UndergraduateK-12 Education
National Center for Women & Information Technology
Equal Access: Inclusive Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities (Case Study 3)
Recruiting and Retaining Women through Inclusive Pedagogy
More students with learning and physical disabilities are in the
educational pipeline than ever before. Being aware of the issues,
tools, and services for students with disabilities makes it easier for
them to learn and for you to teach them. Below is a summary of
tips from Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction, a resource
provided by DO-IT(Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and
Technology) at the University of Washington. DO-IT’s mission is to
increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities
in challenging academic programs and careers, including science,
engineering, math, and technology.
IT at the K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and career levels.
This case study describes a research-inspired practice that may need further
evaluation. Try it, and let us know your results.
Copyright © 2011
NCWIT Strategic Partners: National Science Foundation, Microsoft, and Bank of America
NCWIT Investment Partners: Avaya, Pfizer, and Merck
Burgstahler, S. (2010). Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction, University of
Washington. The communication tips shared above are used with permission
of DO-IT.
Sevo, R. (2011). Basics About Disabilities and Science and Engineering Education.
Georgia Institute of Technology.
Make sure that assistive technology can be made available
in the computer lab.
Invite students to meet with you and discuss disability-
related accommodations.
Ensure physical access to all facilities.
Arrange instructional spaces to minimize distraction and
maximize visibility and comfort.
Ensure that everyone can see and use equipment and
materials safely and effectively.
Learn campus procedures for accommodation requests
(e.g., arrangement of sign language interpreters).
Ask a person with a disability if he or she needs help before
providing assistance.
Speak directly to the student, not through his or her
companion or interpreter.
Refer to a person’s disability only if it is relevant. Always
Avoid negative descriptions of a disability. For example, say
a wheelchair.”
Never interact with a person’s guide or service dog
without permission.
Blind or Low Vision
Verbally describe all of the content presented with overhead
projections and other visuals.
Offer persons with visual impairments your arm rather than
grabbing or pushing them.
Learning Disabilities
Offer directions or instructions both orally and in writing. If
learning disabilities.
Mobility Impairments
Position yourself at the approximate height of people sitting
in wheelchairs when you interact.
Speech Impairments
Repeat what you think you understand and then ask the
person with a speech impairment to clarify or repeat what
you did not understand.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Face people with hearing impairments so they can see
your lips.
Speak clearly at a normal volume.
Use paper and pencil if the person who is deaf does not read
lips or if more accurate communication is needed.
Ask students in groups to raise their hands when they speak
so that their deaf peer knows who is speaking.
When an interpreter voices what a student who is deaf signs,
look at the student, not the interpreter.
Psychiatric Impairments
Provide information in clear, calm, respectful tones.
conversation with a person with a disability. Every situation
Richard Ladner, University of Washington Department of
Computer Science and Engineering
UndergraduateK-12 Education
Copyright © 2011
National Center for Women & Information Technology
with Case Study 3
Visit www.ncwit.org/practices to nd out more.
Eisenhart, M. & Finkel, E. (1998). Women’s science: Learning and succeeding from the margins. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Hiemstra, R. (1991). Aspects of effective learning environments. In R. Hiemstra (Ed.), New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 5-12). San Francisco, CA:
Both the physical and the social aspects of a learning
environment inuence student participation and
satisfaction, as well as learning itself. For example, when
students’ seatsareboltedto theoor facinga lectern,
student collaboration can be inhibited.
An important aspect of a classroom learning environment
is the communication climate. When instruction is
mainly lecture-based with few or no opportunities for
interaction, students have little expectation that they
will, can, or should learn from each other. Under these
circumstances students may resist different teaching
methods such as student-led discussion or small group-
work. Studies show, however, that with effective teaching,
small group-discussion enables students to effectively
internalize and apply interpretive procedures. Hearing
other students talk about the concepts being taught has
the supportive relationships and the network of learning
partners students can develop. So, despite the years
of socialization and expectations that students (and
instructors) bring with them, new routines can quickly
develop into new norms.
Physiology is important, but learning occurs within social
environments, and it is mediated by the communication norms
of those environments. As NCWIT Social Science Network
member Margaret Eisenhart and colleague Elizabeth Finkel
wrote, learning develops when one “changes from novice to
expert, newcomer to old-timer, or naïve to mature practitioners
in a social practice such as the activities of a science curriculum
or an engineering workplace” (p. 8).
theme in STEM and IT research. Women are more likely than
men to lose condence in their ability to complete the tasks
required for earning acceptable grades, even when their
performance is equal to males’. This loss of condence can
maintain mental models of the types of people who belong
and what they can or should contribute. For example, two
studies in engineering showed that despite entering their
engineering majors with stronger academic preparation than
their male peers, women were often considered less capable
academically, or even described as “not the real engineering
type.” Not surprisingly, women in these studies eventually came
to view themselves in the same way, resulting in either dropping
out or practicing on the margins in their project groups. With
repeated (and often subtle) messages that one is not like
the other students—not as smart, not interested in the same
imagine oneself developing the identity of a computer scientist.
Classroom opportunities for holding intellectual conversations
can help to alleviate the loss of condence among women,
while allowing them to develop support groups and networks
of intellectual support. Hearing other students talk about what
they are learning gives women better information for making
judgments about whether they in fact do belong there. And,
other students hearing women’s intellectual talk forces them
to recognize that women are competent contributors to the
intellectual enterprise.
Despite the years of
socialization and expectations
that students (and instructors)
bring with them, new routines
can quickly develop into
new norms.
NCWIT Strategic Partners: National Science Foundation, Microsoft, and Bank of America
NCWIT Investment Partners: Avaya, Pfizer, and Merck