November 13, 2020
United States Department of Energy
Office of Electricity
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585
Attention: Mr. Christopher Lawrence
RE: Direct Energy Marketing Inc.
Docket No. EA280-__
Application for Renewal of Authorization to Transmit Electric Energy to
Dear Mr. Lawrence:
Enclosed is a copy of a renewal application for export authorization submitted by Direct
Energy Marketing Inc. (DEMI). Pursuant to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Special
COVID-19 Filing Procedures,
DEMI has: 1) scanned the application and emailed it to you at
[email protected], and 2) remitted the $500 filing fee by check in accordance
with DOE’s payment instructions.
If you should have any questions about this application, please do not hesitate to contact
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ John Schultz
John Schultz
Direct Energy Marketing Inc.
See DOE, Export Authorizations – Procedures,
Direct Energy Marketing Inc. ) Docket No. EA280-__
Direct Energy Marketing Inc. (DEMI or Applicant), pursuant to Section 202(e) ofthe Federal
Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 824a(e), and the Department ofEnergy (DOE) regulations contained in
10 C.F.R. § 205.300, et seq., herebyfiles its application to renew its blanket authority to transmit electric
energy from the United States to Canada over all facilities at the United States borderwith Canada that
are appropriate for third-party use, for a term ofan additional ten years effective January 27, 2021, the
day after the expiration of DEMI’s current authorization.
The exact legal name of the Applicant is Direct Energy Marketing Inc. DEMI is a Delaware
corporation having its principal place of business at 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 200, Houston, TX
DEMI is wholly owned by Centrica US Holdings Inc., an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiaryof
Centrica plc (Centrica). Centrica is a publicly traded company and major supplier of energy and
services in the United Kingdom. Centrica, through its affiliates, serves over 12 million natural gas
and power customers in the United Kingdom. DEMI does not own or control any electric
generation facilities in any wholesale market in interstate commerce.
Neither DEMI nor any of
its affiliates owns or control transmission facilities or has an electric franchised service territory
or captive wholesale or retail customers. Affiliates of DEMI provide retail energy services on a
DEMI’s affiliate, Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC is a party to a tolling agreement that
entitles it to 256 MW of nameplate capacity from the Bayonne Energy Center generating facility. Beyond
this limited tolling agreement, none of DEMI’s affiliates own or control any electric generation facilities
in any wholesale market in interstate commerce.
competitive basis in the United States and Canada. DEMI is authorized by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission to sell electricity at wholesale at market-based rates.
On November 5, 2003, the DOE issued Order No. EA-280 authorizing DEMI to transmit
energy from the United States to Canada for a two-year term as a power marketer. The DOE
renewed DEMI’s export authorization in Order No. EA-280-A on March 17, 2006. In Order No.
EA-280-B, issued on January 26, 2011 the DOE authorized DEMI to export electric energy to
Canada for a period of ten years. Through this Application, DEMI seeks to renew its authorization to
export power to Canada for a term of ten years commencing January 27, 2021, the day after the
expiration of DEMI’s current authorization.
Communications concerning this filing should be sent to:
Ryan Harwell
Licensing & Reporting Manager, Regulatory
Direct Energy
12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 250
Houston, TX 77046
Phone: 713-877-5701
Deonne Cunningham
Lead Counsel, Direct Energy Business
Direct Energy
12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 250
Houston, TX 77046
Phone: 832-370-5063
Bray Dohrwardt
Associate General Counsel, North American
Direct Energy
12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 250
Houston, TX 77046
Phone: 713-877-3851
Direct Energy Marketing Inc., Docket No. ER03-1088-000 (Aug. 13, 2003) (unpublished
letter order granting DEMI Market-Based Rate authority).
Pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act, the DOE has jurisdiction over the
action to be taken in this application. No other known federal, state or local government has
jurisdiction over the action to be taken in this application. FERC has jurisdiction over DEMI’s
wholesale electric power activities in the United States.
DEMI intends to export electric energy over transmission interconnections between
Canada and the United States. DEMI requests authority to export electricity to Canada over any
international transmission facility authorized by Presidential Permit that is appropriate for open
access transmission by third parties. A list of these facilities is provided in Exhibit C.
