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Global Banking Practice
Building the AI bank
of the future
May 2021
Global Banking Practice
Building the AI bank of
the future
To thrive in the AI-powered digital age, banks will need an AI-and-analytics
capability stack that delivers intelligent, personalized solutions and
distinctive experiences at scale in real time.
May 2021
AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the
AI challenge?
Artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly
integral to the world we live in, and banks need
to deploy these technologies at scale to remain
relevant. Success requires a holistic transformation
spanning multiple layers of the organization.
Reimagining customer engagement for the
AI bank of the future
Banks can meet rising customer expectations by
applying AI to offer intelligent propositions and smart
servicing that can seamlessly embed in partner
AI-powered decision making for the bank of
the future
Banks are already strengthening customer relationships
and lowering costs by using artificial intelligence to
guide customer engagement. Success requires that
capability stacks include the right decisioning elements.
Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing
core technology for the AI bank of the future
For artificial intelligence to deliver value across the
organization, banks need core technology that is scalable,
resilient, and adaptable. Building that requires changes in
six key areas.
Platform operating model for the AI bank of
the future
Technology alone cannot define a successful AI bank;
the AI bank of the future also needs an operating
model that brings together the right talent, culture, and
organizational design.
Banking is at a pivotal moment. Technology
disruption and consumer shifts are laying the basis
for a new S-curve for banking business models,
and the COVID19 pandemic has accelerated
these trends. Building upon this momentum,
the advancement of artificial-intelligence (AI)
technologies within financial services offers banks
the potential to increase revenue at lower cost by
engaging and serving customers in radically new
ways, using a new business model we call “the AI
bank of the future.” The articles collected here
outline key milestones on a path we believe can lead
banks to deeper customer relationships, expanded
market share, and stronger financial performance.
The opportunity for a new business model comes as
banks face daunting challenges on multiple fronts.
In capital markets, many banks trade at a 50 percent
discount to book, and approximately three-quarters
of banks globally earn returns on equity that do not
cover their cost of equity.¹ Traditional banks also
face diverse competitive threats from neobanks and
nonbank challengers. Leading financial institutions
are already leveraging AI for split-second loan
approvals, biometric authentication, and virtual
assistants, to name just a few examples. Fintech
and other digital-commerce innovators are steadily
disintermediating banks from crucial aspects of
customer relationships, and large tech companies
are incorporating payments and, in some cases,
lending capabilities to attract more users with
an ever-broader range of services. Further, as
customers conduct a growing share of their daily
transactions through digital channels, they are
becoming accustomed to the ease, speed, and
personalized service offered by digital natives, and
their expectations of banks are rising.
To compete and thrive in this challenging
environment, traditional banks will need to build a
new value proposition founded upon leading-edge
AI-and-analytics capabilities. They must become
AI first” in their strategy and operations. Many bank
leaders recognize that the economies of scale
afforded to organizations that efficiently deploy AI
technologies will compel incumbents to strengthen
customer engagement each day with distinctive
experiences and superior value propositions. This
value begins with intelligent, highly personalized
offers and extends to smart services, streamlined
omnichannel journeys, and seamless embedding
of trusted bank functionality within partner
ecosystems. From the customer’s point of view,
these are key features of an AI bank.
The building blocks of an AI bank
Our goal in this compendium is to give banking
leaders an end-to-end view of an AI bank’s full stack
capabilities and examine how these capabilities
cut across four layers: engagement, AI-powered
decision making, core technology and data
infrastructure, and a platform-based operating
In our first article, “AI-bank of the future: Can banks
meet the challenge?” we take a closer look at the
trends and challenges leading banks to take an
AI-first approach as they define their core value
proposition. We continue by considering a day in the
life of a retail consumer and small-business owner
transacting with an AI bank. Then we summarize the
requirements for each layer of the AI-and-analytics
capability stack.
The second article, “Reimagining customer
engagement for the AI bank of the future,” examines
the capabilities that enable a bank to provide
customers with intelligent offers, personalized
solutions, and smart servicing within omnichannel
journeys across bank-owned platforms and partner
In our third article, “AI-powered decision making for
the bank of the future,” we examine how machine-
learning models can significantly enhance customer
A test of resilience: Banking through the crisis, and beyond,” Global Banking Annual Review, December 2020, McKinsey.com.
2 Building the AI bank of the future
experiences and bank productivity, and we outline
the steps banks can follow to build the architecture
required to generate real-time analytical insights and
translate them into messages addressing precise
customer needs.
The fourth article, “Beyond digital transformations:
Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of
the future,” discusses the key elements required
for the backbone of the capability stack, including
automated cloud provisioning and an API and
streaming architecture to enable continuous,
secure data exchange between the centralized data
infrastructure and the decisioning and engagement
As we discuss in our final article, “Platform operating
model for the AI bank of the future,” deploying these
AI-and-analytics capabilities efficiently at scale
requires cross-functional business-technology
platforms comprising agile teams and new
technology talent.
Starting the journey
To get started on the transformation, bank leaders
should formulate the organization’s strategic goals
for the AI-enabled digital age and evaluate how AI
technologies can support these goals.
Once bank leaders have established their AI-first
vision, they will need to chart a road map detailing
the discrete steps for modernizing enterprise
technology and streamlining the end-to-end stack.
Joint business-technology owners of customer-
facing solutions should assess the potential of
emerging technologies to meet precise customer
needs and prioritize technology initiatives with the
greatest potential impact on customer experience
and value for the bank. We also recommend that
banks consider leveraging partnerships for non-
differentiating capabilities while devoting capital
resources to in-house development of capabilities
that set the bank apart from the competition.
Building the AI bank of the future will allow
institutions to innovate faster, compete with digital
natives in building deeper customer relationships
at scale, and achieve sustainable increases in
profits and valuations in this new age. We hope
the following articles will help banks establish their
vision and craft a road map for the journey.
Renny Thomas
Senior Partner
McKinsey & Company
3Building the AI bank of the future
Global Banking & Securities
AI bank of the future: Can
banks meet the AI challenge?
Artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly integral to the world we
live in, and banks need to deploy these technologies at scale to remain
relevant. Success requires a holistic transformation spanning multiple layers
of the organization.
September 2020
© Getty Images
by Suparna Biswas, Brant Carson, Violet Chung, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas
In 2016, AlphaGo, a machine, defeated 18-time
world champion Lee Sedol at the game of
Go, a complex board game requiring intuition,
imagination, and strategic thinking—abilities
long considered distinctly human. Since then,
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have
advanced even further,¹ and their transformative
impact is increasingly evident across
industries. AI-powered machines are tailoring
recommendations of digital content to individual
tastes and preferences, designing clothing
lines for fashion retailers, and even beginning to
surpass experienced doctors in detecting signs of
cancer. For global banking, McKinsey estimates
that AI technologies could potentially deliver up to
$1 trillion of additional value each year
Many banks, however, have struggled to move
from experimentation around select use cases to
scaling AI technologies across the organization.
Reasons include the lack of a clear strategy for AI,
an inflexible and investment-starved technology
core, fragmented data assets, and outmoded
operating models that hamper collaboration
between business and technology teams. What
is more, several trends in digital engagement
have accelerated during the COVID19 pandemic,
and big-tech companies are looking to enter
financial services as the next adjacency. To
compete successfully and thrive, incumbent
banks must become “AI-first” institutions,
adopting AI technologies as the foundation for
new value propositions and distinctive customer
In this article, we propose answers to four
questions that can help leaders articulate a clear
vision and develop a road map for becoming an
AI-first bank:
1. Why must banks become AI first?
2. What might the AI bank of the future look like?
3. What obstacles prevent banks from deploying
AI capabilities at scale?
4. How can banks transform to become AI first?
1. Why must banks become AI first?
Over several decades, banks have continually
adapted the latest technology innovations to
redefine how customers interact with them. Banks
introduced ATMs in the 1960s and electronic,
card-based payments in the ’70s. The 2000s saw
broad adoption of 24/7 online banking, followed
by the spread of mobile-based “banking on the go”
in the 2010s.
Few would disagree that we’re now in the
AI-powered digital age, facilitated by falling costs
for data storage and processing, increasing
access and connectivity for all, and rapid
advances in AI technologies. These technologies
can lead to higher automation and, when deployed
after controlling for risks, can often improve upon
human decision making in terms of both speed
and accuracy. The potential for value creation
is one of the largest across industries, as AI can
potentially unlock $1 trillion of incremental value
for banks, annually (Exhibit 1).
Across more than 25 use cases,³ AI technologies
can help boost revenues through increased
personalization of services to customers (and
employees); lower costs through efficiencies
generated by higher automation, reduced errors
rates, and better resource utilization; and uncover
new and previously unrealized opportunities
based on an improved ability to process and
generate insights from vast troves of data.
More broadly, disruptive AI technologies can
dramatically improve banks’ ability to achieve
four key outcomes: higher profits, at-scale
personalization, distinctive omnichannel
AI can be defined as the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions associated with human minds (e.g., perceiving, reasoning, learning, and
problem solving). It includes various capabilities, such as machine learning, facial recognition, computer vision, smart robotics, virtual agents, and
autonomous vehicles. See “Global AI Survey: AI proves its worth, but few scale impact,” November 2019, McKinsey.com.
“The executive’s AI playbook,” McKinsey.com.
For an interactive view, visit: www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-insights/the-executives-ai-
5 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
experiences, and rapid innovation cycles. Banks
that fail to make AI central to their core strategy
and operations—what we refer to as becoming
AI-first”—will risk being overtaken by competition
and deserted by their customers. This risk is
further accentuated by four current trends:
Rising customer expectations as adoption
of digital banking increases. In the first few
months of the COVID19 pandemic, use of
online and mobile banking channels across
countries has increased by an estimated 20
to 50 percent and is expected to continue at
this higher level once the pandemic subsides.
Across diverse global markets, between 15 and
45 percent of consumers expect to cut back
on branch visits following the end of the crisis.
As consumers increase their use of digital
banking services, they grow to expect more,
particularly when compared to the standards
they are accustomed to from leading consumer-
internet companies. Meanwhile, these digital
experience leaders continuously raise the bar
on personalization, to the point where they
sometimes anticipate customer needs before
the customer is aware of them, and offer highly-
tailored services at the right time, through the
right channel.
Leading financial institutions’ use of advanced
AI technologies is steadily increasing. Nearly
60 percent of financial-services sector
respondents in McKinsey’s Global AI Survey
report that their companies have embedded
Exhibit 1
Potential annual value of AI and analytics for global banking could reach as high as
$1 trillion.
Total potential annual value, $ billion
Source: "The executive's AI playbook," McKinsey.com. (See "Banking," under "Value & Assess.")
Potential annual value of AI and analytics for global banking could reach as
high as $1 trillion.
1,022.4 (15.4% of sales)
Traditional AI
and analytics
Advanced AI
% of value driven by advanced AI, by function
Marketing and sales: 624.8
363.8 261.1
Risk: 372.9
288.6 84.3
HR: 14.2
8.6 5.7
Finance and IT: 8.0
0.0 8.0
Other operations: $2.4 B
0.0 2.4
John Euart, Nuno Ferreira, Jonathan Gordon, Ajay Gupta, Atakan Hilal, Olivia White, “A global view of financial life during COVID19—an update,”
July 2020, McKinsey.com.
Arif Cam, Michael Chui, Bryce Hall, “Global AI Survey: AI proves its worth, but few scale impact,” November 2019, McKinsey.com.
6AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
at least one AI capability. The most commonly
used AI technologies are: robotic process
automation (36 percent) for structured
operational tasks; virtual assistants or
conversational interfaces (32 percent ) for
customer service divisions; and machine
learning techniques (25 percent) to detect
fraud and support underwriting and risk
management. While for many financial services
firms, the use of AI is episodic and focused on
specific use cases, an increasing number of
banking leaders are taking a comprehensive
approach to deploying advanced AI, and
embedding it across the full lifecycle, from the
front- to the back-office (Exhibit 2).
Digital ecosystems are disintermediating
traditional financial services. By enabling
access to a diverse set of services through
a common access point, digital ecosystems
have transformed the way consumers discover,
evaluate, and purchase goods and services.
For example, WeChat users in China can use
the same app not only to exchange messages,
but also to book a cab, order food, schedule
a massage, play games, send money to a
contact, and access a personal line of credit.
Similarly, across countries, nonbanking
businesses and “super apps” are embedding
financial services and products in their
journeys, delivering compelling experiences
for customers, and disrupting traditional
methods for discovering banking products and
services. As a result, banks will need to rethink
how they participate in digital ecosystems,
and use AI to harness the full power of data
available from these new sources.
Technology giants are entering financial
services as the next adjacency to their
core business models. Globally, leading
technology giants have built extraordinary
market advantages: a large and engaged
customer network; troves of data, enabling a
robust and increasingly precise understanding
of individual customers; natural strengths
in developing and scaling innovative
technologies (including AI); and access to
Exhibit 2
Banks are expanding their use of AI technologies to improve customer
experiences and back-oce processes.
Web <year>
<article slug>
Exhibit <x> of <y>
Banks are expanding their use of AI technologies to improve customer
experiences and back-oce processes.
Front oce
Back oce
Smile-to-pay facial scanning
to initiate transaction
Micro-expression analysis
with virtual loan ocers
Biometrics (voice, video,
print) to authenticate and
Machine learning to detect
fraud patterns,
cybersecurity attacks
Conversational bots for
basic servicing requests
Humanoid robots in branches
to serve customers
Machine vision and natural-
language processing to scan
and process documents
Real-time transaction
analysis for risk monitoring
7 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
low-cost capital. In the past, tech giants have
aggressively entered into adjacent businesses
in search of new revenue streams and to
keep customers engaged with a fresh stream
of offerings. Big-tech players have already
gained a foothold in financial services in select
domains (especially in payments and, in some
cases, lending and insurance), and they may
soon look to press their advantages to deepen
their presence and build greater scale.
2. What might the AI bank of the
future look like?
To meet customers’ rising expectations and
beat competitive threats in the AI-powered
digital era, the AI-first bank will offer propositions
and experiences that are intelligent (that
is, recommending actions, anticipating and
automating key decisions or tasks), personalized
(that is, relevant and timely, and based on a
detailed understanding of customers’ past
behavior and context), and truly omnichannel
(seamlessly spanning the physical and online
contexts across multiple devices, and delivering
a consistent experience) and that blend banking
capabilities with relevant products and services
beyond banking. Exhibit 3 illustrates how such a
bank could engage a retail customer throughout
the day. Exhibit 4 shows an example of the banking
experience of a small-business owner or the
treasurer of a medium-size enterprise.
Exhibit 3
How AI transforms banking for a retail customer.
How AI transforms banking for a retail customer.
Name: Anya
Age: 28 years
Occupation: Working professional
Personalized Omnichannel Banking and beyond bankingIntelligent
integration with
nonbanking apps
Bank app
recognizes Anya's
spending patterns
and suggests
coee at nearby
Facial recognition
for frictionless
Anya uses smile-
to-pay to
initiate payment
personalized oers
Anya gets 2% o
on health
premiums based
on her gym
activity and
sleep habits
App oers money-
management and
savings solutions,
prioritizes card
overview of daily
Anya receives
overview of her
activities, with
augmented reality,
and reminders to
pay bills
Savings and
investment recom-
Anya receives
integrated portfolio
view and a set of
actions with the
potential to
augment returns
8AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Internally, the AI-first institution will be optimized
for operational efficiency through extreme
automation of manual tasks (a “zero-ops” mindset)
and the replacement or augmentation of human
decisions by advanced diagnostic engines in
diverse areas of bank operations. These gains
in operational performance will flow from broad
application of traditional and leading-edge AI
technologies, such as machine learning and
facial recognition, to analyze large and complex
reserves of customer data in (near) real time.
The AI-first bank of the future will also enjoy
the speed and agility that today characterize
digital-native companies. It will innovate
rapidly, launching new features in days or
weeks instead of months. It will collaborate
extensively with partners to deliver new
value propositions integrated seamlessly
across journeys, technology platforms, and
data sets.
Exhibit 4
How AI transforms banking for a small- or medium-size-enterprise customer.
How AI transforms banking for a small- or medium-size-enterprise customer.
Name: Dany
Age: 36 years
Occupation: Treasurer of a small manufacturing unit
Personalized Omnichannel Banking and beyond bankingIntelligent
lending solutions
Bank is integrated
with client
Dany gets loan
oer based on
company projected
cash ows
analysis to review loan
Dany answers
short questionnaire;
app scans his facial
Firm is credited
with funds after
inventory and receiv-
ables management
App suggests
items to reorder,
gives visual reports
on receivables
Dany receives
solutions for
invoice discounting,
factoring, etc.
SME platform to
source suppliers
and buyers
Dany is assisted
in sourcing and
selecting the
right vendors
and partners
banking support
Dany gets prelled
tax documents to
review and
approve; les with
a single click
Serviced by an AI-
powered virtual
An AI-powered
virtual adviser
resolves queries
Dany seeks
professional advice
on a lending oer
9 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
3. What obstacles prevent banks from
deploying AI capabilities at scale?
Incumbent banks face two sets of objectives,
which on first glance appear to be at odds. On
the one hand, banks need to achieve the speed,
agility, and flexibility innate to a fintech. On the
other, they must continue managing the scale,
security standards, and regulatory requirements
of a traditional financial-services enterprise.
Despite billions of dollars spent on change-
the-bank technology initiatives each year, few
banks have succeeded in diffusing and scaling
AI technologies throughout the organization.
Among the obstacles hampering banks’ efforts,
the most common is the lack of a clear strategy
for AI. Two additional challenges for many
banks are, first, a weak core technology and data
backbone and, second, an outmoded operating
model and talent strategy.
Built for stability, banks’ core technology
systems have performed well, particularly in
supporting traditional payments and lending
operations. However, banks must resolve
several weaknesses inherent to legacy systems
before they can deploy AI technologies at scale
(Exhibit 5). First and foremost, these systems
often lack the capacity and flexibility required
to support the variable computing requirements,
data-processing needs, and real-time analysis
that closed-loop AI applications require. Core
systems are also difficult to change, and their
maintenance requires significant resources.
