D 154
Department of Agricultural
and Resource Economics
February 2022
Margarita Velandia, Riley Denton, Omar Aza, Tori Marshall, Alicia Rihn
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
David Lockwood and Natalie Bumgarner
Department of Plant Sciences
Zachariah Hansen
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
The objective of this document is to help users
understand and navigate the sample blackberry
budget created by the University of Tennessee,
available at https://bit.ly/3FJxag4. This sample
budget was created to guide blackberry
producers and those interested in producing
blackberries on the factors to consider when
estimating their production and marketing costs.
Additionally, this sample budget helps users
evaluate changes in costs associated with two
pest management strategies (i.e., none and
conventional fungicide program), and three marketing strategies (i.e., 100 percent ready picked
retail, 50 percent u-pick and 50 percent ready picked retail, 75 percent u-pick and 25 percent
ready picked retail).
The sample budget shows examples of blackberry production costs given specific assumptions.
Therefore, users should modify numbers to accurately portray their actual farm costs. Every farm
is unique; hence, estimated costs will vary depending on soil conditions; blackberry variety;
production practices used; and pest, weed and disease pressure; among other factors. Regardless
of the variation in costs due to farm and location characteristics, blackberry cash flow will be
negative until the crop has matured (Year 3), which means establishment costs will not be
recovered until Year 3
Ernst, T., and Woods, T. “2017 Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates.” ID-149, University of Kentucky
College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Cooperative Extension Service. Available online at
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
Users of the sample budget should note that the input prices used in this document and the Excel
budget tool were current as of January 2022 and are subject to change. Input prices were
collected from a handful of randomly selected businesses; therefore, users are encouraged to
conduct a thorough search when sourcing input suppliers.
Sample Budget Details
This document divides the production of blackberries into three time horizons: pre-planting,
planting and fruiting. A detailed description of the activities involved in each timeline is given
below. The document further discusses the details of fertilizer, fungicide and insecticide
applications, as well as information pertaining to irrigation, labor, machinery, equipment, harvest
and post-harvest activities, and marketing.
Pre-planting (Year 1)
The examples presented in this sample budget are based on 1 acre of blackberries. It is assumed
all preparation activities will happen in Year 1 to allow at least six months to a year for the soil
to reach ideal conditions for blackberry production. For soil preparation and weed destruction, a
disk harrow and 1-shank subsoiler are assumed to be used. The use of herbicide might also be
necessary to destroy weeds. Following the 2021 Southeast Regional Caneberries Integrated
Management Guide
, we assume glyphosate would be used to destroy weeds. Although we
assumed 2 quarts per acre of glyphosate at $10.7 per quart
, you should read the label for the
application rate. A 100 gallon 3-point hitch boom sprayer pulled by a 50 hp mechanical front-
wheel drive tractor will be used to apply the glyphosate. Whether the sprayer is a tractor
mounted or slides in the bed of an ATV, the vehicle must be capable of maintaining a uniform
ground speed over uneven terrain and a uniform pump speed. Without this, it would be
impossible to calibrate the sprayer for precise application. Backpack and handheld pump-up
sprayers are often used by small growers, but they cannot be calibrated accurately.
Soil tests are necessary for Year 1, as the results from these tests will guide producers on the
requirements to adjust soil fertility conditions. Soil tests are budgeted at $15 per soil test, and we
assumed two soil tests per acre. In Year 1, we assumed a soil probe would be purchased at $108.
Hand labor associated with soil tests is estimated at 0.6 hours per acre. Fertilizer application
along with fungicides and insecticides are discussed in more detail below.
We allocated one hour per acre to mark the rows where blackberry plants will be planted
We assumed grass would be planted between rows to support equipment used between rows and
avoid soil erosion. We assumed 10 lbs per acre of tall fescue grass seed at $1.89 per lb would be
planted in between rows in Year 1. We estimated the grass seed price by averaging grass seed
prices obtained from various input suppliers in January 2022.
Planting (Year 2)
We assumed grass between rows would be mowed before planting blackberry transplants with a
rotary cutter. We allocated about 2.2 operator labor hours per acre distributed across the planting
2021 Southeast Regional Caneberries Integrated Management Guide. Available online at
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
year to complete this task
. Additionally, we assumed glyphosate would be used to destroy
weeds before planting. Although we assumed 1 quart per acre of glyphosate at $10.7 per quart
you should read the label for the application rate.
