International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Development of Laboratory Manual in Physics for
Justine C. Mercado
Natural Science and Mathematics Department, College of Arts and Sciences, Notre Dame of Marbel University, Koronadal City, 9506,
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the least learned competencies, needs, and challenges of engineering physics students and
teachers, and develop a laboratory manual for Engineering Physics through a mix method design and ADDIE model, but limited to
analysis, design and development of Laboratory Manual only. The participants were six Engineering Physics Laboratory teachers and
ten second year engineering students. The result showed that the prevailing challenges that needs to be addressed in the laboratory class
were lack of updated instructional materials such as laboratory manuals and laboratory equipment, old laboratory apparatus that give
inaccurate data and the least learned competencies were thermodynamics, waves and optics, and electricity and magnetism. From the
least learned competencies, a laboratory manual was developed to address the needs identified by students and teachers. Results
revealed that the developed laboratory manual is much acceptable (M=4.64), by experts. In particular, the laboratory manual is
acceptable in terms of Content Quality (M = 4.69), Instructional Quality (M = 4.64) and Technical Quality (M = 4.58). In conclusion,
the implementation of the engineering physics curriculum faces many challenges especially the lack of laboratory facilities and
instructional materials. The validated developed laboratory manual was found very much acceptable and can be used to address the
needs of the students and teachers of engineer physics. It is recommended that the laboratory manual will be used as a supplemental
instructional material. Also, further review and evaluation of the manual maybe considered to make it more contextualized, localized
and indigenized in the Philippine setting.
Keywords: Development, Engineering Physics, Laboratory Manual, ADDIE Model
1. Introduction
Educational curriculum continues to evolve in order to fit to
the students’ needs and capabilities
. In fact, recently the
Commission on Higher Education released a memorandum
order mandating to change the curriculum in tertiary level;
hence, topics in college courses especially experiments have
changed. Science learning is practical-oriented which entails
that it requires practical activities in the laboratory, at the
same time, broad-based experiences to widen students’
understanding in a world of opportunities to give meaning to
the learning they have acquired from lectures
. In addition,
stated that science learning involves experimentation that
uses hands-on and minds-on activities for better
understanding. However, when there is no laboratory
manual to be used, how can these practical activities be done
properly? These reasons are the primary consideration on
developing a laboratory manual.
Experimental methods enable students to verify theories,
laws and principles surrounding science phenomena;
however, hands-on activities and practical experiments need
a guide in order to realize the observation and results and to
better grasp the concept behind
this is through a laboratory
manual because laboratory applications are playing a
significant role in Physics education
. Due to the change in
the curriculum in tertiary education, coverage in engineering
physics has changed dramatically; hence, there are no
existing manuals in the laboratory that can support the
learning of the students on the practical applications.
The terms practical work, which is common in the UK and
Germany context, and laboratory work, which is common in
USA were activities done in order to establish students
understanding through practical work. A precise definition is
difficult as they embrace an array of activities in school, but
generally they refer to experiences in school settings in
which students interact with equipment and materials or
secondary sources of data to observe and understand the
natural world
. On the other hand, the objectives of
studying science in Nigeria are contained in the Western
African examination council
. Syllabus include-
understanding basic science concepts, acquisition of
laboratory skills, awareness of linkage between science and
industry/environment and everyday life in terms of benefits
and hazards, and acquisition of critical skills and logical
thinking. These objectives require that science must be
learnt through experimentation by doing practices and
making thorough observations that give meaning and
relevance to understanding it. Thus, the WAEC developed
and assessed the manual and concluded that practical
manuals are effective in teaching science concepts. This is
due to the fact that students had direct access and adequate
instructional materials to work with
On the other hand the current state of science education in
the Philippines lags behind other countries in the world. The
results of the Second International Science Study (SISS) and
Third International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS) placed the Philippines in disadvantaged position
among participating
. In the SISS, the Philippines ranked
almost at the bottom of the list of seventeen (17) nations
which took part in this large-scale evaluation of educational
achievement. The factors that resulted to this rank of the
Philippines are the lack of instructional materials and the use
of inappropriate materials
. Research results confirm that
instructional materials improved learning, if used
appropriately such as laboratory manuals
[11, 12]
[13, 14]
, learning modules
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Locally, the HEIs in Region XII have adopted already the
suggested subjects and contents for the different programs in
accordance to the CMO’s, although most of the schools are
still trying to adjust to the new curricula. A part of this
adjustment is the development of instructional materials
such as a laboratory manual to be used for the offered
engineering physics subject, because, since the transition
phase last S.Y 2018-2019, Notre Dame of Marbel University
has no existing manual in engineering physics that would
match to the chapters and topics taught in the lecture, and if
this will continue the science education will be impaired due
to lack of appreciation. This study hopes to develop
laboratory manual that can be used for the betterment of
students’ academic performance and to give them
meaningful learning. This would serve as a tool to improve
and enhance students understanding of physics in general
and would strengthen more the scientific literacy of the
students as well as the quality of science education in the
Statement of the Problem
The main goal of the study is to develop a Laboratory
Manual for Engineering Physics 101. Specifically, it aimed
to answer the following questions:
1) What is the level of learned competencies of the
engineering students based on CMO?
