We study patterns of behavior in bilateral bargaining situations using a rich
new data set describing back-and-forth sequential bargaining occurring in over
25 million listings from eBay’s Best Offer platform. We compare observed behav-
ior to predictions from the large theoretical bargaining literature. One-third of
bargaining interactions end in immediate agreement, as predicted by complete-
information models. The majority of sequences play out differently, ending in dis-
agreement or delayed agreement, which have been rationalized by incomplete
information models. We find that stronger bargaining power and better outside
options improve agents’ outcomes. Robust empirical findings that existing mod-
els cannot rationalize include reciprocal (and gradual) concession behavior and
delayed disagreement. Another robust pattern at odds with existing theory is
that players exhibit a preference for making and accepting offers that split the
difference between the two most recent offers. These observations suggest that
behavioral norms, which are neither incorporated nor explained by existing the-
ories, play an important role in the success of bargaining outcomes. JEL Codes:
C78, D82, D83, M21.
Bilateral bargaining is one of the oldest and most common
forms of trade. Nations negotiate trade deals, arms control, and
climate change mitigation; legislators engage in horse-trading
to build coalitions and pass legislation; business people haggle
over contracts from corporate acquisitions to labor agreements;
lawyers wrangle settlements both civil and criminal, and private
individuals bargain over wages, real estate, and the allocation of
We are grateful to eBay for allowing us to make the data used herein acces-
sible and publicly available. We thank Luis Cabral, Peter Cramton, John Horton,
Emin Kara
glu, Saul Lach, Axel Ockenfels, and Jean Tirole for thoughtful
comments. We thank Brenden Eum, Yuyang Jiang, Ziao Ju, Rebecca Li, Carol Lu,
Sharon Shiao, Caio Waisman, and Chuan Yu for outstanding research assistance.
Part of this research was supported by NSF Grant SES-1629060.
The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Presi-
dent and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
The Quarterly Journal of Economics (2020), 1–43. doi:10.1093/qje/qjaa003.
household chores. Bargaining determines the allocation of surplus
in these settings, as well as the likelihood of breakdown—the lat-
ter with real economic and human costs. Therefore, understand-
ing how people bargain, and the institutions, norms, and practices
that affect bargaining outcomes, is of first-order importance.
Over the past 60 years, a large body of literature in economics
has examined various aspects of bargaining in theory and in
laboratory experiments. The theoretical literature typically
assumes a particular information structure and extensive form of
the game, which can sometimes be implemented in a controlled
laboratory setting. Bargaining in real-world settings, however,
tends to be less structured, and as a consequence, little evidence
has been presented about how people bargain in the field and
how prices actually form in real-world negotiations. Indeed,
Fudenberg, Levine, and Tirole (1985) explained that the “thorny
issue” arising in much of the bargaining literature is that the
researcher does not actually know the extensive form of real-
world, often unstructured bargaining scenarios. For example, a
street vendor bargaining over price might state an offer, watch
the reaction of the buyer, and immediately state a lower price
without waiting for a spoken response. It is unclear whether this
situation should be modeled with alternating offers, one-sided
offers, a concession game, or some other structure.
The advent of online marketplaces provides new opportuni-
ties to study negotiations in a real-world setting, where the exten-
sive form of the game is similar to those studied in the theoretical
and experimental literature, and where the data collected are on
a massive scale. In this article, we use data from over 88 million
listings on the Best Offer platform, where sellers offer
items at a listed price and invite buyers to engage in alternating,
sequential-offer bargaining, very much in the spirit of Rubinstein
an offer, initiating the alternating-offer game, resulting in over
25 million bargaining sequences. In this s etting, we document a
variety of facts on how bargaining proceeds and how prices form,
and we find evidence consistent with the most salient predictions
of economic theory. At the same time, we document robust pat-
terns that suggest that behavioral factors based on reciprocal and
equitable norms play a significant role in bargaining outcomes.
Although more widely known for its auctions and fixed-price
listings, eBay has offered sales through alternating-offer bargain-
ing for over a decade. Our data come from eBay’s Best Offer
platform, through which almost 10% of eBay transaction volume
occurs as buyer-seller pairs engage in alternating-offer bargain-
ing. Given the sheer volume of trade on eBay and the simple
extensive form of the game, the Best Offer platform provides a
useful setting for studying the determination of agreed-on prices
in sequential bargaining situations. The bargaining in this setting
is only over a single dimension (price), making it more straight-
forward to analyze than many other bargaining settings (such
as procurement contracts; Bajari, McMillan, and Tadelis 2009),
while still yielding the benefit of being a real-world setting. Fur-
thermore, the data allow us to link buyers and sellers over time.
Our data set is, to our knowledge, the largest offer-level negotia-
tions data set to be analyzed in the literature.
Section II describes background on the Best Offer platform
and introduces our data set. Section III then documents how
patterns observed in the data relate to a variety of game-theoretic
models of bargaining. We provide a breakdown of how bargaining
sequences unfold in practice and the frequency with which
different responses and outcomes occur. We find that there are
often few back-and-forth offers in a given bargaining pair, which
is predicted by complete-information, common-priors models of
bargaining, such as the classical Rubinstein (1982) model. Bar-
gaining also frequently ends in disagreement early on, consistent
with the incomplete information model of Perry (1986).Some
interactions involve a delay and end in agreement, consistent
with other models of incomplete information (Rubinstein 1985;
Grossman and Perry 1986; Gul and Sonnenschein 1988). How-
ever, a number of sequences end in disagreement after a delay,
with Cramton (1992) being the only exception we are aware of.
In Section IV we examine several conventional drivers of
bargaining outcomes. Bargaining differs when players bargain
over expensive versus inexpensive products in a way that is
consistent with fixed costs of bargaining playing a role, as op-
posed to the more commonly modeled discount-factor approach.
We examine several forms of bargaining strength. We nd that
1. In cooperation with eBay, we anonymized the data set and made
it publicly available for research purposes. The data can be accessed at or by contacting the authors. We hope
that it will further fuel the recent surge of empirical work studying bargain-
ing in economics and stimulate additional work in the area, both empirical and
buyers who are more experienced in bargaining on this platform
(as measured by the number of previous Best Offer negotiations
the buyer has participated in) also tend to achieve lower final
prices, and experienced sellers achieve higher final prices. These
results are consistent with common models of bargaining in which
aplayersbargainingpoweraffectsoutcomes(Rubinstein 1982,
1985; Watson 1998); they are also consistent with laboratory ev-
idence (Rapoport, Erev, and Zwick 1995)andsurveydata(Scott
Morton, Silva-Risso, and Zettelmeyer 2011), but to our knowledge
have not been previously confirmed with data from actual bargain-
ing outcomes.
We also nd evidence that bargaining games in
which multiple buyers negotiate with the same seller—improving
the seller’s outside option with each buyer—yield higher prices for
the seller, and vice versa. Furthermore, we document that listings
containing more photos (a measure of reduced severity of adverse
selection) tend to more quickly receive buyer offers and tend to
yield higher negotiated prices.
In Section V we document some patterns unexplained by ex-
isting bargaining theories, which exhibit flavors of reciprocity.
First, we find that bargaining offers tend to change gradually over
the course of the bargaining interaction. This is in contrast to a
number of existing bargaining models, in which any delay in bar-
gaining is war-of-attrition-like delay: no information is revealed
until one party concedes everything, completely revealing her val-
uation to the opponent. In contrast, the behavior we observe is
consistent with a gradual revelation of information and a gradual
concession of bargaining positions. We demonstrate furthermore
that this gradualism is reciprocal: the opponent responds to stub-
bornness by not conceding and to concession by reciprocating with
more concession.
We show that players often make offers lying halfway
between their previous offer and their opponent’s current offer.
We further demonstrate that such split-the-difference offers
have a higher likelihood of being accepted—higher even than
some offers that would be even more favorable in money terms
for the accepting party. Such behavior is not consistent with any
existing theory of rational behavior, but it may be consistent with
2. One study documenting causal evidence on delay in bargaining from field
data (but not actual offer data) is Ambrus, Chaney, and Salitsky (2018), studying
delay induced by travel times of Spanish ransom teams negotiating with North
African pirates in the 1600s.
behavioral norms; similar split-the-difference behavior is dis-
cussed throughout the experimental and theoretical behavioral
bargaining literature, in which market participants may care
about fairness and often favor a s plit-the-difference strategy (Roth
and Malouf 1979; Roth 1985; Binmore, Shaked, and Sutton 1985;
Bolton 1991; Bolton and Ockenfels 2000; Charness and Rabin
2002; Andreoni and Bernheim 2009). A distinction in the setting
we study is that here players are splitting the difference between
two previous price offers, not necessarily a known surplus.