What is more, many banks’ data reserves are
fragmented across multiple silos (separate
business and technology teams), and analytics
efforts are focused narrowly on stand-alone use
cases. Without a centralized data backbone, it is
practically impossible to analyze the relevant data
and generate an intelligent recommendation or
offer at the right moment. If data constitute the
bank’s fundamental raw material, the data must be
governed and made available securely in a manner
that enables analysis of data from internal and
external sources at scale for millions of customers,
in (near) real time, at the “point of decision” across
the organization. Lastly, for various analytics and
advanced-AI models to scale, organizations need
a robust set of tools and standardized processes
to build, test, deploy, and monitor models, in a
repeatable and “industrial” way.
Banks’ traditional operating models further
impede their efforts to meet the need for
continuous innovation. Most traditional banks
are organized around distinct business lines,
with centralized technology and analytics
teams structured as cost centers. Business
owners define goals unilaterally, and alignment
with the enterprise’s technology and analytics
strategy (where it exists) is often weak or
inadequate. Siloed working teams and “waterfall”
implementation processes invariably lead
to delays, cost overruns, and suboptimal
performance. Additionally, organizations lack
a test-and-learn mindset and robust feedback
loops that promote rapid experimentation and
iterative improvement. Often unsatisfied with the
performance of past projects and experiments,
business executives tend to rely on third-party
technology providers for critical functionalities,
starving capabilities and talent that should ideally
be developed in-house to ensure competitive
Michael Chui, Sankalp Malhotra, “AI adoption advances, but foundational barriers remain,” November 2018, McKinsey.com.
“Closed loop” refers to the fact that the models’ intelligence is applied to incoming data in near real time, which in turn refines the content presented
to the user in near real time.
10AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Exhibit 5
Investments in core tech are critical to meet increasing demands for
scalability, exibility, and speed.
Application programming interface.
Investments in core tech are critical to meet increasing demands for
scalability, exibility, and speed.
Data API1
Challenges How cloud computing can help
Core/legacy systems can’t scale suciently
(eg, 150+ transactions/second)
Signicant time, eort, and team sizes
required to maintain infrastructure
Long time required to provision environments
for development and testing (eg, 40+ days in
some cases)
Enables higher scalability, resilience of services and
platforms through virtualization of infrastructure
Reduces IT overhead, enables automation of several
infrastructure-management tasks, and allows development
teams to “self-serve”
Enables faster time to market; dramatically reduces time by
providing managed services (e., setting up new environments
in minutes vs days)
High error rates; poor refresh rates; lack of
golden source of truth
Hard to access in a timely fashion for various
use cases
Data trapped in silos across multiple units and
hard to integrate with external sources
Ensures high degree of accuracy and single source of truth
in a cost-eective manner
Enables timely and role-appropriate access for various use
cases (eg, regulatory, business intelligence at scale, advanced
analytics and machine learning, exploratory)
Enables a 360-degree view across the organization to enable
generation of deeper insights by decision-making algorithms
and models
Challenges How best-in-class data management can help
Longer time to market, limited reusability of
code and software across internal teams
Hard to partner or collaborate with external
partners; long time to integrate
Suboptimal user experience—hard to stitch
data and services across multiple functional
siloes for an integrated proposition
How APIs can help
Promote reusability and accelerate development by enabling
access to granular services (internal and external)
Reduce complexity and enable faster collaboration with
external partners
Enhance customer experience by enabling timely access to
data and services across dierent teams; faster time to market
due to limited coordination, cross-team testing
11 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
4. How can banks transform to
become AI-first?
To overcome the challenges that limit
organization-wide deployment of AI
technologies, banks must take a holistic
approach. To become AI-first, banks must invest
in transforming capabilities across all four layers
of the integrated capability stack (Exhibit 6): the
engagement layer, the AI-powered decisioning
layer, the core technology and data layer, and the
operating model.
As we will explain, when these interdependent
layers work in unison, they enable a bank to
provide customers with distinctive omnichannel
experiences, support at-scale personalization,
and drive the rapid innovation cycles critical
to remaining competitive in today’s world.
Each layer has a unique role to play—under-
investment in a single layer creates a weak link
that can cripple the entire enterprise.
The following paragraphs explore some of the
changes banks will need to undertake in each
layer of this capability stack.
Layer 1: Reimagining the customer
engagement layer
Increasingly, customers expect their bank to be
present in their end-use journeys, know their
context and needs no matter where they interact
with the bank, and to enable a frictionless
experience. Numerous banking activities
(e.g., payments, certain types of lending) are
becoming invisible, as journeys often begin and
end on interfaces beyond the bank’s proprietary
platforms. For the bank to be ubiquitous in
customers’ lives, solving latent and emerging
needs while delivering intuitive omnichannel
experiences, banks will need to reimagine how
they engage with customers and undertake
several key shifts.
First, banks will need to move beyond highly
standardized products to create integrated
propositions that target “jobs to be done. This
requires embedding personalization decisions
(what to offer, when to offer, which channel
to offer) in the core customer journeys and
designing value propositions that go beyond the
core banking product and include intelligence
that automates decisions and activities on
behalf of the customer. Further, banks should
strive to integrate relevant non-banking
products and services that, together with the
core banking product, comprehensively address
the customer end need. An illustration of the
“jobs-to-be-done” approach can be seen in the
way fintech Tally helps customers grapple with
the challenge of managing multiple credit cards.
The fintech’s customers can solve several pain
points—including decisions about which card to
pay first (tailored to the forecast of their monthly
income and expenses), when to pay, and how
much to pay (minimum balance versus retiring
principal)—a complex set of tasks that are often
not done well by customers themselves.
The second necessary shift is to embed
customer journeys seamlessly in partner
ecosystems and platforms, so that banks
engage customers at the point of end use and
in the process take advantage of partners’
data and channel platform to increase higher
engagement and usage. ICICI Bank in India
embedded basic banking services on WhatsApp
(a popular messaging platform in India) and
scaled up to one million users within three
months of launch. In a world where consumers
and businesses rely increasingly on digital
ecosystems, banks should decide on the
posture they would like to adopt across multiple
ecosystems—that is, to build, orchestrate, or
partner—and adapt the capabilities of their
engagement layer accordingly.
Clayton M. Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon and David S. Duncan, “Know your customers ‘jobs to be done,” Harvard Business Review,
September 2016, hbr.org.
“ICICI Bank crosses 1 million users on WhatsApp platform,” Live Mint, July 7, 2020, livemint.com.
12AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Exhibit 6
To become an AI-rst institution, a bank must streamline its capability stack for
value creation.
To become an AI-rst institution, a bank must streamline its capability stack
for value creation.
and data
AI bank of the future
at scale
Speed and
Intelligent products,
tools, experiences
for customers and
Within-bank channels and
journeys (eg, web, apps,
mobile, smart devices,
branches, Internet of Things)
Beyond-bank channels
and journeys (eg,
ecosystems, partners,
Smart service and
Digital marketing
and cross-
AI capabilities
Core technology
and data
A. Tech-forward strategy (in-house build of dierential capabilities
vs buying oerings; in-house talent plan)
B. Data
ment for
AI world
Platform operating
A. Autonomous business + tech teams
B. Agile way
of working
C. Remote
D. Modern talent
strategy (hiring,
E. Culture and
Value capture
C. Modern
API archi-
D. Intelligent
(AI operations
hybrid cloud
setup, etc)
E. Hollow-
ing the
core (core
F. Cyber-
13 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Third, banks will need to redesign overall
customer experiences and specific journeys for
omnichannel interaction. This involves allowing
customers to move across multiple modes (e.g.,
web, mobile app, branch, call center, smart
devices) seamlessly within a single journey
and retaining and continuously updating the
latest context of interaction. Leading consumer
internet companies with offline-to-online
business models have reshaped customer
expectations on this dimension. Some banks
are pushing ahead in the design of omnichannel
journeys, but most will need to catch up.
Reimagining the engagement layer of the
AI bank will require a clear strategy on how
to engage customers through channels
owned by non-bank partners. Banks will
need to adopt a design-thinking lens as they
build experiences within and beyond the
banks platform, engineering engagement
interfaces for flexibility to enable tailoring and
personalization for customers, reengineering
back-end processes, and ensuring that data-
capture funnels (e.g., clickstream) are granularly
embedded in the bank’s engagement layer. All
of this aims to provide a granular understanding
of journeys and enable continuous
Layer 2: Building the AI-powered decision-
making layer
Delivering personalized messages and
decisions to millions of users and thousands
of employees, in (near) real time across the full
spectrum of engagement channels, will require
the bank to develop an at-scale AI-powered
decision-making layer. Across domains within
the bank, AI techniques can either fully replace
or augment human judgment to produce
significantly better outcomes (e.g., higher
accuracy and speed), enhanced experience
for customers (e.g., more personalized
interaction and offerings), actionable insights
for employees (e.g., which customer to contact
first with next-best-action recommendations),
and stronger risk management (e.g., earlier
detection of likelihood of default and
fraudulent activities).
To establish a robust AI-powered decision
layer, banks will need to shift from attempting
to develop specific use cases and point
solutions to an enterprise-wide road map for
deploying advanced-analytics (AA)/machine-
learning (ML) models across entire business
domains. As an illustration, in the domain of
unsecured consumer lending alone, more
than 20 decisions across the life cycle can be
automated¹ To enable at-scale development
of decision models, banks need to make the
development process repeatable and thus
capable of delivering solutions effectively and
on-time. In addition to strong collaboration
between business teams and analytics
talent, this requires robust tools for model
development, efficient processes (e.g., for
re-using code across projects), and diffusion
of knowledge (e.g., repositories) across teams.
Beyond the at-scale development of decision
models across domains, the road map should
also include plans to embed AI in business-
as-usual process. Often underestimated,
this effort requires rewiring the business
processes in which these AA/AI models will be
embedded; making AI decisioning “explainable”
to end-users; and a change-management plan
that addresses employee mindset shifts and
skills gaps. To foster continuous improvement
beyond the first deployment, banks also
need to establish infrastructure (e.g., data
measurement) and processes (e.g., periodic
reviews of performance, risk management of AI
models) for feedback loops to flourish.
Additionally, banks will need to augment
homegrown AI models, with fast-evolving
capabilities (e.g., natural-language processing,
computer-vision techniques, AI agents
and bots, augmented or virtual reality) in
their core business processes. Many of
these leading-edge capabilities have the
Jennifer Kilian, Hugo Sarrazin, and Hyo Yeon, “Building a design-driven culture,” September 2015, McKinsey.com.
Renny Thomas, Vinayak HV, Raphael Bick, and Shwaitang Singh, “Ten lessons for building a winning retail and small-business digital lending
franchise,” November 2019, McKinsey.com.
14AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
potential to bring a paradigm shift in customer
experience and/or operational efficiency. While
many banks may lack both the talent and the
requisite investment appetite to develop these
technologies themselves, they need at minimum
to be able to procure and integrate these
emerging capabilities from specialist providers
at rapid speed through an architecture enabled
by an application programming interface (API),
promote continuous experimentation with these
technologies in sandbox environments to test and
refine applications and evaluate potential risks,
and subsequently decide which technologies to
deploy at scale.
To deliver these decisions and capabilities and to
engage customers across the full life cycle, from
acquisition to upsell and cross-sell to retention
and win-back, banks will need to establish
enterprise-wide digital marketing machinery. This
machinery is critical for translating decisions and
insights generated in the decision-making layer
into a set of coordinated interventions delivered
through the bank’s engagement layer. This
machinery has several critical elements, which
Data-ingestion pipelines that capture a range
of data from multiple sources both within the
bank (e.g., clickstream data from apps) and
beyond (e.g., third-party partnerships with
telco providers)
Data platforms that aggregate, develop, and
maintain a 360-degree view of customers and
enable AA/ML models to run and execute in
near real time
Campaign platforms that track past actions
and coordinate forward-looking interventions
across the range of channels in the
engagement layer
Layer 3: Strengthening the core technology and
data infrastructure
Deploying AI capabilities across the organization
requires a scalable, resilient, and adaptable set
of core-technology components. A weak core-
technology backbone, starved of the investments
needed for modernization, can dramatically
reduce the effectiveness of the decision-making
and engagement layers.
The core-technology-and-data layer has six key
elements (Exhibit 7):
Tech-forward strategy. Banks should have
a unified technology strategy that is tightly
aligned to business strategy and outlines
strategic choices on which elements, skill
sets, and talent the bank will keep in-house
and those it will source through partnerships
or vendor relationships. In addition, the
tech strategy needs to articulate how each
component of the target architecture will both
support the bank’s vision to be an AI-first
institution and interact with each layer of the
capability stack.
Data management for the AI-enabled world.
The bank’s data management must ensure
data liquidity—that is, the ability to access,
ingest, and manipulate the data that serve as
the foundation for all insights and decisions
generated in the decision-making layer.
Data liquidity increases with the removal of
functional silos and allows multiple divisions
to operate off the same data, with increased
coordination. The data value chain begins with
seamless sourcing of data from all relevant
internal systems and external platforms. This
includes ingesting data into a lake, cleaning
and labeling the data required for diverse use
cases (e.g., regulatory reporting, business
intelligence at scale, AA/ML diagnostics),
segregating incoming data (from both existing
and prospective customers) to be made
available for immediate analysis from data to
be cleaned and labeled for future analysis.
Furthermore, as banks design and build their
centralized data-management infrastructure,
they should develop additional controls and
monitoring tools to ensure data security,
privacy, and regulatory compliance—for
example, timely and role-appropriate access
across the organization for various use cases.
15 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Modern API architecture. APIs are the
connective tissue enabling controlled access
to services, products, and data, both within
the bank and beyond. Within the bank, APIs
reduce the need for silos, increase reusability
of technology assets, and promote flexibility
in the technology architecture. Beyond the
bank, APIs accelerate the ability to partner
externally, unlock new business opportunities,
and enhance customer experiences. While
APIs can unlock significant value, it is critical to
start by defining where they are to be used and
establish centralized governance to support
their development and curation.¹²
Intelligent infrastructure. As companies
in diverse industries increase the share of
workload handled on public and private
cloud infrastructure, there is ample evidence
that cloud-based platforms allow for the
higher scalability and resilience crucial to an
AI-first strategy.
Additionally, cloud-based
infrastructure reduces costs for IT maintenance
and enables self-serve models for development
teams, which enable rapid innovation cycles by
providing managed services (e.g., setting up new
environments in minutes instead of days).
Exhibit 7
The core-technology-and-data layer accommodates increasing use of the cloud
and reduction of legacy technology.
Application programming interface.
The core-technology-and-data layer accommodates increasing use of the
cloud and reduction of legacy technology.
Capabilities Our perspective
Tech-forward strategy
Data management for AI world
Modern API1 architecture
Intelligent infrastructure
Hollowing the core
Cybersecurity and control tiers
Build dierentiating capabilities in-house by augmenting the internal skill base;
carefully weigh options to buy, build, or compose modular architecture through
best-of-breed solutions
Upgrade data management and underlying architecture to support machine-learning
use cases at scale by leveraging cloud, streaming data, and real-time analytics
Leverage modern cloud-native tooling to enable a scalable API platform supporting
complex orchestrations while creating experience-enhancing integrations across
the ecosystem
Implement infrastructure as code across on-premises and cloud environments;
increase platform resiliency by adopting AIOps to support deep diagnostics, auto-
recoverability, and auto-scale
Distribute transaction processing across the enterprise stack; selectively identify
components that can be externalized to drive broader reuse, standardization, and
Implement robust cybersecurity in the hybrid infrastructure; secure data and
applications through zero-trust design principles and centralized command-and-
control centers
¹² Renny Thomas, Vinayak HV, Raphael Bick, and Shwaitang Singh, “Ten lessons for building a winning retail and small-business digital lending
franchise,” November 2019, McKinsey.com.
¹³ Arul Elumalai and Roger Roberts, “Unlocking business acceleration in a hybrid cloud world,” August 2019, McKinsey.com.
16AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Layer 4: Transitioning to the platform operating
The AI-first bank of the future will need a new
operating model for the organization, so it can
achieve the requisite agility and speed and
unleash value across the other layers. While
most banks are transitioning their technology
platforms and assets to become more modular
and flexible, working teams within the bank
continue to operate in functional silos under
suboptimal collaboration models and often lack
alignment of goals and priorities.
The platform operating model envisions cross-
functional business-and-technology teams
organized as a series of platforms within the bank.
Each platform team controls their own assets
(e.g., technology solutions, data, infrastructure),
budgets, key performance indicators, and
talent. In return, the team delivers a family of
products or services either to end customers of
the bank or to other platforms within the bank.
In the target state, the bank could end up with
three archetypes of platform teams. Business
platforms are customer- or partner-facing teams
dedicated to achieving business outcomes in
areas such as consumer lending, corporate
lending, and transaction banking. Enterprise
platforms deliver specialized capabilities and/
or shared services to establish standardization
throughout the organization in areas such as
collections, payment utilities, human resources,
and finance. And enabling platforms enable the
enterprise and business platforms to deliver
cross-cutting technical functionalities such as
cybersecurity and cloud architecture.
By integrating business and technology in
jointly owned platforms run by cross-functional
teams, banks can break up organizational silos,
increasing agility and speed and improving the
alignment of goals and priorities across the
The journey to becoming an AI-first bank entails
transforming capabilities across all four layers
of the capability stack. Ignoring challenges or
underinvesting in any layer will ripple through all,
resulting in a sub-optimal stack that is incapable
of delivering enterprise goals.
A practical way to get started is to evaluate
how the bank’s strategic goals (e.g., growth,
profitability, customer engagement, innovation)
can be materially enabled by the range of AI
technologies—and dovetailing AI goals with the
strategic goals of the bank. Once this alignment
is in place, bank leaders should conduct a
comprehensive diagnostic of the bank’s starting
position across the four layers, to identify areas
that need key shifts, additional investments
and new talent. They can then translate these
insights into a transformation roadmap that spans
business, technology, and analytics teams.
