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PSC(34)787 Expiry: Indefinite
Type: B
Members and/or systems providers may, for online or interline carriage, provide
capability to offer a wide selection of their products and services to their customers
through a wide variety of distribution channels. Members and/or systems providers shall
apply the following procedures when distributing enhanced content through multiple
channels of distribution with their many partners.
1. General
IATA standards and procedures allow airlines to better manage the distribution of their
range of products and services that they wish to provide in an effective way, irrespective
of the distribution channel. Enhanced standards are necessary to enable airlines to
move to a dynamic content distribution model. This model recognizes that airlines and
their customers need more real time dynamic interaction between all parties: airlines,
distributors and travel agents so they can offer an intelligent response for all products
based on who is asking. Acknowledging that a management group is required to
oversee the development of new passenger distribution processes and standards, a
Passenger Distribution Management Group is established in accordance with the
provisions as published in Attachment “A”.
1.1 Scope
This resolution recognizes that a standard process is required for airlines to create their
own product offer within their own systems (i.e. assemble fares, schedules and
availability - all in one transaction) which will be provided directly by and owned by the
airline. This will enable more agile pricing and more personalized offerings. In this way,
all product offers (including ancillaries) will be available for distribution through all
channels that an airline wishes to sell them through. In this regard, this IATA standard
will enable the creation of a Dynamic Airline Shopping engine Application Programme
Interface (DAS API) based on IATA XML messages. The focus of this resolution will
describe the main business processes that are required to support it.
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Distribution Capability Landscape
The diagram above represents the Distribution Capability landscape that will provide an
interactive exchange based on knowing who is making the request irrespective of the
distribution channel being used. This may involve, but not be limited to requests from
passengers, agents, interline partners, and other distribution channel providers who
may provide solutions to their own subscribers. Requests shall be sent using industry
standard messages from the distribution channel provider to the airline’s dynamic
shopping engine. Airlines will determine what product offer to return in the response
based on attributes that have been sent in the request. Solution providers shall be
capable of providing interactive messaging to an airline’s DAS API in accordance with
industry standard messaging.
1.2 Key Principles
1.2.1 Business and technical standards shall enable airlines to distribute products
across all channels and allow airlines to independently offer dynamic shopping/pricing
through any channel.
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1.2.2 Underlying messaging standards will use modern messaging technology (e.g.
XML) as the most suitable and readily available messaging standard to support
technologies. PADIS message standards shall be used for the transmission of data.
Development of messaging standards shall be in accordance with the provisions of
Resolution 783.
1.2.3. Such standards shall enable any third party (approved) channel to access airline
content directly from the carrier.
1.2.4 With due consideration for established business processes, procedures and
current system functionality, there should be no constraints driven by any requirement
for backwards compatibility. Airlines may wish to establish a roadmap for migration
showing justification for backwards compatibility only if there is a defined business
1.2.5 Enhanced Airline Distribution shall: allow individual carriers to determine its own prices and the nature of those
products offered, depending on who the requestor is and what they are requesting. This
will require authentication and the provision of historical data based on previous
transactions, facilitate the implementation of a ‘shopping basket’ capability concept allowing
for the consumer to add or remove items from their basket as they choose. Each of
these choices can trigger a “re-pricing” of the offer(s) provided by the airline, support distribution of new products as well as changes and amendments of
existing orders, facilitate a transparent display of products being offered and enable comparison
among different products, benefiting the consumer, ensure authentication requests for product or services include all applicable IDs,
such as IATA number, passengers Frequent Flyer number, valid email address or any
other acceptable form of identification that is flexible to the individual carrier.
1.2.6 All data will be distributed across all channels, subject to the terms and conditions
determined by the airline distributing the content.
1.2.7 This distribution model assumes that each airline distributing its individual
products and services is the owner of its own content.
1.2.8 Product attributes structure should be standardized to facilitate consistent display
of the product offer on third party web sites.
1.2.9 Any cost attributable to this new business model, from IT research development to
implementation/operation, will not be incumbent on Members who do not wish to adopt
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For the purpose of this resolution the following definitions will apply:
2.1 ANCILLARY SERVICES means anything outside of product attributes (optional or
2.2 AUTHENTICATION means the process by which a system identifies an individual or
a business entity to make sure that the user or the business entity is who they claim to
be, based on attributes that are sent in a message.