2) What are the needs of teachers and students in teaching
and learning engineering physics?
3) What are the experiences/ challenges of the students and
teachers in engineering physics laboratory class?
4) What are the suggestions and possible remedy on the
challenges/ needs that the students and teachers have
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Research Design
The study adopted a mixed method approach which allows
the researcher to explore the experiences, the level of
learned and least learned competencies, challenges and
needs of the teachers and students of the engineering physics
laboratory class. This study used a semi-structured interview
guides, CMO and the past exam questions because the
researcher opted to gather information that would have
salient contribution in the success of the study.
2.2 Participants of the Study
The participants of the study were the second year
engineering students of Notre Dame of Marbel University as
well as the teachers who have experienced teaching Physics
laboratory class. They were selected because these people
had direct experience both teaching and learning
Engineering Physics. The participants of the study played a
very important role in the conduct of the study because their
responses, perceptions and suggestions determined how the
laboratory manual was designed and developed.
The participants of the study were chosen purposively.
There were 16 informants, 6 teachers and 10 second year
engineering students who have contributed to the focus
group discussion sessions, and key informant interview.
The teacher participants were selected according to the
following criteria: (1) He or she is teaching engineering
physics laboratory class in the new curriculum, (2) Should
be teaching at least 1 year or more.
The engineering student participants were selected
according to the following criteria: (1) he or she should be
second year engineering students of any major. (2) have
taken the engineering physics lecture and laboratory class,
(3) was able to pass the subject.
2.3 Research Instruments
The research utilized the following instruments: Focus group
discussion guide, key informants interview guide, previous
test questions and CMO, and evaluation tool for Laboratory
The researcher developed a semi-structured interview guide
for focus group discussion (FGD) and for key informant
interview (KII) that was validated by 3 experts on the field
to assure that the guide questions stated really helped the
researcher in gathering the needed information in the
conduct of the study. The researcher used semi-structure
interview guide because this allows and gives a flexible way
in asking questions to the participants about their
experiences, challenges and suggestions in the conduct of
laboratory class of engineering physics that they have in
their mind.
Another supplementary materials used in the study were the
previous exams used by the teachers who taught laboratory
class for Engineering physics and the issued new curriculum
guide by the Commission on Higher Education. The exams
and the curriculum guide from the teacher and CHED,
respectively were used to match the competencies leaned
and achieved by the students to the prescribed course
outcome of the new Physics for Engineers curriculum. In
order to have an accurate capture of the result of the
interview, the researcher used a voice recorder to assure the
reliability and the veracity of the information for
transcription and analysis.
To evaluate and validate the developed laboratory manual,
the researcher devise an evaluation tool rubric based from
the study of Alegre, Charles C. (2012) to assess the 3
components of the developed laboratory manual, the
technical quality, the content, and instructional quality. It is
made up of a 5 point rating scale, where 5 means strongly
agree, 4 means agree, 3 means disagree, 2 means strongly
disagree and 1 if the criteria stipulated in the laboratory
manual is not applicable.
2.4 Data Gathering Procedures
In conducting this study, the researcher wrote a letter
addressed to the Dean of the College of Engineering and
Technology and to the University President of the school.
After securing the approval from the proper authorities, the
researcher immediately started the conduct of the study.
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
During the conduct of the study, the researcher briefed the
participants that their participation will be voluntary and if
agreed they will be given a letter of consent that the
researcher prepared. After securing the participants’ consent,
the mechanism and purpose of the interview were briefed to
them such as the use of audio recording while the interview,
or focus group discussion are on-going, and for the record of
raw responses that helped the researcher to achieved the
goals of the study.
After briefing the participants about the mechanism during
the conduct of focus group discussion, it was then
conducted. The first session of FGD was for teachers. There
were 4 teachers who were assigned as informant 1, 2, 3, 4
randomly so that their responses can be recorded and
transcribed accurately. The next session was intended for
students so their experiences and suggestions which were
properly accounted for the needs analysis as well as the
remedies they have suggested to have a better learning
experience in physics for engineers laboratory class.
Furthermore, gathering of data was done by the researcher,
through an in-depth interview. It was done with 2 teacher
participants, as well as 5 student participants which are
different from the focus group. Before starting the interview
briefing was made by the researcher so that the participants
will be aware of their rights, role and the confidentiality of
their participation in the study. They were interviewed
individually by the researcher. The interview utilized an
interview guide which was validated by experts to assure
that the data needed to the study will be obtained.
