Airline Distribution Costs
Full Report, 24 October 2017
Examination of direct versus indirect distribution costs for airlines
All data in this study has been sourced from publically available sources or ETTSA member companies on a
confidential basis. The confidential data has been anonymized and aggregated to ensure the source data cannot
be identified and the data cannot be ‘reverse’ engineered.
Commissioned by the European Travel Technology Services Association (ETTSA) and ECTAA (European Travel
Agents and Tour Operators Association)
Privileged Document. This document is subject to sensitive data protocols
Executive Summary: the distribution landscape - its drivers
The widely promoted narrative that direct distribution is ‘cheaper for an airline than indirect distribution is extensively reported
and used by airlines to support their position with respect to competition authorities and the general public.
However, no rigorous testing of this assertion is available in the public domain. This report aims to address this point. In
particular, this report examines the drivers of cost in the distribution process.
A number of key drivers are effecting change in distribution behaviour and costs:
Airlines that want to drive
direct sales via their own
websites have to replicate
the advertising and reach
of the online travel
agencies and ‘meta’
search companies.
This is proving expensive
and is not effective for
certain markets and the
European major LCCs,
EasyJet and Ryanair, are
now distributed via travel
agencies (through the
GDS) in order to access
the business market.
‘Ads’ are dominated by
the OTA who have
invested intensively in
non-branded ads creating
a step-change in
transparency and
customer service for
passengers but at a cost
per ad that will have to
matched by the airlines to
attract direct sales.
The GDS and OTA have
invested massively in a
range of consumer-facing
and back office
technology that greatly
enhances the consumer
experience and provides
service for business
The airlines are finding it
challenging to offer the
same service; Lufthansa
has hired 17 business
partner companies to
help develop its direct
Travel Management
Companies and Online
Travel Agencies provide
substantial back office
support for businesses
and customer service for
the wider market.
They offer 24 hour multi-
language service centres
globally. This cost will fall
upon the airlines if not
provided by these
Major costs such as
credit cards and other
processing costs are paid
by the OTA and agents.
These costs will fall on
the airlines if they move
traffic directly to their
Customer acquisition,
competitive on-line
Customer service:
Payment, finance costs
and administration:
Page 2
This report has looked at the distribution landscape and drivers and has modelled objectively and accurately (subject to data
limitations) the impact of moving sales from indirect to direct channels. The cost differential is presently much smaller than
airlines contend. For network carriers the cost of direct distribution is 12.56 versus 14.21 for indirect.
Executive Summary: Detailed modelling shows limited impact of
increasing direct sales
Network airlines full distribution cost per booking
The main model assumption used is that airline websales
increase to 60% from the base of 40% and direct sales
increase from 47% to 67% including the use of airline call
centres, ATO and CTO.
The impacts are complex with a number of key dynamics:
Substantial increase in average ads cost to pull consumers
from their current channels
Some costs are reduced due to lower GDS booking fees
and less agents commission.
Increased costs of customer service that agents provide for
customers and the credit card costs, some fraud costs and
the cost of managing customer changes would fall on the
The final estimate is a reduction of total cost per booking of
0.11 but with substantial risks of losing market share,
especially in the business market, and a major
organisational challenge.
The ultimate loser may be the consumer due to less price transparency and potentially worse customer service.
Page 3
This report has been prepared in accordance with the scope of Infrata Limited’s appointment with its
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document other than by its client and only for the purposes for which it was prepared and provided.
The conclusions and recommendations contained in this Report are based upon information sourced
in the public domain and provided by others and upon the assumption that all relevant information has
been provided by those parties from whom it has been requested and that such information is
accurate. Information obtained by Infrata has not been independently verified by Infrata, unless
otherwise stated in the Report.
Certain statements made in the Report that are not historical facts may constitute estimates,
projections or other forward-looking statements and even though they are based on reasonable
assumptions as of the date of the Report, such forward-looking statements by their nature involve risks
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Infrata disclaims any undertaking or obligation to advise any person of any change in any matter
affecting the Report, which may come or be brought to Infrata’s attention after the date of the Report.
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Introduction: description of the distribution modelling process
The analysis in this report is based on detailed knowledge and data of the travel industry’s business model and the players that
operate within.
However, every player in the industry operates the model slightly differently and has differing level of access to privileged information
which impacts their costs base. Whilst the authors had access to specific data to populate the cost model, other data required
‘considered’ estimation.
As a consequence, any numbers provided in this report will be the average number derived from within a range for a particular cost.
The methodology to produce this report has included the following stages:
Desk research:
There is a wide body of
literature covering airline
sales, marketing and
distribution. Infrata has
undertaken a
comprehensive review of
literature from industry
bodies, trade press and
A full list of the sources
and literature search is
provided in the appendix.
Primary research:
Infrata has sourced
information and
characterised the issues
through a series of
confidential interviews with
industry representatives
including airlines,
distribution companies,
travel agents and other
industry bodies.
A list of participants is
provided in the appendices
although some
respondents wish to
remain confidential.
Data platform:
Infrata has developed a
platform of the key data
that impact upon
distribution cost.
Some data was relatively
straightforward and easy to
source, such as the cost of
processing bookings or
credit card costs.
Other data, such as airline
‘ads’ cost was more
opaque and assumptions
have been made where
necessary. The data
platform allowed the
derivation of sensitivities of
certain costs to distribution
channels used.
Data modelling:
Infrata developed a model
that took into account all
the costs of distribution,
some of which are not
typically included in
distribution cost model.
The modelled applied ‘unit
rates’ of cost and channel
sensitivities to hypothesise
aggregate airline
distribution costs according
to their chosen distribution
Different costs applied to
the three main types of
carriers analysed.
The results are presented
as a range of costs that
can be compared to see
the magnitude of difference
between the varying levels
of direct distribution.
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Detailed Cost Summary
Supporting Facts and Analysis
Airline Distribution Market Dynamics
Airline Distribution Customers and Revenues
Airline Distribution Channels
Airline Distribution Model Output
Appendices and Model Assumptions
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Airline Distribution
Detailed Cost summary
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Detailed Cost Summary
The true cost of travel distribution is publically obscured by the airline industry as
cost elements are not fairly compared
The majority of airlines believe the cost of “direct’ distribution” (e.g. own website
and sales office) is “significantly” lower than selling via ‘third party intermediaries’
such as travel agents and online travel agents using GDS. This assertion is backed
up by various studies.
Our analysis in the chart (left) illustrates the gap between the airlines’ usual view of
distribution cost and our view of the full cost. The ‘classic’ airline view of distribution usually
contains the following:
‘Distribution’ - comprising mainly agents’ commission, GDS booking fees, reservation
hosting fees;
Payment and finance - credit card costs, fraud costs, BSP costs, other IT costs;
Ancillary services - reservation and IT related costs supporting the sale of ancillary
This ‘classic’ airline view typically excludes:
Online cost of customer acquisition including web-search (Google ads);
Offline marketing costs such as newspaper and TV advertising;
Cost of technological development and product enhancement;
Cost of customer service, sales offices, agents’ back office and merchant costs.
