After the call summary
© 2023 Direct Energy Marketing Limited. All rights reserved. Direct Energy and the Lightning Bolt design are registered trademarks of Direct Energy.
Compiled: Oct. 9, 2023
Important highlights at a glance
The following is a quick overview of the most important elements of the Canadian Winter 2023 Market Update presentation.
Weather outlook
The El Niño Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) region has continued to
experience strong warming trends
(both sea surface/subsurface
temps) since spring and is now in a
moderate El Niño phase, which is
expected to strengthen through
the early winter months before
trailing off in late winter (which is typical of ENSO to peak
mid-winter). When you add other factors to the ENSO
measure, including GLAAM, which is a measure of the
intensity of the zonal circulation around the equator, the
data points to warmer overall risks.
According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National
Agroclimate Information Service, drought conditions have
increased across Canada since August 2022. This would
be expected to continue if we remain in an El Niño phase.
Over the last 20 years, climate trends in the major
Canadian cities include yearly increases in heating degree
days (HDDs) for Calgary (3.8/yr) and Edmonton (4.6/yr),
and yearly decreases in HDDs for Toronto (-7.9/yr) and
Ottawa (-6.2/yr). This is more inconsistent than what we
see across the U.S. and may be attributed to lower
latitudes seeing faster changes in climate and/or Canadian
cities not growing at the same rate as U.S. cities.
Environment Canada winter forecasts
Environment Canada’s forecast
probability for Dec. 2023-February
2024, which shows the percent
chance of a particular region to be
normal, leaning warm, or leaning
cooler during the winter months, is
showing warm leans in higher
percentages across most of Canada.
Powering Ontario’s Growth” plan, released by the Ontario
government, outlines the actions the province is taking to
meet electricity demand over the long term, including:
Expanding nuclear
Building its renewable portfolio
Prioritizing transmission infrastructure
Addressing transmission bottlenecks
CER: On Aug. 10, the federal government released draft
Clean Electricity Regulation (CER), targeting a net-zero
carbon emissions electricity grid by 2035. The final version
is expected in 2024 and, if implemented, would take effect
on Jan. 1, 2025.
Applies to grid-connected fossil fuel generation units
of 25 MW or greater
Applies a carbon intensity cap (prohibition) of 30
tonnes CO
/GWh if there is any net electricity delivery
to the grid storage, end-of-season forecasts are
calling for 3,700-3,900 Bcf by mid-November.
Carbon Tax: continues to increase annually, with the next
rate update/increase occurring on April 1, 2024.
Renewable moratorium: The government announced a
pause on approving any new renewable projects until Feb
2024. The Alberta Utilities Commission, which is
conducting an inquiry for renewable development, will
continue processing applications during the moratorium,
but no approvals will be issued. The AUC also announced
new requirements for new app files on/after Aug. 3.
Regulated Rate Option (RRO) deferral: Consumers on the
RRO saw a rate ceiling of 13.5 cents to alleviate costs
during the cold winter period. The difference between the
approved regulated rates and the price ceiling will be
collected until December 2024 by adding 2-4 cents to the
monthly regulated rate. The government is expected to
announce changes to the current structure.
Market Fundamentals
Natural gas
The story in the U.S.: the lack of winter caused a storage
surplus of 285 Bcf above 5-year average levels (1.83 Tcf
winter exit). Henry Hub gas prices dipped to lows of
$2.32/MMBtu on average so far this summer. Production
remains steady, despite low prices, and was up 4.6 Bcf/day
YTD average vs. last year but growth has stalled. This year
we have set record highs for power burns and LNG
feedgas demand, which are helping to rebalance the
surplus overhang left from last winter.
A big pullback in producer infrastructure observed in this
year’s low-price environment could spell trouble for supply
to keep up with natural declines let alone the second wave
of LNG demand incoming.
What does a winter
El Niño mean?
El Niño conditions
typically indicate
weather for Canada.