After doing the qualitative data collection, the quantitative
part of data gathering was conducted. Using the previous
examination test papers used by the teachers teaching
engineering physics and the CHED memorandum order on
the new curriculum for physics for engineers the learned and
unlearned competencies were identified. The test questions
in the exams were matched in the course outcomes stated in
the new curriculum for the physics for engineers. Then the
researcher used a 5 point bracket to determine the level of
learned competencies based on how many of them were
attained with respect to the total number of competencies to
be learned by the engineering students.
Development of Laboratory Manual
After the conduct of needs analysis, as well as knowing the
learned and least learned competencies of the students
compared to the course outline of physics for engineers
planning was done by the researcher. Careful planning was
made in order to identify what are to be included in the
manual, and how the manual will address the needs of the
teachers and students, as well as enable the students to learn
better the competencies stated in the course outline of
physics for engineers, this part of the study is under the
design phase. After the designing of what are to be included
in the manual and how it should be incorporated, the
development of manual began. In developing the laboratory
manual many considerations were taken, from the materials
available, unlearned competencies, alignment to the
curriculum and the quality of the manual in terms of content,
illustrations and questions to be asked were all scrutinized.
The contents of the manual were chosen from the suggested
experiments by the new curriculum for physics for
engineers. 12 different experiments were chosen in order to
observe the course outcome as stipulated in the curriculum.
The laboratory manual is composed of the following parts:
Preliminaries which include, title page, foreword, safety
guidelines in the laboratory, table of contents, and score
sheet. Secondly, the experiments or laboratory activities
which the students will be performing. Every activity is
composed of introduction which will explain and elaborate
the background and the concepts behind the experiment,
objectives, list of materials to be used, equations,
illustrations, procedures, tables & data sheet, follow-up
questions and conclusions. And lastly, the references which
the introductions, some of the illustrations used in
developing the manual and equations were based.
2.5 Data Analysis
The data were analysed and interpreted using a thematic
content analysis. This analysis method comprises steps,
namely; (1) transcriptions, checking and editing, analysis
and interpretation and verification
. The transcription was
done by transferring the recorded data on to paper, and read
it to get an idea of what the data was all about. (2) Checking
and editing the data were divided into smaller related
(meaningful) units. This was be done by reading the
paragraph and recording the themes that were in every
paragraph. Similar themes were grouped together to make
related units. (3) Analysis and interpretation, psychological
meanings were used to interpret the themes from step 2. This
was achieved based on the researchers understanding of the
themes presented. (4) Generalization, the data were
summarized by looking into the differences and similarities
between interview. Lastly, (5) validation of the data, this
was done by going through the transcripts again and
allowing a colleague to read it as well as to validate the
findings, then the central theme can be obtained such as the
challenges, the needs and the suggestions of the participants
on how to improve the laboratory class in physics for
In identifying the level of learned competencies by the
engineering students, a five point scale was used. Every
scale has a corresponding number of competencies learned
and labelled with an interpretation from poor to excellent.
The numbers of learned competencies were based from
pairing the exam questions used by the instructor from
midterm to final exam. Below is the range which the level of
learned competencies was based:
Table 1: Range for the level of learned competencies
Scale Range of learned competencies Verbal Description
1 1-3 Poor
2 4-7 Fair
3 8-11 Good
4 12-15 Very Good
5 16-18 Excellent
Based on the needs analysis and to the level of learned and
the unlearned competencies, a Laboratory Manual was
developed. It was validated and evaluated by 4 Physics
experts using the 5 point Likert rating scale below and the
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
mean was calculated to evaluate its content, instructional,
and technical quality.
Table 2: Rating Scale for the Developed Laboratory Manual
Range Verbal Description
1.00 1.40 Not Applicable
1.50 2.40 Strongly Disagree
2.50 3.40 Disagree
3.50 4.40 Agree
4.50 5.00 Strongly Agree
3. Results & Discussion
Level of Learned Competencies
The numbers of competencies of Physics for engineers in the
new prescribed curriculum by the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) were eighteen (18) and out of this
number only seven (7) competencies were achieved
throughout the course during the semester the subject was
offered. These seven (7) competencies that have been
learned were identified by matching the test items in the
course outcome where the item belongs to. Please refer to
Table 3.
As presented in Table 3, the seven competencies were
namely; (1) Use calculus to solve problems in force statics
and kinematics, (2) Apply the Newton’s law of motion, (3)
Use calculus to solve work and energy problems, (4) Apply
the law of conservation of energy problems, (5) Solve
problems on impulse and momentum and collisions, (6)
Determine the stress and strain on a body, (7) Solve basic
problems in fluid statics and kinematics. Among the
competencies included in the exam, the number 1
competency which is all about statics and kinematics has the
most number of items, followed by competency number 5
on impulse, momentum and collision, then by Applications
of Newton’s laws, followed by stress and strain and fluid
mechanics, and lastly the work and energy conservation. If
you can notice, all this topics and competencies achieved
and included in the exams were the coverage for engineering
Physics 111 under the old curriculum, and they deal more on
the introductory part of Physics which is the coverage of
General Physics 1 in the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) strand of the Senior High School,
following the curriculum guide of K-12 program.