Equally important is the design of an execution
approach that is tailored to the organization. To
ensure sustainability of change, we recommend
a two-track approach that balances short-term
projects that deliver business value every quarter
with an iterative build of long-term institutional
capabilities. Furthermore, depending on their
market position, size, and aspirations, banks need
not build all capabilities themselves. They might
elect to keep differentiating core capabilities
in-house and acquire non-differentiating
capabilities from technology vendors and
partners, including AI specialists.
For many banks, ensuring adoption of AI
technologies across the enterprise is no longer
a choice, but a strategic imperative. Envisioning
and building the bank’s capabilities holistically
across the four layers will be critical to success.
Suparna Biswas is a partner, Shwaitang Singh is an associate partner, and Renny Thomas is a senior partner, all in McKinsey’s
Mumbai office. Brant Carson is a partner in the Sydney office, and Violet Chung is a partner in the Hong Kong office.
The authors would like to thank Milan Mitra, Anushi Shah, Arihant Kothari, and Yihong Wu for their contributions to this article.
17 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Global Banking & Securities
Reimagining customer
engagement for the AI bank
of the future
Banks can meet rising customer expectations by applying AI to offer
intelligent propositions and smart servicing that can seamlessly embed
in partner ecosystems.
October 2020
© Getty Images
by Violet Chung, Malcolm Gomes, Sailee Rane, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas
From instantaneous translation to
conversational interfaces, artificial-intelligence
(AI) technologies are making ever more evident
impacts on our lives. This is particularly true in
the financial-services sector, where challengers
are already launching disruptive AI-powered
innovations. To remain competitive, incumbent
banks must become “AI first” in vision and
execution, and as discussed in the previous
article, this means transforming the full
capability stack, including the engagement layer,
AI-powered decision making, core technology
and data infrastructure, and operating model.
If fully integrated, these capabilities can
strengthen engagement significantly, supporting
customers’ financial activities across diverse
online and physical contexts with intelligent,
highly personalized solutions delivered through
an interface that is intuitive, seamless, and fast.
These are the baseline expectations for an
AI bank.
In this article, we examine how banks can take
an AI-first approach to reimagining customer
engagement. We focus on three elements with
potential to give the bank a decisive competitive
1. The value of re-imagined customer
engagement: By reimagining customer
engagement, banks can unlock new value
through better efficiency, expanded market
access, and greater customer lifetime value.
2. Key elements of the re-imagined engagement
layer: The combination of intelligent propositions,
seamless embedding within partner ecosystems,
and smart servicing and experiences underpins
an overall experience that sets the AI bank apart
from traditional incumbents.
3. Integrated supporting capabilities: As banks
rethink and rebuild their engagement capabilities,
they need to leverage critical enablers, each
of which cuts across all four layers of the
capability stack.
The value of reimagined customer
In recent years, many financial institutions
have devoted significant capital to digital-and-
analytics transformations, aiming to improve
customer journeys across mobile and web
channels. Despite these big investments, most
banks still lag well behind consumer-tech
companies in their efforts to engage customers
with superior service and experiences.
The prevailing models for bank customer
acquisition and service delivery are beset by
missed cues: incumbents often fail to recognize
and decipher the signals customers leave
behind in their digital journeys.
Across sectors, however, leaders in delivering
positive experiences are not just making
their journeys easy to access and use but
also personalizing core journeys to match
an individual’s present context, direction of
movement, and aspiration.
Creating a superior experience can generate
significant value. A McKinsey survey of US
retail banking customers found that at the
banks with the highest degree of reported
customer satisfaction, deposits grew 84
percent faster than at the banks with the lowest
satisfaction ratings (Exhibit 1).
Superior experiences are not only a proven
foundation for growth but also a crucial means
of countering threats from new attackers. In
particular, three trends make it imperative for
banks to improve customer engagement:
1. Rising customer expectations. Accustomed
to the service standards set by consumer
internet companies, today’s customers
have come to expect the same degree of
consistency, convenience, and personalization
from their financial-services institutions. For
example, Netflix has been able to raise the
bar in customer experience by doing well
on three crucial attributes: consistency of
19 Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
experience across channels (mobile app, laptop,
TV), convenient access to a vast reserve of
content with a single click, and recommendations
finely tailored to each profile within a single
account. Improving websites and online portals
for a seamless experience is one of the top three
areas where customers desire support from
banks.¹ Innovation leaders are already executing
transactions and loan approvals and resolving
service inquiries in near real time.
2. Disintermediation. Nonbank providers are
disintermediating banks from the most valuable
services, leaving less profitable links in the value
chain to traditional banks. Big-tech companies are
providing access to financial products within their
nonbanking ecosystems. Messaging app WeChat
allows users in China to make a payment within
the chat window. Google has partnered with eight
US banks to offer cobranded accounts that will be
mobile first and focus on creating an intuitive user
experience and new ways to manage money with
financial insights and budgeting tools.²
Beyond access, nonbank innovators are also
disintermediating parts of the value chain that
were once considered core capabilities of financial
institutions, including underwriting. Indian agtech
company Cropin uses advanced analytics and
machine learning to analyze historical data on
Exhibit 1
US retail banks with high customer satisfaction typically grow deposits faster.
Percentage of respondents that selected a 9 or 10 on a 10-point customer satisfaction scale. Question: “We would like to understand your experience with
[product] with (Bank). Overall, how satised or dissatised are you with [product] with [Bank]?” Banks were ranked based on average satisfaction scores
and then divided into quartiles.
Customer satisfaction score.
Source: McKinsey 2018 Retail Banking Customer Experience Benchmark Survey
US retail banks with high customer satisfaction typically grow deposits faster.
Real dierences in customer satisfaction1
CSAT (Percent of customers rating 9 or 10)
Leaders in customer satisfaction grow faster
Deposit CAGR (2014-17)
-26 pp
John Euart, Nuno Ferreira, Jonathan Gordon, Ajay Gupta, Atakan Hilal, and Olivia White, “Financial life during the COVID19 pandemic—an update,
July 2020, McKinsey.com.
“Google to offer co-branded cards with 8 US banks” August 3, 2020, Finextra.com.
20Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
crop performance, weather patterns, land usage,
and more to develop underwriting models that
predict a customers creditworthiness much more
accurately than traditional risk models.
3. Increasingly human-like formats.
Conversational interfaces are becoming the
new standard for customer engagement. With
approximately one third of adult Americans
owning a smart speaker,³ voice commands are
gaining traction, and adoption of both voice and
video interfaces will likely expand as in-person
interactions continue to decline. Several banks
have already launched voice-activated assistants,
including Bank of America with Erica and ICICI
bank in India with iPal.
If reimagined customer engagement is properly
aligned with the other layers of the AI-and-
analytics capability stack, it can strengthen
a bank’s competitive position and financial
performance by increasing efficiency, access
and scale, and customer lifetime value (Exhibit 2).
Key elements of the AI-first
engagement layer
For banks, successfully integrating core
personalization elements across the range
of touchpoints with customers will be critical
to deliver a superior experience and better
outcomes. The reimagined engagement layer
should provide the AI bank with a deeper and
Exhibit 2
With an AI-rst approach to customer engagement, banks have the
opportunity to reap gains in crucial areas.
Net promoter score.
Turn around time.
Source: McKinsey analysis
With an AI-rst approach to customer engagement, banks have the
opportunity to reap gains in crucial areas.
Increased access
and scale
Reduced cost of acquisition
(more cross-sell, partner
platform-led growth)
Lower cost to serve (less or
“zero” operations)
Lower risk (better data, early
warnings, proactive nudging)
activation and usage of
existing products
Higher engagement (eg, monthly
usage), satisfaction (eg, NPS,
lower TAT) and reduced churn
Higher cross-sell of new products
lifetime value
Access to newer, previously untapped
customer segments
Higher speed to reach critical scale
Bret Kinsella, “Nearly 90 million U.S. adults have smart speakers, adoption now exceeds one-third of consumers,” April 28, 2020, voicebot.ai.
21 Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
Exhibit 3
A reimagined engagement layer uses AI and advanced analytics and comprises
3 key elements.
The reimagined engagement layer uses AI and advanced analytics and
comprises 3 key elements.
customer needs
Products purchased online,
parts of purchase journey
that are digital, preferred
Preferred channels,
best time to
contact, etc
Life stage, upcoming
events, sources of
income, occupation, etc
that can
and address
needs and
by fast,
simple, and
engagement layer
Understanding customers
Understanding customers
Embedding analytical
outcomes within journeys
more accurate understanding of each customer’s
context, behavior, needs, and preferences. This
understanding, in turn, enables the bank to
craft an intelligent, personalized offering. To
support this, banks need to analyze customer
data in real time and embed analytical outcomes
within customer journeys for fast execution
of customer transaction requests and service
queries, enabling instant fulfilment. These
two objectives should guide the design of the
engagement layer, which comprises three pillars:
Intelligent propositions, seamless embedding
within partner ecosystems, and smart service
and experiences (Exhibit 3).
Intelligent propositions
To craft and deliver intelligent propositions,
banks must take an entirely new approach to
innovation. First and foremost, they need to
free themselves from a product-centric view,
where they develop new products and features
and “push” them to customers through product
bundles and discounted pricing. Instead, they
should adopt a customer-centric view, which
starts with understanding customer needs.
Achieving this close alignment between bank
capabilities and customer needs requires time
and capital to develop a realistic, evidence-
based understanding of actual customers’
22Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
time-critical needs. The capability to gauge
customers’ expressed needs and anticipate
latent needs in real time requires that AI and
analytics capabilities be integrated with diverse
core systems and delivery platforms across the
Customer propositions can no longer be static
and one-size-fits-all—they should be intelligent
and tailored, and go beyond banking to address
customer needs that may involve both banking
and non-banking products and services.
Across diverse markets, recent innovations
in messaging and financial-management
tools are already helping customers simplify
banking activities and improve their financial
position—for example, with fee-reduction
recommendations, budgeting tools, savings and
liquidity management, and planning tools to help
customers achieve their life goals.
Fee reduction recommendations. Rapid
analysis of transaction history enables banks
to inform individual customers about their
potential to reduce fees. The mobile app
Empower highlights duplicate services and
high bills and suggests possible actions, such
as reducing the number of subscriptions or
negotiating for more competitive mobile-
phone fees, and recommends options for
reducing bank fees. (E.g., “You can potentially
reduce your telephone bill by 30 percent. We
can negotiate with your service provider on
your behalf and get you a better plan.”)
Budgeting tools. Budgeting tools can help
customers improve financial discipline. Acorns,
for example, allows people to set budgets and
sends them alerts to help them stay on track
(“You have spent 75 percent of your dining limit
this week”). It also delivers reminders based on
past transactions (“You paid your credit card
bill on the 10th last month. Would you like to
pay now?”). Wally and Spendee automatically
allocate expenses to different categories
and show the proportion of monthly expense in
a particular category (e.g., dining out or fuel) in
comparison with the previous month’s spending.
Planning for life goals. Finally, by integrating
systems across the enterprise, banks can analyze
relevant data to generate a comprehensive
view of a customer’s total inflows and outflows
and offer advice for balancing daily and annual
spending with wealth-building goals. Wealthfront,
a digital wealth-management tool, proposes an
investment plan to customers based on their
answers to a few questions. The process allows
customers to define their goals in practical terms,
such as learning how much to invest to buy a
home in five years, take a year off to travel next
year, or retire at 40. Chinese wealth-management
fintech Snowball offers a cross-platform app with
a Twitter-like feature that enables investors to
exchange investment ideas.
Debt simplification: Some fintech companies
are helping customers who grapple with the
challenge of managing multiple credit cards. For
example, Fintech Tally helps solve a number of
pain points, and decisions such as which card
to pay first (based on a forecast of their monthly
income and expenses), when to pay, and how
much to pay (minimum balance vs. retiring
principal), while optimizing their credit scores.
Embedding in partner ecosystems
As banks design and offer intelligent propositions
they need to make them accessible not only on their
own platforms but also in other ecosystems that
their customers are part of. McKinsey research has
identified 12 distinct ecosystems that have begun
to form around end-to-end customer needs within
distinct service domains. We estimate that these
integrated networks will generate approximately
$60 trillion in global annual revenues by 2025.
Just a few years ago, the most prominent examples
were tech giants such as Alibaba, Baidu, and
WeChat in China, and Amazon, Facebook, and
Google in the United States. In the past two
Venkat Atluri, Miklós Dietz, and Nicolaus Henke, “Competing in a world of sectors without borders,” July, 2017, McKinsey.com.
23 Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
years, however, both traditional companies and
tech start-ups have contributed to significant
expansion of ecosystem activity globally. Well-
established banks have led the formation of
digital ecosystems, often in one of five areas: B2C
commerce, housing, B2B services, transportation,
and wealth and protection. Examples include
RBC’s Ownr, a digital solution for entrepreneurs
launching a business, and DBS’s digital
marketplace for automobiles, electricity, housing,
and travel.
Ecosystem strategies. Financial institutions can
leverage their own and/or partner ecosystems to
create value in diverse ways, including increased
access, higher efficiencies, and stronger
Increased access and scale. By embedding
their services within ecosystems, banks have
the potential to access customer segments
beyond their traditional footprint and to scale
new solutions rapidly. For example, BBVA’s
Valora, a real estate and mortgage advisory
platform, is an important channel for customer
Higher efficiencies. Participation in one or
several ecosystems typically leads to lower
customer acquisition costs, lower cost to serve,
and better credit risk management. In China,
for example, co-lending ecosystem partners
rely on advanced diagnostic models to analyze
ecosystem data to monitor potential changes
in borrowers’ risk profiles and to manage early-
stage collection in case of default.
New value propositions. Deniz Bank has
launched Deniz Den, a platform for agricultural
consulting and financial services, supporting
farmers with timely information about
agricultural best practices and advice on small-
business finance and investments.
More convenience. In India, SBI has launched
YONO, designed as a one-stop solution to
meet a broad range of a retail customers’
banking and nonbanking needs. It has more
than 100 merchants embedded in the online
marketplace, enabling customers to complete
diverse tasks, such as ordering groceries and
booking tickets, through a single app.
How to move forward. The gradual shift of
commercial activity toward digital ecosystems
has far-reaching implications for practically
every sector of the economy, and each financial-
services organization should build a detailed
strategy for competing in these new contexts.
At present, however, only a few banks have
successfully tapped the potential of ecosystems
to create value. To avoid common pitfalls
and maximize the value of their ecosystem
partnerships, banks need a clear ecosystem
strategy, end-to-end integration of internal
capabilities, and ways of working that are
compatible with technology partners’ methods.
Banks need a clear understanding of their
strengths, local context, and current customers,
which they should use to select an ecosystem
strategy that fits the organization’s ambition and
market position. These are top priorities for the
board and should not be left entirely to the chief
digital officer.
End-to-end integration of internal capabilities
is necessary to support real-time analytics and
messaging. From the collection and processing
of customer data to accurate customer-profile
analysis, banks must upgrade their technology
architecture and analytical capabilities. Further,
as discussed in the following section, they
should establish a consolidated, enterprise-wide
platform for managing customer data. They
should also establish robust links with partner
ecosystems to support instantaneous data
Organizational culture and processes also
matter. The bank should work in a way that
matches the way technology partners work.
This typically entails changes in organizational
mindset and culture. One approach is to organize
Joydeep Sengupta, Vinayak HV, Violet Chung, et al., “The ecosystem playbook: Winning in a world of ecosystems,” April 2019, McKinsey.com.
24Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
a team of top talent from multiple departments
that speak the language of the tech partners,
work at a compatible speed, and are empowered
to make and implement decisions swiftly.
Another key area is performance measurement.
Traditionally, a banks key performance indicators
(KPIs) focus on growth and profitability. The
core KPI for internet companies, by contrast, is
user experience. If partners are not aligned in
evaluating progress toward agreed-upon goals,
tension can arise and diminish the impact of the
Smart servicing and experiences
The third pillar of the reimagined engagement
layer is smart servicing facilitated by fast,
simple, and intuitive interactions with customers.
Banks that leverage AI and analytics to deliver
smart servicing and superior experiences stand
to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Research shows that the stronger the experience
and the more satisfied the customer, the more likely
it is that the bank will generate higher revenue:
a more satisfied customer typically accounts
for approximately 2.4 times more revenue than
a neutral customer. What is more, we have
seen that companies scoring high on a scale of
customer satisfaction tend to generate higher total
shareholder returns than lower-scoring companies
do (Exhibit 4).
Along with the significant impact of customers’
overall experience, customers’ expectations
also influence their level of satisfaction—and, by
Exhibit 4
Companies with higher customer satisfaction tend to generate higher returns.
Change in total returns to shareholders (TRS) for companies with high, moderate, and low net
promoter scores (NPS)1
To create this chart we gathered data on TRS for ~150 publicly traded companies. Using 2017 Temkin NPS data, we grouped the companies into low, moderate,
and high NPS groups, and summarized the dierence in annualized percent growth in total returns for each group from 2008–18.
Source: McKinsey analysis; TRS data from DataStream 2008-2018; Temkin Group “October 2017 Net Promoter Score Benchmark Study”
Companies with higher customer satisfaction tend to generate higher returns.
Annualized growth in total shareholder returns, %
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
NPS performance groupings
Peter Kriss, “The Value of Customer Experience—Quantified,” August 1, 2014, HBR.org.
25 Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
extension, may affect the company’s value. Given
the rising trend in customers’ expectations for
online, offline, and hybrid journeys, disruptive
companies in diverse markets are creating
customer-centric interactions and journeys
that are fast, simple, and intuitive. Guided by a
relentless commitment to customer satisfaction,
Amazon has achieved a high level of customer
loyalty through value, convenience, and reliability
in online shopping. Uber has set a high bar for
speed, safety, and amicable service supported
by frictionless end-to-end customer journeys.
Netflix has created a highly differentiated
experience by analyzing the viewing choices of
hundreds of millions of subscribers to create
highly personalized recommendations from its
stock of diverse content.