When determining row and plant spacing, it is important to remember that these decisions will
determine the number of plants per acre. For the budget, a 12-foot space between rows and a 3-
foot space between blackberry plants is assumed. If you are growing more than one variety, it
would be appropriate to use the same space between rows and plants regardless of the varieties
grown for management purposes. If there is variation in space between rows and plants, mowing
and other activities that require specific equipment sizes may become more complicated or
We assumed the blackberry varieties grown are Natchez and Ouachita. Natchez is a semi-erect
thornless variety, while Oachita is an erect thornless variety. These two varieties are high-
yielding, high-quality, and are great for commercial and local markets
. The harvesting period
for both varieties is June to August, but Natchez ripens about a week earlier (around June 3) than
. Exact harvesting times will vary from year to year and by the location of the
operation. There are no differences in management strategies between the varieties as trellis
systems are recommended for both varieties. There are benefits of combining these varieties
because Natchez is more sensitive to freezing temperatures than Oachita, and therefore
combining the two varieties might help to manage weather risks. Additionally, combining
varieties may create additional marketing opportunities as it extends the marketing season.
When assuming a 3-foot-by-12-foot spacing (i.e., plant space times row space), 1,210 plants at
$4.11 each are transplanted. Blackberry plant prices are estimated by taking the average of plant
prices from nurseries in Indiana and Arkansas. We assumed transplanting happens in early spring
(March) of Year 2. The 1,210-plant density is appropriate for u-pick operations. We allocated 36
labor hours for transplanting blackberry plants into the field
. Canes produced from the
blackberry plants in Year 2 (primocanes) will not bear fruit.
For cane support and to keep the fruit off the ground, a wood T-trellis system is assumed to be
used. Trellis systems are useful in maximizing sunlight exposure, air movement and spray
penetration throughout the canopy. Additionally, trellis systems can facilitate planting
management or make harvesting and floricane removal easier. In general, using trellis systems
can maximize yield and minimize labor use. Although we assumed a wood T-trellis system for
this budget, there are various trellis systems options
. When choosing a trellis system for your
Mississippi State University, 2010 Fruit and Nut Planning Budgets. Available online at
Ernst, T., and Woods, T. “2017 Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates.” ID-149, University of
Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Cooperative Extension Service. Available online at
University of Arkansas. Blackberry variety information. Available online at https://bit.ly/3EIWnGS
Carroll, B. “Commercial Blackberry Production.”HL-6239, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Cooperative
Extension Service. Available online at https://bit.ly/3ERTqE0
North Carolina State University. “Blackeberru Budget Program 2011”. Available online at
North Carolina State University. “Trellis Systems.” Available online at https://bit.ly/30FCfqj.
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
operation, it is important to consider construction and material costs, availability of trained labor,
and climate considerations (e.g., risk of blackberry cold injury).
It is important to construct trellises before the first harvest season. The post should be placed
before planting to not disturb the plants, but wires could be installed after planting. We assumed
8-foot wood posts would be used for the trellis system, set 30 feet apart within a row
. We
assumed rows would not be longer than 400 feet to help with harvesting efficiency and make
trellis system repair easier. If we assumed 134 plants per row and nine rows, there would be
approximately 13 posts per row, for a total of about 118 posts per acre at $19.6 per post. We
assumed an auger would be used to make holes for post placement. A piece of 2-by-4-inch
pressure-treated wood is assumed to be used for cross arms. We assumed two 8,700-ft, 12.5
gauge high-tensile wire rolls would be used for the trellis system. Other trellis hardware (e.g.,
anchors) is estimated at $288 per acre
A total of 155 labor hours are assumed during Year 2 or planting year. As previously mentioned,
36 hours are allocated to transplanting. Trellis construction consists of 45 hand labor hours.
Labor associated with hoeing for weed management in Year 2 is estimated at 65 labor hours and
labor hours associated with irrigation are estimated at 0.35 labor hours distributed across the
planting year
. We assumed five labor hours per acre would be assigned to tipping. Tipping is
usually done in late June and July.
We assumed soft tipping (i.e., removal of the shoot tip when it is of a small diameter and easily
pinched by hand) would be done during the planting year to allow for lateral branches to grow
and increase fruit yield
. Several trips through the planting should be made for tipping, given
that primocanes growth happens at different times during the summer and grow at different rates.