Table 3: Matched number of tests items to the course outcomes from the CMO
Course outcomes / competencies in physics for engineers
Number of Items included in
the exam
1) Use calculus to solve problems in force statics and kinematics 24
2) Apply the Newton’s law of motion 8
3) Use calculus to solve work and energy problems 1
4) Apply the law of conservation of energy problems 1
5) Solve problems on impulse and momentum and collisions 11
6) Determine the stress and strain on a body 6
7) Solve simple harmonic motion applications 0
8) Describe the characteristics of fluids at rest and in motion 0
9) Solve basic problems in fluid statics and kinematics 6
10) Describe three methods of heat transfer 0
11) Solve basic problems in heat transfer 0
12) Discuss the properties of waves, modes of vibration of strings and air column 0
13) Define electric current, electric resistance and voltage 0
14) Compute the electric force between electric charges 0
15) Solve problems on resistance and cells in series and parallel 0
16) State Kirchhoff’s rule and apply them in a given circuit 0
17) Describe electromagnetism and apply its principles to problem on magnetic field and torque 0
18) Describe image formation by mirrors and lenses and solve basic optics problems 0
Subsequently, the data above shows that the focus of the
laboratory class examination is on Newtonian classical
mechanics (Kinematics and the forces that acts on a
particular system). The primary reason on having this data is
the instructional material being used in the engineering
laboratory class which is based on the old curriculum where
physics for engineers is divided into 2 subjects namely
Mechanics, and Electricity and Magnetism.
On the level of learned competencies based on the new
curriculum in physics for engineers, the finding revealed that
it is at Fair range because only seven (7) course outcomes
were achieved, and this is based on the scale used by the
researcher to determine the level of learned competencies.
This simply means that something should be done in order
to increase the level of learned competencies for
Engineering Physics. Furthermore, the topics being covered
were already been introduced in the basic education due to
the spiral progression of the K-12 program; hence, the topics
which are least learned should be emphasized more to the
. As shown in Table 3, there are good number of
course outcomes which are not achieved and included in the
examinations in Physics for Engineers specifically;
Thermodynamics, Waves and Optics, and Electricity and
These topics and their course outcomes were
the least learned concepts in Physics, and most students have
difficulties mastering these concepts. Another study
supported the results on the least learned concept. It was
mentioned that Electricity, Magnetism, Optics and
Thermodynamics were the most difficult topics of physics
that students cannot simply grasp and struggle the most
On the study conducted in 2014 instructional materials such
as modules, manual, textbooks and electronic books are
effective in delivering instruction and promote students
performance in content and knowledge acquisition
. Also,
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
on utilization of effective resources in teaching Physics,
achievement level of students increases as the innovative,
updated and contextualize resources are used in delivering
. As a matter of fact, laboratory manuals which
are designed to help students master the least learned
concepts in Physics play an important role in the success of
instruction delivery
. Studies have shown that in order to
address the problem on unachieved course outcomes of the
curriculum, instructional material such as a laboratory
manual should be developed aligned to the existing guide
issued by the commission on higher education.
Experiences and Challenges of Students and Teachers
This section discusses the perceived challenges experienced
by the Physics instructors and students of Engineering
Physics laboratory class.
Table 4 shows distinctive responses from the participants
about the challenges they have experienced. The common
and prevailing problem of the school as shown in table 4 are
lack of updated laboratory instructional materials and
equipment. Topics on the lecture do not coincide or not
related to the activities done in the laboratory. This is also
supported by the findings on the level of learned
competencies which is on fair level. This finding can be
attributed to the lack of updated instructional materials as
well as the laboratory equipment that would result to limited
number of experiments to be performed in order to cover the
stipulated course outcomes in the curriculum.
Obtaining in accurate data was also one of the challenges
expressed by the students which will also boil down to the
common prevailing challenge on the lack of updated and
calibrated laboratory apparatus. Students have said that it is
hard for them to gather accurate data because laboratory
equipment were already rusty and crooked and is difficult to
Table 4: Challenges experienced by the students and teachers in Engineering Physics Laboratory Class
Physics teachers
Lack of laboratory equipment and updated laboratory apparatus
Different teachers in the laboratory and lecture classes
Old instructional materials and laboratory apparatus
Students’ difficulty in following and understanding procedures
Topics on the lecture does not coincide with the laboratory activity
Hard to cope to the new curriculum
Congested topics and Big class size
Defective laboratory apparatus
Classrooms are not conducive for learning
Students who are not STEM strand graduates
Concepts and the procedure on how to conduct experiments were not explained
We are left by our instructor while conducting experiments
Lack of instructional materials such as manuals and laboratory apparatus
Old and uncalibrated laboratory equipment
Some activities in the laboratory are not related to the lesson in the lecture
Difficulty in operating laboratory equipment
Obtaining inaccurate data
Unable to perform experiments because of insufficient materials
We do not have access to the instructional material
Writing the laboratory report consumes most of our time
The conduct of pre-laboratory discussion and post-
laboratory discussion play vital roles in the success of
students experiment sessions; failure to incorporate
comprehensive pre-lab and post lab discussion will mislead
the students and affect the outcome of the activity
. It was
believed that teachers have different practices and different
ways on how to deal with their students, and not all teachers
are doing what students have expressed. The statements of
students above are partly explaining why they have
encountered difficulties in understanding and following
procedures of the experiment. At some point, we can also
attribute the challenges on difficulties of students to
understand the procedures and concepts of experiment on
the instructional materials being used, the students shared
their experience.
