English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
* This device contains demo phrases (90–99). Once you delete these, they
cannot be recovered. Please back them up as described in “Backing up to
your computer” (p. 14).
* This device will enter Sleep mode (power conservation mode) when ten
hours have elapsed since the last operation, or since the last audio input
while in Stop mode.
If you want to prevent the device from entering Sleep mode, hold down the
pedal while you turn on the power, and continue holding down it down for
ve seconds (p. 18).
Owners Manual
Panel DescriptionsMain Features
1 2 3 4 65
7 8
1. [OUTPUT LOOP] knob
This adjusts the volume level of the loop phrase being played back.
* This knob does not adjust the input level of the INPUT and
AUX IN jacks.
This adjusts the volume level of the rhythm sound (p. 12).
Welcome to the Loop Station!
The RC-3 is a pedal-type recorder that lets you record audio phrases
from your guitar or bass, and play them back by operating the
pedal. You can create a wide variety of performances by layering
sound while you record and carry out play back in real time.
It’s easy to create loop phrases.
Up to 99 dierent loop phrases can be saved in phrase memory,
for a total of approximately 3 hours (* total for all phrases).
You can input audio in stereo.
Sound from a digital audio player connected to the AUX IN jack
can easily be recorded.
Recorded phrases can be copied via USB to your computer, or
WAV les from your computer can be loaded into the RC-3 and
played back as loops (p. 14).
Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled:
on a separate sheet). These sections provide important
information concerning the proper operation of the unit.
Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a
good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, this
manual should be read in its entirety. The manual should be
saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.
Panel Descriptions
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
3. REC, PLAY (DUB) indicator
This lights during recording, playback, and overdubbing.
Indicator Explanation
REC (red) During recording
PLAY (green)
During playback (while loading phrase memory,
or during an internal memory operation: blinks
Both During overdubbing
4. Display
This indicates the current phrase memory number, or various other
information (p. 20).
5. [
] (DOWN) / [ ] (UP) buttons
These decrement or increment the number shown in the display.
6. [WRITE] button
Press this to save the recorded phrase to internal memory (p. 8).
7. [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button
This button turns the rhythm sound on/o (p. 12).
8. [TAP TEMPO] button
Press this button at the desired timing to set the tempo (p. 12).
9. Pedal Switch
This pedal switches you between phrase recording, overdubbing,
and playback. Press the pedal twice in succession to stop playback
(p. 6).
10. Thumbscrew
When this screw is loosened, the pedal will open, allowing you to
change the battery.
* If you’re using the RC-3 only on a battery, the display will
indicate “bt when the battery runs low. Replace the battery
as described on p. 22.
* A battery was installed in the unit before it left the factory.
The life of this battery may be limited, however, since its
primary purpose was to enable testing.
USB connector
You can use a commercially available
USB cable to connect the RC-3 to your
computer, and use the computer to read/
write RC-3 phrases (WAV les) (p. 14).
DC IN jack
Accepts connection of an AC Adaptor (PSA series; optional). By using an AC Adaptor, you
can play without being concerned about how much battery power you have left.
* Use only the specied AC adaptor (PSA series), and connect it to an AC
outlet of the correct voltage. Do not use any other AC adaptor, since this
may cause malfunction.
AUX IN jack
Use a stereo mini-plug cable to
connect your audio player here.
By using the Auto recording function
(p. 11), you can start recording the
moment your audio player begins
OUTPUT A/B jacks
Connect these jacks to your
amp or monitor speakers.
If your system is monaural,
use only the OUTPUT A jack.
Sound that was input in
stereo will also be output
The OUTPUT A jack also operates as
a power switch. The power will be on if
a plug is inserted in the OUTPUT A jack.
Remove the plug when you’re not using
the RC-3.
You can connect a separately available
foot switch (FS-5U, FS-6) here, and
use it to stop playback or to switch
phrases (p. 16).
INPUT A/B jacks
Connect your guitar, bass, or eects unit to these jacks.
Use the INPUT A jack and INPUT B jack when connecting a
stereo-output eects unit. Use only the INPUT A jack if you’re using
a monaural source.
