VOLUME 40, ARTICLE 52, PAGES 1529-1536
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.52
Descriptive Finding
Incidence of first-marriage divorce among
women in the 1979 panel of the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Lowell L. Hargens
© 2019 Lowell L. Hargens.
This open-access work is published under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Germany (CC BY 3.0 DE), which permits use, reproduction,
and distribution in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source
are given credit.
1 Introduction 1530
2 Data and methods 1531
3 Results 1532
4 Discussion 1534
5 Acknowledgments 1534
References 1535
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 52
Descriptive Finding 1529
Incidence of first-marriage divorce among women in the 1979 panel
of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Lowell L. Hargens
This study seeks to determine whether the likelihood of first-marriage divorce among a
cohort of women who have been adults during the years of the US ‘divorce plateau
matches the level implied by period rates of first-marriage divorce during those years.
I use marital histories for women in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
(NLSY79) to examine the current status of their first marriages and also carry out a
survival analysis that takes into account right censoring and the competing risks of
death and widowhood.
It is likely that at least half of the first marriages of the women in the NLSY79 sample
have already ended in divorce, a level notably higher than those implied by analyses
based on period rates.
This is the first study to examine the marital histories of a cohort US women who are
now in their late 50s and the first to show a level of first-marriage divorce exceeding
50%. It also suggests that the pattern of change in US age-specific divorce rates over
that past four decades accounts for the higher than expected level of first-marriage
divorce shown by the NLSY79 women.
University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Hargens: Incidence of first-marriage divorce among women in the 1979 panel of the NLSY
1. Introduction
Analyses of divorce based on period data indicate that the prevalence of divorce in the
United States rose until the early 1980s, then reached a plateau of around 44%, where it
has remained (Goldstein 1999; Raley and Bumpass 2003). For example, in a series of
papers using multistate life tables to analyze period data, Schoen and his coauthors
show that the proportion of marriages ending in divorce rose to approximately 43% in
1980 and has subsequently stayed near that level (Schoen 1987; Schoen and Weinick
1993; Schoen and Standish 2001; Schoen 2016). Although divorce rates derived from
period data tell us only what would occur if the age-specific rates at a given time point
remained constant for many years, the long-term stability in period-rate based estimates
of divorce suggests that divorce among contemporary cohorts of Americans should also
be attaining a level somewhere around 43% to 45%. To date, however, no one has
attempted to determine if this is true by examining data for such a cohort.
We know that period and cohort measures of divorce can differ substantially when
the period rates show major fluctuations. This is due to the fact that a cohort divorce
rate tells us the level of divorce experienced by an actual cohort of people during their
lifetimes whereas, as noted above, a period divorce rate tells us the level of divorce that
would be experienced by a hypothetical cohort subject to the age-specific divorce rates
present at a given time point. For example, US age-specific divorce rates temporarily
surged after WWII, producing a few period divorce rates far greater than the divorce
rates shown by any of the cohorts alive at that time (Preston and McDonald 1979: 12–
13). In contrast, when divorce rates based on period data have been relatively constant
for many years, it seems plausible that cohorts who lived their adult lives during those
years will show a divorce rate that closely matches the relatively constant period
divorce rates. Below I show that despite its plausibility, this expectation may not be
Our knowledge about the levels of divorce shown by the US birth cohorts that
have experienced the high rates of divorce since 1980 is quite limited. This is partly due
to the fact that the cohorts that have entered adulthood since the late 1970s and early
1980s still have large proportions of their lives ahead of them, so major portions of their
marital histories have not yet taken place. In addition, studies reporting data on divorce
for birth cohorts in their later adult lives (e.g., Stevenson and Wolfers 2007: 31–34) are
based on cross-sectional surveys and are therefore hampered both by reporting errors
and the fact that they are necessarily restricted to survivors, who may not accurately
reflect the level of divorce of their cohort because of the association between marital
status and longevity.