Planting (Years 3 to 8)
After the planting year, a blackberry plant will have primocanes and floricanes (canes that
produce fruit). Primocanes should be pruned. Floricanes should be removed (i.e., cane removal)
from the planting after harvesting. Cane removal after harvesting is important to reduce disease
carryover in the planting. Additionally, cutting off floricanes to the ground level is important for
new primocanes to develop from buds on healthy tissue at or below the soil line
. We allocated
7 hours per acre per year for summer pruning and 20 hours per acre per year for cane removal in
Years 3 to 8.
We assumed grass between rows would be mowed with a rotary cutter. We allocated
approximately 2.3 operator labor hours per acre per year for Years 3 to 8 to complete this task.
Labor associated with hoeing for weed management in Years 3 to 8 is estimated at 33 labor
hours per year, and labor hours associated with irrigation are estimated at 0.35 labor hours per
North Carolina State University. “Trellis Systems.” Available online at https://bit.ly/30FCfqj.
Ernst, T., and Woods, T. “2017 Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates.” ID-149, University of
Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Cooperative Extension Service. Available online at
Lockwood, D. Pruning and Training Caneberries (Blackberries and Raspberries), SP 284-G. UT Extension.
Available online at
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
Fertilizer, Fungicides and Insecticides
This section of the document discusses fertilizer application for all three time horizons: pre-
planting, planting and fruiting.
For the pre-planting year (Year 1), it is assumed 800 lbs per acre of 15-15-15 fertilizer at $0.41
per lb are applied. This fertilizer cost serves only as a reference for fertilizer applications as P
(phosphorous) and K (potassium) needs will be determined by the soil test results and will likely
vary greatly from farm to farm.
For the planting year (Year 2), we assumed 40 units of nitrogen (40/0.46= 87 lbs of urea) per
acre would be applied. Half of those units (50 percent) would be applied three weeks to a month
after planting, then another 25 percent 6 to 8 weeks after the last application, and the remaining
25 percent 6 to 8 weeks after the last application. For the fruiting years (Year 3 to 8), we
assumed 60 units of nitrogen (60/0.46 = 130 lbs of urea) would be applied. Half of those units
(50 percent) would be applied at early bloom, and then the other half would be applied in late
July or early August. Ideally, urea should be applied through fertigation for more accuracy. In
this budget, we are assuming urea would be applied with a side spreader, but it is important to
acknowledge that urea has a problem with volatility. Therefore, it is important to remember that
if rain is not forecasted or there is no irrigation, a percentage of the applied urea will be lost.
The intensiveness of pest and disease management in blackberry fields can vary widely due to
several factors, including variety selection, cultural practices, location, and pest and disease
pressures. In situations with minimal pest and disease pressure and/or where cultural practices
are followed to minimize impacts from pests and diseases, blackberries may be produced with
minimal pesticide inputs. However, where pest and disease pressure are high, a regular spray
program may be necessary. The sample budget provides two pest management scenarios: (1) no
fungicide inputs are applied, and (2) a conventional fungicide program is followed. Captan is
included in all sprays as a broad-spectrum tank-mix partner for fungicide resistance management
and to increase the breadth of diseases covered. Pristine, Quilt Xcel and Luna Tranquility are
included as representative examples of fungicides used to manage common blackberry diseases,
including anthracnose, cane blight, powdery mildew, rusts, leaf spots, Botrytis and rosette.
Several other fungicide options are available and can be found in the most recent version of the
Southeast Regional Caneberry Integrated Management Guide
Table 1. Moderate Disease Pressure IPM Spray Schedules
Spray #
Target Month Application
Input products applied
Pristine + Captan
Quilt Xcel + Captan
Luna Tranquility + Captan
Quilt Xcel + Captan
* Pristine can only be tank-mixed with Captan for blackberry applications and cannot be tank-
mixed with any other active ingredient. See label for details.