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
* To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers
or other devices, always turn down the volume, and
turn o the power on all devices before making any
* Before connecting or disconnecting any connection
cables, be sure all the volume controls in your system
are set to minimum.
* Use connection cables that do not contain a built-in
resistor. If you use cables that contain a resistor, there
might be insucient volume from the device
connected to the AUX IN jacks, or it might be inaudible.
* Do not connect headphones to the OUTPUT jack. Doing
so may damage the headphones.
Turning On the Power
Inserting a connecting plug into the OUTPUT A jack turns on the
power to the unit.
Once the connections have been completed, turn on power to
your various devices in the order specied. By turning on devices
in the wrong order, you risk causing malfunction and/or damage to
speakers and other devices.
When powering up
Turn on the power to your guitar amp last.
When powering down
Turn o the power to your guitar amp rst.
* This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A brief interval
(a few seconds) after power up is required before the unit will
operate normally.
Caution when turning o the power
While the RC-3 is in the following states, you must never
turn o the power (i.e., disconnect the plug from the
OUTPUT A jack).
Doing so may cause all the saved data to be lost.
While the REC or PLAY indicator is lit
(during recording/playback/overdubbing)
While the PLAY indicator is blinking rapidly
(while phrase memory is being read, or an internal
memory operation is occurring)
Basic Operation
Selecting a Phrase Memory
Use the [ ] / [ ] buttons to select a
phrase memory (1–99).
Display Explanation
Only number
Empty phrase
Press pedal to start recording
Dot in lower right
Phrase containing data
Press pedal to start loop playback
Number and
oS” displayed
One-shot phrase
Press pedal to play phrase only once
(not loop)
To perform recording, overdubbing, and playback, press the pedal as shown in the diagram.
Refer to”Saving a Phrase for One-Shot Playback” (p. 10).
Record your guitar or bass performance, or
the sound from an audio player connected
to the AUX IN jack.
Auto recording (p. 11) lets you start recording the
moment you begin performing.
You can also record along with rhythm sounds (p.
When shipped from the factory, phrases 90–99 contain
demo phrases.
“Recording versus “Overdubbing”
In this manual, we refer to the act of recording to an empty
phrase for the rst time as “recording. Any subsequent
recordings that are made, which are added on top of the
existing recording, we refer to as “overdubbing.
Basic Operation
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
Loop Playback
Play back phrases as loops.
Pressing the pedal switches the unit to
During overdubbing or loop playback, you
can stop by pressing the pedal twice in
Layer your performances while the phrase
plays as a loop.
Pressing the pedal switches the unit to
Press twice
You can Undo and Redo (p. 10).
To use the Memory Shift function, press the [
] / [ ]
buttons while a phrase is playing; the phrase memory
number will blink, allowing you to select the next
phrase (p. 17).
Press the pedal twice within one second.
Basic Operation
* While phrase memory is being read, the
PLAY (green) indicator will blink rapidly.
Never turn o the power while the PLAY
indicator is blinking rapidly.
* The minimum recording time for a loop phrase is
approximately 1.5 seconds. If you press the pedal
within approximately 1.5 seconds after you start
recording, recording will continue until the phrase is at
least approximately 1.5 seconds long.
* The maximum recording time for a loop phrase is
approximately 3 hours (total for all phrases). When
the maximum recording time is exceeded, the display
will show “FL to indicate that internal memory is full,
and recording or overdubbing may end before you
intended. If this occurs, delete unneeded phrases (p.
9) and then try the operation again.
* If you use the Memory Shift function before saving a
phrase, that phrase will be erased. For details on how to
save a phrase, refer to p. 8.
Saving a Phrase
If you select a dierent phrase memory or turn o the power after
recording or overdubbing, the phrase you recorded will be lost. If
you want to keep the phrase, you must save it.
1. While playback is stopped, press the [WRITE] button.
The display will indicate
2. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons to specify the save-
destination phrase memory.
You can skip this step if you want to save to the currently
selected phrase.
You can’t select a phrase memory in which a phrase has already
been saved.
The maximum recording time is a total of approximately 3 hours
for all phrases (including the phrase that has not been saved).
If the phrase cannot be saved because there is insucient free
memory, the display will indicate FL alternately with the
phrase memory number. In this case, delete unneeded phrases
(p. 9) and then try the operation again.