The challenge for banks is to examine each
crucial element in the design of differentiating
customer experiences. First among these is the
ability to open a service request on the device
of choice anytime, anywhere. Second, each
interaction should build on previous history
and continue without interruption or repeated
steps when the customer shifts from one
device to another. The service interface should
also be capable of recognizing the customer’s
context and adjust messaging accordingly. A
third crucial element is speed: For example, a
customer requesting a higher credit limit through
a chatbot should receive a response within
seconds, supported by real-time analysis of the
customer’s risk profile. If the request cannot
be met at once, the time frame for fulfilling the
request should be stated clearly.
Fourth, chatbots, voice assistants, and live
video consultations make it possible to dispense
with long, detailed forms and questionnaires.
Insurance provider Lemonade offers a chat-
based application form that follows a carefully
designed conversation to generate an insurance
quote. Likewise, self-serve journeys can offer
prompt access to assistance through chatbots,
with the ability to shift instantaneously and
seamlessly to a live video chat with a service
representative or adviser as soon as the request
exceeds machine capabilities.
Finally, it is crucial to personalize journeys in just
the right way. For example, customers appreciate
recommendations that they would not have
thought of themselves. They often do not want
more examples of what they have already bought.
They need to be given the recommendations at
the right time, when they are in “shopping mode.
For example, sending a customer a reminder
for repeating an order for flowers based on a
purchase made on a special date last year, like an
anniversary, may work very well. At the same time,
organizations must be careful not to be “creepy”
and offer instead recommendations that are highly
relevant without crossing lines.
Reimagined engagement requires
integrated capabilities
To successfully design and implement their
engagement layer to become AI-first, banks need
to develop five capabilities:
1. Adopt a holistic, data-driven approach to
understanding how customers engage with the
bank. Best-in-class players achieve this in three
major steps:
Implement a real-time, enterprise-wide data
infrastructure that captures virtually all data
points for a given customers relationship with
the bank’s various divisions and supports
a unified customer view encompassing
all channels, journeys, and products. (The
traditional siloed analyses undertaken by any
one of various teams have little relevance in an
AI-first organization.)
Consolidate data on a central platform: To
ensure that these enterprise data sets are
utilized effectively and widely across teams,
AI-first banks aggregate the data captured from
multiple internal and external sources into a
central customer data platform.
Julien Boudet, Brian Gregg, Jane Wong, and Gustavo Schuler, “What shoppers really want from personalized marketing,” October 2017,
26Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
Automate governance and controls to ensure
business-and-technology teams have ready
access to appropriate data sets, with the
necessary controls for security and permission
where needed. It is also important to ensure
that the appropriate data are available for
decisioning, at the right time and in the right
form, to the various AA/ML models used
by internal teams (from customer service to
product management) to support intelligent,
highly personalized interactions with
2. Embed next-generation talent within traditional
teams. Creating superior customer experiences
in the digital era requires a new set of skills and
capabilities centered on design, data science,
and product management. An individual product
manager, for example, may focus primarily on
technical solutions, customer experiences, or
maximizing business performance, but in an
AI-first environment, all product managers will
need a foundation in diverse areas, including
customer experience, advanced analytics and
machine learning, market analysis, business
strategy, as well as leadership and capability
development. Design leaders require a similar
foundation as well as deep expertise in extracting
user insights to guide business strategy and
innovation.The data, analytics, and AI skills
required to build an AI-bank are foreign to most
traditional financial services institutions, and
organizations should craft a detailed strategy
for attracting them. This plan should define
which capabilities can and should be developed
in-house (to ensure competitive distinction) and
which can be acquired through partnerships with
technology specialists.
Furthermore, our experience suggests that it’s
not enough to staff the teams with new talent.
What really differentiates experience leaders
is how they integrate new talent in traditional
team structures and unlock the full potential of
these capabilities, in the context of business
problems. Several organizations have built an
internal talent pool of data scientists and engineers.
However, most treat data as an operational function
and leverage data-and-analytics talent primarily
to generate and automate reports required by
traditional business teams. A few leaders treat data
management as a strategic function, and embed
data scientists/engineers within agile product
and customer service teams, each focused on a
discrete journey or use case, such as small business
lending, home financing, or digital wealth advisory
for the mass affluent. These organizations have
been recognized as leaders in creating superior
experiences that give them a competitive edge,
measured in customer satisfaction and value
3. Institute formal top-down mechanisms to
support coordination across traditional product and
channel silos. While financial services institutions
take various measures to align working teams with
groups focused on serving a specific customer
segment, these measures typically take a long time
to yield results (and often fail). The product and
channel silos through which banks have traditionally
sought to address the needs of diverse market
segments can be very complex, and this complexity
makes it difficult to break out of the product-centric
mindset and assume a genuinely customer-centric
view throughout the organization.
In our experience, bottom-up efforts to organize
teams around customer segments often fall short
of expectations if they are not complemented by a
top-down approach consisting of cross-department
senior management teams. While these teams are
empowered to act (that is, they have resources and
budgets, along with autonomy in deciding how to
deploy these to meet strategic goals), they also take
an integrated view of various siloed efforts across
the organization and prioritize a limited number of
high-impact cross-cutting initiatives that require
central coordination (as opposed to spreading the
organization’s resources thin on several smaller
initiatives). Finally, they develop and track progress
against a coordinated plan executed through the
traditional team structure.
Chandra Gnanasambandam, Martin Harrysson, Shivam Srivastava, and Yu Wu, “Product managers for the digital world,” May 2017, McKinsey.com.
Melissa Dalrymple, Sam Pickover, and Benedict Sheppard, “Are you asking enough from your design leaders,” February 2020, McKinsey.com.
27 Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
4. Institutionalized capabilities to strike new
partnerships at-scale with a heterogenous set of
non-financial services institutions. Partnerships
are becoming increasingly critical for financial
services players to extend their boundaries
beyond traditional channels, acquire more
customers, and create deeper engagement. Most
institutions understand the importance of having
a clear strategic rationale (including a “win-win”
value creation thesis for partners), and a strong
governance model to oversee the partnership. It
is also important to establish teams responsible
both for setting up partnerships and for adapting
the technology infrastructure to support the
efficient and speedy launch of the partnership.
Setting-up dedicated teams that are focused
on establishing partnerships. These teams
constantly scan the market for potential
partners and assess their relevance to the
institution’s growth strategy. They engage
effectively with a broad range of non-
bank partners—beginning with a review of
differences in culture and technology—and
gauge the flexibility required to align with the
partners’ ways of working (e.g., profile and
seniority of people participating in discussions,
decision-making styles, responsiveness to
requests, adherence to timelines) to enable
faster, smoother, and more productive
Making the technology infrastructure
partnership-friendly hinges to a significant
degree on API contracts identifying the
functionalities that must be developed to meet
the partner’s requirements. Another crucial
step is altering the technology infrastructure
to facilitate fast integration with partner
capabilities. This includes creating sand-box
environments to enable rapid experimentation
and proof-of-concept trials, as well as
modern data-sharing and storage options
compatible with the partner’s data-stack.
5. Deep integration with the remaining
layers of the AI bankthat is, the AI-enabled
decisioning layer and the core-tech and data
layer. The journey to become an AI bank
entails transforming capabilities across all four
layers of the capability stack: engagement,
AI-powered decisioning, core technology and
data infrastructure, and operating model. The
layers should work in unison, and investment in
each layer should be made in tandem with the
others. Underinvesting in any layer will create a
ripple effect that hinders the ability of the stack
as a whole to deliver enterprise goals.
As traditional banks observe the rapid
advancement of AI technologies and the
success of digital innovators in creating
compelling customer experiences, many
recognize the need to reimagine how they
engage their customers. By adopting an
AI-first approach in their vision and planning,
innovative banks are building the capabilities
that will enable them not just to deliver
intelligent services but also to design intuitive,
highly personalized journeys spanning diverse
ecosystems, from banking to housing to
retail commerce, B2B services, and more. To
realize this vision requires new talent, a robust
mechanism for managing partnerships, and a
progressive transformation of the capability
stack. Throughout this expansive undertaking,
leaders must stay attuned to customer
perspectives and be clear about how the AI
bank will create value for each customer.
Renny Thomas is a senior partner, Shwaitang Singh is an associate partner, and Sailee Rane is a consultant, all in McKinsey’s
Mumbai office. Malcom Gomes is a partner in the Bengaluru office, and Violet Chung is a partner in the Hong Kong office.
The authors would like to thank Xiang Ji, Jinita Shroff, Amit Gupta, Vineet Rawat, and Yihong Wu for their contributions to this article.
28Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
Global Banking & Securities
AI-powered decision
making for the bank of
the future
Banks are already strengthening customer relationships and
lowering costs by using artificial intelligence to guide customer
engagement. Success requires that capability stacks include the
right decisioning elements.
March 2021
© Getty Images
by Akshat Agarwal, Charu Singhal, and Renny Thomas
The ongoing transition to digital channels creates
an opportunity for banks to serve more customers,
expand market share, and increase revenue at lower
cost. Crucially, banks that pursue this opportunity
also can access the bigger, richer data sets required
to fuel advanced-analytics (AA) and machine-
learning (ML) decision engines. Deployed at scale,
these decision-making capabilities powered
by artificial intelligence (AI) can give the bank a
decisive competitive edge by generating significant
incremental value for customers, partners, and
the bank. Banks that aim to compete in global
and regional markets increasingly influenced
by digital ecosystems will need a well-rounded
AI-and-analytics capability stack comprising four
main layers: reimagined engagement, AI-powered
decision making, core technology and data
infrastructure, and leading-edge operating model.
The layers of the AI-bank capability stack are
interdependent and must work in unison to deliver
value, as discussed in the first article. In our
second article, we examined how AI-first banks
are reimagining customer engagement to provide
superior experiences across diverse bank platforms
and partner ecosystems. Here, we focus on the AA/
ML decisioning capabilities required to understand
and respond to customers’ fast-evolving needs with
precision, speed, and efficiency. Banks that leverage
machine-learning models to determine in (near) real
time the best way to engage with each customer
have potential to increase value in four ways:
Stronger customer acquisition. Banks gain an
edge by creating superior customer experiences
with end-to-end automation and using advanced
analytics to craft highly personalized messages
at each step of the customer-acquisition journey.
Higher customer lifetime value. Banks can
increase the lifetime value of customers
by engaging with them continuously and
intelligently to strengthen each relationship
across diverse products and services.
Lower operating costs. Banks can lower costs
by automating as fully as possible document
processing, review, and decision making,
particularly in acquisition and servicing.
Lower credit risk. To lower credit risks, banks
can adopt more sophisticated screening of
prospective customers and early detection of
behaviors that signal higher risk of default and
As banks think about how to design and build a
highly flexible and fully automated decisioning
layer of the AI-bank capability stack, they can
benefit from organizing their efforts around four
interdependent elements: (1) leveraging AA/ML
models for automated, personalized decisions
across the customer life cycle; (2) building and
deploying AA/ML models at scale; (3) augmenting
AA/ML models with what we call “edge” capabilities¹
to reduce costs, streamline customer journeys, and
enhance the overall experience; and (4) building
an enterprise-wide digital-marketing engine to
translate insights generated in the decision-making
layer into a set of coordinated messages delivered
through the banks engagement layer.
Automated, personalized decisions
across the customer life cycle
If financial institutions begin by prioritizing the use
cases where AA/ML models can add the most value,
they can automate more than 20 decisions in diverse
customer journeys. Within the lending life cycle, for
example, leading banks are relying increasingly
on AI and analytics capabilities to add value in five
main areas: customer acquisition, credit decisioning,
monitoring and collections, deepening relationships,
and smart servicing (Exhibit 1, next page).
Customer acquisition
The use of advanced analytics is crucial to the
design of journeys for new customers, who may
follow a variety of paths to open a new card account,
Edge capabilities refer to next-generation AI-powered technologies that can provide financial institutions an edge over the competition.
Natural language processing (NLP), voice-script analysis, virtual agents, computer vision, facial recognition, blockchain, robotics, and
behavioral analytics are some of the technologies that we classify as “edge capabilities.” These capabilities can be instrumental in improving
customer experience and loyalty across multiple dimensions (engagement channels, intelligent advisory, faster processing), personalizing
offers with highly accurate underwriting, and improving operational efficiency across the value chain (from customer servicing to monitoring,
record management, and more).
30 AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
apply for a mortgage, or research new investment
opportunities. Some may head directly to the bank’s
website, mobile app, branch kiosk, or ATM. Others
may arrive indirectly through a partner’s website or by
clicking on an ad. Many banks already use analytical
tools to understand each new customers path to the
bank, so they get an accurate view of the customer’s
context and direction of movement, which enables
them to deliver highly personalized offers directly
on the landing page. Following local regulations
governing the use and protection of customer data,
banks can understand individuals’ needs more
precisely by analyzing how customers enter the
website (search, keywords, advertisements), their
browsing history (cookies, site history), and social-
media data to form an initial profile of each customer,
including financial position and provisional credit
scoring. Based on real-time analysis of a customers
digital footprint, banks can display a landing page
tailored to their profile and preferences.
These tools can also help banks tailor follow-up
messages and offers for each customer. Replacing
much of the mass messaging that used to flow to
thousands or tens of thousands of customers in a
subsegment, advanced analytics can help prioritize
customers for continued engagement. The bank can
select customers according to their responsiveness
to prior messaging—also known as their “propensity
to buy”—and can identify the best channel for
each type of message, according to the time of
day. And for the “last mile” of the customer journey,
AI-first institutions are using advanced analytics
to generate intelligent, highly relevant messages
Exhibit 1
Banks should prioritize using advanced analytics (AA) and machine learning (ML)
in decisions across the customer life cycle.
VAR is value at risk.
2AUM is assets under management.
Banks should prioritize using advanced analytics (AA) and machine learning
(ML) in decisions across the customer life cycle.
Customer life cycle
Customer retargeting
Channel mapping
Monthly customer-
acquisition run rate
Credit decisioning
Credit qualication
Limit assessment
Pricing optimization
Fraud prevention
turnaround time, %
of applications
Monitoring and
Probability of
VAR-based customer
Average days past
due, nonperforming
Intelligent oers (eg,
next product to buy)
Churn reduction
Channel propensity
Fatigue rule engine
attrition rate,2
products 6 per
Smart servicing
Servicing personas
Dynamic customer
routing (channel, agent)
Real-time recom-
mendation engine
AI-enabled agent
review and training
Net promoter score,
cost of servicing
Key metrics
31AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
and provide smart servicing via assisted channels to
create a superior experience, which has been shown to
contribute to higher rates of conversion.²
Credit decisioning
Setting themselves apart from traditional banks,
whose customers may wait anywhere from a day to a
week for credit approval, AI-first banks have designed
streamlined lending journeys, using extensive
automation and near-real-time analysis of customer
data to generate prompt credit decisions for retailers,
small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), and
corporate clients. They do this by sifting through a
variety of structured and unstructured data collected
from conventional sources (such as bank transaction
history, credit reports, and tax returns) and new ones
(including location data, telecom usage data, utility
bills, and more). Access to these nontraditional data
sources depends on open banking and other data
sharing guidelines as well the availability of officially
approved APIs and data aggregators in the local
market. Further, while accessing and leveraging
personal data of customers, banks must secure data
and protect customer privacy in accordance with
local regulations (e.g., the General Data Protection
Regulation in the EU and the California Consumer
Privacy Act in the US).
By using powerful AA/ML models to analyze these
broad and diverse data sets in near real time, banks
can qualify new customers for credit services,
determine loan limits and pricing, and reduce the risk
of fraud.
Credit qualification. Lenders seeking to determine
if a customer qualifies for a particular type of
loan have for many years used rule-based or
logistic-regression models to analyze credit
bureau reports. This approach, which relies on
a narrow set of criteria, fails to serve a large
segment of consumers and SMEs lacking a formal
credit history, so these potential customers turn
to nonbank sources of credit. In recent years,
however, leading banks and fintech lenders
have developed complex models for analyzing
structured and unstructured data, examining
hundreds of data points collected from social
media, browsing history, telecommunications
usage data, and more. This decisioning process
is automated from end to end, so it can be
completed nearly instantaneously, enabling
the bank to predict the likelihood of default for
individuals in a vast and potentially profitable
segment of unbanked and underbanked
consumers and SMEs. As banks build and refine
their qualification model, they can proceed
gradually, testing and improving the model—for
example, by using auto-approvals for customers
up to a certain threshold with significantly lower
default risk and using manual verification to
review those estimated to have a higher default
risk and then gradually shifting more cases to
automated decisioning.
Limit assessment. Leading banks are also using
AA/ML models to automate the process for
determining the maximum amount a customer
may borrow. These loan-approval systems, by
leveraging optical character recognition (OCR)
to extract data from conventional data sources
such as bank statements, tax returns, and
utilities invoices, can quickly assess a customer’s
disposable income and capacity to make regular
loan payments. The proliferation of digital
interactions also provides vast and diverse data
sets to fuel complex machine-learning models.
By building data sets that draw upon both
conventional and new sources of data, banks
can generate a highly accurate prediction of
a customer’s capacity to pay. Just a few data
sources that may be available for analysis (with
the customer’s permission) are emails, SMS, and
e-commerce expenditures.
Pricing. Banks generally have offered highly
standardized rates on loans, with sales
representatives and relationship managers
having some discretion to adjust rates within
certain thresholds. However, fierce competition
on loan pricing, particularly for borrowers with a
strong risk score, places banks using traditional
approaches at a considerable disadvantage
against AI-and-analytics leaders. Fortified with
highly accurate machine-learning models for risk
scoring and loan pricing, AI-first banks have been
able to offer competitive rates while keeping their
Erik Lindecrantz, Madeleine Tjon Pian Gi, and Stefano Zerbi, “Personalizing the customer experience: Driving differentiation in retail,” April
2020, McKinsey.com.
32 AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
risk costs low. Some are also using their decisioning
capabilities to quantify the customer’s propensity
to buy according to the customer’s use of different
types of financial products. Some even leverage
natural-language processing (NLP) to analyze
unstructured transcripts of interactions with sales
and service representatives and, in some cases,
collections personnel. By basing the offered rate
on both creditworthiness and propensity to buy, the
bank can optimize the balance of total asset volume,
risk, and interest income within a lending portfolio.
