AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 1
AVMA Guidelines for the
Humane Slaughter
of Animals: 2016 Edition
Members of the Panel on Humane Slaughter
Steven Leary, DVM, DACLAM (Chair); Washington University, St Louis, Missouri
Wendy Underwood, DVM, DACVIM (Vice Chair); Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis,
Raymond Anthony, PhD (Ethicist); University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska
Douglas Corey, DVM (Equine Working Group); Associated Veterinary Medical Center,
Walla Walla, Washington
Temple Grandin, PhD (Physical Methods Working Group); Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado
Sharon Gwaltney-Brant, DVM, PhD, DABVT, DABT (Noninhaled Agents Working Group);
Veterinary Information Network, Mahomet, Illinois
Robert Meyer, DVM, DACVAA (Inhaled Agents Working Group); Mississippi State University,
Mississippi State, Mississippi
Joe Regenstein, PhD (Religious/Ritual Slaughter); Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Jan Shearer, DVM, DACAW (Animals Farmed for Food and Fiber Working Group);
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Stephen A. Smith, DVM, PhD (Aquatics Working Group); Virginia-Maryland College
of Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg, Virginia
AVMA Staff Consultants
Gail C. Golab, PhD, DVM, MANZCVS, DACAW; Chief Advocacy and Public Policy Officer,
Advocacy and Public Policy SBU
Cia Johnson, DVM, MS; Director, Animal Welfare Division
2 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
Copyright © 2016 by the
American Veterinary Medical Association
1931 N. Meacham Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
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ISBN 978-1-882691-07-4
Version 2016.0.1
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 3
Part I—Introduction
Historical Context, Membership of the Panel,
and Notes on the Current Edition
................. 6
I2. Statement of Use ............................................... 6
I3. Evaluating Slaughter Methods .......................... 6
I4. Stress and Distress, Unconsciousness,
and Pain ............................................................ 7
I5. Animal Behavioral Considerations ................... 9
I6. Human Behavioral Considerations ................... 9
I7. References ....................................................... 10
Part II—History of Regulations, Industry
Guidance and Employee Training
in the United States
History of Regulation of Slaughter in the
United States ................................................... 11
H2. Enforcement of Humane Slaughter in the
United States ................................................... 11
H3. Auditing by Private Industry .......................12
H3.1 Clear Comments .................................... 12
H3.2 Video Auditing by Industry ................... 13
H4. References ....................................................... 13
Part III—Design of Facilities and
Slaughter Process
D1. Handling Procedures at Slaughter Plants for
Hoofstock ....................................................... 14
D1.1 Step 1—Arrival at the Plant ..................... 14
D1.1.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 14
D1.1.2 Corrective Action for Problems .......... 14
D1.2 Step 2—Unloading ................................... 14
D1.2.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 14
D1.2.2 Corrective Action for Problems .......... 15
D1.3 Step 3—Receiving .................................... 15
D1.3.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 15
D1.3.2 Corrective Actions for Problems ......... 15
D1.4 Step 4—Lairage ........................................ 15
D1.4.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 16
D1.4.2 Corrective Actions for Problems ......... 16
D1.5 Step 5—Handling System......................... 16
D1.5.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 16
D1.5.2 Corrective Actions for Handling
Problems ............................................ 17
D1.6 Step 6—Restraint ..................................... 18
D1.6.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 18
D1.7 Conditions That Cause Welfare
Problems .................................................. 19
D2. Handling
Procedures at Slaughter Plants
for Poultry ...................................................... 19
D2.1 Step 1—Electric Stunning, CAS, and
LAPS: Arrival and Lairage ........................ 19
D2.1.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 20
D2.1.2 Corrective Action for Problems .......... 20
D2.1.3 Handling and Stunning ....................... 20
D2.2 Step 2A—Birds Moved to Stunning Area
and Stunning With CAS and LAPS .......... 20
D2.2.1 CAS Live Unloading ............................ 20
D2.2.2 CAS or LAPS in Transport
Containers .......................................... 20
D2.2.3 Types of CAS and LAPS Chamber
Equipment .......................................... 20
Anesthetized on the Truck .................. 20
Drawers Moved Through a Tunnel ..... 20
LAPS System ....................................... 20
D2.2.4 Detection of Problems With CAS or
LAPS of Poultry .................................. 20
D2.2.5 Correction of Problems With CAS or
LAPS ................................................... 21
D2.3 Step 3A—Removal of Birds From CAS or
LAPS Chamber ......................................... 21
D2.4 Step 2B—Birds Moved to Stunning Area
for Electric Stunning ................................ 21
D2.4.1 Detection of Problems During
Unloading and Shackling for Electric
Stunning .............................................. 21
D2.4.2 Correction of Problems During
Unloading and Shackling For Electric
Stunning ............................................. 21
D2.5 Step 3B—Electric Stunning ...................... 21
D2.5.1 Detection of Problems During
Electric Stunning of Poultry ................ 21
D2.5.2 Correction of Problems With Electric
Stunning ............................................. 21
D3. References
Part IV—Techniques
Atmospheric Methods ..................................... 24
T1.1 Controlled Atmosphere .........................24
T1.1.1 CAS Design .......................................... 25
Detection of Problems ......................... 26
Corrective Action for Problems ............ 26
T1.1.2 Conclusions ......................................... 26
T1.2 Low Atmospheric Pressure ....................... 26
T1.2.1 Conclusions ......................................... 27
T2. Physical Methods ........................................ 28
T2.1 Concussive ............................................. 28
T2.1.1 Penetrating Captive Bolt Guns .......... 28
General Recommendations ............... 28
Detection of Problems ....................... 28
Corrective Action for Problems ......... 28
T2.1.2 Nonpenetrating Captive Bolt Guns ... 29
Detection of Problems ....................... 29
Corrective Action for Problems ......... 29
T2.1.3 Gunshot ............................................ 29
Basic Principles of Firearms .............. 29
Muzzle Energy Requirements ............ 30
Bullet Selection .................................. 30
Firearm Safety ................................... 31
Detection of Problems ....................... 31
Corrective Action for Problems ......... 31
Anatomic Landmarks for Use of the
Penetrating Captive Bolt and Gunshot ...32
4 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
T2.2 Electric...................................................... 33
T2.2.1 Principles ............................................. 34
T2.2.2 Methods ............................................... 35
T2.2.3 Signs of Effective Stunning .................. 35
T2.2.4 General Recommendations ................. 36
Meat Quality ........................................ 36
Cattle ................................................... 36
Pigs and Small Ruminants ................... 36
Poultry ................................................. 37
T2.2.5 Detection of Problems ......................... 38
T2.2.6 Corrective Action for Problems ........... 38
T2.3 Other Physical Methods ........................... 39
T2.3.1 Decapitation ........................................ 39
T2.3.2 Cervical Dislocation ............................ 39
T3. References ....................................................... 40
Part V—Unique Species Issues
Additional Considerations: Bovine ................. 45
U1.1 Bulls .......................................................45
U1.2 Cull Cows................................................. 45
U1.3 Nonambulatory Cattle ............................. 45
U1.3.1 Downer Cow Syndrome ...................... 46
U1.3.2 The Prevention of Nonambulatory
Cattle and Downer Cow Syndrome .... 46
U1.4 Bob Veal .................................................... 46
U1.5 Fetal Effects .............................................. 47
U2. Additional Considerations: Swine .................. 47
U2.1 Nonambulatory Swine ............................. 47
U2.1.1 Preventing Nonambulatory Swine ...... 48
U3. Handling and Slaughter of Rabbits .................... 48
U3.1 Handling Procedures for Rabbits ............. 48
U4. Slaughter of Food Fish Intended for Human
Consumption ................................................. 50
U4.1 General Considerations ............................ 50
U4.2 Preparation and Environment for Food
Fish Slaughter ............................................ 50
U4.3 Methods of Slaughter for Food Fish ........ 50
Carbon Dioxide........................................ 51
Captive Bolt (Most Commonly
Nonpenetrating; One Step) ...................... 51
Gunshot .................................................... 51
Pithing ...................................................... 51
Manually Applied Blunt Force Trauma
(Cranial Concussion) Followed by
Secondary Kill Step ................................... 51
Decapitation Followed by Secondary
Kill Step ..................................................... 52
Cervical Transection Using a Knife or
Other Sharp Instrument Inserted Caudal
to the Skull to Sever the Spinal Cord and
Cervical Vertebrae, Followed by
Secondary Kill Step ................................... 52
Electrocution ............................................. 52
Exsanguination as a Secondary Kill Step .... 52
Rapid Chilling (Hypothermic Shock;
One Step or Two Step) .............................. 52
U4.4 Conclusions ............................................. 52
U5. Handling and Slaughter of Ratites ..................... 52
U6. Handling and Slaughter of Alligators ................. 54
U7. References ........................................................... 54
Part VI—Design of Facilities and Slaughter
Process for Religious Slaughter
R1. Handling Procedures at Slaughter Plants for
Hoofstock ........................................................ 59
R1.1 Step 1—Arrival at the Plant ...................... 59
R1.2 Step 2—Unloading ................................... 59
R1.3 Step 3—Receiving..................................... 59
R1.4 Step 4—Lairage ........................................ 59
R1.5 Step 5—Handling System ......................... 59
R1.6 Step 6—Restraint ...................................... 59
R1.6.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 59
R1.6.2 Corrective Action for Problems
With Restraint .................................... 59
R1.7 Step 7—Performing the Throat Cut ......... 60
R1.7.1 Detection of Problems ......................... 61
R1.7.2 Painfulness of the Cut ......................... 61
R1.7.3 Time to Lose Consciousness ............... 61
R1.7.4 Aspiration of Blood ............................. 62
R1.7.5 Corrective Action for Problems ........... 62
R2. Auditing Religious Slaughter to Improve
Animal Welfare for Both Kosher and Halal
Slaughter of Cattle, Sheep, or Goats ............... 62
R3. Auditing Religious Slaughter to Improve
Animal Welfare for Both Kosher and Halal
Slaughter of Chickens, Turkeys, and Other
Poultry ............................................................ 63
R4. The Importance of Measurement .................... 63
R5. References ....................................................... 63
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 5
In 1963, the AVMA convened the first POE to pro-
vide guidance for veterinarians who perform or oversee
the euthanasia of animals. In 2011, the AVMA POE de-
termined there was a need to address and evaluate the
methods and agents that veterinarians may encounter
when animals are killed under conditions where meet-
ing the POE definition of euthanasia may not be pos-
sible. The guidance contained within this document
relates to the humane slaughter of animals intended for
use as food.
The content of the AVMA Guidelines for the Hu-
mane Slaughter of Animals (Guidelines) reflects the
AVMAs on-going commitment to ensure that the treat-
ment of animals during every stage of life, including
during the induction of death, is as humane and re-
spectful as possible. While much remains to be learned
about animal pain and consciousness and new evidence
and technological innovation may lead to the adop-
tion of more humane techniques, this edition of the
Guidelines relies on the scientific evidence currently
available. In interpreting that evidence, the POHS was
committed to ensuring, to the best of its ability, that no
unnecessary pain or distress is inflicted on conscious
animals used for food prior to or during slaughter.
These Guidelines are part of a triad of documents on
humane killing—the other two being the AVMA Guide-
lines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition
the anticipated AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation
of Animals.
The latter half of the 20th century and the first
two decades of the 21st century have seen the prolif-
eration of the scientific study of animals’ welfare to ad-
dress public concerns regarding the ethical treatment of
animals, especially those used in biomedical research
and raised and slaughtered for food.
The treatment of
animals is an important subject for public debate and
discussion, especially in light of growing adoption of
intensive forms of agricultural and aquacultural pro-
duction and increased interest in food quality, safety,
and quantity. Additionally, the scientific community
and the public share an interest in the possibility of
substantial cognitive, emotional, psychological, and
social abilities in nonhuman species. Attention to ques-
tions about the moral status of animals has meant that
veterinarians and others have had to demonstrate to
the public due diligence in their professional roles. Ap-
proximately 10% to15% of veterinarians are involved in
promoting the health and welfare of animals that will
eventually become food.
Commensurate with increased attention to how
their meat is processed and prepared, the public has
shown greater interest in the quality of life provided for
animals raised for food, including the environments in
which they are raised, how they are handled and man-
aged, and how they are slaughtered and processed for
human consumption. Contemporary slaughter practic-
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter
of Animals: 2016 Edition
es are considerably improved over those of times past,
but additional innovation is needed and possible. Care-
ful attention to empirical issues is essential when as-
sessing farming practices and slaughter methods from
an ethical perspective.
The POHS has worked diligently to identify and ap-
ply the best research and empirical information avail-
able to promote the humane slaughter of the species of
animals addressed in this document. Mechanical and
physical methods, electrical methods, and controlled
atmosphere and gas methods are used to bring about
unconsciousness through physical disruption, hypoxia,
neuronal depression, or epileptiform brain activity in
food animals at slaughter. A range of factors, includ-
ing expanded knowledge about the cognitive capabili-
ties of animals, technological and economic conditions,
and social and ethical considerations affecting the sus-
tainability of animal agriculture, the care and manage-
ment of food animals, and food security, will influence
the recommendations in this and future editions of this
document. The AVMA encourages its members to utilize
their scientific knowledge and practical expertise to pro-
tect and promote the health and welfare of all animals.
The Guidelines do not venture into the morality
of killing animals for food. The POHS’s focus was on
what should happen to animals when slaughter is their
ultimate fate. When animals are designated for slaugh-
ter, they should be treated with respect and handled ap-
propriately, and the slaughter process should limit the
harms experienced by these animals. Humane slaughter
methods and agents are designed to bring about rapid
loss of consciousness and, ultimately, a complete loss of
brain function in animals destined for use as food. This
means minimizing (and, where possible, eliminating)
anxiety, pain, and distress associated with terminating
the lives of the following species of animals: hoofstock
(cattle, bison, horses and mules, sheep, goats, swine,
deer, elk), poultry (chickens, turkey, pheasants, ratites,
geese, ducks), fish, alligators, and rabbits. The process
of termination, as defined here, encompasses the period
from which a farmed animal designated for human food
consumption is off-loaded at a slaughter facility until it
is verified to be unconscious and, ultimately, dead and
ready for entry into the food chain.
CAS Controlled atmosphere stunning
CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency
EEG Electroencephalography
FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service
HMSA Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act
LAPS Low-atmospheric-pressure stunning
LOP Loss of position or posture
LORR Loss of the righting reflex
OIE World Organisation for Animal Health
POE Panel on Euthanasia
POHS Panel on Humane Slaughter
SEP Somatosensory evoked potential
6 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
While the POHS is motivated primarily by the sci-
ence and ethics of animals’ welfare, members of the
Panel are also sensitive to adjacent concerns related to
the slaughter of animals. These include, nonexhaus-
tively, public health and safety, food safety and quality,
environmental and economic sustainability, production
adequacy and sustainability, occupational health and
impact on the labor force, international animal welfare
and trade standards, and religious and cultural expecta-
tions. These issues, however, are not the main focus of
this document. The veterinarian’s primary responsibil-
ity of doing what is in the animal’s best interest under
the circumstances (ie, using the most appropriate and
painless slaughter method possible and considering the
context of animals’ welfare in the United States) should
not be displaced by quality, quantity, or economic
The AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Ani-
mals: 2013 Edition should be consulted if individual
animals are deemed inappropriate for the food chain.
The anticipated AVMA Guidelines for the Depopula-
tion of Animals should be consulted in the event that
a zoonotic disease, a foreign animal disease, a natural
disaster, or another concern for population health is the
I1 Historical Context, Membership of the Panel,
and Notes on the Current Edition
The membership of the POHS included consid-
erable breadth and depth of expertise in the affected
species and environments in which humane slaughter
is performed. These Guidelines represent more than 2
years’ worth of deliberation by more than 15 individu-
als, including veterinarians, animal scientists, and an
animal ethicist. In reviewing the literature and formu-
lating their recommendations, members of the Panel
tapped the expertise ofcolleagues in pertinent fields
and also received invaluable input from AVMA mem-
bers and others during a designated comment period.
The scientific integrity and practical utility of these
Guidelines are a direct result of AVMA members’ input,
as well as suggestions from others concerned about the
welfare of animals used for food and, specifically, tech-
niques used for slaughter.
In these Guidelines, methods, techniques, and
agents used to slaughter animals humanely are dis-
cussed. Illustrations, diagrams, and tables have been
included to assist veterinarians in applying their pro-
fessional judgment. Species-specific information is pro-
vided for terrestrial and aquatic species that are com-
monly farmed and slaughtered for food.
The Guidelines acknowledge that the slaughter of
animals used for food is a process involving more than
what happens to the animal at the time of its death,
and that veterinary responsibilities associated with
slaughter are not limited to the moment or procedure
of killing the animal. In addition to delineating appro-
priate methods and agents for slaughter, the Guidelines
recognize the importance of considering and applying
good preslaughter and animal-handling practices. In-
formation about confirmation of death has also been in-
cluded. While some slaughter methods may be utilized
in euthanasia and depopulation, recommendations
related to euthanasia and depopulation are addressed
specifically in other documents created by their respec-
tive Panels.
I2 Statement of Use
The POHS has developed these Guidelines for use
by members of the veterinary profession who have an
interest in the humane slaughter of hoofstock, poul-
try, rabbits, alligators, and fish. The POHS’s objective
in creating the Guidelines is to provide guidance for
veterinarians about how to prevent pain and distress in
animals that have been designated for slaughter. While
we believe the Guidelines contains valuable informa-
tion that can help assure and improve animals’ welfare
during slaughter, it is important to understand that the
and its regulations provide final federal author-
ity regarding slaughter practices in the United States.
These Guidelines do not address methods and
techniques involved in the termination of animals
hunted for food (subsistence or otherwise) or animals
raised primarily for their fur or fiber.
Veterinarians experienced in the species of inter-
est should be consulted when choosing a method of
slaughter, especially for those species not covered by
the HMSA (eg, poultry, fish). To minimize distress to
animals and to prevent human injury during slaughter,
methods and agents should be selected that maintain
calm animals. Attention to species-specific anatomy,
physiology, natural history, husbandry, and behavior
will assist in understanding how various methods and
agents may impact an animal during slaughter.
Veterinarians performing or overseeing humane
slaughter should assess the potential for species-specif-
ic distress secondary to physical discomfort, abnormal
social settings, novel physical surroundings, phero-
mones or odors from previously slaughtered animals,
the presence of humans, and other factors. In evaluat-
ing slaughter methods, veterinarians should also con-
sider human safety, availability of trained personnel,
potential infectious disease concerns, conservation or
other animal population objectives, regulatory over-
sight, availability of proper equipment and facilities,
options for carcass disposal, and the potential for sec-
ondary toxicity. Human safety is of utmost importance,
and appropriate safety equipment, protocols, and ex-
pertise must be available before animals are handled.
Advance preparation of personnel must include train-
ing in the stipulated slaughter methods and assurance
of understanding of and sensitivity toward animal wel-
fare indices. Special attention should be paid to unique
species attributes that may affect how animals are
handled, stunned, and rendered unconscious. Once an
animal has been slaughtered, death must be carefully
verified. Slaughter must always be performed in ac-
cord with applicable federal, state, and local laws and
I3 Evaluating Slaughter Methods
Some methods of slaughter require physical han-
dling of the animal. The amount of control and the kind
of restraint required will be determined not only by the
species, breed, and size of animal involved, but also
by the level of excitement and prior handling experi-
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 7
ence of the animal and competence of the personnel
performing slaughter. Proper handling is vital to mini-
mizing pain and distress in animals and to ensuring the
safety of the person performing slaughter, any bystand-
ers, and other animals that are nearby.
Selection of the most appropriate method of hu-
mane slaughter in any situation will depend on the spe-
cies and number of animals involved, available means
of animal restraint, skill of personnel, and other con-
siderations. Personnel who slaughter animals for food
must demonstrate proficiency in the use of the tech-
nique in a closely supervised environment. Each facility
where slaughter is performed is responsible for appro-
priately training its personnel. Experience in the hu-
mane restraint of the species of animal is critical. Train-
ing should include familiarity with the normal behavior
of the species, an appreciation of how behavior affects
handling and restraint, and an understanding of the
mechanism by which the selected technique induces
loss of consciousness and death.
Death must be verified before invasive dressing be-
gins (or before disposal of the animal for meat-quality
reasons). Personnel must be sufficiently trained to rec-
ognize the cessation of vital signs of different animal
The POHS gave serious consideration to the fol-
lowing criteria in their assessment of the appropriate-
ness of slaughter methods: 1) ability to induce loss
of consciousness followed by death with a minimum
of pain or distress, 2) time required to induce loss of
consciousness and the behavior of the animal during
that time, especially for religious slaughter, 3) reliabil-
ity and irreversibility of the methods resulting in death
of the animal, 4) safety of personnel, 5) compatibility
with intended animal use and purpose (ie, meat con-
sumption), 6) potential psychological or emotional im-
pacts on personnel, 7) ability to maintain equipment
in proper working order, and 8) legal and religious re-
These Guidelines do not address every contin-
gency. In circumstances that are not clearly covered by
these Guidelines, a veterinarian experienced with the
species in question should apply professional judgment
and knowledge of clinically acceptable techniques in
selecting a humane method of slaughter or euthanasia
(if required) to end an animal’s life in the best way pos-
sible. The veterinarian should consider whether 1) the
procedure results in the best outcome for the animal,
2) their actions conform to acceptable standards of
veterinary practice and are consistent with applicable
federal, state, and local regulations, and 3) the choice
of slaughter or euthanasia technique is consistent with
her or his professional obligations and ethical commit-
ment to society.
I4 Stress and Distress, Unconsciousness, and Pain
These Guidelines acknowledge that a humane ap-
proach to the slaughter of any animal is warranted,
justifiable, and expected by society. The overall goal
should be to minimize or eliminate anxiety, pain, and
distress prior to loss of consciousness. Therefore, both
the induction of unconsciousness and handling prior
to slaughter must be considered. Criteria for determin-
ing the humaneness of a particular slaughter method
can be established only after the mechanisms of pain,
distress, and consciousness are understood. For a more
extensive review of these issues, the reader is directed
to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals:
2013 Edition.
Humane slaughter methods produce unconscious-
ness through four basic mechanisms: 1) physical dis-
ruption of brain activity (eg, blunt cranial trauma,
penetrating captive bolt, gunshot), 2) hypoxia (eg,
controlled low atmospheric pressure for poultry, N
, Ar,
exsanguination), 3) direct depression of neurons nec-
essary for life function (eg, CO
), or 4) epilepitiform
brain activity (eg, electric stunning). Because loss of
consciousness resulting from these mechanisms can
occur at different rates, the suitability of a particular
agent or method will depend on the species and wheth-
er an animal experiences pain or distress prior to loss of
Distress during slaughter may be created by the
method itself or by the conditions under which the
method is applied and may manifest behaviorally (eg,
overt escape behaviors, approach-avoidance preferenc-
es [aversion]) or physiologically (eg, changes in heart
rate, sympathetic nervous system activity, hypothalam-
ic-pituitary axis activity). Stress and the resulting re-
sponses have been divided into three phases.
results when harmless stimuli initiate adaptive respons-
es that are beneficial to the animal. Neutral stress results
when the animal’s response to stimuli causes neither
harmful nor beneficial effects to the animal. Distress
results when an animal’s response to stimuli interferes
with its well-being and comfort.
Although sympathetic
nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary axis activa-
tion are well accepted as stress response markers, these
systems are activated in response to both physical and
psychological stressors and are not necessarily associ-
ated with higher-order CNS processing and conscious
experience by the animal. Furthermore, use of sympa-
thetic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary axis
activation to assess distress during application of CAS
methods is complicated by continued exposure during
the period between loss of consciousness and death.
Ideally, humane stunning and slaughter methods
result in rapid loss of consciousness and the associated
loss of brain function. The perception of pain is defined
as a conscious experience
and requires nerve impuls-
es from peripheral nociceptors to reach a functioning
conscious cerebral cortex and the associated subcorti-
cal brain structures. The International Association for
the Study of Pain describes pain as “an unpleasant sen-
sory and emotional experience associated with actual
or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of
such damage. Activity induced in the nociceptor and
nociceptive pathways by a noxious stimulus is not pain,
which is always a psychological state, even though we
may well appreciate that pain most often has a proxi-
mate physical cause.”
Pain is therefore subjective in
the sense that individuals can differ in their perceptions
of pain intensity as well as in their physical and behav-
ioral responses to it.
Distress during administration of CO, CO
, and
the inert gases N
and Ar has been evaluated by use
8 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
of behavioral assessment and aversion testing and re-
viewed in the context of euthanasia.
It is important to
understand that aversion is a measure of preference,
and while aversion does not necessarily imply that an
experience is painful, forcing animals into aversive situ-
ations creates distress. The conditions of exposure used
for aversion studies, however, may differ from those
used for stunning or slaughter. One of the character-
istics of anesthesia in humans is the feeling that one
is having an out-of-body experience, suggesting a dis-
connection between one’s sense of self and one’s aware-
ness of time and space.
Although we cannot know for
certain the subjective experiences of animals, one can
speculate similar feelings of disorientation may contrib-
ute to the observed signs of distress with inhaled meth-
ods. In addition, agents identified as being less aversive
(eg, Ar or N
gas mixtures) can still produce overt signs
of behavioral distress (eg, open-mouth breathing) for
extended periods of time prior to loss of consciousness
under certain conditions of administration (eg, gradual
Unconsciousness, defined as loss of individual
awareness, occurs when the brain’s ability to integrate
information is blocked or disrupted. In animals, loss
of consciousness is functionally defined by LORR, also
called LOP.
This definition is quite useful because
it is an easily observable, integrated whole-animal re-
sponse. Although any physical movement occurring
during anesthesia, euthanasia, slaughter, or depopula-
tion is often interpreted as evidence of consciousness,
cross-species data from the anesthesia literature sug-
gest that both memory formation and awareness are
abolished early in the overall process relative to loss of
reflex muscle activity.
Thus, vocalization and nonpur-
poseful movement observed after LORR or LOP with
properly applied CAS methods are not necessarily signs
of conscious perception by the animal. While general-
ized seizures may be observed following effective CAS
methods, these generally follow loss of consciousness;
indeed, anesthesia, coma, and generalized seizures all
represent a loss of consciousness where both arousal
and awareness in humans are low or absent.
Loss of
consciousness should always precede loss of muscle
Although measurements of brain electrical func-
tion have been used to quantify the unconscious state,
EEG data cannot provide definitive answers as to onset
of unconsciousness even when state-of-the-art equip-
ment is used. At some level between behavioral un-
responsiveness and the induction of a flat EEG (indi-
cating the cessation of the brain’s electric activity and
brain death), consciousness vanishes. However, current
EEG-based brain function monitors are limited in their
ability to directly indicate unconsciousness, especially
around the transition point.
Also, it is not always
clear which EEG patterns are indicators of activation by
stress or pain.
Reduction in alpha-to-delta brain wave
ratios coincides with LOP in chickens,
the usefulness of LOP or LORR as an easily observable
proxy for loss of animal consciousness.
Physical methods that destroy or render nonfunc-
tional the brain regions responsible for cortical inte-
gration (eg, gunshot, captive bolt, cerebral induction
of epileptiform activity in the brain [eg, electric stun-
ning], blunt force cranial trauma, maceration) produce
instantaneous unconsciousness. When physical meth-
ods directly destroy the brain, signs of unconscious-
ness include immediate collapse (LORR or LOP) and
a several-second period of tetanic spasm, followed by
slow hind limb movements of increasing frequency.
In cattle, however, there is species variability in this re-
sponse. The corneal reflex will also be absent.
of effective electric stunning that induces both epilepti-
form activity in the brain and cardiac arrest are LORR,
loss of menace reflex and tracking of moving objects,
extension of the limbs, opisthotonos, downward rota-
tion of the eyeballs, and tonic spasm changing to clonic
spasm, with eventual muscle flaccidity.
methods are inexpensive, humane, and minimize pain
if performed properly, and leave no drug residues in
the carcass. Furthermore, animals presumably experi-
ence less fear and anxiety with methods that require
little preparatory handling. However, physical methods
usually require a more direct association of the opera-
tor with the animals, which can be offensive to, and
upsetting for, the operator. Physical methods must be
skillfully executed to ensure a quick and humane death
because failure to do so can cause significant stress, dis-
tress, and pain. Physical disruption methods are usu-
ally followed by exsanguination to ensure death and
improve meat quality. Exsanguination is also a method
of inducing hypoxia, albeit indirectly.
Controlled atmosphere stunning methods also
depress the cerebral cortical neural system, producing
loss of consciousness accompanied by LORR or LOP.
Purposeful escape behaviors should not be observed
during the transition to unconsciousness. Depending
on the speed of onset of unconsciousness, signs as-
sociated with release of conscious inhibition of motor
activity, (such as vocalization or uncoordinated muscle
contraction) may be observed at LORR or LOP. Signs
of an effective stun when the animal is in deep levels
of anesthesia include LORR or LOP, loss of eye blink
(menace reflex) and corneal reflex, and muscle flaccid-
As with physical disruption methods, CAS meth-
ods are usually followed by exsanguination to ensure
death and improve meat quality.
Decapitation and cervical dislocation are physical
methods of slaughter that require separate comment.
The interpretation of brain electric activity, which can
persist for up to 30 seconds following these meth-
has been controversial.
As indicated previ-
ously, EEG cannot provide definitive answers as to the
exact onset of unconsciousness. Other studies
indicate such activity does not imply the ability to per-
ceive pain and conclude that loss of consciousness de-
velops rapidly.
In summary, the cerebral cortex or equivalent
structures and associated subcortical structures must
be functional for pain to be perceived. If the cerebral
cortex is nonfunctional because of physical disruption,
hypoxia, generalized epileptic seizure, or neuronal de-
pression, pain cannot be experienced. Motor activities
occurring following LORR or LOP, although potentially
distressing to observers, are not perceived by an uncon-
scious animal as pain or distress. Reflexive kicking in
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 9
unconscious animals may be mistaken for conscious
activity and can occur even after decapitation, as neu-
rologic circuits involved with walking are located in
the spinal cord.
