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This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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What is Express Entry System ?
Skilled immigrants are chosen as permanent residents based on their ability to settle in Canada
and take part in our economy. We assess them on their:
and/or French language skills,
work experience, and
other factors that have been shown to help newcomers prosper in Canada.
As of January 2015, there is a new system to manage how people with skilled work experience
apply to immigrate to Canada
Under Express Entry, people
first create
their Educational Credential Assessment (if they need one) and outlines their work experience.
Based on their profiles, candida
CIC will issue invite top candidates from the pool to apply for permanent residence. Only those
who get an
Invitation to Apply
Under this new system, most comp
What is the eligibility criteria for Express Entry
As of January 2015, we have a new system to manage how people apply to this program. It is
called Express Entry.
You can use our online tool,
Express Entry pool.
Minimum requirements
Skilled work experience
Your work experience must be:
at least one year (1,560 hours total / 30 hours per week), continuous
equal amount in part-
paid work (volunteer work, unpaid internships do not count),
in the same NOC skill type (0, A or B) ,
within the last 10 years, and
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
What is Express Entry System ?
Skilled immigrants are chosen as permanent residents based on their ability to settle in Canada
and take part in our economy. We assess them on their:
and/or French language skills,
other factors that have been shown to help newcomers prosper in Canada.
As of January 2015, there is a new system to manage how people with skilled work experience
apply to immigrate to Canada
. It is called Express Entry.
first create
online profile that includes their language test scores,
their Educational Credential Assessment (if they need one) and outlines their work experience.
Based on their profiles, candida
tes will be ranked against others in a
pool. On a regular basis,
CIC will issue invite top candidates from the pool to apply for permanent residence. Only those
Invitation to Apply
from CIC will be able to apply.
Under this new system, most comp
lete applications will be processed in six months or less.
What is the eligibility criteria for Express Entry
Federal Skilled Worker
As of January 2015, we have a new system to manage how people apply to this program. It is
Come to Canada
, to see if you meet the criteria to get into the
Your work experience must be:
at least one year (1,560 hours total / 30 hours per week), continuous
paid work (volunteer work, unpaid internships do not count),
in the same NOC skill type (0, A or B) ,
within the last 10 years, and
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
Skilled immigrants are chosen as permanent residents based on their ability to settle in Canada
other factors that have been shown to help newcomers prosper in Canada.
As of January 2015, there is a new system to manage how people with skilled work experience
online profile that includes their language test scores,
their Educational Credential Assessment (if they need one) and outlines their work experience.
pool. On a regular basis,
CIC will issue invite top candidates from the pool to apply for permanent residence. Only those
lete applications will be processed in six months or less.
Federal Skilled Worker
As of January 2015, we have a new system to manage how people apply to this program. It is
, to see if you meet the criteria to get into the
at least one year (1,560 hours total / 30 hours per week), continuous
full-time or an
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
at skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the 2011
Classification (NOC).
Full Time
30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
Part time
15 hours/week for 24 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
30 hours/week for 12 months at more than one job = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
You must show
that you did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational
description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.
If you cannot show that your work experience meets the description in the NOC, you are
eligible under this program.
Language ability
You must:
meet the
minimum language level
take a language test
approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
you meet the level for speaking,
You must show that you meet the
when you complete your Express Entry profile. Your
two years old on the day you apply for
You must have:
a Canadian secondary (high school) or post
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from an agency approved by CIC
show your foreign education is equal t
Six selection factors
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
at skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the 2011
National Occupational
30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
15 hours/week for 24 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
30 hours/week for 12 months at more than one job = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
that you did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational
description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.
If you cannot show that your work experience meets the description in the NOC, you are
minimum language level
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7
approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
you meet the level for speaking,
listening, reading and writing.