Fraud management. As competition for credit
relationships becomes concentrated in digital
channels, the automated processing of loan
applications and use of AA/ML models to expedite
credit approval and disbursement of funds not
only positions the bank to acquire new customers
and increase market share, but also opens new
opportunities for fraud. The costliest instances of
fraud typically fall into one of five categories: identity
theft, employee fraud, third-party or partner fraud
(e.g., fraud by sales agents), customer fraud, and
payment fraud (including money laundering and
sanctions violations). Banks should continuously
update their fraud detection and prevention
models, as we discuss later with regard to edge
capabilities. Ping An, for example, uses an image-
analytics model to recognize 54 involuntary micro-
expressions that occur before the brain has a
chance to control facial movements
AI-driven credit decisioning can build the business
while lowering costs. Sharper identification of risky
customers enables banks to increase approval
rates without increasing credit risk. What is more, by
automating as much of the lending journey as possible,
banks can reduce the costs of support functions and
strengthen each customer’s experience with faster
loan approval and disbursement of funds, fewer
requests for documentation, and credit offers precisely
tailored to meet customer needs. Exhibit 2 illustrates
how AI-enabled decisioning capabilities underpin a
customer’s onboarding journey.
“Chinese banks start scanning borrowers’ facial movements,” Financial Times, October 28, 2018, ft.com.
Exhibit 2
The combination of AI and analytics enhances the onboarding journey for each
new customer.
The combination of AI and analytics enhances the onboarding journey for each
new customer.
landing page
shows her per-
sonalized oers:
personal loan for
travel, 5% o on
travel insurance
oers based on
model to identify
whom to retarget
Channel propensity
to identify right
outreach channel
Joy receives a
reminder for
personal loan
for travel at zero
receives a call to
assist in journey;
caller also
Joy about custom
travel services
mapping with
specic cues
provided to caller
Joy completes a
3-click journey
to see the
oer terms and
AA-enabled real-
time credit
underwriting, limit
assessment, and
online know-your-
customer form,
provides details for
employment veri-
cation, and sets up
an online pay-
ment mandate
AI capabilities to
conduct relevant
fraud checks (eg,
facial recognition
with know-your-
customer docs)
Loan disbursed to
Joy; curated
catalog of oers
ahead of Joy’s
travel sent by
cross-sell and
upsell oers
Name: Joy
Age: 32 years
Occupation: Working professional
Family: Married, no children
Prole attribute: Avid traveler
33AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Monitoring and collections
Once a bank has employed AA/ML models to
automate loan underwriting and pricing, it can also
deploy AI and advanced analytics to reduce the
burden of nonperforming loans. Increasingly, banks
are engaging with clients proactively to help them
keep up with payments and work more closely
with clients who encounter difficulties. By drawing
upon internal and external data sources to build a
360-degree view of a customer’s financial position,
banks can recognize early-warning signals that a
borrowers risk profile may have changed and that
the risk of default should be reassessed.
Beyond conventional data sources like repayment
data and credit bureau reports, banks can digitize
and leverage other interaction data from campaigns,
field visits, and collection agents’ comments to
draw insights for collections strategy. Further, a
variety of external data partnerships for location
data and transaction history can help the bank
understand both the customer’s position and the
most effective approach, or contact strategy, for
averting default (Exhibit 3).
Contact strategy. To determine an appropriate
contact strategy for customers at risk of default,
banks can segment accounts according to value
at risk (VAR), which is the loan balance times
the probability of default. This allows banks to
focus high-touch interactions on borrowers that
account for the highest VAR; banks can then use
low-cost channels like telephoning and texting for
borrowers posing less risk. Banks have used this
approach to reduce both the cost of collections
and the volume of loans to be resolved through
restructuring, sale, or write-off.
Exhibit 3
Advanced analytics and machine learning can classify customers into
microsegments for targeted interventions.
Source: Ignacio Crespo and Arvind Govindarajan, “The analytics-enabled collections model,” McKinsey on Payments, August 2018, McKinsey.com
Advanced analytics and machine learning can classify customers into
microsegments for targeted interventions.
True low-risk
Use least
experienced agents
provided with set
Onscreen prompts
guide agent–client
conversation based
on probability of
breaking promises
Ignore or use
interactive voice
message (segment
will probably
10% of time saved,
allowing for
reassignment of
agents to more
dicult customers
and specic
Match agents to
customers; send live
prompts to agents
to modify scripts
Matching and
prompts can
increase sense of
connection and
likelihood of paying
True high-touch
Focus on customers
able to pay and at
high risk of not
Added focus
addresses higher
probability of default
rates in this segment
Unable to cure
Oer debt-
settlements early for
those truly
Signicant increase
in restructuring and
increases chance of
collecting at least
part of debt
Customer type
Ignacio Crespo and Arvind Govindarajan, “The analytics-enabled collections model,” April 2018, McKinsey.com.
34 AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Treatment strategy. If contact strategies through
various channels are inadequate to help the
customer resume timely payment, banks must
pursue stronger measures, according to the
customer’s ability and willingness to pay. Customers
with high willingness but limited ability to pay in the
short term may require restructuring of the loan
through partial-payment plans or loan extensions.
In cases where the customer exhibits both low
willingness and limited ability to pay, banks should
focus on early settlement and asset recovery.
Advanced analytics, enabled by unstructured
internal data sources such as call transcripts
from collections contact centers and external
data sources such as spending behavior on other
digital channels, can improve the accuracy of
determinations of ability and willingness to pay.
Deepening relationships
Strong customer engagement is the foundation
for maximizing customer value, and leaders
are using advanced analytics to identify less
engaged customers at risk of attrition and to craft
messages for timely nudges. As with any customer
communication in a smart omnichannel service
environment, each personalized offer is delivered
through the right channel according to the time of
day. Rich internal data for existing customers can
enable financial institutions to create a finely tuned
outreach strategy for each individual customer,
guided by risk considerations.
Deeper relationships are predicated on a banks
precise understanding of a customer’s unique
needs and expectations. A bank can craft offers to
meet emerging needs and deliver them at the right
time and through the right channel. By doing so, the
bank demonstrates that it understands customers’
current position and aspirations and can help them
get from the former to the latter. For example, by
analyzing browsing history and spending patterns, a
bank might recognize a consumer’s need for credit
to finance an upcoming purchase of a household
appliance. Analysis of internal data on product
usage can also reveal areas where the bank can
make its offering more relevant to a customer’s
current needs. Ping An, for example, has developed
a prediction algorithm to estimate the ideal
product-per-customer (PPC) ratio for each
user, based on individual needs. If analysis of
a customer’s needs produces an anticipated
product usage ratio of eight but the customer
uses only two products, the relationship
manager receives a prompt to reach out to the
customer and cross-sell or up-sell relevant
ecosystem products.
Servicing and engagement
AI-powered decisioning can enable banks to
create a smart, highly personalized servicing
experience based on customer microsegments,
thereby enabling different channels to deliver
superior service and a compelling experience
with interactions that are fast, simple, and
intuitive. Banks can support their relationship
managers with timely customer insights and
tailor-made offers for each customer. They can
also significantly improve agents’ productivity
with streamlined preapproved products crafted
to meet each customer’s distinct needs. Models
that analyze voice and speech characteristics
can match agents with customers based on
behavioral and psychological mapping. Similarly,
transcript analysis can enable prediction of
customer distress and suggest resolution to
the agent.
Deployment of AA/ML models at
Leveraging AI to automate decision making in
near real time is a complex and costly endeavor.
If banks are to earn the required return on their
technology investments, they must begin with a
strategy and road map to capture maximal scale
benefits in the design, building, and deployment
of AA/ML models.
As banks embark on this journey, leaders must
encourage all stakeholders to break out of siloed
mindsets and think broadly about how models
can be designed for uses in diverse contexts
across the enterprise. AI-first organizations have
succeeded by organizing the effort around four
“Ping An Bank: Change everything,” Asiamoney, September 26, 2019, asiamoney.com.
Violet Chung, Malcolm Gomes, Sailee Rane, Shwaitang Singh, Renny Thomas, “Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future,”
McKinsey.com, October 2020.
35AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
main elements: First, they prioritize the analytics
use cases with the biggest impact on customer
experience and the most value for the bank.
Second, they ensure that the data architecture,
data pipelines, application programming interfaces
(APIs), and other essential components are available
for building and deploying models at scale through
standardized, repeatable processes. Third, they
establish a semiautonomous lab for experimentation
and prototype development and set up a factory for
industrial-scale production of the solution. Fourth,
they assemble the right mix of talent for agile, cross-
functional teams and empower them to maximize
value in close alignment with enterprise strategy.
Several leading banks have established semi-
autonomous labs offering a test-and-learn
environment where cross-functional teams can
experiment with different approaches to achieving
the value-generating goals of a particular use case,
moving from minimal viable product to scalable
solution in a matter of weeks. Building AA/ML models
at scale and deploying them across the enterprise
depend on matching the right talent and skills with
each of the roles required for a successful analytics
lab and factory (Exhibit 4).
The lab combines talent from business, analytics,
technology, operations, and more. There are two
main technical roles. One is the data scientist,
who is responsible for identifying the analytics
techniques required to meet the business goal and
for programming advanced analytics algorithms.
The other is the data engineer, who scopes the data
Exhibit 4
Diverse roles are necessary for building and deploying AA/ML models at scale.
Continuous integration and continuous deployment.
Diverse roles are necessary for building and deploying AA/ML models at scale.
Lab environment
Product owner
Leads the squad;
typically a
business owner
who provides voice
of the customer
Data engineer
Scopes the data
available; builds
data architecture
and data pipelines
Focuses on
between end
users and the
analytics solution
Data scientist
Frames the
business problem
and develops
advanced analytics
between business
and technical
Delivery manager
Responsible for all
aspects of delivery
of the analytics
solution to meet
squad goal
Factory environment
Product owner
First point of
contact for
external stake-
holders; denes
the solution criteria
DevOps engineer
Develops CI/CD1
pipelines to
automate parts of
the software-
deployment pipeline
Develops software
components for
the back and front
ends of AI solutions
ML engineer
Optimizes ML
models for
performance and
scalability; deploys
the models into
components for the
analytics use case
Tara Balakrishnan, Michael Chui, Bryce Hall, and Nicolaus Henke, “The state of AI in 2020,” November 2020, McKinsey.com.
Nayur Khan, Brian McCarthy, and Adi Pradhan, “Executive’s guide to developing AI at scale,” October 2020, McKinsey.com.
36 AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
available, identifies major sources of data to be
consolidated for analytics, develops data pipelines to
simplify and automate data movement, and sets up
data architecture for storage and layering. In addition,
the role of translator is crucial to ensure consistent
communication and smooth collaboration between
business leaders and analytics specialists.
On factory teams, one of the primary technical
roles is the DevOps engineer, who is responsible
for developing continuous integration (CI) and
continuous deployment (CD) pipelines for deploying
software. In addition, the full-stack developer is
responsible for developing software components
for other layers of the stack. The machine-learning
engineer prepares models for deployment at scale,
and the infrastructure architect ensures that the
analytics solution is compatible with the architecture
of the core tech and data layer of the capability stack.
The lab-and-factory setup requires flexible and
scalable technologies to handle the changing
requirements of analytics engines. It is also important
to give analytics teams access to the centralized
data lake, and these teams must be able to draw
upon raw data from diverse sources to generate data
sets to be used in building models. The technology
supporting the solution must be modular to allow the
transfer of developed solutions to factory production
using DevOps tools. Finally, it is crucial to embed
performance management and risk controls within
models to avoid adverse impacts on operations.
Once the lab has developed a model, the factory
takes over, running 24/7 to put the model into
production and deploying it at scale in diverse use
cases across the enterprise.
Augmented AA/ML models with edge
The rapid improvement of AI-powered technologies
spurs competition on speed, cost, experience, and
intelligent propositions. To maintain its market
leadership, an AI-first institution must develop
models capable of meeting the processing
requirements of edge capabilities, including natural-
language processing (NLP), computer vision, facial
recognition, and more.
Some edge technologies already afford banks
the opportunity to strengthen existing models
with expanded data sets. For example, many
interactions with customers—via telephone,
mobile app, website, or increasingly, in a
branch—begin with a conversational interface
to establish the purpose of the interaction and
collect the information required to resolve the
query or transfer it to an agent. A routing engine
can use voice and image analysis to understand
a customer’s current sentiment and match the
customer with a suitable agent. The models
underpinning virtual assistants and chatbots
employ NLP and voice-script analysis to increase
their predictive accuracy as they churn through
vast unstructured data generated during
customer-service and sales interactions.
While each customer-service journey presents an
opportunity to deepen the relationship with the
help of next-product-to-buy recommendations,
banks should constantly seek to improve their
recommendation engines and messaging
campaigns. Feedback loops, for example, can
help marketing teams and frontline officers
gauge the effectiveness of an offer by analyzing
customers’ ongoing browsing and transaction
activity within the bank’s digital ecosystem and
beyond (Exhibit 5, next page).
As edge capabilities become more powerful,
leaders are developing new, increasingly
complex analytics solutions to create a superior
experience and introduce distinctive innovations.
Use of computer vision and voice-to-script
conversion can speed the completion of forms—
for instance, enabling a customer to respond
orally to questions and upload documents
from which relevant data can be extracted
automatically using optical character recognition
(OCR). Facial and sentiment analysis during an
in-person consultation or videoconference can
support frontline representatives with messages
and offers finely tuned to the customer’s needs
and aspirations.
Several banks use voice recognition to verify
customer identity for certain low-value, high-
volume transactions. Some are using facial
37AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
recognition to authenticate customers’ identity as soon
as they enter a branch, approach an ATM, or open the
banking app on a mobile device. As noted earlier, facial
analysis is also useful in identifying
potential fraud.
Leading banks are using blockchain to create smart
contracts, secure trade documents and automate the
release of funds upon delivery of goods, and establish
shared utilities to reduce the burden of know-your-
customer (KYC) and anti-money-laundering (AML)
compliance for banks and customers. Edge capabilities
deployed as part of an enterprise strategy to enhance
the AI bank’s value proposition have the potential not
only to improve credit underwriting and fraud
prevention but also to reduce the costs of document
handling and regulatory compliance.
Enterprise-wide digital marketing engine
While the automated decisions generated by AA/ML
models provide highly accurate, real-time predictions
of customer behaviors, banks must go the last mile to
ensure that these analytical insights have an impact
on customer behavior, such as purchasing a product,
making a loan payment, or exploring new service
offers. In other words, an organization must establish
a mechanism to “translate” analytical outcomes
into compelling messages to communicate to the
customer at the right time, through the preferred
channel—be it email, SMS, mobile app, website,
branch staff, or a relationship manager—according
to the time of day.
This last mile from decisioning to messaging is the
domain of the digital marketing engine. Seamlessly
integrated with applications across the full AI-and-
analytics capability stack with the help of APIs,
from data infrastructure to engagement channels,
this engine supports the nearly instantaneous
processing of raw data to produce tailored messages
communicated via engagement channels. Exhibit 6,
on the next page, illustrates the position of the digital
Exhibit 5
Edge capabilities enhance customer-service journeys.
Interactive voice response.
Edge capabilities enhance customer-service journeys.
Digital self-cure
channels for
customers (eg,
WhatsApp, mobile
app, website)
Customer may
seek immediate
resolution of
queries through
digital self-service
enabled IVR,1
frontline bots
handling 30–50%
of queries
If query is not
resolved through
customer may
contact bank via
chat or request
call with live agent
customer proling,
connected to the
appropriate agent
(chat or call) based
on type of query
and customer
and NLP-enabled2
sentiment analysis
agents supported
by live feedback
and prompts to
sustain superior
Customers are
prompted for any
specic oers
preapproved for
Feedback loop via
Postcall feedback
and automated
follow-up occur via
digital channels
38 AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
marketing engine (or martech stack) within the
decisioning layer of the AI-bank capability stack.
The digital marketing engine comprises platforms
and applications fulfilling four main functions: data
management, design and activation, measurement
and testing, and channel analytics. The data
management platform, which forms part of the
core tech and data infrastructure layer of the
AI-bank capability stack, supplies the data used
to create and manage target customer segments.
The design and activation function has three
elements: (1) the content management platform,
where messages, offers, advertisements, and
other interventions are created, managed,
and modified; (2) the ad tech server, which
automates advertisements based on data
analysis; and (3) the campaign management
platform, which supports the creation and
management of marketing campaigns, which
are conducted automatically according to the
microsegmentation generated by the data
management platform.
Just as the AI-and-analytics capability
stack entails fundamental changes in the
organization’s talent, culture, and ways of
working, the success of digital marketing
Exhibit 6
The digital marketing engine requires full stack capabilities.
Advanced-analytics and machine-learning.
Natural-language processing.
The digital marketing engine requires full stack capabilities.
Engagement layer
Email SMS
Decisioning layer
Martech stack
Data lake layer
Raw data lake
Comprehensive set of data sources: internal structured data (eg, applications, product holding, payment behavior),
unstructured data (eg, call logs), CRM, external data (eg, telco, clickstream data), campaign performance data
Data mgmt.
Mobile app Website
feedback loop
Ad tech
Design and activation
AA/ML models: Decisioning and personalization engine
Curated data lake
Other use cases
Additional derived
elements for personalization
Customer 360 Personalization store
39AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
capabilities depends on an agile operating
model. This model consists of autonomous cross-
functional teams (or pods) drawing upon the
talent of different parts of the enterprise, such
as business units, marketing, analytics, channels,
operations, and technology. Each pod should also
include representatives from partner organizations
crucial to the digital marketing effort—for example,
user-interface and user-experience designers,
who lay out the campaign’s look and feel and its
flow, and copywriters, who finalize the language
of any intervention. The members of each pod
collaborate on developing, managing, and improving
engagement campaigns, and each member is
accountable for campaigns’ impact according to
clearly defined key performance indicators (KPIs).