Given that we are limited to applying
slaughter methods based on these four basic mecha-
nisms, efforts should be directed toward educating in-
dividuals involved in the slaughter process, achieving
technical proficiency, and refining the application of
existing methods, including handling conditions prior
to slaughter.
I5 Animal Behavioral Considerations
These Guidelines are concerned with minimizing
animal distress, including negative affective or experi-
entially based states such as fear, aversion, anxiety, and
apprehension, during the slaughter process. They are
also meant to promote human well being and safety as
regards the repeated termination of animals’ lives. Vet-
erinarians and other employees conducting slaughter
should familiarize themselves with preslaughter pro-
tocols and be attentive to species and individual vari-
ability to mitigate distress in both food animals and
human handlers. The method for inducing uncon-
sciousness and the handling and restraint methods as-
sociated with it must be evaluated as an entire system.
Physical methods require more handling and restraint
of individual animals, compared with CAS, but they in-
duce instantaneous unconsciousness. Controlled atmo-
sphere stunning does not induce instantaneous uncon-
sciousness, but possible distress during handling may
be reduced. There may be a tradeoff between possible
distress during a longer time to induce unconscious-
ness and the benefits of reduced handling of individual
Intentional violations of the HMSA must not be tol-
erated. Unintentional pain and/or distress at slaughter
caused by mistakes by personnel or poorly designed fa-
cilities must be addressed promptly. At all stages of the
process of termination, animals should be treated with
respect, and compromises to animal welfare should be
treated as unacceptable if not unlawful. Practitioners
and stockpersons should ensure the following:
No conscious animal is dragged, shackled, hoisted,
or cut inappropriately. Before invasive dressing (eg,
skinning, leg removal, scalding) begins, all signs
of brainstem function, such as the corneal reflex,
must be abolished.
Excessive force or frequent use of electric prods
to move animals off trucks, up and down ramps,
or into slaughter facilities or restraint devices is
avoided. Animals should not be forced to move
faster than a normal walking speed. Handlers
should move animals quietly, without using driv-
ing devices that would cause unnecessary pain
and/or distress.
Nonambulatory or disabled animals are isolated
and moved with suitable equipment (eg, bucket of
a loader, sled) and provided appropriate veterinary
attention. Conscious nonambulatory animals must
never be dragged.
Terrestrial animals are provided with access to wa-
ter in the lairage pens. Animals should have suf-
ficient room to move in accordance with state, fed-
eral, and local statues, and pens should have room
for all the animals to lie down.
Slaughter facilities and equipment are well main-
tained to minimize injury or pain to the animals
and employees.
The induction of unconsciousness (eg, stunning)
causes minimal distress to the animal.
All personnel are trained in both the application
of stunning methods and behavioral principles of
animal handling.
I6 Human Behavioral Considerations
Food animal veterinarians may be asked to bridge
the physical and psychological divide between current
practices used in the care and management of food ani-
mals and consumers by communicating the realities of
conventional food production. They may also be asked
to provide an ethical accounting and monitoring of ani-
mals’ welfare on the farm, in feedlots, in aqua-farms,
and at slaughterhouses to the public in a transparent
fashion. Food animal veterinarians are encouraged to
increase their awareness of slaughter methods and to
enhance understanding of the science behind the meth-
ods currently used with a view toward the day-to-day
complexities of managing food animals and the range
of challenges facing our contemporary food animal sec-
tor. Likewise, industry agents, veterinarians, caretak-
ers, and others engaged with the slaughter of animals
for food should be encouraged to understand the di-
versity of public concerns and trending societal values
and expectations related to how animals are farmed and
slaughtered for food.
The humane slaughter of animals is a learned skill
that requires training, respect, and self-awareness.
Personnel performing humane slaughter must be
technically proficient. Periodic professional continu-
ing education on the latest methods, techniques, and
equipment available for slaughter is highly encouraged.
Personnel must also possess a temperament that does
not bolster brutality. Self-awareness when it comes to
processing animals for food will help to mitigate com-
passion fatigue and callousness.
The slaughter of individual livestock or poultry by
farm workers who are also responsible for providing
husbandry can substantially impact emotions.
fore, appropriate oversight of the psychological well-
being of slaughter employees is paramount to mitigate
guilt, distress, sadness, fatigue, alienation, anxiety, and
behaviors that lack consideration of others or may lead
to harming themselves, animals, or other people. Peo-
ple may have individual differences in how they psy-
chologically react to the job of killing animals.
It is
difficult to care about animals when they have to be
killed. This is called the “caring-killing paradox.”
Veterinarians and staff who are regularly exposed
to the slaughter process should also be monitored for
emotional burnout, psychological distress, or compas-
sion fatigue and be encouraged to seek appropriate
psychological counseling.
While integrating good
animal welfare in the food chain, some food animal
practitioners may be torn among serving the best in-
terest of the farmed animal, the human client (indi-
vidual), personal professional interests, and societal
10 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
concerns about improving quality of life for animals
and ensuring the availability of safe and affordable ani-
mal protein. More studies on both the impact of ani-
mal slaughter on the personnel performing it and on
attitudes toward the consumption of animals for food
among the general public will go a long way toward
promoting healthier and more respectful human–food
animal relationships.
I7 References
1. AVMA. AVMA guidelines for the euthanasia of animals:
2013 edition. Available at: www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Pages/
Euthanasia-Guidelines.aspx. Accessed Jul 2, 2013.
2. AVMA. AVMA guidelines for the depopulation of animals. Scha-
umburg, Ill: AVMA, 2017;in preparation.
3. Fraser D. Understanding animal welfare: the science in its cultural
context. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
4. AVMA website. AVMA market research statistics: AVMA mem-
bership 2008. Available at: www.avma.org/KB/Resources/
ship-2008.aspx. Accessed Jul 19, 2014.
5. Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act, 1958. CP.L. 85–
765; 7 U.S.C. 1901 et seg.
6. Breazile JE. Physiologic basis and consequences of distress in
animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1987;191:1212–1215.
7. McMillan FD. Comfort as the primary goal in veterinary medi-
cal practice. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;212:1370–1374.
8. Antognini JF, Barter L, Carstens E. Overview: movement as an
index of anesthetic depth in humans and experimental animals.
Comp Med 2005;55:413–418.
9. International Association for the Study of Pain. Pain terms.
Available at: www.iasp-pain.org/Taxonomy. Accessed Feb 7,
10. Alkire MT. General anesthesia. In: Banks WP, ed. Encyclopedia
of consciousness. San Diego: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2009;296–
11. Webster AB, Collett SR. A mobile modified-atmosphere kill-
ing system for small-flock depopulation. J Appl Poult Res
12. Hendrickx JF, Eger EI II, Sonner JM, et al. Is synergy the rule?
A review of anesthetic interactions producing hypnosis and im-
mobility. Anesth Analg 2008;107:494–506.
13. Zeller W, Mettler D, Schatzmann U. Untersuchungen zur
Betäubung des Schlachtgeflügels mit Kohlendioxid. Fleis-
chwirtschaft 1988;68:1308–1312.
14. Cavanna AE, Shah S, Eddy CM, et al. Consciousness: a neuro-
logical perspective. Behav Neurol 2011;24:107–116.
15. Alkire MT, Hudetz AG, Tononi G. Consciousness and anesthe-
sia. Science 2008;322:876–880.
16. Mashour GA, Orser BA, Avidan MS. Intraoperative aware-
ness—from neurobiology to clinical practice. Anesthesiology
17. Hawkins P, Playle L, Golledge H, et al. Newcastle consensus
meeting on carbon dioxide euthanasia of laboratory animals.
National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduc-
tion of Animals in Science, 2006. Available at: www.nc3rs.org.
consensus%20meeting%20report.pdf. Accessed Jan 20, 2011.
18. McKeegan DE, Sparks NH, Sandilands V, et al. Physiological re-
sponses of laying hens during whole-house killing with carbon
dioxide. Br Poult Sci 2011;52:645–657.
19. Benson ER, Alphin RL, Rankin MK, et al. Evaluation of EEG
based determination of unconsciousness vs. loss of posture in
broilers. Res Vet Sci 2012;93:960–964.
20. Finnie JW. Neuropathologic changes produced by non-pen-
etrating percussive captive bolt stunning of cattle. N Z Vet J
21. Blackmore DK, Newhook JC. The assessment of insensibility
in sheep, calves, and pigs during slaughter. In: Eikelenboom G,
ed. Stunning of animals for slaughter. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers, 1983;13–25.
22. Gregory NG, Lee JL, Widdicombe JP. Depth of concussion in cat-
tle shot by penetrating captive bolt. Meat Sci 2007;77:499–503.
23. Vogel KD, Badtram G, Claus JR, et al. Head-only followed by car-
diac arrest electrical stunning is an effective alternative to head-
only electrical stunning in pigs. J Anim Sci 2011;89:1412–1418.
24. Grandin T. Improving livestock poultry and fish welfare slaugh-
ter plants with auditing programs. In: Grandin T, ed. Improving
animal welfare: a practical approach. Wallingford, Oxfordshire,
England: CABI Publishing, 2010;160–185.
25. Cartner SC, Barlow SC, Ness TJ. Loss of cortical function in
mice after decapitation, cervical dislocation, potassium chloride
injection, and CO
inhalation. Comp Med 2007;57:570–573.
26. Vanderwolf CH, Buzak DP, Cain RK, et al. Neocortical and hip-
pocampal electrical activity following decapitation in the rat.
Brain Res 1988;451:340–344.
27. Mikeska JA, Klemm WR. EEG evaluation of humaneness of as-
phyxia and decapitation euthanasia of the laboratory rat. Lab
Anim Sci 1975;25:175–179.
28. Bates G. Humane issues surrounding decapitation reconsidered.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010;237:1024–1026.
29. Holson RR. Euthanasia by decapitation: evidence that this tech-
nique produces prompt, painless unconsciousness in laboratory
rodents. Neurotoxicol Teratol 1992;14:253–257.
30. Derr RF. Pain perception in decapitated rat brain. Life Sci
31. van Rijn CM, Krijnen H, Menting-Hermeling S, et al. Decapita-
tion in rats: latency to unconsciousness and the ‘wave of death.’
PLoS ONE [serial online]. 2011;6:e16514. doi:10.1371/journal.
pone.0016514. Accessed Feb 7, 2011.
32. Grillner S. Human locomotion circuits conform. Science
33. Grandin T. Making slaughterhouses more humane for cattle,
pigs, and sheep. Annu Rev Anim Biosci 2013;1:491–512.
34. Woods J, Shearer JK, Hill J. Recommended on-farm euthanasia
practices. In: Grandin T, ed. Improving animal welfare: a practi-
cal approach. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England: CABI Publish-
ing, 2010;194–195.
35. Grandin T. Behavior of slaughter plant and auction employees
towards animals. Anthrozoos 1988;1:205–213.
36. Arluke A. Managing emotions in an animal shelter. In: Manning
A, Serpell J, eds. Animals and human society. New York: Rout-
ledge, 1994;145–165.
37. Meyer RE, Morrow WEM. Euthanasia. In: Rollin BE, Benson GJ,
eds. Improving the well-being of farm animals: maximizing wel-
fare and minimizing pain and suffering. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell,
38. Manette CS. A reflection on the ways veterinarians cope with
the death, euthanasia, and slaughter of animals. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 2004;225:34–38.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 11
History of Regulations, Industry Guidance
and Employee Training in the United States
H1 History of Regulation of Slaughter in the United States
The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 (as
amended) requires the USDA to inspect all cattle,
sheep, swine, goats, and horses brought into any plant
to be slaughtered and processed for human consump-
it does not cover poultry. Inspection of poultry
products for human consumption did not become
mandatory until passage of the 1957 Poultry Products
Inspection Act.
The 1978 HMSA made mandatory the
humane slaughter and handling of livestock in connec-
tion with slaughter of food animals in USDA-inspected
plants. Animals included under the 1978 Act are cattle,
calves, horses, mules, sheep, goats, swine, and other
livestock. Two methods of slaughter were determined
to be humane under the 1978 Act. The first requires
that livestock be rendered insensible to pain by a sin-
gle blow or gunshot or an electrical, chemical or other
means that is rapid and effective before being shack-
led, hoisted, cast, or cut. The second method is in ac-
cordance with the ritual requirements of any religious
faith that prescribes a method of slaughter whereby the
animal suffers loss of consciousness due to ischemia
caused by the simultaneous and instantaneous sever-
ance of the carotid arteries with a sharp instrument.
Additionally, Section 1906 exempts the handling or
other preparation of livestock for slaughter under the
second method from the terms of the Act. Therefore,
the statutory requirement that livestock are rendered
insensible to pain prior to shackling, hoisting, casting,
or cutting does not apply to the handling or restraint
that is immediately associated with the cut when the
second method of slaughter is being used. Examples of
this type of slaughter include Jewish (kosher) slaughter
and Islamic (halal) slaughter.
Currently, the HMSA of 1978 does not cover poul-
try. However, some practices that promote good wel-
fare for poultry are covered by regulatory requirements
for good commercial practices.These regulations can
be found in 9 CFR Part 381.65(b) (Poultry Products
Inspection Act Regulations).
Under the Poultry Prod-
ucts Inspection Act, a poultry product is adulterated if,
among other circumstances, it is in whole, or in part,
the product of any poultry that has died by a method
other than slaughter. For example, poultry that are still
breathing on entering the scalder and die from drown-
ing and not from slaughter are considered adulterated
and unfit for human food and are condemned. Further-
more, in 2005, the USDA published a Federal Register
Notice (Docket No. 04-037N) on the treatment of live
poultry before slaughter. The USDA defined a “system-
atic approach” as one in which establishments focus
on treating poultry in such a manner as to minimize
excitement, discomfort, and accidental injury during
the time that live poultry are held in connection with
Currently, this approach is voluntary on the
part of industry. A provision in the USDA appropria-
tions act for fiscal year 2001 (P.L. 106-387) amended
the Poultry Products Inspection Act to include manda-
tory FSIS inspection for meat from ratites and quail.
Regulations for the inspection of exotic animals
can be found under 9 CFR 352.10. The authority for
the inspection of exotic animals comes from the Agri-
culture Marketing Act of 1946 found in 7 U.S.C. 1621
et seq, which promotes distribution and marketing of
agricultural products (includes exotic species not un-
der the Federal Meat Inspection Act). Exotic animals
that are defined by these regulations are reindeer, elk,
deer, antelope, water buffalo, or bison. This section
includes regulations that address humane handling
during antemortem inspection and stunning practices
to render the animals unconscious that are consistent
with the regulations pertaining to the 1978 HMSA (9
CFR 313.15 or 313.16).
Many countries have set standards for welfare prac-
tices with regard to humane slaughter, and the OIE also
includes standards for the humane conduct of slaugh-
ter in Chapter 7 of its Terrestial Animal Health Code.
The impact of such standards has just recently begun
to be felt in global trade. As an example, the Europe-
an Union’s Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of
Animals not only lays a foundation for improving wel-
fare standards in the European Union and making sure
those standards are applied and enforced in all Euro-
pean Union countries, but also expresses intent to ap-
ply equivalent welfare standards to imports from other
countries in the future.
H2 Enforcement of Humane Slaughter
in the United States
The FSIS of the USDA is tasked with the enforce-
ment of humane slaughter regulations. In the 1980s
and 1990s, enforcement of humane handling was not
a priority as FSIS focused on improving food safety
though the implementation of hazard-based inspection
systems. This was highlighted in 1997, when a survey
was conducted for the USDA.
Only three out of 10
beef plants were capable of rendering cattle uncon-
scious with a single shot from a captive bolt. The main
cause of poor captive bolt stunning was lack of mainte-
There were numerous other problems observed
in the 22 beef, pork, lamb, and veal plants that were
The FSIS recognized a need for improve-
ment and produced a video that served as a correlation
tool for supervisory public health veterinarians.
In 2001, Congress provided the USDA with addi-
tional funding to assist in enforcing the HMSA. This
funding enabled the FSIS to hire 17 district veterinary
medical specialists. The district veterinary medical spe-
cialist is the primary contact for humane handling and
slaughter issues in each district and serves as the liaison
between the district office and headquarters on all hu-
mane handling matters. In addition, in February 2004,
the FSIS began tracking the amount of time inspection
program personnel spend to ensure humane handling
and slaughter requirements are met.
In February 2010, the Government Accountability
Office published a report
that expressed concern about
uneven enforcement of humane handling and slaugh-
ter. Enforcement discrepancies were found to be greater
in small plants than in larger plants.
Following the release of that report, in April 2010,
the FSIS established a Humane Handling Enforce-
ment Coordinator position to increase the frequency
12 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
with which enforcement and inspection activities are
reviewed. The Humane Handling Enforcement Coor-
dinator coordinates the agency’s implementation and
daily enforcement of humane handling requirements
and provides professional expertise to support inspec-
tors in the field. Additionally, in 2011, the FSIS revised
and combined older directives and notices that defined
egregious animal abuse, providing field inspectors with
clearer guidance that supports more consistent enforce-
In October 2013, the FSIS published a new guid-
ance on the systematic approach to the humane han-
dling of livestock.
Proper implementation of this guid-
ance by industry should ensure the humane treatment
of livestock presented for slaughter because the guid-
ance provides establishments with a set of practices that
will assist in minimizing excitement, discomfort, and
accidental injury. The agency will continue to improve
its guidance to ensure the best practices are implement-
ed in establishments.
Food Safety and Inspection Service inspection pro-
gram personnel perform humane handling activities on
an ongoing basis. The FSIS can, and does, take enforce-
ment actions against slaughter plants that do not com-
ply with HMSA or the regulations. The goal is to prevent
suffering of animals while protecting the food supply.
H3 Auditing by Private Industry
A scoring system that was developed for use as part
of a 1997 review became the basis of the voluntary in-
dustry guidelines published by the American Meat In-
The first version was published in 1997, and
the most recent complete version is by Grandin.
guideline considers five outcome measures. The use of
outcome-based measurements to assess animal welfare
is recommended.
Following is a summary of the five
major measurements
1. Percentage of animals rendered unconscious with
a single shot from a captive bolt or percentage of
animals where the electric stunner is placed on the
head in the correct position. The minimum accept-
able scores are 95% first-shot efficacy for captive
bolt and 99% correct positioning for electric stun-
2. Percentage of animals rendered unconscious before
hoisting to the bleed rail. To pass an audit, 100%
unconsciousness is required on a sample of 100 an-
imals. There is zero tolerance for starting invasive
procedures, such as skinning or leg removal, on an
animal showing any signs of return to conscious-
3. Percentage of cattle and pigs that remain silent
and do not vocalize (bellow, moo, or squeal) in the
stunning area. To pass an audit, 95% of the cattle or
pigs must remain silent in the stun box or conveyor
restrainer or during restraint for religious slaugh-
ter. Refer to Grandin
for more detailed informa-
tion on scoring vocalization. Vocalization scoring
should not be used for sheep.
4. Percentage of animals moved without an electric
prod. The minimum acceptable score is 75% of the
animals moved without use of an electric prod. An
excellent score is 95%.
5. Percentage of animals that remain standing and do
not fall during handling. A score of a fall is given
if the body touches the ground. Restrainer devices
that are designed to trip animals and make them
fall are not acceptable. The minimum acceptable
score is 99% handled with no falling. Falling is
scored in all parts of the facility.
Acts of abuse that should never be tolerated in-
clude, but are not limited to: 1) dragging nonambu-
latory animals; 2) beating animals; 3) poking sensi-
tive areas such as the animal’s eyes, nose, udder, or
anus; 4) deliberately driving animals over the top of
other animals; and 5) deliberately slamming gates on
In 1999, the use of this scoring system by major
meat-buying customers resulted in great improvements.
A year after McDonald’s Corporation and Wendy’s In-
ternational started using the objective scoring system,
more than 90% of beef plants were able to render 95%
of cattle unconsciousness with a single shot.
use of electric prods and the percentage of animals vo-
calizing were also greatly reduced.
The AVMA PHS believes that important elements
for best practice with regard to humane slaughter are:
1) maintenance logs on stunners, 2) training programs
for employees, and 3) auditing using accepted industry
auditing methodologies, such as video auditing.
dividual plants can vary on the structure and elements
of their approach, so each plant will need to develop
its ownprogram. Developing best practices for humane
slaughter and handling is similar to writing a hazard
analysis and critical control points plan for food safety.
Industry assessors and auditors should conduct direct
observations to ensure that the plant employees are fol-
lowing their plant’s written program. Best practices for
humane slaughter include procedures that are done in
the plant. There should be records to show that reviews
have been conducted and that procedures are being
followed. Additional critical areas for best practice in-
clude: nonslip floors on unloading ramps and in stun
boxes, electric prod use, and handling of down, non-
ambulatory animals. Many assessors/auditors use the
American Meat Institute objective scoring system to
determine when a plant has a problem.
H3.1 CleAr Comments
When a problem is identified, it is essential that
both FSIS inspectors and private auditing companies
write clear comments describing exactly what they saw.
When return to sensibility is observed, it is essential
to not confuse corneal reflex, nystagmus, and natural
blinking (menace reflex). An animal that has a weak
corneal reflex after electric stunning is usually uncon-
scious, but after captive bolt or gunshot, the corneal
reflex must be absent. An animal that has natural blink-
ing like a live animal in the lairage is definitely sensible.
This applies to all types of stunning methods.
An example of a poor description in an inspection
report would be “rough handling.” An example of a
clear description of an abusive handling incident would
be “intentional electric prod use on sensitive mucosal
areas.” Clear comments are essential so that supervi-
sors may appropriately manage problem behavior. The
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 13
FSIS has two excellent examples of clear descriptions of
an egregious situation of inhumane handling in attach-
ments 4 and 5 of Directive 6900.2, revision 2.
H3.2 Video Auditing by industry
Two major meat companies have installed video
cameras that are monitored by a private third-party au-
diting company. The use of video auditing helps pre-
vent the problem of employees following correct proce-
dures when they are being watched and then reverting
to inappropriate methods after the inspector or auditor
is gone. Video auditing is most effective when it is done
by a third-party auditor over the Internet. Experience
has shown that internal video auditing programs are
less effective.
H4 References
1. Rawson JM. Issue brief for congress: meat and poultry inspection
issues. Updated August 27, 2002. Washington, DC: Congressio-
nal Research Service, The Library of Congress, 2002. Available
at: www.cnie.org/NLE/CRSreports/IB10082.pdf. Accessed Sep
14, 2012.
2. FSIS. Humane handling of livestock and good commercial prac-
tices in poultry. 2009. Available at: www.fsis.usda.gov/PDF/
FSRE-HH-GCP.pdf. Accessed Sep 14, 2012.
3. OIE. Chapter 7.5. Slaughter of Animals. In: Terrestrial
Animal Health Code, 2015. Available at: www.oie.int/
Accessed May 25, 2015.
4. Gavinelli A. Developments in AW policies in the EU: every-
one is responsible. Seminar of the European Institute on Ani-
mal Welfare: market-driven animal welfare in the EU and the
US. Available at: www.slideshare.net/EUintheUS/washington-
andrea-1. Accessed Jul 14, 2014.
5. Grandin T. Survey of stunning and handling in federally in-
spected beef, veal, pork, and sheep slaughter plants. Available
at: www.grandin.com/survey/usdarpt.html. Accessed Jul 14,
6. Grandin T. Objective scoring of animal handling and stunning
practices at slaughter plants. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;212:36–
7. Government Accountability Office. Humane methods of
slaughter act. February 2010. Available at: www.gao.gov/
assets/310/300921.pdf. Accessed Oct 17, 2012.
8. FSIS. Facilitator guide for situation-based humane handling train-
ing. Beltsville, Md: FSIS, 2011.
9. FSIS. FSIS compliance guide for a systematic approach to the
humane handling of livestock. Available at: www.fsis.usda.gov/
stock.pdf?MOD=AJPERES. Accessed Feb 19, 2016.
10. Grandin T, American Meat Institute Animal Welfare Commit-
tee. Recommended animal handling guidelines and audit guide: a
systematic approach to animal welfare. Washington, DC: Ameri-
can Meat Institute Foundation, 2012. Available at: www.animal-
handling.org. Accessed Aug 21, 2012.
11. Hewson CJ. Can we assess welfare? Can Vet J 2003;44:749–753.
12. Webster J. The assessment and implementation of animal wel-
fare: theory into practice. Rev Sci Tech 2005;24:723–734.
13. Whay HR, Main DCJ, Guen LE, et al. Assessment of the welfare
of dairy cattle using animal-based measurements: direct obser-
vations and investigation of farm records. Vet Rec 2003;153:197–
14. Grandin T. Auditing animal welfare at the slaughter plants. Meat
Sci 2010;86:56–65.
15. Grandin T. Effect of animal welfare audits of slaughter plants
by a major fast food company on cattle handling and stunning
practices. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000;216:848–851.
16. Grandin T. Maintenance of good animal welfare standards in
beef slaughter plants by use of auditing programs. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 2005;226:370–373.
17. FSIS. Humane handling and slaughter of livestock. Directive
6900.2, Revision 2. Washington, DC: FSIS, 2011.
14 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
Design of Facilities and Slaughter Process
D1 Handling Procedures at Slaughter
Plants for Hoofstock
d1.1 step 1—ArriVAl At tHe plAnt
The normal process is for the animals to be un-
loaded promptly after a vehicle arrives at the plant. In
the best operations, the vehicles are unloaded within
15 to 60 minutes after arrival, and industry guidelines
recommend a maximum wait time of 60 minutes.
requires the scheduling of an appointment between the
plant and transporter. Scheduling vehicle arrival times
prevents the problem of too many vehicles arriving at
the same time, which results in long lines and delays at
unloading. During hot weather, delayed unloading can
result in severe animal welfare problems due to heat
stress. Death losses in pigs increase as the internal tem-
perature of the trailer increases.
Figure 1 shows the
step-by-step flow of animals through the plant.
D1.1.1 Detection of problems
There have been unfortunate cases where many
cattle or pigs have died while waiting an entire day to
unload. This serious problem is most likely to occur
when there is an emergency condition such as a power
failure or storm, which either shuts down the plant or
makes roads impassable.
D1.1.2 Corrective action for problems
It is best practice to have an emergency program ei-
ther to divert incoming trucks to other slaughter facili-
ties or to unload animals at auction markets, feedlots,
or fairgrounds. This will require a coordinated program
that facilitates immediate cancellation of animal load-
ing on the farm and diverts loads that are en route to
other facilities.
d1.2 step 2—unloAding
When unloading is done correctly, animals will
move off the vehicle in a quiet, orderly manner. Han-
dlers should be quiet and refrain from yelling, whis-
tling, or repeatedly hitting the sides of the vehicle. The
sound of people yelling has been shown to be very
stressful for livestock.
Electric prods can be complete-
ly eliminated during unloading of most hoofstock and
ducks. The best US sheep plants use trained sheep to
lead the animals off the vehicle.
An electric prod may
occasionally be necessary to move pigs out of a vehicle
with multiple decks. Some pigs may be very difficult to
move if they have never had the experience of people
walking through their pens on the farm. Handling ex-
periences on the farm can affect pig movement in the
Pigs that have become accustomed to people
walking through their pens on the farm will be easier to
move and less likely to pile up when they are handled
at the plant.
Use of electric prods on horses is strongly
discouraged; they should only be used as a last resort
when all other options have been exhausted. Accept-
able handling tools for horses include flags and rattle
D1.2.1 Detection of problems
Industry guidelines advise that if more than 1% of
animals fall during unloading or more than 5% of ani-
mals are unloaded using an electric prod, there is a wel-
fare problem in the unloading area.
Most plants can
achieve this standard, as the majority of larger plants
have banned the use of the electric prod at unloading.
There is a problem if animals in the unloading area run
into fences or pile up. Quiet handling also provides the
advantage of greatly reducing bruises,
which is an eco-
nomic incentive for the facility.
At the time of unloading, plant employees
should note whether the vehicle is overloaded. Vehi-
cles should be loaded per industry and international
Overloading of trucks can cause severe economic
losses. Bruised meat cannot be used for human con-
sumption. In cattle, overloading of trucks will increase
bruises, lameness, and the likelihood of nonambulatory
(for US transport regulations refer to 49 USC
Section 80502
). A large survey
in both the United
States and Canada showed that 49% of the cattle trucks
arriving at processing plants were overloaded. Cattle
that are heat stressed will breathe with their mouths
Overloading trucks with pigs will increase death
and overloading horses will lead to fighting,
restlessness, falling, and injury.
with sheep
indicated that packing sheep too tightly on a vehicle re-
sulted in an increase in animals falling down. Animals
should also be observed for transport-induced welfare
problems such as frostbite, lacerations, heat stress, and
urine scald
Another problem that can seriously compromise
animal welfare at the slaughter plant is when the ani-
Figure 1—Step-by-step flow of animals through a slaughter plant.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 15
mal is in poor condition prior to leaving the farm.
Weak, emaciated animals or severe lameness can make
humane handling difficult. A survey
of 10 cattle auc-
tion markets found that 13.3% of cull dairy cows and
3.9% of cull beef cows were severely emaciated. Most
of the cows sold at these auctions go to slaughter. The
USDA does not permit the slaughter of nonambulatory
downed or emaciated cattle; however, pigs and sheep
that are not able to walk may be slaughtered. Fatigued
pigs, which are unable to walk, will recover if they are
rested. There are often big differences between produc-
ers on the percentage of fatigued pigs arriving at the
plant. Pigs fed high doses (9 mg/ton) of the growth
promotant ractopamine were harder to handle and had
more hoof problems.
Another type of animal that is extremely difficult to
handle in a humane manner is the neonatal “bob veal”
dairy calf that is less than a week old. To make humane
handling possible, these calves should be properly cared
for and remain on the farm until they are old enough to
walk easily without assistance from a person.
D1.2.2 Corrective action for problems
Nonslip flooring in the unloading area is essential
for all species.
Quiet handling and good welfare are
impossible if animals slip and fall. For all species (with
the possible exception of birds), a rough broom finish
is not a satisfactory nonslip floor. A rough broom fin-
ish quickly wears down and becomes smooth and slick.
