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VA Acronym Lookup
Full List
Total Number of Acronyms in the Database: 5678
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Acronym Description Date Updated
10-10 EZ VA Form 10-10 EZ Application for Health Benefits July 13, 2004
10N Washington DC VACO June 11, 2014
1U4N 1st letter last name + last 4 of SSN November 22, 2005
2FA 2-Factor Authentication April 17, 2014
3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard Added prior to March 2003
3GL 3rd Generation Language July 26, 2004
3R Recruitment, Retention and Relocation Allowances February 04, 2010
4WW Four Wheeled Walker May 07, 2014
776 VHA CIO Administration System November 08, 2005
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VA Acronym Lookup
A&A Aid and Attendance April 03, 2014
A&A Advisory & Assistance May 17, 2004
A&A Assessment and Authorization October 29, 2015
A&A LETTER Aid & Attendance Letter November 29, 2012
A&MMS Aquisitions and Materials Management Service January 11, 2005
A&PC Ambulatory and Primary Care December 14, 2016
A/D alcohol and drug June 16, 2015
A/E Architect/Engineer November 22, 2005
A/H Auditory Hallucinations October 31, 2007
A/O Administrative Offices February 04, 2010
A/OPC Agency/Organization Program Coordinator May 02, 2007
A/R Accounts Receivable November 22, 2005
AA Attorney-Adviser July 13, 2004
AAA Authentication, Authorization & Access July 13, 2004
AAA Area Agencies on Aging Added prior to March 2003
AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm June 09, 2010
AAALAC American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care March 18, 2009
AAAPS Automatic Appraiser Assignment Processing Center April 03, 2014
AABB American Association of Blood Banks November 22, 2005
AAC Austin Automation Center (3/08 See AITC) March 13, 2008
AACS Automated Allocation & Control System Added prior to March 2003
AADF Activation Advance Development Fund November 22, 2005
AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service December 15, 2016
AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians May 09, 2007
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AAGP American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry March 17, 2009
AAH Academy on Architecure for Health November 22, 2005
AAH Account Activity History December 15, 2016
Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection
March 18, 2009
AAIP Authorization and Authentication Infrastructure Program September 24, 2004
AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges Added prior to March 2003
AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation November 29, 2012
AAMS Automated Acquisition Management System February 18, 2010
AAR After Action Report November 05, 2008
AARP Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons February 18, 2010
AASLD American Academy for the Study of Liver Disease October 20, 2006
AB antibiotic October 10, 2006
ABC Activity Based Costing November 22, 2005
ABD OR ABD Abdomen August 04, 2014
ABEND Abnormal End February 18, 2010
ABG Arterial Blood Gas November 29, 2012
ABI Analytics and Business Intelligence April 09, 2014
ABO Absent Bed Occupant November 29, 2012
ABOI Administrative Board of Investigation (ABOI) April 30, 2014
ABR Annual Benefits Report April 23, 2014
ABX Antibiotics April 17, 2014
AC Ambulatory Care Added prior to March 2003
AC Actual Cost July 13, 2004
AC Associate Chief of Staff November 22, 2005
AC Acceleration Clause November 22, 2005
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AC anticubital June 16, 2015
ACA Advanced Clinic Access April 27, 2004
ACA Affordable Care Act March 21, 2014
ACAP Access and Clinic Administration Program April 03, 2015
ACBE Air Contrast Barium Enema June 08, 2012
ACC Ambultory Care Center December 08, 2011
ACC Accounting Classification Code November 22, 2005
ACCME Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education July 10, 2007
ACD Automated Call Distributor November 22, 2005
ACDF Antreior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion April 21, 2016
ACE Accountable Customer Experience February 06, 2015
ACE Acceptable Clinical Evidence April 03, 2015
ACEC American Consulting Engineers Council November 22, 2005
ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians Added prior to March 2003
ACES Attendance and Cost Estimation System May 07, 2014
ACG Ambulatory Care Group Added prior to March 2003
ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Added prior to March 2003
ACH Automated Clearing House November 22, 2005
ACHE American College of Health Executives Added prior to March 2003
ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation November 22, 2005
ACI American Concrete Institute November 22, 2005
ACI Accelerating Care Initiative September 23, 2014
ACI Accelerated Care Initiative September 23, 2014
ACIO Associate Chief Information Officer July 13, 2004
ACL Access Control List March 23, 2007
ACL Audit Command Language December 15, 2016
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ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support October 01, 2003
ACM Audit Compliance Module April 10, 2014
ACMD Assistant Chief Medical Director Added prior to March 2003
ACMIS Acquisition Career Management Information System February 18, 2010
ACNS Associate Chief Nursing Service July 12, 2006
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer November 22, 2005
ACOA Adult Children of Alcoholics November 22, 2005
ACOE Accreditation Council on Optometric Education November 22, 2005
ACOE Agile Center of Excellence April 01, 2021
ACOM Associate Chief of Medicine May 07, 2014
ACOS Associate Chief of Staff Added prior to March 2003
ACOS American College of Surgeons Added prior to March 2003
ACOS/E Associate Chief of Staff for Education Added prior to March 2003
ACOS/EC Associate Chief of Staff for Extended Care Added prior to March 2003
ACOVE Assessing Care Of Vulnerable Elders December 13, 2006
ACP American College of Physicians May 09, 2007
ACPE American Council for Pharmaceutical Education July 10, 2007
ACP-GV Advance Care Planning via Group Visits April 01, 2021
ACP-GV Advance Care Planning via Group Visits April 01, 2021
ACR American College of Radiology August 10, 2010
ACRB Architectural Change and Review Board November 22, 2005
ACRE Artifact Central Repository October 04, 2010
ACRP Ambulatory Care Reporting Program Added prior to March 2003
ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System November 22, 2005
ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome February 22, 2005
ACS Access Services December 15, 2016
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ACSC ambulatory care sensitive conditions March 09, 2021
ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy April 23, 2014
ACWP Actual Cost for Work Performed July 22, 2003
AD Assistant Director July 13, 2004
AD Active Directory June 08, 2005
AD Advanced Directive February 18, 2010
ADA Antideficiency Act September 20, 2010
ADA Associate Deputy Administrator Added prior to March 2003
ADA American Diabetes Association May 19, 2015
ADAAA Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act March 02, 2009
ADAAG Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines November 22, 2005
ADAD After Date of Award Document May 10, 2010
ADAPT Ambulatory Detoxification and Preparation for Treatment April 23, 2014
ADAS Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary Added prior to March 2003
ADC Average Daily Census November 22, 2005
ADC Average Days to Complete April 23, 2014
ADC Active Dual Consumer December 15, 2003
ADC Alzheimer's Disease Center March 17, 2009
ADC Application Development Competency February 06, 2015
ADCC Alzheimer's Disease Core Center November 22, 2005
ADCIO Assistant Deputy Chief Information Officer February 01, 2010
ADCMD Associate Deputy Chief Medical Director Added prior to March 2003
ADDM Atrium Discovery & Dependency Mapping March 23, 2015
ADDP Assistant Director Development Program December 10, 2014
ADE Adverse Drug Event November 09, 2004
ADERS Adverse Drug Event Reporting System December 18, 2007
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ADFS Active Directory Federated Services April 06, 2006
ADHC Adult Day Health Care November 22, 2005
ADHF Acute decomensated heart failure October 22, 2015
ADI Awaiting Development initiation October 22, 2015
ADL Automated Decision Letter June 16, 2015
ADL Activities of Daily Living March 17, 2009
ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum May 01, 2014
ADP Average Days Pending June 16, 2015
ADPAC Automated Data Processing Application Coordinator Added prior to March 2003
ADPSO Automated Data Processing Security Officer Added prior to March 2003
ADR Average Daily Rate November 22, 2005
ADR Administrative Data Repository June 08, 2005
ADR Adverse Drug Event November 09, 2004
ADR Adverse Drug Reaction July 13, 2004
ADR Additional Development Review October 12, 2010
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution February 13, 2006
ADRADA Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association Added prior to March 2003
ADS Average Daily Salary November 22, 2005
ADSM Active Duty Service Member June 21, 2010
ADT Automated Data Transfer July 13, 2004
ADT Admission/Discharge/Transfer Added prior to March 2003
ADT/R Admissions, Discharge, Transfer/Registration Added prior to March 2003
ADUSH VHA Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health (ADUSH) March 26, 2009
AE Application Entity April 23, 2014
AECGIS Automated Electrocardiographic Interpretive Systems Added prior to March 2003
AECO A/E Change Order November 22, 2005
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AED Automated External Defibrillator November 29, 2012
AED Anti-Epileptic Drug December 15, 2016
AEIC Advanced Earned Income Credit July 06, 2010
AEM Area Emergency Manager May 13, 2003
AEMAS Affirmative Employment Monitoring and Analysis System November 22, 2005
Automated Engineering Management System/Medical Equipment
Added prior to March 2003
AEO Assistant Education Officer July 23, 2021
AEPS Affiliated Education Programs Service Added prior to March 2003
AERB Architecture Engineering Review Board June 11, 2014
AES Advanced Encryption Standard June 21, 2010
AES Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron May 26, 2011
AES All Employee Survey February 25, 2008
AES American Epilepsy Society December 15, 2016
AEU Affected End User June 25, 2014
AEW Audit Error Worksheet June 22, 2015
AF/SC Air Force Surgeon General November 22, 2005
AF/SG Air Force Surgeon General May 26, 2011
AFB Allocated Functional Baseline July 13, 2004
AFC Austin Finance Center November 22, 2005
AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Added prior to March 2003
AFEB Armed Forces Epidemiological Board Added prior to March 2003
AFGE American Federation of Government Employees Added prior to March 2003
American Federation of Government Employees-National Veterans
Affairs Council
October 01, 2008
AFHCAN Alaska Federal Health Care Access Network Added prior to March 2003
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AFHCP Alaska Federal Healthcare Partnership Added prior to March 2003
AFHRA Air Force Historical Research Agency December 15, 2016
AFIB Atrial Fibrilation August 14, 2014
AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Added prior to March 2003
AFMA Automated Fabrication of Mobility Acts November 22, 2005
AFNOC Air Force Network Operation Center Added prior to March 2003
AFO Ankle-Foot Othosis Added prior to March 2003
AFPS Automated Folder Processing System July 13, 2004
AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Added prior to March 2003
AFSN Air Force Systems Network Added prior to March 2003
AFVSS afebrile, vital signs stable May 01, 2014
AGC Associated General Contractors of America November 22, 2005
AGI Adjusted Gross Income November 22, 2005
AGO Agent Orange November 22, 2005
AGS Adjacent Gravesite Set-Aside July 13, 2004
AH/VH Auditory Hallucinations/Visual Hallucinations June 01, 2010
AHA American Hospital Association Added prior to March 2003
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy & Research (see AHRQ) Added prior to March 2003
AHE Associated Health Education November 22, 2005
AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act July 05, 2011
AHHA American Holistic Health Association August 14, 2008
AHIC American Health Information Community (Now NeHC) February 03, 2009
AHIMA American Health Information Management Association Added prior to March 2003
AHIP America's Health Insurance Plans May 27, 2016
AHIS Automated Hospital Information System May 19, 2015
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AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction November 22, 2005
AHLTA Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (DoD) March 21, 2014
AHPA American Health Planning Association Added prior to March 2003
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly AHCPR) Added prior to March 2003
AHSE American Society for Health Care Engineering Added prior to March 2003
AHTLA AHLTA - Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology April 23, 2014
AI Artificial Intelligence July 13, 2004
AIA American Institute of Architects November 22, 2005
AIB Administrative Investigation Board May 07, 2014
AIBS American Institute for Biological Sciences November 22, 2005
AIC Automated Information Center Added prior to March 2003
AIC Ambulatory Infusion Center October 03, 2011
AIC Architecture and Infrastructure Committee October 04, 2010
AICC Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee October 11, 2011
AICD Automated Impmlantable Cardiovascular Defibrillator November 22, 2005
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants April 17, 2014
AICS Automated Information Collection Systems Added prior to March 2003
AICUZ Airport Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones November 22, 2005
AID Applied Informatics Deployment July 18, 2014
AIDE Agile Integrated Development Environment June 14, 2011
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Added prior to March 2003
AIFPS Automated Insurance Folder Processing System July 13, 2004
AIM Applied Informatics Management April 23, 2014
AIS Automated Information System Added prior to March 2003
AITBMR Annual Information Technology Budget and Management Report August 04, 2014
AITC Austin Information Technology Center March 13, 2008
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AJCC American Joint Commission on Cancer Added prior to March 2003
AJN American Journal of Nursing November 22, 2005
AKA above the knee amputation October 25, 2011
AKA Also Known As May 12, 2010
AKC Artificial Kidney Center May 01, 2014
AKI Acute Kidney Injury October 27, 2009
AL Annual Leave November 17, 2008
AL Assisted Living March 17, 2009
AL American Legion Added prior to March 2003
ALA American Legion Auxiliary October 20, 2011
ALAC Administrative and Loan Accounting October 04, 2010
ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable April 25, 2011
ALB Account Level Budgeter April 23, 2014
ALBCC Account Level Budget Cost Center July 06, 2009
ALC Agency Location Code November 22, 2005
ALCON All Concerned March 23, 2015
ALF assisted living facility December 14, 2016
ALJ Administrative Law Judge November 22, 2005
ALOC altered level of consciousness September 23, 2014
ALOS Average Length of Stay October 18, 2005
ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis November 08, 2010
ALTA American Land Title Transfer November 22, 2005
AMA Against Medical Advice January 25, 2008
AMA American Medical Association Added prior to March 2003
AMA Appeals Management Act April 01, 2021
AMA Appeals Modernization Act April 01, 2021
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AMA CPT American Medical Association Current Procedural Terminology May 07, 2014
AMAS Automated Monument Application System March 15, 2010
AMAS Automated Management Application System Added prior to March 2003
AMB Ambulance August 14, 2014
AMB SURG Ambulatory Surgery April 10, 2014
AMC appeals management center April 23, 2014
AMEDD Army Medical Department August 17, 2005
AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction April 16, 2003
AMIA American Medical Informatics Association Added prior to March 2003
AMIE Automated Medical Information Exchange Added prior to March 2003
AMIS Automated Management Information System Added prior to March 2003
AMMS Aquisition and Material Management Services April 18, 2014
AMO Account Management Office December 15, 2016
AMOD Admiting Officer of the Day October 31, 2007
AMR Automated Maintenance Reporting July 28, 2003
AMS Accu-Med Services July 28, 2003
AMS Automated Methadone System July 15, 2004
AMS altered mental status September 23, 2014
AMS Asset Management Service Added prior to March 2003
AMSA Advanced Medical Support Assistant October 22, 2015
AMSUS Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Added prior to March 2003
AMT amount December 15, 2016
AMVAD Automated Masterfile of VA Directives November 22, 2005
AMVETS American Veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam Added prior to March 2003
ANA American Nurses Association November 22, 2005
ANACE American Nursing Association Code of Ethics April 11, 2007
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ANCC American Nurses Credentialing Center July 10, 2007
ANG Air National Guard April 21, 2011
ANOVA Analysis of Variance November 22, 2005
ANR Automated Notification Reporting July 22, 2003
ANSI American National Standards Institute Added prior to March 2003
ANT Another Neat Tool January 25, 2006
AO Authorizing Official January 15, 2009
AO Administrative Officer July 20, 2010
AO Agent Orange Added prior to March 2003
AOA Analysis of Alternatives July 15, 2004
AOA American Osteopathic Association November 22, 2005
AOC alteration of consciousness April 23, 2014
AOCC Annual Oversight Compliance Certificate April 17, 2014
AOD Administrative Officer of the Day Added prior to March 2003
AOD Administrator On Duty May 07, 2014
AODL Accounting of Disclosure Log September 04, 2015
AONE American Organization of Nurse Executives May 03, 2011
AOPO Agent Orange Projects Office Added prior to March 2003
AOR Agent Orange Registry Added prior to March 2003
AOR Area Of Responsibility December 13, 2006
AOTA American Occupational Therapy Association Added prior to March 2003
AOU Area of Use October 31, 2007
AOWG Agent Orange Working Group (White House) Added prior to March 2003
AP Ankle Pumps September 23, 2008
AP Apical Pulse July 30, 2015
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AP Advanced Payment March 09, 2021
AP NUMBER Acquisition Plan Number April 01, 2021
APA American Psychological Association March 17, 2009
APEC Asian Pacific Economic Cooperative Added prior to March 2003
APEO Associate Deputy Program Executive Officer January 09, 2006
APF Advance Planning Fund November 22, 2005
APG Agency Priority Goal April 30, 2014
API Application Programming Interface March 12, 2009
APM Application Performance Management December 15, 2016
APN Advance Practice Nurse June 08, 2010
APO Area Processing Office November 22, 2005
APO Army Post Office September 04, 2015
APOC Administrative Point of Contact June 27, 2011
APP Alternating Pressure Pad February 02, 2011
APP Application Portability Profile July 15, 2004
APP Advanced Practice Professional December 15, 2016
APPS Advanced Practice ProfessionalS April 21, 2016
APPT. appointment October 21, 2014
APRD Accounting Policy & Reporting Division August 03, 2011
APTA American Physical Therapy Association Added prior to March 2003
APU Acute Psychiatric Unit April 01, 2021
APW Architecture Planning Workgroup Added prior to March 2003
AQRS Authorization Quality Review Specialist December 14, 2016
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AR Accounts Receivable Added prior to March 2003
AR Architecture Requirements July 15, 2004
AR/WS Automatic Replinishment/Ward Stock October 31, 2007
ARA Automated Risk Assessment Added prior to March 2003
ARAMIS American Rheumatology Associates Medical Information System Added prior to March 2003
ARB Architecture Review Board February 25, 2008
ARB Accident Review Board June 23, 2008
ARBA Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA) July 12, 2021
ARC American Red Cross June 06, 2006
ARC Amputation Rehabilitation Coordinator September 23, 2011
ARC Adult Rehabilitation Center October 30, 2014
ARC Allocation Resource Center Added prior to March 2003
ARCA Aggregated Root Cause Analysis October 20, 2011
ARCH Access Received Closer to Home April 30, 2014
ARF Acute Renal Failure February 06, 2015
ARF Animal Research Facilities Added prior to March 2003
ARG Application Requirements Group Added prior to March 2003
ARIWG Architecture Requirements and Investment Working Group December 10, 2014
ARK Anesthesia Record Keeper October 15, 2009
ARM Automated Reference Manual July 15, 2004
ARM Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan November 22, 2005
ARM Acquisition Review Module April 01, 2021
ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators July 20, 2009
ARNP Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner May 13, 2003
ARO After Receipt of Order May 12, 2010
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ARO After Receipt of Order May 10, 2010
AROM active range of motion March 09, 2021
ARPA Automated Request for Personnel Action November 22, 2011
ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act June 21, 2010
ARRT American Registry of Radiologic Technologists February 18, 2010
ARS Automated Response System Added prior to March 2003
ART Adverse Reaction Tracking Added prior to March 2003
ARTS Adverse Reaction Tracking System June 29, 2005
ARU Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit May 24, 2004
AS Application Server February 10, 2004
AS I&T Assistant Secretary for Information & Technology May 07, 2014
AS/IT Assistant Secretary for Office of Information and Technology June 11, 2014
ASA Aspirin Added prior to March 2003
ASA Acetyl Salicylic Acid July 20, 2010
ASAF Automated System Access Forms October 23, 2014
ASAM American Society of Addiction Medicine August 09, 2007
ASB Ambulatory Surgery Basic April 10, 2014
ASB Acquisitions Service Bus April 01, 2021
ASC Additional Service Code October 11, 2011
ASC X12 Accredited Standards Committee X12 July 15, 2004
ASCD Automated Service Connection Designation May 30, 2007
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange July 15, 2004
ASCIP Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals April 04, 2011
AsCMD Associate Chief Medical Director Added prior to March 2003
ASCP American Society for Clinical Pathology March 16, 2009
ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease August 14, 2014
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ASD Architecture, Strategy and Design October 04, 2010
ASD/HA Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs May 07, 2014
ASDP American Society of Dermatopathology April 30, 2014
ASE Application Security Engine July 15, 2004
AS-F Acquisition Service - Frederick April 15, 2014
ASHRM American Society for Healthcare Risk Management November 29, 2012
ASIA American Spinal Injury Association April 04, 2011
ASIH Absent Sick In Hospital Added prior to March 2003
ASIM Automated Security Incident Measurement Added prior to March 2003
ASIS Application Structure and Integration Support July 15, 2004
ASISTS Automated Safety Incident Surveillance and Tracking System Added prior to March 2003
ASLM Application Service Line Manager February 04, 2010
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One July 27, 2009
ASO arteriosclerosis obliterans April 01, 2021
ASOC Amputee System of Care February 18, 2010
ASP Accrued Services Payable March 31, 2010
ASP Application Service Provider July 15, 2004
ASP Active Server Pages Added prior to March 2003
ASP Antimicrobial Stewardship Program April 23, 2014
ASPEN Automated Standardized Performance Elements Nationwide April 23, 2014
ASPEN Advanced Sites, Planning and Engineering Network July 27, 2009
ASPEN Access Standardized Performance Elements Nationwide April 30, 2014
ASSESS Application Self-Scoring Evaluation Support System Added prior to March 2003
ASSIST Automated Safety Incident Surveillance System November 24, 2010
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials Added prior to March 2003
ASU Authorization Subscription Utility Added prior to March 2003
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ASVAB Armed Service VCocational Aptitude Battery April 10, 2014
ASW Architect Solution Worksheet December 19, 2013
AT Assisitive Technology September 23, 2014
AT Addiction Therapist October 25, 2006
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment February 02, 2006
ATAA ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm July 23, 2021
ATC Attempt To Contact April 16, 2008
ATC Attempted to Contact November 30, 2009
ATIC Advanced Technology Integration Center Added prior to March 2003
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode Added prior to March 2003
ATO Authority To Operate July 29, 2004
ATOC Authority To Operate with Conditions October 29, 2015
ATOMS Acquisition Task Order Management System April 10, 2014
ATP Acquisition Training Program July 15, 2004
ATRA American Therapeutic Recreation Association May 28, 2009
ATS Artificial Tears October 28, 2011
ATS Addiction Treatment Services October 29, 2015
ATSD Authority To Transmit Sensitive Data September 08, 2011
AUD Alcohol Use Disorder July 31, 2017
AV Architecture View April 23, 2014
AV Atrioventricular August 04, 2014
AVA Anthrax Vaccine Absorbed April 11, 2007
AVANTI Alpha VistA NT Implementation February 01, 2005
AVH Audio Visual Hallucinations June 14, 2011
AVHE Application Virtualization and Hosting Environment December 15, 2016
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AVIVA A Virtual Installation of VistA Architecture April 08, 2010
AVO Appraised Value Offer December 14, 2016
AWE Alternative Work Environment March 09, 2021
AWE Annual Workplace Evaluation March 08, 2011
AWIV Advanced Web Image Viewer October 21, 2009
AWOL Absent Without Leave Added prior to March 2003
AWS Alternate Work Schedule November 22, 2005
AX assessment December 14, 2016
B Bilateral or Both August 14, 2014
B&D Birch and Davis Associates, Inc. Added prior to March 2003
B&P Bid and Proposal May 12, 2010
B/A Basic Agreement May 12, 2010
B/A Basic Agreement May 12, 2010
B/C because August 27, 2021
B/L Bilateral May 07, 2014
B/L Bilateral May 01, 2014
B/S Benefits/Services Added prior to March 2003
BA Business Architecture April 15, 2010
BAA Business Associate Agreement(s) April 27, 2004
BABOK Business Analysis Body of Knowledge May 07, 2014
BAC Budget At Completion July 22, 2003
BAFO Best of Final Order May 12, 2010
BAFO Best of Final Order May 12, 2010
BAH Basic Allowance for Housing December 01, 2010
BAH Booz-Allen & Hamilton Added prior to March 2003
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BAS Benefits Assistance Service February 14, 2012
BBB Bundle Branch Block August 14, 2014
BBM Blood Bank Modernization Added prior to March 2003
BBS Bulletin Board System Added prior to March 2003
BC blood culture June 16, 2015
BC Business Continuity January 21, 2016
BCA Business Continuity Plan July 15, 2004
BCA Board of Contract Appeals May 12, 2010
BCAG Business Community Advisory Group February 06, 2015
BCAG Business Community Advisory Group April 11, 2007
BCBS Blue Cross Blue Shield April 15, 2010
BCC Board Certified Chaplain July 31, 2017
BCE Bar Code Expansion March 08, 2006
BCE-PPI Bar Code Enhancement - Positive Patient Identification October 12, 2010
BCL bar code letter December 15, 2016
BCMA Bar Code Medication Administration Added prior to March 2003
BCMB Business Capability Management Board June 16, 2015
BCP Business Continuity Planning June 22, 2016
BCR Baseline Change Request April 11, 2007
BCRO Bar Code Resource Office August 06, 2007
BCS Business Case Study July 28, 2004
BCVA Best Corrected Visual Acuity December 15, 2016
BCWP Budgeted Cost for Work Performed July 22, 2003
BCWS Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled July 22, 2003
BDC Boston Development Center Added prior to March 2003
BDC Benefits Delivery Center Added prior to March 2003
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BDD Benefits Delivery at Discharge November 09, 2004
BDI Biological Defense Initiative Added prior to March 2003
BDL Borderline December 15, 2016
BDN Benefits delivery network April 17, 2015
BDN Benefits Delivery Network Added prior to March 2003
BDOC Bed Days of Care Added prior to March 2003
BEC Benefits Executive Council Added prior to March 2003
BEDB Basic Employee Death Benefit May 11, 2011
BESS Biomedical Engineering Support Specialist August 08, 2011
BEST Business Enterprise Solutions and Technologies Added prior to March 2003
BFA Battlefield Acupuncture April 21, 2016
BFELOB Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business December 14, 2016
BFF Business Function Framework May 07, 2014
BFFS Beneficiary Fiduciary Field System April 17, 2015
BG blood glucose May 19, 2015
BGM Blood Glucose Monitor April 01, 2008
BGS Benefits Gateway Service April 01, 2021
BH Behavioral Health November 08, 2010
BHAP Behavior Health Autopsy Program January 21, 2016
BHCG Blood pregnacy test August 14, 2014
BHIE Bidirectional Health Information Exchange (Formerly DSI) December 04, 2007
BHIP Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program April 23, 2014
BHL Behavioral Health Lab March 09, 2021
BI Background Investigation April 28, 2010
BIA Business Impact Analysis February 14, 2012
BIBA Brought in by ambulance, denotes how pt arrived to ER July 25, 2014
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BIBA brought in by ambulance July 25, 2014
BICP BIRLS ICP Update April 17, 2014
BID twice daily August 14, 2014
BIM Business Implementation Manager February 06, 2015
BIN Banking Identification Number August 11, 2006
BINQ BIRLS Inquiry April 17, 2014
BIOS Basic Input Output System October 13, 2022
BIOS Business Integration and Outcomes Services October 13, 2022
BIPAP Bilevel positive airway pressure August 04, 2014
BIPOC black and Indigenous people of color July 12, 2021
BIRLS Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator System March 15, 2010
BISL Business Intelligence Service Line June 11, 2014
BJP Business Justification Package May 07, 2014
BKA Below Knee Amputation March 13, 2006
BLOB Binary Large Object February 07, 2005
BLS Basic LIfe Support March 21, 2014
BLUF Bottom Line Up Front June 06, 2014
BM Boewl movement August 14, 2014
BME Biomedical Engineering February 24, 2004
BMI Body Mass Index Added prior to March 2003
BMI Best Medical Interest April 01, 2021
BMP Basic Metabolic Panel July 20, 2009
BMS Bed Management System August 10, 2010
BMS Bed Management Solution July 30, 2015
BMT Bone Marrow Transplantation Added prior to March 2003
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BMW Bedside Mobile Workstation December 08, 2011
BNI Business Needs and Investment April 16, 2008
BNIB Business Needs and Investment Board October 14, 2008
BNP B-type Natriuretic Peptide August 04, 2014
BNS Business Needs Statement May 07, 2014
BOA Basic Ordering Agreement May 10, 2010
BOC Budget Object Code January 23, 2007
BOC Business Operations Committee February 14, 2012
BOC Buckey of Circuits December 15, 2016
BOP Budget Operating Plan April 23, 2014
BOP Bureau of Prisons Added prior to March 2003
BOP Budget Operating Plan April 23, 2014
BOP Budget Operating Plan April 18, 2014
BOSS Burial Operations Support System Added prior to March 2003
BP Blood Pressure April 23, 2014
BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement Added prior to March 2003
BPC Budget Policy Consultant July 15, 2004
BPE Business Partner Extranet April 03, 2014
BPG Business Partner Gateway October 08, 2003
BPG Business Process Group May 07, 2014
BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia June 08, 2012
BPIC Business Performance Improvement Committee April 02, 2007
BPMN Business Process Model and Notation May 07, 2014
BPMN Business Process Model and Notation April 23, 2014
BPR Business Process Re-engineering February 10, 2004
BPRA Business Process Re-engineering and Analysis May 07, 2014
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BPRC Budget Planning Review Council Added prior to March 2003
BPSD Benefits Product Support Division October 23, 2014
BQ Best Qualified July 06, 2010
BR OR B/R bathroom August 14, 2014
BRC Blind Rehabilitation Centers November 24, 2010
BRCD Business Requirements Change Document July 18, 2014
BRCD BRCD April 23, 2014
BRD Business Requirements Document August 17, 2011
BRD Business Requirements Document October 31, 2007
BRD Business Requirements Division July 12, 2021
BRECC Baltimore VA Rehabilitation and Extended Care Center (BRECC) October 04, 2004
BREP Business Requirements Engineering Process October 16, 2006
BRH Bureau of Radiological Health Added prior to March 2003
BRIDG Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group December 15, 2008
BRM Business Relationship Meeting May 12, 2010
BRM Business Reference Model July 15, 2004
BRMO Business Relationship Management Office April 15, 2014
BRO Behavioral Recovery Outreach October 27, 2017
BROS Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialists August 12, 2009
BRP Business Process Re-Engineering July 29, 2004
BRS Blind Rehabilitation Specialist June 15, 2009
BRS Breath Sounds January 26, 2011
BRSV5 Blind Rehabilitation Service Version 5 April 09, 2014
BS BLOOD SUGAR March 09, 2021
BS Business Sponsor June 16, 2015
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BSAD Baseline System Architecture Document October 18, 2005
BSC Balanced Score Card July 15, 2004
BSE Broker Security Enhancement September 23, 2014
BSN Bachelor [or Baccalaureate] of Science in Nursing July 28, 2010
BSOD Blue Screen of Death Added prior to March 2003
BTA Business Transformation Agency March 02, 2009
BTE Behind the Ear April 23, 2014
BTFU bladder tumor follow up July 23, 2021
BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation April 23, 2014
BTP Beneficiary Travel Program April 15, 2014
BTRF Blood Transfusion Request Form March 14, 2011
BTS Business Transaction Service April 23, 2014
BTSSS Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System July 12, 2021
BTT Budget Tracking Tool October 14, 2010
BUC BUC April 23, 2014
BUC BUC April 23, 2014
BUM Bed Utilization Management November 05, 2008
BURR Building Utilization Review and Repurposing June 27, 2011
BVA Blinded Veterans of America Added prior to March 2003
BVA Board of Veterans' Appeals Added prior to March 2003
BVAC Behavioral VA Center April 23, 2014
BVAMC Boise VA Medical Center December 03, 2014
BVAMC Birmingham VA Medical Center December 15, 2016
BVM bag valve mask August 04, 2014
BVO Buyer Value Option July 31, 2017
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BX biopsy October 21, 2014
C C, a general-purpose programming language Added prior to March 2003
C & P Compensation and Pension Examinations April 21, 2016
C&A Certification and Authority July 15, 2004
C&C Confirmed and Continued December 15, 2016
C&P Compensation & Physical Added prior to March 2003
C&P Credentialing & Privileging Added prior to March 2003
C&P Compensation & Pension Added prior to March 2003
C&S OR C/S cultur and sensitivity August 14, 2014
C&V Construction & Valuation October 04, 2010
C.O.D. Contract on Delivery May 12, 2010
C/B Call Back November 05, 2019
C/F concern for April 01, 2021
C/O complains of December 15, 2016
C/O OR C/O Complaint of August 04, 2014
C/R call reference December 15, 2016
C32 Construct 32 June 21, 2010
C3PO Chief, Policy, Planning and Performance Office Added prior to March 2003
C4 Colorectal Cancer Care Continuum June 12, 2007
CA Certificate Authority July 15, 2004
CA Claims Assistant December 15, 2016
CA cancer October 27, 2017
CA&E Corporate Analysis and Evaluation April 17, 2014
CAAD Central Acquisition Analysis Division February 20, 2007
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CAATS Centralized Administrative Accounting Transaction System February 23, 2011
CAB Clinical Advisory Board May 19, 2006
CAB Combat Action Badge December 14, 2016
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft December 15, 2008
CABIG Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid November 27, 2007
CAC Common Access Card June 27, 2011
CAC Clinical Application Coordinator July 15, 2004
CACP Computer Application Change Plan April 23, 2014
CACP Computer Application CHange Plan April 23, 2014
CACP Computer Application Change Plan April 03, 2014
CAD Computer-Aided Design July 15, 2004
CAD Coronary artery disease December 28, 2005
CADHC Contract Adult Day Health Care May 19, 2006
CAEC Centralization of Authorized Emergency Care July 12, 2021
CAF Customer Acceptance Form June 14, 2011
CAG Citrix Access Gateway July 27, 2011
Consensus Audit Guidelines - 20 Critical Security Controls for
Effective Cyber Defense
April 03, 2015
CAH Critical Access Hospital February 07, 2011
CAI Center for Acquisition Innovation April 27, 2009
CAIP Cross-Application Integration Protocol July 15, 2004
CAIRO Center for Applied Informatics Research and Operations February 25, 2008
CALM Centralized Accounting for Local Management Added prior to March 2003
CAMPS Capital Asset Management and Planning Service January 11, 2010
CAMS Capital Asset Management System October 29, 2003
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CANX cancelled, cancel February 06, 2015
CAO Chief Acquistition Officer May 12, 2010
CAO Contract Administration Office May 12, 2010
CAO Competency Aligned Organization May 09, 2006
CAO Chief Administrative Officer Added prior to March 2003
CAP Capital Assessment Process April 10, 2014
CAP College of American Pathologists Added prior to March 2003
CAP Combined Assessment Program December 01, 2006
CAP Corrective Action Plan October 06, 2011
CAP Capital Assessment Process April 23, 2014
CAPA Corrective and Preventative Action Added prior to March 2003
CAPE Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation May 07, 2014
CAPER Compensation And Pension Evaluation Redesign Added prior to March 2003
CAPOC Computer Assisted Practice of Cariology (DoD) Added prior to March 2003
CAPPS Computer Assisted Payments Processing System Added prior to March 2003
CAPPS Capital Asset Policy, Planning, and Strategy Service April 03, 2014
CAPRES Capital Resource (Survey) January 24, 2007
CAPRI Compensation and Pension Record Interchange April 15, 2010
CAPS Computerized Accounts Payable System July 15, 2004
CAPS Capabilities Assessment Program Survey November 05, 2008
CAR Combat Action Ribbon December 14, 2016
CAR Collection, Analysis, and Reporting tool December 14, 2016
CARA Criticality Analysis and Risk Assessment June 27, 2011
CARC Claim Adjustment Reason Code April 01, 2021
CARD Cost Analysis Requirements Description April 30, 2014
CARDS Cardiology August 14, 2014
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CARE Continuity Assessment Records and Evaluation March 02, 2009
CARES Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services Added prior to March 2003
CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Added prior to March 2003
CARF Computer Access Request Form May 09, 2011
CARG Clinical Application Requirements Group Added prior to March 2003
CAROLS Centralized Accounts Receivable On-Line System Added prior to March 2003
CART Clinical Assessment Reporting and Tracking October 01, 2014
CART Cardiovascular Assessment Reporting and Tracking July 06, 2009
Cardiovascular Assessment Reporting and Tracking -
Catheterization Lab
July 06, 2009
CAS Cost Accounting Standard May 12, 2010
CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board May 12, 2010
CASE Computer Assisted Software Engineering July 15, 2004
CASES Clarify, Assemble, Synthesize, Explain and Support April 23, 2014
CASS Computer Assisted System Staff May 19, 2015
CAT Computerized Aril Topography Added prior to March 2003
CAT Computerized Axial Tomography Added prior to March 2003
CAT Computer Audio Teleconferencing Added prior to March 2003
CAT Computer Access Training May 07, 2014
CAT Computer Access Training May 07, 2014
CATH Catheter, as in Urinary Catheter or Cardiac Catheterization August 14, 2014
CATS Compliance and Tracking System April 23, 2014
CATS Complaints Automated Tracking System October 22, 2015
CAU Clinical Access Unit May 01, 2014
CAUTI Catheter Acquired Urinary Tract Infection March 28, 2011
CAVC Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims October 28, 2011
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CAVHCS Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System December 15, 2016
CAVHS Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System May 20, 2010
CB Care Bereavement July 21, 2010
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis July 15, 2004
CBA Clinical Business Area Added prior to March 2003
CBA Centrally Billied Account December 12, 2014
CBC Community Based Outpatient Clinic July 21, 2004
CBC Complete Blood Count May 26, 2010
CBCMC Clinical Bar Code Multidisciplinary Committee August 17, 2009
CBCT Community Based Care Team June 30, 2021
CBD Chief Benefits Director Added prior to March 2003
CBES Community Based Employment Services March 09, 2021
CBHCO Community-Based Health Care Organization June 10, 2004
CBI Compliance and Business Integrity Added prior to March 2003
CBIR Call Bell In Reach March 23, 2015
CBO Congressional Budget Office Added prior to March 2003
CBO Chief Business Office November 15, 2010
CBOC Community-Based Outpatient Clinic November 29, 2012
CBOPC Chief Business Office Purchased Care April 23, 2014
