February 2018
Offsets and RECs: What's the Difference?
In encouraging organizations to choose green power for their electricity,
the Green Power Partnership frequently explains renewable energy
certificates (RECs)what they are, why they are needed for green
power, and how they are used. Many Green Power Partners and
Partnership stakeholders were familiar, at least conceptually, with offsets
before learning about green power and RECs. It i
s common for RECs to
be compared with offsets, thought of as a type of offset, or described as
“offsetting” emissions. Offset
s and RECs, however, are fundamentally
different instruments.
Organizations working to lower their emissions footprint have a variety of
mitigation options at their disposal, including activities to reduce their
direct emissions, activities to reduce indirect emissions like energy
efficiency measures and switching to green power, and paying for
external reductions. Knowing the differences between instruments like
RECs and offsets is critical to deciding how both may be useful to your
This document explains what these two widely used instruments are, the differences between them, why and
how an organization might use one or both, and common misconceptions.
To begin, this tables summarizes some of the basic differences between offsets and RECs.
A renewable energy certificate REC
What is a REC?
(pronounced: rěk) is a tradeable,
market-based instrument that
represents the legal property rights to
the “renewable-ness”or non-power
(i.e., environmental) attributesof
renewable electricity generation.
A REC is created for every megawatt-
hour (MWh) of electricity generated
and delivered to the grid from a
renewable energy resource.
Electricity cannot be considered
renewable without a REC to
substantiate its renewable-ness.
Basic Differences Offsets RECs
Unit of Measure
Metric tons of CO
or CO
Megawatt hours (MWh)
Projects that avoid or reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG emissions to the atmosphere
Renewable electricity generators
Represent GHG emissions reductions;
provide support for emissions reduction
activities; and lower costs of GHG emissions
Convey use of renewable electricity
generation; underlie renewable electricity
use claims; expand consumers’ electricity
service choices; and support renewable
electricity development
Corporate GHG Inventories
and Reporting
Reduce or “offset” an organization’s scope
1, 2 or 3 emissions, as a net adjustment
Can lower an organization’s gross market-
based scope 2 emissions from purchased
Consumer Environmental
Can claim to have reduced or avoided GHG
emissions outside their organization’s
Can claim to use renewable electricity from
a low or zero emissions source
Offsets and RECs: What's the Difference?
Basic Differences Offsets RECs
Additionality Test
Required. Each project is tested for
additionality to ensure that it is beyond
business as usual. Tests include
legal/regulatory, financial, barriers, common
practice and performance tests. The
combination of tests that is best suited to
demonstrate additionality depends on the
type of project.
Not required. Project additionality is not
required for a renewable energy usage
claim or to report use of zero-emissions
Many organizations start managing their footprint by developing a GHG emissions inventory. Under the
, an organization follows a standard set of accounting guidelines to measure
emissions and develop an emissions inventory that separately accounts for the emissions they are
responsible for from their operations, energy purchases and supply chain in three different ledgers, known as
scopes 1, 2, and 3.
Figure 1. Common Sources of Emissions by Scope
The scopes help distinguish emissions from sources that the organization directly owns or controls (direct
emissions) from emissions that are a consequence of the activities of the organization but occur at sources
owned or controlled by another organization (indirect emissions). This separate accounting is to ensure that
two or more organizations will not account for emissions in the same scope.
Through this framework,
organizations can assess their performance and determine what mitigation options to pursue.
http://www.ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard, page 25
Offsets and RECs: What's the Difference?
As mentioned above, those mitigation options can include the procurement of instruments, and the common
instruments in the U.S. are:
Offsets used to address direct and indirect GHG emissions by verifying global emissions
reductions at additional, external projects. Offsets (verified emissions reductions) are subtracted from
organizational emissions to determine net organizational emissions.
RECs used to address indirect GHG emissions associated with purchased electricity (scope 2
emissions) by verifying use of zero- or low-emissions renewable source of electricity. RECs (MWh of
renewable energy) are used in the calculations of gross, market-based scope 2 emissions based on
the emissions factor of the renewable generation conveyed with the REC.