3. Press the [WRITE] button once again; the phrase will
be saved.
If you decide not to save the phrase, press the [TAP TEMPO]
button, the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button, or the pedal.
Basic Operation
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
While the phrase is being saved, the number in the display and
the PLAY indicator will blink rapidly.
* Never turn o the power while the PLAY indicator is
blinking rapidly. This may cause all saved data to be
* Please be aware that the contents of memory can
be irretrievably lost as a result of a malfunction or
improper operation of the unit. You should back up
important data as described in “Backing up to your
computer” (p. 14).
* All due care is taken during repairs to avoid the loss
of data. However, in certain cases, such as when there
is damage to the memory, it may not be possible to
restore the data.
* Unfortunately, it may be impossible to restore the
contents of data that was stored in the unit’s memory
once it has been lost. Roland Corporation assumes no
liability concerning such loss of data.
Deleting a Phrase
* This device contains demo phrases (90–99). Once you delete
these, they cannot be recovered. Please back them up as
described in “Backing up to your computer” (p. 14).
1. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons to select the phrase
memory that you want to delete.
2. While playback is stopped, hold down the [WRITE]
button for at least two seconds.
The display will indicate dL.
* At this point, you can’t change the phrase memory number
that will be deleted.
3. Press the [WRITE] button to delete the phrase.
If you decide not to delete the phrase, press the [TAP TEMPO]
button, the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button, or the pedal.
While the phrase is being deleted, the number in the display
and the PLAY indicator will blink rapidly.
* Never turn o the power while the PLAY indicator is blinking
rapidly. This may cause all saved data to be lost.
Basic Operation
Saving a Phrase for One-Shot Playback
One-shot playback will play the phrase once from the beginning to
the end, and then stop automatically.
1. Hold down the [TAP TEMPO] button and press the
[WRITE] button.
The display will indicate oS.
2. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons to specify the save-
destination phrase memory.
3. Press the [WRITE] button once again; the phrase will
be saved as a one-shot phrase.
If you decide not to save the phrase, press the [TAP TEMPO]
button, the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button, or the pedal.
* Overdubbing is disabled when one-shot playback is in eect.
If the pedal is pressed during playback of the phrase, the
phrase starts playing from the beginning again (retrigger
* You need to save the phrase over again in order to cancel
one-shot playback (return to loop playback). (p. 8)
* If you want to stop a One-Shot phrase while it is playing back,
press the pedal twice within a period of 0.5 seconds.
Cancelling an Overdub (Undo/Redo/Clear)
You can undo/redo/clear by holding down the pedal for at least
two seconds.
Hold down the pedal for at least two
seconds during playback or overdubbing;
the recording or the most recent
overdubbing will be cancelled.
If you want to restore the cancelled sound,
hold down the pedal for at least two seconds
while playback once again.
* Redo is only available for overdubbing.
Hold down the pedal for at least two
seconds while stopped; the current phrase
will be cleared. (Clear is temporary; phrases
saved in phrase memory will not be deleted.)
During Undo/Redo, the PLAY and REC indicators will blink rapidly.
During Clear, the PLAY indicator will blink rapidly.
Basic Operation
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
Auto Recording/Count-In Recording Functions
Auto recording” starts recording the moment you begin playing
your guitar or play back your audio player. “Count-in sounds the
rhythm for one measure before recording starts.
1. Hold down the [TAP TEMPO] button for at least two
The display will indicate no.
2. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons to select the desired
recording mode, and then press the pedal to start
Mode Explanation
Recording will begin the instant you press
the pedal.
The REC indicator will blink rapidly, and the
RC-3 will enter recording-standby mode.
When you begin playing, the REC indicator
will light and recording will start.
Mode Explanation
The [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button will blink.
When you press the pedal, the REC indicator
will blink rapidly, and the rhythm will sound
for one measure. (You can stop by pressing
the pedal during this time.) When the one
measure of playback has ended, recording
will start. (The rhythm will continue
sounding even after recording has begun.)
For more about the rhythm settings, refer to
About Rhythm (p. 12).
The recording mode will be reset to Normal recording when you
turn o the power.