You must show that you meet the
requirements in English or French
by including the
when you complete your Express Entry profile. Your
test results
must not be more than
two years old on the day you apply for
permanent residence.
a Canadian secondary (high school) or post
secondary certificate, diploma or degree, or
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from an agency approved by CIC
show your foreign education is equal t
o Canadian education standards.
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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National Occupational
30 hours/week for 12 months at more than one job = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
that you did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational
description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.
If you cannot show that your work experience meets the description in the NOC, you are
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7
, and
approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
that shows
by including the
must not be more than
secondary certificate, diploma or degree, or
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from an agency approved by CIC
o Canadian education standards.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
If you meet all the conditions set out in the minimum requirements
application based on the selection factors in the federal skilled worker points grid.
The selection factors are:
your skills in English and/or French (Canada's two official languages),
your education,
your work experience,
your age,
whether you have a valid job offer, and
your adaptability (how well you are likely to settle here).
To see how many points you might get
Proof of funds
Unless you are currently authorized to work in Canada and have a
employer in Canada, you must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your
family after
you get to Canada.
You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to pay
the costs of living for your family (even if they are not coming with you).
You will need to show proof to the Canadian visa office in your home
enough money when you apply to immigrate.
The amount of money you need to support your family is set by the size of your family. We
update these amounts every year.
Number of
Family Members
Funds Required
(in Canadian dollars)
7 or more
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
If you meet all the conditions set out in the minimum requirements
, we will assess your
application based on the selection factors in the federal skilled worker points grid.
your skills in English and/or French (Canada's two official languages),
your work experience,
whether you have a valid job offer, and
your adaptability (how well you are likely to settle here).
To see how many points you might get
please contact our office for more details.
Unless you are currently authorized to work in Canada and have a
valid job offer
employer in Canada, you must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your
you get to Canada.
You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to pay
the costs of living for your family (even if they are not coming with you).
You will need to show proof to the Canadian visa office in your home
country that you have
enough money when you apply to immigrate.
The amount of money you need to support your family is set by the size of your family. We
update these amounts every year.
Funds Required
(in Canadian dollars)
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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of 8
, we will assess your
application based on the selection factors in the federal skilled worker points grid.
your skills in English and/or French (Canada's two official languages),
please contact our office for more details.
valid job offer
from an
employer in Canada, you must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your
You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to pay
country that you have
The amount of money you need to support your family is set by the size of your family. We
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
circumstances, this
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
What is CRS (Comprehensive ranking System) ?
The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a points
score a candidate’s profile
The CRS will assess the profile information candidates submit, including:
work experience,
language ability,
education and other factors.
We have found these factors all play a role in economic success for immig
Additional points will be awarded for candidates who have a
of Canada’s provinces or territories under their provincial nominee programs.
CIC will issue an Invitation to Apply to the highest ranking ca
regular “rounds of invitations” so they can apply to immigrate as a permanent resident.
A goal of Express Entry is to ensure strong links between economic immigration and the
Canadian labour market. For that reason, qualifie
enough points to ensure they are ranked high enough to get an invitation to apply.
An employer will need to ensure the job offer is supported by a Labour Market Impact
Assessment. This process ensures they ha
Similarly, a nomination by a province or territory, will give a candidate additional points
high enough to be invited to apply at the next eligible round of invitations.
Comprehensive Ranking
System formula
All Express Entry candidates will be given a score out of
Comprehensive Ranking System formula:
Skills and experience factors (that we know are key to economic success for immigrants
once in Canada)
Spouse or common-
law partner factors (such as their language skills and education
these are known to result in better economic success for both the spouse or common
law partner and the candidate)
Skills transferability (including education and work experienc
combined, result in better chances of being employed, and higher earnings)
Additional points for those with a nomination from a province or territory or a valid job
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
What is CRS (Comprehensive ranking System) ?
The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a points
based system that is used to assess and
rank them in the Express Entry pool.
The CRS will assess the profile information candidates submit, including:
education and other factors.
