Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-1
Unit Four
Emergency Management
in the United States
This unit describes emergency management in the United
States. It defines the four phases of emergency management, as
well as other important terms used by emergency managers. In
addition, it describes the contributions of individuals and
community, state, and federal agencies in making emergency
management successful.
Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:
Ü Define the four phases of emergency management and
describe activities associated with each phase
Ü Define basic emergency management terminology
Ü Describe the responsibilities of individuals and agencies
at the community, state, and federal levels
What Are
The most common disasters result from meteorological
(weather-related) and geological events and can affect any area
of the U.S. Their impact can be localized or widespread,
predictable or unpredictable. Damage can range from minimal
to major. Depending on the severity of the incident, they can
have a long-term impact on the infrastructure (roads, bridges,
and utilities) of any location.
Threats involving natural forces include thunderstorm, flood,
tornado, hurricane, winter storm, drought, wildfire, landslide,
earthquake, tsunami (tidal wave), volcano, and dam failure.
Technological (man-made) hazards include hazardous material
releases and spills, acts of terrorism, and nuclear accidents.
Natural hazards are usually, but not always, more predictable
than any other type of hazard. Other threats include animal
health emergencies, such as outbreaks of a Foreign Animal
Although we cannot know exactly when or where disasters will
strike, or how severe they will be, we recognize from past
experience which geographical areas are most vulnerable to
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-2 Emergency Management in the United States
certain types of natural hazards. This knowledge helps us better
prepare for and respond to natural hazards. When you read
through Units 5 15 on natural hazards, remember that each
type of hazard has unique characteristics, yet common
elements. These common elements allow you to prepare for
and protect yourself and your animals from disaster.
Four Phases of
Emergency managers think of disasters as recurring events
with four phases: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and
The following diagram illustrates the relationship of the four
phases of emergency management.
The significance of the emergency management cycle is that all
communities are in at least one phase of emergency
management at any time.
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-3
This phase includes actions taken to prevent or reduce the
cause, impact, and consequences of disasters. Examples of
hazard mitigation include:
Ü Tying down homes or barns with ground anchors to
withstand wind damage
Ü Digging water channels to redirect water and planting
vegetation to absorb water
Ü Constructing levees or permanent barriers to control
Ü Reinforcing fencing to prevent animal escapes
Ü Buying insurance policies
This phase includes planning, training, and educational
activities for events that cannot be mitigated. Examples
Ü Developing disaster preparedness plans for what to do,
where to go, or who to call for help in a disaster
Ü Exercising plans through drills, tabletop exercises, and
full-scale exercises
Ü Creating a supply list of items that are useful in a
Ü Walking around a farm and identifying possible
vulnerabilities to high winds
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-4 Emergency Management in the United States
The response phase occurs in the immediate aftermath of a
disaster. During the response phase, business and other
operations do not function normally. Personal safety and well-
being in an emergency and the duration of the response phase
depend on the level of preparedness.
Examples of response activities include:
Ü Implementing disaster response plans
Ü Conducting search and rescue missions
Ü Taking actions to protect yourself, your family, your
animals, and others
Ü Addressing public perceptions about food safety
During the recovery period, restoration efforts occur
concurrently with regular operations and activities. The
recovery period from a disaster can be prolonged. Examples of
recovery activities include:
Ü Preventing or reducing stress-related illnesses and
excessive financial burdens
Ü Rebuilding damaged structures based on advanced
knowledge obtained from the preceding disaster
Ü Reducing vulnerability to future disasters
Definitions of
and Disaster
The terms emergency and disaster often are used
interchangeably. This common use of terms can be confusing.
It is easiest to understand the terms emergency and disaster as
being at two ends of a scale, in which the size of an incident
and the resources to deal with the incident are matched to
varying degrees.
At one end of the spectrum, emergencies are usually small-
scale, localized incidents which are resolved quickly using
local resources. However, small-scale emergencies can escalate
into disasters when there has been inadequate planning and
wasteful use of resources.
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-5
At the other end of the spectrum, disasters are typically large-
scale and cross geographic, political, and academic boundaries.
Disasters require a level of response and recovery greater than
local communities can provide.
Emergencies and
disasters and the
livestock industry
Emergencies and disasters involving livestock also vary in
degree, depending on the amount and availability of needed
resources. The degree to which an incident results in a disaster
depends on the size of the event and local response and
recovery capabilities. In many cases, levels of preparedness,
response, and recovery capabilities go hand-in-hand.
For example, in the 1998 ice storm in the northeastern U.S., the
most critical agricultural need was for electrical generators.
Dairy farms suffering power outages depended on electricity to
milk their cows.
Farmers who had adequate-sized generators and who knew
how to operate them faced an emergency because they were
only temporarily prevented from milking their cows.
In contrast, farmers without generators, or with generators that
failed due to lack of adequate maintenance or fuel, were faced
with disastrous consequences. They could not milk their cows
and suffered great production losses. Their cows became ill
and, in some cases, died.
