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Public Opinion on Capital Punishment Public Opinion on Capital Punishment
Sydney Young
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Young, Sydney, "Public Opinion on Capital Punishment" (2020).
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University of Missouri-St. Louis
Political Science 3330
Sydney Young
Public Opinion on Capital Punishment
The death penalty in the United States has its set of controversies from the people who
support and those who oppose the policy. I want to examine how the death penalty and public
opinion has changed over time. I also want to examine if there are statistical differences in regard
to gender and political party. I would also like to compare different generations, such as
millennials and baby boomers, to see if they vary in support for the death penalty. The last
variable I would like to analyze is difference in regard to race and ethnicities.
As a Deputy Juvenile Officer, this topic is important to me because I work daily in the
criminal justice field. Advancements in criminal reform have been happening for the juvenile
world, but I am not as up to date on issues facing the adult courts.
In the juvenile world, criminal justice is restorative and rehabilitative. In the adult world,
the system is punitive based. Since I work on the side of rehabilitation, I am interested in seeing
how others view the criminal justice world. This is important to me because public opinion
affects the legislation on how I am supposed to fulfill my job duties.
The death penalty argument is also important to me because of the number of individuals
on death row, the fact that there have been people on death row who have been exonerated, and
there are racial disparities in the implementation. Capital punishment is legal in 29 of the 50
states and according the Criminal Justice Project of the NAACP, currently 2,6734 people are on
death row (Death Penalty Fast Facts, 2019). There have been 165 death row exonerations since
1973 with 29 of those exonerations being from Florida (Death Penalty Fast Facts, 2019).
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the death penalty is disproportionate
to people of color by 43%. Another discrepancy mentioned by the ACLU is that there have been
12 cases where a white defendant was executed for the murder of a black victim compared to
178 black defendants executed for the murders of white victims (Race and Death Penalty). The
sheer number of individuals on death row with a staggering number of exonerations, and racial
discrepancies make the topic important and interesting and it will be informative to see if public
opinion has changed when new information comes to life.
The statistical analyses in this study examined different demographic groups regarding
support for capital punishment. This research compared race, sex, and party affiliation to see if
they are in favor of the death penalty, how important is the issue of capital punishment, and how
firm they are in their opinions. On a broad analysis, Whites, Republicans, and men tend to be
more in favor of the use of capital punishment, but Blacks on the other hand are more likely to
oppose it and are more firm in their opinion.
Capital punishment is a controversial issue with people arguing that it should be outlawed
and others stating it is acceptable. Currently, 106 of 195 countries have abolished the death
penalty for any crime, 7 countries have outlawed the use of capital punishment for ordinary
crimes, 29 countries are abolitionist in practice which means countries retain the death penalty,
but they have not executed anyone in the past 10 years, and then there are 56 countries that allow
the use of capital punishment (Abolitionist and Retentionist Countries). The United States of
America is one of the 56 countries that allow the death penalty. However, although the United
States is considered as allowing capital punishment, many states have outlawed the practice. In
the United States, 25 states allow the death penalty, 21 do not use capital punishment and 4 states
use governor-imposed moratorium (State by State). Public opinion is diverse on this
controversial issue. Research has been implemented to see if there are differences in opinion in
regard to different demographics meaning are there certain races, gender, and political affiliation
that can predict if there is opposition or support for capital punishment.
The United States is relatively split on the allowance of the death penalty. Previously
mentioned, 25 states allow and 21 do not. Public opinion varies on the issue especially in regard
to race. White citizens are more likely to support capital punishment compared to black citizens
(Abney, 2009). Abney examines the effect of authoritarianism and racism on the death penalty.
Abney states that there is a link between racism and the death penalty that is rooted in
authoritarianism as authoritarianism is a strong predictor of support for capital punishment
(Abney, 2009). Abney also examines how the death penalty is supported in racism in regard to
white citizens and where they live. Studies show that white citizens living in an area with no
black citizens increases death penalty support by 34% (Abney, 2009).
Mallicoat and Brown highlight that support for capital punishment has been decreasing.