For cattle, bison, and other large animals, an 8 X 8-inch
(20 X 20-cm) diamond pattern with 1-inch (2.5-cm)
or deeper V grooves is recommended. For the smaller
species, such as pigs, deer, or sheep, a good floor finish
is to stamp the pattern of a 1-inch-wide-opening ex-
panded-metal mesh pattern into the concrete. There are
other suitable finishes for stamping concrete, and all of
them are rougher than a broom finish. Epoxy or grit
finishes work well for smaller species, but they will not
provide sufficient traction for large animals that have
become agitated. For existing slick floors, there are
several options. In high-traffic areas, such as unload-
ing ramps and scales, rubber mats made from woven
tire treads can be used. Another option is to construct a
steel grating from 1-inch-diameter steel rods welded in
a 12 X 12-inch (30 X 30-cm) square pattern.
The rods
must not be crisscrossed over the top of each other.
They must be welded into a flat metal grid to prevent
the hooves from catching under the raised rods that can
cause hoof injury. Grooving tools can be rented from
a concrete supply firm for regrooving concrete. More
information on flooring and the design of unloading
ramps can be found in reports by Grandin and Deesi-
and Grandin.
Meat packers should work with producers and
buyers to reduce the numbers of fatigued pigs and unfit
animals. Practical experience has shown that the per-
centage of fatigued pigs can be drastically reduced by
three changes in farm production practices: 1) walking
regularly through finishing pens on the farm to make
pigs calmer and easier to handle,
2) changing genetic
selection criteria to breed pigs with good leg confor-
mation, and 3) using ractopamine responsibly.
has shown that the number one welfare issue
with horses arriving at slaughter is owner neglect that
occurred on farm. Packers should clearly communicate
back to producers that the shipment of unfit animals is
unacceptable and implement a financial penalty for the
d1.3 step 3—reCeiVing
For cattle, unloading areas for large trucks should
be designed with at least a 10-ft (3-m) level unloading
dock before the ramp starts.
For hogs and sheep, the
minimum acceptable level dock is 5 ft (1.5 m) long,
and for horses it is 7 ft (2.1 m).
After unloading, the
normal practice in most plants is to verify that the num-
ber of animals on the vehicle matches the paperwork.
In some plants, there is an extra handling step of weigh-
ing individual animals after unloading; however, many
plants have eliminated this by weighing the entire truck
before unloading. Weighing the entire truck has the ad-
vantage of reducing bruising of cattle.
In many pork plants, pigs are tattooed with an
identification number as they walk off the truck. In
most other species, animal identification is maintained
by placing the animals from each trailer in their own
pen and placing their identification paperwork in a
holder on the fence.
D1.3.1 Detection of problems
The most likely problems that can occur during re-
ceiving is pigs piling up and falling during tattooing. For
other species, falling, piling up, or hitting fences would
be an indicator that handling needs to be improved.
D1.3.2 Corrective actions for problems
Provide nonslip flooring for all species. For pigs,
redesign the tattoo area. A funnel-shaped chute will re-
sult in jamming of animals.
Plants with the calmest,
quietest pig tattooing apply a slap tattoo as pigs exit the
30-inch (76-cm) truck door side by side.
d1.4 step 4—lAirAge
This may also be called the stockyards or antemor-
tem pens. In most plants, animals are held in the same
groups that they traveled with on the trucks, which is
the ideal. In large plants, a typical lairage pen holds ei-
ther one or two entire truckloads. It is important to de-
sign the pens to hold a whole number of truckloads, as
a pen designed to hold one and a half truckloads will
invariably end up having two loads forced into it. When
new stockyards are being built, they should be laid out
so that there is one-way livestock movement through
the yards. Ideally, the unloading ramps are at one end of
the yards and the chutes to the stunner are at the other
end. One good design is to have all the animals enter the
pens from one alley and move to the stunner through
the opposite end of the pens. Designs for lairage pens
are in reports by Grandin and Deesing
and Grandin.
In smaller plants, there may be single or small groups of
animals arriving from many different owners. Animals
from each owner must either be held in their own small
pen or have physical identification (such as eartags,
electronic identification, or tattoo) to prevent their iden-
tification from becoming mixed up with other animals.
The HMSA 9 CFR 313.2 (e) requires that all lai-
16 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
rage pens be equipped with water troughs, nipples or
other suitable devices so that the animals have access
to water. Well-designed and maintained lairage pens
will be free of sharp edges that can injure animals. In-
dustry recommendations for lairage pen space are 20
sq ft (1.87 m
) for cattle, 6 sq ft (0.55 m
) for market-
weight pigs, 11 to 12 sq ft (1 to 1.12 m
) for sows, 5 to
6 sq ft (0.46 to 0.55 m
) for sheep depending on size,
and 40 sq ft (3.74 m
) for mature boars.
The animals
should be provided sufficient space that they can all lie
down at the same time. Before animals can be moved to
the slaughter area, they undergo antemortem inspec-
tion. After inspection, the lairage pen is tagged as ready
for processing. The exception to this rule is custom-
exempt plants, which process animals for personal use
by the owner or producer.
D1.4.1 Detection of problems
The three main problems that can occur in the lai-
rage pens are overstocking of the pens, fighting between
animals causing injuries, and animals that become non-
ambulatory. Bulls are more likely to fight than steers
or cows. Practical experiences with pigs have shown
that large groups (over 100 pigs) fight less than small
groups. A small group of five or six pigs in a small pen
will sometimes result in prolonged fights. Bison can get
into severe fights that result in death. Another problem
is animals mounting each other, which may result in
weak animals falling down.
D1.4.2 Corrective action for problems
When fighting occurs, there is usually one animal
that is the main perpetrator. This animal should be re-
moved from the group and placed in a separate pen.
Intact males of many species will often mount and ride
other animals. Ideally, bulls should be separated from
cull cows, however if animals are penned together and
bull is knocking down cull cows during mounting, he
should be removed from the pen. Similarly, fighting is
a major cause of bruising in horses.
In small plants,
some of the worst fights are caused by singly raised
backyard animals that have never learned how to so-
cialize with other animals.
To prevent fighting, bulls
and singly raised animals should be slaughtered within
one hour after arrival, after allowing them a minimum
of 30 minutes to calm down. When bulls are finished
for beef, they should be kept in the same groups in
which they were raised. Mixing bulls in the lairage pens
can cause meat-quality problems.
For pigs, rest in the
lairage pens after unloading for 2 to 6 hours will enable
them to recover from transport stress.
A lairage time
that is too long or no lairage time at all is detrimental to
both meat quality and welfare.
The regulations attendant to the HMSA forbid
dragging of nonambulatory animals unless they have
first been stunned. If a nonambulatory bovine cannot
stand and walk, regulations require that it be humane-
ly euthanized. Nonambulatory pigs, sheep, and other
hoofstock may be moved to either the suspect pen
or the cripple area in the plant. In the United States,
the only acceptable methods for moving nonambula-
tory animals are sleds, skid steer loaders, or specialized
carts. In Canada, nonambulatory animals must be eu-
thanized on the trailer and cannot be moved with sleds,
skid steers, or specialized carts. The AVMAs policy
on disabled livestock
provides recommendations for
down animals including but not limited to: Nonambu-
latory animals may be moved using a sled, mat, cart
or mechanized equipment that supports the full length
and weight of the animal. A nonambulatory animal
should not be dragged or lifted by the limbs, tail, neck
or ears.
d1.5 step 5—HAndling system
A wide variety of systems are available to move cat-
tle, pigs, and sheep from lairage pens to the place where
they are stunned or ritually slaughtered.
for deer and other cervids can be found in reports by
and Haigh.
When animals area handled
correctly, they move in an orderly fashion with no fall-
ing or pileups and minimal vocalizing or use of electric
prods. During the last few minutes before slaughter, ex-
cessive use of electric prods can seriously affect meat
quality. In a study by Warner et al,
multiple shocks on
beef cattle produced tougher meat. Electric prod use in
pigs raises lactate levels,
and high lactate levels dur-
ing the last few minutes before slaughter will result in
lower pork quality.
Jamming of animals in the chute
that leads to the stunner, along with electric prod use,
will increase lactate levels.
Animals should never be
backed into the stun box.
D1.5.1 Detection of problems
Both industry guidelines and USDA FSIS regu-
lations prohibit abusive practices such as dragging
downed nonambulatory animals; poking sensitive ar-
eas such as the eyes, anus, or udder; slamming gates
deliberately on animals; deliberately driving animals
over the top of a downed animal; and beating animals.
Handling problems that compromise welfare can result
from a facility problem or an employee training issue.
Before modifications are made to a facility, employees
should be trained to use behavioral principles of live-
stock handing.
When people handle livestock in a
calm, quiet manner, design problems in the facility can
be easily located and corrected. For all species, if more
than 1% of the animals fall at any point in the facility,
there is a problem that needs to be corrected.
automated powered gate that causes an animal to ei-
ther fall down or be dragged along the floor is a serious
In cattle and pigs, vocalization during restraint,
handling, or painful procedures (eg, bellowing, moo-
ing, or squealing) is associated with physiologic mea-
sures of stress.
In two studies,
during cattle handling and restraint at slaughter plants
was associated with obvious aversive events such as
electric prods, excessive pressure from a restraint de-
vice, and sharp edges. In other studies,
beef plants
with good handling had < 3% of the cattle vocalizing
in the stun box, restrainer, and handling in the lead-up
chute. Plants with serious problems during handling
and restraint have 25% to 32% of the cattle vocaliz-
ing in this area.
In a study
of pigs, high lev-
els of squealing in the stunning area were associated
with meat-quality problems. More recent research
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 17
slaughter plants shows that vocalizations in cattle are
associated with electric prod use. In well-managed beef
plants in one report,
the average percentages of cattle
moved with an electric prod with well-trained handlers
were 10% entering stun boxes and 16% entering a cen-
ter track conveyor restrainer. In plants where there
is no supervision, electric prod use can be excessive
and problematic. In another study,
electric prod use
in pigs varied greatly depending on whether a group
of pigs was easy or difficult to drive. On easy-to-drive
pigs, an electric prod was used on 4% of the pigs, and
on a difficult group of pigs, 20% of the pigs had to be
electrically prodded to move them into the single-file
D1.5.2 Corrective actions for handling problems
1. Crowd pens that lead to the single-file race (chute)
should not be overloaded
For pigs, cattle, bison, and many other animals, the
crowd pen that leads to the single-file chute should be
half full.
Cattle, pigs, deer, and bison should be
moved into the crowd pen in small, separate groups.
This principle does not apply to sheep. They should
be moved in a large, continuous group because of their
intense following behavior.
When horses are handled in a tub system, the tub
should only be half full, and the crowd gate should
never be used to push animals. For all species, handlers
should work alongside the tub and single-file chute,
and overhead catwalks should be avoided. Overfilling
the tub or overcrowding with the gate will cause ani-
mals to bunch up and turn back from the single-file
entry. Animals should be allowed time to move through
the system, without being rushed. When the animals
are moving through the system themselves, they should
be left alone. If the lead animal balks, allow it time to
investigate and move forward.
2. Use natural following behavior and timing of
The next group of cattle or pigs should not be
brought into the crowd pen that leads to the single-file
chute until there is space in the single-file chute. This
enables the animals to immediately enter,promotes
natural following behavior,
and prevents them from
turning around. Unlike domestic cattle and pigs, bison
often become agitated while standing and waiting in
single file; therefore, it may be best to put only one or
two bison in the single-file race at a time.
Horses arriving at auction markets and processing
plants come from a variety of backgrounds and with
various degrees of training. This can make their be-
havior more unpredictable than that of other species.
Handlers should always use caution and treat these
animals as though they are untrained. Handlers should
approach a horse on the left side, as traditionally horses
are trained to be left-side dominant. This is because
most humans are righthanded and must stand on the
left side of the horse to lead with their right hand. It is
important for horses to have visual contact with other
horses at all times until they enter the kill box. This
will aid in keeping them calm and will motivate them
to move forward as their herdmates do.
3. Teach handlers behavioral principles
Handlers need to understand behavioral principles
such as flight zone and point of balance.
The most
common mistake when moving animals through chutes
is a handler who stands at the head of an animal and
pokes its rear in an attempt to make it move forward.
Standing in front of an animal prevents it from moving
forward. Handlers should be taught to use the move-
ment pattern shown in Figure 2.
When a person
quickly walks back past the shoulder of an animal, in
the opposite direction of desired movement, the animal
will move forward. This is an effective method for many
4. Prohibit routine carrying and use of electric prods
In most plants that have adequate facilities, the
only place where an electric prod is occasionally need-
ed is at the entrance to the stun box or restrainer. The
prod should be kept in a convenient location and only
used when needed. After it is used to move the occa-
sional stubborn animal, it should be put away. Alterna-
tives, such as vibrating prods or plastic paddles, should
be the handler’s primary driving tool. A vibrating prod
can be made from a pneumatic engraving tool where
the sharp tip has been removed. A total prohibition of
electric prods is not recommended, as a single shock
from an electric prod is preferable to hard tail twisting
or hitting.
5. Use powered gates carefully
When a powered gate is used to move animals, it
should be equipped with controls that enable a person
to immediately stop its movement if an animal falls
down. Automated powered gates must be equipped
with pressure-limiting devices to prevent the gate from
either knocking animals over or dragging animals along
the floor.
6. Remove distractions that cause balking
Movement of animals through a handling facility
can often be greatly improved by making many small
changes in the facility that remove visual and aural
distractions that cause animals to balk and refuse to
a. When an animal enters a stun box or restrainer,
it must not have air blowing in its face.
Figure 2—Handler movement pattern to move an animal into a
stun box or restrainer. The handler walks quickly in the opposite
direction of desired animal movement. The animal will typically
walk forward as the handler crosses the point of balance at the
18 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
b. Use a directional lamp to provide indirect light-
ing to light up dark chute entrances. Animals
have a tendency to move from a dark place to a
brighter place.
c. Eliminate reflections on shiny metal or wet
floors. Moving a light source may eliminate a
reflection on a wet floor.
Reflected glare from
shiny metal surfaces increases balking of cattle
in plants.
d. Cover the sides of chutes or install solid barri-
ers to prevent approaching animals from see-
ing people, vehicles, or moving machinery
Large pieces of cardboard can be
used experimentally to determine where solid
shields are needed. The outer perimeter of a
handling facility is one of the most important
areas to cover. Cattle will remain calmer if there
is a solid barrier to prevent them from seeing
people standing close to them.
For flighty spe-
cies such as deer, the use of solid sides and low
lighting will keep them calmer.
e. Animals often refuse to walk over changes in
floor type, such as moving from a concrete to a
metal floor. Pigs and cattle are also likely to balk
at shadows.
f. Reduce noise made by equipment, such as air
hissing and metal-on-metal banging and clang-
ing. Sudden intermittent sounds and move-
ments are more likely to cause agitation.
Many slaughter plants have high noise levels.
d1.6 step 6—restrAint
A list of design principles to reduce stress dur-
ing restraint follows. These principles are applicable
to conventional slaughter, which uses stunning before
bleeding, and religious slaughter.
1. Ensure pressure applied is optimal—The device
must apply enough pressure to make an animal feel
restrained, but avoid excessive pressure that will
cause struggling or vocalization. A common mis-
take is to apply additional pressure when an animal
2. Do not trigger fear of falling—This is why nonslip
flooring is so important. When devices are used
that hold an animal with its feet off the floor, the
animal must be held in a balanced, comfortable,
upright position. When a device is used that ro-
tates an animal from an upright position, the body
must be securely held and supported to prevent
struggling and slipping within the device. Re-
strainer conveyors should be equipped with a false
floor to prevent animals from seeing a visual cliff
under the restrainer,
as animals have depth per-
For conventional stun boxes where the
animal stands upright, nonslip flooring is critical.
Stun boxes should never have a steeply sloped or
stepped floor; instead, a flat floor is recommended.
3. Ensure smooth, steady motion of parts of the re-
straint device that contact animals—Sudden jerky
motion will cause animals to become agitated.
4. Block animals’ vision of people, moving equip-
ment, and activity on the floor—To prevent balking
and improve ease of entry into the restraint device,
animals entering the device should not be able to
see people, moving equipment, or activity on the
processing floor.
5. Ensue stun boxes are of an appropriate size—Stun
boxes must be the appropriate size for the animals
being processed. Animals must not be able to turn
around in the box.
D1.6.1 Detection of problems
Vocalization can be easily measured in plants to de-
tect problems with restrainers that are used for cattle,
horses, or pigs. Animals will vocalize if excessive pres-
sure is applied or another aversive event occurs.
Devices that have serious problems, such as excessive
pressure, will have high percentages (25% to 32%) of
the cattle vocalizing.
Well-designed and skill-
fully operated cattle restraint devices that have a head
holder will have 5% or less of animals vocalizing.
calization scoring is not an effective assessment tool for
sheep, because they often do not vocalize in response
to painful procedures. If a horse struggles or vocalizes
while being restrained, it is often an indication that the
restraint is causing discomfort. Active head restraints
are more stressful for horses than full-body restrainers
and should be avoided.
When a restraint system is overloaded beyond its
design capacity, the use of electric prods may increase
ashandlers attempt to move animals through the plant.
The following measures can be used to assess the per-
formance of restraint devices:
1. Percentage of cattle, horses or pigs that vocalize
while entering the restraint device and while they
are held in the restraint device. The American Meat
Institute voluntary industry standard for vocaliza-
tion is 5% or less of the animals.
2. Percentage of animals (all species) that fall down to
the extent that the body touches the ground. The
voluntary industry standard is 1%
; however, the
goal should be zero.Restraint devices that trip ani-
mals or that are designed to make animals fall are
not permitted in the voluntary industry standard.
3. Percentage of animals moved with an electric
prod into the restraint device. The voluntary in-
dustry standard for cattle and pigs is 5% for
an excellent score and 25% for an accept-
able score. For sheep, the voluntary standard
for electric prod use is 5%. The OIE
mends that electric prods should not be used on
sheep, horses, or young calves. American Vet-
erinary Medical Association policy states that
“[e]lectrical devices (e.g., stock prods) should be
used judiciously and only in extreme circumstanc-
es when all other techniques have failed.”
All scores are per animal; the animal is either
moved with an electric prod or it is not. Either it is si-
lent or it vocalizes. Devices that paralyze animals using
electricity should not be used as a method of restraint.
clearly indicate that electroimmobilization
is highly aversive and should not be used. Electric im-
mobilization must not be confused with electric stun-
ning that causes unconsciousness. Animals that have
been immobilized with electricity will not be able to
vocalize to show their distress.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 19
d1.7 Conditions THAt CAuse WelfAre problems
1. Failure to provide nonslip flooring—One of the
most common problems in stun boxes is slippery
When animals are continuously slipping,
they cannot stand still for stunning. Designs for
nonslip floors can be found in the section of the
document that describes unloading. Metal grating
or rubber mats work well to prevent slipping in
stun boxes.
2. Overloading equipment beyond its design capac-
ity—Two of the most common mistakes are over-
loading a single conveyor restrainer and overload-
ing of undersized CO
a. Overloading a single conveyor restrainer. If the
goal is to have 1,000 pig carcasses/h enter the
coolerr, the restrainer will need to accommodate
1,200 live pigs/h. When pigs are forced to move
faster than 850 pigs/h in a single line, they are
moving faster than their normal walking speed.
Most large plants in which 1,000 pig carcasses/h
enter the cooler have two conveyor restrainers
with two single-file chutes and two crowd pens.
A single center-track restrainer will work well
to process 390 cattle/h if it is free of the dis-
tractions discussed previously. At 390 cattle/h,
the cattle are still moving at a normal walking
speed. For both electric prod use and vocaliza-
tion, there are few differences among different
line speeds when equipment is designed and op-
erated correctly.
b. Overloading of undersized CO
stunners. Car-
bon dioxide stunning equipment is available in
many sizes. One of the most common problems
is when a plant’s expansion causes it to outgrow
its CO
stunner. Unless the CO
stunner is re-
placed with another machine having a higher
capacity, the the following welfare problems are
likely to emerge:
i. Overloading gondolas by using electric prods
to force excess pigs to load. Pigs should have
sufficient room to stand in the gondola with-
out being on top of each other.
ii. Reducing gas exposure time in an attempt to
increase the number of pigs the machine can
handle per hour. This will result in conscious
pigs emerging from the stunner.
c. Overloading single-animal stun boxes and re-
strainers. Single-animal stun boxes or restraint
boxes have a maximum speed of approximately
100 animals/h. Boxes designed to hold single
animals result in slower line speeds than than
conveyer systems, because they use a start-stop
process to put each animal in the box and then
remove it. The signs of an overloadedbox are:
i. Slamming the rear gate on animals,
ii. Increased electric prod use,
iii. More than one animal in the box for stun-
ning, and
iv. An increase in rough handling.
For all species, when the line speed exceeds 100
animals/h, the use of a conveyor system that handles
a continuous stream of animals or two or more single-
animal boxes is recommended.
3. Funnel-shaped crowd pens. Movement of pigs will
be impeded in a funnel-shaped crowd pen; there-
fore, a crowd pen that leads to a single-file chute
should have an abrupt entrance.
The entrance to
the single-file chute should be just wide enough to
allow one pig to enter. If it is too wide, two pigs
may become stuck beside each other entering the
chute. Designs for appropriate crowd pens for
cattle, sheep, and pigs may be found in publica-
tions by Grandin,
the Horse Welfare Associa-
tion of Canada,
and the American Sheep Industry
4. Stun boxes and single-file chutes that are too wide.
The appropriate width for stun boxes and chutes
tends to be overestimated. Stun boxes and chutes
that are too wide result in animals turning around
and becoming caught beside each other. The ap-
propriate width is 30 inches (76 cm) for cattle, 18
inches (46 cm) for market-weight pigs, 32 inches
(81 cm) for horses, 16 inches (40 cm) for sheep,
and 27 inches (70 cm) for deer. Chute width may
need to be adjusted for exceptionally large or small
5. Vertical overhead gate clearance is too low. Animals
will often refuse to walk under a vertical slide gate
or other apparatus that allows for scant clearance
or touches their back. Raising the opening height
6 inches (16 cm) will usually fix this problem. On
center-track restrainers, the solid hold-down cover
may need to be raised to prevent bumping of the
animal’s shoulder when it is entering.
6. Single-file chute is too short. The single-file chute
has to be long enough that a sufficient number of
animals can be held within it to allow time to re-
fill the crowd pen (Table 1). The recommended
lengths should be used for systems in which ani-
mals are handled in a continuous flow to the pro-
cessing line. In systems where animals are handled
rapidly in separate batches, shorter chutes (races)
can be used.
7. Animals allowed to stand in a stun box too long.
Animals should be stunned immediately after they
enter the stun box or restrainer. Holding an animal
alone in a stun box can cause isolation stress.
D.2 Handling Procedures at Slaughter Plants for Poultry
d2.1 step 1—eleCtriC stunning, CAs, And lAps:
ArriVAl And LAirAge
Poultry arrive at the plant and are weighed on a
truck scale while they are still on the vehicle. After
weighing, the poultry truck is parked in the lairage
shed with the birds still in the travel containers. The
sheds are equipped with fans and misters to keep the
Species Line speed Minimum length Maximum length
Cattle Under 25/h 20 ft (6 m) 75 ft (23 m)
Cattle 25–100/h 40 ft (12 m) 75 ft (23 m)
Cattle 200–390/h 80 ft (25 m) 200 ft (23 m)
Pigs and sheep Under 100/h 10 ft (3 m) 25 ft (7.6 m)
Pigs Over 100/h 25 ft (7.6 m) 50 ft (15 m)
Some systems with lengths longer than those recommended
here may work well.
Table 1—Recommended single-file chute lengths for cattle.
20 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
birds cool during hot weather. Holding time at the plant
should be minimized and on aveage should not be more
than six hours.
D2.1.1 Detection of problems
The most common problems encountered in poul-
try slaughter are overloaded containers, heat stress,
frost bite, and death due to exposure. Poorly main-
tained, broken containers may injure birds.
D2.1.2 Corrective action for problems
Stocking densities for travel containers have been
established through research and practical experience.
A maximum stocking density gives sufficient space for
all birds to lie down without being on top of each other.
Processing plants should have an emergency plan to
care for birds in case of power failure at the plant or
natural disasters that make roads impassable. Arrange-
ments should be made so that catching and loading of
birds at the farm can be quickly cancelled before loading
is started. Loaded shipments that are already en route
should be diverted to nearby plants for processing.
D2.1.3 Handling and stunning
Three types of handling and stunning systems are
shown in Figure 3.
d2.2 step 2A—birds MoVed to Stunning AreA And
Stunning WitH CAs And lAps
D2.2.1 CAS live unloading
Controlled atmosphere stunning with live unload-
ing was one of the earliest CAS systems. In this system,
live birds in dump module containers are loaded onto a
conveyor that transports them into a gas stunning sys-
tem. This type of handling is likely less stressful than
that encountered when hanging live birds because the
birds are shackled after they are anesthetized.
D2.2.2 CAS or LAPS in transport containers
Most new CAS systems are now built as shown in
Figure 3. The birds remain in the transport containers
as they move through the system to be anesthetized.
Shackling and handling are performed after the birds
are anesthetized. There are various types of CAS or
LAPS systems where the birds are kept during stunning.
D2.2.3 Types of CAS and LAPS chamber equipment
Anesthetized on the truck
This system is used mostly with turkeys that are
transported on trucks with transport containers that
cannot be removed from the vehicle. The vehicle load-
ed with transport containers pulls into a shed; metal
panels clamp onto the side of the vehicle, and gas (CO
or N
) is blown through. As each section is anesthe-
tized, the truck is moved forward, and the next sec-
tion is stunned while the previous section is being un-
loaded. The disadvantage of this system is the need to
use a large amount of gas. Advantages include that the
system is economical to build, the system could be used
with many different types of gases, the system enables
companies to use existing transport vehicles, and birds
are not handled while conscious.
Drawers moved through a tunnel
In this system, drawers containing the chickens or
turkeys are transferred out of the racks by automated
equipment. The drawers are then transferred to a con-
veyor that moves the birds into gradually increasing
concentrations of CO
. This system uses less CO
the on-truck system.
LAPS system
Entire racks of dump modules, drawer modules, or
coops are rolled into a pressure vessel where the air is
slowly removed during a 3-minute cycle. An advantage
of LAPS is that it will work with all existing chicken
transport systems. It is easy to maintain, there is no ex-
pensive gas to purchase, and there is no carbon envi-
ronmental footprint. Most large chicken plants will re-
quire more than one chamber. Low-atmospheric-pres-
sure stunning must have a full electric stunner backup.
D2.2.4 Detection of problems with CAS or LAPS of poultry
Maintaining the correct gas mixtures is essential
for birds to have a smooth induction with a minimum
amount of gasping or head shaking. If the birds flap
wildly and attempt to escape from the chamber, it is
not acceptable
and may indicate a problem with the
gas mixture. All chamber-type systems for either CAS
or LAPS must have either windows or video cameras
so that problems with induction can be observed. Some
discomfort during induction, such as head shaking or
gasping, may be a reasonable tradeoff to eliminate live
shackling, as live shackling is highly stressful.
It is
also essential to maintain the correct dwell times in the
Figure 3—Principles of three types of handling and stunning sys-
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 21
chamber to prevent return to consciousness due to a
dwell time that is too short.
D2.2.5 Correction of problems with CAS or LAPS
Adjust gas mixtures or LAPS system to provide a
smoother induction before loss of posture. Plant man-
agement should have a monitoring procedure to visually
monitor induction and record atmospheric parameters.
The chamber should have a documented maintenance
protocol for daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance. It
is strongly recommended that all chamber-type systems
have a full electric stunner backup. This will enable a
plant to keep running if one of their chambers breaks.
In systems where there is more than one chamber,
this will prevent the temptation to run a single cham-
ber faster to temporarily replace a broken chamber. In
LAPS, speeding up the cycle would likely cause severe
stress to the animals. When plants install LAPS or CAS,
they should purchase sufficient capacity so that the
chambers can be operated with the correct dwell time.
If a power failure or other malfunction occurs during
the stunning process, live birds should be immediately
removed from the chamber.
d2.3 step 3A—remoVAl of Birds From CAs
or lAps CHAmber
The palletized containers or the drawers containing
the birds are moved to the shackling area. The birds are
unconscious at this point. There are no welfare issues
unless the CAS or LAPS equipment malfunctioned.
d2.4 step 2b—birds MoVed to Stunning AreA
for EleCtriC Stunning
If a drawer system or individual coops are being
used, the drawers or coops are removed from the pal-
letized rack either manually or with use of automated
equipment. They are placed on a conveyor that runs
into the shackle room. Handlers pick up each indi-
vidual bird and hang it on the shackle line. If a dump
module system is used, a hydraulic platform operated
by an employee tilts the entire palletized container to
dump the live birds onto a conveyor that runs into the
shackle room. Handlers pick up live birds and hang
them on the shackle line. The birds are then moved by
the shackle conveyor to the water-bath stunner.
D2.4.1 Detection of problems during unloading
and shackling for electric stunning
One problem that can occur with dump modules
is unloading the birds too fast; this results in pileups
and excess birds falling off the conveyor may result in
loose birds on the premises. Broken wings are more
likely to occur in heavy birds unloaded from the dump
modules, compared with lighter birds. In drawer sys-
tems, a common problem is head entrapment. This is
caused by rough loading on the farm or poor design
of the drawer rack. Another common problem is un-
derstaffing of the shackle line. This results in rough
handling and employees attempting to work too fast,
which makes careful handling difficult. When the
shackle line is understaffed, bruised thighs may be ob-
served because employees are slamming birds into the
D2.4.2 Correction of problems during unloading
and shackling for electric stunning
A darkened room illuminated with blue lighting
will help keep birds calm.
Training of the employees
who operate the dumper of dump modules is essential.
This employee must learn to wait until the receiving
conveyor has space before dumping more birds. It is
also important to never shake the module to unload
birds. For heavier birds, it is strongly recommended to
install slides, conveyors, and other devices so birds do
not experience hard falls onto the conveyor. To prevent
head entrapment in drawer systems, when closing the
drawer on the farm, there should be a 1.5-inch gap be-
tween the top of the plastic drawer and the metal rack.