We have found these factors all play a role in economic success for immig
Additional points will be awarded for candidates who have a
job offer
or a nomination by one
of Canada’s provinces or territories under their provincial nominee programs.
CIC will issue an Invitation to Apply to the highest ranking ca
ndidates from the pool through
regular “rounds of invitations” so they can apply to immigrate as a permanent resident.
A goal of Express Entry is to ensure strong links between economic immigration and the
Canadian labour market. For that reason, qualifie
d candidates who also have a job offer will get
enough points to ensure they are ranked high enough to get an invitation to apply.
An employer will need to ensure the job offer is supported by a Labour Market Impact
Assessment. This process ensures they ha
ve first tried to find Canadians to fill job openings.
Similarly, a nomination by a province or territory, will give a candidate additional points
high enough to be invited to apply at the next eligible round of invitations.
System formula
All Express Entry candidates will be given a score out of
1,200, based on the four parts of the
Comprehensive Ranking System formula:
Skills and experience factors (that we know are key to economic success for immigrants
law partner factors (such as their language skills and education
these are known to result in better economic success for both the spouse or common
law partner and the candidate)
Skills transferability (including education and work experienc
e –
factors that when
combined, result in better chances of being employed, and higher earnings)
Additional points for those with a nomination from a province or territory or a valid job
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
based system that is used to assess and
We have found these factors all play a role in economic success for immig
rants once in Canada.
or a nomination by one
of Canada’s provinces or territories under their provincial nominee programs.
ndidates from the pool through
regular “rounds of invitations” so they can apply to immigrate as a permanent resident.
A goal of Express Entry is to ensure strong links between economic immigration and the
d candidates who also have a job offer will get
enough points to ensure they are ranked high enough to get an invitation to apply.
An employer will need to ensure the job offer is supported by a Labour Market Impact
ve first tried to find Canadians to fill job openings.
Similarly, a nomination by a province or territory, will give a candidate additional points
to rank
high enough to be invited to apply at the next eligible round of invitations.
1,200, based on the four parts of the
Skills and experience factors (that we know are key to economic success for immigrants
law partner factors (such as their language skills and education
these are known to result in better economic success for both the spouse or common
factors that when
combined, result in better chances of being employed, and higher earnings)
Additional points for those with a nomination from a province or territory or a valid job
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment to apply under
Not necessarily. But, to get points for your education under the
System, you must either:
have been educated in Canada, or
have a valid
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)
may also need an ECA to meet the requirements of one of the programs included in
Express Entry. For example, the Federal Skilled Worker Program requires you to have an ECA.
I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential
Assessment for both?
To get the most points possible for your education under the
you should get your highest degree, diploma or certificate assessed (PhD, MA, BA).
If you have more than one credential, you may want to get both asses
more points.
How will I know where to get my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)?
Three of the designated organizations can assess any foreign educational credential:
Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School
International Credential Assessment Service of Canada
World Education Services
Most people will be able to choose one of those three to do their ECA.
But, if your primary occupation is
specialist physician (2011 NOC code 3111),
general practitioner/family physician (2011 NOC code 3112),
pharmacist (NOC code 3131)
you must
contact our office for more details.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment to apply under
Not necessarily. But, to get points for your education under the
Comprehensive Ranking
have been educated in Canada, or
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)
for your completed foreign
may also need an ECA to meet the requirements of one of the programs included in
Express Entry. For example, the Federal Skilled Worker Program requires you to have an ECA.
I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential
To get the most points possible for your education under the
Comprehensive Ranking System,
you should get your highest degree, diploma or certificate assessed (PhD, MA, BA).
If you have more than one credential, you may want to get both asses
sed if it would
How will I know where to get my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)?
Three of the designated organizations can assess any foreign educational credential:
Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School
of Continuing Studies
International Credential Assessment Service of Canada
, and
World Education Services
Most people will be able to choose one of those three to do their ECA.