CBR Can Be Reached July 31, 2017
CBRRP Community Based Residential Recovery Program January 03, 2007
CBSE Component Based Software Engineering July 15, 2004
CBT Computer-Based Training July 15, 2004
CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy September 23, 2008
CC Celing Cost May 12, 2010
CC Configuration Control July 15, 2004
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CC Complains of August 04, 2014
CC Care Coordinator January 21, 2016
CC Chief Counsel April 21, 2016
CC Community Care July 12, 2021
CCA CA Configuration Automation March 09, 2021
CCA Clinger-Cohen Act Added prior to March 2003
CCA Consolidated Contracting Activity June 29, 2007
CCB Change Control Board Added prior to March 2003
CCC Cost Containment Center Added prior to March 2003
CCCA Community Care Contract Administration April 01, 2021
CCD Centralized Contracting Division July 15, 2004
CCD Continuity of Care Document December 14, 2005
CCDA Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture February 06, 2015
C-CDA Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture April 17, 2014
CCDOR Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research June 08, 2009
CCDSS Clinical Care Delivery Support System April 28, 2009
CCEP Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program July 10, 2007
CCHHIP Care Coordination Home Health Infrastructure Project July 17, 2003
CCHIT Certification Commission for Health Information Technology April 24, 2006
CCHT Care Coordination Home Telehealth October 10, 2006
CCI Correct Coding Initiative April 01, 2021
CCIP Coordinated Care Implementation Project October 01, 2003
Consultative Committee for International Telephone and
July 15, 2004
CCL Community Care Living July 12, 2021
CCM Community Care Network April 01, 2021
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CCM Commitments, Calls, and Milestones March 09, 2021
CCM Coding Compliant Module April 10, 2014
CCM Certified Case Manager March 05, 2009
CCMD Call Center MD/ Physicians July 30, 2015
CCNE Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education April 11, 2007
CCO Community Collaboration Office Added prior to March 2003
CCO&TPS Charge Card Oversight and Travel Policy Services March 31, 2010
CCOD Charge Card Operations Division December 15, 2016
CCOW Clinical Context Object Workgroup Added prior to March 2003
CCPC Consolidated Co-payment Processing Center Added prior to March 2003
CCQAS Centralized Credentials and Quality Assurance System Added prior to March 2003
CCR Central Contractor Register February 18, 2010
CCR Clinical Case Registry December 14, 2005
CCR Continuity of Care Record December 14, 2005
CCR&A Community Care Referral and Authorization July 12, 2021
CCRS Code Change Requests April 23, 2014
CCS CHDR Common Service October 22, 2003
CCS Care Coordination Services January 06, 2009
CCSP Child Care Subsidy Program December 21, 2011
CCT Critical Care Transport August 14, 2014
CCT Community Care Team December 15, 2016
CCU Consolidated Classification Unit December 12, 2014
CD Catastrophic Disability July 15, 2004
CD ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory Added prior to March 2003
CDA Clinical Documentation Architecture June 27, 2005
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CDA Contract Disputes Act May 12, 2010
CDA Certified Dental Assistant June 10, 2008
CDASH Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization December 15, 2008
CDB Cough, Deep Breath May 20, 2010
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Added prior to March 2003
CDCI Corporate Data Center COOP Initiative Added prior to March 2003
CDCO Corporate Data Center Operations (formerly CFDC) March 13, 2008
CDD Capabilities Development Document May 07, 2014
CDDT Capability Deep Dive Team May 07, 2014
CDE Clinical Data Enhancement March 08, 2007
CDF Corporate Data Franchise Center February 25, 2008
CDF Capability Development Framework May 07, 2014
CDHA chronic daily headaches April 01, 2021
CDI Customer Data Integration January 21, 2016
CDI Clostridium difficile infection April 17, 2014
CDI Clinical Documentation Improvement April 10, 2014
CDI clean, dry and intact December 15, 2004
CDIS Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist April 10, 2014
CDIS Clinical Documenation Improvement Specialist April 17, 2014
CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium February 25, 2008
CDM Chronic Disease Management April 25, 2011
CDM canonical data model April 18, 2014
CDM Continuous Diagnostics and Monitoring January 21, 2016
CDN Content Distribution Network February 10, 2004
CDP Concurrent Disability Pay April 17, 2014
CDQR Clinical Data Quality Review Added prior to March 2003
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CDR Clinical Data Repository July 15, 2004
CDR Cost Distribution Report Added prior to March 2003
CDR Commission on Dietetic Registration July 10, 2007
CDR Critical Design Review August 10, 2010
CDS Clinical Decision Support May 07, 2014
CDS Clinical Decision Support April 10, 2014
CDS Clinical Data Services June 10, 2004
CDSS Clinical Decision Support System Added prior to March 2003
CDT Current Dental Terminology July 15, 2004
CDW Corporate Data Warehouse July 15, 2004
CE Continuing Education Added prior to March 2003
CEA Chief Enterprise Architect July 15, 2004
CEAT Centralized Eligiblity and Appeals Team July 23, 2021
CEB Clinical Executive Board April 23, 2014
CEC Clinical Ethics Consultation April 23, 2014
CEC Continuing Education Center Added prior to March 2003
CEC VA Commodities Enterprise Contract April 21, 2016
CEC Community Employment Coordinator December 14, 2016
CEFU Continuing Education Field Unit March 27, 2006
Center for Evaluation of Healthcare Information Systems &
Added prior to March 2003
CEIS Corporate Executive Information System Added prior to March 2003
CELO Chief Education Liaison Officers September 23, 2014
CEMP Comprehensive Emergency Management Program April 17, 2014
CEMP Comprehensive Emergency Management Program May 28, 2009
CEN Committee European de Normalisation July 15, 2004
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CEO Chief Executive Officer Added prior to March 2003
CEOSH Center for Engineering & Occupational Safety and Health December 22, 2009
CER Counseling/Evaluation/Rehabilitation July 12, 2021
CERME CareEnhance Review Manager Software March 23, 2007
CERME Care Enhanced Review Management Enterprise April 30, 2014
CERS Community Engagement and Reintergration Services April 21, 2016
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team April 02, 2007
CES Coordinated Entry System October 27, 2017
CESAMH Center of Excellence for Stress and Mental Health October 09, 2007
CESATE Center of Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment and Education April 30, 2014
CEST Claims Establishment February 18, 2010
CF correction factor March 09, 2021
CFC Court of Federal Claims May 12, 2010
CFC Combined Federal Campaign January 11, 2005
CFD Corporate Franchise Datacenter (3/08 see CDCO) March 13, 2008
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance April 23, 2014
CFI Claim for Increase May 19, 2015
CFID Change of Fiduciary April 17, 2014
C-FILE Claims File October 22, 2015
CFIM Customer Facing Incident Management Dashboard December 14, 2016
CFM Construction & Facilitiies Management February 06, 2015
CFO Chief Financial Officer Added prior to March 2003
CFOC Chief Financial Officers Council May 12, 2010
CFP Clinical Financial Planner Added prior to March 2003
CFR Code of Federal Regulations Added prior to March 2003
CGA contact guard assist April 23, 2014
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CGMP Certified Government Meeting Professional April 03, 2014
CHADS2 CHADS2 score April 18, 2014
Community Homeless Assessment Local Education Networking
August 07, 2008
CHAMPUS Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Uniformed Services Added prior to March 2003
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of
Veterans Affairs
Added prior to March 2003
CHAP chaplain May 01, 2014
CHCS Composite Health Care System (DoD) Added prior to March 2003
CHDR Clinical/Health Data Repository April 15, 2010
CHEC Community Health Education Center Added prior to March 2003
CHEP Cooperative Health Manpower Education Programs Added prior to March 2003
CHERP Center for Health Research Equity and Promotion July 28, 2008
CHF Congestive Heart Failure January 23, 2008
CHI Consolidated Health Informatics May 21, 2003
CHIM Center for Healthcare Information Management Added prior to March 2003
CHIME College of Healthcare Information Management Executives Added prior to March 2003
CHIN Community Health Information Network Added prior to March 2003
CHIO Chief Health Informatics Office(r) June 19, 2007
CHIP Collaborative Health Information Partners December 14, 2005
CHIP Collaborative Health Information Partners December 14, 2005
CHIPS Consumer Health Information & Performance Set Added prior to March 2003
CHIR Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research March 15, 2010
CHIS Center for Healthcare Information Security Added prior to March 2003
CHISS Common Health Information Security Service Added prior to March 2003
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CHO carbohydrate February 06, 2015
CHOMP Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula October 14, 2008
CHPPM U. S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine November 05, 2008
CHR Consolidated Health Record July 15, 2004
CHS Columbus House Shelter February 16, 2011
CHSS Certified HIPAA Security Specialist Certification December 04, 2008
CHUI Character-based User Interface December 11, 2007
CI Contract Item/Control Item May 12, 2010
CI Configurable Item May 07, 2014
CI Commercial Integrator Added prior to March 2003
CI/ST Component integration/system test April 17, 2015
CIC Clean Intermittent Catheterization June 16, 2015
CICA Competition in Contracting Act May 12, 2010
CICSP Continuous Improvement In Cardiac Surgery Program April 10, 2003
CID Criminal Investigation Division March 28, 2011
CID Clinically Indicated Date December 10, 2014
CIDC Clinical Indicators Data Capture August 29, 2005
CIDD Common Intrusion Detection Director Added prior to March 2003
CIDMO Clinical Informatics and Data Management Office July 12, 2021
CIDP Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy April 21, 2016
CIF Code In flight October 30, 2014
CIIF Common Information Interoperability Framework May 03, 2011
CIIRP Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program April 04, 2011
CIM Corporate Information Model July 15, 2004
CIO Chief Information Officer Added prior to March 2003
CIO NTEO Chief Information Office National Training and Education Office Added prior to March 2003
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CIOFO Chief Information Office Field Office July 15, 2004
CIP Capital Investment Proposal Added prior to March 2003
CIP Capital Investment Process February 18, 2010
CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection December 14, 2016
CIPP/G Certified Information Privacy Professional/Government February 18, 2010
CIPT Capability Integrated Project Team October 27, 2017
C-IPT Capability Integrated Project Team May 07, 2014
CIRC Central Incident Response Capability Added prior to March 2003
CIRD Clinical Informatics and Requirements Division April 23, 2014
CIRD Clinical Informatics & Requirements Directorate April 23, 2014
CIRN Clinical Information Resources Network Added prior to March 2003
CIRN-CR CIRN-Clinical Respository Added prior to March 2003
CIRT Critical Incident Response Team July 15, 2004
CIS Clinical Information System Added prior to March 2003
ICU Clinical Information System and Anesthesia Record Keeping
April 30, 2014
CISS Clinical Information Support System February 25, 2008
Clinical Information Support System - Occupational Health
Record-keeping System
January 11, 2010
CISSP Certified Information System Security Professional May 22, 2003
CITC Care In The Community July 31, 2017
CITE Community Information Technology Engagement Program June 11, 2014
CITI CHAMPVA In-house Treatment Initiative Added prior to March 2003
CITL Center for Information Technology Leadership October 16, 2006
CITN Critical Incident Tracking Notification April 17, 2015
CITPO Clinical Information Technology Program Office Added prior to March 2003
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CIWA Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment June 14, 2011
CIWD Condition Interfered With Duty December 03, 2009
CKD Chronic kidney disease December 22, 2005
CLA Customer License Agreement Added prior to March 2003
CLABSI Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection April 25, 2011
CLASS Community Living Assistance Services and Supports July 06, 2010
CLBP Chronic Lower Back Pain April 01, 2021
CLC Community Living Center July 30, 2008
CLCW Camp Lejeune contaminated water March 09, 2021
CLCW Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water March 09, 2021
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment Added prior to March 2003
CLIN Contract Line Item Number March 27, 2007
CLIO Clinical Observations October 15, 2009
CLO Committee Liaison Office March 08, 2010
CLO Chief Logistics Officer March 09, 2009
CLOB Character Large Object January 27, 2005
CLP CLP April 01, 2021
CLS Clinical Lexicon Consortium Added prior to March 2003
CM Case Manager June 11, 2014
CM Configuration Management July 15, 2004
CM Change Management July 15, 2004
CM Contact Management July 15, 2004
CM/SWS Care Management and Social Work Services July 30, 2015
CMAC CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charges Added prior to March 2003
CMC Consolidated Medical Center Added prior to March 2003
CMCHS Civilian Military Contingency Hospital System Added prior to March 2003
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CMCOM Configuration Management Process Committee June 02, 2006
CMD Chief Medical Director Added prior to March 2003
CMDB Configuration Management Database May 01, 2014
CME Continuing Medical Education January 10, 2006
CMHC Community Mental Health Center February 07, 2011
CMI Chronic Mental Illness July 08, 2008
CMIO Chief Medical Information Officer May 07, 2014
CMIT Current Medical Information and Terminology Added prior to March 2003
CMM Capability Maturity Model July 15, 2004
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration March 27, 2007
CMO Chief Medical Officer July 06, 2009
CMOP Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy Added prior to March 2003
CMOR CIRN Master of Record (replaced by PV) October 02, 2007
CMP Configuration Management Plan July 15, 2004
CMP Centralized Mail Portal March 23, 2015
CMP (Labs) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel July 20, 2009
CMR Consolidated Memorandum of Receipt Added prior to March 2003
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (previously HCFA) Added prior to March 2003
CMS Content Management Services October 11, 2011
CMS Central Medical Supply July 31, 2017
CMS Card Management System October 26, 2017
CMSTP circulation motor sensation temperature pulse April 23, 2014
CMT Centralized Means Test Added prior to March 2003
CMTRA Care Management Tracking and Reporting Application December 15, 2008
CN Cranial Nerve October 27, 2017
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CNE Certified Network Engineer Added prior to March 2003
CNH Community Nursing Home August 11, 2006
CNH Contract Nursing Homes May 19, 2015
CNHC Community Nursing Home Care Added prior to March 2003
CNIO Chief Nursing Informatics Office July 18, 2014
CNL Clinical Nurse Leader March 09, 2021
CNO Chief Network Officer Added prior to March 2003
CNP Controlled national policy July 30, 2015
CNS Central Nervous System December 15, 2016
CNS Clinical Nurse Specialist April 04, 2011
CNSD Clinical Nurse Staff Development April 23, 2014
CO Central Office Added prior to March 2003
CO Contracting Officer April 23, 2014
CO close observation August 04, 2014
CO Change Order February 22, 2010
CO OR C.O. Constant Observation (for pts with SI/HI concerns) August 04, 2014
COAS Clinical Observation Access Control Added prior to March 2003
COB Close of Business April 09, 2009
COB Coordination of Benefits April 01, 2021
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language April 17, 2015
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act September 23, 2014
COBRA Common Object Request Broker Architecture July 15, 2004
COD Character of Discharge April 23, 2014
COE Certificate of Eligibility July 15, 2004
COE Centers of Excellence May 25, 2006
COFC Court of Federal Claims May 12, 2010
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COG Coninuity of Government Added prior to March 2003
COG Clinical Oversight Group Added prior to March 2003
COHIC National Center for Occupational Health and Infection Control April 30, 2014
COHRS Central Office Human Resources Service March 31, 2009
COI Conflict of Interest May 12, 2010
COI Communities of Interest November 16, 2004
COIN Center of Innovation April 23, 2014
COLLAGE Communities On-line Learning About Guidelines January 23, 2007
COLMR Center for Organization, Leadership, and Management Research November 04, 2011
COLT Clinical Online Training October 16, 2008
Columbia HCA Columbia Health Care Corporation Added prior to March 2003
COM+ Component Object Model + July 15, 2004
COMSEC Computer Security July 15, 2004
CONOPS Concept of Operations Added prior to March 2003
CONUS Continental United States November 05, 2008
COO Chief Operations Officer Added prior to March 2003
COOP Continuity of Operations Plan December 21, 2010
COOP Continuity of Operations April 17, 2014
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease April 25, 2011
COPS Community Outpatient Services April 21, 2010
COR Contracting Officer's Representative May 12, 2010
COR Copy of Record Added prior to March 2003
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture Added prior to March 2003
Common Object Request Broker Architecture/Object Management
Added prior to March 2003
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CORE Clinical Observations Recording and Encoding June 02, 2010
COREFLS Core Financial and Logistics System February 24, 2004
CORI Clinical Outcomes Research Initiative ( CORI ) January 11, 2010
CORK Conference Oversight and Reporting Knowledgebase April 21, 2016
COS Chief of Staff Added prior to March 2003
COSG Collaborative Opportunities Steering Group August 26, 2005
COSVA Chief of Staff January 29, 2009
COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative May 12, 2010
COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative Added prior to March 2003
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (applications) Added prior to March 2003
COVERS Control of Veterans Records System July 05, 2011
COVID Corona Virus Disease July 12, 2021
COVID-19 Corona Virus 2019 April 01, 2021
COW Computer on Wheels May 06, 2009
CP Celing Price May 12, 2010
CP Chest pain August 04, 2014
CP Contingency Plan July 15, 2004
CP Counseling Psychologist July 15, 2004
Chest pain/shortness of
breath/nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/fever/chills/head ache
July 25, 2014
Chest pain/shortness of
breath/nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/fever/chills/head ache
July 25, 2014
CPAC Consolidated Patient Account Center January 22, 2009
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure April 30, 2014
CPARS Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System May 12, 2010
CPC Comprehensive Primary Care April 23, 2014
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CPE Clinical Pastoral Education June 14, 2011
CPE Claims Processing and Eligibility September 23, 2014
CPE Continuing Professional Education September 23, 2014
CPE Clinical Practice Environment February 21, 2007
CPEP Compensation and Pension Examination Project Added prior to March 2003
CPFF COST-PLUS-FIXED-FEE September 04, 2015
CPG Clinical Practice Guideline April 10, 2014
CPGI Clinical Practice Guidelines Index February 20, 2007
CPGI Clinical Practice Guidelines Index March 14, 2011
CPI Cost Performance Index July 22, 2003
CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control May 12, 2003
CPKM Compensation Pension Knowledge Management July 30, 2015
CPM Continue Prescribed Medication(s) December 14, 2016
CPM Critical Path Method Added prior to March 2003
CPM Continous Passive Motion September 18, 2008
CPMB Clinical Proponents' Management Board May 27, 2016
CPMP Contractor Program Management Plan June 25, 2014
CPO Certification Program Office April 03, 2014
CPO Chief of Purchasing Office May 12, 2010
CPOE Computerized Physician Order Entry Added prior to March 2003
CPP Consumer Preferences and Policy June 14, 2011
CPP Community Provider Portal March 09, 2021
CPR Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation July 14, 2003
CPR Computer Patient Record Added prior to March 2003
CPRI Computer-Based Patient Record Institute Added prior to March 2003
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CPRI-HOST Computer-based Patient Record Institute - Healthcare Open
Systems and Trials
July 15, 2004
CPRR Cost per [Patient] Reportable Result April 01, 2014
CPRS Computerized Patient Record System Added prior to March 2003
CPRS-R Computerized Patient Record System Reengineered July 15, 2004
CPS Certified Peer Specialist April 23, 2014
CPS Claims Processing Style Added prior to March 2003
CPS Claims Processing System Added prior to March 2003
CPS Core Products and Services October 04, 2010
CPS Clinical Product Supoort October 21, 2009
CPS Contractor Performance System February 18, 2010
CPS clinical pharmacy specialist April 21, 2016
CPSC Cardiac Pacemaker Surveillance Center Added prior to March 2003
CPSR Contractor Procurement System Review May 12, 2010
CPT Current Procedural Terminology Added prior to March 2003
CPT Cognitive Processing Therapy September 04, 2015
CPTMS Corporate Performance and Talent Management System April 23, 2014
CPTMS CSEMO Performance and Talent Management System April 23, 2014
CPU Central Processing Unit Added prior to March 2003
CPWM Compensation and Pension Worksheet Module August 30, 2004
CQ Clear Quest June 02, 2006
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement July 15, 2004
CR Clinical Reminders April 17, 2014
CR Change Request March 27, 2007
CRADA Collaborative Research and Development Agreements Added prior to March 2003
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development April 27, 2004
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CRADA Cooperative Research and Development April 27, 2004
CRADO Chief Research and Development Officer February 25, 2008
CRC Community Residential Care Program January 03, 2007
CRC Certified Rehabilitation Counselor April 07, 2011
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checks July 15, 2004
CRDC Capital Region Data Center November 19, 2008
CRDP Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payment March 15, 2010
CREW Initiative Civility, Respect and Engagement in the Workplace September 13, 2005
CRISP Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects November 08, 2010
CRISP Continuous Readiness in Information Security Program June 04, 2012
CRM-UD Customer Relationship Management - Unified Desktop April 17, 2014
CRM-UDO Unfied Desktop Optimization April 01, 2021
CRNA Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist August 19, 2011
CRO Chief Risk Officer June 11, 2014
CRP Capabilities Requirement Proposal April 30, 2014
CRQS Chief Residency in Quality and Patient Safety April 23, 2014
CRRC Community Resource and Referral Center April 17, 2014
CRRC Capital Region Readiness Center March 24, 2011
CRRN Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse April 04, 2011
CRS Converged Registries Solution October 25, 2011
CRS Care Record Summary December 14, 2005
CRS Chronic Rhinosinusitis April 17, 2015
CRSC Combat-Related Special Compensation May 06, 2009
CRSP Centralized Regional Scheduling Program Added prior to March 2003
CRT Crisis Response Team Added prior to March 2003
CRT Contract Review Team May 07, 2014
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CRUD Creation, Retrieval, Updating, and Deletion July 15, 2004
CS Controlled Substances July 15, 2004
CS Compensation Services April 30, 2014
CS Cost Sharing May 12, 2010
CS Common Service April 11, 2007
CS Caregiver Support May 19, 2015
CSA Common Services Architecture July 15, 2004
CSAC Certified Substance Abuse Counselor October 25, 2006
CSC Caregiver Support Coordinator December 21, 2011
CSCA Contractor Security Control Assessment July 05, 2011
CSCIS Computer Software Configuration Items July 28, 2004
C-SCOPE Colonoscopy April 23, 2014
CSCS Computer Software Components July 28, 2004
CSE Customer Service Environment Added prior to March 2003
CSEMO Corporate Senior Executive Management Office October 14, 2010
CSF Common Security Framework April 23, 2014
CSF Critical Success Factors July 15, 2004
CSI Clinical Specific Improvements October 05, 2009
CSI Case Severity Index March 09, 2021
CSL Customer Service Liaison December 14, 2016
CSM circulation sensation movement August 04, 2014
CSN Category Stock Number December 15, 2016
CSNTC Compensation Service National Training Curriculum December 14, 2016
CSO Cyber Security Office Added prior to March 2003
CSOC Cybersecurity Operations Center April 01, 2021
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CSP Cooperative Studies Program July 15, 2004
CSP Cyber Security Professional April 27, 2004
CSP Credential Service Provider October 21, 2014
CSPIVR Clear or Set Personal Identification Verification Required December 15, 2016
CSR Continuous Survey Readiness October 20, 2010
CSRA Civil Service Reform Act Added prior to March 2003
CSRDF Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund January 20, 2011
CSRS Civil Service Retirement System July 06, 2010
CSS Cascading Style Sheet January 11, 2005
CSS Common Security Services October 27, 2017
CSS Centralized Scheduling Solution April 01, 2021
CSST Capability Specialized Support Team May 07, 2014
CSSU Clinical Services Support Unit September 20, 2010
CST Collaboration Strategies Team December 14, 2016
CSUM Common Security User Manager July 15, 2004
CSV Code Set Versioning July 28, 2003
CSWRI Center for the Study of War Related Injuries August 26, 2004
CT Component testing April 17, 2015
CT claims tracking December 15, 2016
CT claims tracking December 15, 2016
CT Commercial Technology August 17, 2004
CT Computerised Tomography July 06, 2009
CT Computed Tomography April 13, 2010
CT OR CT SCAN Computerized tomography (CT scan) August 14, 2014
CTA Chief Technical Analyst April 18, 2014
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CTA clear to auscultation January 12, 2009
CTAB Clear To Auscultation Bilaterally January 04, 2012
CTAP Career Transition Assistance Plan November 04, 2009
CTB Consult Toolbox July 12, 2021
CTBIE Comprehensive Traumatic Brain Injury Evaluation April 03, 2014
CTCP Complex Transitional Care Program July 12, 2021
CTF Chloracne Task Force Added prior to March 2003
CTI Computer/Telephone Integration Added prior to March 2003
CTI Category Type Item January 23, 2007
CTI Critical Time Intervention October 31, 2011
CTO Chief Technology Officer July 15, 2004
CTOP competency, training, orientation, performance December 03, 2014
CTR Congressional Tracking Report April 21, 2016
CTS Contingency Tracking System June 30, 2005
CUE Clear and unmistakable error April 01, 2021
CUI Concept Unique Identifier July 15, 2004
CUPS Customer User Provisioning System (CUPS) January 15, 2009
CURR Center for Unit Records Research July 15, 2004
CUSS Clinical Utilization Statistical Summary Report June 25, 2014
CV Cost Variance July 22, 2003
CV Community Viewer March 09, 2021
CVA Cerebral vascular accident August 14, 2014
CVA costovertebral angle August 14, 2014
CVC Central Venous Catheter September 27, 2010
CVI converged virtualization infrastructure December 15, 2016
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CVIX Centralized VistA Imaging Exchange October 22, 2009
CVS Conformance Validation Statement April 23, 2014
CVSO County Veteran's Service Officer April 18, 2014
CWAD Crisis Notes, Warning Notes, Allergies and Directives Added prior to March 2003
CWINRS Corporate Waco-Indianapolis-Newark-Roanoke-Seattle April 23, 2014
CWM Common Warehouse Meta-model July 15, 2004
CWS Contract Writing System March 01, 2010
CWT/IT Compensated Work Therapy/Incentive Therapy Added prior to March 2003
CWT/TR ?combination of CWT and TR March 09, 2021
CWTS Cross Word Training System June 21, 2010
CWV Center for Women Veterans October 22, 2015
CWW Compressed Work Week October 27, 2017
CX cancelled October 21, 2014
CXR chest x-ray August 04, 2014
CY Calender Year May 12, 2010
D&F Determination and Finding May 12, 2010
D&PPM Drug & Pharmaceutical Products Management Added prior to March 2003
D/C Discontinue Medication June 10, 2010
D/CED OR D/C Discharge July 20, 2011
D/D DNR/DNI February 10, 2004
D/L Download July 15, 2004
D/T due to April 17, 2014
D2D Digits-to-Digits April 23, 2014
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DA Drug Accountability/Inventory Interface December 11, 2007
DAA Designated Accreditation Authority October 06, 2011
DAA Designated Approval Authority June 30, 2003
DABMSP Diplomate American Board Multiple Specialties in Podiatry January 15, 2009
DACA Distributed Access Control and Authorization Added prior to March 2003
DAD Decision Assessment Document May 08, 2008
DAEO Designated Agency Ethics Official June 27, 2011
DAIC Division of Audits and Internal Controls April 23, 2014
DAIS Development and Infrastructure Support July 15, 2004
DALC Denver Acquisition and Logistics Center April 27, 2009
DAO Data Access Object November 22, 2004
DAP Digital Analytics Program August 22, 2015
DAR Designated Agency Representative April 21, 2016
DAR Data Architecture Repository March 31, 2010
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency March 31, 2010
DART Data Access Request Tracker October 12, 2010
DAS Data Architecture Subcommittee March 31, 2010
DAS Deputy Assistant Secretary Added prior to March 2003
DAS Data Access Service(s) February 06, 2015
DASD Direct Access Storage Device March 31, 2010
DASHO Designated Agency Safety and Health Official Added prior to March 2003
DAT Digital Audio Tape July 15, 2004
DAT Domain Action Team December 14, 2005
DAV Disabled American Veterans Added prior to March 2003
DBA Data Base Administrator Added prior to March 2003
DBAC Deep Bleeder Acoustic Coagulation April 03, 2006
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DBAT Desktop Baseline Assessment Toolkit December 14, 2016
DBC Disruptive Behavior Committee December 13, 2006
DBCT Data Breach Core Team March 31, 2010
DBIA Database Integration Agreement July 15, 2004
DBIC Data Base Integration Committee Added prior to March 2003
DBM Disruptive Behavior Management May 03, 2011
DBMS Database Management System(s) February 06, 2015
DBMS Data Base Management System Added prior to March 2003
DBQ Disability Benefits Questionnaires July 20, 2011
DBRS Data of Breach response Service December 15, 2016
DBRS Disruptive Behavior Reporting System December 15, 2016
DBS Database Server December 11, 2007
DBSS Defense Blood Standard System Added prior to March 2003
DBT Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), April 23, 2014
DC Data Consortium March 31, 2010
DC Domain Controllers March 31, 2010
DC OR DC'D discharge or discharged January 21, 2016
DCA Delayed Continuing Accreditation Added prior to March 2003
Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations, Burns,
Tenderness, Lacerations, Swelling
August 11, 2015
DCBE Double Contrast Barium Enema December 14, 2010
DCC Deputy Chief Counsel April 21, 2016
DCD Data Collection Division December 15, 2016
DCE Distributed Computing Environment July 15, 2004
DCEP Data Collection and Extraction Program July 30, 2015
DCFSA Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account March 31, 2010
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DCHV Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans November 24, 2010
DCIA Debt Collection Improvement Act March 31, 2010
DCIO Deputy Chief Information Officer July 15, 2004
DCM Department Cost Manager Added prior to March 2003
DCMO Deputy Chief Management Officer May 07, 2014
DCMS Document Correspondence Management System March 19, 2007
DCO Defense Connect Online May 07, 2014
DCO Data Center Operations (Formerly CDCO) April 17, 2014
DCOI Data Center Optimization Initiative January 16, 2018
DCOM Distributed Component Object Model July 15, 2004
DCPS Defense Civilian Pay System February 18, 2010
DCR Design Change Requirement April 20, 2010
DD Desired Date October 21, 2011
DD Data Dictionary July 15, 2004
DD&R Document Development and Review September 08, 2011
DD214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty April 01, 2021
DD214 Defense Department 214 December 15, 2016
DDC Denver Distribution Center Added prior to March 2003
DDCSS Drug Dependence Clinical Support System Added prior to March 2003
DDD Degenerative disc disease April 01, 2021
DEA Dependents Educational Assistance July 30, 2015
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration October 20, 2011
DEC Dental Education Center Added prior to March 2003
DECC Defense Enterprise Computing Center June 12, 2003
DEERS Defense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting System April 11, 2003
DEMO Disability Examination Management Office December 08, 2010
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DEMPS Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System Added prior to March 2003
DENTT Disability Evaluation Narrative Text Tool December 21, 2011
DEP Delayed entry program December 15, 2016
DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense May 07, 2014
DEPSECVA Deputy Secretary January 29, 2009
DES Disability Evaluation System November 25, 2008
DES Dental Encounter System December 11, 2007
DES Digital Encryption Standard July 15, 2004
DEU Delegated Examining Unit October 22, 2008
DEVSECOP Development Security Operations July 23, 2021
DFAR Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation May 07, 2014
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting System February 02, 2009
DFC Discharge From Clinic Added prior to March 2003
DFI Document, Forms, & Images October 02, 2007
DFN Data File Number July 15, 2004
DFO Director of Field Operations October 05, 2009
DFS Distributed File System September 04, 2015
DGB Data Governance Board February 18, 2010
DGC Data Governance Council June 14, 2011
DHA Defense Health Agency November 05, 2019
DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol January 25, 2005
DHCP Decentralized Hospital Computer Program Added prior to March 2003
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services Added prior to March 2003
DHIMS Defense Health Information Management System April 23, 2014
DHMSM DoD Health Management System Modernization April 23, 2014
DHPO Distance Health Program Office April 23, 2014
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DHT Dobhoff tube February 27, 2006
DI Diabetes insipidus September 23, 2014
DIACAP DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process April 23, 2014
DIB Data Integrity Board Added prior to March 2003
DIC Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Added prior to March 2003
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Added prior to March 2003
DID Data Item Description May 12, 2010
DIGA Diabetic Intensive Group Appointment April 23, 2014
DIGMA Drop-In Group Medical Appointment October 03, 2005
DIMHRS Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System March 19, 2009
DISA Defense Information Systems Administration Added prior to March 2003
DIT Development Integration Testing Added prior to March 2003
DIT Domain Implementation Team December 14, 2005
DIV Data and Information View April 23, 2014
DJD Degenerative Joint Disease November 06, 2007
DKA Diabetic Ketoacidosis May 19, 2015
DL Distribution List August 16, 2011
DLC Development Life Cycle October 27, 2017
DLL dynamic link library July 30, 2015
DLO Designated Learning Officer October 14, 2008
DLP Date Last Paid December 14, 2016
DM diabetis Melitis September 23, 2014
DM Diabetes April 25, 2011
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DM Diversity Management July 15, 2004
DMA Department of Memorial Affairs May 01, 2014
DMA Disability and Medical Assessment April 23, 2014
DMC Debt Management Center Added prior to March 2003
DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center Added prior to March 2003
DME Development/Maintenance/Enhancement Added prior to March 2003
DME Development, Maintenance, and Enhancement April 23, 2014
DME Durable Medical Equipment December 12, 2014
DME Development, Modernization and Enhancements March 31, 2009
DME Durable Medical Equipment February 18, 2010
DME Diabetic Macular Edema December 22, 2005
DMED Defense Medical Epidemiology Database October 29, 2003
DMI Data Migration Initiative July 12, 2006
DMII Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 June 08, 2010
DMIM Domain Message Information Model March 07, 2008
DMIM Defense Medical Information Management Added prior to March 2003
DMIX Defense Medical Information Exchange April 23, 2014
DMLSS Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support Added prior to March 2003
DMLT Division Leadership and Management Training (DMLT) April 23, 2014
DMMS Decentralized Medical Management System Added prior to March 2003
DMMSC Defense Medical Systems Support Center Added prior to March 2003
DMO Directives Management Officer Added prior to March 2003
DMO Data Management Organization April 21, 2016
DMRIS Defense Medical Regulating Information System Added prior to March 2003
DMS Document Management System May 05, 2010
DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System July 28, 2003
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DMU Dataless Management Utility July 15, 2004
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles June 16, 2015
DMZ Demilitarized Zone July 15, 2004
DNBI Lowest Disease to Non-Battle Injury April 11, 2007
DNR Do Not Respond Added prior to March 2003
DNR Do Not Resuscitate Added prior to March 2003
DNR Do Not Recall March 09, 2021
DNS Domain Name Server or Domain Name System Added prior to March 2003
DNS Deviated Nasal Septum March 08, 2010
DNVF Distal NeuroVascular Function February 06, 2015
DNVFI Distal NeuroVascular Function Intact February 06, 2015
DO Delivery Order Added prior to March 2003
DOA Date of Access April 17, 2014
DOA Delegation of Authority April 01, 2021
DOB Date of Birth June 09, 2008
DOBI Department of Defense Instruction May 12, 2010
DOC Department Operations Council May 04, 2006
DOC Date of Claim April 17, 2015
DoD Department of Defense Added prior to March 2003
DODAF Dept. of Defense Architecture Framework April 18, 2014
DODAF Dept. of Defense Architectural Framework April 23, 2014
DOE Department of Energy July 15, 2004
DOE Dyspnea on Exertion December 22, 2005
DOE Dyspenic on exertion December 15, 2016
DOEHDR Defense Occupational Exposure Health Data Repository July 26, 2004
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DOI DATE OF INJURY December 15, 2016
DOJ Department of Justice July 15, 2004
DOL Department of Labor Added prior to March 2003
DOLAP Desktop On-Line Analytical Processing July 15, 2004
DOMA DOMA Technologies March 09, 2021
DOMP Delivery Order Management Plan Added prior to March 2003
DOORS Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System June 03, 2005
DOORS Distribution of Operational Resources System June 27, 2011
DORS Department Of Rehabilitation Service Added prior to March 2003
DoS Denial-of-Service February 02, 2011
DOT Department of Transportation July 15, 2004
DP dorsalis pedis October 27, 2017
DPB Death Pension Benefits November 06, 2017
DPC Data Processing Center December 15, 2016
DPC Drug Program Coordinator Added prior to March 2003
DPDB Division of Practitioner Data Banks Added prior to March 2003
DPEO Deputy Program Executive Officer January 09, 2006
DPOA Durable Power of Attorney April 23, 2014
DPRIS Defense Personnel Records Image Retrieval System March 02, 2009
DPRIS Defense Personnel Records Information Retrieval System April 01, 2021
DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy October 27, 2017
DPU Discharge Placement Unit June 10, 2010
DQA Division of Quality Assurance Added prior to March 2003
DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus July 15, 2004
DQM Data Quality Monitoring November 24, 2010
DQS Data Quality Service October 04, 2010
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DR Data Repository July 15, 2004
DRAS Disability Rating Activity Site December 15, 2016
DRE Digital Rectal Exam September 23, 2014
DRF DevSecOps Release Framework July 12, 2021
DRG Diagnosis Related Group Added prior to March 2003
DRM Dental Record Manager Added prior to March 2003
DRMO Division Records Management Officer October 22, 2015
DRMROL Deployment Related Medical Record Online July 28, 2003
DRO Decision Review Officer July 15, 2004
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan April 10, 2014
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan April 23, 2014
DRR Division of Research Resources Added prior to March 2003
DRR Development Readiness Review July 31, 2017
DRRTP Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program April 06, 2006
D-RRTP Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs December 14, 2010
DRS Dispute Resolution Specialist February 13, 2006
DRSG dressing, as in wound coverage July 25, 2014
DRSG Dressing July 18, 2014
DRSG Dressing, as in wound coverage July 25, 2014