This study shows that these additional ‘non-accounted for costs substantially
narrow and for some types of airlines eliminate entirely the gap
The following analyses are based upon a model of ‘typical’ airlines with average costs.
The results will vary considerably by individual airline.
Source: Infrata
Page 8
Total Distribution Cost per booking ( )
True cost
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - 15
* Direct Sales comprise:
Web sales (40%) and ATO/CTO/CC (7%)
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Detailed Cost Summary
Further, three sets of inter-related ‘drivers’ need to be modelled as they materially
‘impact’ outcomes for the airline
In developing a comprehensive cost /impact model, this study needed to take into account three interrelated cost drivers:
(1) Market dynamics, (2) Customers and revenue and (3) Cost per channel
(1) Market dynamics:
Costs are impacted by the shifting structure and ongoing developments
in the airline industry:
Booking Direct:
The airline industry is shifting online and there is a trend towards
moving traffic to booking direct on airlines’ websites. The online
winners are increasingly those who can drive traffic to their
Online advertising:
Google and other websearch ads are now the main way to drive
traffic to websites. ‘Ads’ are the first touch point of the consumer.
The most effective ads are paid, unbranded but these are
expensive with growing costs. They are ‘owned’ mainly by the
major OTA (Expedia, Travelocity) not the airlines.
Technological upgrades/innovations to enhance the consumer
product and keep in touch with the consumer are being developed
by companies including Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport and
Expedia. Development is now being concentrated on mobile
technology. These are expensive and long term investment
Airline network development: airlines seeking to grow in non-base
regions have to contend with the market power of base airlines.
The most cost-effective way to reach the market is to use all
distribution channels.
(2) Customers and revenue:
The effectiveness of the channels to market is driven partly by the types of
passenger that particular channels work for and the average revenue per
passenger of customers by channel. There continues to be a paucity of
information that would allow a more accurate modelling of the market
taking into accounts factors such precise revenues by channel.
Passenger channel shifting is a key factor in the model with, we believe,
major cost and revenue impacts:
revenue will change as higher revenue customers from TMC are
resistant to moving to airlines' websites
airlines selling direct may claw back some discounts previously shared
with travel agents
(3) Costs by channel:
There has been a close examination of the costs of distribution through all
the different channels.
The model allows the shifting of passengers from one channel to another.
Early important observations are that:
internal airline distribution systems costs appear relatively fixed by
channel, notably
commissions, search engine marketing (SEM), GDS are variable by
The report presents a full cost evaluation of using each distribution channel.
Model: the data has been incorporated into an initial channel cost model showing the expected relativity of costs per booking by channel. The
model has been developed for three different types of airline: (1) Network - large home market, (2) Regional and (3) Network – small home market.
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Detailed Cost Summary
The full cost impact of moving bookings from indirect to direct is negligible for
network carriers (large home market) and negative for regionals and network
carriers (small home market)
Cost per passenger booked ( per booking) – per carrier type, per level of direct booking
Our study modelled a specific ‘what-if’ scenario: Shifting the percentage of bookings from the airline’s current ‘indirect’ channel (47%’)
to higher percentage of ‘direct’ channel (67% direct’)’ by carrier type. The percentage shift represents estimated ‘real world examples.
For a network carrier with a large home market, the net effect of the channel shift is a reduction in ‘total’ distribution cost of up to 0.11.
This comprises a 1.64 reduction in ‘Distribution’ but compensatory increases in ‘Customer acquisition’ of 0.98 and payment, admin
and finance’ of 0.55.
Page 10
"Carrier type
(large home market)
(Small home market)
Channel /Scenario
Customer acquisition
2.58 3.56 0.98 2.64 4.0 1.52 3.77 6.21 2.44
Channel cost 6.75 5.11 (1.64) 7.3 5.83 (1.47) 7.75 5.73 (2.02)
Payment, finance
and admin
4.04 4.59 0.55 3.46 4.09 0.63 4.04 4.59 0.55
Ancillary costs 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.06 0 0.10 0.10 (0.00)
Total 13.43 13.32 (0.11) 13.46 13.98 0.52 15.66 16.73 1.07
* 47% & 67% Direct Sales comprise:
Web sales (40% /60%) and ATO/CTO/CC (7%)
Source: Infrata, * IATA
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Detailed Cost Summary
Home market versus non-home is a vital driver of distribution cost
In modelling network carrier distribution dynamics, two important distinctions exist: (1) the concept of home market (versus a non-home market)
and (2) whether the home market is large or small
Two consequences of the above are:
1. The difference between direct and indirect distribution costs will be further reduced (or
completely eliminated) in a network carriers home market (on a fully allocated cost basis);
2. Network carriers with a larger home market will have lower overall indirect distribution costs
than carriers with smaller home markets
A network carrier’s home market is where the carrier has its
primary client base and where it normally originates from
Large network carriers are often legacy national flag carriers who
used to enjoy a monopoly or quasi-monopoly in their legacy
national market (what we now call their ‘home market’)
These flag carriers were frequently also state-owned or state-
Large network carriers often still enjoy a disproportionally strong
brand position in their home market (vs. non-home market). This
position relates to reputation, recognition, national identity, cultural
heritage and commercial presence
Carriers with a strong brand position have a much lower cost of
customer acquisition when distributing direct. This is because
customers tend to ‘default’ their travel searches to carriers they
know, recognise and relate to
This means that direct distribution for the carrier in its home market
will be lower cost to develop and maintain than in its non-home
Further the cost of indirect distribution in the carriers home market
will also be lower (than in the non-home market).
This is because the value (and hence bargaining power) of
intermediaries will be relatively lower in the airline’s home market
compared to non-home markets
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Detailed Cost Summary
The blended difference in total booking cost per booking for Network Carriers
(large home market) is ‘immaterial’ and remains largely unchanged as airlines move
to greater direct distribution
Source: Infrata
Page 12
Channel Distribution Cost
per booking( )
Channel Distribution Cost
per booking ( )
47% Direct
The cost of the direct and indirect distribution channels between the low-direct and high-direct scenarios
Direct Indirect
67% Direct
!"#$$%&'()*+*',' 47%' 67%'
Indirect' Direct' Blend' Indirect' Direct' Blend'
10.48 2.56 6.75 10.65 2.38 5.11
Payments etc
2.84 5.39 4.04 2.90 5.42 4.59
0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Cust Acquisition
0.83 4.55 2.58 0.81 4.91 3.56
14.21 12.56 13.43 14.42 12.77 13.32
* 47% & 67% Direct Sales comprise:
Web sales (40% /60%) and ATO/CTO/CC (7%)
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Detailed Cost Summary
For Network Carriers (small home market) the impact of moving bookings from
indirect to direct distribution channels increases costs
Page 13
Blended Distribution Cost
per Segment ()
Direct Distribution Cost
per Segment ()
Indirect channel Distribution Cost
per Segment ()
!"#$$%&'()*+*',' Indirect ' Direct' Blended'
47%'' 67%'' ’47%'' ’67%'' ’47%'' ’67%''
12.35 12.53 2.56 2.38 7.75 5.73
Payments etc
2.84 2.90 5.39 5.42 4.04 4.59
0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Cust Acquisition
1.49 1.29 6.34 8.63 3.77 6.21
16.78 16.92 14.49 16.53 15.66 16.73
Source: Infrata
* 47% & 67% Direct Sales comprise:
Web sales (40% /60%) and ATO/CTO/CC (7%)
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Detailed Cost Summary
Little difference exists between ‘distribution’ costs of the Indirect channel and Direct
Channel when fully allocated costs are compared
Page 14
Cost per Segment
booked by channel
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - 15
‘Distribution’ only cost comparison
(Blended: home and non-home market)
!"#$%&'()*+*',' ./&0"(1%2"(3/&'"#4567(=*&"9#'
Indirect' Direct' Blend'
10.48 2.56 6.75
Payments etc
2.84 5.39 4.04
0.06 0.06 0.06
Cust Acquisition
0.83 4.55 2.58
14.21 12.56 13.43
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - 15
‘Properly’ allocated cost comparison
Source: Infrata
* Direct Sales comprise:
Web sales (40%) and ATO/CTO/CC (7%)
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Detailed Cost Summary
Online advertising (e.g. Google) costs grow exponentially for a Network
Carrier (small home market) as it moves to greater direct distribution and
for network carriers with large home markets, it increases by nearly 70%.