But, if your primary occupation is
specialist physician (2011 NOC code 3111),
general practitioner/family physician (2011 NOC code 3112),
pharmacist (NOC code 3131)
contact our office for more details.
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment to apply under
Express Entry?
Comprehensive Ranking
for your completed foreign
may also need an ECA to meet the requirements of one of the programs included in
Express Entry. For example, the Federal Skilled Worker Program requires you to have an ECA.
I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential
Comprehensive Ranking System,
you should get your highest degree, diploma or certificate assessed (PhD, MA, BA).
sed if it would
give you
How will I know where to get my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)?
Three of the designated organizations can assess any foreign educational credential:
of Continuing Studies
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This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test
for Express Entry?
Canada assesses
everyone using the same standards, no matter their language of origin,
nationality or ethnicity.
Even someone from an English
to take a test. Likewise, someone from a French
language, needs to take a test.
You need to submit third-
party language results for all programs under Express Entry. You will
have to include the results of your test(s) in your Express Entry profile.
Language tests have been
required for our skilled immigration programs for many years.
What kind of language test can I use for Express Entry?
We only accept these tests for Express Entry:
For English
CELPIP: Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program
(If you took the test before April
General (CELPIP
IELTS: International English Language Testing System
For French
TEF: Test d’évaluation de français
How they
assess your application
After you apply, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will verify that you have:
filled out your online application for permanent residence correctly,
paid your processing fee,
met all the requirements,
included all documents.
If you are not truthful in your Express Entry profile or application for permanent residence:
your application could be refused,
you could be found inadmissible, and
you could be barred for five years from applying for permanent resident status.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test
everyone using the same standards, no matter their language of origin,
Even someone from an English
speaking country, who speaks English as a first language, needs
to take a test. Likewise, someone from a French
-speaking country,
who speaks French as a first
language, needs to take a test.
party language results for all programs under Express Entry. You will
have to include the results of your test(s) in your Express Entry profile.
required for our skilled immigration programs for many years.
What kind of language test can I use for Express Entry?
We only accept these tests for Express Entry:
CELPIP: Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program
(If you took the test before April
1, 2014, you would have had to take the
General (CELPIP
-G)” test.)
IELTS: International English Language Testing System
General Training
TEF: Test d’évaluation de français
assess your application
After you apply, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will verify that you have:
filled out your online application for permanent residence correctly,
If you are not truthful in your Express Entry profile or application for permanent residence:
your application could be refused,
you could be found inadmissible, and
you could be barred for five years from applying for permanent resident status.
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
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of 8
I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test
everyone using the same standards, no matter their language of origin,
speaking country, who speaks English as a first language, needs
who speaks French as a first
party language results for all programs under Express Entry. You will
required for our skilled immigration programs for many years.
-General 2014
1, 2014, you would have had to take the
General Training
If you are not truthful in your Express Entry profile or application for permanent residence:
you could be barred for five years from applying for permanent resident status.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
circumstances, this
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
Processing times
We expect to process most applications for permanent residence through the Express Entry system in six
months or less, after we get a complete application.
You may be able to avoid delays by updating your MyCIC account if there are any changes to yo
information, such as your address, telephone number or email, or if there are changes to your family structure.
Your application may be delayed if:
there are criminal or security problems,
we need to do more background checks,
your family situa
tion is not clear
complete, or child custody issues that have not been resolved,
we need to verify information, or
you need to submit more documents or go to an interview with us.
Decision on
your application
The officer will make a decision on your application based on if you:
meet the eligibility criteria for the program, and
are admissible to Canada (based on the results of your medical exam, police certificates, background
checks, etc.).
If we approve your application, we will issue your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and/or permanent
resident visa. If you have not already paid your Right of Permanent Residence fees, you should do this now.
Confirmation of permanent residence
If we ap
prove your application, we will issue you a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and, if you
are from a country that requires visas, a permanent resident visa.
