Turn off Live Chat – Step-by-Step Instructions
From Zoom, when you choose “Live on YouTube” you will see a browser window open with the “Go Live!” option for
your YouTube account (you may need to login to your Google account to see this button):
After selecting Go Live! the browser will load the YouTube interface, and as the channel owner you should see a
camera icon near the upper right corner of the page that will give you a “Go live” option:
Select Go live and the YouTube Studio page will load. It should load with the Manage section selected, but if not
choose Manage from the left navigation:
You should see your Zoom/Live Stream session listed in the “Live now” section of the page click on the thumbnail or
itle of the live stream to load the edit stream page. (You may need see the Edit Stream dialog box and need to select
the "not for kids" option and click Save.)
From near the Live Chat heading, click on the “EDIT” button to open Live Stream Settings:
From Stream settings, select Live Chat, and then choose to turn off Enable Live Chat and then click Save:
This will disable live chat for the current Zoom Meeting/Live Stream however, YouTube does not remember this
setting as a default (nor is there currently a way to force a disabled default state) and therefore every YouTube Live
Stream that you start from Zoom will require you to repeat these steps if you want chat disabled.