Embry-Riddle IRB Application Checklist
What To Have Ready Before You Apply
To ensure that your application is complete and ready to be reviewed, please verify that you have included all
information necessary for an IRB reviewer:
1. Investigator Information
Name of all investigators including the Principal Investigator (
person responsible for the Project.)
Degree Level
(For students, the degree program you are working on. For faculty, level of degree.)
Date of Start of Research (No data can be collected prior to IRB approval.)
Type of Project (Survey, Interviews, etc.)
Title of the Project (Keep consistent in all documents.)
Funded? (IGNITE, FIRST Program, NSF, etc.)
2. Questions to be answered
Background and Purpose
Estimated amount of Time needed from a participant
Design, Procedures, and Methods
Measures and Data to be Collected
Participant Population and Recruitment Procedures
Risks and/or Discomforts
Informed Consent form (ICF)
Confidentiality of Records/Data and Privacy
Economic Considerations/Incentives
3. Informed Consent Form (ICF) See Obtaining Participant Consent and examples here.
Explain why you are doing this research (purpose), what will happen during the study and how long it may
take to complete the study
Detail any risk(s) associated with the study
Explain the benefits of the study to the participant; if any, and to others
Explain how records/data will be kept confidential and whether or not data will be used in future studies
Include whether or not the participant will be compensated and if so, how
Provide a point of contact for additional information about the study
Inform participant that he/she is a volunteer and may quit at any time without penalty and explain what will
happen to data collected if a participant stops participating prior to completion of the study
Provide a place for the participant to agree to participate either by checking agree for an anonymous survey
or providing a place for a participant to sign in agreement to participate.
Include the eligibility requirements and a place for the participant to verify that they meet those
Include a Parental Consent Document AND Child Assent Form
for research using minors
4. Supporting Materials are uploaded
Recruitment materials including email verbiage, flyers, posters, etc.
Survey or questionnaire
Script or questions for interview
Any other documents that the participant will receive or was mentioned in the application