Your COPR will have information about who you are, as well as your photograph. Please chec
is all correct. It should be the same as the information on your passport. If there is a mistake on your COPR,
contact us through your MyCIC account.
If you are arriving from outside Canada, be sure to follow the instructions in the lette
immigration document(s).You must have your COPR and your visa (if you need one) with you when you arrive
in Canada.
Get ready to settle in Canada
You can find out the steps to take to
recognized in Canada.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
We expect to process most applications for permanent residence through the Express Entry system in six
months or less, after we get a complete application.
You may be able to avoid delays by updating your MyCIC account if there are any changes to yo
information, such as your address, telephone number or email, or if there are changes to your family structure.
Your application may be delayed if:
there are criminal or security problems,
we need to do more background checks,
tion is not clear
reasons could include a divorce or an adoption that is not yet
complete, or child custody issues that have not been resolved,
we need to verify information, or
you need to submit more documents or go to an interview with us.
your application
The officer will make a decision on your application based on if you:
meet the eligibility criteria for the program, and
are admissible to Canada (based on the results of your medical exam, police certificates, background
If we approve your application, we will issue your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and/or permanent
resident visa. If you have not already paid your Right of Permanent Residence fees, you should do this now.
Confirmation of permanent residence
prove your application, we will issue you a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and, if you
are from a country that requires visas, a permanent resident visa.
Your COPR will have information about who you are, as well as your photograph. Please chec
is all correct. It should be the same as the information on your passport. If there is a mistake on your COPR,
contact us through your MyCIC account.
If you are arriving from outside Canada, be sure to follow the instructions in the lette
r that came with your
immigration document(s).You must have your COPR and your visa (if you need one) with you when you arrive
Get ready to settle in Canada
You can find out the steps to take to
get your education, work experience, professional
recognized in Canada.
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
We expect to process most applications for permanent residence through the Express Entry system in six
You may be able to avoid delays by updating your MyCIC account if there are any changes to yo
ur personal
information, such as your address, telephone number or email, or if there are changes to your family structure.
reasons could include a divorce or an adoption that is not yet
are admissible to Canada (based on the results of your medical exam, police certificates, background
If we approve your application, we will issue your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and/or permanent
resident visa. If you have not already paid your Right of Permanent Residence fees, you should do this now.
prove your application, we will issue you a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and, if you
Your COPR will have information about who you are, as well as your photograph. Please chec
k to make sure it
is all correct. It should be the same as the information on your passport. If there is a mistake on your COPR,
r that came with your
immigration document(s).You must have your COPR and your visa (if you need one) with you when you arrive
get your education, work experience, professional
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
circumstances, this
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
CIC also funds serv
ices that help newcomers
overseas, as well as in the area where you plan to settle in Canada. They include:
help to adapt to your new Canadian workplace,
language tests and classes to improve your
information about community services, such as mentoring, and
finding a place to live, and more.
Some useful tools to help get you started:
Welcome to Canada
a booklet we created to help newcomers adjust
Living in Canada
a simple online tool to find you the right services
Invitations to apply
(Express Entry)
If you are invit
ed to apply for permanent residence, you may need to show proof of the
information you gave us in your
information in your profile is different from what you submitted in your application.
If yo
u are invited to apply, you will get a message in your MyCIC account telling you:
which program you are invited under, and
what to do next.
If we find that you misrepresented yourself (gave us false information or left out important
details), we will refus
e your application. In that case:
your application could be refused,
you could be found inadmissible, and
you could be barred for five years from applying for permanent resident status.
Documents to support your application for permanent
You shou
ld start to get your documents ready as soon as you are accepted into the
If we invite you to apply, you will have 60 days to fill out your application for permanent
residence and submit all supporting documents. Having your documents r
to apply within the 60 days.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
ices that help newcomers
settle and adapt to life in Canada. These services are free
overseas, as well as in the area where you plan to settle in Canada. They include:
help to adapt to your new Canadian workplace,
language tests and classes to improve your
language skills,
information about community services, such as mentoring, and
finding a place to live, and more.