By this Application, DEMI seeks authorization to continue to transmit electric energy to
Canada as a power marketer for a term of ten years. DEMI respectfully requests that this ten-
year term commence on January 27, 2021, the day after the expiration of its current blanket
authorization under Order No. EA-280-B.
Because DEMI does not own or control electric generation or transmission facilities in any
wholesale market in interstate commerce,
neither DEMI nor its affiliates have a power supply
system of their own on which DEMI’s exports of power could have a reliability, fuel use or system
stabilityimpact. DEMI will purchase the power to be exported from electric utilities and federal
power marketing agencies pursuant to voluntary agreements. By definition, such power is surplus to
the system of the generator and, thus, the electric power that DEMI will export on either a firm or
interruptible basis will not impair the sufficiency of the electric power supply within the United
Further, DEMIs affiliates do not own or control electric generation aside from the tolling
agreement with Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC.
States. Moreover, DEMI’s exports of electric energy to Canada will not impede or tend to impede
the regional coordination of electric utility planning or operations.
DEMI will makeall necessarycommercial arrangements and will obtain any and all other
regulatory approvals required in order to affect anypower exports. All the electricity exported by
DEMI will be transmitted pursuant to arrangements with utilities that own and operate existing
transmission facilities and will beconsistent with the export limitations and otherterms and conditions
contained in the existing Presidential Permits and electricityexport authorizations associated with those
facilities. DEMI willcomplywith the terms and conditions contained in the authorizations issued for
these cross-border facilities as well as any other export limitations that DOE may deem appropriate,
consistent with DOE’s orders authorizing exports of electric energy bypower marketers.
DEMI will scheduleeachtransaction withthe appropriate control area incompliance with the
reliabilitycriteria, standards, andguidelines of the North AmericanElectric ReliabilityCorporation
(NERC) and its member regional organizations,or anyElectricReliabilityOrganization in existence
at the time of export. DEMI will obtain all necessary transmission access over the existing
facilities listed in Exhibit C for its exports and will comply with all applicable statutes and
implementing rules, regulations, and orders of DOE and FERC. The controls inherent in any
transaction that complies with NERC requirements and DOE export limits on the transmission
facilities listed in Exhibit C are sufficient to ensure that exports by DEMI will not impede the
coordinated use of transmission facilities within the meaning of section 202(e) of the Federal
Power Act.
As noted in Order No. EA-102, DOE may utilize the reliability analyses performed in
other export authorization proceedings for the transmission facilities listed in Exhibit C in order
to make the findings required for the renewal of export authority to DEMI. Additionally, with
the exception of facilities related to the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) and Bonneville
Power Authority (“BPA”), which are not subject to DOE’s jurisdiction under Section 202(e) of
the Federal Power Act, traditional technical studies have been performed, submitted and
reviewed by DOE in connection with the export authorizations issued to the facilities over
which DEMI will export energy. As for NYPA and BPA, DOE has previously relied on reports
and other information provided by those border facilities. Consistent with its previous decisions
regarding applications for export authorization, including orders specific to DEMI (Order EA-
280, Order EA-280-A and Order EA-280-B), DOE should in this instance again rely on those
studies, reports and other information and determine that the United States system will not be
impaired by exports over such border systems.
Because the proposed exports will take place over existing international transmission
lines, DEMI submits that the requested authorization does not require the preparation of an
environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
This application is consistent with the North American Free Trade Agreement and U.S.
energy policy and will foster development of a more efficient and competitive North American
energy market. DEMI requests authorityfor export transactions through specified border facilities
even though specific transactions may not yet have been negotiated. DOE has granted export
authority to similarly situated power marketers, and DEMI agrees to abide by the general conditions
set forth in DOE’s prior orders authorizing power marketers to export power.
Per 10 C.F.R. § 205.302 (h), the signed Verification of John Schultz is attached to this
Application as Attachment 1. Additionally, in accordance with 10 C.F. R. § 205.303, the
following Exhibits are attached hereto and made part hereof:
Exhibit A Agreements - Not Applicable
Exhibit B Legal Opinion of Counsel - Attached
Exhibit C Transmission Facilities (Submitted in lieu of Maps) - Attached
Exhibit D Non-U.S. Applicant’s Power of Attorney - Not Applicable
Exhibit E Statement of Corporate Relationship or Existing Contract - Not
Exhibit F Operating Procedures - Not Applicable
Pursuant to the requirement of 10 C.F.R. § 205.309, a copy of this Application is being
provided to:
Secretary Kimberly D. Bose
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Office of the Secretary
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20426
In consideration of the foregoing, DEMI respectfully requests expeditious approval of
this application for the renewal of its authorization to export electric energy to Canada for a term
of ten years on substantially the same terms and conditions as applied to similarly-situated power
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ John Schultz
John Schultz
Direct Energy Marketing Inc.