2021 Southeast Regional Caneberries Integrated Management Guide. Available online at
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
Table 2. Moderate Disease Pressure IPM Application Rates per acre and Chemicals’ Prices
Label Rate
Application Rate
Price per application
18.5 - 23 oz
21 oz
2.5 lb
2.5 lb
Luna Tranquility
13.6 - 27 fl oz
20 fl oz
$3.25/fl oz
Quilt Xcel
14 - 21 fl oz
17.5 fl oz
$1.25/fl oz
Growers should also scout for spotted wing drosophila (SWD) and treat as needed. If SWD is not
present, insecticides do not need to be applied for it. However, if SWD is present, then growers
should spray a labeled insecticide beginning two weeks prior to harvest and continuing with
weekly sprays through the end of harvest. Growers should consult the most recent version of the
Southeast Regional Caneberry Integrated Management Guide
for an updated list of insecticides
labeled for SWD management, as well as management recommendations for other common
insect pests.
Machinery and Equipment
We assumed one tractor (i.e., a 50 horsepower four-wheel-drive tractor) would be used to
perform all activities associated with blackberry production. In Table 3, we show estimated
direct (e.g., repair and maintenance, fuel, and labor costs) and fixed costs associated with all
implements, including the tractor’s fixed cost, used for blackberry production in this sample
budget. Fixed machinery costs associated with the tractor and implements were calculated using
the Mississippi State Budget Generator (version 6.0).
Blackberry production costs include an annual fixed cost of $1,100 per acre per year associated
with an 8-by-8-by-8-foot cooling unit used to maintain berry quality and enhance shelf life. This
assumption is based on total purchase, installation and maintenance costs of $7,700
. Although
we assumed all cooling system costs are assigned to the blackberry enterprise, it is important to
acknowledge the costs of the system could be allocated to other fruits and vegetables needing
refrigeration and being grown outside of the blackberry harvest window. Additionally, there
might be smaller cooling systems that are a good fit for blackberry production and can result in
cooling system cost savings.
2021 Southeast Regional Caneberries Integrated Management Guide. Available online at
Ernst, T., and Woods, T. “2017 Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates.” ID-149, University of
Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Cooperative Extension Service. Available online at
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
Table 3. Machinery and Equipment Costs per acre used for Blackberry Production.
Fixed Costs
Disk Harrow
Grain drill
Rotary Cutter
Side Dresser
Sprayer Air Blast
Sprayer — Boom
Sub-Soiler (1 shank)
Source: Mississippi State University Budget Generator
Labor and Fuel
Hand labor was estimated at the 2022 US Department of Labor Tennessee Adverse Effect Wage
Rate of $13.89
. Operator labor was estimated at $17.42/hour based on the 2020 US Department
of Labor estimates for Tennessee. Diesel prices were estimated at $2.88 per gallon. Hand labor is
associated with soil testing, irrigation check activities, planting, hoeing, pruning, cane removal
and harvesting.
We assumed a trickle irrigation system is used. The establishment cost of the irrigation systems
is estimated at $1,327. The annual variable costs of irrigation are estimated at $248, but they
might fluctuate greatly due to water availability and cost
. Trickle irrigation systems are
preferred over overhead irrigation systems because the water is applied to the soil and does not
contact leaves or fruit, which could aggravate disease issues. In general, trickle irrigation systems
use less water and require a lower pump capacity than overhead systems.
The interest on operating capital was calculated annually at a rate of 4 percent. Operating interest
is assumed to be charged on half of all variable expenses.
Harvest and Post-harvest
We assumed that no crops would be harvested in Years 1 and 2. We assumed plantings would
initiate producing yield in Year 3. We assumed in Year 3, blackberry plants would produce 60
percent of the maximum anticipated yield at crop maturity. We assumed the maximum
anticipated yield at crop maturity would happen in Year 4 and would be 5,000 quarts per acre or
about 4 quarts per plant (Table 4). The yield would likely vary depending on farm and location
characteristics, as well as production practices used. It can exceed the assumed 5,000 quarts per
acre if appropriate production practices are followed.
Ernst, T., and Woods, T. “2017 Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates.” ID-149, University of
Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Cooperative Extension Service. Available online at
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
Table 4. Estimated Yields by Year of Blackberry Production.
% of full
We assumed that harvested berries are sorted into 1-quart plastic clamshells at a cost of $0.15 per
plastic container. We assumed the estimated harvest rate for picking blackberries is 30 quarts per
hour. Therefore, we assumed 100 and 165 hours are designated for harvesting activities in Years
3, and 4 to 8, respectively. It is assumed that six to 10 pickers are needed to harvest 1 acre of
Operating costs associated with the refrigeration of blackberries to maintain berry quality and
enhance shelf life is estimated at $36.60 per acre per year.