About Rhythm
Sounding a Rhythm
1. Press the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button to switch the
rhythm sound between playing and stopped.
Use the [OUTPUT RHYTHM] knob to adjust the volume of the
The [TAP TEMPO] button will blink in time with the rhythm (red
on the rst beat, green on subsequent beats).
When you save a phrase (p. 8), the rhythm type and time
signature selected at that time will also be saved.
Setting the Tempo
When recording, you can set the tempo before you start recording.
When playing back a saved phrase, you can change the playback
tempo without changing the pitch of the phrase.
1. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons to select the phrase
memory whose tempo you want to set.
2. Press the [TAP TEMPO] button several times at the
desired tempo.
The tempo will be set to the interval at which you press the
If the RC-3 is stopped, the rhythm ([RHYTHM ON/OFF] button)
will turn on after you set the tempo.
* You can only change the tempo of phrases that have been
saved in phrase memory. If you want to change the tempo of
a phrase immediately after recording or overdubbing, you
must rst save it to phrase memory (p. 8).
* There are limitations on the proportion of the possible tempo
* You can’t specify a tempo that would cause the phrase to
loop in a shorter time than the minimum recording time
(approximately 1.5 seconds).
The tempo setting is stored when you save the phrase (p. 8).
Setting the Rhythm Type
1. Hold down the [RHYTHM
ON/OFF] button for at
least two seconds.
The display will indicate
r0r9”; the RC-3 is now
in rhythm type selection mode.
2. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons
to select the desired
rhythm type (r0r9).
3. Press the [RHYTHM ON/
OFF] button to return to
normal operation.
Rhythm Type List
Kick & Hi-Hat
Rock 1
Rock 2
R & B
About Rhythm
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
Setting the Time Signature
You can set the time signature before you start recording.
* You can’t change the time signature after recording.
1. Hold down the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button for at least
two seconds.
The display will indicate r0r9”; the RC-3 is now in rhythm
type selection mode.
2. While in rhythm type selection mode, hold down the
[RHYTHM ON/OFF] button once again for at least two
The display will indicate b4 or
b3”; the RC-3 is now in time
signature selection mode.
3. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons
to select the desired time
4. Press the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button to return to
normal operation.
Recording with the rhythm sound
If you record while the rhythm sound is on, recording will
start from the beginning of the measure the instant you
press the pedal to initiate recording.
By using the “Count-in recording function (p. 11), you can
start recording after the rhythm sound has played back for
one measure.
Regardless of the timing at which you press the
pedal to end recording, the length of the phrase will
automatically be adjusted to units of one measure.
Recording without the rhythm sound
If you record while the rhythm sound is o, the tempo of
the phrase will be automatically specied after recording
has ended.
The automatic tempo setting is calculated by assuming that
you have recorded “1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... measures in the specied
time signature (p. 13).
4/4 beat
3/4 beat
Connecting to Your Computer via USB
You can connect the RC-3 to your computer via a commercially
available USB cable, and back up RC-3 phrases (WAV les) to your
computer or load WAV les from your computer to the RC-3.
Playable WAV le formats
Data Format WAV
Bit Rate 16-bit linear, stereo
Sampling Frequency 44.1 kHz
Maximum WAV le size is 1.7 GB (total of all les), maximum time is
approximately 3 hours (total of all phrases), and minimum time is
approximately 1.5 seconds.
1. Turn on the RC-3’s power (insert a plug into the
OUTPUT A jack).
* The RC-3 will not operate on USB bus power. We recommend
that you use an AC adaptor (sold separately) to ensure that
the power does not turn o while connected via USB.
2. Use a commercially available
USB cable to connect the
RC-3’s USB connector to your
computer’s USB connector
(a connector that supports USB 2.0 Hi-Speed).
The display will indicate Cn.
* You can’t make USB connections if the RC-3 is not stopped, or
if there is a phrase that has not been saved.
3. Back up the phrases as described below.
Windows users
Within My Computer (or Computer), open “BOSS_RC-3” (or
Removable Disk).
Mac OS users
On the desktop, open the “BOSS_RC-3” icon.
Backing up to your computer
Copy the entire “ROLAND” folder from the BOSS_RC-3 drive to
your computer.