DS Data Standardization January 30, 2006
DS Delivery Services March 23, 2007
DS3 Disabled Soldier Support System June 03, 2004
DSAP Domiciliary Substance Abuse Program December 14, 2016
DS-ASC Data Security - Assessment and Strengthening of Controls June 21, 2010
DSCC Documentation Standards and Conventions Committee Added prior to March 2003
DSCM Data Standardization Configuration Management (Board) Added prior to March 2003
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DSCMB (DoD) Data Standards Configuration Management Board Added prior to March 2003
DSCU Dementia Specialty Care Unit April 15, 2014
DSI Data Sharing Interface (Currently BHIE) October 04, 2004
Defense Medical Information Management/Systems Integration,
Design, Development, Operations and Maintenance Services II
(DoD related)
Added prior to March 2003
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) Added prior to March 2003
DSM Digital Standard Mumps Added prior to March 2003
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Added prior to March 2003
DSMB Data Safety Monitoring Board March 18, 2009
DSO Decision Support Office July 10, 2007
DSO Decision Support Objects Added prior to March 2003
DSOB Data Standardization Oversight Board June 28, 2004
DSOIRM Designated Senior Official for IRM Added prior to March 2003
DSS Document Storage Systems Added prior to March 2003
DSS Demo Sites Subgroup July 27, 2006
DSS Decision Support Systems April 15, 2010
DSS ROI Data Storage System, Inc Record of Information October 16, 2008
DSVT Data Submission and Validation Tool February 18, 2010
DT&E Development Test & Evaluation Added prior to March 2003
DTA Data Transfer Agreement January 12, 2012
DTAC Development Technology Advisory Committee October 01, 2003
DTAP Disability Transition Assistance Program July 15, 2004
DTC Day Treatment Center Added prior to March 2003
DTC Development and Test Center May 07, 2014
DTC Development and Test Center May 07, 2014
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DTD Document Type Definition Added prior to March 2003
DTE Development and Test Environment April 18, 2014
DTP Data Transfer Program July 15, 2004
DTS Document Tracking System (OCIO controlled correspondence) Added prior to March 2003
DTV Digital Television Added prior to March 2003
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System May 12, 2010
DUR Drug Utilization Review Added prior to March 2003
DURSA Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement May 07, 2009
DUSB Deputy Undersecretary for Benefits December 15, 2008
DUSH Deputy Under Secretary for Health April 11, 2007
Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and
Management (10N)
November 18, 2003
DUV Dual Use Vehicle December 14, 2016
DUZ Designated User June 04, 2009
DVA Dishonorable for VA Purposes February 06, 2015
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs December 15, 2016
DVEIVR DVEIVR April 23, 2014
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis July 30, 2015
DX Diagnosis or disease August 04, 2014
E&F Enrollment and Forecasting March 24, 2011
E&IT Electronic & Information Technology April 15, 2010
E&M CODES Evaluation and Management Codes April 23, 2014
E/M evaluation and management August 30, 2011
E/R Entity Relationship July 15, 2004
E3R Electronic, Error and Enhancement Report Added prior to March 2003
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EA Enterprise Architecture Added prior to March 2003
EAA Employment Adjustment Allowance September 23, 2014
EAC Enterprise Architecture Council Added prior to March 2003
EAC Estimate At Completion July 22, 2003
EAJA Equal Access to Justice Act September 04, 2015
EAM Enterprise Asset Management February 06, 2015
EAP Employee Assistance Program April 23, 2014
EARR Encounter Action Required Report June 30, 2021
EAS Environmental Agents System October 25, 2011
EAS Employee Accountability System June 27, 2011
EAS External Assessment Services April 23, 2014
EASR Enterprise Architecture Segment Report August 12, 2009
EB Executive Board Added prior to March 2003
EBAC Entity-Based Access Control July 15, 2004
EBB Executive Briefing Book March 15, 2004
EBDI Enterprise Business and Data Integration April 23, 2014
EBE Enterprise Backup with Encryption May 10, 2010
EBERS Enhanced Biomedical Engineering Resource Survey October 30, 2014
EBF Entity Business Function July 15, 2004
EBN eBenefits October 25, 2011
EBP Evidence-Based Psychotherapy November 18, 2010
EBRI Employee Benefit Research Institute March 31, 2010
EBS Enterprise Business Strategies July 15, 2004
EBUS Endobronchial Ultrasound April 23, 2014
EC Electronic Commerce July 15, 2004
EC Ethics Consultation April 23, 2014
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EC Emerging Care Added prior to March 2003
EC Event Capture Added prior to March 2003
EC CCB Emergency Care Change Control Board Added prior to March 2003
EC PAT Ethics Consultation Proficiency Assessment Tool April 23, 2014
ECAMS within electronic Claims Adjudication Management System July 12, 2021
ECAP Enrollment Certification Automated Processing July 15, 2004
ECAR Electronic Computer Access Request May 19, 2015
ECAT Emergency Care Authorization Tool July 12, 2021
ECAT Electronic Catalog Added prior to March 2003
ECC Ethics Consultation Coordinator April 23, 2014
ECC Enterprise Command Center July 12, 2021
ECCF Enterprise Conformance and Compliance Framework April 23, 2014
ECCO Essentials of Critical Care Orientation December 01, 2006
ECF Executive Career Field October 04, 2005
ECF Extended Care Facility October 02, 2007
ECFCDP Executive Career Field Career Development Program October 11, 2007
ECFT Electronic Case File Transfer April 23, 2014
ECG Electrocardiogram November 22, 2004
ECHO Echocardiogram June 21, 2010
ECM Energy Conservation Measures December 02, 2011
ECM Education Case Manager July 15, 2004
ECM Essentials of Clinical Medicine January 21, 2016
eCME Electronic Claims Management Engine April 13, 2010
ECMO Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation December 20, 2005
ECMS Electronic Contract Management System April 13, 2010
ECMS Executive Committee of the Medical Staff March 09, 2021
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ECO Enterprise Command Operations October 27, 2017
ECOE Epilepsy Centers of Excellence December 15, 2016
ECOG ECOG Performance Status April 15, 2014
ECP Engineering Change Proposals Added prior to March 2003
ECQAC Extended Care Quality Assurance Committee April 21, 2016
ECR Executive Conference Room February 04, 2010
ECS Enterprise Class Storage May 10, 2010
ECS Event Capture System May 30, 2007
ECS Ethics Consultation Service April 23, 2014
ECS Enterprise Cybersecurity Strategy January 21, 2016
ECSBAP Enterprise Cyber Security Business Assurance Program July 15, 2004
ECSIP Enterprise Cyber Security Infrastructure Project Added prior to March 2003
ECSO Enterprise Cloud Solutions Office August 27, 2021
ECSS Education Compliance Survey Specialist July 15, 2004
ECST Enterprise Cybersecurity Strategy Team January 21, 2016
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy April 23, 2014
ECTM Executive Chief Technology Manager April 23, 2014
ED Emergency Department August 22, 2011
ED&T Employee Development and Training July 15, 2004
EDAS Enterprise Data Architecture Services October 04, 2010
EDB Enrollment Database Added prior to March 2003
EDC Electronic Data Capture June 30, 2021
EDD Electronic Data Dictionary Added prior to March 2003
EDE (Enterprise Development Environment April 23, 2014
EDI Electronic Data Interchange Added prior to March 2003
EDI PN ID Electronic Data Interface Person Identifier (DoD term) November 07, 2007
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EDI/MRA Electronic Data Interchange/Medical Reform Act Added prior to March 2003
EDI/MRA Electronic Data Interchange/Medicare Remittance Advice Added prior to March 2003
EDI_PN_IDS electronic data interface person identifiers July 11, 2007
Electronic Data Interchange Fir Administration, Commerce, and
July 15, 2004
EDIPI (DoD's) Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier August 12, 2010
EDIS Emergency Department Integration Software July 12, 2021
EDM Executive Decision Memorandum May 08, 2003
EDMS Electronic Data Management System Added prior to March 2003
EDO Emergency Detention Order January 21, 2016
EDP Electronic Data Processing July 15, 2004
EDR Event Driven Reporting Added prior to March 2003
EDR Educational Data Repository April 17, 2014
EDR Education Data Repository April 23, 2014
EDRP Exercise Disaster Recovery Plan October 30, 2014
EDRP Education Debt Reduction Program July 30, 2015
EDS Electronic Data Systems Added prior to March 2003
EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scales Added prior to March 2003
EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse July 15, 2004
EE External Environment July 15, 2004
EEG Electroencephalogram March 24, 2011
EELS Enterprise Exception Log Service August 28, 2008
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity Added prior to March 2003
EEOB Electronic Explanation Of Benefits January 04, 2012
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission May 12, 2010
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EES Employee Education System Added prior to March 2003
EEU Enterprise Exchange Upgrade May 10, 2010
EF ejection fraction May 19, 2015
EFAV Enhanced Failsoft Access for VISTA Added prior to March 2003
EFDA Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries Added prior to March 2003
EFFECT ER Frequent Flyer; Education, Coordination & Timely Treatment May 02, 2007
EFIC EHRM Facilities Implementation Center August 27, 2021
EFP Explosively Formed Penetrator/Projectile July 31, 2017
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer February 13, 2006
EGT Enrollment Group Threshold July 15, 2004
EGUI electronic Graphical User Interface May 07, 2014
EHBD Enterprise Health Benefits Determination October 21, 2014
EHCPM Enrollee Health Care Projection Model March 26, 2009
EHISN eHealth Information Support Network February 18, 2010
EHMP Enterprise Health Management Platform December 03, 2014
EHPDP Employee Health Promotion Disease Prevention March 15, 2010
EHR Electronic Health Record Added prior to March 2003
EHRA Electronic Health Record Architecture July 15, 2004
EHRI Electronic Health Records Interoperability Added prior to March 2003
EHRI Enterprise Human Resources Integration August 17, 2011
EHRM Enterprise Health Record Modernization July 12, 2021
EHRP Electronic Health Records Plan Added prior to March 2003
EHR-S Electronic Health Record System October 27, 2009
EHRS-FM Electronic Health Record System - Functional Model May 27, 2016
EHRWA Electronic Health Record Way Ahead May 07, 2014
EHRWG Electronic Health Record Working Group May 17, 2004
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EHT Emerging Health Technologies March 07, 2008
EHTAC Emerging Health Technology Advancement Center May 28, 2009
EHX eHealth Exchange January 21, 2016
EIB Enterprise Information Board March 20, 2003
EIC Electronic Information Carrier October 18, 2005
EIC Executive in Charge February 06, 2015
EIE Enterprise Infrastructure Engineering (See ESE as of 12/10) December 01, 2010
EIL Equipment Inventory Listing Added prior to March 2003
EIN Employer Identification Number Added prior to March 2003
EIS Executive Information Systems July 15, 2004
EIS Enterprise Infrastructure Support December 15, 2016
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture February 02, 2006
EISWG Enterprise Information Systems Work Groups December 02, 2003
EIV Electronic Insurance Verification April 15, 2010
EJB Enterprise JavaBean October 01, 2003
EKG Electrocardiogram July 15, 2004
EL Ethical Leadership April 23, 2014
ELB Executive Leadership Briefing March 03, 2009
ELC Executive Leadership Conference December 01, 2006
ELC Ethical Leadership Coordinator April 23, 2014
ELISA Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays Added prior to March 2003
ELMS Equipment Lease Management Service October 22, 2015
ELNEC End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium May 07, 2014
ELR Education Liaison Representatives September 23, 2014
ELT Executive Leadership Team March 01, 2011
EMC Enterprise Management Committee Added prior to March 2003
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EMC Enterprise Management Concept Added prior to March 2003
EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing April 30, 2014
EME Electronic Medical Evidence July 20, 2005
EMFSO Engineering Management and Field Support Office Added prior to March 2003
EMG Electromyography March 23, 2015
EMI Electromagnetic Interference July 15, 2004
EMI Enterprise Messaging Infrastructure September 23, 2014
EMM Enterprise Mobility Management March 23, 2015
EMME Engineering Acquisition Materiel Management & Equipment Added prior to March 2003
EMPB Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board Added prior to March 2003
EMPI Enterprise Master Patient Index July 15, 2004
EMR Electronic Medical Record Added prior to March 2003
EMRA Electronic Medicare Remittance Advice - ANSI X12 835 July 27, 2009
EMRSS Emergency Management and Resource Sharing Service Added prior to March 2003
EMS Environmental Management Service January 11, 2005
EMS Emergency Medical Services March 23, 2015
EMSHG Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group Added prior to March 2003
EMT Executive Management Team Added prior to March 2003
ENT Ear Nose & Throat April 17, 2014
ENTSR Enterprise Service Request Schema June 02, 2006
EO Enterprise Operations May 07, 2014
EO Executive Order July 15, 2004
EO Education Officer July 23, 2021
EOAM End of Accounting Month October 01, 2003
EOB Explanation of Benefits September 12, 2007
EOC Environment of Care June 23, 2008
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EOC Emergency Operations Center September 12, 2006
EOC Episode of Care Added prior to March 2003
EOD Entered On Duty August 04, 2008
EOFD Enterprise Operations and Field Development December 21, 2010
EOL end of life March 23, 2015
EOM End of Month April 27, 2009
eOPF electronic Official Personnel Folder April 14, 2009
EP Expert Panel Added prior to March 2003
EP End Product April 23, 2014
EPA Environmental Protection Agency Added prior to March 2003
EPAS Electronic Permission Access System February 06, 2015
EPCS Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances May 07, 2014
EPER electronic patient event reporting December 15, 2016
EPG Enterprise Process Group April 11, 2007
EPHI electronic Personal Health Information June 11, 2014
EPHI Electronic Protected Health Information July 31, 2017
EPHRA EOB Payment Healthcare Remittance Advice November 15, 2010
EPI Emerging Pathogens Initiative Added prior to March 2003
EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center May 01, 2014
EPIP Existing Product Intake Program April 21, 2016
EPIR Electronic Performance Improvement Record June 22, 2015
EPM Electronic Performance Measurement December 10, 2014
EPM Enterprise Project Management Added prior to March 2003
EPMD Enterprise Project Management Division October 27, 2017
Office of Information and Technology Enterprise Program
Management Office
May 28, 2016
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EPMS Enterprise Project Management Software Added prior to March 2003
EPP Enterprise Privacy Program April 27, 2004
EPR Electronic Patient Record Added prior to March 2003
EPRI Electronic Patient Record Interface Added prior to March 2003
EPRP External Peer Review Program August 25, 2011
EPS Enterprise Project Structure January 11, 2011
EPS Enterprise Product Support August 06, 2007
EPTS Existing Prior To Service December 03, 2009
EQ emotional intelligence quotient April 23, 2014
EQIP Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing July 23, 2021
E-QIP Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing November 17, 2011
ER Emergency Room or Emergency Department August 14, 2014
ER Electronic Record Added prior to March 2003
ER7 Encoding Rules Seven April 15, 2010
ERA Electronic Remittance Advice April 01, 2008
ERANGE Enhance Rural Access Network for Growth Enhancement July 20, 2011
ERB Exam Request Builder July 12, 2021
ERC Executive Resources Council December 15, 2016
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography October 21, 2014
ERF Enterprise Systems Engineering (ESE) Request Form January 21, 2016
ERM Enterprise Risk Management April 03, 2014
ERMIS External Review Management Information System Added prior to March 2003
ERRA Examination Request Routing Assistant July 30, 2015
ERT Enterprise Reference Terminology Added prior to March 2003
ERX Electronic Prescription June 21, 2010
ES Employment Specialist December 14, 2016
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ES Enterprise Strategy July 15, 2004
ES Environmental Services December 14, 2016
ES Enrollment System January 21, 2016
ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture January 10, 2006
ESB Enterprise Service Bus August 27, 2007
ESCCB Enterprise Security Change Control Board February 16, 2006
ESCIP Enterprise Cyber Security Infrastructure Project September 24, 2004
ESCP Enterprise Services Collaboration Portal April 01, 2021
ESDD Enterprise Solution Design Document January 21, 2016
ESE Enterprise Systems Engineering December 01, 2010
ESG Environmental Support Group Added prior to March 2003
ESLD End Stage Liver Disease September 05, 2011
ESM Enterprise Systems Management Added prior to March 2003
ESMC Enterprise System Management Committee Added prior to March 2003
ESPD Electronic Support for Patient Decisions May 24, 2004
ESR Enrollment System Redesign March 23, 2007
ESRD End Stage Renal Disease November 04, 2009
ESS Enterprise Support Solution Added prior to March 2003
Electric Surveillance System for the Early Notification of
Community-based Epidemics
October 18, 2007
ESSS VA Enterprise Security Solution Service January 20, 2011
EST Eastern Standard Time October 21, 2011
EST Enterprise System Testing May 08, 2014
ETA Enterprise Technical Architecture April 18, 2014
ETA Edifecs Transaction Management/Analysis Tool October 25, 2011
ETA Enhanced Time and Attendance System June 27, 2011
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ETA Estimated Time of Arrival November 30, 2007
ETC Estimate To Completion July 22, 2003
ETC Engineering Training Centers Added prior to March 2003
Education and Training Center (for engineering and construction
Added prior to March 2003
ETCS Electronic Transactions and Code Sets Added prior to March 2003
ETEM Enterprise Telecommunications Expense Management April 01, 2021
ETEMS VA Enterprise Telecommunications Expenses Management July 23, 2021
ETL Extract, Transform and Load November 30, 2009
ETMR Electronic Theater Medical Record Added prior to March 2003
Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or
drinking alcohol
August 04, 2014
ETOH Abbreviation for ethyl alcohol. Per MediLexicon.com August 04, 2014
ETR Estimated Time of Restoration April 09, 2014
ETS Enterprise Tactical Support Added prior to March 2003
ETS Enterprise Terminology Services October 22, 2003
ETS Enterprise Testing Service July 06, 2009
ETS End Time in Service April 21, 2016
EUD External Urinary Device February 06, 2015
EUL Enhanced Use Lease August 19, 2010
EUO End User Operations April 01, 2021
EUROREC European Institute for Health Records December 15, 2008
EUS endoscopic ultrasound October 27, 2017
EV Earned Value July 15, 2004
EVA Electronic VA Added prior to March 2003
EVEAH Enhance the Veteran Experience and Access to Healthcare March 24, 2011
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EVH Eliminate Veterans Homlessness April 23, 2014
EVMS Earned Value Management System July 22, 2003
EVN Enterprise Video Network May 07, 2014
EVR Eligibility Verification Report March 15, 2010
EVS Enterprise VistA Support January 25, 2005
EVSS Enterprise Veterans Self Service Portal Platform April 17, 2014
EVTN Enterprise Video Teleconferencing Network April 23, 2014
EWI Enterprise-Wide Initiative July 23, 2021
EWIS Enterprise Web Infrastructure Support March 21, 2014
EWL Electronic Wait List September 28, 2005
EWR Enterprise Work Requests May 19, 2022
EXP Expiratory, as in lung sound assessment August 14, 2014
EXS Exchange Server Support August 22, 2011
F/C/S Fever Chills Sweats April 17, 2015
F/U follow up October 21, 2014
F2F Face-to-Face Meeting April 09, 2014
FA Forearm September 23, 2014
FAADS Federal Assistance Award Database System February 18, 2010
FAB Field Advisory Board Added prior to March 2003
FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act September 21, 2010
FAC-C Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting February 18, 2010
Federal Acquisition Certification - Contract Officer's
July 31, 2017
FACCT Foundation for Accountability Added prior to March 2003
FACHE Fellow in American College of Healthcare Executives May 07, 2007
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FAC-P/PM Federal Acquisition Certification Program/Project Management June 21, 2010
FAIN Federal Award Identifier Number February 18, 2010
FAM Financial Audit Manual September 29, 2010
FAP Fixed Asset Subsystem April 23, 2014
FAP Full Account Profile April 15, 2010
FAPA Fellow in the American Psychiatric Association June 11, 2014
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions April 27, 2004
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations Added prior to March 2003
FARC Federal Archives and Records Centers June 16, 2015
FAS Finance and Accounting System March 15, 2010
FAS Fiscal Accounting Services March 15, 2010
FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act May 12, 2010
FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board April 17, 2014
FATKAAT Fat-Client Kernel Authentication & Authorization Tool March 14, 2005
FATO Final Authority to Operate Added prior to March 2003
FB FOREIGN BODY October 27, 2017
FBCS Fee Basis Claim System February 25, 2008
FBG fasting blood glucose May 19, 2015
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation June 06, 2006
FBS Fiduciary-Beneficiary System April 23, 2014
FBS Fiduciary Beneficiary System April 23, 2014
FC Finance Center Added prior to March 2003
FCA Facility Condition Assessment April 21, 2016
FCC Federal Coordinating Center December 28, 2011
FCC Federal Communications Commission October 31, 2011
FCDM Financial and Clinical Data July 21, 2004
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FCG First Consulting Group Added prior to March 2003
FCG Functional Capabilities Group May 07, 2014
FCIO Facility Chief Information Officer April 23, 2014
FCIP Federal Career Intern Program October 01, 2008
FCMT Federal Case Management Tool November 30, 2009
FCP Fund Control Point March 12, 2009
FCP Federal Credentialing Program Added prior to March 2003
FCR Functional Change Request July 23, 2021
FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act October 04, 2010
FCW Federal Computer Week Added prior to March 2003
FD Fill Date April 15, 2010
FDA Food and Drug Administration Added prior to March 2003
FDB First Data Bank April 23, 2014
FDC Fully Developed Claims April 23, 2014
FDCC Federal Desktop Core Configuration March 05, 2009
FDCCI Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative December 14, 2010
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface March 23, 2007
FDP Facility Development Plan Added prior to March 2003
FDS Field Developed Software May 08, 2008
FDSS Forward Deployed Soln Set July 12, 2021
FE Field Examiner July 21, 2004
FEA Federal Enterprise Architecture July 21, 2004
FECA Federal Employees' Compensation Act July 21, 2004
FEDRAMP Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) April 15, 2014
FEDSIM Federal Systems Integration and Management Center Added prior to March 2003
FEDSMR Office of Operations, Security and Preparedness Added prior to March 2003
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FED-STD Federal Standard May 12, 2010
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency Added prior to March 2003
FEPAC Facility Engineering, Planning and Construction Office Added prior to March 2003
FERCCA Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act December 01, 2010
FERET Formal Event Review and Evaluation Tool May 29, 2007
FERS Federal Employee Retirement System April 30, 2007
FFATA Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency February 18, 2010
FFB Franchise Fee Board May 09, 2011
FFMIA Federal Financial Management Improvement Act July 21, 2004
FFP Fugitive Felon Program November 01, 2005
FFP Firm-Fixed-Price May 12, 2010
FFP Funding Fee Payment October 27, 2017
FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Center April 15, 2014
FHA Federal Housing Acdministration July 21, 2004
FHA Federal Health Architecture April 11, 2007
FHCC Federal Health Care Center April 04, 2008
FHCRS Federal Health Care Resources Sharing (database) Added prior to March 2003
FHIE Federal Health Information Exchange (formerly GCPR) Added prior to March 2003
FHIL Federal Health Informatics Leadership April 15, 2010
FHIL Field Health Informatics Leadership March 23, 2015
FHIM Federal Health Information Model May 07, 2014
FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources April 03, 2015
FI Fiscal Intermediary Added prior to March 2003
FICAM Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management January 21, 2016
FICWG Federal Internal Control Working Group February 22, 2010
FIFO First in First Out December 14, 2016
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FIM Functional Independence Measure March 08, 2010
FIP Federal Information Processing Added prior to March 2003
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards Added prior to March 2003
FIPS Fair Information Practices January 10, 2011
FIRMAC Field Information Resources Management Advisory Council Added prior to March 2003
FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations Added prior to March 2003
FIRP Federal Individualized Recovery Plan July 21, 2008
FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams April 23, 2014
FIRSWG Federal Information Resources Sharing Work Group Added prior to March 2003
FIS Field Implementation Services March 14, 2011
FISCAM Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual July 21, 2004
FISI Facility Infrastructure Standards and Improvement December 08, 2009
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act April 27, 2004
FISMA Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 April 21, 2016
FISO Facility Information Security Officer March 21, 2014
FIST Federal Information Sharing Technologies May 01, 2014
FIT Financial Innovation and Transformation April 18, 2014
FITARA Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act June 10, 2016
FITSAF Federal IT Security Assessment Framework May 21, 2003
FIX Flow Improvement Inpatient Initiative January 03, 2007
FL FAST LETTER April 03, 2015
FLITE Financial and Logistics Integrated Technology Enterprise May 17, 2007
FLM Front Line Manager October 21, 2014
FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second July 21, 2004
FLP fasting lipid profile May 19, 2015
FLTCI Federal Long Term Care Insurance Added prior to March 2003
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FLTCIP Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program November 04, 2009
FM Functional Model December 14, 2005
FMBT Financial Management Business Transformation June 30, 2021
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis December 14, 2016
FMFIA Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act July 21, 2004
FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 October 21, 2011
FMOSC Financial Management Oversight Steering Committee May 19, 2004
FMS Facility Management Support December 01, 2003
FMS Financial Management System Added prior to March 2003
FMS Fecal Management System June 01, 2010
FNA Fine-needle aspiration April 01, 2021
FNOD First Notice of Death March 08, 2010
FO Field Operations March 24, 2011
FOB Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy April 21, 2016
FOBO Financial Oversight and Business Oversight April 01, 2021
FOBT fecal occlult blood test December 21, 2011
FOC Final Operating Capability February 09, 2009
FOC Full Operating Capability April 23, 2014
Education - Flight, On-the-Job Training, Correspondence, and
Apprencticeship System
May 07, 2014
FOD Field Operations and Development October 05, 2009
FOEs Fiscal Notice of Expectations October 04, 2011
FOH Federal Occupational Health June 11, 2003
FOI Field Office of Investigation Added prior to March 2003
FOIA Freedom of Information Act Added prior to March 2003
FOLA Fact of Life Adjustment July 20, 2009
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FOR Foundations of Recovery October 22, 2015
Not an acronym. The national electronic information (e-mail)
Added prior to March 2003
FOS Financial Operations Services July 21, 2004
FOSIM Family of Services Initiative Management February 06, 2015
FOUO For Official Use Only April 23, 2014
FP Fixed Price May 12, 2010
FP Function Point December 17, 2007
FP Fiscal Period April 01, 2021
FPC Function Point Count July 21, 2004
FPDS Federal Procurement Data System September 20, 2010
FPE Family Psychoeducation August 18, 2008
FPIAR Financial Policy Improvement and Audit Readiness February 18, 2010
FPLOE Fixed Price Level of Effort Added prior to March 2003
FPMR Federal Property Management Regulations Added prior to March 2003
FPO Fleet Post Office September 04, 2015
FPOV Fee Purpose of Visit November 08, 2010
FPOW Former Prisoner of War January 19, 2010
FPPS Fee Basis Payment Processing System November 30, 2009
FPS File and Print Services April 30, 2014
FQAM Financail Quality Assurance Manager October 05, 2009
FQAM Financial Quality Assurance Manager January 06, 2010
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name April 01, 2021
FQHC Federally Qualified Health Centers May 01, 2014
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FR french June 16, 2015
FR facility revenue December 15, 2016
FRC Federal Recovery Coordinator August 25, 2009
FRCP Federal Recovery Coordination Program August 25, 2009
FRD Financial Review Division February 18, 2010
FRD Functional Requirements Document Added prior to March 2003
FRDW Financial Reporting Data Warehouse April 01, 2021
FRI Friday August 14, 2014
FRM Financial Resources Manager May 05, 2010
FRS Financial Reports System July 06, 2010
FRT Facility Revenue Technician April 01, 2021
FRTIB Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board May 01, 2014
FS Finger Stick October 10, 2006
FSA-DC Flexible Spending Account-Dependent Care July 06, 2010
FSAG Financial System Advisory Group Added prior to March 2003
FSA-HC Flexible Spending Account-Healthcare July 06, 2010
FSAM Federal Segment Architecture Methodology August 12, 2009
FSC Financial Services Center February 13, 2006
FSD Financial Services Division September 20, 2010
FSFM File Server File Management July 21, 2004
FSMB Federation of State Medical Boards Added prior to March 2003
FSO Facility Sustainability Officers October 22, 2015
FSOD Functional Status and Outcomes Database November 22, 2005
FSP Family Services Program August 18, 2008
FSR Financial Status Report - form 5655 May 07, 2014
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FSS Field Security Service October 25, 2010
FSS Federal Supply Schedule May 20, 2004
FSSI OS Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative for Office Supplies October 20, 2010
FST Functional System Testing Added prior to March 2003
FTA Failure to appear July 25, 2014
FTA Failure to appear July 25, 2014
FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management July 21, 2004
FTC Federal Trade Commission December 14, 2016
FTC Facility Telehealth Coordinator June 16, 2015
FTD Fort Thomas Domicillary April 21, 2016
FTE Full-time Equivalent Added prior to March 2003
FTEE Full-time Employee Equivalent Added prior to March 2003
FTI Federal Tax Information Match December 14, 2016
FTNGD-OS Full-Time National Guard Duty for Operational Support December 08, 2009
FTP File Transfer Protocol Added prior to March 2003
FTR Failed To Report June 16, 2015
FTS Folder Tracking System April 03, 2014
FUO Fever of Unknown Origin February 06, 2015
FWIW For what it's worth April 21, 2011
FWS Federal Wage System August 16, 2011
FWW Front Wheeled Walker April 17, 2014
FX Fracture August 04, 2014
FX FUNCTIONAL December 15, 2016
FY Fiscal Year July 21, 2004
FYA For your action January 23, 2007
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FYSA For Your Situational Awareness May 19, 2015
FYSA For Your Situational Awareness March 09, 2021
FYTD Fiscal Year to Date April 23, 2014
G Gauge January 21, 2016
G&A General and Administrative May 12, 2010
G&L Gains & Losses April 20, 2009
G2B Government to Business July 21, 2004
G2C Government to Consumer July 21, 2004
G2G Government to Government July 21, 2004
GAD General Anxiety Disorder May 19, 2015
GAF Global Assessment of Function (score) Added prior to March 2003
GAGAS Generally Accepted Government Accounting Standards February 18, 2010
GAL Global Address List March 24, 2011
GAO Government Accountability Office (Updated 7/04) July 15, 2004
GAO General Accounting Office (used BEFORE 7/04) July 15, 2004
GAPS CENTER Getting at Patient Safety (GAPS) Center July 10, 2007
GBC Government Business Council April 18, 2014
GBL Government Bill of Lading April 17, 2014
GC General Counsel August 17, 2009
GCID Get Corresponding IDs January 21, 2016
GCM General Court Martial December 15, 2016
GCP Good Clinical Practice July 31, 2017
GCPR or G-CPR Government-Computer-based Patient Record (See FHIE) Added prior to March 2003
GCS Government Consulting Services Added prior to March 2003
GCS Glascow Coma Scale August 04, 2014
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GDIT General Dynamics Information Technology February 18, 2010
GDX Graphical Distribution of VA eXpenditures June 27, 2011
GEC Geriatrics and Extended Care April 27, 2006
GECDAC Geriatrics and Extended Care Data and Analysis Center April 01, 2021
GED General Eligibility Determination July 21, 2004
GEHA Government Employees Health Association April 23, 2014
GEHR Good Electronic Health Record July 21, 2004
GEM Geriatric Evaluation and Management March 17, 2009
GEMS Green Environmental Management System February 04, 2010
GEMS Green Envronmental Management System January 25, 2006
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease October 22, 2015
GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications Service Added prior to March 2003
GEU Geriatric Evaluation Unit Added prior to March 2003
GFE/GFI Government Furnished Equipment/Information Added prior to March 2003
GFI Government Furnished Information Added prior to March 2003
GGAC Geriatrics and Gerontology Advisory Committee Added prior to March 2003
GHATP Graduate Healthcare Administration Training Program August 09, 2007
GHELP Geriatric High Risk Evaluation and Liaison Program October 05, 2009
GI Government Issue July 21, 2004
GI Gastrointestinal August 04, 2014
GIAT Government Installation Acceptance Test Added prior to March 2003
GIF Graphics Interchange Format June 08, 2005
GIGO garbage in garbage out Added prior to March 2003
GILS Government Information Locator System Added prior to March 2003
GIP Generic Inventory Package Added prior to March 2003
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GIPSE Geocoded Interoperable Population Summary Exchange June 21, 2010
GIS Geographic Information System July 21, 2010
GIS Generic Interface System Added prior to March 2003
GISRA Government Information Security Reform Act Added prior to March 2003
GITSS Global Information Technology Support Services January 25, 2007
GIVE Gender Identity Veteran's Experience April 01, 2021
GLIF GuideLine Interchange Format Added prior to March 2003
GLU Glucose or glucose check August 04, 2014
GM gluteus maximus June 16, 2015
GM gram April 21, 2016
GMAIL group mail December 14, 2016
GMDN Global Medical Device Nomenclature October 20, 2003
GME Graduate Medical Education October 22, 2015
GMI General Mental Illness February 16, 2011
GMR General Medical Record June 21, 2010
GMS Genomic Medicine Service July 31, 2017
GMT Geographic Means Test Added prior to March 2003
GNT Graduate Nurse Technician July 12, 2021
GOE General Operating Expenses November 15, 2010
GOHR Good Electronic Health Record July 21, 2004
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile Added prior to March 2003
GOT Government-Off-The-Shelf Added prior to March 2003
GOTS Government Off-the-Shelf (applications) April 23, 2014
GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf May 07, 2014
GOV Government Owned Vehicle March 18, 2009
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GP Government Property May 12, 2010
GPC Government Purchase Card July 12, 2021
GPD Grant and Per Diem August 14, 2007
GPDP Grant and Per Diem Program April 30, 2014
GPEA Government Paperwork Elimination Act Added prior to March 2003
GPL General Public License May 01, 2014
GPM Group Practice Management April 21, 2016
GPMRC Global Patient Movement Requirements Center Added prior to March 2003
GPO Geographic Provider Organization Added prior to March 2003
GPO Government Printing Office May 09, 2011
GPRA Government Performance & Results Act Added prior to March 2003
Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of
September 04, 2015
GPS Global Positioning System April 23, 2014
GRB Government Retirement Benefits December 15, 2016
GRC Governance, Risk and Compliance October 25, 2011
GRECC Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center Added prior to March 2003
GRM Government Reference Information Model Added prior to March 2003
GROW Goal, Reality, Options, Wrap-Up April 01, 2021
GSA General Services Administration Added prior to March 2003
GSBCA General Services Board of Contract Appeals May 12, 2010
GSF Gross Square Feet January 23, 2007
G-SIG Government Special Interest Group Added prior to March 2003
GSS General Support System January 14, 2008
GTN Gross to Net July 14, 2010
GU Genitourinary August 04, 2014
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GUDI Global Unique Device Identification October 22, 2015
GUI Graphic User Interface Added prior to March 2003
GUI Graphical User Interface March 28, 2011
GWAC Government Wide Area Contract July 21, 2004
GWN GetWellNetwork September 23, 2014
GWN Gateway North October 21, 2014
GWOT Global War On Terrorism (see Overseas Contingency Operation) March 25, 2009
H&CBC Home and Community Based Care November 06, 2007
H&P History and Physical May 19, 2015
H&PE History and Physical Examination Added prior to March 2003
H/I Homicidal Ideation October 31, 2007
H/O History of December 14, 2016
HA heache March 23, 2015
HAC Housekeeping Aide Closet July 17, 2008
HAC Health Administration Center Added prior to March 2003
HAIG Health Architecture Interagency Group June 02, 2006
HAIG Healthcare Analysis and Information Group March 26, 2009
HAIISS Healthcare Acquired Infection and Influenza Surveillance System March 08, 2007
HAIMS Healthcare Artifact and Image Management Solution October 22, 2009
HAIMS Healthcare Artifacts and Images Management Solution December 14, 2016
Healthcare Associated Infection and Influenza Surveillance
September 23, 2008
HAMP Home Affordable Modification Program August 11, 2015
HAND Human Assisted Neural Devices April 03, 2006
HAPE Health Administration Project Enhancement December 07, 2010
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HAPI HL7 Application Programming Interface April 17, 2015
HARB Health Architecture Review Board April 30, 2014
HAS Health Administration Services Added prior to March 2003
HB&E Health Benefits & Enrollment December 14, 2016
HBC Health Behavior Coordinator October 25, 2010
HBHC Hospital Based Home Care is now HBHC Added prior to March 2003
HBIPS Hospital Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services July 18, 2014
(One of the largest vendors of hospital system information
Added prior to March 2003
HBP Health Benefit Plans February 06, 2015
HBP High Blood Pressure October 22, 2015
HBPC Home Based Primary Care Added prior to March 2003
HC IDM Healthcare Identity Management June 04, 2009
HCA Head's of Contracting Activity December 15, 2016
HCBC Home and Community Based Care May 19, 2015
HCC Health Care Center September 23, 2014
HCCSL Home and Community Care Service Line November 01, 2005
HCEC Health Care Ethics Consultant April 23, 2014
HCEF Health Care Executive Fellowship May 24, 2011
HCERA Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act July 06, 2010
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration (CMS as of 7/01) Added prior to March 2003
HCG OR HCG human choriaonic gonadatropin, as in pregnancy testing August 14, 2014
HCHV Healthcare for Homeless Veterans Added prior to March 2003
HC-ISAC HealthCare Information Sharing and Analysis Center May 22, 2003
HCLDP Health Care Leadership Development Program May 24, 2011
HCLI Health Care Leadership Institute February 25, 2008
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HCM Human Capital Management January 21, 2016
HCMI Homeless Chronically Mentally Ill September 23, 2014
HCP Healthcare Claims Processing April 17, 2014
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System July 21, 2004
HCPM Health Care Planning Model March 26, 2009
HCPOA health care power of attorney December 15, 2016
HCPS Health Claims Processing System May 19, 2015
HCR HealthCare Repository December 03, 2014
HCRV HealthCare Reentry Veterans October 22, 2008
HCS Health Care System July 06, 2009
HCSDRO Health Care Staff Development and Retention Office Added prior to March 2003
HCSIF Health Care Sharing Incentive Fund March 09, 2021