In this sample budget, we assumed the blackberries would be marketed through farmers markets,
on-farm, roadside stands and/or pick-your-own (PYO). The choice of marketing strategies would
depend on various factors, including farm location that would determine the distance to
customers and markets and labor and time availability for marketing activities. The advantage of
marketing blackberries using a PYO strategy is the labor savings associated with reducing
harvesting activities. When blackberries are marketed through PYO, it is important to still have
some labor available to harvest blackberries in the parts of the field that are not harvested by the
customers. It is important for spotted wing drosophila (SWD) control not to have overripe berries
in the field. For u-picked operations, between 300 and 450 customers are needed to harvest 1
acre of blackberries, with semi-erect varieties requiring the highest amount of customers for
There are other considerations and costs associated with using a PYO marketing strategy,
including adequate parking area, restroom facilities, convenient and safe access, and adequate
liability insurance.
Marketing costs were estimated at 10 percent of gross revenue. Gross revenue would depend on
marketing strategies. We assumed blackberries would be sold at $5 per quart for PYO
Kaiser, C., and M. Ernst. 2018. “Blackberries.” Center for Crop Diversification, University of Kentucky.
Available online at https://bit.ly/3sMKgFK
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
blackberries and $7 per quart for already-picked blackberries sold on-farm, via roadside stands or
at farmers markets.
Excel Sample Budget
The blackberry sample budget Excel tool is available on the Department of Agricultural and
Resource Economics website at https://bit.ly/3FJxag4. You can see a list of all available
spreadsheets by clicking the mouse right-click button on the arrow pointing to the right on the
bottom left corner of any spreadsheet (see figure below).
In this Excel tool, users can select different scenarios associated with pest management strategies
and marketing strategies in the “General Assumptions” spreadsheet:
1. You can select one of two pest management scenarios: None and Conventional Fungicide
Program. The “None” scenario assumes there will be no disease control (see Tables 1 and
2 above).
2. You can select three strategies to market your blackberries: 1) 100 percent retail (e.g., on-
farm or at farmers markets); 2) 50 percent pick-your-own (PYO) AND 50 percent ready
picked to be marketed on-farm, roadside stands or at farmers markets; 3) 75 percent pick-
your-own (PYO) AND 25 percent ready picked to be marketed on-farm, roadside stands
or at farmers markets.
In the “Labor, Fuel and Interest” spreadsheet, you can change assumptions related to
operator, hand labor and fuel cost, as well as the interest rate.
In the “Yield” spreadsheet, you can change assumptions related to yield in Years 3 to 8.
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
In the “Blackberry Prices” spreadsheet, you can change assumptions related to u-picked and
ready-picked (e.g., on-farm and farmers markets) blackberry prices.
If quantities and details of the “Labor, Fuel and Interest,“Yield” and “Blackberry Prices”
spreadsheets are modified, original values can be restored when clicking on the “Default”
button on the right of each of these spreadsheets. The “Intro” button allows you to return to
the introductory page.
After making your pest management, marketing strategies, labor, fuel, interest, yield and
price selections, you can evaluate the overall changes in costs and changes in costs per year
in the “Summary Budget” spreadsheet. The “Print” button on this spreadsheet allows the user
to print this one-page summary. The “Intro” button allows you to return to the introductory
page. On the “Summary Budget” spreadsheet, you can click on the first row of the table
“Year X” to see the detailed budget for each year.
The “Blackberry Budget YX” spreadsheets will provide details about costs of production for
Year 1 to Year 8. In these spreadsheets, you will be able to change a few operating/durable
input costs (highlighted in gray). These spreadsheets contain detailed information about the
budget estimations, including machinery and implements fixed and variable costs, and are
designed for those users that would like to better understand budget estimations. The “Year
X Budget Summary” button will allow you to go to the summary budget for each year (i.e.,
“Summary YX”). The “Summary YX” spreadsheets will provide a summary budget for each
year. These summary spreadsheets are appropriate for users who are interested in estimating
overall costs per year, but are not interested in the specific details behind the estimations. In
these spreadsheets, you will be able to change a few operating/durable input costs
(highlighted in gray) and use the individual year budgets function to evaluate your own
production costs per year. The “Summary Budget” spreadsheet will not reflect user changes
in the “Summary YX” spreadsheet because the summary budget cost categories do not match
each year’s budget summary cost categories. You will be able to print each year’s budget
“Summary XY” using the print button. If quantities and details of the sample budget are
modified, original values can be restored when clicking on the “Default” button on the
bottom right of the “Blackberry Budget YX” and “Summary YX” spreadsheets.