Our article is related to a growing literature studying ne-
gotiated price settings. Many such papers have only data on fi-
nal negotiated prices and only for cases in which trade occurs,
such as in Crawford and Yurukoglu (2012).Incontrast,weob-
serve all back-and-forth offers, even for bargaining interactions
that failed to reach an agreement. Similar data sets, although
smaller than ours in size and scope, are analyzed in Keniston
(2011), Bagwell, Staiger, and Yurukoglu (2017), Hernandez-
Arenaz and Iriberri (2018), Larsen and Zhang (2018), Larsen
(2019),andBackus, Blake, and Tadelis (2019a, 2019b).Several
papers provide tests of implications of bargaining theory, as ours
does, such as Scott Morton, Silva-Risso, and Zettelmeyer (2011)
and Grennan and Swanson (2019).
The large scale of our data and the variation across several
measures of heterogeneity help paint a useful and comprehen-
sive picture of sequential bargaining in the real world that adds
great detail to the existing literature. The patterns we uncover
confirm some of the most basic insights of bargaining theory, yet
reveal behaviors that are not explained by conventional theoret-
ical approaches. As such, the patterns we uncover suggest that
further developments in the theory of bargaining are warranted,
especially those that more seriously consider aspects of reciprocity
and fairness. In turn, such new theoretical insights can shed light
on how to better design platforms that increase gains from trade.
eBay is one of the world’s largest online marketplaces
for consumer-to-consumer transactions. It began in 1995 using
second-price-like auctions as the sole format for transacting on
its platform. The site eventually allowed users the option of
selling goods through a single posted fixed price. In 2005, the
site began to allow sellers to sell through an alternating-offer
Growth of Best Offer
This figure depicts the percentage of gross market value made up by three
mechanisms on the eBay platform—Best Offer, auctions, and fixed-price listings—
from 2005 to 2016, computed from internal eBay data. The calculation for fixed-
price listings includes Best Offer sales. The calculation for Best Offer includes only
listings that were bargained; it does not include Best-Offer-enabled listings that
sold at the listing price.
protocol referred to as Best Offer. This feature can be enabled (at
no cost) by the seller at the creation of the listing and is only avail-
able for fixed-price listings—there is no equivalent mechanism for
The Best Offer platform is currently a fast-growing sales for-
mat on eBay. Figure I shows the growth of this format relative to
auctions and fixed-price listings over the past 10 years. In 2005,
when the format was first rolled out, only a tiny fraction of list-
ings were Best Offer listings, less than 1% of all eBay transactions
occurred through a buyer actually placing an offer (rather than
accepting the Buy It Now price). By 2012, that fraction had grown
to just under 9%.
Goods offered for sale under the Best Offer format are listed
as “accepts Best Offer” in eBay search results.
Throughout, we
refer to these postings as Best Offer listings. A buyer viewing a
Best Offer listing sees similar information to a buyer viewing a
fixed-price listing (referred to as a Buy-It-Now listing), including
3. Potential buyers may filter search results to display only those listings that
accept offers.
Best Offer User Interface
This figure depicts the “view item” page for a listing with Best Offer enabled.
The potential buyer may click on “Buy It Now” to purchase the painting at the
listed price of $746.40—or they may click on “Make Offer” and be prompted to
propose a price.
the listing title, seller ID and feedback score, at least one picture
of the item, and any other information about the item that the
seller decides to display.
The buyer sees the Buy-It-Now price,
as in a standard fixed-price listing, but also sees an additional
option, a button labeled “Make Offer, as illustrated in Figure II.
Selecting the Make Offer button allows the buyer to send an offer
to the seller. As such, we treat the Buy-It-Now price (equivalently,
“listing price”) as the seller’s first offer to any buyer who wished
to bargain.
Upon receiving this offer, the seller may accept the offer,
make a counteroffer, or decline the offer (without making a
4. Throughout, we use the term “buyer” to refer to the user interested in
potentially buying the item whether or not the transaction actually occurs.
5. The observant reader will notice the Add a message to seller” option in
Figure II.Thedatasetaccompanyingthisarticleincludesadummyvariablefor
whether a message was sent along with an offer, but does not include the text
of that message for risk of deanonymizing users. In Backus, Blake, and Tadelis
communication (on the German version of eBay’s Best Offer mechanism). They
find that communication substantially improves the probability that a bargaining
interaction leads to a transaction.
If the seller makes a counteroffer, the buyer can
accept, decline, or counter in response. Play continues until either
party accepts or until the buyer declines. If the seller declines,
the buyer may still respond with a counteroffer or can, at any
time, purchase at the Buy-It-Now price. Each party is limited to
three offers (not including the listing price), and each offer expires
48 hours after being placed.
We refer to a sequence of back-and-
forth offers—a given buyer and s eller pair bargaining over a given
item—as a thread.
To form our primary data set, we obtain internal eBay data
from all Best-Offer-enabled, single-unit listings created in May 31,
2012–June 1, 2013 from the US eBay site. This consists of over 90
million Best-Offer-enabled listings. This data set, anonymized to
remove all identifiable information, constitutes the data set that
we have arranged to have released publicly for research purposes.
For the primary analysis in this article, we restrict attention to
listings with Buy-It-Now prices between $0.99 and $1,000.00, and
eliminate listings with apparent data errors (e.g., cases where we
could not locate the original offer corresponding to a counterof-
fer). Details on our sample construction criteria appear in Online
Appendix B.
Our final data set analyzed in this article contains
approximately 88.4 million listings. Of these, 18 million receive
an offer, in some cases multiple offers, generating 25.5 million
bargaining threads (defined as a listing-buyer pair). These bar-
gaining threads involve 1.2 million sellers and 4.7 million buyers.
Table I presents descriptive statistics for our sample. The top
panel contains statistics at the level of the listing. The average list
price (Buy-It-Now) is $95, and the average sale price is 83% of the
list price. Sales include Buy-It-Now choices as well—conditional
on bargaining occurring, the average sale price comes down to 73%
of the list price. We note that almost 80% of listings never receive
an offer. Of the listings, 54.8% are for used goods, and 26.3% have
6. As a time-saving device for sellers, the platform offers sellers the option
to specify an “auto-accept” price, which is unobserved to buyers and which, if
exceeded by the buyer’s offer, will result in the platform accepting the offer on
behalf of the seller. Sellers can similarly specify an “auto-decline” price.
7. In 2017 this maximum limit was changed to five offers. In our sample,
approximately 1.1 percent of interactions reach the binding limit, and most of
these fail; see Figure III later. The limit was extended in an attempt to encourage
these negotiators to succeed. The time frame of our data does not permit us to
evaluate this policy change.
8. This and all other appendix material is found in the Online Appendix.
Mean Std. dev. Min Median Max
Listing-level data
Listing price 94.6 164 0.01 30 1,000
Used 0.548 0.498 0 1 1
Revised 0.263 0.44 0 0 1
Sold 0.215 0.411 0 0 1
Sold by Best Offer 0.132 0.338 0 0 1
Received an offer 0.206 0.404 0 0 1
No. photos 2.69 2.68 0 1 12
Sale price 69.7 119 0.01 25 1,000
Sale price / list price 0.832 0.175 0.00099 0.857 1
Bargained price 74.1 121 0.99 28 1,000
Bargained price / list price 0.727 0.146 0.00099 0.75 1
No. listings 88,386,471
Seller-level data
Feedback positive percent 99.4 5.3 0 100 100
No. listings 73.8 1,941 1 3 1,084,709
No. sales 15.9 158 0 1 66,977
No. sales by Best Offer 9.71 101 0 1 56,473
No. sellers 1,197,397
Buyer-level data
No. bargaining threads 5.12 17.9 1 2 5,697
No. offers 8.48 30 1 3 7,823
No. purchases 3.21 9.27 1 1 4,095
No. bargained purchases 2.47 7.39 0 1 3,329
No. buyers 4,701,301
Thread-level data
No. offers 1.66 0.942 1 1 6
No. offers if sold 1.48 0.891 1 1 6
Agreement reached 0.454 0.498 0 0 1
Seller experience 3,883 18,350 1 450 385,419
Buyer experience 129 598 1 26 32,909
First buyer offer 86.6 126 0 35 1,000
First buyer offer / list price 0.608 0.193 0 0.626 1
No. threads 25,453,072
Notes. This table presents summary statistics for the main data set. Note that indicator “Used” (for used
versus new status of item) is missing for 27,678,157 listings, and the feedback variable in the seller panel is
missing for 51,992 sellers. See Online Appendix A for an extensive discussion of exclusion criteria.
the Buy-It-Now price revised at some point by the seller during
the listing life.