HCSS Human Capital Systems and Services Office November 06, 2017
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide August 14, 2014
HCV Hepatitis C Virus May 01, 2014
HD Hemodialysis October 22, 2008
HDD Health Data Dictionary July 21, 2004
HDI Health Data and Informatics April 15, 2010
HDL High Density Lipoprotein December 15, 2016
HDR Health Data Repository Added prior to March 2003
HDR-L Health Data Repository-Local February 10, 2004
HDR-N Health Data Repository - National July 21, 2004
HDR-P Health Data Repository Prototype July 21, 2004
HDS Health Data Systems July 21, 2004
HDS-DE Health Data Systems-Data Exchange April 05, 2010
HEA Health Enterprise Architecture July 21, 2004
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HEC Health Executive Council (VA/DoD) Added prior to March 2003
HEC Health Eligibility Center Added prior to March 2003
HEC HDS-BL Health Executive Council Health Data Sharing-Business Line July 31, 2017
Health Executive Council Information Management/Information
Technology Work Group
May 07, 2014
HECMS Health Eligibility Case Management System September 03, 2008
HEDIS Health Plan and Employer Data and Information Set July 21, 2004
HEFP Healthcare Environment and Facilities Programs July 23, 2021
HERC Health Economics Resource Center March 20, 2008
HES Health Enterprise Strategy July 22, 2003
HEV HealtheVet June 19, 2007
HF Heart Failure May 19, 2015
HFMEA Health Care Failure Mode and Effect Analysis August 21, 2008
HFR Hold for Review October 30, 2006
HFS Host File System July 21, 2004
HH Home Health April 23, 2014
HHA Homemaker Home Health Aide February 25, 2008
HHA Hand Held Actuator July 23, 2021
HHAS Headquarters Health Administration Services Added prior to March 2003
HHC Home Health Care April 23, 2014
HHS Health and Human Services Added prior to March 2003
HHS hand held showed September 23, 2008
HHV Help Hospitalized Veterans October 20, 2011
HI2 Health Informatics Initiative April 23, 2014
HIA Health Information Architecture Added prior to March 2003
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HIAC HIPAA Implementation Advisory Council April 27, 2004
HIC Health Information Committee September 20, 2010
HIC Hospital Incident Command September 20, 2010
HICR Hosted Intelligent Call Routing June 27, 2011
HIDS Host Based Intrusion Detection System July 21, 2004
HIDU Health Information Development Unit October 06, 2011
HIE Health Information Exchange January 14, 2008
HIEA Health Interoperability Exchange Alliance January 21, 2016
HIG Health Information Governance April 23, 2014
HIIR Health Information Integration and Resources July 16, 2007
HILS Heterogeneous Information Locator Service July 21, 2004
HIM Health Information Management Added prior to March 2003
HIMS Health Information Management Service July 27, 2009
HIMSS Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Added prior to March 2003
HINQ Hospital Inquiry April 15, 2010
HIOT High Intensity Outpatient Treatment July 20, 2009
HIP Health Improvement Program June 19, 2006
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Added prior to March 2003
HIPDB Health Integrity & Protection Data Bank October 31, 2007
HIPPS Health Insurance Prospective Payment System April 01, 2021
HIPS Host-based Intrusion Prevention System June 12, 2006
HIRS Health Information Resources Service Added prior to March 2003
HIS Hospital Information System Added prior to March 2003
HIS Health Informatics Strategy July 22, 2003
HIS Health Informatics Specialist April 18, 2014
HIS Health Information Sharing March 31, 2010
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HISA Home Improvement Structural Alterations June 19, 2007
HISB Healthcare Informatics Standards Board Added prior to March 2003
HISD Health Information Security Division September 08, 2008
HISEB Health Information Systems Executive Boards April 15, 2010
HISP Healthcare Internet Service Provider April 23, 2014
HISPP Health Care Informatics Standards Planning Panel Added prior to March 2003
HISS Health Information Security Service Added prior to March 2003
HIT Health Information Technology February 24, 2009
HIT(S) HIPAA Implementation Team(s) April 27, 2004
HITC Hines Information Technology Center April 23, 2014
HITECH Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health February 24, 2009
HITIDE Health Information Technology Innovation and Development August 22, 2011
HITS Health Information Technology Systems June 14, 2011
HITS Health IT Sharing April 27, 2004
HITSC Health Information Technology Standards Committee May 07, 2014
HITSP Health Information Technology Standards Panel September 18, 2006
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus July 21, 2004
Health Level 7 (standard for electronic data exchange/messaging
Added prior to March 2003
HL7 RIM Health Level 7 Reference Information Model July 21, 2004
HLA healtheliving assessment September 23, 2014
HLD Hyperlipidemia April 03, 2014
HLM Healthy Living Messages February 02, 2011
HLO HL7 Optimized April 20, 2010
HLR Higher-Level Review July 12, 2021
HMIS History Management Information System April 23, 2014
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HMP Health Management Platform April 23, 2014
HMP Health Management Platform April 17, 2014
HMP Heath Management Platform May 07, 2014
HNL Non Hodgkins Lymphoma November 05, 2019
HOB Head of Bed June 16, 2015
HOH hard of hearing August 04, 2014
HOLAP Hybrid On-Line Analytical Processing July 21, 2004
Homeless Veterans Operations Management and Evaluation
April 23, 2014
HOMES Homeless Operations Management and Evaluation System April 17, 2014
HON HONORABLE April 17, 2015
HOPTEL Hospital Hotel January 03, 2007
HOR Home of Record April 21, 2016
HOST Hybrid Open Systems Technology July 27, 2004
HOST (Federal) Healthcare Open Systems and Trials Added prior to March 2003
HOTN Hypotension February 06, 2015
HP Hewlett Packard July 21, 2004
HPACT Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team April 10, 2014
HPC Hospice Palliative Care May 07, 2014
HPCC High Performance Computing and Communications Added prior to March 2003
HPDM High Performance Development Model Added prior to March 2003
HPDP Health Promotion Disease Prevention November 18, 2010
HPID Health Plan Identifier April 23, 2014
HPID Health Plan Identifier October 27, 2017
HPMO Health Program Management Office January 05, 2006
HPOES Health Plan and Other Entity Enumeration System April 18, 2014
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VA Acronym Lookup
HPPD Hours Per Patient Day April 23, 2014
HPS Health Provider Systems February 10, 2004
HPSO Health Program Support Office October 30, 2006
HQ Headquarters (used by VHA only) Added prior to March 2003
HR Human Resources July 21, 2004
HR hour August 14, 2014
HR&A Human Resources and Administration July 21, 2004
HR&SS Human Resources and Staffing Services April 23, 2014
HRA Human Resources and Administration April 17, 2014
HRA Health Risk Assessment February 25, 2008
HRAC Healthcare Resource Access Control Added prior to March 2003
HRC Health Resource Center April 20, 2010
HRIS Human Resources Information Service November 30, 2009
HRM Human Resources Management Added prior to March 2003
HRMACS Human Resources Management and Consulting Services April 23, 2014
HRML Human Resources Management Letter Added prior to March 2003
HRO High Reliability Organization April 01, 2021
HRO Highly Reliable Organization April 01, 2021
HRPP Human Research Protection Programs March 18, 2009
HRQoL Health Related Quality of Life Added prior to March 2003
HRR High Risk Report May 03, 2007
HRSA Health Resources Services Administration Added prior to March 2003
HSC Health Systems Committee Added prior to March 2003
HSD&A Health Systems Data and Analysis March 26, 2009
HSD&D Health Systems Design & Development November 18, 2003
HSES Health Systems Executive Service Added prior to March 2003
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HSHC Hawaii State Healthcare Corporation Added prior to March 2003
HSITES Health Systems Implementation, Training, and Enterprise Support October 06, 2003
HSM Health Solutions Management October 22, 2015
HSPC Healthcare Services Platform Consortium February 06, 2015
HSPD-12 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 October 14, 2010
HSR&D Health Services Research and Development Added prior to March 2003
HSRM Health Share Referral Manager July 23, 2021
HSRM HealthShare’s Referral Manager July 23, 2021
HSRO Health Systems Review Organization Added prior to March 2003
HSSI High Speed Serial Interface November 10, 2003
HT/HTH Home Telehealth February 25, 2008
HTH Home Telehealth October 25, 2011
HTH Home Telehealth December 28, 2011
HTM Healthcare Technology Management October 01, 2014
HTM Healthcare Technology Management October 01, 2014
HTM Healthcare Talent Management December 29, 2009
HTML Hypertext Markup Language Added prior to March 2003
HTN Hypertension February 06, 2007
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol July 21, 2004
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure December 14, 2009
HUBZONE Historically Underutilized Business Zone May 12, 2010
HUBZONE Historically Underutilized Business Zone May 12, 2010
Health Undersecretary's Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced
April 11, 2007
Department of Housing and Urban Development/Department of
Veterans Affairs Supported Housing
August 17, 2010
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VA Acronym Lookup
Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supported
August 12, 2009
HUG Human User Group Added prior to March 2003
HUGN Human Gene Nomenclature May 07, 2004
HVA Hazards Vulnerability Analysis April 17, 2014
HVAC House Veterans Affairs Committee Added prior to March 2003
HVCC Home Valuation Code of Conduct November 08, 2010
HVCES Homeless Veteran Community Employment Services December 08, 2016
HVLT Hopkins Verbal Learning Test May 01, 2014
HVRP Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program April 21, 2010
HVSEP Homeless Veterans Supported Employment programs April 15, 2014
HVT HealtheVet July 21, 2004
HWBP Heparin Weight Based Protocol April 23, 2014
HWSC HealtheVet Web Service Client April 23, 2007
HWY hallway September 04, 2015
HX OR HX History or History of August 04, 2014
I&D OR ID Incission and drainage August 14, 2014
I&I Laboratory Integration and Interoperability Laboratory Added prior to March 2003
I&O OR IO In take and out put August 14, 2014
I&R Information and Referral Added prior to March 2003
IA Integration Agreement July 21, 2004
IA Identification, Authentication December 15, 2009
IA Information Assurance Analyst October 27, 2017
IAA Interagency Agreement November 08, 2010
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IAA Identification, Authentication, and Authorization July 21, 2004
IAB Initial Assessment and Briefing April 11, 2007
IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Program March 18, 2009
IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living March 17, 2009
IADS Initial Architecture and Interface Design Strategy July 21, 2004
IADT Initial Active Duty for Training December 08, 2009
IAE Interim Address Enhancements October 01, 2003
IAM Identity and Access Management July 27, 2009
IAP Information Access and Privacy April 15, 2010
IAS Internal Audit Service Added prior to March 2003
IASR integrated Architecture Summary Report May 07, 2014
IATO Interim Authority to Operate Added prior to March 2003
IAW In Accordance With November 21, 2007
IB Insurance Buffer February 18, 2010
IB Integrated Billing Added prior to March 2003
IB Incident Briefing April 03, 2014
IBBA Intranet BDN/BIRLS Access Added prior to March 2003
IBM International Business Machines July 21, 2004
IBR Integrated Baseline Review April 27, 2009
IBRD integrated Business Requirements Document May 07, 2014
IBRM integrated Business Reference Model May 07, 2014
IBW Ideal Body Weight April 01, 2021
ICAM Identity, Credential, and Access Management December 03, 2014
ICARE Integrity, Compassion, Advocacy, Respect & Excellence September 23, 2014
ICARE Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence April 01, 2021
ICB Insurance Capture Buffer May 07, 2009
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VA Acronym Lookup
ICB Insurance Card Buffer February 18, 2010
ICB Information Collection Budget Added prior to March 2003
ICC Integrated Clinical Community July 23, 2021
ICC Integrated Clinical Council April 01, 2021
ICCD International Change Control Board July 21, 2004
ICD Interface Control Document July 21, 2004
ICD ISO Consultation Division April 23, 2014
ICD International Classification of Diseases Added prior to March 2003
ICD Insurance Claims Division Added prior to March 2003
ICD Informed Consent Document December 15, 2016
International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical
April 15, 2010
ICD-9, ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases, Ninth or Tenth Revision February 06, 2015
ICD-9, ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases, Ninth or Tenth Revision February 06, 2015
International Classification of Diseases--9th edition--Clinical
Added prior to March 2003
ICDB Interoperative Clinical Database December 15, 2003
ICDR Interactive Clinical Data Repository July 21, 2004
ICE In Case Of Emergency July 10, 2006
ICFM Integrated Collections Forecasting Model May 07, 2014
ICFM Integrated Collections Forecasting Model April 30, 2014
ICFS Infrastructure, Common Services, and Foundations August 25, 2008
ICIB Interagency Clinical Informatics Board September 09, 2008
International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities &
Added prior to March 2003
International Classification of Impairments, Activities &
Added prior to March 2003
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ICL Isolated Customer LAN January 14, 2008
ICN Integration Control Number May 17, 2004
ICOM Inputs, controls, outputs and mechanisms December 01, 2009
ICOO Internal Controls over Operations April 21, 2016
ICP Intermittent Catheterization Protocol April 15, 2010
ICP Infection Control Professional October 14, 2008
ICPT Integrated Clinical Program Review Team January 21, 2016
ICR Integration Control Registration November 16, 2011
ICR Immunology Case Registry Added prior to March 2003
ICRA Infection Control Risk Assessment August 31, 2011
ICS Integrated Campus Support June 27, 2011
ICS Internal Controls Service February 01, 2010
ICS Incident Command System April 17, 2014
ICTAP Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program November 04, 2009
ICU Intensive Care Unit July 21, 2004
ICWG Internal Control Work Group May 11, 2006
ID Identification April 18, 2014
ID10T Individual Developement 10 Training April 01, 2021
IDC Interim Data Center May 12, 2010
IDCU Integrated Data Communications Utility Added prior to March 2003
IDD Interface Design Document November 18, 2003
IDE Integrated Development Environment May 16, 2005
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics February 02, 2006
IDES Integrated Disability Evaluation System December 08, 2010
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Added prior to March 2003
IDL Interface Definition Language Added prior to March 2003
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IDL Iterative Development Lifecycle October 01, 2003
Independent Domiciliary (independently operated and non
managed by MC)
Added prior to March 2003
IDM Identity Management December 10, 2014
IDM Identity Management December 10, 2014
IDMC Informatics & Data Management Committee Added prior to March 2003
IDMS Identity Management System October 06, 2011
IDP Individual Development Plan October 20, 2006
IDPO Infectious Disease Program Office November 16, 2011
IDRP Innovation and Development Request Portal April 23, 2014
IDS Intrusion Detection Systems Added prior to March 2003
IDT Interdisciplinary Team April 23, 2014
IDTP Intensive Day Treatment Program October 30, 2014
IE Interface Engine Added prior to March 2003
IE POC IntegratedEthics Point of Contact April 23, 2014
IEAB IntegratedEthics Advisory Board April 23, 2014
IEC IntegratedEthics Council April 23, 2014
IED Improvise Explosive Device March 09, 2007
IEDS Investment & Enterprise Development Service April 30, 2014
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Added prior to March 2003
IEEE1073 Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1073 March 24, 2003
iEHR integrated Electronic Health Record May 03, 2011
IEN Internal Entry Number July 21, 2004
IEPO IntegratedEthics Program Officer April 23, 2014
IER Information Exchange Requrements March 02, 2009
IESS IntegratedEthics Staff Survey April 23, 2014
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IETF Internet Engineering Task Force July 21, 2004
iFAMS Integrated Financial and Acquisition Management System May 30, 2017
IFAS Integrated Financial Accounting System October 31, 2007
IFB Invitation for Bids May 13, 2010
IFC Interfacility Consult November 04, 2009
IFC interferential current October 27, 2017
IFCAP Integrated Funds Control, Accounting, and Procurement April 15, 2010
IFM Ineligible due to Forms Missing November 04, 2009
IFMB Integrated Financial Management Board July 26, 2010
IFMC Iowa Foundation for Medical Care May 07, 2004
IFMS Integrated Financial Management Standard Added prior to March 2003
IFMT Integrated Flow Management Tool December 15, 2016
IFN Item(s) For Negotiation April 15, 2014
IFN Item for Negotiation May 07, 2014
IFR Interim Final Rule February 18, 2010
IFR Institution File Redesign Added prior to March 2003
IG Inspector General Added prior to March 2003
IGA Identity Governance and Administration Solution July 12, 2021
IGCE Independent Government Cost Estimate September 09, 2008
IGUI integrated Graphical User Interface May 07, 2014
IH Industrial Hygienist November 16, 2009
IHDR Interactive Health Data Repository July 21, 2004
IHE Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise December 14, 2005
IHI Institute for Healthcare Improvement November 15, 2010
IHOP Integrated Health Operating Plan April 17, 2014
IHP Internal High Priority Added prior to March 2003
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IHPI Integrated Health Practice & Implementation April 01, 2021
IHS Indian Health Service Added prior to March 2003
IHS Integrated Hospital System Added prior to March 2003
IHSS In-Home Supportive Services April 10, 2014
International Health Terminology Standards Development
June 09, 2008
II&V Insurance Identification and Verification October 01, 2003
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors February 18, 2010
IICU Intermediate Intensive Care Unit August 14, 2014
IIHI Individually Identifiable Health Information Added prior to March 2003
IIMR integrated Information Model Report May 07, 2014
IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Added prior to March 2003
IIP Informatics Innovation Project Added prior to March 2003
IIP VA Innovation Intern Program May 01, 2014
IIP Information Interoperability Plan June 09, 2008
IIRC If I Recall Correctly December 14, 2016
IIS Internet Information Servers Added prior to March 2003
IIS Information Infrastructure Systems July 21, 2004
IITMB Integrated Information Technology Management Board March 31, 2010
IIV Insurance Identification and Verification October 25, 2011
IKE Internet Key Exchange March 23, 2007
IL Information Letter July 06, 2010
ILER Individual Longitudinal Exposure Record November 18, 2015
ILL Interlibrary Loan Added prior to March 2003
ILO In lieu of November 05, 2008
ILSM Interim Life Safety Measures August 31, 2011
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ILSP Integrated Logistics Support Plan October 27, 2017
ILT Instructor Led Training February 06, 2015
IM intramuscular August 04, 2014
IM Information Management Added prior to March 2003
IM/DQ Identity Management/Data Quality February 22, 2005
IM/IT Information Management/Information Technology Added prior to March 2003
IMACD Install, Move, Add, Create, Delete December 15, 2016
IMC Intermediate Care Added prior to March 2003
IMDQ Identity Management Data Quality July 12, 2006
IMHO In my humble opinion October 21, 2014
IMM Integration Medication Manager May 05, 2010
IMO Inpatient Medications for Outpatients April 19, 2005
IMP Integrated Master Plan September 14, 2009
IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card Added prior to March 2003
IMPACT Intensive Management Patient Aligned Care Teams April 10, 2014
IMR Inpatient Medication Requests April 27, 2009
IMR Individual Medical Readiness April 11, 2007
IMRB Internet Management Review Board Added prior to March 2003
IMS Interim Messaging Solution May 19, 2004
IMS Integrated Master Schedule September 14, 2009
IMS Instant Messaging Server May 01, 2014
IMSR Information Model Summary Report December 03, 2014
IMT&R Information Management, Technology and Reengineering Added prior to March 2003
IND Investigational New Drug May 03, 2011
INH Inhale or Inhalation August 14, 2014
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service Added prior to March 2003
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INSP Inspiratory, as in lung sound assessment August 14, 2014
INTMED Internal Medicine August 12, 2010
IOC Initial Operating Capabilities January 19, 2010
IOC Integrated Operations Center June 27, 2011
IOC Independent Outpatient Clinic Added prior to March 2003
IOC Independent Outpatient Clinic Added prior to March 2003
IOC Integrated Operations Center December 14, 2016
IOM Institute of Medicine July 21, 2004
IOM Integrated Operating Model January 10, 2011
IOP Intensive Outpatient Program April 03, 2014
IORBA Inter-Organizational Role-Based Access Added prior to March 2003
IORM Integrated Organizational Role Models May 07, 2014
IOT In order to September 23, 2014
IOWG Interoperability Work Group October 31, 2006
IP Intelligent Properties March 02, 2009
IP Internet Protocol Added prior to March 2003
IP inpatient October 27, 2017
IPA Intergovernmental Personnel Act April 29, 2010
IPA In-Person Authentication December 21, 2006
IPA In Depth Pain Assessment November 27, 2007
IPAC Intra-governmental Payment and Collection March 20, 2008
IPC Intake Processing Center June 06, 2014
IPD Intermediate Product Department April 23, 2014
IPDB Integrated Patient Database Added prior to March 2003
IPEC Inpatient Evaluation Centers April 17, 2007
IPERA Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act December 07, 2010
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IPERIA Improper Payments Elimination & Recovery Improvement Act April 23, 2014
IPF Integrated Patient Funds April 24, 2003
IPIA Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 February 11, 2009
IPL Initial Program Load May 07, 2014
IPLRD integrated Project Level Requirements Document May 01, 2014
IPM Inpatient Medications December 11, 2007
IPO Interagency Program Office April 29, 2008
IPO Input Process Output November 06, 2017
IPPS Invoice Payment and Processing System February 06, 2015
IPR Initial Product Review March 09, 2021
IPR In-Process Review (or In-Progress/DoD acronym) Added prior to March 2003
IPRM Information Protection and Risk Management December 21, 2010
IPRO Improper Payments Reporting and Oversight April 21, 2016
IPS Informatics Patient Safety December 15, 2016
IPS Intrusion Protection System March 23, 2015
IPS Innovation & Procurement Service January 25, 2005
IPSAW Information Security and Privacy Awareness Week April 19, 2016
IPSEC Internet Protocol Security July 21, 2004
IPT interpersonal therapy April 23, 2014
IPT Integrated Project Team Added prior to March 2003
IPT Integrated Product Team March 31, 2010
IPT Integrated Process Teams February 18, 2010
IPU inpatient psychiatric unit April 10, 2014
IPV Intimate Partner Violence April 21, 2016
IPV4 Internet Protocol Version 4 June 21, 2010
IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6 June 21, 2010
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VA Acronym Lookup
IQ Intranet Quorum December 02, 2009
IR Insurance Review April 17, 2014
IR Interventional Radiology August 14, 2014
IR Incident Report July 21, 2004
IR5 Iterative Release 5 July 10, 2006
IRA Initial Requirements Analysis April 16, 2003
IRAC Information Resources Advisory Council Added prior to March 2003
IRATIP Intranet Remote Access Transport Improvement Project July 21, 2004
IRB Institutional Review Board May 05, 2010
IRC Internet Relay Chat July 21, 2004
IRC Internal Readiness Committee December 15, 2016
IRC Lab Integration and Research Center Laboratory Added prior to March 2003
IRCN Interagency Reports Control Number Added prior to March 2003
IRCT Incident Resolution Core Team April 30, 2007
IRDC Informatics Research Design Center February 14, 2012
IRF-PAI Inpatient Rehabilitation Facitility-Patient Assessment Instrument March 02, 2009
IRGB VA Incident Response Governance Board November 05, 2009
IRIS Inquiry Routing & Information System Added prior to March 2003
IRM Information Resources Management Added prior to March 2003
IRM Incident Response Message July 30, 2015
IRMCO Interagency Resources Management Conference October 01, 2003
IRMFO Information Resources Management Field Office Added prior to March 2003
IRMS Information Resource Management Systems January 11, 2005
IRP Incident Response Plan April 17, 2014
IRP Incident Response Plan April 23, 2014
IRR Individual Ready Reserve December 14, 2009
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IRSD IAM Integration Requirements Specification Document April 23, 2014
IRT Incomplete Records Tracking Added prior to March 2003
IRT In Reference to October 29, 2015
IRWG Investment Review Working Group June 19, 2006
ISA Information Security Agreement September 19, 2006
ISA Industry Standard Architecture February 02, 2006
ISA Interconnection Security Agreement April 10, 2014
ISBN International Standard Book Number July 21, 2004
ISBT International System of Bar Code Technology Added prior to March 2003
ISC Information Systems Center Added prior to March 2003
ISC intermittent self catheterizaiton April 23, 2014
ISC intermittent self catheterizaiton April 23, 2014
ISC Integrated Steering Committee June 11, 2014
ISCH Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus April 21, 2016
ISCP Information Systems Contingency Plan April 23, 2014
ISCPA Information Systems Contingency Plan Assessment June 27, 2011
ISCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface February 02, 2006
ISD Instructional System Design April 05, 2010
ISD Integrated Systems Deployment December 15, 2016
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network Added prior to March 2003
ISI Information Sharing Initiative June 14, 2011
ISIL Interagency Software Integration Lab Added prior to March 2003
ISITE Integrated Self-Instructive Test Equipment June 25, 2014
ISMS Integrated Supply Management System Added prior to March 2003
ISO International Standards Organization Added prior to March 2003
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ISO Information Security Officer July 21, 2004
ISO In support of April 01, 2021
International Organization for Standardization Technical
Added prior to March 2003
ISP Internet Service Provider July 21, 2004
ISP Individual Service Plan October 31, 2007
ISPAW Information Security and Privacy Awareness Week May 19, 2015
ISSL Information Systems Service Line February 25, 2008
Identify, Study, Select Strategy, Undertake Plan, Evaluate &
Adjust, Sustain & Spread
April 23, 2014
IT Information Technology Added prior to March 2003
IT MYP Information Technology Multi-Year Programming June 11, 2014
IT&IMS Information Technology & Management Sharing (VHA/DoD) Added prior to March 2003
ITA Information Technology Architecture (VHA) Added prior to March 2003
ITAAC IT Acquisition Advisory Council April 27, 2010
ITAAG Information Technology Asset Allocation Group April 23, 2014
ITAC Information Technology Advisory Committee Added prior to March 2003
ITAM IT Asset Management June 27, 2011
ITAM Information Technology Account Manager May 28, 2016
ITARG Integration and Technology Application Requirements Group Added prior to March 2003
ITARP IT Activity Resource Proposal July 27, 2009
ITARS IT Acquisition Request System July 21, 2009
ITB Information Technology Board July 21, 2004
ITBAT IT Budget Analysis Team March 01, 2010
ITC Information Technology Center July 29, 2009
ITC Information Technology Conference Added prior to March 2003
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VA Acronym Lookup
ITC The Information Technology Committee October 27, 2017
ITDB Interim Theater Database October 18, 2005
ITE Independent Test and Evaluation April 30, 2014
ITE In the Ear April 23, 2014
ITEAM Information Technology Enterprise Architecture Management August 09, 2004
ITF Intent to File October 22, 2015
ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library March 27, 2007
I-TIPS Information Technology Investment Portfolio System Added prior to March 2003
ITLB Information Technology Leadership Board April 15, 2008
ITLO InformationTechnology Logistics Office January 25, 2008
ITMP Information Technology Management Program Added prior to March 2003
ITMRA Information Technology Management Reform Act Added prior to March 2003
ITN Incident Ticket Number April 21, 2016
ITOC Information Technology and Oversight Compliance October 28, 2009
ITOC Information Technology Oversight & Compliance October 31, 2011
ITOPS IT Operations and Services December 28, 2016
ITP Intent to Proceed January 11, 2006
ITPROG Information Technology Program Manager April 10, 2014
ITPT Information Technology Process Team September 27, 2010
ITRM IT Resource Management September 10, 2008
ITS Information Technology Specialist January 29, 2009
ITS Information Technology Specialist January 29, 2009
ITS Implementation and Training Services July 21, 2004
Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation
July 21, 2004
ITSL Information Technology Service Line November 05, 2008
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ITSM IT Service Management April 30, 2014
ITSR Information Technology Service Request April 11, 2007
ITT Instructions To the Traveler April 01, 2021
ITT Instructions To Traveler April 01, 2021
ITU International Telecommunications Union July 21, 2004
ITWD IT Workforce Development March 21, 2014
IU Individual Unemployability December 15, 2016
IUC Indwelling Urinary Catheter March 09, 2021
IV Insurance Verification April 15, 2014
IV Intravenous December 11, 2007
IV&V Independent Verification and Validation Added prior to March 2003
IVA Integrated Vista Adapter August 11, 2015
IVAP Income for VA Purposes April 03, 2015
IVM Income Verification Match Added prior to March 2003
IVMC Income Verification Match Center Added prior to March 2003
IVMH Improve Veterans Mental Health July 26, 2010
IVN Interactive visual navigator April 23, 2014
IVP Intra Venous Push March 20, 2008
IVP Insurance Verification Processor January 21, 2016
IVPB Intra Venous Piggy Back March 20, 2008
IVSP Intravenous Slow Push December 03, 2014
IVV Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) March 27, 2007
J2CA Java 2 Connector Architecture July 21, 2004
J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition July 21, 2004
J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition July 21, 2004
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VA Acronym Lookup
JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service August 16, 2005
JACC Joint Ambulatory Care Center October 03, 2011
JAD Judicial Applications Design July 21, 2004
JAD Joint Application Development Added prior to March 2003
JALFHCC James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center July 29, 2009
JAR Java ARchive January 11, 2006
JAWS Job Access With Speech April 23, 2014
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(See TJC)
May 24, 2010
JCIB Joint Clinical Information Board (ICIB replaces JCIB) September 09, 2008
JCIDS Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems May 07, 2014
JDBC Java Database Connectivity June 08, 2005
JEC Joint Executive Council (VA/DoD) Added prior to March 2003
JEHRI Joint Electronic Health Records Interoperability (Program) February 28, 2007
JEMR Joint Electronic Medical Record May 20, 2004
JET Joint Exploratory Team January 21, 2016
JFSG Joint Health Care Facility Operations Steering Group October 25, 2006
JHITA Joint Healthcare Information Technology Alliance Added prior to March 2003
JIF Joint Incentive Fund July 11, 2007
JIT Just-in-Time April 23, 2014
JITC Joint Integration and Test Center May 07, 2014
JITC Joint Interoperability Test Command April 23, 2014
JIV Joint Interoperability Ventures April 15, 2010
JLC Joint Leadership Council July 30, 2015
JLV Joint Legacy Viewer April 23, 2014
JMS Java Messaging Service June 08, 2005
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JNDI Java Naming Directory Interface October 01, 2003
JOTFOC Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition August 12, 2009
JP Jackson-Pratt (drain) April 21, 2016
JPEG Joint Pictures Expert Group June 08, 2005
JPO Joint Project Office Added prior to March 2003
JPTA Joint Patient Tracking Application (DoD application) September 11, 2006
JRD Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development August 30, 2011
JSA joint security architecture June 30, 2021
JSI Job Satisfaction Inventory March 18, 2009
JSON JavaScript Object Notation April 23, 2014
JSP Java Server Pages June 08, 2005
JSP Joint Strategic Plan June 19, 2007
JSRRC Joint Services Records Research Center February 01, 2010
JTCC Joint Transportation Corporate Information Management Center Added prior to March 2003
JTPO Joint Technology Program Office (VA/DoD) August 22, 2007
JV Journal Vouchers October 04, 2010
JVBOC Joint Venture Business Operations Committee Added prior to March 2003
JVM Java Virtual Machine July 21, 2004
JVS Joint Venture Sites Added prior to March 2003
KAAJEE Kernel Authentication & Authorization for J2EE March 14, 2005
KB Knowledge Base April 21, 2010
KBI Knowledge Based Information April 15, 2010
KEF Key Enabling Function July 21, 2004
KHA Killed in Hostile Action April 10, 2014
KIDS Kernel Installation & Distribution System Added prior to March 2003
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VA Acronym Lookup
KP Kaiser Permanente June 21, 2010
KPI Key Performance Index February 06, 2015
KPI Key Performance Indicator February 06, 2015
KSA Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Added prior to March 2003
KSAO Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Added prior to March 2003
KT Kinesiotherapy April 01, 2021
KWAPI Kernel Windows Application Program Interface Added prior to March 2003
KWIC Key Word In Context (KWIC) June 16, 2015
L Left August 14, 2014
L&P Load & Performance March 23, 2015
L/NC liters per nasal cannula November 13, 2015
L32 Lightweight C32 Implementation December 22, 2009
LA Loan Administration October 04, 2010
LAB Laboratory or Laboratory Value August 14, 2014
LAD Left Anterior Descending Artery January 31, 2006
LAN Local Area Network Added prior to March 2003
LAPP Lender Appraisal Processing Program July 14, 2010
LAQ Long Arc Quad September 23, 2008
LAS Legal Administrative Specialist July 30, 2015
LBGT lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender April 23, 2014
LBP low back pain October 22, 2015
LBX Lockbox First Party December 16, 2011
LCC Life Cycle Costs May 13, 2010
LCFR Lifecycle Funding Requirement November 16, 2011
LCP Letter Change Proposal May 13, 2010
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LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker July 06, 2010
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Added prior to March 2003
LDI Leadership Development Institute September 12, 2007
LDIF Lightweight Directory Interchange Format June 14, 2011
LDL Low Density Lipoprotein May 24, 2010
LDQT Logistics Data Query Tool August 14, 2008
LDSI Lab Data Sharing and Interoperability July 10, 2006
LE Lower extremity September 23, 2014
LE Local Environment July 21, 2004
LEA Law Enforcement Agency Added prior to March 2003
LEAD Leadership Effectiveness and Development June 04, 2004
LEAF Logistics, Engineering, Acquisition, and Finance June 02, 2010
LEAF Light Electronic Action Framework March 09, 2021
LEDI Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange Added prior to March 2003
LEIE List of Excluded Individuals and Entities June 08, 2012
LEIPR Longitudinal Enterprise Integrated Patient Record April 23, 2014
LES Leave and Earnings Statement May 10, 2010
LF Life Flight August 14, 2014
LFT liver function tests August 04, 2014
LFT Limited Field Test January 21, 2016
LG Loan Guarantee Added prior to March 2003
LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender October 27, 2017
LGBTQIA+ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Asexual plus August 27, 2021
LGY Loan Guaranty Service June 27, 2011
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LH Luteinizing Hormone April 21, 2016
LIE Legal Instruments Examiner March 05, 2009
LIM Laboratory Information Manager March 09, 2021
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System February 25, 2008
LIP Licensed Independent Practitioner March 20, 2008
LITA Lightweight Independent Technical Assessment July 23, 2021
LJWG Laboratory Joint Working Group Added prior to March 2003
LLQ Left lower quad of abdomen August 04, 2014
LLQ Left lower quad of abdomen August 04, 2014
LM Left Message October 21, 2014
LMA laryngeal mask airway August 04, 2014
LMFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist December 15, 2016
LMIP Laboratory Management Index Program September 12, 2007
LMN Letter of Medical Necessity December 15, 2016
LMOM Left Message on Machine October 21, 2014
LMS Learning Management System February 10, 2004
LMVM Left Message Voice Mail December 03, 2014
LN liquid nitrogen December 14, 2016
LNO Library Network Office April 05, 2010
LO LOt June 25, 2014
LOA Line Of Action June 28, 2007
LOB Line of Business July 21, 2004
LOC Loss of Consciousness April 23, 2014
LOC level of care October 27, 2017
LOC level of care October 27, 2017
LOD Line of Duty December 14, 2016
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LOE Level Of Effort June 04, 2009
LOINC Logical Observation Identifiers, Names, and Codes Added prior to March 2003
LOL loss of limb July 31, 2017
LP Loan Production October 04, 2010
LP Locality Pay October 04, 2010
LPC Licensed Professional Counselor April 07, 2011
LPES Legacy Product Enhancement Service November 10, 2009
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse January 04, 2012
LQS Lexicon Query Service Added prior to March 2003
LR Lactate Ringers August 14, 2014
LRAC Local Reasonable Accomodations Coordinator April 18, 2014
LRAC Local Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator April 17, 2014
LRAC Local Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator April 23, 2014
LRC Local Recovery Coordinator August 06, 2007
LRC Learning Resources Center Added prior to March 2003
LRRP Long-range Reconnaissance Patrol May 19, 2015
LRRPS Long-range Reconnassaince Patrols May 19, 2015
LSC Logistic Support Chief August 14, 2014
LSRI Laboratory System Re-engineering Initiative February 25, 2008
LSRP Laboratory System Re-Engineering Project May 17, 2007
LST Life-Sustaining Treatment December 14, 2016
LSTAT Life Support for Trauma and Transport Added prior to March 2003
LTACH long term acute care hospital July 31, 2017
LTC Long Term Care Added prior to March 2003
LTCI Long Term Care Institute November 23, 2011
LTP Legacy Transition Plan May 07, 2014
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LTR SNT LETTER SENT August 25, 2011
LTS Long Term Solution December 16, 2011
LUE Left Upper Extremity December 15, 2016
LUM Low-Unit-of-Measure Distribution April 23, 2014
LUN Logical Unit Number June 11, 2014
LUQ left upper quadrant of abdomen August 04, 2014
LUTS Lower urinary tract symptoms June 08, 2012
LV Low Vision December 14, 2010
LVER Local Veteran Employee Representative April 10, 2014
LVH Left Ventricular Hypertrophy October 27, 2017
LVS Legacy Viewer Service October 27, 2017
LWBS Left Without Being Seen August 19, 2011
LWOP Leave Without Pay September 23, 2014
MUMPS (Massachusetts General Utility Multi-Programming
July 21, 2004
M&IS Messaging and Interface Services July 21, 2004
M&M Morbidity and Mortality December 17, 2007
M&ROC Medical and Regional Office Center Added prior to March 2003
M/L Message Left October 27, 2017
M21 M21 Compensation and Pension Manual December 14, 2016
MA Medical Assistant December 15, 2016
MA Managment Analysis July 21, 2004
MA Management Analyst April 23, 2014
MA Major Application January 06, 2009
MAA Medical Administration Assistant May 01, 2014
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MAAG MHS Application Access Gateway April 18, 2014
MABPR Management Analysis/Business Process Reengineering Program May 24, 2011
MAC Medicare and Medicaid Analysis Center March 26, 2009
MAC Media Access Control June 08, 2005
MAC Mandatory Access Control July 21, 2004
MAC Messaging Authentication Code July 21, 2004
MAC Management Advisory Consortium Added prior to March 2003
MACE Military Acute Concussions Evaluation June 14, 2011
MACPAC Mid-Atlantic Consolidated Patient Account Center February 04, 2010
MADM Milestone Acquisition Decision Memorandum June 25, 2014
MADSS Managment and Decision Support System July 21, 2004
MAE Moving All Extremities May 14, 2007
MAE Mobile Application Environment October 21, 2014
MAF MUMPS AudioFax Added prior to March 2003
MALE Memorial Affairs Letters Enhancements August 19, 2011
MAMC Madigan Army Medical Center September 12, 2007
MAMOE Medical Administration and Miscellaneous Operating Expenses Added prior to March 2003
MAN Metropolitan Area Network July 21, 2004