To achieve the desired outcome, an AI-first bank
launching daily personalized communications to
millions of customers must build tools for continual
testing and learning. The measurement and testing
platform flags potential aspects of content or
distribution to improve, thereby enabling teams to
evaluate in real time the effectiveness of campaigns.
Another source of continual feedback is channel
analytics, which includes tools and dashboards
for real-time tracking of engagement across each
target segment. Every day, each pod leverages the
channel analytics and measurement and testing
platforms to closely track various indicators,
including delivery rates, email open rates, click-
through rates by channel for customers seeking
more information (the first call to action), conversion
rates, and more. These diagnostics help members
of the pod experiment with potential enhancements
to messages, advertisements, and campaign design.
As an example, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
(CBA) leverages its mobile app to test messages
and learn within hours what works and what must
be changed. This cadence enables rapid scaling of
campaigns to similar customer segments.
In measurement of campaigns’ impact, scientific
rigor is crucial. To allow for precise measurement
of the incremental value of the campaign, each
target segment should include a control group of
customers excluded from the campaign. The tools
and capabilities for evaluating the effectiveness of
customer-engagement campaigns help employees
across the organization understand how they can
enhance their impact on individual customers and
add value to an AI-oriented culture.
The rapid improvement of AI-powered technologies
spurs competition on speed, cost, experience, and
intelligent propositions. To remain competitive,
banks must engage customers with highly
personalized and timely content to build loyalty.
Personalized offers with tailored communication
delivered at the right time through the customer’s
preferred channel can help banks maximize the
lifetime value of each customer relationship and
reinforce the organizations market leadership.
To achieve these benefits, banks must build
AI-powered decisioning capabilities fueled by a rich
mixture of internal and external data and augmented
by edge technologies. The core technology and
data infrastructure required to collect and curate
increasingly diverse and voluminous data sets is the
topic of the next article in our series on the AI-bank
capability stack.
Akshat Agarwal is an associate partner in McKinseys Bangalore office. Charu Singhal a consultant and Renny Thomas is a
senior partner, both in the Mumbai office.
Paul McIntyre, “CommBank’s analytics chief on how its AI-powered ‘Customer Engagement Engine’ is changing everything,” Mi3, September 21,
2020, mi-3.com.au.
40 AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Global Banking & Securities
Beyond digital transformations:
Modernizing core technology
for the AI bank of the future
For artificial intelligence to deliver value across the organization, banks
need core technology that is scalable, resilient, and adaptable. Building
that requires changes in six key areas.
April 2021
© Getty Images
by Sven Blumberg, Rich Isenberg, Dave Kerr, Milan Mitra, and Renny Thomas
An artificial-intelligence (AI) bank leapfrogs
the competition by organizing talent, technology,
and ways of working around an AI-first vision
for empowering customers with intelligent value
propositions delivered through compelling
journeys and experiences. Making this vision
a reality requires capabilities in four areas:
an engagement layer, decisioning layer, core
technology layer, and platform operating model.
We discussed the the first two areas in the
previous articles. The capabilities of the
reimagined engagement layer enable the AI bank
to deliver highly personalized seamless journeys
across bank channels and within partner
ecosystems. The capabilities of the AI-powered
decisioning layer transform customer insights
into messages and offers tailored to address a
customer’s unique needs. The current article
identifies capabilities needed in the third area,
the core technology and data infrastructure of
the modern capability stack.
Deploying AI capabilities across the organization
requires a scalable, resilient, and adaptable
set of core-technology components. When
implemented successfully, this foundational
layer can enable a bank to accelerate technology
innovations, improve the quality and reliability
of operations, reduce operating costs, and
strengthen customer engagement.
We begin by summarizing the primary demands
banking leaders should consider as they plan
an enterprise-wide initiative to modernize
core technology, data management, and the
underlying infrastructure. Next, we examine
the key transformations required to modernize
the core technology and data infrastructure.
We conclude by sharing 12 actions technology
leaders should consider taking to ensure the
transformation creates value for customers and
the bank.
An AI-first model places demands on
a banks core technology
Across industries, many organizations have
struggled to keep pace with the demand for
digitization, especially as consumers accelerated
their adoption of digital channels for daily
transactions during the COVID19 crisis.¹ Even
before that, however, the financial-services
industry has historically had mixed success
in technology. Institutions that were early
adopters and innovators in technology have
built up a complex landscape of technical assets
over decades and accumulated significant
technical debt. Some institutions have tackled
this challenge; many are behind the curve.
Meanwhile, alongside the incumbents, an
extremely active fintech industry has been
constantly innovating and raising the bar.
Financial institutions that have shifted from
being intensive consumers of technology to
making AI and analytics a core capability are
finding it easier to shift into the real-time and
consumer-centric ecosystem. As AI technologies
play an increasingly central role in creating value
for banks and their customers, financial-services
organizations need to reinvent themselves
as technology-forward institutions, so they
can deliver customized products and highly
personalized services at scale in near real time.
At many institutions, standard practices now
include omnichannel engagement, the use of
APIs to support increased real-time information
exchange across systems, and the use of big
data analytics to improve credit underwriting,
evaluate product usage, and prioritize
opportunities for deepening relationships. As
financial-services organizations continue
to mature, the increasing demands on the
technology infrastructure to support more
complex use cases involving analytics and real-
Tamara Charm, Anne Grimmelt, Hyunjin Kim, Kelsey Robinson, Nancy Lu, Mayank, Mianne Ortega, Yvonne Staack, and Naomi Yamakawa,
“Consumer sentiment and behavior continue to reflect the uncertainty of the COVID19 crisis,” October 2020, McKinsey.com.
42 Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
time insights are pushing firms to reexamine
their overall technology function. Once they have
committed to modernizing the core technology
and data infrastructure underpinning the
engagement and decision-making layers of the
capability stack, banks should organize their
transformation around six crucial demands:
technology strategy, superior experiences,
scalable data and analytics platforms, scalable
hybrid infrastructure, configurable product
processors, and cybersecurity strategy (Exhibit 1).
Robust strategy for building technology
Before embarking on a fundamental
transformation of core technology and data
infrastructure, financial-services organizations
should craft a detailed strategy for building
an AI-first value proposition. They should also
develop a road map for the transformation,
focusing on three dimensions of value creation:
faster time to market with efficient governance
and productivity tracking, clear alignment of
demand and capacity to meet strategic and near-
term priorities, and a well-defined mechanism to
coordinate “change the bank” and “run the bank”
initiatives according to their potential to
generate value.
Faster time to market requires efficient and
repeatable development and testing practices
coupled with robust platforms and productivity-
measurement tools. Aligning demand and capacity
according to strategic priorities works on two
levels. On one level, banks need to ensure that
execution, infrastructure, and support capacity are
optimized to ensure constant operation of all use
cases and journeys. On the other, with constant
uptime assured, work should be organized and
scheduled to expedite projects having the greatest
impact on value. Finally, financial institutions
should establish clear mechanisms for setting
priorities and ensuring that each use case is
designed and built to generate a return exceeding
capital investments and operating costs.
Exhibit 1
The AI-bank transformation places several crucial demands on core technology
and data infrastructure.
The AI-bank transformation places several crucial demands on core
technology and data infrastructure.
Robust strategy for building
technology capabilities
Superior omnichannel journeys
and customer experiences
Modern, scalable platform for
data and analytics
Scalable hybrid infrastructure
strategy for the cloud
Highly congurable and
scalable core product processors
Secure and robust
perimeter for access
43Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
Superior omnichannel journeys and customer
Building journeys that excite customers with
their speed, intuitiveness, efficiency, and impact
typically involves various applications spanning
multiple bank and nonbank systems, all linked
together by a series of APIs and integrations.
This complex information exchange enables the
organization to ingest valuable data from diverse
sources to produce highly personalized messages
and offers that speak directly to the customer
in near real time. In addition to a standardized
approach to managing APIs, banks should develop
a clear mechanism to integrate across channels,
core systems, and external interfaces while
managing changes across multiple dependent
systems. They should bear in mind, for example,
that introducing a change in an existing digital
channel could potentially entail changes not only
across the front end but also across multiple
interfacing systems, core product processors, and
analytics layers.
A focus on journeys and user experience also
benefits back-office and operations teams. New
products are increasingly automated at the back
end, freeing staff to focus on genuinely exceptional
scenarios and differentiating activities, rather than
repetitive low-value activities.
Finally, to ensure maximum value, use cases and
capabilities should be designed as “enterprise
products” to be reused in other areas. For example,
the deployment of microservices handling discrete
tasks like document collection and ID verification
can ensure consistency in the way things are
done across the organization. APIs should also
be documented and catalogued for reuse. APIs
that are domain- or product-centric (for example,
enabling the retrieval of customer details from a
single customer store) have higher reusability and
take an enterprise-level view of the capability, as
compared with a journey-centric API design—for
example, one where an API supports retrieval of
customer details for a specific mobile journey.
Modern, scalable platform for data and
Delivering highly personalized offers in near
real time requires AI-powered decision-making
capabilities underpinned by robust data
assets. What is more, the at-scale development
of machine-learning (ML) models that are
context aware in real time requires automated
DevSecOps² and machine-learning ops (MLOps)
tools to enable secure and compliant continuous
integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD).
This entails complex orchestration across source
systems, data platforms, and data sciences
to enable lab experimentation and factory
production. This is particularly complex in a highly
regulated environment where the involvement of
security, audit, risk, and other functions is crucial
in many stages of the process.
The incorporation of feedback loops with channel
systems enables models to evaluate the output
performance and make automated adjustments
to increase the effectiveness of personalized
messages, so the organization can generate
personalized offers nearly instantaneously. For
example, in the case of location-based offers
for adjacent products, an organization must be
able to overlay in real time customer location
and preferences (as reflected in previous
transactions) with predefined offers from nearby
participating merchants.
Scalable hybrid infrastructure utilizing the cloud
With the continued expansion of customer
engagement across bank and nonbank platforms,
financial institutions need to create hyperscalable
infrastructure to process high-volume
transactions in milliseconds. This capability
is made possible, in part, by infrastructure
as code, automated server provisioning, and
robust automated configuration management
processes, which together solve the problem of
“snowflake” configurations resulting from organic
and complex linkages and changes that have
accumulated over time.
DevSecOps tools support the integration of “development, security, infrastructure, and operations at every stage in the product’s life cycle,
from planning and design to ongoing use and support.” See Santiago Comella-Dorda, James Kaplan, Ling Lau, and Nick McNamara, “Agile,
reliable, secure, compliant IT: Fulfilling the promise of DevSecOps,” May 2020, McKinsey.com.
44 Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
Hosting these environments on a distributed-
network cloud environment allows a balance
between paid-up-front baseline storage and
computing capacity, on the one hand, and, on the
other, elastic on-demand surge capacity without
disruptions to service. Self-monitoring and
preventive maintenance also are automated, and
disaster recovery and resiliency measures run in
the background to ensure constant uptime even
if incidents evade automated self-repair and
require manual intervention. As a result, the risk
of disruption to critical operations is minimized,
and customer-facing applications run with high
availability and responsiveness. The combination
of on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure
is increasingly relevant in high-volume and high-
frequency areas such as payments processing,
core banking platforms, and customer
onboarding systems. Making workloads “cloud
native” and portable allows the work to be moved
to the most appropriate platform.
Highly configurable and scalable core product
To sustain a leading-edge value proposition
founded upon AI and ML capabilities, banks
must continually evaluate their core products
and identify opportunities for innovations
and customizations. Combined with deep
understanding of customer needs, enabled
by advanced analytics, an organization can
anticipate emerging customer requests and
design distinctive products accordingly. The
need for real-time reconciliation and round-
the-clock transaction processing also emerges
as a key competitive advantage for financial
institutions. For example, with the advent
of next-generation core banking platforms,
organizations can now develop products that are
built for scale and can be readily configured to
meet specific customer expectations.³
Secure and robust perimeter for access
It is crucial to ensure that the organization
maintains an appropriate cybersecurity posture
across the entire technology infrastructure
as protection against vulnerabilities within
applications, operating systems, hardware,
and networks. Financial institutions should
also implement appropriate measures to
secure the perimeter and control access
to various systems and applications within
the organization’s infrastructure footprint,
including private and public cloud servers
and on-premises data centers. For example,
transferring workloads from traditional
on-premises infrastructure to public cloud
requires careful measures to protect customer
data, along with a robust strategy for detecting
and remediating potential threats and
The “classical” approaches of securing the
perimeter should be coupled with more modern
approaches to limit the impact of intrusions or
reduce the “blast radius.” Again, AI has a part
to play here, given the advent of increasingly
sophisticated network intrusion detection,
anomaly detection, and even forensics during
postmortems of security incidents.
Start the transformation by
prioritizing key changes
To meet these demands, financial institutions
will need to transition from a legacy
architecture and operating model to an
automation and cloud-first strategy. Building
the core technology and data capabilities upon
a highly automated, hybrid-cloud infrastructure
can enable the AI bank to scale rapidly
and efficiently as it gains competitive and
differentiating capabilities.
The AI-bank capability stack combines core
systems and AI-and-analytics capabilities in
a unified architecture designed for maximal
automation, security, and scalability. Getting
to this target state requires a series of complex
initiatives to transform the organization’s core
technology and data infrastructure. These
initiatives focus on several key areas: tech-
Xavier Lhuer, Phil Tuddenham, Sandhosh Kumar, and Brian Ledbetter, “Next-generation core banking platforms: A golden ticket?” August
2019, McKinsey.com.
45Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
forward strategy, modern API and streaming
architecture, core processors and systems, data
management, intelligent infrastructure, and
cybersecurity and control tower (Exhibit 2).
Tech-forward strategy
Banks should begin this far-reaching initiative by
translating the AI-first vision into an enterprise
strategy that merges technology with business,
funding investments in innovation with the returns
on incremental changes in technology. Business
and technology collaborate as co-owners in
designing and managing operating models
and outcomes. This “tech-forward” mindset
thrives in interdisciplinary teams focused on
innovation and led by skilled engineering talent
leveraging modern tools and practices for first-
time-right releases. Organizations should also
adopt enterprise agile practices for high-velocity
engineering teams, with integrated cross-functional
teams of business, technology, and functional
experts, and external partners using modern
approaches to software development, testing,
release, and support cycles. In addition, efficient
management of the full stack requires governance
of the technology function through a standardized
set of metrics, along with ongoing tracking of
uptime and health for each component of the stack.
Modern API and streaming architecture
Next, banks should integrate internal and external
systems to support seamless customer journeys
across internal platforms, partner ecosystems,
and numerous external interfaces. This requires
The technology transformation described in this and other articles in our series on the AI bank of the future aligns broadly with our colleagues’
discussion of the tech-forward approach, which applies across industries. See Anusha Dhasarathy, Isha Gill, Naufal Khan, Sriram Sekar, and Steve
Van Kuiken, “How to become tech-forward: A technology-transformation approach that works,” November 2020, McKinsey.com.
Exhibit 2
Building a modern core technology and data infrastructure entails
changes in several key areas.
Building a modern core technology and data infrastructure entails changes in
several key areas.
Modern APIs and
streaming architecture
Core processors
and systems
Data management
for the AI world
Intelligent infrastructure
Cybersecurity and
control tower
Channels and digital-journey integrations
46 Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
a robust, scalable, and standardized approach
to building and hosting integrations and APIs.
The APIs, in turn, should be rigorously tested for
performance and developed using agile release
principles. When a well-defined stock of APIs-as-
products are orchestrating flows across systems,
product innovations can advance from concept
to production and deployment of minimum viable
product within 30 to 60 days.
To complement a robust API strategy, technology
leaders should also consider establishing a
high-speed data-streaming channel to enable
standardized asynchronous data transfer across
the enterprise in real time.
Core processors and systems
With the right architecture in place, banks can
shift away from traditional, complex, and tightly
intertwined core systems to lightweight and
highly configurable core product processors
and workflows. These processors are also
complemented by “microservices,” or discrete
applications (such as for payments, card
accounts, or loans) that “externalize” the logic
within traditional core platforms.
The transition to lightweight core processors and
systems hosted on scalable, modular, and lean
platforms exposed as APIs supports, for example,
real-time reconciliation and allows changes to be
made in live systems with zero downtime. Use of
modern cloud-based infrastructure to host such
platforms also makes it easier to scale up.
If successfully implemented, a lightweight
processor platform can enable an organization
to advance from new-product concept to launch
in two to three months. This is a significant
advantage against organizations constrained
by legacy technology, where launching a new
product or customizing an existing product
can take six months or more. Assembly of new
off-the-shelf product stacks can also enable
innovative new customer propositions, such
as an end-to-end lending journey on a modern
stack using these principles.
Data management for the AI world
It is crucial to establish a modern data and
analytics platform to fuel the real-time ML
models of the decision-making layer. The
analytical insights generated by these models
are deployed through martech tools to craft the
intelligent offers and smart experiences that set
an AI bank apart from traditional incumbents. In
order to support superior omnichannel customer
journeys and seamless integration with partner
ecosystems, the data platform must be capable
of ingesting, analyzing, and deploying vast
amounts of data in near real time.
The data platform should also provide scalable
workbenches with AI and data-science
capabilities to lab and factory teams. These
workbenches enable teams to access relevant
data sets as they develop models and deploy
insights in product iterations. The infrastructure
should also support the development of ML
models through automated and repeatable
If an organization allows interdisciplinary teams
across the enterprise to search and extract
data held on the platform, these teams can
optimize their data consumption according to
customer needs and market opportunities. It
is essential to enable data-science teams with
appropriate tooling and access to scalable
computing power so that they may experiment
and innovate. Underpinning these actions,
appropriate technical documentation and
cataloging of assets (for example, APIs, ML
models, data dictionary, DevOps and MLOps
tools) ensure proper governance and access
control. By creating ML models and scorecards
through a well-defined lab-factory model,
AI-first organizations empower employees to
leverage self-serve, real-time data and analytics
infrastructure to guide value-based planning
and support daily decision making.
Intelligent infrastructure
Banks then should ensure they have an
effective strategy to modernize infrastructure.