Cost per booking
47% 67% 90%
Large home market
(>60% originating traffic)
0.61 1.01 1.8
Small Home Market
(<30% originating traffic)
0.82 1.71 3.0
For carriers operating in large home markets (>60% bookings orginating from within its home terrritory) ads cost increase from an estimated at
0.61 per booking at ‘low‘ level of direct sales (47%) to 1.01 where there is a greater emphasis on direct sales (67%) - as incremental direct
sales are picked up in the home terrtory where there is market and brand pull.
However for Carriers with small home markets (where <30% of the airline’s sales are inside its home market ) the cost is projected to increase
from 0.82 to 3.00 (47% to 67% direct sales respecitively)
Large home market
Small home market
Source: Estimates based upon ads industry sources and airline specific data
* 47% & 67% Direct Sales comprise:
Web sales (40% /60%) and ATO/CTO/CC (7%)
90% levels included to
illustrate the impact of
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Airline Distribution
Market Dynamics
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Market dynamics
Overview of shifting market dynamics
The development of distribution approaches by airlines and
distribution costs is a function of the dynamics of the overall
aviation market.
The research undertaken in the course of this study has
revealed the major external factors that impact distribution
costs for individual airlines and for the industry overall.
These major factors have been analysed in the following pages
and their potential impact has been quantified where possible.
However, some of these issues, whilst informing the study, are
not easily quantified and would require more research and
dialogue, especially with airlines.
Various industry studies suggest that traditional distribution
costs have fallen in recent years from an average of 16% to
well under 10% but these exclude the growing cost of
‘customer acquisition’.
This has been facilitated by a major sub-industry of software
providers providing an array of solutions in optimising ways
1. providing consumer choice
2. presenting airline product to the market
3. efficient allocation of seat capacity.
The major areas of cost increase pertain less to the logistics
of taking reservations, decrementing inventory and issuing
tickets and more to communicating with potential customers.
The modelling process used a detailed knowledge of these systems and
processes to model present and potential future airline distribution regimes
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Category Dynamic
Online Airlines aim to increase bookings via their own websites including ‘direct connect’ (led by LCC and
American Airlines in US).
Search Engine Ads Airlines needs to ‘invest’ heavily in customer acquisition via Google ads (others also exist) to
ensure traffic to site.
Ancillary revenues Alternative business models and declining average ticket prices drive revenue enhancement
activity to a wide range of ‘ancillary’ revenue activity.
Technology (1) Airlines aim to optimize their bookings on their most profitable channel mix - employing
sophisticated revenue and channel management tools.
Technology (2) Airlines are facing new distribution players (e.g. speedmedia) which employ new technology (e.g.
mobiles) and business models (e.g. Google’s Trips).
Market Dynamics - Overview
Airline distribution costs are impacted by online sales, customer
acquisition and technological development
Key market dynamics impact airline distribution costs. These dynamics either simplify the ‘chain’ thus reducing certain cost (e.g.
online booking) whilst other dynamics increase ‘complexity’ (e.g. increased advertising costs and distribution technology).
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Market Dynamics - Online Sales:
Online sales are now over 50% of tickets and growing
Online Travel Sales 2015 and % of Market
(including airline web sales and OLTA)
Online sales overall have continued to grow in the last three years as a
percentage of total travel sale (see table). Global online travel sales
exceeded $523bn in 2016, over half of the global total.
Airline direct sales are growing fastest in emerging markets and are
growing less quickly in ‘mature’ US and European markets.
Issues around direct sales produced by the research are:
Airlines consider websales as an efficient way to bypass Travel Agents
Websales are most effective at selling on ancillary products although
IATA’s NDC and other processes are enabling TMC/TA to do this
Business passengers require the ‘high value’ services delivered by
TMCs; this channel has proved resilient due to the requirement for
value added services like back office, customer service and payment
on account
Airlines are being outspent and are losing visibility online due to heavy
marketing push by OTA and meta
Airlines with heavily concentrated markets can rely upon native search
but expansion or more widely distributed markets will require very
substantial advertising cost.
Lufthansa is pushing its direct channel by ‘penalising’ the indirect
channel with a 16 surcharge on GDS bookings
Airline web sales are the largest individual channel used for distribution and provides the greatest lever of ‘disintermediation’
Two differing levels of Websales by airline group are modelled (base and high direct) in the model
Key trends
Source: Tnooz
Page 19
54% 54%
Online Travel Sales as % of Total
2014 2015 2016
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Market Dynamics - Search Engine ads:
Airlines need to compete with ‘heavy-spending’ OTAs and Metas to secure
online sales (1 of 2)
‘Ads’ are a key tool in online sales
OTA and airlines agree keywords with the search engines
and pay to appear when these words are typed by the
passenger into their browser
Passengers routinely use common keywords to begin their
search for a flight and the best fare
Paid ads should ensure that the OTA or airline appears on
the first page
Not appearing on the first page can badly affect airlines’
Top 15 Flight Company Paid Search UK – 2014
Source: Morningstar, searchmetrics
The analysis of keywords provides three main lessons
the OTA / Meta are outspending the airlines heavily
Foreign airlines are relatively ‘invisible’ in non-base
Using OTA/Meta allows travel providers to reduce their
keyword spending
Key trends
‘Project Paid Visibility’ on Google shows the visibility of an entered internet
address in the advertisements area on Google compared with an applied
keyword set.
