This guide contains the
following sections:
About Writing in
Types of Writing in
Evidence in Physics
Conventions of
Writing in Physics
Citations &
A Few Other Tips
The main goal of writing in physics is to clearly convey information about the
results of calculations and/or experiments that were carried out by the author.
A secondary goal is to provide improved understanding of various physical
theories, models, and calculations.
All writing for the physics department must have the appropriate
structure for a given writing project. Most writing for the physics
department falls into two categories: 1) lab reports and 2) papers (i.e., term
paper, capstone paper, journal manuscript for publication, conference poster).
The Disciplinary Writing Guides are
designed to provide an introduction to the
conventions, or rules, of writing in
different subjects. These guides have been
designed by Southwestern professors to
help you understand what will be
expected of you in your classes.
By Dr. Mark Bottorff
Guide for Writing in Physics
and Dual-Degree Engineering
About Writing in Physics
this guide
Lab Reports
In classical lab report formatting, tables, graphs and figures are added at the
end of report. However, the SU physics department wants to develop student
skills in writing papers in its labs. Therefore in lab write-up assignments
particularly in advanced labs—more often than not there will be instructions
to embed tables, figures, and graphs into the body of the lab report as would
be seen in a published journal article.
A typical lab report includes: a title, the author and collaborator name(s) and
the date, an abstract, an experiment description section, a data and analysis
section, a results and conclusions section, and (possibly) a references section.
Lorem Ipsum
Papers (i.e., Term, Capstone, Honors Thesis, Conference Poster, Journal
Papers written for the physics department should be in manuscript format, generally following the AIP Style Manual 4
If the paper is to be an SU honors thesis, additional items (such as a signature page and a table of contents) are required,
and the order of some elements is changed. An honors thesis has a very specific format. The library and DEWC staff can
provide specific details. For term papers, capstones, honors thesis papers, and conference posters, the physics
department requires figures, tables and graphs to be properly embedded in the document. Manuscripts for publication in
a journal must follow the guidelines specific to that journal. In general figures, tables, and graphs are not embedded in
manuscripts submitted for publication.
A typical manuscript includes: a title, an authors list, an abstract, an introduction, the main body of the work,
conclusions, acknowledgements, appendices, and references (usually in this order).
Evidence in Physics Writing
Numbers should be written in scientific notation. Numbers whose absolute value is greater than or
equal to 0.1 and less than 100 may be written without exponent. The number of significant digits
depends on the particulars. Here are several examples with four significant digits: in the first
number a leading zero is used to highlight the presence of the decimal point.
0.3459 2.558 10.31 99.76
Numbers whose absolute value falls outside the range less than 0.1 and greater than 100 should be written with an
exponent. Here are several examples with three significant digits:
1.97 × 10
6.67 × 10
1.97 × 10
3.22 × 10
Most numbers in the physical sciences are associated with units. It is important that the units are shown next to the
number. For example, the average magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth is 9.80 m/s
9.80 m s
). To avoid visual clutter, the units of numbers in tables are not shown by the numbers but rather in the row or
column titles.
For each of these sections, different types of research are required. First, the communication
object or artifact being analyzed must be researched. You will provide context for the object
Embedded tables and/or graphs should have appropriate captions, scaling, and labeling. A table
should have an identifier centered above it such as “TABLE 1” linking it to any references in the text
to the table. Below the identifier should be a title (also centered), for example, “Strengths of Select
Quasar Emission Lines.” In general, tables do not have captions, though they occasionally have a footnote immediately
below referring to exceptional table entries. An example of a table from a published paper (Bottorff M.C., Ferland G.J.,
Baldwin, J.A., and Korista, K.T. 2000, ApJ, 542, 644) is shown below:
In the physical sciences, most numbers have associated uncertainties (experimental or computational) and it is important
to convey this uncertainty.
For example, suppose an experiment that repeatedly measured the acceleration of gravity found a mean value of 9.82
and an experimental uncertainty of ± 5 × 10
. One would then write
(9.82 ± 0.05) m/s
Technically there is a cheat in not writing the error in scientific notation, but writing it this way has more clarity.
Lorem Ipsum
Embedded figures and graphs (or plots) will have appropriate captions, scaling, and
labeling. Unlike tables, figures and graphs (or plots) do not have titles. Both figures
and graphs are referred to as “figures” in the text that embeds them and are
identified by figure captions that appear just below the figure or graph. The caption includes an abbreviated version of the
description of the figure or graph found in the text. Here are some examples of figure captions:
“Figure 7. The figure shows an image of the inclined plane apparatus. Arrows indicate the positions of the
photogates. For this arrangement the angle of the incline is 37.5°. A meter stick at the base of the apparatus
shows the scale.”