Not only is support decreasing, but confidence in the use has also been declining. 58% of
respondents believe that the time has come for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty
(Mallicoat & Brown, 2008). Researchers have found that there are a few key points that can
predict if a person is in favor of capital punishment. Studies have shown that typically whites,
upper class citizens, males, Republican partisans, and westerners tend to have higher rates of
being in favor of the death penalty compared to other demographics including; women,
southerners, and Democrats (Mallicoat & Brown, 2008). Studies also show that black citizens are
much more likely to oppose the death penalty than their white counterparts (Mallicoat & Brown,
2008). Mallicoat and Brown also wanted to shine the focus on not only comparing black citizens
vs white citizens but increasing literature and science by examining public opinions on capital
punishment in the Hispanic/Latino community. The researchers find their data by student
surveys conducted at a California Public University (Mallicoat & Brown, 2008). 432 surveys
were administered and 340 were used. Their survey results show that White citizens favor the
death penalty by 71.1%, Asians by 62.9% and Hispanic/Latino by 56.6% (Mallicoat & Brown,
2008). Survey results also show that Republicans have higher rates of being in favor of capital
punishment compared to Democrats (Mallicoat & Brown, 2008).
Drinan examines how Catholicism views the death penalty. Public opinion polls show
differences in opinions with Catholics and non-Catholics. Although there is no difference
between Catholics and non-Catholics, it must be noted that the official Catholic position on
capital punishment is opposition and Catholic bishops in 1980 condemned the death penalty
(Drinan, 1994). Bishops stressed, “lethal punishment, instead of protecting society, may even
accelerate the cycle of violence” (Drinan, 1994). Although the Catholic church spoke out against
the death penalty, from 1976-1993, 225 men and one woman were executed (Drinan, 1994). 88
men were black and 14 were Latino, which shows a pattern of racial bias in the execution of
capital punishment with other evidence showing that 40% of death row inmates were black even
though they only represented 12% of the United States’ population (Drinan, 1994).
The Public Religion Research Institute provides information on public opinion in regard
to the use of capital punishment as an appropriate punishment for murder. They examine results
between race and political party affiliation. The Public Religion Research Institute also found
results on comparing Americans that favor life without parole or favor the death penalty.
Research shows that 47% of all Americans favor life without parole compared to 46% who favor
the death penalty as an appropriate punishment for murder. Life without parole is supported by
57% of Democrats, 64% of African Americans and 56% of Hispanics. The death penalty is
supported by 59% of Republicans, 53% of whites, and 61% of Tea Party members (Life or
Death, 2012).
Capital punishment is a divisive issue. Although public opinion in the United States has
strong favors for the use of the death penalty, death sentences have declined over the years as
well as being concentrated in certain areas (Garrett, Alexander, & Ankur, 2017). In the 1990s,
300 people were sentenced to death in over two hundred counties where-as in 2015 only fifty-
one defendants were sentenced to death in thirty-eight counties (Garrett, Alexander, & Ankur,
2017). Studies were conducted to determine if there were causes for the decline in sentences and
why capital punishment sentences were concentrated over time. These shifts may show
generational differences and or how population densities have changed.
Capital punishment is a widely debated topic, internationally and in the United States.
Studies and research have shown that in the United States there are vast differences in opinion in
regard to the use of the death penalty. Differences in race, gender, and political affiliation all
impact how capital punishment is viewed. Certain demographics and groups have higher rates of
approval for capital punishment whereas different groups have higher rates of opposition. These
demographics impact public opinion and highlight how controversial the use of capital
punishment is. Quick findings show there are public opinion differences in regard to race,
gender, and political party affiliation with Whites, Republicans, and males being more likely to
be in favor of the use of capital punishment compared to Blacks, Democrats, and women.
The death penalty is a highly controversial topic with widespread differing public opinions.
Literature has shown that through the years, the death penalty has been debated. The theory is
that public opinion has shifted over time to have more opposition towards the death penalty
within all demographics, however when comparing demographic groups against one another,
analyses will vary in regard to rates of opposition and being in favor. Public opinion shifts on the
death penalty in this study will focus on three different demographic groups; race (black versus
white), gender, and political affiliation (Democrat versus Republican).
H1: Those who identify as Democrats will have higher rates of opposition of the death penalty
compared to Republicans.
This hypothesis is expected to be true as Democrats tend to be more liberal whereas
Republicans tend to be more conservative. Liberals, on average, hold more opposition for the
death penalty compared to conservative counterparts. With the differences in ideology, it would
make sense for Democrats to have more opposition compared to Republicans.
H2: Women will have higher rates of opposition of the death penalty compared to men.
Women having higher rates of opposition of the death penalty compared to men is
expected to be true as women are socialized from a young age to be nurturing, compassionate,
and empathetic. The differences in how men and women are raised can have an impact on public
opinion. It is thought that with women being socialized from childhood to value compassion as
an admirable trait, it can explain why they would have higher rates of opposition compared to
H3: Whites will have higher rates of being in favor of the death compared to people of color.
