©2023 The Family History Guide Association All Rights Reserved.
The Family History Guide |
Find the FUN in your family history, with great activities
The Family History Guide can help you:
Find over 250 engaging family history
activities, many with videos.
Discover meaningful activities for
individuals of all ages.
Find great activities for youth 12-18.
Find and manage activities especially
designed for children.
Use an Activities Index with ID
numbers to quickly locate activities.
Find fun and easy family history activities for
families, individuals, youth, and children
©2023 The Family History Guide Association All Rights Reserved.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll find on the site:
More than 65 activities
in these categories:
Anytime Activities and Games | Plan-Ahead
Activities | Making Family History | Documenting
the Past | Social Media Activities | Service Activities
Activities for Research | Latter-day Saint Activities
Street View Stories (Google Maps, Google Earth)
Have an autobiography game night
Go on family history field trips
Make a family history time capsule
Explore cemeteries with smartphones
Activities for
Same categories as
Family, with 80 activities
for Individuals.
Find Relatives in the Room
Hold your own “It’s a Wonderful Lifeparty
Use Instagram for your family history
Hold web indexing activities with friends
Build ancestor timelines and profiles
For Youth
Same categories as for
Family, but for ages 12-
18. Over 65 activities.
Hold a family history time-travel activity
Go on a family history scavenger hunt
Send letters to your future and past selves
Interview family members and other relatives
Geo-code your family history on a world map
Kids Corner
More than 60 activities
in these categories:
About Family History |
My Family Tree | Group Fun & Games | My Memories
Family History Stories | Service | For Latter-day Saints
Family history word search & crossword puzzles
Create family trees on posters and templates
Play family history bingo, memory, scrambled tree
Make family history art and crafts
Enjoy ancestor role-playing, stories, and dress-up
Index and Planning Sheet
Quickly locate activities, and plan your next ones.
On www.thefhguide.com Activities at Your Fingertips
From the Activities
menu, select Family,
Individuals, Youth, or
Kids Corner.