Ogden Persons
Dr. Christopher M. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buford
Pinckney Jr.
Mr. Steven A. Purvis and
Dr. Kara Owens Purvis
Ms. Tammy J. Rogers
Dr. Peter C. Ruenitz and
Mrs. Elizabeth Ruenitz
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allen
Sanders Jr.
Mr. Albert F. Schwamlein Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Sherwood Sr.
Mr. Byron L. Smith and
Mrs. Edie E. Smith
Dr. John A. Smith*
Mr. Billy M. Stone
Mr. Dana E. Strickland
Mrs. Cheryl Taylor*
Mr. John H. Taylor Jr.*
Mr. Robert I. Thompson and
Mrs. Angela M. Thompson
Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner
Mrs. Grace Waters*
Dr. Kenneth L. Waters*
Mr. Albert F. Williams*
Mr. Kevin Joseph Woody and
Mrs. Tanya Woody
Mr. Earl G. Wright and
Mrs. Mary C. Wright
Dr. and Mrs. George Edward
The Donor Recognition section recognizes gifts to all of the various funds
that support the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, including all
private donations made during 2014. Every attempt has been made to
assure the accuracy of information contained in this publication. If there
is an error in your listing, or if you have questions, please call Dana E.
Strickland, Executive Director of External Affairs, at 706-542-5293.
Øie, Svein, Dean
Francisco, George E. Assoicate Dean
Nair, Vasu, Associate Dean for Research
Bartlett, Michael, Interim Assistant Dean, Division of
Nontraditional Education and Outreach
Duke, Lori, Assistant Dean for Experience Programs
Fagan, Susan, Assistant Dean for Augusta Programs
Khan, Iqbal, Assistant Dean for Southwest Georgia Programs
Watson, Joan, Assistant Dean for Academic and Strategic Initiatives
Wolfgang, Alan, Assistant Dean for Student Aairs
Anderson, John, Senior Information Technology Manager
Brown, Brad, Network Administrator Specialist
Cook, Sam, IT Professional Associate
Duke, Kenneth, Clinical Assistant Professor
Eno, Amy, Senior Accountant
Fulford, Michael, Director of Assessment
George, Chicki, Program Coordinator II
Giddens, Beth, Senior Accountant
Halder, Sonja, Senior accountant
Hamby, Kimberly, Director of Alumni Aairs
Hart, Jessica, Business Manager II
Headrick, Jeremy, Associate Director of Development
Hemphill, Cicely, Administrative Associate II
McIntyre, Shirley, Administrative Specialist II
Prine, Jeanne, Web Development Principal
Purcell, Kelly, Administrative Assistant II
Roberson, Sheila, Director of Public Relations/Publications
Schroder, Kenneth, Facilities Coordinator
Shelton, Melba, Senior Accounting Technician
Strait, Gloria, Administrative Associate II
Strickland, Dana, Executive DIrector of External Aairs
Varghese, John, Administrative Financial Director
Wilson, Andrew, IT Professional Assistant
Brooks, Kay, Public Service Assistant
Darley, Andrew, Public Service Assistant
Duke, Lori, Assistant Dean
Fowler, Janet, Administrative Associate I
Hannings, Ashley, Public Service Assistant
Holly, Pattie, Progrram Specialist II
Krulic, Wesley, Regional Coordinator/Savannah and Southeast
May, Dianne, Regional Coordinator/Augusta
McDue, Charles, APPE Director and Regional Coordinator/
Athens and Northeast Georgia
McEwen, Deanna, 2nd year IPPE Coordinator
Miller, Mindi, Regional Coordinator/Atlanta
Parham, Lynne, Student Aairs Professional III
Sheeld, Melody C., Regional Coordinator/Southwest Georgia
Welch, Lindsey, 3rd year IPPE Coordinator
Williams, Monica, Administrative Specialist I
Duran, Chris , IT Systems Professional
Jones, Sarah, Learning Services Coordinator
Palmer, Russ, Educational Program Specialist
Bartlett, Michael, Interim Assistant Dean
Budd, Virginia, Program Coordinator
Davenport, Cynthia, Administrative Assistant II
Dykstra, Gary, Director, Biomedical Continuing Education and
Strategic Planning
Geiger, Robert, Academic Professional
Hodges, Johnna, Assistant Director, Regulatory Aairs
Makkar, Arvinder, Program Specialist
McDue, Charles, Coordinator, Web-based Instruction
Mullis, David, Director, Regulatory Aairs Graduate Education
Sanford, Je, Director, Entrepreneurial Studies
Smith, Katie, Digital Media Professional Associate
von Waldner, Trina, Director, Postgraduate Continuing
Dennison, Erik, Student Aairs Professional II
Dobbs Renee, Student Aairs Specialist II
Herda, Susan, Administrative Associate I
Hill-Silcott, Vivia, Diversity Coordinator
Wolfgang, Alan, Assistant Dean
Bareld, Erica
Hawkins, W. Anthony
Hunter, Carolyn S.