The main advertisers in UK and Germany are OTA / Meta
In UK 12 OTA / Meta compete with 3 airlines
In UK 8 companies dominate paid search, 5 dominate in Germany
EasyJet appears low on paid search – success of long term branding will
have pushed native
In Germany 12 OTA / Meta v 2 airlines, 1 tour operator appear on equivalent
Only LH appears as a foreign airline in either list
Page 20
7' 15777' 05777' .5777' 85777' /75777' /15777'
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Market Dynamics - Search Engine ads:
Airlines need to compete with ‘heavy-spending’ OTAs and Metas to secure
online sales (2 of 2)
Ads are complex for airlines to manage effectively.
Cost of paid ads are growing and conversion costs getting very
close to third party fees the airlines are trying to escape from.
Some airlines do not appear in the top results for their brand
searches including searches in home markets.
Potentially space for competitors and OTAs to generate the
majority of brand impressions and traffic.
Brand traffic is the highest converting due to loyal customers -
generally representing majority of revenue generated by the
Airline websites are heavily competing with OTAs and adding
other traditional travel agency products like hotels, rent a car,
Keyword Spend
ions (m)
# of
Cheapflights 9.9 191 3.1% 1.70 74
Flights 2.7 59 3.3% 1.41 52
Expedia 2.6 53 13.5% 0.36 4
Cheap Tickets 1.8 69 2.8% 0.92 67
Priceline 1.7 22 18.2% 0.43 8
Orbitz 1.6 21 19.6% 0.40 4
Travelocity 1.6 26 15.8% 0.40 13
Cheap Airline
1.5 22 3.8% 1.79 72
Airline Tickets 1.5 44 2.5% 1.37 74
US Airways 1.3 18 14.6% 0.49 12
Southwest 1.2 19 14.3% 0.45 3
US Ad spend and click through 2014 – Top
Travel Keywords
Source: Everymundo
Ads are one of the major cost drivers of the airline direct distribution cost
The average cost per click in Google AdWords is between $1 and $2 on the
search network. The average CPC on the Display Network is under $1. The
most expensive keywords in AdWords cost $50 or more per click. If a consumer
searches 22 times for the best flight there is the potential to incur (in a most
extreme case) up to around $50 in ads cost for the airlines or the online travel
agent and ultimately the air passenger.
Key trends
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Market Dynamics - Airline Ancillary Revenue:
Distribution companies are making major investments to sell ancillary
services for the airlines
Baggage fees
Onboard Retail (food,
duty free)
Sale of FFP miles
Travel Retail (hotel, hire
cars, insurance)
Other 'a la carte'
Airline Ancillary Revenues 2014 by Main Category
Total Non-US Ancillary Revenue 2014 Estimated $36.5 bn
Ancillary revenues for the top 10 performing airlines globally rose to
almost $26 billion in 2015 compared to $8.4 billion generated in
2008, a CAGR of 17.5%. Total global was $59.2bn.
US low cost airline Spirit generated the highest amount of ancillary
spend per passenger at $51.80.
Ancillary revenue is generated by activities and services that yield
revenue for airlines beyond the simple transportation of customers
from A to B.
Revenue from optional services including onboard sales of food and
beverages, checked baggage, premium seat assignments, and early
boarding benefits, was $36.7 billion of the projected global 2015
The remaining share, at $22.5 billion, comes from non-fee activity
such as the sale of frequent flier miles to program partners (a major
revenue in the US) , and commissions earned on the sale of services
to travelers, such as hotel accommodation and car rentals.
The IATA NDC project and other initiatives aim to facilitate the sale of
‘ancillaries product’ for GDS and OTA.
Ancillary revenues will be an important factor in future
distribution channel development
Key trends
Airlines websites are currently the best channel for selling ancillary products. Airlines can tailor the display to promote their
products – airlines claim that this is not possible at the moment on the OTA and on agents’ GDS screens. However, recent
innovations have led to increased sales of ancillaries by TA.
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Source: IdeaWorks /Cartrawler
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Market Dynamics - Technology:
Airlines need to match similar levels of investment made by GDS to
continually ensure satisfactory levels of functionality and connectivity
Major investment by GDS, OTA and other major IT providers spread
over areas of mobile, ‘big data’, Cloud, API and compliance. Ongoing
service offering includes:
Data Centre (Amadeus used as example):
37 Petabytes+ of storage and over 16,500 infrastructure devices.
peak processes 39,000+ end user transactions per second and over
47 billion SQL executions daily.
5,500+ IT changes and over 540 application software loads daily
Airlines products:
GDS connectivity
inventory hosts
revenue management
ticketless access, merchandising solutions and self-booking tools.
cloud availability, NDC compliant XML connectivity, revenue
optimisation and financial suites
Travel agencies, meta-search engines, travel management
companies and corporations products:
cloud-based new generation selling platform
search engines
front-office customisation and conversion tools
merchandising solutions
ancillary services
fare families
Other travel providers
data, connectivity and solutions for hospitality, rail etc.
“Travel technology providers can
spread development and maintenance
costs over dozens or hundreds of
travel providers, thus increasing
capabilities and reducing costs”
Leading industry analyst
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Market Dynamics - Technology: Example Lufthansa
For true cost comparison, the costs associated with the technology
development of ‘Direct’ needs to be included
Platform for booking business trips, online
booking engine, travel management system.
Content Aggregator - GDS Content and Direct
connections with airlines and other travel
suppliers in the business travel eco-system
Midoffice for the international travel industry.
Travel production and distribution platform;
solutions for dynamic travel production
Back office & reporting systems for the travel
sales segment, with interfaces to all
common front and middle office providers,
tourism service providers and credit card
Technologies provide solutions for areas including:
Internet booking engine (IBE)
Content aggregator
Back office
XML, API (programming languages and interfaces)
Payment services
The systems integration of multiple technology providers provides
substantial challenges to airlines:
Integration with existing platforms
Quality control
Guaranteed supply, ongoing product investment and
Internal team familiarity with technology provider products
Multi GDS B2C /B2B booking engine, XML
API, Low cost carriers, Payment services, PCI
DSS proxy solutions and fraud prevention
Key trends
Lufthansa ‘Direct Connect’ project lists 17 technology partners from 5 countries – providing connectivity and functionality across numerous
markets, affiliates, channels etc. is one that requires expertise and careful management. Carriers seeking to replicate reach and functionality
of direct connect can expect similar required effort and investment. IATA NDC ancillary product implementation may ultimately require a
similar scale of effort. These costs may be absorbed by LH or passed on to the consumer via the Travel Agent.
Sample selection of LH Direct technology partners
Source: Lufthansa
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Airline Distribution:
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Distribution, Sales and Marketing goals vary by airline type
BA, Air France, American
Flybe, Aer Lingus, Alaska
Finnair, Icelandair
Widely dispersed market, high levels of business traffic, major trunk routes, targeting all
market segments. Requires ‘comprehensive’ distribution and sales and marketing effort
utilising all available channels
‘Local’ highly targeted market and important relationship with partner carriers. Distribution
goals of low cost and ease of access for major corporate accounts and business market.
Network (Large home)
Highly distributed market across global markets. Distribution and sales and marketing goals
or maximising penetration across numerous markets. Need to build/maintain consumer
awareness but control cost.