“Figure 2. A graph of position (m) vs. time (s) for three different orientations of the inclined plane: (blue)
22.0°, (green) 35.5°, (red) 47.3°.”
Graphs should have axis titles and include the units of the variables being plotted. For axis titles, use a font style (i.e.
Times New Roman) that is the same as document in which the graph is embedded.
The axes of the graph should show both major and minor tick marks. The divisions should be chosen for easy
measurement of positions on the graph. The range of each axis should (just) cover the range of the data and make any
data trends visually apparent. If the uncertainties are larger than the plot markers on the graph then error bars (or boxes)
should be shown. The best plots have tick marks surrounding all sides of the graph area. While the graph is bounded by
axes with tick marks, there should be no bounding box surrounding the entire graph (axis labels and graph). An example
plot is shown below in figure 1. Note that the font size is larger than the text in this document. This is on purpose. If this
were a figure for a manuscript, the size would need to be large so that the journal editors can rescale it to fit their journal
formats without the axis titles or labels appearing too small. The text of the article would then explain in detail the
elements of the figure. Typically, only the left axis and the bottom axis of a graph are labeled. However, on some
occasions there is an additional plot scale for easy reference or conversion to another variable (in this case, meters to
yards). The AIP Style Manual 4
ed. provides additional visual examples.
Figures & Graphs
(or Plots)
Figure 1. Example graph for journal submission. Axis labels and markers are purposely made large to allow for
editorial rescaling in a journal.
Most modern word processing software has an equation editor. There is no
excuse for not typesetting equations in a scientific document. All equations
appearing in documents will be typeset. Variables are typeset in italics.
This document was created using an outdated version of Microsoft Office without any special add-ons, and it is capable of
producing the following equation describing the one-dimensional motion of a free particle in quantum mechanics.
Typeset Equations
Note that the equation is left biased and a “(1)” meaning “equation number 1” appears right biased. In addition the
equation is given its own line with a space above and below it. For numbered equations this will be true even if the
equation is part of a sentence.
Lorem Ipsum
Here is an example:
“The energy of a photon is given by
E = hν (2)
where E is the photon energy, h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of the light.”
If the equation is not to be numbered and is compact, it can be integrated into a sentence. Here is an example:
“Substituting ν = c / λ, where c is the speed of light and λ is the wavelength of the light, into equation
2 gives the photon energy as a function of wavelength.”
All elements must be appropriately integrated into your document. This means that equations, tables, and
graphs should not occur before they are mentioned in the text. Generally, they are placed at the end of the paragraph
they are first mentioned. In addition, it is preferable if the element does not appear much later than where it is
mentioned in the text (though sometimes this is unavoidable). The reason is that it can be frustrating for a reader reading
the description of a graph to have to constantly flip several pages forward to look at the graph. Finally, the font size in a
table, in an equation, and in graphs, as well as any text appearing in figures, should reasonably match the size of the text.
Conventions of Writing in Physics
Clear and Logical Connections
A good scientific paper makes clear and logical connections between the work being reported and previous work
done on the same topic. It explains how the work presented supports or refutes previous work and how the field is now
extended as the result of the new work. A scientific paper is therefore an argument. To be convincing, the
argument has to be logical and have a logical flow of connected ideas. Below are three topics listed in the writing rubric for
SU Physics and Dual Degree Engineering in which clear and logical connections are emphasized.
Theory and Experiment:
In the case of a lab report or paper in which the author has conducted an experiment, there must be a clear and logical
discussion of the underlying physical theory or engineering practice tested by the experiment. In addition, a clear and
logical connection between the experimental apparatus and the experimental procedure must be made with the theory
tested by the experiment. If the author is reporting on theoretical work, a
clear and logical connection of the author’s
work must be made with current physical theory or engineering practice.
Clear and Logical Connections
A good scientific paper makes clear and logical connections between the work being reported and previous
work done on the same topic. It explains how the work presented supports or refutes previous work and how the field is
now extended as the result of the new work. A scientific paper is therefore an argument. To be convincing, the
argument has to be logical and have a logical flow of connected ideas. Below are three topics listed in the writing rubric
for SU Physics and Dual Degree Engineering in which clear and logical connections are emphasized.
Theory and Experiment: In the case of a lab report or paper in which the author has conducted an experiment, there
must be a clear and logical discussion of the
Data Analysis Discussion:
In the case of a lab report or paper in which the author has conducted an experiment or is conducting an analysis of
experimental data collected by others, there must be a clear and logical description of the experimental data, a
clear and logical discussion of the salient elements of the data analysis, and a clear and logical discussion of
experimental errors.