The live bird shackling area requires constant su-
pervision to prevent rough handling and bird abuse.
Hanging inverted on conventional shackles is stressful
to chickens
however, new designs for poultry shack-
ling systems may help reduce stress. In one design, the
breasts of the birds are supported by a horizontal mov-
ing conveyor.
In another new commercially available
system, the body of the shackled bird is supported by a
plastic device attached to the shackle.
d2.5 step 3b—eleCtriC stunning
The birds, which can be chickens, turkeys, or other
poultry, are moved to the water-bath stunner while they
are inverted and hanging by their feet on the shackle
line. The bird’s head has direct contact with the water
bath, and an electric current is passed from the water to
the leg shackle. The water bath and grounding equip-
ment must be maintained to convey a sufficient elec-
tric current through the bird’s body to permit adequate
stunning and to complete the circuit.
D2.5.1 Detection of problems during electric
stunning of poultry
One of the most common problems is birds miss-
ing the stunner water bath because they are extremely
small or stunted and are mixed in with market-ready
birds. These birds are too short to have direct contact
with the water bath. Another problem is rapid return to
consciousness after stunning. This is caused by setting
the stunner amperage too low. Plant managers some-
times do this to prevent meat damage. Preshocks as
birds are entering the stunner may happen if wing tips
reach the water bath before the bird’s head is in direct
contact with the water bath. These shocks do not pro-
duce unconsciousness because they occur before the
birds enter the water bath. If both the automatic throat-
cutting machine and the backup bleeder person fail to
cut a bird’s throat, it may return to consciousness and
enter the scalder while conscious. These birds can be
easily detected after feather removal because there will
be no throat cut and the skin will be bright red. The red
skin is caused by lack of bleed out. Plant management
should strive to have 0% uncut red birds.
D2.5.2 Correction of problems with electric stunning
The height of the water-bath stunner must be ad-
justed so that the birds cannot pull themselves up and
avoid the stunner. It is also essential to avoid distrac-
tions such as people walking under the birds or doors
22 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
opening and closing near the stunner entrance. These
distractions can cause birds to pull up. The rail should
run smoothly because a bumpy ride may cause birds to
flap and avoid the stunner. Preshocks can be reduced
with a well-designed entrance ramp on the stunner and
by adjusting the water level.
a. Grandin T. Bruises on Southwestern feedlot cattle (abstr). J
Anim Sci 1981;53(suppl 1):213.
b. Benjamin ME, Gonyou HW, Ivers DL, et al. Effect of handling
method on the incidence of stress response in market swine in a
model system (abstr). J Anim Sci 2001;79(suppl 1):279.
D3 References
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81. Kannan G, Health JL, Wabeck CJ, et al. Shackling of broilers:
effects on stress responses and breast meat quality. Br Poult Sci
82. Debut M, Berri C, Arnould C, et al. Behavioural and physiologi-
cal responses of three chicken breeds to pre-slaughter shackling
and acute heat stress. Br Poult Sci 2005;46:527–535.
83. Bedanova I, Vaslarova E, Choupek P, et al. Stress in broilers re-
sulting from shackling. Poult Sci 2007;86:1065–1069.
84. Prescott NB, Kristensen HH, Wathes CM. Light. In: Weeks
CA, Butterworth A, eds. Measuring and auditing poultry wel-
fare. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England: CABI Publishing,
85. Lines JA, Jones TA, Berry PS, et al. Evaluation of a breast sup-
port conveyor to improve poultry welfare on the shackle line.
Vet Rec 2011;168:129.
24 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
As noted in the Introduction, there are numerous
humane methods for stunning animals for slaughter
(Appendix); many of these methods are described in
the following text.
T1 Atmospheric Methods
t1.1 Controlled AtmospHere
Controlled atmosphere stunning and killing meth-
ods, also called modified atmosphere stunning or kill-
ing, produce unconsciousness, and can eventually lead
to death, by one of two basic methods: 1) by displac-
ing air and the oxygen it contains to produce O
< 2% (eg, hypoxia or anoxia using inert gases such as
or Ar, or LAPS), or 2) by rapidly inducing decreased
intracellular pH and cellular function through acute hy-
percapnea (eg, CO
used either alone or together with
inert gases and supplemental oxygen to produce hyper-
capnic anoxia, hypercapnic hypoxia, or hypercapnic
hyperoxygenation). Sequential combinations of the two
methods, also called two-step or multiphase processes,
may use one gas or a mixture of gases to induce uncon-
sciousness prior to exposure to a different gas mixture
or higher gas concentration. Low-atmospheric-pressure
stunning is discussed in a separate section.
Whether a CAS method is classified as stunning
or killing depends on the amount of time the animal
remains in the modified atmosphere. Killing methods
eliminate the concern that animals may regain con-
sciousness prior to exsanguination. In either case, ani-
mals are not lifted or shackled until unconscious, such
that pain, stress, and fear associated with handling are
minimized. In addition to reducing live animal han-
dling, CAS may facilitate the ability to process a greater
numbers of animals.
As with all inhaled or atmospher-
ic methods, unconsciousness is not immediate, and any
perceived distress and discomfort by animals will vary
depending on the species, process, and gases used.
There is controversy in the scientific community
as to the optimum CAS gas mixture and conditions of
application for humane slaughter. Distress during ad-
ministration of CO
and the inert gases N
and Ar has
been evaluated by means of both behavioral assessment
and aversion testing and has been reviewed in the con-
text of euthanasia.
It is important to realize that aver-
sion is a measure of preference and that while aversion
does not necessarily imply the experience is painful,
forcing animals into aversive situations creates stress.
The conditions of exposure used for aversion studies,
however, may differ from those used for stunning or
killing. In addition, agents identified as being less aver-
sive (eg, Ar or N
gas mixtures) can still produce overt
signs of behavioral distress (eg, open-mouth breathing)
for extended time periods prior to loss of consciousness
under certain conditions of administration (eg, gradual
A distinction must be made between immersion,
where animals are placed directly into a high concen-
tration of a gas or vapor within a container, and com-
mercial CAS processes as employed for the stunning of
poultry and pigs. Unlike immersion, in a commercial
process animals experience their introduction into CAS
atmospheres gradually, either through transport at a
controlled rate into a contained stunning atmosphere
gradient or through controlled introduction of stunning
gases into an enclosed space. The transport or introduc-
tion rate may be slow or relatively quick, depending on
the process, gases used, and specific species. Further,
denser-than-air CAS gases including CO
layer into gra-
dients within an enclosed space.
Thus, animals are not
immediately exposed to stunning conditions known to
be aversive or painful.
In studies of turkeys
and chickens,
hypoxia pro-
duced by inert gases such as N
and Ar appeared to
cause little or no aversion, where birds freely entered
a chamber containing < 2% O
and > 90% Ar. When Ar
was used to euthanize chickens, exposure to a chamber
prefilled with Ar, with an O
concentration of < 2%, led
to EEG changes and collapse in 9 to 12 seconds. Birds
removed from the chamber at 15 to 17 seconds failed
to respond to comb pinching. Continued exposure led
to convulsions at 20 to 24 seconds. Somatosensory-
evoked potentials were lost at 24 to 34 seconds, and the
EEG became isoelectric at 57 to 66 seconds.
With tur-
keys, immersion in 90% Ar with 2% residual O
led to
EEG suppression in 41 seconds, loss of SEP in 44 sec-
onds, and isoelectric EEG in 101 seconds, leading the
authors to conclude that exposure times > 3 minutes
were necessary to kill all birds.
Gerritzen et al
reported that chickens did not avoid chambers contain-
ing < 2% O
; birds gradually became unconscious with-
out showing signs of distress.
and turkeys
killed by hypoxia show
less head shaking and open-beak breathing than birds
exposed to CO
. Respiratory disruption, defined as
open-bill breathing with prolonged inspiration or pro-
longed open-bill gaping with apparent apnea or dys-
pnea, is less in anoxia-stunned birds compared with
methods combining anoxia with CO
tion, the rapid open and closing of the beak, may occur
with anoxic systems, but may occur less than in other
However, broilers are noted to have more
episodes of wing flapping when stunned with N
, either
alone or combined with 30% CO
, than with a two-step
process using 40% CO
, 30% O
, and 30% N
by 80% CO
in air.
Failure to maintain < 2% O
using hypoxic or anoxic inert gas methods prolongs
In pigs, hypoxia produced by combining N
and Ar
appears to reduce, but not eliminate, aversive respons-
es. In one study,
pigs chose to place their head in a
hypoxic (< 2% O
, 90% Ar) chamber containing a food
reward, remained with their head in the chamber until
they became ataxic, and freely returned to the cham-
ber once they regained posture. In contrast, in another
exposure to 90% Ar, 70% N
/30% CO
, and 85%
/15% CO
all resulted in signs of aversion, defined by
the authors as escape attempts and gasping; the propor-
tion of pigs showing these behaviors was lowest with
Ar. Early removal from a hypoxic Ar or N
stunning gas
atmosphere results in rapid return to consciousness,
such that exposure times > 7 minutes are needed to en-
sure killing with these gases.
Inhalation of CO
causes acute respiratory acidosis
and produces a reversible anesthetic state by rapidly de-
creasing intracellular pH.
Both basal and evoked neu-
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 25
ral activities are depressed soon after inhalation of 100%
For pigs, exposure to 60% to 90% CO
unconsciousness in 14 to 30 seconds,
with un-
consciousness occurring prior to onset of signs of exci-
For light Manchego lambs, exposure to 90%
for 60 seconds results in 100% stun,
with ob-
served levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepineph-
rine similar to electrically stunned animals.
A large
proportion of chickens and turkeys will enter a cham-
ber containing moderate concentrations of CO
to gain access to food or social contact.
incapacitation and prior to loss of consciousness, birds
in these studies show behaviors such as open-beak
breathing and head shaking; these behaviors, however,
may not be associated with distress because birds do
not withdraw from CO
when these behaviors occur.
Unlike N
and argon, which must be held within a very
tight range of concentration to produce oxygen levels
< 2%, CO
can render animals unconscious over a wide
range of concentrations, even when O
is > 2%.
Death via exposure to CO
has been described for
individual and small groups of birds.
Carbon dioxide
and its application to the humane slaughter of chick-
ens, turkeys, and ducks has been studied extensively
and has resulted in information about times to collapse,
unconsciousness and death, loss of SEPs, and changes
in EEG. Leghorn chicks 7 days of age collapsed in 12
seconds after exposure to 97% CO
found that
2 minutes’ exposure to 90% CO
was sufficient to kill
day-old chicks exposed in batches. Broilers 5 weeks of
age collapsed an average of 17 seconds after entering a
tunnel filled with 60% CO
In a CAS system designed
for small flock depopulation, LOP was observed in ap-
proximately 20 seconds for various ages of layers and
broilers in a 50% CO
atmosphere and approximately
30 seconds for turkeys in a 40% atmosphere.
In tests
where it took 8 seconds to achieve the target gas con-
centration, broilers and mature hens collapsed in 19 to
21 seconds at 65% CO
and 25 to 28 seconds at 35%
In a gradual-fill study,
ducks and turkeys lost
consciousness before 25% CO
was reached and died
after the concentration reached 45%. At 49% CO
suppression, loss of SEP, and EEG silence occurred in
11, 26, and 76 seconds in chickens.
In turkeys,
suppression took place in an average of 21 seconds at
49% CO
, but was reduced to 13 seconds at 86% CO
In the same report, time to loss of SEPs was not affected
by gas concentration, averaging 20, 15, and 21 seconds,
but time to EEG silence was concentration dependent
(ie, 88, 67, and 42 seconds, for 49%, 65%, and 86%
, respectively).
For humane slaughter of poultry, exposure to CO
concentrations producing a gradual induction of un-
consciousness reduces convulsions, compared with
anoxia with N
and Ar.
Practical experience in com-
mercial slaughter facilities indicates that a smooth,
gradual increase in CO
from 0% to more than 50% to
55% reduces bird reactions (eg, head shaking, open-
beak breathing) prior to LOP; chickens require a more
gradual increase in CO
concentration over time than
Carbon dioxide may invoke involuntary (un-
conscious) motor activity in birds, such as flapping of
the wings or other terminal movements, which can
damage tissues and be disconcerting for observers.
However, wing flapping is less with CO
than with N
or Ar.
A two-step or multiphase process combining
inert gases and CO
is used commercially for humane
slaughter of poultry, where birds are exposed initially to
40% CO
, 30% O
, and 30% N
, followed by 80% CO
air; the added O
during the anesthetic induction phase
has both welfare and carcass-quality advantages.
Thus, vocalization and nonpurposeful movement ob-
served after LORR or LOP with properly applied con-
trolled atmospheric methods are not necessarily signs
of conscious perception by the animal. While general-
ized seizures may be observed following effective CAS
methods, these generally follow loss of consciousness;
indeed, anesthesia, coma, and generalized seizures all
represent a loss of consciousness where both arousal
and awareness in humans is low or absent.
Loss of
consciousness should always precede loss of muscle
Genetics may play a role in pig CO
response vari-
ability. Panic disorder in humans is genetically linked
to enhanced sensitivity to CO
The fear network,
comprising the hippocampus, the medial prefrontal
cortex, and the amygdala and its brainstem projections,
appears to be abnormally sensitive to CO
in these pa-
The genetic background of some pigs, especial-
ly excitable lines such as the Hampshire and German
Landrace, has been associated with animals that react
poorly to CO
stunning, while calmer lines combining
the Yorkshire or Dutch Landrace conformations show
much milder reactions.
Given a choice, Duroc and
Large White pigs will tolerate 30% CO
to gain access
to a food reward, but will forego the reward to avoid ex-
posure to 90% CO
, even after a 24-hour period of food
A shock with an electric prod, however,
is more aversive to Landrace X Large White pigs than
inhaling 60% or 90% CO
, with pigs inhaling 60% CO
willing to reenter the crate containing CO
Until fur-
ther research is conducted, one can conclude that use
of CO
may be humane for certain genetic lines of pigs
and stressful for others.
T1.1.1 CAS design
The mechanical design of commercial CAS systems
has been reviewed by Grandin.
In open CAS systems
(Figure 4), the entry point is open to the atmosphere
with negligible concentrations of stunning gas present.
Animals are moved on continuous conveyors through
a tunnel or into a pit containing a heavier-than-air gas,
such as CO
or Ar. In a closed CAS system, batches of
animals are placed inside a chamber, and stunning gases
are introduced to the specified concentration through a
recirculating ventilation system that displaces oxygen
by the stunning gases. As with other inhaled methods,
changes in gas concentration within any enclosed space
involve two physical processes: 1) wash-in of new gas
(or washout of existing gas) and 2) the time constant
required for that change to occur within the container
for a known flow rate.
Although closed systems can
potentially operate using any stunning gas, inert gases
such as N
work best in such systems because O
< 2% can be achieved. This level of hypoxia is difficult
to achieve in open CAS systems because N
is less dense
26 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
than air and, therefore, difficult to contain. Also, closed
CAS systems use a greater volume of stunning gas than
open systems because the stunning area must be evacu-
ated prior to loading the next group of animals.
Detection of problems
Some of the most common problems are CO
centration that is too low or insufficient dwell time in
the chamber. These problems can result in either return
to sensibility on the slaughter line or stressful anesthetic
induction. Insufficient dwell time is most likely to occur
in plants that have undersized equipment. Many CO
systems have automated powered gates to move animals
into the chamber. There is a serious problem if the au-
tomated gates either knock animals over or drag them
along the floor. If these gates cause more than 1% of the
pigs to fall, that exceeds the industry voluntary guide-
If powered gates drag animals, that is a violation
of the HMSA. Another problem is overloaded gondolas
where animals do not have room to stand without being
on top of other animals. This is most likely to occur in
equipment that does not have sufficient capacity.
Corrective action for problems
1. Maintain a CO
concentration of over 80%. A 90%
concentration at either the bottom of the pit or at
the final stage of the process is strongly recom-
2. Increase dwell time if there are problems with re-
turn to sensibility.
3. Undersized equipment that has insufficient capac-
ity is often the cause of insufficient dwell time or
handlers overloading the gondolas with animals.
Either a larger piece of equipment or an additional
unit will be required to increase system capacity.
4. The pigs or poultry must have sufficient room in
the gondolas or container to stand or lie down
without being on top of each other.
5. When automated gates are used to move pigs up
to and into the chamber, they must be equipped
with pressure-limiting devices. This prevents the
gates from knocking animals over or dragging
them along the floor. Often, powered gates work
best when they are equipped with a push button
or other control that allows the handlers to control
forward movement of the gate. When the handler
lets go of the control, the gate stops. An automated
control works well to return the gate to its start
position after it has moved the animals.
6. Ventilation problems in the plant building can
sometimes cause CO
to be sucked out of the
chamber. Some commercial CO
equipment holds
in a pit that is not sealed, and sometimes, air
pressure changes in the plant building can cause
sensible pigs or birds to emerge from the chamber.
Some of the factors that can suddenly lower CO
concentration are either turning off or turning on
large ventilation fans in the plant building, wind
blowing around the plant building, or leaving cer-
tain plant doors open. Careful observation will be
required to correct this problem. It is often cor-
rectible and no equipment purchases are required.
T1.1.2 Conclusions
For humane slaughter of poultry, initial exposure
to lower CO
concentrations and a gradual increase of
concentrations produce a smoother induction of
unconsciousness and reduce convulsions, compared
with anoxia with N
and Ar. Carbon dioxide may in-
voke involuntary (unconscious) motor activity in birds,
such as flapping of the wings or other terminal move-
ments, which can damage tissues and be disconcerting
for observers; however, wing flapping is less with CO
gas mixtures than with N
or Ar. For humane slaughter
of pigs, exposure to > 80% CO
is recommended.
Compared with electric stunning methods, CAS for
poultry presents some animal welfare advantages be-
cause manual handling and shackling of live birds are
eliminated. Some gas mixtures may cause unacceptable
escape behaviors, such as attempting to climb up the
sides of the container or vigorous flapping in chickens
before LOP. In addition, CAS can also eliminate wel-
fare issues associated with dumping live birds from
their transport cages prior to stunning; however, this
depends on the design and implementation of CAS at
the processing plant. Controlled atmosphere stunning
for pigs and lambs may also improve animal welfare by
reducing animal handling.
t1.2 loW AtmospHeriC pressure
Low-atmospheric-pressure stunning (Figure 5) is
a recently described method for stunning birds prior
to humane slaughter. Unconsciousness due to hypoxia
occurs following a controlled and gradual reduction
of barometric pressure.
At one time the Europe-
an Union allowed the use of a vacuum chamber for
slaughter of farmed quail, partridge, and pheasant,
however this approval was revoked with the adoption
Figure 4—Animals are moved on continuous conveyors through
a tunnel (as shown) or into a pit containing a heavier-than-air gas
in open CAS systems.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 27
of EU Council Directive 1099/2009.
The method is
currently undergoing commercial testing for broiler
stunning in the United States under a USDA Office of
New Technology Testing Approval. It is not currently
known whether the technology can be adapted for hu-
mane slaughter or depopulation of mammalian species,
such as pigs; however, the insidious effects of altitude
hypoxia on human flight crew performance, including
unconsciousness, are well documented.
Low-atmospheric-pressure stunning is not rapid
decompression, as currently deemed unacceptable by
the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals:
2013 Edition, but rather it is negative atmospheric pres-
sure applied gradually over time, typically over 1 min-
ute in broilers, which results in an acute hypoxic state
not unlike being in an unpressurized airplane at higher
altitudes. Maximum observed negative pressure during
commercial broiler LAPS is 23.8 in Hg (604.5 mm Hg
this corresponds to an atmospheric pressure of 155.5
mm Hg and an inspired Po
of 32.7 mm Hg (assuming
barometric pressure of 760 – 604.5 mm Hg = 155.5 mm
Hg X 0.21 = 32.7 mm Hg oxygen). Thus, LAPS Po
maximum negative pressure is equivalent to a 4% oxy-
gen atmosphere at sea level (32.7 mm Hg/760 mm Hg).
For comparison, the atmospheric pressure (P
) on top
of Mount Everest (elevation, approx 30,000 ft) is 225
mm Hg and the Po
is 47.3 mm Hg; at 40,000 ft, P
141 mm Hg and Po
is 29.6 mm Hg.
Rapid decompression can cause both pain and dis-
tress through expansion of gases present in enclosed
In the case of birds, however, gases are un-
likely to be trapped in the lungs or abdomen during
LAPS owing to the unique anatomic structure of the
avian respiratory system and are thus unlikely to be-
come a source of abdominal distention. Avian lungs
are open at both ends, rigid, and attached to the ribs
and do not change size during ventilation. Attached
to the lungs are nine air sacs that fill all spaces within
the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Because birds lack
a diaphragm, they move air in and out during sternal
movement using the intercostal and abdominal mus-
cles; air movement is simultaneous and continuous
with no passive or relaxed period. Thus, it is unlikely
significant amounts of gas can be trapped within the
avian lungs or abdomen unless the trachea is blocked
for some reason.
In contrast to reports of hemorrhagic
lesions in the lungs, brain, and heart of animals under-
going rapid decompression,
no such lesions were ob-
served in birds undergoing LAPS.
No pathological evi-
dence of ear damage has been noted in LAPS birds,
corticosterone concentrations in LAPS-stunned broilers
were nearly one-half the levels observed in electrically
stunned birds.
The LAPS target pressure for broilers is achieved
within 1 minute from the start of the LAPS cycle and
maintained for 4 minutes 40 seconds to assure recov-
ery does not occur prior to exsanguination. Time to
first coordinated animal movement was 58.7 ± 3.02
seconds, with light-headedness (defined as time from
first head movement to first wing flap) noted within
69.3 ± 6.37 seconds and LOP (an indicator of loss of
consciousness) occurring within 64.9 ± 6.09 seconds.
Neither mandibulation nor deep open-bill breathing
was observed in LAPS birds; bill breathing and mandib-
ulation are commonly reported during CAS stunning
with various gas mixtures.
Wing and leg paddling was
infrequent, lasting 15.1 ±1.12 seconds following LOP.
On the basis of EEG studies, increasing slow (delta)
wave activity consistent with a gradual loss of con-
sciousness occurs within 10 seconds of the start of the
LAPS cycle, peaking between 30 and 40 seconds and
coincident with LOP and first brief movements.
same research group also determined that heart rate de-
creases over time during LAPS, implying minimal ad-
ditional sympathetic nervous system stimulation.
A significant advantage of LAPS over electric stun-
ning and live-dump CAS is elimination of welfare issues
associated with dumping live birds onto the conveyor
line and elimination of manual handling and shackling
of live birds prior to electric stunning. During commer-
cial operation, birds undergoing LAPS are contained
within palletized shipping cages on transport trucks
in a holding area adjacent to the LAPS cylinders. Pal-
lets are directly loaded into the LAPS cylinders with a
fork lift. A computer in the control booth controls and
displays the status of the individual LAPS units. Low-
atmospheric-pressure stunning operations are fully au-
tomated, such that once a cycle is initiated, the load
operator cannot override or manually change the LAPS
cycle. Each LAPS cylinder has a video camera mounted
inside that can be viewed in real time on a monitor in
the control booth. Following the LAPS cycle, the pallet-
ized cages containing stunned birds are moved to the
dumping station. After dumping, the birds are moved
by conveyor belt to the shackling area prior to entry to
the processing line. As previously noted, LAPS corti-
costerone levels are lower than with electric stunning,
likely owing to elimination of live bird shackling.
T1.2.1 Conclusions
Low-atmospheric-pressure stunning produces a
quiet transition to unconsciousness without escape be-
haviors and with minimal physical activity and wing
flapping. Although wing flapping may be observed, it
Figure 5—The low atmospheric pressure system is used to stun
poultry via computer-controlled slow decompression. Controlled
and slow precise changes in atmospheric pressure lead to hy-
poxia from high altitude simulation and result in a loss of con-
sciousness and then irreversible stunning of the bird. This system
does not use aversive gas mixtures and eliminates the shackling
of sentient birds since birds remain in their transport containers
during the stunning process.
28 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
occurs following LOP and, therefore, consciousness.
Compared with live-dump CAS methods and electric
stunning methods, LAPS may be better from an animal
welfare standpoint because of elimination of welfare is-
sues associated with dumping live birds onto the con-
veyor line, and elimination of manual handling and
shackling of live birds prior to electric stunning. Low-
atmospheric-pressure stunning may have cost-saving
and environmental advantages over CAS in shipping
cages due to elimination of the need for gases and as-
sociated greenhouse gas emissions.
T2 Physical Methods
t2.1 ConCussiVe
T2.1.1 Penetrating captive bolt guns
Penetrating captive bolts are used for ruminants,
horses, and swine in commercial slaughter plants. Their
mode of action is concussion and trauma to the cere-
bral hemisphere and brainstem.
Properly done cap-
tive bolt stunning will instantly abolish visual evoked
potentials and SEPs from the brain.
This indicates
that the animal’s brain is no longer able to respond to a
visual or tactile stimulus because it was instantly ren-
dered unconscious. Adequate restraint is important to
ensure proper placement of the captive bolt. A cerebral
hemisphere and the brainstem must be sufficiently
disrupted by the projectile to induce sudden loss of
consciousness and subsequent death.
placement of captive bolts for various species has been
Signs of effective captive bolt penetra-
tion and death are immediate collapse and a several-
second period of tetanic spasm, followed by slow hind
limb movements of increasing frequency.
The cor-
neal reflex must be absent, and the eyes must open into
a wide, blank stare and not be rotated.
There are two types of captive bolt guns—a pen-
etrating captive bolt with a rod that penetrates deep
into the brain and a nonpenetrating captive bolt that
is equipped with a convex mushroom head. These two
types are the most common types used in commercial
slaughter plants. Both types of captive bolts can be pow-
ered by either powder cartridges (9 mm, .22 caliber, or
.25 caliber) or compressed air. Captive bolts powered
by compressed air must be designed so that they nev-
er inject air into the brain, becasue of concerns about
contamination of the meat with specified risk materials
All captive bolt guns require careful maintenance
and cleaning after each day of use. Lack of maintenance
is a major cause of captive bolt gun failure for both
powder-activated and pneumatic captive bolt guns.
Cartridges for powder-activated captive bolt guns must
be stored in a dry location because damp cartridges will
reduce effectiveness.
General recommendations
Use of the penetrating captive bolt is acceptable
for mature animals and it is the most common method
used in beef slaughter plants. It is a practical method
of humane slaughter for horses, ruminants, and swine.
Ruminants used for food should not be pithed to avoid
contamination of the carcass with specified risk materi-
als. Captive bolt guns used for larger species must have
the properly matched caliber and cartridge size. Both
penetrating and nonpenetrating captive bolts cause fo-
cal as well as diffuse injury. Injury caused by penetrat-
ing and nonpenetrating captive bolt pistols was similar
and sufficient for both to be considered effective for eu-
thanasia of lambs.
On the basis of electrophysiologic
researchers determined that the primary
determinant of effective stunning is impact of the bolt
and not penetration of the bolt into brain tissues. In
contrast, one report
credits structural changes includ-
ing focal damage adjacent to the wound track and dam-
age to peripheral tissues of the cerebrum, cerebellum,
and brainstem as the predominant factors affecting ef-
fectiveness of the stun. Both penetrating and nonpen-
etrating captive bolt guns are effective for inducing in-
stantaneous unconsciousness. Nonpenetrating captive
bolt requires more careful placement, compared with
penetrating captive bolt, to be effective.
The use of a
head restraint device is strongly recommended for non-
penetrating captive bolt. In a test on fed steers, a Jarvis
pneumatic nonpenetrating captive bolt rendered 70 out
of 75 steers instantly unconscious with a single shot.
The five failures were due to the gun being shot on an
angle that was not recommended. The nonpenetrating
captive bolt must be positioned perpendicular to the
animal’s forehead.
Detection of problems
Lack of maintenance is a major cause of captive
bolt gun failure for both powder-activated and pneu-
matic captive bolt guns.
Damp cartridges can result in
underpowered shots that are less effective. Soft-sound-
ing shots were less effective.
Studies have found that a well-trained operator can
easily render 95% or more of the animals unconscious
with a single shot from a captive bolt gun,
and ad-
vise that there is a problem if the effective first-shot rate
falls below 95%.
The best plants have a 99% first-shot
(FSIS has a zero tolerance policy for missed
first shot). Results of a European study
of 8,879 cattle
skulls in two plants indicated poor precision in 4% and
3% of shot locations. Both studies show that the error
rate in captive bolt stunners is easily kept below 5%.
Corrective action for problems
1. Store cartridges for powder-activated captive bolt
guns in a dry location. Cartridges stored in a damp
location were more likely to produce ineffective
“soft” shots.
2. Minimize movement of the animal’s head. This can
be achieved with either a head-holding device or
behavioral methods such as changing lighting in
the stun box. Head holders must be used with care;
if poorly designed, they can increase cortisol levels
and balking.
In the center-track conveyor system,
the head will typically remain still without head re-
straint. This is due to having a long overhead solid
top, which prevents the animal from seeing out un-
til its feet are off the entrance ramp and it is riding
on the conveyor.
3. Head holders cannot be used on horses. Active
head restraint, where a horse’s head is clamped by
a mechanized device, should not be used. Passive
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 29
restraint, such as a tray to prevent the horse from
putting its head down, is acceptable. Passive devic-
es restrain movement without clamping the head.
4. A nonslip floor in the stun box is essential to pre-
vent slipping. Slipping causes animals to become
agitated. The stun box floor should be flat or have
a slight slope. Steeply sloped or stepped floors
should not be used in stun boxes.
5. Maintain the captive bolt gun per the instructions
from the manufacturer. Captive bolt guns are preci-
sion machine tools, and daily cleaning and mainte-
nance are essential.
6. Use a test stand to determine whether the cap-
tive bolt has sufficient bolt velocity. The minimum
bolt velocity is 55 m/s for steers and 70 m/s for
Most captive bolt manufacturers have
test stands for their captive bolt guns.
7. For pneumatic captive bolt guns, the air compres-
sor that powers the gun must provide the air pres-
sure and volume specified by the captive bolt man-
ufacturer throughout the entire production shift.
Air accumulation tanks or an undersized compres-
sor will not provide sufficient power for the gun.