Examples of Costs Associated with Various Marketing and Pest Management
Using the excel sample blackberry budget, we estimated costs associated with two pest
management strategy scenarios (i.e., none and conventional fungicide program) and one
marketing strategy (i.e., 100 percent ready picked blackberries to be marketed through
farmers markets, roadside stands or on-farm). As you can see in Tables 5 and 6, in Year 2,
the largest expenses are those associated with blackberry plants and the construction of the
trellis system. In Years 3 to 8, the largest expenses are those associated with harvesting and
post-harvesting activities (i.e., post-harvesting costs include marketing costs). The difference
in costs associated with the two pest management scenarios is about $1,800 per acre. Costs
associated with fungicides represented 2.7 percent of total costs for Years 3 to 8.
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
We also evaluated two different marketing strategies using the excel sample blackberry
budget: 1) 100 percent retail (e.g., on-farm or at farmers markets); and 2) 50 percent pick-
your-own (PYO) AND 50 percent ready picked to be marketed on-farm, roadside stands or at
farmers markets. We assume a conventional fungicide program pest management strategy in
both marketing scenarios. As you can see in Tables 7 and 8, when switching from the 100
percent retail scenario to the 50 percent PYO-50 percent retail scenario, harvesting costs go
from representing about 27 percent to 32 percent of total costs to representing about 16
percent to 20 percent of total costs. Regardless of pest management and marketing strategy
used, planting, construction of trellis system, harvesting and post-harvesting costs are the
largest expenses associated with blackberry production.
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
Tables 5 and 6. Estimated Costs for 100% Ready Picked Blackberry Retail, No Fungicide Application (Table on top), Conventional
Fungicide Program (Table on the bottom).
Year 1 % Year 2 % Year 3 % Year 4 % Year 5 % Year 6 % Year 7 % Year 8 %
Total %
Mark Rows 13.89$ 2.3% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 13.89$ 0.0%
Planting -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 47.7% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 8.5%
Tipping/Prune/Remove Canes -$ 0.0% 69.45$ 0.6% 375.03$ 5.7% 375.03$ 4.1% 375.03$ 4.1% 375.03$ 4.1% 375.03$ 4.1% 375.03$ 4.1% 2,319.63$ 3.6%
Disk 11.03$ 1.9% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 11.03$ 0.0%
Subsoiler 8.79$ 1.5% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 8.79$ 0.0%
Fertilizer 345.78$ 58.5% 90.59$ 0.8% 88.66$ 1.4% 88.66$ 1.0% 88.66$ 1.0% 88.66$ 1.0% 88.66$ 1.0% 88.66$ 1.0% 968.35$ 1.5%
Weed Spray 24.72$ 4.2% 12.36$ 0.1% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 37.09$ 0.1%
Disease Management -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0%
Construct Trellis -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 35.4% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 6.3%
Hoeing -$ 0.0% 902.85$ 7.9% 458.37$ 7.0% 458.37$ 5.0% 458.37$ 5.0% 458.37$ 5.0% 458.37$ 5.0% 458.37$ 5.0% 3,653.07$ 5.7%
Soil Testing 131.06$ 22.2% -$ 0.0% -$
0.0% -$ 0.