In the study of Roberts (1988), it was found out that limited
purchase of instruments, lack of maintenance and
unavailability of the laboratory facilities were also common
challenges experienced by schools
. Subsequently, the
challenges experienced by teachers and students revealed in
table 4 were unconducive classrooms for learning, students
which are not graduates of STEM strands in Senior High
School, congested topics, inaccurate data and etc. It was
emphasized that students who were none product of STEM
strand encounter much difficulties and have tendencies to
shift or change course; hence, it will affect how the teacher
delivers instruction
A major problem of the institution is the lack of updated
instructional materials, facilities and equipment. The
participants express their struggle on their need for
adequate Science materials and equipment especially the
Physics laboratory as shown in table 4. This was supported
by by study of Ramdari, et al. (2019) that Physics learning
is rarely done thoroughly due to many things such as lack
of inventory practical tools, practice rooms, modules,
manuals and incomprehension to poor teaching materials
into practical materials.
This finding was affirmed by Jalmasco (2014) that
approximately 20% of the typical laboratories are present
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
among Philippine schools, which was also supported by
the study of Ongowo and Indoshi (2013), and Roberts
(1988). This is the reason why the students have less
opportunity to engage in laboratory activities and develop
their scientific inquiry. Another challenge that the students
and teachers faced was the lack of laboratory equipment.
This was based on the responses of the students and
teachers and Orleans (2007) affirmed this finding.
Class size can also have a versatile effect in other factors
of the teaching and learning process experience and can
affect in different ways. An example of this is it can have
negative effects on laboratory class interactions. This will
lead to noise, disruptive behaviour, laziness of students to
participate, and greater demand for instructional materials
and facilities which in turn affect the teaching-learning
process. Lesser class size is more advantageous and less
burdensome for teacher, and will enable the teacher to aid
the students need better. Class size can also affect the
materials needed for activities and also for allocated time
(Ehrenberg et al., 2001).
Need of Students and teacher in Engineering Physics 101
This section discusses the needs of the students and teachers
of Engineering Physics laboratory class.
Table 5 shows commonality between the responses from the
teacher and student participants about the urgent needs of
teachers and students in Engineering Physics laboratory
class that are to be addressed as soon as possible. The
common and prevailing needs as shown in table 5 is the
updating of instructional materials and facilities. It was
found out during the conduct of the in-depth interview
(Appendix J) with the teachers and students, as well as in the
focus group discussion to another of teachers and students
(Appendix I), and this is supported also by the findings in
the level of learned competencies which is in Fair level. It is
perceived that due to outdated instructional materials and
facilities limited number of activities can be done in order to
satisfy the course outcome stipulated in the curriculum.
Table 5: Needs of Students and teacher in Engineering
Physics laboratory class
Updated laboratory manual based on the new
Enough laboratory equipment and facilities in the
stock room
Calibrated laboratory apparatus
We need new sets of laboratory materials and
We need laboratory workbook where we can write
observations and data gathered
I want Specific laboratory activities incorporated to
our courses
These needs expressed by the teachers and students are clear
manifestation that there is an existing inadequacy of
laboratory instructional materials and facilities. Roberts
(1988), on her study about the assessment of laboratory
needs, found out that purchase of instruments, installation
and maintenance of the laboratory facilities are the most
common need of the schools in communities. This way of
expressing their needs is also a way of expressing their
desire to have a complete, updated, and sufficient laboratory
facilities as shown in table 5. This is related to the
encountered challenges of the teachers and students which
are lack of instructional materials and laboratory apparatus
which were mentioned in the previous discussion and in
table 4. It was pointed out during the interview and focus
group discussion that this needs would affect the attitudes of
the participants in the teaching-learning process.
As perceived by the students when the needs will be
addressed this will help them become more advanced in
terms of skills, learning and facilities. This would also help
them learn in a different way and would trigger curiosity,
stimulate interest and critical thinking that would enable
them to apply their learnings in the real life scenario. Based
on the results of study done by Ongowo and Indoshi (2013)
on the analysis of undergraduate laboratory manuals, high
percentage of basic science process skills is incorporated
rather than to integrate complex science process skills which
are highly needed in tertiary education.