Network (Small home )
These customer groups formed the basis of the distribution cost model
The modelling process has segmented the airline market into three main types; clearly this is subjective and different
categorisations are possible.
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
The Infrata business model has been designed to
hypothesise and assess the impacts of changing distribution
regimes by different customer types.
The complex airline market has been segmented into three
airline types
1. Network
a. Large home market
b. Small home market
2. Regional airlines
The major market characteristics of each is described herein
with the potential distribution impacts.
The airline market is changing and one of the key dynamics
is the growing share of LCC. These have 39% of the intra-
European market in 2016 although their growth has slowed.
The structure of the network airlines is changing in response
with the development of LCCs by BA/IAG (Vueling), LH
(Eurowings) and a regional airline Air France’s (Hop).
Key dynamics of the customer base that drive the model
are the fares by channel and the mix of fares by carrier
Further dynamics are the variances in fares by area of
sale and by point-to-point and connecting passengers.
Fares actually collected are a closely guarded airline
business secret and there have been considerable
restrictions on data.
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
‘Channel Complexity’ is driven by the market dynamics and interaction
between 6 main channels to consumer bookings
Airlines have 6 main channels to market including:
Call centre / ATO /CTO
GDS are also discussed in this report as a channel
although it exists as a facilitator serving the business to
consumer contacts of the TA, OTA and TMC.
Airline internal costs are also examined as a major cost and
one that changes according to channel mix.
Customer acquisition costs impact on all channels and are
sensitive to and driven by channel mix.
Ancillary revenues and the cost of distributing ancillary
products is an area of growing concern for the airlines.
the increasing sophistication of
passenger services systems, the complexity
of each transaction is growing significantly.”
Amadeus Global Business Report 2013
Page 28
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Consumer have several direct and indirect (primary and secondary)
channels by which they can access airline bookings
Page 29
Front Office Back Office
Search Service - Packaging Distribution - Comparison Inventory Owners
Off line
Direct connect
Direct connect
Source: Infrata
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Web sales:
Airlines employ a range of channel to achieve sales. This mix varies by
Airline type
Airline Type Web CC /ATO /CTO TA OTA TMC
Network- large 40 7 10 18 25
Regional 35 10 10 25 20
Network-Small 40 7 10 18 25
Channels To Market (%) Used by Airline Groups
The channel mix of these groups are a major
driver of cost in the distribution cost model.
Network carriers targeting business market and
more distributed market typically utilise more
Agents / TMC are important channels into
business market
Opportunities for direct connect increase with
higher ‘local’ sales as the airline is likely to have
greater brand presence and marketing
Source: Infrata based on airline discussions
The channel mix shown will form the ‘base’ scenario for the distribution cost model
Channel analysis
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Web sales:
Shoppers have a greater propensity to ‘comparison shop’ using OTAs,
than on Airline websites – Airlines website convert more bookings
Comparison Shopping
% Shoppers Using OTA and Airline Website 2015
% Bookers Using OTA and Airline Website 2015
Source: PhoCusWright 2015
Websales are averaging around 50% in the US and the major European
Network airline websales estimated to account for 35%.
80% of LCC sales.
42% Regional
Network (high connecting) and Network (high non-base) are
expected to have lower websales at 30%
Airlines concentrating on websales as a sales channel due to following
Perception that airline ‘owns’ the customer
High conversion % - see charts
Avoids GDS costs
Avoids agents commission, incentives, overrides, special fares
Superior channel for promoting ancillary products
Improved cash flow
Avoidance of direct price comparison
‘Cons’ often understated by airlines are:
High cost of customer acquisition – ads to drive traffic to the
Significant investments in technology by competitor OTA
Significant investments by OTA in ads and other customer
Presently the trend is for shoppers to browse OTA but more ‘bookers’ use
airline website, see charts.
The conclusion for modelling purposes is that web sales will increase
as a % but will have to be supported by significant advertising.
Airlines’ costs are reduced by OTA providing service
Page 31
OTA Airline
USA UK France Germany
OTA Airline OTA Airline OTA Airline
OTA Airline
USA UK France Germany
OTA Airline OTA Airline OTA Airline
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Web sales:
The online Travel Agents / Meta business model is based on a low-
margin, high-volume sales
OTAs offer airline products often in conjunction with hotel and other
components of the travel.
Predominantly leisure-oriented and their business model is based
on the commissions earned by OTA at the moment of the booking
and revenue coming from advertising.
Some OTA have business affiliates
Traffic comes to some OTA mainly from paid search (53%)
OTA tolerate a high ‘bounce rate’: their costs are spread over a
large number of visits
OTA content is provided by both GDS and through airline API and
‘screen scrapping’.
OTAs aggregate the results into a single list or display them
according to their source.
Meta searches generate revenues through advertising and
referring clients.
Customers then can purchase the travel product via OTAs or by
accessing the supplier website.
OTA sales are characterised by large volume of traffic driven though paid search
OTA Size and Performance 2015
Company Total
% Traffic
Ads 218 30% 34% 53.3% 1.36% 2.45%
Expedia 70 37% 33% 31.6% 0.95% 1.85%
Source: similarweb
Bounce Rate: where the user left site from the entrance page without interacting
with the page
Percent of traffic from search: the amount of visitors from organic search
Percent of traffic from paid search: the amount of visitors who entered the page
via keyword bought to increase the visibility. I.e. ”Cheap Flight"
From social networks: the amount of visitors who entered the page via ad/
reference on Facebook, Instagram etc.
From Display Ads: paid ads on (for instance) Google Display Network.
Analysis of the scale of paid ads to OTA supports our assumption
that airlines will have to invest heavily to drive traffic to their
websites especially in non-base markets
OTA analysis
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Travel Management Companies:
TMCs experience strong corporate customer loyalty who require high
value services. TMC services are not easily replicated by airlines
Overall TMC estimated to take 25-50% of the market outside of
the LCC (source: Infrata)
TMC market is ‘loyal’ due to business service offering:
Manage travel supply contracts
Procurement programmes
Help establish & enforce policies
Cost reduction & productivity enhancing services
Travel expense reporting
Travel policies
Visas and passports
Out of hours services
Offer important assistance in times of disruption.
Corporate agency and inplants: supplies specialist travel
services to business customers
The business travel community sees great value in TMC
service; this would be difficult for the airlines to replicate.
TMC traffic is considered to be difficult to channel shift due to
the service requirements of the business market
TMC analysis
Source: BHS, Uniglobe/CWT
Page 33
Italy Poland UK Scandinavia
Revenue Sources Mix for Business Travel
Override/SLA (includes
GDS incentives)
Commissions (air if applied,
cars, hotels, etc)
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Call Centres:
Airline call centre, ATO, CTO have reduced in importance to airlines
Call centres: typically taking 3-5% of airline bookings as most direct sales
‘encouraged’ to website. Costs are difficult to ascertain, costs per call
estimated at 20-30 per ticket issued.
Call agents estimated to handle 7-10 calls per hour
ATO/CTO: increasingly a sales support function with a greater
requirement for airlines with large international destinations. May also be
fulfilled by a General Sales Agent.
