Completing the CAH Public Art Grant Budget Form
The CAH Grant Budget Form accompanies your written final report completed in the grants
portal. You also are responsible for uploading documentation in support of your final expenses
and activity related to your grant.
***Note: Several of the cells in the CAH Grant Budget Form are intentionally locked from
editing. This ensures that the formulas that we have created cannot be accidentally altered. To
successfully complete the form, only unlocked cells need to be filled out. These begin with row
31 on the Grant Report worksheet.
Preparing the CAH Excel Spreadsheet
Public Art grantees, please DISREGARD the first tab in the spreadsheet “Revised Budget”. To
complete the report, only input your budget in the second tab “Grant Report”.
Grantees must use the CAH Excel Spreadsheet
When reviewing expenses, CAH requires the following:
1. Expense eligibility (as defined and described by the grant program guidelines)
2. Expense itemization
3. Proof of expense
Given these needs, there are multiple types of documents that can be used for reporting. For
example, an Amazon receipt meets all of these requirements; as does a payroll report. An
invoice, however, typically proves itemization, but does not typically prove expense payment. A
receipt often doesn’t provide itemization. Therefore, an invoice typically needs to be paired
with a receipt or other proof of payment in order to be recorded as an eligible expense.
Preparing the Report
1. Complete the general information in the upper left-hand corner
a. Grantee the awarded organization or individual
b. Grant # - found on your grant agreement
c. Grant Amount full amount listed on your grant agreement
2. Complete the Interim Expense Subtotals- Input the proposed budget numbers
submitted in application directly into the cells accordingly for CAH and Match (for
organizations and BIDs). The Match column represents the funds applied to the public
Updated 6-9-2020
art project by organization/BID grantees. Allocate awarded funding across the
categories provided, based on the award’s allowable expense and according to your
proposed budget, as submitted in the grant application.
3. Complete the Final Expense Subtotals (most easily done in chronological order)- starting
in row 31. Budget revisions between the grant’s application and award phase, will be
recorded in this section.
Use the drop downs in each cell (when applicable). The cells will populate the final
budget above (rows 7-27). Do not input data directly into cells 7-27.
The summary table, on the right, will auto-fill for CAH staff use.
4. Use this table while categorizing expenses:
a. Report type Select “Final” from the drop-down menu.
b. Attachment reference # The page and itemized number where the receipt can be
found on uploaded receipt documents. On the hard copy of the receipt/invoice/etc.,
write a unique number (starting with 1). Enter the corresponding page/item number in
Budget Category
Expenses & Personnel
(Not to exceed 35% of
Insurance, Permitting fees, Copyright registration, Plaque
costs, Photographic documentation, Staff Salaries, Payroll
taxes and fringe
Arts & Humanities
Artist Fee, Artist Honorarium, Curator Fee, Project Manager,
Fabrication &
Fabricating artwork, Painters, Installers,
Fabrication/Installation Contractors, Engineering, Producing
pedestals and frames, Shipping (fabrication and installation
Marketing Expenses
Promotional/marketing materials, postage,
Printing, digital advertising fees
Materials Supplies &
Purchasing pedestals, Frames, Materials, Supplies,
Equipment purchase, Equipment rentals (i.e. scaffolding/lift,
ladder etc.), Chair rental, Shipping (non- fabrication and
installation costs); lighting equipment
Mortgage or Rent &
Studio and/or storage space; mortgage, rent, utilities
Other (specify in
Programming (excluding food and beverage), Dedication
Travel &
Transportation, Lodging
Updated 6-9-2020
this column. For example you can have multiple receipts on one (1) 8.5x11 scanned
sheet, each sheet should be numbered. Each receipt should be itemized. (e.g. page 1, a)
c. Date of Expenditure Enter the date the purchase occurred.
d. Vendor Enter the purchased item or service vendor.
e. Item Provide a short description of what was purchased.
f. Amount Paid Enter the total cost of the item purchased,
(Should correspond directly to the attachment purchase price)
g. CAH or Match For organizational grants, choose from the drop down menu if this
expense is allocated to your CAH grant or if it is being paid through matching funds
h. Payment Source Enter how the expense was paid; cash/credit, etc.
i. Category Choose from the drop-down menu the most fitting expense category.
(If the expense does not fall in one of these categories, choose “Other” and explain in
the adjacent “Notes” column.)
5. Save your report
6. Scan your receipts, proof of expenditure, and/or other backup documents
All of the expenses that you have reported should now have an Attachment
Number (uploaded or scanned into the grant portal with corresponding
Attachment assignment number)
Organize receipts in ascending order based on that number.
Scan the documents and save them as a single PDF.
If you are paying yourself an artist fee, the invoice(s) are required to be notarized
and must state for what purpose of the grant you are paying yourself.
7. Upload the Excel sheet and the PDF receipts to the report
8. Submit the report via Jungle Lasers along with the completed on-line narrative report
summary and supporting materials, such as visual documentation of completed project
and collateral materials as required in the grant agreement
Updated 6-9-2020
General Guidance for Budget Reporting
Allowable Costs
Unallowable Costs
Salaries for arts/humanities personnel for
Non-profit Organizations; Artist and curator
Food/Beverage (*can be paid through
matching funds but not grant funds)
Teaching artists/consultants
Travel/transport directly related to project
Fiscal Agent costs; Sub-granting or re-
Materials, supplies, equipment directly related
to Fabrication/installation costs; -project
dedications, programming/workshops directly
related to the project
Fundraisers/Special Events
Overhead/Maintenance/Administrative costs
(not to exceed 35% of grant)
Expenses unrelated to the project or
organization’s scope of work
Space Rental/Fees; insurance costs
Funding to universities, foreign
governments, DC government agencies
(including DCPS)
Assign expenses in Column I: Row 31 and beyond to the below categories
Budget Category
Administrative Expenses
& Personnel (Not to
exceed 35% of grant)
Arts & Humanities
Fabrication &
Marketing Expenses
Materials Supplies &
Mortgage or Rent &
Other (specify in notes)
Travel & Transportation