This hypothesis is expected to be true as there are racial disparities in the criminal justice
system. People of color tend to be overrepresented in capital punishment cases compared to their
white counterparts. This disparity can help hypothesize why people of color would have more
opposition to the use of the death penalty.
Measurement and Data
To test the hypothesis, data will be analyzed by examining General Social Survey data
from the Survey Documentation and Analysis website (Smith et al. 2019). The independent
variables that will be examined are gender, race, and political party affiliation. The dependent
variable will be the percentages rates of being in favor or opposition of death penalty.
The first question for gender, race, and political party to be examined is “Are you in favor
of the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?” This question allows the respondents two
choices: to be in favor or to oppose. To examine if there are gender differences, the variable
CAPPUN will be placed in the Row and SEX will be placed in column. Summary statistics will
be clicked. Keeping CAPPUN in the Row box, RACE will replace SEX in the column box.
Lastly, CAPPUN remains in Row box, but PARTY will be written into column to analyze racial
differences whereas party response categories are Democrat, Republican, or Independent.
Further analysis between the same three independent variables will be examined by
analyzing the survey question, “How important is the death penalty issue to you?” where
CAPIMP will replace CAPPUN in the Row box and “How firm are you about your opinion on
the death penalty?” where CAPFIRM will then replace CAPIMP in the Row box.
Once analyses are done on three questions between all three independent variables,
statistics will be outlined in graphs along with gamma statistics to demonstrate the strength of a
relationship between two variables. Further explanation of the graphs will be written in detail to
fully note the differences in public opinion between race, gender, generations, and political party
Data Results
CAPPUN was the first data set to be analyzed. CAPPUN asks the question, “Do you favor or
oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?”
Refer to Table 1 below for analysis by sex. When comparing gender, 76.4% of males and
67.6% of females favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder. Data was analyzed on
opposition percentages as well. 23.6% of males and 32.4% of females oppose the death penalty
for persons convicted of murder. The gamma statistics for this analysis is 0.22. There is a
moderate relationship between sex and support for the death penalty.
Race was the second independent variable looked at with CAPPUN and data is shown on
Table 2. Results show that 75.8% of white citizens, 48.2% of Black citizens, and 62.1% of other
races favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder. On the other hand, 24.2% of
Whites, 51.8% of Blacks, and 37.9% of other races oppose the use of capital punishment.
Gamma statics were analyzed as well and provided a .44. With this variable, there is a stronger
relationship between race and support for the death penalty.
Party affiliation was the last variable analyzed with the given question. Table 3 has a data
analysis. There is a gamma statistic of .41. Results show 63.9% of Democrats, 82.3% of
Republicans, and 67.9% of Independent/other party favor the death penalty. 36.1% of
Democrats, 17.7% of Republicans, and 31.1 of Independent/other party oppose the use of capital
punishment. There is somewhat of a strong relationship between party affiliation and support for
the death penalty.
Secondly, CAPIMP was analyzed with the same variables; gender, race, and political
party affiliation. CAPIMP asks “How important is the death penalty issue to you?”
Table 4 has data regarding this subset. In studying differences in regard to gender, 15.3%
of males and 12.1% of females stated that this issue is one of most important. 5.5% males and
4.4 % females stated the importance of the death penalty issue was not important. Gamma is .07.
Data shows a pretty weak relationship between sex and importance of the death penalty. It does
not seem to be a very important issue for many people.
Race was analyzed and Table 5 shows data information. 13.2% of White citizens and
10.5% of Black citizens stated this issue was one of most important. On the other hand, 3.5% of
Whites and 13.4% of Blacks saw this issue as not important. .02 is the gamma statistic. These
data sets show these demographic variables have no association with the importance of the death
Political party affiliation was examined in Table 6. 10.9% of Democrats and 14.9% of
Republicans stated that the death penalty issue is one of the most important. 5.2% of Democrats
and 2.5% of Republicans stated this issue was not important. Gamma is .02. With this gamma,
party affiliation is not associated with the importance of the death penalty.
CAPFIRM was the last variable examined and it asks, “How firm are you about your
opinion on the death penalty?”
When examining results, which can be seen in Table 7, to see if there are statistical
differences between genders, it is shown that change is very likely for 2% of males and 3.8% of
females. Change is very unlikely for 49.7% of males and 43.2% of females. Gamma is .2. This
data shows that women appear to be a bit more likely to change their views on the issue than
men, but most people claim that they are not likely to change their position on the death penalty.