Foreign animal
Foreign Animal Disease outbreaks, such as Foot and Mouth
Disease or Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera), could have a
negative impact on the national food supply and pose a major
threat to production and international trade. Coordination
among local, state, and federal agencies is key to minimizing
the impact of such diseases.
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-6 Emergency Management in the United States
Used by
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the
agency that promotes disaster mitigation and readiness and
coordinates response and recovery following the declaration of
a major disaster. FEMA defines a disaster as:
“an event that results in large numbers of deaths and
injuries; causes extensive damage or destruction of
facilities that provide and sustain human needs; produces
an overwhelming demand on state and local response
resources and mechanisms; causes a severe long-term
effect on general economic activity; and severely affects
state, local, and private sector capabilities to begin and
sustain response activities.”
Levels of disasters
Emergency managers further classify emergencies and
disasters by size and the type and number of issues that need to
be addressed. This classification involves minor emergencies,
limited and potential emergencies, and major disasters.
Minor emergencies
Ü Examples:
Ø Residential fires
Ø Livestock barn fires
Ø Localized chemical spills
Ø Livestock trailer wrecks
Ø Power outages to animal-related businesses (farms,
veterinary practices)
Ø Storm damage (wind, hail, ice)
Ü Issues:
Ø Temporary accommodation for people and animals
Ø Testing, transport, and certification of animals for
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-7
Limited and potential
Ü Examples:
Ø Localized flooding
Ø Hurricane warning
Ø Droughts
Ø Presumptive diagnosis of foreign animal disease
Ø Nuclear reactor failure
Ø Tsunami warning
Ü Issuessame as for minor emergencies, plus:
Ø Notice of evacuation of animal owners and animals
Ø Isolation of area
Ø Disaster intelligence (e.g., mapping of a plume
Major disasters
Ü Examples:
Ø Large-scale flooding
Ø Hurricane
Ø Earthquake
Ø Foreign animal disease outbreak
Ü Issuessame as for limited and potential emergencies,
Ø Disease control interventions
Ø Evacuation failures of animal owners
Ø Animal rescue attempts
Ø Carcass disposal
Ø Temporary accommodation for owners of animals
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-8 Emergency Management in the United States
Disasters are declared using established guidelines and
procedures. Because all disasters are local, they are initially
declared at the local level. This declaration is made by the local
Chief Elected Official (CEO) (mayor, city manager,
commissioner). Only when the CEO determines that local
resources capabilities have been or are expected to be exceeded
will the CEO of a community request state assistance. If the
state chooses to respond to a disaster, the Governor of the state
will direct implementation of the state’s emergency plan.
Again, if the Governor determines that the resource capabilities
of the state are exceeded, the Governor can request that the
President declare a major disaster in order to make federal
resources and assistance available to qualified state and local
governments. This ordered sequence is important to ensure
appropriate financial assistance.
Assistance in
Financial assistance is available on a supplemental basis
through an application process. The Governor reviews the local
government’s application, studies the damage estimates and, if
appropriate, declares the area a state disaster. This official
declaration makes state resources available. However, if
damages are so extensive that the combined local and state
resources are not sufficient, the Governor applies to the
President for federal disaster assistance.
If the need for federal assistance funds is justified, the
President issues a major disaster declaration and federal
resources become available. This system ensures that state and
federal limited resources are used wisely and fairly, and the
needs of disaster victims are met.
To see an updated map illustrating the most recent presidential
disaster declarations, as well as useful information about the
types of disasters that result in declarations, go to
State of
Disaster declarations are different than states of emergency. A
state of emergency is declared when public health or the
economic stability of a community is threatened and
extraordinary measures of control may be needed. Examples
include a disease outbreak in people (public health) or animals
(economic stability, food security).
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-9
Emergency management works when individuals, the
community, the state, and federal government agencies fulfill
their emergency management responsibilities. Following is a
discussion of each.
Individual roles
Animal owners, including livestock producers, are individually
responsible for animals under their care. In disasters, livestock
producers have three concerns: human safety, livestock safety,
and protection of their property. To protect against threats,
responsible livestock producers prepare themselves by
constructing a safe environment and by acquiring adequate
resources to ensure their safety. Personal preparedness includes
having effective biosecurity measures and early reporting of
suspect Foreign Animal diseases to officials.
The goal of local emergency management programs is for the
public to be as prepared as possible. Prepared livestock
producers need less outside help and can expect fewer losses.
Personal preparedness is the most effective level of
preparedness to minimize losses in disasters.
Throughout this course, you will learn how to develop your
own emergency contingency plans.
agencies’ roles
Community (local) governments make plans and provide
resources to protect their citizens from the hazards that threaten
their communities. Mitigation activities, preparedness plans,
responses to emergencies, and recovery operations are
examples of this effort. Wherever you live within the U.S., a
county or municipal agency is designated as your local
emergency management agency.
The local government level is the most important at which to
integrate emergency management plans because local
governments serve as the link between you and the state and
federal agencies in the emergency management network.