MAPD Modern Award Processing Development May 26, 2011
MAP-D Modern Award Processing Development June 09, 2010
MAPR Maximum Annual Pension rate March 23, 2015
MAPR Mission Assurance Planning Repository January 21, 2016
MAPUE Memorial Affairs Performance and Usability Enhancements June 14, 2011
MAR Memorial Affairs Re-design June 14, 2011
MAR Medical Administration Record Added prior to March 2003
MARC Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card Added prior to March 2003
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MARG Management Applications Requirements Group Added prior to March 2003
MAS Medical Administration Service Added prior to March 2003
MASS Medical Appointment Scheduling System April 21, 2016
MAT Medication Assisted Treatment April 01, 2021
MATMO Medical Advanced Technology Management Office Added prior to March 2003
Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information
May 17, 2007
MBC Measurement-Based Care July 12, 2021
MBI Maslach Burnout Inventory March 18, 2009
MBI Moderate Background Investigation June 14, 2011
MBI Moderate Background Investigation June 14, 2011
MBM Meds by Mail November 23, 2011
MBMS Memorials Business Management System February 06, 2015
MBS Modified Barium Swallow September 23, 2014
MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction August 17, 2010
MC Medical Center Added prior to March 2003
MCAO Managerial Cost Accounting Office April 23, 2014
MCAP Managerial Cost Accounting Program October 21, 2014
MCCF Medical Care Collections Fund August 12, 2009
MCCF Medical Care Cost Fund April 17, 2008
MCCR Medical Care Cost Recovery Added prior to March 2003
MCD Medical Center Director July 12, 2021
MCG Medical Care Group January 11, 2010
MCIS MHS CyberInfrastructure Services May 01, 2014
MCM Medical Center Memorandum March 23, 2005
MCO Managed Care Organizations Added prior to March 2003
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MCS Managed Care System Added prior to March 2003
MCUS Multipoint Control Units July 30, 2015
MD medical doctor October 27, 2017
MDA Milestone Decision Authority May 07, 2014
MDC M Development Committee Added prior to March 2003
MDCR Modular Data Collection & Recording June 23, 2008
MDD Major Depressive Disorder May 19, 2015
MDDS Medical Device Data Systems March 02, 2009
MDE M Data Extraction Added prior to March 2003
MDHT Model-Driven Health Tools October 25, 2010
MDI metered dose inhaler April 01, 2021
MDIA Medical Device Isolation Architecture April 18, 2014
MDISS Medical Device Innovation, Safety and Security Consortium June 27, 2011
MDM Mobile device management July 12, 2021
MDO Medical Domain Objects November 22, 2004
MDP Mail Drop Point July 31, 2017
MDR Meta Data Registry June 16, 2003
MDRC Management Decision and Research Center Added prior to March 2003
MDRO Multiple Drug Resistant Organism(s) April 04, 2011
MDS-HC Minimum Data Set Home Care Added prior to March 2003
MDWS Medical Domain Web Services March 31, 2009
ME/NILCO Code ME/NILCO February 06, 2015
MEAV Medical Equipment Asset Value September 23, 2014
MEB Medical Executive Board April 17, 2015
MED Mobile Electronic Documentation February 05, 2009
MED Medical Electronic Documentation February 25, 2008
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MED Medication or Medicine Team August 14, 2014
MED Medication or Medicine August 14, 2014
MEDIPRO Medical District Initiated Peer Review Organization Added prior to March 2003
MEDNET Medical Network Added prior to March 2003
MEFS Management, Enrollment and Financial Systems April 23, 2007
MEG Mid Epigastric quadrant of Abdomen August 04, 2014
MEL Medicare Exclusion Letter October 27, 2017
MEO Most Efficient Organization Added prior to March 2003
MEP Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing March 23, 2009
MERRT Medical Emergency Radiological Response Team December 10, 2014
MET Motivational Enhancement Therapy April 23, 2014
MF Medical Facilities June 14, 2011
MFD Multi-Functional Device September 16, 2011
MFH Medical Foster Home March 17, 2009
MFS Management and Financial Systems March 20, 2008
MFS Management and Financial Systems April 15, 2010
MFS Master File Server January 25, 2005
MGIB Montgomery GI Bill Added prior to March 2003
MGT management January 21, 2016
MH mental health August 14, 2014
MHA Mental Health Assistant February 25, 2008
MHAC Mental Health Assessment Clinic September 23, 2014
MHBSS Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences Service January 06, 2009
MHC Mental Health Clinic January 03, 2007
MHEC Mental Health Evaluation Clinic April 27, 2010
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MHI Mental Health Issue(s) October 29, 2015
MHICM Mental Health Intensive Case Mangement April 23, 2014
MHICM Mental Health Intensive Care Management Added prior to March 2003
MHRRTP Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program October 22, 2008
MHS Mental Health Suite March 24, 2011
MHS Military Health System Added prior to March 2003
MHTC Mental Health Treatment Coordinator August 23, 2011
MHV My HealtheVet June 30, 2003
MHVC MyHealtheVet Coordinator December 03, 2014
MHZ Megahertz July 21, 2004
MI Major Initiative April 23, 2014
MI motivational interviewing December 15, 2016
MI Myocardial Infarction December 14, 2016
MIB Management Information Base June 08, 2005
MIB Medical Information Bus (standard) Added prior to March 2003
MICHM Mental Health Intensive Case Management May 01, 2014
MICU Medical Intensive Care Unit March 12, 2009
MID Middle August 14, 2014
MIL Medication Image Library July 21, 2014
MIMC Medical Information Management Committee Added prior to March 2003
MIME Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions Added prior to March 2003
MIN minute October 22, 2015
MINX Management Information Exchange System (Delta Solutions Inc.) July 27, 2009
MIO Medical Informatics Office April 27, 2010
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchasing Request July 21, 2004
MIRECC Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center Added prior to March 2003
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MIRMO Medical Information Resources Management Office Added prior to March 2003
MIS Management Information Systems Added prior to March 2003
MISD Management Information Software Development Added prior to March 2003
MISN Memorial Integrated Service Network July 30, 2015
MISS Medical Information Security Service Added prior to March 2003
Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Outside
Networks (MISSION)
April 01, 2021
MIT Means Indicator Test Added prior to March 2003
MITA Medicaid Information Technology Architecture January 14, 2008
ML milliliter April 21, 2016
MLQ Mid lower quadrant of abdomen August 04, 2014
MMAD Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter March 23, 2009
MMI Master Member Index July 21, 2004
MMP Medical Monitoring Project October 30, 2006
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory April 17, 2014
MMS Medical Media Service October 14, 2008
MMSO Military Medical Support Office Added prior to March 2003
MMU Mobile Medical Unit June 16, 2015
MNE Military Noise Exposure March 01, 2010
MO Medical Officer July 21, 2004
MO. Month January 21, 2016
MOA Memorandum of Agreement May 13, 2010
MOB Make-or-Buy May 13, 2010
MOCHA Medication Order Check Healthcare Application April 04, 2011
MOD Medical Officer of the Day Added prior to March 2003
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MOD month of death April 01, 2014
MODEM Modulator/Demodulator July 21, 2004
MOE Measures of Effectiveness May 07, 2014
MOF Meta-Object Facility July 21, 2004
MOLAP Multidimensional On-Line Analytical Processing July 21, 2004
MOM Message Oriented Middleware June 08, 2005
MON Monday August 14, 2014
MOP Measures of Performance May 07, 2014
MOPH Military Order of the Purple Heart October 31, 2011
MOR Missed Opportunity Rate August 21, 2014
MORC Mobile Outreach Clinic Added prior to March 2003
MOS military occupational specialty April 18, 2014
MOS Military occupation specialty April 23, 2014
MOSS Microsoft Office SharePoint Server December 14, 2010
MOU Memorandum of Understanding July 21, 2004
MOVE Motivating Overweight/Obese Veterans Everywhere March 09, 2021
MOW MEALS ON WHEELS April 21, 2016
MP Manual Part May 23, 2006
MP Medication Profile April 20, 2010
MPA Merit Promotion Announcement October 18, 2010
MPCR Monthly Program Cost Report January 25, 2005
MPCR3 Monthly Program Cost Report 3 April 23, 2014
MPD Minimal Patient Dataset Added prior to March 2003
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group June 08, 2005
Medical Public Health Information Sharing Environment (Work
April 20, 2009
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MPI Lexiscan MPI February 14, 2012
MPI Master Patient Index Added prior to March 2003
MPI/CIRN-PD Master Patient Index/CIRN Patient Demographics Added prior to March 2003
MPI/DQ (OLD) Master Patient Index/Data Quality (See IM DQ) February 22, 2005
MPI/PD Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics Added prior to March 2003
MPIL Master Patient Information Locator Added prior to March 2003
MPL Master Patient Locator Added prior to March 2003
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching July 27, 2009
MPN myeloproliferative neoplasm July 12, 2021
MPR Monthly Performance Report October 21, 2009
MPR Monthly Progress Review June 06, 2014
MPS Memorial Programs Service April 03, 2014
MQAS Management Quality Assurance Service March 20, 2008
MR&OP Mission Requirements & Performance Outcomes May 07, 2014
MRA Medicare Remittance Advice Added prior to March 2003
MRB Merit Review Board Added prior to March 2003
MRCP Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography March 26, 2009
MRDD Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities November 06, 2017
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging Added prior to March 2003
MRP My Recovery Plan April 03, 2014
MRR medical record request December 15, 2016
MRS Medical Research Service Added prior to March 2003
MRS Military Records Specialist May 07, 2014
MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus April 25, 2007
MRT Moral Reconation Therapy May 24, 2010
MRTS Message Routing and Translation System Added prior to March 2003
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MRWG Medical Records Working Group March 04, 2009
MS IE Microsoft Internet Explorer July 21, 2004
MS IIS Microsoft Internet Information Server July 21, 2004
MS&C Medical Support and Compliance May 19, 2015
MS&N Medical Surgical & Neurological April 06, 2007
MSA Medical Support Assistant November 04, 2011
MSAC Medical Situational Awareness & Command and Control Added prior to March 2003
MSC military service coordinator June 14, 2011
MSDS Military Service Data Sharing December 16, 2011
MSDS Medical Supply Distribution Section March 08, 2010
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet January 11, 2005
MSE Managed Self-Enrollment January 21, 2016
MSF Managing Scanning Failures March 20, 2008
MSI Master Subject Index Added prior to March 2003
MSICU Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit August 14, 2014
MSN Memorial Service Network December 15, 2008
MSO Medical Sign-On September 18, 2008
MSOC Multi-Specialty Outpatient Clinic April 18, 2014
MSP Motor, Sensory & Pulses August 21, 2014
MSPB Merit Systems Protection Board October 27, 2017
MSPE Medical Student Performance Evaluation April 21, 2016
MSPV Med/Surg Prime Vendor October 29, 2015
MSQCSR Milestone Schedule Quarterly Congressional Status Report May 03, 2007
MSR Medical Speech Recognition December 15, 2016
MSSA Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus July 23, 2021
MST Military Sexual Trauma Added prior to March 2003
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MSV Maintenance and Support of VistA July 06, 2009
MTC Major Transaction Class March 31, 2010
MTF (DoD) Military Treatment Facility April 11, 2007
MTF Medical Treatment Facility/Facilities Added prior to March 2003
MTFB Mean Time Between Failures July 21, 2004
MTM Medication Therapy Management February 13, 2006
MTP Master Test Plan October 01, 2003
MTSA Master Telehealth Service Agreement September 23, 2014
MTX Methotrexate December 15, 2016
MU Monitoring Unit July 21, 2004
MU Meaningful Use May 07, 2014
MUCMI medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illnesses October 27, 2017
MUE Medically Unlikely Edits April 01, 2021
MUGA Multiple Gated Acquisition Added prior to March 2003
MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System Added prior to March 2003
MUQ Mid upper quadrant of abdomen August 04, 2014
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident June 25, 2014
MVAC Medical VA Center April 23, 2014
MVAC MyVA Advisory Committee March 23, 2015
MVAHCS Minneapolis Veterans Administration Health Care System April 17, 2015
MVC Mobile Vet Centers April 03, 2014
MVC MyVeHU Campus May 07, 2014
MVI Master Veteran Index August 25, 2010
MVP Million Veteran Program July 30, 2015
MVR Master Veteran Record Added prior to March 2003
MWAPI M Windows Application Program Interface Added prior to March 2003
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MWB Messaging Work Bench December 14, 2005
MWRS Material Weakness Remediation Support December 15, 2016
MYP Multi-year Programs May 13, 2010
N/C non-covered October 27, 2017
N/V nausea/vomiting August 04, 2014
N/V/D nausea/vomiting/diarrhea December 03, 2014
NAA Next Available Appointment January 08, 2009
NAA National Association of Area Agencies on Aging Added prior to March 2003
NABS Normal Active Bowel Sounds April 23, 2014
NAC National Acquisition Center Added prior to March 2003
NACA Next Available Clinic Appointment April 01, 2021
NACI National Agency Check w/Inquiries July 06, 2009
NACVSO National Association of County Veteran Service Officers April 30, 2009
NAD No acute distress November 30, 2009
NADL Native American Direct Loan October 04, 2010
NAGE National Association of Government Employees Added prior to March 2003
NAGIS National Advisory Group for Information Security Added prior to March 2003
NAGMA Non anion gap metabolic acidosis January 21, 2016
NAHQ National Association of Healthcare Quality April 01, 2021
NAI Network Associates Incorporated Added prior to March 2003
NAMMCAL North American Medical Management California February 18, 2010
NANP North American Numbering Plan Added prior to March 2003
NAO Network Authorization Office July 06, 2010
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NAOU Narcotics Area Of Use November 01, 2005
NAPA National Academy of Public Administration Added prior to March 2003
NARA National Archives and Records Administration Added prior to March 2003
NARS National Automated Response System July 21, 2004
NAS Network-addressable Storage July 21, 2004
NAS National Academy of Sciences Added prior to March 2003
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Added prior to March 2003
NASUA National Association of State Units on Aging Added prior to March 2003
NASVH National Association of State Veterans Homes September 20, 2010
NAT Network Address Translation Added prior to March 2003
NATREM NATional REMinders Development Account July 30, 2015
NAVACOS National Association of VA Chiefs of Staff Added prior to March 2003
NAVAP National Association of VA Physicians Added prior to March 2003
NB Nonbinary August 27, 2021
NBC National Biodefense Campus April 11, 2007
NBS National Bureau of Standards Added prior to March 2003
NC National Cemetary Added prior to March 2003
NC nasal cannula September 04, 2015
NCA National Capital Area Added prior to March 2003
NCA National Cemetery Administration March 27, 2007
NCAO National Cemetary Area Office Added prior to March 2003
NCAT Neurocognitive Assessment Tool December 01, 2009
NCC National Call Center April 17, 2014
NCCAM National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine August 14, 2008
NCCC National Clozapine Coordinating Center December 11, 2007
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NCCC National Center for Cost Containment Added prior to March 2003
NCCHV National Call Center for Homeless Veterans October 31, 2011
NCCI national Correct Coding Initiative April 01, 2021
NCCIP National Cardiovascular Care Improvement Program April 16, 2003
NCCMH North-side Community Care Mental Health October 14, 2008
NCCPAC North Central Consolidated Patients Account Center November 13, 2015
NCD National Center for Documentation Added prior to March 2003
NCFC National Customer Feedback Center Added prior to March 2003
NCHC National Criminal History Check May 01, 2014
NCHCS Northern California Health Care System Added prior to March 2003
NCHPDP National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Added prior to March 2003
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics Added prior to March 2003
NCI National Cancer Institute August 10, 2010
NCIC National Crime Information Center December 14, 2016
NCID Numeric Concept Identifier July 21, 2004
NCIS National Center for Information Security Added prior to March 2003
NCITS National Committe For Information Technology Standards July 21, 2004
NCL National Control Listing July 21, 2004
NCM Nurse Care Manager October 27, 2017
NCMD National Card Management Directory Added prior to March 2003
National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities
September 08, 2008
NCO Network Contracting Office April 18, 2014
NCOA National Change of Address April 16, 2008
NCOD National Center for Organization Development September 23, 2008
NCOF no claim on file December 15, 2016
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NCP National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention April 23, 2014
NCPDP National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Added prior to March 2003
NCPS Natinal Center for Patient Safety Added prior to March 2003
NCPS National Center for Patient Safety December 15, 2016
NCQA National Committe for Quality Assurance July 21, 2004
NCS National Cemetary System Added prior to March 2003
NCS National Contract Service February 18, 2010
NCVHS National Committee on Vital & Health Statistics Added prior to March 2003
ND National Director February 18, 2010
ND Network Director February 18, 2010
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement May 07, 2014
NDAA National Defense Authorization Act August 03, 2011
NDAA National Defense Authorization Act Added prior to March 2003
NDBI National Data Base Integration (Team) Added prior to March 2003
NDC National Drug Code Added prior to March 2003
NDC National Data Center May 12, 2010
NDCP National Data Center Program October 10, 2006
NDE National Data Extract April 23, 2014
NDF National Drug File Added prior to March 2003
NDF-RT National Drug File-Reference Terminology Added prior to March 2003
NDI Non-Developmental Item January 02, 2008
NDMS National Disaster Medical System Added prior to March 2003
NDNQI National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators September 23, 2014
NDPP National Director's Performance Plan April 18, 2014
NDR National Drug File Added prior to March 2003
NDS National Data Systems February 10, 2004
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NDS Naming Directory Service March 23, 2007
NEAR New Enrollee Appointment Request June 25, 2014
NEC Naval Enlisted Code April 30, 2014
NECC Nurse Educator Caritas Coach December 15, 2016
NEDSS National Electronic Data Surveillance System Added prior to March 2003
NEG Negative August 04, 2014
NeHC National eHealth Collaborative February 03, 2009
NEMRT National Emergency Management Response Team December 28, 2011
NEMT National Emergency Management Team Added prior to March 2003
NEO New Employee Orientation March 05, 2009
NEPEC Northeast Program Evaluation Center October 02, 2007
NEURO Neurology or Neurologic August 14, 2014
NEWT Nessus Enterprise Web Tool May 19, 2015
NF National Formulary June 21, 2010
NF/SG North Florida/South Georgia March 20, 2008
NFFE National Federation of Federal Employees October 27, 2017
NFPO National Fee Program Office February 22, 2011
NFR National Recommendations and Findings October 27, 2017
NFS Nutrition and Food Service June 23, 2008
NFS Network File System July 21, 2004
NG nasogastric August 04, 2014
NGI Next Generation Internet Added prior to March 2003
NGIT Northup Grumman Information Technology July 29, 2004
NGL Nationwide Gravesite Locator June 14, 2011
NGTD No Growth To Date April 23, 2014
NHC Nursing Home Care Added prior to March 2003
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NHCC Naval Health Clinic Charleston October 22, 2015
NHCPD National Health Care Practitioners Database February 10, 2004
NHCU Nursing Home Care Unit Added prior to March 2003
NHD National Help Desk Added prior to March 2003
NHE National Health Exchange Added prior to March 2003
NHE Network Health Exchange April 11, 2007
NHI Nationwide Health Information October 25, 2011
NHIE National Health Information Exchange December 14, 2009
NHII National Health Information Infrastructure (WG of NCVHS) Added prior to March 2003
NHIO National Health Information Organization March 27, 2006
NHPI National Health Plan Identifier February 14, 2012
NHPP National Health Physics Program June 29, 2005
NHPPD nursing hours per patient day May 14, 2014
NHRIC National Health Related Items Code December 08, 2011
NHSN National Healthcare Safety Network October 14, 2008
NIC Network Interface Card November 16, 2011
NIC Non-Institutionalized Care February 02, 2011
NICMO non-ischemic cardiomyopathy October 22, 2015
NIDDM Non insulin diabetis Melitis September 23, 2014
NIEM National Information Exchange Model April 10, 2014
NIF National Item File September 28, 2005
NIGMS National Institute General Medicine Service Added prior to March 2003
NIH National Institutes of Health Added prior to March 2003
NIHI National Initiative for Health Care Informatics Added prior to March 2003
NII National Information Infrastructure July 21, 2004
NIIS Nursing Integrated Information System June 29, 2005
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NIMH National Institute of Mental Health Added prior to March 2003
NIMS National Incident Management System April 17, 2014
NIPRNET uNclassified Internet Protocol Router Network April 18, 2014
NIRC Non-Institutional Respite Care April 18, 2014
NIRMO National Initiative to Reduce Missed Opportunities July 21, 2014
NIS&T National Institute for Science and Technology Added prior to March 2003
NISO (Network) Information Security Officer May 03, 2011
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Added prior to March 2003
NIT Nursing Intervention Team April 03, 2014
Networking and Information Technology Research and
August 22, 2011
NKDA No Known Drug Allergies October 31, 2007
NLB National Leadership Board Added prior to March 2003
NLC National Leadership Council December 28, 2011
NLM National Library of Medicine Added prior to March 2003
NLN National League for Nursing April 11, 2007
NLT National Laboratory Test Added prior to March 2003
NLT no later than December 15, 2016
NLTF VA National Laboratory Test File Added prior to March 2003
NMCSD Naval Medical Center San Diego April 11, 2007
NMDC National Media Development Center Added prior to March 2003
NMDD Networked Medical Device Database October 27, 2017
NMDS National Mobile Device Support December 14, 2016
NME National Medical Enterprises Added prior to March 2003
NMEA Non Mail Enabled Administrator April 23, 2014
NMHIP National Mental Health Improvement Program Added prior to March 2003
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NMIMC Naval Medical Information Management Center Added prior to March 2003
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Added prior to March 2003
NMS NeuroMusculoSkeletal February 06, 2015
NNEI National Nursing Education Initiative April 23, 2014
NNMC National Naval Medical Center December 13, 2006
NNPO National Non-VA Program Office February 06, 2015
NNTP Network News Transport Protocol July 21, 2004
NOA Notice of Appeal Added prior to March 2003
NOA Notice of Awards May 13, 2010
NOAA National Atmospheric Administration December 14, 2016
NOAC Nature of Action Code September 27, 2010
NOAVA Nationwide Office Automation for Veterans Affairs Added prior to March 2003
NOC Network Operations Center Added prior to March 2003
NOD Notice of Disagreement July 21, 2004
NOD Notice of Death December 28, 2011
NOD Nursing Officer of the Day March 02, 2009
NOI No Other Inquiries April 12, 2010
NOIS National On-line Information System Added prior to March 2003
NOK Next of Kin July 21, 2004
NOPP Notice of Privacy Practices April 17, 2014
NOS Not Otherwise Specified October 31, 2007
NOSB Nurse Order Status Board July 31, 2017
NOV Notice of Value July 21, 2004
NP Nurse Practitioner June 08, 2010
NPA Nasal Pharyngeal Airway August 04, 2014
NPCD National Patient Care Database Added prior to March 2003
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NPCDB National Patient Care Database July 20, 2011
NPDB National Practitioner Data Bank Added prior to March 2003
NPDR nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy December 22, 2005
NPI National Provider Identifier June 13, 2006
NPM National Patch Module Added prior to March 2003
NPO Nothing by mouth, pt may not eat or drink August 04, 2014
NPOD Night Psychiatrist on duty, usually for ER eval of pt July 25, 2014
NPOD night Psychiatrist on duty July 25, 2014
NPPD National Prosthetic Patient Database June 28, 2004
NPPES National Plan and Provider Enumeration System October 02, 2007
NPR National Performance Review Added prior to March 2003
NPRC National Personnel Records Center July 21, 2004
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rule Making Added prior to March 2003
NPS Nursing Professional Services July 20, 2009
NPS/SRD National Provider System/System Requirements Definition Added prior to March 2003
NPSB Nurse Professional Standards Board Added prior to March 2003
NPTF New Patient Treatment File Added prior to March 2003
NQC National Quality Council October 01, 2008
NR/T Not Related To October 27, 2017
NRB Not Receiving Benefits December 15, 2016
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission Added prior to March 2003
NRD National Resource Directory February 23, 2010
NRD Next Review Date/Due March 08, 2011
NRDC National Rural Development Council Added prior to March 2003
NREN National Research and Education Network July 21, 2004
NRM Non-recurring Maintanence September 12, 2007
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NRMIS National Resources Management Information System Added prior to March 2003
NRSC National Radiation Safety Committee MML April 11, 2007
NS Normal Saline IV fluid August 14, 2014
NS Normal Saline August 14, 2014
NSA National Security Agency Added prior to March 2003
NSC Non-Service Connected Added prior to March 2003
NSC Network Support Center April 24, 2006
NSC Non-Service Connected May 30, 2007
NSC Nuclear Sclerotic Cataract December 15, 2016
NSCC Now Show Clinic Cancellation Rate December 15, 2016
NSD National Service Desk April 18, 2014
NSD National Service Desk April 10, 2014
NSLI National Service Life Insurance July 14, 2010
NSO National Surgery Office December 15, 2016
NSOC Network and Security Operations Center October 31, 2007
NSOC Network Security Operations Center April 23, 2014
NSP Not Seperately Priced June 25, 2014
NSPD National Security Presidential Directive April 17, 2014
NSQIP National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Added prior to March 2003
NSR Normal Sinus rythm August 14, 2014
NSR New Service Request August 17, 2004
NSTEMI Non-ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction July 12, 2021
NSTIC National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace June 14, 2011
NT New Technology Added prior to March 2003
NTA National Training Academy August 04, 2014
NTE Network Health Exchange Added prior to March 2003
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NTE Not-to-Exceed May 13, 2010
NTEO National Training & Education Office Added prior to March 2003
NTF No Trouble Found May 27, 2016
NTIA National Telecommunications Information Administration Added prior to March 2003
NTIS National Technical Information Service Added prior to March 2003
NTP National Training Priorities Added prior to March 2003
NTP Network Time Protocol March 07, 2008
NTP National Teleradiology Program December 15, 2008
NTR Notice to Report March 31, 2010
NTRT New Term Rapid Turnaround June 30, 2003
NTS Near-Term Solution Added prior to March 2003
NUCC National Uniform Claim Committee October 02, 2007
NUMI National Utilization Management Integration May 27, 2008
NUMI National Utilization Management Integration April 23, 2014
NVC National Verification Center April 18, 2014
NVCC Non-Va Care Consult April 23, 2014
NVCC Non VA Care Coordination February 06, 2015
NVDRS National Violent Death Reporting System June 02, 2010
NVLD Non-Verbal Learning Disability January 21, 2016
NVO National Veterans Outreach May 01, 2014
NVS National VISTA Support Added prior to March 2003
NVSAAB National Veterans Service Advocates Advisory Board April 27, 2009
NVSBE National Veterans Small Business Engagement January 21, 2016
NVW VistA Web April 17, 2014
NVW National Vista Web server April 23, 2014
NWB NWB December 21, 2011
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NwHIN Nationwide Health Information Network April 26, 2011
NWIHCS Nebraska Western Iowa Health Care System July 14, 2010
NWQ National Work Queue May 19, 2015
NYHHCS New York Harbor Healthcare System March 20, 2008
O&M Operation and Maintenance May 13, 2010
O&M Orientation and Mobility November 15, 2010
O&M Operations and Maintenance July 26, 2004
O&P Orthotics & Prosthetics January 21, 2016
O2 Oxygen August 14, 2014
O2 SAT Oxygen Saturation August 14, 2014
OA Office Automation Added prior to March 2003
OA Office of Audit March 31, 2010
OA&F The Office of Administration and Facilities December 14, 2016
OA&L Office of Acquisitions and Logistics October 25, 2011
OAA Office of Academic Affiliations June 21, 2010
OAA Office of Academic Affairs Added prior to March 2003
OAB over active bladder June 16, 2015
OAEM Office of Asset Enterprise Management Added prior to March 2003
OAI Organizational Assessment Inventory March 18, 2009
OAIC Office of Accountability, Integrity and Compliance April 30, 2014
OAL Office of Acquisition and Logistics March 15, 2010
OALC Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction April 27, 2009
OAO Office of Acquisition Operations April 23, 2014
OAP Operational Acceptance Plan May 10, 2010
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VA Acronym Lookup
OAS Office of Acquisition SharePoint - MOSS 2010 May 27, 2016
OASD(HA) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Added prior to March 2003
OASDI Old Age, Survivors & Disability Insurance March 14, 2005
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
June 30, 2003
OAWP Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection June 05, 2018
OBC Office of Business Continuity February 06, 2015
OBE Online Booking Engine July 06, 2010
OBO Office of Business Oversight April 07, 2009
OBP Optimized Business Process May 07, 2014
OBPI Office of Business Process Integration April 10, 2014
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act April 10, 2003
OBS Organizational Breakdown Structure July 26, 2004
OBS Offboard Server Added prior to March 2003
OBS observation October 27, 2017
OC Office of Construction Added prior to March 2003
OCAM Office or Capital Asset Management July 23, 2021
OCC Office of Community Care August 17, 2020
OCCC Office of Clinical Consultation & Compliance April 07, 2011
OCCM Office of Communications and Case Management December 15, 2016
OCI Orgainizational Conflict Of Interest May 13, 2010
OCIO Office of Chief Information Officer Added prior to March 2003
OCIOII Office of the CIO Infrastructure Improvements Added prior to March 2003
OCIS Office of Cyber and Information Security January 12, 2004
OCLA Office of Congressional & Legislative Affairs March 22, 2004
OCM Outlines in Clinical Medicine Added prior to March 2003
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OCM Organizational Change Management December 15, 2016
OCMO Office of the Chief Medical Officer (DoD) May 07, 2014
OCN Oncology Certified Nurse July 28, 2010
OCO Overseas Contingency Operation March 25, 2009
OCONUS Outside Continental United States December 15, 2016
OCP Oral Contraceptive Pill April 21, 2016
OCR Optical Character Reader Added prior to March 2003
OCR Office for Civil Rights April 27, 2004
OCS Office of Cyber Security Added prior to March 2003
OCS Office Communicator Server October 12, 2010
OCWG Organizational Consistency Working Group July 21, 2008
OD&E Office of Organization Development and Engagement October 06, 2016
OD, OS, OU Oculus Dexter, Oculus Sinister, Oculus Uterque October 22, 2015
ODA Operating Division of Audit Added prior to March 2003
ODBC Open Database Connectivity July 26, 2004
ODC Other Direct Costs October 01, 2008
ODI Office of Diversity and Inclusion December 16, 2008
ODM Operational Decision Management July 12, 2021
ODM&T Office of Data Management and Telecommunications Added prior to March 2003
ODS Operational Data Store July 26, 2004
ODS Office of Dietary Supplements www.od.nih.gov August 14, 2008
OE Other Equipment June 12, 2006
OE/RR Order Entry/Results Reporting Added prior to March 2003
OEA Office of Enterprise Architecture April 11, 2007
OEA&I Office of the Enterprise Architecture and Innovation August 12, 2009
OEAM Office of Enterprise Architecture Management January 14, 2008
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OEC Office of Enterprise Communications April 15, 2014
OED Office of Enterprise Development (see PD) March 28, 2011
OEDCA Office of Employment Discrimination Adjudication October 01, 2014
OEF Operation Enduring Freedom May 13, 2004
OEF/OIF Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom November 05, 2008
OEI Office of Enterprise Integration June 05, 2018
OEID Other Entity Identifier March 09, 2021
OEM Office of Emergency Management February 09, 2011
OEMP Office of Emergency Medical Preparedness Added prior to March 2003
OERR Order Entry Results Reporting April 01, 2008
OERS Officer Evalution Reports December 14, 2016
OESS Office of E-Health Standards and Services June 02, 2005
OF Optional Form July 26, 2004
OF Office of Facilities Added prior to March 2003
OFFM Office of Federal Financial Management July 27, 2009
OFIRM Office of Finance and Information Resources Management April 30, 2014
OFMR Office of Financial Management Reports December 15, 2016
OFP The Office of Financial Policy October 04, 2010
OFPIAR Office of Financial Process Improvement and Audit Readiness November 30, 2009
OFPP Office of Federal Procurement Policy May 13, 2010
OG orogastric August 04, 2014
OGA Other Government Agencies July 26, 2004
OGC Office of General Counsel November 21, 2007
OGD Open Government Directive February 18, 2010
OHI Office of Health Information April 15, 2009
OHRA Office of Human Resources and Administration April 23, 2014
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OHRM Office of Human Resources Management Added prior to March 2003
OHRO Office of Human Reserach Oversight May 08, 2003
OHRS Occupational Health Record-keeping System February 25, 2008
OHS Office of HIPAA Standards June 02, 2005
OHT Open Health Tools December 17, 2007
OHT Office of Health Care Transformation April 30, 2014
OI Office of Information (see OHI) April 15, 2009
OIA Office of Information Assurance July 26, 2004
OIA Office of Informatics and Analytics April 03, 2014
OID Organizational Identifier April 30, 2014
OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom May 13, 2004
OIFO Office of Information Field Office July 26, 2004
OIG Office of the Inspector General Added prior to March 2003
Office of the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Informatics and
Information Governance
December 14, 2016
OIIG Office of Informatics and Information Governance July 31, 2017
OINQ Outpatient Inquiry Added prior to March 2003
OIPT Overarching Integrated Product Team April 21, 2008
OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (in OMB) February 01, 2010
OIRM Office of Information Resource Management Added prior to March 2003
OIS Office of Information Security September 22, 2011
OIT Office of Information and Technology October 26, 2017
OITSC OI Tactical Space Committee August 15, 2007
OLA Operation Level Agreement January 20, 2011
OLAF Online Approval File July 26, 2004
OLAP Online Analytical Processing January 03, 2005
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OLCS On-Line Certification System October 31, 2007
OLE Object Linking and Embedding June 08, 2005
OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing July 26, 2004
OM Operations Management June 19, 2007
OM Office of Management June 05, 2018
O-MAT ORH Management & Analysis Tool May 27, 2016
OMB Office of Management and Budget Added prior to March 2003
OMC Operations Management Center July 26, 2004
OMELOS Observed minus expected length of stay March 08, 2010
OMG Object Management Group Added prior to March 2003
OMHO Office of Mental Health Operations April 23, 2014
OMHO Office of Mental Health Operations April 30, 2014
OMHO Office of Mental Health Operations May 07, 2014
OMHS Office of Mental Health Services April 17, 2014
OMI Office of Medical Inspector Added prior to March 2003
OMM Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine February 06, 2015
OMPF Official Military Personnel Files April 18, 2014
OMR Office of Media Relations Added prior to March 2003
OMR Operational Management Review June 23, 2010
OMT Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment February 06, 2015
ONC Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) March 23, 2015
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information
November 30, 2004
OND Operation New Dawn May 09, 2011
ONE Occupational Noise Exposure March 01, 2010
ONS Oral Nutritional Supplement July 31, 2017
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ONSI The Office of Nursing Services Informatics April 13, 2010
OOB out of bed, pt is safely out of bed July 25, 2014
OOO Out Of Office December 10, 2014
OOP out of pocket October 27, 2017
OOP Object-Oriented Programming March 31, 2009
OOPSS out on pass July 05, 2011
OOR Office of Responsibility October 04, 2010
OOS Occasion of Service September 23, 2014
OOS Other Outpatient Services September 23, 2014
OP Outpatient Pharmacy December 11, 2007
OP outpatient October 27, 2017
OP Over Payment July 30, 2015
OPA Oral Pharyngeal Airway August 04, 2014
OPA Office of Public Affairs Added prior to March 2003
OPA&I VBA Office of Performance Analysis & Integrity February 14, 2012
OPAI Outpatient Automation Interface July 25, 2005
OPC (CBC) Outpatient Clinic (Community-Based Clinic) July 21, 2004
OPC(ORC) Outpatient Clinic (Outreach Clinic) Added prior to March 2003
Outpatient Clinic (Outpatient Clinic located at Veterans Benefit
Regional Office)
Added prior to March 2003
OPC(SOC) Outpatient Clinic (Satellite Outpatient Clinic) Added prior to March 2003
OPCA Office of Public and Consumer Affairs Added prior to March 2003
OPCM Outpatient Clinic (Mobile Outpatient Clinic) July 21, 2004
Office of Population, Censuses and Survey Classification of
Surgical Operations and Procedures - 4th revision
September 28, 2005
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OPD outpatient department April 21, 2016
OPECC Outpatient Pharmacy Electronic Claims Coordinators April 23, 2014
OPECC Outpatient Pharmacy Electronic Claims Coordinators October 21, 2014
OPES Office of Productivity, Efficiency, and Staffing April 14, 2009
OPF Official Personnel Folder April 03, 2006
OPHSR Office of Public Health Surveillance & Research April 04, 2008
OPIA Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs July 14, 2010
OPIM Other Potentially Infectious Materials April 23, 2014
OPM Office of Personnel Management Added prior to March 2003
OPMC Operational Portfolio Management Committee April 01, 2021
OPO Organ Procurement Organizations April 15, 2014
OPOC Oakland Park Outpatient Clinic, Florida March 08, 2006
OPP Office of Planning and Programs December 29, 2009
OPP Office of Policy and Planning Added prior to March 2003
OPP&P Office of Policy, Planning and Preparedness October 25, 2004
OPPS Outpatient Prospective Payment System April 20, 2009
OPQM Office of Performance and Quality Measures Added prior to March 2003
OPT Out Patient Treatment (Records) December 15, 2016
OPTR Outpatient Treatment Record December 15, 2016
OQL Object Query Language July 21, 2004
OQP Office of Quality and Performance November 18, 2003
ORB Object Request Broker Added prior to March 2003
Outreach Clinic (outpatient clinic under the management of an MC
but not physically located in an MC, less than 3,000 visits per
Added prior to March 2003
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ORCA Office of Research Compliance and Assurance July 28, 2003
ORD Optional Requirements Document Added prior to March 2003
ORD Office of Research and Development March 15, 2010
ORH Office of Rural Health March 26, 2009
ORH Operation Ranch Hand December 15, 2016
ORM Object-Relational Mapping March 31, 2009
ORM VBA - ORM April 23, 2014
ORM Office of Resolution Management Added prior to March 2003
ORO Office of Research Oversight May 07, 2007
ORR Operational Readiness Review April 23, 2014
ORT Operational Readiness Testing July 06, 2009
ORT Opioid Replacement Therapy July 12, 2021
ORT Outreach Reporting Tool October 29, 2015
ORTHO Orthopedic (s) August 14, 2014
ORTHO Orthopedic (s), or Positional August 14, 2014
Vital sign changes, possibly relating to or caused by positional
changes or erect posture.