On the other hand, teachers have also enumerated some
effects on the way they teach Engineering Physics when this
needs will be provided. It would be easier for them to
conduct classes and this will make them more efficient and
The data sources have many implications when the needs of
the students and teachers will not be addressed. For the
students, writing the laboratory reports will be a burden
because their teacher focuses more on neatness than
accuracy because of the lack and defective facilities. They
can’t also enjoy and feel the impact of learning laboratory
activities, and they will become lazy and dependent on their
group mates in doing the experiments. On teachers end, they
will be more creative and wise in strategizing on how to
regroup and devise a plan in order for the students to
conduct the activity; also they are just going with the flow,
letting things be whatever they are just to avoid stress while
teaching the subject. According to Nyanda (2011), learning
Science subjects in absence of well-equipped Science
laboratory, students cannot master Science concept,
knowledge and nature of the Science. In addition,
encountered difficulties in facilitating Inquiry to their
Science students will lead to failure of the specific goals of
practical work to be attained. On the other hand, students
also account difficulties to interact with phenomena as well
as materials in order to enhance meaningful learning
process. Lastly, the absence of a well-equipped laboratory
would possibly hinder the leaning to occur as well as
teaching process to failure.
Suggestions and possible remedies to the perceived
challenges experienced by the students and teachers
This section presents the possible ways to overcome the
challenges that were enumerated in the previous discussions
and this part answer’s the fourth statement of the problem.
Table 6 shows the suggestions given by the students and
teachers on how to provide the needs and address the
challenges they have experienced while taking and teaching
Engineering Physics laboratory class, respectively.
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Suggestions were taken during the conduct of focus group
discussion and in-depth interview. There are common and
prevailing suggestions from both teacher and students such
as updating of laboratory manual which is aligned to the
new curriculum, purchase new laboratory equipment and
apparatus based on the instructional material, and make the
classroom conducive for learning by decongesting the
number of members per group which will make the
teaching-learning process in Physics for Engineers better.
It was stated that lack of instructional materials and
facilities, and its alignment to the curriculum were the
primary challenge faced by the participants, and their needs
are updated laboratory materials and facilities, which give
light to the prevailing suggestion of updating the laboratory
manual and that is aligned to the curriculum and purchasing
of new and enough laboratory apparatus and equipment.
Gobaw (2016) recommended in his study that developing a
harmonized and standard laboratory manual with all the
necessary scientific skills would promote the students’ use
of much integrated scientific skills. Also, it was mentioned
by the participants that they have big number of members
per group because of the fact that the class is oversized, and
it pave the way for the participants to suggest the reducing
of the number of group members into 2-4 persons per group
which was also suggested in the study of Pascal and Schultz
(2002) because it greatly affects the educational production
function of a student.. Looking into the data source there is
really need to aid and act on the prevailing challenges based
on the suggestions enumerated by the participants.
Table 6: Suggestions and Possible Remedies to the
challenges experienced by the students and teachers
Buy new laboratory apparatus based on the
instructional materials
Update the laboratory manual aligned to the new
Reduce class size
Teacher should have a demonstration table
Video clip on how to conduct every activity
To have a projector inside the laboratory classrooms
There should be enough or more number of laboratory
Regular checking and calibration of laboratory
Make classrooms more conducive
The teacher in the laboratory should be the same with
the lecture
Reduced the number of group members to 2-4 persons.
There should be a guide that will enables us, students to
be aware of the succeeding activities.
The instructor should do pre-lab and post lab discussion
Align the activities in the laboratory to the topics in
Update the laboratory materials and facilities based on
the number of students and instructional material
Teachers guidance during the conduct of experiment
There should be an updated laboratory manual
Teachers should be prepared well for the class, and
answer students questions
Classroom rules and regulations should be established
Physics major teacher should handle the subject.
Part of the suggestions is the conduct of pre-laboratory and
post-laboratory discussions which was suggested by the
students and was also suggested by the participants in the
study of Gobaw (2016), in order to address the problem on
understanding the concept behind the laboratory activity and
follow the steps on how to conduct the activity properly so
that they can gather an accurate data. On the other hand,
teachers suggested to have demonstration table, additional
projector on laboratory rooms and video clip of the
procedure for every activity in order for them to do the pre-
lab and post lab discussion and also to provide students a
clear grasp on how the activity will be done and will help
them overcome the difficulty in doing the experiment and
will enable teachers to come to class prepared.
Other suggestions shown in table 6 were regular checking
and calibration of laboratory equipment, establishing well
the classroom regulations, conducting learning assessment,
physics teacher should be handling the class, and etc. All of
the suggestions above were perceived by the participants for
the betterment of the delivery of instruction as well as to
mitigate and gradually to eliminate the challenges that they
have experienced.
Development of Laboratory Manual
From the aforementioned analysis, discussions and
suggestions, the researcher was able to develop a laboratory
manual in Physics for Engineers in order to address the
needs and challenges, and to materialize the prevailing
suggestion of the participant which is to develop an updated
curriculum-based instructional material in a form of
laboratory manual.
