© 2021 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. This content is protected under US Copyright (17 U.S.C. §§ 201 et al.) and other federal law and shall not be published,
reproduced, displayed or otherwise utilized by any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Violation of Delta’s
intellectual property rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
A Service Sorority Founded in 1913
Note: The public service letter of recommendation MUST be dated AFTER the date of the chapter’s RUSH
activity to be considered. To submit the required public service letter of recommendation chose one of the
options below:
1) You may request the public service official to provide you with an official written letter of
recommendation that meets all requirements for you to upload with your membership application.
a. You will choose the “I will upload my letter” option in the membership application.
2) You may request the public service official to upload their official letter of recommendation that
meets all requirements to your application.
a. You will choose the “I would like to request a letter” option in the membership application.
b. You will need to include the public service official’s email address in the required section of
the application. Note: You may change the email address once requested if needed.
c. The public service official will receive an automatic email with the instructions below to
upload the letter to your application packet. Note: You will be able to view the letter prior to
Please review the instructions for a list of required items to be included in this public service
recommendation letter for the applicant.
One letter of recommendation must be from a public service entity verifying the applicant’s public service.
The public service letter must be written by an official of the entity on the public service’s official
letterhead. “Official” is whatever your given organization deems its public or customary letterhead.
Collegiate Applicants
An individual must complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) hours of public service to the same entity
for a period of three (3) consecutive months within 36 months (3 years) prior to the date of the
RUSH. Note: Service must be completed in each of the consecutive months (e.g. March-May, Jan-
March). An applicant may demonstrate additional public service in either hours or months. The
number of months (36) updated due to the pandemic.
Alumnae Applicants
An individual must complete a minimum of one hundred and twenty hours (120) hours of public
service to the same entity within 48 months (4) years prior to the date of the RUSH. The number of
months (48) updated due to the pandemic.
11J- Instructions for Required Content-Public Service Letter 2 | P a g e
© 2021 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. This content is protected under US Copyright (17 U.S.C. §§ 201 et al.) and other federal law and shall not be published,
reproduced, displayed or otherwise utilized by any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Violation of Delta’s
intellectual property rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The public service letter MUST include (if the letter does not contain this information the applicant’s
application packet will be deemed ineligible and will not be scored) the following information:
Letters of verification of service MUST be written by persons who are not related to the applicant. A
relative is defined as a person connected to another by birth, marriage or adoption.
Letters of verification of service MUST include the Name of the Applicant, Name of the organization, and
the letter MUST be typed, include signature of public service representative (pen and ink-not digital),
and dated (typed or pen and ink and in Month-Day-Year format) AFTER the official RUSH date.
Letters of verification of service MUST explicitly state the months and number of hours service was
provided to service entity.
Collegiate Applicant Example: January 1- 31
: 15 hours, February 4-22
: 6 hours, March 1-
: 10 hours, etc.
Alumnae Applicant Example: January-March 2020: 52 hours, May-June 2020: 40 hours,
January-February 2021: 8 hours, July-September 2021: 20 hours, November-December 2021:
15 hours, etc.
Note: Applicants can demonstrate additional public service in either hours or months; however, the
minimum must be stated to meet requirements.
Letters of verification of service MUST be on public service official letterhead, and include the name,
position and contact information (email and/or phone) of the person writing the letter.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated’s Public Service Criteria
In Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, public service is that which provides solace, support and/or
care for the needy. Public service activities are activities performed above and beyond those that are job-
related or those that are done in the interest of the applicant's family or self.
The official Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated definition of Public Service is:
Service provided to a community (not necessarily in the applicant chapter’s current service delivery area)
validated by an official representative of the entity receiving the service, an official responsible for
management of the service mission (third party verification of service is acceptable), or the organization’s
campus advisor.
Public Service is UNPAID voluntarism that is NOT mandated or required by an organization in which the
candidate is a member (e.g., The Links, Junior League, or Jack & Jill), or for completion of a college
requirement for graduation (as determined in the university/college requirements).
Eligible Public Service Examples
Feeding the homeless, mentorship, organizing clothing drive, serving at a food pantry, organizing drives
(e.g. clothing, blood drives, mobilizing voters), volunteering at senior centers).
Applicants who are volunteering their time to provide tutoring services which ARE NOT required as a
condition of their employment and/or college/university credit, WOULD BE considered eligible public
service credit under these guidelines.