What is an Offset?
An offset project is “a specific activity or set of activities intended to reduce GHG emissions, increase the
storage of carbon, or enhance GHG removals from the atmosphere.”
The project must be deemed
; the resulting emissions reductions must be real, permanent, and verified; and credits (i.e, offsets)
issued for verified emissions reudctions must be enforceable. The offset may be used to address direct and
indirect emissions associated with an organization’s operations (e.g., emissions from a boiler used to heat
your organization’s office building). The reduction in GHG emissions from one place can be used to “offset”
the emissions taking place somewhere else. Offsets can be purchased by an organization to address its
scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Offsets can be used in addition to an organization taking actions within its own
operational boundary to lower emissions. Offsets are often used for meeting voluntary commitments to lower
GHG emissions where it is not feasible to lower an organization’s direct or indirect emissions.
Figure 2. Offsets
An organization’s emissions from scopes 1, 2, and 3 are balanced by purchasing offsets equal to the sum of the
organization’s emissions.
http://www.ghgprotocol.org/standards/project-protocol, page 11, see “GHG Project”
http://www.ghgprotocol.org/standards/project-protocol, page 15, see “2.14 Additionality"
Offsets and RECs: What's the Difference?
Why do Organizations Purchase Offsets?
For an organization with a voluntary commitment to reducing its emissions footprint, purchasing and retiring
(that is, not re-selling) offsets can be a useful component of an overall voluntary emissions reduction
strategy, alongside activities to lower the organization’s direct and indirect emissions have been realized.
What is a REC?
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are the legal instruments used in renewable electricity markets to
account for renewable electricity and its attributes whether that renewable electricity is installed on the
organization’s facility or purchased from elsewhere. The owner of a REC has exclusive rights to the attributes
of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity and may make unique claims associated with
renewable electricity that generated the REC (e.g., using or being supplied with a MWh of renewable
electricity, reducing the emissions footprint associated with electricity use). Claims to the attributes of the
electricity from a REC can only be made by one party. The purchase or use of renewable energy, verified
with RECs, is a decision an organization makes to ensure its electricity is provided from renewable sources
that produce low- or zero-emissions, thereby reducing the organization’s market-based scope 2 emissions.
As the physical electricity we receive through the utility grid says nothing of its origin or how it was generated,
RECs play an essential role in accounting and assigning ownership to the attributes of renewable electricity
generation and use. RECs legally convey the attributes of renewable electricity generation, including the
emissions profile of that generation, to their owner and serve as the basis for a renewable electricity
consumption claim. As such, the REC owner has exclusive rights to characterize the quantity of their
purchased electricity associated with the RECs as zero-emissions electricity.
Figure 3. RECs
By purchasing RECs, an organization receives the rights to the environmental attributes of the renewable electricity and
may make unique claims (e.g., using X MWh of green power) associated with the renewable electricity that generated the
purchased RECs.
The GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance defines two methods for scope 2 accounting, the location-based method and the market-based
method. The market-based method considers contractual arrangements under which the organization procures power from specific
sources, such as renewable electricity.
Offsets and RECs: What's the Difference?
Why do Organizations Purchase RECs?
RECs can be a flexible tool to help achieve clean energy goals, lower scope 2 emissions associated with
purchased electricity, and support the renewable energy market. Though RECs are the essential accounting
instrument required for all renewable energy usage claims, regardless of how renewable energy is purchased
or consumed, RECs can also be purchased separately from electricity and independently matched with
electricity consumption. This can be an attractive option for organizations in regions where renewable energy
options, such as utility green pricing /marketing programs are not offered by local suppliers, where policy
support for direct engagement in renewable energy projects is lacking, or where these other options are too
expensive or not suited to the organizations size or needs. By purchasing RECs and electricity separately,
organizations do not need to alter existing power contracts to obtain green power. Additionally, RECs are not
limited by geographic boundaries or transmission constraints. For organizations with facilities in multiple
states or energy grids, a single, consolidated REC procurement can be part of an organization’s strategy to
efficiently meet overall clean energy goals.