Table I also includes detailed information on market
participants. On average, s ellers have a 99.4% positive feedback
score. Although there are many one-time sellers, the market is
skewed toward experienced sellers: the average number of listings
per seller is 74, 16 of which sell through Best Offer or Buy-It-Now
and 10 of which sell specifically through Best Offer. Most of the
sales in our data set are made by a relatively small fraction of the
sellers. The population of buyers is skewed, but less so: on aver-
age, buyers in our sample are observed in 5 bargaining threads,
make 8 offers, and purchase 3 items (2.5 of these coming through
bargaining). Finally, at the thread level, Table I shows that most
bargaining threads are short (only 1.66 offers, on average, where
the first offer is always made by the buyer). Seller and buyer expe-
rience in this table are counts, at the t ime of the current thread, of
the number of bargaining threads including the current thread in
which the player has ever participated since the inception of the
Best Offer mechanism. The average thread includes a seller hav-
ing several thousand previous negotiations and buyer with over
100, again reflected a skew toward experienced players. On aver-
age, buyers offer $86.60, which represents 61% of the list price.
Bargaining is ultimately successful 45% of the time.
Table II contains means of several variables at the listing and
thread level for the main sample and for broad category subsam-
ples: collectibles, electronics, fashion, media, toys, business and
industrial, and other. Table II demonstrates that the majority of
listings are for items that could reasonably be characterized as id-
iosyncratic or one-of-a-kind inventory, such as collectibles or fash-
ion. Categories with more well-defined, frequently sold products,
such as media products or electronics, make up a smaller fraction
of the data. Interestingly, Table II reveals that collectibles are less
likely to receive offers or sell through bargaining, than are elec-
tronics, but when they do sell through bargaining they do so at a
smaller fraction of the list price (the ratio of the bargained price to
the list price is 0.70 in the former and 0.79 in the latter). The prob-
ability of agreement is highest in bargaining threads over media
listings (0.596) and least likely for electronics (0.317). Sellers are
most experienced at bargaining in fashion, and buyers are most
experienced in the business category. A number of statistics are
remarkably stable across categories, such as the number of offers
per thread (1.54–1.7) and the ratio of the first buyer offer to the
list price (0.575–0.660).
9. It would be tempting to use cross-category comparisons to learn about
bargaining on the assumption that some will intuitively manifest more asym-
metric information than others (e.g., we intuit that collectibles might have more
Full sample Collectibles Electronics Fashion Media Toys Business Others
Listing-level data
Listing price 94.6 75.7 146 122 31.6 73.7 200 126
Used 0.548 0.56 0.639 0.466 0.724 0.503 0.613 0.413
Revised 0.263 0.236 0.242 0.31 0.296 0.238 0.208 0.269
Sold 0.215 0.177 0.372 0.222 0.148 0.287 0.213 0.273
Sold by Best Offer 0.132 0.115 0.194 0.15 0.0714 0.164 0.128 0.151
Received an offer 0.206 0.176 0.345 0.229 0.102 0.268 0.186 0.24
No. photos 2.69 2.47 2.67 3.36 1.69 2.9 2.72 2.57
Sale price 69.7 54.8 124 65.9 22.6 62.5 143 77.4
Sale price / list price 0.832 0.805 0.89 0.814 0.855 0.858 0.827 0.858
Bargained price 74.1 60.7 135 68.9 25.8 68.2 145 81.7
Bargained price / list price 0.727 0.701 0.791 0.728 0.703 0.753 0.714 0.747
No. listings 88,386,471 34,809,404 6,796,662 23,416,322 9,350,356 7,760,006 3,060,080 3,193,641
Thread-level data
No. offers 1.66 1.64 1.7 1.66 1.54 1.68 1.61 1.66
No. offers if sold 1.48 1.46 1.58 1.46 1.37 1.53 1.45 1.48
Agreement reached 0.454 0.491 0.317 0.474 0.596 0.424 0.543 0.451
Seller experience 3,883 3,248 2,227 6,671 2,177 2,650 2,329 2,174
Buyer experience 129 200 121 75.2 79.6 58.7 377 65.1
First buyer offer 86.6 67.6 150 79 26.9 77.1 138 92.2
First buyer offer / list price 0.608 0.575 0.66 0.607 0.602 0.624 0.596 0.625
No. threads 25,453,072 8,106,675 4,126,466 7,348,818 1,113,603 2,976,443 719,044 1,062,023
Notes. This table presents means for variables in the main data set in the first column and in a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of broad category subsamples in the remaining
Full sample Received at least Never received
one offer any offer
Listing-level data
Listing price 94.6 119 88.3
Used 0.548 0.558 0.545
Revised 0.263 0.263 0.263
Sold 0.215 0.739 0.0789
No. photos 2.69 3.26 2.54
Sale price 69.6 78.7 47.6
Sale price / list price 0.832 0.765 0.996
No. listings 88,350,383 18,214,827 70,135,556
Seller-level data
Feedback postitive percent 99.4 99.4 99.4
No. listings 73.8 21.1 71.9
No. sales 15.9 15.6 5.67
No. sellers 1,196,955 861,757 975,772
Buyer-level data
No. purchases 3.21 2.82 2.19
No. buyers 4,698,748 4,481,259 1,116,258
Notes. This table presents summary statistics for the listings in our data that ever receive an offer compared
to those listings that never receive an offer.
Much of our analysis in the remainder of the article focuses on
the subsample of listings in which bargaining takes place. These
listings, and the buyers and sellers involved in them, may differ
from those in which no bargaining offer is ever observed. In the
top panel of Table III,wecomparethefullsampleandthesetwo
subsamples of listings. We find that listings that received at least
one offer were much more likely to sell, and at a higher price.
(Note that this finding would not have been a foregone conclusion:
listings that receive no offers can still sell through the Buy-It-
Now option.) We find that listings bargained over and those not
bargained over are equally likely to be used items and to have the
Buy-It-Now price revised at some point. In the bottom two panels
of Table III,wecomparethebuyersandsellerinvolvedinlistings
idiosyncratic inventory than electronics). This is undermined by the stability of
the statistics. We contend, and our casual browsing confirms, that there is sub-
stantial heterogeneity in all categories, and that conditional on using the Best
Offer mechanism, which is an endogenous decision of the seller, these intuitive
preconceptions often do not hold.
with no bargaining and those with bargaining. In the sample of
listings that receive offers, sellers post fewer listings on average
and sell more listings but have similar feedback ratings. Buyers
in this sample tend to make more purchases than those who are
In this section, we walk through a number of existing theoret-
ical models of bargaining, examine their empirical implications,
and study how much of the observed data each model might be
able to explain. Models are abstractions from reality, and as such
cannot be expected to explain all features of real-world negotia-
tions. We use these models simply as a framework for highlighting
features of real-world bargaining that existing theory can or can-
not explain well. We focus our discussion in this section on three
features that have played a prominent role in motivating existing
theory: (i) whether agreement or disagreement occurs, (ii) when
agreement or disagreement occurs (immediately or after a delay),
and (iii) how the final negotiated price is reached (suddenly or
Points (i) and (ii) relate to how bargaining ends. To visual-
ize how bargaining ends in the actual data, we display a tree in
Figure III representing the extensive form of the bargaining game.
Square boxes represent the identity of the player (B for buyer and
S for seller). At the right of each box, we display the number of
observations that reach the node. Below each node are edges rep-
resenting the player’s decision to make an initial offer (O), accept
(A), decline (D), or counter (C). Each edge shows the percent of
observations passing through that edge corresponding to a given
action being chosen.
We refer to these percentages as we explore
10. Note that unlike the top panel of Table III, the comparison of sellers
involved in listings that never receive an offer and sellers involved in listings that
do receive an offer is not a comparison of mutually exclusive samples. This is also
true for the buyer comparison in the bottom panel. Note also that the sale/list price
ratio in the “never received an offer” column is not exactly equal to 1; this appears
to be due to a small fraction of listings in which the Buy-It-Now price was revised
by the seller and the sale price variable was not updated in eBay’s database to
reflect this change.
11. For the sake of visual clarity, Figure III does not display the buyer’s option
to buy at the Buy-It-Now price later in the bargaining sequence, which is always
an option buyers have available.
Bargaining Sequence Patterns
This figure summarizes the offer-level data in terms of the game tree of bargain-
ing. See text for detailed discussion.
what fraction of the data existing models could potentially explain.
Throughout the discussion that follows, we attempt to be gener-
ous in attributing what fraction of observations can be explained
by a given model. In particular, each observation in the data is
Figure III;ifagivenmodelcangeneratethispathandinsome
cases a particular rate of concession of players’ counteroffers—we
state that this model could have plausibly generated this obser-
We emphasize that the discussion is not meant to suggest that
any of these theoretical models are “wrong” in any sense—each is
entirely accurate if its corresponding assumptions are satisfied.
