Form Date: 2022
Criteria for Readmission
Any student suspended from the University must file for readmission through the Office of the Registrar by submitting a complete
readmission package. Once the complete readmission package is verified, the documents will be forwarded to the appropriate
authority for review. The student will be notified of the approval or denial decision regarding their readmission. Students must be in
good financial standing to return to ERAU. Once approved for readmission, the student must return in the term for which they are re-
admitted, or the next available “standard” term, excluding summer.
In accordance with University Academic Standard APU-27, any student suspended for either poor academic standing and/or judicial
suspension may petition to return to campus after twelve (12) calendar months have elapsed following the date of suspension and after
completing a minimum of 15 semester hours of pre-approved courses from an institution with accreditation acceptable to ERAU with
a CGPA of at least a 2.5. These courses may not necessarily be applicable to your degree requirements at Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University, but are required to satisfy the Readmission criteria.
To accomplish this:
The following documentation must be submitted no later than approximately 90 days prior to the start of the semester/term
you plan to attend which is no earlier than twelve (12) calendar months from the date of suspension:
Please contact the Office of the Registrar for specific deadline dates.
You must be in good financial status with ERAU, for the pre-approved course sheet to be processed.
A copy of the “Pre-Approved Courses for Readmission Review” form, that was reviewed by your Program Coordinator and
your Office of the Registrar Evaluator that was approved and signed by all prior to taking any off-campus courses. Also, all
flight courses, despite student degree program, fall under the pre-approved course process without exception. Any courses
taken without preapproval will neither be considered as a part of the reapplication package nor transferred in as credit should
the student be admitted.
A completed “Application for Readmission after Suspension” form (2 pages).
A “Personal Petition”, typed, 11 font minimum, single spaced, two (2) pages maximum, stating: a) reasons leading
up to your suspension, b) activities involved with after the suspension i.e. education, community services, and/or
employment, c) academic career goals and d) what has now changed to allow you to be academically successful if
readmitted to ERAU.
An official transcript sent directly to ERAU’s Office of the Registrar from each institution of higher education that
you obtained pre-approval (see item 1 above). All courses associated with the minimum of 15 semester hours
must be completed, not in-progress.
International students must comply with current USCIS regulations and provide ERAU with an updated scholarship
award letter or an Affidavit of Financial Support. Credits taken outside the U.S. require a course-by-course evaluation in
English by an independent credential evaluation service. To obtain an evaluation, please contact one of the following
World Education Services
Educational Credential Evaluators
Joseph Silney & Associates
A non-refundable application fee. Make your payment now.
The complete readmission package will be reviewed by the Campus’s Readmission Committee which is part of the Academic
Standards and Admissions Committee. This committee’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Associate Provost’s Office who
will render his/her approval or denial thirty days prior to the start of the proposed returning semester/term. This notification letter will
come as an attachment within an email to the student’s email address identified on the “Application for Readmission after
Suspension” form. Simply applying does not guarantee your acceptance.
Please address all correspondence to the following address:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Office of the Registrar
Readmission Committee Liaison, Email:
1 Aerospace Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900 Phone: 386-226-6339, Fax: 386-226-6335
Form Date: 2022
Pre-Approved Courses for Readmission Review
Instructions: Please note, you must be in good financial status with ERAU for this form to be processed.
The Student will complete the middle portion of this form including the name of the institution to attend, semester/term,
institution’s course designations and their ERAU equivalent course.
The Student will submit this form and a syllabus for each requested course to their Program Coordinator.
The Program Coordinator will review your transcript and assist you in this selection process.
Once approved, the Program Coordinate will sign this form and submit this form along with each course syllabus to your
Evaluator in the Office of the Registrar.
The Evaluator will review these courses and determine if they are equivalent (Y) or not equivalent (N) for possible transfer
credit and sign the form. The Evaluator will then email this to the student for his/her signature.
The Student will then email this signed form back to their Evaluator which will serve as the student’s commitment.
The Evaluator will then record this for reference in ERAU’s system which will be used to assess whether the Student
satisfied the commitment or not at the time of the readmission request.
Credits taken outside the U.S. require a course-by-course evaluation in English by an independent credential evaluation
service. To obtain an evaluation, please contact one of the following organizations: World Education Services,
Educational Credential Evaluators, Joseph Silney & Associates
The Student will then take the courses, at the designated institution and semester/term identified on this form. NOTE: Any
changes to this commitment must be pre-approved. This form is required for each institution and each semester/term. The
Student will request an official transcript to be sent to ERAU once each term is completed.
Student Name: Student #:
Email Address: ERAU Program:
Name of Institution: Location (City, State):
Courses with unsatisfactory grades at ERAU should be repeated in residence. Repeating courses at another institution does not change the ERAU GPA.
Grades of “F”, “D” or courses not pre-approved are not transferrable.
Program Coordinator Signature Date Office of the Registrar, Evaluator Signature Date
(Indicates the student has been advised for pre-approved courses only) (Indicates course equivalent determination only)
Flight Coordinator Signature Date Student Signature Date
(Indicates student is approved to take above flight courses off campus) (Indicates acceptance of the above)
(Necessary for Flight Courses Only)
Requested Courses ERAU Equivalent
Title CR HRS Course Title CR HRS
Form Date: 2022
Application For Readmission After Suspension
Office of the Registrar, Daytona Beach Campus
Readmission Committee Liaison
1 Aerospace Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
Phone: 386-226-6339, Fax: 386-226-6335, Email:
Student Information Deadline for submission (approximately 90 days prior to start of term)
Please contact the Office of the Registrar for specific deadline dates.
Student ID Number: Date of Birth (mo./day/yr.):
Last First Middle Maiden/Former
Permanent/Mailing Address:
Street Apt. #
City State Country Zip
Telephone Number: Email:
Admission Information
Indicate your desired major: Date of Suspension:
First Choice: Indicate the term you wish to return:
Second Choice: Campus you wish to attend:
Are you a permanent
resident of the U.S.?
Yes No Are you a citizen
of the U.S.?
Yes No
If not a U.S. citizen, indicate country of citizenship:
Educational Information
List below all colleges/universities you have attended while away from ERAU:
Name of School
Dates of Attendance
Hours Earned
Name of School
Dates of Attendance
Hours Earned
Flight Information
List all flight training, certificates or ratings earned while away from ERAU:
Name of School Location Dates of Attendance Ratings/Certificate Earned
Name of School Location Dates of Attendance Ratings/Certificate Earned
Form Date: 2022
Application (Continued)
List the last two (2) positions held (if any) while away from ERAU starting with the most recent or current position.
Community Service Information (if any)
Community Service Organization Position Held
Dates of Community Service Hours Worked Per Week
Community Service Organization Position Held
Dates of Community Service Hours Worked Per Week
Employment Information (if any)
Employer Position Held
Dates Of Employment Hours Worked Per Week
Employer Position Held
Dates Of Employment Hours Worked Per Week
I certify that to the best of my knowledge all of the above information is correct. If approved for re-admittance as a student at
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), I agree that as a student, I will abide by all of the rules, regulations, practices
and policies of ERAU as applicable at the time of my readmission and/or as they may be at the time of admission or as they may
be changed during my continuance as a student. ERAU adheres to the principle of equal education and employment opportunity
without regard to race, handicap, sex, color, creed or nation. This policy extends to all programs and activities involving or
supported by the University.
I certify that I have met all the eligibility requirements necessary to apply for re-admittance to the University through the
Readmissions Committee. I understand that simply applying for re-admittance does not guarantee my approval for readmission
to ERAU.
Student’s Signature Date
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