After the call summary
© 2023 Direct Energy Marketing Limited. All rights reserved. Direct Energy and the Lightning Bolt design are registered trademarks of Direct Energy.
Compiled: Oct. 9, 2023
Natural gas
(con’t): t
Although near-term fundamentals are bearish, long-term
fundamentals are more bullish as a result of growing
demand for power burn and LNG feedgas.
LNG capacity currently sits at 14.5 Bcf/d.
LNG feedgas has grown +1.1 Bcf/d summer to date
Next LNG wave expected in second half of 2024
Between the U.S. and Mexico, at least 9.4 Bcf
incremental LNG feedgas demand growing to 23.9
Bcf/d by 2028
Canadian LNG demand could grow to 4.4 Bcf/day
Eastern/Western Canadian storage levels: are expected to
exit winter at 50% full for Alberta and 30% full for Dawn.
DemandEastern Canada: demand relatively flat
summer-over-summer at 1.5 Bcf/day, despite moderate
weather. Expecting flat Y-o-Y demand per degree to
continue into winter season.
SupplyWestern Canada: upon completion of expansions
on Nova system, there was record-setting production this
year up to 14.2 Bcf. Fires and maintenance did impact
production, but supply remains strong when the system is
unconstrained. Looking for supply to grow +0.2 Bcf/day
winter-over-winter with risk to the upside.
DemandWestern Canada: demand was 240 Mmcf
higher (up 4.5%) summer-over-summer, mostly
attributable to oil sand growth and strong ResComm
demand. Power burn demand fell 2.3%, in part as a result
of renewable penetration. Largest increase in demand this
winter is driven by increased contracting pulling away
supply at East Gate for exports east to the Midwest/Dawn.
This winter is expected to be slightly tighter in terms of
demand outpacing supply and increasing the need for
storage withdrawals (Y-o-Y increase of 0.3 Bcf/day).
However, we are entering this winter with significantly
more inventory and are still expected to exit winter at
record levels. Overall AECO looks to remain very well
supplied and under bearish pressure this winter and
heading into next year.
Western Canada: Historically, coal generation was the
inframarginal unit setting the market price in AECO,
however the coal-to-gas (CTG) plants, which account for
2.6 GW of gen, are now the inframarginal unit, with a range
of heat rates.
Generation buildout:
4.4 GW is currently under
construction, with an additional 1.8GW with in-service
dates under review.
Economic withholding:
during tight market conditions,
generators can hold back to influence/drive up prices. This
is one of the most impactful short-term fundamentals,
which we would expect to soften going into the back half
of 2024.
AESO fundamentals:
Bullish risks Bullish risks
increased voluntary
carbon/carbon costs
increased volatility on
construction delays for
new generation
coal-to-gas units retiring
early/economic outages
renewables causing
higher hourly volatility
increased renewable
growth/more $0/MWh
increased low heat rate
thermal generation
less economic
Eastern Canada: Ontario market is largely contracted with
high levels of generation buildout, leading to less price
volatility compared to Alberta. Although Ontario is a heat
rate market with power prices closely tied to gas, heat
rates are up in 2023 compared to 2022, and power prices
are down versus 2022, due to nuclear unit refurbishments.
Market renewal: Ontario is expected to implement a
market renewal concept in May 2025 (previously
scheduled to launch in November) that enhances
efficiency via a single schedule market, streamlines the
settlement process and allows for more effective price
signals for future buildout. The key changes include
moving to a nodal market (vs. pool price), using a day-
ahead market to schedule energy, adding tools for
reliability (ERUC), and making enhancements to the
capacity market.
Strategy Considerations
Buying in a contango market:
near-term prices are
showing value, especially over 2022, but the market has
moved from backwardated last year to a contango, so
there is less opportunity for reducing price over the term
by going long-term.
Even though higher than near-term, long-term prices
have fallen. And, there are bullish factors that could impact
longer-term prices in the future, making prices now for the
long-term potentially a value.