August 14, 2014
ORTHOSTATS Pertaining to BP changes with position changes August 14, 2014
OS Open System July 21, 2004
OS Operating System July 21, 2004
OS&LE Office of Security and Law Enforcment Added prior to March 2003
OS&P Office of Operations, Security, and Preparedness June 27, 2011
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea May 26, 2011
OSAC outpatient substance abuse clinic July 23, 2021
OSD operating system deployment May 19, 2015
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense April 23, 2014
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OSDBU Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Added prior to March 2003
OSDEBU Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization April 23, 2014
OSE Open Systems Environment July 21, 2004
OSEHRA Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent August 31, 2011
OSEHRA Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance December 15, 2016
OSERA Open Source E-Gov Reference Architecture June 30, 2003
OSF Open Systems Foundation July 21, 2004
OSGLI Office of Servicemembers Group Life Insurance April 03, 2014
OSH Outside hospital May 07, 2014
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration Added prior to March 2003
OSHCA Open Source Health Care Alliance Added prior to March 2003
OSI Open Systems Interconnection Added prior to March 2003
OSL Operating Staff Level May 17, 2010
OSLE Office of Security and Law Enforcement July 12, 2021
OSP Office of Strategic Planning April 15, 2014
OSP Office of Operations, Security and Preparedness Added prior to March 2003
OSPA Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis March 26, 2009
OSS Open Source Software October 22, 2003
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy Added prior to March 2003
OSVA Office of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs March 26, 2009
OT occupational therapist April 23, 2014
OT&E Operation Test & Evaluation Added prior to March 2003
OTA Office of Technology Assessment Added prior to March 2003
OTA Opioid Treatment Agreement December 15, 2016
OTA open to air August 11, 2015
OTC Over-The-Counter (herbals/non-VA meds) February 10, 2004
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OTH Other Than Honorable July 12, 2021
OTJ on the job October 22, 2015
OTM Office of Talent Management July 12, 2021
OTP One Time Password April 17, 2014
OTP Opioid Treatment Program November 17, 2008
OTS Off The Shelf May 04, 2009
OU Organizational Unit April 23, 2014
OUD Opioid Use Disorder July 31, 2017
OV Operational View April 23, 2014
OV Operationsl Viewpoint April 18, 2014
OVAC Office of Veteran Access to Care July 12, 2021
OVAC Office of Veterans Access to Care April 01, 2021
OVH Ohio Veterans Home December 14, 2016
OVHC Office of Veterans Health Communications June 12, 2007
OWAS Overwhelmed With Acronym Stress July 31, 2017
OWCP Office of Workers' Compensation Programs October 31, 2011
P Pulse August 14, 2014
P Pulse October 22, 2015
P&C Purchasing and Contacting Added prior to March 2003
P&C Pension & Compensation February 09, 2011
P&F Pension & Fiduciary May 01, 2014
P&LMS Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service March 27, 2006
P&LO Procurement and Logistics Office August 19, 2010
P&T Permanent and Total April 03, 2015
P&T Pharmacy and Therapeutics August 26, 2005
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P/W presents with April 01, 2021
P2P peer-to-peer October 27, 2017
PA Program Analyst April 23, 2014
PA Privacy Act July 21, 2004
PA Physician Assistant October 20, 2006
PA&I Performance Analysis and Integrity July 27, 2011
PAB Policy Advisory Board Added prior to March 2003
PAC Premature Atrial Contraction September 23, 2014
PACE Performance Analysis Center for Excellence March 29, 2004
PACMEDNET Pacific Medical Network Added prior to March 2003
PACS Picture Archiving Communication Systems Added prior to March 2003
PACS Physical Access Control System April 23, 2014
PACT Preservation-Amputation Care and Treatment Added prior to March 2003
PACT Patient-Aligned Care Teams September 20, 2010
PACT Patient-Aligned Care Teams September 20, 2010
PACT Psychosocial Assessment of Candidates for Transplantation September 03, 2008
PACU Patient Acute Care Unit September 12, 2006
PACU Post Anesthesia Care Unit August 25, 2010
PAD Personnel and Accounting Integrated Data August 30, 2011
PAD Planning Analysis Document October 27, 2017
PADP Patient Assessment Document Package August 16, 2011
PADP Patient Assessment Document Package August 16, 2011
PADR Prior Authorization Drug Request July 12, 2021
PADRECC Parkinson's Disease Research, Education, and Clinical Centers March 25, 2009
PAE Pharmacy Application Environment July 21, 2004
PAF Patient Assessment File Added prior to March 2003
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PAHO Pan American Health Organization June 12, 2003
PAI Patient Assessment Instrument Added prior to March 2003
PAIC Prosthetics Assessment Information Center Added prior to March 2003
PAID Personnel and Accounting Integrated Data System Added prior to March 2003
PAIRS Procurement of Automation Information Resource Solutions Added prior to March 2003
PAIT Patient Appointment Information Transmission July 12, 2006
PAMPI Problems, Allergies, Medications, Procedures, Immunizations April 01, 2021
PAO Program Administration Office April 23, 2014
PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator September 23, 2014
PAR Performance and Accountability Report March 14, 2007
PAR Personnel Action Request April 01, 2021
PARMIN Population and Resource Management Information Network Added prior to March 2003
PART Program Assessment Rating Tool May 25, 2004
PAS Planning and Analysis Service June 02, 2006
PAS Program Application Specialist April 27, 2006
PAS Patient Administrative Services June 30, 2021
PAS Personnel Accountability System April 17, 2015
PASS Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep September 23, 2008
PATS Planning, Architecture, Technology and Services April 15, 2008
PATS Patient Advocate Tracking System April 24, 2003
PAVE Prevention of Amputation in Veterans Everywhere April 23, 2014
PAVE Prevention of Amputation in Veterans Everywhere April 10, 2014
PAVE Prevention of Amputation in Veterans Everywhere April 15, 2014
PAVIR Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research March 23, 2015
PAVs Price Adjustment Vouchers Added prior to March 2003
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PBC Provided by Client June 16, 2015
PBI Performance Base Interview September 20, 2010
PBM Pharmacy Benefits Management Added prior to March 2003
PBM Policy Based Management February 06, 2015
PBMS Performance-based Management System July 22, 2003
PBO PMAS Business Office June 11, 2014
PBP Performance Based Payments May 13, 2010
PBRN Practice-Based Research Networks June 06, 2014
PBS Personal Benefit Services June 06, 2014
PBX Private Branch Exchange June 11, 2014
PC Policy Council Added prior to March 2003
PC Personal Computer Added prior to March 2003
PC3 Patient Centered Community Care April 01, 2021
PCA Primary Care Annex December 15, 2016
PCA Patient-Controlled Analgesia February 25, 2008
PCAC Program Contracting Activity-Central August 25, 2010
PCAFC Program of Comprehensive Assistance to Family Caregivers July 12, 2021
Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers
July 23, 2021
PCAOB Public Company Accounting Oversight Board September 20, 2010
PCAS Patient Care Administrative Service July 06, 2009
PCAS Patient Care Assessment System June 16, 2015
PCC Patient Care Coordinator April 17, 2015
PCC Patient Centered Care February 24, 2010
PCC Polytrauma Call Center April 11, 2007
PCC Patient Care Component Added prior to March 2003
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PCC Policy Coordinating Committee (Agent Orange-VA) Added prior to March 2003
PCCN Progressive Care Certified Nurse April 30, 2014
PCD Privacy Communications Data July 21, 2004
PCE Primary Care Encounter June 06, 2014
PCE Patient Care Encounter Added prior to March 2003
PCGL Personal Computer Generated Letter April 10, 2014
PCGL Personal Computer Generated Letter April 23, 2014
PCHS Procurement for Computer Hardware and Software Added prior to March 2003
PCI PIV Card Issuance April 23, 2014
PCI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention April 03, 2014
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard July 21, 2009
PCIOL IN GOOD ORDER posterior chamber intraocular lens in good order December 20, 2006
PCL PMO Prosthetics and Clinical Logistics Program Management Office March 20, 2008
PCM Polytrauma Case Manager April 11, 2007
PCM Plexis Claims Manager December 15, 2016
PCMH Patient Centered Medical Home April 20, 2010
PCMHI Primary Care Mental Health Integration April 20, 2010
PC-MHI Primary Care - Mental Health Integration April 30, 2014
PCMM Primary Care Management Module Added prior to March 2003
PCN Patient Control Number December 08, 2010
PCN Processor Control Number August 11, 2006
PCO Procurring Contracting Officer May 12, 2010
PCO Procuring Contracting Officer May 13, 2010
PCO Publications Control Officer Added prior to March 2003
PCORI Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute September 27, 2010
PCOS Public Contact and Outreach Specialist August 12, 2009
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PCR Public Contact Representatives April 17, 2014
PCS Patient Care Services April 27, 2005
PCSW primary care social worker October 27, 2017
PCT PTSD Clinical Team June 23, 2010
PCTOC Primary Care Telehealth Outreach Clinic July 20, 2011
PCU Progressive Care Unit March 09, 2021
PD Perferred Date October 22, 2015
PD Product Development (replaces OED) March 28, 2011
PD Position Description July 06, 2010
PD Police Department August 04, 2014
PD Public Domain Added prior to March 2003
PDA Personal Digital Assistant July 21, 2004
PDA Project Decision Authority July 21, 2004
PDAS Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary July 03, 2007
PDAS I&T Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information & Technology May 07, 2014
PDAT Position Designation System and Automated Tool May 09, 2011
PDD Patient Desired Date August 16, 2011
PDD Presidential Decision Directive Added prior to March 2003
PDF Portable Document Format July 21, 2004
PDHRA Post-Deployment Health Reassessment November 01, 2005
PDI Personnel Daily Interface April 23, 2014
PDI Program Document Identifier April 23, 2014
PDI Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor April 17, 2015
PDL Personnel Distribution List May 17, 2010
PDLC Program Development Life Cycle July 26, 2010
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PDM Pharmacy Data Management December 11, 2007
PDQ Physician's Data Query Added prior to March 2003
PDR Preliminary Design Review Added prior to March 2003
PDR Preliminary Design Review May 12, 2010
PDRECC Parkinson's Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center November 22, 2005
PDSA Plan, Do, Study, Act December 14, 2010
PDTS Pharmacy Data Transaction System (DoD Pharm System) July 15, 2003
PDUSB Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits April 30, 2014
PDUSH Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Health May 07, 2014
PDWS Patient Discovery Web Service April 18, 2014
PDX Patient Data Exchange Added prior to March 2003
PE Prolonged Exposure Therapy April 23, 2014
PE Preventive Ethics April 23, 2014
PE Pulmonary Embolism July 30, 2015
PEB Physical Evaluation Board December 14, 2016
PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair April 17, 2014
PEBLO Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer September 05, 2011
PEC Psychiatric Emergency Clinic March 09, 2009
PEC Preventive Ethics Coordinator April 23, 2014
PEC pre-existing condition October 27, 2017
PECS Pharmacy Enterprise Customization System October 05, 2009
PEERL Pupils Equal and Equally Reactive to Light April 01, 2021
PEMS Patient Education Management System October 12, 2010
PEO Program Executive Office January 05, 2006
PEP Project Execution Plan January 20, 2011
PEPS Pharmacy Enterprise Product System August 06, 2007
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PERC Patient Education Resources Center March 24, 2009
PERC Program Evaluation Resource Center June 23, 2010
PERC Patient Education Resource Center Added prior to March 2003
PERRL Pupils equal round and reactive to light April 30, 2014
PERT Program Evaluation Review Technique July 21, 2004
PES Psychiatric Emergency Service June 06, 2006
PET Positron Emission Tomography April 13, 2010
PET Position Electron Transformation Added prior to March 2003
PF Performance Factor July 22, 2003
PFOP Personal Funds of Patient March 09, 2021
PFSS Patient Financial Services System Added prior to March 2003
PGCSS Program of General Caregiver Support Services July 12, 2021
PGD Program Director July 21, 2004
PGD paged, as in paged MD August 14, 2014
PGEC Palliative and Geriatrics and Extended Care April 23, 2014
PGM Program Manager April 23, 2014
PGY Post Graduate Year December 15, 2016
PHA Public Housing Authority October 31, 2011
PHCA Preventive Health Care Application Added prior to March 2003
PHF Patient History File July 21, 2004
PHI Protected Health Information Added prior to March 2003
PHI Personal Health Identifiers June 12, 2007
PHI Personal Health Inventory April 01, 2021
PHIN Public Health Information Network June 30, 2003
PHP Personalized Health Plan July 18, 2014
PHP Partial Hospitalization Program January 03, 2007
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PHR Personal Health Record April 20, 2006
PHRSS Payroll and Human Resource Systems Service November 30, 2009
PHS Public Health Service Added prior to March 2003
PHTN Pulmonary Hyptertension July 23, 2021
PI Prevention Index February 20, 2007
PI Partner Integration June 14, 2011
PIA Privacy Impact Assessment September 19, 2006
PIA Primary Insurance Amount April 28, 2010
PIB Performance Improvement Board Added prior to March 2003
PIC Personal Information Carrier Added prior to March 2003
PIC Performance Improvement Counsel May 01, 2014
PICC Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter November 08, 2010
A peripherally inserted central catheter is a thin, soft, flexible tube
- an intravenous (IV) line.
May 27, 2016
PICD Property Inventory Control Division March 08, 2010
PICS Patient Image Capture Software March 27, 2006
PICU Patient Intensive Care Unit September 12, 2006
PICU Pediatric intensive care unit May 01, 2014
PID Patient Identification July 21, 2004
PID Process Identification July 30, 2015
PIDS Person Identification Service Added prior to March 2003
PIE Personal Information Exchange April 23, 2014
PIES Personnel Information Exchange System July 21, 2004
PIF Pending Issue File April 23, 2014
PIF Pending Issue File May 07, 2014
PIHCP Pacific Island Health Care Project Added prior to March 2003
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PII Patient Information Integration Added prior to March 2003
PII Personally Identifiable Information April 11, 2007
PIICS VBA Program Integrity & Internal Controls April 23, 2014
PIMS Patient Information Management System Added prior to March 2003
PIN Personal Identification Number April 23, 2014
PIO Process Improvement Opportunity January 20, 2011
PIP Prosthetics Inventory Package June 25, 2014
PIP Productivity Improvement Program Added prior to March 2003
PIP Performance Improvement Plan July 12, 2021
PIR Project Initiation Request April 17, 2014
PIR Post Implementation Review Added prior to March 2003
PIR Project Initiation Reqyest April 23, 2014
PISA Privacy and Information Security Awareness August 27, 2021
PIT Program Integrity Tool May 14, 2014
PIT Postgraduate and In-service Training Added prior to March 2003
PITC Philadelphia Information Technology Center October 21, 2011
PIUC Patient Information Unspecified Content February 25, 2008
PIV Personal Identity Verification December 14, 2022
Personal Identity Verification Multi Authentication Technical
Enforcement (PIVMATE)
December 15, 2016
PJM Project Manager June 25, 2014
PJM Project Manager June 25, 2014
PKI Public Key Infrastructure Added prior to March 2003
PL Poet Laureate Added prior to March 2003
PL Public Law July 21, 2004
PL Policy Letter December 14, 2016
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PLAN Plain Language Action Network Added prior to March 2003
PLE Pharmacy Legacy Enhancement December 07, 2011
PLMS Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service November 04, 2009
PLO Procurement and Logistics Office April 01, 2021
PLOU Portfolio Loan Oversight Unit October 04, 2010
PLQE Pharmacy Legacy Quarterly Enhancements June 08, 2009
PLTIB Planning and Long-Term Issues Board January 06, 2009
PM Project Manager January 23, 2007
PM Preventative Maintenance April 17, 2014
PM Program Manager December 23, 2003
PM PAR Program Management Policy, Assessment, and Reporting November 24, 2010
PM&R Productivity Measurement and Reporting Added prior to March 2003
PM&R Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Added prior to March 2003
PMAC Project Management Advisory Committee Added prior to March 2003
PMAP Pain Management Assessment Project Added prior to March 2003
PMAS Project Management Accountability System March 21, 2014
PMAS Project Management Accountability System April 23, 2014
PMAS Program Management Accountability System July 06, 2009
PMAT Program Management Accountability Tool April 23, 2014
PMB Performance Measurement Baseline June 25, 2014
PMB Postmenopausal bleeding December 14, 2016
PMC Pension Management Center March 08, 2010
PMD Privacy Management Data July 21, 2004
PMDB Prevention & Management of Disruptive Behavior May 07, 2007
PMDD Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder April 18, 2014
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PMEF Primary Mission Essential Function April 17, 2014
PMF Presidential Management Fellow October 21, 2009
PMHX Prior or previous meidcal history April 10, 2014
PMI Preventive Maintenance Inspection April 23, 2014
PMI Project Management Data July 21, 2004
PMI Project Management Institute July 21, 2004
PMI patient medication information April 21, 2016
PMIP Practice Management Implementation Plan Added prior to March 2003
PMIS Project Management Information System July 21, 2004
PMO Program Management Office January 05, 2006
PMO Portfolio Management Office April 11, 2007
PMOU Property Management Oversight Unit October 04, 2010
PMP Project Management Professional March 02, 2009
PMP Project Management Plan July 21, 2004
PMR Program Management Review June 25, 2014
PMR Private Medical Records September 04, 2015
PMRF Performance Measurement Reporting Platform April 17, 2014
PMRF Performance Measure Reporting Foundation April 03, 2014
PMRS Patient Movement Request System Added prior to March 2003
PMS Project Management Service Added prior to March 2003
PMSC Project Management Steering Committee Added prior to March 2003
PMSR Process Model Summary Report May 07, 2014
PN Progress Notes Added prior to March 2003
PNA pneumonia January 12, 2009
PNC Penicilin August 14, 2014
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PNCS Progress Note Construction Set May 11, 2011
PND Post Nasal Drip February 06, 2015
PNM Price Negotiation Memorandum May 13, 2010
PNS Polytrauma Network Sites April 17, 2008
PO Purchasing Order May 12, 2010
PO Program Office July 21, 2004
PO Purchase Order July 21, 2004
PO Privacy Officer August 26, 2004
PO By Mouth July 12, 2021
PO2 pulse oxygen March 23, 2015
POA Power of Attorney July 21, 2004
POA PIV Only Authentication April 23, 2014
POA&M Plans of Action & Milestones December 15, 2008
POAM Plan of Action and Milestones May 03, 2011
POC PTSD Outpatient Clinic October 20, 2010
POC Point of Care Added prior to March 2003
POC Plan of Care July 30, 2015
POCC Process of Clinnical Care Clerkship January 21, 2016
POCs Points of Contact Added prior to March 2003
POCT Point of care testing August 04, 2014
POD Position on Duty April 17, 2014
POD Psychiatrist on Duty December 15, 2016
POE Pharmacy Order Enhancement Added prior to March 2003
POE Post Occupancy Evaluation Added prior to March 2003
POE Power Over Ethernet February 07, 2011
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POE Personally Owned Equipment June 25, 2014
POI Program Oversight and Informatics April 23, 2014
POID Personnel Office ID December 15, 2016
POJO Plain Old Java Object June 08, 2005
POLARIS Planning On-Line Access, Release and Integration Schedular December 15, 2016
POM Program Operations Manual January 20, 2011
POMA Patient-Oriented Management Architecture Added prior to March 2003
POMS Purchase Order Management System Added prior to March 2003
POP Period of Performance November 29, 2011
POP Server Post Office Protocol Server Added prior to March 2003
POS Point of Sale Added prior to March 2003
POS Positive August 04, 2014
POS Period of Service October 05, 2009
POS place of service December 15, 2016
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface July 21, 2004
POST-MI Post-Myocardial Infarction Added prior to March 2003
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service Added prior to March 2003
POV Purpose of Visit Added prior to March 2003
POW Prisoner of War Added prior to March 2003
PP&C Program Plans & Controls April 11, 2007
PP&O Program Planning and Oversight May 07, 2014
PPACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 July 06, 2010
PPBE Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution May 07, 2014
PPBE Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution April 23, 2014
PPBE Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution April 23, 2014
PPBPL Patients Pending Bed Placement List May 19, 2015
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PPD Product Planning Document November 06, 2017
PPD pack per day (as in smoking) December 03, 2014
PPDHA Pre- and Post-Deployment Health Assessments October 03, 2005
PPDP Pharmacists' Professional Development Plan July 12, 2021
PPE Personal Protective Equipment April 23, 2014
PPE Property, Plant and Equipment February 18, 2010
PPI Privacy-Protected Information February 27, 2006
PPL Providers/Patient Linkage EP Added prior to March 2003
PPM Personal Property Management Added prior to March 2003
PPM Product and Platform Management August 14, 2014
PPM Permanent Pace Maker August 14, 2006
PPMS Provider Profile Management System July 31, 2017
PPO Program Planning and Oversight May 07, 2014
PPP Point to Point Protocol Added prior to March 2003
PPP Pharmacy Prescription Practices Added prior to March 2003
PPR Per Patient Request December 21, 2011
PPR Periodic Performance Review June 27, 2011
PPS-N Pharmacy Product System - National June 14, 2011
PPT Provider Performed Testing January 21, 2016
PPV Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor February 18, 2010
PPW paperwork April 01, 2021
PPW PAPERWORK July 12, 2021
PQRI Physician Quality Reporting Initiative May 24, 2010
PR Paperless Reimbursement November 24, 2010
PR Purchase Requests February 18, 2010
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PR payer relations December 15, 2016
PR&MS Physical Rehabilitation and Medical Services April 23, 2014
PRA Paperwork Reduction Act July 21, 2004
PRA Patient Record Architecture Added prior to March 2003
PRB Project Review Board Added prior to March 2003
PRC Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center April 11, 2007
PRC Peer Review Committee June 14, 2011
PRD Product Requirements Document July 21, 2004
PRDC Prosthetics Research and Development Center Added prior to March 2003
PRE Pharmacy Re-Engineering October 08, 2003
PREP Post-Deployment Rehabilitative and Evaluation Program April 01, 2014
April 10, 2014
PREP Post-Deployment Rehabilitation & Evaluation Program May 01, 2014
PRF Patient Record Flag September 28, 2005
PRIME Pain Research, Informatics, Multi-morbidities, and Education October 27, 2017
PRM Partner Relationship Management November 05, 2008
PRN Pro Re Nata June 10, 2003
PROMOTE Predictive Outcome Model Over Time for Employment August 16, 2011
PRP Pro-Rated Person March 08, 2011
PRPO Pacific Regional Program Office Added prior to March 2003
PRR Product Readiness Review April 15, 2014
PRRC Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center February 09, 2007
PRRO Pharmacy Recruitment and Retention Office August 12, 2009
PRRTP Psychiatric Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program Added prior to March 2003
PRSS Prosthetic Statistical System Added prior to March 2003
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PRTR Potentially Ready to Rate January 03, 2011
PS Provider Systems October 31, 2007
PS Person Served May 21, 2003
PSA Program Support Assistant July 21, 2004
PSA Prostate-specific antigen Added prior to March 2003
PSA Primary Service Area July 12, 2006
PSA Patient Services Assistant October 14, 2008
PSA Public Service Announcement October 20, 2011
PSAS Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service Added prior to March 2003
PSB Professional Standards Board November 06, 2007
PSCC Posterior Subcapsular Cataract December 15, 2016
PSCPIM Surgical Provider Staff Cost and Productivity Investment Model October 22, 2015
PSCT Polytrauma Support Clinic Team October 31, 2007
PSD Person Service Demographics June 08, 2005
PSETS Privacy and Security Event Tracking System April 17, 2014
PSETS Privacy and Security Event Tracking System April 17, 2014
PSHC Purchased Skilled Home Care April 23, 2014
PSI Performance Systems International Added prior to March 2003
PSI Patient Safety Issue April 19, 2005
PSI Potentially Shippable Increment January 21, 2016
PSIM Person Service Identity Management February 16, 2006
PSL Patient Service Line October 14, 2008
PSMSL Primary and Specialty Medicine Service Line July 31, 2017
PSMT Prosthetic Sock Management Tool April 01, 2021
PSPO Patient Safety Program Office November 30, 2009
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PSRO Professional Services Review Organization Added prior to March 2003
PSS Patient Satisfaction Survey Added prior to March 2003
PSSG Planning Systems Support Group February 25, 2008
PST Preliminary System Testing Added prior to March 2003
PSWG Patient Safety Work Group December 06, 2005
PSWN Public Safety Wireless Network Added prior to March 2003
Psychiatry or Pshychiatric assessment, history, admit, personel, or
August 14, 2014
PT patient August 04, 2014
PT physical therapist April 23, 2014
PT/INR Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio August 04, 2014
PTA Privacy Threshold Analysis March 23, 2015
PTA prior to arrival August 14, 2014
PTC Prosthetic Treatment Center Added prior to March 2003
PTC Patient Transfer Center February 18, 2010
PTD Project Tracking Database May 24, 2011
PTF Patient Treatment File Added prior to March 2003
PTF President's Task Force July 21, 2004
PTI Permanent Transfer In July 20, 2010
PTO Permanent Transfer September 04, 2015
PTRP Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program October 05, 2009
PTRS Private Treatment Records June 16, 2015
PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Added prior to March 2003
PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time August 04, 2014
PUB. L. Public Law Added prior to March 2003
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PUM Pharmacy Utilization Management January 21, 2016
PUM Pharmacy Utilization Management January 21, 2016
PUMA Physician Utilization Managment Advisor October 05, 2009
PUMT Pressure Ulcer Monitoring Tool July 27, 2011
PV Primary View October 02, 2007
PV Planned Value July 21, 2004
PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America Added prior to March 2003
PVAP Pre-Vocational Apprenticeship Program Added prior to March 2003
PVC Premature Ventricular Contraction August 04, 2014
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease May 19, 2015
PVHCA Pacific Virtual Healthcare Application Added prior to March 2003
PVOD Peripheral Vascular Occlusive Disease May 19, 2015
PVP Permanent Virtual Pipe June 08, 2005
PVTS Privacy Violation Tracking System July 05, 2005
PWA Project Web Access November 17, 2011
PWBA Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Added prior to March 2003
PWGH Principal Working Group on Health Added prior to March 2003
PWS Performance Work Statement March 19, 2007
PWW Patient Weighted Work December 15, 2016
QA quality assurance April 17, 2015
QA Quality Assurance Added prior to March 2003
QAR Quality Assurance Review Added prior to March 2003
QASP Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan July 20, 2010
QBE Query by Example Added prior to March 2003
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QBL Qualified Bidders List May 12, 2010
QBL Qualified Bidders List May 12, 2010
QD Daily August 14, 2014
QGNC Quasi-Government Non-Profit Corporation Added prior to March 2003
QID Four times daily April 21, 2016
QIO Quality Improvement Organization November 18, 2003
QIS QuIC Information Systems (Workgroup) Added prior to March 2003
QITC Quantico Information Data Center December 14, 2010
QLE Qualifying Life Event October 21, 2014
QMAS Quality Measurement Advisory Service Added prior to March 2003
QMI Quality Management Institute Added prior to March 2003
QML Qualified Manufacturers List May 13, 2010
QMO Quality Management Officer July 31, 2017
QMP Quality Management Plan May 07, 2014
QOS Quality of Service July 21, 2004
QPL Qualified Parts List May 13, 2010
QPO Quality, Performance and Oversight October 31, 2011
QRDA Quality Reporting Document Architecture December 18, 2007
QRT Quality Review Team April 23, 2014
QSI Quality Step Increase April 23, 2014
QSPP Quadrennial Strategic Planning Process April 30, 2014
QSV Office of Quality, Safety, & Value April 23, 2014
QTC Quality. Timeliness.Customer Service. April 01, 2021
QUAD Quadroplegic or Quadrant August 14, 2014
QUASAR Quality: Audiology and Speech Pathology Audit & Review Added prior to March 2003
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QUASAR Quality: Audiology and Speech Analysis and Reporting June 19, 2007
QUERI Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Added prior to March 2003
QUEST QUEST July 31, 2017
QuIC Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force Added prior to March 2003
QUIC Quality Improvement Checklist Added prior to March 2003
R Respiration(s) August 14, 2014
R Right August 14, 2014
R Respiration October 22, 2015
R&D Research and Development May 13, 2010
R&D Research and Development Added prior to March 2003
R&DC Receiving & Distribution Center December 14, 2016
R&E Registration and Eligibility July 21, 2004
R&SS Recruitment and Staffing Servicies April 23, 2014
R/C Return Call April 17, 2015
Registration/Eligibility/Enrollment Maintenance/Enhancement
Added prior to March 2003
R/O OR R/O rule out August 04, 2014
R/S Respectuflly Submitted December 15, 2016
R/T related to April 06, 2010
RA Requirements Analysis April 12, 2010
RA Room Air July 30, 2015
RAC Resource Allocation Committee March 01, 2011
RACC Restricted Access Claims Center December 03, 2014
RACE Rescue Activate Confine Extinguish May 09, 2011
RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed July 26, 2010
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RAD Rapid Application Development Added prior to March 2003
RAD Resource Access Design Added prior to March 2003
RAD Release from Active Duty July 21, 2004
RAEM Requirements Analysis and Engineering Management October 02, 2007
RAFT Reporting and Analytics Field Training May 14, 2014
RAG Research Advisory Group Added prior to March 2003
RAI/MDS Resident Assessment Instrument/Minimum Data Set Added prior to March 2003
RAID Rapid Application Interface Development Added prior to March 2003
RAID Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks July 21, 2004
RAM Resource Allocation Model Added prior to March 2003
RAMMP Red Tape Reduction November 13, 2015
RAMP Reports and Measures Portal April 23, 2014
RAN Regional Area Network June 19, 2006
RAP RAPTOR July 30, 2015
RAPM Reverse Auction Program manager May 26, 2011
RAS Remote Access Service June 08, 2005
RAS Remote Authentication Service July 21, 2004
RAS Referral and Authorization System October 22, 2015
RASCI Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed May 07, 2014
RATS Recertification Accounting Tracking System December 15, 2016
RATSR ESE Risk Analysis and Testing Scope Report February 14, 2012
RB Rating Board December 15, 2016
RBAC Role-Based Access Control Added prior to March 2003
RBC Relationship Based Care April 07, 2011
RBC resource board committee July 12, 2021
RBD Risk-Based Decision May 07, 2014
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RBPS Rules Based Processing System May 01, 2014
RBRVS Resource Based Relative Value Schedule Added prior to March 2003
RC Regional Counsel April 17, 2014
RC Resident Commissioner Added prior to March 2003
RC Reserve Component April 30, 2014
RC The Resource Committee October 27, 2017
RC CAS Resource Committee Capital Asset Subcommittee October 27, 2017
RCA Root Cause Analysis August 16, 2005
RCAP Research Cybersecurity Administration Program July 12, 2021
RCE Responsible Conference Executive April 15, 2014
RCET Revenue Cycle Enhancement Team November 30, 2011
RCF Residential care facility December 14, 2016
RCF Residential Care Facility December 15, 2016
RCH Residential Care Home Added prior to March 2003
RCIT Rapid Cycle Improvement Team July 21, 2009
RCN Reports Control Number Added prior to March 2003
RCO Research Compliance Officer June 16, 2015
RCS Readjustment Counseling Service Added prior to March 2003
RCS Records Control System Added prior to March 2003
RCT Religious Compensation Time August 19, 2011
RCT Referral Coordination Team April 01, 2021
RCVD received April 01, 2021
RD Registered Dietitian May 03, 2011
RD Regional Director Added prior to March 2003
RDA Registered Dental Assistant January 15, 2009
RDAT Request Remote Patient Data February 25, 2008
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RDBMS Relational Database Management System July 21, 2004
RDC Remote Desktop Connection December 14, 2010
RDC Rating Decision Complete May 01, 2014
RDI Remote Data Interoperability August 29, 2005
RDM Requirements Development and Management April 23, 2014
RDN Registered Dietitain Nutritionist March 23, 2015
RDO Regional Division Office Added prior to March 2003
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol May 07, 2014
RDPC Regional Data Processing Center March 08, 2006
RDS Remote Dispensing System May 19, 2015
RDV Remote Data View October 15, 2003
RDW Regional Data Warehouse October 27, 2017
RE (One VA) Registration & Enrollment April 11, 2007
RE Requirements Engineering April 12, 2010
REAP Research Enhancement Award Program May 14, 2007
REC Regional Extension Center April 28, 2010
RECERT Recertification April 17, 2015
RED Requirements Elaboration Document May 07, 2014
REDI Resuscitation Education Initiative May 07, 2014
REE Registration, Eligibility & Enrollment April 12, 2010
Registration/Eligibility/Enrollment Maintenance & Enhancements
Added prior to March 2003
REF reference December 15, 2016
REFDOC Referral Documentation Tool July 23, 2021
REGO II Reinventing Government -- Phase II Added prior to March 2003
REMS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies July 06, 2010
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REPS Restored Entitlement Program for Survivors April 17, 2014
RES Requirements Elaboration Specification April 12, 2010
RESCUE Remote Enterprise Security Compliance Update Environment February 18, 2010
RESP respirations March 23, 2015
REST Representational State Transfer July 30, 2015
RFA Request For Application July 31, 2017
RFA request for application July 31, 2017
RFA Request for Application March 09, 2021
RFC Request For Change February 06, 2015
RFC Request for Comments June 08, 2005
RFCC Request for Contract Change April 23, 2014
RFCI Request for Contract Increase June 02, 2010
RFD Ready For Decision March 23, 2015
RFD Veterans Benefits Management System - Awards September 23, 2014
RFE Request for Evaluation Added prior to March 2003