Rather, by pointing out empirical regularities that some models
fail to generate, this discussion highlights that the assumptions of
these models (such as complete information of one or both parties)
may not be satisfied in real-life settings.
We also note that existing game theoretic models of bargain-
ing focus on particular, interesting equilibria, that satisfy some
reasonable equilibrium selection restrictions. Indeed, the patterns
we observe that do not arise in existing equilibrium models can be
trivially supported as equilibria in some cases, but these trivial
equilibria are neither meaningful nor interesting. For example,
an equilibrium in which players’ counteroffers gradually concede
at a given rate can be sustained by a perfect Bayes equilibrium
in which any off-equilibrium deviation from this prespecified con-
cession rate leads the opposing player to believe she is facing the
weakest bargaining type. In this sense, it isn’t necessarily that
existing theory cannot explain patterns we document below, but
that it has very little predictive power, in that it can trivially
generate nearly any type of behavior in a sequential bargaining
III.A. Immediate Agreement: Rubinstein (1982)
Perhaps the two most inuential bargaining models that
come to an economist’s mind are those of Nash (1950) and
Rubinstein (1982).ThemodelofRubinstein (1982) consists of two
players who s equentially alternate their offers. Each player has
some cost of bargaining, such as a per period discount factor or a
per offer cost applied to each time period of the game, and players
have complete information about their opponents’ valuations.
The unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium (SPNE) of this
game is related to the axiomatic, cooperative solution proposed
in Nash (1950),inwhichplayerschooseadivisionofsurplusthat
maximizes a weighted, joint payoff of the two bargaining parties,
with each party’s weight depending on a “bargaining power” pa-
rameter. When this bargaining power is given by players’ discount
factors in Rubinstein’s model, the Nash solution corresponds
precisely to the unique SPNE of the Rubinstein game.
This model has several immediate empirical restrictions.
First, all bargaining interactions should end in agreement. Sec-
ond, the player who moves first makes an offer that is immediately
accepted by the second mover.
These two restrictions imply that
for an observed interaction to be rationalized by the Rubinstein
model, it must be the case t hat the game ends with the first of-
fer being accepted immediately by the opponent. As shown in
Figure III,immediateagreementoccursin32%ofourobserva-
tions. The remaining 68% of observations are inconsistent with
Rubinstein’s strategic model or Nash’s axiomatic model.
we discuss a number of theoretical approaches that could explain
some of these outcomes.
III.B. Immediate Disagreement: Perry (1986)
gotiations end in impasse, and this cannot be explained by
the complete-information models of Nash (1950) and Rubinstein
the complete information assumption and incorporating incom-
plete information into a sequential bargaining game or a mecha-
nism design framework. For example, incomplete information is
the key to the seminal theorem of Myerson and Satterthwaite
alternating-offer bargaining game with incomplete information
is that of Perry (1986),inwhichboththebuyerandsellerhave
private valuations that are not commonly known to the parties.
Buyers face a cost (common to all buyers) of making each offer and
the seller faces a per offer cost common to all sellers. The unique
sequential equilibrium of this game is that the side with the lowest
bargaining cost makes an offer and the other party accepts or re-
jects, but never makes a counteroffer. Figure III implies that this
model can rationalize 57% of the observed bargaining sequences;
this includes a large percentage that cannot be rationalized by
the Rubinstein (1982) or Nash (1950) models.
The Perry (1986)
12. A third implication of the Rubinstein and Nash bargaining models is that
a player who has more “bargaining power” (or lower bargaining costs) should
get a better deal. Testing this implication is not simple, as bargaining power
and bargaining costs are not tangible or well-defined objects and are difficult to
measure in data. We provide one approach to such an analysis in Section IV.
13. Note that for the purposes of these calculations we consider the buyer’s
first offer, rather than the Buy-It-Now price, to be the first bargaining offer.
14. This 57% includes the 32% of immediate-agreement observations and an
additional 25% of observations—cases where the seller immediately declines (40%)
followed by the buyer declining (62%): that is, 40% × 62% = 25%.
model cannot rationalize cases in which multiple offers or delays
occur in equilibrium. A number of other bargaining models of in-
complete information share this feature, such as the k-double
auction” of Chatterjee and Samuelson (1983):bargainingcanend
in agreement or in disagreement, but it always ends immediately
(in this case because the game is assumed to be static).
III.C. Delayed Agreement: Gul and Sonnenschein (1988) and
cludes models in which parties may delay reaching an agreement,
but nonetheless always agree. Models that generate delayed
agreement differ widely in how delay is generated. Rubinstein
(1985) studies an alternating-offer game in which there may be
two offers in equilibrium before agreement occurs: if the offer of
the player moving first is not accepted, the player who rejected
that offer then makes an offer that is accepted immediately.
Grossman and Perry (1986) and Gul and Sonnenschein (1988)
provide a model where an informed buyer (with a private valua-
tion) alternates offers with an uninformed seller (with a known
valuation). In the equilibria they study, parties always agree, and
that agreement may occur immediately or after several back-
and-forth offers. Interpreted generously, these last two models
could explain any bargaining sequences ending in agreement,
which occurs 45.4% of the time (Table I). However, Gul and
Sonnenschein (1988) demonstrate that a Coase conjecture result
(Gul, Sonnenschein, and Wilson 1986)holds:asthetimebetween
offers decreases, agreement takes place immediately.
Two separate models that can also generate delayed agree-
ment in alternating-offer bargaining are Cramton (1992) and
Abreu and Gul (2000).Wediscussthesebelow,astheyalsopro-
vide testable predictions of how offers themselves change over the
course of the bargaining.
15. The authors also demonstrate that the equilibria they study have the
property that all unaccepted offers made by buyers in a given period of the game
must be the same for all buyers. The class of equilibria they study nests that
of Grossman and Perry (1986). There are a number of other theories of delayed
agreement—too many to treat here. For example, Feinberg and Skrzypacz (2005)
obtain delayed agreement in a model in which one party has private information
about her v aluation and the other has private information about his beliefs about
the other party’s valuation.
III.D. Delayed Disagreement: Cramton (1992)
The models discussed above cannot generate delayed
disagreement—cases where a buyer and seller exchange multi-
ple offers and then walk away without trading. This is another
salient feature of the data shown in Figure III.Theonemodelof
alternating offers of which we are aware that allows for delayed
disagreement is Cramton (1992),inwhichbothpartieshavepri-
vate information about their valuations and may discover at some
point that there are no gains from trade and will then walk away.
In the model, parties effectively play a war-of-attrition game: once
completely reveal the offering party’s valuation. The model can
be augmented to allow for multiple back-and-forth offers as long
as any early offers (offers other than the last two) are nonserious
(that is, offers that would not be accepted by any opponent type
and that are only intended to inform the opposing party of the
offerer’s unwillingness to budge yet). Assuming that early offers
are nonserious, the Cramton (1992) model could potentially ex-
plain all sequences in the data. We provide evidence that offers
tend to change gradually, suggesting that they are indeed serious.
Assuming offers are serious, the model can potentially rationalize
any cases in which, after an offer is made, the opposing party (i)
immediately accepts or declines it or (ii) makes a counteroffer that
is immediately accepted.
The empirical prevalence of these Cramton (1992) cases can
be computed in a number of ways. First, if the Buy-It-Now price
is viewed as not fully revealing of the seller’s valuation, and the
buyer’s first offer (and its timing) is viewed as arising from the
Cramton separating equilibrium, then the seller should respond to
this first buyer offer by immediately accepting, declining, or mak-
ing an offer that i s guaranteed to be accepted. Such cases make
up 62% of bargaining sequences in Figure III.
If instead the first
bargaining offer is viewed as uninformative to the seller (and sim-
ply as a signal that the buyer wishes to enter negotiations), then
the first offer with the potential to fully reveal a player’s valuation
is the seller’s first counteroffer. The buyer should respond to this
16. The model of Cramton (1992) is a two-sided-offer, continuous-types exten-
sion of the one-sided offer game of Admati and Perry (1987).
17. This quantity comes from 32% immediate agreement, 40% × 62% imme-
diate disagreement, as in the Perry (1986) model, plus an additional 28% × 17%
of cases where the seller counters at a price that the buyer then accepts.
by accepting or rejecting or by countering at a price acceptable
to the seller. This behavior is consistent with 83% of the observa-
tions in which the seller makes a counteroffer in response to the
buyer’s first offer (which occurs 28% of the time).