For this, they should consider the adoption
of public cloud to complement the traditional
infrastructure in situations where workloads
require resiliency, scale, and use of hosted
or managed offerings (such as hosted
databases). Public cloud enables velocity
47Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
through higher levels of automation, templates,
and reduction of operational risk. When setting
up such environments, banks must build upon
the foundational elements of infrastructure
management, including observability, resiliency,
and high availability, as well as a robust
configuration strategy. A well-tuned, scalable,
and load-balanced stack can support response
times of less than a second while scaling
horizontally to cater to variations in transaction
Cybersecurity and control tower
Finally, institutions should address cybersecurity
and control. This includes setting up a centralized
control tower to monitor data, systems, and
networks across the infrastructure. The scope
of responsibility includes ensuring boundary
security and identifying and rectifying threats
and intrusions. Also crucial is to establish a
well-defined set of compliance measures for
security testing and vulnerability scanning
before deploying assets on live systems. These
measures reduce the risk posed by potential
threat scenarios.
Technology leaders should prioritize
interconnected capabilities
Given the broad scope of components to be
transformed, organizations should bear in
mind that optimal outcomes are much likelier
when they first establish a holistic strategy for
technology transformation. Unfortunately, not
all have found the resources to embrace fully the
potential offered by the rapid advancement of
AI technologies and the steady rise in customer
expectations. Some financial institutions,
despite seeing the imperative to change, have
maintained and modernized their legacy
platforms. Various business lines have set up
organically built platforms upon this foundation,
making it costlier and more and more complex
to maintain. Many organizations have spent billions
of dollars on multiyear technology initiatives
within silos, only to find that they fail to generate
the scale benefits required to justify investments.
Leaders should heed these lessons, adopt a holistic
perspective, and map priorities according to the
end-to-end impact that each step in the technology
transformation has on the value of the enterprise.
If an organization meets the strategic demands
outlined at the top of this article, the implementation
of modern core technology and data infrastructure
can yield significant value in the form of faster
delivery of changes and improvements, increased
cost efficiency, higher quality of assets, and
stronger customer outcomes. For example, a sound
DevOps and release-management strategy can
contribute to a 25 to 30 percent increase in capacity
creation, a reduction in time to market of 50 to 75
percent, and more than a 50 percent reduction
in failure rates. In turn, development efforts can
improve schedule adherence by 1.5 times and
reduce customer defects by 20 to 30 percent
through process automation and agile ways of
working, and leading organizations have improved
issue-resolution time and planning time by between
30 and 50 percent. There are indirect benefits as
well: by empowering employees with a clear mission,
autonomy, and strong focus on customers, agile
organizations have been able to increase employee
engagement by 20 to 30 percent, as reflected both
in willingness to recommend their workplaces and in
employee-satisfaction surveys.
Technology transformations are fraught with risk,
including delays and cost overruns, and only those
organizations whose leaders are prepared to
commit the energy and capital necessary to carry
through with the comprehensive effort should
embark on the journey. Ultimately, this is a decision
not just to survive, but to thrive, and it requires a
change in mindset. Specifically, traditional financial
institutions will need to break out of their legacy
Thomas Delaet and Ling Lau, “DevOps: The key to IT infrastructure agility,” March 2017, McKinsey.com.
Matt Brown, Ankur Dikshit, Martin Harrysosn, Shivam Srivastava, and Kunal Thanki, “A new management science for technology product
delivery,” February 2020, McKinsey.com.
Wouter Aghina, Christopher Handscomb, Jesper Ludolph, Daniel Rona, and Dave West, “Enterprise agility: Buzz or business impact?” March
2020, McKinsey.com.
“Enterprise agility,” March 2020.
48 Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
technology architecture and explore AI-and-
analytics opportunities. Should they undertake
the challenge and begin thinking about how
best to chart their course to becoming an AI
bank, their leaders may consider 12 key insights
gleaned from the experience of financial-
services leaders that are in the process of
carrying out such transformations (Exhibit 3):
1. Consider the factory model to build at scale.
Leverage a factory approach in fast-evolving
and critical areas of the transformation to
enable repeatable execution and development
of capabilities within technology teams and to
promote standardization to speed up execution.
For example, a core system factory consisting
of teams, predefined operating procedures,
and systems to manage, prioritize, and execute
changes across business units can expedite
deployment of new solutions significantly.
2. Consider insourcing differentiating capabilities.
Based on the eventual outcomes desired, build
certain differentiating capabilities in-house,
Exhibit 3
Leaders should consider 12 key insights as they embark on the technology-
transformation journey.
Leaders should consider 12 key insights as they embark on the technology-
transformation journey.
Tech-forward strategy
Modern APIs and
streaming architecture
Core processors and systems
Cybersecurity and control tower
Intelligent infrastructure
Data management for
the AI world
Consider the factory model to build at scale
Consider insourcing dierentiating capabilities
Maintain rigorous documentation on integrations
Identify an anchor stack but experiment with others
Maintain automation-rst and fast-release posture
Consider a modern core for high-velocity areas
Adopt a value-centric approach to building data platforms
Set up a lab and factory for analytics
Dene the enterprise cloud strategy
Establish end-to-end visibility across the stack
Identify the right perimeter design for the cloud
Ensure data security on the cloud
49Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
with robust engineering support, perhaps
starting with APIs, infrastructure, or the data
and analytics platform.
3. Maintain rigorous documentation on
integrations. Remember that the development
of engagement systems and comprehensive
changes in core-technology require significant
adjustments to integrations, and substandard
documentation of the specifications for these
integrations often slows the broader initiative
to transform the bank.
4. Identify an anchor stack but experiment
with others. Emphasize the importance of
standardization for engineering-centric
development at scale, and build on a single
stack to support faster change. At the same
time, continue experimenting with other stacks
and stack components for smaller builds in
order to adopt alternative or newer approaches
where the incremental benefits are clearly
5. Maintain an automation-first and fast-
release posture. Adopt an automation-first
and frequent-deployments posture on fast-
evolving applications and stacks. While initial
hiccups are not uncommon, release rails
should be hardened over time to speed up time
to market. Well-defined release management
and deployments are key to execution velocity.
Standardizing through DevSecOps typically
unlocks productivity gains of as much as 20 to
30 percent.
6. Consider a modern core for high-velocity
areas. Consider modern and lightweight
core systems built on scalable and hybrid
infrastructure to enable an efficient rollout of
new capabilities while enabling a modular build
of financial products.
7. Adopt a value-centric approach to building
data platforms. Take advantage of the fact that
data and analytics platforms evolve over time,
and do not allow teams to be overwhelmed
by the rapid shift of tooling and available
technology. We have observed that organizations
that budget the anticipated return of change
efforts are able to prioritize use cases that are
functionally simple, fit the road map for building
the platform in iterations, and realize economic
value along the way.
8. Set up a lab and factory for analytics. Establish
a lab to experiment with tools and platforms for
efficient development in test-and-learn cycles.
Also, build a central factory for producing and
deploying analytics use cases at scale on an
individual stack.
9. Define the enterprise cloud strategy. Create a
common strategy across stakeholders to enable
a structured and systematic migration to the
cloud. Cloud adoption poses multiple firsts in
the enterprise in terms of security perimeters,
change management, and cloud-migration and
disposition strategy.
10. Establish end-to-end visibility across the
technology and infrastructure stack. Recognizing
that at-scale digital transformations impose
limitations on volume and scale, implement robust
automated tools to observe stack performance
and to diagnose and resolve issues.
11. Identify the right perimeter design for the cloud.
To safeguard against potential malicious attacks
on cloud-based public-facing applications,
design an appropriate network perimeter that
optimizes the potential attack radius.
12. Ensure data security on the cloud. Design
robust data-categorization and data-security
safeguards to avoid critical customer-data
combinations and comply with national data-
protection and data-residency laws.
If banks are to thrive in a world where customer
expectations are increasingly shaped by the
AI-and-analytics capabilities of technology leaders,
they must rebuild their core technology and data
infrastructure to support AI-powered decision
50 Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
making and reimagined customer engagement.
These are the three “technology layers” of the
AI-bank capability stack. The full stack also
includes a leading-edge operating model to
ensure that all layers work together in unison to
deliver intelligent propositions through smart
servicing and experiences. The AI bank of the
future requires an agile culture and platform-
oriented operating model that respond promptly
to emerging opportunities and deliver innovative
solutions rapidly at scale. The next article in
this series examines the crucial elements of the
platform operating model.
Sven Blumberg is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Dusseldorf office, Rich Isenberg is a partner in the Atlanta office, Dave Kerr is
a senior expert in the Singapore office, Milan Mitra is an associate partner in the Bengaluru office, and Renny Thomas is a senior
partner in the Mumbai office.
The authors would like to thank Brant Carson, Kayvaun Rowshankish, Yihong Wu, and Himanshu Satija for their contributions to
this article.
51Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of the future
Global Banking & Securities
Platform operating model
for the AI bank of the future
Technology alone cannot define a successful AI bank; the AI bank
of the future also needs an operating model that brings together the
right talent, culture, and organizational design.
May 2021
© Getty Images
by Brant Carson, Abhishek Chakravarty, Kristy Koh, and Renny Thomas
As we noted at the beginning of this series on the
AI bank of the future, disruptive AI technologies can
dramatically improve banks’ performance in four key
areas: higher profits, at-scale personalization, smart
omnichannel experiences, and rapid innovation
cycles. The stakes could not be higher, and success
requires a holistic transformation spanning all layers
of the organization’s capability stack.
Our previous articles have focused on the capability
stacks technology layers: reimagined engagement,
AI-powered decision making, and modern core
technology and data infrastructure. Leveraging
these capabilities to create value requires an
operating model combining structure, talent, culture,
and ways of working to synchronize all layers of the
stack. Synchronizing these layers is not easy. Any
organization undertaking an AI-bank transformation
must determine how to structure the organization
so that its people interact and leverage tools and
capabilities to deliver value for each customer at
scale. In this article, we take a closer look at the
need for a platform operating model, the categories
and scope of operating models, and the building
blocks of effective models.
The heart of an AI bank is always-on
customer interaction
The need to change a banks operating model
arises from a combination of external and internal
circumstances. Externally, as consumers and
businesses increasingly rely on AI technologies in
daily life, banks are shifting the foundation of their
business models from products to experiences.
In other words, as many traditional banking
products become embedded—or even “invisible”
within beyond-the-bank journeys, experiences
become the more salient element of a customer’s
relationship with the bank. This shift involves a rapid
increase in the number of customer interactions,
and at the same time, the revenue associated with
each interaction is declining. This is a fundamental
change: just a few years ago, customers conducted
business with the bank by visiting a branch once or
twice a month; more recently, they would conduct
transactions several times each week through the
bank website; now many customers interact with
their bank daily through their mobile banking app,
and often several times a day through wearable
devices. In short, banks and their customers now
have an interconnected, always-on relationship.
Circumstances within the bank are changing as
well—albeit at a slower pace, due largely to the
complexity of legacy technology and operating
models coupled with the steadily rising cost of
maintaining and upgrading IT infrastructure. Siloed
structures also hamper organizations’ ability
to transform themselves. Decision making at
traditional banks is typically slow and cumbersome,
and ineffective prioritization (done at too high a
level without understanding underlying resource
contentions) results in frequent project delays
and cost overruns. Insufficient domain expertise
and blurred accountability—particularly between
business units and technology teams—too often
cause new solutions to fall short of customer
expectations. What is more, multiple systems
perform similar functions, and the increasing
complexity of IT architecture with a proliferation of
applications weakens system resilience and stability
and increases risk when changes are made.
The widening divide between fast-evolving
customer expectations and inertia within the bank
reinforces silos and weakens the bank’s ability to
respond to the demands of the new machine age.
The challenge for leaders is to shift the organization
from this siloed structure to a radically flattened
network of platforms.
Platforms focus on delivering business
Today, banks that recognize the value of AI and
technology enabling better customer and business
experiences are moving steadily toward a platform
operating model, leveling command-and-control
structures to speed decision making and bring
people together in teams relentlessly focused on
delivering solutions that customers value. In this
agile approach, each platform can be thought of
as a collection of software and hardware assets,
funding, and talent that together provide a specific
capability. While some platforms, such as those
for retail mortgages, deliver business-technology
solutions to serve internal or external clients, others
53 Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
enable other platforms with shared services and
support functions (for example, payments and core
banking). Each platform is largely self-contained in
producing business and technology outcomes and
autonomous in prioritizing its work to meet strategic
goals within clearly defined guardrails, such as
common standards, finance, and risk control.
Platform elements
As banks think about setting up a platform operating
model, they should bear in mind that each platform
comprises three main elements. When structured
correctly, these elements will help a platform team
set its North Star and carry out its mission in a way
that creates value for customers and the enterprise.
Strategy and road map. The joint vision
combines business and technology outcomes
to deliver end-to-end value. Close alignment
between the business unit and the technology
group on performance objectives and agenda
unites all members of the platform around a
shared strategic vision, with a road map for
executing priorities that balance change and
Organization and governance. Organization
of business-facing platforms (e.g., retail
mortgages) should be based on a “two in a
box” engagement model, meaning business
and technology leaders own joint performance
metrics that track both commercial and
technological outcomes. Each platform
manages its business and technological
priorities through a shared backlog of work and
delivers through persistent cross-functional
agile teams, each of which builds its platform
over time and focuses not only on one project,
but continually improves the platform.
Technology. Each platform owns its technology
landscape and standardized interaction
mechanisms with other platforms (for example,
leveraging APIs). It also has an inherent
objective to modernize its technology.
Platform categories
In most cases, a platform can be thought of
as a nimble fintech group in one of three main
categories: business platforms, enterprise
platforms, or enabling platforms (Exhibit 1).
Exhibit 1
The platforms crucial to a banks success can be grouped into three categories.
Source: McKinsey & Company
The platforms crucial to a bank’s success can be grouped into three categories.
Platforms directly aligned to a business unit to deliver business and technology
outcomes (eg, revenue growth, protability)
Platforms not aligned to a business unit
• Provide scale benets through consolidation
• Safeguard the bank by dening guardrails
• Enable business and enterprise platforms to deliver business outcomes
Example platforms
Enterprise architecture
IT infrastructure
Consumer lending
Wealth management
Core banking
Analytics and data
Platforms aligned to multiple
business units to deliver
outcomes across units
Act as service providers
largely enabling other
Tech assets providing similar
services aggregated to create
a center of excellence
Act as business owners
delivering services
across the enterprise
54Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
Business platforms are aligned to business
units and deliver joint business-and-technology
outcomes. As an example, a business platform for
consumer lending would include several cross-
functional teams, each of which owns front-end
technology assets and includes business teams for
a specific function or service area.
One team might focus on preapproval and new-
customer acquisition, with responsibility for
next-generation credit-scoring models using
traditional data sources (such as credit bureau
reports and internal transaction histories)
and nontraditional sources (including, upon
the customer’s permission, tax returns, online
presence, partner ecosystem transactions, and
more). Another team often takes responsibility
for loan underwriting, determining credit limits for
individual accounts in accordance with enterprise
risk policy. A third team might focus on consumer
insights and personalized messaging, including
machine-learning decision models and marketing
technology (“martech”) tools to deliver intelligent
credit offers to new and existing customers. The
customization team owns the design, development,
and management of product configurations
to ensure that each solution addresses the
customer’s precise needs.
Other teams focus on services and capabilities to
support external developers and other technology
partners, including, for example, partner
onboarding and sandbox management and APIs
supporting customer journeys and experiences
(managing standards and documentation through
development hubs or platforms). Still other
teams support the consumer lending platform by
managing technology—for example, provisioning
of cloud infrastructure.
Enterprise platforms enable diverse business
platforms by providing shared services such
as vendor management and procurement,
standardization of cloud and DevSecOps tooling,¹
build-to-stock process APIs and reusable
microservices, and standardized data access and
governance. Other enterprise platforms aggregate
support functions such as finance, risk, and human
resources within a center of excellence.
Enabling platforms support other platforms by
ensuring that technical functionality is delivered
quickly and securely at scale. This approach has
proven effective at maximizing scale benefits
while protecting the enterprise with standardized
processes. Examples of enabling platforms include
core technology infrastructure, DevOps tools and
capabilities, and cybersecurity.
Implementing a platform operating
model requires five main building
The distinct advantage of a platform operating
model is the foundation it provides for business-
and-technology partnerships focused on delivering
leading-edge AI-enabled solutions (Exhibit 2). As
they begin planning the transition from hierarchical
silos to a network of horizontally interconnected
platforms, bank leaders should focus on five main
building blocks: agile ways of working, remote
collaboration, modern talent strategy, culture and
capabilities, and architectural guardrails. The value
and efficiency that can be derived from platform
operating models are possible only if organizations
design their operating model to enable these five
elements. Once they have established their vision
of the new management approach, they should
develop a road map for implementing the platform
1. Agile ways of working
By extending the platform structure to all groups,
an organization gains the ability to quickly redirect
their people and priorities toward value-creating
opportunities.² For this model to work, however,
banks need to develop agile mindsets within each
team and equip team members with agile ways
of working, such as rapid decision and learning
cycles, breaking initiatives into small units of
DevSecOps tools integrate security measures with DevOps processes.
Wouter Aghina, Christopher Handscomb, Jesper Ludolph, Daniel Rona, and Dave West, “Enterprise agility: Buzz or business impact?,” March
2020, McKinsey.com.
55 Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
work, piloting new products to get user input, and
rapidly testing operational effectiveness before
scaling.³ This methodology, when deployed across
the organization, underpins a new corporate
culture that enables fast communication and
collaboration within and among platforms. It gives
the organization a strong and stable backbone for
developing and scaling dynamic capabilities.
The starting point depends on where the bank is
in its technology transformation. Some may set up
an agile pilot within a platform and gradually train
other groups in the new practices. For banks where
diverse groups have already achieved a degree of
organizational and operational flexibility, the time
may be right for an end-to-end transformation
program that “flips” the organization to agile.
Each platform consists of one or multiple squads or
pods combining IT, design, and customer-journey
experts, among others (up to nine people). Banks
should also create “chapters” as cross-squad
groups of employees with similar functional
competencies to ensure growth of expertise and
cross-training of colleagues across technologies.