November 13, 2020
(Not Applicable)
Exhibit B
Legal Opinion
Legal Opinion
I, Bray Dohrwardt, am the Co-Secretary of Direct Energy Marketing Inc. (the “Corporation”) and
act as legal counsel to the Corporation. I have been asked to provide an opinion pursuant to 10 C.F.R. §
205.303(b) with respect to the Corporation’s Renewal of Authorization to Transmit Electric Energy to
Canada (the Renewal) dated November 13, 2020.
I hereby certify on behalf of the Corporation and without personal liability in support of the
Renewal that:
(1) The Corporation is duly incorporated and validly existing under the corporate
laws of the state of Delaware;
(2) The Corporation has the corporate capacity to act in the manner described in the
(3) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the Corporation and its officers
and directors have complied with all pertinent federal and state laws related to the
actions to be undertaken pursuant to the Renewal.
This opinion is limited to the laws of the United States, as they exist at the date set forth
above. I am not assuming any obligation to review or update this opinion should the existing
facts or circumstances change. I express no opinion as to the law of any other jurisdictions. This
opinion is rendered to the Corporation solely in connection with the Renewal, and may not be
relied upon for any other purpose without my prior written consent.
Bray Dohrwardt
Co-Secretary, Direct Energy Marketing Inc.
Date: November 13, 2020
Exhibit C
Description of Export Facilities
(List of Transmission, submitted in lieu of maps)
Present Owner Location Voltage Presidential Permit
Bangor Hydro Electric Co. Baileyville, ME 345 kV PP-89
Basin Electric Power Cooperative Tioga, ND 230 kV PP-64
Bonneville Power Administration Blaine, WA 2x 500 kV PP-10
Nelway, WA 230 kV PP-36
Nelway, WA 230 kV PP-46
Eastern Maine Electric Cooperative Calais, ME 69 kV PP-32
International Transmission Co. Detroit, MI 230 kV PP-230
Marysville, MI 230 kV PP-230
St. Claire, MI 230 kV PP-230
St. Claire, MI 345 kV PP-230
ITC Lake Erie Connector Erie County, PA 320 kV PP-412
Joint Owners of the Highgate Project Highgate, VT 120 kV PP-82
Long Sault, Inc. Massena, NY 2x 115 kV PP-24
Maine Electric Power Co. Houlton, ME 345 kV PP-43
Maine Public Service Co. Limestone, ME 69 kV PP-12
Fort Fairfield, ME 69 kV PP-12
Madawaska, ME 138 kV PP-29
Aroostoock, ME 2x 69 kV PP-29
Minnesota Power Inc. International Falls, MN 115 kV PP-78
Minnesota Power Inc. Roseau County, MN 500 kV PP-398
Minnkota Power Cooperative Roseau County, MN 230 kV PP-61
Montana Alberta Tie Ltd. Cut Bank, MT 230 kV PP-305
Present Owner Location Voltage Presidential Permit
New York Power Authority Massena, NY 765 kV PP-56
Massena, NY 2x 230 kV PP-25
Niagara Falls, NY 2x 345 kV PP-74
Devil’s Hole, NY 230 kV PP-30
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Devil’s Hole, NY 230 kV PP-190
Northern States Power Co. Red River, ND 230 kV PP-45
Roseau County, MN 500 kV PP-63
Rugby, ND 230 kV PP-231
Sea Breeze Olympic Converter LP Port Angeles, WA ±450 kV DC PP-299
Vermont Electric Power Co. Derby Line, VT 120 kV PP-66
Vermont Electric Transmission Co. Norton, VT ±450 kV DC PP-76
Designation of Agent
(Not Applicable)
Exhibit E
Relationships/Contracts Regarding Rates
(Not Applicable)
Exhibit F
Operating Procedures
(Not Applicable)