In this note I report results from an analysis of first marriages among members of a
large panel study of US residents born around 1960. The members of this sample are
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 52 1531
now in their late 50s and have lived their adult years during the time that divorce rates
have been at their high plateau. I show both the statuses of their first marriages as of
2014 and also the results of a survival analysis of those marriages.
2. Data and methods
My analysis is based on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth
(NLSY79), which since 1979 has collected data on a sample of US residents who were
15 to 22 years old in 1979. Funded by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and conducted
by the Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR) at the Ohio State University and
the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, NLSY79 collects
extensive data about sample members, including their marital histories. Members of the
sample were contacted annually from 1979 through 1994 and have been contacted
biennially since then. For my analysis of the data I used the basic cross-sectional
NLSY79 sample and used ‘custom weights’ provided by the CHRR. Because of the
unreliability of men’s reports of their marital histories (Bumpass, Martin, and Sweet
1991), I restricted my study to women who have been married at least once in the
NLSY79 sample. The most recent available wave of the survey, fielded in 2014,
gathered data from 77% of the women in the original cross-sectional sample, excluding
those whom the NLSY79 knew to be deceased at that time.
Among the 3,108 women in the cross-sectional NLSY79 sample, there are 2,741
women who have been married at least once. I dropped 29 cases in which those women
reported inconsistent information or information that was too incomplete to construct a
marital history, and therefore have data for 2,712 cases. The CHRR reports that the
multistage sampling design used to collect the 2014 wave of the NLSY79 had a design
effect of 1.2 for sample proportions (see
and-understanding-the-data/standard-errors-design-effects), resulting in a standard error
of 1.15 percentage points for sample percentages close to 50%.
The NLSY79 includes three kinds of information needed to create marital
histories. The first consists of a set of variables created by the CHRR that gives the year
and month of each marriage and each marital dissolution of the NLSY79 sample
members. These variables, however, cover only marital history events as of the last
time a respondent was interviewed and do not specify whether a marriage ended
because of a divorce or because of a spouse’s death. The second kind of information
consists of a set of variables reporting each sample member’s marital status at the time
of each interview, which enables researchers to determine whether a marriage ended in
divorce or widowhood. Finally, there are variables indicating if and why a respondent
was not interviewed in each wave of the study; one possibility is that the respondent has
Hargens: Incidence of first-marriage divorce among women in the 1979 panel of the NLSY
died, allowing researchers to determine whether a marriage ended because of the death
of the sample member. Using all three kinds of information, I constructed the dates of
first marriages and first marriage dissolutions for each woman in the NLSY79 sample
as well as the censoring dates of right-censored cases. For the women whose first
marriages have ended, I coded whether their marriages were ended by divorce,
widowhood, or by their own death. Finally, I also coded whether the women who
reported being still married to their first husbands also reported being separated from
3. Results
Table 1 presents the statuses of the women’s first marriages at the time that they last
reported information to NLSY79. As of 2014 these women were in their early and mid-
50s and only small proportions of their first marriages had been ended by either their
own or their husband’s death. Table 1 also shows that the proportion of women’s first
marriages that have ended in divorce (48.4%) is slightly larger than the proportion
whose marriages were still intact when the NLSY79 last contacted them (46.5%). Note,
however, that 12.9% of the women in the sample reported being in their first marriage
when they were last interviewed by the survey but were not respondents in the 2014
wave of the survey. Sample attrition of the NLSY79 women has been occurring since
the second wave of the study, but because it has been greater in recent years the median
year of attrition is 2002. Thus, about 6.5% of the women in the sample analyzed here
are coded as being still married to their first husbands even though they have not
provided information to the NLSY79 for over a decade.