Some useful tools to help get you started:
a booklet we created to help newcomers adjust
a simple online tool to find you the right services
Invitations to apply
Skilled immigrants
(Express Entry)
ed to apply for permanent residence, you may need to show proof of the
information you gave us in your
Express Entry profile
. We will refuse your application if the
information in your profile is different from what you submitted in your application.
u are invited to apply, you will get a message in your MyCIC account telling you:
which program you are invited under, and
If we find that you misrepresented yourself (gave us false information or left out important
e your application. In that case:
your application could be refused,
you could be found inadmissible, and
you could be barred for five years from applying for permanent resident status.
Documents to support your application for permanent
ld start to get your documents ready as soon as you are accepted into the
If we invite you to apply, you will have 60 days to fill out your application for permanent
residence and submit all supporting documents. Having your documents r
eady will make it easier
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
settle and adapt to life in Canada. These services are free
Skilled immigrants
ed to apply for permanent residence, you may need to show proof of the
. We will refuse your application if the
information in your profile is different from what you submitted in your application.
u are invited to apply, you will get a message in your MyCIC account telling you:
If we find that you misrepresented yourself (gave us false information or left out important
you could be barred for five years from applying for permanent resident status.
Documents to support your application for permanent
ld start to get your documents ready as soon as you are accepted into the
Express Entry
If we invite you to apply, you will have 60 days to fill out your application for permanent
eady will make it easier
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
circumstances, this
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
Language tests
Check that your
language test results
permanent residence. If your results expire before then, you should:
be tested again,
before your test results expire, or
decline the invitation and go back into the pool to be considered in the future.
If you apply for permanent residence with language test results that have expired, we will refuse
your application.
Police certificates
You will need to get
police certificates
18. You must get one from each country or territory where you have lived for six or more
consecutive months since the age of 18.
In some countries, it can take a lon
to get them before you were invited to apply, you should do this right away, so you can submit
them before the 60 days are up.
Program requirements
You can
check the criteria for the progr
are still eligible.
By understanding your program requirements, you will be more prepared to apply to Citizenship
and Immigration Canada. It will also help you decide whether or not to accept an Invita
Apply if you are issued one.
Changes to your personal situation
If your situation (or that of your spouse or partner) changes, you should
before applying online for permanent residence.
If your recalculated score is less tha
Invitation to Apply, you should decline the invitation.
In this case, if you decide to apply,
refund your application fee.
Some examples of chang
es which could lower your score:
you no longer have a
valid job offer
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
language test results
will still be valid on the date you plan to apply for
permanent residence. If your results expire before then, you should:
before your test results expire, or
decline the invitation and go back into the pool to be considered in the future.
If you apply for permanent residence with language test results that have expired, we will refuse
police certificates
for you and each of your family members who are over
18. You must get one from each country or territory where you have lived for six or more
consecutive months since the age of 18.
In some countries, it can take a lon
g time to get police certificates. If you did not start the process
to get them before you were invited to apply, you should do this right away, so you can submit
them before the 60 days are up.
Program requirements
check the criteria for the progr
am you have been directed to apply under
By understanding your program requirements, you will be more prepared to apply to Citizenship
and Immigration Canada. It will also help you decide whether or not to accept an Invita
Changes to your personal situation
If your situation (or that of your spouse or partner) changes, you should
before applying online for permanent residence.
If your recalculated score is less tha
n the
lowest score in your round of invitations
Invitation to Apply, you should decline the invitation.
In this case, if you decide to apply,
CIC might
refuse your application and will not
es which could lower your score:
valid job offer
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
will still be valid on the date you plan to apply for
decline the invitation and go back into the pool to be considered in the future.