In either sce-
nario, a significant fraction of bargaining sequences in the data
are too long to be explained fully by the Cramton (1992) equilib-
rium. Moreover, the war-of-attrition nature of the Cramton model
does not match the actual protocol used in the data; the proto-
col dictates whose turn is next, which in and of itself poses some
difficulty for this model in explaining patterns of behavior in our
III.E. What Theory Struggles to Explain: Gradual Offers
cate is that counteroffers on both sides tend to gradually be more
and more favorable to the opposing party with each subsequent
offer. This is illustrated in Figure IV.Ineachpanel,thevertical
axis shows the average amount of the offer and, on the horizon-
tal axis, the period of the game in which the offer is made, with
the t = 0offerrepresentingthelist(Buy-It-Now)price.Panels
on the left include sequences ending in agreement, and panels
on the right include those ending in disagreement. We analyze
separately those sequences that end in period 6, where the seller
declines (and the buyer takes no further action) or the seller ac-
cepts, and those t hat end in period 7, with the buyer accepting
or declining. Each panel also displays the average change in offer
price the seller makes from one offer to the next, averaged across
all periods of the game, and similarly for the buyer.
This gradualism of offers seems quite intuitive to anyone
who has engaged in bargaining in practice—it is exactly how one
would expect bargaining offers/counteroffers to evolve over the
course of negotiations. However, theoretical models generating
this type of pattern are almost nonexistent. As highlighted al-
ready, most models can rationalize only immediate disagreement
or immediate agreement. The equilibria of Grossman and Perry
(1986) or Gul and Sonnenschein (1988) can generate gradually
18. This 83% figure can be seen in Figure III, following the seller’s first coun-
teroffer, as the sum of 17% + 58% + 25% × 31%.
19. In creating these figures, we include only sequences from the left side of
the game tree (Figure III); this excludes sequences that involve a seller’s decline
followed by additional action on the buyer’s part.
(A) End at t = 6, seller accepts (B) End at t = 6, seller declines
(C) End at t = 7, buyer accepts (D) End at t = 7, buyer declines
Average Offers over the Duration of Bargaining (t = 6, 7)
Figure displays the average first offer (Buy-It-Now price), average second offer,
and so on for bargaining sequences that ended in six (Panels A and B) or seven
(Panels C and D) periods. Panels on the left ended in acceptance, and panels on
the right ended in decline. Units are U.S. dollars.
changing offers by one party (the uninformed party) but not
by both parties. As highlighted, the model of Cramton (1992)
can accommodate many offers by each party i n equilibrium, but
only if all offers (other than the last offer made by each party)
are completely uninformative, nonserious offers; offers cannot
gradually become more favorable to the opposing party.
in the model of Cramton (1992),whenaplayerconcedestothe
opposing player, the concession must be a precipitous jump.
20. In the equilibrium of Cramton (1992), the timing of offers is endogenous.
This feature can be viewed as literally allowing a player to signal her valua-
tion when she first makes an offer—and that is the interpretation we adopt in
Section III.D—or instead allowing the player to delay through making nonserious
offers whenever it is her turn, and then finally making a serious offer and signal-
ing her valuation through the cumulative total time passed since the game began
until the serious offer is made.
Other models have a similar war-of-attrition flavor to the
Cramton (1992) model and can thus explain sudden, but not grad-
ual, offer changes. One example includes Abreu and Gul (2000).
Their model applies reputational game theory concepts (Kreps
et al. 1982)tobargaining,assuggestedbyMyerson (1991),where
with some probability an opponent is a “crazy” or “obstinate” type
who will never budge from her initial offer. Rational types find it
profitable to mimic obstinate types until the game ends, at which
point they concede. This model yields sudden offer changes when
We are aware of only two previous models generating grad-
ually changing offers on both sides: Abreu and Pearce (2003) and
Compte and Jehiel (2004).Inthefirstpaper,theauthorsmodel
behavioral types who, for exogenous reasons, concede differently
than rational agents. The model shares an unrealistic feature of
many of the above models in that it only allows for equilibrium
agreement, not disagreement. In the second paper, the authors
model a setting in which both parties have complete information,
but by making offers, parties can influence the outside-option pay-
off to the opposing party. Disagreement can occur in a special case
of the Compte and Jehiel (2004) model, but that special case in-
volves no gradual offers. We explore the gradualism behavior that
we observe in more detail in Section V.A.
In this section we analyze three features that play impor-
tant roles and drive outcomes in a number of bargaining models:
costs of bargaining, bargaining power, and players’ outside op-
tions. Each feature can be related to the others and are not nec-
essarily distinct in their empirical implications. We also explore
21. A gradual change in offers is the equilibrium outcome of several models
of one-sided bargaining, where only one party gets to make offers to the opposing
party, and the opposing party only gets to accept or reject these offers. For example,
Fudenberg, Levine, and Tirole (1985) and Gul, Sonnenschein, and Wilson (1986)
allow for a seller (with no private valuation for the good) to screen a buyer (who
does have a privately known valuation) by making successively decreasing offers.
This generates gradual offers, but only through the constraint that only one party
is allowed to make offers, which is perhaps not a realistic constraint for many bar-
gaining settings (and clearly not for ours). Other papers with similar assumptions
and gradualism include Deneckere and Liang (2006), Fuchs and Skrzypacz (2013),
and Gerardi, H
orner, and Maestric (2014).
adverse selection on bargaining outcomes. Online Appendix C con-
tains additional analysis of bargaining outcomes, demonstrating
that variation in bargaining outcomes is explained more by vari-
ation in who is bargaining than what is being bargained over.
IV.A. Bargaining Costs
Rubinstein (1982) proposed two models of bargaining costs:
one in which the surplus at stake is discounted exponentially, as
if the primary cost of bargaining were delayed consumption, and
case, bargaining costs scale up with the value of the transaction,
whereas in the latter they are fixed. Many subsequent bargaining
models have also adopted one or the other (or both) of these types
of costs (e.g., Cramton 1991). Because these types of bargaining
costs differ in how they relate to the value of the transaction, in
this section we search for evidence of s uch costs by examining how
bargaining outcomes differ at different levels of the listing price.
Figures V and VI present smoothed (weighted local linear re-
gressions, LOWESS) plots of expected outcomes against t he listing
price for our sample. To construct these plots, we used a strati-
fied subsampling approach, sampling 10,000 listings each from
20 bins of $50 in length (inclusive on the upper extreme).
distribution of listing prices is presented in Figure V,PanelA,
where we see that the vast majority of listings fall in the $0.99
to $100 range. While average first offers relative to list price are
decreasing throughout the range (Panel B), bargained prices are
initially rising and then fall (Panel C), and the slope of the ex-
pected sale prices flips from negative to positive and back again
(Panel D). Figure VI provides some insight into this pattern. For
very cheap items, more buyers exercise the Buy-It-Now option
and forgo bargaining (Panels B and C). Moreover, sellers who do
receive offers on cheaper items tend to accept them immediately
(Panel D).
We interpret these outcomes as informative about the costs of
bargaining. Assuming higher listing prices correspond to settings
22. For the LOWESS plots in Figures V and VI, as well as those in
Figure IX later, we use default Stata options for LOWESS plots: tricube weighting,
and centered subsets of size 0.8
N (where N is the number of observations in a
given plot) to construct a smoothed prediction about each point. For endpoints,
smaller, uncentered subsets are used as described in Stata documentation.
Bargaining Outcomes by Listing Price
Panel A depicts a histogram of the listing prices for the full sample of listings.
The remaining panels depict LOWESS plots of the outcome variables in terms
of the listing price. In Panel B the variable of interest is the mean first offer of
bargaining threads; in Panel C it is the bargained price, conditional on sale and
the buyer not executing the Buy-It-Now option; and in Panel D we are interested
in the sale price, conditional on sale.
with a larger surplus on the table, our data are consistent with
the existence of fixed costs of bargaining: when the listing price
is greater and the amount of surplus to be negotiated is large,
parties are more willing to engage in the back and forth of ne-
gotiation; when the listing price is low and t here is little surplus
on the table, bargaining power tends to sit with whoever makes
the current offer. This model of costs is consistent with the find-
ings of Jindal and Newberry (2018) in the setting of negotiation
over retail appliances; it is also consistent casual empiricism: bar-
gaining in street markets is less frequent in developed economies
with higher incomes—it is in some sense an inferior good—but
bargaining remains prevalent among high-value transactions, for
example, salary negotiations, plea bargaining, terms of a merger,
and trade deals; or even big-ticket consumer transactions, such as
(A) Probability of Sale (B) Probability of Bargained Sale Conditional on Sale
(C) Probability of Offer (D) Probability First Offer Accepted
(E) Number of Threads (F) Number of Offers per Thread
More Bargaining Outcomes by Listing Price
These panels depict LOWESS plots of bargaining outcomes in terms of the listing
price. Panel A concerns the probability of sale for all listings; Panel B restricts at-
tention to successful listings and plots the likelihood that the price was bargained
(as opposed to a buyer executing the Buy-it-Now option); Panel C concerns the
empirical likelihood of receiving any offer; Panel D concerns the likelihood that,
conditional on such an offer arriving, it is immediately accepted; Panel E concerns
the number of bargaining threads per listing; and Panel F measures the number
of offers associated with each thread, not including the listing price as an offer.
cars, large appliances, or homes. Fixed costs of bargaining are not
the only possible explanation for the findings; another possible
explanation would be that the types of players or the equilibrium
of the game differs markedly between high- and low-listing price
These findings are especially important insofar as most test-
ing of theoretical models of bargaining has been primarily done
in the lab. For reasons of feabsility, experimental work focuses
on low-stakes bargaining. If players behave differently when the
stakes are high—because there are fixed costs of bargaining or
because of some other reason—then this implies an important
caveat to the external validity of those findings. It also highlights
the importance of complementing this experimental testing in the
lab with evidence from the field.