Local law specifies a chain of command in emergencies. It
spells out who reports to whom. The chief executive officer or
jurisdiction manager creates effective emergency services.
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-10 Emergency Management in the United States
State agencies’
The state emergency management office is responsible for
protecting communities and citizens within the state. The state
office carries out statewide emergency management activities,
helps coordinate emergency management activities involving
more than one community, or assists individual communities
when they need help. If any community lacks the resources
needed to protect itself or to recover from a disaster, the state
may help with money, personnel, or other resources.
Federal agencies’
At the federal level of government, FEMA is involved in
mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities.
FEMA also helps the states by providing the following
Ü Training programs and research information on the
latest mitigation measures
Ü Review and coordination of state emergency plans
Ü Financial assistance
Ü Flood insurance to individuals and businesses in
communities that join the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP)
Ü Subsidies to state and local offices of emergency
management for maintaining emergency management
Ü Guidance and coordination for plans to warn and
protect the nation in national security emergencies
Ü Coordination of services for disaster response and
recovery activities. In addition, FEMA may provide
supplemental resources when communities and states
do not have sufficient resources to protect or assist their
citizens, restore essential services that can get the local
economy going again, and meet the disaster-related
needs of individuals.
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-11
FEMA is your principal source of federal assistance for
education in disaster management. It provides a variety of
training opportunities, including this course. Many of FEMA’s
courses are taught through your state emergency management
agency. FEMA also provides classroom instruction and
operates the National Emergency Training Center, which offers
higher-level courses in emergency management.
While FEMA coordinates assistance to businesses and
individuals during disasters, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) has various programs and authorities to
provide assistance to livestock producers and farmers after a
major disaster.
Other federal agencies involved in disasters include the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS), and the Small Business
Administration (SBA). Their roles are discussed in detail in
Unit 17, in the Appendix for Unit 10, and throughout the
course. In addition, the federal government supports the
collection of information in databases such as the National
Weather Service ( and the United States
Geological Survey (, which are important to
disaster management.
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-12 Emergency Management in the United States
Learning Check
Directions: Determine if the following statements are true or
false based on the material presented in the unit. When you
have finished, check your answers on page 4-15.
1. A farmer purchases a snowmobile to allow him to get
water and feed to his cattle in case of a major winter
storm. This is a preparedness activity.
True or False?
2. A farmer builds a new horse barn with materials designed
to withstand the effects of wind, flying debris, and
pouring rains. This is a mitigation activity.
True or False?
3. A group of farmers plan for a hurricane by dividing up
responsibilities for communication, evacuation, and feed
supplies among themselves. This is a preparedness
True or False?
4. A farmer invites a local fire inspector to his property to
advise on fire safety and hazardous materials storage.
This is a response activity.
True or False?
5. After a severe summer storm, there is concern that the
water tanks for horses have been contaminated. To
prevent illness, the owners thoroughly clean the tanks
before they let their horses drink from them. This is a
mitigation activity.
True or False?
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-13
Learning Check
6. After an avalanche, several horses and riders are missing.
A search team is dispatched. This is a response activity.
True or False?
7. Months after a flood, farmers begin creating lists of
things they could do to lessen the impact of future
disasters. This is a preparedness activity.
True or False?
8. Several weeks after a flood, there is concern that a well
supplying drinking water to beef cattle has become
contaminated. To minimize the risk to the cows, the
owner tests the water quality weekly for bacterial
contamination. This is a recovery activity.
True or False?
9. Emergencies that are large-scale can always be dealt with
using existing resources.
True or False?
10. Disasters are usually large-scale events in which there are
inadequate resources to meet the needs of the affected
True or False?
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-14 Emergency Management in the United States
Learning Check
11. Personal preparedness is the most effective level at which
the losses from disasters can be minimized.
True or False?
12. Most natural disasters affect local communities first.
True or False?
13. Disasters are declared starting at the federal, then state,
then local level.
True or False?
14. An important role of FEMA in disasters is coordination
of preparedness and mitigation activities in declared
major disasters.
True or False?
15. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has various
programs and authorities to provide assistance to
livestock producers after a major disaster.
True or False?
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
Emergency Management in the United States 4-15
For every question that you answered incorrectly, review the
page listed next to the answer to find out why your answer was
1. True......................................................................4-3
2. True......................................................................4-3
3. True......................................................................4-3
4. False.....................................................................4-3
5. False.....................................................................4-4
6. True......................................................................4-4
7. False.....................................................................4-4
8. True......................................................................4-4
9. False.....................................................................4-5
10. True......................................................................4-5
11. True......................................................................4-9
12. True......................................................................4-8
13. False.....................................................................4-8
14. False.....................................................................4-10
15. True......................................................................4-11
Livestock in Disasters / Unit 4
4-16 Emergency Management in the United States
This unit defined the four phases of emergency management
and described activities associated with each phase. It also
distinguished between the terms emergency and disaster,
explained how each one relates to livestock producers, and how
preparedness can reduce losses in disasters. Finally, this unit
described the roles of community, state, and federal agencies
concerning emergency management.