The laboratory manual contains 12 different activities. The
activities were selected and included based on the least
learned competencies as indicated in the levelling and
matching of test items to the CMO based on the new
curriculum for engineering courses specifically on physics
for engineers. The completed laboratory manual was first
subjected to expert validation and evaluation. Design,
development, or even selection of instructional materials can
be quite challenging depending on the subject, goal, target
audience, context and so on (Sebdurur et al., 2016).
The developed laboratory manual is titled “Ɛpsilon:
Laboratory Manual in Physics for Engineers 1.It contains
laboratory experiments and activities that will allow the
student perform practical applications that can expand the
knowledge and understanding of the engineering students on
the concepts of Physics that are taught in the lecture
subjects. The experiments included in the manual were
aligned with the competencies and course outcomes
prescribed and required by the new engineering physics
curriculum from the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED). Every activity in the manual contained several
parts, which include the introduction, objectives or learning
outcomes, materials of the experiment, procedures on how
to conduct the activity, tables and data sheets, follow-up
questions, and summary and conclusions.
Each worksheet of the manual has an introductory paragraph
to give the students the concepts and the ideas of what topic
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
they are working on and this will serve as a review on what
they have discussed in the lecture. The objectives or the
learning outcomes provide the specific target that should be
attained after performing the experiment. Next is the
procedure which is the step-by-step process on how to do
the experiment and obtain correctly the accurate data needed
for the data sheets and tables. The data sheets will serve as
the basis on how to discuss the results of the experiment. It
will be part of the follow-up questions, and this will help to
verify whether the activity was done correctly. Lastly, the
summary and conclusions where the data and its
implications are included and will fulfil the stated learning
outcomes in the experiment. When the task in the manual
will be done accordingly, it will help the students support
their scientific inquiry and develop understanding about
scientific ideas through experience (Yang &Lui, 2016).
Content and Face Validity of the Laboratory Manual
To secure the validity, appropriateness and usefulness of the
developed laboratory manual, expert-validators were asked
to validate it. The criteria for evaluation include content
Quality (Table 7), technical quality (Table 8), and
instructional quality (Table 9).
As shown from Table 7, the validators strongly agreed that
the developed laboratory manual has content validity (M =
4.69, SD = 0.36). Each indicator received a strongly agree
remarks and showed that the manual is scientifically
adequate and accurate and emphasizes active learning. Also,
its activities were relevant to the objectives, aligned to the
curriculum, well organized and free from stereotypes, except
with the indicator on allowing the development of multiple
intelligences (M = 4.00, SD = 0.00) which the validators just
agreed on it. Gardner (1982), pointed that the intelligence of
a person cannot be summed up into a single number. It is
more than scholastic ability, and the student learning will
increase with differentiated instructions. Shearer (2018) said
that experiments and practical activities are not the sole
source of multiple intelligence development but also
personalized learning strategies. Content knowledge is very
important and is related to student learning (Magnusson et
al., 1992). Teachers with strong content knowledge are more
likely to teach in ways that help students construct
knowledge, pose appropriate questions, suggest alternative
explanations, and propose additional inquiries (Alonzo,
2002; Gess-Newsome& Lederman, 1995; Roehrig & Luft,
2004), and is more efficient when appropriate manual is
used for teaching.
Table 7: Validators’ evaluation on the Content quality of Developed manual
Weighted Mean SD Remarks
1) The content is scientifically adequate and accurate. 4.75 0.50 SA
2) Emphasize active learning. 4.50 0.58 SA
3) Contents of each activity is relevant to the objectives. 4.75 0.50 SA
4) It is well organized. 4.75 0.50 SA
5) It evaluates student learning as stated in objectives. 5.00 0.00 SA
6) It allows the development of multiple intelligences. 4.00 0.00 A
7) Topics are supported by illustrations and tasks suited to students. 4.75 0.50 SA
8) It is aligned to curriculum. 5.00 0.00 SA
9) The contents are free to ethnic, gender, and other stereotypes. 4.75 0.50 SA
Composite 4.69
0.36 SA
1.0-1.40=Not applicable 2.41-3.40=Disagree
4.41-5.00=Strongly Agree
1.41-2.40=Strongly Disagree 3.41-4.40=Agree
In terms of technical quality, the developed laboratory
manual got a very favourable rating as shown in Table 8 (M
= 4.58, SD = 0.45) which means that validators strongly
agreed to most of the indicators. Although 2 indicators
namely, layout and design are attractive (M = 4.25, SD =
0.50); and the manual is aesthetically pleasing (M = 4.25,
SD = 0.50) which received an “agree” rating from the
validators. It was suggested that artistic layout and the over-