IV.B. Bargaining Power
An additional feature of many theoretical models of bargain-
ing is that players with more bargaining power obtain a greater
share of the surplus. This “bargaining power” is captured differ-
ently in different contexts. In some models, such as Rubinstein
(1982) and Rubinstein (1985),bargainingpowerisexplicitlyrep-
resented by a player’s patience (discount factor). In other bargain-
ing models, in particular many recent models applied in empirical
research in bargaining settings (e.g., Crawford and Yurukoglu
2012; Grennan 2013), bargaining power is instead a reduced-form
feature of the model rather than an underlying primitive, with a
direct correspondence to the share of the surplus the player would
receive in a static Nash bargaining game, where both players
agree to maximize the total surplus weighted by the bargaining
power weights (see Binmore, Rubinstein, and Wolinsky 1986). In
these models, bargaining power can represent concepts such as a
bargaining party’s negotiation skill or experience.
Here we use a simple approach to identify buyers who may
have a greater degree of patience than others. In particular, we
identify patient buyers as those who, ex post (after the bargaining
ends), choose the slowest shipping option when multiple options
are available. Namely, at checkout, a buyer can sometimes choose
between several shipping options, where faster shipping is more
expensive than slower shipping. Hence, by revealed preference,
buyers who choose a slower shipping method reveal that they are
willing to wait rather than spend more money, and are thus more
patient than buyers who opt for faster shipping at a higher price.
We also construct a measure of experience for buyers and sellers
using their accumulated number of previous bargaining threads
participated in (summary statistics for this measure are shown in
Table I).
For this analysis, we rely on a subsample of the data for
which we can compute a reference price for each good. We con-
struct these reference prices by limiting to listings of products
that can be linked to third-party catalogs. For each such product
and item condition pair (where condition is used versus new), we
construct a reference price by taking the average Buy-It-Now price
for all listings of this product and condition sold during our sam-
ple through Buy-It-Now listings that did not have the bargaining
mechanism enabled; thus, reference prices are constructed using
listings outside of our data but during the same sample period.
See Online Appendix B for a discussion of and s ummary statistics
for this sample. In Table IV,thedependentvariableineachre-
gression is the final price from a bargaining transaction in which
agreement occurred, divided by the reference price for that item.
All regressions include fixed effects at the finest category level
available in the eBay data (referred to as leaf category).
Table IV shows the results of regressing the normalized
price on our measures of buyer patience (controlling for whether
multiple shipping options are available) and on both parties’ expe-
rience. We find negative point estimates for the slowest shipping
variable in each column. This sign is consistent with more patient
buyers receiving lower final prices in bargaining, as in many the-
oretical models; however, none of these estimates are statistically
We nd stronger evidence for bargaining power be-
ing captured by players’ experience. Table IV demonstrates that
more experienced sellers tend to obtain higher prices (statistically
significantly so for new goods) and more experienced buyers tend
to obtain lower prices (statistically significantly so for used
goods). For both buyers and sellers, the results suggest a relative
23. This insignificance is likely due to the fact that our measure of patience
is imperfect and to the specification we adopt here by including leaf category
fixed effects. When we remove leaf category fixed effects, we find negative and
significant estimates for used goods of approximately 0.07, suggesting that more
patient buyers obtain prices that are lower by 7 percentage points of the reference
price. It is important to note that while this evidence is consistent with a role for
patience, these regressions may also simply be capturing an effect of willingness
or ability to pay: buyers who are willing/able to pay less for the item may also
be willing/able to pay less for fast shipping, and hence the better deal obtained
by buyers whom we label as “patient” may actually be due to those buyers’ low
willingness/ability to pay. This highlights an important point: a player’s patience,
willingness/ability to pay, bargaining costs (from the previous section), or outside
options (discussed in the following section) can all affect the strength of a player’s
bargaining position and the surplus the player obtains.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Slowest shipping 0.0188 0.0164 0.0205 0.0213
(0.0314) (0.0314) (0.0124) (0.0124)
Multiple shipping options 0.214
(0.0220) (0.0217) (0.00977) (0.00984)
Log(seller experience) 0.0192
(0.00174) (0.00165) (0.000926) (0.000952)
Log(buyer experience) 0.00401 0.00289 0.0220
(0.00251) (0.00251) (0.00134) (0.00134)
Constant 0.989
(0.00362) (0.0110) (0.0112) (0.00247) (0.00667) (0.00667)
Condition New New New Used Used Used
0.0300 0.0282 0.0306 0.0452 0.0453 0.0459
No. leaf FE 404 404 404 398 398 398
N 125,418 125,418 125,418 328,029 328,029 328,029
Notes. This table presents results from regressions where the dependent variable is the normalized price (see text for a discussion of the construction of reference prices) and the
regressors are buyer and seller attributes. All regressions include leaf category fixed effects. Robust standard errors are presented in parentheses.
: α = 0.10,
: α = 0.05, and
: α = 0.01.
improvement in prices of about 2 percentage points given a
Online Appendix D (Table A-4) that buyers’ and sellers’ counterof-
fer behavior follows a similar pattern: players concede more in
nearly every round of the game when facing a more experienced
opponent and concede less when they are more experienced
IV.C. Outside Options
Another feature that can affect outcomes is the outside option
of a negotiator. In our setting, the outside option of a seller is to
exit and search for another player with whom to negotiate (or to
leave the platform). In some cases, a player may even be engaged
in bargaining simultaneously with multiple parties at the same
time. Of the listings in our data, 7.8% have at least two buyers
whose bargaining threads overlap in time with the s ame seller,
and these threads make up 14.2% of all bargaining threads. In
2% of threads, a seller’s decision to accept a buyer offer results in
the seller declining an outstanding offer from a competing buyer.
On the buyer side, in the subset of our data containing cataloged
product identifiers, we see that 2.1% of listings involve a given
buyer bargaining with more than one seller of the same cataloged
product at the same time, and these threads make up 4.8% of all
cataloged product threads. When a buyer fails to reach agreement
with a seller of a given cataloged product, in 2.9% of threads the
buyer trades with another seller of the same product within a
day’s time.
The option of a player to end negotiations with one player
and engage with another can affect prices and other bargaining
outcomes. To examine this, we run regressions of the final price
(normalized by the reference price, as in Table IV)onseveral
measures of competition and outside options, including the log of
the number of buyers with whom the current seller is bargaining
simultaneously for this item (labeled “competing buyers” in
Table V), the log of the number of sellers (selling the same
24. A related interesting statistic is the fraction of repeat interactions by
the same buyer and seller pair. We find that 9% of buyer-seller pairs meet in at
least two separate bargaining threads. Together, these repeat buyer-seller pairs
constitute 23.5% of the interactions in the data. This feature is another interesting
aspect that could be exploited in future research with our public data set, studying,
for example, reputation-building and learning in bargaining.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Log(competing buyers + 1) 0.00175 0.00631 0.0193
(0.00767) (0.00802) (0.00473) (0.00481)
Log(competing sellers + 1) 0.0202 0.0123 0.0619
(0.0610) (0.0589) (0.00603) (0.00626)
Log(competing listings + 1) 0.0369
(0.00735) (0.00671) (0.00173) (0.00182)
Constant 1.023
(0.00433) (0.00389) (0.00616) (0.00585) (0.00233) (0.00237) (0.00319) (0.00312)
Condition New New New New Used Used Used Used
0.0272 0.0272 0.0276 0.0276 0.0446 0.0446 0.0446 0.0447
No. leaf FE 404 404 404 404 398 398 398 398
N 125,418 125,418 125,418 125,418 328,029 328,029 328,029 328,029
Notes. This table presents results from regressions where the dependent variable is the normalized price (see text for a discussion of the construction of reference prices) and the
regressors are the (log of) the number of overlapping buyers competing on the same thread for a given product, the number of sellers offering a given product, and the number of
listings of the same product live on the site at the same time as a given listing. All regressions include leaf category fixed effects. Robust standard errors are presented in parentheses.