TMC/TA/OTA currently process majority of calls. Expedia has 15,000 call
centre staff.
Airline costs have been derived from a number of sources and have been incorporated into
the model. Assumptions have been made regarding cost development in each scenario
Source: M Hanke/OLTA discussions
Call centre, ATO, CTO increase with higher ‘other end sales’
Call centre analysis
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Affiliate
Affiliate programs are a growing but is an ‘obscure’ distribution channel.
Costs to airlines may have ‘escaped’ previous studies
Affiliate partners have the rights to distribute airline products by agreement.
There is an emerging body of affiliate networks serving the airlines including
Affiliate Future, Commission Junction and Google Affiliate Network.
The British Airways Affiliate Marketing programme is an advertising
programme that rewards media or site owners for displaying British Airways
affiliate advertisements that link directly to for purchase on the site.
Affiliates earn commission on qualifying transactions which include a valid
flight, holiday, car rental, or hotel booking made on The link must be
the last one used to direct the customer to make their booking on
Commissions vary by product, site type and region.
Turkish Airlines operates its Affiliate program with Digitouch in Turkey and
Tradedoubler worldwide. Turkish Airlines only deals with price-comparison
(meta-search) websites and have agreements with all local and global meta-
search websites through its Affiliate program.
Commission is earned through online customers purchasing air tickets.
Commission claims are generated when a passenger buys a ticket online.
No commission is earned if the passenger only makes a reservation.
Also, no commission is earned if the purchased ticket is cancelled within 30
Turkish Airlines Affiliate programme
Affiliate activity is performance-based marketing in which a
business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or
customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.
Affiliate programs extend airline’s reach through using partner’s
platforms. Affiliates include other travel providers, agencies and
meta search. Examples of airlines using affiliates are
Singapore Airlines using Affiliate Futures and the Turkish
Airlines program described below.
Affiliate programs have been included in the model with assumptions
on commission rates and channel percentage derived from web
search and discussions with airlines
Ticket Type Commission Rates in All
Domestic Ticket Sales 0.50 (per PNR**)
International Ticket Sales 5 (per PNR**)
*Cookie period: valid for visitors’ immediate session on price
comparison sites. Permission is granted for a 30 minute cookie
**Reservation code (PNR): the same reservation code can
include more than one passenger.
Source: Turkish Airlines
Affiliates analysis
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Travel Agents:
Travel agents provide services to clients which would otherwise have to
be covered by airlines
Agencies have seen airline ticket commissions steadily diminish since
This put pressure on the agency community to re-invent their role, their
service and their value to the end customer whether this be a corporate
or leisure traveller.
Travel agents now receive the majority of their income (fees) from clients
not airlines.
Travel agents have changed their revenue model from supplier-led
commissions to a client services and retail model where the end user
pays for the service they purchase.
Travel agents not booking much scheduled leisure travel, estimated 5%
of their sales. Leisure passengers flying on scheduled services not as
part of a group will book mainly on OTA. (Source: Infrata).
Travel agents undertake considerable number of customer service functions on
behalf of airlines – not paid by airlines
80% of UK bookings with itinerary changes are never
ticketed - huge amount of uncharged time spent by
agents preparing and amending itineraries never
confirmed, ticketed and billed. These costs are borne
by the agents, not the airlines.(1)
42% of UK bookings are changed prior to ticketing.
This could be due to a number of reasons: agents
asked to hold multiple flights, routes, classes and
dates. (1)
Agents required to utilise multiple distribution
channels to obtain data, acquire best price and meet
client product requirements.
Offer important assistance in times of disruption.
Fees paid by airlines to agents have been reduced to
nil in many markets and 1-3% in others. (2)
The impacts of airlines selling a smaller share through TA sold
Some lower costs due to agents commission, payment
Some higher costs due to increased burden of customer
support, merchant costs, fraud costs that would normally
have been provided by TA
Travel Agents analysis
(1) Source: Travelution / Infrata
(2) Source: Amadeus ‘Service Fees and Commission Cuts’
Page 36
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Airlines:
Airlines internal departments support distribution and marketing. Many of
these costs increase when going ‘direct’
Internal Function Distribution Cost Impact Model Factor
Customer support Major switches: agent to
direct increases airline
Derived estimated
cost per call and calls
per passenger
Fraud Some impact of switching
from agents to direct
Adjustment to % of
passenger revenue
Credit card Credit card commissions
sensitive to direct sales
Credit card cost as %
of revenue
Cash flow Some increase in
payment speed with direct
Cash flow factor
Revenue accounts Minimal impact on
Small adjustment to
Revenue management Minimal impact on
Small adjustment to
Other costs Minimal impact on
Small adjustment to
Processes and infrastructure required to support distribution
Airline internal costs covers a range of activities required to
process bookings and revenue.
They also include commercial structures although these
are included in customer acquisition in the model.
The major internal support functions in terms of cost are
Credit card commissions
Customer service
These costs are particularly ‘channel sensitive’ as they are
largely provided by the TA, TMC, OTA – moving to direct
sales will bring them in-house.
The other costs such as revenue accounts, revenue
management are largely insensitive to channel used.
Airline internal expenses will move with channel and are
a major driver of cost
Airline internal costs analysis
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Airline internal costs:
Commercial structures are often not fully considered when allocating
contribution to distribution costs
The number and cost of the support staff and infrastructure
varies greatly with the legacy airline having 100-200 and the
low cost having fewer than 50. The legacy airlines have
several thousand call centre staff are the LCC have far fewer.
The distribution cost implications are:
Different structures are required to support different
channel mixes
LCC typically award higher seniority to websales support
Network carriers have more expensive field sales, GSA and
group sales team
Customer support function higher level of seniority and
proportion of cost for LCC (network passengers may use
The differing commercial structures impact the way airlines allocate budget and report on costs
Source: Infrata
Typical ‘Network’ Airline and LCC Structures
Brick and
agents and
Head of
Own Website
Field Sales
Head of Sales
Brick and
Call Centres
Head of
Own Website
Head of
There is a generalised relationship of airline
structure to higher levels of direct distribution.
Costs down: payment processing, field sales,
agency support, GSA support
Costs up: customer support / call centres
Airline commercial structures analysis
Note that these are representative structures and they vary
among airlines even in the same category.
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Customer acquisition:
Offline and online display use a wide range of media – buying and
managing this is a major cost - rarely included in analysis
Airlines spread marketing between offline and online: Major
categories of marketing spend are:
Online: Digital / internet display costs has plateaued
(excluding google ads)
Offline: Newsprint still largest spend group
Other categories starting to decline for network but growing
for LCC
TV major growth area for LCC competing in leisure market
European Network Carrier
European LCC
Source: bradtop100 2010
Offline sales and marketing is vital to raise awareness and vital to drive ‘native search’ traffic to airlines’ websites
Distribution Channel Mix of Network and LCC (2010)
Offline channel costs based upon information derived
from airline/published sources are used in the model
Offline media analysis
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Channels - Ancillary products :
Currently, airlines prefer to sell ancillaries on their own websites.