In some cases, a bank will need to create new roles,
Exhibit 2
The platform operating model for consumer lending captures the agility of a ntech
and scale of a large enterprise.
Source: McKinsey & Company
The platform operating model for consumer lending captures the agility of a
ntech and scale of a large enterprise.
Illustrative future state of consumer lending platform Key shifts
Business platforms completely own
front-end technology assets and a
cross-functional team for
— Onboarding and sandbox for partners
— Experience APIs controlled via contracts
— Consumer-lending specic
microservices for bureau, credit scoring
(new build)
— Provisioning of cloud infrastructure
— Consumer-lending specic AA models
(from IT)
— Product conguration
— Credit underwriting adjustments (in line
with overarching risk policy)
Enterprise platforms provide core shared
services for business platforms, including:
— Standardization of cloud/DevSecOps
Standardized data access and governance
Only few core technology foundations like
enterprise infrastructure and DevOps
would be common across the bank
Consumer lending platform
• External partnerships
• Credit underwriting
• Consumer lending policies
• Product denition
Core banking services
Analytics and data (data lake, standards, analytical tools,
Enterprise architecture
Delivery enablement (DevOps)
Cybersecurity and technology risk
Infrastructure/site reliability engineering
Cloud infrastructure and applications
Experience APIs for digital commerce
Credit limit
Bureau check
Credit model
Loan cross-sell model
Wealth Cards
Anusha Dhasarathy, Isha Gill, Naufal Khan, Sriram Sekar, and Steve Van Kuiken, “How to become tech-forward: A technology-transformation
approach that works,” November 2020, McKinsey.com.
56Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
such as tribe leaders and agile coaches. It is also
crucial to adopt a performance-management model
that aligns all individuals with team goals.
The agile way of working is a means to an end, not
an end in it itself. As banks begin to implement a
platform operating model, it is crucial that they
set a North Star, not only to unite people around
business goals but also to offer them a sense of
meaning and purpose within society. Shared values
reinforce team spirit and—when combined with
opportunities to learn, experiment, and make a
difference for customers—strengthen employee
engagement. This stronger employee engagement
can be measured in, for example, productivity and
loyalty and can indicate how well an organization
has embraced the agile transformation.
2. Remote collaboration
For a variety of reasons, including geographic
distribution, work-from-home policies, travel
restrictions, and other disruptions due to COVID-
19, banks have moved to a fully or partially
remote model. The sharp decline in co-location
has put pressure on organizations to improve
collaboration and consistency in ways of working.
Given the expectation that a significant share of
bank employees may not return to shared work
environments, banks need to develop mechanisms
to support effective collaboration—and thus reduce
errors—in distributed environments.
Indeed, banks need to revisit agile teams after an
abrupt shift to remote models and consider the
types of work to be done remotely according to how
well interaction models and system readiness can
be adapted. Two criteria are key for determining
which roles can function effectively in remote
work arrangements. First is the required level of
human interaction, such as the degree of real-time
collaboration and creative work among groups
of people and the degree to which work can be
segmented and individualized. Second is bank
systems’ readiness—particularly in terms of data
accessibility, software accessibility, and tooling—
to support secure and efficient remote work.
For example, setting clear decision-making
and escalation paths is essential to maintain
a fast cadence. Shared workflows, roles, and
responsibilities help move work through the
pipeline for even the most complex and highly
interactive jobs.
Setting up a single source of truth or single
backlog of work also helps keep different
platforms aware of interdependencies. What is
more, banks can and should ensure the security
of remote working arrangements by leveraging
specialized technology for managing remote
access. Areas subject to management may
include data retrieval (role-based access to
data, restrictions in downloading sensitive data,
restriction of all data copying even on encrypted
removable hard drives), sophisticated detection
(tracking and monitoring mechanisms to detect
data breach), and governance procedures to
review breaches and enforce corrective actions.
Banks should also set up mechanisms to address
both interaction and security criteria. These
mechanisms are particularly crucial for remote-
working arrangements, which are increasingly
important to top talent in technology-intensive
industries, including financial services.
3. Modern talent strategy
A modern talent strategy for an AI bank is not only
about the commitment and capability to hire the
best engineering talent or the best business talent.
The AI-bank operating model also requires leaders
to rethink their strategy for hiring and retaining
top talent in a world with blurring lines between
business, IT, and digital expertise. Leaders must
form a detailed picture of the diverse skills and
expertise required to deliver business-technology
solutions. Reskilling is equally critical to building
teams with the right mix of talent.
Susan Lund, Anu Madgavkar, James Manyika, and Sven Smit, “What’s next for remote work: An analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine
countries,” McKinsey Global Institute, November 2020.
Santiago Comella-Dorda, Lavkesh Garg, Suman Thareja, and Belkis Vasquez-McCall, “Revisiting agile teams after an abrupt shift to remote,”
April 2020, McKinsey.com.
57 Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
This strategy focuses on attracting digital talent
and requires that leaders understand the unique
needs of digital talent. It employs a diversified
approach to recruiting: engaging with technologist
communities, sponsoring hackathons to scout
talent, and ensuring that recruiters have experience
in technology. The best technical talent has a
disproportionately higher impact, so the ability to
attract and develop superior candidates is crucial. In
a similar vein, leading tech organizations enlist their
top performers in the recruiting effort.
Furthermore, banks need to improve retention
and reskilling. Reskilling may involve charting a
clear career development path for digital talent,
creating an environment that prioritizes and rewards
learning, and rewarding deep expertise over
fungible skill sets. There is also opportunity to build
capability-development programs that help reskill
nontechnical colleagues as technologists. Finally,
so that attracting and developing digital talent can
produce the desired results, banks need a clear
strategy for retaining this talent, such as providing
flexible and collaborative ways of working and
empowering digital talent to implement change.
To develop a comprehensive talent strategy, an
AI bank would first review existing initiatives, the
structure and makeup of each platform, and the
technical talent required to execute the strategy.
The second step is to build from the ground up
a model of talent required for the next stage of
growth, including both existing and future initiatives.
Next, it is important to create a set of talent
interventions that can tap into existing talent within
the organization, developing an “ecosystem” of
partners (vendors, developers, gig workers, remote
talent, and others) and using hiring mechanisms,
including the acquisition of smaller companies
and start-ups, to establish platforms requiring
skills beyond the traditional scope of the bank’s
roles and capabilities. Finally, banks have to make
themselves externally appealing to fresh tech talent
and internally exciting for their people. This means
transforming themselves so top technical talent
want to stay and grow within the organization and
so all employees see and embrace the change and
invest in upgrading their skills. In short, banks need
to become great engineering organizations.
4. Culture and capabilities
As banks build sophisticated technical solutions,
they also need to develop a culture suited to the
experts building these solutions. Organizations
need to manage culture and capabilities to create
a virtuous circle that attracts talent, sparks
innovation, and creates impact. This underscores
the importance of talent and culture in tech-enabled
transformations, including AI-bank transformations.
For the platform operating model to work, leaders
need to steer their organizations to focus on
the end user, collaborate across silos, and
foster experimentation. Establishing this digital
culture across the bank involves addressing four
dimensions of culture: understanding/conviction,
reinforcement, reskilling, and interaction.
First, understanding and conviction follow largely
from the bank’s leadership, expressed through
role modeling and encouraging desired behaviors,
including continuous learning, knowledge-sharing,
and interdisciplinary collaboration. For example, if
a top team visibly takes part in upskilling programs
for AI and machine learning, this demonstrates to
all in the organization the importance of automation
and evidence-based decision making to all parts
of the business. Another approach is to support
technology start-ups by giving them access to
nonsensitive code and shareable data to build their
own “open solutions” related to AI banking.
The second is to reinforce new practices with formal
mechanisms, so that the structures, processes, and
systems of the AI bank become embedded within
the culture. For example, banks might consider
organizing institution-wide innovation challenges
or inviting managers to daily huddles where they
actively work with the centers of excellence to solve
problems and own outcomes.
Abhishek Chakravarty, Dave Kerr, and Nina Magoc, “10 Principles That Build Great Engineering Organizations,” March 26, 2021, medium.com.
Reed Doucette and John Parsons, “The importance of talent and culture in tech-enabled transformations,” February 2020, McKinsey.com.
58Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
Third, leaders need to ensure that every individual
has access to the skills they require to be effective.
One way to do this is by developing entirely new
tools and technology using in-house open-source
systems. Another is to ensure transparency by
setting up digital wikis that anyone can use to
access knowledge. Organizations can also learn
from others by sending employees on “innovation
tours” or actively encouraging and sponsoring
attendance at high-quality conferences.
Finally, leaders should model various approaches
to interaction. Banks can visibly change the
ways managers interact with teams, such as by
moving from meetings to offline asynchronous
communications using highly collaborative tooling.
Leaders can also use symbols in remote and
in-person meetings to emphasize enterprise values
such as customer centricity. At a leading bank, for
example, every meeting has an empty chair to
remind participants of the customer for whom they
are building solutions.
5. Architectural guardrails
Each platform is responsible for its own technology
landscape, but standardized mechanisms for
interaction among platforms should be jointly
designed across all platforms. It is important,
therefore, to ensure that architectural guardrails
are observed so that each platform can easily
interact with others. These guardrails should not be
perceived as restricting platforms from developing
and improving their own technology and technical
As each platform is free to build the
technology elements required to deliver on its
mandated business goals, there is potential
for miscommunication among platforms. For
example, instead of developing its own interest
rate calculation, a consumer lending platform
would leverage a single, standard calculation via
an API. With no guardrails in place, there would
be significant inefficiency, because efforts would
be duplicated in some areas and tasks would
be unfinished in others. By contrast, guardrails
support efficient management and operation of the
overall IT landscape, with responsibility for various
elements of the enterprise architecture delegated to
individual platforms. These various responsibilities
are formally documented and communicated widely.
Without such guardrails, inefficiencies would
These architectural guidelines should focus on
strategic activities rather than operational tasks,
which are subject to the discretion of the platform.
This requires significant time upfront for strategic
planning, and each platform must stay alert to new
value-creation opportunities related to its mandated
strategic objectives.
Further, platform owners can evaluate the
effectiveness of these guardrails by tracking the
number of business capabilities in accordance with
these guardrails, rather than simply counting the
various technology applications found within the
Mapping the operating model of a
financial-services organization
A large global or regional AI bank implementing a
platform-based operating model would typically
have 20 to 40 platforms, each focused on a specific
type or set of services, such as payments, lending,
infrastructure, or cybersecurity (Exhibit 3). As noted
above, these platforms are often grouped into one
of three areas.
Business platforms typically include a consumer
platform, which is linked to channels (digital,
branch) and products (wealth, consumer) as
well as customer relationship management
and analytics; a corporate platform, which
spans channels and products (transaction
banking, lending) and relationship management
(corporate servicing); and a global-markets
platform, which covers channels, products, and
global market operations, as well as market and
credit risks.
Enterprise platforms provide shared services
across different business platforms across the
enterprise on administrative elements such as
customer servicing; employee services; finance;
HR; risk, legal, and compliance; and technology
platforms usable by business platforms such
59 Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
as payment infrastructure, cloud infrastructure,
data, and API management.
Enabling platforms support business and
enterprise platforms to deliver technical
functionality quickly. These platforms include
enterprise architecture, delivery enablement,
access and authentication management,
cybersecurity, and infrastructure/site reliability
engineering (SRE).
The platform model can help
organizations seize new opportunities
Executing on a platform operating model is arduous.
However, when done correctly, it has the potential
to deliver four main benefits to all stakeholders:
value-oriented business-technology partnerships,
stronger performance (speed, efficiency, and
productivity), transparency, and a future-ready
business model.
Exhibit 3
If implemented across the bank, the platform operating model can enable each group
to optimize performance.
Source: McKinsey & Company
If implemented across the bank, the platform operating model can enable
each group to optimize performance.
Digital and assisted digital channels
Branches and self-service banking
Wealth products
Consumer products
Consumer banking operations
Customer marketing and analytics
Payments utility (fullment and settlement,
payment interfaces, remittances)
Customer servicing (reconciliation, digital servicing)
Analytics and data (data lake, standards, analytical
tools, governance)
Employee services (intranet, facilities booking,
video conferencing, end-user computing)
Core banking
Consumer platforms Corporate platforms Global Markets
Digital channels
Product control
Global markets operations
Market risk
Credit risk
Sales and analytics
Digital and assisted digital channels
Transaction banking (securities and
duciary services, trade nance and
cash management)
Lending and other products
Corporate servicing and operations
Customer marketing and analytics
Finance and HR (recruiting, talent management,
HR policies, accounting)
Risk (credit, market, operational, and liquidity risk)
Group services (eg, strategic vendor management,
real estate, project management oce)
Enterprise architecture (application/data/infrastructure architecture, API standards)
Delivery enablement/ITSS (DevOps, agile, test automation, service monitoring)
Access management (eg, single sign-on, authentication, token management)
Cybersecurity and technology risk
Infrastructure/site reliability engineering
API management (tech and operations for all APIs)
Cloud infrastructure and applications
60Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
The collaborative framework of the platform model
brings business and technology leaders together
as co-owners in creating value for the enterprise.
Joint owners of business-facing platforms share
accountability for outcomes, merging business
knowledge of market opportunities with expert
insight into how technological advances can
enhance customer experiences. The leader of the
platform facilitates the interaction of business
and technology owners in determining the right
balance between run-the-bank and change-the-
bank initiatives. All members of a particular team
are unified in delivering a solution (just as those
of the entire “tribe” of a platform are focused on a
service line) in order to create value in alignment
with enterprise strategic objectives. This unity is
reinforced by the fact that all team members share
in performance metrics for both business and
technology outcomes, including impact on users
(internal and external), on-time delivery of solutions,
customer and employee satisfaction ratings,
and more.
The platform approach can strengthen an
organization’s performance in terms of speed,
efficiency, and productivity when each platform is
large enough to address a set of use cases crucial
to realizing the business model of the enterprise
but small enough to keep the team agile. Each
team enjoys a degree of autonomy, with a budget
and mandate to experiment and discover the best
way to maximize value within a discrete domain in
alignment with predefined guardrails (for instance,
finance, risk, compliance) without having to wait
for approvals from finance and allocations from
IT and human resources. This autonomy speeds
up decision making, innovation, and solution
delivery. The use of automated tools, enterprise
standards, and agile patterns of communication and
collaboration increases efficiency in two ways. First,
this approach minimizes duplication of effort by
documenting repeatable processes and cataloging
technology tools and analytical models available for
deployment in diverse contexts. Second, it allows
individuals to access data (according to clearly
defined need-to-know criteria) and advanced
analytical tools to extract insights to augment their
impact. Over time, persistent agile teams build their
domain expertise and agile skills for collaboration
and timely delivery.
In addition to the emphasis on interdisciplinary
collaboration, the platform model is designed
to increase transparency, accountability, and
knowledge sharing to the fullest extent possible.
Transparency should be high not only so employees
can clearly identify the services available from
each platform but also to support independent
benchmarking of team performance and
identification of best practices. Each platform
should also be clear about how it prioritizes work,
tracks initiatives in the pipeline, and manages the
Finally, shifting to a platform model can help
an organization future-proof its business
model because each platform is incentivized to
continuously improve on its technology landscape.
Within a culture of continuous learning, team
members are accustomed to change and adept
at finding the best response to fast-evolving
circumstances. Interdisciplinary initiatives led by
business-technology co-owners strengthen a
team’s capacity to anticipate and consider potential
challenges and opportunities before they appear
on the horizon. Enterprise-wide standards, rigorous
documentation of processes, and consistent
cataloging of technology assets enable teams to
apply best practices as they develop and implement
new solutions.
By underpinning business-technology
co-ownership of solutions delivery and value
creation, the platform operating model offers
banks an opportunity to maximize the impact of
their technology capabilities in ways that count for
customers. The implementation of the platform
model begins logically with the formation of joint
business-and-technology teams focused on the
design, development, and implementation at scale
of new AI-bank innovations, always striving toward
a more intelligent value proposition and smarter
experiences and servicing. Further, the creation
of cross-functional platforms is also an excellent
61 Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
approach to increase business–technology
collaboration, developing an IT operating model
that generates immediate and tangible business
value and moves the full organization, not just
technology, to an agile way of working. However,
to derive maximum value from platforms and the
people who make up these platforms requires new
skills, mindsets, and ways of working. Bringing all
these elements together is a powerful mechanism
to optimize the full capability stack, from core
technology and data infrastructure to AI-powered
decision making and reimagined customer
engagement. The platform operating model
ensures that these layers run in sync to spur the
growth of an AI bank of the future.
Brant Carson is a partner in McKinsey’s Sydney office; Abhishek Chakravarty is an associate partner in the Singapore office,
where Kristy Koh is an associate partner; and Renny Thomas is a senior partner in the Mumbai office.
62Platform operating model for the AI bank of the future
For more information about this report, please contact:
Akshat Agarwal
Associate Partner, Bengaluru
Anubhav Bhattacharjee
Solution Leader, Mumbai
Suparna Biswas
Partner, Mumbai
Sven Blumberg
Senior Partner, Düsseldorf
Brant Carson
Partner, Sydney
Abhishek Chakravarty
Associate Partner, Singapore
Violet Chung
Partner, Hong Kong
Malcolm Gomes
Partner, Bengaluru
Rich Isenberg
Partner, Atlanta
Xiang Ji
Partner, Shenzhen
Dave Kerr
Senior Expert, Singapore
Kristy Koh
Associate Partner, Singapore
Milan Mitra
Associate Partner, Bengaluru
Kayvaun Rowshankish
Partner, New York
Anushi Shah
Consultant, Mumbai
Shwaitang Singh
Partner, Mumbai
Charu Singhal
Consultant, Mumbai
Yihong Wu
Practice Manager, Hong Kong
Renny Thomas
Senior Partner, Mumbai
Editor: John Crofoot
Design and production: Matt Cooke, Kate McCarthy, Paul Feldman
A special thank you to: Arihant Kothari, Amit Gupta, Himanshu Satija, Jinita Shroff, Vineet Rawat
63 Building the AI bank of the future
May 2021
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