This is an example personal statement written by a student who was accepted and
enrolled in the MIT EECS PhD program.
Throughout my life, I have been compelled by a desire to understand what
fundamentally drives seemingly complex systems. In high school, I took a class that
dissected the ideas in Hofstadter's Godel Escher Bach. One idea that resonated
strongly with me is that large observable phenomena are usually made of smaller,
elusive yet simple components. This idea was reinforced by my time at XXX
when I discovered the applications of discrete differential geometry (DDG) in
computer graphics. The DDG framework beautifully constructs fundamental
building blocks in discrete geometry, leading to simple and intuitive descriptions
of the complex behaviors of hair, cloth, water, and more. In addition to helping
me discover my primary interest, my past research experience has given me
a large, eclectic background. I have also held several teaching assistant (TA)
positions, and have experience creating course materials and assignments. I want
to continue studying simulation and geometry processing as a university
professor. Earning a Ph.D. in Computer Science at MIT would allow me to pursue
my research interests and give me new opportunities to contribute to the field.
My past research experiences have helped me discover new ways of
thinking and pinpoint my interests. In Spring and Fall of 2014, I joined Prof.
XXX and Dr. XXX in studying the control of decision making. An earlier paper
by the XXX lab provided compelling evidence that the inferior lateral prefrontal
and frontopolar cortex act as a hub of arbitration. We sought to further validate this
result by studying the arbitration between model based (MB) and model free (MF)
learning using fMRI data and Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM). Understanding
this arbitration would enlighten us to how decisions and learning occurs in the brain.
I computed the exceedance probability for hypothetical biological networks and
used similarity scores with known brain networks to determine the most likely
models. We then perturbed the remaining models and iterated DCM analysis to
obtain the best model. I learned how it is possible to incrementally gain insight into
the behavior of something as complicated as the human brain. While I greatly
enjoyed learning the background, and performing the analysis to obtain results,
ultimately I did not have the necessary background in neurobiology to continue.
In the summer after my junior year, I participated in the XX Program
(XXX). I had the honor of studying quantum secret sharing (QSS) with Professor
XXX. The classical (n, k, L) secret sharing scheme encodes L symbols (the
secret) into n symbols (shares) such that any k of the shares can be used to
recreate the original secret. Varying degrees of security allow for partial leakage
of the secret by fewer than k shares. We expanded QSS by defining
quantum strong security, a far more nuanced condition than its classical analog.
Furthermore, I created a QSS protocol and proved that it holds the integrity of
quantum strong security. Strong quantum security is critical to the eventual use and
safety of quantum computation. This work was published in XXX. During the
weekly lab meetings and discussions with my mentor, I gained an international
perspective of higher education and was exposed to many exciting
mysteries in quantum information. During the weekly lab meetings and
discussions with my mentor, I gained an international perspective of higher
education and was exposed to many exciting mysteries in quantum information.
Briefly introduce your
research interests and
For each experience,
clearly describe your
research problems,
specific contributions and
quantifiable outcomes to
demonstrate your skills
I was able to present my research, within and across disciplines, to XXX
participants, at lab meetings and at the XXX Workshop of XXX. I am privileged to
have participated in XXX . Studying quantum information was an exciting
experience, however, the lag in practical application ultimately diverted my focus.
My interests too a turn in senior year during Professor XXX’s class on
discrete differential geometry (DDG). The class involved reproducing
theoretical results from differential geometry and placing differential forms on
mesh locations in order to create mesmerizing displays of heat-flow, mesh
fairing/parametrization and vector field design. I was immediately enthralled by
the simple, and efficient algorithms that could be created to model complex
behaviors through the theoretical elegance of DDG. I sought to dive deeper
and was fortunate to have XXX advise me for the next two terms on
preserving vortical structures in fluid simulation. With his guidance, II
surveyed a large range of fluid simulation techniques such as Steinhoff’s
vorticity confinement, Mullen’s energy preserving method, and Elcott’s
circulation preserving algorithm. I then derived a unique method as an
extension to Dupont's back and forth error compensation and correction
(BFECC). BFECC observes that a simulation moving back and forth should
result in the original state. I observed that VFECC has a recursive structure and
implemented this idea using circulation preserving, semi-lagrangian
advection. To evaluate the benefits of this exension, compared change in
vorticity and kinetic energy over varying recursion depth. Simulations were
initialited to a bounded domain with concentrated vorticity at the center.
II presented my results at the XXX undergraduate research Seminar,
indicating that increasing recursion depth preserves vorticity and kinetic
energy more than BFECC. It was an enlightening experience to see the eclectic
set of considerations when tackling the same problem of fluid simulation.
In addition to research, II strive to be a reliable source of knowledge in any
field II can. To this end I have held many teaching and tutoring roles. I served as a
TA for XXX's "Algorithms" and "Decidability and Tractability""courses, which
are both early major requirements with over a hundred students from
diverse backgrounds. Additionally, I was invited to help redesign and TA for
XXX’s computer graphics class which heavily influences whether a student
pursues graphics or not. I created course notes and an assignment on bump
mapping and mesh data structures. Outside of XXX, I was a lead developer on a
XXX protect adding accessibility features to Minecraft. While Minecraft has had
large successes as an educational tool, legal accessibility requirements limit its use.
My team and added 3D acoustics, text to speech and eyboard shortcuts to allow
Minecraft to be used for a much broader audience. Our protect won 2nd place
in XXX. It is extremely important to me that knowledge is made easily
available to those who seek it and that lack of clarity does not impede society’s
pursuit of STEM careers. My past experiences teaching and presenting my
research have made me strong at communicating complete topics to a variety of
backgrounds and levels.
Outside of my academic and professional life, II am a devoted consumer of
animated films and video games. The use of CG modeling in previously hand-
drawn animation has increased drastically, with sometimes disastrous results.
Saved time in animation is often paid for by a loss of quality in special effects,
something tragic to me and the future of hand-drawn animation. The loss of quality
Demonstrate enthusiasm
and commitment to
outreach efforts in
STEM, through concrete
by use of CG from less experienced animators can be fixed by the creation of more
effective CG tools. When CG is used effectively as in “FFXV”, “Kingsglaive:
FFXV”, and the new “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”, the results are
stunning. They can greatly enhance the base content, or provide hyper-realistic
visuals whose only difference from reality is that they are too beautiful to be real.
It would be my privilege to contribute to the advancement of computer animation.
Obtaining a Ph.D in computer graphics at MIT will allow me to pursue my
interest XXX in at the highest level. While my research background is closer to the
simulation applications of geometry processing, I am eager to explore a larger
breadth of topics. I am particularly interested in Prof. XXX and his recent work on
XXX. His work provides fundamental solutions to a wide range of problems in
graphics and computer vision. As a large consumer of computer animated content,
I am personally invested in the tools that are available. I am confident that I can
not only contribute to the advancement of these techniques but also broadly spread
a deeper understanding of the world.
Addresses question in
prompt about the
applicant‛s particular
interests and how MIT
programs support those
All rights to original essay reserved by the author.