API) means a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications
capable of processing interactive messages from a requester to an airline rules engine.
2.4 EXTENSIBLE MARK-UP LANGUAGE (XML) means a simple, flexible mark-up
language which enables the exchange of a wide variety of data on the internet and
supports the implementation of a wide range of web services.
2.5 INTERMEDIARIES means any entity that has the capability to interface with an
airline’s DAS API (e.g. metasearch engines, distribution channel IT solution providers,
travel agents including online agencies, travel management and corporate travel
companies, high street agencies, specialist agencies, tour and cruise line providers) and
interline partners making a booking request.
2.6 PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES means what is bundled and included in the fare, e.g. flat
bed seat, in-flight entertainment, pre-reserved seating, meals etc.
2.7 PRODUCT OFFER means the response including product attributes and ancillary
services capable of being displayed in the requesting system.
2.8 RULES ENGINE means the repository of an airline’s business rules capable of
receiving and responding to requests to provide a product offer.
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3.1. The Business Process Description comprises the following:
3.1.1 Authenticate and Shop Process Description The authentication and shopping process is a dialogue that is generated from a
direct or indirect distribution channel to an airline rules engine via a DAS API to request
a product offer from a carrier and will allow such carrier to respond with the offer based
on the information received in the request. The request shall include but not be limited
to: data to identify who is making the request where an intermediary is
present. Data may include, but not be limited to:
specific IATA number (generic numbers shall not be sent),
agent’s pseudo city code,
electronic reservations service provider number,
corporate or group identification,
type of trip (e.g. leisure or business). data to identify on whose behalf the request is being made. Data may
include, but not be limited to:
Name/Age/Marital Status,
Contact Details,
Frequent Flyer Number or Profile number,
Customer Type (e.g. adult/child),
Travel History,
Shopping History,
Previously Purchased Services. attributes data for what is requested. Data may include, but not be
limited to:
` Point of Sale,
Travel Dates,
Origin and Destination,
` Number of Passengers and passenger type,
Trip type (e.g. open, round trip, one way).
Page: 6 Personal information that may be passed will be as bilaterally or multilaterally
agreed with due consideration for compliance with all government privacy laws. Upon receipt of a request, the carrier shall respond with a product offer. The
offer should include but not be limited to:
unique request identifier,
a description of the product attributes,
a list of optional ancillaries for example,
bundle information,
name of optional ancillaries,
link if applicable,
discounts and special offers (optional),
product availability warnings (optional),
promotional codes and discounts (optional),
terms and conditions associated with the offer,
expiration of offer. Multiple repetitions of this dialogue process shall be provided.
3.1.2 Order Process Description
The Order Process is a dialogue that is generated from a direct or indirect distribution
channel to an airline rules engine via a DAS API that will confirm the commitment to
purchase. This may also include payment information. The order process will provide
the carrier the opportunity to fulfill the transaction, create the booking record, issue the
document(s) and respond with confirmations. The commitment to purchase data to enable the booking to be made may
include but not be limited to:
passenger details,
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date of birth,
passenger profile information,
frequent traveler number,
` special requests,
payment information if applicable. upon receipt of an order, if payment information is not received, carriers shall
respond with either a request for payment or an option to hold the product offer either
with or without a fee. upon receipt of payment data, carriers will create the reservations records and
issue the traffic documents (electronic tickets and/or electronic miscellaneous
documents as applicable) and respond with a confirmation. This confirmation should
include but not be limited to:
Ticketing Information and receipts in accordance with the provisions of
Resolutions 722f, 722g, 725f or 725g as applicable,
Terms and Conditions of the offer,
Legal Notices. Carriers, that have confirmed or requested interline space shall ensure that
reservations and ticketing data is communicated to their interline partners in accordance
with the provisions of standard industry messages published in AIRIMP-Passenger and
the UN EDIFACT and XML standards as published by IATA under the provisions of
Resolution 783.
3.1.3 Change Process Description The Change Process is a dialogue that is generated from a direct or indirect
distribution channel to an airline rules engine via a DAS API that will request a
modification, addition, cancellation or refund to an existing confirmed order. The request
shall include data that enables a carrier to identify the original order. The request shall
also include authentication and attributes data as shown in through Upon receipt of a change request, carriers may revise the product offer and
respond back to the requestor. Carriers shall respond based on the provisions of
or deny the change request. Changes to interline bookings should be effected in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph Fulfillment of a revised order shall be in accordance with the provisions of 3.1.2.