Recovering backed-up data from your computer to the RC-3
* Performing this operation will erase all phrases that are
currently saved in the RC-3. Be sure to make a backup before
you proceed.
In the BOSS_RC-3 drive, delete the “ROLAND” folder, and then
copy the backed-up “ROLAND” folder from your computer to
the BOSS_RC-3 drive.
Writing individual WAV les from your computer to the
RC-3’s phrase memory
You can copy WAV les from your computer to the
“001_1”–”099_1” folders within the “ROLAND”–”WAVE”
folder in the BOSS_RC-3 drive. (The XX in “0XX_1” is the phrase
memory number.)
Connecting to Your Computer via USB
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
* Do not delete the folders inside the BOSS_RC-3 drive unless
you are performing a recovery operation.
* You can use the following characters in le names.
A–Z (uppercase letters), 0–9 (numerals), _ (underscore)
* Do not place more than one WAV le in any folder. If a folder
already contains a WAV le, do not overwrite it. Write your
WAV les into empty folders.
4. When you’ve nished copying WAV les, disconnect
the USB drive as follows.
Windows 7 users
In the lower right of your screen, click the [ ] icon g [ ]
icon, and then click “Eject RC-3.
Windows Vista/Windows XP users
In the lower right of your screen, click the [ ] icon ([ ] in XP)
and then click “Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device.
Mac OS users
Drag the “BOSS_RC-3” icon to the trash (“Eject icon).
5. Disconnect the USB cable from your computer.
When you have disconnected the USB cable, the display will
indicate “dC and the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button will blink.
6. Press the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button to return to
normal operation.
The “dC indication will disappear from the display, and the
RC-3 will return to normal operation.
* Never use your computer to format the “BOSS_RC-3”
drive. Doing so will cause the RC-3 to stop operating
correctly. If this occurs, executing the format using
the procedure described in “Formatting the Internal
Memory (p. 19).
* Never perform the following actions until you have
disconnected the USB drive. Doing so might make your
computer freeze, or might result in the loss of all of the
RC-3’s data.
Disconnect the USB cable.
Allow your computer to enter suspend (standby) or
hibernate mode, restart it, or shut it down.
Turn o the RC-3’s power.
* Unfortunately, it may be impossible to restore the
contents of data that was stored in the unit’s memory
once it has been lost. Roland Corporation assumes no
liability concerning such loss of data.
Connecting to an External Footswitch
Connect your foot switch to the STOP/MEMORY SHIFT jack as shown in the illustration, and set its POLARITY switch.
When Connecting an FS-5U
When Connecting Two FS-5Us
When Connecting an FS-6
Stereo 1/4” phone type
Stereo 1/4” phone type
Stereo 1/4” phone type
1/4” phone type x 2
1/4” phone type
1/4” phone type
Connecting to an External Footswitch
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
When Connecting an FS-5U
* The FS-5L cannot be used.
Operation Explanation
While recording/playing/overdubbing, press the
foot switch to stop.
Tempo setting
While stopped, you can press the foot switch
several times to set the tempo.
Clear phrase
To clear the phrase, hold down the foot switch
for at least two seconds (p. 10).
When Connecting Two FS-5Us or an FS-6
When you operate an FS-5U connected to the white plug
(stereo L side) or pedal B of an FS-6
The operation will be the same as when a single FS-5U is connected.
When you operate an FS-5U connected to the red plug
(stereo R side) or pedal A of an FS-6
Operation Explanation
Memory shift (up)
When you press the foot switch, the
next-numbered phrase memory will be
If you press the foot switch during
playback, the newly selected phrase
memory number will blink in the display,
and the phrase memory will be changed
when the currently playing phrase has
Memory shift (down)
When you hold down the foot switch for at
least two seconds, the previous-numbered
phrase memory will be selected.
* If the current phrase has not been saved, that phrase will be
lost when you perform the memory shift. For details on how
to save a phrase, refer to p. 8.
If you perform the memory shift operation near the end of the
phrase, there may be cases in which the shift-destination phrase
memory will not be selected.
You can also perform memory shift operations by pressing the
] / [ ] buttons.
