Teegan Dykeman-Brown 802-232-1076 teeg[email protected]
Since my family moved to Calais in 2018, I have worked for local family farms and for the elementary
school. I serve as Communications Coordinator for East Calais Fire District #1, and I've been a freelance
copy-editor for more than ten years. Now that my kids are getting older, I'm excited to take the next step
into public service. I LOVE Calais, and I want to do everything I can to help town services run smoothly.
In my work at Calais Elementary as a para-educator, I fall into the category of “support staff”. I see
serving as Town Clerk would make me the support staff for all of you. When you are curious about
town history, facing big changes (like a wedding, a move, or a birth), or have a question about your
Running for Office on Australian Ballot
property taxes, you'll turn to the Town Office. I look forward to researching the answers to your questions (and meeting all
of you!) as one of the most exciting aspects of the job.
My decade of work as an editor has honed my skills in checking and double checking small details. As a citizen and a parent
raising my children here, I care deeply about helping Calais function well into the future.
This election will bring a new team to Calais government. I humbly ask that you consider electing me as your Town Clerk.
Denise Wheeler 802-456-8730 cockapoo@myfairpoint.net
I am running for Town Clerk because I believe my years of public service in Calais enables me to bring
valuable continuity and experience to the position of Town Clerk.
My municipal experiences in Calais include Selectboard (many years as Chair), Planning Commission,
Emergency Management, Development Review Board, and a multitude of other town projects. I also
serve on the following Boards: East Calais Community Trust, Twin Valley Senior Center and The
Plainfield Health Center.
TOWN CLERK, 3-year term ending March 2026
Relevant to the job of Town Clerk is my decades of experience as a business manager in state government which included
issuing and recording legal documents, records management, budget development, administration, human resources,
statutory requirements and deadlines, and communication skills.
During this time of transition and change, my history of public service and knowledge of the functions, duties, and
responsibilities of our community and town government, and the extensive network of connections and relationships I
have developed, will enable me to hit the ground running. I am excited to use my skills and knowledge in this new
capacity. I will support all the town Boards, Committees and Commissions as we move forward as a team.
In 1983 my husband (from Cabot) and I moved to Calais. We built our home and raised two children who attended Calais
Elementary School and U-32. We are also home providers for individuals with special needs.
My core belief is that we can build a stronger community together through caring, kindness and respect. I look forward to
serving you.
Grant Orenstein 802-229-9222 gorenst[email protected]
I have lived in Calais since 1984. I served the town in the past on the Conservation Commission for
5 years. I now have the time to be of service again and look forward to working with you, if I am
In 2021 I retired from the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts in Burlington, after 25 years as the
Technical/Lighting Director. Coming from that position I bring the ability to multi-task, be accurate
and detailed with numbers. The job had me working with a constantly varied group of vendors,
incoming artists and their production staff, local crews, as well as the other departments within the
Flynn organization. Working at a small nonprofit meant being efficient, and working together.
Steven Sweeney 802-223-6443 sweene[email protected]
I have been a Calais resident for over 35 years, retired for 6 years, and like being involved in the
community. I finished a Lister’s term over 20 years ago and enjoyed the work. Back then it was
mostly on weekends, and I was chasing my kids around to their various sports events and school
I live with my wife, Marge, at the north end of Curtis Pond. We have three children, Kevin, Kate and
Brian, who have settled in Vermont in Chittenden County. All three graduated from Calais
Elementary and U-32.
I keep busy with my kids and six grandkids, cutting firewood, sugaring, maintaining and enjoying our
home. I’m on the board of the Maple Corner Community Center and am President of our road
Working as a Lister would allow me to gently use my BA in Computer Science and Masters in
Accounting, and over 40 years experience as an accountant in Vermont state government, while
staying in touch with my Calais neighbors. I hope you will vote for me for town Lister.
LISTER, 3-year term ending March 2026
Anne Winchester 802-456-7488 [email protected]
Like Thomas Jefferson, and most Vermonters, I believe government should be as close to the people as possible.
My goal is to ensure that our Calais tradition of a strong inclusive government continues to work into the future.
My husband and I live on the place where we raised our family, an old hill farm in East Calais. Over the
years, I have served our community in various capacities. I have chaired the Selectboard, the Planning
Commission, and a committee to expand our elementary school. I currently serve as chair of the
Development Review Board and as E911 coordinator.
As a community, we must face the reality that times are changing. People are struggling to raise families, manage busy
careers, and deal with the complications of modern life, while the business of governing has become increasingly demanding
and complicated.
Our 1900’s governance system needs to be restructured to work in the 2000’s. I’m not sure what this looks like; maybe
creating small advisory groups to tackle some of the hard problems usually undertaken by the Selectboard, maybe hiring a
Town Manager, maybe something else. We need town-wide discussions about this and we need a Selectboard that continues
to deal with managing the roads and budget, solving issues like the failing dam, hiring a Treasurer, and a myriad of other things.
I want to offer my experience and organizational skill to help the new Calais leadership as they take up these extraordinarily
difficult tasks. I will commit to doing what I can to help and support them as they begin to do this.