8. Heavy pneumatic captive bolt guns must be hung
on a well-designed balancer so that the operator
can easily position the gun without lifting its full
weight. There are many balancer types and designs.
Balancers must be well maintained; a partially bro-
ken balancer will make it difficult to position the
pneumatic captive bolt, causing the operator to ex-
ert more effort to move the gun.
9. Ergonomic design is especially important with
pneumatic captive bolt guns because they are
heavy and bulky. Small changes in handle location
or the angle that the pneumatic gun hangs on the
balancer can greatly improve ease of operation and
lessen the effort required to position the gun.
10. Switches and valves that operate gates or start and
stop conveyors must be located in a convenient
location. On a conveyor restrainer, the operator
should be able to start and stop the conveyor with-
out moving from the normal position for stunning.
11. All the valves and switches for operating convey-
ors and gates must be kept in good repair. Partially
broken hydraulic or pneumatic valves often require
excessive effort to operate.
12. In large plants that use cartridge-fired captive bolt
guns, more than one gun should be available to
allow for both gun rotation and having a second
gun available if the initial shot is not effective.
Cartridge-fired captive bolts are less effective when
they get too hot. Rotating the guns and allowing
hot guns to cool will prolong their useful life. If
a second stun attempt is needed, it must be per-
formed immediately to minimize pain, suffering
and distress. Plants should have a written protocol
in place for the use of the back-up stunner and sec-
ond stun attempts.
13. Orientation toward the foramen magnum is criti-
cal in calves, lambs, and kids because the head is
often rotated during restraint and a direction per-
pendicular to the skull may be too rostral, result-
ing in penetration of the frontal sinus. For adult
cattle, the gun should be placed perpendicular to
the skull to enable the bolt to hit with maximum
T2.1.2 Nonpenetrating captive bolt guns
The nonpenetrating captive bolt gun has either a
wide mushroom-shaped head or a flat head that does
not penetrate the brain of large mammals, such as adult
cattle, slaughter-weight pigs, sows, and adult sheep. In
general, regular nonpenetrating captive bolt guns only
stun animals. Correct positioning is critical for an effec-
tive stun of an adult cow. When a nonpenetrating cap-
tive bolt gun is used, there is little margin for error. The
stun-to-stick interval must not exceed 60 seconds. To
be effective on cows and steers, the shot must be more
accurately positioned, compared with the positioning
of a penetrating captive bolt. Nonpenetrating captive
bolts are not effective for stunning bulls, adult swine,
or cattle with long hair.
Detection of problems
Refer to the section Penetrating captive bolt guns—
Detection of problems. Be aware that the nonpenetrat-
ing captive bolt has a much smaller margin of error on
Corrective action for problems
Refer to the section Penetrating captive bolt guns—
Corrective action for problems.
T2.1.3 Gunshot
A properly placed gunshot can cause immediate
unconsciousness. Under some conditions, a gunshot
may be the only practical method of rendering animals
unconscious with extremely heavy skulls unconscious,
such as bulls, large boars, or buffalo.
Shooting should only be performed by highly
skilled personnel trained in the use of firearms and
only in jurisdictions that allow for legal firearm use.
The safety of personnel, the public, and other animals
that are nearby should be considered. For safety, a ful-
ly closed box that will contain a ricocheting bullet is
strongly recommended.
In applying a gunshot to the head for the purposes
of slaughter for captive animals, the firearm should be
aimed so that the projectile enters the brain, causing
instant loss of consciousness.
This must take into
account differences in brain position and skull confor-
mation between species, as well as the energy require-
ment for skull bone and sinus penetration.
rate targeting for a gunshot to the head in various spe-
cies has been described.
The appropriate firearm
should be selected for the situation, with the goal be-
ing penetration and destruction of brain tissue without
emergence from the contralateral side of the head.
Basic principles of firearms
To determine whether a firearm or type of ammuni-
tion is appropriate for slaughtering animals, some basic
principles must be understood. The kinetic energy of
an object increases as the speed and weight or mass of
the object increase. In reference to firearms, the bullet’s
kinetic energy (muzzle energy) is the energy of a bul-
30 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
let as it leaves the end of the barrel when the firearm
is discharged. Muzzle energy is frequently used as an
indicator of a bullet’s destructive potential. The heavi-
er the bullet and the greater its velocity, the higher its
muzzle energy and capacity for destruction of objects
in its path.
Muzzle energy (E) can be expressed as the mass of
the bullet (M) times its velocity (V) squared, divided by
However, to accommodate units of measure com-
monly used in the United States for civilian firearms,
energy (E) is expressed in foot-pounds. This is calcu-
lated by multiplication of the bullet’s weight (W) times
its velocity in feet per second (V) squared, divided by
450,450. The International System of Units expresses
muzzle energy in joules after the English physicist
James Prescott Joule (1818 to 1889).
Representative ballistics data for various types of
firearms are provided in Table 2. The muzzle energy
of commercially available ammunition varies greatly.
For example, the difference in muzzle energy gener-
ated from a .357 magnum handgun loaded with a 180
grain compared with a 110 grain bullet may differ by as
much as 180 foot-pounds.
Velocity has an even great-
er impact on bullet energy than bullet mass. Selection
of an appropriate bullet and firearm is critical to good
performance when conducting euthanasia procedures.
Lighter-weight, higher-velocity bullets can have high
muzzle energy, but decreased penetration, which can
be an issue when penetrating thick bones.
Whereas most slaughter using firearms is conduct-
ed at close range, calculations of muzzle energy are use-
ful for determining which firearms are appropriate for
slaughter of animals of varying sizes. As the bullet trav-
els beyond the muzzle of the firearm, its energy gradu-
ally begins to decrease. While this is not a concern for
the use of firearms in close proximity to the animal,
when attempting to shoot an animal from a distance, to
ensure accuracy and that an acceptable level of muzzle
energy is achieved, a high-powered rifle may be the bet-
ter choice for rendering an animal unconscious. In all
cases, the most important factors in ensuring a success-
ful shot are the experience and skill of the shooter.
Muzzle energy requirements
Muzzle energy required to render animals up to
400 lb (180 kg) unconscious is a minimum of 300 ft-lb
(407 J). For animals larger than 400 lb, firearms capable
of yielding muzzle energies of 1,000 ft-lb (1,356 J) are
required for satisfactory results.
As demonstrated by Table 2, handguns do not
typically achieve the muzzle energy required to eutha-
nize animals weighing more than 400 lb (180 kg), and
therefore rifles must be used to render these animals
Some would argue that the muzzle energies recom-
mended are well beyond what is necessary to achieve
satisfactory results. Anecdotal comment suggests that
the .22 LR is one of the most frequently used firearms
to shoot livestock with varying degrees of success. Ad-
ditionally, a Canadian study
found .22 LR standard-
velocity and .22 LR high-velocity bullets failed to yield
adequate penetration of the skull.
There is little doubt
that success or failure is partially related to firearm and
bullet characteristics, but probably more so to selection
of the ideal anatomic site (ie, a site more likely to af-
fect the brainstem) for conducting the procedure. The
Humane Slaughter Association lists multiple firearms
for humane slaughter of livestock, including shotguns
(12, 16, 20, 28 and .410 gauges), handguns (.32 to .45
caliber), and rifles (.22, .243, .270, and .308). In gen-
eral, when comparing handguns with rifles, the longer
the barrel, the higher the muzzle velocity. Therefore, if
a .22 is used for humane slaughter, it is best fired from a
rifle. The .22 should never be used on aged bulls, boars,
or rams.
To improve safety and reduce dangerous ricochet
of bullets that either pass through the animal’s head or
miss the animal, many plant managers prefer the .22 LR
despite its low muzzle energy and inability to yield ad-
equate penetration of the skull. Some may prefer to use
a pistol because it can be held closer to the head and
many people find it easier to aim. Pistols must be larger
than a .22. There are two main differences between use
of a firearm in a slaughter plant and its use for on-farm
euthanasia. In a slaughter plant, gunshot is followed by
exsanguination, so it is not the sole agent used to cause
death. Another difference is an animal in a slaughter
plant is shot at a close range of 1 to 2 ft. (0.3 to 0.6
m). When slaughter is done in less controlled situa-
tions out on the farm, a firearm larger than a .22 LR is
recommended. It is essential to aim the shot correctly
so that the brain is penetrated. If an animal is injured
and is not rendered unconscious with a single shot, it
is sometimes much more difficult to kill thereafter. The
nervous system may go into a state of arousal, and mul-
tiple shots may fail. In one case, a a gilt was shot mul-
tiple times with a captive bolt and firearm before it was
rendered unconscious.
Bullet selection
Bullet selection is quite possibly the most impor-
tant consideration for slaughter of livestock by gun-
shot. There are three basic types of bullets pertinent
to this discussion: solid points, hollow points, and
Muzzle energy
Cartridge/firearm In foot-pounds In joules
.40 Smith and Wesson 408 553
.45 Automatic Colt Pistol 411 557
.357 Magnum 557 755
.41 Remington Magnum 607 823
10-mm Automatic 649 880
.44 Remington Magnum 729 988
.22 Long Rifle Rim Fire 117 159
.223 Remington 1,296 1,757
30-30 Winchester 1,902 2,579
.308 2,648 3,590
30-06 Springfield 2,841 3,852
Table 2—Average muzzle energies for common hand guns and
rifles. (Adapted from USDA, 2004, National Animal Health Emer-
gency Management System Guidelines, USDA, Washington, DC.
Available at: www.dem.ri.gov/topics/erp/nahems_euthanasia.pdf
[Accessed Aug 27, 2009] and cited by Woods J, Shearer JK, Hill
J. Recommended on-farm euthanasia practices. In: Grandin T, ed.
Improving animal welfare: a practical approach. Wallingford, Ox-
fordshire, England: CABI Publishing, 2010;194–195.)
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 31
full metal jacketed bullets. Solid-point bullets are pre-
ferred for shooting livestock since they are designed
for greater penetration of their targets. Under ideal
conditions this type of bullet will also undergo mod-
erate expansion to a mushroom shape that increases
its destructive characteristics. Hollow-point bullets
are designed with a hollowed-out tip that causes rapid
expansion and fragmentation of the bullet on impact.
The hollow-point design allows maximum transfer of
energy without risk of overpenetration. Hollow points
are less likely to richochet, but if the free bullet hits
a person, it is more dangerous than other bullets. For
applications such as slaughter plants, where it may be
desirable to control or reduce the degree of bullet pen-
etration, hollow-point bullets are preferred. However,
for the purposes of humane slaughter of livestock, the
first requirement is that the bullet possesses sufficient
energy to penetrate the skull and enter the underly-
ing brain tissue. The concern with hollow-point bul-
lets is that since the majority of their energy is released
on impact through fragmentation, they may not have
sufficient energy to traverse the skull. Hollow points
would be safer in a slaughter plant, but they may need
to be used with a larger firearm than would solid points.
The other extreme is represented by full metal jacket
bullets, which do not expand or fragment on impact
with their targets. These bullets have a lead core with
a thin metal jacket cover that completely covers (sur-
rounds) the bullet. Full metal jacket bullets generally
achieve maximum penetration, which may have ben-
efits for humane slaughter but also creates additional
safety hazards for bystanders. Full metal jackets are not
recommended in slaughter plants because of safety is-
sues. Shotguns loaded with shot shells (No. 4, 5, or 6 or
slugs) have sufficient energy to traverse the skull but,
unlike bullets from either a handgun or a rifle, rarely
exit the skull. These are important considerations when
selecting a firearm for humane slaughter. Probably the
most important point to be made relative to the use of
gunshot for humane slaughter is that scientific infor-
mation on firearm and bullet selection is lacking. There
is an urgent need for research for best animal welfare.
Firearm safety
Firearm safety cannot be overemphasized. Guns
are inherently dangerous and must be handled with
caution at all times. This needs to be the mindset in
handling and use of firearms. Common recommenda-
tions include 1) assume that all firearms are loaded, 2)
always know where the muzzle is and never allow it
to point in the direction of oneself or bystanders, 3)
keep fingers away from the trigger and out of the trig-
ger guard until ready to fire, 4) be sure of the target and
what lies beyond it, 5) always be sure that the gun is un-
loaded when not in use, and 6) keep the safety on until
ready to fire. To improve safety, many managers prefer a
single-shot rifle with either a bolt or break-open action.
The action remains open until the operator is ready to
fire. For those desiring more information or training on
proper use of firearms, readers are advised to contact lo-
cal hunter safety programs. These programs offer train-
ing in firearm safety and also provide information on
rules and regulations for firearm use.
Firearms should never be held flush to an animal’s
body. The pressure within the barrel when fired may
cause the barrel of the gun to explode, placing the
shooter and observers at great risk of injury. Ideally, the
muzzle of the firearm should be held within 1 to 2 ft (30
to 60 cm) of the animal’s forehead and perpendicular to
the skull with the intended path of the bullet roughly in
the direction of the foramen magnum. This will reduce
the potential for ricochet while directing the bullet to-
ward the cerebrum, midbrain, and medulla oblongata,
which will assure immediate loss of consciousness and
rapid death.
When other methods cannot be used, an accu-
rately delivered gunshot is acceptable for humane
When an animal can be appropriately
restrained, the penetrating captive bolt, preferably one
designed for euthanasia, is preferred to a gunshot be-
cause it is safer for personnel. Prior to shooting, ani-
mals accustomed to the presence of humans should be
treated in a calm and reassuring manner to minimize
anxiety. In the case of wild animals, gunshots should be
delivered with the least amount of prior human contact
Detection of problems
A well-trained shooter can render 95% or more
of the animals insensible with a single shot. There is a
definite problem if the first-shot efficacy rate falls below
Safety is a major concern with firearms with a
free bullet when they are used in a slaughter plant. Use
of a firearm that is not sufficiently powerful is a com-
mon cause of failure of the first shot.
Corrective action for problems
1. Minimize movement of the animal’s head. Refer to
the section Penetrating captive bolt guns—Correc-
tive action for problems.
2. A nonslip floor in the stun box is essential to pre-
vent slipping. Slipping causes animals to become
3. The firearms must be taken apart and fully cleaned
each day. The gun should be replaced when it be-
comes worn out. Some firearms are not designed
for heavy continued shooting in a large slaughter
plant. For each particular firearm, plant manage-
ment needs to determine a schedule for replace-
ment. Firearms in need of replacement should be
returned to a licensed dealer.
4. Switch and valves: refer to the section Penetrating
captive bolt guns—corrective action for problems.
5. Two people should be used to move and shoot frac-
tious or otherwise difficult-to-handle animals such
as bison and flighty animals such as horses or deer.
One person moves the animal into the kill box or
restrainer, and the other shoots the animal. This
makes it possible for the animal to be shot before it
has an opportunity to become agitated.
6. If the first shot fails to render the animal instan-
taneously unconsciousness, a second stun attempt
must be performed immediately to minimize pain,
suffering and distress. Plants should have a written
protocol in place for the use of the back-up stunner
and second stun attempts.
32 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
Anatomic landmarks for use of the penetrating captive
bolt and gunshot
In bovines, the point of entry of the projectile
should be at the intersection of two imaginary lines,
each drawn from the outside corner of the eye to the
center of the base of the opposite horn (Figure 6a).
Alternatively in long faced cattle or young-stock, a
point on the midline of the face that is halfway be-
tween the top of the poll and an imaginary line con-
necting the outside corners of the eyes can be used
(Figure 6b).
Firearms should be positioned so that
the muzzle is perpendicular to the skull to avoid rico-
The location for placement of a captive bolt for en-
try of a free bullet or shooting goats is illustrated in
Figure 7. The optimal position is approximately 1 ½
inches (3.8 cm) behind (toward the back of the head)
an imaginary line connecting the outside corners of the
eyes with the projectile directed toward the back of the
throat. An alternate site may be determined by using the
intersection of two imaginary lines, each drawn from
the outside corner of the eye to the center of the base of
the opposite ear with the projectile directed toward the
back of the throat.
The location for placement of a cap-
tive bolt or entry of a free bullet for shooting of sheep is
illustrated in Figure 8. The optimal position for horn-
less sheep is the top of the head on the midline.
alternate site is the frontal region.
For heavily horned
sheep, the optimal site is behind the poll aiming toward
the angle of the jaw.
There are three possible sites for shooting swine:
frontal, temporal, and from behind the ear toward the
opposite eye (Figure 9).
The frontal site is in the cen-
ter of the forehead slightly above a line drawn between
the eyes. The projectile should be directed toward the
Figure 6—Anatomic site for gunshot or placement of a captive
bolt and desired path of the projectile in cattle. The point of entry
of the projectile should be at the intersection of two imaginary
lines, each drawn from the outside corner of the eye to the cen-
ter of the base of the opposite ear (A). Alternatively in long faced
cattle or young-stock (B), a point on the midline of the face that
is halfway between the top of the poll and an imaginary line con-
necting the outside corners of the eyes can be used. (Adapted
with permission from Shearer JK, Nicoletti P. Anatomical land-
marks. Available at: www.vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/extension/
dairy/programs/humane-euthanasia/anatomical-landmarks. Ac-
cessed Jun 24, 2011.)
Figure 7—Anatomic sites for gunshot or placement of captive
bolts and desired path of the projectile in goats. The optimal po-
sition is determined by using the intersection of two imaginary
lines, each drawn from the outside corner of the eye to the cen-
ter of the base of the opposite ear with the projectile directed
toward the back of the throat. (Adapted with permission from
Shearer JK).
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 33
spinal canal. The temporal site is slightly anterior and
below the ear.
The correct anatomic site for application of gun-
shot and penetrating captive bolt for equids is illustrat-
ed in Figure 10.
The site for entry of the projectile is
described as being on the intersection of two diagonal
lines, each running from the outer corner of the eye to
the base of the opposite ear.
t2.2 eleCtriC
Electric stunning for humane slaughter causes im-
mediate loss of consciousness.
Alternating current
has been used to euthanize dogs, cattle, sheep, goats,
swine, chickens, foxes, mink, and fish.
done correctly, electric stunning produces grand mal
seizures, which have a tonic (rigid) action followed by
clonic (paddling) action. These seizures occur prior to
the electric transmission of pain stimuli to the CNS, so
the procedure is not painful or distressful.
To produce the grand mal seizure, electrodes must
Figure 8—For polled sheep (A), the proper site is at or slightly
behind the poll aiming toward the angle of the jaw (ie, base of the
tongue). Alternatively, a site high on the forehead aiming toward
the foramen magnum (or spinal canal; B) or aiming toward the
angle of the jaw or base of the tongue may be used. (Adapted
with permission from Shearer JK, Nicoletti P. Anatomical land-
marks. Available at: www.vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/extension/
Accessed Jun 24, 2011.)
Figure 9— There are three possible anatomic sites for gunshot
and penetrating captive bolt application in swine: frontal, tempo-
ral and from behind the ear toward the opposite eye. The frontal
site is in the center of the forehead slightly above a line drawn
between the eyes. The bolt or bullet should be directed toward
the spinal canal. The temporal site is slightly anterior and below
the ear. The ideal target location and direction of aim may vary
slightly according to breed and the age of the animal (due to
growth of the frontal sinuses). (Adapted with permission from
Shearer JK, Nicoletti P. Anatomical landmarks. Available at:
mane-euthanasia/anatomical-landmarks.Accessed Jun 24, 2011.)
34 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
be placed so that the current goes through the brain.
For stunning poultry, the current reaching the brain
must be adequate to produce an epileptic seizure but
less than that required for cardiac fibrillation leading to
In poultry, epileptic activity in the brain may
require less current than that required for cardiac fi-
brillation and death.
In mammals, reliable induction
of an epileptic seizure may require a greater amount
of current than that required for induction of cardiac
If killing is not performed quickly, then con-
sciousness is regained.
T2.2.1 Principles
Ohm’s law involves current, potential difference
(ie, resistance), and frequency. Current, or what flows
through a wire, is measured in terms of amps (A). Cur-
rent is proportional to the potential difference across
two points. Voltage (V) is a measure of that difference
in electric potential between two points in a wire. Re-
sistance, which determines how much current will flow,
is measured in terms of ohms. Power, or current multi-
plied by voltage, is measured in watts (W). Frequency,
or the number of cycles per second, is measured in
hertz (Hz).
When electric stunning is used for humane slaugh-
ter, appropriate electric parameters must be used. These
parameters vary with species and size. The effectiveness
of electric stunning, in general, increases with increas-
ing current and decreasing frequency. A minimum of
1.25 A is required for market-weight pigs,
1.00 A
for sheep,
and 1.25 A for cattle.
Amperage must be
maintained for at least 1 second. Insufficient amperage
can cause an animal to be paralyzed without losing in-
Electronic equipment designed to provide
constant amperage, which sets the amperage and allows
voltage to vary according to animal resistance, may pre-
vent amperage spiking.
Older voltage-regulated
electronic units allow changes in amperage (spiking),
which may cause injury and blood spotting.
The minimum current required to induce an epi-
leptic response depends on the stunning frequency.
Unconsciousness is most effectively induced at a fre-
quency of 50 cycles (50 Hz).
Plant managers will
often use higher frequencies to reduce damage to the
meat caused by petechial hemorrhages (blood spot-
ting). It is generally accepted that higher frequencies
(800 Hz or greater) do not result in better stunning.
In fact, the duration of clonic-tonic seizures increases
with higher stunning frequencies and incurs a delay in
Figure 10—Anatomic site for the application of gunshot or pen-
etrating captive bolt for equids. The point of entry of the projectile
should be at the intersection of two imaginary lines, each drawn
from the outside corner of the eye to the center of the base of the
opposite ear. (Adapted with permission from Shearer JK, Nicoletti
P. Anatomical landmarks. Available at: www.vetmed.iastate.edu/
landmarks. Accessed Jun 24, 2011.)
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 35
time to unconsciousness. Animals stunned using high-
er frequencies will regain sensibility more quickly.
other studies,
frequencies of 2,000 to 3,000 Hz
failed to induce unconsciousness. Grandin
mends that higher frequencies only be used when they
are passed through at least two electrodes to the head.
Frequenices of sine waves at 1,592 Hz or square waves
at 1,642 Hz are effective in pigs, but the period of un-
consciousness will be shorter.
Eight hundred hertz
applied to the head with 50 Hz applied to the body is
also acceptable.
Proper electric stunning must not be confused with
electric immobilization that paralyzes an animal with-
out inducing unconsciousness.
Immobilization with-
out unconsciousness is highly aversive and must not be
Electrocution induces death by cardiac fibril-
lation, which causes cerebral hypoxia.
However, an-
imals do not lose consciousness for 10 to 30 seconds or
more after onset of cardiac fibrillation. It is imperative
that animals be unconscious before being electrocuted.
T2.2.2 Methods
Three methods are used to perform electric stun-
ning: the head-only reversible method; the one-step
head-to-body cardiac arrest method; and the two-step
method consisting of a current applied only to the head,
followed by a current applied to the body, which stops
the heart.
The head-only method does not cause car-
diac arrest and will result in a return to consciousness
in 15 to 30 seconds.
In the head-only method, ani-
mals should be bled within 15 seconds.
Tongs must
be placed so that the current goes only through the
head, which can be accomplished by placing tongs ei-
ther on both sides of the head or on the top and bottom
of the head (Figure 11).
The one-step method uses current applied through
the head to the body to induce cardiac arrest. Current is
simultaneously passed through both the brain and the
heart, which induces cardiac fibrillation and immedi-
ate loss of consciousness (Figure 12).
Wotton and
suggest that the induction of cardiac arrest
provides a major animal welfare advantage because it
promotes the start of death. Use of the head-to-body (or
–chest, -back) method has been shown to be highly ef-
fective in inducing irreversible unconsciousness in over
98% of pigs evaluated.
Pork plants using V-shaped con-
veyor restrainers have achieved > 99% correct electrode
placement when the one-step head-to-body cardiac ar-
rest method is used.
recommends when
the one-step method is used that the first 1-second
treatment should be at least 1.25 A at 50 to 60 Hz. One
electrode must be placed on the head, and the other
electrode can be placed on any part of the body (except
for sensitive areas such as the eye, ear, or rectum). The
first electrode must not be placed on the neck or the
back of the neck because the current will bypass the
brain and cause instant pain.
The two-step method (Figure 13) uses the head-
only method followed by a second application of the
tongs to the chest. This method causes unconscious-
ness first and then death by cardiac arrest. Applying the
second current by placing the electrode on the chest
behind the foreleg has been reported to be effective.
T2.2.3 Signs of effective stunning
Unconsciousness occurs when electricity inhibits
impulses from both the reticular activating and the so-
matosensory systems of the brain.
Signs of effective
seizure induction include extension of the legs, opis-
thotonus, and downward rotation of the eyeballs as
Figure 11—Proper electrode placement for the head-only electric
stun method.
Figure 12—Proper electrode placement for the one-step (head-
to-body) electric stun method, where the current is passed si-
multaneously through both the brain and the heart. The head
electrode may be placed on the forehead or immediately behind
the ear (as shown).
36 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
well as epileptic seizures or the clonic tonic syndrome
described above. The presence of an epileptic state has
been considered to be a guarantee of an effective elec-
tric stun.
On a more practical level, signs of effective stun-
ning have been described.
Although the legs may
move, it is the head that must be examined when the
animal is hung on the rail after the rigid phase of the
epileptic seizure stops. The head and neck should be
limp and floppy, and the tongue should hang out. Sheep
heads may not hang directly straight down because of
anatomic differences, but pig and cattle heads should
hang straight down. If natural blinking occurs, the
animal is not stunned. Nystagmus may occur in elec-
tric stunning especially when frequencies > 50 Hz are
used. Rhythmic breathing must cease and vocalizations
should not occur. Gasping is permissible after electric
stunning, but it must not be confused with rhythmic
breathing where the animal’s ribs move in and out. Ani-
mals electrically stunned with the head only method
will start to recover when kicking stops.
T2.2.4 General recommendations
Electric stunning requires special skills and equip-
ment that will ensure passage of sufficient current
through the brain to induce loss of consciousness and
tonic and clonic epileptic spasms. Unconsciousness
must be induced before cardiac fibrillation or simul-
taneously with cardiac fibrillation. Cardiac fibrillation
must never occur before the animal is rendered uncon-
scious. One-step methods that apply electric current
from head to tail, head to foot, or head to moistened
metal plates on which the animal stands are unaccept-
able because they often bypass the brain. The two-step
method should be used in situations where there may
be questions about sufficient current to induce a grand
mal seizure with tonic and clonic spasms. This ap-
proach enables observation of tonic and clonic spasms
before a second current is applied to induce cardiac ar-
rest. Electroimmobilization that paralyzes an animal
without first inducing unconsciousness is extremely
aversive and is unacceptable.
For both humane
and safety reasons, the use of household electric cords
is not acceptable.
Meat quality
The head-only method has both animal welfare
and meat-quality issues.
Negative meat effects include
decreased tenderness, increased drip-loss (water-bind-
ing capacity; synersis leading to water puddling), and
pale muscle color due to more intense muscular con-
tractions compared with either one-step or two-step
cardiac arrest stunning. Plant management may be
tempted to lower the amperage and increase frequency
to reduce blood splash (petechial hemorrhages) and
broken backs. Stunner settings that reliably induce epi-
leptic activity in the brain must be used.
A two-step electric stun method must be used with
grown cattle
owing to the large size of this spe-
cies. Current must be applied to the head to induce un-
consciousness before a second current is applied to the
body to induce cardiac arrest.
Because grown cattle
are so large, the head must be properly restrained be-
fore affixing electrodes firmly to the head. A frequency
of 50 to 60 Hz should be used for the stun
if head-
only stunning is used. A 3-second application of 1.15 A
at 50 cycles applied between the nose and the neck is
effective to induce epileptiform activity in the brain.
Pigs and small ruminants
In the interest of animal welfare, electric stunning
of sheep should be done with an amperage of at least
1.0 A (160 V), and in pigs, a minimum of 1.25 A should
be used for 100-kg (220-lb) animals.
In the United
States, market-weight pigs are much heavier, and more
amperage may be required to reliabily induce uncon-
sciousness in these animals. Pigs weighing 130 kg (287
lb) live weight require 1.8 to 2.0 A.
More recent re-
search has shown that amperage is the most important
electric parameter,
but the use of a single electric pa-
rameter such as amperage is not sufficient to guarantee
effective stunning.
Plant operators should also evalu-
ate the animals for signs of a grand mal seizure using
the methods described by Grandin.
The time between stunning and bleeding is criti-
cal when head-only stunning is used. Animals should
be bled within 15 seconds.
When cardiac arrest
is induced, the animals should be bled within 60 sec-
onds. Most large commercial plants use head-to-body
stunning where the current is passed simultaneously
through both the brain and the heart.
In small
plants, Grandin
has observed problems with animals
Figure 13—Proper electrode placement for the two-step electric
stun method. First a current is passed from the nose plate to
stanchion bars on the neck, causing unconsciousness. This is fol-
lowed by the application of a second current from the neck stan-
chion to the brisket electrode, causing death via cardiac arrest.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 37
returning to consciousness after head-only stunning
because of slow hoisting procedures. To prevent return
to consciousness, a second current should be applied
to the body immediately after initial head stunning to
stop the heart.
Proper restraint is critical to allow the
correct placement of the electrodes. Electrodes should
be cleaned daily and properly maintained.
Improper electric stunning of sheep and pigs
can cause blood splash, pale muscle color, or broken
bones. These problems are a meat-quality issue and
not an animal welfare concern because passage of the
current through the brain has already induced uncon-
sciousness. The tongs or wand should be pressed firmly
against the animal before the current is turned on. If the
wand is energized before it is firmly applied, pigs will
produce a short squeal but sheep will remain silent.
This is a welfare concern because the animal would feel
the shock. When the wand or tong is only partially ap-
plied, the animal does not receive the full amount of
Electric stunners work best when they are
equipped with an automatic timer.
Electric stunning is the most universally accepted
and used method for stunning prior to slaughter for
The most widely used method for electros-
tunning poultry is the electric water-bath stunning
method (Figure 14), which involves the direct contact
of the bird’s head in an electrified water bath. Birds
are shackled and, while suspended upside down, pass
through a water bath. Each bird is immediately stunned
for a period that lasts between 30 and 60 seconds.