Other Settings
About Sleep Mode
When ten hours have elapsed since the last operation or audio
input, the RC-3 will enter sleep mode (power conservation mode;
only the bypass sound will be output). From sleep mode, you can
press the pedal to return to normal mode.
* Battery power continues to be consumed even in sleep
mode. To prevent battery consumption, turn o the power by
removing the plug from the OUTPUT A jack.
* The RC-3 will not enter sleep mode if there is a phrase that has
not been saved.
Disabling Sleep Mode
1. While holding down the pedal, turn on the power
(insert a plug into the OUTPUT A jack).
2. Continue holding down the pedal for ve seconds.
The display will blink __.
3. Release the pedal; the RC-3 will resume normal
Enabling Sleep Mode (default setting)
1. While holding down the pedal, turn on the power
(insert a plug into the OUTPUT A jack).
2. Within two seconds after the display appears, step
on the pedal two more times.
The display will blink SL.
After two seconds, the RC-3 will resume normal operation; sleep
mode will be enabled.
Other Settings
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
Changing the Switching Order of Recording g
Overdubbing g Playback
When you press the pedal, the RC-3 will switch its operation in the
order of recording g overdubbing g playback (default setting)
(p. 6). However, you can change this so that the order is recording g
playback g overdubbing (RC-2 compatible).
1. While holding down the [TAP TEMPO] button, turn
on the power (insert a plug into the OUTPUT A jack).
2. Use the [
] / [ ] buttons to select the desired mode.
Operation will switch in the order of Recording g
Overdubbing g Playback (default setting).
Operation will switch in the order of Recording g
Playback g Overdubbing (RC-2 compatible).
3. Press the [TAP TEMPO] button to return to normal
Formatting the Internal Memory
* When you format the RC-3’s internal memory, all phrase
memories that were saved will be erased, and cannot be
Do not format the internal memory unless the display
indicates “Er and the RC-3 has stopped operating correctly.
1. While holding down the [WRITE] button and the
[RHYTHM ON/OFF] button, turn on the power (insert
a plug into the OUTPUT A jack).
The display will indicate FN.
2. Press the [RHYTHM ON/OFF] button once again.
The display will blink FN.
3. Press the [WRITE] button; formatting of the internal
memory will begin.
The indication “FN in the display will blink rapidly. When
formatting is completed, the RC-3 will return to normal
* Never turn o the power while FN is blinking rapidly.
Problem Action
Recording does not end
immediately when you press
the pedal
If rhythm is on, or if you recorded a phrase that is shorter than the minimum recording time (approximately
1.5 seconds), the length of the phrase is adjusted automatically; this may mean that recording does not end
immediately when you press the pedal.
Recording started
immediately even though
Auto recording mode is
If due to distortion or other causes there is a signicant amount of noise, that noise may be enough to
trigger the beginning of recording. Reduce the noise, for example by lowering the distortion level.
Cannot change the playback
You cannot change the playback tempo in the following situations.
If the phrase has not been saved.
While phrases are being switched (PLAY indicator blinking rapidly).
When you attempt to set the tempo for a phrase that is looped over an interval shorter than the
minimum recording time (approximately 1.5 seconds).
Error Message List
Display Meaning Action Page
The battery has run low. Replace the battery. p. 22
Memory is full. Delete unneeded phrases. p. 9
This WAV le is unplayable. Check the format of the WAV le. p. 14
Further overdubbing is not possible. Re-save the phrase. p. 8
Internal memory must be formatted. Format the RC-3’s internal memory. p. 19
The RC-3 has malfunctioned. Contact your dealer.
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
Other Display Indications
Display Explanation Page
Phrase memory number
p. 6
. (dot)
Phrase memory containing data
One-shot phrase p. 10
p. 10
Save phrase p. 8
Delete phrase p. 9
Normal recording
p. 11
Auto recording
Count-in recording
Rhythm type p. 12
Time signature p. 13
USB connected
p. 14
USB disconnected
Display Explanation Page
Sleep mode enabled
p. 18
Sleep mode disabled
Switch in the order of record/overdub/
p. 19
Switch in the order of record/play/
Format internal memory p. 19
Changing the Battery
If the display indicates bt, the battery has run low. Replace the
battery as described below.
* The use of an AC adaptor is recommended as the unit’s power
consumption is relatively high. Should you prefer to use
batteries, please use the alkaline type.