In Table 8, race was examined. 3.7% of Whites and 0% of Blacks were very likely to
change their opinion. 44.3% of Whites and 51.9% of Blacks were very unlikely to change their
opinion. Gamma is .14. Data shows that Blacks seem firmer in their views on the use of capital
punishment than whites. This is important to highlight because Blacks are more likely to oppose
the death penalty.
In Table 9, political party affiliation is the last variable to be examined. 3.7% of
Democrats and 2.3% of Republicans were very likely to change their opinions. 44.8% of
Democrats and 45.7% of Republicans were very unlikely to change their opinion. Gamma is .02.
Gamma shows no apparent relationship between party and firmness of opinion on the death
Table 10 examines how public opinion has changed over time. From the 1990s it appears
that support has declined from around 80% to 60%. When looking at the demographic groups,
support for the death penalty declined by roughly the same amount for blacks and whites and
men and women. However, support for the death penalty has not declined much for Republicans
while is has substantially declined for Democrats and Independents. The death penalty has
become a more partisan issue in American politics.
The first three graphs represent analyzes with how different demographics respond to public
opinion when CAPPUN is analyzed.
Table 1: Support for the Death Penalty by Sex
Table 2: Support for the Death Penalty by Race
Table 3: Support of the Death Penalty by Party
The next set of graphs represent analyzes when CAPIMP is analyzed.
Table 4: The Importance of the Death Penalty by Sex
Table 5: The Importance of the Death Penalty by Race
Table 6: The Importance of the Death Penalty by Party Affiliation
The last three sets of graphs are data analyses with CAPFIRM.
Table 7: Firmness in Death Penalty Opinions by Sex
Table 8: Firmness in Death Penalty Opinions by Race
Table 9: Firmness in Opinion on Death Penalty by Party Affiliation
Table 10: Changes Over Time in Public Opinion
This research shows that there are vast differences in public opinion in regard to the death
penalty and confirms the hypotheses with respect to race, gender, and political party affiliation.
These findings were concluded through public opinion surveys so there is much reliance and
validity with the results. Specifically, the analysis on the opinion of the death penalty features a
large sample size. Larger sample sizes make results more reliable. These results can also be
generalized to other public opinion topics. Looking at other issues such as marijuana legalization
and increased government social programs, the hypotheses go hand in hand with the opinions on
the death penalty meaning that Blacks, Democrats, and women would be more likely to support
marijuana legalization and governmental social programs compared to Republicans, men, and
Whites. With any research there are limitations. This research shows support or opposition of the
death penalty. It would be interesting to see if there were public opinion differences in the
method of execution and seeing if the method would have an impact of a person being in favor or
opposing the use of capital punishment. Important research would also include seeing how these
relationships change over time.
This study complicates the United States democracy. When looking at public opinion,
there are a bunch of different opinions and values around the subject. There are demographics
with drastic different views. These disparities in public opinion can affect how democracy
works. In the United States with voting for or against a policy, a person will either win or lose.
When public opinion is vastly different, it makes a democracy harder to run efficiently because
there is no give or take in the situation. With the vast difference in opinions, it is important to
ask, if certain groups are more opposed to the death penalty and many states still have capital
punishment, do these groups have less trust in the criminal justice system? Public opinion shapes
legislation so those legislative pieces that are opposed by certain groups can cause a distrust not
only in criminal justice, but in the government as a whole. Public opinion shapes a democracy
and a country and in the topic of the death penalty, public opinion is a hot topic issue.
Abney, Ronni. 2009. “Exploring the Racial Divide on a Non-Racial Issue: Racism,
Authoritarianism, and White Death Penalty Support.” Conference Papers Western
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“Abolitionist and Retentionist Countries.” Death Penalty Information Center. Death Penalty
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Death Penalty Fast Facts. (2019, July 26). Retrieved from
Drinan, Rober F. 1994. “Catholics and the Death Penalty.” America 170 (21): 13-15.
Garrett, Brandon, L., Alexander Jakubow, and Ankur Desai. 2017. “The American Death Penalty
Decline.” Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 107 (4): 561-642.
“Life or Death?” 2012. Christian Century 129 (25): 9.
Mallicoat, Stacy L., and Gregory C. Brown. 2008. “The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on Student
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Race and the Death Penalty. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Smith, Tom W., Davern, Michael, Freese, Jeremy, and Hout, Michael. General Social Surveys,
1972-2018. [machine-readable data file]. Principal Investigator, Tom W. Smith; Co-
Principal Investigators, Michael Davern, Jeremy Freese and Stephen L. Morgan, NORC
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