Selectboard, full 2-year term ending March 2025
Joshua Schultz 802-223-5855 joshua.schult[email protected]
I was born and raised in Calais and have lived here my whole life. I’m a third generation resident, and
my wife and I have chosen to raise our three children here in Calais. Our kids are the fourth generation
of Schultz’s in Calais, ages 4, 3, and 1. I’ve worked as a Civil Engineer for the State of Vermont for 22
years at the Agency of Transportation, so I’m familiar with public sector processes. If elected, I would
aim to keep Calais a safe and affordable town and would work to maintain its heritage, beauty, and
community values so that hopefully current and future generations can know and enjoy Calais as
many of us have.
Anne R. Toolan 520-336-8373 anne.t[email protected]
I believe I can bring a different perspective to the table. While I may not agree with certain choices of
the current Selectboard, their decades of service and sacrifice to this town cannot be understated. It is
a demanding job with difficult challenges, and there are not always easy answers.
Historically, through my life, I have been a strong advocate for folks on an individual and family unit
level. I have done systemic work, such as developing best practices for children under the Indian Child
Welfare Act, which increased the likelihood Indigenous children could remain with family, extended
kin, or the larger Indigenous community.
Selectboard, 1-yr remaining of 2-year term ending March 2024
I have worked and written grants at a state level. I work with a team of stakeholders and community members through the
Building Bright Futures grant that afforded the town of Northfield to develop both an amazing playground near downtown
and a beautiful wooden pavilion at the local library.
While I grew up in Montpelier, Calais is my home now. This is where I choose to raise my two teenagers. Through my current
job at the East Calais Post Office, I get to talk to so many people in our community. We have incredible people doing
important work to get our East Calais store reopened, including housing for families having a hard time securing something
affordable. Other groups have raised several hundred thousand dollars to save the Curtis Pond Dam.
I want to do my part. I want to be part of a diverse group of citizens working collaboratively for the benefit of the whole
Jamie Moorby 802-595-9525 transfeminist@gmail.com
I grew up in Calais and have been deeply involved in the community for most of my life. In addition to being
General Manager of the Maple Corner Community Store, I sit on the boards of the Curtis Pond Association,
the Maple Corner Community Center and Mosaic Vermont, Washington County's sexual violence prevention
and response agency, as well as on the advisory board of the East Calais Community Trust.
Calais is at a unique juncture in history with five Selectboard seats, Town Clerk, and several other critical
town positions turning over all at once. Political tensions both locally and nationally are trending up, while
volunteerism is trending down. With determination, collaboration and strong communication we can
reverse these trends here at home. The many years of experience I have had in town working with people
with varied backgrounds, beliefs and values will be invaluable to me as I seek to ensure the needs of all Calais residents are met.
I look forward to working with the new Selectboard, town employees and community members to prioritize rebuilding our
robust town government by filling vacant positions with qualified candidates and, as needed, reconfiguring position descriptions
to best meet the town needs. By building coalitions and tapping community members’ expertise, we can create a town
governance model that has increased transparency, decreased reliance on executive sessions, and a more broadly shared
workload. I would be honored to help move Calais forward.
Selectboard, 2-yrs remaining of a 3-year term ending March 2025
Gabrielle Malina 802-793-4330 [email protected]
I am excited about running for Calais Selectboard. On the one hand, I believe entirely in the power of
people to make each other’s lives better through volunteering, service, helping our neighbors, and being
kind and attentive. Local government is worthwhile! On the other hand, the work of the Selectboard
needs to be streamlined enough to allow busy people to serve. If elected, I want to focus on making the
Selectboard commitment sustainable for the next Board members and for Calais in the long run.
Selectboard, full 3-year term ending March 2026
Jordan Keyes 610-248-4047 Jordan.ke[email protected]
Hello, neighbors! Nearly 10 years ago, I met a talented and kind woman from Maple Corner. After being
subjected to (what I was told were required) feats of strength and mental agility, I was welcomed into an
amazing family and a beloved community. We were married at the Old West Church, and Calais has
been at the center of nearly every family decision ever since.
I am running for the Selectboard with a commitment to actively serving our shared community. I intend
to apply clear communication, strong resource management skills, and mindful planning to the issues
impacting Calais. I believe there is a responsibility to confront these challenges locally, in a balanced,
transparent, and efficient manner.
I graciously request your support, and an opportunity to contribute to the stewardship for our fair Calais.
Thank you for your consideration.
Selectboard, 1-yr remaining of a 3-year term ending March 2024
I live with my husband Kari Bradley in the house he grew up in on Long Meadow Hill Road. I spend lots of time coaxing
plants to grow out of the ledge that comprises our native soils and I enjoy that endeavor mightily! We have three kids
who all went to U-32. Jake and Ella are in college now. Our oldest son Simon lives and works in Burlington. I am employed
in government affairs and in non-profit management. I have served on municipal boards in East Montpelier where I was
Chair of the Revolving Loan Fund Advisory Committee, the town representative to the Central Vermont Solid Waste
Management District, and a citizen advisor on the Planning Commission.