: α = 0.10,
: α = 0.05, and
: α = 0.01.
cataloged product) with whom the current buyer is bargaining
simultaneously (labeled “competing sellers”), and the log of the
number of other listings available at the same time as the current
listing offering the same product as the current listings (labeled
“competing listings”). In these regressions, we also include
leaf-category fixed effects.
The results are displayed in Table V.Thefirstfourcolumns
display results for new items, and the last four columns display re-
sults for used items. For new goods we do not detect any significant
effects of competition and outside options on the final price except
for a significant and positive coefficient on the number of compet-
ing listings, suggesting that prices are actually higher when more
listings of a particular product are available; this likely reflects an
equilibrium response of supply. Among used items, we see a pos-
itive and significant increase i n price (2% of the reference price)
when the number of competing buyers on a given listing increases
by 1 log point. Conversely, we see a negative and significant drop
of 6% of the reference price when the number of competing sellers
increases by 1 log point, and a drop of 0.6% when the number
of competing products increases by 1 log point. These results for
used goods are consistent with the role one would expect for mar-
ket thickness and outside options of one side of the market or the
This simple analysis only touches the s urface of possible ef-
fects of outside options on bargaining outcomes in dynamic mar-
ketplaces. For example, eBay is a marketplace that is constantly
changing, with goods continuously arriving and exiting from in-
ventory. Indeed, there is no reason to expect that the outside
options of two bargaining parties will stay constant even dur-
ing the short window of negotiation over which we observe them
(and outside options of negotiators off the eBay platform may be
changing as well). In this light, dynamic outside options may be
an additional explanation for the delayed agreement and delayed
disagreement documented in Section III.
IV.D. Adverse Selection
Another area of interest in the theory literature on bargain-
ing is adverse selection (Evans 1989 ; Vincent 1989; Deneckere and
Liang 2006). We do not attempt a full survey of the implications of
adverse selection for bargaining here, but we do present several
salient facts that may help guide future theoretical and empirical
Time to First Offer by Number of Photos
Figure displays the average time (in days) from when the listing is posted until
the first offer arrives conditional on the number of photos.
work, in particular related to information disclosure by sellers. In
previous work studying online fixed-price and auction markets on
eBay Motors (a marketplace for vehicles), Lewis (2011) demon-
strated that the number of photos included in a listing serves as
ers about an item’s quality.
Here we examine how bargaining
outcomes differ with the number of photos.
In Figure VII,weexaminehowmanydaysittakesforthefirst
bargaining offer to arrive as a function of the number of photos
in a listing. We find that conditional on having at least one photo,
the larger the photo count, the quicker the first offer arrives. This
suggests that buyers may be more willing to engage in bargaining
25. Note that our data does not include data from eBay Motors, which is a
platform primarily used by sellers as a classified advertising mechanism and not
as a setting for negotiating over or selling cars.
26. Note an important distinction between the type of information revela-
tion that can be captured in the number of photos and the private informa-
tion modeled in Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983), Perry (1986),andothers
(see Section III.B): in those models, each bargaining party has private information
about her own valuation, but no private information about factors affecting her
opponent’s valuation.
Received Received Sold by Sold by Norm. Norm.
offer offer Best Offer Best Offer price price
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Log(photos + 1) 0.0611
(0.000610) (0.00106) (0.000574) (0.000971) (0.00494) (0.00975)
Constant 0.368
(0.000662) (0.000899) (0.000603) (0.000793) (0.00470) (0.00516)
Condition Used New Used New Used New
0.214 0.124 0.0735 0.0264 0.0530 0.0367
No. leaf FE 494 492 494 492 398 404
N 1,469,560 574,560 1,469,560 574,560 328,029 125,418
Notes. This table presents results from regressions where the dependent variable is the normalized price
(see text for a discussion of the construction of reference prices) and the right-hand-side variable of interest is
the log of 1 plus the number of photos of the listing. All regressions include leaf category fixed effects. Robust
standard errors are presented in parentheses.
: α = 0.10,
: α = 0.05, and
: α = 0.01.
when there is less asymmetric information; however, the choice to
disclose that information may itself be endogenous to t he content.
Table VI presents regressions of bargaining outcomes on the log of
the number of photos included with the listing. These regressions
use our reference price sample, as in Tables IV and V.Wefindthat
the more photos a listing has, the more likely it is to receive an
offer and to sell through bargaining (as opposed to selling through
the Buy-It-Now option or not selling at all). We also see that the
normalized price is higher by 19 percentage points for used goods
and 22.5 percentage points for new goods when the number of
photos increases by 1 log point.
We now turn to players choices of counteroffers to further
explore the gradual concessions we discussed in Section III.E and,
in the process, uncover another interesting behavioral pattern
that conventional bargaining theories cannot explain. In general,
we are interested in exploring further patterns about how the
offer in period t relates to the offers in periods s < t.
Let γ
,and,fort = 2, 3, ..., 6, let γ
[0, 1] be the weight
such that p
= γ
+ (1 γ
t 2
represents the
27. Another benefit of disclosing information with photos is to better match
buyers with different quality levels of goods based on their preference for quality
levels, as in Tadelis and Zettelmeyer (2015).
weight that player t places on the opponent’s previous offer, and
1 γ
represents the weight the player places on their own pre-
vious offer. Note that by definition, p
= γ
+ (1 γ
)0, so we
can think of the buyer’s “previous” offer when he makes his first
offer as his bliss point of paying nothing for the good. It is useful
to think of γ
as how much a player concedes to her opponent
when she is making a counteroffer, or her concession weight. This
notion will prove useful for exploring concession behavior in more
detail as we show below. In the remainder of this section, we limit
the sample to threads with back-and-forth sequences correspond-
ing to the left side of the game tree displayed in Figure III,asin
Section III.E.Wealsorestricttothreadswhereγ
[0, 1] for all
V.A. Recipro cal Gradualism
As we explained in Section III.E,existingtheorieshavetrou-
ble explaining the appearance of gradual changes in counterof-
fers, and as Figure IV showed, the path of average counteroffers
exhibits very strong gradual concessions. In fact, gradual changes
in offers are vastly more common in the data than are the sud-
den changes predicted by most theoretical analyses. In the data,
among observations in which the seller makes at least two offers
(beyond the Buy-it-Now price), we observe that only 0.77% of ob-
servations involve a seller standing firm at the Buy-It-Now price
for several periods and then conceding. In contrast, in 98.8% of
the observed sequences the seller’s first counteroffer already con-
cedes a bit relative to the Buy-It-Now price. Examining analogous
numbers for buyers, we find that only 0.42% involve concession
only suddenly after holding firm at the previous offer for at least
one period, whereas 95.9% involve a buyer conceding gradually.
To explore concession behavior within individual bargaining
threads (rather than average behavior across bargaining threads),
Table VII presents results from regressing a player’s concession
weight, γ
where the unit of observation is one movement along each bargain-
ing thread starting from the buyer’s first counteroffer in period
t = 3.
means that the player’s opponent conceded
28. For these regressions, to guarantee that the offers constitute all relevant
information that passes between parties, we eliminate threads in which prices
were auto-accepted or auto-declined and threads in which the buyer or seller
communicated via a message.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(0.00185) (0.00145) (0.00362) (0.00281) (0.00712) (0.00536) (0.0113) (0.00793)
Constant 0.347
(0.000820) (0.000654) (0.00127) (0.000990) (0.00197) (0.00148) (0.00323) (0.00228)
Condition Used New Used New Used New Used New
0.0605 0.0550 0.110 0.116 0.140 0.133 0.198 0.197
No. leaf FE 8,833 12,320 6,524 9,386 3,794 5,822 2,442 4,016
N 345,961 529,193 128,597 210,445 35,447 60,786 15,953 29,098
Notes. This table presents results from regressions of γ
on γ
for t = 3, 4, 5, and 6. All regressions include leaf category fixed effects. Robust standard errors are presented in
: α = 0.10,
: α = 0.05, and
: α = 0.01.
more in his previous round, and a positive coefficient means that
the player in period t is herself conceding more in response to a
larger concession. This is the pattern we see for all periods t = 3,
4, 5, and 6, for new and used goods: the more a player concedes
in period t 1, the more will his opponent concede in period t.