Efficacy of the water-bath system is influenced
by the species, number, and size of the birds passing
through the water bath because with increasing size
and number of birds in the bath at one time the resis-
tance increases and because parallel paths of current
arise with increasing numbers of birds. Variable resis-
tance can result in insufficient current to produce im-
mediate unconsciousness. Constant-current stunners
may alleviate this problem.
Smaller commercial facilities may use a handheld
stunner for electrically stunning birds. When this
method is used, birds must be properly restrained and
held. Electrodes must be properly constructed to en-
sure contact with skin through the bird’s feathering.
Placing water on the head of the bird reduces resistance
and enhances the stunning process.
Welfare issues for electric stunning of poultry ex-
ist. Birds must be handled carefully, as the shackling
procedure may be distressful and painful.
If wing
flapping occurs immediately prior to the entrance of
the water-bath stunner, preshocks from the stunner
can occur.
Breast rubs, low lighting, and a smooth
transition into the stunner can reduce the frequency
of wing flapping. Proper stunner design, including a
nonconductive entrance, will also help eliminate pres-
tun shocks. Shackles must be of the appropriate size
for the species and specific birds. If handheld stunners
are used, then appropriate placement of the electrodes
between the ears and eyes is essential. Because of the
variable resistance between species, flocks, and even
individual birds, recommendations for optimal electric
parameters for effective stunning in poultry are diffi-
cult to make
United States model—Contrary to the European
model, electrical stunning in the United States involves
pulsed direct current with low current (25 to 45 mA/
low voltage (10 to 25 V),
and high fre-
quency (approx 500 Hz).
This type of system
became possible with advances in electrical circuitry
and changes to the length of the water bath cabinet that
increase dwell time of the birds and decrease the total
resistance in the water bath.
In a survey of 329 US
poultry plants, 92.1% reported using electrical stun-
ning and 77.4% of those plants used low-voltage (10 to
25 V), high-frequency (500 Hz) systems.
beHAViorAl reACtions
Efficacy of the stunning in US slaughter plants has been
determined by assessing corneal and comb reflexes.
Typically, a bird is considered stunned by plant person-
nel when it becomes unresponsive to stimulation of
the cornea or comb with its eyes wide open, an arched
neck, and tucked wings.
One study
evaluated a
2-phase step-up stunner, with a first phase consisting
of low-voltage (12 and 15 V), high-frequency (550
Hz) pulsed direct current for 10 seconds and a second
phase consisting of sinusoidal wave alternating current
(50 Hz at 40, 50, and 60 V for 5 seconds).
The best
results for this combination occurred in male birds at
the highest voltage settings (phase one, 15 V; phase
two, 60 V).
Under these conditions, only 22% of the
birds had corneal reflexes, 18% had spontaneous blink-
ing, and < 10% had wing flapping.
pHysiologiC reACtions
One study
that evaluated a 2-phase step-up stunner,
with a first phase consisting of low-voltage (12 and 15
V), high-frequency (550 Hz) pulsed direct current for
10 seconds and a second phase consisting of sinusoi-
dal wave alternating current (50 Hz at 40, 50, and 60
V for 5 seconds), found that 45% of the birds did not
achieve an isoelectric EEG. Contradicting this, another
research group evaluating a similar 2-phase step-up
stunner (phase one, 23 V [550 Hz direct current for 10
seconds]; phase two, 15 V [60 Hz alternating current
for 5 seconds]) found that the poststunning EEG had
a brief period of high-amplitude spikes that progres-
sively decreased in amplitude over time.
These inves-
tigators found the EEG recording of the brain activity
to be very similar to that seen with the European model
of electrical stunning.
Results of studies of birds stunned with the low-voltage
US model indicate that the birds are unresponsive to
Figure 14—In electrical water-bath stunning, birds are shackled,
and while suspended upside down, the bird’s head comes into
direct contact with an electrified water bath.
38 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
stimuli. However, the physiologic data are contradic-
tory and it is unclear whether birds truly reach a state
of unconsciousness. As noted by others,
research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness and hu-
maneness of electrical stunning with low voltage set-
tings in 1- and 2-phase stunning systems.
The biological variability of birds makes it difficult to
construct recommendations for optimal parameters for
electrical stunning of poultry at slaughter. Inadequate
electrical variables can result in a return to conscious-
ness before birds enter the neck slitter. However, use of
electrical frequencies that are too high results in an in-
crease in blood spotting,
leading to larger amounts of
carcass waste and an overall increase in the number of
birds needed to yield the same amount of end product.
T2.2.5 Detection of problems
Failure to cause immediate unconsciousness is
highly stressful and may be painful. Humans experience
pain when electroconvulsive shock therapy fails.
eral causes of electric stunning failure have been noted.
The most common causes of return to consciousness
after any type of electric stunning are incorrect elec-
trode placement and poor bleeding.
Another cause
of failure that has been noted in cattle and pigs is dehy-
dration of the animal prior to stunning.
And finally,
poor equipment maintenance can also cause failures in
the procedure.
Another common cause of failure to induce uncon-
sciousness is incorrect placement of the electrodes.
Electrodes must never be placed on eyeballs, ears or
other sensitive areas of the body. Likewise, electrodes
must not be placed on wet metal plates on which the
animal stands. Experiments with dogs showed that
electrode positions where the brain is bypassed do not
cause instantaneous unconsciousness. When electricity
passes only between the forelimbs and hind limbs or
neck and feet, it causes the heart to fibrillate but does
not induce sudden loss of consciousness.
The animal
will be electrocuted, but will remain conscious until it
dies from cardiac fibrillation.
Four options are available for correct electrode
placement for the head-only method, including on both
sides of the head between the eye and ear, the base of the
ear on both sides of the head, and diagonally below one
ear and above the eye on the opposite side of the head.
For cattle, neck to nose is effective.
For the one-
step (head-to-body) method, the head electrode may be
placed on the forehead or immediately behind the ear.
The head electrode should never be placed on the neck
because the brain will be bypassed.
Diagonal move-
ment of the electric current through the body can be
accomplished by placing the head electrode behind one
ear and the body electrode on the opposite side. An-
other position that is effective is head to back.
the two-step procedure is used, placement of the body
electrode behind the forelimb is effective.
consisting of a metal band or chain around the nose and
a band or chain around the thorax appear to be effective
for pigs weighing up to 125 kg (275.6 lb).
states that energizing the electrodes
prior to placement should not be done because pigs
will squeal, possibly because of poor electrode con-
tact. However, when the electrode is energized after it
is firmly applied, the pig will not squeal.
When the
electrodes are applied to the temporal fossae of a sheep’s
head, they can be stunned multiple times with no in-
crease in either heart rate or glucose secretion.
indicates that the sheep does not remember being re-
peatedly shocked.
Even when electric methods that stop the heart
are used, there are a few animals where cardiac arrest
is not induced. This is the reason why good bleeding
technique is essential.
The most common cause of
return to sensibility after head-only stunning is a stun-
to-bleed interval of > 15 seconds.
When electric methods are used, the following
signs of return to consciousness must be absent: rhyth-
mic breathing, righting reflex, vocalization, natural
eyeblink (menace reflex), and tracking of a moving ob-
There are definite problems with electric stun-
ning if pigs squeal or cattle moo or bellow when the
electrodes are applied.
Vocalization cannot be used in
sheep because sheep often do not vocalize when they
are in pain. A well-trained operator should be able to
place the electrodes in the correct position on 99% or
more of the animals. There is a problem if more than
1% of the cattle or pigs vocalize during electrode ap-
Proper equipment maintenance is essential. At a
minimum, electrodes should be cleaned once daily and
regularly maintained.
Old, worn, or rusted equip-
ment should be replaced on a regular schedule.
T2.2.6 Corrective action for problems
1. Check to ensure that the electric stunner is in-
ducing a grand mal epileptic seizure. The tonic
and clonic spasm is clearly visible after head-only
stunning. When a one-step head-to-body method
is used, the seizure may be masked. Often a very
weak tonic and clonic movement is still visible.
If electroimmobilization is used to keep the carcass
still after stunning, it must be turned off because it
will totally mask the tonic and clonic spasms.
2. The electric stunner should be equipped with a
meter so that amperage levels can be monitored.
3. Monitor stunner operations for electrode place-
ment and vocalization during electric stunner
placement. Appropriate plant monitoring pro-
grams for evaluating the effectiveness of electric
stunning should be implemented.
4. Wet pigs to ensure good electric contact. They
should be wet but not dripping with water. Large
amounts of water dripping off the animal may
cause the current to pass over the surface of the pig
instead of through the brain. For sheep, cattle, and
other animals with wool or hair, a small stream of
water should be applied either through the elec-
trode or right beside it to wet the application area.
5. Make sure animals are not dehydrated. Dehydrated
animals are more difficult to render unconscious
with electricity.
6. Use a bleeding knife and techniques that will pro-
duce a stream of blood at least 2.5 cm wide in pigs.
A copious blood stream helps prevent problems
with return to consciousness.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 39
7. When head-only stunning is used, equipment
should be designed so that the animals are bled
within 15 seconds after stunning. Well-designed
commercial plants that perform religious slaugh-
ter with head-only stunning have equipment that
is capable of achieving this goal. The two main
methods for achieving rapid bleeding are either
high-speed hoists or bleeding the animal on a table
immediately after it is ejected from the stun box or
8. The electrodes must be kept clean. A wire brush
should be used to clean the electrodes several times
each day.
9. Stunning tongs or wands should be ergonomically
designed to reduce operator fatigue.
10. Rotate the operators to help prevent fatigue. Data
collected from an electronically monitored stun-
ning unit showed that after 3 hours, the operator
was more likely to fail to firmly press the electrode
against the animal. Firm contact is essential for an
effective stun.
11. Both sides of a V conveyor restrainer should run
at the same speed. If one side runs faster than the
other, the animals will become agitated.
12. Use insulated restraint equipment. Plastic slats are
recommended on V conveyor restrainers, and there
should be no exposed bolts. When single-animal
restrainers are used, they should be insulated with
plastic meat cutting board.
13. For operator safety, all electric stunners should be
equipped with an isolation transformer or other
device that will prevent electricity from flowing
from a single electrode to ground. The electricity
should only flow between the two electrodes. The
metal frame of the restrainer and operator catwalk
must be connected to a good ground.
14. All electric components such as the stunner switch,
plugs, cords, and control box should be kept dry.
The only part of the stunner that should be wet-
ted is the electrodes. When the plant is cleaned,
the stunning tongs or wand should be removed and
stored in a dry location. The stunner control box
should be either placed in a separate dry room or
kept covered during plant wash down.
15. Several types of restrainers (for head and body)
can be employed for a variety of species. Cattle,
for example, must have a properly designed head
restraint. A head holding device is usually not re-
quired for pigs or sheep.
16. Employee training is essential.
t2.3 otHer pHysiCAl metHods
T2.3.1 Decapitation
Decapitation is not commonly employed in the
commercial slaughter of food animals, but is often used
for on-the-farm slaughter, primarily of poultry and rab-
When properly employed, this technique can be
a quick and humane method of slaughter, but if done
incorrectly, it has the potential to induce pain and dis-
tress on the animals. This method may be found to be
aesthetically displeasing to those performing or observ-
ing the technique.
In poultry killed by decapitation, convulsions fre-
quently occur immediately to several seconds follow-
ing application of the technique. Postmortem convul-
sions were minimized when chickens were electrically
stunned prior to decapitation.
Decapitation without prior stunning is rarely used
in poultry slaughter plants.
Decapitation is also a
method that is sometimes used for home slaughter of
Early studies
on the effects of decapita-
tion on brain electric activity in chickens, sheep, and
rats showed persistence of activity for up to 13 to 14
seconds following decapitation, resulting in the conclu-
sion that the animals’ heads remained conscious dur-
ing this time and may have experienced pain. However,
many recent studies
have shown that this activity
does not imply the ability to perceive pain, and they
conclude that loss of consciousness occurs rapidly fol-
lowing decapitation. The concern that the blow from
the decapitating device might induce pain is mitigated
by the fact that afferent sensory nerves for the head and
neck enter the spinal cord at the level of the second cer-
vical vertebrae in most species; therefore, the severing
of the spinal cord at or above that level would prevent
sensory input from the tissue injury from reaching the
Operator competence is required to perform de-
capitation in a humane fashion. The operator must
be familiar with the technique and able to accurately
place the blade high on the neck, ideally at the level
of the first vertebra. Blades used for decapitation must
be maintained to be kept sharp and able to sever the
entire head without need for more than one blow. Ani-
mals must be restrained to prevent them from moving
away from the blade. For poultry, restraint in a bleed-
ing cone will not only facilitate accurate aim, but will
also minimize tissue trauma from postmortem convul-
sions. Electrically stunning a bird prior to decapitation
reduces the occurrence of postmortem convulsions.
T2.3.2 Cervical dislocation
Cervical dislocation is not commonly employed in
the commercial slaughter of food animals, but is often
used for on-the-farm slaughter, primarily of poultry
and rabbits,
therefore the Panel has opted to provide
For poultry, the legs of the bird should be grasped
(or wings if grasped at the base) and the neck stretched
by pulling on the head while applying a ventrodor-
sal rotational force to the skull. Crushing of cervical
vertebrae and spinal cord is not acceptable unless the
bird is first rendered unconscious. Personnel should be
trained on anesthetized or dead animals to demonstrate
Data suggest that electrical activity in the brain
persists for 13 seconds following cervical dislocation
in rats,
and unlike decapitation, rapid exsanguina-
tion does not contribute to loss of consciousness.
For some classes of poultry, there is evidence that
cervical dislocation may not cause immediate
Cervical dislocation is a method that may induce
rapid loss of consciousness,
does not chemically
contaminate tissue, and can be rapidly accomplished.
However, cervical dislocation may be aesthetically
40 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
displeasing to personnel performing or observing the
method, and it requires mastering technical skills to en-
sure loss of consciousness is rapidly induced.
Manual cervical dislocation must be performed by
individuals with a demonstrated high degree of techni-
cal proficiency. In lieu of demonstrated technical com-
petency, animals must be unconscious or anesthetized
prior to cervical dislocation. When performed on poul-
try, cervical dislocation must result in luxation of the
cervical vertebrae without primary crushing of the ver-
tebrae and spinal cord. In some classes of poultry, there
is evidence that cervical dislocation may not cause im-
mediate unconsciousness.
In these cases, other
physical methods such as blunt force trauma or decapi-
tation may be more humane
and should be employed
when available or practicable.Those responsible for the
use of this method must ensure that personnel perform-
ing cervical dislocation have been properly trained and
consistently apply it humanely and effectively.
a. Meyer RE, Mississippi State University, Mississipi State, Miss:
Personal communication, 2012.
b. Vizzier-Thaxton Y, Professor and Director, Center for Food Ani-
mal Wellbeing, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark: Per-
sonal communication, 2012.
c. Gilliam JN, Shearer JK, Bahr RJ, et al. Evaluation of brain-
stem disruption following penetrating captive bolt shot in
isolated cattle heads: comparison of traditional and alterna-
tive shot placement landmarks (abstr), in Proceedings. 4th Int
Symp Beef Cattle Welf Available at: www.extension.iastate.edu/
Bolt%20Shot%20in%20Isolated%20Cattle%20Heads.pdf. Ac-
cessed Sep 25, 2014.
d. Plummer PJ, Shearer JK, Ramirez A, et al. Penetrating captive-
bolt euthanasia of goats: optimal shot placement and evalu-
ation of disbudded/dehorned and horned goats (abstr), in
Proceedings. Am Assoc Bovine Pract Am Assoc Small Rumin
Pract Annu Conf 2014. Available at: www.aabp.org/members/
publications/2014/proceedings/AASRPPosters_Res.pdf. Ac-
cessed Sep 25, 2014.
e. Simmons NJ. The use of high frequency currents for the electri-
cal stunning of pigs. PhD thesis, University of Bristol, Langford,
England, 1995.
f. Berghaus A, Troeger K. Electrical stunning of pigs: minimum
current flow time required to induce epilepsy at various fre-
quencies (abstr), in Proceedings. Int Cong Meat Sci Technol
1998;44:1070–1071 .
g. Velarde A, Faucitano L, Gispert M, et al. A survey of the efficacy
of electrical and carbon dioxide stunning on insensitivity in
slaughter pigs (abstr), in Proceedings. Int Cong Meat Sci Technol
h. Buhr RJ, Bourassa DV, Foutz TL, et al. Electroencephalogram
recordings following low and high voltage electrical stun-
bleeding in broilers (abstr), in Proceedings. Int Poult Sci Fo-
rum 2003;49.
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44 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
Animal and
method Head Tongue Back Eyes Limbs Vocalization Respiration Tail Response to pain
Captive bolt Must appear dead, Straight and limp Hanging straight, No natural blinking. Wide open, Uncoordinated kicking of hind None Rhythmic breathing (ribs moving in and Relaxes shortly after being A pinch or pinprick may
hang straight and floppy no righting reflex blank stare, no response to touch; legs acceptable, no righting out at least twice) is absent. Agonal on the rail be applied to nose only
nystagmus absent reflex present gasping not acceptable. and no response should
be observed.
Electric Must appear dead, Straight and limp Hanging straight, Eyes may vibrate (nystagmus), but Uncoordinated kicking of hind None Agonal gasping like a fish out of water Relaxes shortly after being A pinch or pinprick may
hang straight and floppy no righting reflex no natural blinking legs acceptable, no righting normal. Rhythmic breathing (ribs moving on the rail be applied to nose only
reflex present in and out at least twice) is absent. and no response should
be observed.
Must appear dead, Straight and limp Hanging straight, No natural blinking Uncoordinated kicking of hind None Agonal gasping like a fish out of water Relaxes shortly after being A pinch or pinprick may
hang straight and floppy no righting reflex legs acceptable, no righting normal. Rhythmic breathing (ribs moving on the rail be applied to nose only
reflex present in and out at least twice) is absent. and no response should
be observed.
Electric Must appear dead, Straight and limp Hanging straight, Eyes may vibrate (nystagmus), Uncoordinated kicking of hind None Agonal gasping like a fish out of water Relaxes shortly after being A pinch or pinprick may
hang straight and floppy no righting reflex but no natural blinking legs acceptable, no righting normal. Rhythmic breathing (ribs moving on the rail be applied to nose only
reflex present in and out at least twice) is absent. and no response should
be observed.
Captive bolt Must appear dead, Straight and limp Hanging straight, No natural blinking. Wide open, Uncoordinated kicking of hind
hang straight and floppy no righting reflex blank stare, no response to touch; legs acceptable, no righting None Rhythmic breathing (ribs moving in Relaxes shortly after being A pinch or pinprick may
nystagmus absent reflex present and out at least twice) is absent. Agonal on the rail be applied to nose only
gasping not acceptable. and no response should
be observed.
Electric Must appear dead, neck Straight and limp Owing to Eyes may vibrate (nystagmus), Uncoordinated kicking of hind None Agonal gasping like a fish out of water Relaxes shortly after being A pinch or pinprick may
hangs on angle with anatomic but no natural blinking legs acceptable, no righting normal. Rhythmic breathing (ribs moving on the rail be applied to nose only
limp and floppy head differences in reflex present in and out at least twice) is absent. and no response should
sheep, back may be observed.
not hang
straight; no
righting reflex
Signs of a properly stunned animal by stunning method.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 45
Unique Species Issues
U1 Additional Considerations: Bovine
u1.1 bulls
Large bulls, water buffalos, or American bison
with very thick and heavy skulls create challenges for
stunning with captive bolt. Some plants have solved
this problem by electing to shoot all bulls twice or by
switching to the use of a large-caliber firearm. While
the latter option has been found to be effective, use of
a firearm within the confines of a packing plant cre-
ates serious safety concerns. The newer, more powerful
Jarvis pneumatic captive bolt gun has largely overcome
these problems, but because of its size and weight, it
must be properly mounted on a balance for effective
positioning over the proper anatomic site. This has
caused some to consider use of the poll position rather
than the frontal site. Studies indicate that the poll po-
sition can be effective if the appropriate captive bolt
gun is used and when the muzzle is directed so that the
discharged bolt will enter the brain.
However, use of
the poll position for penetrating captive bolt stunning
is prone to problems associated with operator error re-
sulting in misdirection of the bolt (eg, into the spinal
cord) and a failure to render animals unconscious ow-
ing to a shallow depth of concussion (ie, failure of the
bolt to sufficiently penetrate the skull).
u1.2 Cull CoWs
Culling is a management decision designed to re-
move animals with undesirable characteristics or poor
performance. For example, when choosing which
animals to cull, cattlemen consider pregnancy status,
performance of a cow’s previous calves, age and teeth
wear, udder health and teat conformation, structural
soundness of feet and legs, evidence of health problems
such as cancer eye, and the animal’s disposition. The
primary reasons dairy cows are marketed for slaughter
are failure to become pregnant, mastitis, and lameness.
From the packer’s standpoint, the most desirable (or
most profitable) cull cows are those that leave herds for
failure to become pregnant, since these animals are usu-
ally in the best (fattest) body condition. Most of these
animals, along with culled bulls, enter packing plants
that process ground beef. Culling of cows needs to be
done proactively to ensure that culled cows are suitable
for transport to slaughter. This is important to ensure
that the well-being of the cows is not compromised and
is more likely to result in useable product. Cows should
be culled before they become weak and debilitated.
Successful stunning of cattle (ie, cow rendered in-
sensible between stunning and death by exsanguina-
tion) requires a penetrating captive bolt with sufficient
bolt speed and power to penetrate the cow’s skull. It
also requires accurate placement of the captive bolt de-
vice over the intended site. When stunning procedures
are properly applied, the likelihood of a return to sensi-
bility is believed to be low. However, a Canadian study
designed to assess the likelihood of a return to sensibil-
ity following penetrating captive bolt stunning suggests
differently. Thirty-two cull dairy cows were assigned to
either group A (20 cows), which received penetrating
captive bolt stunning followed by pithing (within 10
minutes of stunning), or group B, which consisted of
12 animals that were stunned but not pithed. Research-
ers observed that none of the 20 animals in the captive
bolt plus pithing group (group A) regained conscious-
ness, whereas five of 12 (42%) animals in group B (ani-
mals that were not pithed) exhibited signs of a return
to sensibility (cattle that have been pithed are not con-
sidered acceptable or safe product for the human food
supply). Four animals were described as having clini-
cal signs consistent with reversible stunning, and one
demonstrated signs consistent with consciousness 20
minutes after being stunned with the captive bolt.
cause it is common practice to exsanguinate animals in
the packing plant environment, there may be less likeli-
hood that cows will return to consciousness. However,
these results do confirm the need for an adjunctive step
whether the objective is slaughter or euthanasia.
reports that the best packing plants are
able to achieve a successful first shot stun on average
97% to 98% of the time. In an earlier study by Grandin
involving 21 packing plants, 17 successfully rendered
all cattle insensible before they were hoisted onto the
bleeding rail, whereas four plants had cattle showing
evidence of a return to sensibility that required restun-
ning. Of 692 bulls and cull cows, eight (1.2%) returned
to sensibility after stunning. Stunning failure was at-
tributed to storage of stunner cartridges in damp lo-
cations, poor cleaning and maintenance of the captive
bolt guns, dirty triggers that resulted in misfire of the
captive bolt, an inexperienced captive bolt operator
who shot cattle too high on the forehead, and stun-
ning of cattle with thick and heavy skulls.
A UK study
found that 1.7% of 628 cull cows were stunned poorly.
u1.3 nonAmbulAtory CAttle
On the basis of nonfed cattle reports
from feder-
ally inspected plants, the incidence of nonambulatory
animals during 1994 and 1999 was 1.1% to 1.5% for
dairy cows and 0.7% to 1.1% for beef cattle. During
2001, of 7,382 nonambulatory fed and nonfed cattle ar-
riving at 19 packing plants in Canada, 90% were dairy
Furthermore, this study reported that < 1% of
the nonambulatory cases developed during the tran-
sit process. Nearly all developed the nonambulatory
condition on the farm of origin. A survey
of auction
markets where slaughter buyers purchase cull cows in-
dicated that 13.3% of the dairy cows and 3.9% of the
beef cows were severely emaciated. Severe emaciation
and weakness are factors that makes cows more likely
to become nonambulatory. There are a few medical rea-
sons why the downer cow condition is more common
in dairy cattle, but there is no good justification for the
transportation of animals with a high probability of be-
coming recumbent. Producers must be vigilant in their
efforts to avoid transporting animals unfit for travel.
Cattle that are nonambulatory for a period of more
than 24 hours are commonly referred to as downers.
Occurrence is highest in dairy cattle and often traced
to metabolic disorders, injuries, and infectious or toxic
disease conditions. Periparturient hypocalcemia (milk
fever) and complications associated with calving are
the most common predisposing causes of the downer
cow condition. In fact, one study
identified the three
46 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
major causes of downer cow problems in dairy cattle
as hypocalcemia (19%), calving-related injuries (22%),
and injuries from slipping and falling (15%).
The pri-
mary cause of the downer cow syndrome in beef cattle
is calving paralysis.
Estimates are that about 5% of dairy cattle in the
United States have hypocalcemia annually. The major-
ity of cases (75%) occur within 24 hours of calving,
12% of cases within 24 to 48 hours of calving, and only
about 6% of cases at calving.
However, when hypocal-
cemia occurs prior to, or in association with, calving,
it can be an important contributor to dystocia and may
result in calving paralysis and associated complications.
Hypocalcemia is rare in beef cattle, but may occur in
conditions where severe dietary mineral imbalances are
present. The incidence of milk fever is low in sheep, but
may approach incidence rates similar to dairy cattle in
dairy goats with high milk yield.
Calving paralysis is a common cause of recumben-
cy in cattle. It is usually the consequence of attempts
to deliver a large calf relative to the pelvic size of the
cow. Paralysis results from damage to branches of the
ischiadic (sciatic) and obturator nerves, which are vul-
nerable to compression at calving by virtue of their po-
sition within the birth canal.
Traumatic injuries may be the primary cause of
recumbency, or they may occur as a secondary conse-
quence of a cow that is down and struggling to rise.
Examples of such lesions would include sacroiliac
(hip) luxation, coxofemoral luxation (uni- or bilateral),
pelvic or other fractures, and rupture of the gastroc-
nemius tendon. These injuries also occur as a conse-
quence of slips and falls. Injuries of the upper leg and
pelvis increased significantly in cows during the sum-
mer months in a southeastern dairy as a result of wet
concrete flooring conditions.
U1.3.1 Downer cow syndrome
Cows recumbent for prolonged periods are also
subject to peripheral nerve injury and muscle dam-
age that can increase the odds of a permanent nonam-
bulatory state. Because of its sheer size and weight, a
nonambulatory cow develops tremendous pressure on
tissues of the downed leg, leading to decreased blood
flow, hypoxia, and pressure necrosis of muscle and pe-
ripheral nervous system tissues. Because of its anatomic
location, injury to distal branches of the sciatic nerve
is particularly common in recumbent cattle. Ischemic
damage to heavy muscles of the rear legs results in vary-
ing degrees of paresis that complicate the possibilities
of recovery in affected animals. The corollary to this
condition in humans is compartment syndrome.
The threshold for induction of permanent recum-
bency (down and unable to rise) in dairy cattle seems to
be as short as 6 hours. Of 84 periparturient cows down
with hypocalcemia, 83 (98.8%) recovered when treat-
ment was instituted within 6 hours after they became
Similarly, a survey
of dairy producers in-
dicated that nonambulatory cattle that recovered and
remained in the herd were down for < 6 hours. While
good footing, attitude of the cow, and body condition
are fundamental to care for nonambulatory animals, re-
search from a UK study
suggests that good nursing
care may have the single greatest effect on improving
the prognosis for nonambulatory cattle.
U1.3.2 The prevention of nonambulatory cattle
and downer cow syndrome
Many of the conditions that predispose to nonam-
bulatory cattle occur around the time of calving. As in-
dicated previously, the primary risk factors for recum-
bency are hypocalcemia, complications associated with
calving, and injuries. Close observation of cattle during
the transition period (4 weeks before and after calv-
ing) and particularly during the periparturient period
is essential to correct or treat problems promptly and
as necessary. Transition cow personnel should be well
trained and knowledgeable of transition cow problems.
Early detection and treatment of hypocalcemia (ie, be-
fore the cow goes down) will reduce the potential for
hypocalcemia-related complications. Cattlemen, dairy-
men, and dairy personnel who manage calving cows
need continual training and updates on proper ways to
assist cows with dystocia problems.
Finally, since many of the problems are related to
injuries from slipping and falling, it is important that
dairy operators be aware of flooring conditions that
might predispose to falls. Some operations keep a log of
areas where slips and falls commonly occur. This infor-
mation can be used to determine when or whether cor-
rective action must be taken (eg, altering of the floor-
ing surface to increase traction). Owners and managers
should also ensure that personnel move animals with
care to avoid needless injury associated with careless
handling and cattle-driving procedures. No one should
assume that such information is common knowledge.
Good operations continually review their cattle-han-
dling procedures to avoid unnecessary injury to cattle
as well as personnel.
u1.4 bob VeAl
Calves fitting the definition of bob veal are those
slaughtered within the first few days of life. Most are
male calves from the dairy industry. These are to be dis-
tinguished from formula-fed (or milk-fed) veal, which
are older calves raised on a milk formula supplement.
Veal is one of the most controversial welfare issues
in modern agriculture. Those who oppose the raising
of veal generally cite tethering of formula-fed calves in
individual stalls that does not permit the calf freedom
to turn around as one of the major breaches of animal
welfare in veal production.
Neonatal calves require greater effort and care in
handling. Since they are removed from the dam at birth,
they tend to imprint on humans. They have little natu-
ral fear of humans and do not exhibit the flight-or-fight
responses normally observed in older calves. Moving
them requires actually picking them up or carefully
pointing them in the desired direction. They are in-
capable of responding to an electric prod, and use of
such devices becomes little more than torture. For busy
people unaccustomed to neonatal calf handling, the
process can be painfully slow and cumbersome.