RFE Routine Future Exam October 27, 2017
RFI Request For Information Added prior to March 2003
RFID Radio Frequency Identification July 21, 2004
RFP Request for Proposal Added prior to March 2003
RFP Request for Proposal May 13, 2010
RFP Request for Proposal May 12, 2010
RFQ Request for Quotation May 13, 2010
RFQ Request for Quotation July 21, 2004
RFTOP Request for Task Order Proposal February 18, 2010
RHC Rural Health Clinic September 04, 2015
RHIA Registered Health Information Administrator Added prior to March 2003
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RHIO Regional Health Information Organization March 28, 2006
RHIT Registered Health Information Technician July 06, 2010
RHPI Rural Health Professions Institute April 23, 2014
RHVHH Rocky Hill Veteran's Home & Hospital February 16, 2011
RIC Receiver In the Canal April 23, 2014
Remote Information Data Entry System - Enhanced (DoD's
May 27, 2016
RIF Reduction In Force Added prior to March 2003
RILO Region IT Logistic Officer April 23, 2014
RIM Research in Motion October 06, 2011
RIM Reference Information Model July 21, 2004
RIMS Records Inventory Management System July 30, 2015
RISE Revenue Improvement and Systems Enhancements April 15, 2010
RISO Regional Information Security Officer Added prior to March 2003
RITPO Resources Information Technology Program Office (DoD acronym) October 22, 2003
RIV Remote Image Views August 17, 2005
RLC Regional Loan Centers July 14, 2010
RLQ Right lower quadrant of abdomen August 04, 2014
RLS Record Locator Service January 14, 2008
RM Requirements Management January 27, 2006
RM Risk Management July 21, 2004
RM PLAN Risk Management Plan June 27, 2011
RMC Resource Management Council February 18, 2010
RMC Records Management Center Added prior to March 2003
RME Reusable Medical Equipment May 24, 2011
RMEC Regional Medical Education Center Added prior to March 2003
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RM-ES Record Management - Evidentiary Support October 01, 2008
RMF Risk Management Framework June 11, 2014
RMI Remote Method Invocation October 01, 2003
RMIR OI&T Risk Management and Incident Response December 08, 2009
RMIT Resource Management Information Technology November 30, 2007
RMO Records Management Officer October 27, 2017
RMON Remote Monitor June 08, 2005
RMP Risk Management Plan July 21, 2004
RMP Release Management Process April 23, 2014
RMRS Regenstrief Medical Record System Added prior to March 2003
RMS Rights Management Services November 02, 2009
RMS Release Management Service April 23, 2014
RMS Resident Management System July 23, 2021
RMT Release Management Team April 23, 2014
RN Registered Nurse January 11, 2005
RNB Reason Not Billable February 22, 2010
RNE Recreational Noise Exposure March 01, 2010
RNFL Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer August 24, 2010
RNM Radiology Nuclear Medicine July 21, 2004
RO Regional Office Added prior to March 2003
RO&IC Regional Office and Insurance Center Added prior to March 2003
ROADS Registry Operations And Data Standards Added prior to March 2003
ROB VA National Rules of Behavior September 16, 2011
ROC Rehearsal of Concept May 07, 2014
ROC Report of Contact November 10, 2009
ROC Readiness Operations Center July 21, 2004
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ROC Regional Operations Center January 21, 2016
ROES Remote Order Entry System Added prior to March 2003
ROI Return On Investment Added prior to March 2003
ROI Release Of Information Added prior to March 2003
ROJ Regional Office of Jurisdiction September 20, 2010
ROLAP Relational On-Line Analytical Processing July 21, 2004
ROM Range of motion September 23, 2014
ROM Rough Order of Merit June 16, 2003
ROM Resource and Organizational Management April 17, 2014
ROM Rough Order of Magnitude October 12, 2010
RON Rest Over Night March 15, 2010
RONA Release of Names and Addresses July 21, 2004
RO-OC Regional Office-Outpatient Clinic Added prior to March 2003
ROP Reordering Points May 19, 2015
ROQ Reordering Quantities May 19, 2015
ROQ Review of Quality July 21, 2004
RORC Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Center July 06, 2009
ROS Report of Survey April 09, 2009
ROS Review of Systems March 23, 2015
ROS Results of Sale August 11, 2015
ROVAS Refusal of VA Services December 28, 2011
RPC Regional Processing Center April 14, 2003
RPC Remote Procedure Call Added prior to March 2003
RPC Radiation Policy Council Added prior to March 2003
RPC Broker Remote Procedure Call Broker Added prior to March 2003
RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade March 08, 2007
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RPIW Rapid Process Improvement Workshop April 17, 2014
RPL Restricted Patient List Added prior to March 2003
RPM Resource Planning Model Added prior to March 2003
RPM Resource Planning and Management (Committee) Added prior to March 2003
RPMS Resource and Patient Management System Added prior to March 2003
RPN Risk Priority Number December 14, 2016
RPO Recovery Point Objective July 21, 2004
RPO Regional Processing Office March 23, 2007
RPP RE-PAYMENT PLAN March 09, 2021
RQST REQUEST October 25, 2011
RR Respiratory Rate August 14, 2014
RR Responsible Role July 30, 2015
RR&D Rehabilitation Research and Development Added prior to March 2003
RRR Regular rate rythm August 14, 2014
RRR Rapid Request Routing July 12, 2021
RRS Records Retrieval System May 20, 2010
RRT Registered Respiratory Therapist December 16, 2011
RRT Records ResearchTeam July 23, 2021
RRT Rapid Response Team July 31, 2017
RRTP Residential Rehab Treatment Program July 31, 2017
RS Rescheduled October 22, 2015
RSA Replacement Scheduling Application June 09, 2008
RSA Resource Scheduling Allocation February 10, 2004
RSAT Residential Substance Abuse Treatment June 25, 2014
RSC Revenue Source Code April 15, 2010
RSC Radiation Safety Committee April 11, 2007
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RSC Regional Support Center April 24, 2006
RSC Resolution Support Center December 15, 2016
RSD Requirements Specification Document May 24, 2011
RSD Roger Software Development April 23, 2014
RSD Report System Distribution July 21, 2004
RSF Rentable Square Footage July 30, 2015
RSLSP Retroactive Stop Loss Pay September 27, 2010
RSNA Radiological Society of North America Added prior to March 2003
RSO Radiation Safety Officer March 15, 2004
RT Reference Terminology Added prior to March 2003
RT Respiratory Therapist August 04, 2014
RT related to December 03, 2014
RTC Return To Clinic August 26, 2004
RTCIS Remote Telepathology Consultation and Imaging System Added prior to March 2003
RTEP Request for Task Execution Plan January 21, 2016
RTF Rich Text Format June 08, 2005
RTIS Responding To Internal Stimuli October 27, 2017
RTLS Real Time Location System April 23, 2014
RTLS Real-Time Location System August 10, 2010
RTM Requirement Traceability Matrix February 18, 2010
RTM Reference Terminology Model Added prior to March 2003
RTM Requirements traceability matrix April 17, 2015
RTNPC Return To Nurse Procedure Clinic April 14, 2009
RTO Recovery Time Objective July 21, 2004
RTR Ready-to-Rate October 22, 2015
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RTSUB Rational Tools Service Request database name June 02, 2006
RTT OED Rational Tools Team October 27, 2009
RTTP Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program July 23, 2021
RUG Resource Utilization Groups Added prior to March 2003
RUM Resource Usage Monitor Added prior to March 2003
RUP Rational Unified Process July 21, 2004
RUQ right upper quadrant of abdomen August 04, 2014
RUQ right upper quadrant November 10, 2011
RUR Revenue Utilization Review August 11, 2015
RVEC Regional Veterans Employment Coordinator June 16, 2015
RVN Republic of Vietnam April 23, 2014
RVR Rapid Ventricular Response August 04, 2014
RVS Relative Value Scale Added prior to March 2003
RVSR Rating Veterans Service Representative May 27, 2008
RVU Relative Value Unit Added prior to March 2003
RVW review December 15, 2016
RX Prescription July 21, 2004
RXCOTS Pharmacy Commercial Off the Shelf June 30, 2003
RXN reaction July 12, 2021
S&D Storage and Distribution Added prior to March 2003
S&DC Service and Distribution Center Added prior to March 2003
S.O.B. Shortness Of Breath November 27, 2007
S/I Suicide Ideation October 31, 2007
S/P status post October 27, 2017
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S/S Signs or Symptoms October 10, 2006
SA Security Architecture January 21, 2016
SAA Same As Above October 27, 2017
SAA State Approving Agency April 23, 2014
SAAG Serum albumin ascites gradient April 23, 2014
SAAN Supply Automation Advisory Network Added prior to March 2003
SAAS Software as a Service July 23, 2021
SAB Standards Advisory Board Added prior to March 2003
SAC Standards and Conventions Added prior to March 2003
SAC Special Agreement Check January 03, 2011
SAC Senate and Appropriations Committee March 08, 2010
SAC Strategic Acquisition Center October 27, 2017
SAC Strategic Acquisition Center April 01, 2021
SACC Standards & Conventions Committee Added prior to March 2003
SAD Software Architecture Document July 26, 2004
SAD Special Apportionment Decision July 12, 2021
SADR Standard Ambulatory Data Record May 27, 2003
SAE Serious Adverse Event December 15, 2008
SAEAF Service Aware Enterprise Architecture Framework April 20, 2009
SAGG Statistical Analysis Global Growth July 26, 2004
SAH Strength at Home October 27, 2017
SAH Special Adaptive Housing March 23, 2015
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation Added prior to March 2003
SAIF Service Aware Interoperability Framework April 23, 2014
SAIL Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning April 23, 2014
SAIM Supporting All Improvement Methodologies April 21, 2016
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SAM Secured administrative message March 23, 2015
SAM Subsistence Allowance Module April 17, 2014
SAM Strategic Asset Management October 31, 2007
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration January 25, 2008
SAML Security Assertion Mark-up Language February 18, 2010
SAN Storage Area Network Added prior to March 2003
SANVR Salvation Army Northport Veterans Residence January 03, 2007
SAO Service Area Organization April 20, 2010
SAO Supervisory Administrative Officer August 10, 2010
SAO Senior Accountable Officical August 10, 2010
SAO Service Area Office January 21, 2016
SAP Simplified Acquisition Procedures May 13, 2010
SAPP Servicer Appraisal Processing Program October 04, 2010
SAQ short arc quad September 23, 2008
SAR Staff Appraisal Reviewer July 14, 2010
SARP Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program Added prior to March 2003
SARRTP Substance Abuse Residential Recovery Treatment Program January 03, 2007
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome January 23, 2008
SAS Statement on Auditing Standards February 18, 2010
SAS Statistical Analysis System July 26, 2004
SASE Self Addressed Stamped Envelope December 14, 2016
SAT Special Assistance Team Added prior to March 2003
SAT Saturday August 14, 2014
SAT Senior Assessment Team May 11, 2006
SAT Simplified Acquisition Threshold May 13, 2010
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment February 02, 2006
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SATCOM Satellite Communications Unit/Terminal June 06, 2006
SATP Substance Abuse Treatment Program November 30, 2009
SATRWG Software Application Testing and Review Workgroup October 12, 2010
SATT Substance Abuse Treatment Team January 25, 2006
SAVE Signs Ask Validate Encourage September 23, 2008
SAVES Suicidal Alert Veterans Emergency System April 04, 2011
SAW School At Work March 31, 2010
SB Sinus Bradycardia August 14, 2014
SB/SDB Small Business/Small Disadvantaged Business May 12, 2010
SB/SDB Small Business/Small Disadvantaged Business May 12, 2010
SBA Small Business Administration May 12, 2010
SBA Small Business Administration May 12, 2010
SBA Standby Assistance February 06, 2015
SBAR Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation June 01, 2010
SBC Survivor Benefits Center June 14, 2011
SBR Suicide Behavior Report January 21, 2016
SC subcutaneous August 04, 2014
SC Service Connected May 30, 2007
SCA Security Control Assessment April 27, 2009
SCA Special Contribution Award Added prior to March 2003
SCAMC Symposium On Computer Applications In Medical Care Added prior to March 2003
SCAMP Security Configuration And Management Program December 01, 2003
SCAMPI Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement March 27, 2007
Specialty Care Access Network-Extension for Community
Healthcare Outcomes
May 19, 2015
SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol April 13, 2010
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SCC Scope Change Control July 26, 2004
SCCM System Center Configuration Manager June 23, 2010
SCD Service Computation Date October 22, 2015
SCD Spinal Cord Dysfunction Registry Added prior to March 2003
SCD Service Connected Disease Added prior to March 2003
Standards, Criterion, Evaluative Algorithms and Measuring
Added prior to March 2003
SCEP Student Educational Employment Program December 29, 2009
SCG Senior Coordinating Group May 07, 2014
SCGP State Cemetery Grants Program March 15, 2010
SCH Sole Community Hospital July 12, 2021
SCHCS Small Composite Health Care System (DoD) Added prior to March 2003
SCI Spinal Cord Injury Added prior to March 2003
SCI HC Spinal Cord Injury Home Care Program December 10, 2014
SCIDO Spinal Cord Injury Disorder May 05, 2010
SCIF Secure Compartment Information Facility Added prior to March 2003
Standardization, Compatibility, Interoperability and Fiscal
March 31, 2009
SCIP Surgical Care Improvement Project May 06, 2009
SCIP Spinal Cord Injury Program December 28, 2007
SCIP Strategic Capital Investment Process May 26, 2010
SCM Supply Chain Management April 10, 2014
SCM Security Configuration and Management (Program) November 26, 2003
SCM Source Code Management August 11, 2015
SCNR site clear nonred December 14, 2016
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SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model July 28, 2008
SCQC Software Code Quality Checking March 23, 2015
SCR Serum Creatinine May 19, 2015
SCRA Servicemember Identification for Servicemember Civil Relief Act April 23, 2014
SCRIPT Suicidal Caller Response Incident Protocol Training April 23, 2014
SCS Subscription Control Service July 26, 2004
SCSI Small Computer System Interface February 02, 2006
SCUNA Service-Connected Unauthorized August 12, 2009
SCVTS Switch Compressed Video Transmission Service Added prior to March 2003
SD&D Systems Design and Development July 26, 2004
SD&E Service Delivery and Engineering December 01, 2010
Service Delivery and Engineering (SD&E) Program Administration
Office (PAO)
February 07, 2011
SDA Summary Document Architecture April 01, 2021
SDC Strategic Directions Committee September 22, 2011
SDC Same Day Clinic April 23, 2014
SDC System Development Center Added prior to March 2003
SDD System Design Document April 18, 2014
SDD Software Design and Development July 26, 2004
SDE Service Delivery and Engineering December 16, 2011
SDK Software Development Kit December 14, 2016
SDLC System Development Life Cycle August 05, 2004
SDM Service Desk Manager April 12, 2014
SDM Service Desk Manager May 01, 2014
SDO Standards Development Organization July 26, 2004
SDP Supervised Direct Pay April 17, 2015
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SDS Standard Data Service July 26, 2004
SDS System Development Support March 01, 2007
SDV Self-Directed Violence June 16, 2015
SDVCS Self-Directed Violence Classification System June 16, 2015
S-DVI Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance May 27, 2016
SDVOSB Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business January 23, 2007
SE Supported Employment August 21, 2008
SE Supported Employment July 17, 2008
SE Side Effects June 16, 2015
SE&I Software Engineering & Integration April 11, 2007
SEC Screening and Evaluation Committee Added prior to March 2003
SECVA Secretary January 29, 2009
SEDR Systems Engineering and Design Review December 16, 2011
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Reporting February 06, 2015
SEES Survey Evaluation Exam System October 20, 2011
SEI Software Engineering and Integration March 23, 2007
SEI Self Entered Information July 10, 2006
SEP Systems Engineering Plan April 30, 2014
SEP Stakeholder Entrerprise Platform October 22, 2015
SEPG Software Engineering Process Group Added prior to March 2003
SEPS Space & Equipment Planning System May 26, 2010
SERP Systematic External Review Program Added prior to March 2003
SES Senior Executive Review Program Added prior to March 2003
SES Senior Executive Service May 07, 2014
SEWP Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement July 21, 2009
SF Standard form August 04, 2014
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SF Standard Form July 26, 2004
SFA Strategic Focus Area April 01, 2008
SFDI Space and Functional Deficiency Identification System Added prior to March 2003
SFFX Shared Folder and File Exchange June 25, 2014
SFT Store Forward Technology September 23, 2014
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol January 21, 2016
SG Surgeon General May 07, 2014
SGL Standard General Ledger June 16, 2015
SGLI Servicemembers Group Life Insurance April 03, 2014
SGLI Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Added prior to March 2003
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language Added prior to March 2003
SHA Separation Health Assessment July 30, 2015
SHAD Shipboard Hazard and Defense Added prior to March 2003
SHCGP State Home Construction Grant Program March 17, 2009
SHEP Survey of Healthcare Experiences of Patients September 20, 2005
SHG Strategic Healthcare Group Added prior to March 2003
SHRAC Strategic Human Resource Advisory Committee April 23, 2014
SHS Society for Health Systems Added prior to March 2003
SHS Secure Hash Standard June 21, 2010
SHT Shift Handoff Tool August 12, 2009
SI System Implementation July 26, 2004
SI/HI Suicidal Ideation/Homicidal Ideation March 09, 2009
SI/SI Severely Injured/Seriously Ill July 28, 2008
SIA System Interconnection Agreement Added prior to March 2003
SIB Self Injurious Behavior November 30, 2009
SIC Security Investigations Center May 01, 2014
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SIC Security Investigation Center April 18, 2014
SIC System Integration Center July 26, 2004
SIC signature informed consent April 01, 2021
SIC iMedConsent July 23, 2021
SICU Surgical Intensive Care Unit March 12, 2009
SIDR Standard Inpatient Data Record April 11, 2007
SIEM Security Information and Event Management April 21, 2016
SIG Signa (Latin) November 22, 2004
SIG Special Interest Group Added prior to March 2003
SIIT Surgical Infrastructure Inventory Tool April 17, 2015
SIM Stakeholder Information Management April 18, 2014
SIM Strategic Investment Management April 18, 2014
SIO System Integration Office April 23, 2014
SIP Session Initiation Protocol April 23, 2014
SIP Supplier Idea Portal October 25, 2011
SIP Strategic Implementation Plan April 23, 2014
SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network April 18, 2014
SIPU Specialized Intensive PTSD Unit March 07, 2008
SIR Systematic Internal Review Added prior to March 2003
SISP Strategic Information Systems Plan Added prior to March 2003
SIT Systems Integration Test August 14, 2007
SIUG Special Interest Users Group Added prior to March 2003
SIWG Scheduling Interoperability Workgroup June 03, 2004
Skills, Knowledge, Insurance Procedures and Practices Embedded
in Systems
July 26, 2004
SKU Stock Keeping Unit July 26, 2004
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SL Saline Lock August 14, 2014
SL Sick leave March 02, 2009
SL Service Line December 15, 2016
SLA Service Level Agreement July 15, 2004
SLAB Service Level Approval Board April 23, 2014
SLAM Service Level Agreement Modification April 23, 2014
SLAM Service Level Agreement Modification April 23, 2014
SLAP Service Level Approval Process April 23, 2014
SLAP Superior Labrum from Anterior to Posterior July 12, 2021
SLC Special Law Code October 27, 2009
SLIMS Summary List Management Service Added prior to March 2003
SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol Added prior to March 2003
SLIP Shortest Life Into Production October 01, 2008
SLMB Service Level Management Board April 15, 2010
SLP Station Level Project June 04, 2009
SLP Speech-Language Pathologist May 23, 2006
SLR Straight Leg Raise September 23, 2008
SLR Service Level Requirement January 20, 2011
SLRP Student Loan Repayment Program May 07, 2014
SLT Service Level Target January 20, 2011
SM Secure Message February 06, 2015
SM Service Members March 16, 2009
SMA Shared Medical Appointment May 03, 2011
SMAG Special Medical Advisory Group Added prior to March 2003
Site Monitoring, Auditing and Resource Team (VA Cooperative
Studies Program)
August 10, 2010
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SMART SMART July 18, 2014
SMART Security Management and Reporting Tool March 25, 2009
SMART Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation April 03, 2006
SMBG Self-Monitored Blood Glucose January 04, 2012
SMC Strategic Management Council Added prior to March 2003
SMC Special Monthly Compensation November 18, 2015
SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Services July 26, 2004
SME Subject Matter Expert Added prior to March 2003
SMG Strategic Management Group Added prior to March 2003
SMI Serious Mental Illness November 17, 2008
SMIB Supplemental medical Insurance Benefit September 04, 2015
SMIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions July 26, 2004
SMIRP Severe Mental Illness Residential Program July 12, 2021
SMI-S Storage Management Initiative Specification June 08, 2005
SMITREC Serious Mental Illness Research and Evaluation Center November 17, 2008
SMMR2 Six Month Maintenance Release 2 Added prior to March 2003
Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training Act of
December 08, 2009
SMP Strategic Management Process Added prior to March 2003
SMP Symmetric Multiprocessing July 26, 2004
SMR Standardized Mortality Ratio May 24, 2011
SMRTS Service Medical Records Tracking System July 26, 2004
SMS Software Management Server July 26, 2004
Shared Medical Systems (one of the largest hospital software
Added prior to March 2003
SMS System Management Software Added prior to March 2003
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SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Added prior to March 2003
SNA Systems Network Architecture July 26, 2004
SNAC Systems and Network Attack Center June 11, 2014
SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program April 21, 2016
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility June 10, 2010
SNI Standardized Numeric Identifier April 23, 2014
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol July 26, 2004
SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Added prior to March 2003
SNOMED CT Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms March 31, 2003
SNTP Soft Nontender to palpation May 19, 2015
SO Service Operations October 27, 2017
SOA Service Oriented Architecture June 07, 2004
SOA System-Oriented Architecture June 06, 2014
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan Added prior to March 2003
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol October 01, 2003
SOAR Strategic Objective annual review April 17, 2014
SOARS System-wide Ongoing Assessment and Review Strategy December 15, 2003
SOB Shortness of Breath March 13, 2008
SOC Senior Oversight Committee May 21, 2007
SOC Statement of the Case July 26, 2004
SOC Security Operations Center Added prior to March 2003
SOC Satellite Outpatient Clinic July 21, 2004
SOE Service Oriented Enterprise April 18, 2014
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SOE Survey of Enrollees March 26, 2009
SOE Service Oriented Enterprise May 01, 2014
SOG Standard Operating Guideline January 23, 2007
SOI Service Oriented Infrastructure April 18, 2014
SOI CA Service Operations Insight March 09, 2021
SOI Security Office Identifier March 23, 2015
SOJ System of Jurisdiction August 16, 2011
SON Submitting Office Number March 23, 2015
SONP Satellite Overlay Network Project May 12, 2003
SOO Statement of Objective Added prior to March 2003
SOO Station Of Origin April 03, 2015
SOP Standard Operating Procedure April 01, 2021
SOP Standard Operating Procedure May 10, 2006
SOPC Satellite Outpatient Clinic January 23, 2007
SOR System of Record Added prior to March 2003
SORN System of Records Notice March 01, 2010
SOS Scrum of scrums December 15, 2016
SOTA State of the Art Conferences June 08, 2010
SOW Statement of Work Added prior to March 2003
SP Standards of Profile July 26, 2004
SP Special Publication October 06, 2011
SP ScriptPro May 19, 2015
SP spouse July 31, 2017
SP spouse December 15, 2016
SPAN Suicide Prevention Application Network April 15, 2014
SPAR Sensitive Patient Access Report February 15, 2011
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SPARQ Specialty Productivity - Access Report and Quadrant Tool October 29, 2015
October 22, 2015
SPAT Sterile Processing Accountability Tool April 01, 2021
SPAWARS Space and Naval Warfare Systems February 25, 2008
SPC Suicide Prevention Coordinator October 10, 2007
SPCM Suicide Prevention Case Manager January 21, 2016
SPD Sterile Processing Department August 08, 2011
SPD Supply, Processing, and Distribution April 23, 2014
SPD Supply Processing and Distribution July 26, 2004
SPDAT Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool September 04, 2015
SPDMP State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program May 19, 2015
SPES Single Photon Emission Scanning Added prior to March 2003
SPHM Safe Patient Handling and Movement February 22, 2011
SPI Spend PIan Identification February 09, 2011
SPI Spend Plan Item June 11, 2014
SPI Sensitive Personal Information July 18, 2014
SPI Schedule Performance Index July 22, 2003
SPMI Serious and Persistent Mental Illness October 31, 2011
SPML Service Provisioning Markup Language September 23, 2014
SPNEGO Simple and Protected Negotiation Mechanism July 29, 2009
SPOC Service Point of Contact April 11, 2007
SPP IT Enterprise Strategy, Policy, Plans and Programs September 01, 2009
SPP Scalable Parrallel Processing July 26, 2004
SPS Strategic Planning Service March 26, 2009
SPS Sterile Processing Services February 14, 2012
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SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences April 17, 2014
SPV Supervision October 30, 2006
SQ subquetaneous August 14, 2014
SQA Software Quality Assurance July 26, 2004
SQA Safety Quality Assurance February 25, 2008
SQAS Systems Quality Assurance Service April 07, 2009
SQC Statistical Quality Control July 26, 2004
SQL Structured Query Language December 07, 2004
SQN Surgical Quality Nurse December 14, 2016
SQWM Surgical Quality Workflow Manager April 05, 2010
SR Systems Redesign December 29, 2011
SR Sinus rythm August 14, 2014
SR Service Request June 16, 2003
SRA State Regulation Agencies July 26, 2004
SRC Systems Resources Corporation Added prior to March 2003
SRE Suicide Risk Evaluation April 01, 2021
SRM Service Reference Model October 29, 2003
SRO Single Room Occupancy August 12, 2010
SRR System Requirements Review Added prior to March 2003
SRS Software Requirements Specification Added prior to March 2003
SRSBS Subcommittee on Research Safety, Biosafety and Security December 27, 2010
SRT Special Response Team June 06, 2006
SRT System Review Team Added prior to March 2003
SS sliding scale May 19, 2015
SSA Social Security Administration July 26, 2004
SSAA System Security Authorization Agreement Added prior to March 2003
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SSAC Source Selection Advisory Council May 12, 2010
SSAC Source Selection Advisory Council May 12, 2010
SSB Special Separation Benefit April 18, 2014
SSB Special Separation Benefit April 23, 2014
SSC Support Services Centers Added prior to March 2003
SSC Surviving sepsis campaign September 23, 2014
SSD Service Support Division April 15, 2014
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance July 31, 2017
SSH Secure Shell October 21, 2014
SSI Supplemental Security Income July 31, 2017
SSIS SQL Server Integration Services November 30, 2009
SSL Secure Socket Layer Added prior to March 2003
SSM Software Service Manager Added prior to March 2003
SSMS SQL Server Management Studio November 05, 2019
SSN Social Security Number Added prior to March 2003
SSO Single Sign-On June 08, 2005
SSOC Supplemental Statement of the Case July 26, 2004
SSO-CM Single Sign-On and Context Management April 23, 2014
SSOI Single Sign-On Integration November 05, 2019
SSP System Security Plan April 07, 2011
SSPT Strategic Spend Plan Template April 01, 2021
SSVF Supportive Services for Veterans Families July 06, 2010
ST Speech therapist April 23, 2014
ST Sinus Tachycardia August 14, 2014
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ST Sore throat or Sinus Tachycardia August 14, 2014
STA3N Station Number Identifier November 05, 2019
STAIR Sites of Temporarily Augmented Ionizing Radiation Added prior to March 2003
STAP Sustainment Transition Acceptance Plan December 08, 2016
STAR Statistical and Technical Accuracy Report July 26, 2004
STAR Servicemember Transitional Amputation Rehabilitation program November 02, 2011
STAT Supported Treadmill Ambulation Training Added prior to March 2003
STAT Strategic Technology Alignment Team October 27, 2017
STC Service Transition Charter January 20, 2011
STC Sunshine Training Center January 06, 2009
STD Standard May 13, 2010
STDP System To Drive Performance January 10, 2011
STEMI ST-elevation myocardial infarction April 21, 2016
STEP Student Temporary Employment Program November 17, 2011
STEP Secure Technology Evaluation Project Added prior to March 2003
STEPPS Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety April 11, 2007
STI Sexually Transmitted infection August 04, 2014
STICC Seamless Transition Integrated Care Clinic July 30, 2015
STIG Security Technical Implementation Guides June 11, 2014
STM Short Term Model July 26, 2004
STML STML August 27, 2021
STO Seamless Transition Office June 30, 2005
STP Software Test Plan July 29, 2004
STP Stress Treatment Program June 25, 2014
STR Software Test Report July 29, 2004
STR Service Treatment Record November 02, 2011
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STR Service Training Record March 08, 2010
STR short term rehab October 27, 2017
STR short term rehab October 27, 2017
STRS Service Treatment Records April 23, 2014
STS Soft Tissue Sarcoma Added prior to March 2003
STS Standards & Terminology Services July 10, 2006
STVHCS South Texas Veterans Health Care System March 15, 2004
SUD Substance Abuse Disorder October 22, 2008
SUD Substance Use Disorders April 20, 2009
SUDEP Substance Use &Dependence Education Program April 23, 2014
SUDEP Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy December 14, 2016
SUDS Substance Use Disorder Service January 21, 2016
SUDTP Substance Use Disorders Treatment Program April 23, 2014
SUN Sunday August 14, 2014
SV Systems Viewpoint April 23, 2014
SV Schedule Variance July 22, 2003
SV Systems View April 23, 2014
SV Service Voucher September 27, 2010
SVAC Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Added prior to March 2003
SVH State Veterans Homes Added prior to March 2003
SVH CAP State Veterans Home Corrective Action Plan March 17, 2009
SVR Sustained Virologic Response April 30, 2014
SVSR Senior Veteran Service Representatives February 04, 2010
SVT Supraventricular Tachycardia August 04, 2014
SW Social Worker June 10, 2010
SWARS Social Work Automated Reporting System Added prior to March 2003
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SWAT SWift Action and Triage June 16, 2015
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats May 05, 2010
SWRI Southwest Research Institute Added prior to March 2003
SWS Social Work Service June 10, 2010
SX OR SX Symptom August 04, 2014
T Temperature August 14, 2014
T Temperature October 22, 2015
T&A Time & Attendance Added prior to March 2003
T&C Terms and Conditions May 13, 2010
T&E Test and Evaluation Added prior to March 2003
T&L Time & Leave Added prior to March 2003
T&M Time and Materials July 30, 2015
T2P2 Theater Telemedicine Prototype Project Added prior to March 2003
T4 Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology September 23, 2014
TA Technology Assessment Added prior to March 2003
TAC Technology Assessment Committee Added prior to March 2003
TAC Test and Certification (OED ProPath) February 01, 2010
TAC Technology Acquisition Center October 05, 2009
TAFMS Total active federal military service date April 23, 2014
TAG Technical Advisory Group Added prior to March 2003
TAMC Tripler Army Medical Center Added prior to March 2003
TAP Transition Assistance Program Added prior to March 2003
TAR Technical Agreements Repository Added prior to March 2003
TAR Test Analysis Report July 26, 2004
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TAR Technical Analysis Review July 27, 2009
TAR-TAS Technical Analysis Review - Technical Analysis Summary March 08, 2011
TAS Treasury Account Symbol September 20, 2010
TAS The Appraisal System July 14, 2010
TAS Technical Analysis Summary July 27, 2009
TATO Temporary Authority to Operate June 11, 2014
TAVR transcatheter aortic valve replacement October 22, 2015
TB Tuberculosis August 04, 2014
TBA To Be Announced July 26, 2004
TBD To Be Determined July 26, 2004
TBE The Benchmarking Exchange March 08, 2007
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury Added prior to March 2003
TBO Telecommuncations Business Operations December 15, 2016
TC Training Coordinator July 26, 2004
TCCB Technical Change Control Board December 14, 2005
TCDB Turn, Cough, Deep Breath March 13, 2008
TCF Technical Career Field April 11, 2007
TCHP Twin Cities Health Professionals (Education Consortium) April 21, 2016
TCM Transition & Care Management January 21, 2016
TCMP Technology Change Management Plan Added prior to March 2003
TCP Telephone Care Program December 15, 2016
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Added prior to March 2003
TCPR Transportable Computer-based Patient Record Added prior to March 2003
TCSC Telecommunications Customer Service Council (formerly TOB) Added prior to March 2003
TCT telephone call to April 15, 2014
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TCT telehealth clinical technician December 16, 2011
TCU Transitional Care Unit April 17, 2014
TD Tetnus Diptheria, as in immunization August 04, 2014
TDA Transfer of Disbursing Authority Added prior to March 2003
TDA Temporary Duty Assignment December 15, 2016
TDE Transparent Data Encryption June 16, 2015
TDE Terminology Development Environment Added prior to March 2003
TDIP Total Disability Income Provision March 08, 2010
TDIU Totally Disabled based on Individual Unemployability August 17, 2010
TDP Testing Designated Positions July 30, 2015
TDRL Temporary Disability Retired List April 10, 2014
TDS Terminology Deployment Server July 10, 2006
TEEI Office of Transition, Employment and Economic Impact December 15, 2016
TEFSC Toxic Embedded Fragmet Surveillance Center October 02, 2007
TEMP Temperature August 14, 2014
TEMP Temporary August 14, 2014
TEMPO Training Education Management Program Office May 08, 2003
TEP Training Event Package April 23, 2014
TERA Temporary Early Retirement Act April 17, 2014
TEVAS Technical Excellence Value Added Service August 29, 2007
TF Treating Facility Added prior to March 2003
TF timely filing July 31, 2017
TF timely filing December 15, 2016
TFS Team Foundation Server October 27, 2017
TFT thyroid function tests August 04, 2014
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol July 26, 2004
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TG triglycerides May 19, 2015
TH Transaction History April 20, 2010
THA Telemental Health Assistant December 03, 2014
THURS Thursday August 14, 2014