Khan, Iqbal
Phan, Stephanie
Womack, Tanea C.
Aull, Larry D.*
Bourg, Catherine
Branan, Trisha
Buck, Brian D.
Cobb, Henry H.
Cobran, Ewan K.
Cooper, James +
Davis, Scott*
DIPiro, Joseph**
Doster, Christine
Fincham, Jack E.*
Fleming, Virginia H.
Francisco, George E.
Franic, Duska M.
Frank, Melissa C.*
Hall, Christopher D.*
Herist, Keith N.
Hoernle, Eliza H.*
Huckaby, W. Gary*
Jackson, Marie W.*
Klein, Annelie
Langford R. Alan
McCall, Charles**
McElhannon, Michelle B.*
McKenzie, Kim
Meyer, Robert J.*
Middendorf, Bruce F.*
Morgan, John*
Neville, Michael W.
Norton, Merrill A.
Parks-Veal, Phyllis*
Patel, Jaideep K.*
Perri, Matthew
Phillips, Beth B.
Phillips, Bradley G., Head
Sattler. E. Lilian
Southwood, Robin L.
Spruill, William J.
Tackett, Randall L.
Thiman, Michael
Traill, Adam E.*
Wade, William E.
Walton, Ted*
Wright, Gary A.*
Young, Henry
Miller, Mindi S.
Ajiboye, Violette
Anderegg, Sammuel V.*
Bland, Christopher*
Carswell, Jody L.*
Chisholm-Burns, Marie A.*
Clark, Stephen G.
Clemmons, Amber
Davis, Wendy B.*
DeRemer, Christina E.*
DeRemer David L.
El-Remessy, Azza B.
Ergul, Adviye *
Fagan, Susan C.
Flynt, Thomas E.*
Gaddy, V. Thomas*
Gally, Anita N.*
Garrett, Charlene
Glosson, Becky
Gomez, Tad A.*
Hess, David C.*
Hoda M. Nasrul*
Ishrat, Tauheed*
Keller, J. Kimble*
Killough David M.*
Knowles, Dekeisha
Manasco, Kalen
May, Dianne B.
May, J. Russell
Nguyen, Nhuan*
Norman, Christy M.*
Norris, Kelly R.*
Parman, Malinda G.*
Pennell, Jennafer H.*
Phillips, Marjorie S.*
Pillai, Bindu
Segar, Lakshman
Shah, Arpita V.*
Shenoy, Somanath
Smith, Kimberley
Terry, Alvin J.*
Thompson Katherine T.*
VanLandingham, Jason M.*
Vasil, Donna D.*
Whitehouse, Tina*
Duke, Kenneth
Jozefczyk, Kenneth G.*
Maddox. Ray R.
Melroy, Michael J.*
Rahimi, Ali R.*
Richards, Hal E.
(* Without salary)
Bartlett, Michael
Beach, J. Warren
Beedle, Aaron
Bruckner, James
Cai, Houjian
Capomacchia, Anthony
Costyn, Leah
Cummings, Brian S.
Duncan, Linda
Elder, Deborah
Eubanks, Mary
Franklin, James
Fugett, Ryan
Govindarajan, Raj
Greenspan, Phillip
Hendry, Lawrence B.**
Hooks, Shelley
Irvin, T. Rick**
Jia, Wei
Kennedy, Eileen
Lewendowski, Megan
Liu, Dexi, Head
Long, Timothy
Manoharan, Radhika
Momany, Cory
Muralidhara, Srinivasa
Murph, Mandi
Pegan, Scott
Rekhi, Gurvinder Singh
Riley, Ronald T.**
Roberts, Arthur
Shin, Ho-Chul
Smith, Demetrius
Standridge, Leslie
Teng, Quincy
Thomson, Michael
Voss, Kenneth A.**
Weng, Han-rong
White, Catherine
Wilson, Joy
Zastre, Jason
Zhang, Guisheng
Zheng, George
Ansley, Robyn
Nair, Vasu, Associate Dean
Okello, Maurice
Seo, Byung
College of Pharmacy
Athens, GA 30602-2351
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