Hence, gradual behavior is reciprocal, in that deeper concessions
from one player are “rewarded” by deeper concessions from the
following player.
Together with the discussion in Section III.E,thedata
strongly suggest that a major gap in the bargaining literature
is a theory that can generate—from both parties in equilibrium—
agreement and disagreement, delay and immediate termination,
and the very robust pattern of reciprocal gradualism.
V.B. “Split-the-Difference” Offers
In defining the concession weight γ
the distributions of γ
in different rounds of the game. Figure VIII
displays histograms of these concession weights for the bargaining
threads observed in the data. Panel A plots a histogram of γ
Panel B plots a histogram of γ
, limiting to those threads in the
data in which a period-2 offer was made, and so on.
Several interesting patterns are evident in this analysis. We
note first that offers typically make nonzero concessions that are
closer to the sender’s own prior offer than the other party’s (conces-
sion weights below 0.5), with the exception of the first offer, which
is often close to the Buy-It-Now price. Second, some common mass
points emerge, and of particular notice are counteroffers that are
halfway between the previous two offers, or “split-the-difference”
counteroffers. The pattern even holds for buyers’ first offers (γ
where the modal initial offer is half of the Buy-It-Now. The mid-
point offer is also the modal offer for the first seller counter (γ
the first buyer counter (γ
). For
other counters, the modal offer gives zero or nearly zero weight
to the buyer’s most recent offer, and second only to this choice is
again the split-the-difference point.
This pattern is consistent with previously documented labo-
ratory evidence and behavioral economic theory (Roth and Malouf
29. We find the same pattern of reciprocal gradualism if instead of regressing
on γ
we regress the percent change in a player’s offer on the percent change
in the opponent’s offer (regressing, for example,
). See Online
Appendix Table A-5.
Where Current Offer Lies Relative to Previous Offers
Each panel displays a histogram of offer weights defining how the current offer
relates to the previous offers, where γ
,and,fort = 2, 3, ..., 6, γ
is such that
= γ
+ (1 γ
t 2
1979; Roth 1985; Binmore, Shaked, and Sutton 1985; Bolton 1991;
Bolton and Ockenfels 2000; Charness and Rabin 2002; Andreoni
and Bernheim 2009), in which market participants may care about
notions of fairness and may favor a split-the-difference strategy
in negotiations. Interestingly, however, the split-the-difference
pattern we observe is not necessarily a pattern of splitting sur-
plus between the two parties, as the surplus is not necessarily
t = 1 t = 2 t = 3 t = 4 t = 5 t = 6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Split 0.0381
(0.000343) (0.000556) (0.00110) (0.00219) (0.00344) (0.00691)
(0.00167) (0.00266) (0.00473) (0.00635) (0.0106) (0.0125)
Constant 0.188
(0.000131) (0.000247) (0.000581) (0.00117) (0.00178) (0.00347)
0.114 0.0479 0.108 0.118 0.167 0.204
No. leaf FE 17,051 16,190 14,486 11,777 8,748 6,154
N 9,638,253 3,185,044 1,010,604 362,583 138,571 62,953
Notes. This table displays the results from a linear regression where the dependent variable is an indicator
for whether the offer in period t of the game is accepted and this is regressed on the offer weight, γ
an indicator for whether γ
is approximately equal to 0.5. Columns (1)–(6) display results for γ
for t = 1,
..., 6. All regressions include leaf category fixed effects. Robust standard errors are presented in parentheses.
: α = 0.10,
: α = 0.05, and
: α = 0.01.
known to the players given the potential presence of incomplete
information about opponent valuations. Rather, the split-the-
difference phenomenon we observe in our data refers to splitting
the two most recent offers, regardless of how those offers relate to
We now explore how a players choice of offer , as measured
by the weight, γ
game. We create a measure for whether the offer is a “split” offer
by creating an i ndicator that is equal to 1 if γ
is equal to 0.5
(after being rounded to the nearest hundredth) for each t 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6. We find that about 8% of offers are split offers by this
We estimate a local linear regression of an indicator
for whether each offer is accepted on both this split indicator and
the underlying γ
Results are shown in Table VIII.
Table VIII demonstrates that, as would be expected, the co-
efficient on the concession rate (γ )ispositive:themoreaplayer
concedes relative to previous offers, the more likely it is that the
opposing player accepts the offer. The key result of Table VIII,
however, is that an offer in bargaining is more likely to be ac-
cepted if it is a split offer than if it is not, and this effect is both
30. Broader definitions of split, by rounding γ
to the nearest five hundredths
or nearest tenth yield 11% and 16% split rates, respectively.
31. We follow Fan and Gi
jbels (1992) in the construction of the optimal variable
bandwidth for estimation of the effect at 0.5 using a rectangular kernel.
Probability of Split Offer Accepted
This figure displays a LOWESS fit of the probability of an offer being accepted
regressed on the offer weight, γ
, and on an indicator for whether γ
is approxi-
mately equal to 0.5. From left to right, top to bottom, the panels display results
for γ
,wheret ranges from 1 to 6.
statistically significant and surprisingly large in magnitude, as
well as being curiously stable across periods of the bargaining,
lying in a range of 5–10% independent of what point in the bar-
gaining game the split offer occurs. We supplement this approach
with a more flexible fit of γ
by plotting LOWESS fits of accep-
tance and γ
in Figure IX using observations where γ
is not a
split offer. We then also plot in Figure IX the average acceptance
probability for observations that are split offers, along with 95%
confidence bound about this mean. As can be seen, the underlying
relationship between γ
and acceptance is positive and split offers
are substantially more likely to be accepted.
This pattern of behavior is particularly surprising because,
taken seriously, it implies a nonmonotonicity in the likelihood
of acceptance—that is, a player is more likely to accept a split-
the-difference offer than an even slightly more favorable offer.
This kind of discrete and nonmonotonic behavior is not easy to
rationalize with existing theories, even those that incorporate
other-regarding preferences, such as altruism or inequity aver-
sion. Other-regarding preferences can explain why the well-being
of the player making the offer would be accounted for by the
responder, but this cannot rationalize the observed behavior.
Namely, a discontinuous drop in the probability of accepting an
offer that is slightly more generous for the respondent hurts
both players, and as such, it seems suggestive of some norm that
players are expected to follow. For that matter, any standard
preferences for which bargaining can be modeled as a Bayesian
game would be unable to explain the observed behavior. Namely, if
one considers the probability of trade as an equilibrium outcome,
then a general mechanism design approach as in Myerson and
Satterthwaite (1983) implies that the probability of trade should
be monotonic along some notion of private types if standard no-
tions of interim incentive compatibility hold. Hence, the observed
behavior presents a challenge to standard equilibrium theory
and suggests that there is some kind of “numerosity” effect at the
split-the-difference points that seems to go beyond preferences,
possibly some kind of norm, or some notion of salience.
In this article we analyzed a novel data set of bilateral
bargaining used by millions of users in a live ecosystem. We
documented a number of facts consistent with rational theories
of bargaining behavior. In particular, we found that existing
theories can explain a nontrivial fraction of the data in terms of
how the bargaining ends (immediately versus with delay, and in
agreement vs. disagreement). We also found evidence favoring
fixed over proportional costs of bargaining. This is important
for understanding mechanism selection but also for thinking
about the external validity of experimental studies of low-stakes
bargaining: if our conclusion is correct, behavioral patterns in
high- and low-stakes bargaining will be very different. We also
found that more patient or more experienced players obtain
better deals, as do players facing less competition (or having a
better outside option). We find that listings with more photos—a
potential measure of reduced adverse selection—tend to receive
offers more quickly and sell for higher negotiated prices.
We then documented several features of the data that are
clearly not consistent with any existing models of bargaining.
First, we showed that bargaining often ends in disagreement af-
ter several back-and-forth offers. Second, we showed that buyer
and seller offers tend to change gradually, not suddenly, over the
course of the bargaining sequence, and this gradualism is not one-
sided but is instead bilateral and gradual: more concession by one
player is associated with more concession by her opponent as well.
These two data patterns stand in stark contrast with existing bar-
gaining theory models.
Finally, we offered stark evidence of “splitting-the-difference
behavior, a result that supports the incorporation of behavioral
elements to understanding bargaining dynamics. We documented
the surprising fact that counteroffers lying halfway between the
two preceding offers are significantly more likely to be accepted
by the opposing party than are offers that are even slightly more
favorable to the opposing party.
We believe that the rich data we used herein, which we have
made publicly available, offers opportunities to explore how people
bargain and can help shed light on what determines bargaining
outcomes in the real world.
An Online Appendix for t his article can be found at The
Quarterly Journal of Economics online. Data and code replicat-
ing tables and figures in this article can be found in Backus et al.
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