If you apply for permanent residence with language test results that have expired, we will refuse
for you and each of your family members who are over
18. You must get one from each country or territory where you have lived for six or more
g time to get police certificates. If you did not start the process
to get them before you were invited to apply, you should do this right away, so you can submit
am you have been directed to apply under
to see if you
By understanding your program requirements, you will be more prepared to apply to Citizenship
and Immigration Canada. It will also help you decide whether or not to accept an Invita
tion to
calculate your
lowest score in your round of invitations
for an
refuse your application and will not
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
circumstances, this
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
you no longer have a provincial nomination
your language test scores have expired, or you re
Declining an Invitation to Apply
If you decline an invitation,
you will be put back into the Express Entry pool of candidates (as
long as you still meet the minimum criteria) to be considered in future rounds of invitations.
You may have to take steps to be considered again for the pool. For example, if you got
onal points for a job offer but the job is no longer available to you, you may need to get
another job offer. Or, if you got married or entered into a common
have to update your Express Entry profile.
There is no guarantee that y
ou will be invited to apply again. But, if you choose to re
pool, declining an invitation
will not
invited to apply later.
If you do not
decline an invitation and you
expire and you will have to complete and submit a new Express Entry profile
the pool again to be considered in future rounds of invitations.
Your original profile information will stay in your MyCIC account for 60
be deleted. To re-
enter the pool, you will have to complete a new profile and still meet the
minimum criteria.
If you are not invited to apply
You can only stay in the Express Entry pool for one year from the date you were acce
Your Express Entry profile will expire if you are not invited to apply in those 12 months. If it
expires, you will get a message in your MyCIC telling you so.
CONTACT us Today for a Successful
Email :
Address : 26-
50 Cottrelle Blvd., Brampton. ON. L6S0A4.
www. universalimmigration.com
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
document should be copied, reproduced or distributed
without explicit
of Universal Immigration, Canada.
you no longer have a provincial nomination
your language test scores have expired, or you re
took them and they are lower
Declining an Invitation to Apply
you will be put back into the Express Entry pool of candidates (as
long as you still meet the minimum criteria) to be considered in future rounds of invitations.
You may have to take steps to be considered again for the pool. For example, if you got
onal points for a job offer but the job is no longer available to you, you may need to get
another job offer. Or, if you got married or entered into a common
law relationship, you will
have to update your Express Entry profile.
ou will be invited to apply again. But, if you choose to re
will not
have a negative effect on whether or not you could be
decline an invitation and you
do not apply within 60 days
, the invitation will
expire and you will have to complete and submit a new Express Entry profile
the pool again to be considered in future rounds of invitations.
Your original profile information will stay in your MyCIC account for 60
days. After that, it will
enter the pool, you will have to complete a new profile and still meet the
If you are not invited to apply
You can only stay in the Express Entry pool for one year from the date you were acce
Your Express Entry profile will expire if you are not invited to apply in those 12 months. If it
expires, you will get a message in your MyCIC telling you so.
CONTACT us Today for a Successful
50 Cottrelle Blvd., Brampton. ON. L6S0A4.
Tel : 1-416-628-7077
Q & A
Date : Avril 1, 2015
This document is meant for the reading of the Associates of Universal Immigration, Canada. Under no
without explicit
of 8
took them and they are lower
you will be put back into the Express Entry pool of candidates (as
long as you still meet the minimum criteria) to be considered in future rounds of invitations.
You may have to take steps to be considered again for the pool. For example, if you got
onal points for a job offer but the job is no longer available to you, you may need to get
law relationship, you will
ou will be invited to apply again. But, if you choose to re
-enter the
have a negative effect on whether or not you could be
, the invitation will
expire and you will have to complete and submit a new Express Entry profile
and be accepted to
days. After that, it will
enter the pool, you will have to complete a new profile and still meet the
You can only stay in the Express Entry pool for one year from the date you were acce
pted into it.
Your Express Entry profile will expire if you are not invited to apply in those 12 months. If it
50 Cottrelle Blvd., Brampton. ON. L6S0A4.