Bob veal calves are typically transported from the
dairy to a packing plant or other gathering location
within 24 to 48 hours of birth. Transport to slaughter
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 47
may require as much as 12 to 24 hours; animals that
have not received an initial feeding of colostrum or
milk arrive at the plant with varying degrees of hypo-
glycemia and physical exhaustion. Some of these calves
will be nonambulatory on arrival at the plant. Under
its current rules, the FSIS will permit these animals to
be set apart and held for treatment before being moved
to slaughter. The Humane Society of the United States
petitioned the FSIS to amend the regulations to require
that nonambulatory disabled veal calves be condemned
and promptly and humanely euthanized. On April 4,
2011, the AVMA sided with the Humane Society of the
United States and recommended that this provision be
repealed to be consistent with the AVMAs current pol-
icy on disabled livestock, which states the following:
If an animal is down at a terminal market (e.g., slaugh-
terhouse or packing plant)
Animals that are down should be euthanatized im-
mediately and not taken to slaughter. However, if swine
are down, and are not in extreme distress or do not
have an obviously irreversible condition, they may be
allowed up to 2 hours to recover. Acceptable interven-
tions to assist in this recovery include rest, cooling, or
other treatments that do not create drug residue con-
On March 13, 2013, the FSIS decided to grant the
petition, resolving one of the more challenging prob-
lems for regulators and others concerned about ensur-
ing the welfare of nonambulatory calves at slaughter.
u1.5 fetAl effeCts
A 2002 report
suggested that world demand for
fetal calf serum was 500,000 L/y and growing, a need
that would require the harvest of at least 1,000,000
fetuses/y. To serve this need and safeguard fetal welfare,
it is important to understand what happens to the fetus
when its dam is slaughtered.
Behavioral and EEG evidence to date indicates
that mammalian fetuses are insentient and uncon-
scious throughout the first 75% to 80% of gestation.
As neuronal pathways between the cerebral cortex and
thalamus become better established, the fetus develops
the capacity for sentience. However, within the pro-
tected environment of the uterus, the fetus remains in
an unconscious state due to the presence of eight or
more neuroinhibitors that act on the cerebral cortex
to maintain it in a sleep-like state of unconsciousness.
At birth, the combined effects of reduced neuroinhibi-
tion and onset of neuroactivation contribute to grad-
ual arousal of the mammalian newborn into a state of
These observations indicate that the fetus does not
suffer as if drowning in amniotic fluid when the dam
is slaughtered, nor is it likely to experience conscious
pain associated with other types of invasive procedures
in utero. These studies also support the rationale for
international guidelines on the handling of fetuses sug-
gesting that fetuses should not be removed from the
uterus before the EEG is found to be isoelectric. For
example, when animals are killed by physical methods
that include exsanguination, delaying removal of the
fetus from the uterus for a minimum of 5 minutes after
hemorrhaging has ceased generally assures a substan-
tial amount of anoxia-induced damage to the cerebral
cortex that will normally prevent progression toward a
return to consciousness.
If there is any doubt as to the
fetus’s level of consciousness, it should be euthanized
immediately by captive bolt and adjunctive methods as
U2 Additional Considerations: Swine
u2.1 nonAmbulAtory sWine
Lameness disorders that interfere with locomotion
and contribute to nonambulatory conditions in pigs
include foot disorders (foot rot, overgrown claws, and
torn dewclaws), leg injuries, leg weakness (epiphysio-
lyis, apophysiolysis, osteochondritis, and arthrosis), os-
teomalacia, fractures, arthritis, and various neurologic
disorders. Although many of these conditions may not
result in nonambulatory conditions, all are significant
causes of lameness that in their severest form, or when
complicated by other conditions, can lead to nonambu-
latory conditions.
Foot problems are reportedly one of the single most
important causes of lameness in sows.
Slatted con-
crete floors contribute to trauma of claws as feet slide
outward when the sow attempts to stand. Overgrowth
of claws, particularly on the lateral digits, is a serious
problem where sows are kept on nonabrasive floors
such as plastic or steel slats.
Foot rot and claw lesions
(erosions, white line disease abscesses, and vertical wall
cracks) are common disorders as well, with occurrence
rates as high as 64% in slaughter-weight pigs.
Results of several studies suggest that osteochon-
dritis (a degenerative disease of the articular or joint
cartilage) is the most common cause of lameness in
breeding-age animals. The joints mature by age rather
than weight. In rapidly growing animals, the excess
load on joints leads to disturbed development of the
joint cartilage on both the physeal and epiphyseal sur-
faces. This is followed by bony changes that form in
response to damage caused by mechanical stress and
load on the joints.
It is a major cause of leg weakness
in growing boars and sows.
Fractures are most often the result of falls on slip-
pery concrete or falls that may occur during transport.
They also result from situations where an animal’s foot
or leg becomes trapped beneath a feeder, in a slat, or
between pen rails. As the animal struggles to free it-
self, it fractures the limb. The lameness that results is
severe and often manifested by the carrying of the af-
fected limb. Failure to apply weight to a limb is a good
indication of a fracture. Fortunately, these are not com-
mon causes of lameness or nonambulatory conditions
in pigs.
In addition to these causes, there are neurologic
disorders affecting the spinal cord and brain. An early
study by Vaughan
suggests that the most common
cause of posterior paralysis in pigs of all ages is com-
pression of the spinal cord secondary to abscess forma-
tion of an intervertebral disk, vertebral body, or adja-
cent paravertebral tissues. Causes in adult animals are
believed to be associated with excess load on vertebral
disks that causes premature disk degeneration or osteo-
chondrosis of the vertebrae. In growing animals, spinal
abscesses are secondary to tail biting. These cases usu-
ally require euthanasia.
48 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
The incidence of transport losses in market-weight
pigs (dead and nonambulatory) is approximately 1%.
In a study
to evaluate the effect of floor space on trans-
port losses, Illinois researchers observed 74 loads of
finishing pigs; one load had 0.39 m
/pig and another
0.48 m
/pig during transport. Investigators monitored
the incidence of nonambulatory pigs at the farm dur-
ing loading and at the plant after unloading. Of 12,511
pigs transported, 32 (0.26%) were identified as non-
ambulatory on the truck at the farm, 29 (0.23%) were
dead on arrival at the plant, and 106 (0.85%) were non-
ambulatory at the plant. For 65 of 74 loads, pigs that
were nonambulatory at the plant were divided into two
groups: nonambulatory injured and nonambulatory
noninjured. The ratio of noninjured (0.55%) to injured
pigs (0.24%) was 2:1. Overall, the total number of pigs
lost in 74 loads was 135 (1.08%), which is comparable
to previous studies. Increasing floor space did not af-
fect the incidence of nonambulatory injured pigs at the
plant, but it did reduce the percentage of nonambula-
tory noninjured pigs and thus total losses at the plant.
U2.1.1 Preventing nonambulatory swine
Lameness disorders involving the foot and leg
are complicated. There is no one solution to correct-
ing or preventing these conditions. But, floors are a
major consideration in the prevention of foot and leg
problems. Pigs housed on slatted floors had an inju-
ry rate of 44% compared with 28% of pigs housed on
solid floors.
Concrete floors caused more foot and leg
problems than did softer earthen floors or deep straw-
bedded surfaces, and perforated floors contributed to
an increase in injuries.
In farrowing stalls, plastic and
steel slats caused more lameness than did solid floors.
Flooring surfaces should provide good footing to pre-
vent slips and falls; however, achieving the ideal bal-
ance between adequate traction and a slippery surface
is difficult. When surfaces are too soft or nonabrasive
claw horn wear is reduced, then claws overgrow rap-
idly. Foot trimming is required in these conditions, or
the overgrowth will lead to claw deformities that also
create strain on tendons of the lower leg. On the other
hand, excessively abrasive flooring surfaces accelerate
wear and may contribute to foot problems from exces-
sive wear of the sole.
Softer flooring conditions are also believed to be
beneficial for decreasing the incidence of osteochondri-
tis. Even more important to the prevention of leg weak-
ness caused by osteochondritis is to avoid overfeeding
of gilts during the growing period. In one study,
fed ad libitum were culled earlier and at a higher rate
as a consequence of leg weakness, compared with gilts
fed on a controlled feeding schedule. Research
demonstrates that pigs need exercise to increase mus-
cular strength and to develop proper agility on differing
flooring systems.
Other factors that can contribute to causing down-
er pigs is the Halothane gene. Market pigs that were
carriers (heterozygotes) had 0.27% death losses and if
they were homozygous negative 0.05%.
the Halothane gene has been bred out of many swine
herds. It is not now a major cause of losses in the Unit-
ed States.
High doses of the b-agonist ractopamine
may contribute to downers and make pigs more diffi-
cult to handle.
It may also cause hoof cracking.
that have received little or no contact with people in
their pens on the farm prior to loading may be more
likely to pile up and be difficult to move. Swine that
have had previous experiences with handlers will be
easier to move.
Producers should walk their pens
during finishing to get pigs acclimated to people walk-
ing through them. This will make handling and loading
Fatigued nonambulatory pigs may be reduced
because the pigs will be less likely to become agitated
during truck loading or during handling at the plant.
U3 Handling and Slaughter of Rabbits
u3.1 HAndling proCedures for rAbbits
In the United States, rabbits are not covered by the
HMSA, and federal inspection of rabbit meat is volun-
tary, although individual states may have rabbit-specific
inspection requirements.
There are few USDA-inspect-
ed plants in the United States that process rabbits, and
most of the available information on rabbit processing
comes from Europe, where commercial rabbit process-
ing is more common. For interstate commerce, rabbits
not voluntarily inspected at slaughter by the USDA are
under the regulatory oversight of the FDA.
Rabbits are prey animals that retain behavioral
patterns similar to their wild counterparts,
and the
harvesting, transport, and handling of rabbits prior
to slaughter are stressful.
A 2-fold increase in serum
cortisol was seen in rabbits after transport regardless of
whether they endured rough or careful handling during
loading, indicating that the entire process was stress-
Other biomarkers of stress in rabbits include el-
evations in serum glucose, serum triglycerides, serum
aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase,
glutamyltransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatinine
kinase, and myocardial creatinine kinase, as well as
decreases in serum tetraiodothyronine.
Elevations of
these values have been reported in rabbits during trans-
port and lairage.
The preslaughter environment presents the com-
bined effects of many emotional and physical factors.
Multifactor (social and nonsocial) stressors involved in
the preslaughter process can affect rabbit welfare as well
as meat quality.
Social and nonsocial stress may occur
owing to changes of environment: for example, new or
unfamiliar habitat, separation of familiar companions,
presence of strangers or exposure to a strange group,
destabilization of an established hierarchy, aggressive
encounters, alarm vocalizations, social disturbances
and handling, disruption of the social group, changes
in social structure, separation or mixing with unfamil-
iar animals, food deprivation, and climatic conditions.
High stocking densities in crates should be avoided to
minimize distress and trauma due to intraspecies ag-
gression; the recommended minimum floor space for
12-week-old rabbits is 1,800 cm
Critical points during transport are waiting time at
the farm before loading, loading, ventilation and tem-
perature during transport, loading stops, unloading, du-
ration of lairage, and environmental conditions during
Although some research
has suggested that
transport conditions are more important than the time
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 49
of the journey, other studies
have shown decreased
welfare and carcass quality in rabbits experiencing pro-
longed transport to slaughter. Ideal temperatures for
rabbit transport are between 50° and 68°F (10° and
20°C), and temperatures above 95°F (35°C) or humid-
ity below 55% are detrimental to rabbit welfare.
It is
important to remember that when transport crates are
stacked, rabbits located centrally in the stack may be
prone to hyperthermia and poor ventilation, while rab-
bits in crates on the periphery may be subject to hypo-
Crates for transport and lairage should have
solid floors to prevent urine and feces transfer from
higher crates.
Multifloor cage stands can adversely af-
fect welfare if rabbits are left in them for long periods
of time.
Providing adequate ventilation, preventing expo-
sure to extreme temperatures, providing food and wa-
ter for prolonged lairage, and avoiding long delays be-
tween loading and transport or arrival and stunning are
important factors in maintaining rabbit welfare in the
preslaughter period.
Extended lairage times should
be avoided, and water should be provided when delays
between arrival and slaughter are expected; this not
only is good for animal welfare but reduces live weight
and carcass losses.
Lairage areas should be protected
from the elements to minimize exposure to temperature
Commercial processing of rabbits in the United
States is generally performed in plants designed to
process poultry.
Rabbits should be stunned prior to
shackling; shackling and hanging of conscious rab-
bits should be avoided. Shackling has been shown to
be painful and distressful to poultry,
and without
research to show differently, it must be assumed that
it is also painful and distressing to conscious rabbits.
Although one paper
on halal slaughter of rabbits sug-
gests that shackling of rabbits by one leg and simulta-
neously performing deep throat cuts did not result in
signs of rabbit distress, there are questions about those
authors’ methodology. The primary criterion used to
determine distress was the presence of vocalization in
the rabbits; however, the throat cuts severed the trache-
as of these rabbits, thereby making vocalization impos-
sible. The authors indicate that other potential signs of
distress and sensibility, such as movement of mouth or
eye reflexes, were not recorded.
Successful stunning is characterized by cessation of
respiration, excessive salivation, and increased motor
activity consisting in the (eg. immediate onset of tonic
spasm followed by weak to heavy clonic spasms).
Not all animals develop convulsive muscle activity, and
cessation of rhythmic breathing is considered a more
reliable indicator of a successful stun,
although some
consider lack of corneal reflex as the best measure of
insensibility in rabbits.
Maria et al
studied five methods of electrostun-
ning for commercial rabbits (n > 50) using variable
voltages and frequencies. Voltages < 19 V were not
recommended. The most common parameters used in
commercial facilities were 49 V, 5.6 milliseconds, and
189 Hz for 3 seconds. These parameters did not pro-
duce changes in muscle pH.
Anil et al
recommend a
minimum current of 140 mA by application of 100 V to
obtain adequate stunning. The European Food Safety
recommends that 400 mA be used in head-
only stunning devices. Impedance from rabbit fur can
result in a wide range of achieved currents, resulting
in variation in the effectiveness of the stun. Stunning
devices should employ an impedance- or resistance-
sensing device that will prevent discharge in the event
of insufficient stunning current; this will minimize
the risk of inadequate and painful mis-stunning. The
stunned state lasts for at least 22 seconds, although in
adequately stunned rabbits, insensibility lasts for at
least 71 seconds.
Captive bolt apparatus designed for waterfowl can
be used on rabbits.
With penetrating captive bolts, the
best stunning results are obtained with a shot to the
parietal bone near the sagittal line but without hitting
bone sutures.
This is achieved by placing the captive
bolt slightly paramedian on the front as close to the ears
as possible (Figure 15). It is essential to stabilize the
head to prevent misses.
Following electric or captive bolt stunning, rabbits
are immediately shackled and exsanguinated. Rabbits
must be killed within 35 seconds of electric stunning or
they may recover consciousness.
In commercial rabbit
plants in Europe, exsanguination commences within 5
to 8 seconds following stunning, with many managers
allowing no more than an average of 15 seconds.
Bleeding time is reported to be 10 to 12 seconds
to 2
to 3 minutes.
Decapitation is not commonly employed in the
commercial slaughter of rabbits, but is sometimes used
for on-the-farm slaughter.
Operator competence is re-
quired to perform decapitation in a humane fashion.
The operator must be familiar with the technique and
Figure 15—Recommended placement for captive bolt slaughter
of rabbits.
50 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
able to accurately place the blade high on the neck, ide-
ally at the level of the first vertebra. Blades used for de-
capitation must be maintained properly; they must be
sharp enough to sever the entire head without need for
more than one blow. Rabbits must be restrained to pre-
vent them from moving away from the blade.
Cervical dislocation is also used for on-the-farm
slaughter of rabbits.
When performed by well-trained
individuals on appropriate animals, the method ap-
pears to be humane. However, there are few scientific
studies available to confirm this observation.
For immature rabbits, the head is held in one hand
and the hind limbs are held in the other. The animal is
stretched, and the neck is hyperextended and dorsally
twisted to separate the first cervical vertebra from the
Data suggest that electric activity in the brain per-
sists for 13 seconds following cervical dislocation in
and unlike decapitation, rapid exsanguination
does not contribute to loss of consciousness.
Cervical dislocation is a method that may induce
rapid loss of consciousness,
does not chemically
contaminate tissue, and can be rapidly accomplished.
However, cervical dislocation may be aesthetically
displeasing to personnel performing or observing the
method, and it requires mastering technical skills to en-
sure loss of consciousness is rapidly induced.
Manual cervical dislocation must be performed by
individuals with a demonstrated high degree of techni-
cal proficiency. In lieu of demonstrated technical com-
petency, animals must be unconscious or anesthetized
prior to cervical dislocation. For rabbits, the large mus-
cle mass in the cervical region makes manual cervical
dislocation physically more difficult.
Those responsible for the use of this method must
ensure that personnel performing cervical dislocation
have been properly trained and consistently apply it
humanely and effectively.
U4 Slaughter of Food Fish Intended
for Human Consumption
u4.1 generAl ConsiderAtions
In the United States, fish are not covered by the
HMSA. In addition, these Guidelines do not address
fishing or wild-caught aquatic animals for recreational
purposes. Euthanasia and depopulation of fish can be
found in separate AVMA documents devoted to those
topics. Slaughter is used primarily to describe the hu-
mane killing of animals intended for human consump-
tion for food or other uses (eg, agricultural harvest
[catfish, salmon, and tilapia] and commercial fishing
[wild-caught salmon, grouper, and snapper]).
It was thought that finfish, amphibians, reptiles,
and invertebrates lacked the anatomic structures neces-
sary to perceive pain as we understand it in birds and
mammals. However, recent evidence indicates finfish
possess components of nociceptive processing systems
similar to those found in terrestrial vertebrates,
though debate continues on the basis of questions of
the impact of quantitative differences in numbers of
specific components such as unmyelinated C fibers in
major nerve bundles. Studies indicating that finfish re-
sponses to pain represent simple reflexes
have been
refuted by studies demonstrating forebrain and mid-
brain electric activity in response to stimulation that
differs with type of nociceptor stimulation.
While there is ongoing debate about finfishes’,
amphibians’, reptiles’, and invertebrate animals’ abil-
ity to feel pain or otherwise experience compromised
welfare, the AVMAs POE assumed a conservative and
humane approach to the care of any creature is warrant-
ed, justifiable, and expected by society, and the POHS
will support that approach. Slaughter methods should
be employed that minimize the potential for distress or
pain in all animal taxa, and these methods should be
modified as new taxa-specific knowledge of their physi-
ology and anatomy is acquired.
u4.2 prepArAtion And enVironment
for food fisH slAugHter
This section will consider fish welfare implica-
tions during harvesting when fish are removed from
their growth or production habitat and are transported
to slaughter. If possible, withholding food for 12 to 24
hours prior to slaughter will reduce regurgitation, def-
ecation, and nitrogenous waste production. The envi-
ronment should be as quiet and nonstimulatory as pos-
sible, and light intensity should be reduced if possible,
but with adequate lighting for personnel.
Water quality should be similar to that of the en-
vironment from which the finfish originated, or opti-
mized for that species and situation, for the duration of
killing. If of acceptable quality for finfish health, water
in which they have been housed or captured should
be used. Water quality should be monitored includ-
ing parameters such as oxygen, pH, CO
, salinity, am-
monia, and temperature and optimized for the species
of fish in question. Any necessary changes should be
done gradually to allow the fish to adjust. Supplemen-
tal aeration and temperature control may be used when
necessary. The addition of salt (2 to 8 g/L) to the wa-
ter can also decrease stress in freshwater fish during
holding periods.
Handling and crowding, as well as
time out of water, should be minimized as much as
possible to control and minimize physiologic stress to
fish. In addition, nets and tanks should be designed to
minimize physical injuries by using smooth materials
and surfaces appropriately designed for use with fish
and by checking on a regular basis for holes, tears, or
other changes that would compromise the integrity of
the materials used.
u4.3 metHods of slAugHter for food fisH
Tissue residues from the use of drugs and other
chemicals make many slaughter methods unacceptable
unless they have been approved by the FDA for this
purpose and appropriate withdrawal periods are fol-
lowed. Use of any unapproved chemicals for euthanasia
prohibits entry of the finfish into the food chain, either
by rendering, as fish meal, or by distribution for direct-
ly consumed product.
Carbon dioxide is a drug of low
regulatory priority
that avoids unacceptable residues,
but it is not an FDA-approved method for killing aquat-
ic animals used for food. Physical methods for killing
fish include manually applied blunt force trauma to the
head, decapitation, and pithing.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 51
The following methods, or a combination of the
following methods, can be applied for slaughter of food
fish, providing they are performed with proper equip-
ment, properly maintained, by trained personnel who
are regularly monitored for proficiency.
Carbon dioxide
Immersion in CO
-saturated water causes narco-
sis and loss of consciousness after several minutes.
This method is most often used as the first step of a
two-step process with another method such as exsan-
guination. Some species may exhibit hyperactivity pri-
or to loss of consciousness.
Purity and concentra-
tion of CO
are important for effectiveness. Only CO
from a source that allows for careful regulation of con-
centration, such as from cylinders, is acceptable. Care
must be taken when using CO
to prevent exposure
to personnel (ie, slaughter must be conducted in well-
ventilated areas).
Captive bolt
(most commonly nonpenetrating; one step)
This is a method usually applied to large finfish
The nonpenetrating captive bolt gun has ei-
ther a wide mushroom-shaped head or a flat head that
does not penetrate the brain. In general, regular non-
penetrating captive bolt guns only stun animals. Cor-
rect positioning is critical for effective stunning (Figure
This technique is primarily used with large fish
such as tuna. When aimed correctly, the bullet enters
the brain to cause immediate damage and brain death,
resulting in it being both a stun and kill method. Op-
erators using this method should be trained in the
proper aiming required to ensure the correct location
of the bullet to the brain of the fish and to ensure hu-
man safety (refer to the section Techniques—Physical
Methods—Concussive—Gunshot for further safety in-
This method is similar to spiking, coring, or ike-
jime. A spike is quickly inserted into the brain of the
fish to cause immediate brain death, resulting in it be-
ing both a stun and kill method. Pithing can be used
either as a one-step stun and kill method or as a second-
ary kill method. The technique of ikejime originated in
Japan with the insertion of the spike directly into the
hind portion of the brain of the fish. Spiking, or ike-
jime, will kill the fish instantly and prevent stress to the
fish. There are two main ikejime methods (Figure 16):
from the side of the head or through the gill cover. The
first method is used for most medium-sized fish where
a sharp spike is driven into the brain from the right
side of the head. The position of spiking is diagonal and
about 2 cm behind the eye. Smaller fish can be spiked
through the gill opening with a sharp knife. This will
both spike and bleed the fish. The aim of both methods
is to destroy the hind brain of the fish, which is the part
of the brain controlling movement.
Operators using
this method should be trained in the proper location
and timing of the pithing process to ensure minimal
stress and rapid brain death for the fish.
Manually applied blunt force trauma
(cranial concussion) followed by secondary kill step
Manually applied blunt force trauma (a rapid, ac-
curately placed blow of sufficient energy to the cranium
with an appropriate-sized club) can cause immediate
unconsciousness and potentially death, but should be
followed by a secondary kill step such as exsanguina-
tion (the cutting of the gill arches to bleed the fish) or
pithing (destruction of brain tissue). The finfish’s size,
species, and anatomy and the characteristics of the
blow (including its accuracy, speed, and club mass) will
determine the efficacy of manually applied blunt force
trauma. The location of the blow should be targeted at
the area where the brain is closest to the surface of the
head and where the skull is its thinnest
(Figure 17).
Figure 16—Pithing of fish (also spiking, coring, ikejime): A spike is
quickly inserted into the hindbrain of the fish and immediately fol-
lowed by physical disruption of brain tissue by rotary movement
of the spike. This causes immediate brain death.
Figure 17—Recommended placement for percussive stunning of
52 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
Operators of the manual percussive stunning method
should be trained in the proper location of the blow
to the head and should be given frequent breaks and
rotated often to avoid operator fatigue Automated sys-
tems require training for operators on a regular basis
and a preventative maintenance program to ensure the
proper functioning of the equipment.
Decapitation followed by secondary kill step
Rapid severance of the head and brain from the spi-
nal cord, followed by pithing of the brain, will cause
rapid death and unconsciousness. Decapitation alone is
not considered a humane approach, especially for spe-
cies that may be particularly tolerant of low O
trations. Pithing helps ensure rapid loss of brain func-
tion and death for those species.
Cervical transection using a knife or other sharp
instrument inserted caudal to the skull to sever
the spinal cord and cervical vertebrae, followed
by secondary kill step
The rationale for this approach is similar to that for
decapitation (destruction of connections between brain
and spinal cord) and pithing (destruction of brain tis-
sue), except that the head is still physically attached by
musculature to the body.
An electric current is passed through the water con-
taining the fish for slaughter. The voltage and amperage
conditions of the electric current should be sufficient
not only to stun the fish, creating immediate uncon-
sciousness, but also to kill the fish (electrocution). Op-
erators using this method should be sufficiently trained
in the level of electric current appropriate to be used
for the species of fish in question as well as in safety
measures for themselves (Table 3).
Exsanguination as a secondary kill step
Gill arches are cut to cause bleeding of the fish and
ultimately death. Exanguination without prior stun-
ning should be avoided, as fish may struggle intensely
with vigorous head shakes and tail flaps.
Rapid chilling (hypothermic shock;
one step or two step)
This method of killing is not appropriate for tem-
perate-, cool-, or cold-water tolerant finfish or other
species that can survive at 4°C (39°F) and below, nor
is it currently acceptable for medium- to large-bodied
finfish because of surface-to-volume considerations.
Fish display vigorous movement upon chilling; live-
chilling decreases plasma glucose when compared with
no chilling before slaughter. This decreased plasma glu-
cose was once thought to be due to decreased stress
however, more recent literature shows that this is likely
due to rapid depletion of energy stores as a result of
struggling during capture.
u4.4 ConClusions
Food fish slaughter techniques are very diverse,
and fish species vary in their response to different
such as sensitivity to oxygen deprivation
or tolerance for low temperatures. Therefore, slaughter
techniques should be continually researched and deter-
mined specifically for the food fish species in question.
U5 Handling and Slaughter of Ratites
Ratites are flightless birds that include the ostrich,
emu, and rhea. Currently, ostriches and emus are raised
in several countries for slaughter purposes. Slaughter
facilities for ratites include commercial plants specifi-
cally designed for these birds, custom slaughter plants
that process a broad range of species, and plants pre-
viously utilized for a different species that have been
adapted for ratites (eg, a beef slaughter plant adapted
for ostrich).
Regardless of the slaughter facility used, care
should be taken to avoid standing in front ratites dur-
ing handling or catching. They can kick forward, and
a kick from a slaughter-weight bird can cause severe
injury from the last phalanx of the third toe, which is
pointed and carries a claw. It is advised to stay at the
side or toward the rear of the bird for handling purpos-
es. Toe trimming of the birds is a husbandry option, but
the third toe plays a primary role as a lever for balance,
exertion of traction forces, and directional impetus dur-
ing locomotion,
and trimming can negatively affect
their balance making the birds prone to slipping in wet
When slaughter-stage ratites are worked with,
highly stressed and aggressive birds should be caught
first to prevent agitation within the rest of the group.
Handlers can capture individual ostriches by using a
shepherd’s crook or by catching the beak in one hand
and pulling the bird’s head down and in the direction
the handler wishes the bird to move. Another option
for moving an individual bird is described in the Os-
trich Business Chamber’s Code of Conduct
A minimum of three handlers is needed to restrain
an adult bird to avoid injuries to both the ostrich and
handlers. A handler must be positioned at each side of
the ostrich holding the wings. One of these handlers
Species Waveform Frequency (Hz) Electric field strength (V/cm) Electric current density (A/dm2) Duration (s)
Atlantic salmon
sine 50–80 0.25–0.5 Insufficient data 10
Rainbow trout
sine 50 Insufficient data 8.3 5
sine 50 25.7 0.73 5
African catfish
sine 50 18.8 1.5 5
Sea bass
sine 50 1 5 1
sine 50 1 Insufficient data 10
Nile tilapia
sine 50 12.5 1 1
Eel (2 steps)
sine 50 13 0.7 1
sine 50 3.3 0.17 300
Table 3—Electrical parameters recommended for different species of fish.
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 53
must be positioned between the wing and tail, taking
hold firmly of both the wing and the tail. One handler
should be employed at the head where he holds the
neck-head junction while immediately putting a blind-
fold or hood over the head of the ostrich. The handler
at the head must prevent injury to the soft beak as well
as interference with respiration. After hooding, ostrich-
es will be calm and the handler can move to the wing,
while the handler at the wing moves backwards to the
tail from where the ostrich can be steered.
A shepherd’s crook is typically not required for
emus, and they do not respond well to hooding un-
less they have been restrained prior to placement of the
Lifting the tail up and holding the head down
make it more difficult for ratites to forward kick and
injure personnel.
For lairage, it is important that all pens be round,
hexagonal, or octagonal in shape. This prevents the
birds from crowding into the corners of the pens and
injuring one another. Additionally, side walls should
be 1.7 to 2.0 m high to prevent birds from seeing dis-
tractions outside the pen.
Walls should also be con-
structed to handle the force of birds running or push-
ing against them.
It should also be noted that while
ratites are flightless birds, they can jump over low fenc-
It is important to avoid startling the birds, as they
will attempt to flee and will injure themselves and each
Any unexpected behavior by personnel may
startle the birds and result in rapid evasive behavior.
Low light levels and minimal noise in lairage may help
birds remain quiet and calm.
It is best to avoid mix-
ing birds from different farms, as they can be become
aggressive toward one another. Water should always
be freely available to the birds during lairage. Grooved
cement floors can cause birds to slip, and metal grids
placed on top of cement can dissuade birds from set-
tling and lying down. A floor system that is suitable for
ratites is metal mesh (1- to 1.5-cm sided square holes)
raised above a concrete floor.
There are no universally agreed-upon stunning
methods for ratites. A large number of ostriches are
slaughtered annually in South Africa, and electric head-
only stunning performed with handheld tongs is the
most commonly used method. The recommended elec-
tric stunning parameters for ostriches in South Africa
are a current of 0.4 to 0.6 A at 90 to 110 V for a dura-
tion of 4 to 6 seconds.