Ancillary services are becoming more important to many airlines,
depending on their competitive environment. These services
are either flight-related (extra legroom, priority boarding) or
additional non-airline products like car rental, hotel, or insurance.
Airlines choose to sell these services predominantly through
their own websites, to maximize upsell and increase loyalty.
Realising that travel agencies represent a key distribution
channel also for flight-related ancillary services, an increasing
number of airlines are distributing this content either directly
from their own inventory, via an aggregator, or via GDSs. Rich
ancillary content is being enabled by XML messages, including
those defined as part of the IATA NDC XML standard.
Ancillary revenues vary considerably by airline.
The model used ‘mid point’ ancillary revenue per
passenger for network and regional
Source: IATA
Ancillaries analysis
Page 40
Ancillary Services Distribution
Airline Reservation Systems
Website /
XML and other
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Model Output
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Modeling Scenarios & Drivers
Five categories of variables were modelled to identify the cost impact by carrier type:
1. Internal organisational structures leading to differing reporting and budget lines
2. Differing airline levels of connecting and point-to-point traffic
3. Differing geographic markets (home market versus non-home markets)
4. Differing marketing arrangements with the indirect channel
5. Non standard allocation of full loaded costs
The model aims to quantify these dynamics in a fully allocated cost manner to
demonstrate the possible impacts of different regimes of direct / indirect distribution.
The following pages show:
- The composition of the model
- The headline results and a comparison of all airline types impact of moving to more
direct distribution
- Analyses of the impact of moving to more direct for all the airline types shown is
a series of results charts
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Our model uses a dynamic relationship between the three known areas of cost – Distribution, Payment and Customer Acquisition.
1. Inventory management system costs
2. GDS booking fees
3. Travel Agents’ commission
4. IT & infrastructure/utility costs
5. Customer service
1. Merchant costs
2. Website and tech product costs
3. Ancillary services
4. Other airline internal costs (administration)
1. Online advertising (Google ads, etc)
2. Offline advertising (TV, radio, print media etc)
3. Meta search referrals
4. Other airline internal costs
(sales staff, offices, marketing team)
Customer Acquisition
Classic’ distribution costs included in most industry
comparisons of cost. Clearly understood
relationship to direct/ indirect distribution channels
Sales administration – some generally included in
industry comparisons. Link to distribution channels
not present in most analyses.
Cost of acquiring customers, largely not included in
industry channel cost comparisons, link to
distribution channels not present in most analyses.
Payment, finance and administration
In addition there is a growing separate cost and revenue stream meeting the needs of Ancillary services
Model Output - Composition:
Airline sales & distribution costs ‘fall’ into 3 main categories
Page 43
1. Corporate incentives, bonuses, discounts
2. Corporate traveller extra benefits
3. Travel Agent bonuses, IT integration costs
Other Acquisition Costs
Cost of making customers stop using a neutral
distribution channel and start using an airline
controlled one.
Often significant, but costs not included in study, as
reliable data is unavailable
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Model Output - Composition:
In addition to the costs, the model is driven by the interaction between
customer groups and the channel
Sources : Credit Suisse, HRS, HRG, Tnooz.
The airline distribution model comprises 3 sets of variables. Effective modelling required detailed
understanding of each sub-component.
In the modelling we tested the impact of flexing different components to see the impact on the ‘system’ including
customer group, channel mix and cost per booking per channel
The model was developed to
address the following questions:
What is the average cost per
booking by channel?
What are the major cost
elements that build up to
average total cost
What is the cost impact for
airline in switching from
indirect to direct channels
The analyses in this section
show the results of calculating
fully allocated costs by channel
Network (large
home market)
Network (small
home market)
Regional airline
Website (airlines)
ATO /CTO /Call
Meta search
TA incl. Direct
‘Direct connect’
Cost by channel
Scenarios by airline
47% direct
67% direct
Page 44
Customer Groups Channels Costs
Finance, payment &
Customer acquisition
Model Results
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Model Output - Composition:
The model is based around three types of airline
1. The model considered the following channels:
Airline website
Call centre / ATO / CTO and field sales
Travel agents
Online travel agents and meta
Travel management companies
2. The model considered customer acquisition costs
3. The model considered internal ‘distribution-associated’
Merchant and credit card costs
Customer service
Airline internal costs: revenue management, revenue
accounts, other departments
The model was used to assess distribution costs for each of the four categories of airline
Data to populate the model has come from airlines, travel agents, TMC, OLTA, metasearch engine providers, ETTSA and its affiliated members.
Data has also been sourced from websearch and journal reviews.
Airline Type Characteristics
1 Network (large)
‘Baseline’ group with typical mix of
2 Regional
Managing channels to deal with less
market power than larger rivals
3 Network (Small)
More distributed market with
challenging ‘customer acquisition’
Page 45
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Model Output: Cost implications- Network airlines:
Network airlines (large home market) have 0.8% reduction in total
distribution cost with shift to more direct sales
The charts and data show the present full cost of distribution separated
into the four main cost groups. The main assumption is that airline
websales increase to 60% from the base of 40% and direct sales
increase from 47% to 67% including call centre, ATO and CTO.
The model assumes an increase of 0.5% average ads cost for every 1%
increase in web share due to the difficulty in attracting the more resistant
The analysis shows that some cost groups decrease with a move to
more direct sales. Distribution costs are reduced as fewer bookings go
through the GDS and incur booking fees and there is also savings from
less agents commission.
The benefit is negated to some extent because the airlines have to
increase their advertising, in particular websearch ads to drive traffic to
their website.
Also there are increased costs of customer service that agents provide
for customers and the credit card costs, some fraud costs and the cost of
managing customer changes would fall on the airline.
Total cost per booking decreases by 0.11 due to:
Higher customer acquisition
Credit card costs imposed on the airline, not TMC/OTA
Distribution cost reduces with less GDS booking fees
The analysis indicates that Network carriers (large home market)
experience immaterial benefits from a major shift away from
indirect channels.
Page 46
(Channel %)
Customer acquisition () 2.58 3.56 0.98
Channel distribution () 6.75 5.11 (1.64)
Payment, admin.,
finance ()
4.04 4.59 0.55
Ancillary () 0.06 0.06 0.00
Total () 13.43 13.32 (0.11)
Source: Infrata based on airline analysis
Network airlines full distribution cost per booking
Acquisition Costs
Channel Costs Payment &
Finance Costs
Ancilliary Costs
-#*%' ";I"'=;:%(+'
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Model Output: Cost implications- Regional airlines:
Regional airlines have 3.9% increase in total distribution cost with shift
to more direct sales
The charts and data show the present full cost of distribution separated
into the four main cost groups. The main assumption is that airline
websales increase to 60% and total direct sales to 67%.
The model assumes an increase of 0.5% average ads cost and
advertising cost for every 1% increase in web share due to the difficulty
in attracting the more resistant consumers.
The analysis shows that some cost groups decrease with a move to
more direct sales. Distribution costs are reduced as fewer bookings go
through the GDS and incur booking fees and there is also savings from
less agents commission.