0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 131.06$ 0.2%
Mowing -$ 0.0% 78.56$ 0.7% 78.56$ 1.2% 78.56$ 0.9% 78.56$ 0.9% 78.56$ 0.9% 78.56$ 0.9% 78.56$ 0.9% 549.93$ 0.9%
Seed Grass 39.15$ 6.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 39.15$ 0.1%
Irrigation -$ 0.0% 443.60$ 3.9% 443.60$ 6.8% 443.60$ 4.8% 443.60$ 4.8% 443.60$ 4.8% 443.60$ 4.8% 443.60$ 4.8% 3,105.18$ 4.8%
Harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 1,836.42$ 28.0% 3,037.54$ 33.2% 3,037.54$ 33.2% 3,037.54$ 33.2% 3,037.54$ 33.2% 3,037.54$ 33.2% 17,024.14$ 26.4%
Post-harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 3,236.60$ 49.4% 4,636.60$ 50.6% 4,636.60$ 50.6% 4,636.60$ 50.6% 4,636.60$ 50.6% 4,636.60$ 50.6% 26,419.60$ 41.0%
Financial 16.65$ 2.8% 340.42$ 3.0% 38.21$ 0.6% 38.21$ 0.4% 38.21$ 0.4% 38.21$ 0.4% 38.21$ 0.4% 38.21$ 0.4% 586.31$ 0.9%
Total Costs 591.07$ 100.0% 11,468.62$ 100.0% 6,555.44$ 100.0% 9,156.57$ 100.0% 9,156.57$ 100.0% 9,156.57$ 100.0% 9,156.57$ 100.0% 9,156.57$ 100.0% 64,398.00$ 100.0%
Year 1 % Year 2 % Year 3 % Year 4 % Year 5 % Year 6 % Year 7 % Year 8 % Total %
Mark Rows 13.89$ 2.3% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 13.89$ 0.0%
Planting -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 46.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 8.3%
Tipping/Prune/Remove Canes -$ 0.0% 69.45$ 0.6% 375.03$ 5.5% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 2,319.63$ 3.5%
Disk 11.03$ 1.9% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 11.03$ 0.0%
Subsoiler 8.79$ 1.5% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 8.79$ 0.0%
Fertilizer 345.78$ 58.5% 90.59$ 0.8% 88.66$ 1.3% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 968.35$ 1.5%
Weed Spray 24.72$ 4.2% 12.36$ 0.1% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 37.09$ 0.1%
Disease Management -$ 0.0% 257.87$ 2.2% 257.87$ 3.8% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 1,805.12$ 2.7%
Construct Trellis -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 34.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 6.1%
Hoeing -$ 0.0% 902.85$ 7.7% 458.37$ 6.7% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 3,653.07$ 5.5%
Soil Testing 131.06$ 22.2% -$ 0.0% -$
0.0% -$ 0.
0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 131.06$ 0.2%
Mowing -$ 0.0% 78.56$ 0.7% 78.56$ 1.2% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 549.93$ 0.8%
Seed Grass 39.15$ 6.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 39.15$ 0.1%
Irrigation -$ 0.0% 443.60$ 3.8% 443.60$ 6.5% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 3,105.18$ 4.7%
Harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 1,836.42$ 26.9% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 17,024.14$ 25.7%
Post-harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 3,236.60$ 47.5% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 26,419.60$ 39.9%
Financial 16.65$ 2.8% 347.47$ 3.0% 45.26$ 0.7% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 635.67$ 1.0%
Total Costs 591.07$ 100.0% 11,733.55$ 100.0% 6,820.37$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 66,252.49$ 100.0%
Table 7 and 8. Estimated Costs for 100% Ready Picked Blackberry Retail (Table on top) and 50% PYO and 50% Ready Picked Blackberry
Retail (Table on the bottom).
Year 1 % Year 2 % Year 3 % Year 4 % Year 5 % Year 6 % Year 7 % Year 8 % Total %
Mark Rows 13.89$ 2.3% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 13.89$ 0.0%
Planting -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 46.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 8.3%
Tipping/Prune/Remove Canes -$ 0.0% 69.45$ 0.6% 375.03$ 5.5% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 375.03$ 4.0% 2,319.63$ 3.5%
Disk 11.03$ 1.9% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 11.03$ 0.0%
Subsoiler 8.79$ 1.5% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 8.79$ 0.0%
Fertilizer 345.78$ 58.5% 90.59$ 0.8% 88.66$ 1.3% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 88.66$ 0.9% 968.35$ 1.5%
Weed Spray 24.72$ 4.2% 12.36$ 0.1% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 37.09$ 0.1%
Disease Management -$ 0.0% 257.87$ 2.2% 257.87$ 3.8% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 257.87$ 2.7% 1,805.12$ 2.7%
Construct Trellis -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 34.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 6.1%
Hoeing -$ 0.0% 902.85$ 7.7% 458.37$ 6.7% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 458.37$ 4.9% 3,653.07$ 5.5%
Soil Testing 131.06$ 22.2% -$ 0.0% -$
0.0% -$ 0.