Glatz recommends stunning
emus using 120 V at 1.2 A for 10 seconds and ostriches
using 120 V at 1.2 A for 15 seconds.
An electric stun-
ning current > 0.4 A at 50 Hz alternating current used
in head-only application prevented recovery in 90% of
ostriches when they were bled within 60 seconds.
The return of rhythmic breathing movements indicates
the first stages of recovery in birds following an elec-
tric stun.
Effective stunning can be presumed when
epileptiform activity is seen (ie, rigidity with flexed legs
[tonic phase] followed by kicking of varied intensity
[clonic phase]).
The CFIA Manual of Procedures
includes recommendations for electric stunning (Fig-
ure 18; Table 4).
Chapter 7 of the Food and Agriculture Organi-
zation of the United Nations Guidelines for Humane
Handling, Transport and Slaughter of Livestock
ommends 1.5 to 2 A and 90 V for 10 to 15 seconds for
electric stunning of ostriches.
During traditional stunning with handheld tongs,
birds are held in a restraining area by gentle pressure
applied from behind on the tail feathers. The restrain-
ing area is often a V-shaped structure high enough that
the stunning operator is not kicked. After (or during)
stunning, the bird is rocked backward and a leg clamp
is placed over the legs, immobilizing the birds and al-
lowing them to be shackled. The birds are then hoisted
onto a 3.4-m rail and conveyed to an exsanguination
area. Some commercial ratite slaughter plants now use
a new restraining and stunning mechanism that com-
pletely encompasses the bird in a padded clamp holder
that restrains the legs and body at strategic points. The
head of the bird is placed into a box where the electric
current is applied. While the bird is being electrically
stunned, the box rotates 180° so that toe clamps can be
applied without any danger to the stunning operators.
The box is then opened, and the bird is hoisted and
conveyed for exsanguination.
An air-powered captive needle pistol can also pro-
duce an effective stun in birds.
When a captive
needle pistol is used, the needles should be applied at
the intersection of two imaginary lines drawn from the
ear on one side of the head to the inner corner of the
eye on the other side.
In a report to the American
Ostrich Association, the Texas Agricultural Extension
Service noted the use of a Schermer captive bolt stun-
Figure 18—The tongs should be placed on both sides of the head
behind the eyes and just over the outer ear openings. “X” indi-
cates where the electrodes should be applied to each side of the
animal’s head.
Birds Amperage Volts Frequency Seconds
Ostriches, rheas, and 0.12–0.4 230–300 50–60 4–6
emus (not hooded)
Ostriches, rheas, and 0.4 230–300 50–60 4–6
emus (hooded)
Table 4—Canadian Food Inspection Agency recommended pa-
rameters for electrical stunning of ratites. (Adapted from CFIA.
Meat and poultry products: manual of procedures. Chapter 12,
annex A—species-specific guidelines—red meat species: ratites.
Available at: www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/meavia/man/
ch12/annexa7e.shtml. Accessed Sep 13, 2012. Reprinted with
54 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
ner for the birds.
The CFIA Manual of Procedures
pertaining to ratites recommends a captive bolt device
with a short bolt and the smallest charge appropriate
for poultry or rabbits applied to the top of the head at
the midpoint of an imaginary line between the outer
openings (Figure 19).
The Ostrich Business Chamber also finds captive
bolt stunning to be acceptable.
However, Chapter 7
of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations Guidelines for Humane Handling, Transport
and Slaughter of Livestock states that a captive bolt gun
is not suitable for stunning ostriches, as “[t]heir brain
is small and lobulated, and the bolt does not produce
proper concussion.”
Birds should be bled immediately after stunning
(within 60 seconds
) with a complete ventral neck cut
that severs both carotid arteries and both jugular veins
or thoracic sticking. The CFIA recommends that the
birds are bled out via a complete ventral cut of the neck
(both carotid arteries) or a thoracic stick within 15 sec-
onds of stunning so that consciousness is not regained.
Anecdotally there is better and faster bleed out when
both the neck cut and thoracic stick are performed.
U6 Handling and Slaughter of Alligators
In the United States, alligators are not covered by
the HMSA and are classified as seafood for federal meat
inspection purposes.
A small fraction of alligators are
harvested from the wild, but the vast majority of alli-
gators entering the hide and meat markets are raised
on alligator farms, primarily in the Southern and Gulf
Coast states. Historically, alligators have been farmed
primarily for their valuable hides, although in recent
years the value of alligator meat has increased substan-
Most farmed alligators are slaughtered on
farm prior to either processing on-site or shipment to
processing facilities. This minimizes damage to hides
that might occur during mass shipment of live animals.
Reptiles represent a taxa with a diverse range of
anatomic and physiologic characteristics such that it
Figure 19—Arrow indicates the direction that the stunning device
should be pointed and the entry point at the top of the animal’s
is often difficult to ascertain that a reptile such as an
alligator is, in fact, dead. Although reptiles respond
to noxious stimuli and are presumed to feel pain, our
understanding of their nociception and response to
stimuli is incomplete. Nevertheless, there is increasing
taxa-specific evidence
of the efficacy of analgesics to
minimize the impact of noxious stimuli on these spe-
cies. Consequently, slaughter techniques that result in
rapid loss of consciousness and minimize pain and dis-
should be strived for, even where it is difficult to
determine that these criteria have been met.
Handling of alligators prior to killing should fol-
low standard welfare guidelines and best practices for
alligator management to minimize stress to the alliga-
tors and to minimize the risk of injury to alligators and
human personnel.
Personnel should have appropri-
ate training on the humane handling of alligators, and
every effort should be made to avoid stress or overheat-
ing of the animals.
Alligators possess unique anatomic and physi-
ologic traits that can make the assurance of quick and
humane death difficult. Reptiles have relatively high
tolerance for hypoxia compared with mammals, mak-
ing techniques that deprive the brain of oxygen (eg,
exsanguination, decapitation) less effective at inducing
rapid death
; some reptiles may remain conscious up
to an hour following decapitation. Studies of varying
physical methods of euthanasia of American alligators
indicated that penetrating captive bolt, nonpenetrating
captive bolt, and pithing reduced brain wave activity
to levels equivalent to or below those of anesthetized
alligators; these methods were considered to be appro-
priate methods for euthanasia.
In contrast, severance
of the spinal cord alone resulted in brain wave activ-
ity that did not significantly differ from awake animals;
for this reason, spinal cord severance alone (as occurs
during decapitation) was considered an inappropriate
euthanasia technique for American alligators. Percus-
sive stunning by a blow to the head with a hard imple-
ment is unlikely to cause death because of the size and
thickness of the alligator skull in market-size animals
(> 3 ft in length). Cervical dislocation is not considered
an acceptable method in alligators owing to the resis-
tance of the reptilian brain to hypoxia and to the thick-
ness of neck muscles making vertebral dislocation very
Proper placement of captive bolts or gunshots is
imperative to ensuring a rapid and humane death in
alligators. The brain of the alligator is relatively small
and is located immediately behind orbits and extends
caudally between the supratemporal fossae. To ensure
destruction of brain tissue, the captive bolt or gun-
shot must be placed on the midline between the orbit
and the cranial aspect of the supratemporal fossae. Al-
though an approach from behind the skull plate aiming
forward through the occipital bone is sometimes used
in wild alligator harvests, this approach is likely to only
sever the spinal cord without destroying the brain and
is therefore not appropriate. Figure 20 illustrates the
appropriate sites for captive bolt or gunshot placement
and for spinal cord severance or decapitation.
For purposes of humane slaughter, the following
methods are considered acceptable provided that they
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 55
are performed with proper equipment that is proper-
ly maintained by trained personnel who are regularly
monitored for proficiency: 1) Penetrating or nonpen-
etrating captive bolt firearms targeting the brain of the
alligator. Care must be used to ensure proper placement
to ensure destruction of brain tissue. 2) Gunshot deliv-
ered to the brain may be used providing the legal and
safety concerns (eg, ricocheting bullet fragments) of us-
ing firearms are addressed. Care must be used to ensure
proper placement to ensure destruction of brain tissue.
3) Decapitation or spinal cord severance is acceptable
only if immediately followed by pithing to ensure de-
struction of brain tissue. The following killing methods
are considered unacceptable for slaughter of alligators:
cervical dislocation, exsanguination, hypothermia, hy-
perthermia, suffocation, and drowning.
a. Gregory N. Anatomical and physiological principles relevant to
handling, stunning and killing red meat species (workshop pre-
sentation). Int Train Workshop Welf Stand Concerning Stun-
ning Killing Anim Slaughterhouses Dis Control, Bristol , Eng-
land, September 2006..
b. Ellis M, McKeith F, Ritter M. Handling non-ambulatory pigs
(abstr), in Proceedings. Int Meat Anim Welf Res Conf 2004.
Available at: www.meatami.com/Content/PressCenter/IMAW-
RC/Presentation7RITTER.pdf. Accessed Apr 7, 2005.
c. FAO Document Repository [database online]. Rome: Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2014. Available
at: www.fao.org/documents/en/. Accessed Oct 2, 2014.
d. Nevarez JG, Strain GM, da Cunha AF, et al. Comparison of four
euthanasia methods in American alligators (Alligator mississip-
piensis), in Proceedings. Annu Conf American Assoc Zoo Vet
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AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 59
Design of Facilities and Slaughter
Process for Religious Slaughter
R1 Handling Procedures at Slaughter Plants
for Hoofstock
r1.1–r1.5 steps 1 THrougH 5
Refer to the chapter Design of Facilities and Slaugh-
ter Process for information on arrival at the plant, un-
loading, receiving, lairage, and handling. The proce-
dures for these steps are the same regardless of whether
the animals will be slaughtered via conventional or re-
ligious methods.
r1.6 step 6—restrAint
There are various methods used to restrain and po-
sition the animal for religious slaughter. In the United
States, there is an exemption from the HMSA
for reli-
gious slaughter, and methods for restraining the ani-
mal for religious slaughter are outside the jurisdiction
of USDA FSIS regulations, although Congress has also
declared religious slaughter to be humane. The area
covered by the handling exemption has been called the
area of “intimate” restraint by the FSIS. When an ani-
mal is slaughtered in accordance with the ritual require-
ments of the Jewish faith or any other religious faith
that prescribes a method of slaughter whereby the ani-
mal suffers loss of consciousness by anemia of the brain
caused by the simultaneous and instantaneous sever-
ance of the carotid arteries with a sharp instrument,
the HMSA specifically declares such slaughter and han-
dling in connection with such slaughter to be humane.
However, all procedures outside this area, which many
meat inspectors call the “bubble,” are beyond the area
of intimate restraint and are subject to FSIS oversight
the same as conventional slaughter. Unloading animals
from transport vehicles, lairage, driving the animals to
the restraint point, and insuring that the animal is un-
conscious with no corneal reflex before invasive dress-
ing procedures begin are under FSIS jurisdiction, the
same as conventional slaughter.
R1.6.1 Detection of problems
From an animal welfare standpoint, there are three
issues that occur during religious slaughter, which
uses a neck cut to create unconsciousness. They are
as follows: 1) stress, 2) pain or discomfort caused by
how the animal is held and positioned for religious
slaughter, and 3) the throat cut itself. Because the
HMSA regulations exempt restraint of animals for re-
ligious slaughter from the regulations that apply to re-
straint for conventional slaughter, some small religious
slaughter plants use stressful methods of restraint such
as shackling and hoisting of live animals even though
more welfare-friendly restraint equipment is avail-
able. Research has clearly shown that upright restraint
is less stressful than shackling and hoisting for sheep
and calves.
In one study,
restraining cattle on their
backs for over a minute caused more vocalization and
a greater increase in cortisol than upright restraint in a
standing position for a shorter period of time. Another
showed that cattle vocalized less in an upright
restraint compared to rotating boxes. The OIE also rec-
ommends that stressful methods of restraint, such as
shackling and hoisting, shackling and dragging, and
leg-clamping boxes should not be used, and suspen-
sion of live cattle, sheep, goats, or other mammals by
their legs is not permitted in the United Kingdom,
Canada, Western Europe, and many other countries.
Fortunately most mid- to large-size religious slaugh-
ter plants in the United States have stopped this prac-
tice because of concerns for both animal welfare and
worker safety. One study
found that conversion of a
system that used shackling and hoisting to a conveyor
restrainer reduced worker injuries.
Upright restraint is less stressful for both mammals
and poultry, compared with being suspended upside
Sheep were less willing to move through a sin-
gle-file chute after having been subjected to inverted re-
straint, compared with being put into a restraint device
in an upright position.
In two different plants where
cattle were suspended by one back leg, the percentage
of cattle that vocalized varied from 30% to 100%.
creased percentages of cattle that vocalize (mooing or
bellowing) during restraint are associated with increased
cortisol levels.
In one study,
99% of the cattle vocaliza-
tions during handling and restraint were associated with
an obvious aversive event such as the use of electric
prods or excessive pressure from a restraint device. In
cattle, vocalization scoring is routinely used to monitor
handling and restraint stress,
and no more than 5%
vocalization (3% for nonreligious animal slaughter) is
acceptable according to the North American Meat Insti-
tute standards.
The difference in the percentages for ac-
ceptability relates to the differences in handling between
the two procedures. Vocalization scoring does not work
for evaluating the handling and restraint stress in sheep
because they usually do not vocalize in response to pain
or stress. This may be due to an instinctual inhibition of
vocalization in response to the presence of predators.
Research is needed to evaluate vocalization as a method
to evaluate stress in goats. The following methods of re-
straint are highly stressful for conscious mammals and
should not be used: hoisting and suspension by one or
more limbs, shackling by one or more limbs and drag-
ging, trip floor boxes that are designed to make animals
fall, and leg-clamping boxes. Even though suspension is
stressful for conscious poultry, such as chickens and tur-
keys, it is used in a vast majority of all US poultry plants
for both conventional and religious slaughter; with at-
tention to handling details and proper equipment, the
stress can at least be minimized.
R1.6.2 Corrective action for problems with restraint
For the religious slaughter of cattle, restraint de-
vices are available that hold the animal either in an up-
right position (Figure 21) or inverted onto their backs.
Smaller ruminants, such as sheep or goats, can be held
in an upright position by people or placed in a simple
restraint device.
Large heavy animals, such as cattle or
bison, must be held in a mechanical device that holds
them in an upright position, holds them in a sideways
position, or inverts them onto their backs. Vocaliza-
tion scoring of cattle can be used both to detect seri-
ous welfare problems during restraint of cattle and to
document improvements in either design or operation
of restraint devices. In cattle, when restraint devices for
60 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
religious slaughter are operated poorly or have design
problems, such as excessive pressure applied to the ani-
mal, 25% to 32% of the cattle vocalize.
In one study,
reducing pressure applied by a head-holding device re-
duced cattle vocalizations from 23% of the cattle to 0%.
These problems can occur in both upright and rotating
boxes. When the equipment is operated correctly, the
percentage of cattle that vocalize will be under 5%.
Inversion for over 90 seconds in a poorly designed ro-
tating box had a higher percentage of cattle vocalizing
and higher cortisol levels compared with holding in an
upright restraint box.
Information on the correct operation and design of
upright restraint devices for religious slaughter can be
found in reports by Grandin,
Grandin and Regen-
and Giger et al.
Upright restraint in a comfort-
able upright position is preferable. When a device that
inverts an animal is required by some religious leaders,
it should have adjustable sides that support the animal
and prevent its body from slipping, twisting, or falling
during inversion. Inversion onto the back facilitates
the downward cutting stroke. Upright or sideways (ly-
ing on the side) restraint may be less aversive than full
inversion. Hutson
found that full inversion was more
aversive to sheep than being held in an upright posi-
tion. Sheep can be easily trained to voluntarily enter a
tilt table, which tilts them sideways.
It is important to minimize the time that an ani-
mal is held firmly by a head restraint. Head restraint
using a mechanized device that tightly holds the head
is more aversive than body restraint.
Before the throat
cut, cattle that were held firmly in a head restraint often
struggle more than cattle held in a body restraint with
no head restraint.
Resistance to the head restraint oc-
curs after approximately 30 seconds; therefore, it is im-
portant to perform the throat cut before struggling or
vocalization begins. When struggling is being evaluated
from an animal welfare standpoint, only struggling that
occurs before loss of posture should be assessed. When
Velarde et al
evaluated struggling in different types
of restraint devices, they did not differentiate between
struggling before or after loss of consciousness. Strug-
gling while the animal is conscious is a welfare con-
cern, and struggling from convulsions after an animal
loses posture and becomes unconscious has no effect
on welfare. Restraint devices should be equipped with
pressure-limiting devices to prevent excessive pressure
from being applied, which then causes either struggling
or vocalization.
The percentage of cattle vocalizing
(mooing or bellowing) either while in a restraint de-
vice or while entering it should be 5% or less.
straint devices should not cause animals to struggle or
For poultry, stress during shackling can be
reduced by subdued lighting. Wing flapping can be re-
duced by installing vertical pieces of conveyor belting
with a smooth surface for the breasts of the shackled
birds to rub on. A possible future method to reduce bird
stress while in shackles is the incorporation of a mov-
ing horizontal conveyor that supports the bird’s body.
A Dutch poultry plant recently installed a system where
each shackled chicken has its body supported in a plas-
tic holder.
In both large and small plants, where pos-
sible chickens can be held by a person in an upright
position for the throat cut and then placed immediately
either in a bleeding cone or on the shackle.
r1.7 step 7—performing tHe tHroAt Cut
There are three basic ways that religious slaugh-
ter is performed: 1) preslaughter stunning before the
throat cut with either a captive bolt or electric stun-
ning, 2) immediate postcut stunning with a nonpen-
etrating captive bolt, or 3) slaughter without stun-
ning (traditional hand slaughter). Some religious
Figure 21—Recommended restraint of cattle for religious or ritual
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 61
authorities who supervise either kosher (Jewish) or
halal (Muslim) religious slaughter will allow either
preslaughter or immediate postslaughter stunning.
For halal slaughter, electric head-only stunning is used
in many large cattle and sheep plants in New Zealand,
Australia, and the United Kingdom. Head-only elec-
tric stunning is acceptable to many Muslim religious
authorities because it is fully reversible and induces
temporary unconsciousness (refer to the section Tech-
niques—Physical Methods—Electric). If preslaugh-
ter stunning is done, there will be no animal welfare
concerns about the throat cut in a conscious animal.
Since most preslaughter stunning methods that are ap-
proved for religious slaughter produce a lighter revers-
ible stun, greater attention will be required to the de-
tails of procedures to ensure that the animals or birds
are and remain unconscious during the throat cut. An
effective reversible precut stun in sheep can be easily
achieved with 1.25 to 2 A at a frequency range of 50
to 400 Hz. According to Grandin,
when the stunner
was applied to the head for 1.5 seconds at 300 Hz, it
produced a clear tonic rigid phase followed by a clonic
kicking phase representative of an epileptic seizure.
This pattern is an indicator that it produced uncon-
sciousness. A modified New Zealand head-to-body
stunner with the rear body electrode removed worked
well because the design of the handle facilitated posi-
tioning of the stunner on the sheep’s head. In poultry
a very light reversible electric water-bath stun is done.
The preceeding stunning methods are acceptable to a
number of halal certifiers. Some halal certifiers will ac-
cept nonpenetrating captive bolt because the heart will
continue to beat after stunning.
Some religious com-
munities will accept immediate postcut stunning, and
others require slaughter without stunning (traditional
hand slaughter). Stunning methods are covered in the
Techniques chapter of these Guidelines.
R1.7.1 Detection of problems
The greatest welfare concerns may occur during
traditional religious hand slaughter. There are two main
issues: 1) Does cutting the throat of a conscious animal
cause pain? 2) What is the maximum appropriate time
that is required for the animal to become unconscious
after a properly done throat cut? The throat cut done
during both kosher and halal slaughter simultaneously
severs both carotid arteries and jugular veins and the
trachea. For halal slaughter, a sharp knife is required.
Kosher slaughter has more strict specifications for how
the cut is performed and the design and sharpening of
the knife.
A kosher slaughter knife is long enough to
span the full width of the neck (ie, double the width of
the neck) and is sharpened on a whetstone. Before and
after each animal is cut, the knife is checked for nicks
that could cause pain.
Any nick in the knife makes
the animal nonkosher, so there is a strong incentive to
keep the knife razor sharp and nick free.
R1.7.2 Painfulness of the cut
Researchers have reported that cutting the throat
of 107- to 109-kg (236- to 240-lb) veal calves with a
knife that was 24.5 cm long caused pain comparable
to dehorning.
The knife may have been too short
to fully span the throat, and it had been sharpened on
a mechanical grinder. A grinder may create nicks on
the blade and may not be comparable to a knife sharp-
ened on a whetstone. Slaughter without stunning of
cattle with a knife that is too short will result in vio-
lent struggling because the tip makes gouging cuts in
the wound.
One of the rules of kosher slaughter is
that the incision must remain open during the cut.
When the wound is allowed to close back over the
knife, cattle will violently struggle.
When an animal is
restrained in a comfortable upright position, it becomes
possible to observe how the animal reacts to the throat
cut. When a kosher knife was used by a skilled slaugh-
ter man (shochet), there was little behavioral reaction
in cattle during the cut.
In calves, there has been
a similar observation.
reports that people
invading the animal’s flight zone by getting near to the
animal’s face caused a bigger reaction. An eartag punch
has also caused a bigger reaction than a good kosher
Most chickens slaughtered by shechita exhibited
no physical response to the cut, and they lost the ability
to stand and eye reflexes at 12 to 15 seconds.
R1.7.3 Time to lose consciousness
Unconsciousness, as defined in the General Intro-
duction of these Guidelines, is the loss of individual
awareness that occurs when the brain’s ability to in-
tegrate information is blocked or disrupted. Before
invasive dressing begins, all signs of brainstem func-
tion such as the corneal reflex must be abolished by
bleeding. Sheep will lose consciousness as determined
by their EEG more quickly than cattle because of dif-
ferences in the anatomy of the blood vessels that sup-
ply the brain.
In cattle, when the carotid arteries
are severed, the brain can still receive blood from the
vertebral arteries.
After the cut, sheep will become
unconscious and lose posture and no longer be able to
stand within 2 to 14 seconds, while most cattle will lose
consciousness and no longer be able to stand within 17
to 85 seconds.
In these studies,
time to onset of
unconsciousness was measured by either EEG or loss of
the ability to stand (LOP). Allowing the wound to close
up after a transverse halal throat cut with a 20-cm-long
knife may delay onset of unconsciousness. Electroen-
cephalographic measurements on sheep indicated con-
sciousness could last 60 seconds.
In a study
a rotating box was used to invert veal calves onto their
backs, unconsciousness was measured by EEG. It oc-
curred at an average of 80 seconds. In sheep, uncon-
sciousness as measured by time to eye rotation was 15
There is a large amount of biological variability,
and a few cattle, calves, or sheep have extended peri-
ods of sensibility (> 4 minutes
). If the animals can
stand and walk they are definitely conscious. In sheep
the corneal reflexes, which are a brainstem reflex, may
be present for up to 65 seconds after the cut.
In veal
calves, corneal reflexes were still present at 135 ± 57
seconds after the throat cut.
The methods section
of Lambooij et al
did not describe the type of knife.
However, that study was done in a slaughter plant that
performed halal slaughter. Corneal reflexes can also
occur in electrically stunned or CO
-stunned animals
62 AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition
where other indicators of return to consciousness,
such as the righting reflex, rhythmic breathing, and eye
tracking, are absent.
Corneal reflexes occur during a
state of surgical anesthesia
or when visual potentials
and SEPs are abolished.
One of the best indicators for
determining onset of unconsciousness is the loss of the
ability to stand or walk (LOP). In cattle, a major cause
of prolonged periods of consciousness after the throat
cut is sealing off of the ends of the severed arteries (false
This problem does not occur in sheep.
R1.7.4 Aspiration of blood
Another welfare concern is aspiration of blood into
the trachea and lungs after the cut.
In one study,
when cattle were held in a well-designed upright re-
straint, 36% (for kosher) and 69% (for halal) aspirated
blood. In 31% of these nonstunned cattle, blood had
been aspirated into the bronchi. It is likely that in a
rotating box where the animal is held on its back, aspi-
ration of blood will be higher.
R1.7.5 Corrective action for problems
To reduce painfulness of the act, a knife that is
long enough to span the neck where the tip will remain
outside the neck during the cut should be used.
It is
also essential that the knife be extremely sharp, and the
use of a whetstone is recommended. A good method
for testing a knife for sharpness is the paper test. To
perform this test, a single sheet of standard letter-size
(8.5 X 11-inch) printer paper is dangled in a vertical
position by being held by a thumb and forefinger by
one corner. A dry knife held in the other hand should
be able to start cutting at the edge of the paper and slice
it in half. This method can eliminate the worst dull
knives, but it may not detect sharp knives with nicks.
It is also essential to not allow the wound to close
back over the knife during the cut. To prevent sealing
off of the arteries in cattle, the cut should be angled so it
is close to the first cervical vertebra (C1) position
long as such a cut is accepted by the religious authorities.
This will also cut a sensory nerve, which may prevent
the cattle from experiencing distressful sensations from
aspirating blood.
The cut should be located posterior
to the larynx and angled toward the C1 position.
Before invasive dressing procedures such as skin-
ning or leg removal are started, the corneal reflexes must
be absent. Even though an animal showing only a cor-
neal reflex is unconsciousness, to provide a good margin
of safety, it should be absent before dressing procedures
start. Absence of the corneal reflex and complete un-
consciousness before dressing procedures are started are
best practices for all slaughter plants that conduct both
conventional slaughter and religious slaughter.
R2 Auditing Religious Slaughter to Improve
Animal Welfare for Both Kosher and
Halal Slaughter of Cattle, Sheep, or Goats
The following audit methods are recommended to
maintain an acceptable level of animal welfare when re-
ligious slaughter is performed by cutting of the neck.
1. Calm animals will lose sensibility quicker. Follow
all procedures for handling that are in other parts
of this document.
2. Conduct collapse-time scoring. When the best
methods are employed, 90% of the cattle will
collapse and lose the ability to stand within 30
Researchers in Europe reported a simi-
lar result when they used a well-designed upright
restraint device.
In a rotating box, collapse-time
scoring is impossible because the animal is on its
back. Alternative measures for determining onset
of unconsciousness are time until eye rotation and
the amount of time to abolish the presence of natu-
ral blinking such as seen with a live animal in the
yards (lairage). Natural blinking must not be con-
fused with the corneal reflex. To evaluate natural
blinking (menace reflex), a hand is waved within
4 inches (10 cm) of the eye without touching it. A
natural blink occurs if the eye does a full cycle of
closing and then reopening. Omit scoring of time
to unconsciousness if pre- or postcut stunning is
3. The vocalization score should be 5% or less for
Score on a per-animal basis, as a silent
animal or a vocalizer (mooing or bellowing). All
cattle that vocalize inside the restraint device are
scored. A bovine is also scored as a vocalizer if it
vocalizes in direct response to being moved by a
person, electric prod, or mechanical device into
the restraint device. Do not use vocalization scor-
ing for sheep. Standards for vocalization scoring of
goats will need to be developed.
4. In all species, score restraint methods for the per-
centage of animals that actively struggle before LOP.
5. The percentage of animals (all species) that fall
down in the chute (race) leading up to the restraint
device or fall before the throat cut in the restraint
device should be 1% with a goal of zero. This is the
same as conventional slaughter. Restraint devices
that are designed to make an animal fall are unac-
ceptable and result in an automatic audit failure.
Rotating boxes must fully support the body, and
the animal’s body should not shift position or fall
when the box is rotated.
6. Electric prods should be used judiciously and only
in extreme circumstances when all other tech-
niques have failed.
Score prod use using the same
criteria as conventional slaughter.
7. Perform the cut quickly, preferably within 10 sec-
onds after the head is fully restrained. Omit this
measure if preslaughter stunning is used.
8. Reduce the pressure applied by the head holders
(but do not remove it), rear pusher gates, and other
devices immediately after the cut to promote rapid
bleed out.
9. Corneal reflexes, rhythmic breathing, and all other
signs of return to sensibility must be absent before
invasive dressing procedures such as skinning, leg
removal, or dehorning are started. This is a require-
ment for all methods of slaughter both conven-
tional and religious to be absolutely sure that the
animal is completely insensible.
10. Do not use stressful methods of restraint for mam-
mals, such as shackling and hoisting by suspension
by one or more limbs, shackling and dragging by
one or more limbs, trip floor boxes that are de-
AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals: 2016 Edition 63
signed to make animals fall, leg-clamping boxes, or
other similar devices.
11. If either pre- or postcut stunning is used, score the
same as conventional slaughter.
R3 Auditing Religious Slaughter to Improve Animal
Welfare for Both Kosher and Halal Slaughter
of Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Poultry
1. If stunning is used, audit and monitor the percent-
age of birds that are effectively stunned using the
same criteria as for conventional slaughter.
2. Score the performance of shacklers for faults such
as one-legged shackling using the same criteria as
for conventional slaughter.
3. There should be 0% uncut red skinned birds that
emerge from the defeathering machine. This is
an indicator that a bird entered the scalder alive.
This measure is the same as used for conventional
4. Score the percentage of birds that wing flap af-
ter restraint. In a well-designed shackle line with
a breast rub conveyor, the percentage of flapping
birds should be very low.
R4 The Importance of Measurement
By routinely measuring the performance of re-
ligious slaughter procedures, the standards for such
slaughter are kept high. Measuring collapse times for
unconsciousness or other indicators such as time to eye
roll-back or the absence of natural blinking will enable
both plant personnel and religious slaughter personnel
to improve their procedures.
a. Grandin T, College of Agricultural Sciences, Colorado State
University, Ft Collins, Colo: Personal communication, 2012.
b. Grandin T, College of Agricultural Sciences, Colorado State
University, Ft Collins, Colo: Personal communication, 2015.
c. Voogd E, Department of Animal Sciences, College of Agricultur-
al, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Urbana, Ill: Personal
communication, 2009
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