all look of the manual should be improved. Research
literature suggests that the quality of learning material is
enhanced if the material is designed to take into account the
learners individual preference and learning style (Ramussen,
1998; Riding & Grimley 1999; and Rogayan & Dollete,
Table 8: Validators’ evaluation on the Technical Quality of the Developed laboratory Manual
Technical Quality
Weighted Mean SD Remarks
1) The manual is easy to understand. 4.75 0.50 SA
2) The manual allows learner to control pace of learning 4.75 0.50 SA
3) The graphics are excellent 4.50 0.58 SA
4) The layout and design are attractive 4.25 0.50 A
5) Intend users can easily and independently use the manual. 4.75 0.50 SA
6) The language used is clear, concise, and motivating. 4.50 0.58 SA
7) The manual is aesthetically pleasing 4.25 0.50 A
8) The symbols used are well-define 4.75 0.50 SA
9) Topics are presented in a logical and sequential order. 4.75 0.50 SA
4.58 0.45 SA
Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
1.0-1.40=Not applicable
4.41-5.00=Strongly Agree
1.41-2.40=Strongly Disagree
Furthermore, the validators strongly agreed on the
instructional quality (M = 4.64, SD = 0.42) of the laboratory
manual which is shown in Table 9. Almost all of the
indicators received a strongly agree remark except for the
indicator about the current trends in Physics instruction and
experiments (M = 4.25, SD = 0.50). Nevertheless, two of the
indicators under the instructional quality got a perfect rating
(M = 5.00, SD = 0.00) from the validators which indicates
that the manual is of high educational value, and addresses
the needs and concern of the students which is the primary
purpose of developing this laboratory manual.
Table 9: Validators’ evaluation on the instructional quality
of the laboratory manual
Instructional Quality
1) It provides feedback on accuracy of
the student’s answer.
4.75 0.50 SA
2) It is of high educational value. 5.00 0.00 SA
3) It is a good supplement of the
4.50 0.58 SA
4) It addresses the needs and concern of
the students
5.00 0.00 SA
5) The manual facilitates collaborative
and interactive learning.
4.50 0.58 SA
6) It integrates student’s previous
4.50 0.58 SA
7) The manual introduction helps
answering follow-up questions.
4.75 0.50 SA
8) It reflects current trends in physics
instruction and experiments.
4.25 0.50 A
9) The graphics, and colours used are
appropriate for instructional objectives.
4.50 0.58 SA
Composite 4.64 0.42 SA
1.0-1.40=Not applicable 2.41-3.40=Disagree
4.41-5.00=Strongly Agree
1.41-2.40=Strongly Disagree 3.41-4.40=Agree
Table 10 shows the summary of evaluations done by the
experts on the laboratory manual. As reflected in Table 10,
the developed laboratory manual received a favourable
rating from the experts (M = 4.64, SD = 0.26) which implied
that the validators strongly agree with all the aspect of the
developed laboratory manual. Content Quality (M = 4.69,
SD = 0.30) rank first, followed by the instructional Quality
(M = 4.64, SD = 0.25), and Technical Quality (M = 4.58, SD
= 0.22).
Table 10: Summary of experts’ validation of the Developed
Laboratory Manual
Criteria Mean & SD Remarks Rank
Content Quality 4.69±0.30 SA 1
Technical Quality 4.58±0.22 SA 3
Instructional Quality
SA 2
Composite 4.64±0.26 SA
1.0-1.40=Not applicable 2.41-3.40=Disagre
4.41-5.00=Strongly Agree
1.41-2.40=Strongly Disagree 3.41-4.40=Agree
The expert validators provided positive feedback in the
developed laboratory manual and were looking forward for
the benefits it would provide to the teachers and students in
the teaching-learning process once it will be used for
instruction. This research finding agrees with several
research studies (Rogayan & Dollete, 2019; Evangelista, et
al., 2014; Ocampo, 2015; Pastor, et al., 2015). Tomlinson
(1998) commented that the impact of instructional materials
and facilities were achieved when the materials have
noticeable effect on learners when they are stimulating
curiosity, interest and attention are attracted. Likewise, when
teachers use instructional materials in teaching it improves
the performance of the students and enables teachers to
clarify their lessons (Leonen, 2016).
4. Conclusion
Based from the findings, the following conclusions were
1) In the implementation of the new curriculum for
Engineering Physics, the level of learned competencies is
fair and there lots of challenges that should be addressed
such as inadequate updated laboratory instructional
materials and facilities, big class size, and lots of course
outcomes were not achieved which has serious impact in
teaching and learning process.
2) The needs that should be addressed urgently to make the
teaching learning process better were updated
instructional materials and facilities, and reduce the class
size which were also strongly suggested by the
participants to be materialized to cope with the
3) The developed laboratory manual was found to be very
much acceptable as validated by experts. The expert-
validators strongly agree that the “Ɛpsilon: Laboratory
Manual in Physics for Engineers” possesses excellent
content, technical, and instructional quality.
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
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Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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Paper ID: SR201002120011
DOI: 10.21275/SR201002120011