Applicants who are members of community/national organizations (e.g., NAACP, Urban League), in
which community service participation is NOT REQUIRED as part of their membership, WOULD BE
considered eligible for public service credit under these guidelines.
Applicants who are volunteering at an animal shelter assisting with the adoption of pets, caring for
rescue animals and assisting with the care and nurture of animals in a shelter WOULD BE considered
eligible public service credit under these guidelines.
11J- Instructions for Required Content-Public Service Letter 3 | P a g e
© 2021 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. This content is protected under US Copyright (17 U.S.C. §§ 201 et al.) and other federal law and shall not be published,
reproduced, displayed or otherwise utilized by any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Violation of Delta’s
intellectual property rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Applicants who serve/hold non-profit board membership by way of election or appointment, without fiscal
compensation, inclusive of community service benefiting/supporting the community (e.g., feeding the
homeless, kids lock-in, food bank volunteerism, etc.) would be considered eligible public service. The
letter must share the applicants time on board, services provided to the community and their individual
contribution, along with the frequency of service.
Applicants involved in school organizations that benefit all children (e.g. PTA, troop leader). Note: If the
applicant’s child is part of the group, the public service letter must verify that the service benefits all
NOT Eligible Public Service Examples
Applicants who are volunteering at any city/state/national official political campaign office or any political
campaign duties WOULD NOT be considered eligible for public service credit under these guidelines.
Applicants who are college/university graduate assistants and ARE REQUIRED to complete a specified
amount of community service hours for graduate credit or completion of a degree, WOULD NOT be
considered eligible for public service credit under these guidelines.
Applicants who are officers in a collegiate, community, or national organization and REQUIRED to
complete a minimum number of public service hours as a condition of being an officer, ARE NOT
eligible for public service credit under these guidelines.
Volunteerism in Delta-sponsored activities/programs is invalid for a letter of recommendation
when applying for membership in Delta Sigma Theta.
Self Serving Involvement:
Self-serving Involvement does NOT meet the public service criteria. Self-serving involvement examples
such as includes:
Church activities common/internal to all churches, examples such as Sunday school teacher and singing
in the choir, serving as an officer of the church, or completing administrative duties (NOTE: However,
involvement in church activities that goes beyond the congregation to the community-at-large, (e.g.,
outreach) such as participation in food banks, clothing collection/distribution, or disaster relief are
considered public service)
Member of an investment club
Member of a bowling team
Parental involvement with one’s own child's or family member's activities (e.g., PTA, coach of your
child's/family member's team, troop leader of your child's or family member's troop)
Activities associated with a condition of employment
Activities directly related to course requirements (high school, college/university, etc.)
Volunteer activities for local, state and national candidate’s election campaigns
11J- Instructions for Required Content-Public Service Letter 4 | P a g e
© 2021 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. This content is protected under US Copyright (17 U.S.C. §§ 201 et al.) and other federal law and shall not be published,
reproduced, displayed or otherwise utilized by any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Violation of Delta’s
intellectual property rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit/Foundation established by an applicant
If applicant has established a non-profit, not-for-profit or a foundation, the following criteria MUST be met in
order for it to be considered eligible for Public Service:
the organization must have been established three (3) years or more (prior to the date of the RUSH);
the applicant can NOT receive any form of payment, reimbursement, stipend, and/or in-kind services for
her service and/or time.
The public service letter MUST include (if the letter does not contain this information the applicant’s
application packet will be deemed ineligible and will not be scored) the following information:
Letters of verification of service MUST include the Name of the Applicant, Name of the organization, and
the letter MUST be typed, include signature of public service representative (pen and ink-not digital),
and dated (typed or pen and ink and in Month-Day-Year format) AFTER the official RUSH date.
Letters of Recommendation MUST:
o Come from a partner organization that has benefited from the services of the applicant's organization
or from an elected public official (examples include, but are not all-inclusive of, Alderman, Mayor,
City Council member, School Board official, Governor) in the area where the service is being
provided; AND
o Be on the partner organization's or the elected official’s letterhead; AND
o Include details of the impact of the partnership with the applicant's organization or the impact to the
community, if the letter is from an elected official. The letter should also highlight the impact of the
applicant's direct involvement.