0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 131.06$ 0.2%
Mowing -$ 0.0% 78.56$ 0.7% 78.56$ 1.2% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 78.56$ 0.8% 549.93$ 0.8%
Seed Grass 39.15$ 6.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 39.15$ 0.1%
Irrigation -$ 0.0% 443.60$ 3.8% 443.60$ 6.5% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 443.60$ 4.7% 3,105.18$ 4.7%
Harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 1,836.42$ 26.9% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 3,037.54$ 32.2% 17,024.14$ 25.7%
Post-harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 3,236.60$ 47.5% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 4,636.60$ 49.2% 26,419.60$ 39.9%
Financial 16.65$ 2.8% 347.47$ 3.0% 45.26$ 0.7% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 45.26$ 0.5% 635.67$ 1.0%
Total Costs 591.07$ 100.0% 11,733.55$ 100.0% 6,820.37$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 9,421.50$ 100.0% 66,252.49$ 100.0%
Year 1 % Year 2 % Year 3 % Year 4 % Year 5 % Year 6 % Year 7 % Year 8 %
Total %
Mark Rows 13.89$ 2.3% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 13.89$ 0.0%
Planting -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 46.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 5,473.14$ 10.0%
Tipping/Prune/Remove Canes -$ 0.0% 69.45$ 0.6% 375.03$ 6.7% 375.03$ 5.1% 375.03$ 5.1% 375.03$ 5.1% 375.03$ 5.1% 375.03$ 5.1% 2,319.63$ 4.2%
Disk 11.03$ 1.9% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 11.03$ 0.0%
Subsoiler 8.79$ 1.5% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 8.79$ 0.0%
Fertilizer 345.78$ 58.5% 90.59$ 0.8% 88.66$ 1.6% 88.66$ 1.2% 88.66$ 1.2% 88.66$ 1.2% 88.66$ 1.2% 88.66$ 1.2% 968.35$ 1.8%
Weed Spray 24.72$ 4.2% 12.36$ 0.1% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 37.09$ 0.1%
Disease Management -$ 0.0% 257.87$ 2.2% 257.87$ 4.6% 257.87$ 3.5% 257.87$ 3.5% 257.87$ 3.5% 257.87$ 3.5% 257.87$ 3.5% 1,805.12$ 3.3%
Construct Trellis -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 34.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 4,057.65$ 7.4%
Hoeing -$ 0.0% 902.85$ 7.7% 458.37$ 8.2% 458.37$ 6.2% 458.37$ 6.2% 458.37$ 6.2% 458.37$ 6.2% 458.37$ 6.2% 3,653.07$ 6.6%
Soil Testing 131.06$ 22.2% -$ 0.0% -$
0.0% -$ 0.
0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 131.06$ 0.2%
Mowing -$ 0.0% 78.56$ 0.7% 78.56$ 1.4% 78.56$ 1.1% 78.56$ 1.1% 78.56$ 1.1% 78.56$ 1.1% 78.56$ 1.1% 549.93$ 1.0%
Seed Grass 39.15$ 6.6% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 39.15$ 0.1%
Irrigation -$ 0.0% 443.60$ 3.8% 443.60$ 7.9% 443.60$ 6.0% 443.60$ 6.0% 443.60$ 6.0% 443.60$ 6.0% 443.60$ 6.0% 3,105.18$ 5.7%
Harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 918.21$ 16.4% 1,518.77$ 20.5% 1,518.77$ 20.5% 1,518.77$ 20.5% 1,518.77$ 20.5% 1,518.77$ 20.5% 8,512.07$ 15.5%
Post-harvest -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% 2,935.85$ 52.4% 4,135.35$ 55.9% 4,135.35$ 55.9% 4,135.35$ 55.9% 4,135.35$ 55.9% 4,135.35$ 55.9% 23,612.60$ 43.0%
Financial 16.65$ 2.8% 347.47$ 3.0% 45.26$ 0.8% 45.26$ 0.6% 45.26$ 0.6% 45.26$ 0.6% 45.26$ 0.6% 45.26$ 0.6% 635.67$ 1.2%
Total Costs 591.07$ 100.0% 11,733.55$ 100.0% 5,601.41$ 100.0% 7,401.48$ 100.0% 7,401.48$ 100.0% 7,401.48$ 100.0% 7,401.48$ 100.0% 7,401.48$ 100.0% 54,933.42$ 100.0%
Sample Budget for Blackberry Production
D 154 02/22 Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of
Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.