* The contents of internal memory will not be lost when you
replace the battery, but we recommend that you make regular
backups (p. 14) for safety’s sake.
Battery Housing
Spring Base
Coil Spring
Guide Bush Hole
Battery Snap Cord
9 V Battery
* Incorrect handling of batteries, rechargeable
batteries, or a battery charger can cause leakage,
overheating, re, or explosion. Before use, you must
read and strictly observe all of the precautions that
accompany the batteries, rechargeable batteries, or
battery charger.
1. Loosen the thumbscrew at the front of the pedal,
then lift the pedal upwards to open the unit.
* The thumbscrew can be left in the pedal while changing the
2. Remove the old battery from the battery housing,
and remove the battery snap connected to it.
3. Connect the battery snap to the new battery, and
place the battery inside the battery housing.
* Be sure to carefully observe the battery’s polarity (+ versus -).
4. Slip the coil spring onto the spring base on the back
of the pedal, then close the pedal.
* Carefully avoid getting the snap cord caught in the coil
5. Finally, insert the thumbscrew into the guide bush
hole and fasten it securely.
English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands
Recording, duplication, distribution, sale, lease, performance, or
broadcast of copyrighted material (musical works, visual works,
broadcasts, live performances, etc.) belonging to a third party in
part or in whole without the permission of the copyright owner is
forbidden by law.
Do not use this product for purposes that could infringe on a
copyright held by a third party. We assume no responsibility
whatsoever with regard to any infringements of third-party
copyrights arising through your use of this product.
The copyright of content in this product (the sound waveform
data, style data, accompaniment patterns, phrase data, audio
loops and image data) is reserved by Roland Corporation.
Purchasers of this product are permitted to utilize said content
for the creating, performing, recording and distributing original
musical works.
Purchasers of this product are NOT permitted to extract
said content in original or modied form, for the purpose of
distributing recorded medium of said content or making them
available on a computer network.
BOSS and Loop Station are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Roland Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries.
All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
The screen shots in this document are used in compliance with
the guidelines of the Microsoft Corporation.
MMP (Moore Microprocessor Portfolio) refers to a patent
portfolio concerned with microprocessor architecture, which was
developed by Technology Properties Limited (TPL). Roland has
licensed this technology from the TPL Group.
The SD logo (
) and SDHC logo ( ) are trademarks of
This product contains eCROS integrated software platform of
eSOL Co.,Ltd.
eCROS is a trademark of eSOL Co., Ltd. in Japan.
Featuring digital fonts by Yourname, Inc.
Digital font: Copyright © Yourname, Inc.
© 2011 Roland Corporation
Nominal Input Level
INPUT: -20 dBu
AUX IN: -10 dBu
Input Impedance
AUX IN: 22 kΩ
Nominal Output Level -20 dBu
Output Impedance 1 kΩ
Recommended Load
10 kΩ or larger
Maximum recording time: Approx. 3 hours
Maximum number of stored phrases: 99 phrases
Data format: WAV (44.1 kHz, 16-bit linear,
USB Interface USB 2.0/1.1 mass storage device class
Power Supply
DC 9 V:
Alkaline battery (9 V, 6LR61),
AC Adaptor (PSA-series: sold separately)
Current Draw
Maximum 70 mA (DC 9 V)
Alkaline battery (9 V, 6LR61)
Approx. 3 hours
* These gures will vary depending on
the actual conditions of use.
73 (W) x 129 (D) x 59 (H) mm
2-7/8 (W) x 5-1/8 (D) x 2-3/8 (H) inches
Weight 450 g/1 lb (including battery)
Owners Manual,
“IMPORTANT NOTES, and “Information”),
Alkaline battery (9 V, 6LR61): already
installed in unit
* The battery that was supplied
with the unit is for temporary use,
intended primarily for testing
the unit’s operation. We suggest
replacing this with an alkaline dry
(sold separately)
AC Adaptor (PSA series)
Foot Switch: FS-5U, FS-6
* 0 dBu= 0.775 Vrms
* In the interest of product improvement, the specications
and/or appearance of this unit are subject to change without
prior notice.
BOSS RC-3: Loop Station