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Attachment A
A Passenger Distribution Management Group hereinafter referred to as the
Management Group is established for managing the development of passenger
distribution processes and standards as published in IATA Resolutions and
Recommended Practices, and the development of modern technology messaging
standards (e.g. XML) under the provisions of Resolution 783.
The Management Group shall report to the Joint A4A/IATA Passenger Services
Conference (JPSC) and shall consist of up to fifteen (15) members appointed by the
JPSC. The Management Group shall include representatives from airlines and shall be
able to invite other interested parties (e.g. IATA Strategic Partners and all other third
party industry stakeholders) as required from time to time to reflect the multi-stakeholder
nature of the passenger distribution process.
The JPSC will ensure that the membership is so constituted that adequate expertise is
The main functions of the Management Group are:
2.1 to review and approve proposed additions, changes and deletions to the key
principles of passenger distribution;
2.2 to manage the development of processes and standards;
2.3 to submit an annual report of its activities to the JPSC meeting;
2.4 to liaise closely with other A4A and IATA Committees impacting on passenger
distribution standards.
3.1 The Management Group shall meet as required but not less than once per year.
A quorum shall consist of not less than one-third of the Management Group members.
3.2 The Management Group shall elect its own Chair-Person and Vice-Chairperson
from IATA and A4A member airlines.
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3.3 Any IATA or A4A Member who is not a member of the Management Group may
attend Management Group meetings and may vote on any issue except the nomination
of officers.
3.4 Decisions of the Management Group shall be by an 80% positive vote of the
IATA and A4A Members present at the meeting and entitled to vote. Abstentions do not
count in the voting.
3.5 The Management Group shall determine its own working procedures and may
establish sub-groups as it determines necessary.
4.1 Proposals to amend the passenger distribution standards may be submitted by the
passenger distribution sub-groups, any A4A or IATA Member, or members of the IATA
Strategic Partners Program.
4.2 The Management Group shall consider all such proposals and shall act upon them
as follows:
4.2.1 Adopt the proposal if accepted by 80% of the IATA and A4A Members entitled to
vote on such proposals;
4.2.2 Reject the proposal;
4.2.3 Refer the proposal to the next Management Group meeting for further review;
4.2.4 If the proposal is in conflict with existing industry standards, refer the proposal to
the next meeting of the JPSC for further review and resolution.
4.3 All amendments agreed by the Management Group shall be circulated to all IATA
and A4A Members within thirty (30) days of the Management Group meeting.
4.4 In determination of its working procedures, the Management Group may utilize a
mail vote procedure to progress proposals to amend passenger distribution standards
between Management Group meetings. Utilization of the mail vote procedure is limited
to amendments of an urgent nature and which are requested by or supported by five (5)
or more Management Group members. Adoption of proposals using the mail vote
procedure will follow the above amendment procedures.
4.5 Amendments endorsed by the Management Group shall be forwarded to the JPSC
for final adoption.
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Whilst developing and enhancing the resolutions and messaging standards for the
implementation of enhanced airline distribution it is acknowledged that there are a
number of items that, whilst not appropriate for inclusion in the resolution text, are
fundamental to obtaining a clear understanding of how enhanced passenger distribution
is implemented.
Further, given the variety of stakeholders, there is significant benefit in documenting
various aspects of the overall processes to promote a common understanding and
standardized approach to enhanced distribution implementation. Consequently the
Management Group shall oversee the development of a Passenger Distribution Manual
which provides clarifications and explanations of the functions related to Enhanced
Airline Distribution as well as guidelines and best practices in accordance with the
requirements as documented in this resolution.
5.1 The Passenger Distribution Implementation Manual shall contain:
An end-to-end Passenger Process,
A Passenger Process Toolbox covering the end-to-end process,
Recommended Practices,
Technical Specifications,
Implementation Guides,
Templates for Service Level Agreements.
5.2 A new edition of the Passenger Distribution Implementation Manual shall be issued
as and when determined by the Management Group and in consultation with the