TIAG The Informatics Applications Group September 05, 2011
TIBOD Technical Integration Board of Directors Added prior to March 2003
TIC Trusted Internet Connection August 17, 2011
TICC Traumatic Brain Injury May 07, 2014
TICC Transformation Initiative Collaboration Cell May 07, 2014
TID Three times daily August 14, 2014
TIDES Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions June 19, 2007
TIGR Team Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform Team July 08, 2009
TIM Total Inventory Management October 01, 2008
TIMPO Tri-Service Infrastructure Management Program Office Added prior to March 2003
TIMS The Image Management System July 26, 2004
TIN Tax Identification Number April 12, 2011
TINA Truth in Negotiations Act May 13, 2010
TINQ Treasury Inquiry April 23, 2014
TIP Technology Innovation Program April 23, 2014
TIP Telecommunications Infrastructure Project Added prior to March 2003
TIP Transformation Initiatives and Pilots December 14, 2016
TIPO Technology Innovation Program Office April 23, 2014
TIU Text Integration Utility Added prior to March 2003
TIWG Technical Integration Working Group Added prior to March 2003
TJC The Joint Commission (formerly JCAHO) May 24, 2010
TJEB Transformation Joint Execution Board April 30, 2014
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TKO To Keep Open April 21, 2016
TKR Total Knee Replacement December 08, 2016
TL Training Letter December 14, 2016
TLCP Telephone Liaison Care Program May 03, 2011
TLS Tumor Lysis Syndrome February 07, 2011
TLS Transport Layer Security September 12, 2007
TLS Transitional Living Services April 17, 2014
TM Technology Management April 23, 2014
TMA TRICARE Management Activity Added prior to March 2003
TMA Transmetatarsal Amputation October 27, 2017
TMC Training Management Committee Added prior to March 2003
TMC Travel Management Center Added prior to March 2003
TMDQ Terminology Model Data Quality June 30, 2003
TMDS Theater Medical Data Store (DoD acronym) October 10, 2007
TMED Telemedicine Added prior to March 2003
TMH Telemental Health September 23, 2014
TMII Theater Medical Information Infrastructure Added prior to March 2003
TMIP Theater Medical Information Program Added prior to March 2003
TMJ Temporomandibular joint April 04, 2011
TMO Telework Managing Officer February 06, 2015
TMOP TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy April 27, 2010
TMP Telecommunication Modernization Project Added prior to March 2003
TMP Telehealth Medicine Platform April 01, 2021
TMS Telepresence Management Suite October 29, 2015
TMS Talent Management System April 14, 2011
TMT Transition Management Team March 31, 2009
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TO Task Order February 22, 2010
TOB Telecommunications Oversight Board (now TCSC as of 7/99) Added prior to March 2003
TOC Transfer of Care April 03, 2014
TOD Tour of Duty December 15, 2008
TOE Transfer of Entitlement July 23, 2021
TOP Treasury Offset Program November 10, 2011
TORB Telephone order read back April 21, 2016
TP Technical Proposal May 13, 2010
TPA Third Party Administrator October 30, 2014
TPA Transition Patient Advocate December 03, 2007
TPA Transferring Patient Advocate April 11, 2007
TPA Trading Partner Agreement(s) April 27, 2004
TPI Two Person Integrity April 11, 2007
TPJI Third Party Joint Inquiry February 20, 2007
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition February 25, 2008
TPR Tempature, Pulse, Respiration July 30, 2015
TPS Team Puget Sound June 03, 2005
TPSS Training Performance Support System July 26, 2004
TPWG Testing Process Work Group April 12, 2006
TQCVL Trainee Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter July 03, 2007
TQM Total Quailty Management May 13, 2010
TQM Total Quality Management Added prior to March 2003
TQS Terminology Query Services July 26, 2004
TQT Tourniquet November 06, 2007
TR Transitional Residence August 21, 2008
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TRA To run at, as in speed of medication August 14, 2014
TRAAC Telehealth and Rural Access Advisory Committee November 30, 2009
TRAC2ES TRANSCOM Regulating and Command Control Evacuation System Added prior to March 2003
TRACS Total Record Archive Communication Systems Added prior to March 2003
TRAIT Transparency, Accountability, Innovation, and Teamwork February 02, 2016
TRAP Telehealth and Rural Access Program November 30, 2009
TRFC Treasury Regional Financial Center July 14, 2010
TRI Teleretinal Imaging December 15, 2016
TRIMIS Tri-Services Medical Information System (DoD) Added prior to March 2003
TRM Technical Reference Model July 26, 2004
TRM Telecare Record Manager March 09, 2021
TRM TeleCare Record Manager July 12, 2021
TRM/SP Technical Reference Model and Standards Profile Added prior to March 2003
TRO to run over, as in intravenouse fluids to run over 1 hour August 14, 2014
TRR Test Readiness Review April 17, 2014
TRS TRICARE Reserve Select April 11, 2007
TSA Test Site Agreement August 31, 2006
TSA Telehealth Service Agreement September 23, 2014
TSI Transition Systems, Inc. Added prior to March 2003
TSO Telecommunications Support Office Added prior to March 2003
TSO Technical Support Office March 23, 2005
TSP Tuition Support Program April 02, 2008
TSP Thrift Savings Plan August 06, 2007
TSPR Technical Services Project Repository Added prior to March 2003
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TSS Telehealth Scheduling System September 23, 2014
TSS Telecommunications Support Service Added prior to March 2003
TSS Total Supply Support April 30, 2014
TSS Tranformation Support Services July 12, 2021
TSS Technology Support Squad July 12, 2021
TST Touch Screen Technology May 07, 2014
TT&E Technical Training and Evaluation April 17, 2014
TTB Tub Transfer Bench September 23, 2008
TTD Technology Transfer Division Added prior to March 2003
TTE transthoracic Echocardiogram December 10, 2014
TTF Transformation Task Force April 20, 2009
TTO Temporary Transfer September 04, 2015
TTSI Technology Tools Solution Identification May 20, 2010
TTWB Toe-Touch Weight Bearing January 21, 2016
TUES Tuesday August 14, 2014
TURP Transurethral Resection of the Prostate October 27, 2017
TVC Traveling Veteran Coordinator October 27, 2017
TVC Traveling Veteran Coordinator July 31, 2017
TVCS Trend Virus Control Software Added prior to March 2003
TVO telephone verbal order January 21, 2016
TW Transitional Work March 01, 2011
TWD Total Weekly Dose April 03, 2014
TWE Transitional Work Experience December 15, 2016
TWIG Technical Working Integration Group April 30, 2014
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TX OR TX Treatment August 04, 2014
U.S.C. United States Code May 13, 2010
U/O OR UO Urinary output August 14, 2014
U3P Unauthorized Third Party December 15, 2016
UA Unauthorized Absence April 01, 2021
UA urinalysis August 04, 2014
UA OR U/A urinalysis August 14, 2014
UAT User Acceptance Testing April 27, 2004
UB Uniform Bill April 01, 2021
UBS Universal Billing System Added prior to March 2003
UC Underpinning Contract January 20, 2011
UCC Uniform Commercial Code May 13, 2010
UCC Urgent Care Center January 06, 2010
UCI User Class Identifier February 18, 2010
UCS Universal Character Set September 22, 2011
UCUM Unified Codes for Units of Measure November 27, 2007
UD Unit Dose Added prior to March 2003
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration June 08, 2005
UDI Unique Device Identifier April 23, 2014
UDI USAGE DEMAND ITEM December 15, 2016
UDO Undelivered Orders March 31, 2010
UDS Urinary Drug Screen April 17, 2014
UDS Urodynamics Study June 16, 2015
UE Upper extremity September 23, 2014
UFH Unfractionated Heparin January 21, 2016
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UFR Unfunded Requirement April 17, 2014
UFR Unfunded Request April 23, 2014
UFR Unfunded Request April 23, 2014
UFT User Functional Test June 14, 2011
UGI Upper Gastrointestinal May 01, 2014
UHCG Urine pregnacy test August 14, 2014
UHF Ultra High Frequency December 15, 2005
UHID Universal Healthcare Identifier February 09, 2009
UI User Interface March 23, 2007
UI Universal Interface Added prior to March 2003
UM Utilization Management April 30, 2014
UMC Universal Master Catalog April 03, 2014
UMDNS Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System October 21, 2003
UME Unreimbursed Medical Expenses April 10, 2014
UML Unified Modeling Language October 01, 2003
UMLS Unified Medical Language System Added prior to March 2003
UOR Uniform Offense Report May 07, 2014
UPC Unit Production Cost May 13, 2010
UPIN Unique Physician Identification Number March 31, 2010
UPM Universal Project Milestone April 23, 2014
UPN Universal Product Number Added prior to March 2003
UPN Universal Principal Name December 27, 2006
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply June 08, 2005
UPT Urine Pregnancy Test April 15, 2014
UR Utilization Review September 20, 2010
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URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission July 16, 2003
URI Upper Respiratory Infection August 04, 2014
URI Unique Record Identifier February 18, 2010
URL Uniform Resource Locator July 26, 2004
URL Universal Record Location Added prior to March 2003
US United States July 26, 2004
USA UNITED STATES ARMY November 18, 2015
USAF United States Air Force May 13, 2010
USB Universal Serial Bus March 09, 2009
USB Under Secretary for Benefits December 15, 2008
USC United States Code July 21, 2004
USCG United States Coast Guard April 23, 2014
USD(P&R) Under Secretary for Defense for Personnel and Readiness Added prior to March 2003
USDA United States Department of Agriculture Added prior to March 2003
USG United States Government July 26, 2004
USGLI U.S. Government Life Insurance July 14, 2010
USH Under Secretary for Health July 26, 2004
USHIK United States Health Information Knowledgebase October 01, 2008
USMS U.S. Marshal Service June 06, 2006
USN United States Navy May 13, 2010
USOC U.S. Olympic Committee October 21, 2011
USPHS U.S. Public Health Service Added prior to March 2003
USPS United States Postal Service April 21, 2016
USPTF United States Preventative Services Task Force Added prior to March 2003
USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office February 09, 2009
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USUHS Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences March 24, 2003
UTC Unable to Contact November 30, 2009
UTD up to date April 23, 2014
UTF UCS Transformation Format September 22, 2011
UTI Urinary Tract Infection September 05, 2011
UTSWMC University of Texas South West Medical Center May 04, 2009
UTT Unable to Test December 15, 2016
UX User eXperience April 23, 2014
V. Versus May 13, 2010
V/C verbal cues April 23, 2014
V/CHIO Veteran/Consumer Health Informatics Office April 10, 2014
V/H Visual Hallucinations October 31, 2007
V/U verbalizes and understands July 31, 2017
VA STVHCS VA South Texas Veterans Health Care System Added prior to March 2003
VAAA Veterans Affairs Acquisition Academy December 07, 2010
VAAFI VA Authentication Federation Infrastructure April 23, 2014
VAAR VA Acquisition Regulations Added prior to March 2003
VAAS VA Assignment System Added prior to March 2003
VAAS VA Automated Appraisal Assignment System May 07, 2014
VAB VHA As-Is Baseline August 22, 2006
VAC Variance At Completion July 22, 2003
VACAA Veterans Access Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 September 23, 2014
VACERT Veterans Affairs Certification July 26, 2004
VACHCS VA Connecticut Health Care System Added prior to March 2003
VACIB VA Capital Investment Board Added prior to March 2003
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VACIRC Veterans Affairs Central Incident Response Capability July 27, 2004
VACM Veterans Affairs Capabilities Model April 17, 2014
VACO VA Central Office Added prior to March 2003
VACOLS Veterans Appeals Control and Location System Added prior to March 2003
VADIR VA/DoD Identity Repository June 02, 2010
VADS Veterans Assistance Discharge System July 27, 2004
VAE VistA Access Enhancements (VAE) December 15, 2016
VAE Veterans Affairs Examination January 21, 2016
VAEAS VA Enterprise Archiving Solution May 10, 2010
VAEB VA Executive Board June 06, 2014
VAEC VA Enterprise Cloud August 27, 2021
VA-ETP Veterans Affairs Enterprise Transition Plan August 12, 2009
VAF Veterans Affairs Form July 27, 2004
VAGFE VA-owned Government Furnished Equipment June 12, 2006
VAHCPOA VA Health Care Power of Attorney April 23, 2014
VAHCS Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System February 11, 2009
VAI Veterans Assistance Inquiry July 27, 2004
VAIIP VA Innovation Intern Program May 01, 2014
VAIOC VA Integrated Operations Center January 20, 2011
VAIQ VA Intranet Quorum (replaced WebCIMS) February 22, 2010
VAKN VA Knowledge Network February 10, 2004
VALERI VA Loan Electronic Reporting Interface July 21, 2009
VA-LMS VA Learning Management System February 10, 2004
VALNET VA Library Network Added prior to March 2003
VALO VA Learning Online Added prior to March 2003
VALOR Veterans Affairs Learning Opportunities Residency Program Added prior to March 2003
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VALU VA Learning University Added prior to March 2003
VALUE Veterans Affairs Longitudinal Undergraduate medical Education October 29, 2015
VAM Voice Access Modernization May 10, 2010
VAM Vehicle Allocation Methodology October 20, 2011
VAMAN Voice Assisted Manikin December 14, 2016
VAMC VA Medical Center April 15, 2010
VA-MDNS VA Medical Device Nomenclature System December 15, 2016
VAMF VA Mobile Framework February 06, 2015
VAMHCS VA Maryland Health Care System Added prior to March 2003
VAMROC Veterans Affairs Medical and Regional Office Center Added prior to March 2003
VAMS VistA Automated Monitoring System April 05, 2010
VAN Value Added Network July 27, 2004
VANAP VA Nursing Academic Partnership April 21, 2016
VANCHCS VA Northern California Health Care System Added prior to March 2003
VANDI VA National Database of Interns October 11, 2007
VANEEP Veterans Administration National Education for Employee Program April 23, 2014
VANEEP Veterans Affairs National Education for Employees Program April 23, 2014
VANOD VA Nursing Outcomes Database June 29, 2005
VANPC VA National Partnership Council Added prior to March 2003
VANS VA Notification System April 17, 2015
VA-NSOC VA Network and Security Operations Center October 02, 2007
VANTS VA Nationwide Teleconferencing System Added prior to March 2003
VAO VA Office Added prior to March 2003
VAO Virtual Acquisition Office February 22, 2010
VAONCE VA Online Certification of Enrollment July 29, 2009
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VAOS VA Online Scheduling March 09, 2021
VAOS Veteran Affairs Online Scheduling (VAOS) April 01, 2021
VAP VA Police June 06, 2006
VAP Ventilator associated pneumonia December 28, 2005
VAP Veterans Authorizations and Preferences June 14, 2011
VAP Value Added Process July 27, 2004
VAPA Veterans Affairs Palo Alto August 04, 2014
VAPAHCS VA Palo Alto Health Care System January 11, 2005
VAPARS Veterans Affairs Product Accountability and Reporting System July 12, 2021
VAPD VA Police Department November 30, 2007
VAPI VA Protected Information June 12, 2006
VAPIHCS Veterans Affairs Pacific Island Health Care System March 29, 2004
VAPOR Veterans Affairs Pharmacists Organized for Research December 13, 2006
VAPS Veterans Administration Police System December 10, 2014
VAPSHCS VA Puget Sound Health Care System Added prior to March 2003
VAR Veteran Appointment Request October 27, 2017
VARA Veterans Affairs Rheumatoid Arthritis December 16, 2011
VARC Veterans Addiction Recovery Center April 23, 2014
VARC Veterans Addiction Recovery Center May 07, 2014
VARI Veterans Administration Revenue Information June 03, 2003
VARO VA Regional Office Added prior to March 2003
VASC Vascular August 14, 2014
VASH VA Supported Housing April 23, 2014
VASI VA Systems Inventory April 23, 2014
VASI VA Sensitive Information July 31, 2017
VASQIP VA Surgical Quality Improvement Program March 28, 2011
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VASQUIP Veteran Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program December 15, 2016
VASRD VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities March 09, 2021
VAST Veteran Affairs Site Tracking May 18, 2005
VATAMMCS Vision Analysis Team Aim Map Measure Change Sustain November 23, 2011
VA-TAMMCS Vision-Analysis-Team-Aim-Map-Measure-Change-Sustain/Spread June 21, 2010
VATAS VA Time and Attendance System September 27, 2010
VAUSH Veterans Affairs Under Secretary of Health May 07, 2014
VAVS VA Voluntary Service Added prior to March 2003
VB Visual Basic Added prior to March 2003
VBA Veterans Benefit Administration July 30, 2015
VBAFS VBA Finance Staff October 04, 2010
VBASLCY VBA Salt Lake City April 15, 2014
VBAT Veterans Benefits Audit Team April 23, 2014
VBC veterans benefits counselor June 28, 2004
VBECS VistA Blood Establishment Computer Software August 12, 2003
VBIT Veterans Benefits Information Technology April 11, 2007
VBMAP Veterans Benefits Management Assistance Program April 23, 2014
VBMS Veterans Benefits Management System September 20, 2010
VBMS-A Veterans Benefits Management System - Awards September 23, 2014
VBMS-C Veterans Benefits Management System - Correspondence April 18, 2014
VBMS-CORE Veterans Benefits Management System-Core June 16, 2015
VBMS-R Veterans Benefits Management System - Rating August 11, 2015
VBRS Veterans Benefits Reference System February 24, 2009
VC Veterans Center Added prior to March 2003
VCAA Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000 May 08, 2008
VCAC Veterans Claims Adjudication Commission Added prior to March 2003
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VA Acronym Lookup
V-CAMP Veterans' Cognitive Assessment and Management Program April 10, 2014
VCCPE Veterans Community Care Program Eligibility July 12, 2021
VCE Veterans Claims Examiner August 12, 2009
VCED Veterans Community Employment Development August 10, 2010
VCHI VISN Chief of Health Informatics March 23, 2015
V-CHI VISN-CHIO Subcommittee July 30, 2015
VCHIO Veterans Consumers Health Informatics Office December 15, 2016
VCIOC VHA VISN CIO Council October 20, 2003
VCIP Veterans Claims Intake Program May 01, 2014
VCJCS Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff May 07, 2014
VCL Veterans Crisis Line September 04, 2015
VCL Veterans Choice List June 16, 2015
VCM Virtual Care Manager July 23, 2021
VCP Veteran-Community Partnership October 22, 2015
VCS Virtual Collaboration Site (IPO) May 07, 2014
VCS Video Communication Server November 08, 2010
VCS Vista Contracting Services February 25, 2008
VCS Veterans Canteen Service July 27, 2004
VCSB Voluntary Consensus Standards Bodies September 14, 2009
VCSFC Veterans Canteen Service Finance Center Added prior to March 2003
VCSRO Veterans Canteen Service Regional Office Added prior to March 2003
VCWG VValeo Convenors Working Group Added prior to March 2003
VDA VistA Data Access July 31, 2017
VDBSS VISTA/Defense Blood Standard System Added prior to March 2003
VDC VONAPP Direct Connect April 03, 2014
VDD Version Description Document March 31, 2009
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VDD Version Description Document April 09, 2009
VDEF VistA Data Extraction Framework March 20, 2003
VDEM VistA Data Extraction Mapping July 27, 2004
VDF VistA Data Feeds April 15, 2014
VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure April 23, 2014
VDIF Veterans Data Integration and Federation August 27, 2021
VDIF Veterans Data Integration and Federation July 23, 2021
VDIM VHA Dynamic Integration Model October 02, 2007
VDL Virtual Due List May 24, 2010
VDL VA Software Document Library August 16, 2011
VDMS Virtual Daily Management System July 12, 2021
VDR Virtual Disaster Recovery January 21, 2016
VDR Virtual Data Repository June 25, 2014
VDS Vocational Development Specialist December 08, 2016
VDSI VistA Data Systems & Integration July 27, 2004
VDT Veteran Delegation Tool March 09, 2021
VDVS Virginia Department of Veterans Services December 14, 2016
VDW VISN Data Warehouse October 27, 2017
VE VIETNAM ERA April 17, 2015
VEAP Veterans Education Assistance Program Added prior to March 2003
VEHU VHA eHealth University May 18, 2005
VEI Veterans Emplopyement Initiative April 23, 2014
VEIN Veterans Educators Integrated Network July 21, 2004
VEMS Veterans Enterprise Management System May 08, 2014
VEOA VEOA Eligibles July 30, 2015
VEOA veterans employment opportunity act July 30, 2015
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VERA Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation October 27, 2017
VERC Veterans Engineering Resource Center June 27, 2011
Veterans Evidence-Based Research Dissemination and
Implementation Center
May 14, 2007
VERIS Veterans Exam Request Information System July 27, 2004
VERP Veteran Enrollment Rework Project December 14, 2016
VERP Veterans Enrollment Rework Project December 14, 2016
VES Veterans Health Administration Enrollment System April 01, 2021
VES Veterans Evaluation Services April 23, 2014
VESO Veterans Employment Service Office April 23, 2014
VETS VHA Enterprise Terminology Services June 04, 2004
VETSNET Veterans Service Network April 23, 2014
VEV Vietnam Era Veterans Added prior to March 2003
VFA Veterans Financial Assessment February 10, 2004
VFIB OR V FIB OR VF VentricularFibrilation August 14, 2014
VFIRP Veteran-Focused Internet Redesign Project Added prior to March 2003
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars Added prior to March 2003
VG Ventrogluteal April 21, 2016
VGIA Veteran-Guest Internet Access July 06, 2010
VGLI Veterans Group Life Insurance Added prior to March 2003
VH VETERANS HOME November 18, 2015
VHA Veterans Health Administration Added prior to March 2003
VHACO Veterans Health Administration Central Office September 20, 2010
VHAIP VHA Innovation Program April 15, 2010
VHEC Veterans Health Education Coordinator November 08, 2010
VHEI Veterans Health Education and Information July 25, 2006
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VHF Very High Frequency December 15, 2005
VHIC Veterans Health ID Card April 23, 2014
VHIC Veteran Health Identification Card April 23, 2014
VHIE Veterans Health Information Exchange December 15, 2016
VHIM VHA Health Information Model October 04, 2004
VHIT Veterans Health Information Technology March 01, 2007
VHL Veterans Health Libray September 14, 2011
VHP Veterans Health Plan Added prior to March 2003
VHS Veterans Health Study Added prior to March 2003
VI Veteran Industries October 05, 2009
VIA VistA Integration Adapter October 21, 2014
VIC Veteran Identification Card Added prior to March 2003
VICTARS Veterans Insurance Claims Tracking and Response System December 14, 2016
VICTORS Visual Impairment Services to Optimize Remaining Sight January 03, 2007
VIDC VistA Imaging Display Client August 17, 2005
VIE VistA Inferface Engine July 27, 2004
VIE Vitria Interface Engine August 11, 2006
VIERS Veteran Information/Eligibility Record Services August 14, 2014
VIF VHA Information Factory December 13, 2006
VIM Veterans Information Model May 26, 2011
VIMM VistA Immunizations March 23, 2015
VINCI VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure March 15, 2010
VIP Veteran Information Portal April 17, 2007
VIP vocational integration program August 03, 2011
VIP Very Important Person July 27, 2004
VIP Veteran-Focused Integration Process December 15, 2016
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VA Acronym Lookup
VIP Veteran-focused Integration Process December 15, 2016
VIP Veteran-focused Integration Process April 21, 2016
VIP VistA Intake Program November 18, 2015
VIPR Veteran-Focused Integration Process Request December 14, 2016
VIPR VA IT Process Request March 09, 2021
VIQ VA Intranet Quorum May 01, 2014
VIREC VA Information Resource Center Added prior to March 2003
VIRMSS VHP Information Resources Management Support Service Added prior to March 2003
VIRO Veterans Informatics Resource Office August 15, 2007
VIRS VIRS April 01, 2021
VIS Veteran's Information Solution May 27, 2016
VIS Veterans Information System February 07, 2005
VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network Added prior to March 2003
VISOR Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation June 15, 2009
VI-SPDAT Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assessment Tool November 06, 2017
VIST Visual Impairment Services Team August 17, 2010
VIST Visual Impairment Services Team Added prior to March 2003
VISTA Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture Added prior to March 2003
VITALS Veterans Information Technology Acquisition of Lifecycle Solution January 25, 2008
VITAS Veterans Implant Tracking & Alert System May 05, 2010
VIVA Veterans Information and Verification Access Added prior to March 2003
VIX VistA Imaging Exchange October 22, 2009
VJO Veterans Justice Outreach June 01, 2010
VLER Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record April 30, 2009
VLER Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record April 21, 2016
VLJ Veterans Law Judge July 20, 2011
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VA Acronym Lookup
VLSN VISN Lead Surgical Nurse December 15, 2016
VM VM December 21, 2011
VM Virtual Machine July 27, 2004
VM MSG voice mail message April 10, 2014
VMEC VistA Maintenance & Expertise Center February 11, 2005
VMIT VA OED Memorial Affairs Information Technology November 30, 2007
VMLI Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance April 03, 2014
VMM Value Measuring Methodology October 16, 2006
VMP VistA Maintenance Project December 28, 2005
VMR Virtual Meeting Room April 01, 2021
VMS Virtual Memory System February 01, 2005
VNA Visiting Nurse Association April 01, 2008
VOA Veteran's On-Line Application May 27, 2016
VOA Virtual Office Acquisition March 14, 2011
VOB Versioned Object Base (IBM Rational ClearCase Tool) October 25, 2010
VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol January 09, 2006
VONAPP Veterans Online Application July 27, 2004
VOR Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Obligation Report April 23, 2014
VOR VETSNET Operations Reports March 01, 2011
VORS Veterans Outreach Reporting System April 21, 2016
VOSB Veteran-Owned Small Business January 23, 2007
VOVA Voice of VA October 20, 2011
VOW Veterans Opportunity to Work April 17, 2014
VoxML Voice Markup Language May 28, 2016
VP Veteran Programs February 25, 2008
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VPA Viers Person Adapter October 27, 2017
VPFS Veterans Personal Finance System April 24, 2003
VPID Veterans Affairs Person Identifier July 27, 2004
VPN Virtual Private Network Added prior to March 2003
VPR Virtual Patient Record July 29, 2004
VPS Veteran Point of Service March 24, 2011
VR&C Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling Added prior to March 2003
VR&E Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment April 06, 2007
VRAM VistA Remote Access Management April 18, 2014
VRAP Veteran Retraining Assistance Program May 01, 2014
VRAP Veterans Retraining Assistance Program May 07, 2014
VRB Value Review Board Added prior to March 2003
VRC Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor April 23, 2014
VRC Veteran Recovery Center December 15, 2016
VRC Veteran Recovery Center December 15, 2016
VRE Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci August 11, 2020
VRHAC Veterans Rural Health Advisory Committee February 02, 2011
VRHRC Veterans Rural Health Resource Centers October 05, 2009
VRI Veterans Reopened Life Insurance April 03, 2014
VRM Veterans Record Management January 21, 2010
VRM Veteran Resource Management June 19, 2007
VRM Veterans Relationship Management April 07, 2011
VRS Vocational Rehabilition Specialist August 21, 2008
VRS Vendor Registration System July 27, 2004
VRSS Veteran Re-Entry Search Service April 23, 2014
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VRUM VistA Resource Utilization Management May 19, 2015
VS vital signs March 23, 2015
VSA VistA Service Assembler April 23, 2014
VSAC Value Set Authority Center April 18, 2014
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal February 04, 2010
VSB Virtual Suggestion Box April 30, 2014
VSC Veterans Service Center July 27, 2004
VSC Veteran Service Commission December 14, 2016
VSCM Veteran Service Center Manager March 15, 2010
VSE Vista Scheduling Enhancements December 10, 2014
VSH Virtual Server Hosts April 23, 2014
VSHO VHA Servicing Human Resources Office April 23, 2014
VSI Voluntary Separation Incentive April 23, 2014
VSIP Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments April 30, 2014
VSLI Veterans' Special Life Insurance July 14, 2010
VSN Veterans Service Network April 01, 2021
VSO Veterans Service Officer April 23, 2014
VSO Veterans Service Organizations Added prior to March 2003
VSP Virtual Storage Platform November 05, 2019
VSR Veteran Service Representative Added prior to March 2003
VSS Voluntary Service System April 10, 2003
VSS Vital Signs Stable April 15, 2010
VSSC VHA Support Service Center May 16, 2006
VST VISN Support Team April 01, 2021
VSV Veterans Serving Veterans July 31, 2017
VTA Veterans Tracking Application April 11, 2007
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VTACH OR V TACH Ventricular Tachycardia August 14, 2014
VTC Video Teleconferencing July 27, 2004
VTC Veterans Treatment Court October 22, 2015
VTE Venous Thromboembolism December 01, 2009
VTE Virtual Terminal Emulator December 01, 2009
VTN Veterans Transportation Network May 24, 2011
VTS Veterans Transportation Service November 18, 2010
VTS Virtual Tape Subsystem April 23, 2014
VUID Veterans Health Administration Unique Identifier July 27, 2004
VVA Virtual VA April 23, 2014
VVC Voice Video Call July 12, 2021
VVC VA Video Connect July 23, 2021
VVC VA Video Connect April 01, 2021
VVO Verified verbal order October 21, 2014
VWM VHA Work Measurement March 05, 2009
VWSL VDIF-EP Web Service Layer July 12, 2021
W/C Workers' Compensation October 27, 2017
W/C wheel chair October 22, 2015
W/O OR W/O with out August 04, 2014
W3C World -Wide Web Consortium Added prior to March 2003
WAFPS Web Automated Folder Processing Systems December 16, 2011
WAH Work At Home January 21, 2016
WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale April 18, 2014
WAIS Wide Area Information Service (Web indexing & searching) Added prior to March 2003
WAM Web Access Manager April 17, 2014
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VA Acronym Lookup
WAMC Womack Army Medical Center April 11, 2007
WAN Wide Area Network Added prior to March 2003
WAN FOG Wide Area Network Follow-on Work Group Added prior to March 2003
WAP Wireless Application Protocol July 27, 2004
WARM Web Automated Reference Material System December 14, 2016
WARTAC Warrior Training Advancement Course December 14, 2016
WARTAC Warrior Training Advance Course December 15, 2016
WASA Web Application Security Assessment July 30, 2015
WASR Web Application Status Report May 19, 2015
WATCH Women’s Assessment Tool for Comprehensive Health December 15, 2016
WAVE Web Automated Verification of Enrollment July 27, 2004
WB Weight Bearing April 23, 2014
WBLS Web Based Loan Summary July 14, 2010
WBNB Wideband Narrowband Added prior to March 2003
WBS Work Breakdown Structure July 27, 2004
WBT Web-Based Training February 18, 2010
WC DI Workforce Committee Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee October 27, 2017
Workforce Committee Learning Organization Transformation
October 27, 2017
Workers Comp/Occupational Safety Health Management
Information System
February 18, 2010
WCCC Woman's Comprehensive Care Center November 14, 2011
WCHIP Women's Comprehensive Health Care Implementation Plan May 27, 2016
WCNC Washington Crossing National Cemetery March 14, 2011
WCO Web Communications Officer March 21, 2014
WCP Workers Compensation Program June 11, 2014
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WDDE Ward Drug Dispensing Equipment November 09, 2004
WDDX Web Dynamic Data Exchange Added prior to March 2003
WEAMS Web Enabled Approval Management System December 03, 2009
WEBALPS WEB based Automated Loan Processing System July 14, 2010
WEBCIMS Web Correspondence & Issues Management System July 27, 2009
WED Wednesday August 14, 2014
WEDI Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange April 27, 2004
WFL Within Functional Limits September 23, 2014
WFM Work Force Management December 14, 2016
WH PCP Women's Health Primary Care Provider May 27, 2016
Whole Health Experience Committee Communication and
Education Subcommittee
October 27, 2017
WHEI Women's Health Evaluation Initiative December 15, 2016
WHEN Weekends, holidays, evenings, nights April 17, 2014
WHO World Health Organization April 17, 2014
WHYMPI Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory April 12, 2010
WIGI Within-Grade Increase February 18, 2010
Windows NT Windows New Technology Added prior to March 2003
WIP Work in Process May 13, 2010
WIPT Working Integrated Project Team Added prior to March 2003
WIR Wireless Infrastructure Replacement December 27, 2010
WITS Work Intake and Tracking Systems February 18, 2010
WITS Workforce Information Systems (PAID) April 05, 2005
WK week January 21, 2016
WLA West Los Angeles April 17, 2014
WM With Meals April 21, 2016
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WMCO Workforce Management and Consulting Office July 17, 2008
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction March 24, 2003
WMIS Wireless Controlled Substances Added prior to March 2003
WML Wireless Markup Language July 27, 2004
WMTS Wireless Medical Telemetry Services Added prior to March 2003
WNL Within Normal Limits October 31, 2007
WNR Will Not Reimburse December 08, 2016
WO Write Off July 20, 2010
WOC Without Compensation March 14, 2005
WOFT Warrant Officer Flight Training December 15, 2016
WPI Wholesale Price Index May 13, 2010
WPMEA Workforce Planning, Management and Employee Administration February 22, 2010
WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome March 09, 2021
WRAH Walter Reed Army Hospital December 14, 2005
WRAMC Walter Reed Army Medical Center December 13, 2006
WRAP Wellness Recovery Action Plan April 18, 2014
WRIISC War-related Illness and Injury Study Centers October 05, 2004
WSDL Web Services Description Language March 31, 2009
WSIP (VA) Web Search Improvement Project Added prior to March 2003
WSRR WebSphere Registry and Repository December 15, 2016
WT weight February 06, 2015
WTEMS What The Evidence Must Show April 23, 2014
WVCS Women Veterans Cohort Study December 16, 2011
WVCS Women Veterans Cohort Study December 16, 2011
WVHSHG Women Veterans Health Strategic Healthcare Group February 18, 2010
WVPM Women Veterans Program Manager July 06, 2009
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WWI World War I July 27, 2004
WWII World War II July 27, 2004
WWP Wounded Warriors Project February 18, 2010
WWU Weighted Work Unit Added prior to March 2003
WWW World Wide Web Added prior to March 2003
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get Added prior to March 2003
X11 An implementation of X-Windows System July 27, 2004
Identification number for ANSI standard committee and the
standards the committee issues
July 27, 2004
XACML Extensible Access Control Markup Language June 08, 2005
XMI XML Metadata Interchange July 27, 2004
XML Extensible Mark-up Language Added prior to March 2003
XML XQL Extensive Markup Language XML Query Language July 27, 2004
XRT Radiation therapy June 16, 2015
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language Added prior to March 2003
XUA Cross Enterprise User Assertion June 21, 2010
Y2K Year 2000 Added prior to March 2003
YO year old October 27, 2017
YOURIT yourIT Service Portal April 01, 2021
ZIFA Zachman Institue for Framework July 27, 2004
ZIP Zone Improvement Program July 06, 2010
The VA Acronym database is maintained by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Health Information (OHI)
Communications Office https://vaww.ehealth.va.gov/EHEALTH/communications.asp.
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VA Acronym Lookup
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