The benefit is negated to some extent because the airlines have to
increase their advertising, in particular websearch ads to drive traffic to
their website.
Also there are increased costs of customer service that agents provide
for customers and the credit card costs, some fraud costs and the cost
of managing customer changes would fall on the airline.
Total cost per booking increases by 0.52 due to:
Higher customer acquisition
Credit card costs imposed on the airline, not TMC/OTA
Mitigated by distribution cost reducing with less GDS booking fees
Customer acquisition costs and payment costs eliminates
the benefit of the shift to direct.
Page 47
Source: Infrata based on airline analysis
(Channel %)
Customer acquisition () 2.64 4.0 1.52
Channel distribution () 7.3 5.83 (1.47)
Payment, admin.,
finance ()
3.46 4.09 0.62
Ancillary () 0.06 0.6 0
Total () 13.46 13.98 0.52
Regional airlines full distribution cost per booking
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Model Output: Cost implications- Network airlines:
Network airlines (small home market) have 3.9% increase in total
distribution cost with shift to more direct sales
The charts and data show the present full cost of distribution separated into
the four main cost groups. The main assumption is that airline websales
increase to 60% and total direct sales to 67%.
The model assumes an increase of 4% average ads cost and advertising
cost for every 1% increase in web share due to the difficulty in attracting the
more resistant consumers.
The analysis shows that some cost groups decrease with a move to more
direct sales. Channel distribution costs are reduced as fewer bookings go
through the GDS and incur booking fees and there is also savings from less
agents commission.
The benefit is negated to some extent because the airlines have to increase
their advertising, in particular websearch ads to drive traffic to their website.
Also there are increased costs of customer service that agents provide for
customers and the credit card costs, some fraud costs and the cost of
managing customer changes would fall on the airline.
Total cost per booking increases by 0.6 due to:
Higher customer acquisition
Credit card costs imposed on the airline, not TMC/OTA
Mitigated by distribution cost decreasing with less GDS booking fees
Very high cost of attracting ‘marginal’ passengers in markets where the
airline has a relatively weak marketing position
Customer acquisition costs and payment costs eliminates the
benefit of the shift to direct.
Page 48
Network airlines (small home market) airlines full
distribution cost per booking
Source: Infrata based on airline analysis
(Channel %)
Customer acquisition () 3.32 4.93 1.62
Channel distribution () 7.3 5.74 (1.56)
Payment, admin.,
finance ()
3.94 4.47 0.53
Ancillary () 0.12 0.11 (0.02)
Total () 14.69 15.26 0.57
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Appendices and Model Overview
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Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Description of Airline Distribution Cost Model
Airline Type
Airline Types
(can expand and may
need Overall)
Distribution Channels
Distribution Channel
Multiple airlines per type
or multiple sources per
airline type and channel
Fixed Costs Fixed Costs
Base Output:
Margin per PB
Revenue and distribution cost
per channel for each airline
Channel Mix
Revenue and cost impact
Per booking
Comparison capability between
main airline types
Per booking
Scenario Graphic
Cost Comparison Graphics
Page 50
Page 51
Description of Airline Distribution Cost Model
Major dynamic Flex factor Impact Source
Websearch ads cost Increased cost per click and
number of paid clicks per
Increased cost as direct
websales increases
Analysis of ads cost for six
major European airlines
Airline sales share by home/
non-home market
Increased ads cost and offline
marketing cost
Increased cost per booking as
non-home sales increase
Analysis of ads cost for six
major European airlines
Analysis of airline offline
advertising costs in Europe and
Offline marketing costs (TV,
radio, press)
Increased in line with direct
Cost per booking increases as
direct sales increases
Analysis of airline offline
advertising costs in Europe and
Credit card costs Increased in line with direct
Higher direct sales leads to
higher credit card costs
Journal search, GDS, airlines
Call centre sales and customer
Increased in line with direct
Higher direct sales leads to
higher call centre costs
GDS, GSA, journal search
GDS booking charges Decreased in line with less
travel agent / OTA sold
Increased direct sales reduces
Agents commission Decreased in line with less
travel agent / OTA sold
Increased direct sales reduces
Travel agents, GDS, airlines
Page 52
Data sources
Airline E-commerce M Hanke, 2015
Agency Universe Grows Total Volume, Bilotkach, Rupp, Pai, 2013
Airline Ancillary Fees Ideaworks/Car Trawler
Airline Ticket Distribution Michael Ng, 2015
Alaska Airlines 'Success Story’ Alaskair, 2010
Ancillary Revenue Simpliflying, 2016
Ancillary Revenues report Airplus, 2013
ASTA Travel Market Report ASTA, 2015
Capa Analaysis Report CAPA, 2016
Jetblue Media Plan Jetblue
Lufthansa Direct Connect Lufthansa, 2016
Priceline Investor Presentation Priceline, 2016
Reputation, Search Costs and Airfares Boehmer, 2015
Streamlining Airline Financial Processes Hermes Management Consulting , 2010
The Future of Airline Distribution Atmosphere Research Group, 2012
Tnooz - Phocuswright Conference Tnooz, 2016
Tnooz - various articles Tnooz, 2016
UK Airline Financial Data CAA, 2016
Understanding Online Travel Agencies Frost & Sullivan, 2015
United Airlines Media Plan UAL, 2012
Value of a Platform to a Seller: Case of
American Airlines and Online Travel Agencies Bilotkach, 2010
Which future for airline distribution LUISS, 2013
Everymundo Various reports
Morningstar Various reports
Phocuswrght Various reports
Similarweb Various reports
Interviews have been conducted with the following organisations: Amadeus, Travelport, Sabre,,, Uniglobe,
Flight Directors, 6 airlines that wish to remain anonymous.
Data has been supplied in confidential interviews with airlines and ETTSA members including GDS, OTA, meta and TMC.
Published data sources include:
Infrata Airline Distribution Cost Study © 2017
Glossary of industry terms used in the report
Ads Paid advertisements used on web pages
Ancillaries Additional products to the air journey such as extra legroom or meals
API A set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications (such as for booking tickets)
ATO Airline Ticket Office
CC Call Centre
Channel costs GDS booking fees, commission
Channel to market Means of passenger booking e.g. through travel agent, airline website etc.
CPC Cost per Click (of paid ads)
CRS Computerised Reservation System
CTO Airline City Ticket Office
GDS Global Distribution Systems: Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport
Hosting IT system processing airline seats and bookings
IBE Internet booking engine
LCC Low Cost Carriers
Meta Search engines that trawl the internet for lowest fares, allows the passenger to click through to an airline or
travel agency site to make the booking
OTA Online travel agents such expedia, Travelocity
Petabyte Unit of information equal to one thousand million bytes
Segment One air journey with the same flight designator
SEM Search engine marketing
SEO Search engine optimisation
SQL Structured Query Language used in programming and designed for managing data
TA Travel agencies serving the leisure market
TMC Travel management companies serving the business market
XML Extensible Markup Language, a programming language
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Ian Lowden
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