Given that 48.4% of the NLSY79 women’s first marriages are known to have
already ended in divorce, and that it is likely that there are additional divorces among
(a) the 12.9% who were nonrespondents in the 2014 wave and (b) the 1.9% who were
married but separated from their first husbands in 2014, it seems almost certain that the
proportion of first marriages in the sample that eventually end in divorce will be at least
50% and likely that it has already reached that level. We can gain further evidence on
this point by taking advantage of the fact that the NLSY79 study collected information
on the dates of those marriages and, if they have ended, when they ended. This
information makes it possible to carry out a survival analysis that uses event history
data to control for (a) the right censoring of cases for which no date of marital
dissolution is known and (b) the competing risks of death and widowhood (Allison
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 52 1533
Table 1: Statuses of first marriages of women in the NLSY79
Status of marriages for Percent
2014 respondents and 2014 nonrespondents whose marriages are known to have
Intact, couple together 31.7
Intact, couple separated 1.9
Ended by divorce 48.4
Ended by husband’s death 3.5
Ended by respondent’s death 1.6
2014 nonrespondents reported as still married when last interviewed:
Intact, couple together 12.5
Intact, couple separated 0.4
Total 100.0%
(N) 2,712
Figure 1: Cumulative proportion of first marriages ending in divorce for
women in the NLSY79 study, by duration of marriage
Figure 1 presents the cumulative incidence function produced by the “stcompet”
program available in Stata (Coviello and Boggess 2004) for the likelihood of divorce
among the first marriages of the NLSY79 women. It shows that the proportion of first
marriages that end in divorce reaches 50% at a marital duration of around 25 years and
continues to rise thereafter, albeit slowly, reaching 52% at around 28 years. The median
year that the NLSY79 women contracted their first marriages was 1983 and 80% of
Hargens: Incidence of first-marriage divorce among women in the 1979 panel of the NLSY
them were married by 1988, 26 years before 2014. Thus, the estimates presented in
Figure 1 imply that if nonrespondents to the 2014 wave of NLSY79 had been included
in the study, Table 1 would have shown that over half of the first marriages of the
NLSY79 women have ended in divorce.
4. Discussion
The estimates reported above suggest that the likelihood of divorce among US women
born around 1960 is notably higher than one would expect given the period divorce
rates that have prevailed during their adult years. Because there is no consistent age-
specific divorce-rate series covering the entire period (Kennedy and Ruggles 2014) we
cannot give a conclusive explanation of this inconsistency, but it is likely that changes
in the age pattern of divorce are responsible for it. Specifically, women born around
1960 became young adults when divorce rates were historically high for young adults,
and they have spent their later years during a period when divorce rates for older adults
have risen to historically high levels (Brown and Lin 2012) while declining for those at
younger ages (Kennedy and Ruggles 2014: 594). As a cohort then, these women have
experienced historically high age-specific divorce rates throughout their adult lives. In
fact, if the NLSY79 women experience the divorce rate reported by Brown and Lin
(2012: 737) for women 50–64 years old, the first-marriage divorce rate for the NLSY79
women will reach 55% sometime in the next five years.
Although no one can reliably predict the future course of US age-specific divorce
rates, some have speculated that recent declines in divorce rates for those in their teens
and early 20s foreshadow lower levels of first-marriage divorce among the birth cohorts
that are younger than those examined here (e.g., Stevenson and Wolfers 2007). If so,
the high level of first-marriage divorce shown above will be confined to the birth
cohorts of the 1960s and early 1970s. Another possibility, however, is that continued
increases in the age-specific rates at later ages may result in levels of divorce that are
just as high as those shown above for the NLSY79 women. In that case the results
shown above herald the establishment of a long-term pattern wherein over half of US
first marriages end in divorce.
5. Acknowledgments
This paper benefited from information and advice given by staff members at the Center
for Human Resource Research at Ohio State University and from Jerald Herting,
Charles Hirschman, Barbara Reskin, and Robert Schoen.
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 52 1535
Allison, P.D. (2014). Event history and survival analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Brown, S.L. and Lin, I.-F. (2012). The gray divorce revolution: Rising divorce among
middle-aged and older adults, 1990–2010. Journals of Gerontology Series B
67(6): 731–741. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbs089.
Bumpass, L.L., Martin, T.C., and Sweet, J.A. (1991). The impact of family background
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marital status life tables for the United States, 1995. Population and
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