RECs can be purchased from marketers or sometimes directly from renewable energy generators. Several
REC marketers/environmental attribute brokers are active in REC markets, offering another approach to
procurement that is increasingly being used by large purchasers. Brokers do not own the certificates but rely
on their knowledge of the market to connect buyers and sellers for a fee. Brokers also aggregate and
disaggregate supply into customized offerings that meet specific consumer needs. This includes breaking up
output from very large projects into smaller bundles as well as aggregating smaller projects offtakes into
larger consolidated bundles. They can help negotiate deals that take into account an organization’s unique
interests. For more information on purchasing RECs, see the Guide to Purchasing Green Power.
Are Offsets and RECs the Same?
No. While both offsets and RECs can help an organization lower its emissions footprint, they are different
instruments used for different purposes. Think of offsets and RECs as two tools in your sustainability tool box
like a hammer and a saw. They are not interchangeable. Each tool is used in building a house, but each is
used to accomplish specific tasks. One is not more important or better than the other.
Using the term “offset” (even as a verb) when discussing your REC purchases can be confusing in the mind
of many listeners confusing the action of contractually fuel-switching to low- or zero-emissions electricity
with having paid for a global emissions reduction. Rather than saying your purchase of RECs is offsetting
your emissions, it would be better to claim that your purchase of RECs is renewable electricity from a low- or
zero-emissions resource which reduces the emissions associated with your electricity use.
The major differences between these two instruments are:
Unit of Measure: The unit of measure for an offset is typically one metric ton of CO2-equivalent
emissions. A REC is based on 1 MWh of renewable electricity.
Purpose: Offsets represent emissions reductions, provide support for emissions reduction activities,
and may lower costs of GHG emission mitigation. RECs expand consumers’ electricity service
choices, convey environmental attributes and renewable electricity use claims, and support
renewable electricity development.
Offsets and RECs: What's the Difference?
Source: Offsets can come from all different kinds of projects that lower, remove or avoid emissions
while RECs are only generated from renewable electricity sources (i.e., solar, wind geothermal,
biomass, hydropower).
Claims: A buyer of an offset can claim to have reduced or avoided direct GHG emissions outside
their organization’s operations. A buyer of a REC can claim to use 1 MWh of renewable electricity
from a low- or zero-emissions resource. Purchasers of RECs should avoid confusing statements
such as my purchase “offsets” emissions.
Accounting Guidance: Offsets can be used to negate or “offset” an organization’s scope 1, 2 or 3
emissions. Offsets are a separate line item intended to define a “net” emissions figure when
documenting achievement of a target. RECs allow an organization to lower their market-based
scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity.
Additionality: Offsets must represent real, permanent, verified, and enforceable reductions. And
most importantly, they must come from activities or project that are additional to what would occur
under a business-as-usual scenario. This “additionality” requirement for offset projects is central to
ensuring that the ton of emissions reductions you use as an offset is fully equivalent to a ton of
emissions reductions from your operations. There is no requirement to demonstrate additionality
when applying RECs to an organization’s market-based scope 2 emissions.
Both offsets and RECs represent the environmental benefits of certain actions that can help mitigate GHG
emissions. Offsets represent a metric ton of emissions avoided or reduced; RECs represent attributes of 1
MWh renewable electricity generation. Offsets and RECs, however, are fundamentally different instruments
with different impacts, representing different criteria for qualification and crediting in the context of inventory
or emissions footprint.
http://ghgprotocol.org/scope_2_guidance, page 90. The Project Protocol treatment for additionality does not require a demonstration
of additionality for RECs. For more on regulatory additionality/surplus, page 2: https://resource-solutions.org/wp-
Green Power Partnership
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Mail Code 6202A
Washington, DC 20460