Conclusions must have a clear and logical discussion of how the experimental results relate to theoretical
predictions and what (if any) ramifications the new results have for the field.
Concise Writing
If a paper is difficult to read or too long, it risks being ignored by its intended audience. In addition, the cost of publishing
an article today in most reputable peer-reviewed science journals now exceeds $100 per page. So a twenty-page article
may cost an author over $2,000! Writing in the physical sciences must therefore be clear and concise.
In general, sentences should only be long enough to convey a single idea. If a sentence “reads long” the writer should try
to break the sentence up into shorter sentences. After crafting a sentence, the writer should consider whether the same
idea could be effectively conveyed using a shorter sentence. Some scientific writers who struggle with being concise have
employed the trick of reading concisely written literature (like that written by Ernest Hemingway) before writing. The
claim is it puts them in a concise writing mindset. In general, scientific writing need not be in the passive voice,
though there are exceptions when “essential facts” are described. (See Section 9, pages 14 and 15 of the AIP Style Manual
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Acronyms
The use of correct grammar and spelling is essential to all writing. The AIP Style Manual 4
ed. provides many
examples of appropriate grammar and punctuation. The physical sciences utilize a lot of acronyms. It is important that all
acronyms are defined before first using them in a document. For example, “The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was
used to take ultraviolet spectra of all objects in the field. Twelve objects were found to be active galactic nuclei (AGN).
Follow-up optical spectra showed that seven of the HST detected AGN exhibit broad hydrogen alpha emission lines.”
Lorem Ipsum
Thorough references must be made to any external sources of data and/or theory associated with the writing of a lab
report or a paper. Each reference must be made immediately after the information is given. Different journals in the
physical sciences have different ways of denoting references. Some use a numbering system in order of first appearance in
the paper. The numbers appear as a numerical superscript at the end of a sentence or as a number in square brackets. So
if a reference first appeared as the fourth in the paper, the reference indicator appears as
or as [4]. If the same reference
appeared later in the paper, then it is still listed as
or as [4]. The references are then listed numerically in the references
section that appears at the end of the paper.
Many astronomical journals use a simple alphabetical system. All the references are listed in the reference section in
alphabetical order by the primary author’s last name. In the body of the text, the author name and the year of publication
appear in parentheses. Here is an example:
“Pure hydromagnetic wind models have used self similar scaling to characterize AGN outflow (e.g., Blandford and Payne
1982; Emmering, Blandford and Schlosman 1992; and Bottorff, et al. 1997).”
The reference structure in papers and lab reports should reflect the specific requirements of the course instructor, lab
instructors or adviser. It might be helpful if term papers, capstones, and honors thesis papers use the reference style that
most closely matches journals in the discipline of the subject of the paper. An exhaustive list of examples of references
for journal, articles, books, private communications etc. is found in the AIP Style Manual 4
AIP & AAS Style
The Physics Department at SU uses the fourth edition of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Style Manual as a writing
guide. The document has a wealth of detail. Physics students, Dual Degree Engineering students, and DEWC staff
should make heavy use of this document, and a hard copy should be kept within reach when writing physical science-
related documents.
For astronomy-related writing or for additional writing guidance, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) has a
section of their website devoted to manuscript preparation. The online document can be found on the website of the
Links to each of these guides are also available online in the Student Resources” section of the Debby Ellis Writing
Center website.
A Few Last Notes on Writing in Physics
To achieve a logical flow of ideas, the creation of an outline at some point in the writing process is helpful. Outline
construction usually occurs after a literature search (including the taking of detailed notes) has been conducted; the
experimental, observational, or theoretical results have been obtained; and an analysis of the results is nearly complete.
The main ideas, or results from the work can then be listed in outline form and then grouped, regrouped and edited to
achieve the desired information flow. The main ideas can then be placed in the relevant structures of the lab report or
paper (i.e., introduction, main body of the work, conclusions) to become topic sentences of various paragraphs in those
The result of expanding an outline is a rough first draft. This will be the first of multiple redrafts. Many new to scientific
writing are not aware of the level of scrutiny that scientific writing receives. Because of its concise nature, the density of
relevant ideas is high. Therefore, careful attention must be given to virtually every sentence.
As a result, many drafts are often required to “get it right.” Adjustments are usually needed not only to correct spelling
and grammar errors, but also to adjust the scientific content and logical flow. These adjustments are often due to the fact
that during the writing, new ideas and questions needing resolution can occur. Sometimes this requires
minor rewriting while in other cases major structural revisions are needed. In theory, once a paper nears completion, an
abstract can be formulated. Like the paper, the abstract will most likely evolve as the paper reaches its final form.